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本文从马克思与蒲鲁东交往关系的演变入手,以资本主义的“生产”为主线,十分 重视马克思重要著作的内在联系。在纵向上阐述了马克思(包括恩格斯)从《1844 年 经济学哲学手稿》到《哲学的贫困》的心路历程,并联系到后来的《资本论》。《1844 年经济学哲学手稿》由于受黑格尔和西方经济学者的影响,虽然对西方政治经济学展开 了研究,但是对政治经济学的研究对象并未科学确立。《哲学的贫困》以唯物史观为指 导,科学确立了政治经济学的研究对象问题;横向上研究了从《德意志意识形态》到《哲 学的贫困》中唯物史观“生产关系”范畴的确立过程,并联系到后来的《共产党宣言》。 《德意志意识形态》没有严格区分“交往关系”与“生产关系”,认为“交往关系”与 生产力是一对基本范畴,而《哲学的贫困》科学的确立了“生产关系”这一经济范畴, 并说明了生产力与生产关系的辩证运动,是唯物史观的成熟应用,从而说明了新世界观 公开问世的革命性与科学性。
This paper start to Marx and Proudhon’s evolution of their relationship and capitalist "production" as its main line, paying attention to the internal relations of Marx’s works. In the longitudinal direction explained the progress of Marx (including Engels) from 1844 Manuscripts to The Poverty of Philosophy and linked to the later Das Capital. Economic and philosophical manuscripts in 1844 due to the influence of Hegel and western economists, although launched the study of western political economics, the research object of political economics has not science established. The poverty of philosophy guided by the historical materialism, established the research object of political economics. This paper horizontal studied historical materialism "relations of production" establishment process, from the German Ideology to the poverty of philosophy, and linked to the later Manifesto of the Communist Party. German Ideology has not strict distinction between "communication relationship" and "relations of production", it consider that "communication relationship" with productivity is a pair of basic category, the poverty of philosophy established “relations of production" this economy category, and explains the dialectical movement of productivity
The poverty of philosophy is the successful combination of Marxist philosophy and political economy, and because of this combination, results of the scientific theory. It demonstrates the inevitability and revolutionary of scientific socialism. This paper based on the terms of “production” of capitalist society, in a holistic perspective to analyze The Poverty of Philosophy status in the development of Marxism ideological and the relationship between The Poverty of Philosophy and the Marxist theoretical system.
导 师 签 名:
资本主义社会的生产资料私有制,使工业无产阶级和工业资产阶级的矛盾日益凸 显。一些有识之士开始在资本主义社会这个大基础背景下探索解放工人的索要。于是出 现了各种各样的理论思潮。蒲鲁东思想就是其中之一,蒲鲁东代表小资产阶级反对资本 主义社会的大资产阶级,力图为工业无产阶级找到实现他们权利平等的理论工具。然而 蒲鲁东的理论却唯心了,缺乏资本主义社会生产的现实基础,使他的理论不能成为科学。 而马克思立》这部著作就是马克思主义唯物史观的第一次公开阐发,是马克思揭露蒲鲁东的 唯心史观和蒲鲁东不现实的小资产阶级政治经济学的伟大胜利,为科学社会主义的诞生 奠定了基础,是马克思主义创立的标志至少是重要标志。
and "relations of production", it is the mature application of historical materialism, and explains the revolutionary and science of new world view publicly published.
Key words: Marx; Proudhon; the poverty of philosophy; historical materialism; Theory of political economy; Marxism
绪 论 ........................................................................................................................................ 1
A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master
Candidate:Lu Shanshan Supervisor:Prof. Li Gang Chang’an University,Xi’an,China
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(一)选题依据及意义 ..................................................................................................... 1 (二)国内外研究现状 ..................................................................................................... 2 (三)研究方法 ................................................................................................................. 3 (四)创新之处 ................................................................................................................. 4
Owing to private ownership of capitalist society, the contradictions of industrial proletariat and industrial bourgeoisie is increasingly prominent. Some intellectuals began to explore some insight in order to liberate the workers in the background of capitalist society. All kinds of theoretical thought began to appear. Proudhon thought is one of them,Proudhon represents the petty bourgeoisie against the big bourgeoisie in capitalist society, trying to find industrial proletariat's theoretical tools to come true their rights equality. However, Proudhon's theory was idealistic and lacked real basis of capitalist social production, so that his theory is not a science. Marx based on the reality of the capitalist relationship of production, creating the historical materialism base on dialectical materialism. The book of The Poverty of Philosophy is the first public exposition of Marxist historical materialism. It is the great victory of Marx revealed Proudhon's idealism and unrealistic petty-bourgeois political economy, for the birth of scientific socialism laid the foundation and it is the creation's flag of Marxism, at least the important symbol.
《哲学的贫困》是马克思主义哲学与政治经济学的成功结合,并因这个科学的结合 得出了科学的理论,论证了科学社会主义的必然性与革命性。论文立足于资本主义社会 的“生产”方面,以全面的眼光来分析《哲学的贫困》在马克思主义思想史发展中的地 位和《哲学的贫困》与马克思主义理论体系创立的关系。
分类号:A8 10710-2012111028
李刚 教授
学科专业名称 马克思主义基本原理
论文提交日期 2015 年 5 月 5 日 论文答辩日期 2015 年 6 月 14 日
The Poverty of Philosophy and the formation of Marxism