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小猪画一副画,最后画出来一个大怪物的作文Once upon a time, there was a little pig named Xiao Zhu who loved to paint. 从前,有一只叫小猪的小猪,他热爱绘画。

He spent hours each day in his cozy little studio, using his colorful paints and brushes to create beautiful works of art. 他每天都会花费几个小时在自己温馨的小工作室里,用五颜六色的颜料和画笔创作出美丽的艺术品。

One day, Xiao Zhu sat down at his easel and began to paint. He had a vision in his mind of a magnificent castle on a hill, surrounded by lush green trees and a clear blue sky. 有一天,小猪坐在画架前,开始作画。


But as Xiao Zhu continued to paint, he noticed that his brush seemed to have a mind of its own. The strokes it made on the canvas began to twist and turn in strange ways, forming a shape that Xiao Zhu did not recognize. 但是随着小猪继续作画,他注意到自己的画笔似乎有了自己


Curious and a little bit frightened, Xiao Zhu continued to paint, watching as the shape on the canvas grew bigger and more menacing with each stroke of his brush. He tried to stop, but it was
as if some unseen force was guiding his hand. 小猪既好奇又有些恐惧,但他仍然坚持作画,看着画布上的形状随着每一笔都变得越来越大,越来越具有威胁性。


Finally, when Xiao Zhu stepped back to admire his finished painting, he was horrified to see that the shape on the canvas had transformed into a giant, terrifying monster. It had sharp teeth, glowing eyes, and a dark, menacing presence that seemed to leap off the canvas and into the room. 最后,当小猪退后一步欣赏他的完成品时,他惊恐地发现画布上的形状已经变成了一个巨大的可怕怪物。


Terrified and bewildered, Xiao Zhu tried to erase the monster from the canvas, but no matter how he scrubbed and painted over it, the creature remained, its dark presence casting a shadow over his once
peaceful studio. 小猪既恐惧又困惑,他试图从画布上抹掉怪物,但无论他如何擦拭和重新涂抹,这个生物都留了下来,它的黑暗存在给他曾经宁静的工作室蒙上了一层阴影。

Every time Xiao Zhu looked at the painting, he felt a sense of dread and unease wash over him. The monster seemed to be alive, its eyes following him wherever he went in the room. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't focus on anything else but the terrifying presence that now inhabited his studio. 每当小猪看着这幅画时,他感到一股恐惧和不安涌上心头。



Days turned into weeks, and Xiao Zhu's once vibrant artwork was replaced by dark, twisted images of the monster that haunted his every waking moment. He felt like he was going crazy, consumed by fear and despair at the sight of the creature that he had unintentionally unleashed onto the world. 日子变成了周,小猪曾经充


In a last desperate attempt to rid himself of the monster, Xiao Zhu gathered all his courage and approached the painting one final time. With a trembling hand, he reached out and touched the canvas, whispering a plea for forgiveness and asking for the creature to leave him in peace. 在最后一次绝望的尝试中,小猪鼓起所有的勇气,最后一次走近那幅画。


And to Xiao Zhu's immense relief, the monster slowly began to fade away, its menacing presence shrinking back into the canvas until it was nothing more than a faint memory. With tears of gratitude in his eyes, Xiao Zhu finally felt the weight of fear lift from his shoulders, and his once peaceful studio was bathed in a warm, comforting light once more. 令小猪极大的放松的是,怪物开始慢慢消失,它的威胁性存在缩回到画布上,直到不再是一个淡淡的记忆。

