你如何看待大学生做兼职 英语作文

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How I Think About College Kids Having Part-Time Jobs
Older kids in college have to deal with a lot of stuff that us younger ones don't even think about yet. Like, they have to pick what they want to learn and then go to a bunch of classes on that subject for years and years. And they have to do tons of homework and write huge papers and take really hard tests. No thanks!
But on top of all that school work, a lot of college students also have part-time jobs where they go work for a few hours every week to make some money. My big sister is in college and she works a few nights a week at the movie theater selling tickets and serving popcorn. I think having a job on top of being a student is pretty crazy!
I can see why college kids would want to have jobs though. For one thing, college is expensive! My parents are always complaining about how much it costs for my sister's tuition and textbooks and meal plan and all that. Having a job helps pay for
some of those big costs of being in college. My sister says her job money goes towards paying her rent, her gas for driving to campus, her car insurance, and stuff like that. No wonder she never has enough left over to buy me ice cream very often!
Another reason I think college kids get jobs is to start getting some work experience before they graduate and have to get a real full-time job. My sister's friend is studying marketing, so she got an internship doing social media for a local store. That way she can get practice in her future career field while still being a student. Smart thinking! My sister just works at the movies for some extra cash, but her friend's internship is actually helping prepare her for finding a good job after graduation.
Having a part-time job seems like it would be really hard for a college student though. Think about it - you already have a full day of classes and homework and studying. Then you have to go spend several more hours at a job! When would you even have time for fun or relaxing? My sister is always saying she's exhausted from being so busy. Sometimes she looks like a zombie from staying up too late working on assignments after her job shift. No thanks, I'll pass on that!
But I guess college kids learn to be responsible and manage their time by juggling school and jobs. It helps them build good
habits for the future when they'll be working full-time after graduating. My dad says it's really impressive when college students can handle that much on their plate of responsibilities. He says it shows they are hard workers who don't take the easy way out. I still think it sounds terrible though!
If I was in college, I'm not sure if I would get a part-time job or not. It would depend on if my family needed me to work and make money to help pay for some costs. And it might be good to get a little job to practice having a real job. But I sure wouldn't want to work too many hours and make myself exhausted! I'd probably try to just work a couple short shifts a week, like on weekends or something. Hopefully I could find a fun job too, like working at a video game store or baseball stadium instead of somewhere boring.
Overall, I have a lot of respect for college students who manage to handle both school and jobs at the same time. That's keeping very busy! Part of me thinks they are crazy workaholics. But I can understand the benefits too of getting prepared for life after school. As long as they leave some time for fun and being a kid too, I think it's okay. I just hope I don't have to be that stressed out myself when I get to college in...oh gosh, like 8 more
years! Maybe by then I'll be ready to be a working college student. But for now, no thank you!
How I Think About College Kids Having Part-Time Jobs
Hey there! My name is Timmy and I'm 9 years old. My teacher Mrs. Robinson asked us to write about what we think of college students working part-time jobs while they are still students. At first, I didn't really know much about it. But then I asked my parents and big sister Jessica (she's in college) and I learned some things that I'll share with you!
To start off, a part-time job is when you work at a place like a restaurant or store or office, but only for some hours per week instead of full-time. College students are people around 18-22 years old who go to a college or university to get a higher education degree after high school.
My sister Jessica works part-time at the campus bookstore for about 15 hours per week. She told me it's so she can earn her own money to pay for things like gas, food, her cell phone bill, and school supplies. She doesn't want to ask our parents for too much money. I think that's pretty responsible of her!
Mom and Dad said having a part-time job can teach college students really important life skills. Like how to manage their time wisely between classes, studying, work, and fun activities. It also teaches them about being professional, customer service, and money management. Those are skills Jessica will need after she graduates and gets a real full-time career job.
I remember when Jessica first started her part-time job, she struggled a bit to get used to the schedule. Sometimes she would be really tired from working a night shift after having a full day of classes and homework. But Mom said that's just part of transitioning into being a responsible adult who has to balance many things at once. Jessica says it's great practice for the "real world."
Another good reason Mom mentioned for college students to work part-time is so they can get hands-on experience in different types of job environments. For example, Jessica has learned about inventory management working at the bookstore, which could maybe help her out later if she gets an office job after graduating. Or the customer service skills she's getting could apply to lots of different career paths.
However, Mom and Dad did point out some potential downsides too. If a student works too many hours at their
part-time job, it could start negatively impacting their schoolwork, grades, and ability to participate in extracurriculars. They said most colleges recommend students only work between 10-15 hours per week during the school year so that academics can remain the top priority. In the summer though, students could take on close to a full-time schedule.
Dad also mentioned that sometimes students take whatever part-time job is available like being a server or cashier, which may not end up being directly relevant to their future career goals. But he said any kind of work experience still builds useful soft skills that companies Value like responsibility, teamwork, communication, etc.
Lastly, my parents brought up affordability as another factor. If a student comes from a family with very limited income, they may need to work a lot of hours at a part-time job to afford basics like food, rent, books, etc. This could make balancing everything really tough. Thankfully, there are usually resources on campus like financial aid that can help students in need.
Overall though, both Mom and Dad think it's a great idea in most cases for college students to have part-time jobs. As long as they are smart about limiting their weekly hours and not over-extending themselves, a part-time job provides so many
benefits. It gives invaluable real-world experience, income to be more self-reliant, and important life skills beyond just academics.
I'm really proud of how hard my sister Jessica is working at her job and in school! When I get to college in about 9 more years, I'll probably try to find a fun part-time job too. Maybe working at a summer camp, the movie theater, or who knows? I've got plenty of time to decide. But no matter what, I'll be sure to always put my studies first, just like Mom and Dad taught me. Getting a great education is the top priority!
Well, that's my thoughts on the whole "college students with part-time jobs" topic. I may just be a 4th grader, but I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the major pros and cons involved. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks for reading my essay!
How I Think About College Kids Getting Jobs on the Side
Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 9 years old. I'm in the 4th grade at Oakwood Elementary School. My teacher Mr. Harris asked us to write about what we think of college students working part-time jobs while they are still students. At first I didn't really know much about it, but after talking to my parents
and older brother who is in college, I have some thoughts I want to share!
To start off, I think it's really cool that college students can get jobs. In my mind, college is this super hard thing where you just study all day and night. My brother talks about having tons of homework, papers to write, and tests to take pretty much every week. It sounds super stressful! I can't imagine also having to go to work on top of all that school work. College kids must be really hard workers and good at time management if they can handle both.
My brother works at the campus bookstore a couple nights a week. He says it's actually a nice break from studying all the time. He gets to interact with people, move around instead of just sitting, and switch his brain to a different kind of task. I can understand how that would be good for your mental health. If all you did was school work, you'd probably go crazy! Getting a part-time job seems like a nice way for college students to clear their head and get an escape.
Another good thing is that the job gives my brother some spending money. College is expensive from what I hear - there's tuition, books, housing, food, and lots of other costs. Even if you have scholarships or your parents help out, there are always
incidental expenses. Having a job ensures my brother has cash for things like going out with friends, subscribing to streaming services, or just treating himself to something fun once in a while without having to ask my parents for more money constantly. That independence is good practice for being a grown-up one day when you're fully on your own.
At the same time, I can see how juggling work and academics could be really hard. My brother has had to say no to fun stuff with his friends because he had too much homework or a shift at work. Sometimes he skimps on sleep when he has a lot due which isn't good for you. And there have been times where his grades slipped because his work schedule made it harder to study as much as he needed to. College is already so demanding, adding a job on top seems like it could really weigh you down at times.
But from what my parents explained, a lot of college students need jobs to help pay for their education and living costs. My mom said it builds good work ethic, time management skills, and resilience to take on that double workload. She thinks it prepares you well for the future when you'll likely have a career but also other responsibilities like families or communities you'll
participate in. You gotta be able to balance different roles as an adult she said.
So after thinking it over, I overall see college students working part-time jobs as a good thing. It teaches important life skills, brings in extra money which is hugely helpful, and gives your brain a break from the intense pressure of academics. At the same time, it's definitely hard and you have to be super disciplined about time management to not let one area suffer because of the other. I guess that's just part of growing up though – juggling responsibilities and priorities.
I don't know if I'll go to college or not yet. I'm only in 4th grade! But if I do, I can see myself probably wanting to get a job too, as long as the hours weren't too crazy. Making some spending money, learning responsibility, and getting a break from the books all sound valuable to me. Although the couple college kids I know who work at restaurants said the night hours and dealing with hangry customers can be rough! Maybe I'd look for a chill gig at the library or somewhere on campus instead.
Anyway, that's my take on college students working
part-time jobs based on what I know so far. We'll see if my opinion changes as I get older and hopefully wiser! Let me know
what you all think about it too. Thanks for reading my essay – I'll be expecting an A+ of course!。
