



































正确错误 我的答案:√ 2:[2分]2000年9月,互联网搜索引擎——Google 上线。

正确错误 我的答案:X 3:[2分]2008年IBM 提出了“智慧地球”理念,激发了各国关于智慧城市建设的思考。

正确错误 我的答案:√ 4:[2分]蒂姆・博纳斯•李研发了全球首个万维网浏览器/编辑器和第一个网页服务器。

正确错误 我的答案:√ 5:[2分]2009年安徽省铜陵市在铜官区先行撤销街道办事处的试点。

正确错误 我的答案:√ 6:[2分]网格化管理就是网络化政府治理。

正确 错误我的答案:X7:[2分]大数据具有体量大、类别多、速度快、真实性高四个特性。

正确 错误我的答案:√8:[2分]2009年,联合国启动“全球脉动计划”,旨在运用大数据技术激活落后地区发展。

正确 错误我的答案:√9:[2分]共享是互联网的本质特征。

正确 错误我的答案:√10:[2分]拉里•罗伯茨被称为“阿帕网之父”。

正确 错误我的答案:√单选题11:[4分]政府创新,就是公共权力部门为增进( )而进行的创造性改革。

A :公共服务B :公共利益C :公共管理D :公共权力我的答案:B12:[4分]国务院哪一年发布《促进大数据发展行动纲要》?( )。

A :2012B :2013C :2014D :2015我的答案:D13:[4分]互联网+的核心是( )。

A :互联网进化和扩张B :互联网信息技术C :互联网创新D :互联网融合我的答案:A14:[4分]哪一年我国正式发放首批4G牌照?( )A :2010B :2011C :2012D :2013我的答案:D15:[4分]哪一年“知情权”首次被明确具有宪法地位?( )A :1949B :1945C :1950D :1948我的答案:A16:[4分]特别是哪一年我国正式启动了“三金”工程,有力地推动了各级政府信息化建设?( )A :1989B :1993C :1995D :1997我的答案:B17:[4分]下面哪一个不是“整体政府”公共服务模式的基本特征( )A :公平正义的目标B :联合的方法C :创新的改革D :协调的政策我的答案:C18:[4分]物联网需要依靠什么技术采集信息并将其转变成数字信号进行传输?( )A :传感技术B :通信技术C :云计算技术D :射频识别技术我的答案:A19:[4分]推动我国政府创新的首要任务是( )。






” (单选)rA于杨rB马云*C马化腾rD刘强东4.()年8月25日,瑞士日内瓦时间4点11分24秒(北京时间11点11分24秒),中科院高能物理研究所的吴为民在北京710所的一台IBM—PC机上,通过卫星连接,远程登录到日内瓦CERN 一台机器VXCRNA王淑琴的账户上,向位于日内瓦的Steinberger发出了一封电子邮件。

(单选)rA1966C L--- B1976C1986rD19965.()年12月,中国化工网(英文版)上线,成为国内第一家垂直B2B电子商务商业网站(单选)rA1996用B1997rC1998rD19996.2000年3月10日,()投资成立电子商务有限公司,2002年开通电子网上商城,成为国内第一批试水电子商务的传统企业之一。








大数据时代的互联网信息安全考试答案单选题1、2022 年,甲型 h1n1 流感在全球爆发,谷歌(5000 万条历史记录,做了 4.5 亿个通过不同数学模型计算的数据)与最终官方数据之间的相关性非常接近,达到()。

a、 97%b.77%c.67%d.87%a2、2022 年,阿里平台完成农产品销售()元。

d.483 亿3、国务院在 2022 年度提出的关于促进信息消费和扩大内需的若干意见中指出, 2022农村家庭宽带接入能力达到() mbps。

a.4mbps4,在 2022,城市在 Alipay 的人均城市支出中排名第一,(D)嘉义, 5 和 2022,“双11”: Ali 平台的第二顺序。


2022,个人用户进入了 TB 时代,在世界上产生了新的数据。

a.80ebb.280ebc.180ebd.380eb c7、在 2022,杭州城市人均支出排名第二, A、B、嘉义、 C.、嘉兴、 D、高雄、嘉兴和C。


a、目的性 b、明确性 c、结果 d、消极性 d9.根据现代冲突观,冲突的作用是积极的、建设性的和破坏性的。

a、结果 B、否定性 C、目的性 D、清晰性 B10 大数据的利用过程是 C。

采集-清理-统计-挖掘 11 大数据要求企业设置的位置是()。

a.首席分析师和首席数据官b.首席信息官和首席数据官c、首席信息官兼首席工程师 D.首席分析师兼首席工程师 B12 提出大数据概念的第一家公司是()。

a.麦肯锡公司b.微软公司c.谷歌公司d.脸谱公司a 13.根据周琦老师所讲,以下哪项不属于数据挖掘的内容? a.14.根据涂子沛先生所讲,哪一年被称为大数据元年? b.2022 年15.根据屠子培的说法,非结构化数据现在占人类数据总量的()。

a、 75%16。

根据屠子培先生的说法,以下哪种说法是错误的? d、大数据等于非结构化数据 17 根据屠子培的说法,社交媒体是什么时候浮现的? C18.根据周琦老师所讲,高德交通信息服务覆盖()多个城市以及全国高速路网。






















企业 Enterprises国家会议中心:向世界绽放“北京服务”国家会议中心用带有中国烙印的服务向世界展示中国软实力的不断提升,成为外界认识北京、了解北京的窗口,更是中国与世界沟通的桥梁。

文 | 邓熙金秋盛会,全球瞩目。

10月 18日,在北京举办的第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛圆满闭幕。








从2014年APEC 领导人会议周、亚洲文明对话大会、中非合作论坛北京峰会、2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会,以及三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,到杭州G20峰会、厦门金砖峰会、青岛上合峰会、中国—中亚峰会……至今,国家会议中心已服务保障了40余个重大国事政务活动。





Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
European Association for Signal Processing 18.
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
19. European Graphics Society
The Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC)光電與通訊工程國際研討會
International Symposlum on Growth of
19. Association for "Optoelectronics Frontier by Nitride Ⅲ-Nitrides(ISGN)三族氮基半導體生長國際研討
23. European Union Control Association (EUCA)
European Control Conference (ECC)
Innovative Computing, Information and Control 24.
International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII)
6. Society (WSEAS)
Administered by UCMSS Universal Conference The International Conference on e-Learning,
7. Management Systems & Support/The University of e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and














6th International Conference on Electronic, Mechanical, Information and Management (EMIM 2016)Analysis of the Failure of Backup Automatic Switch in Substation Yongbo Yang, Hao Zhong, Hezhe Wang, Xiaodong Gu, Kai Wang, Yaguang Zhang, Xiaobing Wang and Xiaofei HuangState Grid Henan Electric Power Company Zhengzhou Electric Power Supply Company ZhengzhouHenan, ChinaKeywords: Backup automatic switch; Action logic; SubstationAbstract. Backup automatic switch is widely used in low-voltage power supply network, which is a kind of economic and effective technical measures to provide uninterrupted power supply to the consumer. The use of Backup automatic switch in the power grid is a powerful technical means to ensure the safe, stable and reliable operation of power network. But by needs of power grid operation constraints, backup automatic switch in the grid application will often encounter some problems, such as coordination with automatic re-closing, charge and discharge of backup automatic switch and other issues. These problems affect the backup automatic switch to play a positive role. An 110kV transformer substation backup automatic switch action failure reasons are analyzed and discussed in this paper. The logic of action analysis, it proposed three kinds of projects with different principle, to provide a basis for the preparation of similar situations in the power grid.IntroductionGrid with 110KV and below is mainly radial grid. To ensure reliable operation of the power grid, to make the grid with uninterruptible power supply in the N-1 failure case, power grid connection generally use a master a backup dual-supply wiring form. Using backup automatic switch device, when the mains fails, backup automatic switch thereby immediately restore power to the user, which is a guarantee of economical and effective technical measures reliable power supply. But bound by the requirements of the power grid, the special nature of the operation mode, the practical application of backup automatic switch unit in the grid will often encounter some special problems. Typical 110kV devices considering issues were analyzed and discussed, and proposed solutions.Event ProcessOperation Mode. A 220kV substation with dual-bus wiring, that 110kV system in parallel operation with 3CB in working position, supplies an 110kV substation by 1CB and 2CB. The 110kV substation within bridge connection, Line 1 with 110kV bus I, bridge breaker 6CB in operation, and 5CB stand by.Figure 1. A system diagram of a substationRelated the protection equipment configuration as follow.Two lines are in 220kV substation configuration of distance protection, zero sequence protection and re-closing device. Distance protection II action time is 0.6s, re-closing device not running. 110kV side of the terminal, a comprehensive consideration, not installed line protection device.110kV substation is equipped with backup automatic switch, as Nari technology production of the model ISA-358 backup automatic switch device.The Event Log. In the 110kV substation Line 1 Phase B permanent ground fault occurs, and line distance protection II act and after export. After 0.6s, jump 1CB and remove the line fault, while re-closing device not use. As the system designed, the 110kV substation should be prepared from the cast operation, entered the jump line 1 switch 4CB, confirmed after the jump delay in closing the hot spare breaker 5CB. So that the line 2 load with 110kV bus I, ensuring the normal operation of the substation. However, the backup automatic switch operation failure, caused loss of pressure by the entire station. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for the failure action of backup automatic switch in the substation.Event AnalysisLogic Analysis. Backup automatic switch device is a programmable controller, by setting different to adapt to different auto-restart way. The methods are the mother or the bridge auto-restart, line auto-restart, transformer auto-restart and special case auto-restart, such as small power supply auto-restart, or with balanced load. The substation uses for line auto switch.To adapt to different running modes by setting different operation conditions in backup automatic switch device. Working conditions contain of start-up conditions, blocking conditions, charge and discharge conditions. Traditional were cast from the device using the charging and discharging of the capacitor to achieve some functions, type microcomputer device although have used logic judgment to realize, but in order to facilitate understanding, still defined using charging and discharging[1].The start-up condition can be defined as the monitoring of the equipment to be prepared to monitor the loss of power of the equipment. Blocking conditions include protection device of prepared from the cast a locking instruction which is used to avoid by self-cast of action secondary to the point of failure, expanding the scope of the accident, causing greater harm; under special working conditions, to avoid preparation auto cast device malfunction, such as manual block preparation auto cast device; manual tripping close-down; voltage transformer disconnection locking and so on [2].The charging condition is set to prevent the device from repeating the action. The following conditions are fulfilled, first the charging condition is satisfied, second the locking condition is not satisfied, third the start condition is not all satisfied, finally the time is 15 seconds [3,4].After the charging is completed, the discharge condition of the device is designed to ensure that the equipment does not act by mistake. When the discharge condition is satisfied, or the condition of the need to be locked for the automatic feeding, the device discharge is not satisfied with the action condition. Table 1 shows charging conditions and discharge conditions for the preparation of the self-feeding device.Table 1 backup automatic switch working condition tableWhen the operation condition of the equipment is satisfied, the device charged to complete, and no locking condition received, the automatic switching device sends out the action exit command after the device is adjusted in advance. The action logic diagram of the automatic switching is shown in Fig.2.∙Figure 2. Action logic diagram of backup automatic switch Line auto-restart action logic of backup automatic switch is that bus I without pressure, the power bus line 1 of bus I no flow, and to meet the line 2 with pressure, then by time delay tripping 4CB, with confirmation of 4CB jumped and delay, close 5CB. Thus, bus I power up again.Pressure, No Pressure and No Flow Condition. The input AC signal of the substation backup automatic switch equipment is the two bus line voltage Uab, Ubc , B phase voltage UL1, UL2 of two lines, line B phase current IL1, IL2 of two lines. Bus with pressure is that since two voltage of the bus line voltage Ubc, Uab, at least one is greater than the bus bar pressure voltage setting value. The bus has a fixed value according to the set value, usually 70V. Bus with no pressure is that two line voltages Uab, Ubc are less than the bus setting value. As the same, the value of the no pressure setting is based on the fixed value, usually 30V. The phase current of the feed line is less than the current value of the feed line. The fixed value should be less than the minimum load current, in order to prevent the automatic error action when the operation of the power supply voltage transformer three-phase break. The inlet line voltage UL is greater than the feed line has a pressure value, the value of the wire into the set according to the set value, while this program 40.4V.Incorrect Action Analysis. Checking the 110kV substation backup automatic switch equipment by the staff of relaying squad, the transmission scheme is correct, and the device is reliable action. There is no fault in the equipment itself.Retrieval the wave records in the fault recorder of substation of power side, records analysis showed that at the time that the line 1 grounding, power transient side B phase voltage drop to 28kv, voltage transformer secondary output UB 31v, UAB 61.8V and UBC for 61.5V. Not considering the case of pressure drop, using the principle of equal potential, the 110kV system of the power side substation and line 2 voltages are the same with line 1, which is that Ub 31V. Obviously at this point, the B phase voltage of the line 2 is less than the line voltage, as the backup automatic switch system detected.Line protection device of line 1, after a delay of 0.6s, protection and export, jump the line side switch 1CB. At this time, the time that backup automatic switch system cannot meet the line pressure is greater than 0.2s. So the backup automatic switch system discharging and backup automatic switch is not succeed to act and recharge the bus. In the event record of the protection device, the logic analysis is consistent with the logic analysis.ImprovementIn view of the problem of the failure action of the backup automatic switch equipment in the substation, the following suggestions are put forward.Change the Structure of the Power Supply Network. Changing of the network structure, to make the 110kV power supply line in operation and standby line not from the same substation, willnot lead to line voltage drop, which causing backup automatic switch equipment discharge. Obviously, in this case, changes in the transmission line network architecture on the existing investment, engineering over a long period of time, the program should not be used.Change the Relay Protection of Transmission Line. Using line protection without delay, such as optical fiber differential protection, can greatly reduce the action time of the protection, which makes the protection action time less than that of the equipment to determine the time of non-pressure discharge. Obviously, this kind of solutions should be technological overhaul that protection device to transform. Since the board quick line protection devices are expensive, investment decreases than scheme 3.1, but longer duration, the scheme should not be used either.Change the Setting Time Value. When the backup automatic switch device considering the subject line has a discharge pressure limit is increased, thus extending the duration 110kV prepared from the cast opening hours, so that action before reliable protection device considering not erroneously discharged. Such programs is simple, but there is an alternate line detection discharge pressure limit value is too large, in the case of loss of pressure in the standby line, the monitoring mechanism is not timely, since the impact of equipment reliability.Change the Logic of the Backup Automatic Switch. For the transformation, while the non-pressure condition of the equipment is changed to the three-phase voltage is less than the non-pressure value, the automatic switching device will discharge. The logic series of three phase non voltage is distinguished, which reduces the possibility of preparing self - throw false discharge due to the monitoring phase of the fault phase, which greatly increases the reliability of the system. The program needs to be prepared to extend the AC input module, in order to meet the three-phase voltage monitoring of the standby line, or to replace the corresponding principle of the equipment. However, taking into account existing systems line-side voltage transformer often only a phase, can not meet the demand. If need to transform the line side voltage transformer transformation, the invest in this program need becomes too large.After comprehensive consideration and analysis, according to the manufacturers to provide technical information, the final solution is the 110kV by auto cast device fixed value setting requirements will change the line loss of pressure discharge time from the original 0.2s to 2s. In the extension or protection of the new station, the scheme four is adopted to improve the reliability of the equipment.ConclusionWith the enlargement of power grid scale and the increasing complexity of power grid structure, the backup automatic switch equipment is widely used in 110 kV substations to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system and to improve the reliability of power supply. But due to the complexity of power system operation mode, different protection configuration, design scheme of the system is not the same, in this case, in all aspects of the design, construction, acceptance, the use of further comprehensive and refinement, combine with the actual operation of the power grid, according to the design scheme to ensure backup automatic switch device reliable action and the power grid safe and stable operation.First, through the analysis of the action logic of the equipment, this paper finds out the reason of the failure of the operation of the substation equipment.Second, the prepared self-switching device action failure is special fault phase and line protection action time and automatic switching device into the line of pressure less discharge time with caused. In view of this situation, the paper puts forward different improved schemes from four aspects, which are the initial structure planning and design, the line protection equipment coordination, the present preparation of the self - cast improvement, and the preparation of the self - casting device.Third, the analysis and evaluation of the proposed scheme, the new substation should be the unified timing logical backup power automatic switching device; the transformation of the existingdevice can be added to maintain tuning time, in order to realize the two auto cast device with delay timer.In this paper, through in-depth analysis of the causes of the failure of the operation of the equipment, this paper provides a reference basis for the operation mode and the connection mode, and provides a guarantee for the reliable operation of the power grid.References[1] Zhang Bao-hui, Yin Xiang-gen.Power system protection [M]. China Electric Power Press, 2005.[2] GB / T 584-2007, 3 ~ 110kV power grid protection devices running the tuning procedure [S].[3] Shenzhen Nari Technology Co. Ltd.. ISA-358 standby power supply automatic switching devicetechnology specification [EB / OL].[4] Zheng Quzhi, Cheng Ying. BZT device design and application problems [J]. Power systemprotection and control, 2003, 31(8):18-21.。



12555 Federal Register/Vol. 60, No. 44/Tuesday, March 7, 1995/Notices[FRL–5165–7]Notice of Meetings, Open to the Public, of the Multi-Agency Radiation Site Investigation Manual Development Working GroupAGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency, lead.ACTION: Meetings open to the public.SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing that the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are meeting to develop joint Federal guidance for standardized and consistent approaches to accomplish structural and environmental radiation surveys. Relevant information will be provided to the group by other persons present. The guidance is being developed as a draft document, entitled the ‘‘Multi-Agency Radiation Site Investigation Manual (MARSIM)’’, and it is anticipated that the final product will be a consensus document each agency can agree upon and eventually adopt. Meetings of the group are open to the public on a first come, space available basis with advance registration. During the next meeting, representatives of the agencies will discuss: survey planning and design; implications of minimum detectable activity; application of statistics; and the schedule of future meetings.DATES, ADDRESSES, AND REGISTRATION: A meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 28, 1995 from 9:00 am until about 3:00 pm. The meeting will be held at theU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2 White Flint North, Room T–10A1, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD. Persons wishing to attend this meeting contact Roberta Gordon at (301) 415–7555 to register. A future meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 27, 1995. The schedule, location, and registration information for future meetings will be posted on the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Enhanced Participatory Rulemaking on Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning Electronic Bulletin Board, (800) 880–6091; the NRC Public Meeting Announcement System by electronic bulletin board at (800) 952–9676 or by recording at (800) 952–9674; the EPA Cleanup Regulation Electronic Bulletin Board at (800) 700–7837 outside the Washington area and (703) 790–0825 locally; and the RCRA/ Superfund Hotline at (800) 424–9346 outside the Washington area, (703) 412–9810 locally, or by TDD at (800) 553–7672.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Persons needing further informationconcerning this group and the work ofdeveloping the Multi-Agency RadiationSite Investigation Manual shouldcontact Colleen Petullo, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency/ORIA, PO Box 98517, Las Vegas, NV89193–8517, (702) 798–2446.Dated: March 1, 1995.Nicholas Lailas,Chief, Radiation Assessment Branch, EPAOffice of Radiation and Indoor Air.[FR Doc. 95–5521 Filed 3–6–95; 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 6560–50–P[FRL–5166–5]Modification of General AdministrativeCompliance Order for Produced WaterDischarges Covered by NPDESGeneral Permits for Produced Waterand Produced Sand Discharges Fromthe Oil and Gas Extraction PointSource Category to Coastal Waters inLouisiana (LAG290000) and Texas(TXG290000)AGENCY: Environmental ProtectionAgency, Region 6.ACTION: Modification of GeneralAdministrative Compliance Order.SUMMARY: Region 6 of the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)today modifies the GeneralAdministrative Compliance Order thatwas issued January 9, 1995, at 60 FR2393. This Order is modified to add asrespondents to the Order thosepermittees subject to General NPDESPermit Nos. LAG290000 andTXG290000 who discharge producedwater from new Coastal, Stripper orOffshore Subcategory wells to ‘‘coastal ‘‘waters of Texas or Louisiana which willbe spudded after the effective date ofNPDES permits LAG290000 andTXG290000 and which dischargeproduced water through existingfacilities that are required by this Orderto cease produced water discharges nolater than January 1, 1997.DATES: The General AdministrativeCompliance Order will become effectiveon March 7, 1995.ADDRESSES: Notifications required bythis Order should be sent to the WaterManagement Division, EnforcementBranch (6W–EA), EPA Region 6 P.O.Box 50625, Dallas, Texas 75202.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.Ellen Caldwell, EPA Region 6, 1445Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202;telephone: (214) 665–7513.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: TheGeneral Administrative ComplianceOrder being modified today wasoriginally issued January 9, 1995 andpublished in the Federal Register at 60FR 2393 with an effective date ofFebruary 8, 1995. After the Order wasissued, the Region received informationthat a number of new wells are plannedto be drilled in the near future inexisting fields in Louisiana and Texas.The discharge of produced waterassociated with these new wells is notcurrently covered by the Order. Thesewells are ones which will dischargetheir produced water through existingtreatment/discharge facilities that arerequired by the Order to cease dischargeof produced water no later than January1, 1997. Individual wells of this typecannot normally justify a separateinjection well for a single productionwell. If the Order was not modified, itwas claimed that oil and gas drilling incoastal Louisiana and Texas would bedelayed until the planned injectionfacilities are in place, which in somecases may be nearly 2 years. The Regionhas agreed to modify the Order to allowcoverage of produced water dischargesfrom those new wells.Those permittees who have alreadysubmitted an ‘‘Administrative OrderNotice’’ in connection with the GeneralAdministrative Compliance Orderissued January 9, 1995 do not need toresubmit an Administrative OrderNotice to be covered by today’smodified Order.United States Environmental ProtectionAgency, Region 6 in Re: NPDES PermitNos. LAG290000 and TXG290000General Administrative ComplianceOrderThe following Findings are made andOrder issued pursuant to the authorityvested in the Administrator of theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)by Section 309(a)(3) of the Clean WaterAct (hereinafter ‘‘the Act’’), 33 U.S.C.1319(a)(3), and duly delegated to theRegional Administrator, Region 6, andduly redelegated to the undersignedDirector, Water Management Division,Region 6. Failure to comply with theinterim requirements established in thisORDER constitutes a violation of thisORDER and the NPDES permits.FindingsIThe term ‘‘waters of the UnitedStates’’ is defined at 40 C.F.R. 122.2.The term ‘‘coastal’’ is defined in NPDESPermits LAG290000 and TXG290000and includes facilities which would beconsidered ‘‘Onshore’’ but for thedecision in API v. EPA 661 F.2 340 (5thCir. 1981). The term ‘‘existing well’’12556Federal Register/Vol. 60, No. 44/Tuesday, March 7, 1995/Noticesmeans a well spudded prior to the effective date of NPDES PermitsLAG290000 and TXG290000. The term ‘‘new well’’ means a well spudded after the effective date of NPDES Permits LAG290000 and TXG290000 whose associated produced water will be discharged through an existing treatment/discharge facility required by this Order to cease discharge of produced water no later than January 1, 1997.IIPursuant to the authority of Section 402(a)(1) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. §1342, Region 6 issued National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits No. LAG290000 andTXG290000 with an effective date of February 8, 1995. These permits prohibit the discharge of produced water and produced sand derived from Oil and Gas Point Source Category facilities to ‘‘coastal’’ waters of Louisiana and Texas in accordance with effluent limitations and other conditions set forth in Parts I and II of these permits. Facilities covered by these permits include those in the Coastal Subcategory (40 CFR 435, Subpart D), the Stripper Subcategory (40 CFR 435, Subpart F) that discharge to ‘‘coastal’’waters of Louisiana and Texas, and the Offshore Subcategory (40 CFR 435, Subpart A) which discharge to ‘‘coastal’’waters of Louisiana and Texas.IIIRespondents herein are permittees subject to General NPDES Permit Nos. LAG290000 and/or TXG290000 and who:A. Discharge produced water derived from an existing Coastal, Stripper or Offshore Subcategory well or wells to‘‘coastal’’ waters of Texas or Louisiana, or will discharge produced water derived from a new Coastal, Stripper or Offshore Subcategory well or wells to‘‘coastal’’ waters of Texas or Louisiana.B. Discharge produced water derived from an existing Coastal Subcategory well or wells located in Louisiana or Texas to waters of the United States outside Louisiana or Texas ‘‘coastal’’waters, or will discharge produced water derived from a new Coastal Subcategory well or wells located in Louisiana or Texas to waters of the United States outside Louisiana or Texas ‘‘coastal’’ waters.C. Are required by Permits No.LAG290000 or TXG290000 to meet the requirement of No Discharge of produced water and are taking affirmative steps to meet that requirement.D. Have submitted an ‘‘AdministrativeOrder Notice’’. Such Notices shall besent to: Enforcement Branch (6W–EA),Region 6, U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, P.O. Box 50625, Dallas, TX75270. Upon submission of such anAdministrative Order Notice, apermittee shall be a Respondent underthis General Administrative Order. Theterms of each Administrative OrderNotice submitted shall be consideredterms of this Order and shall beenforceable against the Respondentsubmitting the Administrative OrderNotice. Each Administrative OrderNotice must include:1. Identification of the facility byname and its location (by lease, leaseblock, field or prospect name), the nameand address of its operator, and thename, address and telephone number ofa contact person.2. A certification signed by a personmeeting the requirements of Part II,Section D.9 (Signatory Requirements) ofPermits LAG290000 and TXG290000stating that a Compliance Plan has beenprepared for the facility in accordancewith this Order. A copy of this planshall not be included with theAdministrative Order Notice, but shallbe made available to EPA upon request.3. A Compliance Plan shall include adescription of the measures to be taken,along with a schedule, to ceasedischarge of produced water to waters ofthe United States as expeditiously aspossible.IVTo maintain oil and gas productionand comply with the permits’prohibition on the discharge ofproduced water, a significant number ofRespondents will have to reinject theirproduced water. A lack of access to thefinite number of existing Class IIdisposal wells, state UIC permit writers,and drilling contractors may cause non-compliance for a significant number ofRespondents. In addition, time will berequired for some Respondents toreroute produced water collection linesto transport the produced water toinjection wells.VRespondents may reasonably performall actions necessary to cease theirdischarges of produced water no laterthan January 1, 1997.VIFor new wells as defined by thisORDER, coverage under this ORDERshall begin immediately after thedischarge of the associated producedwater begins.OrderBased on the foregoing Findings, it isordered That Respondents:A. Fully comply with all conditions ofNPDES Permits No. LAG290000 andTXG290000 except for the prohibitionon the discharge of produced water andexcept for the requirement that alldischarges of produced water bereported within twenty-four hours.B. Complete all activities necessary toattain full and continuous compliancewith NPDES Permits No. LAG290000and TXG290000 as soon as possible, butin no case later than January 1, 1997.C. Operate and maintain all existingpollution control equipment, includingexisting oil/water separation equipment,in such a manner as to minimize thedischarge of pollutants contained inproduced water at all times until suchtime as respondents cease theirdischarges of produced water.D. Submit notice to the WaterEnforcement Branch of EPA Region 6when produced water discharges subjectto this Order have ceased.E. Subject to NPDES PermitLAG290000 comply at all times withPart I. Section C.1.b of said permit,requiring that Respondents meet anymore stringent requirements containedin Louisiana Water Quality Regulation,LAC: 33,IX,7.708.Nothing herein shall precludeadditional enforcement action.The effective date of this ORDER shallbe March 7, 1995.Dated: February 24, 1995.Myron O. Knudson,Director, Water Management Division (6W).[FR Doc. 95–5519 Filed 3–6–95; 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 6560–50–PEXPORT-IMPORT BANK[Public Notice 23]Agency Forms Submitted for OMBReviewAGENCY: Export-Import Bank.ACTION: In accordance with theprovisions of the Paperwork ReductionAct of 1980, Eximbank has submitted aproposed collection of information inthe form of a survey to the Office ofManagement and Budget for review.PURPOSE: The proposed Export-ImportBank Questionnaire of City/StatePartners to exporters and banks is to becompleted by U.S. banks and exportersfamiliar with Eximbank’s programs as ameans of providing an evaluation of theeffectiveness, utility, strengths andweaknesses of, and means to improve。







参考答案:国家16.私营部门主要依据()和企业自调节进行治理参考答案:行业自调节17.IntelCPU 被暴什么漏洞影响全球?参考答案:底层漏洞18.全球治理是一个怎样的过程参考答案:持续19.国际事务的主要治理方式是()通过谈判制定国际规则。




2021 年〔公需科目〕人工智能与健康考试题库〔十六〕一、单项选择题1、〔〕是把每一个量值都测出来,尔后取平均值,再去计算的方法。

A、随机抽样检验B、定量抽样检验C、计量抽样检验D、定性抽样检验请选择此题答案: A B C D 正确答案:C2、〔〕是产质量量的体验者。

A、生产者B、销售者C、政府D、花销者请选择此题答案: A B C 3、〔〕是实现人工智能的“引擎〞D 正确答案:。

A、数据B、算法C、计算能力D、语音鉴别请选择此题答案: A B C D 正确答案:B4、〔〕是与多个政府、医院和学术机构合作研发的医疗AI系统。


A、腾讯AI医学影像B、腾讯AI辅助诊断C、 DoctorYouD、“沃森医生〞请选择此题答案: A B C D 正确答案:C5、2021年4 月19 日,〔〕宣告了开放自动驾驶技术的“阿波罗方案〞,向汽车行业以及自动驾驶领域的合作伙伴供应一个开放、完满、安全的软件平台,帮助他们结合车辆和硬件系统,快速搭建一套属于自己的完满的自动驾驶系统。

A、百度B、谷歌C、阿里巴巴D、腾讯请选择此题答案: A B C D正确答案:A6、依照本讲,“我们教育对象的心灵,决不是一块穷乡僻壤,而是一片已经生长着美好思想道德萌芽的肥沃田地〞由〔〕提出。

A、李镇西B、曾国藩C、汪新波D、姚鸿昌请选择此题答案: A B C D正确答案:A7、依照本讲,?爱的艺术?的作者是〔〕。

A、李镇西B、弗洛姆C、汪新波D、姚鸿昌请选择此题答案: A B C D正确答案:B8、依照本讲,获守信息技术中属于点对点的是〔〕A、拉技术B、推技术C、 P2PD、 BT请选择此题答案: A B C D正确答案:C9、依照本讲,三网合一不包括〔〕A、因特网B、播放电视网C、公共通信网D、万维网请选择此题答案: A B C D正确答案:D10、依照本讲,在市场经济问题上起作用的应该是〔〕A、行政体系B、行政管理C、市场体系D、行政执法请选择此题答案: A B C D正确答案:C11、国家利益的根本是〔〕A、仁恕忠恕B、均贫和寡安倾C、修己以安百姓D、爱人为本请选择此题答案: A B C D正确答案:C12、将一件事情相关的一些事写到卡片上,将这些卡片进行归类,这种方法叫做〔〕。



2023年南京学时继续教育专业课《数字经济工程(2)》课后作业(答案全)总分:100 及格分数:60 考试剩余时间:1时29分55秒单选题(共10题,每题3分)1、(B)是人机交互的重要接口。












2021工程发展与应用 测试题 四

2021工程发展与应用 测试题 四









































● 责任编辑:北海 mahemhe@
1 吐槽大会:谁是会展项目的“背锅侠”?
吐槽,已经成为了一种年轻的沟通方式。 会展业吐槽大会将于 9 月 28 日下午举办,为第十一届中国国际会议产业周《“会”言“会”语》 分论坛中的一个环节,吐槽的主题为“谁是会展项目的‘背锅侠’?”。 谁是会展项目的“背锅侠”?展会项目完成,资金回款一直不到位,谁来背这个锅?展台设计 与实际成品相违背,谁来背这个锅?会展项目落地执行时,困难重重,谁背锅?疫情影响,展会无 法按期举办,谁来背这个锅?主办方?场地方?展商?
中国会议 微评:谁是会展项目的“背锅侠”? 2 跨境电商展到底靠谱吗?
3 一则刷爆了今日朋友圈的红头文件 4 了解会展新规,才能“玩转”战法 5 这些主办单位都来了,你还在等什么?
6 疫情迎来拐点? 7 【知名企业采购】成都线下活动,邀您免费参加!
本刊讯(编辑 北海)8月23日上午9时,中国-上 海合作组织数字经济产业论坛(上合数字经济论坛)、 2021中国国际智能产业博览会(2021智博会)在重庆悦 来国际会议中心开幕。8月23日至25日,上合数字经济 论坛、2021智博会同期在重庆举办,互为平台、互为资 源、统筹活动、相互融合。
上合数字经济论坛主题为“发展数字 经济,促进共同繁荣”,由国家发展改革 委、科技部、工业和信息化部、商务部、上 海合作组织秘书处和重庆市人民政府联合 主办,外交部作为支持单位全程给予指导、 协调。除开幕式暨主论坛外,还将有合作 项目签约仪式、分论坛和主题展览等内容。
习近平强调,在上海合作组织成立20 周年之际,中国愿同各成员国弘扬“上海精
神”,深度参与数字经济国际合作,让数字 化、网络化、智能化为经济社会发展增添动 力,开创数字经济合作新局面。



比赛前两天密切关注天气预报,了解赛事当日天气情况,并对主办方通报天气情况 由负责人确定比赛是否按计划进
2 赛前获知暴晒高温。气象台作出高温警报。负责人可以选择停止比赛。须最迟在
当天活动开始前2个小时前 通过短信通知球员。
3 赛前获知雷暴雨。比赛延迟举行,或改日。须最迟在当天活动开始前2个小时前
桌上提前放好系上丝带的祈福卡,由主持人提倡, 各位嘉宾在上面写出祝福灾区人民的话,同时表 达战胜灾难的决心。
为灾区同胞祈福的同时调动现场气氛,达到嘉宾 间的最大范围交流
□ 服装规定
比赛时所有参赛选手必须穿着组委会发放的统一服装; (T恤和帽子在签到时发放,请自备休闲裤)
□ 练习场
总杆冠军 总杆亚军 总杆季军 净杆冠军 净杆亚军 净杆季军 一杆进洞奖
一杆最远奖 离洞最近奖
BB奖 巾帼奖 最佳风度奖 当日奖 最积极奖
可能发生的情况的处理: 1 球员迟到开球礼炮响了,距其开球时间还有10分钟,则安排送达出发地点;迟于
其所在组的出发时间,迟到者重新组织一组,不计算比赛成绩。 2 球员现场要求调组,婉言谢绝。 3 球手中途离场,比赛成绩无效。 4 球员没有带比赛相关用品的,可以在现场租用或购买。 5 获奖者没有参加颁奖仪式,可以由赛事组安排人代领。 6 VIP遇有特殊要求,由专职服务人员解决。 7 球员中暑,我们准备了藿香正气水,严重者送往医院。
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