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1. My Very First Mother Goose (鹅妈妈童谣无链接)
2. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
3. The Wheels On The Bus
4. Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed
5. Go Away, Mr. Wolf!
6. Down By The Station
7. Hop On Pop
8. Five Little Men In A Flying Saucer
9. Green Eggs And Ham
10. Henny Penny
11. Ape in A Cape: An Alphabet of Odd Animals
12. Ten Fat Sausages
13. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
14. Today is Monday
15. Hattie And The Fox
16. I Am the Music Man
【玩绘本】第9-16 周
17. Does a Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too?
18. Fox in Socks
19. Five Little Ducks
20. Dr. Seuss's ABC
21. Dry Bones
22. Go Away, Big Green Monster!
23. The Mixed-Up Chameleon
24. Sheep in a Jeep
25. Five Little Monkeys Sitting in A Tree
26. Goodnight Moon
27. Sheep in a Shop
28. Down In The Jungle
29. Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush,规范小朋友的日常生活就靠这本绘本了!
30. King Bidgood's In The Bathtub
31. Rosie's Walk,超多素材等你下载
32. Color Zoo,颜色、形状、动物认知,这本绘本就够了
33. The Napping House
34. We All Go Traveling By
【玩绘本】第17- 20 周
35. Creepy Crawly Calypso
36. Polar Bear,Polar Bear,What Do You Hear?
37. We're Going On A Bear Hunt
38. Guess How Much I Love You
39. The Very Quiet Cricket
40. Walking Through the Jungle
【玩绘本】第21- 24 周
41. Is Your Mama a Llama?
42.The Animal Boogie
43. The Foot Book
44. 自然拼读之字母发音:Kipper's A to Z An Alphabet Adventure
45. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
46. The Journey Home from Grandpa's
【玩绘本】第25- 28 周
47. Chicken Soup with Rice
48. On Market Street
49. Silly Sally
50. Each Peach Pear Plum
51. Papa,Please Get the Moon for Me
52. Quick As A Cricket
53. Eating the Alphabet:Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z
54. See You Later,Alligator
55. The Princess and the Dragon
56. I Am An Apple
57. I'm A Caterpillar 我是一只毛毛虫
58. The Little Mouse,The Red Ripe Strawberry,... 谁要吃草莓?【玩绘本】第29- 32 周
59. Balloonia
60. Presto Change-O
61. Tooth Fairy
62. Magic Shoelaces
63. Scaredy Cats
64. Twenty-Four Robbers
65. A Dragon On The Doorstep
66. Alligators All Around:An Alphabet
67. I'm a Seed
68. I Am A Star
69. Maisy Goes Camping
70. The Itsy Bitsy Spider
【玩绘本】第33- 36 周
71. Maisy's Christmas Eve
72. I Am Snow
73. I Am Water
74. I Am a Leaf
75. I Am Fire
76. Over in the Meadow
77. Love You Forever
78. Daisy Eat Your Peas
79. Handa's Hen
80. One Gorilla
【玩绘本】第37- 40 周
81. Do You Want T o Be My Friend?
82. I Am a Rock
83. I am Planet Earth
84. Row Row Row Your Boat
85. Handa's Surprise
86. The Solar System
87. The Sun
88. What's the Time,Mr.Wolf?
89. Earth
90. The Moon
91. Tomorrow's Alphabet
92. Where's My Teddy?
93. Comets
94. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
95. Owl Babies
96. Shooting Stars
【玩绘本】第41- 44 周
97. Ten Nine Eight
98. Where Does The Brown Bear Go?
99. Can't You Sleep, Little Bear
100. Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go To Sleep 101. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
102. If You Take A Mouse T o School
103. Kipper's Christmas Eve
104. Mouse Paint
105. Curious George Learns the Alphabet 106. If The Dinosaurs Came Back
107. Kipper's Monster
108. Madeline
【玩绘本】第45- 48 周
109. Miss Nelson is Missing
110. The Blue Balloon
111. The Runaway Bunny
112. Noisy Nora
113. Dinosaur Encore
114. Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type 115. If You Take A Mouse T o The Movies 116. If You Give A Moose A Muffin 117. If You Give A Pig A Pancake
118. If You Give A Cat A Cupcake
【玩绘本】第49- 52周
119. How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night 120. Madeline's Christmas
121. Snow
122. How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food 123. Madeline's Rescue
124. The Carrot Seed
125. How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? 126. Miss Nelson Is Back
127. Mr. Gumpy's Outing
128. How Do Dinosaurs Go To School 129. Miss Nelson Has A Field Day 130. Mr. Gumpy's Motor Car。
