Portfolio Management and Investment Analysis8


2018 CFA level 1 知识点——Portfolio Management

2018 CFA level 1 知识点——Portfolio Management

Portfolio ManagementPortfolio Management: An OverviewDescribe the portfolio approach to investing1.The portfolio perspective refers to evaluating individual investments by theircontribution on the risk and return of an investor’s portfolio.投资组合视角指的是通过投资组合对风险和回报的贡献来评估个人投资。

2.把所有钱用于买一只股票并不是一种portfolio perspective,把钱分散在多只证券中才能降低风险,增加收益。

3.One measure of the benefits of diversification is the diversification ratio. It iscalculated as the ratio of the risk of an equally weighted portfolio of n securities to the risk of a single security selected at random from the n securities.衡量多样化的好处之一是多样化比率。


4.If the average standard deviation of returns for the n stocks is 25%, and thestandard deviation of returns for an equally weighted portfolio of the n stocks is 18%, the diversification ratio is 18/25=0.72.Describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and needs of each1.Individual investor个人投资者就是个人为了满足生活目标而进行理财的投资者,是牺牲当前消费以期获得未来更高水平消费的个人。



Portfolio Management: An OverviewOne measure of the benefits of diversification is the diversification ratio. It is calculated as the ratio of the risk of an equally weighted portfolio of n securities (measured by its standard deviation of returns) to the risk of a single security selected at random from the n securities.例子:If the average standard deviation of returns for the n stocks is 25%, and the standard deviation of returns for an equally weighted portfolio of the n stocks is 18%, the diversification ratio is 18 / 25 = 0.72.Foundations and endowments typically have long investment horizons, high risk tolerance, and, aside from their planned spending needs, little need for additional liquidity.Banks seek to keep risk low and need adequate liquidity to meet investor withdrawals as they occur.Insurance companies invest customer premiums with the objective of funding customer claims as they occur. Life insurance companies have a relatively long-term investment horizon, while property and casualty财产和意外保险(P&C) insurers have a shorter investment horizon because claims are expected to arise sooner than for life insurers.Sovereign wealth funds refer to pools of assets owned by a government.A defined contribution pension plan is a retirement plan in which the firm contributes a sum each period to the employee’s retirement account.In a defined benefit pension plan, the firm promises to make periodic payments to employees after retirement.There are three major steps in the portfolio management process:Step 1: The planning step begins with an analysis of the investor’s risk tolerance, return objectives, time horizon, tax exposure, liquidity needs, income needs, and any unique circumstances or investor preferences.This analysis results in an investment policy statement (IPS)that details the investor’s investment objectives and constraints.Step 2: The execution step involves an analysis of the risk and return characteristics of various asset classes to determine how funds will be allocated to the various asset types.in what is referred to as a top-down analysis, a portfolio manager will examine current economic conditions and forecasts of such macroeconomic variables as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates, in order to identify the asset classes that are most attractive.Step 3: The feedback step is the final step. Over time, investor circumstances will change, risk and return characteristics of asset classes will change, and the actual weights of the assets in the portfolio will change with asset prices.Mutual funds are one form of pooled investments (i.e., a single portfolio that contains investment funds frommultiple investors). Each investor owns shares representing ownership of a portion of the overall portfolio. The total net value of the assets in the fund (pool) divided by the number of such shares issued is referred to as the net asset value (NA V) of each share.With an open-end fund, investors can buy newly issued shares at the NA V. Newly invested cash is invested by the mutual fund managers in additional portfolio securities. Investors can redeem their shares (sell them back to the fund) at NA V as well. All mutual funds charge a fee for the ongoing management of the portfolio assets, which is expressed as a percentage of the net asset value of the fund. No-load funds免佣基金do not charge additional fees for purchasing shares (up-front fees) or for redeeming shares (redemption fees). Load funds charge either up-front fees, redemption fees, or both.Closed-end funds are professionally managed pools of investor money that do not take new investments into the fund or redeem investor shares. The shares of a closed-end fund trade like equity shares (on exchanges or over-the-counter). As with open-end funds, the portfolio management firm charges ongoing management fees.T ypes of Mutual Funds:Money market funds invest in short-term debt securities and provide interest income with very low risk of changes in share value.Bond mutual funds invest in fixed-income securities. They are differentiated by bond maturities, credit ratings, issuers, and types.A great variety of stock mutual funds are available to investors. Index funds are passively managed; that is, the portfolio is constructed to match the performance of a particular index, such as the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. Actively managed funds refer to funds where the management selects individual securities with the goal of producing returns greater than those of their benchmark indexes.Other Forms of Pooled Investments:Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are similar to closed-end funds in that purchases and sales are made in the market rather than with the fund itself.【相同之处】【ETFs和close end fund不同之处】While closed-end funds are often actively managed, ETFs are most often invested to match a particular index (passively managed). With closed-end funds, the market price of shares can differ significantly from their NA V due to imbalances between investor supply and demand for shares at any point in time. Special redemption provisions for ETFs are designed to keep their market prices very close to their NA Vs.【ETFs和open end fund不同之处】ETFs can be sold short, purchased on margin, and traded at intraday盘中交易价prices, whereas open-end funds are typically sold and redeemed only daily, based on the share NA V calculated with closing asset prices.Investors in ETFs must pay brokerage commissions when they trade, and there is a spread between the bid price at which market makers will buy shares and the ask price at which market makers will sell shares.With most ETFs, investors receive any dividend income on portfolio stocks in cash, while open- end funds offer thealternative of reinvesting dividends in additional fund shares.One final difference is that ETFs may produce less capital gains liability compared to open- end index funds. This is because investor sales of ETF shares do not require the fund to sell any securities. If an open-end fund has significant redemptions that cause it to sell appreciated portfolio shares, shareholders incur a capital gains tax liability.A separately managed account is a portfolio that is owned by a single investor and managed according to that investor’s needs and preferences. No shares are issued, as the single investor owns the entire account.Portfolio Risk and Return: Part IHolding period return (HPR) is simply the percentage increase in the value of an investment over a given time period:The geometric mean return is a compound annual rate. When periodic rates of return vary from period to period, the geometric mean return < the arithmetic mean return:The money-weighted rate of return is the internal rate of return on a portfolio based on all of its cash inflows and outflows.Gross return refers to the total return on a security portfolio before deducting fees for the management and administration of the investment account. Net return refers to the return after these fees have been deducted.Note that commissions on trades and other costs that are necessary to generate the investment returns are deducted in both gross and net return measures.Pretax nominal return refers to the return prior to paying taxes.After-tax nominal return refers to the return after the tax liability is deducted.year when inflation is 2%. The investor’s approximate real return is simply 7 - 2 = 5%. The investor’s exact real return is slightly lower, 1.07 / 1.02 - 1 = 0.049 = 4.9%.A leveraged return refers to a return to an investor that is a multiple of the return on the underlying asset.The leveraged return is calculated as the gain or loss on the investment as a percentage of an investor’s cash investment. An investment in a derivative security, such as a futures contract, produces a leveraged return because the cash deposited is only a fraction一小部分of the value of the assets underlying the futures contract. Leveraged investments in real estate are very common: investors pay for only part of the cost of the property with their own cash, and the rest of the amount is paid for with borrowed money.small-capitalization stocks have had the greatest average returns and greatest risk over the period.Covariance measures the extent to which two variables move together over time. A positive covariance means that the variables (e.g., rates of return on two stocks) tend to move together. Negative covariance means that the two variables tend to move in opposite directions.Here we will focus on the calculation of the covariance between two assets’ returns using historical data.The covariance of the returns of two securities can be standardized by dividing by the product of the standard deviations of the two securities. This standardized measure of co-movement is called correlation and is computed as:A risk-averse investor is simply one that dislikes risk (i.e., prefers less risk to more risk). Given two investments that have equal expected returns, a risk-averse investor will choose the one with less risk (standard deviation).A risk-seeking (risk-loving) investor actually prefers more risk to less and, given equal expected returns, willchoose the more risky investment. A risk-neutral investor has no preference regarding risk and would be indifferent between two such investments.The variance of returns for a portfolio of two risky assets is calculated as follows:Note that portfol io risk falls as the correlation between the assets’ returns decreases. This is an important result of the analysis of portfolio risk: The lower the correlation of asset returns, the greater the risk reduction (diversification) benefit of combining assets in a portfolio. If asset returns were perfectly negatively correlated, portfolio risk could be eliminated altogether for a specific set of asset weights.For each level of expected portfolio return, we can vary the portfolio weights on the individual ass ets to determine the portfolio that has the least risk. These portfolios that have the lowest standard deviation of all portfolios with a given expected return are known as minimum-variance portfolios. T ogether they make up the minimum-variance frontier. On a risk versus return graph, the portfolio that is farthest to the left (has the least risk) is known as the global minimum-variance portfolio整体最小方差投资组合.Assuming that investors are risk averse, investors prefer the portfolio that has the greatest expected return when choosing among portfolios that have the same standard deviation of returns. Those portfolios that have the greatest expected return for each level of risk (standard deviation) make up the efficient frontier.An investor’s utility function效用函数represents the investor’s preferences in terms of risk and return (i.e., his degree of risk aversion).An indifference curve is a tool from economics that, in this application, plots combinations of risk (standard deviation) and expected return among which an investor is indifferent.a more risk-averse investor will have steeper indifference curves, reflecting a higher risk aversion coefficient. Combining a risky portfolio with a risk-free asset is the process that supports the two- fund separation theorem, which states that all investors’ optimum portfolios will be made up of some combination of an optimal portfolio of risky assets and the risk-free asset. The line representing these possible combinations of risk-free assets and theoptimal risky asset portfolio is referred to as the capital allocation line.Now that we have constructed a set of the possible efficient portfolios (the capital allocation line) Portfolio Risk and Return: Part IIThe line of possible portfolio risk and return combinations given the risk-free rate and the risk and return of a portfolio of risky assets is referred to as the capital allocation line (CAL).A simplifying assumption underlying modern portfolio theory (and the capital asset pricing model, which is introduced later in this topic review) is that investors have homogeneous expectationsDepending on their preferences for risk and return (their indifference curves), investors may choose different portfolio weights for the risk-free asset and the risky (tangency) portfolio. Every investor, however, will use the same risky portfolio. When this is the case, that portfolio must be the market portfolio of all risky assets because all investors that hold any risky assets hold the same portfolio of risky assets.只有与有效边界相切的那条才是CML。

MBA 英语名词解释

MBA 英语名词解释

商务英语名词解释整理第一章:Accounting can be defined as the collection and processing (analysis, measurement , and recording) of financial data about an organization and the reporting of that information.研究、收集、整理、回报机构财务信息过程的学科。

Financial accounting is concerned with the reporting and communication of a business’economic information to external stockholders.Management accounting is to provide performance information to business insiders.A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned by one person.A partnership is an unincorporated business that is owned by two or more persons known as partners.A corporation is a business that is incorporated and owned by stockholders or shareholders.The balance sheet is to report the financial position of a business at a particular point of time.静态报表,反映公司的资金来源及分布状况The income statement reports the profit performance of a business entity for a specified period of time.动态报表,反映了公司在某一时期的经营成果Statement of Cash flows reports cash flows from various activities.(from operating activities, from investing activities, from financing activities)第二章:Communication strategy:1.Set communication objective.munication Style: tell, sell, consult and join3.CredibilityAudience AnalysisIn order to think about the objectives for a given communication, you need to determine who the audience should be, what the audience members know about you and the topic, how they feel about it, and what sorts of appeals might work best.Message Strategy: direct approach and indirect approachChannel choice: Speaking and writingManagement communication refers to the communication within an organization, typically between the management and the employees.Corporate communication refers to how the organization itself communicates with outsiders. Functions within the discipline of corporate communication:Image and identity,, Corporate advertising and advocacy, Media Relations, Financial Communications, Employee Relations, Government Relations, Crisis Communication(Page.46)第三章Macroeconomics is the study of business forces in the aggregates, or on a national or global level.研究国家或全球经济总量的经济学分支。



CFA考试《CFA一级》历年真题精选30(附详解)1、Sato Kashingaki, CFA, is a financial advisor who practices in multiple jurisdictions. In his resident country, Country A, he is not required by law to hold a financial advisors license but he is required to uphold a fiduciary duty to his clients. In Country B, authorities require him to hold a financial advisors license but he is not expected to uphold a fiduciary duty to his clients. In Country C, authorities require both a financial advisors license and an asset management license in addition to upholding a fiduciary responsibility towards clients. In which of the three countries does Kashangaki have the duty to adhere to the CFA Code and Standards over local laws?【单选题】A.Country A.B.Country B.C.Country C.正确答案:B答案解析:“Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct,” CFA InstituteB is correct because Standard I – Professionalism requires CFA Members and Candidates to comply with the more strict law, rule or regulation in the event of conflicts of any applicable laws, rules and regulations (including the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct). Country B does not require a financial advisor to uphold a fiduciary duty (as is required by Country A and C); i.e. put the client’s interest before their own, therefore the CFA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct (Duty to Clients) would be applicable as it is the stricter of the two.2、Jennifer Ducumon, CFA, is a portfolio manager for high-net-worth individuals at Northeast Investment Bank. Northeast holds a large number of shares in Baby Skin Care Inc., a manufacturer of baby care products. Northeast obtained the Baby Skin Care shares when it underwrote the company’s recent IPO. Ducumon has been asked by the investment-banking department to recommend Baby Skin Care to her clients, who currently do not hold any shares in their portfolios. Although Ducumon has a favorable opinion of Baby Skin Care, she does not consider the shares a buy at the IPO price nor at current price levels. According to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, the most appropriate action for Ducumon is to:【单选题】A.ignore the request.B.recommend the shares after additional analysis.C.follow the request as soon as the share price declines.正确答案:A答案解析:“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA InstituteA is correct because Ducumon should refuse to recommend the shares because her opinion of the Baby Skin Care shares must not be affected by internal pressure. If Ducumon followed the request from the investment-banking department at her company, she would be in violation of Standard I (B) Independence and Objectivity. Ducumon must refuse to recommend the BabySkin Care shares until they are an attractive purchase based on fundamental analysis and market pricing.3、A twenty-year $1,000 fixed rate non-callable bond with 8% annual coupons currently sells for $1,105.94.Assuming a 30% marginal tax rate and an additional risk premium for equity relative to debt of 5%, the cost of equity using the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach is closest to:【单选题】A.9.9%.B.12.0%.C.13.0%.正确答案:B答案解析:“Cost of Capital,” Yves Courtois, CFA, Gene Lai, and Pamela Peterson Drake, CFAThe bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach is calculated by adding a risk premium to the cost of debt (i.e. the yield-to-maturity for the debt) making the cost of equity 12.00% (= 7% +5%).4、An investor purchases a 5 percent coupon bond maturing in 3 years for $102.80, providing a yield-to-maturity of 4 percent. At what rate must the coupon payments be reinvested to generate the 4 percent yield?【单选题】A.0%B.4%C.5%正确答案:B答案解析:“Yield Measures, Spot Rates, and Forward Rates”, Frank J. Fabozzi, CFAB is correct since the yield-to-maturity measure assumes that the coupon payments can be reinvested at an interest rate equal to the yield-to-maturity, in this case 4%.5、A factor that most likely measures a client's ability to bear risk is his or her:【单选题】A.time horizon.B.inclination to independent thinking.C.personality type.正确答案:A答案解析:A longer time horizon tends to imply greater ability to take risk.Section 2.2.16、Michael Allen, CFA, works for an investment management company and managesportfolios for a variety of retail and institutional clients for his firm, includinghis wealthy uncle, all of whom pay a management fee for his wrenceBrown, an analyst at a brokerage firm has recommended Allen a high yield hedgefund based on its historical performance.Allen purchases a large block of thishedge fund and allocates proportionately to all client portfolios, including hisuncle's portfolio.Has Allen most likely violated the Standards of ProfessionalConduct?【单选题】A.No.B.Yes, relating to suitability.C.Yes, relating to fair dealing.正确答案:B答案解析:因为Allen的叔叔也是他的客户,所以Allen需要公平地对待所有客户,包括他的叔叔。



为什么选择金融学这个专业英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Why I Want to Study FinanceHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 9 years old. I love playing video games, riding my bike, and reading comic books. But did you know that I also really like finance and money stuff? Yup, it's true! While other kids my age might think finance is boring, I find it super fascinating.Let me tell you why I've decided that when I grow up, I want to study finance and work in that field. It all started a couple years ago when my parents opened a savings account for me at the bank. Each week, they would give me a small allowance for doing my chores and let me decide how much to spend and how much to save.At first, I just thought having a savings account was neat because I could watch the numbers get bigger as I put more money in. But then my dad explained to me about interest rates and how the bank would pay me a little bit extra each month just for keeping my money saved there. That totally blew my mind!You mean I could actually earn more money just by being patient and not spending it all right away? From that moment on, I was hooked.I started paying way more attention to money - how we used it, where it came from, how people made investment decisions. My parents are really good about teaching me lessons on finance from an early age. We play games like Monopoly which helps me learn about earning, spending, saving, and investing. We also do fun activities like look through the finance section of the newspaper and track how different stocks are performing.One of the reasons I find finance so compelling is that it impacts literally everyone's life in very real ways. Money may not lead directly to happiness, but it sure does make a lot of things easier and more enjoyable when you have enough of it. Anyone who wants a decent life - a nice home, food, clothes, toys, vacations, etc. - has to understand how to earn, budget, and invest their money responsibly.I see finance as almost like a superpower that gives you options and opportunities that those who don't understand it simply don't have access to. With knowledge of finance, I could start my own business someday, make wise investments to grow my wealth over time, buy a home, take vacations wherever I want,provide for a family, donate to important causes, and so much more. But without those financial skills, life becomes much more difficult and your choices are far more limited.The more I learn about finance, personal finance, investing, banking, markets, and the complex economic systems that govern it all, the more I want to dive deeper into understanding it fully. Money might not be the MOST important thing in life, but it is definitely one of the most important things given how much it impacts our decisions, goals, and overall well-being. I mean, just think about how many problems and disagreements between people stem from money issues in some way.My dream job would be to work as a financial advisor or wealth manager, helping families and individuals to invest their money wisely for the future. I could use all the knowledge I gain from studying finance to give advice to others on managing their finances, planning for big expenses like college or retirement, investing in stocks/funds, saving for emergencies, and achieving their life goals. How cool would it be to have a career that allows me to help people, work with numbers, and be compensated well for my expertise all at the same time?Of course, I know that finance isn't just about getting rich quick or making tons of money to buy lots of toys (althoughhaving enough for video games would be great!). It's a complex field that helps govern so many aspects of our society and daily lives in ways we don't always see or appreciate. Banks, investment firms, insurance companies, tax laws, monetary policies, global trade - it's all connected to the movement and management of money through financial systems. You could say money makes the world go round.While other kids drool over their favorite superheroes or dream of becoming astronauts and firemen when they grow up, I find myself equally captivated by iconic financial figures like Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, or Jamie Dimon who have mastered the intricate skills of investing, portfolio management, and building business empires worth billions. To me, people like that are the real superheroes whose "powers" come from their ability to accumulate and deploy financial resources in ways that create immense value. That's the kind of impact I want to have someday through a career in finance.I may only be a kid now, but financial education is something I'm taking very seriously already. I know that if I want to achieve my goals of working in finance and being skilled at managing wealth, I need to start building that foundation of knowledge as early as possible. It's篇2Why I Want to Study FinanceHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I know I'm just a kid, but I already know what I want to study when I grow up - finance! I get asked a lot why I'm interested in such a grown-up subject at my age. Well, let me explain!It all started a few years ago when my mom took me to the bank with her. I was really curious about what was going on behind the big desk where all the bank employees were working. There were computer screens with numbers constantly changing, people were counting money, and everybody looked really busy and important.I asked my mom what they were all doing, and she explained that the bank is where people keep their money safe and can borrow money if they need it. The employees were keeping track of everyone's money and accounts. She said the bank used math and economics to manage people's money properly. That's when I first learned about finance!From that day on, I was hooked. I started paying closer attention any time money or banking came up on TV or in my schoolwork. In math class, I loved learning about things likeinterest rates, investments, and the stock market. At home, I would pretend to be a banker and make my own currency to practice counting money and giving out loans to my stuffed animals.My parents thought it was just a phase at first, but after a couple of years they realized I was really serious about finance! For my 9th birthday, they got me some kids' books that explained banking, economics and money management in a way I could understand. I read those books over and over.Last year, there was a field trip at school to a local bank branch. While the other kids were kind of bored, I was absolutely fascinated! I asked the bank employees a million questions about what they did each day, how they decided who to give loans to, what the computers and money counting machines were for, and more. The bank manager was really impressed by how interested I was at such a young age.So yeah, I'm honestly kind of a finance nerd even though I'm just a 10-year-old kid. I find the whole concept of money, banking, investing and economics super interesting. It's like a big, complicated game full of numbers, risks and opportunities. I love trying to figure out how it all works.My parents say I'm a bit of a "numbers person" and have always been good at math. But beyond that, I feel like studying finance could open up all kinds of opportunities for me in the future. I could work at a bank, start my own business, become a stockbroker, or any number of other careers that are all about managing money wisely.Of course, I know that finance and economics can get really complex, especially at the higher levels. But I feel like if I start learning about it now at a basic level, I'll develop a solid base of knowledge that will prepare me for more advanced concepts as I get older. Kind of like starting to read simple books as a kid gets your brain ready to comprehend harder literature as an adult.And who knows, maybe as I learn more about finance I'll discover a new area that really fascinates me, like currency trading or risk analysis. There are so many different paths I could take within the huge field of finance. That's really exciting to think about! To have that kind of flexibility to find my specific passion within a broader subject is really appealing.My friends don't totally get my obsession with finance and economics. To them, it just sounds boring and grown-up. But I think that's because they don't see how relevant andfundamental it is to everything in the world. Finance impacts everybody's life whether they realize it or not!Where does money come from? How do governments and big companies get funding? How do people save up for big purchases? How do banks decide who to approve for loans and credit cards? How can you make smart investments that grow over time? These are all core concepts of finance that shape the world we live in.So while my friends are obsessing over the latest toy craze or YouTube channel, I'm totally geeking out about finance. And I'm proud of it! Sure, I enjoy the same games, movies and activities as other kids. But I also have this unique passion that most adults don't even find interesting. How cool is that?Sometimes my parents joke that I'm an "old soul" who was just born into the wrong generation. Like I should have been a Wall Street banker or something back in the 80s. I just laugh it off, but who knows - maybe they're right! All I know is that I can't wait to start taking more advanced finance and economics classes as I get older.My dream is to eventually go to a top university to study finance, business or economics. From there, I could really pursue my passion in-depth and find what area of finance gets me mostexcited. Will I end up working at an investment firm? Running my own company? Managing finances for a sports team or celebrity? Only time will tell!But no matter what specific career I end up in, I know it will involve finance in some way. To me, finance is more than just numbers and money management. It's a way of looking at the world througha logical, analytical, risk-vs-reward lens. It's about understanding what motivates people and businesses when it comes to money. I find that perspective fascinating.So while other kids my age just think finance is about old guys in suits looking at spreadsheets, I see the bigger picture. Finance is an amazingly dynamic and impactful field that helps shape economies, fund innovation, and create opportunities. What could be more exciting than that for a young mind?I may only be 10 years old, but I've got big plans for the future. Sure, those plans revolve around something as "adult" and "boring" as finance and economics. But to me, it's anything but boring! It's a wide open field that combines my interests in math, problem-solving, money and human behavior into one incredibly compelling package.Who knows, maybe one day I'll be the next big financial advisor, investment guru or economics thinker? Or maybe I'lltake finance in a totally new, unexpected direction that reinvents the field! For now, I'm just going to keep devouring any information I can about finance while having plenty of typical kid fun too. The future is wide open!篇3Why I Want to Study FinanceHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I know I'm still just a kid, but I already know what I want to be when I grow up - a financial wizard! That's right, I'm going to study finance and learn all about money, banking, investing, and everything related to it.I got interested in finance a couple of years ago when my parents started explaining to me about saving and spending money wisely. They opened a kids' savings account for me at the bank and showed me how to deposit some of my allowance and birthday money in there. It was really cool to see my little pile of savings grow over time!Then last year, my dad let me pick a few stocks to invest in with some of my savings. He helped me research different companies and decide which ones looked promising. I picked a video game company, a toy maker, and a restaurant chain thatmakes my favorite burgers. It's been so fun checking how my stocks are doing and learning about the stock market.Money is kind of like a game or puzzle to solve. There are so many interesting things to figure out - how to save up enough for something you really want, which things are worth spending on versus cutting back, how to make your money grow by investing it wisely. Money makes the whole world go round, which is why finance impacts everything in life.Take buying a house for example. Houses cost a ton of money, so you usually need to take out a big loan from the bank called a mortgage. But mortgage rates can go up and down, and there are all kinds of different mortgage options to choose from with different fees, down payments, and rules. How do you pick the right mortgage that gives you the best deal? Finance professionals study that kind of stuff.Or what about starting and running a business? You need a solid financial plan with a budget, pricing strategy, investment funds, and more. Without finance know-how, it's easy for a new business to go broke. Money management is crucial for any company's success.There are also different areas of finance you can specialize in, which is cool. You could be an investment banker helpingcompanies go public or raise money. Or a financial analyst researching and making buy/sell recommendations on stocks and bonds. Personal financial advisors help regular people plan their savings, investments, taxes, and retirement. With so many options, finance is a field where you'll definitely stay interested and challenged.I think one of the best parts about studying finance is that it leads to careers that pay really well. After all, money experts are invaluable to businesses, investors, banks, and just about everybody! With a finance degree, you can secure a high-paying job right out of college and climb the ladder to an even bigger salary down the road. That financial security is important to give your future family a comfortable life.Money might not buy happiness exactly, but it does provide freedom, opportunity and choice in life. With a strong finance background, I'll be able to afford to live wherever I want, travel the world, donate to good causes, and really make the most of my dreams and ambitions. I could even use my skills to start my own company someday if I have a brilliant business idea!So that's why at this point, even though I'm just afourth-grader, I'm pretty set on pursuing finance as my career path. Counting money, investing, figuring out interest rates andstock values - that all sounds like a fun challenge to me. Way more interesting than a lot of other office jobs! I know finance will allow me to combine my skills in math, problem-solving, decision-making and working with people and numbers.Of course, I still have a lot of years of school ahead before I can become a professional in finance. But I'm already practicing good money habits and learning the basics through my own savings, stock picks, and paying attention when my parents discuss financial matters. Who knows, maybe I'll start a kid finance blog or YouTube channel to share my experiences and get others my age interested too!Finances impact every part of life - your house, your job, your vacations, your family's wellbeing, and how you'll spend your retirement years. By getting educated in finance, I'll be becoming an expert in one of the most useful, powerful, and lucrative fields out there. Just watch out world, this future financial whiz is on his way!篇4Why I Want to Study FinanceHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I know I'm still just a kid, but I've already decided what I want to study whenI grow up - finance! You might be thinking "Finance? That's kind of boring for a 10-year-old." But let me explain why I find it so fascinating.First of all, I love numbers and math. Ever since I was really little, I've enjoyed working with numbers and solving math problems. Finance is all about numbers - interest rates, stock prices, currency exchange rates. To me, it's like one big, exciting math puzzle!I also really like money. I'm not greedy or anything, but I think money is super interesting. Where does it come from? How does it get made? How do people use it and keep track of it? Finance helps answer those questions. The financial world is all about managing money - investing it, lending it, borrowing it, and trying to make more of it.Another reason I'm drawn to finance is because of the important role it plays in the world. Without finance and financial systems, our world couldn't function properly. Businesses need money to operate. Governments need money for things like building roads and schools. People need money to buy houses, cars, food, and other things they need to live. The finance world with its banks, stock markets, and other institutions keeps everything running smoothly.I find the stock market particularly fascinating. The idea of investing your money and potentially making a profit is so cool! I've started learning about how stocks work by practicing with a virtual trading account my dad set up for me. I love checking the prices, researching companies, and pretending to buy and sell shares. Who knows, maybe one day I'll become a stock trader or investment banker on Wall Street!Money management is another part of finance that really interests me. Things like budgeting, saving, investing for retirement - I want to learn all about it. My parents have tried teaching me, but the financial experts really know their stuff. I'd love to gain those skills and help people make smart choices with their money.Of course, I know finance isn't all fun and games. It's a challenging field that requires a lot of hard work, discipline, and sacrifice. Math, economics, accounting, statistics - those are just some of the difficult subjects I'll need to master. But I'm ready to put in the effort because I find the whole subject so rewarding.Some kids want to be athletes, artists, or astronauts when they grow up. That's great, but for me, I'd much rather spend my days analyzing financial data or discussing investment strategiesthan kicking a ball around or doodling pictures (I'm terrible at art anyway!). Just call me a number nerd, I guess!So while lots of people find finance dry or confusing, I can't get enough of it. To me, it's an endlessly interesting field that combines my love of numbers with real-world impact. Of course, I'm still young and might change my mind later. But for now, my goal is to become a finance expert - just don't expect me to handle your taxes until I get my qualifications!篇5Why I Want to Study FinanceHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I know I'm still just a kid, but I've already decided that when I grow up, I want to study finance in college. Finance is all about money, and who doesn't love money? I sure do!I got interested in finance a couple years ago. My parents started giving me an allowance of 5 a week for doing my chores around the house. At first, I just spent it all on candy and comic books. But then I had this great idea - what if I saved up my money instead of spending it right away?So I got this big glass jar and started putting my allowance in there each week. I didn't spend a single penny for months. And you know what happened? The jar got really heavy from all the coins! It was amazing to watch my little pile of money grow and grow.After a while, I had saved up 100 all on my own. 100! That's more money than I'd ever had at one time. I started thinking about all the cool stuff I could buy - new video games, Lego sets, you name it. But I had another idea that I thought was even better.I took my 100 to my dad and asked him if we could open upa savings account at the bank for me. He was really proud that I had saved up so much on my own instead of blowing it all. We went to the bank together and they set up an account just for me.The banker lady explained to me that by keeping my money in a savings account, it would earn interest over time. That means the bank would actually pay me a little bit extra just for keeping my money with them! How awesome is that?From that point on, I was hooked on finance and saving money. Every week I would rush to put my new allowance in myaccount. I loved watching the numbers go up as the interest accumulated.A couple years later, I've managed to save over 1,000 just from my allowance, birthday money, doing odd jobs, and the interest I've earned. Plus, the money I don't spend today will be worth even more tomorrow thanks to compound interest. Who knew saving up could be so fun and rewarding?That's when I realized I had to learn more about finance and money. How do banks really work? What's the stock market? How do you make smart investments? There's so much to learn about making your money grow through things like interest, investing, accounting, and more.Finance seems like the perfect field to study. You're basically learning aboutways to get paid just by being smart with your money. What other career lets you do that? I don't know about you, but making money just sounds way better to me than having to work for every single penny.Maybe I could be a financial advisor one day and help people manage their money. Or work as an accountant helping businesses and people keep track of their finances. Or go into banking and investments to figure out the best ways to growpeople's savings over time. There are so many options and opportunities!Whatever I end up doing, studying finance gives me the skills and knowledge to gain control over my money instead of it controlling me. I can learn how make smart choices to accumulate wealth over my lifetime through saving, investing, budgeting and more. Nobody wants to grow up and be broke, right?My friends think I'm a little weird for being so interested in money and finance at my age. To them, I just say "Keep playing video games then - I'll be the one hiring you some day with all the money smarts I gain." Then they stop making fun of me pretty quick!In all seriousness though, developing strong money habits and financial literacy at a young age puts me ahead of the curve. While other kids figuring out how to be money smart, I've already got a head start. The sooner you understand finance, the sooner you can make your money work for you through things like compound interest over time. Why wait to learn these crucial life skills?So that's why at 10 years old, my plan is to study finance in college and pursue a career in that field. Who knows, maybe I'llbe the next big financier, investor or money expert one day! All I know is that finance gives me the tools to build wealth and achieve my dreams, whatever they end up being. You've got to dream big if you want to live big, right? Well my big dream is to be financially free and secure. Studying finance is how I'm going to make that happen.What about you - are you going to figure out the money game and take control of your finances? Or let money control you for life instead? The choice is yours, but I've already made my decision. Finance all the way!。



投资管理制度英文1. IntroductionInvestment management is the process of managing various securities and assets in order to achieve specific investment goals for the benefit of investors. It involves the analysis, selection, and allocation of investment assets in line with the investor's objectives and risk tolerance. A well-defined investment management system is crucial for any organization that deals with investment assets, as it ensures proper management, monitoring, and reporting of investments.2. Objectives of Investment Management SystemThe primary objectives of an investment management system are as follows:- To maximize the returns on investment within the framework of the organization's risk tolerance- To effectively manage the investment portfolio by adhering to the investment policy and guidelines- To systematically monitor the performance of the investment assets and make necessary adjustments to the portfolio- To ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards- To provide transparent and accurate reporting on the investment activities to the stakeholders- To manage the investment-related risks and implement suitable risk mitigation strategies3. Key Components of Investment Management SystemA comprehensive investment management system typically consists of the following key components:3.1 Investment Policy StatementAn investment policy statement (IPS) is a crucial document that outlines the organization's investment objectives, constraints, risk tolerance, and the overall investment strategy. It serves as a guiding framework for the investment decision-making process and provides clarity on the investment goals and guidelines.3.2 Asset AllocationAsset allocation is the process of distributing the investment portfolio across various asset classes such as equities, fixed income securities, real estate, commodities, and alternativeinvestments. The asset allocation strategy is based on the investor's risk tolerance, investment horizon, and return expectations.3.3 Investment SelectionInvestment selection involves the identification and evaluation of specific investment opportunities within each asset class. This process may include conducting thorough research, financial analysis, and due diligence on potential investments to determine their suitability and alignment with the investment objectives.3.4 Portfolio Monitoring and RebalancingPortfolio monitoring involves tracking the performance of the investment portfolio against the established benchmarks and goals. It also includes regular review and assessment of the portfolio's asset allocation, risk exposure, and the overall investment strategy. Rebalancing the portfolio may be necessary to realign the asset allocation with the target levels and to capture any changes in the market conditions.3.5 Risk ManagementRisk management is an integral part of investment management, and it involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating the various types of risks associated with the investment activities. This includes market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk. Implementing risk management strategies is essential to safeguard the investment portfolio and minimize the potential losses.3.6 Performance ReportingPerformance reporting entails the generation of periodic reports that provide a comprehensive overview of the investment portfolio's performance, including investment returns, risk metrics, and other relevant information. Clear and transparent reporting is essential for the stakeholders to monitor the progress and make informed decisions.4. Investment Management ProcessThe investment management process involves a series of steps that collectively facilitate the management of the investment assets in line with the established investment policy and objectives. The following is an outline of the typical investment management process:4.1 Establishing Investment Objectives and PolicyThe first step in the investment management process is to define the investment objectives and constraints, as well as to establish the investment policy. This includes determining the target return, risk tolerance, investment horizon, and any specific guidelines for the investment portfolio.4.2 Asset Allocation StrategyBased on the established investment policy, the next step is to develop an asset allocation strategy that aligns with the investment objectives and risk tolerance. This involves determining the optimal mix of asset classes within the portfolio to achieve the desired risk-return profile.4.3 Investment Selection and ImplementationOnce the asset allocation strategy is in place, the investment team conducts a thorough analysis of potential investment opportunities within each asset class. This may involve evaluating individual securities, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other investment vehicles.4.4 Portfolio Monitoring and RebalancingAfter the investments are implemented, the investment team constantly monitors the performance of the portfolio, including the individual securities and the overall asset allocation. Regular portfolio reviews are conducted to assess the need for rebalancing the portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.4.5 Risk ManagementThroughout the investment management process, risk management strategies are implemented to identify, assess, and mitigate the various risks associated with the investment activities. This includes setting risk limits, using hedging strategies, and implementing diversification techniques.4.6 Performance Reporting and EvaluationPeriodic performance reports are generated to provide a comprehensive overview of the investment portfolio's performance, including investment returns, risk metrics, and other relevant information. The performance reports are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the investment strategy and to make any necessary adjustments.5. Roles and ResponsibilitiesWithin an organization, the investment management process involves a number of key roles and responsibilities that are critical for the successful implementation of the investment management system. The following are the typical roles and responsibilities in an investment management team:5.1 Chief Investment Officer (CIO)The CIO is responsible for overseeing the organization's overall investment strategy and ensuring that the investment activities are aligned with the investment policy and objectives. The CIO provides leadership and guidance to the investment team and is ultimately accountable for the investment performance.5.2 Investment CommitteeThe investment committee is a group of individuals responsible for making key investment decisions within the organization. This may include the CIO, portfolio managers, research analysts, and other senior executives. The investment committee reviews and approves the investment policy, asset allocation strategy, and specific investments.5.3 Portfolio ManagersPortfolio managers are responsible for managing the day-to-day investment activities within their assigned portfolios. This includes implementing the asset allocation strategy, selecting specific investments, and monitoring the portfolio's performance.5.4 Research AnalystsResearch analysts are responsible for conducting thorough research and analysis of potential investment opportunities. They provide valuable insights and recommendations to the portfolio managers, and they play a critical role in the investment selection process.5.5 Risk ManagersRisk managers are responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating the various risks associated with the investment activities. They work closely with the investment team to implement risk management strategies and safeguard the investment portfolio.5.6 Performance Reporting and ComplianceThe performance reporting and compliance team is responsible for generating periodic reports on the investment portfolio's performance and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. They provide accurate and transparent reporting to the stakeholders.6. Technology and ToolsTechnology and tools play a crucial role in the investment management process, as they enable efficient data analysis, performance tracking, and reporting. The following are some of the key technologies and tools commonly used in investment management:6.1 Portfolio Management SystemsPortfolio management systems are software platforms that provide tools for managing investment portfolios, including performance tracking, risk analysis, and compliance reporting. These systems enable the investment team to make informed decisions and monitor the investment activities.6.2 Data Analytics and Reporting ToolsData analytics and reporting tools help the investment team to analyze and interpret investment data, generate performance reports, and visualize the portfolio's performance. These tools provide valuable insights that aid in the decision-making process.6.3 Risk Management SoftwareRisk management software allows the investment team to identify, assess, and mitigate the various risks associated with the investment activities. This may include tools for measuring market risk, credit risk, and overall portfolio risk.6.4 Compliance and Regulatory Reporting SoftwareCompliance and regulatory reporting software helps the investment team to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. These tools facilitate the preparation of accurate and transparent reports for the stakeholders.7. ConclusionA well-defined investment management system is essential for effectively managing and monitoring investment assets to achieve specific investment goals. The investment management process involves establishing investment objectives, developing an asset allocation strategy, selecting and implementing investments, monitoring the portfolio's performance, managing risks, and reporting on the investment activities. The roles and responsibilities within an investment management team are critical for the successful implementation of the investment management system. Technology and tools play a crucial role in enabling efficient data analysis, performance tracking, and reporting. Overall, an investment management system provides the framework for making informed and disciplined investment decisions to optimize returns and manage risks.。



特许金融分析师(CFA )考试10门科目/章节详解2016-05-31刘霁CFAer回头想想学习CFA 也有两年的时间了。

身边的人越来越多地加入到CFA 考试的大军中,究竟一个CFA 考试或者证书能带给我们什么,能学到什么?从学习的角度来讲,CFA 主要是为未来希望从事股票分析师,基金工作者们定制的。

如果大家想大体学习了解目前市场上的金融工具与金融市场,CFA 也是推荐的。

CFA 涉及的广度很宽,固定收益,衍生品,股票分析研究,投资组合等等(具体的内容在后面的课程介绍中会有概要说明)。

对于数学不好的同学门也是个福音,CFA 数学涉及的比较浅显。

当然如果有些同学数学很强又对风险管理或者计量金融感兴趣的话,请去参考FRM 或者是CQF 。


CFA 课程框架:泽稷网校-财务金融证书在线教育领导品牌10门课程可以分成3个框架:基础框架:比如像道德,数量,以及经济学。



以下为详细的章节内容,大家可以详细的看出涉及到哪些知识点和相关领域;I. Ethical and Professional Standards(伦理和职业标准)A. Professional Standards of PracticeB. Ethical PracticesII. Quantitative Methods(定量方法)A. Time Value of MoneyB. ProbabilityC. Probability Distributions and Descriptive StatisticsD. Sampling and EstimationE. Hypothesis TestingF. Correlation Analysis and RegressionG. Time-Series AnalysisH. Simulation AnalysisI. Technical AnalysisIII. Economics(经济学)A. Market Forces of Supply and DemandB. The Firm and Industry OrganizationC. Measuring National Income and GrowthD. Business CyclesE. The Monetary SystemF. InflationG. International Trade and Capital FlowsH. Currency Exchange RatesI. Monetary and Fiscal PolicyJ. Economic Growth and DevelopmentK. Effects of Government RegulationL. Impact of Economic Factors on Investment MarketsIV. Financial Reporting and Analysis(财务报告与分析)A. Financial Reporting System (with an emphasis on IFRS)B. Analysis of Principal Financial StatementsC. Financial Reporting QualityD. Analysis of Inventories and Long-Lived AssetsE. Analysis of TaxesF. Analysis of DebtG. Analysis of Off-Balance-Sheet Assets and LiabilitiesH. Analysis of Pensions, Stock Compensation, and Other Employee BenefitsI. Analysis of Inter-Corporate InvestmentsJ. Analysis of Business CombinationsK. Analysis of Global OperationsL. Ratio and Financial AnalysisV. Corporate Finance(企业融资)A. Corporate GovernanceB. Dividend PolicyC. Capital Investment DecisionsD. Business and Financial RiskE. Capital Structure DecisionsF. Working Capital ManagementG. Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate RestructuringVI. Equity Investments(股权投资)A. Types of Equity Securities and Their CharacteristicsB. Equity Markets: Characteristics and InstitutionsC. Equity Portfolio BenchmarksD. Valuation of Individual Equity SecuritiesE. Fundamental Analysis (Sector, Industry, Company)F. Equity Market Valuation and Return AnalysisG. Closely Held Companies and Inactively Traded SecuritiesH. Equity Portfolio Management StrategiesVII. Fixed Income(固定收益产品)A. Types of Fixed-Income Securities and Their CharacteristicsB. Fixed-Income Markets: Characteristics & InstitutionsC. Fixed Income Portfolio BenchmarksD. Fixed-Income Valuation (Sector, Industry, Company) and Return AnalysisE. Term Structure Determination and Yield SpreadsF. Analysis of Interest Rate RiskG. Analysis of Credit RiskH. Valuing Bonds with Embedded OptionsI. Structured ProductsJ. Fixed-Income Portfolio Management StrategiesVIII. Derivatives(衍生产品)A. Types of Derivative Instruments and Their CharacteristicsB. Forward Markets and Valuation of Forward ContractsC. Futures Markets and Valuation of Futures ContractsD. Options Markets and Valuation of Option ContractsE. Swaps Markets and Valuation of Swap ContractsF. Credit Derivatives Markets and InstrumentsG. Uses of Derivatives in Portfolio ManagementIX. Alternative Investments(另类投资)A. Types of Alternative Investments and Their CharacteristicsB. Real Estate ValuationC. Private Equity/Venture Capital ValuationD. Hedge Fund StrategiesE. Distressed Securities/BankruptciesF. Commodities and Managed FuturesG. Alternative Investment Management StrategiesG. CollectiblesX. Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning(投资组合管理和财富规划)A. The Investment Policy StatementB. Modern Portfolio Management ConceptsC. Behavioral FinanceD. Management of Individual/Family Investor PortfoliosE. Management of Institutional Investor PortfoliosF. Investment Manager SelectionG. Economic Analysis and Setting Capital Market ExpectationsH. Tax Efficiency StrategiesI. Asset AllocationJ. Portfolio Construction and RevisionK. Risk ManagementL. Execution of Portfolio Decisions (Trading)M. Performance EvaluationN. Presentation of Performance ResultsEthics(一星推荐):不想多说,基本上都是CFA要求的规定,比如如何避免老鼠仓,如何保证你个人报告的独立性,如何对客户忠诚,Soft Dollar的处理等等。

CFA一级典型例题 Portfolio Management 投资组合管理

CFA一级典型例题 Portfolio Management 投资组合管理

Portfolio Management1.In general, which of the following institutions will most likely have a high need for liquidity and a short investment time horizon?A. BanksB. EndowmentsC. Defined benefit pension plansAnswer: ABanks have a short term horizon and high liquidity needs.2.Which of the following is least likely a part of the execution step of the portfolio management process?A. Security analysisB. Portfolio constructionC. Performance measurementAnswer: CPerformance measurement is a part of the feedback step of the portfolio management process. The execution step includes asset allocation, security analysis, and portfolio construction.3. Selected information about shares of two companies is provided below:Stock Standard Deviation Correlation of Returns Portfolio WeightsCable Incorporated 30% 0 68%GPTA Company 20% 32%The standard deviation of returns of the portfolio formed with these two stocks is closest to:A. 25.04%.B. 26.80%.C. 32.85%.Answer: APortfolio standard deviation =√(0.682)(0.32)+(0.322)(0.22)+2(0.68)(0.32)(0.65)(0.3)(0.2) = 0.2504.4.Which of the following statements is least likely to be an assumption about investor behavior underlying the Markowitz model?A. Investors maximize one-period expected returnB. Investors base their decisions solely on expected return and riskC. Investors have utility curves that are a function of expected returns and variance.Answer: AInvestors maximize one-period expected utility, and their utility curves demonstrate diminishing marginal utility of wealth.-1-5.Relative to an investor with a steeper indifference curve, the optimal portfolio for an investor with a flatter indifference curve will most likely have:A. a lower level of risk and returnB. a higher level of risk and returnC. the same level of risk and returnAnswer = BBecause a less risk-averse investor’s highest utility, given the low slope of his indifference curve, is likely to touch the capital allocation line at a point which would represent a portfolio with higher risk and more expected return.6. Which of the following statements is least accurate? An investor may construct a portfolio located on the capital market line (CML) by:A. investing a portion of his capital in the risk-free asset and the balance in a fully diversified portfolio of all equitiesB. investing a portion of his capital in the risk-free asset and the balance in a fully diversified portfolio of all risky assetsC. borrowing capital at the risk-free rate and investing all his capital plus all borrowed capital in a fully diversified portfolio of all risky assetsAnswer: AThis statement is incorrect. Portfolios located on the CML may be constructed by: 1) investing a portion of an investor’s capital in the risk-free asset and the balance in the market portfolio which consists of all risky assets, or 2) borrowing capital at the risk-free rate and investing all of an investor’s capital plus all borrowed capital in the market portfolio.7.A completely diversified portfolio will most likely result in the elimination of:A. systematic varianceB. unsystematic varianceC. both systematic and unsystematic varianceAnswer: BA completely diversified portfolio, such as the market portfolio, will eliminate all unsystematic risk. Systematic risk cannot be diversified away.8.The slope of the security market line (SML) represents the portion of an asset’s expected return attributable to:A. total risk.B. market risk.C. diversifiable risk.-2-Answer: BThe slope of the SML is the market risk premium, E(Rm) – Rf. It represents the return of the market less the return of a risk-free asset. Thus, the slope represents the portion of expected return that reflects compensation for market or systematic risk.9. The following table shows data for the stock of JKU and a market-index.Expected return of JKU: 15%Expected return of market index:12%Risk free rate: 5%Standard deviation of JKU returns: 20%Standard deviation of market index returns: 15%Correlation of JKU and market index returns: 0.75Based on the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), JKU is most likely:A. overvalued.B. undervalued.C. fairly valued.Answer = BβJKU= ρJKU,M×σJKU/ σM = 0.75×0.2/0.15 = 1.0 E(R JKU) = RFR + βJKU x (R M– RFR) = 0.05 +1 x (0.12 – 0.05) = 0.12 The required rate of return of JKU is 12% and the expected return of JKU is 15% therefore JKU is undervalued relative to the Security Market Line (SML). The risk-return relationship lies above the SML.10. Which of the following factors is least likely to impact an individual’s ability to take risk?A. Time horizonB. Personality typeC. Expected incomeAnswer = BAn individual’s ability to take risk is impacted by such factors as time horizon and expected income. Personality type is most likely to impact an individual’s willingness to take risk.-3-。

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (12)

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (12)

Chapter 12
The Components of Market Analysis
• This chapter is concerned with the market analysis portion of this process of the top-down, three-step market-industry-company investment process
– The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index – the Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index
• Other surveys of business expectaspending or inventory investment plans
Analytical Measures of Performance
• Diffusion Indexes
– – – – Trends Rates of change Direction of change Comparison with previous cycles
• Rates of Change
• Friedman (1969) suggested:
– A transmission mechanism through which changes in the growth rate of the money supply affect the aggregate economy – Fed Reserve plays the central role through the open market operation



FOUNDATION OF RISK MANAGEMENT1.Financial risk management:A.seeks to eliminate all financial risks.B.only focuses on managing market-related financial risks.C.is the process of reacting to financial losses in order to minimize losses.D.Is the process of detecting, assessing, and managing financial risks.2.The risk of sustaining significant losses due to the inability to take or exit a position at a fairprice is most likely:A.market riskB.liquidity riskC.operational riskD.credit event risk3.Risk management to reduce the probability of financial distress:A.always increases firm valueB.can increase firm value because financial distress has measurable costsC.is easily replicated by individual shareholdersD.cannot reduce the weighted average cost of capital4.Which of the following strategies may increase firm value?I.Reducing the potential costs of financial distress and bankruptcy.II.Reducing the weighted average cost of capital.III.Improving management incentives.IV.Reducing information asymmetries.A.Ⅰ and II onlyB.Ⅰ and Ⅲ onlyC.Ⅰ,Ⅱand Ⅳ onlyD.Ⅰ, Ⅱ, III and IV5.The role of risk management does NOT involve performing which of the following tasks?A.Make sure that the firm takes greater than the necessary amount of risk.B.Assess all risks faced by the firm.municate these risks to risk-taking decision makers.D.Monitor and manage these risks.6.Jim Sheehan manages a diversified portfolio containing forty stocks. The portfolio beta is1.05. Jim is considering adding the stock of ABC Inc. to the portfolio, and would fund thepurchase with cash already in the portfolio. ABC Inc. has a beta of 1.20, and is currently not part of the portfolio. Which statement about the resulting portfolio is TRUE?A.Systematic risk would increase, but the unsystematic risk would be unchanged.B.Systematic risk would decrease, but the unsystematic risk would be unchanged.C.Both systematic risk and unsystematic risk would be unchanged.D.Both systematic risk and unsystematic risk would both incease.7.In the context of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), systematic risk is best described asthe part of total risk:A.that is uncorrelated with the marketB.that can be reduced through diversificationC.for which investors can expect to be compensatedD.for which investors cannot expect to be compensated8.Which of the following statements about portfolio risk and diversification is least accurate?A.Not all risk is diversifiable.B.Unsystematic risk can be substantially reduced by diversification.C.Systematic risk can be eliminated by holding securities in a well-diversified internationalstock portfolio.D.None of above.9.All of the following are assumptions of the Capital Asset Pricing Model EXCEPTA.Each investor seeks to maximize the expected utility of wealth at the end of thatinvestor’s horizon.B.Investors can borrow and lend at the same risk-free rate.C.Investors have the same expectations concerning returns.D.The time horizons of investors are normally distributed.10.Markowitz Portfolio Theory is not accurately described as including an assumption that:A.risk is measured by the range of expected returnsB.for a given risk level, investor prefer higher returns to lower returnsC.investors base all their decisions on expected return and riskD.investors focus on utility maximization11.Gregg Goebel and Mason Eriksson are studying for the FRM examination. They have juststarted the section on Portfolio Management and Eriksson is having difficulty with theequations for the covariance (cov1,2) and the correlation coefficient (r1,2) for two-stockportfolios. Goebel is confident with the material and creates the following quiz for Eriksson.Using the information in the table below, he asks Erickson to fill in the question marks.Portfolio J Portfolio K Portfolio LNumber of Stocks 2 2 2Covariance ?cov1,2 = 0.020 cov1,2 = 0.003 Correlation coefficient r1,2 = 0.750 ??Risk measure Stock 1Std. Deviation1 = 0.08Std. Deviation1 = 0.20Std. Deviation1 = 0.18Risk measure Stock 2Std. Deviation2 = 0.18Std. Deviation2 = 0.12Variance2 = 0.09Which of the following choices correctly gives the covariance for Portfolio J and the correlation coefficients for Portfolios K and L?Portfolio J Portfolio K Portfolio LA. 1.680 0.002 0.076B.0.011 0.002 0.076C.0.011 0.833 0.056D. 1.680 0.833 0.056ing the Markowitz model, calculation of the portfolio standard deviation does not requirethe:A.expected rate of return on the market portfolioB.variance of each individual asset in the portfolioC.covariance between returns for all assets included in the portfolioD.all of above13.An investor has a same amount invested in each of the following four securities:Security Expected annual rate of returnW 0.10X 0.12Y 0.16Z 0.22The investor plans to sell Security Y and use the proceeds to purchase a new security that has same expected return as the current portfolio. The expected return for the investor’s new portfolio, compared to the current portfolio, will be:A. lower regardless of any change in the standard deviation of the portfolioB. the same regardless of any change in the standard deviation of the portfolioC. lower only if the standard deviation of the new security is lower than the standarddeviation Security YD. higher regardless of any change in the standard deviation of the portfolio14. An analyst gathered the following information about a portfolio comprised of two assets:If the correlation of returns for the two assets equals 0.75, then the expected return and expected standard deviation of the portfolio are closest to:Expected Return Expected Standard Deviation A. 12.5% 4.14% B. 12% 4.14% C. 12% 6.44% D. 12.5% 6.44%15. An investor is considering adding another investment to an existing portfolio. To achieve themaximum diversification benefits, the investor should add an investment that has a correlation coefficient with the existing portfolio closest to:A. –1.0.B. –0.5.C. 0.0.D. 1.016. Two investors, Mr. Black and Mr. White, have varying indifference curves. The indifferencecurve for Mr. White has a much steeper slope than the indifference curve for Mr. Black. All else being equal, both investors prefer less risk to more, and prefer higher returns to lower. Which of the following statements about the optimal portfolio and level of risk aversion for Mr. White , compared to Mr. Black, is TRUE ?AssetWeight %Expected ReturnE(R)Expected Standard DeviationE(σ)X 60 10% 8% Y 40 15%5%Optimal Portfolio Risk AversionA.Lower on the efficient frontier curve LowerB.Lower on the efficient frontier curve HigherC.Higher on the efficient frontier curve HigherD.Higher on the efficient frontier curve Lower17.Which of the following statements regarding the Markowitz efficient frontier is least likely tobe correct? The optimal portfolio for:A. a more risk-averse investor will be different from the optimal portfolio for a lessrisk-averse investorB.an investor is the portfolio that lies on the efficient frontier and provides her with thegreatest level of utilityC. a more risk-averse investor will lie inside the efficient frontier but will lie outside theefficient frontier for a less risk-averse investorD. a less risk-averse investor will lie inside the efficient frontier but will lie outside theefficient frontier for a more risk-averse investor18.As an investor continues to move upward on the efficient frontier, which of the followingbest describes the change in the:Slope of the efficient frontier? Incremental return per unit of incremental risk?A. Increase IncreaseB. Increase DecreaseC. Decrease DecreaseD. Decrease Increase19.An investor has a portfolio located on the capital market line to the right of the marketportfolio. Whether the portfolio is lending/borrowing or linear with the market portfolio?Linear with portfolio Lending/borrowingA.linear lendingB.linear borrowingC.nonlinear lendingD.nonlinear borrowing20.Fabrice Miro and Victoria Leete are studying for the FRM examination. Miro wants to testLeete’s understanding of the graph of the capital market line (CML) and the efficient frontier.He develops the following statements and asks her to identify the one that is FALSE.Assuming that Leete answers correctly, which statement does she select?A.The CML is not always straight.B.Investors move up and down the CML by varying the weightings of the risk-free assetand portfolio M by either lending or borrowing the risk-free asset.C.The market portfolio lies on the CML and has only unsystematic risk.D.All of above21.Which of the following statements about the market portfolio and the capital market line(CML) is least accurate? The market portfolio:A.assumes an equal amount is invested in each risky assetB.bears risk that is related to changes in macroeconomic variablesC.is perfectly positively correlated with other portfolios on the CMLD.none of above22.Assume the annual volatility of the market is 20% and a stock's annual volatility is 30%. Theß of the stock is 1.2. What are the correlation and covariance, respectively, between the stock and the market?CovarianceCorrelationA 0.8 0.048B 0.048 0.8C 0.8 Cannot be determined with the information givenD 0.048 Cannot be determined with the information givenA.row AB.row BC.row CD.row D23.As an investor continues to move upward on the capital market line, how will the slope of thecapital market line and the incremental return per unit of incremental risk, respectively, change?Slope of the Capital market line Incremental return per unit of incremental riskA.Decreases DecreaseB.Decreases Does not changeC.Does not change Does not changeD.Does not change Decrease24.The Fed is expected to raise interest rates. This will cause the security market line to:A.shift upwardB.shift downwardC.have a steeper slopeD.become a band25.Karissa Grossklaus recently joined an investment banking firm as a research analyst. One ofthe partners asks her to determine whether a certain stock, Park Street Holdings, isovervalued or undervalued, and by how much (expressed as percentage return). Grossklaus runs a regression and finds the following information on the stock:σ= 0.75, where m = market.mCov s,m = 1.30, where s = stock and m = market.The price today (P0) equals $45.00.The expected price in one year (P1) is $55.00.The firm typically pays no dividend.The 3-month Treasury bill is yielding 4.25%.The historical average S&P 500 return is 12.5%.Grossklaus reports that Park Street Holdings stock is:A.undervalued by 1.1%B.overvalued by 3.7%C.overvalued by 1.1%D.undervalued by 3.7%26. A portfolio manager wants to purchase stocks with betas that are greater than the market beta.He has asked his analyst to evaluate two stocks, Stock X and Stock Y, and determine if their betas are greater than the market beta. The following information about Stocks X and Y is available to the analyst:Stock X S tock YStandard deviation of returns 0.15 0.16Covariance between the return on the market and:0.014 0.021The return on the market is 0.12 and the standard deviation of returns on the market is 0.13. Which of the stocks should the analyst recommend?Recommend X Recommend YA.Yes NoB.No YesC.Yes YesD.No No27.With respect to the security market line, if two risky assets have the same covariance with themarket portfolio but have different estimated rates of return, the most conclusion is that the two risky assets have:A.the same amount of systematic risk, and both assets are properly valuedB.different amounts of systematic risk, and both assets are properly valuedC.the same amount of systematic risk, and at least one of the assets is either overvalued orundervaluedD.different amounts of systematic risk, and at least one of the assets is either overvalued orundervalued28.Portfolio Q has a beta of 0.7 and an expected return of 12.8%. The market risk premium is5.25%. The risk-free rate is 4.85%. Calculate Jensen’s alphaA.7.67%B. 2 70%C. 5.73%D. 4.27%29.Under CAPM, which of the following can investors choose for their portfolios?I.The risk free assetII.The market portfolioIII.Asset that maximize return relative to asset-specific riskIV. A portfolio (other than the market portfolio) on the efficient frontier of risky portfolios ⅠA.onlyB.andⅠⅡonlyC.Ⅱand Ⅲ onlyⅠⅡand ⅣonlyD.,30. A fund manager recently received a report on the performance of his portfolio over the lastyear. According to the report, the portfolio return is 9.3%, with a standard deviation of 13.5%, and beta of 0.83. The risk-free rate is 3.2%, the semi-standard deviation of portfolio is 8.4%, and the tracking error of the portfolio to the benchmark index is 2.8%. What is the difference between the value of the fund’s Sortino ratio (computed relative to the risk-free rate) and its Sharpe ratio?A. 1.727B.0.274C.-0.378D.0.65331.An investment manager is given the task of beating a benchmark. Hence the risk should bemeasuredA.in terms of loss relative to the initial investmentB.in terms of loss relative to the expected portfolio valueC.in terms of loss relative to the benchmarkD.in terms of loss attributed to the benchmark32. A portfolio manager returns 10% with a volatility of 20%. The benchmark returns 8% withrisk of 14%. The correlation between the two is 0.98. The risk-free rate is 3%. Which of the following statements is correct?A.The portfolio has higher SR than the benchmarkB.The portfolio has negative IRC.The IR is 0.35D.The IR is 0.2933.Which of the following statements about the Sortino ratio are valid?I.The Sortino ratio is more appropriate for asymmetrical return distributions.II.The Sortino ratio compares the portfolio return to the return of a benchmark portfolio.III.The Sortino ratio allows one to evaluate portfolios obtained through an optimization algorithm that uses variance as a risk metric.IV.The Sortino ratio is defined on the same principles as the Sharpe ratio, but the Sortino ratio replaces the risk free rate with the minimum acceptable return and the standarddeviation of returns with the standard deviation of returns below the minimum acceptablereturn.A.II and IIIB.I, III and IVC.I and IIID.I and IV34.You have been asked to evaluate the performance of two hedge funds: Global AssetManagement I and International Momentum II. Both are benchmarked to MSCI EAFE. The volatility of EAFE is 17.5% and the annualized performance is 10.6%. The risk-free rate is3.5%.Fund V olatility PerformanceGlobal Asset Management I 24.5% 12.5%International Momentum II 27.3% 13.6%Which of the two funds had a higher relative risk-adjusted performance (RAP) last year, and what is the RAP?A.International Momentum II, 9.97%B.International Momentum II, 9.07%C.Global Asset Management I, 9.93%D.Global Asset Management I, 8.85%35.Which concept gives a measure of historical value added per unit of risk taken and can be useful,among other tools, to risk managers?A.Tracking errorB.Model alpharmation ratioD.Heteroskedasticity36. A portfolio has an average return over the last year of 13.2%. Its benchmark has provided anaverage return over the same period of 12.3%. The portfolio’s standard deviation is 15.3%, its beta is 1.15, its tracking error volatility is 6.5% and its semi-standard deviation is 9.4%. Lastly the risk free rate is 4.5%. Calculate the portfolio’s Information Ratio (IR).A.0.569B.0.076C.0.138D.0.09637.You are given the following information about a portfolio and are asked to make arecommendation about how to reallocate the portfolio to improve the risk/return tradeoff.Asset ExpectedreturnStandardDeviationCurrentWeightCovariance ofPortfolio andAsset IReturnsMarginalReturnMarginalRiskMarginalReturn/Marginal riskRiskContributionAsset 1 7.10% 17.00% 38.70%1.43% 3.10%13.99%22.17% 5.41%Asset 2 8.00% 40.60% 6.20% 2.44% 4.00%23.93%16.71% 1.48% Asset 3 6.70% 44.80% 5.50% 2.39% 2.70%23.39%11.55% 1.29%Asset 4 6.90% 21.40% 14.60%1.41%2.90%13.86%20.92% 2.02%Risk free 4.00% 0.00%35.00%0.00%Which of the following the recommendations will improve the risk/return tradeoff of the portfolio?A.Increase the allocations to assets 1 and 3 and decrease the allocations to assets 2 and 4.B.Increase the allocations to assets 1 and 2 and decrease the allocations to assets 3 and 4.C.Increase the allocations to assets 2 and 3 and decrease the allocations to assets 1 and 4.D.Increase the allocations to assets 1 and 4 and decrease the allocations to assets 2 and 3.38.An analyst has compiled the following information on a portfolio:z Sortino Ratio: 0.82z Beta: 1.15z Expected return: 12.2%z Standard deviation: 11.9%z Risk-free rate: 4.75%What is the semi-standard deviation of the portfolio return?A.0.4%B.8.2%C.14.9%D.9.08%39.Will Lambert, FRM, is a financial risk analyst for Offshore Investment; he is preparing apurchase recommendation on Burch Corporation. According to the GARP Code of Conduct, which of the following statement about disclosure of conflicts is most correct? Lambert would have to disclose that:A.All of these choices require disclosureB.His wife own 2000 shares of Burch CorporationC.Offshore is a an OTC market maker for Burch Corporation ‘s stockD.He has a material beneficial ownership of Burch Corporation through a family trust40.The investment banking department of MLB&J often receives material nonpublic informationthat could have considerable value to MLB&J’s brokerage clients. To comply with the GARP Code of Conduct, MLB&J should most appropriatelyA.ensure that material nonpublic information is not disseminated beyond the firm’sinvestment banking, brokerage, and research departments.B.Contact the firms involved and request that they make this information available to thepublic before MLB&J allows its clients to trade in these securities.C.prohibit MLB&J analyst from making buy or sell recommendation on this information untilten business days after receipt of this informationD.restrict proprietary trading in the securities of companies about which the investmentbanking department has access to material nonpublic information11。



⾦融⼯程相关习题及答案Chapter 1 Market Organization and Structure PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 11. Akihiko Takabe has designed a sophisticated forecasting model, which predicts the movements in the overall stock market, in the hope of earning a return in excess of a fair return for the risk involved. He uses the predictions of the model to decide whether to buy, hold, or sell the shares of an index fund that aims to replicate the movements of the stock market. Takabe would best be characterized as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.2. James Beach is young and has substantial wealth. A significant proportion of his stock portfolio consists of emerging market stocks that offer relatively high expected returns at the cost of relatively high risk. Beach believes that investment in emerging market stocks is appropriate for him given his ability and willingness to take risk. Which of the following labels most appropriately describes Beach?A. Hedger.B. Investor.C. Information-motivated trader.3. Lisa Smith owns a manufacturing company in the United States. Her company has sold goods to a customer in Brazil and will be paid in Brazilian real (BRL) in three months. Smith is concerned about the possibility of the BRL depreciating more than expected against the U.S. dollar (USD). Therefore, she is planning to sell three-month futures contracts on the BRL. The seller of such contracts generally gains when the BRL depreciates against the USD. If Smith were to sell these future contracts, she would most appropriately be described as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.4. Which of the following is not a function of the financial system?A. To regulate arbitrageurs’ profits (excess returns).B. To help the economy achieve allocational efficiency.C. To facilitate borrowing by businesses to fund current operations.5. An investor primarily invests in stocks of publicly traded companies. The investor wants to increase the diversification of his portfolio. A friend has recommended investing in real estate properties. The purchase of real estate would best be characterized as a transaction in the:A. derivative investment market.B. traditional investment market.C. alternative investment market.6. A hedge fund holds its excess cash in 90-day commercial paper and negotiable certificates of deposit. The cash management policy of the hedge fund is best described as using:A. capital market instruments.B. money market instruments.C. intermediate-term debt instruments.7. An oil and gas exploration and production company announces that it is offering 30 million shares to the public at $45.50each. This transaction is most likely a sale in the:A. futures market.B. primary market.C. secondary market.8. Consider a mutual fund that invests primarily in fixed-income securities that have been determined to be appropriate given the fund’s investment goal. Which of the following is least likely to be a part of this fund?A. Warrants.B. Commercial paper.C. Repurchase agreements.9. A friend has asked you to explain the differences between open-end and closed-end funds. Which of the following will you most likely include in your explanation?A. Closed-end funds are unavailable to new investors.B. When investors sell the shares of an open-end fund, they can receive a discount or a premium to the fund’s net asset value.C. When selling shares, investors in an open-end fund sell the shares back to the fund whereas investors in a closed-end fund sell the shares to others in the secondary market.10. The usefulness of a forward contract is limited by some problems. Which of the following is most likely one of those problems?A. Once you have entered into a forward contract, it is difficult to exit from the contract.B. Entering into a forward contract requires the long party to deposit an initial amount with the short party.C. If the price of the underlying asset moves adversely from the perspective of the long party, periodic payments must be made to the short party.11. Tony Harris is planning to start trading in commodities. He has heard about the use of futures contracts on commodities and is learning more about them. Which of the following is Harris least likely to find associated with a futures contract?A. Existence of counterparty risk.B. Standardized contractual terms.C. Payment of an initial margin to enter into a contract.12. A German company that exports machinery is expecting to receive $10 million in three months. The firm converts all its foreign currency receipts into euros. The chief financial officer of the company wishes to lock in a minimum fixed rate for converting the $10 million to euro but also wants to keep the flexibility to use the future spot rate if it is favorable. What hedging transaction is most likely to achieve this objective?A. Selling dollars forward.B. Buying put options on the dollar.C. Selling futures contracts on dollars.13. A book publisher requires substantial quantities of paper. The publisher and a paper producer have entered into an agreement for the publisher to buy and the producer to supply a given quantity of paper four months later at a price agreed upon today. This agreement is a:A. futures contract.B. forward contract.C. commodity swap.14. The Standard & Poor’s Depos itary Receipts (SPDRs) is an investment that tracks the S&P 500 stock market index. Purchases and sales of SPDRs during an average trading day are best described as:A. primary market transactions in a pooled investment.B. secondary market transactions in a pooled investment.C. secondary market transactions in an actively managed investment.15. The Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts (SPDRs) is an exchange-traded fund in the United States that is designed to track the S&P 500 stock market index. The current price of a share of SPDRs is $113. A trader has just bought call options on shares of SPDRs for a premium of $3 per share. The call options expire in five months and have an exercise price of $120 per share. On the expiration date, the trader will exercise the call options (ignore any transaction costs) if and only if the shares of SPDRs are trading:A. below $120 per share.B. above $120 per share.C. above $123 per share.16. Which of the following statements about exchange-traded funds is most correct?A. Exchange-traded funds are not backed by any assets.B. The investment companies that create exchange-traded funds are financial intermediaries.C. The transaction costs of trading shares of exchange-traded funds are substantially greater than the combined costs of trading the underlying assets of the fund.17. Jason Schmidt works for a hedge fund and he specializes in finding profit opportunities that are the result of inefficiencies in the market for convertible bonds—bonds that can be conver ted into a predetermined amount of a company’s common stock. Schmidt tries to find convertibles that are priced inefficiently relative to the underlying stock. The trading strategy involves the simultaneous purchase of the convertible bond and the short sale of the underlying common stock. The above process could best be described as:A. hedging.B. arbitrage.C. securitization.18. Pierre-Louis Robert just purchased a call option on shares of the Michelin Group.A few days ago he wrote a put option on Michelin shares. The call and put options have the same exercise price, expiration date, and number of shares underlying. Considering both positions, Robert’s exposure to the risk of the stock of the Michelin Group is:A. long.B. short.C. neutral.19. An online brokerage firm has set the minimum margin requirement at 55 percent. What is the maximum leverage ratio associated with a position financed by this minimum margin requirement?A. 1.55.B. 1.82.C. 2.22.20. A trader has purchased 200 shares of a non-dividend-paying firm on margin at a price of $50 per share. The leverage ratio is 2.5. Six months later, the trader sells these shares at $60 per share. Ignoring the interest paid on the borrowed amount and the transaction costs, what was the return to the trader during the six-month period?A. 20 percent.B. 33.33 percent.C. 50 percent.21. Jason Williams purchased 500 shares of a company at $32 per share. The stock was bought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams had to pay interest on the amount borrowed at a rate of 2 percent per month. At that time, Williams receiveda dividend of $0.50 per share. Immediately after that he sold the shares at $28 per share. He paid commissions of $10 on the purchase and $10 on the sale of the stock. What was the rate of return on this investment for the one-month period?A. ?12.5 percent.B. –15.4 percent.C. –50.1 percent.22. Caroline Rogers believes the price of Gamma Corp. stock will go down in the near future. She has decided to sell short 200 shares of Gamma Corp. at the current market price of €47. The initial margin requirement is 40 percent. Which of the following is an appropriate statement regarding the margin requirement that Rogers is subject to on this short sale?A. She will need to c ontribute €3,760 as margin.B. She will need to contribute €5,640 as margin.C. She will only need to leave the proceeds from the short sale as deposit and does not need to contribute any additional funds.23. The current price of a stock is $25 per share. You have $10,000 to invest. You borrow an additional $10,000 from your broker and invest $20,000 in the stock. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what price will a margin call first occur?A. $9.62.B. $17.86.C. $19.71.24. You have placed a sell market-on-open order—a market order that would automatically be submitted at the market’s open tomorrow and would fill at the market price. Your instruction, to sell the shares at the market open, is a(n):A. execution instruction.B. validity instruction.C. clearing instruction.25. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particular stock. The bid and ask sizes are number of shares in hundreds.What is the market?A. 9.73 bid, offered at 10.14.B. 9.81 bid, offered at 10.10.C. 9.95 bid, offered at 10.02.26. Consider the following limit order book for a stock. The bid and ask sizes are number of shares in hundredsA new buy limit order is placed for 300 shares at ¥123.40. This limit order issaid to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.27. Currently, the market in a stock is "$54.62 bid, offered at $54.71." A new sell limit order is placed at $54.62. This limit order is said to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.28. Jim White has sold short 100 shares of Super Stores at a price of$42 per share. He has also simultaneously placed a "good-till-cancelled, stop 50, limit 55 buy" order. Assume that if the stop condition specified by White is satisfied and the order becomes valid, it will get executed. Excluding transaction costs, what is the maximum possible loss that White can have?A. $800.B. $1,300.C. Unlimited.29. You own shares of a company that are currently trading at $30 a share. Your technical analysis of the shares indicates a support level of $27.50. That is, if the price of the shares is going down, it is more likely to stay above this level rather than fall below it. If the price does fall below this level, however, you believe that the price may continue to decline. You have no immediate intent to sell the shares but are concerned about the possibility of a huge loss if the share price declines below thesupport level. Which of the following types of orders could you place to most appropriately address your concern?A. Short sell order.B. Good-till-cancelled stop sell order.C. Good-till-cancelled stop buy order.30. In an underwritten offering, the risk that the entire issue may not be sold to the public at the stipulated offering price is borne by the:A. issuer.B. investment bank.C. buyers of the part of the issue that is sold.31 . A British company listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange, announced the sale of 6,686,665 shares to a small group of qualified investors at £0.025 per share. Which of the following best describesA. Shelf registration.B. Private placement.C. Initial public offering.32. A German publicly traded company, to raise new capital, gave its existing shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for new shares. The existing shareholders could purchase two new shares at a subscription price of €4.58 per share for every 15 shares held. This is an example of a(n):A. rights offering.B. private placement.C. initial public offering.33. Consider an order-driven system that allows hidden orders. The following four sell orders on a particular stock are currently in the system's limit order book. Based on the commonly used order precedence hierarchy, which of these orders will have precedence over others?A. Order I (time of arrival of 9:52:01 ).B. Order II (time of arrival of 9:52:08).C. Order III (time of arrival of 9:53:04)34. Zhenhu Li has submitted an immediate-or-cancel buy order for 500 shares of a company at a limit price of CNY 74.25. There are two sell limit orders standing in that stock's order book at that time. One is for 300 shares at a limit price of CNY74.30 and the other is for 400 shares at a limit price of CNY 74.35. How many shares in Li's order would get cancelled?A. None (the order would remain open but unfilled).B. 200 (300 shares would get filled).C. 500 (there would be no fill).35. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particular stock:Ian submits a day order to sell 1,000 shares, limit £19.83. Assuming that no more buy orders are submitted on that day after Ian submits his order, what would be Ian's average trade price?A. £19.70.36. A financial analyst is examining whether a country's financial market is well functioning. She finds that the transaction costs in this market are low and trading volumes are high. She concludes that the market is quite liquid. In such a market:A. traders will find it hard to make use of their information.B. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market less informationally efficient.C. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the marketmore informationally efficient.37. The government of a country whose financial markets are in an early stage of development has hired you as a consultant on financial market regulation. Your first task is to prepare a list of the objectives of market regulation. Which of the following is least likely to be included in this list of objectives?A. Minimize agency problems in the financial markets.B. Ensure that financial markets are fair and orderly.C. Ensure that investors in the stock market achieve a rate of return that is at least equal to the risk-free rate of return. Chapter 2 Portfolio Management: An Overview PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 21. Investors should use a portfolio approach to:A. reduce risk.B. monitor risk.C. eliminate risk.2. Which of the following is the best reason for an investor to be concerned with the composition of a portfolio?A. Risk reduction.B. Downside risk protection.C. Avoidance of investment disasters.3. With respect to the formation of portfolios, which of the following statements is most accurate?A. Portfolios affect risk less than returns.B. Portfolios affect risk more than returns.C. Portfolios affect risk and returns equally.4. Which of the following institutions will on average have the greatest need for liquidity?A. Banks.B. Investment companies.C. Non-life insurance companies.5. Which of the following institutional investors will most likely have the longest time horizon?A. Defined benefit plan.B. University endowment.C. Life insurance company.6. A defined benefit plan with a large number of retirees is likely to have a high need forA. income.7. Which of the following institutional investors is most likely to manage investmentsin mutual funds?A. Insurance companies.B. Investment companies.C. University endowments.8. With respect to the portfolio management process, the asset allocation is determined in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step9. The planning step of the portfolio management process is least likely to include an assessment of the client'sA. securities.B. constraints.C. risk tolerance.10. With respect to the portfolio management process, the rebalancing of a portfolio's composition is most likely to occur in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step.11. An analyst gathers the following information for the asset allocations of three portfolios:Which of the portfolios is most likely appropriate for a client who has a high degree of risk tolerance?A. Portfolio 1.B. Portfolio 2.C. Portfolio 3.12. Which of the following investment products is most likely to trade at their net asset value per share?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.13. Which of the following financial products is least likely to have a capital gain distribution?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.14. Which of the following forms of pooled investments is subject to the least amount of regulation?A. Hedge funds.B. Exchange traded funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.15. Which of the following pooled investments is most likely characterized by a few large investments?A. Hedge funds.B. Buyout funds.C. Venture capital funds.Chapter 3 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 31. An investor purchased 100 shares of a stock for $34.50 per share at the beginning of the quarter. If the investor sold all of the shares for $30.50 per share after receiving a $51.55 dividend payment at the end of the quarter, the holding period return is closest to:A. - 13.0%.B. - 11.6%.C. - 10.1%.2. An analyst obtains the following annual rates of return for a mutual fund:The fund's holding period return over the three-year period is closest to:A. 0.18%.B. 0.55%.C. 0.67%.3. An analyst observes the following annual rates of return for a hedge fund:The hedge fund's annual geometric mean return is closest to:A. 0.52%.B. 1.02%.C. 2.67%.4. Which of the following return calculating methods is best for evaluating the annualized returns of a buy-and-hold strategy of an investor who has made annual deposits to an account for each of the last five years?A. Geometric mean return.B. Arithmetic mean return.C. Money-weighted return.5. An investor evaluating the returns of three recently formed exchange-traded funds gathers the following information:The ETF with the highest annualized rate of return is:A. ETF 1.B. ETF 2.C. ETF 3.6. With respect to capital market theory, which of the following asset characteristics is least likely to impact the variance of an investor's equally weighted portfolio?A. Return on the asset.B. Standard deviation of the asset.C. Covariances of the asset with the other assets in the portfolio.7. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the correlation of returns between the two securities is 0.40, the expected standard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 10.7%.B. 11.3%.C. 12.1%.8. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the covariance of returns between the two securities is - 0.0240, the expectedstandard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 2.4%.B. 7.5%.C. 9.2%.The following information relates to Questions 9-10A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:9. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the correlation between the two securities is equal to:A. - 1.0.B. 0.0.C. 1.0.10. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the covariance between the two securities is equal to:A. 0.0006.B. 0.0240.C. 1.0000.The following information relates to Questions 11-14An analyst observes the following historic geometric returns:11 . The real rate of return for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.8%.C. 5.9%.12. The real rate of return for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 4.3%.B. 4.4%.C. 4.5%.13. The risk premium for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.5%.C. 5.6%.14. The risk premium for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 3.5%.B. 3.9%.C. 4.0%.15. With respect to trading costs, liquidity is least likely to impact the:A. stock price.B. bid-ask spreads.C. brokerage commissions.16. Evidence of risk aversion is best illustrated by a risk-return relationship that is:A. negative.B. neutral.C. positive.17. With respect to risk-averse investors, a risk-free asset will generate a numerical utility that is:A. the same for all individuals.B. positive for risk-averse investors.C. equal to zero for risk seeking investors18. With respect to utility theory, the most risk-averse investor will have an indifference curve with the:A. most convexity.B. smallest intercept value.C. greatest slope coefficient.19. With respect to an investor's utility function expressed as:21=E(r)-2u A , whichof the following values for the measure for risk aversion has the least amount of risk aversion?A. - 4.B. 0.C. 4.The following information relates to Questions 20-23A financial planner has created the following data to illustrate the application of utility theory to portfolio selection:20. A risk-neutral investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.ExpectedStandard Deviation (% )28153021. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of- 2, the risk-seeking investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 2.B. Investment 3.C. Investment 4.22. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of2, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.23. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U =E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of4, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.24. With respect to the mean-variance portfolio theory, the capital allocation line, CAL, is the combination of the risk-free asset and a portfolio of all:A. risky assets.B. equity securities.C. feasible investments.25. Two individual investors with different levels of risk aversion will have optimal portfolios that are:A. below the capital allocation line.B. on the capital allocation line.C. above the capital allocation line.The following information relates to Questions 26-28A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:26. If the portfolio of the two securities has an expected return of15%, the proportion invested in Security 1 is:A. 25%.B. 50%.C. 75%.27. If the correlation of returns between the two securities is - 0.15, the expected standard deviation of an equal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 13.04%.B. 13.60%.C. 13.87%.28. If the two securities are uncorrelated, the expected standard deviation of anequal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 14.00%.B. 14.14%.C. 20.00%.29. As the number of assets in an equally-weighted portfolio increases, the contribution of each individual asset's variance to the volatility of the portfolio:A. increases.B. decreases.C. remains the same.30. With respect to an equally-weighted portfolio made up of a large number of assets, which of the following contributes the most to the volatility of the portfolio?A. Average variance of the individual assets.B. Standard deviation of the individual assets.C. Average covariance between all pairs of assets.31. The correlation between assets in a two-asset portfolio increases during a market decline. If there is no change in the proportion of each asset held in the portfolio or the expected standard deviation of the individual assets, the volatility of the portfolio is most likely to:A. increase.B. decrease.C. remain the same.The following information relates to Questions 32-34An analyst has made the following return projections for each of three possible outcomes with an equal likelihood of occurrence:32. Which pair of assets is perfectly negatively correlated?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.33. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that are equally-weighted, which pair of assets has the lowest expected standard deviation?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.34. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that are equally weighted, which pair of assets provides the least amount of risk reduction?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.35. Which of the following statements is least accurate? The efficient frontier is the set of all attainable risky assets with the:A. highest expected return for a given level of risk.B. lowest amount of risk for a given level of return.C. highest expected return relative to the risk-free rate.36. The portfolio on the minimum-variance frontier with the lowest standard deviation is:A. unattainable.。

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Choice with Risk

We now assume that an investor can rank lotteries

1. Preferences are a complete ordering 2. If p is preferred to q, then a mixture of p and r is preferred to the same mixture of r and q 3. If p is preferred to q and q preferred to r, then there is a mixture of p and r which is preferred to q and a different mixture of p and r which is strictly worse then q

et 1t ,2t ,3t ,4t ,
Choice with Risk
When time t is reached, one of these states is realized At the decision point (t = 0), it is not known which Decision maker places a probability on each event pt pt1, pt2 , pt3 , p4 t , The probabilities satisfy
Wealth in bad state
a=W Wealth in good state
Portfolio Choice



.Chapter 1 Market Organization and Structure PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 11. Akihiko Takabe has designed a sophisticated forecasting model, which predicts the movements in the overall stock market, in the hope of earning a return in excess of a fair return for the risk involved. He uses the predictions of the model to decide whether to buy, hold, or sell the shares of an index fund that aims to replicate the movements of the stock market. Takabe would best be characterized as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.2. James Beach is young and has substantial wealth. A significant proportion of his stock portfolio consists of emerging market stocks that offer relatively high expected returns at the cost of relatively high risk. Beach believes that investment in emerging market stocks is appropriate for him given his ability and willingness to take risk. Which of the following labels most appropriately describes Beach?A. Hedger.B. Investor.C. Information-motivated trader.3. Lisa Smith owns a manufacturing company in the United States. Her company has sold goods to a customer in Brazil and will be paid in Brazilian real (BRL) in three months. Smith is concerned about the possibility of the BRL depreciating more than expected against the U.S. dollar (USD). Therefore, she is planning to sell three-month futures contracts on the BRL. The seller of such contracts generally gains when the BRL depreciates against the USD. If Smith were to sell these future contracts, she would most appropriately be described as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.4. Which of the following is not a function of the financial system?A. To regulate arbitrageurs’ profits (excess returns).B. To help the economy achieve allocational efficiency.C. To facilitate borrowing by businesses to fund current operations.5. An investor primarily invests in stocks of publicly traded companies. The investor wants to increase the diversification of his portfolio. A friend has recommended investing in real estate properties. The purchaseof real estate would best be characterized as a transaction in the:A. derivative investment market.B. traditional investment market.C. alternative investment market.6. A hedge fund holds its excess cash in 90-day commercial paper and negotiable certificates of deposit. The cash management policy of the hedge fund is best described as using:A. capital market instruments.B. money market instruments.C. intermediate-term debt instruments.7. An oil and gas exploration and production company announces that it is offering 30 million shares to the public at $45.50 each. This transaction is most likely a sale in the:A. futures market.B. primary market.C. secondary market.8. Consider a mutual fund that invests primarily in fixed-income securities that have been determined to be appropriate given the fund’s investment goal. Which of the following is least likely to be a part ofthis fund?A. Warrants.B. Commercial paper.C. Repurchase agreements.9. A friend has asked you to explain the differences between open-end and closed-end funds. Which of the following will you most likely include in your explanation?A. Closed-end funds are unavailable to new investors.B. When investors sell the shares of an open-end fund, they can receive a discount or a premium to the fund’s net asset value.C. When selling shares, investors in an open-end fund sell the shares back to the fund whereas investors in a closed-end fund sell the shares to others in the secondary market.10. The usefulness of a forward contract is limited by some problems. Which of the following is most likely one of those problems?A. Once you have entered into a forward contract, it is difficult to exit from the contract.B. Entering into a forward contract requires the long party to deposit an initial amount with the short party.C. If the price of the underlying asset moves adversely from theperspective of the long party, periodic payments must be made to the short party.11. Tony Harris is planning to start trading in commodities. He has heard about the use of futures contracts on commodities and is learning more about them. Which of the following is Harris least likely to find associated with a futures contract?A. Existence of counterparty risk.B. Standardized contractual terms.C. Payment of an initial margin to enter into a contract.12. A German company that exports machinery is expecting to receive $10 million in three months. The firm converts all its foreign currency receipts into euros. The chief financial officer of the company wishes to lock in a minimum fixed rate for converting the $10 million to euro but also wants to keep the flexibility to use the future spot rate if it is favorable. What hedging transaction is most likely to achieve this objective?A. Selling dollars forward.B. Buying put options on the dollar.C. Selling futures contracts on dollars.13. A book publisher requires substantial quantities of paper. The publisher and a paper producer have entered into an agreement for the publisher to buy and the producer to supply a given quantity of paper four months later at a price agreed upon today. This agreement is a:A. futures contract.B. forward contract.C. commodity swap.14. The Standard & Poor’s Depos itary Receipts (SPDRs) is an investment that tracks the S&P 500 stock market index. Purchases and sales of SPDRs during an average trading day are best described as:A. primary market transactions in a pooled investment.B. secondary market transactions in a pooled investment.C. secondary market transactions in an actively managed investment.15. The Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts (SPDRs) is an exchange-traded fund in the United States that is designed to track the S&P 500 stock market index. The current price of a share of SPDRs is $113.A trader has just bought call options on shares of SPDRs for a premium of $3 per share. The call options expire in five months and have an exercise price of $120 per share. On the expiration date, the trader will exercise the call options (ignore any transaction costs) if and only if the sharesof SPDRs are trading:A. below $120 per share.B. above $120 per share.C. above $123 per share.16. Which of the following statements about exchange-traded funds is most correct?A. Exchange-traded funds are not backed by any assets.B. The investment companies that create exchange-traded funds are financial intermediaries.C. The transaction costs of trading shares of exchange-traded funds are substantially greater than the combined costs of trading the underlying assets of the fund.17. Jason Schmidt works for a hedge fund and he specializes in finding profit opportunities that are the result of inefficiencies in the market for convertible bonds—bonds that can be converted into a predetermined amount of a company’s common stock. Schmidt tries to find convertibles that are priced inefficiently relative to the underlying stock. The trading strategy involves the simultaneous purchase of the convertible bond and the short sale of the underlying common stock. The above process could best be described as:A. hedging.B. arbitrage.C. securitization.18. Pierre-Louis Robert just purchased a call option on shares of the Michelin Group. A few days ago he wrote a put option on Michelin shares. The call and put options have the same exercise price, expiration date, and number of shares underlying. Considering both positions, Robert’s exposure to the risk of the stock of the Michelin Group is:A. long.B. short.C. neutral.19. An online brokerage firm has set the minimum margin requirement at 55 percent. What is the maximum leverage ratio associated with a position financed by this minimum margin requirement?A. 1.55.B. 1.82.C. 2.22.20. A trader has purchased 200 shares of a non-dividend-paying firm on margin at a price of $50 per share. The leverage ratio is 2.5. Six monthslater, the trader sells these shares at $60 per share. Ignoring the interest paid on the borrowed amount and the transaction costs, what was the return to the trader during the six-month period?A. 20 percent.B. 33.33 percent.C. 50 percent.21. Jason Williams purchased 500 shares of a company at $32 per share. The stock was bought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams had to pay interest on the amount borrowed at a rate of 2 percent per month. At that time, Williams received a dividend of $0.50 per share. Immediately after that he sold the shares at $28 per share. He paid commissions of $10 on the purchase and $10 on the sale of the stock. What was the rate of return on this investment for the one-month period?A. −12.5 percent.B. –15.4 percent.C. –50.1 percent.22. Caroline Rogers believes the price of Gamma Corp. stock will go down in the near future. She has decided to sell short 200 shares of Gamma Corp. at the current market price of €47. The initial margin requirement is 40 percent. Which of the following is an appropriate statement regardingthe margin requirement that Rogers is subject to on this short sale?A. She will need to c ontribute €3,760 as margin.B. She will need to contribute €5,640 as margin.C. She will only need to leave the proceeds from the short sale as deposit and does not need to contribute any additional funds.23. The current price of a stock is $25 per share. You have $10,000 to invest. You borrow an additional $10,000 from your broker and invest $20,000 in the stock. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what price will a margin call first occur?A. $9.62.B. $17.86.C. $19.71.24. You have placed a sell market-on-open order—a market order that would automatically be submitted at the market’s open tomorrow and would fill at the market price. Your instruction, to sell the shares at the market open, is a(n):A. execution instruction.B. validity instruction.C. clearing instruction.25. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particularstock. The bid and ask sizes are number of shares in hundreds.What is the market?A. 9.73 bid, offered at 10.14.B. 9.81 bid, offered at 10.10.C. 9.95 bid, offered at 10.02.26. Consider the following limit order book for a stock. The bid and ask sizes arenumber of shares in hundredsA new buy limit order is placed for 300 shares at ¥123.40. This limit ordersaid to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.27. Currently, the market in a stock is "$54.62 bid, offered at $54.71."A new selllimit order is placed at $54.62. This limit order is said to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.28. Jim White has sold short 100 shares of Super Stores at a price of$42 per share. He has also simultaneously placed a "good-till-cancelled, stop 50, limit 55 buy" order. Assume that if the stop condition specified by White is satisfied and the order becomes valid, it will get executed. Excluding transaction costs, what is the maximum possible loss that White can have?A. $800.B. $1,300.C. Unlimited.29. You own shares of a company that are currently trading at $30 a share. Yourtechnical analysis of the shares indicates a support level of $27.50. That is, if the price of the shares is going down, it is more likely to stay above this level rather than fall below it. If the price does fall below this level, however, you believe that the price may continue to decline. You have no immediate intent to sell the shares but are concerned about the possibility of a huge loss if the share price declines below the support level. Which of the following types of orders could you place to most appropriately address your concern?A. Short sell order.B. Good-till-cancelled stop sell order.C. Good-till-cancelled stop buy order.30. In an underwritten offering, the risk that the entire issue may not be sold to the public at the stipulated offering price is borne by the:A. issuer.B. investment bank.C. buyers of the part of the issue that is sold.31 . A British company listed on the Alternative Investment Market of theLondon Stock Exchange, announced the sale of 6,686,665 shares to a small group of qualified invest ors at £0.025 per share. Which of the following best describesthis sale?A. Shelf registration.B. Private placement.C. Initial public offering.32. A German publicly traded company, to raise new capital, gave its existing shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for new shares. The existing shareholders could purchase two new shares at a subscription price of €4.58 per share for every 15 shares held. This is an example of a(n):A. rights offering.B. private placement.C. initial public offering.33. Consider an order-driven system that allows hidden orders. The following four sell orders on a particular stock are currently in the system's limit order book. Based on the commonly used order precedence hierarchy, which of these orders will have precedence over others?A. Order I (time of arrival of 9:52:01 ).B. Order II (time of arrival of 9:52:08).C. Order III (time of arrival of 9:53:04)34. Zhenhu Li has submitted an immediate-or-cancel buy order for 500 shares of a company at a limit price of CNY 74.25. There are two sell limit orders standing in that stock's order book at that time. One is for 300 shares at a limit price of CNY 74.30 and the other is for 400 shares at a limit price of CNY 74.35. How many shares in Li's order would get cancelled?A. None (the order would remain open but unfilled).B. 200 (300 shares would get filled).C. 500 (there would be no fill).35. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particular stock:Ian submits a day order to sell 1,000 sha res, limit £19.83. Assuming that no more buy orders are submitted on that day after Ian submits his order, what would be Ian's average trade price?A. £19.70.B. £19.92.C. £20.05.36. A financial analyst is examining whether a country's financial market is well functioning. She finds that the transaction costs in this market are low and trading volumes are high. She concludes that the market is quite liquid. In such a market:A. traders will find it hard to make use of their information.B. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market less informationally efficient.C. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market more informationally efficient.37. The government of a country whose financial markets are in an early stage of development has hired you as a consultant on financial market regulation. Your first task is to prepare a list of the objectives of market regulation. Which of the following is least likely to be included in this list of objectives?A. Minimize agency problems in the financial markets.B. Ensure that financial markets are fair and orderly.C. Ensure that investors in the stock market achieve a rate of return that is atleast equal to the risk-free rate of return.Chapter 2 Portfolio Management: An Overview PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 21. Investors should use a portfolio approach to:A. reduce risk.B. monitor risk.C. eliminate risk.2. Which of the following is the best reason for an investor to be concerned with the composition of a portfolio?A. Risk reduction.B. Downside risk protection.C. Avoidance of investment disasters.3. With respect to the formation of portfolios, which of the following statements is most accurate?A. Portfolios affect risk less than returns.B. Portfolios affect risk more than returns.C. Portfolios affect risk and returns equally.4. Which of the following institutions will on average have the greatest need for liquidity?A. Banks.B. Investment companies.C. Non-life insurance companies.5. Which of the following institutional investors will most likely have the longest time horizon?A. Defined benefit plan.B. University endowment.C. Life insurance company.6. A defined benefit plan with a large number of retirees is likely to have a high need forA. income.B. liquidity.C. insurance.7. Which of the following institutional investors is most likely to manage investments in mutual funds?A. Insurance companies.B. Investment companies.C. University endowments.8. With respect to the portfolio management process, the asset allocation is determined in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step9. The planning step of the portfolio management process is least likely to include an assessment of the client'sA. securities.B. constraints.C. risk tolerance.10. With respect to the portfolio management process, the rebalancing ofa portfolio's composition is most likely to occur in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step.11. An analyst gathers the following information for the asset allocations of three portfolios:Which of the portfolios is most likely appropriate for a client who has a high degree of risk tolerance?A. Portfolio 1.B. Portfolio 2.C. Portfolio 3.12. Which of the following investment products is most likely to trade at their net asset value per share?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.13. Which of the following financial products is least likely to have a capital gain distribution?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.14. Which of the following forms of pooled investments is subject to the least amount of regulation?A. Hedge funds.B. Exchange traded funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.15. Which of the following pooled investments is most likely characterized by a few large investments?A. Hedge funds.B. Buyout funds.C. Venture capital funds.Chapter 3 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 31. An investor purchased 100 shares of a stock for $34.50 per share at the beginning of the quarter. If the investor sold all of the shares for $30.50 per share after receiving a $51.55 dividend payment at the end of the quarter, the holding period return is closest to:A. - 13.0%.B. - 11.6%.C. - 10.1%.2. An analyst obtains the following annual rates of return for a mutual fund:The fund's holding period return over the three-year period is closest to:A. 0.18%.B. 0.55%.C. 0.67%.3. An analyst observes the following annual rates of return for a hedge fund:The hedge fund's annual geometric mean return is closest to:A. 0.52%.B. 1.02%.C. 2.67%.4. Which of the following return calculating methods is best for evaluating theannualized returns of a buy-and-hold strategy of an investor who has made annual deposits to an account for each of the last five years?A. Geometric mean return.B. Arithmetic mean return.C. Money-weighted return.5. An investor evaluating the returns of three recently formed exchange-traded funds gathers the following information:The ETF with the highest annualized rate of return is:A. ETF 1.B. ETF 2.C. ETF 3.6. With respect to capital market theory, which of the following asset characteristics is least likely to impact the variance of an investor's equally weighted portfolio?A. Return on the asset.B. Standard deviation of the asset.C. Covariances of the asset with the other assets in the portfolio.7. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the correlation of returns between the two securities is 0.40, the expected standard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 10.7%.B. 11.3%.C. 12.1%.8. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the covariance of returns between the two securities is - 0.0240, the expected standard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 2.4%.B. 7.5%.C. 9.2%.The following information relates to Questions 9-10A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:9. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the correlation between the two securities is equal to:A. - 1.0.B. 0.0.C. 1.0.10. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the covariance between the two securities is equal to:A. 0.0006.B. 0.0240.C. 1.0000.The following information relates to Questions 11-14An analyst observes the following historic geometric returns:11 . The real rate of return for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.8%.C. 5.9%.12. The real rate of return for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 4.3%.B. 4.4%.C. 4.5%.13. The risk premium for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.5%.C. 5.6%.14. The risk premium for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 3.5%.B. 3.9%.C. 4.0%.15. With respect to trading costs, liquidity is least likely to impact the:A. stock price.B. bid-ask spreads.C. brokerage commissions.16. Evidence of risk aversion is best illustrated by a risk-return relationship that is:A. negative.B. neutral.C. positive.17. With respect to risk-averse investors, a risk-free asset will generatea numerical utility that is:A. the same for all individuals.B. positive for risk-averse investors.C. equal to zero for risk seeking investors18. With respect to utility theory, the most risk-averse investor will have an indifference curve with the:A. most convexity.B. smallest intercept value.C. greatest slope coefficient.19. With respect to an investor's utility function expressedas:21=E(r)-2u A , which of the following values for the measure for riskaversion has the least amount of risk aversion?A. - 4.B. 0.C. 4.The following information relates to Questions 20-23A financial planner has created the following data to illustrate the application of utility theory to portfolio selection:20. A risk-neutral investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.ExpectedStandard Deviation (% )28153021. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of- 2, the risk-seeking investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 2.B. Investment 3.C. Investment 4.22. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of2, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.23. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U =E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of4, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.24. With respect to the mean-variance portfolio theory, the capital allocation line, CAL, is the combination of the risk-free asset and a portfolio of all:A. risky assets.B. equity securities.C. feasible investments.25. Two individual investors with different levels of risk aversion will have optimalportfolios that are:A. below the capital allocation line.B. on the capital allocation line.C. above the capital allocation line.The following information relates to Questions 26-28A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:26. If the portfolio of the two securities has an expected return of15%, the proportion invested in Security 1 is:A. 25%.B. 50%.C. 75%.27. If the correlation of returns between the two securities is - 0.15, the expected standard deviation of an equal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 13.04%.B. 13.60%.C. 13.87%.28. If the two securities are uncorrelated, the expected standard deviation of an equal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 14.00%.B. 14.14%.C. 20.00%.29. As the number of assets in an equally-weighted portfolio increases, the contribution of each individual asset's variance to the volatility of the portfolio:A. increases.B. decreases.C. remains the same.30. With respect to an equally-weighted portfolio made up of a large number of assets, which of the following contributes the most to the volatility of the portfolio?A. Average variance of the individual assets.B. Standard deviation of the individual assets.C. Average covariance between all pairs of assets.31. The correlation between assets in a two-asset portfolio increases during a market decline. If there is no change in the proportion of each asset held in the portfolio or the expected standard deviation of the individual assets, the volatility of the portfolio is most likely to:A. increase.B. decrease.C. remain the same.The following information relates to Questions 32-34An analyst has made the following return projections for each of three possible outcomes with an equal likelihood of occurrence:32. Which pair of assets is perfectly negatively correlated?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.33. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that areequally-weighted, which pair of assets has the lowest expected standarddeviation?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.34. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that are equally weighted, which pair of assets provides the least amount of risk reduction?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.35. Which of the following statements is least accurate? The efficient frontier is the set of all attainable risky assets with the:A. highest expected return for a given level of risk.B. lowest amount of risk for a given level of return.C. highest expected return relative to the risk-free rate.36. The portfolio on the minimum-variance frontier with the lowest standard deviation is:A. unattainable.B. the optimal risky portfolio.C. the global minimum-variance portfolio.37. The set of portfolios on the minimum-variance frontier that dominates all sets of portfolios below the global minimum-variance portfolio is the:A. capital allocation line.B. Markowitz efficient frontier.C. set of optimal risky portfolios.38. The dominant capital allocation line is the combination of the risk-free asset and the:A. optimal risky portfolio.B. levered portfolio of risky assets.C. global minimum-variance portfolio.39. Compared to the efficient frontier of risky assets, the dominant capital allocation line has higher rates of return for levels of risk greater than the optimal risky portfolio because of the investor's ability to:A. lend at the risk-free rate.B. borrow at the risk-free rate.C. purchase the risk-free asset.40. With respect to the mean-variance theory, the optimal portfolio is determined by each individual investor's:A. risk-free rate.B. borrowing rate.C. risk preference.Chapter 4 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 41. The line depicting the risk and return of portfolio combinations ofa risk-free asset and any risky asset is the:A. security market line.B. capital allocation line.C. security characteristic line.2. The portfolio of a risk-free asset and a risky asset has a better risk-return tradeoff than investing in only one asset type because the correlation between the risk-free asset and the risky asset is equal to:A. - 1.0.B. 0.0.C. 1.0.3. With respect to capital market theory, an investor's optimal portfolio is the combination of a risk-free asset and a risky asset with the highest:A. expected return.B. indifference curve.C. capital allocation line slope.。

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (4)

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (4)

The Underwriting Function
• The investment banker purchases the entire issue from the issuer and resells the security to the investing public. • The firm charges a commission for providing this service. • For municipal bonds, the underwriting function is performed by both investment banking firms and commercial banks • The underwriting organization structure (Exhibit 4.1)
• Currently, more than 85% of high-yield bonds are issued as 144A issues.
Secondary Financial Markets
• Why Secondary Financial Markets Are Important?
Chapter 4
What Is A Market?
• Basic Concepts
– It brings buyers and sellers together to aid in the transfer of goods and services
– It does not need to have a physical location
– Low transaction costs: Internal efficiency – Rapid adjustment of prices to new information: External efficiency

cfa notes 二级 2023

cfa notes 二级 2023

CFA Level 2 Notes 20231. IntroductionThe CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Level 2 exam is the second of three exams offered by the CFA Institute. This exam is designed to assess a candidate’s understanding and application of intermediate-level investment analysis and valuation, as well as an understanding of how to apply those concepts in asset valuation. In this article, we will provide an overview of the CFA Level 2 exam, as well as some key study notes to help candidates prepare for success.2. Exam FormatThe CFA Level 2 exam is a multiple-choice,puter-based exam. The exam is divided into two 135-minute sessions, with a 30-minute break in between. Each session cont本人ns 44 multiple-choice questions, for a total of 88 questions on the exam.3. Exam TopicsThe CFA Level 2 exam covers a wide range of topics related to investment analysis and portfolio management. Some of the key topics included in the exam syllabus are:a. Ethical and Professional Standards- Candidates are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the ethical and professional responsibilities of investment professionals, as well as the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.b. Quantitative Methods- This section covers topics such as time series analysis, regression analysis, and probability theory, and requires a strong understanding of statistical concepts and techniques.c. Economics- Candidates must demonstrate an understanding of macroeconomic and microeconomic concepts, as well as the impact of global economic factors on financial markets.d. Financial Reporting and Analysis- This section covers topics such as financial statement analysis, including the analysis of revenue recognition and inventory accounting, as well as the valuation of long-lived assets.e. Corporate Finance- Candidates are expected to have a strong understanding of corporate governance, capital budgeting, and cost of capital, as well as the principles of working capital management.f. Equity Investments- This section covers topics such as equity valuation models, the analysis of industry andpany fundamentals, and the valuation ofpanies using the residual ie model.g. Fixed Ie- This section covers topics such as fixed ie securities, interest rate risk and duration analysis, and the valuation of fixed ie securities using yield spreads.h. Derivatives- This section covers topics such as forwards, futures, options, and swaps, as well as the pricing and valuation of derivative securities.i. Alternative Investments- Candidates must demonstrate an understanding of alternative investments such as private equity, real estate, andmodities, as well as the risks and return characteristics ofeach investment type.j. Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning- This section covers topics such as portfolio risk and return analysis, portfolio construction and management, and the principles of wealth planning.4. Study NotesIn order to succeed on the CFA Level 2 exam, candidates should have a strong understanding of the core concepts and techniques covered in each of the exam topics. The following study notes can help candidates prepare for the exam:a. Ethical and Professional Standards- Memorize the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, and review sample questions to ensure an understanding of how these principles are applied in practice.b. Quantitative Methods- Practice solving quantitative problems using statistical software, and review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of statistical concepts and techniques.c. Economics- Stay abreast of current economic events and their impact on financial markets, and practice analyzing macroeconomic and microeconomic data to better understand their implications for investment analysis.d. Financial Reporting and Analysis- Review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of financial statement analysis, and practice analyzing and interpreting financial statements to identify potential red flags and areas of concern.e. Corporate Finance- Review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of corporate governance and capital budgeting, and practice calculating the cost of capital and analyzing working capital management decisions.f. Equity Investments- Practice using equity valuation models to valuepanies and analyze industry andpany fundamentals, and review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of the residual ie model.g. Fixed Ie- Practice calculating interest rate risk and duration analysis, and review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of yield spreads and the valuation of fixed ie securities.h. Derivatives- Practice using derivatives pricing and valuation models, and review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of forwards, futures, options, and swaps.i. Alternative Investments- Review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of the risks and return characteristics of alternative investments, and practice analyzing the suitability of alternative investments for different client portfolios.j. Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning- Practice constructing and managing portfolios, and review sample questions to ensure a strong understanding of portfolio risk and return analysis, as well as the principles of wealth planning.5. ConclusionThe CFA Level 2 exam is a rigorous andprehensive assessment of a candidate’s u nderstanding of intermediate-level investment analysis and valuation, as well as their ability to apply those concepts in asset valuation. By following the study notes provided in this article, candidates can better prepare for success on the exam and advance their careers in the field of investment management and financial analysis.。



Portfolio ManagementPortfolio Management: An OverviewDescribe the portfolio approach to investing1.The portfolio perspective refers to evaluating individual investments by theircontribution on the risk and return of an investor’s portfolio.投资组合视角指的是通过投资组合对风险和回报的贡献来评估个人投资。

2.把所有钱用于买一只股票并不是一种portfolio perspective,把钱分散在多只证券中才能降低风险,增加收益。

3.One measure of the benefits of diversification is the diversification ratio. It iscalculated as the ratio of the risk of an equally weighted portfolio of n securities to the risk of a single security selected at random from the n securities.衡量多样化的好处之一是多样化比率。


4.If the average standard deviation of returns for the n stocks is 25%, and thestandard deviation of returns for an equally weighted portfolio of the n stocks is 18%, the diversification ratio is 18/25=0.72.Describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and needs of each1.Individual investor个人投资者就是个人为了满足生活目标而进行理财的投资者,是牺牲当前消费以期获得未来更高水平消费的个人。

CFA一级典型例题 Portfolio Management 投资组合管理

CFA一级典型例题 Portfolio Management 投资组合管理

Portfolio Management1.In general, which of the following institutions will most likely have a high need for liquidity and a short investment time horizon?A. BanksB. EndowmentsC. Defined benefit pension plansAnswer: ABanks have a short term horizon and high liquidity needs.2.Which of the following is least likely a part of the execution step of the portfolio management process?A. Security analysisB. Portfolio constructionC. Performance measurementAnswer: CPerformance measurement is a part of the feedback step of the portfolio management process. The execution step includes asset allocation, security analysis, and portfolio construction.3. Selected information about shares of two companies is provided below:Stock Standard Deviation Correlation of Returns Portfolio WeightsCable Incorporated 30% 0 68%GPTA Company 20% 32%The standard deviation of returns of the portfolio formed with these two stocks is closest to:A. 25.04%.B. 26.80%.C. 32.85%.Answer: APortfolio standard deviation =√(0.682)(0.32)+(0.322)(0.22)+2(0.68)(0.32)(0.65)(0.3)(0.2) = 0.2504.4.Which of the following statements is least likely to be an assumption about investor behavior underlying the Markowitz model?A. Investors maximize one-period expected returnB. Investors base their decisions solely on expected return and riskC. Investors have utility curves that are a function of expected returns and variance.Answer: AInvestors maximize one-period expected utility, and their utility curves demonstrate diminishing marginal utility of wealth.-1-5.Relative to an investor with a steeper indifference curve, the optimal portfolio for an investor with a flatter indifference curve will most likely have:A. a lower level of risk and returnB. a higher level of risk and returnC. the same level of risk and returnAnswer = BBecause a less risk-averse investor’s highest utility, given the low slope of his indifference curve, is likely to touch the capital allocation line at a point which would represent a portfolio with higher risk and more expected return.6. Which of the following statements is least accurate? An investor may construct a portfolio located on the capital market line (CML) by:A. investing a portion of his capital in the risk-free asset and the balance in a fully diversified portfolio of all equitiesB. investing a portion of his capital in the risk-free asset and the balance in a fully diversified portfolio of all risky assetsC. borrowing capital at the risk-free rate and investing all his capital plus all borrowed capital in a fully diversified portfolio of all risky assetsAnswer: AThis statement is incorrect. Portfolios located on the CML may be constructed by: 1) investing a portion of an investor’s capital in the risk-free asset and the balance in the market portfolio which consists of all risky assets, or 2) borrowing capital at the risk-free rate and investing all of an investor’s capital plus all borrowed capital in the market portfolio.7.A completely diversified portfolio will most likely result in the elimination of:A. systematic varianceB. unsystematic varianceC. both systematic and unsystematic varianceAnswer: BA completely diversified portfolio, such as the market portfolio, will eliminate all unsystematic risk. Systematic risk cannot be diversified away.8.The slope of the security market line (SML) represents the portion of an asset’s expected return attributable to:A. total risk.B. market risk.C. diversifiable risk.-2-Answer: BThe slope of the SML is the market risk premium, E(Rm) – Rf. It represents the return of the market less the return of a risk-free asset. Thus, the slope represents the portion of expected return that reflects compensation for market or systematic risk.9. The following table shows data for the stock of JKU and a market-index.Expected return of JKU: 15%Expected return of market index:12%Risk free rate: 5%Standard deviation of JKU returns: 20%Standard deviation of market index returns: 15%Correlation of JKU and market index returns: 0.75Based on the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), JKU is most likely:A. overvalued.B. undervalued.C. fairly valued.Answer = BβJKU= ρJKU,M×σJKU/ σM = 0.75×0.2/0.15 = 1.0 E(R JKU) = RFR + βJKU x (R M– RFR) = 0.05 +1 x (0.12 – 0.05) = 0.12 The required rate of return of JKU is 12% and the expected return of JKU is 15% therefore JKU is undervalued relative to the Security Market Line (SML). The risk-return relationship lies above the SML.10. Which of the following factors is least likely to impact an individual’s ability to take risk?A. Time horizonB. Personality typeC. Expected incomeAnswer = BAn individual’s ability to take risk is impacted by such factors as time horizon and expected income. Personality type is most likely to impact an individual’s willingness to take risk.-3-。



CFA备考必备名词解释1. CFA Institute:Definition:The organization that awards the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. It sets the curriculum and conducts the CFA exams.2. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA):Definition: A professional designation granted by the CFA Institute, indicating expertise in investment and financial analysis.3. CFA Program:Definition: A three level examination process administered by the CFA Institute, covering ethics, investment tools, portfolio management, and more.4. CFA Charter:Definition:The certification and membership granted to individuals who successfully complete all three levels of the CFA Program, including meeting work experience requirements and adhering to ethical standards.5. Ethical and Professional Standards:Definition:A key component of the CFA curriculum that emphasizes ethical behavior and integrity in the investment industry.6. Quantitative Methods:Definition:A CFA exam topic covering statistical and mathematical techniques used in investment analysis.7. Economics:Definition:A CFA exam topic focusing on economic principles and their application to financial markets.8. Financial Statement Analysis:Definition: The examination of financial statements to assess a company's financial performance and make investment decisions.9. Corporate Finance:Definition:A CFA exam topic covering financial management and decision making within corporations.10. Equity Investments:Definition:A CFA exam topic addressing the analysis and valuation of stocks and equity securities.11. Fixed Income:Definition: A CFA exam topic covering bonds and other fixed income securities, including valuation and risk analysis.12. Derivatives:Definition:A CFA exam topic involving financial instruments whose value depends on the price of an underlying asset.13. Alternative Investments:Definition:A CFA exam topic encompassing non traditional investment options like hedge funds, private equity, and real assets.14. Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning:Definition:A CFA exam topic focusing on constructing and managing investment portfolios, as well as wealth planning strategies.15. Time Value of Money (TVM):Definition: A fundamental financial concept in the CFA curriculum, representing the idea thata sum of money has a different value today than it will in the future.16. Risk Management:Definition:In the context of the CFA curriculum, this involves identifying, analyzing, and managing risks associated with investment portfolios.17. Hurdle Rate:Definition:The minimum rate of return required by an investor or a firm for undertaking an investment or project.18. Monte Carlo Simulation:Definition:A statistical method used in financial modeling to account for risk and uncertainty by simulating a range of possible outcomes.19. Arbitrage:Definition:The practice of exploiting price differences in different markets to make a profit with no net cash flow or risk.20. Sharpe Ratio:Definition:A measure of risk adjusted return, indicating the return of an investment compared to its risk (volatility).21. CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model):Definition:A model used to determine the expected return on an investment based on its risk in relation to the overall market.22. Black Scholes Model:Definition: A mathematical model used for calculating the theoretical price of options, helping in option pricing and risk assessment.23. Liquidity Risk:Definition:The risk that an asset cannot be quickly bought or sold in the market without affecting its price.24. Credit Risk:Definition:The risk of loss from the failure of a borrower to fulfill their financial obligations. 25. Duration:Definition:A measure of the sensitivity of the price of a bond to changes in interest rates. 26. Callable Bond:Definition:A bond that the issuer can redeem (call back) before its maturity date.27. Put Option:Definition:A financial contract giving the holder the right to sell an asset at a specified price within a certain timeframe.28. Active Management:Definition:Investment management strategy involving making specific investment decisions to outperform the market.29. Passive Management:Definition: Investment strategy that aims to replicate the performance of a specific market index rather than outperforming it.30. GIPS (Global Investment Performance Standards):Definition:A set of ethical standards and performance reporting guidelines for investment managers, ensuring fair representation and full disclosure.31. Margin Call:Definition:A demand by a broker for an investor to deposit additional funds or securities to cover potential losses.32. Market Capitalization (Market Cap):Definition:The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock, calculated by multiplying the share price by the number of shares.33. Systematic Risk:Definition:The risk inherent to the entire market or an entire market segment, often referred to as market risk.34. Unsystematic Risk:Definition:Risk specific to an individual investment or asset class, also known as idiosyncratic or specific risk.35. Active Return:Definition:The difference between the actual return of a portfolio and the return of a benchmark index.36. Passive Return:Definition:The return on a portfolio that results from simply holding the securities in a benchmark index.37. Tracking Error:Definition:A measure of how closely a portfolio follows the index it is benchmarked against, indicating the volatility of the portfolio's returns relative to the benchmark.38. Yield Curve:Definition:A graphical representation of the relationship between the yield on bonds of the same credit quality but different maturities.39. Duration Risk:Definition:The risk associated with the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in interest rates, measured by its duration.40. Behavioral Finance:Definition:The study of how psychological factors can influence financial decision making and market behavior.41. Hedging:Definition:A risk management strategy designed to reduce or offset the impact of adverse price movements in an asset.42. Earnings Per Share (EPS):Definition: A financial metric representing the portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock.43. Return on Investment (ROI):Definition:A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment, calculated by dividing the net gain or loss by the initial investment cost.44. Beta:Definition:A measure of a stock's volatility in relation to the overall market, used to assess systematic risk.45. Convertible Bond:Definition:A bond that can be converted into a predetermined number of shares of the issuer's common stock.46. Currency Risk:Definition:The risk that changes in exchange rates will adversely affect the value of an investment denominated in a foreign currency.47. Stakeholder:Definition:An individual or group with an interest in the success or failure of a business, often including employees, customers, and investors.48. Working Capital:Definition: The difference between a company's current assets and current liabilities, representing its short term operational liquidity.49. Regression Analysis:Definition:A statistical technique used to quantify the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.50. VaR (Value at Risk):Definition: A measure of the maximum potential loss in the value of a risky asset or portfolio over a specific time period with a certain level of confidence.51. Monetary Policy:Definition: The actions taken by a central bank to manage and control the money supply and interest rates to achieve economic goals.52. Fiscal Policy:Definition:Government policy concerning taxation and public spending to influence the economy.53. Call Option:Definition:A financial contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy an asset at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe.54. Dividend Discount Model (DDM):Definition:A method used to value a stock by estimating its future dividends and discounting them back to present value.55. Duration Matching:Definition:A strategy used in portfolio management to match the duration of assets and liabilities to minimize interest rate risk.56. Commodity:Definition:A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as gold, oil, or wheat.57. LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate):Definition:The benchmark interest rate at which major global banks lend to one another in the international interbank market.58. Alpha:Definition:A measure of investment performance, indicating the excess return of a portfolio relative to a benchmark index.59. Z Score:Definition:A statistical measurement that describes a value's relationship to the mean of a group of values, measured in terms of standard deviations.60. Treynor Ratio:Definition:A risk adjusted performance measure that evaluates the returns earned above the risk free rate per unit of systematic risk.61. Margin Trading:Definition: The practice of borrowing funds to trade financial instruments, using the borrowed money as leverage.62. Asset Allocation:Definition:The distribution of an investment portfolio among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash, to achieve specific investment goals.63. Return on Assets (ROA):Definition:A financial ratio that measures a company's profitability by expressing its net income as a percentage of its total assets.64. Return on Equity (ROE):Definition:A financial ratio that evaluates a company's profitability by expressing its net income as a percentage of shareholders' equity.65. Solvency:Definition:The ability of a company to meet its long term financial obligations.66. Treasury Stock:Definition:Shares of a company's own stock that it has repurchased and holds in its treasury.67. Benchmark:Definition:A standard against which the performance of a security, mutual fund, or investment manager can be measured.68. Tender Offer:Definition:A public offer to buy shares of a company at a specified price, typically higher than the current market price.69. Discount Rate:Definition:The interest rate used to determine the present value of future cash flows in discounted cash flow analysis.70. Reverse Stock Split:Definition:A corporate action in which a company reduces the number of its outstanding shares, increasing the share price proportionally.71. Proxy Statement:Definition:A document provided to shareholders before an annual meeting, containing information about issues to be voted on.72. Hedonic Pricing Model:Definition:A pricing model that breaks down the price of a good or service into components, allowing for the analysis of each component's contribution to the overall price.73. Intrinsic Value:Definition:The perceived or calculated value of an asset, based on fundamental factors, rather than its market price.74. Margin of Safety:Definition:The difference between the intrinsic value of a security and its market price, providing a buffer against potential market fluctuations.75. R Squared:Definition:A statistical measure that represents the proportion of a security's price movement explained by the movement in a benchmark index.76. Dividend Yield:Definition:A financial ratio that represents the annual dividend income a company pays out to its shareholders as a percentage of its stock price.77. Initial Public Offering (IPO):Definition:The first sale of stock by a private company to the public, transitioning from private to public ownership.78. Underwriting:Definition:The process by which investment banks raise investment capital from investors on behalf of corporations or governments.79. Write Down:Definition:The reduction of the book value of an asset due to a decrease in its market value.80. Duration Gap:Definition:The difference between the duration of a bank's assets and liabilities, used to measure interest rate risk.81. Beta Risk:Definition:The risk associated with the uncertainty of a security's beta, which measures its sensitivity to market movements.82. Cross Sectional Analysis:Definition:An analysis that compares different companies or assets at the same point in time.83. Bottom Up Investing:Definition:An investment strategy that focuses on the analysis of individual stocks rather than broader market trends.84. Top Down Investing:Definition:An investment strategy that starts with an analysis of macroeconomic factors before narrowing down to specific industries or individual stocks.85. Risk Free Rate:Definition:The theoretical return on an investment with zero risk of financial loss, often represented by government bonds.86. Financial Modeling:Definition:The process of creating a mathematical representation of a financial situation, used for decision making and financial analysis.87. Rollover Risk:Definition:The risk that short term debt will not be able to be refinanced at the same or lower interest rates when it matures.88. Maturity Transformation:Definition:The process by which financial institutions convert short term liabilities into long term assets.89. Scenario Analysis:Definition:An analysis technique that examines how a portfolio or company's financial health would fare under different scenarios or conditions.90. Working Capital Turnover:Definition:A financial ratio that measures a company's efficiency in using its working capital to generate sales.91. Equity Risk Premium (ERP):Definition:The excess return that an individual stock or the overall stock market provides overa risk free rate.92. Market Microstructure:Definition:The study of the mechanisms and processes in financial markets, including how orders are executed and the impact of market participants on prices.93. Exchange Traded Fund (ETF):Definition:An investment fund traded on stock exchanges, representing a basket of assets like stocks, bonds, or commodities.94. Venture Capital:Definition:Funding provided to startup companies or small businesses that show high growth potential in exchange for equity ownership.95. Stress Testing:Definition:The analysis of how a financial institution's portfolio or system would perform under adverse conditions or extreme scenarios.96. Fiduciary Duty:Definition:The legal and ethical obligation to act in the best interest of another party, often associated with the duty of financial advisors to their clients.97. Securitization:Definition: The process of converting assets, such as loans or receivables, intomarketable securities.98. Futures Contract:Definition:A financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase, or the seller to sell, a specified amount of an asset at a predetermined future date and price.99. Leveraged Buyout (LBO):Definition:The acquisition of a company using a significant amount of borrowed funds, often with the acquired company's assets serving as collateral.100. Alpha Return:Definition:The portion of a portfolio's total return that is attributable to the manager's skill in selecting individual securities.101. Convertible Preferred Stock:Definition:A type of preferred stock that can be converted into a predetermined number of common shares.102. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA): Definition:A measure of a company's operating performance, representing its earnings before certain expenses are deducted.103. Risk Parity:Definition:An investment strategy that allocates capital to different asset classes based on their risk contribution to the overall portfolio.104. Cash Flow Statement:Definition:A financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts affect cash and cash equivalents.105. Variance:Definition:A statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security or market index. 106. Nominal Interest Rate:Definition:The interest rate before adjusting for inflation, representing the actual interest paid or earned on an investment.107. Real Interest Rate:Definition:The interest rate adjusted for inflation, providing a more accurate measure of the purchasing power of money.108. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH):Definition:A theory asserting that financial markets are informationally efficient, making it impossible to consistently achieve higher than average returns through market timing or stock picking.109. Mutual Fund:Definition:An investment vehicle that pools funds from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.110. Custodian:Definition:A financial institution that holds and safeguards financial assets on behalf of clients. 111. Markowitz Portfolio Theory:Definition:A theory developed by Harry Markowitz that explores how investors can construct portfolios to maximize expected return for a given level of risk.112. Black Litterman Model:Definition:An asset allocation model that combines views from investors with equilibrium market expectations to generate an optimal portfolio.113. Duration Convexity:Definition:A measure of the sensitivity of a bond's duration to changes in interest rates, providing a more accurate estimation of price changes.114. Money Market:Definition:A segment of the financial market where short term borrowing and lending occur, typically involving highly liquid and low risk instruments.115. Put Call Parity:Definition:A principle stating that the price of a European call option and a European put option of the same class, with the same strike price and expiration date, should be equal. 116. Risk Neutral Valuation:Definition:A pricing approach that calculates the present value of future cash flows by discounting them at the risk free rate, assuming investors are risk neutral.117. Cross Hedging:Definition:A hedging strategy that involves using a financial instrument that differs from the asset being hedged.118. Liberalization:Definition:The process of reducing or removing restrictions and regulations in a market, often associated with financial markets becoming more open to foreign investment.119. Elasticity:Definition:A measure of how sensitive the quantity demanded or supplied of a good is to a change in price, income, or other factors.120. Callable Preferred Stock:Definition:A type of preferred stock that can be redeemed by the issuer after a specified date.。



CFA一级每日一练(含详细解析)811、Jan Loots, CFA, quit his job as a portfolio manager at an investment firm with whom he had a non-solicitation agreement he signed several years ago. Loots received permission to take his investment performance history with him and also took a copy of the firm’s software-trading platform. Subsequently, Loots sent out messages on social media sites announcing he was looking for clients for his new investment management firm. Access to Loots’ social media sites is restricted to friends, family, and former clients. Loots least likely violated the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct concerning his:【单选题】A.trading software.B.non-solicitation agreement.C.investment performance history.正确答案:C答案解析:CFA Institute StandardsC is correct because the portfolio manager received permission to use his investment performance history from his prior employer. The member violated his non-solicitation agreement by indicating his availability to new clients on several social media sites accessible by clients of his former employer, a violation of Standard IV(A) Loyalty, because he did not act for the benefit of his former employer. In this case, the member may cause harm to his former employer if his weekend messages result in clients moving to his new business from his former employer. The member also violated this standard by taking his employer’s property, trading software.2、A company's balance sheet shows the following values (€):The company’s cash ratio is closest to:【单选题】A.0.46.B.0.97.C.0.37.正确答案:A答案解析:The cash ratio isSection 4.3.13、A buyer would face the greatest risk of default with:【单选题】A.a farmer making physical delivery on a short soybean futures position.B.an investment bank making cash settlement on a short euro futures position.C.a multinational firm making cash settlement on a short U.S. dollar forward contract.正确答案:C答案解析:“Futures Markets and Contracts,” Don M. ChanceC is correct because in a forward contract, each party assumes the risk that the other party will default.4、An investor does research about investment return and gathers the followinginformation about a portfolio:If the investor contributed new funds to the portfolio at the beginning of eachyear, the time-weighted rate of return is most likely:【单选题】A.less than the money-weighted rate of return.B.the same as the money-weighted rate of return.C.greater than the money-weighted rate of return.正确答案:C答案解析:每年年初该投资组合都会加入新的资金,由于资金流人和流出时间对于货币加权收益率有很大的影响,而且由题意可知,随着资金的不断增加,每年的收益率却在不断减少,因而会造成货币加权收益率小于时间加权收益率。

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Cost Trade-Off
Total cost
Cost Opportunity cost
Execution cost
Adverse Selection

Attempting to reduce transaction costs through the use of limit orders can lead to adverse selection – tending to own shares the market dislikes, and to not own shares the market likes. Placing a limit order is equivalent to giving the market a free put or call option (leading to adverse selection problems). There could be opportunity costs.
Components of the Bid-Ask Spread

The bid-ask spread in a market-traded security is a transaction cost (and can also be seen as a measure of liquidity). Bid-ask spreads can be modelled as comprising three components:
Interaction Between Investment Style and Trading

Investment strategy influences execution and opportunity costs. For example:

Information-motivated and momentum-based trading requires immediate execution: opportunity costs are low, but market impact can be high. Non-information or anti-momentum-based trading can see patient investing that exploits volatility, but might lead to adverse selection problems.

Opportunity costs are equivalent to the theoretical performance of buys and sells that are not executed. Lower actual portfolio performance relative to theoretical portfolio performance may arise from execution costs, but also from opportunity costs. Minimizing execution costs often leads to high opportunity costs. Measuring trade efficiency using (trade price - VWAP) ignores the opportunity costs of non-execution.

Large US-based ‘passive’ micro-cap manager, seeking to exploit superior returns available from micro-cap investments. Trading approach is a key component of their process. By communicating that they are ‘non-information based investors’, they seek to build relationships with other institutions and lessen market impact in their trading. They ‘punish’ bad behaviour by any trading counterparty (e.g. not revealing all known information to DFA; or following a sale to DFA with a series of further sales to the market), by refusing to deal with them for a period of time in future. They also use an in-kind redemption option on their open-ended funds to prevent a ‘death-spiral’ following under-performance. Any lessons for managers in other market segments?

Investment managers may be trading in both ‘styles’ simultaneously – different trading styles might be needed at the same time.
Trading Case Study - DFA
Implementation Shortfall

Implementation shortfall is the difference between the performance of an actual vs. theoretical portfolio (Perold, 1988). Monitoring and analysis of implementation shortfall can identify the scale of the problem, and the cause: either research-related or implementation-related. Services such as ‘Inalytics’ decompose implementation shortfall into manager timing, trader timing and broker impact effects.
James Clunie March 2011

Implementation shortfall Opportunity cost and execution cost Interaction between investment style and trading technique Compliance Measurement Analysis Timing and splitting trades

Information asymmetry costs (it rewards dealers or market-makers for bearing the risk of trading with ‘informed’ traders). See, for example, Glosten and Milgrom (1985). (Fixed) order-processing costs Inventory carrying costs.
Implementation Shortfall
Cumulative return (%)
Theoretical portfolio
Implementation shortfall
Actual portfolio
2002 Year
Opportunity Costs

Market Impact

Trading in securities with low liquidity, or the placing of very large trades in securities with good liquidity, is likely to have some form of market impact. That is to say, the placing of the order will influence the price at which the security is to be traded. There exist several models for estimating market impact of a trade (e.g. Breen, Hodrick and Korajczyk (1999)) To estimate the impact of a particular size of trade, one may consider an electronic exchange which matches bids and offers, or a market-maker driven system, where an intermediary makes two way trades in securities. An example of an ‘idiosynchratic tender’ price impact model is shown on the next page: