物流专业英语 第四章
Transit inventory
… from the need to transport items or material from one location to another. goods on their way
Speculative inventory投机库存
… is in excess of their current need for a possible future event. 购入超过他 们目前实际所需数量的库存来应付未来可能 发生的事件。 Such events may include a price increase, a seasonal increase in demand. 例如价格上涨,季节性需求的增 加
goods in transit (when volume is
considerable and transport times long) 在途库存 (when it is an integrated part of the main business, such as return paper, plastics or bottles, where volume is considerable) 包装物、废弃物、可循环利用 产品
Safety (buffer) inventory
… is held in addition to cycle stock to guard against uncertainty in demand and/or lead time. 为了应对需求和提前期 的不确定性而持有的库存。 This occurs because the firm suffers fewer “stock-outs”. 缺货可能性减少。
Poor forecasts
Quality issues
• The primary goal of inventory management is to minimize inventory investment while still meeting the functional requirements.
Customers’ possible responses to stock-out
customer stock-out occurs
substitute product
this occasion
substitute stock
this occasion forever
priority back-order
staff cost
Risk cost
• Stock-out cost(缺货成本):
Refers to economic consequences of not being able to meet internal or external demand from the current inventory. Internal costs: delays, labor-time wastage, lostproduction, etc. External costs: loss of profit from lost sales, and loss of future profit due to loss of goodwill • Therefore, possible costs of a stock-out may include: cost of back-order(延迟交货的订单) cost of lost sales(销售损失) cost of lost customers(顾客流失)
Illustration of Determining When to Order
If D = 10 units/day; and T =10 days Then R= D*T = 10 units/day *10 days = 100 units
Maximum Inventory 200 Order placeme nt
Inventory Functionality and Principles
Inventory Types and Characteristics Inventory Functionality InventoryRelated Definitions
Inventory Types and Characteristics Raw Material Inventory Work-In-Process Inventory Finished Goods Inventory Maintenance /Repair/Operating Supply (MRO) Inventory
Number of Orders Placed Per Year
Determining How Much to Order
EOQ = Economic Order Quantity Co = Cost per Order
Ci = Annual Inventory Carrying Cost %
manufacturing and distributive units of an enterprise. Inventory maintained at different locations and stages of the value-creation process allows specialization.
第1单元物流概述Part V Listening and Speaking2. R eading practice. Please listen carefully to the following sentences read by teacher and translate them out.1)Logistics must make-work effectively.物流必须使生产经营有效。
2)Systems should exist at the macro or corporate level and view.物流系统必须是宏观的,是站在公司全局立场的。
3)Service more than has to expedite a shipment.服务不仅仅是快速装运货物。
4)So in a military sense, the term( logistics ' organization, army replenishments and material maintenance. 就军事意识而言,物流管理一词意即运输编制、军队补给和物料保养。
5)The introduction of containers and the development of information technology have brought about the development and improvement of logistics ' activities.货柜的发明以及信息技术发达, 都从技术方面推动了物流活动的发展。
6)In other words, they are much more concerned with the flow of finished goods from the end of the production line to the customer.换句话说,公司更关注的是产成品从生产线到消费者手中的这一过程。
物流英语unit 4 JIT and Lean Production
Just-in-time Logistics
• Waste and Variability Reduction
– Waste is anything that does not add value from the customer point of view.
– Faster delivery, reduced work-in-process, and faster throughput all reduce waste.
Figure 4-4 A Hybrid of Push and Pull Distribution System
Just-in-time Logistics
• Just-in-time Origin
– JIT is a manufacturing/delivery process where a minimum of goods are kept in stock and items are planned to arrive precisely at the time they are required for use or dispatch.
Pull System
Figure 4-3 A Comparison of Push and Pull Systems
Pull System
• A hybrid approach of both systems requires storing slower-moving items in a smaller warehouse at the plant while pushing truckload quantities of more popular items to the DCs.
物流专业英语unit4 Logistics Strategy
物流专业英语unit4 Logistics StrategyPart1 单词讲解【1】Instantaneous [ˌɪnstən'teɪniəs]1.adj. 瞬间发生的,即刻的 happening at onceEg:1.Relief was instantaneous.痛苦的消除是瞬间的事2.The reaction of the audience was instantaneous.观众即刻有了反应。
【2】proximity [prɒk'sɪməti]1.N.[U]nearness接近,附近Eg:1.Their house is in close proximity to ours.他们的房子很接近我们的。
2.The sum is in close proximity to the amount of revenue.总数接近岁入之值。
【3】foster ['fɒstə]1. vt. 培养,促进 help the growth or developmentEg:People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster (a child)不能生育的人有时领养别人的(孩子).2.vt. & vi. 收养,养育 take care or bring up a child that is notlegally one's ownEg:It is very important to foster an interest.培养一种兴趣是十分重要的。
【4】variation [ˌveəri'eɪʃn]1.N. [C] [U] 变化,变动(的程度) (degree of) the fact of varying Eg:Finally, the cherry in Fujian Wuyi Mountain should be treated as a new variation of Cerasus subhirtella in taxonomy. 最后,建议在分类学关系上将福建武夷山野生早樱做为大叶早樱新变种处理。
Flow of Materials
Flow of Information
Flow of Finances
SCM can be divided into three main flows: The product flow or materials flow includes moving goods from
supplier to consumer as well as dealing with customer service needs. The information flow includes order information and delivery status. The financial flow includes payments schedules, credit terms and additional arrangements.
Step 2 重点内容
➢ 掌握核心术语 ➢ 学习时间5分钟
Step 3 难点学习
➢ 理解并背诵核心概念 ➢ 学习时间5分钟
Unit 4
How supply chains work 供应链的工作原理
专业英语物流与供应链管理 4
5 Time range 1to9days
25 days
In those situations where orders are not met from stock but may have to be manufactured, assembled or sourced from external vendors, then clearly lead times will be even further extended with the possibility of still greater variations in total order-to-delivery time.
Lead time
商业和计划前置 时间
supplier lead tine
transport lead tine
Reception and inspection lead tine
Assembly release and order picking Waiting times
Processing times Transport time to next stage (e.g.to inventory assembly)
Outlines some of the ways in which inadequate systems design can lengthen lead times and engineer cost rather than value into the logistics process.
The components of order cycle time
着公共仓的作用,比起存储,他们更加注重 移动货物通过。
Public Warehouses
[3]The warehouse performs functions that would otherwise have to be performed by the owner of the inventory; the principal advantage is that dealers do not have to maintain large inventories.
staging area:暂存区。进行入出库作业时 用于暂时存入货物的区域。
serial number:序列号。某些产品如电脑 零配件、手机等在出厂时所编的特定号码,是 区分每一件产品的标志,可以用于产品追踪。 仓储管理中要对产品实行单品管理时,就要管 到产品序列号信息。
cross-docking:直接转运、直接换装。指 物品在物流环节中,不在中间仓库或站点长时 间,直接从一个运输工具换载到另一个运输工 具的物流衔接方式。在直接转运作业中,货物 在中间仓库停留时间通常不超过24小时。
Key Terms 关键词汇
warehousing warehouse private Warehouse public warehouse contract warehouse distribution center
仓储 仓库 私人仓库 公共仓库 合同仓库 配送中心
Key Terms 关键词汇
全句译为:对于一个涉及异地的零部件产品的企业制造, 各地工厂均有产品运载到企业制造地配送仓,这样, 每家工厂都能组建一个完整的产品链。
Supplier operational integration
• Primary objective of operational integration is to cut waste, reduce cost, and develop a relationship that allows both buyer and seller to achieve mutual improvements • Integration can take many forms
• Access technology and innovation • Lowest total cost of ownership
Lowest total cost of ownership
Although the purchase price of a material or item remains important, it is only one part of the total cost for their organization. Service costs and life cycle costs must be considered. Purchase price price and discounts lowest TCO
• Procurement is an organizational capability that ensures the firm is positioned to implement its strategies with support from its supply base
– Procurement looks up and down the entire supply chain for impacts and opportunities
Facility Layout Fundamentals
Planning analysts follow numerous facility design
fundamentals to design a warehouse or distribution facility. These fundamentals optimize the facility and minimize construction costs and include two steps: data collection and development of alternative layouts. The first step of a facility layout consists of the data collection process, data analysis, establishment of design-year parameters, and consideration of alternative material handling equipment and concepts. This step includes (1)identifying and listing existing material handling equipment and concepts;(2) measuring (width, height, and weight) and cataloging all SKUs as
Chapter Four Warehousing and Distribution
Summary 本章小结
The chapter focuses on the concept of supply chain and supply chain management. Supply chain consists of firms collaborating to serve the needs of end-customers. Supply chain consists of firms collaborating to take advantage of strategic position and to improve operating efficiency.
True or False 判断对错
1.There are a variety of definition about the term "logistics", each have slightly different meaning.
2. Logistics involves the flow and storage of "goods, services, and related information".
5. Good customer service is to make sure that the right person receive the right product with the right quantity at the right place at the right time in the right condition, even the cost is very high.
物流专业英语 Chapter Four Shipment,Track and Delivery
Lee: You can see the delivery date and other details in the delivery notice. I have sent it to you through the information system. Peter: Ok. I will check it as soon as possible.
conveyance [kənˈveɪəns] n. 传送,表达;运输工具;交通 工具; 产权转让证书 distribution [ˌdɪstrɪ'bju:ʃn] n.分配,运销,分销,散 步,分布 inventory ['ɪnvəntrɪ] n.存货,库存 transit ['trænzɪt] n.搬运,载运,通过,中转,过境 vt.vi.通过,经过 freight [freɪt] n.货运;货物 vt.运输,装货于 truckload [ˈtrʌkləʊd] n.一货车的容量 vehicles ['vi:ɪklz] n.交通工具,车辆;传播媒介,手段
Allen: Would you please give me some examples of our major clients at present? Lee: At present, one of our major client is Lee Kum Kee. Our main task is the do intensive distribution for it, that is delivering products to all wholesalers and retailers according to customer orders. Allen: It can’t imagine how heavy the workload is.
一1物流师:Logistician2物流策略联盟:Logistics alliance3物流审计:Logistics audit4物流生涯:Logistics career5物流工程:Logistics engineering6物流费用:Logistics fees7物流弹性:Logistics flexibility8物流信息系统与通信系统包含托运、运送、仓储和通信的信息系统Logistics information and telecommunications system(LITS) 9委托物流:Logistics outsourcing10物流需求规划:Logistics requirement planning11物流服务业:Logistics service industry12国内物流:Domestic logistics13全球物流:Global logistics14物流反映时间:Logistics response time15环保物流:Green Logistics二1责任归属:accountability2脑力激荡发:Brainstorming3商业物流:Business logistics4专业物流师:Certified Professional Logistician(CPL)5物流主管:Chief logistics officer6差别物流:Differentiated distribution7一般货物运送业:General commodities carrier8理货成本:Handing casts9跨州运送者:Interstate carrier10国际标准书号:International Standard Book Number(ISNB)11国际物流:International logistics12仓库管理系统:Warehouse managing system三1会计账本、记账成本:Accounting cost2作业基础成本法:Activity based costing3代理成本:Agency cost4平均成本法:Average cost method5损益平衡点:Break-even point6资本预算评估:Capital budgeting7存货持有成本:Carrying costs8可控制成本:Controllable costs9物流成本递减:Decreasing logistics costs10外部成本:External cost11固定成本:Fixed cost12联合成本:Joint cost13销售丧失成本:Lost sales cost14下订单的成本:Ordering cost15歇业成本:Shut-down cost16利润最大化:Skimming price17标准成本:Standard cost18开办成本:Start-up costs四1运费优待:Aggregate tender rate2联合包装:Banded pack3顺序托运单:Bill of Lading,order4账单上的货重:Billed weight5空重:Deadweight6倾斜式输送机:Declining conveyor7悬吊式运输:Goods on hanger(GOH)8汽车货运业:Hauler9高速行进中侧重:High speed weight-in-motion(HSWIN)10工业包装:Industrial packaging11轻卡车:Light trucks12长途短途差别取价:Long-haul-short-haul discrimination 13零担运输:LTL shipment14运送方式:Method of shipment15汽车运输业合理运费:Motor carrier reasonable rate16包裹:Package17包裹运送业:Package hauler18套装软件:Package software19托盘:Pallet五1售后服务:After-sales service2延迟订单:Back order3客户态度:Customer attitude4客户导向:Customer driven5自领:Customer pickup6客户关系管理:Customer relation management7客户往来保持:Customer retention8客户满意:Customer satisfaction9定做软件:Customer software10客户周转率:Customer turnover rate11客户价值:Customer value六1订单后组装:Assembly-to-order2自动仓储系统:Automated storage and retrieval system3可用存货:Available inventory4月台:Dock5月台缓冲垫:Dock bumpers6自行组装:Do-it-yourself7高背集装箱:High cube container8高密度负荷:High-density load9存货余额:Inventory balances10存货模式:Inventory modeling11装载率:Load factor12负荷比:Load ratio13装卸费:Loading and unloading fees14托盘式货架:Pallet rack15拣货时间:Picker time16平车载运拖车:Trailer-on-flatcar七1买方拍卖:Buyers auction2集中采购:Centralized procurement3采购经理认证:Certified Purchasing Manager4联合采购:Cooperative buying5经济订购区:Economic order interval6经济订购量:Economic order quantity7购买4个O:Four Os of purchasing8全球采购:Global sourcing9订单履行:Order filling10采购订单:Purchase order11采购前置时间:Purchasing lead time12购货退回或折让:Purchase returns and allowance。
物流管理英语Chapter 4教案
Chapter 4 Warehousing and Distribution Management教学目的和要求:1、Learn the key functions of warehousing operation2、Learn the definition of warehousing operation and facilities3、Gain an understanding of the objectives of warehousing operation4、Understand the objective of warehousing facility layout5、Get an overview of issues and trends that are shaping present andfuture warehousing operations and facilities6、Get and overview of various facility shapes教学重点:1、The key functions of warehousing operation2、Definition of warehousing operation and facilities3、The objectives of warehousing operation4、The objective of warehousing facility layout5、Issues and trends that are shaping present and future warehousingoperations and facilities6、Various facility shapes教学过程:1. New Words and Expressions2. Introduction to Warehousing and Distribution Operation1) Definition of Some Terms in Warehousing and Distribution Operationa) WarehousingWarehousing is defined as the function of storing a variety ofproduct types SKUs that have a small or large quantity of storageunits between the time that the product is manufactured by yourfacility and the time that product is required by your customer orworkstation within your manufacturing facility.b) DistributionDistribution is defined as the function of moving various productsfrom your vendor’s facility or your manufacturing workstation toyour company’s facility for storing the product, picking the productto your customer order requirements, and delivering the product toyour customer’s facility or workstation in your manufacturingfacility.c) StorageStorage is the activity of placing or depositing a good in a store orwarehousing for safekeeping until the good is required at anotherlocation or workstation or by your customer.d) Material HandlingMaterial handling is defined as “the basic operation that involvesthe movement of bulk, packaged and individual goods in asemi-solid or solid state by means of a human or machine andwithin the limits of the facility”.e) Distribution CenterDC is defined as the warehousing facility which holds inventoryfrom manufacturing pending distribution to the appropriate stores.f) Warehousing Management SystemWMS is the systems used in effectively managing warehousingbusiness processes and direct warehousing activities, includingreceiving, put-away, picking, shipping, and inventory cycle counts.Also includes support of radio-frequency communications, allowingreal-time data transfer between the system and warehousingpersonnel. They also maximize space and minimize materialhandling by automating put-away processes.2) Functions of Warehousing and Distribution Operationa) Unloading, receiving, checking, and marking inbound merchandiseb) Internal horizon or vertical product movement (transportation) tothe storage-pick area, workstation, or outbound staging areac) Storage (deposit, withdrawal, and replenishment)d) Order-pick (distribution) sortation and checkinge) Packing, sealing, weighing and manifesting, and shippingpreparationf) Loading and shippingg) Handling returns, out-of-season product, and store transfersh) Maintenance, sanitation, and loss preventioni) Inbound and outbound truck-yard control3) Value of Warehousing and Distribution OperationYour warehousing and distribution product movement-storage-pick operation assures your company that the right good is in the right condition, at the right place (workstation or customer location), at the right time, in the right quantity, and at the right cost.Warehousing and distribution operations perform the following services for your company:The first service is to geographically consolidate your customer’s demand for goods or to achieve economies of scale. With today’s communication systems, this service allows your warehousing, distribution, and transportation departments to handle a greater number of customers and to reduce order-pick, handling, and transportation costs.The second service is to provide geographic distribution of the goods to your customers. The service assures your company that your customer is receiving the best transportation cost for the goods.The third service is to provide the means for your company to warehousing (store) goods that are produced throughout the year to accommodate your customer’s seasonal demand for the goods. This service allows your company to reduce costs by purchasing large quantities of goods. This provides your customer with the lowest cost for the goods.The fourth service is to provide the means for your company to warehousing goods which are produced from seasonal (short-time-period) production such as foods. This service allows your customer’s year-round demand for the goods satisfied by your warehousing and distribution operations.4) Objective of Warehousing and Distribution OperationThe two major objectives of a warehousing and distribution facility:•improve profits•improve customer serviceTo achieve these objectives, your warehousing and distribution operations perform activities to:a) maximize your storage (space or cube) utilizationb) maximize your warehousing equipment utilizationc) maximize your labor (employee) utilizationd) reduce your SKU handlings, maintain required SKU accessibility,and assure the designed SKU rotation or turnse) minimize your company’s operating expensesf) assure the protection of your company’s assets5) Trends and Issues of Warehousing and Distribution Operationa) Increased activity in training and motivating your managers andemployees from various groups resulting from the implementationof a new warehousing or distribution facility or from new materialhandling equipment or concepts in an existing facilityb) Reshaping warehousing and distribution operations is theintroduction of new computer hardware and software in almostevery activity and function within the warehousing and distributionfacilityc) The warehousing and distribution industry is the automaticidentification of goods, product storage-pick positions, and assetsd) The introduction of JIT replenishment and across-the-dockoperations in a company’s channel of distributione) Material requirements planning (MRP) and distributionrequirements planning (DRP) philosophiesf) Many companies are returning to a distribution network that hasfewer distribution facilities that serve specific regionsg) The introduction of new single-item, carton, and pallet loadhandling technology and equipmenth) The remodel (redesign or retrofit) of an old existing distributionfacilityi) An increase in the number of companies that leasing equipmentand buildingsj) Toward the global or multinational company that is involved in the multi-location manufacturing and to some degree the distribution ofgoods3. Warehousing and Distribution Operation Facility ActivitiesWarehousing and Distribution facility activities should be organized as a flow or pipelining, including 3 basic processes of pre-order-pick activities, order-pick activities, and post-order-pick activities, to satisfy the customer’s order at the lowest possible operating cost.1) Objectives of Warehousing and Distribution Operation FacilityActivitiesAccording to transportation packaging types of goods or cargos, warehousing and distribution operation basically includes small-item distribution operation, carton (case) distribution operation, or pallet load warehousing operation.The objective is to ensure that the right SKU is in inventory, is available at the appropriate time, and in correct condition, is withdrawn in the right quantity and on schedule, is in a protective package, is properly manifested, and is delivered to the required location that satisfies your customer’s order at the lowest possible operating cost.Activities to achieve these objectives:•pre-order-pick activities•order-pick activities•post-order-pick activitiesThe remaining key warehousing functions:•maintenance•sanitation•security functionsThese functions satisfy two objectives:•to provide protection of your company’s assets•to ensure that your inventory, building, and material handling equipment are available to satisfy your customer’s orders andoperate at the lowest possible operating cost2) Pre-Order-Pick Activities•Yard control•Unloading•Verifying product•Receiving product•Identifying product•Packaging product•Internal transportation•Depositing product3) Pick (Order-Pick) ActivityThe SKU order-pick activity requires an employee to remove, per acustomer order, the correct SKU in the correct quantity, in the correctcondition, and at the correct time from the inventory onto a pickingtransport device to satisfy the customer’s order.•Listing the SKUs that are ordered by the customers•Travelling and/or removing the SKUs from the picking position•Verifying the SKU order-pick•Transporting the SKU to the picking or shipping area4) Post-Order-Pick Activity•SKU sortation•SKU replenishment•Outbound SKU packaging activity•Customer’s package scaling method•Package weighing and manifesting activities•Package loading and shipping operation function•Customer return activity4. Warehousing and Distribution Facility LayoutEach warehouse philosophy proposes a warehouse facility layout that includes a material handling concept and equipment and locations for the storage-pick position areas.1) Purpose of Warehouse Facility LayoutThe main purpose of your warehouse or distribution facility is toprovide the housing for your company’s design-year requirements.These requirements include your material handling system, SKU pickand reserve positions to accommodate the projected inventory, andassociated warehouse functions such as support and administrativeactivities. Some purpose of the facility layout are to assure properaccess to the SKUs, provide proper product flow and inventory rotation, assure the lowest possible operating cost, and assure accurate and onschedule customer service.2) Objective of Warehouse Facility Layouta) Maximize the space utilization or provide the maximize storageand pick positions within the building structureb) Allow an efficient product flow from the receiving area to thestorage-pick areas and from the storage-pick areas to theassembly, packing, and shipping areasc) Provide the maximum number of, and facilitate access to, SKUpick positions and proper inventory rotationd) Reduce annual operating costse) Improve the key warehouse function employee productivityf) Maintain the corporate philosophy and directiong) Protect the inventory and material handling system from damage,pilferage, and infestationh) Provide for expansioni) Provide the employees with a safe work environmentj) Ensure that your operation satisfies your customers3) Facility Layout FundamentalsThe first step of a facility layout consists of the data collection process, data analysis, establishment of design-year parameters, and consideration of alternative material handling equipment and concepts.•Identifying and listing existing material handling equipment•Measuring and cataloging all SKUs as conveyable or non-conveyable or by classification such as packaging, toxic, oredible•Classifying at each warehousing function, the SKU handling characteristics as single items, carton, or pallet load •Projecting SKU inventory levels and at each warehouse function, the SKU volume levels•Receiving alternative material handling concepts for each warehouse functionThe second step is to develop alternative distribution facility layouts.•Yard control, truck and automobile parking, and rail spurh•Receiving and staging•Open, sort, count, ticket, and packing activities•Returns, store transfers, and out-of-season product return to vendor•Internal transportation•Order pick and distribution•Sortation•Packing•Weighing and manifesting•Staging and shippingWarehouse and distribution design and presentation methods:•Block layout method•Standard templates and layout board method•Drawing method•Model method4) Facility Layout Principlesa) Provide adequate aisles and aisle width in the key warehousefunction areasb) Consider the product flow and volume through the reserve area,pick area, and other functional areasc) Provide adequate SKU accumulation prior to each workstationd) Provide adequate ceiling height for warehouse equipmente) Provide required space for fire protection and security equipmentf) Locate all support or administrative activitiesg) Locate the building facilities on the site for excellent presentutilization and future expansionh) Locate the key warehouse functions for future expansioni) Design space building columns and bay size to facilitate spaceutilization, product flow, and employee productivityj) Use gravity-propelled transportation in combination with mechanized or automated equipment5) Facility Layout Philosophiesa) Type of SKU handled “philosophy”b) SKU popular philosophy or Pareto’s Lawc) Mobile warehouse equipment travel distance philosophyd) Family group philosophye) Building height philosophyf) Order-Pick philosophyg) Internal transportation philosophyh) Building construction philosophyi) Facility shape philosophyj) Product flow pattern philosophy•One-Way (Straight) Flow Pattern•Two-Way Flow Pattern6) How to Increase Storage Spacea) Use the airspaceb) Use narrow-aisle or very-narrow-aisle vehiclesc) Use dense storage conceptsd) Expansion。
物流英语(05362)课后词汇 全集
unit 1 General Introduction to Logistics 第一单元物流概论重点词汇logistics 物流,后勤warehouse 仓库,仓储inventory 库存procurement 获得,取得packaging 包装inbound 往内地的,归航的outbound 开往外地或外国的handling 搬运,装卸coordination 合作,协作srategic planning 战略规划V ocabulary 1 词汇1accessory 附件advent 到来assistance 协助behavior 举止,行为challenging 挑战的civilization 文明client 顾客,客户communication 交流,沟通complement 补足物,补助,补足conduce 导致,有利于consumption 消费coordinate 合作,协作council 理事会,委员会definition 定义,解说,精确度detailed 详细的,逐条的distinct 清楚的,明显的economic 经济上的,经济学的effective 有效的efficient (直接)生效的,有效率的,能干的element 要素,元素essentially 本质上,本来estimate 估计,估价,评估excise 消费税,货物税fixture 固定设备forecast 预报,预测forklift 铲车,叉式升降机fulfillment 履行,实行furthermore 此外,而且global 球形的,全球的,全世界的inbound 往内地的,归航的incorporate 合并的,一体化的;合并,使组成公司intended 有意的,故意的interaction 交互作用,交感inventory 库存invisible 看不见的,无形的likelihood 可能,可能性location 位置,场所,特定区域logistics 物流,后勤material 物质,物资manual 手的,手动的,手工的mechanical 机械的,机械制的merchandise 商品,货物newborn 婴儿,新生的,再生的origin 起源,由来,起因outbound 开往外地或外国的outer 外部的,外面的pipeline 管道process 过程,程序procurement 获得,取得purchase 采购raw 未加工的readily 乐意地,容易地reflect 反射,反映,反省,细想relevant 有关的,相应的requirement 要求sellable 适于销售的setting 安置,安装signal 信号sling 吊索specific 明确的,特殊的stock 存货storage 贮藏量,库存,存储strategic 战略上的systematic 系统的,体系的undertake 着手做,进行,从事unique 唯一的,独特的vendor 卖主vital 生死攸关的,重大的VMI(vendor-managed inventory) 销售商管理仓库warehouse 仓库,仓储warehousing 入仓库,仓库贮存wrapping 包装纸,包装材料V ocabulary 2 词汇2activity 活动,行动amazing 令人惊异的annual 每年的audience 听众,观众average 平均的bn(=billion) 十亿的CNY=Chinese yuan 人民币圆conference 会议,讨论会,协商会confident 自信的,确信的decade 十年,十development 发展expert 专家,行家frontier 前线GDP(gross domestic product) 国内生产总值growth 生长,种植,栽培headway 进展,净空高度herald 迎来increase 增加,增大,增长,加大industrial 工业的,产业的industrialized 工业化的Michael 迈克尔(男子名)publish 出版,发表reform 改革,改良动力supermarket 超级市场Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇abridge 删节,削减analytical 分析的array 阵势awesome 令人敬畏的career 事业chart 规划,计划consumer 消费者corporate office 公司办公室data (datum 的复数形式)数据discipline 纪律,学科distribution 配送diverse 不同的,变化多的diversity 分散,多种dominate 处于支配地位drive 干劲emerge 出现ethnic 种族的excerpt 摘录,选录executive 管理人员factor 因素flexibility 灵活性gender 性别integration 结合,一体化internship 实习期managerial 管理的manufacture 制造minority 少数民族plant 工厂pool (劳动力,资金等的)集中地potential 有潜力的qualification 资格recruit 招募resource 资源retail 零售specialize 专业于supplier 供应商trainee 受训者weakness 喜好weave 迂回前进wholesaler 批发商Unit 2 An Important Factor 第二单元一个重要因素重点词汇strategy 策略,战略physical 身体的,物质的availability 可用性,实用性ultimate 最后的,最终的outlet 出口,出路patronage 赞助,光顾accessibility 易接近,可到达furnishing [常用复]设备,陈设品brand 商标,牌子offer 提供,出价pattern 式样,模式V ocabulary 1 词汇1accessibility 易接近,可到达acknowledge 承认,了解acquire 获得,学到amount 数量analysis 分析automobile <主美>汽车(=<英>motor car,car) availability 可用性,实用性brand 商标,牌子category 种类,类别centralize 集中,把...集中起来characteristic 特性,特征chiefly 首要地,主要发comparative 比较的,相当的compare 比较concerned 有关的,关切的consulting 商议的,咨询的consume 消耗,消费convenience 便利,方便create 创造,创作custom-made 定做的,定制的deliberation 熟思,商议expend 花费,消耗extensive 广大的,广阔的foodstuff 食品,粮食frequently 常常,频繁地furnishing [常用复]设备,陈设品generally 一般,通常,一般地immediately 立即,马上,直接地in terms of 根据,按照,用...的话individual 个人,个体;个别的,单独的,个人的justify 证明...是正当的,证明合理outlet 出口,出路patronage 赞助,光顾physical 身体的,物质的preference 偏爱,优先选择product line 生产线select 选择,挑选somewhat 稍微,有点,有些specialty 专业strategy 策略,战略substantial 大量的,相当可观的typical 典型的,象征性的ultimate 最后的,最终的universally 普遍地,到处widespread 分布广泛的,普遍的willingness 意愿,心甘情愿V ocabulary 2 词汇2applicable 可适用的,可应用的classification 分类,分级classify 分类,分等company 公司extent 广度,宽度,长度offer 提供,出价pattern 式样,模式traditionally 传统上Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇arbitrary 任意的,武断的be derived from 源自于bulk 大批,大多数complicated 复杂的,难解的concept 观念,概念cumulative 累积的curve 曲线,[流]曲线图表derive 得自,起源disproportionality 不成比例的equation 方程式,等式fraction 小部分,片断,分数generate 产生,发生geographic 地理学的,地理的illustrate 举例说明,图解intermediate 中间的manipulate 使用,利用plot 划分,绘图predict 预知,预言,预报procedure 程序,手续proportion 比例puzzle (使)迷惑,(使)为难,迷惑不解ratio 比,比率reasonable 合理的,有理的remainder 残余,剩余物represent 表现,象征,代表scheme 计划,方案treatment 对待,处理trend 倾向,趋势Unit 3 Transportation 第三单元运输重点词汇transportation 运输available 可利用的component 部分,配件performance 履行distinguish 区分rate 比率primarily 主要地competition 竞争carrier (运货的)船,承运人middleman 中间人freight forwarder 货运代理broker 经纪人V ocabulary 1 词汇1adequately 充分地affect 影响,感动allocation 分配,安置aside 在旁边,到旁边assist 帮助available 可利用的basis 基础,根据broker 经纪人carrier (运货的)船,承运人circumstance 环境,详情,境况competition 竞争component 部分,配件containerization 货柜运输,货柜装货determine 决定distinguish 区分domestically 家庭式地,合乎国内地elementary 初步的,基本的exception 除外,例外expense 费用,代价extend 延长fortunately 幸运地freight 货运,运费freight forwarder 货运代理fund 基金hire 租(船等)in terms of 按照inherent 内在的labor 劳动,努力,工作liability 责任,义务,倾向,债务means 方法middleman 中间人overwhelm 压倒,对思想或情绪影响深刻own 拥有performance 履行perspective 观点,看法pipe 管道predictable 可预言的primarily 主要地rail 铁路rate 比率shipper 托运人,发货人structure 结构terminal 终点transportation 运输typically 代表性地,作为特色地user 使用者variability 可变性variable 可变的,不定的vary 变化V ocabulary 2 词汇2 assembly 装配defect 过失,缺点delivery 交付ensure 确保inform 通知,告诉Jim 吉姆(男子名)Kathy 凯西(女子名)manufacturer 制造商mini 迷你型,袖珍型minimize 取最小值replacement 替代shipment 一票(货物)volatile 多变的wasteful 浪费的,不经济的Williams 威廉斯Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇charge 装满,收费mode 方式overprice 定价过高pricing 定价range 范围taper 逐渐减少underprice 定价太低vehicle 车辆wholesale 批发Unit 4 Logistics Strategy 第四单元物流战略重点词汇strategy 战略,策略inventory cost 存货成本storage cost 保管费用tax 税费insurance 保险obsolescence 损耗balance 平衡play a role 起作用on one hand...on the other 一方面...另一方面be based on 以...为根据result in 导致...结果V ocabulary 1 词汇1accrue 自然增加,产生aspect (问题等的)方面balance 平衡combined 组合的,结合的consequently 从而,因此deterioration 变坏,退化,堕落economical 节约的,经济的exposure 暴露,揭露fewer 较少的formulation 用公式表示identify 识别,鉴别incur 招致invest 投(资)levy 征收logic 逻辑,逻辑性lot 批量maintain 维持,维修normally 正常地,通常地obsolescence 损耗overstock 库存过剩peg 钉;固定,限制precise 精确的,准确的prime 主要的,最好的private 私人的,私有的quantity 量,数量risk 冒险,风险size 大小,尺寸specify 指定,详细说明,列入清单view 看作,认为V ocabulary 2 词汇2abandon 放弃,遗弃fan 扇子,鼓风机JIT=just in time 准时制junkyard 丢弃旧汽车的地方mercury 水银,汞model 样式,型号Monterey 蒙特里(美国加州西部城市)necessarily 必要地pickup 皮卡,一种小型货车plug 塞子,插头retire 退休,引退Sam 萨姆(男子名)site 地点,场所spark 火花spark plug 火花塞vintage 制造年期windshield 挡风玻璃workshop 车间,工场Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇discount 折扣minimum 最小值stockpile 积蓄,库存supply 供给yard 院子,堆场Unit 5 Packaing 第五单元包装重点词汇packaging 包装facilitate 促进verification 确认,证明,核实specification 规格、规范frequency 频繁,屡次identification 识别,鉴定checkpoint 检查站,关卡potentially 潜在地,可能地franchise 公民权,选举权,经销权trash 废物,垃圾disposal 处理,处置,配置repellent 击退的,驱除的,抵御的,排斥的V ocabulary 1 词汇1absolute 纯粹的,绝对的,完全的allowable 可允许的,正当的,可承认的benefit 有益于,有助于,得益capable 有能力的,能干的channel 渠道,航道combination 结合,联合combine 结合,使联合compression 浓缩,压缩etc 等等facilitate 使容易,帮助,促进firework 烟火function 功能handle 运用,搬运hence 因此,从此influence 影响instance 例证,情况,建议internal 内在的involve 包括likewise 同样地,也mainly 主要地,大概,大抵overall 总的,全面的,全部的package 包装potentially 潜在地,可能地protection 保护,防卫selection 选择store 储存,供给,贮藏tennis 网球universal 普遍的,通用的verify 查证,检验,证实V ocabulary 2 词汇2actually 实际上,真的addition 加,附加advertise 做广告,做宣传anyway 总之,无论如何avoid 避开,避免batch 一组,一捆desirable 值得向往的,令人满意的dispose 处理,布置entirely 完全地,彻底地environment 环境incident 事件,事变misfortune 不幸,坏运气,灾祸possibility 可能性,可能的事properly 恰当的,正确地publicity 公开,宣传,人尽皆知quickly 快,迅速地recently 最近,近来,新近recyclable 可再循环的,可回收利用的recycle 使再循环,再利用reputation 名誉,名声,信誉rural 乡下的scatter 消散,分散socially 在社会地位上,在社交方面statement 陈述,声明taste 尝,吃起来,尝起来unfavorable 不宜的vice 副的Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇accurately 精确地assess 估定,评定beverage 饮料carton 纸板箱collapsible 可折叠的compact 紧凑的corrugated 缩成皱纹的,使起波状的documentation 文件enthusiastic 热心的,热情的inter-plant 厂际的maximize 取最大值,最佳pallet 托盘rodent 啮齿动物Unit 6 Purchasing 第六单元采购重点词汇efficiency 效率,效能account 帐,帐目,帐单approximately 大概,近乎considerably 相当,非常identify 确认,识别elevation 提高,提升authority 权力,职权assume 以为,假定为capacity 容量,容积V ocabulary 1 词汇1appropriate 适当的,恰当的approximately 大概,近乎arise 升起,产生,形成authority 权威,威信caliber 口径,直径,能力,器量,质量clerical 书记的considerable 相当的,重要的,可观的contrast 对比,差异,对照contribute 有助于,出力contribution 贡献dependent 依赖的,从属的disrupt 使混乱effectiveness 效力elevation 提高,提升enlighten 启发,教导,启蒙fruitful 多实的,产量多的input 输入negotiate 谈判,洽谈,协商obviously 明显地,显然地operational 操作的,运作的organization 组织,团体,机构produce 生产,制造progressive 前进的,进步的realization 实现responsibility 责任,负担,职责retailer 零售商status 状态,地位,情形V ocabulary 2 词汇2ability 能力,才能accompany 陪同,伴随assured 确定的,确信的buyer 买主,采购员,顾客certification 证明compete 比赛,竞争contingency 偶然,意外事故economy 经济encounter 遇见establish 建立,制定,确立evaluation 估价,评估exactly 正确地,严密地focus 聚集,集中helpful 有帮助的,有用的,有益的incentive 动机investment 投资likely 或许,很可能ownership 所有权,物主身份reliance 信任,依赖的人或事rigorous 严格的,苛刻的scale 刻度,尺度,比率source 来源,根源summarize 总结,概括Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇administrative 管理的,行政的advantageous 有利的alternatively 作为选择,二者择一地anticipatory 预料的,预想的associated 联合的,关联的attractive 吸引人的,有魅力的commodity 日用品continuity 连续性,连贯性dedicated 专注的duration 持续时间,为期exceed 超载,胜过execssive 过多的,过分的,额外exclusively 排外地,专有地foreseeable 可预见到的forge 稳步前进,铸造,伪造hedge 以套期保值避免(或减轻)损失logistician 从事物流工作的人,物流师occur 发生,出现priority 优先权productivity 生产力slack 松弛,静止,淡季;松弛的,不流畅的solution 解答,解决speculative 投机的theoretically 理论上,理论地uninterrupted 不停的,未受干扰的utilize 利用Unit 7 Information 第七单元信息重点词汇inventory 存货清单downstream 下游地,下游的upstream 溯流而上的,上游的margin 边,边沿,边缘TEU 标箱FCL 整箱货LCL 拼箱货V ocabulary 1 词汇1action 行动analyze 分析blindly 盲目地capture 捕获consist 包含crucial 至关紧要的current 当前的downstream 下游地,下游的driver 驱动因素facility 设备,工具hardware 硬件information 通知,消息,信息intel 英特尔公司margin 差数,(时间、金额等的)富余newly 重新,最近新近PC(personal computer) 个人电脑pentium 第五,P-Intel公司生产的CPU芯片,意为“第五代”,中文译为“奔腾”policy 策略recommend 推荐,介绍relating 与之相关的revenue 收入,税收route 路线software 软件technology 工艺,科技,技术upstream 溯流而上的,上游的V ocabulary 2 词汇2acceptable 可以接受的candidate 候选人Charles 查尔斯(男子名)colleague 同事column 纵列,栏concern 涉及,关系到cozy 舒适的enable 使能够engaged 忙碌的,使用中的evaluate 评价,估计FCL=full container load 整箱货frequency 频率handy 手边的,近便的,便于使用的hypermarket 超大型超市install 安装internet 互联网LCL=less than a container load 拼箱货log in 登录Malmo (地名)马尔默marvelous 奇异的,了不起的,妙极的measurement 衡量,测量,尺寸,度量制pamphlet 小册子password 密码precisely 正好,精确地project 项目revise 修改run 运行sailing 航行Sweden 瑞典TEU/teu=twenty-foot equivalent unit 标箱trace 追踪Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇bar code 条形码budget 预算,做预算,编入预算cellular 细胞的clipboard 有纸夹的笔记板,剪贴板commit 把...提交给,使承担义务cycle 周期,循环cnhance 提高,增强furniture 家具,设备ground-based 陆基的handheld unit 手提计算机laser 激光mainframe 主机,大型机notification 通知,布告,告示prior (to) 在前,居先proficient 精通scanner 扫描器,扫描仪schedule 时间表,进度表signature 签名,署名toll 通行税(费)Unit 8 Supply Chain 供应链重点词汇inland 内陆的,国内的ore 矿石vertically 垂直地,直立地integrated 综合的,完整的dealer 经销商outsource 外购,外包proactive (人或政策)以争取主动来创造或控制形势efficiency 效率,功率innovation 创新V ocabulary 1 词汇1a case in point 恰当的例子aborted 失败的acre 英亩alcohol 酒精assembly 集合,装配awareness 意识barrier 阻力bound 限度Brazil 巴西bureaucracy 官僚,官僚作风,官僚机构clearly 清晰地coal 煤comparatively 相对地competency 资格,能力competitive 竞争的complex 复杂的composed 组成的continuously 连续地contributor 贡献者core 核心dealer 经销商demonstration 示范,实证deposit 存款,保证金Detroit 底特律市diminish 减少division 部分,部门efficiency 效率,功率empire 帝国entrepreneurial 承包人的envisage 想象equip 装备eventually 最终地expanding 扩张的explore 开拓,开发extension 延伸,扩展extract 拔出,榨取finally 最终地financial 财政的fleet 船队gasoline 汽油heighten 增高,提高,变大hey 打招呼用语,你好imagination 想象,想象力improve 提高,改进independent 独立的inland 内陆的,国内的innovation 创新integrated 综合的,完整的intricate 复杂的,错综的kingdom 王国laboratory 实验室leader 领导,领导者mobile 汽车network 互联网络New Zealand 新西兰orchestrate 协调ore 矿石outperform 做得比...好,胜过outsourcing 外部采办,外购,业务外包peak 顶峰plantation 种植园,大农场pressure 压力proactive (人或政策)以争取主动来创造或控制形势profit 利润railroad 铁路regulatory 规章的,受规章限制的reliable 可靠的,可信赖的rely 依赖rising 上升的,高涨的saving 节约self 自己sift 筛,详查significant 有意义的,重大的,重要的southwest 西南地区soybean 大豆specialist 专家specialized 专门的,专科的strengthen 加固sufficiency 充分,充分的数量sufficient 足够的,充分的timberland 林地totally 总体,总计union 协会,同盟,工会utilization 利用vertical 垂直的vessel 船,容器V ocabulary 2 词汇2acquainted 熟悉agency 代理公司allocate 分配chassis (汽车等的)底盘,车架dial 拨打discharge 缺货electronic 电子的,电的owner 所有人,物主,业主respectively 各自的,各个地shelf 架子Singapore 新加坡Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇accomplish 完成,达到,实现computation 计算,估计cutting-edge technique 高科技,顶尖技术implement 贯彻,实现,执行mileage 英里数,英里里程mission 使命,任务,使团,代表团notify 通报plunge 投身于Unit 9 Maritime Transportation 海上运输重点词汇maritime 海的,海事的,航海的Letter of Credit 信用证First Mate 大副Bill of Lading 提单as/so far as 直到…为止on the basis of 以...为基础in due course 在适当的时候take sth into consideration 考虑到某事stuff 材料,原料,木料exchange 交换,调换,兑换V ocabulary 1 词汇1agent 代理人,中介人,代理商claus 条款commonly 通常地,平凡地considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的,体谅的consideration 体谅,需要考虑的事dock 码头,船渠,港区,船坞document 文件,公文,证书,契约exchange 交换,兑换,调换haul 拖拉,拖运,拖link 连接,结合V ocabulary 2 词汇2astern 在船尾,向船尾bosun 水手长crane 起重机departure 离开,出发foreman 领班,工头handie-talkie 对讲机harmoniously 和谐地,调和地harmony 协调,调和,和睦hatch 舱口layer 层motto 座右铭,训言,格言reload 再装,重新装填stow 收藏,贮藏,装填stevedore 装卸工人,脚夫,码头工人twist 扭转,旋转,绞,扭弯uneven 不平坦的,不均匀的,不平均的unload 卸,倾销,卸货Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇claim (根据权利)请求,主张commercial 商业的,贸易的destination 目的地First Mate /Chief Mate /Chief Officer 大副indemnity 补偿,保证negotiable 可议付的shipping company 船公司underwriter 保险业者,承诺支付者,保险商Unit 10 Third-Party Logistics 第三方物流重点词汇consolidation 巩固,联合,合并,变坚固visibility 能见度,可见性,可见距离,清晰度federate 同盟的,联邦的,使结成联邦rough 粗糙的,表面不平的be known as 被认为是,号称,叫做provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物tailor sht for/to sb/sth 裁缝某事/某人/某事be essential to/for sth 来说是必不可少的某事all in all 总的说来V ocabulary 1 词汇1adopt 采取,吸收,采纳apply 应用consistent 一致的,并立的,调和的customize 定做effectively 有效地,有力地local 地方的,局部的,当地的online 联机的,在线的obtain 得到,获得professional 专业的,职业的,专业人才provider 供给者,养家者,供应者TPL=Third Party Logistics 第三方物流upgrade 使升级,提升V ocabulary 2 词汇2Alfred 阿尔夫德(男子名)chapter 章,时期,篇correctly 正确地,得体地enterprise 企业frank 坦白地,真诚的,直率的Hong Kong 香港joint 共同的,连接的,联合的logistic 后勤学的,物流的responsible 有责任的,责任重大的,负责的textbook 教科书,课本venture 冒险,风险,投机wholly 整个,全部,统统Supplementary Vocabulary 补充词汇check 检查,核对optimize 使最优化。
process to operate at maximum efficiency rather than having the speed of the entire process constrained by the slowest.
excess of forecast or unexpected delays in order receipt and order processing on delivery and is typically referred to as safety stock.
Inventory Policy Service Level
Average Inventory
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
Inventory-Related Definitions
Capital Cost Taxes Insurance Obsolescence Storage
Inventory Carrying Cost Components
Supply/Demand Balancing Accommodates elapsed time between inventory
availability (manufacturing, growing, or extraction) and consumption.
Buffering Uncertainty Accommodates uncertainty related to demand in
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Customers’ possible responses to stock-out
customer stock-out occurs
substitute product
this occasion
substitute stock
this occasion forever
priority back-order
The most common purpose is to satisfy normal demand patterns.
• Inventory in manufacturing and distribution include:
raw materials purchased parts (components) work-in-processIn-class assi Nhomakorabeanment
Translation: P83-84
4. Inventory costs
• Inventory carrying cost(持有成本) • Stock-out cost (缺货成本) • Ordering cost(订货成本)
• Carrying cost refers the total cost of holding inventory. This includes warehousing costs such as rent, utilities and salaries, financial costs such as opportunity cost, and inventory costs related to perishibility ( 毁 坏 ) , shrinkage(损耗) and insurance.
maintenance/repair/operating (MRO) supplies
finished goods
Also include:
• Goods in transit (在途物资) • Packaging, waste and recycled materials • Products rejected by the customer and returned to us for repair of compensation
2. What is the purpose of inventory?
• • •
(Page 82) Geographical specialization 鼓励专业化经营,实现规 模经济效益 Decoupling 在不同经营环节之间起到缓冲作用 Supply/Demand balancing 保持供需平衡 Buffering uncertainty 应对突发事件
wasted and unnecessary stock
Question time
Possible solutions:
• Improving forecasting and process reliability • Reducing ordering cost • Simplifying the bill of materials • Reducing in-process inventory(在制品库存) by reducing lead time
Demand capture
Demand forecasting
Stock identificatio n
Stock coding
Lead-time management
Inventory Manageme nt process
Stock classificatio n
Definition of safety stock
Poor forecasts
Quality issues
• The primary goal of inventory management is to minimize inventory investment while still meeting the functional requirements.
Stock replenishment
6. Inventory goals
• Please think about disadvantages of low stock (which should provide very low costs) levels and high stock levels (which should provide a very high service)? • Now you can look at Para.2, Page86.
Disadvantages of high stock levels:
• Capital is tied up that might be better invested elsewhere. • There is the risk of product deterioration and of products becoming outdated, superseded or obsolete if they are stored for long period of time • There is high expense of providing additional storage space.
staff cost
Risk cost
• Stock-out cost(缺货成本):
Refers to economic consequences of not being able to meet internal or external demand from the current inventory. Internal costs: delays, labor-time wastage, lostproduction, etc. External costs: loss of profit from lost sales, and loss of future profit due to loss of goodwill • Therefore, possible costs of a stock-out may include: cost of back-order(延迟交货的订单) cost of lost sales(销售损失) cost of lost customers(顾客流失)
3. What are the types of inventory?
(Page 83)
• • • • • •
Working stock 流通存货 Speculative stock 投机性库存 Seasonal stock 季节储备 Dead stock 积压库存 Cycle stock 经常库存/周转库存 Safety stock 安全库存
5. Key elements of inventory management
The inventory management process involves: • Determination of demand • Stock identification (库存辨认)and coding • Stock replenishment • Definition of service levels and safety stock • Stock classification • Lead-time(交付周期) management
Any item inventory is composed of two main components: • Cycle (base) stock refers to inventory that is needed to satisfy normal demand during the course of an order cycle. If demand and lead time is constant, only cycle stock is necessary. • Safety (buffer) stock refers to inventory that is held in addition to cycle stock to guard against uncertainty in demand and/or lead time.
Chapter Four: Inventory
1. What is inventory?
• Inventory refers to stocks of goods and materials that are maintained for many purposes.
• Question: Could you tell the purposes of holding the inventory?
normal replenishment
product selection brand price
Inventory ordering costs (transaction costs)
It varies very much, depending on company routines. It may include • Salary for the purchasing agent • Travel or entertainment budget • Administrative and secretarial support, office space, copiers and office suppliers, forms and documents, long-distance telephone bills, and computer systems and support • The cost of shipping the purchased goods