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growth initial period,the contact angle slowly reduces,aRer enters the fast growth stage, the contact angle rapidly reduces,aRerwards the air bubble staits to be departed from the capillary tube orifice,the contact angle rapidly increases until the air bubble is break away.According to the conservation of mass,ideal-gas state equation and laplace equation,studied the variety rule ofthe contact angle when the air bubble Was in the fast growth stage.The calculated result showed that the contact angle rapidly minished wi也 the bubble growth.
capillary tubes under different condition Was experimentally investigated in this thesis
by using the hi曲-speed visual system.The mainly works and conclusions would be
气泡在亲水性毛细管和憎水性毛细管管口的生长脱离过程有着明显的 差异。气泡在憎水性毛细管管口生长时气固液三相接触线会随着气泡的长大 而发生沿毛细管管口径向迁移。另外,憎水性毛细管管口气泡的脱离体积要 小于亲水性毛细管管口气泡的脱离体积。
毛细管的倾斜会导致管口气泡在浮升力的作用下呈非对称性生长。毛细 管倾斜角度的增大使得管口气泡的脱离体积和脱离直径减小。另外,随着倾 斜角度的增大,在气泡脱离毛细管管口后,液体的回流量随之减少。
larger gas flow rate led to a larger bubble departure diameter and a smaller period of
bubble growth and departure.The volume of gas injection chamber has almost no
通过对相同实验条件下两种浸润性材料的毛细管管口气泡生长脱离过 程实验进行分析得知,随着液体流速的增大,亲水性毛细管管口气泡的脱离 周期的下降速度跟憎水性材料的毛细管管口气泡的脱离周期的下降速度基 本相同;而随着液体流速的增大,憎水性材料毛细管管口气泡的脱离直径的 降幅要大于亲水性毛细管。
(3)在不同气体流量条件下,利用高速摄影仪对双联毛细管管口气泡的 生长脱离以及相互影响情况进行可视化实验。研究和分析双联毛细管管口气 泡的生长脱离过程以及管口气泡问的相互影响情况。
(1)在液体流道内流体为静止状态条件下,研究了毛细管管径、毛细管 管壁浸润性、气体流量、注气室容积以及毛细管倾斜角度等因素对毛细管管 口气泡生长脱离过程的影响情况。依据气泡动力学理论,采用球状模型对气 泡在快速生长阶段中接触角的变化规律进行了理论计算和分析。
实验中发现毛细管管口气泡在生长过程中存在生长初期、快速生长期、 缓慢生长末期等三个区域,而对应的气一液相界面接触角在不同的生长阶段 具有不同的变化规律。在气泡生长初期,气液接触角缓慢减小,进入快速生 长阶段后,气液接触角迅速减小,随后气泡开始脱离毛细管管口,接触角迅 速增大直到气泡脱离毛细管管口。
The bubble departure diameter Was increased and the period ofbubble growth and departure was decreased with an increase in the internal diameter of capillary tube.A
The result data of the experiment,which studied the effect of the different soakage property on the air bubble growth and departure on the tip of capillary tube,showed that the processes of the air bubble growth and departure on the
过程进行实验研究和分析,讨论液体流速等参数对气泡在毛细管管口运动过 程的影响情况。
实验结果表明,气泡在浸润性不同的毛细管管口的脱离周期和脱离直径 都随着液体流速的增大而减小。另外,毛细管材料浸润性对气泡在液体流动 条件下的生长脱离过程的影响要小于液体滞止时毛细管材料浸润性对气泡 生长脱离的影响。由此可见,在动态环境中,液体运动对气泡所产生的横向 作用力是影响气泡生长脱离过程的主要因素之一。
dynamic theory Was introduced,and the variational curve of the contact angle was
calculated when the air bubble growth in the fast area.
The visual experiments showed that the bubble growth experienced three typical stages:the gradual growth stage,the speedup growth stage,and the speed-down growth stage accompanied by the corresponding variation of contact angle.In the air bubble
依据质量守恒定律、理想气体状态方程和拉普拉斯方程,对毛细管管口 气泡进入快速生长阶段后的气液接触角变化规律进行理论计算和分析,最终 得到的计算结果表明,气泡在快速生长阶段,气液接触角随时间迅速减小, 和实验测量得到的气液接触角变化趋势基本一致。
随着毛细管管径的增大,气泡的脱离直径随之增大,生长脱离周期减小; 气流量越大,气泡脱离直径越大,生长脱离周期越小;注气室容积变化对气 泡的脱离直径影响很小,但随着注气室容积增大,气泡的生长脱离周期增大。
vital significance for studying the heat tr'dusfer and mass transfer mechanism of the
two-phase flows in the porous material.The bubble growth and departure at the tip of
实验结果表明,当液体淹没双联毛细管管口时,在管内无气体流动情况 下,管径大的毛细管将成为液体通道,而管径小的则为气体通道;亲水管成 为液体通道,而憎水管成为气体通道;在有气体流动情况下,管径大的毛细 管成为气体通道,而管径小的则成为液体通道。当气室的进气流量增大时, 等管径的双联毛细管端口处气泡脱离直径变化很小,气泡的脱离周期则随之 减小,并且双联毛细管的气泡生长和脱离会发生明显的相互影响。液体流速 越大,气泡脱离越快,气泡的脱离直径则越小;在液体流速较大时,靠近流 体进口的毛细管管口气泡生长和脱离得到大幅度促进,从而导致下游毛细管 管口的液体回流现象。
hydrophilic capillary and hydrophobic capillary were different.When the air
bubble growed up on the hydrophobic capillary orifice,the interface between the gas phase,liquid phase and solid phase would move outward with the air bubble growth.In addition,the departure volume of the air bubble departed
two-phase flows in the process of air bubble movement.The main parameters used in
the mathematic model to describe the air bubble movement are the bubble departure diameter and the period ofbubble detachment,The air bubble dynamics research has the
deseribed嚣follows: (1)In the static liquid environment,the effects of the capillary diameter,the
hydrophilic characteristic ofthe capillary,the gas flux,the air chamber volume and the slope angle of capillary on the air bubble growth and detachment were investigated through the visible experimental study.A sphere model according to the air bubble

Air bubble dynamics is a branch discipline which gradually developed in the
modern times.It mainly studies the rule and the condition ofthe air bubble growth and departure process.From stodymg single air bubble formation,growth and departure process to obtain the heat transfer,mass transfer processes and the mechanism of the
重庆大学 硕士学位论文 毛细管管口气泡生长及脱离特性研究 姓名:包立炯 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:热能工程 指导教师:朱恂
中支学科,它主要研究气泡生长脱离 过程的规律和条件。从研究单个气泡的形成、生长和脱离过程入手,研究气 泡运动过程中气液两相流的传热传质过程和机理,在相关理论模型中用来表 征气泡动力过程的主要参数包括气泡脱离直径和脱离周期。气泡动力学的研 究对于弄清多孔结构材料界面处气液两相流动的传热传质机理具有重要意 义。本文主要利用高速摄影仪对不同条件下毛细管管口气泡的生长脱离过程 进行可视化实验研究。主要研究工作和结论如下:
influence on the bubble departure diameter while the period of bubble growth and
departure increased with the increase ofthe volume ofgas injection chamber.