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Apple’s decision to back wide-ranging pay and labour reforms at the Chinese factories of Foxconn, its biggest contract supplier, will clearly raise costs at both companies.
But the Apple empire will not see a serious dent in its profitability, as its high-tech competitors will have to follow suit. And it’s a price worth paying to keep on the right side of consumers who don’t like the idea of buying iPhones made by slaves – and of the Chinese authorities who have backed pay rises for workers to help spread the benefits of economic growth.
Investors believe the electronics industry can take this in its stride. Despite the dramatic headlines, shares in Hon Hai, Foxconn’s parent, fell just 1.3 per cent in Taipei on Friday, following a 1.3 per cent drop in Apple on Thursday.
尽管涨薪新闻引⼈注⽬,但富⼠康母公司鸿海(Hon Hai)的股价周五在台北只跌了1.3%,此前周四苹果股价也跌了1.3%。
As the FT reported, the news came hours after Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, toured a Foxconn production line in China, when the US-based Fair Labor Association announced the contract manufacturer had agreed to improve conditions for its 1.2m workers.
如英国《⾦融时报》此前报道,苹果⾸席执⾏官蒂姆?库克(Tim Cook)参观富⼠康在中国的⽣产线⼏个⼩时后,就传出了新闻:总部位于美国的公平劳动协会(Fair Labor Association)宣布,富⼠康同意改善120万名⼯⼈的⼯作条件。
With Foxconn operating at profit margins of only 1.5 per cent, compared to 30 per cent at Apple, it’s clear that the world’s most valuable company by capitalisation will have to bear most of the extra cost.
It won’t have any difficulty finding the money in its $100bn cash pile. Nor should the agreement gravely impair its profitability. The estimated manufacturing labour content of an iPhone or iPad is around 5 per cent. China Capital Securities puts labour costs at just 2-3 per cent of total operating costs at Hon Hai.
据估计,iPhone 和iPad的⽣产劳动成本约为5%。
中国中信证券(Citic Securities)则认为,劳动成本只占鸿海全部经营成本的2-3%。
The impact on western companies less profitable than Apple might be more significant, because these manufacturers will now come under pressure both in the US and China. Those in the firing line include Hewlett-Packard, Nokia, Motorola and Sony.
But the industry as a whole should be able to manage the shock, just as the sports shoe sector adapted to higher Chinese labour costs in the 1990s after a high-profile campaign against Nike, the market leader. Just like Nike, Apple and co make stuff that everybody seems to want.
Pay has already been rising, with Foxconn leading the way following a spate of suicides in 2010. Last month the company announced another round of wage increases of 16-25 per cent.
And Beijing wants to see further improvements over the coming years so that workers benefit from the fruits of their labours.
China’s share of low-tech exports has already started to fall. It accounted for 53.6 per cent of US imports of textiles and clothes last year, compared to 53 per cent in 2010. Low-wage Vietnam and Bangladesh are among the countries gaining market share.
But this isn’t bad for China. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, the east Asian economies which became wealthy through their manufacturing process, all moved out of low-tech exports as they moved up the value chain.
Chinese average wages are now above those of its low-pay rivals, as the chart below shows. But it has a big cost advantage over Malaysia and Thailand, exporters of the high-tech hardware that China now wants to move into.
Furthermore, China, with its good education levels, big infrastructure developments and work ethic remains very competitive, not least in its inland regions, where wages lag behind those on the coast. As this chart shows, China’s export prices in dollar terms are not rising as fast as prices from other emerging markets.
Companies as well as countries are adjusting. Indeed. Hon Hai is a perfect example. Only this week it announced plans to buy 10 per cent of Sharp, the ailing Japanese display screen company, in a $806m deal. It may have made its fortune in low-cost labour but it sees its future in high-end technology.