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fenestration decompression. The surgical conditions ,
cyst cavity diam eter before and after surgery, post.
operative pain degree,reduction degree of cyst cavity volume osteoproliferation thickness,cyst healing ,
tage on cyst of jaw and their inf luence on prognosis.Methods A total of 106 patients with cyst of jaw
treated in hospital from February 2016 to January 2017 were selected.and they were divided into eontr01
【摘要 1 目的 比较 开窗减压术与颌骨 囊肿刮 治术治疗对颌 骨 囊肿疗 效、预后的影响 。方 法 选择 2016年 2 月至 2017年 1月医院治 疗的 106例颌 骨囊肿 患者作为研 究对 象,采 用随机数表 法将其 分为对 照组和观 察组 ,每 组 53例 。对照组行颌骨 囊肿刮 治术治疗 ,观 察组行开窗减压术 。观 察对照组和观察组手术情 况、手术前后 囊腔直径 、 术后 疼痛程度 、囊腔 体积缩 小程度 、骨质增生厚度 、囊肿 愈合 时间 与并发 症发 生率 、复发 情况等 。结 果 观 察纽 手 术时间 、术 中出血量 、视 觉模拟评 分法(VAS)评分 、并发 症发 生率 、复发 率 、囊肿愈 合 时间均 少于对 照组 ,差异 有统 计学意义 (P<0.05);术前对照组和观察组 囊肿 直径 比较 ,差异 未见 统计 学意义 (P>0.05);术后 观察 组 囊肿 直径 小 于对照组 ,差异有统计 学意 义(P<O.05);观察组 囊腔体积 缩小率 、骨质增 生厚度大 于对 照组 ,差异有统计 学意义 (P<0.05)。结论 将开 窗减压 术用于颌 骨囊肿治疗 中效果确切 且安全性 良好 ,可减轻 患者疼 痛,减 少术后 并发症 与 复 发 概 率 ,促 进 囊 肿 腔 愈 合 。
0·05);after surgery,the cyst diameter of observation group was smaller than that of contro1 gr0up (P< 0.05);the reduction degree of cyst cavity volume,osteoproliferation thickness in obseI、,ation gr0up were larger than those in control group(P<0.05). Conclusions Fenestration decompression in treatment of cyst of jaw is effective and safe,which can reduce the patients’pain,decrease the incidence 0f postoper.
【关键词 】 颌骨 囊肿 ;开窗减压 术;颌骨 囊肿刮 治术 ;并发症 ;复发情况
Clinical ef i cacy comparison of fenestration decompression and jaw cyst curettage on jaw cyst
Liang Shuang
group and observation group by random number table with 53 cases in each group.The patients in the ,
control group were given jaw cyst curettage,while the patients in the observation group were treated with
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生 筮 鲞第 16期 Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine,Aug.2018.Vo1.45.N0.16 —
开 窗减 压 术 与 颌 骨 囊肿 刮 治 术 治 疗 颌 骨 囊肿 临 床 疗 效 比较
梁 爽 464000 河 南省 信 阳 市 中心 医院 口腔 科 通信 作者 :梁爽 ,Email:nongzhong19770418@ 163.COB
currence rate,cyst healing time in observation group were less than those in control group (P<0.05): before surgery,there was no signif icant difference in the cyst diameter between the two groups (P>
time,incidence of complications and recurrence in the two groups were observed Results The opera- .
tion time,intraoperative bleeding volume,visual analogue scale(VAS),incidence of complications.re.
Department of Stomatology,Xinyang Central Hospital,Xinyang 464000,China
Corresponding author:Liang Shuang,Email:nongzhong19770418@
163 .
cor n
பைடு நூலகம்
【Abstract】 Objective To compare the ef icacy of fenestration decompression and iaw cvst cuI.et—