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原版阅读 -- 风语河岸柳(1)
伦敦奥运会开幕式有一段是向英国的儿童文学作家致敬,大家估计记得伏地魔,Peter Pan, 和举伞而降的Mary Popping。

其实,还有一部作品 -- 《Wind in the Willow》里的四个动物,和他们出现的场景:the river bank, the Wild Wood 也出现在里面。

《The Wind in the Willow》是天才之作,华美,绮丽,细腻,优雅,诗一般的语言。



《The Wind in the Willow》是我娃的最爱,我们很多年以前读过。

到现在我娃都把划船叫做“simply messing about in boats."(Water Rat说的话)。

我教的一个班的孩子,在我的推荐下,选择读这本书,complete & unabridged version - 未删节,未简化,原汁原味的原版。


第一,The Wind in the Willow 是美国资优孩子(gifted)4~5年级的阅读书目,是一般孩子7~8年级的阅读书目,因为语言难度很大(如果他们的阅读书目包括经典的话,因为很多公校以现代作品为主,比如纽奖的东西,不指定阅读经典);第二,The Wind in the Willow 不能按一般精读的方法 ---- 词汇,阅读理解问答,问题讨论,这样就“宰割”了这本书。



比如开篇段落里的这句话:First with brooms, then with dusters; then on ladders and steps and chairs,我们读成这样:
first with brooms,
then with dusters; then
on ladders and steps and chairs
还有这句:All was a-shake and a-shiver --- glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble. 我们读成:
All was a-sh ake and a-sh iver ---
gl ints and gl eams and spark le s,
rus tl e and swirl,
chatter and bubb le.
反正孩子听出来了,在书旁边标注了“Reads like a poem.”呵呵。

还有,The Mole 刷房子这段:
with a bru sh and a pail of whitewa sh; till he had dust in his throat and eyes, and spla shes of whitewa shes all over his black fur. 这些sh, shes 拖得长一点读,听到刷墙的声音了吗?
还有,So he scr aped and scr atched and scr abbled and scr ooged, and then he scr ooged again and scr abbled and
scr atched and scr aped,
还有老兔子向Mole要买路钱这句:Six p ence for the p rivilege of p assing by the p rivate road! 把p音念的夸张一点,就能看到老兔子的mean样儿了;念的再狠一点,简直就看到老兔子喷着唾沫星子要钱的样子了。



and when tired at last,
he sat on the bank,
while the river still chattered on to him,
a babbling procession of the best stories in the world,
sent from the heart of the earth
to be told at last
to the insatiable sea.
《Wind in the Willow》到底有多难啊,这是第一章部分词汇:•something above was calling him imperiously
•soft breezes caressed his heated brow
•impatient and contemptuous Mole
•who trotted along the side of the hedge chaffing the rabbits
•having uneasy conscience pricking him
•everywhere birds building, flowers budding, leaves thrusting
•as he meandered aimless along
•this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal
•The mole was bewitched, entranced, fascinated
•to the insatiable sea
•This was an impromptu affair
•such a rumpus everywhere
•an errant may-fly swerved unsteadily athwart the current。
