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some similarities between the higher education in the United Kingdom and United Stated: (1) both the purposes of higher education in the United Kingdom and in the United States are to impart knowledge and develop analytical skills for selected students. (2) The higher education in the United Kingdom and in the United States is more or less involved in the Church. (3) Both of the state of United Kingdom and the states of United States provide funding for higher education. (4) The higher education in the United Kingdom and in the United States both has three academic degrees: the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctor's degrees.
SCE(Scottish Certificate of Education)苏格兰教育证书 SEED(Scottish Executive Education Department)苏格兰执行教育部 SCE (Scottish Certificate of Education )苏格兰教育证书 SHEFC(Scottish Higher Education Funding Council)苏格兰高等教育基金管理 委员会 SQA(Scottish Qualifications Authority)苏格兰学历管理委员会 SVQ(Scottish Vocational Qualifications)苏格兰职业资格 TQA( Teaching Quality Assessment)教学质量评估 TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)英语外语教学 TAE(Teaching Assessment Exercise)教学质量评估 TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language ) )面向母语为非英语 者的英语教学课程 TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)英语外语考试(简称托福) TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)国际英语考试 UCAS((Universities and Colleges Admission Service)高等院校招生办公室 UKCOSA (The Council for International Education)英国国际教育委员会
IB(International Baccalaureate)国际高中毕业考试 IELTS(International English Language Testing System)国际英语语言测试系统( ISC(Independent Schools Council)私立学校委员会 IGCSE(International GCSE)国际普通中等教育证书 Independent Schools Council私立学校委员会 ISIS(Independent Schools Information Service)私立学校信息服务处 LCCI(London Chamber of Commerce & Industry)伦敦工商会 LEA(Local Education Authority)地方教育局 LLM(Master of Law) 法学硕士 MA(Master of Arts)文学硕士 MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士 M.Chem(Master of Chemistry)化学硕士 M.Ed(Master of Education)教育硕士 M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)工程硕士 M.Phil.(Master of Philosophy)研究硕士 M.Phys(Master of Physics)物理硕士
What mentioned above are the similarities between the higher education in the United Kingdom and United Stated, and there are also many differences between them: (1)Fund Universities in United Kingdom receive funds from cent government basing on their size, the number of student it teaches and the research it conducts, except the University of Buckingham, which is the only one private funded university in the United Kingdom. This is differen from the universities in the United States which, in addition to public universities, also have privately fund universities. Public universities are the universities operated by a state or local
M.Sc.(Master of Science)理学硕士 M.Res.(Master of Research)研究硕士 M.Sci(Master of Science)理学硕士(本科水平) NARIC(National Academic Recognition Information Centre)全国学术认证信息中 心 NHS(National Health Service)国民保健体系 NISS(National Information Services and Systems)全国信息服务系统 NUS(National Union of Students)全国学生联合会 NVQ(National Vocational Qualification)全国职业证书 ODA(Overseas Development Administration)海外发展管理局 OFSTED(Office for Standards in Education) Education)教育标准办公室 PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)教育学研究生证书 PAM (Professions Allied to Medicine)医学有关职业 PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)(教育学研究生文凭) PG Cert(Postgraduate Certificate)研究生文凭 PG Dip.(Postgraduate Diploma)研究生文凭 Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士 QAA(Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)高等教育质量保障局 QCA(Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)教学大纲和学历管理委员会 RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)科研水平评估
A contrast of higher education in the United States and Britain
第五组 黄晓娟2009031241 温旦苹2010031236 李红燕2010213142
Some vocabulary about higher education
• • Vocabulary of Britain higher education BAC(British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education)英国私立延续教育及高等教育认证委员会 BALEAP(British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes) 英国学术英语讲师协会 BASELT(British Association of State English Language Teaching)英国公立 英语语言教学机构协会 BATQI(British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions)英国英语教学合 格院校联合会 B.Eng (Bachelor of Engineering)工程学士 B.Sc.(Bachelor of Science)理学学士 BTEC(Business and Technology Education Council)工商及技术教育委员 会 CCEA(Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum,Examinations and Assessment)北爱尔兰教学大纲、考试与评估委员会 CIFE(Conference for Independent Further Education)私立延续教育联合 会 COSHEP(The Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals)苏格兰 高等教育校长委员会 CVCP(Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals)大学校长委员会 DENI (Department of Education Northern Ireland)北爱尔兰教育部 DfEE(Department for Education and Employment)教育与就业部 D.Phil(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士
EAP(English for Academic Purposes)学术英语 EAQUALS(European Association for Quality Language Service)欧洲语言教学质量服务机构 EiBA( English in Britain Accreditation Scheme)英国英语认证计划 EEA(European Economic Area)欧洲经济区 EIS(Education Information Service)教育信息服务处 ELSIS(English Language Service for International Students)外国学生英语语言教学 ELT(English Language Training)英语语言培训 ESL(English as a Second Language)英语外语教学 ESP(English for Specific Purposes)专用英语 FE(Further Education)延续教育 GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education)普通中等教育证书 GMAT(General Management Admission Test)管理专业入学考试 GNVQ(General National Vocational Qualification)全国通用职业资格 GSVQ(General Scottish Vocational Qualification)苏格兰通用职业资格 GTTR(Graduate Teacher Training Registry)毕业教师培训注册处 HE(Higher Education)高等教育 HEFCE(Higher Education Funding Council for England)英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会 HEFCW(Higher Education Funding Council for Wales)威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会 HND(Higher National Diploma)国家高等教育文凭