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第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面5 段对话。




例:How muchis theshirt?

1.Wheredidthewomanprobablyleaveher hat?
A.In a restaurant.
B. In a car.
C. In a shop.
2.What does thewomanwant todo?
A.Changethetime of themeeting.
B.Cancel themeeting.
3.Whendoes theconversationprobablytakeplace?
B. Lateat night.
C. Intheafternoon.
4.What does thewomansayaboutTom?
A.Helost his job.
B.Hegota seriousdisease.
C.He is occupiedwithtroubles.
5.What is themandoing?
A.Offering a suggestion.
C.Stoppinga fight.
听下面5 段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有2 至4个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。


听第6段材料,回答第6至7 题。

6.Whendoes themanwant toreceivethesofa?
A.This weekend.
C.Next weekend.
7.Wheremight thewomanwork?
A.At anexpress shipping company.
B.In a customer servicecenter.
C.In a furniturerepair store.

8.Wherecanthemanget thedropnotificationform(退学通知单)?
A.Inthedepartment office.
B.In his professor’s office.
C.Inhis classroom.
9.Whenarethedrops ofclasses forbidden?
A.Duringthefirst 2 weeksof theterm.
B.Between 3 and 4 weeksoftheterm.
C.Duringthefinal weekof theterm.
10.How will themandropfroma class next week?
C.Over thephone.

11.Whois DantheBear?
12.How will thewomaninformthesecurityofficers?
A.Byputtingup a notice.
13.What will thewoman do beforegoingtothebar?
A.Go tothebarb er’s.

14.What didthewoman puton thecalendar?
A.Thepicture of thecommunity.
B.Theschedule of communityevents.
15.What is themanworriedabout?
C.Schools inthecommunity.
16.Whywill there be a party?
A.Tocelebrate a festival.
C.Tocelebrate a birthday.

17.What does thespeaker’sfather do?
C.Arestaurant owner.
18.What canwelearnabouttherestaurant mentionedinthepassage?
A.Itaways puts thetasteof foodfirst.
B.It uses veryspecialingredients.
C.It promotes healthyeating.
19.How manytimes has theHealthyLunchtimeChallengebeenheld?
C. Four times.
20.What didthespeakerdolastFriday?
A.He visitedtheWhiteHouse.
B.He tookpart in a cookingcontest.
C.He gave a speechonhealthyeating.

Ihadalltheusualchildfears.I couldn’t gotosleepunlessthelightinmybedroomwason.Idreadedthatsomedaywhenmym otherwasdistracted,CrazyBettywouldgrabmeinthegrocerystore.Onthehottestsummernights,myfeethadtobewrappedtigh tlyinmybedsheetsforfearthatsomethingmightgrabitinitscold,slimyclaw.
ButallotherfrightspaledbeforetheGreatFear,the Titanic ofmychildhoodterrors.Thatfearwasthatsomethingwouldhap pentoMonk-Monk.
Monktoday,youwouldn’t seewhatIsee.You’d seeanold,torn,discoloredsockmonkeywithstuffingleakingfromhisshorttail. Iseemydearestchildhoodfriend,mycompanionofathousandnights.Ibondedwithhimfiercelyand rarelylet himoutofmysight.
AndthenUncleKencametovisit.Heclearlythoughtitwasprettysillythatabigfirst-graderwasdraggingasock monkeyaround, and heteased me bysaying h e’d take Monk-Monkhome to Ohio with him.Iclutched(抓住)Monk-
IwasatschoolafewdayslaterwhenUncleKenleft.WhenIcamehome,I couldn’tfindMonk-Monk
anywhere.Icanhardlydescribethedepthsofmypanic.I don’t thinkIcried;myterrorwasbeyondthat.Icouldbarelybreathe.Wh erewasMonk-Monk?WhathasUncleKendonetohim?HadUncleKenthrownhimoutofhiscar window?Was Monk-Monklyingin a weedystripalongtheinterstate,lonelyandcold,never to be lovedagain?WhenIfoundMonk-
Monkbehindthesofa,Icriedwithrelief.AsfarasIcanremember,thatnear-lossof Monk-Monkwas myfirst encounter withreal,deep-downfear.
21.What was the author’s greatest childhoodterror?
B.Beinggrabbed byCrazyBetty.
C. Somethingwithcold,thinclaw.
D.Thelossof his favoritetoy.
22.Asa child,theauthor believedUncleKenwas .
B.kind-hearted, but silly
C. wiseenoughtonotice a child’s fear
D. probablya great joker
23.Fromthepassage,wecaninfer that when he was little,theauthor .
A.was prettysillyandfearful
B.felt lonelyandunloved
C. saw Monk-Monkas partof his life
D. thought little of Monk-Monk
Inadditiontosightseeing,shoppingis a popular activityfor manyChinesetourists whentheygo abroad.Theirhuge buyingpowerhasmadethembecomeknownas“walkingwallets”.However,thankstomobilepaymentserv ices suchasWeChat PayandAlipay,perhaps “walking e-wallets”would be a better nickname.
AccordingtoXinhuaNews Agency,WeChatPay’s overseasserviceisavailableforChinesetouristsin12countriesandre gions,includingThailand,SouthKorea,JapanandCanada.ManyChinesevisitorsusedWeChatPayinconveniencestores andduty-freeshops andrestaurants abroad.
“Idon’t needtotakemywalletout. I don’tneedtowaitforchange.Thereis somediscountandnocommission(佣金).Thispayment methodhassomanyadvantages,”aBeijingwomantoldXinhuawhileshoppinginThailand.
80,000 companies worldwide,accordingtoChinaDaily.
When33-year-oldShanghairesidentXuLeiwalkedintotheSantaClaus VillagetourismofficeinRovaniemi,Finland,hewassurprisedtospotasignwithAlipaylogo,whichmeanthecouldusetheAlip aymobileapponhisphone toscan aQRcodeprovidedbythetourismoffice to pay,just as he wouldbackhome.
Yet intheeyesofYuJin, chief operations officerof CaissaTourist GroupAGinHamburg, Xushouldnothavebeensurprised.“Now,thewholeEuropeanindustryispayinggreaterattentiontoChinesetourists’shopping habitsandconsumption,” he toldChinaDaily.
Althoughmobilepaymentscanbringconvenience,theyarenotwithoutsecurityrisks.Recentlyforthesecurityreasons,A lipayhasintroducednewdigitalpaymentmethodstousers,allowingcustomerstoprocesspayments using a “voiceprint”,reportedChina Daily.
24.What do“walking e-wallets”inparagraph1 refer to?
A.Wallets that canwalk.
B.New digital paymentmethods.
C.Chinesetourists usingmobilepayments overseas.
D.Chinesetourists buyingforeignelectronicproducts.
25.AccordingtoYuJin,WeChat PayandAlipayare nowpopular overseas because .
A.thesetwopaymentmethods aresafer
B.Chinesetourists no longerbringcashat hand
C.Europeans prefer thesemobilepayment services
D.foreignindustryattaches great importancetoChinesecustomers
26.Whichcan be thebest title of this passage?
C. “Walking E-wallets”Overseas.
D.MobilePayment GrowingFaster.
Weallknowthefeelingofwalkingintoanair-conditionedofficebuildingonahotsummerday.It’s94℉outside.It’s64℉inside.Suddenly,youneedaknitsweaterjusttositatyourdesk.Iknowsomeonewhousedtobring a spaceheater to work — i nAugust.
Asidefrombeinguncomfortable,thisishorrificallyinefficient.Thelowhumoftheairconditioneristhesoundofcoalbein gburnedandmoneybeingspenttomakeyoumiserableatwork.BuildingIQistryingtochangethat.Their secret weapon?Machinelearning.
Thecompanyhasdevelopedcloud-basedsoftwarethatgathersinformationaboutabuildingandusesittobuildathermalmodel(热模型).Thatmodelcanpredicthowmuchorhowlittleenergyisneededtokeepthepeopleinsidecomfortablebyanalyzingfactorsli keindoortemperatureandpressure,electricityconsumption,the
Thanks to a recent cooperation,BuildingIQwill soontakehumanpreferences intoaccount.Changes toheatingandairconditioningarealwaysinfluencedbythelimitsofhumancomfort,andthoselimitsvaryfrompersontoperson. Thisdatawillbeaddedintothethermalmodel.Imaginearetirementhomewheretheoccupantsarealwaystoocold.Ifthesystemk nowsthis,itwillreducetheairconditioninginthesummertokeepgrandmaandgrandpaniceandwarm.
Howwelldoesitwork?BuildingIQsaysitregularlysavesbetween10and25percentonheatingandairconditioning,thetw oitemsthatmakeup50or60percentofa building’s totalenergyuse.Thesoftwarewillhelpcutenergybillsandimprovecomforta llwhilereducingourrelianceonfossilfuels.Itwon’t belong beforeyoucanleaveyour spaceheater at home.
27.InParagraph1, theauthor intends to .
plainabout thecoldness inair-conditionedoffices
B.describetheharmful effectsof anunhealthylifestyle
C.criticizesome people’s unawareness tosaveenergy
D.indicatethelow efficiencyof theold wayof air conditioning
28.Accordingtothearticle,what does the“thermal model”do?
A.Gatheringinformationabout a building’s history.
B.Learningabout machines that heat a building.
C.Predictingtheamountof air conditioningneeded.
D.Analyzingthephysical fitness of peopleinside.
29.The underlinedword“tailor”can bebest replacedby .
C. expand
D. prevent
30.What is themainidea ofParagraph4?
A.BuildingIQis goingto be experimentedat retirement homes.
B.BuildingIQwill alsoanalyzehumantemperaturepreferences.
C.Peoplehavedifferent preferences for temperatureandcomfort.
D.The limitsof humancomfortvaryandchangeat different ages.
第二节(共小题;每小题2 分,满分10分)


Tenyearsago,manythoughtthattheageofphysicalbookswascomingtoanend.31Soon,we’dall bereading on littleelectronicscreens andlaughingat thememoryof places called“libraries”and“bookshops”.
32 AtleastintheUK,astheGuardiannoted,salesofe-booksarefallingwhilesalesofphysicalbooksarerising.Moresurprisingly,it’s youngpeoplewhoarebuyingthemostphysicsb ooks.Morethan60percentof16-to-24-year-oldspreferredprintbookstoe-
books.Themostpopularreasongivenuswas:“I liketoholdthe product.”
33Itoftenstartswiththewaytheyacquirethem.Manybuyersofbooksliketosigntheirnameontheinsidecoverwhen they’veboughtone.Andwecarrybooksaroundwithuseverywhere.Ifthecovergetsbentor there’s astainmadeonthepagesfromcoff eeorfood,allthebetter.Theseaccidentsmakethebookevenmorepersonal.34Astorywerememberfromourtimeturningitspag esinourfavoritearmchairentersourmemory forever.Physical books arepreciousto us as itemsof jewelryor photographs of familymembers.
This“friendship”people developwithbooks isn’t justsentimental(情感的).Researchhasalsoshownthat readersremembermoreinformationreadfromphysicalbooksthanelectronicones.However,there’s nodoubtthat
But it’s alsocertainthatphysicalbooks,whichhavebeeninproductionsincethefifteenthc entury,areheretostay,too.
A.Booksbecomeverypersonal objects tolovers of reading.
B.Theywill surelyreplacephysical bookssomeday.
C.Theyare not simplya “here today, gone tomorrow”phenomena.
D.Thecompanion ofhumans for hundredsofyears was about todieout.
E.Youngpeoplearefondofdevices likeKindles andiPads
F.However,it doesn’t seemtrue.
G.It’s as if readers of physical booksmakefriends withthem.
第一节:完型填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白

Growingupinoneofthepoorest,mostviolentcommunitiesinAtlanta,USandbeingraisedbyasingleuneducatedmother, not manypeopleexpectedmuch ofme,so Ihadtoexpect36 ofmyself.
Onmy13thbirthday,Iboughta37ofHarvardandputitonthewallofmyroom.BeingatHarvardbecamewhatI38 :Isawmy selfattendingclassinSandersTheater,studyinginWidenerLibraryandeatinginAnnenbergHall.Evenwhenmyelectricitywas 39 ,IknewthatmyposterofHarvardwasstill40 onlytwofeetawayfrom me.I’d41 mydaybyaskingmyself thesetwoquestions:“What doI wantinmylife?”and,“Arethethings Iamdoingtodaygoingtoget me42 tothat life?”
43 myselfofmygoaleachdaymadeit44 formetosaynotothechoicesmypeers(同龄人)
making,becausethose45 wouldn’t haveledmetomygoal.Ifoundthatevenpovertycouldnot 46
mypower todecidewhat Ichooseto do withmy47 .
mywritinggotbetter,SATscore50,andmyscholarshipchecksstartedcomingin.March31st,2011,anemailarrived51 Harvard.The firstwordwas“Congratulations!”Amonthlater,Harvardflewmeuptovisitthecampuswhere52 IgottoseeinsideSandersTheater,53 WidenerLibraryand eat dinner inAnnenbergHall.
Whoyouare todayis the 54 of thedecisions youmadeyesterday,andwhoyouwill be tomorrow will beuptothechoices youmake55 .Whodo youwant to be tomorrow?
36.A.nothing B. anything C. something D. everything
37.A.brochure B. book C. poster D. picture
38.A.dreamtof B. struggledfor C. heldon D. wonderedabout
39.A.brokenup B. cut off C. pulleddown D. put out
40.A.putting B. sticking C. standing D. hanging
41.A.begin plete C. spend D. explore
42.A.familiar B. relevant C. further D. closer
43.A.Reminding B.Recalling C. Informing D.Equipping
44.A.hard B. easy C. impossible D. sad
45.A.instructions B. paths C. expectations D. activities
46.A.giveup B. deal with C. takeaway D. turndown
47.A.future B. career C. school D. family
48.A.feel B. inspire C. practice D. push
49.A.until B. if C. while D. as
50.A.decreased B. arose C. changed D. increased
51.A.at B. by C. from D. with
52.A.for thefirst timeB. oncein a while C. all ofa sudden D. innotime
53.A.study B. tour C. wander D. inspect
54.A.reason B. risk C. achievement D. result
55.A.yesterday B. today C. tomorrow D. now

Tousitseemsnaturaltoputanumbrellatokeepthewateroffwhenitrains.However,theumbrellawasnotinventedas protectionagainst rain.56 (it) first usewas as a shadeagainst thesun.
theumbrellawasusedinveryancienttimes.58(probable)thefirsttouseitweretheChinese,waybackintheeleventhcenturyB.C .InEurope,theGreeksfirstusedtheumbrellaasasunshade.But itisbelieved59
ancientRomans werethefirstpersonsinEurope60(use) theumbrellaas protectionagainst rain.
DuringtheMiddleage,61useoftheumbrellaalmostdisappeared.However,itappearedagaininItalyinthelate16thcentur y,62 (consider)asasymbolofpowerandauthority.By 1680,theumbrellaappearedinFranceandlater on inEngland.
Bythe18thcentury,theumbrellawasusedagainstrainthroughoutmostofEurope.Umbrellashavenotchangedmuch63st yleduringallthistime,thoughtheyhavebecomemuch64 (light)inweight.Itwasn’t65 the20th centurythat women’s umbrellas begantobemade,in a wholevarietyof colours.
第一节:应用文写作(满分15 分)
假定你是李华,你校将举办首次新春摄影展(the newyearphotographyexhibition)。

请你给学校酷爱摄影的外教James 写一封邮件邀请他一起观看摄影展。

1. 展出时间:1月4日-1月8 日;
2. 展出地点:艺术中心三楼展示厅(displayhall);
3. 展出作品:200多件师生摄影作品。



In1989,freshoutofhighschool,Ihadthedifficulttaskofchoosingacareerpathbeforecollegestartedinthreemonths.Intho sedaysinPakistan,therewerelimitedoptions:becomingadoctororanengineer,orenteringthefinancialworldaftergettingabu sinessdegree.I wasn’t interestedinengineering,sothatIwasleftwithmedicine orbusiness. I couldn’t decide.
My uncle,oneoftheeldersinthefamily,suggestedthatIdoaworkplacementtoexperienceitforamonthin
aninternationalcompanyfollowedbyamonthinahospital.Afterthat,Icouldmakeadecision.Itseemedlikeabrilliant idea.
Iwasacceptedfora month’s placementataforeignbankinKarachi.Igotafeelforhowtheworldoffinancefunctioned,mad enew friends,andgenerallyenjoyed themostlyeasy-goingworksurroundings.
Themonthpassedrapidly,andsoonIbeganworkingataleadinghospitalinKarachi.Theexperience couldn’t havebeenmo redifferent.Thehospitalhadanintenseenvironment.Thedaysstartedearly(at7am,comparedto9amatthebank),andwerefille dwithendlessduties.Andthenightcalls!Thiswascrazy,workingallday,throughthenight,andagainthenextday.
Ibeganthinkingaboutmytwoexperiences.Thebankhadofferedamorerelaxingatmosphere,betterworkinghoursandles sstress.Thehospitalwasfullofexcitement,andunpredictability,butthestudyingandtrainingwasdifficult.It seemedthat thebusiness optionwas goingtowinout.
Near theend of mymonthatthehospital, Iwas drivinghomeafter anespeciallybusy night call.Infront ofmewasapublicbus,withcollegestudentssittingonthetop.Asthedriverweavedthroughtraffic,Icouldseetheboysshakingfr omsidetoside.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;
2. 应使用5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:
Suddenly, a boyfell off thebackof thebus.
Paragraph 2:
The next day,when Iwent toseetheboy,all his family gotup,withgrateful smiles on their faces.
1-5BAACA 6-10 BBACA 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BACBA
21-23 DA C 24-26 CDA 27-30 DCBB
31-35 DFAGC
36-40 CCABD 41-45 ADABB 46-50 CAADD 51-55 CABDB
56. Its 57. invented 58. Probably 59. that 60. to use
61. the62.considered 63. in 64. lighter 65. until
One possible version
Dear James,
Good news for you! I know you’re crazy about photography. It so happens that our school is to hold the first new year photography exhibition from January 4 through January 8. I guess you would be interested.
The photography works collected from both students and teachers amount to more than two hundred. All the works will be exhibited in the display hall on the 3rd floor of the ArtCenter. Shall we schedule a time to go together?
Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.He hit the road face down and rolled over. He laymotionless in the middle of the road as the bus drove away quickly. The cars directly behind the bus braked to avoid the boy, but none stopped. I knew that if the boy was bleeding into his brain, he could die soon. I stopped my car. I lifted his unconscious body into my car with the help of some passersby and raced back to the hospital.
The next day, when I went to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.The mother held my hands and started weeping. “Son, you are an angel,” she repeated over and over again. After comforting her, I went over to the boy. He managed to smile and squeeze my hand. No words were spoken between us—none was needed. I spent the rest of the day in a state of excitement, the most fabulous mood I had ever experienced. Driving home that evening, I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. My career path became crystal clear at that moment.
(Text 1)
W: Oh, no! I’ve left my new hat somewhere.
M: I don’t remember you having it at lunch in the restaurant. You must have left it in your car.
(Text 2)
M: We will be having a meeting tomorrow at noon.
W: Oh, can we push the meeting forward a little bit? I am busy then.
(Text 3)
M: Your alarm has been going off for over an hour! Are you awake in there?
W: I’m just getting up. Sorry about that, I went to bed really late last night. I was working on a school project that’s due this afternoon.
(Text 4)
M: Do you know what’s wrong with Tom? He’s been acting very strange lately.
W: Come on, His father lost his job and his mother got a serious disease. He has just got a lot on his mind. (Text 5)
M: Why don’t you just tell Mr. Johnson how you feel?
W: I’m just so angry that I don’t know what I would say to him!
(Text 6 )
W: Hello, you have reached the Furniture Warehouse. How can I help you?
M: Hello, yes, I need to schedule a delivery of a sofa next week. I ordered it online yesterday, but I won’t be home this weekend to receive it.
W: That’s no problem, sir. What day next week would be best for you?
M: How about Wednesday?
W: Okay, Wednesday. Our team can deliver the sofa sometime between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
M: Okay, thank you.
(Text 7 )
M: How do I drop a class officially?
W: During the first two weeks of the term, no official application is needed. Simply call 444-888 or log onto the website and take the class off your schedule.
M: So I can just drop by the Internet or making a phone call?
W: Yes. However, later in the term---between 3 and 4 weeks---you will need to submit an official drop notification form. You can get that form here in the department office. And during the final week of the term, no drops are allowed.
M: Since this is still the second week of classes, I can just drop over the phone, right?
W: Right. But as of next Monday, you’ll have to fi ll out a drop notification form.
(Text 8 )
M; Have you seen Dan the Bear?
W: No, I haven’t.
M: Oh, well, he’s supposed to go onstage in 10 minutes. All the kids are waiting for him to sing.
W: Hmm... Maybe he’s out by the fish tank giving away balloons and talking with the dolphin trainer. Did you check there?
M: Yes, I did, but they said they hadn’t seen him. If you s ee him, please tell him that he’s needed on the small stage as soon as possible.
W: Okay, I’ll send a radio message out to all of the security officers and have them look for him.
I’m sure he’s on his way right now.
M: Great. Thank you so much for your support. Will I see you at the bar after work tonight?
W: I think I’ll go there a bit later. I want to get a haircut and change clothes first.
M: Great. I’ll buy you a drink if you can get Dan the Bear onstage on time.
W: Okay, it’s a deal.
(Text 9)
W: Hey there. I’m your neighbor. My name is Shirley.
M: Hi, Shirley. I’m Bob. It’s nice to meet you.
W: Nice to meet you, too.
M: Please come in.
W: Here is a l ittle gift for your family. It’s a calendar with all the community events on it.
M: Thank you! I really appreciate it.
W: Since we are neighbors, if you need any help with anything, please feel free to ask me.
M: I will. Actually, I am worried about the security of this community because my house has been robbed twice before.
W: Oh don't worry about that. There are security guards on duty 24 hours a day.
M: Really? That’s good. Are there any supermarkets in the neighborhood?
W: Of course. Th ere is a Carrefour nearby. I’ll take you there sometime if you want.
M: Terrific!
W: By the way, there will be a party for all the new neighbors the day after tomorrow. I hope
I will see you there.
M: I’ll be there.
W: Great. I’ve got to go. See you later!
M. OK. Come and visit anytime.
(Text 10)
M:I’m a 10-year-old boy from Arizona. My grandparents were chefs at a restaurant. And my parents followed in my grandparents’ footsteps. So it is not strange that I love cooking too. The restaurant that my parents work at doesn’t just focus on the taste of the food it provides, but also considers healthy ingredients to be very important. They want to provide customers with healthy food. So they often study how to make food both healthy and delicious. And they often talk with me about the importance of healthy eating. Nowadays many Americans are overweight because of what they eat. Now more and more people are paying
attention to healthy eating. And more and more activities around the country are promoted. The annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge is one of them. It is open to children aged from 8 to 12. I didn’t take part in it in the first two years. But I took part in it this year. The judges liked what I prepared, so I was one of the winners. Last Friday all the winners were invited to the White House. Then the president and the first lady gave a speech. They both emphasized the importance of healthy eating. After coming back from the White House, I was even more determined to prepare healthy food for people when I grow up.。
