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第1课 1)The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to his own research.同事〉有关联的 2)Chancellor John Wiley is asking the university community to help to implement a 3)In order to develop collaborations, do not wait to be asked by others; show initiative. Invite yourself along to other institutions in order to collaborate with people there.合作 4)In statistical terms a random sample is a set of items that have been drawn from population had an equal opportunity to appear in the sample. 统计〉无目的的 5)Some people think that manned space flights to pointless because they are too costly and too dangerous.无意义的 6)The University of Pittsburgh's Annual seminar on Jazz is an experience that combines the best in scholarship, performance, cultural diversity, and musicianship.对以后发展有巨大影响的研讨会 7)We guarantee a quality service at the best possible prices. If the goods are faulty, 保证 8)The habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge. I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts. 9)you can avoid being alone? Is there a sympathetic friend nearby 10) A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute a few years ago showed that one third of employees in the United States feel overworked, or overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do.压倒 11)An assessment of a learning outcome is valid to the extent that scores truly measure that outcome and are not affected by anything irrelevant to the outcome.有根据的 12)Motivation is the combination of desire, values, and beliefs that drives you 第2课 1)The most familiar measure of earthquake magnitudeis the Richter Scale, in which 大小、量 2)Any bus that is found to emittail gas excessive of state-prescribed standards will be shunned from service. 3)The skull and crossbones is used to denote a poison or highly toxic material.指示、表示 4) State and local governments, conservation and community groups to conserve and protect our precious natural resources and encourage sustainable development.可持续的 5)The local government is planning to relocate the fireworks stores in an area
far from neighborhoods.重新安置 6)消除 7)refrigerators and refrigerators (61%), and in small quantities in chemical synthesis (17%), as solvents (11%), in production of aerosols (8%) and in firefighting equipment (3%).耗尽 8)Following the success of the pilot project of converting waste plastic into fuel, this company is planning to finance this program.9)Animals look to their habitats to provide food, shelter, and protection from predators.栖息地 10)Desertification is a process where the productive potential of arid and semi-arid 沙漠化 11)Researchers have found evidence that high levels of mercury exposure while a child is still in the womb can cause lasting, irreversible brain damage.不可还原的 12)A recent study released by researchers from University of California shows that stress may accelerate the aging of cells, which makes people vulnerable to degenerative age-related diseases. 加速 第3课 1)wary of relationships as a result of her childhood experiences.小心 2)At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s, the US government made the misguided decision to build highways as a defense strategy, assuming suburbanization would protect the nation from catastrophic loss of life in the event of nuclear war.
灾难性的 3)坦率的 4)狂怒 5) Any attempt to
watchdog that might apply a degree 损害 6)People are are injured by others' carelessness.赔偿 7) Our teaching method an eclectic mix of the most recent innovations in language teaching methodology and is based on the latest findings in linguistic research.方法 8)Scientists have used an HIV-style combination of drugs to shrink cancer tumors resistant to standard treatment in lab tests.收缩 9)Today we will discuss whether English will retain , increase or lose its current global position.留住 10)Natural immunity is present when a person is immune to a disease despite not having either the disease itself nor any vaccination against it.免疫的 11)Knowing special words or acronyms means you're the member of an exclusive club, which, by definition, EXCLUDES all those people who don't know the jargon that you do.行话 12)Internet company Yahoo has revealed that it saw a 215 per cent rise in advertising revenues this last quarter.收入 1) ravished me.陶醉 2)A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.肥沃的 3)The main p oin submerged by unimportant details.淹没 4)eroded a gully along the slope.侵蚀> 5)
We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and 6)吞食 7)易受攻击的 8)The food was cold, the guests quarreled —the whole dinner was a catastrophe.大灾难 9)sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of 堆积物、存款 10补偿 11 plants must be protected from cold wind and frost. 精美的 12t have believed me if you hadn ’t backed up.支持 13)The company has really flourished since the chief engineer joined us.繁荣、茂盛 14)One of the ecological scientists says that the most effective agent in the extinction of species is the pressure of other species. more to do than to allow their imaginations to roam large.游荡、闲逛 16)This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial colouring.人造的 第5课 1)Health services enhance well-being by providing care, reducing distress and pain, 提高、加强 2)Mr. Parkinson said the report asked the Government to allocate sufficient frequencies for BR to operate cab radios effectively.分配3)All the indications are that WordPerfect 6, the upgrade to version 5.1, will follow a similar path.升级 4)Innovation and experimentation in the classroom, both in educational content and were discussed but there were few examples to be seen in practice.创新 5)In many areas there are relative concentrations of ethnic groups, Irish, Orthodox Pakistanis/Bangladeshis.种族的 6)At last she decided upon action, and set out one afternoon to clinch the matter.确定、抓住 7)Other treaties stipulate no conflicting obligations can be made, but without 规定 8)I thought that that was an opportunity to get promotion.提升、推销、广告 9)As a fledgling and young musician in Elgar regularly 无经验的、刚开始的 10)Contradict your boss in a big corporation, or fumble a marketing campaign, and you could lose your job.促销活动11)Although social arrangements constrain control us, they are still constructed and reproduced by human action.12)In the dyad specified and recognizable in terms of who gives what to whom.双边关系 13)Documents can be segmented sections, pages, paragraphs, or other manageable units.14) Obviously in such circumstances she is reluctant to leave.不情愿的 第6课 1)When I asked his advice, he pondered the matter and then told me to try again.思考 2)As it was the first time for me to fail the exam, Mother let me off the hook a mild reprimand. 脱离困境 3)The woods were aflutter with birds.飘扬的、激动的 4)A person who suddenly begins to steal may be in need of psychiatric treatment.精神病学的 5)I admit that my point of view on these things are certainly skewed by my own temperament and experience. 曲解6)The novel describes an extremely dicey on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog.泼溅 fraternal greetings to the trade union meeting.兄弟般的 9) Whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather.视情况而定 by the sad news.使相形见绌 11)We asked the artist so that we both could have a copy.复制、重复 12)Nowadays, more and more young people have a predilection for dangerous sports.偏好 第7课
1)The whole matter boils down to the fact that you two don't like each other.归结于、等于 实现、履行 3) I shall indulge natural in old men, to be talking of themselves. 倾向、爱好 4)One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you in the street.处罚、处于不利的地位 5)They suddenly found out that they had spent a disproportionate amount of their money on clothing.不相称的 6)Trapped in the cave by a fall of rock, the men kept up their morale by singing together.士气、精神 7)The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children's regular school work.继续下去 8)
Hard work is the cornerstone of success, that is to say, you must work diligently 鼓励、动机 辩论、争论 11) Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of the country.激烈的、12)The highest priority of governments has been given to the problem of heavy traffic.第8课
1)The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. 固有的、本质的 2)She recoiled at the sight of the snake. 退却、萎缩 3) and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours."限制 4)I venture to guess that Anon., who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman ”冒昧 5)The compulsion to protect the powerful from the discomfort of public disclosure feeds further abuse and neglect”强迫、压迫 6)Somewhere an electric fan droned without end”.发出嗡嗡的声音、闲荡 7) My uncle is inflicting himself on us again this weekend.使遭受、使承受 forlorn hope.绝望、被遗弃的 使残废、无能为力的 谆谆教诲 objects to doing what those in authority tell him to do.反抗的、叛乱的 13) In conformity with our rules and regulations, I am calling a meeting of our 第9课 1)When I went up to investigate it the floor caved in beneath me and I fell into the 调查、研究 2) Young people don't want to enter a hotel as a waiter or bar person, because of the demeaning stigma attached to the job, unlike Greece, Italy or Spain where it is 贬抑、压低 3)All these means of travel have their intrinsically interesting features largely generated by the method of movement cottages, milestones in the case of roads.本质上的 4)In transactional analysis (TA) it is assumed that our habitual ways of feeling and behaving largely stem the way we feel about ourselves in relation to other people.源自 5)We put together a prestigious judges from the world of fashion and beauty.有名望的 6)In that case the police searched under warrant the defendant's home for stolen jewelry.保证、担保 优势、卓越 8) However, both arguments there is a very loose connection between tense and time.假的、 伪造的、欺骗的9)The nests are intricat structures beautifully woven by the male birds, who then display on them to attract females to the nest.错综复杂的、难懂的 10)Vitamin A deficiency occurs in the presence of a grossly inadequate diet or when severe digestion problems exist.不足、缺乏 11)The speculation inevitably, was that Cat was Prince's new girlfriend, but she insists that their relationship was strictly professional.推测 12)Investors demand high returns to compensate for possible failure, making share 第10课 1)His mother’s deteriorate mental state put him in a dilemma, as he was reluctant to hand her over to the care of others, but knew he her properly himself.困境 2)In the film, the movements of the actors’ lips did synchronize the sounds of their words.使同步 3)From time to time, instructors have a student who is truly disruptivein the classroom, making it difficult or impossible for teaching to take place.破坏的 4) My father aspired the job of managing director, and was very much surprised when it was offered to him.渴望的、追求 5) We will be able to embark on a maiden unmanned mission to the moon within two and a half years.上船 6)Our focus is on supporting the poor and most marginalized to withstand crisis and strengthen their capacity to respond positively to risks in changing and largely hostile environments.使处于边缘、忽略 7)High unemployment, unstable and poorly paid jobs as well as poverty tear at the fabric of society and can unravel economies.社会结构 8)We know that some farming and land use techniques are not sustainable. For example, the Middle E ast used to be known as the “Fertile Crescent”, but now much of that land is desert.能维持的、可持续 9) A fiscal year or financial year is a 12-month period used for calculating annual financial reports in businesses and other organizations.财政10)The political party started the newspaper to propagate its ideas.传播、繁殖 11) Acid rain, meaning precipitation with a PH lower than 5.6, can erode buildings and harm crops. It can also lead to diseases like lung edema. Pure water has a pH of 7.0, while normal rain has a pH of 5.6.侵蚀 12)The adver e s health effects of lead are most severe for developing fetuses, infants and children. For infants and children, exposure to elevated levels of lead in drinking water can contribute to lowering of IQ, attention deficits, learning disabilities, loss of hearing and other physical or mental development problems.不利的、有害的。
