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Access to Positive Psychology
Introduction (3)
Topic 1 Beliefs as self-fulfilling prophecies……………….4-6 Topic 2 Rituals…………………………………………… 7-8 Topic 3 Optimism……………………………………….9-11
Topic 4 Appreciation……………………………………….
Topic 5 Quantity affects quality…………………………..
Topic 6 Perfectionism…………………………………..16-18
Topic 7 Healthy Body, Healthy Mind………………….
Topic 8 Relationships………………………………….22-24
Topic 9 Self-esteem………………………………….
A Brief Introduction
Tal Ben-Shahar
Tal Ben-Shahar is an author and lecturer at Harvard University. He currently teaches the largest course at Harvard on "Positive Psychology" and the third largest on "The Psychology of Leadership"--with a total of over 1,400 students.
Tal consults and lectures around the world to executives in multi-national corporation, the general public, and at-risk populations. Topics include happiness, self-esteem, resilience, goal setting, mindfulness, and leadership.
An avid sportsman, Tal won the U.S. Intercollegiate and Israeli National squash(壁球)championships. He obtained his PhD in Organizational Behavior and BA in Philosophy and Psychology from Harvard.
Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.
Positive Psychology has three central concerns: positive emotions, positive individual traits, and positive institutions. Understanding positive emotions entails the study of contentment with the past, happiness in the present, and hope for the future. Understanding positive individual traits involves the study of strengths and virtues, such as the capacity for love and work, courage, compassion, resilience, creativity, curiosity, integrity, self-knowledge, moderation, self-control, and wisdom. Understanding positive institutions entails the study of the strengths that foster better communities, such as justice, responsibility, civility, parenting, nurturance, work ethic, leadership, teamwork, purpose, and tolerance.
Some of the goals of Positive Psychology are to build a science that supports:
∙Families and schools that allow children to flourish
∙Workplaces that foster satisfaction and high productivity
∙Communities that encourage civic engagement
∙Therapists who identify and nurture their patients' strengths
∙The teaching of Positive Psychology and resilience (弹性) skills
∙Dissemination (传播) of Positive Psychology and resilience training in organizations & communities
Topic 1 Beliefs as self-prophecies信念是自我实现的预言
(Lecture 5)
1.Related information
1.1Psychological terms and key words
positive emotions
negative emotions
increased creativity
increased motivation
physical health
appreciate 感激,欣赏,增值
depreciate 贬值
sophisticated joke 深奥的玩笑
tough exercise
front page news
the dream mile
physical barrier
mental barrier
mysticism 神秘主义,通灵主义(认为通过祈祷和静思可直接悟知真理并与神交往)The story Marva Collins
My Fair Lady(建议看电影《窈窕淑女》)
the Pygmalion effect
Martin Luther King's dream approach
co-ed 男女同校
"the fast spurters' test"快速迸发者测试
FYI-for your information 仅供参考
off-the-shelf IQ test 现成的智商测试题
Asch Conformity Experiment Asch从众心理实验
The obedience to authority权力服从
1959 retreat 1959年的别墅
Eyesight chart 视力表
flight simulator飞行模拟器
subconscious priming 潜意识映射
conscious priming 有意识映射
1.2 Famous quotations
1)“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
2)It feels good to feel good. It also contributes to others to feel good.感觉好就是感觉好,也
3)“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not
be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” –Buddha 一支蜡烛可以点燃千支蜡烛,蜡烛的生命不会被缩短。
4) Happiness is a positive sum game.快乐是正和游戏。
5)"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make
our world. –Buddha 境随心转,全由意念升起。
6)If I'm happier, I'm more likely to contribute to other people's happiness and wellbeing.
7) Helping others also helps ourselves.
8) Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi 成为你想看到的变化。
9)People mostly do what you do, rather than what you say.
10) The best way spreading happiness is to work on your own happiness, because then you are
leading by example.
11) The impossible made possible.
12)Beliefs shape reality.
13)They appreciated that potential and that potential appreciated.
14)We create our reality.我们创造我们的现实。
2.Previewing questions
1. Have you seen the film My Fair Lady? Have you heard about the story of Pygmalion or the
Pygmalion effect?
2. In the past, were you frequently praised or criticized by your teachers or parents? What
effects did their words bring to you?
3.During-viewing exercises
And I'll start by talking about Pygmalion in the classroom. The source of the word, Pygmalion is ancient Greece. Pygmalion was a sculptor. And what he did was when he came of age looking for his 1 woman he wanted to get married. So he went and looked around Athens where he lived; he looked around the all of Greece; he looked around the Greek Empire; he looked 2 the Greek Empire, looking for his ideal woman-- a woman whom he could 3 . And he couldn't find her, no matter where he looked. I mean it's understandable-- this was before 1879 which was when Red Cliff was founded, and long before Harvard became co-ed. So he couldn't find his ideal woman and he went back to Athens. And he said to himself. "Well, instead of finding that ideal woman, I will 4 a sculpture"-- as he was a sculptor, "I will create a sculpture in her image." And he created that
sculpture. And when he looked at her, he was so overwhelmed with emotion and sadness that he couldn't find her, that he began to cry. And then Zeus, Athena and especially Aphrodite, looking
down on him, took mercy and brought the statue to 5 . And of course, they lived happily ever after. So this is the source of the word, Pygmalion.
Pygmalion was then taken by George Bernard Shaw, who created a play based on a
similar idea which was made into a musical, "My Fair Lady". The idea here is how Higgins, doctor, linguist, took a 6 and molded her in the sense into being royalty. What of course happened through the story was that she molded him more and7 him. Fascinating story and very important story at the time because it challenged the whole
8 that people are born into a certain place and cannot-- and should not-- be 9 .
So a very important play at that time, as well as today. About Pygmalion and people can be10 , can be transformed.
4.Post-viewing questions
1) What do we learn from the story of Gandhi and sugar?
2) Why does Tal want his students to do a quick exercise with their fingers?
3) What is the relationship between the exercise and the saying "Be the change you want to
see in the world"?
5. Personal sheet
1. Why do we say happiness is a positive sum game? Is happiness contagious? Try to do five
extra acts of kindness during one day and make a list of them. You should also reflect on
your own feeling.
2. What do you think of the power of belief?
Topic 2 Rituals
(Lecture 11)
1.Related information
1.1Psychological terms and key words
self-efficacy 自我效能
self-perception theory 自我知觉理论
comfort zone舒适区
stretch zone / optimum levels of discomfort拉伸区/ 最佳不适区
panic zone 恐慌区
bias for action 行动偏向
cognitive reconstruction认知重建
peak experience 颠峰体验
the Eureka experience 顿悟
an ah ha moment 灵光乍现时刻
self-discipline 自律
rituals 例行公事
1.2 Famous quotes
●Nothing breeds success like success. 没有比成功本身对成功更好的催化剂。
●Fake it till we make it 不断伪造方能成真。
●Those whose deeds exceed their wisdom, their wisdom shall endure but those whose wisdom
exceeds their deeds, their wisdom shall not endure.
●Incremental change is better than ambitious failure. Success feeds on itself。
2.Previewing questions
1) Did you ever have such an experience, that is, when you succeeded in doing something,
you did well and even better in doing it from then on?
2) What do you think of yourself, a person of self-discipline or not? Why?
3) What are regarded as rituals in your daily life?
3.During-viewing exercises
3.1Dan Millman- I mentioned him in class a couple of weeks ago, the way of peaceful
warrior, talks about the importance of action and change. He says, quote," To change the course of your life, choose one of two basic methods. One. You can ____1____ your energy and attention toward trying to ____2____ your mind, ____3___your focus, ____4__ your power,___5___ your emotions and ___6___ positive outcomes so that you can finally ___7___ the confidence to ___8___ the courage to ___9___ the determination to ___10___ the commitment to feel sufficiently motivated to do what it is you need to do. Or you can just do it.
3.2OK. Then we talked about coping and exiting your comfort zone. Parents, please
close your eyes at this point. Alright. And I ended by talking about attaining your 'optimum levels of discomfort'. What does this mean? What does this mean? So we can look at approaches to change or reactions to change, behavioral change along the continuum of tension. Most of us most of the time are in our comfort zone. It's great. It's wonderful.
However, when we are in the comfort zone,____________11_____________. If you go beyond that, we get to our stretch zone. This is what we call the optimal discomfort zone.
This is____________12________________. Beyond that is the panic zone. This is___________13______________. This is the place that is usually unhealthy. Unhealthy for change. Because very often, we can go back on where we were before. You can think about this with a metaphor: the comfort zone would be_______14________. The stretch zone would be_______15________. The panic zone would be________16________. Again, a lot of movement, but out of control and potentially dangerous. The best way to be usually is__________17___________. You’ll read about it next week when you read about flow.
Flow is when you have optimal level of arousal, optimal level of tension. When the task that you are doing, or whatever you are doing, is not too difficult nor too easy.
4.Post-viewing questions
1) What had you tried to change and did not succeed? What new behaviors or resolutions had
you tried to adopt and did not make it?
2) How to make change in a healthy way? Use one or two examples to illustrate.
3) Think about the phrase “fake it till we make it”. Can you relate it to the experiences in
your life?
4) By applying the theory of cognitive reconstruction, how to perceive difficult things that
you meet? Give one or two examples.
5) How do you understand the statement “I can do a year’s work in nine month, but not in
twelve” by J.P. Morgan?
5.Personal sheet
Come up with 2 rituals that you believe would make you happier. It could be starting to meditate for 15 minutes every evening, taking four deep breaths first thing when you wake up in the morning, pleasure reading for an hour every other day, spending 2 hours each Sunday afternoon on your hobby, and so on.
Once you identity the rituals you want to adopt, enter them in your planner and begin to do them. New rituals may be difficult to initiate; over time, usually within as little as 30 days, performing these rituals will become as easy and as natural as brushing your teeth. Introduce
no more than one or two rituals at a time and make sure they become a habit before you introduce new ones. As Tony Schwartz says, “Incremental change is better than ambitious failure…. Success feeds on itself.”
Topic 3 Optimism
(Lecture 6)
1.Related Information
1.1 Psychological Terms and Key words:
schema 基模mechanisms 机制the notion of
motivation 动机
objective interpretation客观解释
subjective interpretation主观解释
Thomas Edison
optimism 乐观主义
Matt Biondi in1988 Seoul Olympics Matt Biondi在1988 汉城奥运会
resilience level 适应力水平
resilience factor 适应力因素
self-help realm 自助领域
depression 抑郁症
immune system 免疫系统
detached optimism 盲目乐观主义
unrealistic optimism
in love with Rena
aftershave 须后水
24/7 Marva Collins in my house 全天候驻家的Marva Collins
The Stockdale paradox 斯托克代尔悖论
James Stockdale
Vietnam War
disillusionment 幻灭
Perseverance 坚持
persistence 持久性
perfectionism 完美主义
pretension 要求,主张,抱负
Ace 成功做某事(网球发球直接得分)self-esteem 自尊
identical triplets 同卵三胞胎
ups and downs起起伏伏comfort zone舒服区
panic (stress) zone 恐慌区stretch zone 延展区permission to be human conceive 设想,相信empowering 鼓舞人心的influential 具有影响力的affluence 富裕intrapersonal 精神的,内省correlation 相关性
perceive 感知
cognitive 认知的dissidence 异议coincidence 巧合catastrophe 大惨败, 大灾难pervasive 一概而论despond 沮丧的
heuristic 启发式aspiration 渴求benevolence 仁慈的tenure professor 终身教授
1.2Famous quotations
1)Same objective reality, but very different interpretation.同样的现实,不同的理解。
2)Learn to fail, or fail to learn. 学会失败,或在失败中学习。
3)People who learn to interpret things more positively actually live longer.
4)It’s optimism, passion and hard work. 成功的秘诀是乐观、激情和努力。
5)I’m not going to teach you much new. I hope to remind you what you already know.—Tal
6)Your self-concept is destiny…
7)We cope rather than avoid. 我们面对而不是逃避。
8)We derive conclusion about ourselves in the same way we derive conclusion about others.
9)We realize that the actual pain that comes with failure is far less than the pain we imagine and
that we associate with failure.
10)"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and
obstacles vanish". —John Quincy Adams
11)“The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men”.
George Eliot
12)Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. --Napoleon Hill
—作家Napoleon Hill
13)I believe therefore I will achieve. –Edison
14)“I failed my way to success.” –Edison 我从失败走向成功。
2.Pre-viewing questions
1) “Learn to interpret events subjectively as optimists lead to much higher success.” How do you
understand it?
2) How to distinguish realistic optimism and unrealistic optimism?
3) When you are faced with a challenge or when you have to accept a failure, in what way do
you usually interpret it? Why? Give stories to illustrate your ideas.
4) In order to learn to be an optimist, do you think it important to keep optimistic all the time?
What shall we pay attention to?
5) Many people believe that high expectations naturally lead to disappointment. What is your
3.During-viewing exercise
And people were drawn to this message. Why? Because it's 1. , because it makes them feel that things are possible. Another very influential book, The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale. " Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them. Have great dreams and dare to live them. Have 2. 3. and believe in them. How inspiring for people to hear that, all you need to do is think, all you need to do is believe, and affluence will come to you. Whether it's intrapersonal 4. , whether it's monetary affluence. And this is been the message that has drawn the masses and continues to do so today. The best selling book today, No.1 best seller all over the world, that's right, The Secret. The
secret to success is, what they call, the law of 5. . The law of attraction is that you attract to your life whatever you imaging, whatever you believe it. Again, a powerful message, millions and millions of copies of this book being sold. As we speak, continue to be sold.
And the message is again simple: believe, and you will 6. ; conceive, and it will be conceived. In reality, in the world, it will come to you. Very convincing, very 7._______ message. But, is this message right? Well, we talked about this and we saw the Roger Bannister story. You know one day, or six weeks after Roger Bannister runs a mile in 4 minutes, or in 3'59, John Landy runs it in 3'57.9. The year after 37 runners runs the mile in under 4 minutes. So there is something to it. Once they believed it was possible, it became possible. And here is the issue, with much of what's going on in the self-help today, self-help
8. today, it draws on a truth, a real truth and then blows it out of 9. . So yes,
there is some truth in the fact that our mind creates 10. . But that's only part of the truth. We create reality or rather we co-create reality. There has to be something out there or in there, for example, when it comes to The Secret. If you believe that you are likely to succeed, you are much more likely to 11. . But that has to come with a lot of hard work and
12. ; it has to come with a lot of failure, and learning from that failure.
4.Post-viewing questions
1)This lecture provides the understanding of the following parts: people should create a
positive environment; people should interpret failures in positive way; people should
keep realistic optimism and so on. Which part inspires you most? And why?
2)Compared with your former understanding of optimism, what information or knowledge
has been absorbed/ acquired by you and in what way are you planning to do?
3)Think back to a difficult or painful experience you had. What could you learn from it if
you interpret the failure in a positive way? In what ways did you grow?
5.Personal reflection on the present topic
1)The part I am most interested in (group discussion)
2)The part I want to know more (group discussion)
3)Personal Sheet (write →talk out→hand in)
♦Read the quotes:
“Learn to fail, or fail to learn, there is no other way to succeed.”
“If you teach people to interpret things positively, optimistically, they are much more
likely to succeed.”( By Karen Reivich)
♦Please write down your understanding or any thoughts of the correlation between these two statements that come to your mind on the above statements,
Topic 4 Appreciation
(Lecture 8)
1.Related Information
1.1 Psychological Terms and content key words:
Negative schema 负面思维Pollyannaish 盲目乐观
Mental distortion 心理扭曲Fault finder 消极者
Merit finder 积极者Catastrophe 大灾难
Mortality rate 死亡率Intellectual capacities 智力水平Double blind study 双重匿名研究US bashing 抨击美国
Scenario 情境
Downward spiral 恶性循环Upward spiral 良性循环genuine appreciation
Grey area 灰色地带
Cancer patient
societal level社会层面individual level 个人层面
Good News Networks Fast sputters 有潜力的学生
False schema 错误的思维Renaissance文艺复兴
Depict 描述
Great Depression.大萧条Democratize excellence使优秀民主化Changed detector 变化发现者Apoplectic fit 中风发作
Life connoisseurs 生活的鉴赏家Heart variability 心率变异性Physiological benefits 对身体的好处Immune system 免疫系统
Trait 性格
Cheesy 矫情
Mindfulness 用心
Novel distinctions 新的差别Visualizing 图像化
Stillborn children 死产儿
1.2Famous Quotations
1)Appreciating is important, whether it's a country, whether it's a relationship, whether it's
individual, whether it's students, whether it's teachers. Appreciation is important.
2)What appreciating does is in essence create a growth spiral.
3)Orphan: "What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life,
you create more of it. -Oprah
4)When we are grateful for something, we no longer take it for granted.
5)There are wonderful things that are worth our appreciation all around us or within us.
6)Gratefulness is the measure of our aliveness. -Brother David Steindl-Rast
7)Appreciation is not just a state of being. It's also about the trait. -Robert Emmons
8)Variety really is the spice of life- makes a difference.变化是生活的调味剂。
2.Pre-viewing questions
2.1 About content
2.1.1The difference between merit/benefit finders and fault finders?
2.1.2 How do the positive feelings predicate the longevity? Illustrate it by telling some research examples.
2.1.3 Why isn’t everyone optimistic if we could become happier and if we could become healthier?
2.1.4 How do people become more optimistic so as to show appreciation?
2.1.5 What’s the meaning of “appreciate?” What is the value of “appreciation”/ “gratitude”?
2.2 About yourself
2.2.1If you measure your internal feeling of attitudes towards people, things and life, do you think you are a
benefit/merit finder?
2.2.2How do you think of the impact on you brought by the media?
3During-viewing exercise
3.1Think about the last time you are grateful to someone. And the way you expressed that gratitude, how did
you feel? How did you make the other person feel?
3.2 Group work:
Sharing with your group members ---about your internal gratitude feeling
Sharing with your group members --- the things for which you are grateful.
You can elaborate on one thing or you can read the list of things.
4Post-viewing questions
4.1How do you understand the question “Do things need to get worse before we appreciate what’s right in
front of us and all around us?” Illustrate it by giving your past experience.
e.g. When do we begin to appreciate our health?
When do we begin to appreciate life?
4.2 Must something extraordinary, unusually tragic happen before we appreciate the ordinary?
4.3Brainstorm: Why is the gratitude exercise so powerful according to the lecture?
4.4How do you plan to cultivate gratitude?
5Personal reflection on the present topic
5.1 The part I am deeply impressed/ moved?
5.2 The part I am most inspired?
5.3 Personal Sheet
♦Write a letter of gratitude and send it to him/ her. You are to submit one copy to your English teacher.
♦Talk out the experience or the benefit you get by expressing it.
♦Optional --- visit the person to whom you are writing.
Topic 5 Quantity affects quality
(Lecture 14)
1.Related information
1.1Psychological terms and key words
chronic stress 慢性压力
chronic anxiety长期焦虑
micro level 微观层面
mezzo level 中度
Mckinsey 麦肯锡咨询公司
procrastination 拖延,耽搁
happiness level 幸福指数
TBD (too busy disorder)忙碌紊乱症
time affluence 时间充裕
5 minutes take-off五分钟起飞
burn-out 疲惫
resilient 适应能力强的,能恢复活力的
sterile 无菌的,消毒的
1.2Famous quotes
●Learn to fail or fail to learn学会失败,从失败中学习。
●Quantity affects quality 多则劣,少则精
●They work hard and they play hard.他们努力工作,他们开心玩耍。
●Throw your knapsack over the wall.破釜沉舟
2.Pre-viewing questions
1)Are you getting enough recovery time? Do you take enough breaks during the day? Are you getting
sufficient sleep each night?
2)If you feel stress, how do you relax yourself?
3)How do you understand the old cliché “they work hard and they play hard”?
4)While you are doing something that requires concentration, will you have your mobile phone on? Why?
5)What do you think of your happiness level? Is it high or low? Why?
3.During-viewing exercise
3.1So stress is not the problem. The problem is lack of recovery. And that is what we don’t have
enough of in our culture, not just at Harvard. Most workplaces-there is not enough place for recovery; in most school, most universities- which explains why levels of stress translate themselves to chronic stress, translate themselves to chronic anxiety, translate themselves to depression. It’s because we don’t have the recovery. And we talked about recovery on a few levels- so just a quick recap. We talked about recovery on the micro level, which is, for example, every 90 minutes of sprint, 15 minutes ___1___- instead of marathon runners, being sprinters. It’s 15 minutes meditation. It’s a one hour lunch, where we really give ourselves time to recover. It’s going to the gym on a ___2___ basis. It’s the 15 minutes listening to our favorite piece of music, speaking to a friend or ___3___ it is. The recovery on the micro level. And people who recover, who have recovered during their work day- and this is research done across the river by Teresa Amabile and Leslie Perlow, show how important it is in a workplace to have recoveries and people who do it are more
productive, more creative and in the long term, also___5___ . Higher levels of job satisfaction. Recovery also on the mezzo level the ___6___ night sleep, the day off during once a week at least. Time off recreate so that we can___7___ . And finally, the vacations, holidays, longer periods.
You see, the other thing that happens when we are constantly on the run is that we miss the___8___ that’s all around us and within us. We miss the real ___9___ for happiness, for joy, for appreciation that surrounds us day in and day out. And that’s why we take things for___10___ . Because we don’t take the time to appreciate, to savor.
3.2Let me explain. So let’s say we have a graph where this is___________11_________. and on this
axis we have productivity, creativity and happiness. The way it work, the way it looks, is this way, meaning: if our amount of work is too high, that’s when we experience the TBD,_________12__________. We are unhappy; we are not creative; and we are not productive. This is the burn-out. We may be productive and creative for a short while, but this is the __________13_________. On the other hand, if we do too little, that’s also not good. And very similar consequences – we are unhappy; we are certainly not productive; and we are not creative. This is________14_________, which we will talk about in a minute. This is _______15________. What we want to find is our optimum – for each person, this is in a different place. I mean, this graph can be situated here for one person, and here for another. But each person has this ________16________And this is where highest level of productivity, creativity and happiness is. So on the one extreme we have the law of gas essentially applied to __________17____________. But even if we have very little work, it will take up all of our time. And then we are not productive, not creative, not happy. On the other hand, we have – the quote that I’ve used time and again by J.P.Morgan, that he can do a year’s work in 9 months but not in 12 and _______18_______. Where is your optimal level? Where are you?
Between these two. You need to find out. It’s trial and error. And it’s a lot of error. And that’s OK. That’s how we learn.
4.Post-viewing questions
1)Think about the phrase “quantity affects quality”. Where do you in your life need to simplify? Where do
you in your life need to do more?
2) According to your own experience, what will lead to procrastination? How to overcome procrastination?
5.Personal Sheet
Write down the activities you were engaged in over the last week or two. Looking at the list of your life map, answer the following questions: where can I simplify? What can I give up? Am I spending too much time on the Internet or watching TV? Can I reduce the number of meetings at school or the duration of some of the meetings? Am I saying “yes” to activities to which I can say “ no”?
Commit to reducing the busyness in your life. In addition, ritualize times when you can dedicated yourself fully, with undivided attention, to things you find both meaningful and pleasurable: spending time with your family, focusing on a project at study, meditating, watching a film, and so on.。