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景下中医药发展面临的新机遇与新挑战。而中医药事业发展 的关键是中医人才⑴,岗位工作是人才的价值主要体现,因此 培养出合格的具有岗位胜任力的中医人才成为关键。中医人 才培养涉及两个主要问题:第一、培养目标的问题,即培养什么 样的中医人才,包含培养的标准、层次等;第二、如何培养的问 题,即如何开展中医人才培养,包含培养过程、途径和手段等。 目前,以岗位胜任力为导向的医学教育成为国内外学者争相研 究的重点,原因在于岗位胜任力是从人才价值出发,为人才培
式收集数据,基于KSAOs理论构建特征模型,并采用“SPSS + AMOS”的统计方法进行实证分析。结果:中医师岗位胜任力
结构包含"个人特质”和“专业知识”、"临床能力”和"科研能力”四个核心特征要素,因素负荷量分别为0. 84,0. 79、0.90、 0. 78;特征要素间存在交互彩响,“临床能力”与“个人特质”的相关关系最明显(系数为0.74),且“临床能力”与其他要素 均具有统计学相关关系。结论:新时代中医师的“个人特质”奠定了岗位胜任力的核心,“临床能力”是岗位胜任力关键能
termine the dimensions of research, and collecting data by questionnaires. Constructing feature model based on KSAOs theory and
the "SPSS + AMOS" statistical method is used for empirical analysis. Results The post competency structure of traditional Chinese
background of new medicine, analyze the correlation and influence path among all elements in post competency system, and pro­
vide empirical evidence for training talents of TCM in the new era. Methods Through literature analysis and expert interviews to de­
张海波',温雯婷',张 军',申俊龙仏 (南京中医药大学卫生经济管理学院,江苏南京210023)
Chinese physician, *' Clinical skills" is the key competency of post competency, u Scientific research ability" is a necessary ability
for traditional Chinese physician in the contemporary era.
பைடு நூலகம்
cine. /ZHANG Hai - bo, et al. //The Chinese Health Service Management.
Abstract Objective Study on the characteristic structure of post competency of C traditional Chinese physician under the
[文章编号]10044663(2019)07 -540-05
Research on Post Competency Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Physician from the Perspective of New Medi­
and the correlation between *" Clinical skills" and *' Personal traits *' is the most significant ( coefficient 0. 74 ) , and " Clinical
skills" has obvious correlation with other factors. Conclusions The ** Personal traits" lay the core of post competency of traditional
据英国教育组织(Quacquarelli Symonds)发布的"2016年 世界高等教育综合实力排行榜”显示,中国高等教育实力居全 球第八、亚洲第一,教育投入产出比居全球第二,中国高等教育 已整体步入世界第一方阵,建设新学科和培养卓越人才成为中 国高等教育发展的必然趋势。在医学方面,随着健康中国战略 的实施和新医改的纵深发展,中国特色的新医科与新人科兴 起,中医药文化的优势日益凸显。改革和完善发展机制,增强 发展的整体性和系统性,保证发展的继承创新,成为新时代背
physician includes four core characteristics: ** Personal traits" and "* Knowledges" , '* Clinical skills" and *" Scientific research abili­
ties" ,factor loadings were 0. 84, 0. 79, 0. 90, and 0. 78 , respectively. There are interactive effects between feature elements,
Author's address Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, P. R. China Key words traditional Chinese physician ; post competency; KSAOs theory; structural equation