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results provide certain reference value for the safety evaluation on light environment of portꎬchannel and other ship navigation
sion data of experts to the indexesꎬso as to weaken the subjective influence of experts and improve the accuracy of the index
weights. An evaluation model for the light environment of ship navigation at night based on the evidence theory was estab ̄
ment of ship navigation at night based on four decision ̄making layers such as signal lamp misdirectionꎬglare interferenceꎬ
stroboscopic pollution and light ̄induced fatigue was proposed. Secondlyꎬthe C - OWA operator was used to disposal the deci ̄
中图分类号:X951 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673 - 193X(2019) - 12 - 0182 - 06
Safety evaluation on light environment of ship navigation at night based on C - OWA
operator and evidence theory
LI Zhirongꎬ ZHU Jinshanꎬ SONG Jianꎬ YU Jianwen
( Navigation CollegeꎬDalian Maritime UniversityꎬDalian Liaoning 116026ꎬChina)
Abstract:For ensuring the safety of ships navigation at nightꎬthe paper is aiming at the particularity of light environment for
the ship navigation at nightꎬin order to control the risk of sea light pollution to the ship navigation at nightꎬan evaluation
次ꎬ运用 C - OWA 算子处理专家对指标的决策数据ꎬ判断光环境对船舶夜航安全的影响程度ꎻ最后ꎬ将证据理论模型应用于大连
大窑湾港的夜航光环境中ꎮ 结果表明:该光环境安全性高ꎬ对船舶夜航安全的影响小ꎮ 构建的模型为港口、航道以及其他船舶夜
关键词:船舶夜航安全ꎻ光环境评价ꎻ证据理论ꎻC - OWA 算子
第 15 卷 第 12技术
Journal of Safety Science and Technology
Vol. 15 No. 12
Dec. 2019
doi: 10 11731 / j. issn. 1673 ̄193x. 2019 12 029
lished. The safety of light environment for the ship navigation at night was judged through the fusion algorithm of evidence in ̄
formationꎬthus the influence degree of light environment on the safety of ship navigation at night was judged. Finallyꎬthe con ̄
model of evidence theory for the light environment of ship navigation at night was constructed. Firstlyꎬthrough the analysis of
related literature and combined with the characteristics of sea light pollutionꎬan evaluation index system for the light environ ̄
structed evidence theory model was adopted for the light environment of ship navigation at night in Dayaowan port of Dalian.
The results showed that this light environment was safe and had little influence on the safety of ship navigation at night. The
基于 C - OWA 算子和证据理论的船舶夜航光环境安全评价 ∗
李志荣ꎬ朱金善ꎬ宋 健ꎬ余鉴文
( 大连海事大学 航海学院ꎬ辽宁 大连 116026)
摘 要: 为了更好地保障船舶夜航安全ꎬ基于船舶夜航光环境的特殊性和船舶夜航的风险性ꎬ构建船舶夜航光环境证据理论评
价模型ꎮ 首先ꎬ建立以信号灯误导、眩光干扰、频闪污染、光导致疲劳等 4 个决策层为基础的船舶夜航光环境评价指标体系ꎻ其
results provide certain reference value for the safety evaluation on light environment of portꎬchannel and other ship navigation
sion data of experts to the indexesꎬso as to weaken the subjective influence of experts and improve the accuracy of the index
weights. An evaluation model for the light environment of ship navigation at night based on the evidence theory was estab ̄
ment of ship navigation at night based on four decision ̄making layers such as signal lamp misdirectionꎬglare interferenceꎬ
stroboscopic pollution and light ̄induced fatigue was proposed. Secondlyꎬthe C - OWA operator was used to disposal the deci ̄
中图分类号:X951 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673 - 193X(2019) - 12 - 0182 - 06
Safety evaluation on light environment of ship navigation at night based on C - OWA
operator and evidence theory
LI Zhirongꎬ ZHU Jinshanꎬ SONG Jianꎬ YU Jianwen
( Navigation CollegeꎬDalian Maritime UniversityꎬDalian Liaoning 116026ꎬChina)
Abstract:For ensuring the safety of ships navigation at nightꎬthe paper is aiming at the particularity of light environment for
the ship navigation at nightꎬin order to control the risk of sea light pollution to the ship navigation at nightꎬan evaluation
次ꎬ运用 C - OWA 算子处理专家对指标的决策数据ꎬ判断光环境对船舶夜航安全的影响程度ꎻ最后ꎬ将证据理论模型应用于大连
大窑湾港的夜航光环境中ꎮ 结果表明:该光环境安全性高ꎬ对船舶夜航安全的影响小ꎮ 构建的模型为港口、航道以及其他船舶夜
关键词:船舶夜航安全ꎻ光环境评价ꎻ证据理论ꎻC - OWA 算子
第 15 卷 第 12技术
Journal of Safety Science and Technology
Vol. 15 No. 12
Dec. 2019
doi: 10 11731 / j. issn. 1673 ̄193x. 2019 12 029
lished. The safety of light environment for the ship navigation at night was judged through the fusion algorithm of evidence in ̄
formationꎬthus the influence degree of light environment on the safety of ship navigation at night was judged. Finallyꎬthe con ̄
model of evidence theory for the light environment of ship navigation at night was constructed. Firstlyꎬthrough the analysis of
related literature and combined with the characteristics of sea light pollutionꎬan evaluation index system for the light environ ̄
structed evidence theory model was adopted for the light environment of ship navigation at night in Dayaowan port of Dalian.
The results showed that this light environment was safe and had little influence on the safety of ship navigation at night. The
基于 C - OWA 算子和证据理论的船舶夜航光环境安全评价 ∗
李志荣ꎬ朱金善ꎬ宋 健ꎬ余鉴文
( 大连海事大学 航海学院ꎬ辽宁 大连 116026)
摘 要: 为了更好地保障船舶夜航安全ꎬ基于船舶夜航光环境的特殊性和船舶夜航的风险性ꎬ构建船舶夜航光环境证据理论评
价模型ꎮ 首先ꎬ建立以信号灯误导、眩光干扰、频闪污染、光导致疲劳等 4 个决策层为基础的船舶夜航光环境评价指标体系ꎻ其