富士电机 PXG数字式温度调节器 <微型控制器X> 说明书
![富士电机 PXG数字式温度调节器 <微型控制器X> 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b71ad7c36137ee06eff9181f.png)
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·报警功能若未正确设定,在仪表发生异常时将无法正确输出 报警,因此运行前请务必进行动作确认。 ”或“ ”。在更换传感器 ·输入断线时,将显示“ 时,请务必先切断电源。
ͳܦ (ᩱឧ) ࠚۘ ൣ᭦ ᭦ ᭦ ᛂ᧫ ߶ᜈᦠ͇ ͳܦ (ൣᆷ) ePXG4 ̀ᛪ ePXG4 ̀ᛪ
·请不要堵塞本仪表的周围,以免影响散热。 ·请不要堵塞端子上方的通风孔。 ·PXG9型调节器请将安装配件安装到本体中央的安装孔。
ಕэὙۆᄯ߶ᜈ(පࣰލҸ߶ᜈ) ϙன߶ᜈௐణܷϙᝇ˝ՓՐʽழϙன30˚
●温度传感器与达到或可能产生下表所示电压值的场所之间, 应保持下表所示的爬电距离及空间距离。 若无法确保上述条件,则可能无法达到EN61010标准中承诺 的安全性能。
使用电压或发生电压 [Vrms或Vdc] 最高50 最高100 最高150 最高300 300以上 空间距离(mm) 0.2 0.2 0.5 1.5 爬电距离(mm) 1.2 1.4 1.6 3.0
设置时,请注意避开下列场所。 ·使用时环境温度超过0~50℃范围的场所 ·使用时环境湿度超过45~85%RH范围的场所 ·温度急剧变化,容易结露的场所 ·产生腐蚀性气体 ( 特别是硫化气体、氨等 ) 、可燃性气体的 场所 ·对本体直接产生振动、冲击的场所 ·受水、油、化学药品、蒸汽、热气侵袭的场所 (浸水后会导致漏电、火灾等危险,请送至销售店接受检查) ·粉尘、盐分、铁粉较多的场所 ·感应干扰较大、容易产生静电、磁场、噪声的场所 ·受阳光直射的场所 ·由于辐射热等产生热积蓄的场所
富 士 PXR4温控表说明书
![富 士 PXR4温控表说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0edbb5166c175f0e7cd13758.png)
− 1 −− 2 −注) 上段(PV)显示消失(无显示)时,请在参数DP13的设定值上加64。
2接线3使用方法(请在使用前阅读)6关于温度调节器的功能− 3 −− 4 −7为熟练使用温度调节器Modbus RTU 是modicon 公司的商标。
8请在显示异常时阅读* DC4-20mA 输入时,除使用250Ω的外置电阻外,还请作为DC1-5V 输入使用。
注1) 仅同一类型中可以变更代码。
注1) 输入精度为±0.5%FS±1digit±1°C 。
但,采用热敏电阻时,则为±1%FS±1digit 。
R 热电偶0~500°CB 热电偶0~400°C注2) 采用测温电阻时,即使低于-150°C ,也不显示LLLL 。
*1 微型控制器X 系列与其他机型的不同点如下表所示,请加以注意。
*2 连接计算机时,需要通信变换器。
另行准备(推荐产品) (株)RA 系统公司生产 RC-77(隔离型) http://www.ras.co.jp (株)lineeye 公司生产 SI-30A(隔离型) http://www.lineeye.co.jp (株)系统sacom 公司生产 KS485(非隔离型) http://www.sacom.co.jp 规 格电源电压:AC100(-15%)~240V(+10%)、50/60Hz 、DC/AC 24V(±10%)功耗:10VA 以下(AC100V),12VA 以下(AC220V),12VA 以下(AC/DC24V)继电器接点输出:控制输出1 1c 接点AC220V/DC30V ,3A(阻性负载)控制输出2 1a 接点AC220V/DC30V ,3A(阻性负载)SSR/SSC 驱动输出*1(电压脉冲输出):ON 时 DC24V(DC17~25V)OFF 时 DC0.5V 以下最大电流 DC20mA 以下负载电阻 850Ω以上DC4-20mA 输出:容许负载电阻 600Ω以下报警输出(最多2点):继电器接点(1a 接点) AC220V/DC30V 1A(阻性负载)加热器断线报警输出:继电器接点(1a 接点) AC220V/DC30V 1A(阻性负载)通信功能*2:RS-485接口传输方式/半双工位串行起止同步传输速度/9600bps通信协议/符合Modbus RTU 或Z-ASCII (PXR 协议)传输距离/最大500m(连接总长度)连接台数/31台数字量输入:输入点数2点 (ON 判定:DC3V 以上,OFF 判定:DC2V 以下)输入接点容量 DC5V / 2mA 输入脉冲宽度 最小0.5秒传送输出:输出精度 ±0.3%以下容许负载电阻 600Ω以下远程SV 输入:输入精度 ±0.5%FS 以下(无输入断线检测功能)设定分辨率 3000以上带输入滤波功能使用及贮存温度:-10°C ~50°C ,90%RH 以下(无结露)-10°C ~45°C(密集安装时)-20°C ~60°C(贮存温度)时间精度:±0.5%以内SSR/SSC 驱动输出DC4-20mA 输出容许负载电阻电压最大电流PXR3DC15V 20mA 100~500ΩPXR4/5/7/9DC24V 20mA 600Ω以下PXV3DC5.5V 20mA 600Ω以下PXV/W/Z DC24V 60mA 600Ω以下[所谓过量程方向]输入在范围之外或异常时的输出方向。
数款温控表的参数设定及应用实例 ppt课件
![数款温控表的参数设定及应用实例 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/37dadd9ff90f76c661371a7e.png)
( 10)SV-2(第二目标值设定),输入“500”,
( 11)TM2R(第二斜坡区间时间),输入
( 12)TM2S(第二保温区间时间),输“7.0”,
( 1 )非菜单主状态下按住“SEL”键约1秒钟,
( 2)非菜单主状态下按住“SEL”键约3秒钟,
( 3)非菜单主状态下按住“SEL”键约5秒钟,
2、温度自控系统主要是由数显式温控表、温度传感器、 加热芯控制主电路部分、加热芯组件及其它附属的保护 电路、报警电路和状态指示电路等共同组合而成。
3、温控表的内部电路主要是由电源电路、单片机芯片 处理电路、I/O输入输出接口转换电路、数码显示译码 电路及相应的输入输出可选性扩展模块等构成。
( 3)P-SL(量程下限设定),此处输入“0”;
( 4)P-SU(量程上限设定),此处输入“600”;
( 5)ALN1(报警种类1设定),设定为 “5”,
( 6)ALN2(报警种类1设定),设定为“1”,
●使用高速CPU 能快速响应急变负载和及时检知再生功率,设有控制减速时间的再生回避功能,实现无跳闸自动减速过程。
●采用富士独自开发的控制方式,在0.5Hz 能输出200%高起动转矩(≤22kW)。
* 30kW 以上时为180%。
●使用PG 反馈卡(选件)构成带PG 反馈的矢量控制系统, 实现更高性能、更高精度的运行。
·速度控制范围: 1 : 1200·速度控制精度: ±0.02%·速度响应 : 40Hz带PG反馈更高性能的控制系统1电动机低转速时脉动大大减小●采用动态转矩矢量控制,结合富士专有的数字AVR,实现电动机低转速(1Hz)运行时的转速脉动比以前机种减小 1/2以上。
新方式在线自整定系统●在电动机运行过程中常时进行自整定,常时核对电动机特 性变化,实现高精度速度控制。
1台变频器切换运行2台电 动机时,保证2台电动机都能高精度运行。
优良的环境兼容性●采用低噪声控制电源系统,大大减小对周围传感器等设 备的噪声干扰影响。
●标准装有连接抑制高次谐波电流的DC 电抗器端子。
●连接选件EMC 滤波器后,能符合欧洲EMC 指令。
采用使电动 机损耗降至最小的新控制方式,取得更好的节能效果。
●标准设有复写功能,能容易地将1台变频器的功能码数 据复写至其他变频器。
●显示器标准可选择3种语言(中文、英文和日文),便於 国内外配套使用。
●可简单地由键盘面板或外部接点信号进行点动(JOG)运 行操作。
第一组参数参 数 参 数 定 义设 定 范 围STBY暂停设定(在运行/待机间转换)ON:控制暂停(输出:停止,报警:停止) OFF:运行PROG斜坡/保温控制(起动/停止/暂停)OFF:停止 RUN:开始 HLD:暂停LACH解除报警闩锁0:有效 1:无效AT自整定.用于设定P,I,D常数0:OFF 1:标准 2:低PV TM-1显示时间继电器1的剩余时间单位:秒TM-2显示时间继电器2的剩余时间单位:秒AL1报警1设定值AL-L报警1上限值AL-H报警1下限值AL2报警2设定值A2-L报警2上限值A2-H报警2下限值LOC键锁第二组参数参 数 参 数 定 义设 定 范 围P比例带(0:为二位置控制)0.0-999.9%I积分时间(0:积分OFF)0-3200秒D微分时间(0:微分OFF)0.0-999.9秒HYS二位置控制的滞后宽度0-50%FSCOOL冷却侧比例带系数0.0-100.0DB冷却侧比例带的位移(死区)负50.0-+50.0 BAL输出补偿值负100.0-+100.0% AR积分动作禁止点0-100%FSCTRL控制方式PID:PID控制 FUZY:PID+模糊控制 SELF:PID自主整定SLFB PV测量值稳定范围0-100%FSONOF设定HYS(滞后宽度)模式OFF: ON: TC输出1比例周期1-150秒TC2输出2比例周期1-150秒P-N2输入信号代码1-16P-SL量程下限设定-1999-9999P-SU量程上限设定-1999-9999P-DP小数点位置设定0-2P-F o C/o F指定PUOF PV测量值补偿负10-+10%FS SUOF SV设定值补偿负50-+50%FSP-DF输入滤波器时间常数0.0-900.0秒ALM1设定报警1动作模式0-34ALM2设定报警2动作模式0-34STAT斜坡/保温程序段当时位置(只显示)PTN选择斜坡/保温程序的工作模式1:执行第1-4段 2:执行第5-8段 3:执行第1-8段SV-1目标值1在SV限制内TM1R斜坡1段时间0-99h59m TM1S保温1段时间0-99h59m SV-2目标值2在SV限制内TM2R斜坡2段时间0-99h59m TM2S保温2段时间0-99h59m SV-3目标值3在SV限制内TM3R斜坡3段时间0-99h59m TM3S保温3段时间0-99h59m SV-4目标值4在SV限制内TM4R斜坡4段时间0-99h59m TM4S保温4段时间0-99h59m SV-5目标值5在SV限制内TM5R斜坡5段时间0-99h59m TM5S保温5段时间0-99h59m SV-6目标值6在SV限制内TM6R斜坡6段时间0-99h59m TM6S保温6段时间0-99h59m SV-7目标值7在SV限制内TM7R斜坡7段时间0-99h59m TM7S保温7段时间0-99h59m SV-8目标值8在SV限制内TM8R斜坡8段时间0-99h59mTM8S保温8段时间0-99h59mMOD指定斜坡/保温段前和后的控制方式0-15第三组参数参 数 参 数 定 义设 定 范 围P-N1控制动作设定0-19SV-L SV设定值下限0-100%FSSV-H SV设定值上限0-100%FSDLY1报警1延迟时间0-9999秒DLY2报警2延迟时间0-9999秒CT显示电流CT的输入值(只显示)HB设定加热器断线报警的动作值0-50.0A 0.0为HB无效A1HY报警1滞后宽度0-50%FSA2HY报警2滞后宽度0-50%FSA1OP报警1选择设定A2OP报警2选择设定PLC1输入1最小ON脉冲宽度负3.0-103.0%PHC1输入1最小OFF脉冲宽度负3.0-103.0%PLC2输入2最小ON脉冲宽度负3.0-103.0%PHC2输入2最小OFF脉冲宽度负3.0-103.0%PCUT输出限止种类设定0-15OUT1输出值1(MV值)显示OUT2输出值2(MV值)显示RCJ RCJ冷接点辅偿设定ON:RCJ有效 OFF:RCJ无效GAIN PV斜率设定0.001-2000ADJO用户零点调整负50-50%FSADJS用户满席调整负50-50%FSDI-1DI1动作设定0-12DI-2DI2动作设定0-12STNO通信站号设定0-255COM奇偶选择设定0:奇数 1:偶数 2:无PYP PYP(彩色触摸屏)输入类型设定0-235DSP1-DSP9参数显示屏蔽代码0-235DP10-DP13PXR输入量程表输入信号输入量程(o C)输入量程(o F)电阻测温包PT100Ω0-15032-302PT100Ω0-30032-572PT100Ω0-50032-932PT100Ω0-60032-1112PT100Ω-50-100-58-212PT100Ω-100-200-148-392PT100Ω-150-600-238-1112 PT100Ω-150-850-238-1562热电偶J0-40032-752J0-80032-1472K0-40032-752K0-80032-1472K0-120032-2192R0-160032-2912B0-180032-3272S0-160032-2912T-199-200-328-392T-150-400-238-752E0-80032-1472E-199-800-328-1472N0-130032-2372PL20-130032-2372DC电压1-5V DC刻度范围: -1999-9999DC电流4-20MA DC 对电流输入,应并接250Ω电阻,等效转换为1-5VDC输入。
Fuji操作标准1. 目的:为规范该作为流程,已达到正确操作,切实保养,合理利用之目的2. 规范仅供Fuji贴片机3. 具体内容:3.1操作按键说明3.1.1功能键(F1-F6)此功能键与多画面的提示菜单配合使用,在主菜单画面F1(Auto)生产,F2(STEP)代表单步运行,F3(LOADER)代表PCB装载控制,F4(PRGRAM)代表各程式管制,F5(SET)代表机器其它功能设定,F6(*)无意义。
3.1.3 方向键“→”“←”,移运X、Y、D轴(移动D轴时需加“*”键),红色“□”快速键,“↘”“↙”转动C轴用。
3.1.5 POWER OFF键:关机时请按EMERGENCY·STOP键后,在按此键即可关闭机器。
3.1.6 POWER ON键,按POWER ON键即可打开电源,此时POWER ON键亮灯。
3.1.7 CYCEL STOP键:按CYCEL STOP键,机器运行一个循环即停止。
3.1.8 RESET键:出现报警信息时,按此键消除报警3.1.9 FRONT/REAR开关,开关打到FRONT为前面操作,开关打到REAR为后面操作3.2.0 START键:需开机时按此键3.3开关机步骤:3.3.1检查机器后方气压表显示达到5-5.5Kg/cm^3,若气压不够开机后屏幕显示CHECKAIR急警信息。
3.3.4 按POWER ON键启动机器,其显示“PUSH”START后按START键,此时机器开始归零,归零完毕后,显示屏显示主菜单画面。
●使用高速CPU 能快速响应急变负载和及时检知再生功率,设有控制减速时间的再生回避功能,实现无跳闸自动减速过程。
●采用富士独自开发的控制方式,在0.5Hz 能输出200%高起动转矩(≤22kW)。
* 30kW 以上时为180%。
●使用PG 反馈卡(选件)构成带PG 反馈的矢量控制系统, 实现更高性能、更高精度的运行。
·速度控制范围: 1 : 1200·速度控制精度: ±0.02%·速度响应 : 40Hz带PG反馈更高性能的控制系统1电动机低转速时脉动大大减小●采用动态转矩矢量控制,结合富士专有的数字AVR,实现电动机低转速(1Hz)运行时的转速脉动比以前机种减小 1/2以上。
新方式在线自整定系统●在电动机运行过程中常时进行自整定,常时核对电动机特 性变化,实现高精度速度控制。
1台变频器切换运行2台电 动机时,保证2台电动机都能高精度运行。
优良的环境兼容性●采用低噪声控制电源系统,大大减小对周围传感器等设 备的噪声干扰影响。
●标准装有连接抑制高次谐波电流的DC 电抗器端子。
●连接选件EMC 滤波器后,能符合欧洲EMC 指令。
采用使电动 机损耗降至最小的新控制方式,取得更好的节能效果。
●标准设有复写功能,能容易地将1台变频器的功能码数 据复写至其他变频器。
●显示器标准可选择3种语言(中文、英文和日文),便於 国内外配套使用。
●可简单地由键盘面板或外部接点信号进行点动(JOG)运 行操作。
按下[计数器]键。 显示各小组计数器的计数值。 (例 小组1 134567个)
按下[计数器]键。 显示相应组的计数器销售个数。 (例 P2 销售单价10元 7654个) 直到最后显示的内容。 显示[End]后,按[计数器]按钮, 返回到待机时总计数器的计数值。
(1) 模式键的基本操作
操作 顺序
按键 (选择按钮)
开ス始タート 停ス止トップ
3 确认
按[模式] 键,进入模式号输入状态。
5 确认
按[向上]键([向下]键),选择项目号。 按[确认]键,进入该项目的设定及确认状态。
0~23点,0~59分 (A~C各7次) A~C(按一星期内的某一天) 0:不按有规律的一定顺序设定 0~23点,0~59分
清零 0:不按规律 清零
设定、确认 …………………………3-30
◆ 故障代码表 ………………………………4-1
按键种类 出货测试
专 用
故障检测 清零 模 模式 式 开始 键
富 士 PXR4温控表说明书
![富 士 PXR4温控表说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0edbb5166c175f0e7cd13758.png)
− 1 −− 2 −注) 上段(PV)显示消失(无显示)时,请在参数DP13的设定值上加64。
2接线3使用方法(请在使用前阅读)6关于温度调节器的功能− 3 −− 4 −7为熟练使用温度调节器Modbus RTU 是modicon 公司的商标。
8请在显示异常时阅读* DC4-20mA 输入时,除使用250Ω的外置电阻外,还请作为DC1-5V 输入使用。
注1) 仅同一类型中可以变更代码。
注1) 输入精度为±0.5%FS±1digit±1°C 。
但,采用热敏电阻时,则为±1%FS±1digit 。
R 热电偶0~500°CB 热电偶0~400°C注2) 采用测温电阻时,即使低于-150°C ,也不显示LLLL 。
*1 微型控制器X 系列与其他机型的不同点如下表所示,请加以注意。
*2 连接计算机时,需要通信变换器。
另行准备(推荐产品) (株)RA 系统公司生产 RC-77(隔离型) http://www.ras.co.jp (株)lineeye 公司生产 SI-30A(隔离型) http://www.lineeye.co.jp (株)系统sacom 公司生产 KS485(非隔离型) http://www.sacom.co.jp 规 格电源电压:AC100(-15%)~240V(+10%)、50/60Hz 、DC/AC 24V(±10%)功耗:10VA 以下(AC100V),12VA 以下(AC220V),12VA 以下(AC/DC24V)继电器接点输出:控制输出1 1c 接点AC220V/DC30V ,3A(阻性负载)控制输出2 1a 接点AC220V/DC30V ,3A(阻性负载)SSR/SSC 驱动输出*1(电压脉冲输出):ON 时 DC24V(DC17~25V)OFF 时 DC0.5V 以下最大电流 DC20mA 以下负载电阻 850Ω以上DC4-20mA 输出:容许负载电阻 600Ω以下报警输出(最多2点):继电器接点(1a 接点) AC220V/DC30V 1A(阻性负载)加热器断线报警输出:继电器接点(1a 接点) AC220V/DC30V 1A(阻性负载)通信功能*2:RS-485接口传输方式/半双工位串行起止同步传输速度/9600bps通信协议/符合Modbus RTU 或Z-ASCII (PXR 协议)传输距离/最大500m(连接总长度)连接台数/31台数字量输入:输入点数2点 (ON 判定:DC3V 以上,OFF 判定:DC2V 以下)输入接点容量 DC5V / 2mA 输入脉冲宽度 最小0.5秒传送输出:输出精度 ±0.3%以下容许负载电阻 600Ω以下远程SV 输入:输入精度 ±0.5%FS 以下(无输入断线检测功能)设定分辨率 3000以上带输入滤波功能使用及贮存温度:-10°C ~50°C ,90%RH 以下(无结露)-10°C ~45°C(密集安装时)-20°C ~60°C(贮存温度)时间精度:±0.5%以内SSR/SSC 驱动输出DC4-20mA 输出容许负载电阻电压最大电流PXR3DC15V 20mA 100~500ΩPXR4/5/7/9DC24V 20mA 600Ω以下PXV3DC5.5V 20mA 600Ω以下PXV/W/Z DC24V 60mA 600Ω以下[所谓过量程方向]输入在范围之外或异常时的输出方向。
富士温控表说明书PXF5_9-C 明扬工控网 明扬工控商城专业销售 代理(1)
![富士温控表说明书PXF5_9-C 明扬工控网 明扬工控商城专业销售 代理(1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7125118b0722192e4536f6da.png)
为了符合安全要求 , 在使用时请遵守以下规则。未遵守规则的情况下无法符合安全要求。(若 进行违规操作易引发危险。) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • 请将说明书建议使用的保险丝安装于外部 , 置于主电源(Mains Circuit)和本装置之间。 • 为免触电 , 请不要直接连接输入端子、SSR 输出端子、电流输出端子、通讯(RS-485)
24V 电源类型的场合,请连接 ELV 电源。 请不要直接连接 SELV 电源,要在 SELV 电源和温度调节计之间设置基础绝缘。直接 连接有触电的危险。 对于 CT 输入,为了防止触电及火灾蔓延,请使用以下规格的电流互感器。
1)设置范畴 2)污染度 3)绝缘要求级别 4)1 次侧最大电压
Ⅱ 2 基础绝缘,补强绝缘或强化绝缘 300V AC rms 或 300V DC
微型控制器 X
型号 : PXF5/9
在使用产品之前,请确认该产品与您所要 的型号相同。 (如需查看型号代码,请参考第 20 页。) 确认以下所有附件齐备。
警报输出1~3 (继电器接点)
数字输入1 ~5 通信(RS-485)
功能绝缘(500V AC)
电源(DC/AC 24V)
控制输出1(继电器接点) 或
测量值输入 远程SV 输入 电流检测器输入
控制输出2(继电器接点)或 电动阀关闭输出
连接输入端子、SSR 输出端子、电流输出端子和 SELV 时 , 请接入基本绝缘体 , 比如 可实 现基本绝缘的变压器等。
连接通讯(RS-485)端子和 SELV 时 , 请接入基本绝缘体。 比如可实现基本绝缘的 RS-485/232 转换器等。 基本绝缘是指 : 本设备可以在空间距离达到 1.5mm 以上 , 爬电距离达到 3.0mm 以上 的条件下 , 实现绝缘。 在无法确认达到上述要求的情况下 ,UL61010/EN61010 的安全证书将视为无效。
图1 机器图2安装框源自螺丝图3 密封垫密封垫
面板 面板
螺丝 安装框
机壳 (错误)
机壳 (正确)
• 为避免妨碍散热 , 本调节器的周围应无遮挡物。 • 请不要阻塞端子上部的通风孔。 • PXF9 时,请将固定装置安装在本机中央的安装孔上。
2-3. 接线注意事项
• 热电偶输入时 , 请使用规定的补偿导线 ; 测温电阻输入时 , 请使用导线电阻较小、3 线
控制输出1(继电器接点) 或
测量值输入 远程SV 输入 电流检测器输入
控制输出2(继电器接点)或 电动阀关闭输出
控制输出1(SSR驱动、电流、电压) 控制输出2(SSR驱动、电流、电压)
警报输出1 (继电器接点)
警报输出2 (继电器接点)
߇੍输ग़2ʢSSR驱动ɺ电ྲྀɺ电压ʣ ߇੍输ग़2ʢSSR驱动ɺ电ྲྀɺ电压ʣ
警报输出1 (继电器接点)
警报输出2 (继电器接点)
警报输出1~3 (继电器接点)
FUJI PXW控制器使用说明
![FUJI PXW控制器使用说明](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b93c53eeb8f67c1cfad6b8d8.png)
富士PXW9温度控制仪操作指南名称功能输出1指示灯灯亮为输出1为ON输出2指示灯灯亮为输出2为ONPV(测量值) 指示测量值报警灯检测出报警时灯亮,报警输出为ONSV(设定值) 指示设定值,在设定参数时,指示参数数据SEL键参数选择键选择SV/PV显示,选择参数,选择参数和参数值显示等增/减键改变SV值,顺序选择参数。
一. 基本操作:1.1控制温度SV的设置:按∧键提高设定温度,按∨键降低设定温度(在锁定状态下不能修改)。
1.2第一组参数设定:在PV/SV显示模式下按 SEL键3秒后进入第一组参数设定模式,每按一次SEL键参数将依次显示。
二.有关参数的选择:2.1输入信号种类设定(P-n2) 输入信号 输人量程()℃代码(P-n2)输入信号输人量程()℃代码(P-n2)Ptl00 0~150 1 J 0~400 2 Ptl00 0~300 1 J 0~800 2 Ptl00 0~500 1K 0~400 3 Ptl00 0~600 1 K 0~800 3 Ptl00 -50~100 1 K 0~1200 3 Ptl00 -100~200 1 R 0~1600 4 Ptl00-150~600 1B 0~1800 5 热 电 阻Ptl00 -150~850 1S 0~1600 6 T -199~200 7 T-150~4007D C电压DC1~5V16E 0~800 8 E -199~800 8N 0~1300 12 D C 电流 DC4~20mA 刻度范围: -1999~9999对电流输入,应并接250Ω电阻。
PXF5ACY2-FW100富士温控器一、PXR型数字温控表的功能特点如下:1. 前面板IP66防水结构,三健式菜单操作;2.标准螺钉接线,无须插座;3. 纵向尺寸比PXW表更短;4. UL/CSA/CE认证标志;5. 测量值大LED红色显示;6. 控制功能多种:简单ON/OFF控制,PID带自动调节控制,模糊及PID带自动调节控制,PID自适应调节控制;7.再传输功能(选件):传感器测量值可以以4-20MA型式传送到PHR型数据记录仪,PLC及个人计算机中;8. 8段斜坡/保温程序控制功能(选件);9. RS-485通讯功能(选件),可与FUJI POD及个人计算机通讯;10.数字输入控制功能(选件):通过一点开关量ON/OFF,可改变设定值SV,控制动作起/停,斜坡/保温控制的开始/ 复位,自动调节功能的起/停,报警锁存的复位、定时器计时开始;11. 加冷却控制(选件):有利于节能;12. 加热断线报警(选件);13. 两点各种报警功能(选件):值报警,区间报警,偏差报警;14. 具有塑机的模糊+PID控制功能:15. 内部定时器功能有机械式的和电子式的,机械式的采用两层热膨胀系数不同金属压在一起,温度改变时,他的弯曲度会发生改变,当弯曲到某个程度时,接通(或断开)回路,使得制冷(或加热)设备工作。
4.1 运行准备.................................................................................................................................16 4.2 预热运行与运行 ......................................................................................................................16
ӿᬖ eఴֵ̖˝᭣ྏಪὋឯӇڙథྏཀবචͳᄉဖܑ˖ၸὋՠѶԺᑞ࠭ᒰྏ ཀNj༡༪ኍ᧗ܷ̂nj
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Micro-controller XModel: PXR4/5/9Operation ManualECNO:406cTable of Contents1.Part Names and Functions (6)2.Operations (7)2-1 Parameter list (7)2-2 Basic operations (12)2-3 Parameter functions and method of settings (13)Standby setting (14)Local/remote operation setting (15)Ramp-soak control (16)Canceling the alarm latch (17)Auto-tuning function (18)Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers (19)Setting alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Upper limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Lower limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Key lock (21)Proportional band (22)Integral time (23)Derivative time (24)Hysteresis range for ON/OFF control (25)Cooling-side proportional band coefficient (26)Cooling-side proportional band shift (Dead band/Overlap band) (27)Output offset value (28)Anti-reset windup (28)Control algorithm (29)PV (Measured value) stable range (33)HYS (Hysteresis) mode at ON/OFF control (34)Cycle time of control output 1 (35)Cycle time of control output 2 (Cooling-side) (36)Input signal code (37)Setting the measuring range (Input range) (38)Selection °C / °F (38)Decimal point position (40)PV (Measured value) offset (41)SV (Setting value) offset (42)Time constant of input filter (43)Alarm types (44)Selecting ramp-soak patterns (47)Ramp-soak status display (48)1st to 8th target SV (48)1st to 8th ramp segment time (48)1st to 8th soak segment time (48)Ramp-soak modes (48)2Specifying control action and output direction at input burn-out (51)SV (Setting value) lower limiter (52)SV (Setting value) upper limiter (52)The time of ON-delay alarm or timer function (53)Displaying current detector input (55)HB (Set value of heater break alarm) (55)Hysteresis alarm 1, 2 and 3 (57)Options of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (58)Upper and lower limits for control output 1 (60)Upper and lower limits for control output 2 (60)Output limit types (61)Output value display (62)RCJ (Cold junction compensation) (63)Adjusting the PV (Measured value) display (0%) (64)Adjusting the PV (Measured value) display (100%) (64)DI1/2 (Digital input 1/2) operation (65)Station No. for communication (68)Parity for communication (69)Communication protocol setting (70)Re-transmission output type setting (71)Re-transmission base and span scale (72)Remote SV input (0%) adjustment (73)Remote SV input (100%) adjustment (73)Remote SV input filter constant (74)Remote SV input value display (75)Parameter display mask (76)3.Troubleshooting (77)Index (79)3PXR4Note 1: Cannot be combined with heater break alarm.( 2, 3, 6, 7, H cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 2: Cannot be combined with alarm (1 pc.) + heater break alarm, alarm (2 pcs.), or alarm (3pcs.).( 3, 7, F, G, H, M, P cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 3: Cannot be combined with RS485 + 1-point digital input.(V and W cannot be specified on 11th digit.)Note 4: In the case of control output 2, either of heater break alarm or remote SV input can be selected.(A, C, E and R on the 7th digit, and 2,3,6,7,H, D and P on the 9th digit cannot be specified.)Input signal, measurement range, and set value at the time of deliver are as follows.When thermocouple is specified: Thermocouple K, Measurement range; 0 to 400°C, Set value; 0°CWhen resistance bulb is specified: Pt, Measurement range; 0 to 150°C, Set value; 0°CWhen voltage/current is specified: Scaling; 0 to 100%, Set value; 0%For the cases other than the above, specify input signal and measurement range.Input signal of the thermocouple and the resistance bulb can be switched by key operation on the front panel.The actuating method of the control output has been set to reverse for control output 1, and to direct for controloutput 2 at the time of delivery. Note that reverse and direct actuation can be switched by key operation on thefront panel.4PXR5/9Note 1: Cannot be combined with heater break alarm.( 2, 3, 6, 7, H cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 2: Cannot be combined with RS485 + 1-point digital input.(V and W cannot be specified on 11th digit.)Note 3: In the case of control output 2, either of heater break alarm or remote SV input can be selected.(A, C, E and R on the 7th digit, and 2,3,6,7,H, D and P on the 9th digit cannot be specified.)Input signal, measurement range, and set value at the time of deliver are as follows.When thermocouple is specified: Thermocouple K, Measurement range; 0 to 400°C, Set value; 0°CWhen resistance bulb is specified: Pt, Measurement range; 0 to 150°C, Set value; 0°CWhen voltage/current is specified: Scaling; 0 to 100%, Set value; 0%For the cases other than the above, specify input signal and measurement range.Input signal of the thermocouple and the resistance bulb can be switched by key operation on the front panel.The actuating method of the control output has been set to reverse for control output 1, and to direct for controloutput 2 at the time of delivery. Note that reverse and direct actuation can be switched by key operation on thefront panel.56This chapter explains the part names and functions on the face panel. The face panel has the PV and SV displays, the status indicating lamp, and the setting keys, etc. Those functions are explained below. Please read and understand them before using the PXR. For details about the setting of parameters, see Chapter 2.q Lamp for control output 1Lights up while control output 1 stays ON.w Lamp for control output 2Lights up while control output 2 stays ON.e Alarm lampLights up on detecting an alarm. The alarm output is turned ON at the same time.If the optional heater break alarm is provided, the AL3lamp lights up on detecting a heater break.r PV (Measured value) displayDisplays the PV. When setting a parameter, its name appears.t SV (Setting value) displayDisplays the SV. When setting a parameter, its value appears.y SEL keyUsed to select a parameter block and a parameter, and register a set value.uUsed to change the SV , call parameters, and change pa-rameter values.i SV lampLights up while the SV is displayed in the SV display.When parameters and data are displayed, the SV lamp goes out.!0Auto-tuning/self-tuning lampFlashes under an auto-tuning or self-tuning operation.q w e Alarm lampr PV (Measured value) displayt SV (Setting value) display y SEL ukeysi SV lamp1Part Names and Functionso Auto-tuning/self-tuning lamp2OperationsThis chapter explains how to set the SV (Setting value) and the parameters for the PXR.2-1 Parameter listParameters for the PXR are classified under three blocks according to the frequency of use. The parameters of the secondand third blocks are used at initialization or when they are of absolute necessity.Note:The parameters for which * is marked with the page number in Reference page are related to Remediesof “4” on page 77.78Parameters of the second blockNote:The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note 1:When a customer does not specify the settings while ordering, the following settings are selected as factory defaults.Thermocouple input: Thermocouple K Measured range: 0 to 400°CResistance bulb input:Measured range: 0 to 150°CV oltage/Current input:Scaling: 0 to 100%910Parameters of the third blockNote: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note 2:The following settings are selected as factory defaults depending on the model you order.Seventh digit = Y model: 0Seventh digit = A model: 4Note: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number in2-2 Basic operationsJust after power-on:The display below appears just after power-on.How to switch parameters:The figure below shows the basic operations for the PXR.If it has not been used for 30 seconds, the display returns to the one just after power-on (PV/SV displayed).How to set values:key:One press increases the value by 1.Press and hold this key to increase the value fast.key:One press decreases the value by 1.Press and hold this key to decrease the value fast.How to register the set data:By pressing the SELNote that the SV (SV0) will be registered in 3 seconds without any operation.2-3 Parameter functions and method of settingsMethod of setting the SV (Setting value)[Description]•The SV is a target value for control.•Any SV that is outside of the range set in the parameters of (lower limit) and (upper limit) of the third block cannot be set. (See page 52.)[Setting example] Changing the SV from 250°C to 1195°CRelated parameters:(page 52) (page 52)Standby setting (Settings: oFF/on)[Description]•This parameter switches the control between RUN and Standby.•During standby, the control output and the alarm output stay OFF, like the standby for ramp-soak operation.•While the alarm with a hold is selected, the hold function takes effect after changing the Standby setting from ON to OFF.•is displayed during the standby for ramp-soak operations or the controller changes to the standby state in case of the occurrence of errors.•The other operations are the same as those of the ramp-soak standby.•The setting of ON/OFF for standby is saved after power-off.[Setting example] Starting the control•When the standby is set to ON during the auto-tuning,self-tuning, and ramp-soak operations, those operations will stop. (The PID constant will not be renewed.) Even through it is set to OFF later, the auto-tuning, self-tuning,and ramp-soak operations will not be re-started.•During standby, the ON-delay timer is reset. When returning to RUN from the standby state, the timer will start from the beginning.[Description]•This parameter is used to switch between local and re-mote operations.[Setting example] Switching to remote operationRelated parameters:(page 73) (page 73) (page 74) (page 75)* Local operation:Control by SV set by the keys on the front face, ramp-soak operation, SV selection determined by digital input,and SV setting via communication* Remote operation:Control by SV determined by RemoteSV inputRamp-soak control (Settings: oFF/rUn/hLd) (Option)[Description]•This function automatically changes the SV (Setting value) according to the program pattern set in advance as shown in the right line graph. Up to eight pairs of ramp-soak operation can be programmed.•The first ramp starts at the PV (Measured value) that is the one just before running the program.•The program can also automatically run at power-on (Power-on starting function). Refer to the parameter of(page 45).Related parameters:(page 48) to (page 48) to (page 48) to (page 48) (page 48) (page 47)[Setting example] Starting the ramp-soak operationRamp: the section in which the SV changes toward the target value.Soak: the section in which the SV is the target value, and remains unchanged.TM1r TM2r TM3rCanceling the alarm latch (Setting range: 0/1) (Option)[Description]•This parameter cancels the alarm latch when it is latching.[Setting example] Opening up the alarm latchRelated parameters:to(page 58)Auto-tuning function (Settings: 0/1/2)[Description][Setting example] Setting the auto-tuning operation to 1[Note]If the controller is powered off during auto-tuning, this makes the auto-tuning ineffective with each parameter of , , and unchanged. To start the auto-tuning operation, set to “1” or “2” again.•To suspend the auto-tuning, set to “0”. This makes the auto-tuning cancel with each parameter of , , and unchanged.•Once the parameters of , , and are set automatically by the auto-tuning, those parameters are stored in the controller even after it is powered off. Therefore, it is not necessary to execute the auto-tuning again.•By setting to “1” or “2” , the auto-tuning operation starts, and at the end of the tuning, will be displayed automatically to .•After the auto-tuning operation, the controller starts to operate at the automatically set values of , , and .•A decimal point at the right end of the SV display flashes during auto-tuning.•There are two codes for AT:Setting code [1]:SV standard typePerforms the auto-tuning based on the SV.Setting code [2]:Low PV typePerforms the auto-tuning based on the SV-10%FS.[Note]Since ON/OFF control is performed during auto-tun-ing, overshoot against the SV may occur. To reduce the overshoot, execute the auto-tuning operation with the setting code [2] (Low PV) selected.•The auto-tuning can be executed both just after power-on and in a control or stable status.Related parameters:(page 22) (page 23) (page 24) (page 28) (page 26)Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers(unit: seconds) (Option)[Setting example] Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers[Description]•These parameters display the remaining time of Timers 1, 2 and 3.•The remaining time of the ON/OFF-delay timer is counted down. When the counter shows , the alarm relay is closed.•During count-down, if the PV changes to the value of the temperature at which the alarm is set to OFF, or if “DI”for the timer is set to OFF, the counter is reset, and thealarm relay is opened.Remaining time (seconds)•display parameter[Setting example] Setting the operation value of alarm 2 to -10°C[Description]•These parameters are used to for settings of alarm 1, 2and 3.•When the alarm type (,or ) is set to 0 to 15, alarms 1, 2 and 3 (, and ) can be set.•When the alarm type (,or) is set toany value other than 0 to 15, the upper and lower limitsof alarm 1, 2 and 3 (, , , , ,) can be set.[Note]Setting codes (12 to 15) cannot be selected in alarmtype 1 and 3 ( / ).Related parameters:, , (page 44), , (page 57), , (page 53),,(page 58)(Setting range:Absolute value alarm: 0 to 100%FS Deviation value alarm: -100 to 100%FS )(Option)}Setting alarm 1, 2 and 3Upper limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3Lower limit of alarm 1,2 and 3[Setting example] Setting the key lock to “2”Key lock (Setting range: 0−5)[Description]•This parameter makes the set values of parameters unchangeable. However, the parameter name and the set values can be displayed.•To reset the key lock, change to .•Even when the key lock is set, control and alarm functions can operate properly.•There are six levels of the key lock::Unlocked (reset):All settings are unchangeable from the controller, but changeable via communication.:Only the SV is changeable from the controller, and all settings are changeable via communication.:All settings are changeable from the controller, but unchangeable via communication.:All settings are unchangeable from the controller or via communication.:Only the SV is changeable from the controller, but all settings are unchangeable via communication.Proportional band (Setting range: 0.0 to 999.9% of the measured range)[Description]•To select the ON/OFF control (two-position control), setto 0.0. It is not necessary to set and .• can be automatically set by the auto-tuning operation.•When is too small, control will be unstable, and whenis too large, the response will be delayed.[Setting example] Changing the proportional band from 5.0% to 15.0%•Set the hysteresis of the ON/OFF control (two-positioncontrol) in the parameter.•If auto-tuning is run after the ON/OFF control is selected,the ON/OFF control changes to the PID control. To keep the ON/OFF control selected, do not execute the auto-tuning.Integral time (Setting range: 0 to 3200 seconds)[Description]• can be set automatically by the auto-tuning operation.•can also be set manually.[Setting example] Changing the integral time from 240 seconds to 600 seconds•When is set to 0, the integral operation does not start.•When is set to 0.0, this makes the setting of ineffec-tive.Derivative time (Setting range: 0.0 to 999.9 seconds)[Description]• can be set automatically by the auto-tuning operation.•can also be set manually.[Setting example] Changing the differential time from 60.0 seconds to 50.0 seconds•When is set to 0, the differential operation does not start.•When is set to 0.0, this makes the setting of ineffective.Hysteresis range for ON/OFF control (Setting range: 0 to 50%FS)[Description]•To select the ON/OFF control (two-position control), setto 0.0. It is not necessary to set and .•When the hysteresis range (Range of ON/OFF control) is too small, the output may switch the ON/OFF frequently.(This may affect the life of the device to be controlled,especially when contact output is selected.)•The unit of the set value of this parameter is ºC or ºF (engineering unit). The setting range varies according to the measured range of input.[Setting example] Changing the hysteresis range from 1˚C to 35˚C[Ex] Input Thermocouple K :At measured range of 0to 400 ºC, the setting range is 0 to 200 ºC.Resistance bulb :At measured range of 0to 150 ºC, the setting range is 0 to 75 ºC.Related parameters:(page 22)(page 34)Cooling-side proportional band coefficient (Option: Available for DUAL output only) (Setting range: 0.0 to 100.0)[Description]•This parameter is used for setting the cooling-side pro-portional band. (See the figure below.)[Setting example] Changing the cooling-side proportional band coefficient from 1.0 to 2.5•Before setting the cooling-side proportional band, set the heating-side proportional band to an optimum value. To select the two-position control for the cooling side, setto 0.0.Output•When is set to 0.0 and is set to 0.0 in the dualoutput type, the cooling output is as shown in the figure below. The hysteresis is fixed at 0.5%FS.Cooling-side proportional band=Proportional band (P)2× Coefficient Ex) When making the proportional band of 10% of thefull scale with the proportional band (P) being 50%:10% = × Coefficient50%2Consequently, the coefficient is 0.4.Related parameters:(page 25) (page 22) (page 27)Heating output (Output 1)ON 0.5%0.5% ONCooling output (Output 2)SVPVCooling-side proportional band shift (Dead band/Overlap band) (Option: Available for DUAL output only) (Setting range: -50.0 to +50.0)[Description]•This parameter is used for shifting the cooling-side pro-portional band from the set value. (See the figure below.)[Setting example] Shifting the cooling-side proportional band by 2.0•Related parameters:(page 22)•When is a positive value, it is called the "Dead band",and when it is a negative value, the "Overlap band".•Since the unit of is same one used for MV [%], if you want to set in the unit of deviation [%], must be converted using the equation below.OutputMV=50%Ex) When making a dead band with a deviation of1.0 [%] from the SV while the proportional band (P) is 5.0%:DB [%] = 1.0 × = 20 [%]1005.0100PDB [%] = Deviation × [%]Consequently, set the parameter to 20 [%].Output offset value (Setting range: -100.0 to 100.0 %)Anti-reset windup (Setting range: 0 to 100%FS)[Description]•The anti-reset windup ( ) is automatically set to anoptimum value by the auto-tuning operation.By setting , the amount of overshoot can be adjusted.[Note]By making use of the fuzzy control system equipped withPXR, the amount of overshoot can be minimized withoutsetting and .[Setting example] Changing the anti-reset windup from 60˚C to 80˚C.PVControl algorithm (Settings: PID/FUZY/SELF)[Description]•This parameter is used for selecting PID control, FUZZY -PID control, or PID control with self-tuning.•To select the PID control or FUZZY-PID control, it is necessary to set the parameters of , ,, and manually or by the auto-tuning in advance.[Setting example] Changing the control system from PID to FUZZY•For the ON/OFF control (Two-position control), select the PID control and then set to 0.0. For detailed infor-mation, refer to (page 22).•Refer to the next page for the PID control with self-tuning.[Self-tuning]1Function:With the self-tuning function, PID parameters are automatically re-optimised depending on the actual condition of device to be controlled and the setting temperature (SV).2How to execute:Follow the procedure shown below to set and execute the self-tuning. The self-tuning starts to run at the appropriate conditions. (See page 31)*1: How to set the parameter of :*2: Display during self-tuning is shown below:3Conditions under which the self-tuning runs:q At power-on:The self-tuning runs when all of the following conditions are met.•The SV that appears at power-on is not the same one when the , , , and were set previously. (i.e. the , , , and set by the self-tuning, auto-tuning, manual setting, and writing by communications tools at previous time)•The (SV-PV) at power-on is larger than (the value of × input range) or (the set value of ).w When the SV is changed:The self-tuning runs when all the conditions below are met.•The changed SV is larger than the SV that was set when the , , , and were selected previously.•The changed amount of the SV is larger than 0.•The changed amount of the SV is larger than (the set value of × input range) or (the set value of ).e When output becomes unstable:The self-tuning runs when control becomes unstable and the hunting of the operating output (MV) occurs. (The self-tuning runs only once as long as the SV is not changed.)r When the control standby mode is cancelled:The self-tuning runs by the same reason as "q At power-on" are met.* Only when the PXR is set to standby mode at power-on.4Conditions under which the self-tuning does not run:q During control standby modew During two-position control (Parameter of = 0)e During auto-tuning operationr During ramp-soak operationt Error display ( or is displayed.)y During dual output (The set value of the parameter of is larger than 4.)u When setting the parameters of , ,, and manually (including the setting written by communications tools)5Conditions under which the self-tuning is suspended:q At the condition described in 4shown abovew When the SV is changed during self-tuning operatione When the self-tuning operation can not be completed within approx. 9 hours6Cautionq Once the PID constant is set, the self-tuning does not operate at next power-on as long as the SV is not changed.w For an accurate tuning, be sure to power on the device to be controlled before or at the same time as the PXR is powered on. If the PXR has to be powered on first for reasons of the system configuration, perform the auto-tuning with the PID or FUZZY control.e If the device to be controlled is powered on under temperature change (especially when it rises), accuratetunings can not be performed. Be sure to power on the PYX when the temperature of device to be controlled is stabilized.r The self-tuning does not run for cooling system control under Direct Action output (Parameter = 2 or 3). t In case the control is not stable after performing the self-tuning, change the algorithm to the PID or FUZZY control and perform the auto-tuning.7Reference [About the self-tuning method]The PID constant is calculated in one of the following two methods.The method is selected automatically depending on the characteristics of the device to be controlled.• Step response method• Limit cycle methodThe following figures show the operations at power-on and changing the SV, and under unstable control. q Operations at power-onw Operations at changing the SVe Operation under unstable controlPV (Measured value) stable range (Setting range: 0 to 100%FS)[Description]•Self-tuning logic recognizes that control is stable if PV is staying within the SV ± .[Setting example] Changing the PV stable range from 2 to 3•It is not necessary to set this parameter under normal con-ditions.HYS (Hysteresis) mode at ON/OFF control (Settings: oFF/on)[Description]• This parameter is used for selecting the hysteresis opera-tion mode at ON/OFF control.• Default setting: ONStarts the ON/OFF control at the values ofSV+ and SV- .Starts the ON/OFF control at the values ofSV and SV+HYS, or SV and SV-HYS.HYS 2HYS 2::[Setting example] Setting the hysteresis mode to ONCycle time of control output 1 (Setting range: 1 to 150 seconds) [Description]•This parameter is applicable for to the contact output and SSR-driving output.•While input is within the proportional band, output changes between ON and OFF in cycles. These cycles are called cycle time.For contact output:The higher the frequency of output is, the more precise the control becomes. However a high frequency of out-put may shorten the life of the contacts and the device to be controlled. Be sure to adjust the proportional cycles considering controllability and the life of the device and the contacts.Typical: 30 secondsFor SSR-driving output:Use in short cycles if there is no problem with the device to be controlled.Typical: 1 to 2 secondstimetime[Setting example] Setting the cycle time from 30 seconds to 20 seconds•Do not set this parameter to "0".Cycle time of control output 2 (Cooling-side)(Setting range: 1 to 150 seconds) (Option: Available for DUAL output only) [Description]•By this parameter is set, the cycle time of control output 2.•While input is within the proportional band, outputchanges between ON and OFF in cycles. These cyclesare called cycle time.[Setting example] Setting the cooling-side cycle time from 30 seconds to 20 secondstimetimeFor contact output:The higher the frequency of output is, the more precisethe control becomes. However a high frequency of out-put may shorten the life of the contacts and the device tobe controlled. Be sure to adjust the proportional cyclesconsidering controllability and the life of the device andthe contacts.Typical: 30 seconds•Do not set this parameter to "0".Input signal code (Setting range: 0 to 16)[Description]•This parameter is used for selecting input signals. Input signal varies depending on the sensors (2 types below).Set a code that corresponds to the sensor you use.Type I :Thermocouples (9 kinds of signals)Resistance bulbs (1 kind of signal)Type II :V oltage, current•Input signals can be selected within the same type. It is impossible to select input signals of a different type.•For type II, to change from the voltage input to the cur-rent input, connect the supplied resistance of 250Ω be-tween terminals !7 and !8 (in the case of PXR4), and between terminals #5 and #6 (in the case of PXR5/9), in addition to changing the code.When changing from the current input to the voltage in-put, remove the resistance of 250 Ω as well as changing the code.[Note]After changing the codes, power off the PXR, and then power it on again.[Setting example] Changing from thermocouple K to thermocouple T in T ype I•Input signals and codes q Input signals code table。
温度仪表sr93说明书温度仪表sr93说明书篇一:岛电SR93中文说明书日本岛电 SR90 系列 PID 调节器中文说明书(201X 版)一、概述 SHIMADEN(西曼顿)SR90 系列单回路 PID 调节器精度为 0.3%级,仪表 PID 算法尤适合温度控制,在我国工业窑炉、工业电炉等温度控制控领域取得良好口碑,大家习惯将岛电调节器成为温控仪。
SR90 系列 PID 调节器有48×48mm(SR91)、72×72mm(SR92)、96×96mm(SR93)和48×96mm(SR94)四种外形尺寸,仪表为两排四位 LED 显示,手动控制自动控制切换,带测量值模拟变送输出,带设定值偏移(SB)、双输出、两组专家 PID 参数、上下限报警及通讯功能。
以 SR93 仪表面板举例说明 PV 窗口显示测量值或参数符号显示设定值或参数设定值亮时有调节输出亮时有调节输出上限报警指示灯,亮时有继电器输出下限报警指示灯,亮时有继电器输出 SV 窗口 OUT1 灯(绿)OUT2 灯(绿) EV1 灯(绿) EV2 灯(绿)日本岛电仪表技术服务中心 .n 日本岛电 SR90 系列 PID 调节器中文说明书(201X 版) AT 灯(绿)闪烁时自整定闪烁时为手动状态 MAN 灯(绿)SBCOM 灯(绿)闪烁时为 SB 或 COM 状态之一循环键选择各子窗口和 0、1 窗口群之间的切换增加键增加数字或修改字符参数减少键增加数字或修改字符参数确认键数字或参数修改后的确认二、SR90 系列 PID 调节器参数设置及代码 SR90 系列 PID 调节器所有参数窗口可分为两个窗口群(0-×窗口群和 1-×窗口群)共60 个选件窗口,每个窗口可设置一个参数。
每个窗口采用了编号,例如传感器量程选择窗口,表示 1 号窗口群的第 48 号窗口。
按增减键修改参数时,面板 SV 窗口的小数点闪动,按“ENT”键确认修改后,小数点灭。
saitefo 温度控制卡说明书目录1、使用温控卡前的确认事项与操作顺序2、功能与特点3、技术参数5、工作模式1)自动模式2)手动模式3)自整定模式6、参数表操作说明1)参数设置权限2)参数设置3)设置主回路控制值4)进入PID 参数自整定状态5)一级参数设置流程6)二级参数设置流程I7)二级参数设置流程II8)二级参数表9)三级参数设置流程III10)三级参数表11)主控输出方式表12)信号输入设置表1使用温控卡前的确认事项及操作顺序"确认所使用的温控箱的内部接线与温控卡插头的定义相同,接线顺序一致。
"确认输入电源(220V/380V )和温控箱的设定电压是否相同后连接电源线,过高或过低电压会损坏温控卡。
2、功能和特点RLD-760温控卡是根据微积分智能原理掌握热流道系统的状态,输入适合电流维持 所需温度,为了准确的控制温度它有以下特点: PID 控制根据比例,微分,积分值控制输出量把温度准确的维持在所设定的温度的 方式。
自整定调节 自动测量发热丝的容量及模具的热常数(潜伏热量、放热特性)计算出最理想的PID 控制参数,实现准确的控制温度。
输出方式 可根据不同的使用环境转换不同的输出方式。
热电偶探温 可设定K 型J 型及多种热电偶传感器信号,精确的非线性化处理与冷端补偿。
具有软起动功能 功率限制功能 无级调压控制可防止瞬间启动功率输出过大烧坏发热丝。