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Vocabulary 害怕...... be afraid.. Module 1 Country life 因
为conj.because Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? 出售(过去式的sold)v.sell
摘整天v.pickall day 草n.grass
Module 3 Health 给n.give
Unit 5 What ' s matter with you? 奶牛;母牛n.cow
)(人或事其他的What ' s the matter?怎么回事?pron.
)(几个、条胃疼 a fewn.stomachache
山羊吃(eat 的过去式)n.goatv.ate
河;江I' m sorry to hear that. 听到这个我感到很难过。

n.river 给(give的过去式)v.gave
检查n.check -upUnit 2 A country life is a healthy life
rode)骑(过去式是牙疼v.riden.toothache took)(花费过去式是刷v.takev.brush
帮助•…)(方面?help with..在断了的adj.broken
休息take a rest Module 2 City life
感冒have a coldUnit 3 Where are you from?
城市)穿(wear 的过去式n.cityv.wore 学生头疼n.studentn.headache 安静的)(can 的过去式能够adj.quietaux. v.could 便宜的发烧
嘈杂的adj.noisyUnit 6 The secret to good health 宽阔的秘密
adj.widen.secret 拥挤的简单的adj.crowdedadj.simple 舒服的)最少(小fortableadj.least 拥挤的;大量的至少adj.heavyat least 慢;缓慢节食;限食adj.slown.diet 保持一个良好的饮食习惯keep a good diet 较少的adj」essUnit 4 I like the city very much 明信片多油的;油腻的n.postcardadj.oily
• ?不同于• ••最后地different toadv.finally 脏的微笑adj.dirtyv.smile
微笑;笑容n.遥远far away
adv.even 甚至办公室n.office 商店n.store
Module 4 Past experiences 百货公司department store Unit 7 What did you do yesterday?
过去的adj.pastModule 6 Festivals
过去n.Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best
经验;经历n.experienee 互相each other
昨天n.yesterday 礼物n.gift
)买(buy 的过去式v.bought压岁钱lucky money
生气的;愤怒的adj.angry希望;祝愿v. & n.wish
)的过去式来(come v.came 饺子n.jiaozi
…no/not 一点都不? at all 中秋节Mid-autumn Festival
上一个adv.龙n. drag on
年n.year 端午节Dragon Boat Festival
)的过去式(meet 遇见;聚集v.met 粽子n.zongzi )看见;明白(see 的过去式v.saw 比赛n.race )读(read 的过去式v.read 重阳节Chongyang Festival
Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong? Unit 12 Christmas
日记n.diary 竖起put up 迪士尼公园Disneyland 分享v.share 米老鼠Mickey Mouse 奇妙的;奇异的adj.wonderful 唐老鸭Donald Duck 匆忙;赶忙n. & v.hurry 一点a little brought)(过去式的v. 带来bring 后来ter 火腿n.ham
)(feel 感觉,觉得的过去式v. felt 火鸡n.turkey )的过去式坐(sit v.sat
更好adj. & adv.better 惊讶的adj.surprised
Module 5 City life
Unit 9 Was I a good girl back then? 当时;过去那个时候back then 有礼貌的adj.polite 浏览v.surf
因特网n.Internet 上网surf the In ternet 肥胖的adj.fat 哭v.cry
Unit 10 The n and now
•之前•…adv.ago 村子;村庄n.village 附近prep. & adv.nearby
Unit 1
___________ 给饲养;喂养________________ 草
_____________ 摘 ______________________________

_________________________ 绵羊(单复数一样)
山羊 __________ 鹅(复数是geese ____________ )__________________ 几(个;条?? )
河;江 _______________ 如果______________
Unit 2
农村______________ 生活_______________ 祖父(母);
挤奶______________ 骑(过去式是rode )
___________________ 上午_______________ 仍然在?? (方面)帮助
________________________ 花费_______________ 健康的空气___________________ 繁
大量的_________________ 新鲜的_________________
分钟 _____________
Unit 3
城市_______ 学生__ 纽约
便宜的_____ 美国;美洲
___ 安静的 _______________
现代化的__ 宽阔的
_ 嘈杂的__________________
___ 拥挤的 _______________
___ 拥挤的;大量的______
__ 是(am,is 的过去式)出生
__ 昂贵的______________
街道________ 超市___ 交通
Unit 4
明信片________________ 脏的_________________ 害
出售__________________ 害怕??
___________________________ 因为 ___________ 农村整天___________________________ ________________ 剧院
假日__________________ 不同于?? _____________
外面;在外面__________________ 【词汇专项】
) 6% (一、找出每组中不同类的单词,把其字母编号在答题卡上涂黑。

D. river() 1. A. gooseC. cowB. goat
D. coffee(B. coldC. juice) 2. A. milk
D. villageB. leg() 3.A. fingerC. arm
D. rodeC. gave) 4.A. metB. take(
D.stomachacheB. toothacheA. headacheC.
health() 5.
D. restaura nt) 6.(A. cin emaB. turkeyC. theatre 分)(5

E. Chon gya ng FestivalD. hamB. hotelA. cowC. stomachache
J. Mid -autumn FestivalG. officeF. sheepH. headacheI. turkey
O. Spring FestivalK. goatL. hospitalM. moon cakeN. fever
T. ChristmasS. can dyQ. bankP . gooseR. toothache
________________________________ An imal
________________________________ Foods
_______________________________ i llness(疾病Places __________________________________
Festivals ________________________________
分)10 (三、根据图示情景或中文意思提示,写出句子所缺的单词。
We should b ____________ our
t ____________ every day. 1. He is cutting
g ____________ to f ____________ the
animals. 2. The traffic is h _____________ and
s ____________ . 3. Please take this
m ____________ t ____________ a day. 4. I often s ____________ the I ____________ at home in the evening. 5.
yesterday.(百货公司)The lady went shoppingin the _______________ 6.
gifts during Spring Festival. (相互)Chinese people usually give __________________ 7.
8 hours each night. (至少)We should get plenty of
sleep, ______________ 8.
in the countryside. (新鲜的空气)We have plenty of ______________ 9.
during Spring Festival. (压岁钱)10. Parents give their children ________________ 61-4 小题据上

(共5-8 四、补全句子,其中第分为止)分,得满6 1 分,每小题
I. She is always happy and s _________ a lot. 2.
There are many people in the street. It's quite
c _________ . 3 The new be
d is c _________ .
I can have a good sleep tonight. 4. Don't forget the i meeting . The big boss(老板)
will come too. 5. I like to ___ (呆在家里)and do
some reading in the evening. 6. We should
sleep for _______________________ (至少)8 hours each night. 7. My friend Michael had a trip to Beijing ________________________ (上个
8. Sally and I are good friends We usually help
_________________________ (互相).

(10 分)
() 1. My sister gave ___ a bag as present last night.
A. I
() 2. Andy __ a cold last weekend.
() 3. We should take exercise ___ an hour every day.
()4.You can have a rest after school _____ you wan t.
Guangzhou is a big and modern city _____ ' its quite no isy.) 5.(
A.whe n
Tom' s uncle has fifty ______ o n his farm.) 6.(
()7.There are three ______ of ______ i n the fridge.
A.bottle; milk
B.bottles; milk
C.bottles; milks
)8. —I fell dow n from my bike yesterday.( —You should ______ . A.eat some
candyB.hurry up C.be careful () 9. —?

——It ' sa big and modern city.
A.What' s New York like
B.Where is New York
C. Do you like New York ( ) 10.
—When is the Spring Festival? —It ' susually in _____ . A.December or JanuaryB.January or February C.March or May


(6 分)
) I prefer the country lifeA. If you are hungry.1. (
B. because the foods are fresh there.2. () Lily had
a bad cold last week
tat home yesterday) My mother wasn ' C. because there are too many cars.3. (
D. because he had a headache.4. () The streets
are always crowded
E. so she didn ' tgo to school.) Mr Lee couldn't sleep well last night5. (
F. so my father and I ate at a restaurant.) You can eat some bread6. (

()1. A. The boy and his grandfather are planting trees on the farm. B. The boy and his grandfather are taking a rest under the tree. C. The boy and his grandfather are cutting grass under the tree.
)2. A. This building is old but beautiful. ( B. The museum is very big and modem. C. This hotel is small but clean. )( 3. A. The man ate a lot of oily food.
B. The man ate plenty of fruits.
C. The man drank much
)( 4. A. The two mice had a trip to the countryside. B. The two mice had a trip to the city. C. The two mice went to the city by plane.
)( 5. A. The girl felt worried when she heard the news. B. The girl felt excited when she heard the news. C. The girl felt angry when she heard the news.
)( 6. A. She was a good baby. She was quiet.
B. She was a poor baby. She often cried.
C. She was a polite baby. She often said thank you and excuse me ” .
)(7. A. it's mid -autumn Festival. B. it's New year's Day.
C. it's Spring Festival.
)8.A My mother fed the turkey for meat. ( B. My mother bought some potatoes for food. C. My mother bought some turkey for food.
)9. A. There is a horse -riding race today. ( B There is a drago n boat race today. C. There is a running race today.
)(10.A She looked heavy and strong. B. She
kept long hair when she was a little gin. C. She
kept short hair when she was a little girl.
全短文或对话,把其字母编号写在横线上 (一)
Everybody wants to be healthy. First, healthy
(1) _____ is very important. You can have some bananas, apples, oranges and tomatoes
(2) _____ fruits and vegetables are good for you.
And remember there is a
saying, “ An apple a day (3) _____ the doctor
away ” .But don ' teat too much chocolate or oily food. They are not good for you. Second, you also need plenty of (4) ____________ . A child should
sleep for at least eight hours every day. And then, (5) can also keep you healthy. Get up early
and do some sports every day.
Don' tbe lazy (懒惰) ! You will be healthy and (6) .
G. I played lots of differe nt games. H. Whe n did you come back? I. My mother took me to
Disn eyla nd in Hong Kong. J. May I look at your photos?
Lucy: What did you do yesterday morning, May? May: (1) _____ . We stayed there for a day. Lucy: Oh? What did you do in Dis neyla nd? May: (2)
_____ . And I took many photos there. Lucy: (3)
May: Yes, of course. Look at this on e. I was sta nding betwee n Mickey Mouse and Don ald Duck. I was very excited there. Lucy: (4) ________ . May: At 9
p.m. last ni ght.
(5 分)
1. What' s Guangzhou like?
________________ 2. If you feel ill, what should you do?
________________ 3. Were you cute when you were a baby?
________________ 4. How long does it take you to get to school?
________________ 5. What did you do last
Spring Festival?
十、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致,如一致,在括号内写“ T”,否则写“ F”。

I'm Tom. I had a dream last night. I was so excited. In my dream, I had a trip to Australia with Aki. I wanted to go there by boat. But Aki said it was too slow Then we flew to Australia in a spaceship. It was so fast. It took us only 3 minutes. When we got to Australia, we didn't live in a hotel. We lived in a tree house. It was the first time I saw a tree house. It was small. It wasn't on the floor. It was up in the tree. I thought it would be quiet at night. When
I was in bed, it was so noisy, because some animals were singing and dancing under the tree. They were having a party on the grass. Aki was excited too. He sang and danced with the animals. Then I looked up in the sky. I could see the moon and the stars were so close to me. I thought I could pick one star if I want. They were so beautiful. I jumped and tried to pick one. I woke upon the floor of my bedroom. There was no tree house. There were no animals singing
and dancing. There were no stars at all. There was only
a man standing outside my room.
He was my Dad. He looked at me and asked
What' s the matter?
()1. Aki and Tom went to Australia by boat in the dream. ()2. Aki and Tom lived in a comfortable hotel in the dream. ()3.
It was quiet at night in the dream. ()4. Under the tree house, there were animals sing and dancing in the dream.
()5. There were stars in the sky in the dream. ()6. Tom was still in bed when he woke up.

(5 分)
My name is Zhang Ling. I ' m a seventy -year-old lady. I lived in the coun tryside before. But now I live with my son in Guangzhou. Our flat in Tianhe has only two bedrooms, one is for my son and one is for me.
But in the countryside I have a big house with five bedrooms and a garden. I don ' t like Guangzhou. It 's
crowded and no isy. And there are too many cars.
Things here are expe nsive. The air is not so fresh sometimes. But things are cheap in the coun tryside. The air is always clea n and fresh. And I have many relatives there. I miss the life there and I miss my relatives, too.
()1. Zhang Li ng lived _________ before. A. in Guan gzhouB. in the coun tryside C. with her son ()2. Now Zhang Li ng lives __________ in
Tian he, Guan gzhou. A. i n a hotelB. in a big house C. in a flat
()3. Zhang Ling does n't like Guan gzhou because ___________ . A. it's no isy and crowded B. she has too many relatives here C. old people like to live in the countryside
()4. Zhang Ling prefers to live in the countryside because __________ there. A. things are cheapB. there are many cars C. her son lives ()5. Zhang Ling has ________________ in the countryside. A. a flatB. no relatives C. a big house

(5 分)同学,你喜欢City life 还是Country life 呢?假设你是Li Ming ,请选择其中一种你喜欢的生活方式,写一篇小短文。

短文要求:(1)写出喜欢的原因(如:环境、交通、活动等方面);(2 )表意正确,语句通顺,书写规范,且不少于
40 个单词。


________ life
Hi, My name is Li Ming.

() 1. A.countryB.liveC.cityD.island
D.fruitC.freshB.modern() 2.A.healthy
D.takeA.sellC.finish(B.life) 3.
D.singA.traffic) 4.B.forgetC.give(
rge(A.slimC.miss) 5.B.short

1234 5.
1. I fell from my bike. I h ________ a
b ________ f ________ yesterday. 2. When Ken was five, he p _______ w ________ toys.
3. Drinking p ________ o _________
t _________ i s good for our health. 4. In the city, the traffic is very h ________ and the streets are c ________ . 5. F _______ C ________ gives prese nts to the childre n.
1. eat ________
2. sit ___________
3. ride
5. meet
8. fin ish ________ 9. feel ___________ 10.buy
四、写出下列单词的反义词 1. quiet ________ 2. cheap ________ 3. wide
4. clean ________
5. slow ________
6. angry
7. interesting ________ 8.tall ___________ 9. small ________
(15 分)五、选择正确的答案填空,把其字母编 号写在括号内。

th () 1. Christmas is __________ December 25.
) 2. We all wish _______ a nice weekend.( 6.like 7. say __12. has
) 3. I love living on the farm, because there plenty of fresh air.( C.wasA.isB.are
) 4. The baby cried _______ one hour last
) 5. The lady often sees people ______ in the park.(
) 6. Ben helped her grandma _______ the chickens and ducks last
Sunday.( C.feedingB.feedsA.feed
) 7. You have a bad cold. You _______ play in
the rain.(
t' C.shouldnB.shouldA.need
) 8.Twenty years ago there _______ only one building in the school.(
) 9. _______ is a festival for old people.(
C.Chongyang FestivalA.Spring
FestivalB.Mid -autumn Festival
tlike this hotel, _______ the bed is not comfortable.) 10. I don ' (
) 11. My grandpa is a happy man. He _______ a lot.(
C.stands upA.smilesB.wakes up
) 12. Tom ______ at 7:30 every morning. Then he has breakfast.(
C.sta nds upB.wakes upA.puts up
)13. The girl is afraid ________ o ut at ni ght.(
C.to goA.goB.go ing
()14. There is ________ to do at school tha n at home. A.more muchB.much more C.more tha n ()15. A:You look tired. Did you ________ late last ni ght? B:Y es, I ________ much work to do yesterday. A.sleep; hadB.slept; had C.sleep; have
