英文翻译次贷危机The US debt crisis


英文短剧剧本--Three visits to the cottage(三顾茅庐)

英文短剧剧本--Three visits to the cottage(三顾茅庐)

Three visits to the cottage(中文名三顾茅庐)Three visits to the cottage(中文名三顾茅庐)is a story from one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels——the Three Kindoms. ZhuGeliang is one of the main characters in the original. Also, he is an outstanding militarist(军事家), politician and the symbol of the wisdom(智慧)in Chinese history. Another main actors——Liubei, who visited ZhuGeliang's thatched(茅屋顶)cottage three times and wanted to invite him to be his military(军方)adviser. Finally, ZhuGeliang was moved by sincerity, helped the three brothers——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei to establish the Shu Kindom. He devoted his whole life to the cause and died in harness. In this play, we add many modern and funny elements. For example, there are some spoken lines and actions which were copied from some classical movies like Infernal Affairs(中文名无间道), My Own Swordsman(中文名武林外传),The Flirting Scholar(中文名唐伯虎点秋香)were combined in our play. So we present our script to you and wish you will like it. Three visits to the cottage Aside: After their swearing brotherhood(友谊) to heaven and earth in a peach garden, the three persons——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei-had to be janitors(看门人)in Caocao's corporation to make a living for they could not find jobs. Meanwhile the legendary(有名的)and mysterious character 诸葛亮who had been forced to attend CET-6(英语六级)test by his wife was reviewing examination contents.旁白话说刘关张桃园三结义之后四处奔波一时间找不到工作不得不在曹操的公司靠看大门为生而此时那个传说中的神秘人物诸葛卧龙先生正专心在家复习考试因为他的老婆黄氏逼着他参加CET-6SCENE 1: Liubei's homeActors:Liubei Guanyu ZhangfeiGuanyu: Brother! We three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic (悲惨的)life end? It's so terrible!关羽大哥咱们都饿了好几天了这种吃糠咽菜的生活我们要过到什么时候啊哎Liubei: Yu, it's impossible that I don't feel painful, isn't it? But as the proverb says it is hard to sit in Rome and strive(努力)against the Pope. Now we come down to Caocao's corporation as gatekeeper, anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. It's very hard to get work now. No diplomas(毕业文凭)and no job offers, what are you dreaming about?刘备二弟这大哥我怎么可能不难受嘛可是常言道人在屋檐下怎能不低头我们现在曹操的公司里给人家看大门这年头工作这么难找我们三兄弟学历又不高好不容易能有口饭吃就很不错了哪还有什么奢求呀Zhangfei: Oh, Brother! ZhuGeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with(对付)his husband‟s CET-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt collectors now.张飞大哥对了上个月后面山头诸葛亮的老婆来问我们借走了500块钱去给她老公交学费去了都好久没还我们是不是应该去要回来Guanyu: Yeah, Brother! Or we'll be as poor as church mouse.(喝西北风)关羽是啊大哥不然的话这样下去我们就得喝西北风了Liubei: Alas!(哎呀)How did I forget this? Let's go! Go~~ go~! Hurry up! Follow me and go to the mountain for dunning(要债)!刘备哎就是我怎么这岔给忘了走走走二弟三弟随我这就上山(收拾家伙挽袖子)Aside: And then the three brothers climb the mountain to find ZhuGeliang旁白兄弟三人就此上山SCENE 2: ZhuGeliang‟s houseActors: ZhuGeliang Wife ZhugeliangZhuGeliang: Good morning! I am the genius(天才)ZhuGeliang. But I feel so morose(抑郁的)recently. Because my wife forced me to pass the CET-6. What‟s CET-6? Do you know? You?(Ask the audience) I‟ve never heart about that. And she obliged me to (对我表示感谢)read so he avy books and do so many texts. It‟s ridiculous. My major is military(军事的)advice, not English. Why should I read this?诸葛亮大叫好我就是绝顶聪明的诸葛亮可我最近却很是郁闷我那个娘子非要我去参加什么大学英语六级考试六级考试是个什么东西我怎么听都没听说过还要我看这么厚的书做这么多的题(拿起手里的金瓶梅给大家亮亮)我以后可是要当军师的!!又不是这个专业的干嘛还要要看这种书Wife: Darling!老婆相公(远处喊)ZhuGeliang:My wife is coming,she is so long-winded (啰嗦的)that I can never bear her.诸葛亮老婆上(比较啰嗦)诸葛亮娘子来了我娘子啰嗦的像唐僧一样说起话来我可受不了快老实看书(装作认真状)Wife:My dear, how about your study?老婆相公你的书背的怎么样了ZhuGeliang:These books make me want to doze(打盹儿). I‟m dizzy(头晕的). 诸葛亮娘子啊这些书看得我头昏眼花光想打瞌睡Wife:Darling! Now, competition is so serious. If you can‟t pass cet6 to get your master‟s degree, it is difficult to find a job. I have stayed here for half of a lifetime. But never visit a bigger place like Yangling.老婆哎相公呀你有所不知你看现在外面竞争这么激烈你要是不好好考六级将来拿个硕士文凭以后找不到工作可怎么办呀我们在这个小村子里都呆了小半辈子了你看我连稍微大一点的城市像铁岭都没去过ZhuGeliang:Don‟t worry, these books are too easy for your husband and don‟t need to learn.诸葛亮娘子你看老公我这么有才华以后还愁找不到工作么这些书太简单了统统不用看(扔书)Wife:Are you sure? let me have a test to you. Listen,read and see!老婆哼!!你说简单那我考考你ZhuGeliang:A piece of cake(小菜一碟)!诸葛亮怎么还要考我舌战群儒我都不怕小小考试焉能难道我(对观众说)Wife:Listen, can you spell apple? Desk?老婆我要考你听写(诸葛亮郁闷状)听着apple怎么写desk怎么写ZhuGeliang: Sorry I can‟t.诸葛亮(不会抓耳挠腮)Wife:You can‟t? Oh, how unfortunate I am! (crying) I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, I'm wrong from the beginning. I shouldn't marry here. If I didn‟t marry here, I'll never in this heartrending(使人极度伤心的)place now,老婆相公啊你连这都不会可怎么办呀哎呀我错了我真的错了我从一开始就不应该嫁过来如果我不嫁过来就不会流落到这么一个伤心的地方我好后悔呀ZhuGeliang:Don‟t cry, don‟t cry, stop! I …m going to study hard at once.诸葛亮崩溃了(捂耳朵忙劝)诸葛亮娘子莫哭娘子莫哭相公好好看书就是Wife (laugh): That's the spirit (这还差不多)! Do you know? We are in the red for (负债)your Cet6. I even borrowed money from the gate keeper. What can I do when they dun(要债)for debts.老婆(马上变脸)这还差不多你知道么为了供你读书咱们家已经欠了外面一屁股债连看大门的我都借过如果这些人上门来逼债我可怎么办呀ZhuGeliang: Are you pointing to that gatekeeper Liubei?诸葛亮娘子你说看大门的?莫非就是呢个看大门的刘备(抓胡子兴奋点头)Wife: Oh! Yes! Come on quickly! Boy!老婆正是此人书童你快过来Keeper: What is the matter? Madam?书童上书童主人有何吩咐Wife: Listen carefully! My husband is too busy doing his homework to welcome any people, so you will tell the people who calls on him that boss has went to study in England.老婆书童听着相公近日温习功课外人一律不见来人就说去国外游玩讲学去了Keeper: Yes! Madam!书童遵命Aside: While it is going on, liubeiGuanyu Zhangfei have came to the gate of ZhuGeliang‟s house.旁白话正说着刘关张三人已经到了诸葛亮家门口SCENE3 Outside ZhuGeliang‟s houseActors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei KeeperZhangfei: Let me strike the door! Open! Open!!!刘关张上张飞大哥我来叫门(气愤敲门咚咚咚)Keeper: (Check from the peep hole(猫眼)) Are these men asking for the debt? (Open the door)书童(从猫眼里看看跟张飞头对上幻灯片配李逵的黑脸吓一跳)莫非是来讨债的(思考开门)Liubei: This is liubei! We are calling on ZhuGeliang and his wife.刘备在下刘备特来拜访诸葛卧龙先生和她老婆Keeper: Zhu said he is not in.书童主人说他不在家Liubei: En????刘关张恩???Keeper: Oh! No!...I mean …I mean my boss is studying English in England for the exam of CET-6,and he may not be come back this month.书童哦不是主人主人出去游玩了可能很快回来也可能十多天不回来Liubei: OK! We are waiting for him here!刘备那我们就在这等他Guanyu: Nobody knows that when he will come back, thus, let‟s go home!关羽他呢么贪玩谁知道他什么时候回来大哥我们还是走吧Aside: The three men went away with disappointed. After a month, the deeply autumn came! They came here at the second time. Unfortunately, they didn‟t see Zhugeliang again. Two month passed, the cold winter is coming! It is heavy snow and very cold outsides. ZhuGeliang knows the reason that why they come here threetimes, and orders the keeper to let them come in whiles his wife is outside.旁白三人离去又过了一个月已是深秋三人第二次登门拜访可是仍然没有见着第三次已经是冬天屋外下着鹅毛大雪诸葛亮知道了刘备上门讨债的事情趁这会老婆黄氏不在赶紧命书童前去开门SCENE4 Outside ZhuGeliang‟s houseActors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei KeeperZhangfei: Please tell me in time when you would see him next time, let me bind him up (绑起来)for you. It really should not trouble you to come here time and time again.刘关张书童上张飞大哥下次要见诸葛小儿你先给我老三说一声我把他绑来见你如此劳烦哥哥甚是无礼Liubei: These days, the borrower is the god! Let‟s go there again and show our the warmest heart to move them.(Knock the door)刘备哎二弟三弟现在欠钱的都是大爷我们还是再去一回吧一定要诚心诚意才能打动人家(抹眼泪幻灯片放杨白劳与黄世仁咚咚咚敲门)Keeper:My boss is at home today, but he is reading books about CET-6. Please wait for a moment!书童主人今天在家(诸葛亮拿着金瓶梅从身后走过)但是正在看书请你们等一等Zhangfei:Xiao Zhu! Come out! Brothers, help me to take care of my seventh uncle and his third niece(侄女). Get out, or I will burn your house down!张飞(等不及了)诸葛小儿快出来大哥二哥帮我照顾好我七舅老爷他上外甥女。

是什么造成了金融危 机? 英汉双语

是什么造成了金融危 机? 英汉双语

Describe the main factors that lie behind the Sub-Prime Crisis.What Caused The Financial Crisis?Financial crisis, also known as financial tsunami, refers to the dramatic deterioration of the financial indicators of a certain country or several countries and regions in the world. It can be classified as currency crisis, debt crisis, banking crisis, sub-loan crisis, etc. The feature of the crisis is that people are pessimistic about the economic future because of monetary depreciation occurring throughout the region. The causes for the crisis are complicated with multiple reasons, mainly from three aspects, i.e., the U.S. consumption habits of borrowing, the idea of free economic management, and the economic environment and specific policy instruments.I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word —GREED. Over the years, mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn’t afford their mortgages. But they did it anyway because there was nothing to lose. These lenders were able to charge higher interest rates and make more money on sub-prime loans. If the borrowers default, they simply seized the house and put it back on the market. On top of that, they were able to pass the risk off to mortgage insurer or package thesemortgages as mortgage-backed securities. Easy money!and what went wrong with our financial system? The whole thing was one big scheme. Everything was great when houses were selling like hot cakes and their values go up every month. Lenders made it easier to borrow money, and the higher demand drove up house values. Higher house values means that lenders could lend out even bigger mortgages, and it also gave lenders some protection against foreclosures. All of this translates into more money for the lenders, insurers, and investors. Unfortunately, many borrowers got slammed when their adjustable mortgage finally adjusted. When too many of them couldn’t afford to make their payments, it causes these lenders to suffer from liquidity issue and to sit on more foreclosures than they could sell. Mortgage-backed securities became more risky and worth less causing investment firms like Lehman Brothers to suffer. Moreover, insurers like AIG who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble.The scheme worked well, but it reverses course and is now coming back to hurt everyone with a vengeance.The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing financial crisis characterized by contracted liquidity in global credit markets and banking systems triggered by the failure of mortgage companies, investment firms and government sponsored enterprises which hadinvested heavily in subprime mortgages. The crisis, which has roots in the closing years of the 20th century but has become more apparent throughout 2007 and 2008, has passed through various stages exposing pervasive weaknesses in the global financial system and regulatory framework.The crisis began with the bursting of the United States housing bubble and high default rates on supbrise and adjustable rate mortgages (ARM), beginning in approximately 2005–2006. For a number of years prior to that, declining lending standards, an increase in loan incentives such as easy initial terms, and a long-term trend of rising housing prices had encouraged borrowers to assume difficult mortgages in the belief they would be able to quickly refinance at more favorable terms. However, once interest rates began to rise and housing prices started to drop moderately in 2006–2007 in many parts of the U.S., refinancing became more difficult. Defaults and foreclosure activity increased dramatically as easy initial terms expired, home prices failed to go up as anticipated, and ARM interest rates reset higher. Foreclosures accelerated in the United States in late 2006 and triggered a global financial crisis through 2007 and 2008. During 2007, nearly 1.3 million U.S. housing properties were subject to foreclosure activity, up 79% from2006.Major banks and other financial institutions around the world have reported losses of approximately US$435 billion as of 17 July 2008 The liquidity concerns drove central banks around the world to take action to provide funds to member banks to encourage lending to worthy borrowers and to restore faith in the commercial paper markets. The U.S. government also bailed out key financial institutions, assuming significant additional financial commitments.是什么造成了金融危机?金融危机,又称金融风暴,是指一个国家或几个国家与地区的金融指标的急剧恶化。



关于金融危机的英文词汇次贷危机相关词汇 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券和交易委员会1、次级贷款 Subprime mortgage crisis 次贷危机 Subprime mortgagecrisis 次贷危机也可以用Subprime crisis表示,也可以简略美国房地产泡沫 US housing bubble 为Subprime, mortgage 是指抵押贷款,与mortgage流动性liquidity无法偿还房贷和丧失抵押赎回权 home-loan 相对应的另一个词En-mortgage最近使用频率也很defaults and foreclosures 高,如Ex-mortgage broker是指推销抵押贷款的中间人。

发放次贷的出贷方 subprime lenders 2、可调整利率贷款项目 Option ARMs ARM是adjustable rate mortgage缩写,指可调整利率借贷打包证券和银行持有的投资组合 loanspackaged into securities and held in bank portfolios 贷款,美国之所以出现次贷危机,就是由于OptionARMs过于“发达”,使得房地产泡沫越吹越大,最终可调整的贷款利率adjustable-rate mortgages(ARM) 造成不可避免的金融危机。

贷款欺诈fraudulent loans 3、房地产泡沫 real estate bubble 信用危机 credit risk房地产泡沫The Housing Bubble 证券化 securitization 房地产泡沫破灭 the housing bubble busting,住房抵押贷款证券 mortgage-backed securities(MBS) 经济衰退 economic declining 抵押债务 collateralized debt obligations(CDO) 经济危机 economic crisis 机构投资者 institutional investors 市场疲软market weak 杠杆操作 leveraged manipulation 注意foreclosure这个词,是指贷方lender没有能力贬值 devaluation 给付月供,银行收回用于出售的房产。



Investment bank
高盛、摩根斯坦利从投资银行转为银行控股公司 雷曼兄弟破产 美林证券被美国银行收购 贝尔斯登被摩根大通收购
美联储有权监管所有银行控股企业 金融衍生工具等所有场外交易列入监管范畴 某种意义上意味着华尔街的终结
Federal Reserve chairman Greenspan lowers interest rate to 1%
1% means
investors banks
Hale Waihona Puke say no—very low return
borrow from Fed at low cost
10000$ ----11000$ 1000$
Safe investor Other banks Risk taker
Collateralized Debt
Investment bank
Safe 4% Okay 7% Risky 10%
More money
More CDO
Risk taker
Collateralized Debt
Investment bank
Risky 10%
Home owner
Interest rate 1%→5%
More and more house supply
Mortgage-----300,000$ House price---90,000$

subprime mortgage crisis 次贷危机

subprime mortgage crisis 次贷危机

Influnces to world economy
Influences to the American economy
• 美国次贷危机首先影响到美国经济的发展。受冲击最大的 是美国的银行业。从抵押贷款领域到资产证券化领域的损 失造成了银行间流动性的崩溃。 • 美国经济面临通货膨胀、房地产市场萎缩、信贷紧缩等一 系列问题。这场危机并没有止步于金融市场,而是通过多 个渠道影响到实体经济。
A chart of unemployment rate(month)
Influences to American economy
How it spread to worldwide
• 国际股市暴跌(international stock market slumped) • 美国贸易进口萎缩降低全球消费需求(trade imports shrinked which reduced the demand of consumers) • 资本"乱流”(capital flows disorderedly) • 全球性通胀(Global inflation) • 房地产市场低迷(real estate market downturn) • 各国加强贸易保护(strengthen trade protection) • 全球資金流动性紧缩,各国央行纷纷注资(global cash liquidity dries up,central banks registered.)
Pilocies to save the market
• 短期
• 长期
(注入市场流动性 增强市场信心)
(刺激经济,寻求 发展)

次贷危机中英文版 Household debt crisis

次贷危机中英文版 Household debt crisis

Household debt crisis – a looming threat to the US economyUS economic activity slowed in late 2007 as the credit crisis spawned by the sub-prime mortgage debacle intensified. Banks cut back their lending to individuals and companies, causing the annualized rate of GDP growth to fall to a tepid 0.6% in the fourth quarter last year, significantly lower than the 4.9% recorded in the previous quarter. The worsening outlook has prompted the US government to take unprecedented measures to stimulate the ailing economy.家庭债务危机- 美国经济面对的威胁随着美国次按问题恶化,并引发信贷进一步收缩,美国经济在2007 年年底明显降温。



US households are the rescue target …A wide range of new measures have been introduced by the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve (the Fed) in an attempt to prevent the sub-prime woes from spiraling into a full-blown economic meltdown. First, Congress and the Administration have agreed on a US$152 billion economic stimulus package. This includes tax rebates of up to US$600 per individual and US$300 for each dependent child. Second, the benchmark Fed Funds Rate (FFR) has been slashed by a combined three percentage points in six rate cuts since September 2007 to the current 2.25%. Moreover, liquidity is being pumped into financial institutions by expanding the range of securities accepted as collateral for loans issued by the Fed and by increasing investments in the mortgage market by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – the two largest US home finance companies. T he Fed’s support of the bailout of the failing investment bank Bear Sterns marked yet another step to stave off a broader confidence crisis in financial markets.美国政府致力维持家庭消费增长美国财政部及联邦储备局(联储局)采取一连串措施,以阻止次按危机蔓延至其他经济层面。


B想,我的400亿要10年才能拿到,现在一转手就有200 亿,而且没有风险,何乐而不为,因此B和C马上就成 交了。 这样一来,CDO被划分成一块块的CDS,像股 票一样流到了金融市场之上,可以交易和买卖。实际上 C拿到这批CDS之后,并不想等上10年再收取200亿, 而是把它挂牌出售,标价220亿;D看到这个产品,算 了一下,400亿减去220亿,还有180亿可赚,这是“原 始股”,不算贵,立即买了下来。一转手,C赚了20亿。 从此以后,这些CDS就在市场上反复的炒,现在CDS的 市场总值已经炒到了62万亿美元
扬 我 国 威 , 振 我 中 华

上面A,B,C,D,E,F....都在赚大钱,那么这些钱到底从那 里冒出来的呢?从根本上说,这些钱来自A以及同A相仿的 投资人的盈利。而他们的盈利大半来自美国的次级贷款。 人们说次贷危机是由于把钱借给了穷人。笔者对这个说法 不以为然。笔者以为,次贷主要是给了普通的美国房产投 资人。这些人的经济实力本来只够买自己的一套住房,但 是看到房价快速上涨,动起了房产投机的主意。他们把自 己的房子抵押出去,贷款买投资房。这类贷款利息要在8% -9%以上,凭他们自己的收入很难对付,不过他们可以继 续把房子抵押给银行,借钱付利息,空手套白狼。此时A很 高兴,他的投资在为他赚钱;B也很高兴,市场违约率很低, 保险生意可以继续做;后面的C,D,E,F等等都跟着赚钱。
如果G倒闭,那么A花费5亿美元买的保险就泡 了汤,更糟糕的是,由于A采用了杠杆原理投资, 根据前面的分析,A赔光全部资产也不够还债。因 此A立即面临破产的危险。除了A之外,还有A2, A3,...,A20,统统要准备倒闭。因此G,A,A2,...,A20 一起来到美国财政部长面前,一把鼻涕一把眼泪地 游说,G万万不能倒闭,它一倒闭大家都完了。财 政部长心一软,就把G给国有化了,此后A,...,A20 的保险金总计1000亿美元全部由美国纳税人支付。

“美国国债危机”热词 中英对照

“美国国债危机”热词 中英对照



government bonds 政府债券debt ceiling crisis 债务限额危机raise the debt limit 提高借债上限reduce the deficit/deficit cutting 削减赤字budget deficit 预算赤字federal deficit 联邦赤字tax breaks 税收减免/税额优惠entitlement reform and tax reform 津贴改革和税收改革consumer confidence 消费者信心business confidence 企业信心the debt talks/debate 债务(限额)谈判debt default 债务违约debt ceiling 债务上限,债务最高限额borrowing limit 借款限额brinkmanship 边缘政策borrowing capacity 借贷能力balanced budget 预算平衡reserve requirement ratio 存款准备金率stock market 股票市场Debt Ceiling Bill 债务上限法案tax code 税法budget act 预算法案annual domestic spending 年度国内开支abrupt deficit cut 减赤过急fiscal credibility 财政信用special deductions 特殊扣减bipartisan committee 两党委员会congressional committee process 国会委员会程序reserve currency 储备货币financing cost 融资成本degrade 评级下调一场关于“全球货币体系改革”的大讨论近日在北京展开。

次贷危机(Subprime Mortgage

次贷危机(Subprime Mortgage

revive confidence and helping to reduce money-market
rates. 2008年10月13日:美联储带来前所未有的推动,中央 银行向金融体系注入大量的资金来恢复信心,并帮助 减少货币市场利率。
walk out from deflation(通货紧缩) in 1990s
Oct. 13, 2008: The Fed leads an unprecedented push by
central banks to flood the financial system with as many
dollars as banks want, backing up government efforts to
+ Sept. 15, 2008: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. files the
largest bankruptcy in history, and Bank of America agrees to acquire Merrill Lynch for about $50 billion. + 2008年9月15日:雷曼兄弟控股公司申请了历史上最大 的破产文件,同时美国银行同意收购美林的大约 50000000000美元。
+ Sept. 21, 2008: Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan
Stanley receive approval to become commercial banks regulated by the Fed as tight credit markets forced Wall Street's two remaining independent investment banks to widen their sources of funding. + 2008年9月21日:高盛集团和摩根斯坦利获得批准成为 商业银行,美联储的信贷市场紧缩迫使华尔街这两家 独立投资银行扩大资金来源。

The United States subprime mortgage crisis (美国次贷危机)

The United States subprime mortgage crisis (美国次贷危机)

Given the scale of recent events, any observer could hardly be blamed for asking the questions posed at the beginning of this article - 'how did this happen; how can we resolve it; and how can we prevent it from happening again?' This commentary has so far discussed the first question, and we now turn to the second and third parts.
8. Investors become Complacent - Greed triumphs Fear - "Fear, what Fear?" 9. Institutions Create Structured Investment Vehicles and Conduits - People Lose Track of Who Owns What. 10. People start to worry about being paid back - holders of capital go on strike.
The United States subprime mortgage crisis
Sub-Prime And The Credit Crunch
The global financial market is at its most critical juncture in almost 80 years. How did this happen? How can we resolve it and how can we prevent it from happening again?


25、Ming Tombs十三陵
28、forewarned is forearmed凡事预则立
29、French Revolution 法国大革命
31、苏伊士运河Suez Canal
46、喜马拉雅山脉Himalaya Mountains
47、夏威夷群岛Hawaiian Island
48、档案柜 file cabinet
49、孝顺 filial piety
51、通用汽车 General Motors
52、基尼系数Gini coefficient
16、land feature地貌
17、continental shelf大陆架
18、degree Fahrenheit华氏温度
20、Inner Mongolia内蒙古
21、Jurassic Period侏罗纪
22、the Statue of Liberty自由女神像
8、tap water自来水
9、public supervision mechanism舆论监督机制‘
11、house for pension以房养老
14、cigarette butt烟蒂
15、educated youtng配字幕
3、sub-Saharan Africa撒哈拉以南的非洲

次贷危机(Subprime Mortgage

次贷危机(Subprime Mortgage

球最具实力的股票和债券承销和交易 商之一。同时,公司还担任全球多家跨国公 司和政府的重要财务顾问,并拥有多名业
+ 美林(Merrill Lynch),(NYSE:
MER, TYO: 8675)
+ 世界最著名的证券零售商和投资银行之一,总
部位于美国纽约。作为世界的最大的金融管理咨 询公司之一,它在财务世界响叮当名字的里占有 一席之地。该公司在曼哈顿四号世界金融中心大 厦占据了整了34层楼。
The commercial bank may fear that borrowers may not pay off the loan on time. Investment Bank (Lehman Brothers 雷曼兄弟) Ensure to get money back from borrowers
+ 2008年10月11日:美国财政部长保尔森表示,政府资金
+ Oct. 12, 2008: European leaders agree to guarantee
bank borrowing and use government money to prevent
Commercial Bank
Pay $10 For CDOOn来自 year later......
Whether borrowers can pay off loans?
Investment banks will profit $10
Investment banks may lose $100 because they must pay off loans for borrowers.



介绍次贷危机相关英语⽂章次级贷款的英语是:Subprime Mortgage (次级贷款就是⼀种提供给那些信⽤评级较低或者具有可能加⼤其违约或者⽆法⽀付⽉供等其他风险特征的借款⼈的抵押贷款。




从2005年起,重设利率使得不少次级贷款的借款⼈每⽉⽉供增加50%以上,造成了拖⽋付款和房屋⽌赎等现象不断增多)次贷危机:Subprime mortgage crisis (次贷危机也可以⽤Subprime crisis表⽰,也可以简略为Subprime, mortgage 是指抵押贷款)美国房地产泡沫:US housing bubble流动性:liquidity⽆法偿还房贷和丧失抵押赎回权:home-loan defaults and foreclosures发放次贷的出贷⽅:subprime lenders借贷打包证券和银⾏持有的投资组合:loans packaged into securities and held in bank portfolios可调整的贷款利率:adjustable-rate mortgages(ARM)贷款欺诈:fraudulent loans信⽤危机:credit risk证券化:securitization住房抵押贷款证券mortgage-backed securities(MBS)抵押债务:collateralized debt obligations(CDO)机构投资者:institutional investors商业银⾏Commercial Bank信⽤危机 Credit Crunch系统风险 Systemic Risk信⽤保险 Credit Insurance投资银⾏Investment Bank单⼀险种保险Monoline Insurance (这是⼀项保险政策,保证债券或者其他类型债务发⾏⼈可⽀付所的本⾦和利息。


Besides the $362 billion of subprime ARMs that are scheduled to reset during 2008, $152 billion of other loans with adjustable rates are set to reset, according to Banc of America Securities. The other resetting loans include "jumbo" mortgages of more than $417,000 and Alt-A loans, a category between prime and subprime. The latter category is the riskier, in part because it includes borrowers who provided little or no documentation of their income or assets.
根据Banc of America Securities的分析, 除了3620亿次级ARM的利率将在2008年被调整, 另外还有1520亿其他可变利率贷款也需要调整. 其他需要调整的贷款还包括: 超过417,000USD的 “jumbo”抵押贷款; ALT-A贷款, 一类介于初级和次级贷款之间的贷款. 更大的风险是后者,因这部分包括了那些只能提供极少文件来证明他们的收入和财产的贷款者.
调整高峰似正帮助不能支付更高利息的借贷者施加政治压力. 对2008年的总统选举和国会选举来说, 住房供给减速将成为一个问题. 布什政府已经逼出贷方放松贷款条件, 以保证人们不会失去他们的房子.
Banc of America Securities, a unit of the big Charlotte, N.C., bank, estimates that $85 billion in subprime mortgages are resetting during the current quarter, and the same amount will reset in the first quarter of 2008. That will rise to a peak of $101 billion in the second quarter. The estimates include loans packaged into securities and held in bank portfolios.













30年流行语固定英文译法:“倒爷”:profiteer或wheeler-dealer“五好家庭”:Five Virtues Family“万元户”:ten-thousand-yuan household“大哥大”:GSM mobile telephone“喇叭裤”:bell-bottomed trousers“交谊舞”:ballroom dancing“蛤蟆镜”:goggles“菜篮子工程”:Non-Staple Food Project“铁饭碗”:Iron Rice Bowl“高考移民”:NCEE migrant(National College Entrance Examination migrant)“选秀”:talent show /talent-search show“保持党员先进性教育”:Campaign to Educate Party Members to Preserve Their Vanguard Nature“抓大放小”:Restructuring Major Enterprises and Relaxing Control over Small Ones“‘三农’问题”:Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area“小康社会”:a moderately prosperous society至于当前正流行的“山寨”应该怎么译,目前似乎尚无确定的说法。


第一是贷款收紧对房地产开发企业的影响,这可能造 成开发商资金断裂;
第二是还款压力提高对抵押贷款申请者的影响,可能 造成抵押贷款违约率上升。而这两方面的影响都最终 会汇集到商业银行系统,造成商业银行不良贷款率上 升、作为抵押品的房地产价值下降,最终影响到商业 银行的盈利性甚至生存能力。

利息上升,导致还款压力增大,很多本来信 用不好的用户感觉还款压力大,出现违约的可能, 对银行贷款的收回造成影响的危机。
由于美国和欧洲的许多投资基金买入了大量 由次级抵押贷款衍生出来的证券投资产品, 它们也将受到重创。
警惕为应对经济周期而制订的宏观调控政策对某 个特定市场造成的冲击。导致美国次贷危机的根 本原因在于美联储加息导致房地产市场下滑。
当前中国面临着通货膨胀加速的情况,如果央行 为了遏制通胀压力而采取大幅提高人民币贷款利 率的对策,那么就应该警惕两方面影响:
在美国,贷款是非常普遍的现象,从房子 到汽车,从信用卡到电话账单,贷款无处 不在。当地人很少全款买房,通常都是长 时间贷款。可是我们也知道,在这里失业 和再就业是很常见的现象。这些收入并不 稳定甚至根本没有收入的人,他们怎么买 房呢?因为信用等级达不到标准,他们就 被定义为次级信用贷款者。



次贷危机英文作文英文:The subprime crisis, also known as the mortgage crisis, was a financial crisis that occurred in 2008. It was caused by the collapse of the housing market in the United States, which led to a wave of defaults on subprime mortgages. These mortgages were issued to borrowers with poor credit histories who were unable to qualify for traditional mortgages.The crisis had far-reaching consequences, not just in the United States, but around the world. Many financial institutions suffered significant losses, and some even went bankrupt. The crisis also had a ripple effect on the global economy, leading to a recession that lasted for several years.One of the key lessons that we can learn from the subprime crisis is the importance of responsible lendingpractices. Financial institutions need to ensure that they are lending to borrowers who are capable of repaying their loans. They also need to be transparent about the terms and conditions of their loans, so that borrowers can make informed decisions.Another lesson is the importance of regulation. The subprime crisis was in part caused by a lack of regulationin the financial industry. Governments and regulatorybodies need to ensure that financial institutions are operating in a safe and responsible manner.中文:次贷危机,也称为抵押贷款危机,发生于2008年。



英语四级六级常用词汇above all 首先,尤其是after all 毕竟,究竟ahead of 在...之前ahead of time 提前all at once 突然,同时all but 几乎;除了...都all of a sudden 突然all over 遍及all over again 再一次,重新all the time 一直,始终all the same 仍然,照样的buffer zone缓冲带/防护带/缓冲区maintain constructive dialogue with与---保持建设性的对话impose sanctions on对---进行制裁at odds with与...不和,与...争吵,与...不一致ceasefire agreement停火协议on the edge of the precipice处于极度危险的境地long- and medium-range missiles中远程导弹under the cover of在..掩护下(以...为借口)be for peaceful purposes only只用于和平目的relief fund救济金abrupt resignation突然辞职premier首相the chronic leadership vacuum plaguing the world’s second-largest economy长期困扰世界第二大经济强国的领导真空(状况)slip into recession陷入衰退crucial upcoming domestic elections关键的国内选举rare exception.step down退位public opinion poll民意测验at stake在危险中(处于成败关头)longstanding problem长期(由来已久)的问题can't/couldn’t help doing情不自禁的要做-----in the face of inevitable disasters面临不可避免的灾难below sea level水平面以下stand fast不后退, 不让步back yard后院energy-industry hub能源工业中心spicy food辣的食物natural resources自然资源a town all but destroyed by a hurricane in 1900一个几乎(差一点)被1900年的飓风摧毁的城镇Set aside the question of whether warming will intensify hurricanes. 暂且先把气候边暖是否会加重飓风(强度)的问题放到一边。

2008年美国 金融危机 英文版

2008年美国 金融危机 英文版

2008年美国金融危机英文版(in English)美国作为世界上第一大经济体,对世界经济的发展具有火车头的作用。




2008 financial crisis (in English)The United States as the world's largest economies, the world's locomotive of economic development. However, in 2007 less than satisfactory performance of the U.S. economy, sub-loan crisis broke out, more difficult. To reduce the rate of economic growth, rising inflation, the rise in unemployment, all show the U.S. economy has been growing from the stagnation of the past. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said "stagflation in the U.S. economy has not yet, but already there are early signs appear."次贷危机是美国经济放缓的导火索,其后续影响不断恶化并逐渐波及到世界经济。



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The US debt crisis, its triple-A credit (AAA)rating has been downgraded to (AA+).default on U.S. debtStandard and Poor's 标准普尔The U.S. averted a debt default Tuesday when President Barack Obama signed a bill raising the country's debt ceiling. But the debt deal might not be enough to maintain its coveted AAA debt rating, according to two credit rating agencies.On Tuesday, Fitch Ratings said the agreement to raise the debt ceiling and make spending cuts was an important first step but "not the end of the process." The rating agency said it wants to see a credible plan to reduce the budget deficit "to a level that would secure the United States''AAA' status."And late on Tuesday, Moody's Investors Service assigned a negative outlook to U.S. debt, but confirmed its AAA rating — for now. A negative outlook means the rating agency could lower the rating in the next 12 to 18 months. Moody's said that continued slow economic growth, higher interest rates could lead to a downgrade. Moody's also said weak fiscal discipline in the coming year could do the same.U.S. debt has held the AAA rating since 1917. Fewer than 20 countries are currently rated AAA. Among them: the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Singapore.Fitch expects to conclude its review of the U.S.'s debt rating by the end of August. Given the terms of the debt deal signed Tuesday, it is possible the U.S. debt rating could be downgraded at that time, Fitch said.In an interview with The Associated Press on Tuesday, David Riley, managing director at Fitch, said, "There's more to be done in order to keep the rating in the medium-term."The three main ratings agencies rate the debt issued by countries, states, corporations and municipalities. Ratings are based on a likelihood of default. The AAA rating is the highest available and signifies an extremely low likelihood of default.Standard & Poor's, the other major ratings agency, declined to comment Tuesday. In mid-July S&P warned that there was a 50-50 chance it would downgrade U.S. debt. Had the country defaulted, experts have said a downgrade by all three agencies would have been likely.The U.S. has only faced the threat of a downgrade once in the last 96 years. In 1995, when Bill Clinton was president, a similar default loomed and the credit rating agencies threatened a downgrade. At the time, the country had $4.9 trillion in debt — nearly $10 trillion less than it has now. Once Congress resolved that debt crisis a year later, the credit agencies removed the threat.Federated Investors' chief fixed income strategist Joe Balestrino points out that during the Clinton era the U.S. economy was growing at a much faster pace. Now, the economy is emerging from the deepest recession since the Great Depression and growth is sluggish. On Friday, the government said that in the first half of the year, the economy grew at its slowest pace since the recession officially ended in June 2009."Growth healed all wounds in 1995," Balestrino said. "However, now the U.S. doesn't have enough vitality to grow its way out."A Monday report that showed weakness in manufacturing followed Friday's GDP report. And on Tuesday, the Commerce Department said that consumers cut their spending in June for the firsttime in nearly two years.Because of that, many analysts believe that U.S. debt will eventually be downgraded to AA. And if that happens, it could be tough to regain the AAA rating."If the economy won't grow at 2.5 percent over the long term, it has pretty profound implications from a fiscal point of view," said Riley, the Fitch managing director.He said "that means the U.S. is poorer than it thought" and that legislators will face even tougher choices "in terms of taxes and spending," he said.Fitch also said that between federal, state and local government debt U.S. government debt will be as large as the country's economy by the end of 2012 — or 100 percent of the country's gross domestic product. And Fitch said it expects the country's debt level will continue to rise. The agency warned that would not consistent with a debt level that would allow the U.S. to retain its AAA sovereign rating. Similarly, Moody's said for the U.S. to keep its AAA rating, it expects to see the federal government's debt-to-GDP ratio stay near its projected 2012 level of 73 percent in the next several years, and then decline.In the short term, Balestrino and others don't expect investors to start selling their Treasury holdings. That's because Treasurys are considered one of the safest investment options.Fitch said the status of the U.S. dollar and the size of the Treasury market are the biggest reasons investors won't abandon Treasurys soon. The dollar is the global reserve currency, which means a significant amount of global trade is made in dollars — from toys and computer chips from China, coffee from Kenya or cars from Japan. Central banks in other countries therefore hold large reserves of U.S. currency, mostly through Treasury purchases.The U.S. Treasury market is the largest government bond market, at $9.3 trillion.And Moody's said while it expects interest rates to rise some over the next few years "a rise in borrowing costs above and beyond what is now expected would threaten efforts at fiscal consolidation" and could negatively impact the country's AAA rating.Standard and Poor's has downgraded the United States' credit rating by one notch from AAA to AA+ for the first time in the history of the ratings, despite a push back from the White House and the USTreasury: They have said the agency's analysis of the US economy was deeply flawed and off by trillions of dollars. This is proving to be a contentious move that highlights the weakened fiscal stature of the world’s most power ful country. To add to America's concerns, the agency has also issued a negative outlook. As a result, there is a chance it will lower the rating further within the next two years.The downgrade:1. Comes in the midst of great uncertainty and volatility in globalfinancial markets in the last week;2. Appears to originate from political as well economic analysis andthe consequences of the action could be wide-ranging andunpredictable; and3. Was rumored for weeks during the prolonged debt-ceiling debate in the US Congress but many felt that last week's deal would reduce the chances of such drastic action. Asmany decision makers across the world will recall, US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said that a downgrade wasn't going to happen. Geithner said that there was no chance that the US would lose its top credit rating. "No risk of that, no risk," Geithner said on one of the leading television business networks in April, 2011.What are the implications of S&P's downgrade of US debt from AAA to AA +?The official statement from S&P follows:"We lowered our long-term rating on the US because we believe that the prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and will remain a contentious and fitful process. We also believe that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration agreed to this week falls short of the amount that we believe is necessary to stabilize the general government debt burden by the middle of the decade. Our lowering of the rating was prompted by our view on the rising public debt burden and our perception of greater policymaking uncertainty, consistent with our criteria. Nevertheless, we view the US federal government's other economic, external, and monetary credit attributes, which form the basis for the sovereign rating, as broadly unchanged."ConclusionIf the United States does not merit a AAA rating from S&P any more, is there an inenvitable risk to the AAA ratings of a number of other major countries? S&P still has a triple-A rating on the following key nations: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The corollary to this downgrade is that S&P will need to embark on an immediate review of the credit ratings of all the major sovereigns. Is there a risk of pandemonium in the global financial markets as a result of the unilateral change in the AAA credit rating of the US? Which of the other AAA nations are likely to lose their top-notch status?8月6日,著名的国际三大评级机构之一标准普尔公司将美国的主权债务信用评级从最高级别AAA级下调至AA+,并且将评级展望定为负面。
