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Chapter 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships Marketing:
goal of marketing: attract new customers by promising superior value
keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction definition (it involves satisfying customer needs)
1. Understanding the marketplace and customer needs
Needs: physical needs (food, clothing, warmth, safety)
social needs (belonging and affection)
individual needs(knowledge, self-expression)
Wants: wants are shaped by one’s society and are described in terms of objects that will satisfy needs. (Food—Big Mac, rice)
Demands: given their wants and resources, people demand products with benefits that add up to the most value and satisfaction
Market offerings: 营销对象
physical products
services, activities or benefits offered for sale(not result in ownership)
entities(persons, places, organizations, information, ideas)
marketing myopia: 营销近视
the customer will have the same need but want the new product
solution: look beyond the attributes and existing customer wants
product benefits and experiences, and customer’s needs
offer superior customer value(create brand experiences)
e.g. Disney World, F1 race
Customer value and satisfaction:
customers form expectations about the value and satisfaction that
various market offerings will deliver and buy accordingly
marketers: set the right level of expectations
Exchanges交换(包含donation)bring about a response(votes, membership,
audience, acceptance)
Relationship交易关系goal: retain customers and grow their business
Markets: marketing means managing markets to bring about profitable customer relationships
Marketing system:
actor: suppliers, company, competitors, intermediaries, final users
affected by major environmental forces: demographic, economic,
physical, technological, political/legal, social/cultural each party adds value for the next level. success depends on the entire system.
2. Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy
Marketing management: 营销管理
Selecting customers to serve: market segmentation, target marketing
demarketing(reduce/shift demand temporarily or permanently, e.g.
customer management, demand management 需求与资源匹配
select only customers that it can serve well and profitably Choosing a value proposition: differentiate, position the product
Marketing management orientations:经营理念(philosophy guiding these marketing
Production concept: consumers favor products that are available and highly affordable.
生产观念Management focuses on improving production and distribution efficiency.
Marketing short-sightedness, losing sight of satisfying customer needs.
Product concept: consumers favor products that offer the most in quality, performance, 产品观念and innovative features.
Marketing strategy focuses on making continuous product improvement.
Focusing only on products can lead to marketing myopia.
(e.g. mousetrap compared with chemical spray, services, 4 Ps)
Selling concept: undertaking a large-scale selling and promotion
推销观念practiced with unsought goods(buyers do not normally think of buying,
e.g. insurance, blood donations)大萧条时期
Focus on creating sales transaction rather than on building long-term,
profitable customer relationships
Sell what they make rather than making what the market wants
Product-centered “make and sell ”
Marketing concept: customer-centered “sense and respond”
营销观念Find the right product for your customers
对比:Selling concept & Marketing concept
Customer driven & Customer driving P10
Societal concept: companies should balance three considerations in setting their 社会营销观念marketing strategies: company profits, consumer wants, and
society’s interests.
e.g. 垃圾食品,石油危机,外部性,企业道德(J&J召回)
3. Preparing an integrated marketing plan and program
deliver the intended value to target customers
transform the marketing strategy into action
marketing mix: 营销组合major tools: product price promotion place
integrated marketing program整合营销计划: blend all marketing mix tools into a comprehensive plan that communicates and delivers the
intended value to chosen customers.
4. Building customer relationships (most important)
Customer relationship management (CRM) 客户关系管理: deals with all the aspects of acquiring, keeping and growing customers.
Customer value: buy from the firm that offers greatest perceived value.
Do not judge product value and cost accurately
Customer satisfaction: higher level satisfaction lead to greater loyalty, thus
better company performance
Promise only what they can deliver, deliver more than promise
(Samsung, focus on the delight factor, design, style, image,
brand experience, brand personality, overall company culture)
Do not attempt to maximize customer satisfaction
Generate customer value profitably
Customer relationship levels: basic relationship (low-margin customers)
full relationship (high-margin customers) Customer relationship tools: frequency marketing programs
(reward customers who buy frequently or in large amounts)
club marketing programs
(offer members special benefits and create member communities)
structural ties, financial and social benefits Changing nature of customer relationships:
more carefully selected customers: selective relationship management
customer profitability analysis
relating for the long term: retain current customers
realities: changing demographics, more sophisticated
competitors and overcapacity mean fewer customers,
higher cost to attract new ones
relating directly: virtually buying, telephone, mail, online.
Partner relationship management:合作伙伴关系管理
Inside the company: link all departments to create customer value
every functional area, electronically
form cross-functional customer teams
outside the firm: suppliers, channel partners, and competitors
marketing channels: distributors, retailers to buyers
supply chain: raw material to final product to buyers
supply chain management
strategic alliance (e.g. McDonald & Sinopec)
5. Capturing value from customers
Creating customer loyalty and retention:
Aim of CRM is to create not just customer satisfaction but customer delight
Customer lifetime value:顾客生命价值
Aim high in building customer relationships (long-term)
Growing share of customer:
Share of customer:顾客份额
Offer greater variety, train employees to cross-sell and up-sell
(e.g.Amanzon sell other products, recommend related products)
Building customer equity:
Ultimate aim of CRM is to produce high customer equity
Customer equity:顾客资产
A better measure of a firm’s performance than current sales or market share
View customer as assets that need to be managed and maximized
Classify customers: potential profitability, projected loyalty, require
different relationship management strategies Build the right relationships with the right customers
New landscape: digital age, globalization, ethics and social responsibility, not-for-profit marketing (school, hospital, museum, zoo, church,
government agency)
Chapter 2 company and marketing strategy: partnering to build
customer relationships (overall strategic planning process) Companywide strategic planning公司层面战略规划:
1. Defining a market-oriented mission (mission statement使命陈述)
market oriented and defined in terms of customer needs. (product-oriented vs. market-oriented)
fit the market environment
based on its distinctive competencies
motivating(not as making more sales or profits)
2. Setting company objectives and goals
Turn mission into detailed supporting objectives for each level of management
A hierarchy of objectives, including business objectives(公司目标,有时间限制,有数据,可测量,具化)and marketing objectives(营销目标)Marketing strategies and programs must be developed to support these marketing objectives
In this way, translate mission into a set of objectives for the current period
3. Designing the business portfolio(业务组合)
Fit its strengths and weaknesses to the opportunities in the environment
A. Analyzing the current business portfolio (major activity in strategic planning)
(1)Identify the key business making up the company
Strategic business unit (SBU战略业务单元): company division, product line
within a division, single product or brand
(2)Assess the attractiveness of its various SBUs
(3)Decide how much support each deserves
BCG矩阵growth-share matrix(market growth rate—attractiveness
relative market share—company strength) Stars明星类:need heavy investment
Cash cows现金牛:need less investment, produce a lot of cash
Question marks问题类:require a lot of cash. Management must think hard
about which question marks it should try to build into stars Dogs狗类:do not promise to be large source of cash
Four strategies for each SBU: Invest more to build its share
Invest just enough to hold its share
Harvest the SBU (milking short term cash)
Divest the SBU (selling or phasing it out) Life cycle of SBU: Q→S→CC→D
Problems: difficult in defining SBUs and measuring market share and growth, time consuming and costly to implement, focus on
current businesses, not future planning
Solution: customized approach, decentralize strategic planning, cross-functional teams.
B. Shaping the future portfolio—growth and downsizing
Finding business and products the company should consider in the future
Marketing has the main responsibility for achieving profitable growth for
the company, must identify, evaluate, and select market opportunities and
lay down strategies for capturing them
Product/market expansion grid 产品/市场扩展方格, 安索洛夫方格
(Indentify company growth opportunities) Market penetration: new stores, advertising, prices, service, menu
市场渗透selection, store design
Market development: new demographic markets, new geographical 市场开发markets出口转内销,发现新用途
Product development: modified or new products 新品种,新口味
Diversification: starting up or buying new businesses
Downsizing: 精简
Environment changes, making some products or markets less profitable
Firm may have grown too fast or entered areas where it lacks experience
Some products or business units age and die
(prune, harvest, divest them, focus on promising growth opportunities) Planning marketing and other functional strategies (4)
Major functional departments work together to accomplish strategic objectives 1. Partnering with other company departments
Value chain价值链: Each department carries out value-creating activities to design, produce, market, deliver, and support the firm’s products 2. Partnering with others in the marketing system
Value-delivery network 价值传递网络: Company, suppliers, distributors and
ultimately customers who partner with each other
to improve performance of the entire system Marketing strategy: 营销战略
segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning
Marketing mix: 4 Ps (4 Cs: from buyer’s view) 从4 Cs出发,以4Ps为框架执行Chapter 4 Managing marketing information (marketplace elements) Marketing information system(MIS)营销信息系统P87
1. Assessing marketing information needs
Balances the information users would like to have against what they really need and what is feasible to offer
Issues to consider:
Amount of information (provide the information decision makers should have) Availability of information (cannot provide needed information, not available or because of MIS limitation, petitor’s strategy, resulting change)
Cost (additional information isn’t worth obtaining, costs vs. benefits)
2. Developing marketing information
A. Internal data:
Internal database: 内部数据库data sources within the company network
Advantage: can be assessed more quickly and cheaply
Disadvantage: incomplete (记录过去情况)or in the wrong form(不同部门之间格式转换) age quickly, large amount of information, must be well
integrated and readily accessible
B. Marketing intelligence: 营销情报publicly available information
Goal: improve strategic decision making, assess and track competitors’ actions, provide early warning of opportunities and threats
Sources: published information, products, sales, new patents, annual reports, business publications, trade show exhibits, press releases,
advertisements, web page.
C. Marketing research: 市场调查formal studies of specific situations (e.g.
consumer satisfaction, purchase behavior, market
potential, market share, effectiveness of 4 Ps)
(1)Defining the problem and research objectives
Types of objectives:
Exploratory research探索性调查gather preliminary information to
define the problem and suggest hypotheses Descriptive research描述性调查describe things(e.g. market potential
for a product, demographics and attitudes
of consumers who buy the product) Casual research因果性调查test hypotheses about cause-and-effect
Managers start with exploratory research and later follow with descriptive or casual research
(2)Developing the research plan
✧Determine the exact information needed
Research objectives must be translated into specific information needs
✧Develop a plan for gathering it effectively
Research plan: sources of existing data, specific research approaches, contact methods, sampling plans and instruments to gather new data Secondary data二手数据:
Internal database, external database (business, government, internet)
Advantage: quickly, lower cost, provide data that an individual company can’t
collect on its own (not directly available, too expensive to collect) Disadvantage:availability (may not exist), relevance (fits needs), accuracy
(reliable sources), current (up-to-date) impartial (软新闻)
Primary data一手数据:
Research approaches:
Observational research观察法调查
Best suited for exploratory research
Observing relevant people, actions and situations
Ethnographic research人类学研究sending trained observers
Survey research问卷调查
Most widely used, gathering descriptive information (knowledge,
attitudes, preferences, buying behavior), asking directly
Advantage: flexibility
Disadvantage: unable or unwilling to respond, give misleading or
pleasing answers, don’t have time, privacy concerns Experimental research实验法调查
Gathering casual information 广告效果测试,口味测试,价格测试Contact methods
Mail questionnaires邮寄问卷
Telephone interviewing电话采访interviewer bias
Personal interviewing人员调查
Individual interviewing: 采用便捷样本
Group interviewing(focus group interviewing): 焦点小组访谈6~10人Online marketing research
Internet survey, online panels, experiments, online focus groups Sampling plan:抽样计划
Sampling unit(who is to be surveyed)与企业本身产品的目标市场一致
Sample size
Sampling procedure
Probability sample简单随机抽样,分层抽样(年龄),集群抽样(区域)
Nonprobability sample 便捷样本,判断样本,配额样本
Research instruments:调查工具
Questionnaire: closed-end questions (easier to interpret and tabulate)
open-end questions (exploratory)
Simple, direct, unbiased wording; in a logical order
Mechanical devices: people meters, checkout skinner, eye camera
➢Present the plan to management
Presented in a written proposal: problems, objectives, information needed, the way the results will help decision making, research cost
(3)Implementing the research plan
Collecting data: marketing research staff or outside firms
The most expensive and the most subject to error
(Refuse to cooperate, biased, interviewer mistakes or shortcuts) Processing the information: isolate important information and findings, check data for accuracy and completeness, code it for analysis Analyzing the information: tabulate the results, compute statistical measure (4)Interpreting and reporting the findings
Managers and researchers work together closely, share responsibility
3. Analyzing marketing information
Advanced statistical analysis to learn more about the relationships within a set of data, involving a collection of analytical models that will help marketers make better decision
Customer touch point: customer purchases, sales force contacts, service and
support calls, web site visits, satisfaction surveys, credit
and payment interactions, research studies Analyze and use individual customer data:
CRM: managing detailed information about individual customers and carefully managing customer touch point to maximize customer loyalty
Consists of sophisticated software and analytical tools, integrate
customer information from all sources, analyze it in depth, apply the
results to build stronger customer relationships
Data warehouses: 数据仓库a companywide electronic database of finely detailed
customer information
Data mining: sift through data and dig out interesting findings about customers
CRM is one part of an effective overall customer relationship management strategy 4. Distributing and using marketing information
Chapter 5 Consumer markets and consumer buyer behavior Model of consumer behavior:
Stimulus response model: marketing stimuli营销刺激物: 4 Ps
P117 other stimuli: economic, technological, political, cultural
buyer’s black box: characteristics, decision process Characteristics affecting consumer behavior:
●Cultural factors:
Culture: the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior, from family and other important institutions (school) Cultural shifts: new products Subculture: within a culture民族,宗教,种族,地域
Social class: permanent and ordered divisions, measured by a combination of occupation, income, education, wealth, and other variables
●Social factors:
Membership groups成员群体direct influence, to which a person belongs
Reference groups参照群体direct or indirect points of comparison or reference
Aspirational groups期望群体reference groups to which a person wishes to belong
Opinion leaders意见领袖people within a reference group who, because of special
skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert social
influence on others. (influentials or leading adopters)
Buzz marketing口碑营销enlist or even create opinion leaders to spread the word
Online social networking: blogs, social networking sites like , a new
form of buzz marketing
Family: the most important consumer buying organization
Husband-wife involvement: courting the opposite sex
Children: highly regarded in Asian cultures, children-related industry Roles and status: people choose products appropriate to their roles and statues ●Personal factors:
Age and life-cycle stage:年龄、生命周期阶段
RBC Royal Bank five life-stage segments
Youth: 小于18,教育资金
Getting started: 18—35 贷款,信用卡
Builder: 35—50 鼎盛期,贷款
Accumulators: 50—60 财富积累,理财
Preservers: 大于60 财产转移,继承
Occupation: bluecollar workers vs. executives
Economic situation: include trends in personal income, savings, interest rates Lifestyle: a person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her psychographics AIO dimension: activity, interest, opinion
VALS: lifestyle classification P124 8种
Primary motivation: ideals(knowledge and principles)
achievements (demonstrate success)
self-expression (activity, variety, risk)
Resources: income, education, health, self-confidence, energy…
Personality and
Brand personality: the specific mix of human traits attributed to a particular brand
Consumers are likely to choose brands with personalities that match their own
Self-concept (self-image)
Premise: people’s possessions contribute to and reflect their identities
Real self: 真实self-image:自我looking-glass self:他人ideal self:理想
●Psychological factors:
Motivation动机: A need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek
satisfaction of the need
Sigmund Freud theory: people are largely unconscious about the real
psychological forces shaping their behavior Abraham Maslow: human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, people
are driven by particular needs at particular times
Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization needs Perception感知:
Three perceptual processes:
Selective attention选择性注意screen out most of the information
Selective distortion选择性歪曲/曲解interpret information in a way that will
support what they already believe Selective retention选择性保留retain information that supports their attitudes and
Learning学习Changes in an individual’s behavior arising from experience and occurs through interplay of drives, stimuli, cues, responses and reinforcement
Marketer: associating the product with strong drives, using
motivating cues, and providing positive reinforcement Beliefs and attitudes信念和态度
Belief: A descriptive thought that a person has about something based on knowledge, opinion, or faith
Attitude: A person’s relatively consistent evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward an object or idea.
It is difficult to change. Fit into existing attitudes.
Types of buying behavior decision
Based on degree of buyer involvement and degree of differences among brands:
1. Complex buying behavior复杂性购买行为Highly involved, significant differences
Expensive, risky, purchased infrequently, highly self-expressive
Marketer: understand the information-gathering and evaluation behavior of consumers, help buyers learn about attributes and their relative
importance, differentiate brand’s features, and motivate store
salespeople and buyer’s acquaintances
Focus on product增加产品特性
2. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior减少失调购买行为Highly involved, little difference
Expensive, risky, infrequent purchase
Buyers primarily response to a good price or to purchase convenience
Postpurchase dissonance: notice disadvantage or hear favorable words about
a product not purchased
Marketer: after-sale communications should provide evidence and support
Focus on CRM(投诉处理、维修等)
3. Habitual buying behavior习惯性购买行为low involved, little difference
Low-cost, frequently purchased
Brand familiarity rather than brand conviction (passively receive information) Marketer: use sales and price promotion to stimulate products trial, ad stresses a few key points, more visual symbols and imaginary, high
repetition of short-duration message, better use TV ad, based on
classical conditioning theory(buyers learn to identify a certain
product by a symbol repeatedly attached to it)
Focus on distribution
4. Variety-seeking buying behavior寻求多样化购买行为low involved, significant differences
Consumers do a lot of brand switching for variety rather than dissatisfaction
Market leader: encourage habitual buying behavior by dominating shelf space, keeping shelves full stocked, running frequent reminder advertising Challenger firms: encourage variety seeking by offering lower prices, special
deals, coupons and free sample, and advertising reasons for
something new
Focus on distribution and promotion
The buyer decision process
1. Need recognition需求确认
Internal stimuli (normal need rises to a drive) external stimuli (ad, discussion) 2. Information search信息收集
Personal sources: family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances) most effective
Commercial sources: ad, salespeople, web, dealers, packaging, diaplay
Public sources 公开: mass media, consumer-rating organizations, Internet
searches 质量检测
Experiential sources体验性: handling, examining, using the product使用经历
3. Evaluation of alternatives方案评价process information to arrive at brand choices
Careful calculations and logical thinking; buy on impulse and rely on intuition 4. Purchase decision购买决策
Between purchase intention and decision:
Attitudes of others, unexpected situational factors
5. Post-purchase behavior购买后行为
Consumer expectations and products’ perceived performance
Cognitive dissonance认知失调: Discomfort caused by postpurchase conflict
Consumer satisfaction is a key to building profitable relationships with
consumers—to keeping and growing consumers and
reaping their customer lifetime value
Marketer: measure customer satisfaction regularly, set up systems that encourage customers to complain
The buyer decision process for new products
Stages in adoption process采纳过程from first learning to final regular user Awareness: become aware, but lack of information
Interest: seek information
Evaluation: consider whether trying it make sense
Trial: try the new product in a small scale
Adoption: make full and regular use of it
Individual differences in innovativeness
Innovator: venturesome
Early adopter: guided by respect, opinion leader, early but cautiously
Early majority: deliberate, before the average person
Late majority: skeptical, after majority of people have tried it
Laggards: tradition bound, suspicious, adopt only when they become tradition 采纳曲线/扩散曲线time of adoption/diffusion of innovations P135
Firm: research characteristics of innovators and early adaptors and direct market to them Innovators: younger, better educated, higher in income, more receptive to unfamiliar things, rely more on their own values and judgment, more willing to take
risks, less brand loyal, take advantage of special promotion
Influence of product characteristics on rate of adoption
Relative advantage相对优势: superior to existing products
Compatibility: fits the value and experiences of potential consumers
Complexity: difficult to understand or use
Divisibility: tried on a limited basis (e.g.price)
Communicability: results of using can be observed or described to others Chapter 7 Customer-driven marketing strategy: creating value for target
customers (STP 营销核心)
Market segmentation
Segmenting consumer markets
1. Geographic segmentation地理划分
Nations, regions, states, counties, cities, density, climate, neighborhoods
Companies: localize products, ad, promotion and sales efforts; cultivate as-yet untapped territory; developing stores in higher-density urban areas
2. Demographic segmentation人口划分most popular, consumer needs, wants and
usage rates vary closely with it, easier to measure Age and life-cycle stage: guard against stereotype, positive image and appeals Gender: clothing, cosmetics, toiletries, magazines
Income: automobile, clothing, cosmetics, financial services, travel
Affluent or low-income
3. Psychographic segmentation心理划分
Social class, lifestyle, personality characteristics
4. Behavioral segmentation行为划分best starting point for building market segments,
buyers’ knowledge, attitudes, uses, or response to a product Occasions: holidays, special occasions (e.g. Valentine’s day, wedding, birth day)
Benefits sought: different benefits buyers seek from the product
e.g.不同功效的牙膏,match each segment’s benefit preferences
User status: nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, regular users
e.g. blood banks, recruit new first-time donors and remind ex-donors
potential users: consumers facing life-stage changes(newlyweds) Usage rate: light, medium, heavy product users
Heavy users: a small percentage of the market but account for a
high percentage of total consumption
Loyalty status: Completely loyal (buy one brand all the time)
Pinpoint its target market and develop marketing appeals
Somewhat loyal (loyal to two or three brands, favor one brand
while sometimes buying others)
Detect which brands are most competitive with its own
Not loyal (want something different, buy whatever’s on sale)
Marketing weakness
Using multiple segmentation bases: identify smaller, better-defined target Segmenting international markets
Using one or a combination of several variables: geographic location, economic
factors, political and legal factors, cultural factors Intermarket segmentation: forming segments of consumers who have similar needs and buying behaviors even though they are located in different countries Requirements for effective segmentation
Measurable: 可测量性size, purchasing power, and profiles of the segments Accessible:可接近性can be effectively reached and served
Substantial:显著性large or profitable enough, a segment should be the largest。