
请柬珍珠项链手链及一些首饰梳妆盒扫帚第一幕[接到请柬]Mathilde Open the door! “there’s something for you.”皮:兴奋地敲门(扬了扬请柬)玛:what什么东西?“What do you want me to do with that?”玛:(扔请柬)你叫我拿这东西怎么办呢?“But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased. You never go out, and here’s a chance. You will see there all the official world.”皮:但是,亲爱的,我原以为你一定很喜欢的,你从来不出门,这是一个机会!你在那儿可以看见所有的官员。
(玛任性地背着脸,皮围着玛转,体现皮讨好妻子,而玛任性,不听话的)“What do you want me to put on my back to go there?”玛:可是,你打算让我穿什么去呢?(愤怒,瞪着皮)“But the dress in which you go to the theater. That looks very well to me”皮:(结结巴巴,尴尬)你上戏园子穿的那件衣裳,我觉得就很好,依我……(玛哭)What’s the matter?皮:(不知所措,着急地)你怎么了?“Nothing. Only I have no clothes, and in consequence I cannot go to this party.玛:(抑制悲痛,擦干泪,平静地)没有什么,只是,没有件象样的衣服,我不能去参加这个夜会。
高级英语话剧Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

高英话剧《Face to Face with Hurricane Camille》Knowing hurricane Camille would be bad and still reluctant to abandon their home ,the Koshaks are preparing for the hurricane.料到卡米尔号飓风会来势汹涌,为了不舍弃家园,柯夏克一家准备迎战卡米尔号飓风柯Koshak:(I am a self-employed businessman managing my own company.)“ How great the loss it would be if the house was destroyed.Dad ,my present house is in a better condition than my former house.We‟ll probably be as safe here as anyplace else.”老柯:(a gruff,warmhearted expert machinist)“Hmmm. We can batten down and ride it out.If we see signs of danger ,we can get out before dark.”Trying to reason out the best course of action .The men methodically prepared for the hurricane.为了找出应付这场风灾的最佳对策。
(柯,奶奶They fill bathtubs and pails.浴盆和提俑都盛满水邻居,朋友They check out batteries for the portable radio and flashlights.检查手提式收音机和手电筒里的电池老柯:He moves a small generator into the downstairs hallway, wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator.将一台小发电机搬到楼下门厅里.接上几个灯泡。

搞笑话剧剧本简短6人[INTRODUCTION]Title: 搞笑话剧剧本简短6人[Scene: Living room][Characters: Mike, Jack, Lily, Sarah, Bob, Emma][Props: Sofa, TV, popcorn][Background music: Upbeat and playful tune][01. OPENING]The scene opens to a cozy living room. Mike and Jack are sitting on the sofa, engrossed in watching a hilarious sitcom on TV. Lily, Sarah, Bob, and Emma enter the room, curious about the laughter.[02. INTERRUPTION]Lily: What's going on? Why are you all laughing so hard?Sarah: Yeah, it sounds like a riot in here!Mike: (barely able to speak through laughter) You guys have to watch this sitcom! It's absolutely hilarious!Jack: Trust me, you don't want to miss it![03. THE BARGAIN]Lily: Alright, alright. We'll watch it together. But only if you promise to stop making fun of my cooking for a week.Bob: And I want an extra bag of popcorn!Emma: Deal![04. UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCES]As they settle down to watch the sitcom, the characters become more engrossed in the comedy. The laughter intensifies, causing a hilarious domino effect.[05. LAUGHTER CONTAGION]Sarah: (hysterically laughing) I can't breathe!Everyone joins in the laughter, unable to control themselves. They roll on the floor clutching their stomachs.[06. UPSIDE DOWN WORLD]Suddenly, the laughter causes a strange phenomenon. The living room flips upside down, turning everyone's world topsy-turvy.[07. CHAOS ENSUES]Mike: (laughing uncontrollably) I can't believe this! How are we going to get everything back to normal?Jack: (struggling to speak) I-I have no idea. But this is hilarious![08. THE MAGIC REMEDY]Emma: (snaps her fingers) Wait a minute! I read about this in a book. Laughter is the only potion to restore things!Lily: So, all we need to do is laugh even harder?The characters take a moment to process the plan, and then they burst into even louder laughter.[09. THE RETURN TO NORMALCY]With every hearty laugh, the living room gradually turns right-side up, and everything returns to normal.[10. EPILOGUE]As the laughter subsides, the characters sit on the sofa, reflecting on their crazy adventure.Sarah: (wiping tears of joy) That was the best laugh I've ever had!Bob: And I didn't even have to cook dinner for an entire week!Emma: Laughter truly is the best medicine![11. CONCLUSION]The scene ends with the characters sharing a group hug, cherishing the bond created through their laughter.[THE END]。

《It’s didn’t become gold.》——神笔马良剧本The first scene(场景一):旁白:Once upon a time, there was a boy named Ma Liang,his family was very poor, he couldn’t afford a writing brush. One day, on his way home after herding the cattle, he passed a school, He saw a painter, the painter was painting for an officer.(马良出场)The officer : What a beautiful picture!Maliang: Could you give me a writing brush to draw pictures? The man : Why ?Maliang : Because I want to learn drawing!(大官和画师大笑起来)The man : You want to learn drawing, Don’t make your dream! So stupid! Poor boy,.Go away!!(大官和画师还在屋里大笑)(旁白)One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to use it to help poor people. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk. From that day, he used the paintbrush whenever people needed help.场景三:(一个老人没有食物,在乞讨)The old woman: Please, give me some food. I’m so hungry. Please…Ma Liang painted food. Then the food became real.The old woman : So kind of you ! Thank you so much.场景四:(一个农民在种地)A farmer: I only have a hoe, I’m too tired. I wish I had a cow , the cow can help me hoe the film.Ma Liang: Hello, uncle. I can help you .Ma Liang painted a cow.A farmer: oh , my dear! I have a cow now. Thank you , good boy!(场景五)(旁白) Time flies. It was Christmas Eve, a cold dark evening. There was coming a little poor girl. She was so cold and hungry. But she had to stay on the street, she had to sell the matches. Girl: Oh, what a cold day! Matches, matches… who wants some matches? Sir, would you buy some matches?Pedestrians(行人): Oh, no, no.Girl: Merry Christmas,Sir, Madam. Do you want some matches? They’re cheap.Pedestrians(行人): Don’t waster the time. Let’s go.Girl: My dear lady. Buy a match from me. It’s…Pedestrians(行人): Don’t you see I’m busy? Go away!Girl: Matches, matches! Oh, please buy some…(场景六)The girl felt so cold and hungry. She came to a corner in the street and sat down.Girl: Oh, how can I do? I have still so many matches! Father will not let me go home if I haven’t sold even one match. How can I do ?Girl: oh, I’m so lonely. I’m so cold. I’m so hungry. No one cares about me. No one want my matches…(旁白):The little girl found a paintbrush suddenly.Girl: I wish I had a stove.Girl: How warm and beautiful!Girl: I wish I had so many delicious food. Wow ! Yummy!! Girl: some people haven’t enough food , I will give them to the poor.The poor: Thank you ! Merry Christmas!They sang and danced together!。

搞笑话剧剧剧本Title: Hilarious Comedy Play ScriptScene 1: Living RoomCharacters:- Tom: a clumsy and forgetful husband- Linda: Tom's practical and sensible wife- Jerry: Tom's mischievous and witty best friend- Lucy: Linda's energetic and lively sister(As the curtains rise, Tom is sitting on a couch, absentmindedly flipping through a magazine.)Tom: (muttering to himself) Where did I put my glasses? I can never find anything in this house!Linda: (enters the room, holding Tom's glasses) Tom, they were on your head again!Tom: (laughs sheepishly) Oh, right! Silly me.Scene 2: KitchenCharacters:- Chef: an eccentric and passionate cook- Waiter: clumsy and always mixing up orders(Chef is standing behind the kitchen counter, frantically cooking while Waiter is clumsily serving food to the customers.)Waiter: (carrying a tray of food, accidentally spills it on a customer) Oops! Sorry, sir! Let me get you another one.Customer: (laughs) Well, at least this meal comes with a free shower!Scene 3: ParkCharacters:- Jack: an introverted bookworm- Emily: an outgoing and adventurous girl(Jack is sitting on a park bench, engrossed in a book. Emily walks by, noticing Jack.)Emily: (curiously) What's the book about?Jack: (startled) Oh, hi! It's about ancient civilizations and their mysteries. Want to join me?Emily: (smiling) Sure, but only if you promise to take me on an adventure someday!Scene 4: OfficeCharacters:- Boss: a strict and serious manager- John: a clumsy and accident-prone employee(Boss is sitting at his desk, with John nervously standing in front.)Boss: John, I need you to be more careful with your work. We can't afford any more mistakes.John: (nervously) I'm trying, but accidents always seem to find me!(Boss accidentally knocks over a stack of papers, causing both of them to burst into laughter.)Scene 5: PartyCharacters:- Sarah: the party host- Mike: a professional party crasher(Sarah is busy arranging decorations, while Mike stealthily enters the party.)Mike: (approaching Sarah) Excuse me, miss. I believe I've RSVP'd for this party.Sarah: (confused) I don't remember inviting you.Mike: Well, I'm known for crashing parties. Can't resist the fun!(The crowd gathers around, laughing and dancing together.)Scene 6: Theatre StageCharacters:- Performers: a group of talented actors and actresses(The performers are rehearsing a hilarious comedy play. The audience bursts into laughter throughout the performance.)Scene 7: Final Scene -- Wedding(All characters are gathered at a wedding, celebrating the marriage of Tom and Linda.)Tom: (to Linda) I may be forgetful and clumsy, but you always make me laugh. That's why I married you!Linda: (smiling) And you know how to turn any situation into a comedy!(All characters raise their glasses in a toast to love, laughter, and lifelong friendships.)As the curtains fall, the laughter of the audience echoes throughout the theater, leaving them with joyful memories of an unforgettable comedy play.。

美女与野兽)英语五人话剧剧本旁白:In this scene。
we see a family XXX and they have to move to a small cottage。
He must leave to find work。
XXX reassure him。
while her sister XXX to return with money if he succeeds in his business venture.旁白:n 2出场人物:野兽、美女)旁白:Beauty'XXX as a gift for Beauty。
but is XXX spare his life if he sends one of his daughters in his place。
Beauty volunteers to go in her XXX.野兽:You have XXX I will spare your life only if you send one of your daughters to take your place.美女:I will go in my father's place。
Please don't harm him.旁白:In this scene。
we see the XXX.旁白:n 3出场人物:美女、野兽)旁白:XXX。
XXX to see the good in him and they XXX。
she misses her family and the Beast allows her to visit them。
but warns her not to stay too long.美女:Thank you for treating me kindly。
You're not as bad as I thought.野兽:I'm glad you're happy here。

RabbitA、B、C:Hello,Mr.Snake,A big carrot.But it`s too heavy,we can`t pull it out.
Snake:I`ll help you,Let`s pull it together.
Frog:I am a frog.I am hungry.Oh,Miss Rabbit,Mr.Snake,What are you doing?
RabbitA 、B、C&Snake:Hello,Mr.frog,A big carrot.But it`s too heavy,we can`t pull it out.
Bird:I want…
Monkey:I want…
Tiger:I want…
(Carrot 也悄悄的坐在桌子跟前来,笑着说):I ,I,I want …
(音乐响起,大家一起跳“I like coffee,I like tea”
(跳完结束,站一排说“Thank you!”)
RabbitA 、B、C:ThanБайду номын сангаас you.Let`s pull it together.
Carrot:(再坐稳)Ah-ha,no,I don`t like you!
RabbitA 、B、C&Snake:Oh,We can`t pull it out.
Who can help us?
RabbitC:I like …

励志英语话剧简短8人1.求一段8人英语情景剧,10分钟以内Summary:Mrs.Bennethadthreeunmarrieddaughter,Jane,Elizabeth, andLydia.Theyallhaddifferentpersonalities.Janewasverytender andelegant,Elizabethwasveryintelligent,Lydiawasveryactive.t hestorybeganwhenMr.BingleymovedtotheNeitherfield.Heandhisfr iend,Darcy,werehandsomeandrich.Mrs.Bennetwasambitioustofind amanwhocouldsuitherdaughter.Ataparty,BinglyandJanefellinlov e,butDarcyandElizabethdid't.Whathappenedtothem?Theanswerwas Wickham.WhatdidWickhamdotothem?AtlastLydiaelopedwithWickham .Wouldtheycomeback?WouldDarcyandElizabethfallinlove.SceneIB ingley:Mr.Darcy,welcometotheparty.Darcy:ThankyouMr.Bingley. AssoonasIreceivedyourinvitation,I'vetakenatrainallthewayfro mhometowntohere.So,isthepartyheldforsomeparticularreason?Bi ngley:Notreally,(draggingDarcyaside)Iholdthispartychieflybe causeofyouandme.Darcy:How'sthat?Bingley:Well,Mr.Darcy.Asyou cansee.YouandIarereachingthematingseason,and。

英语剧本《小王子》(总4页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除《小王子》剧本人物:小王子玫瑰花小狐狸宇航员开场白宇航员:I am a astronaut years ago, I have experienced a lot. But the one who give me the biggest impression is a little prince. That day it was something wrong with my plane, so I had to took off on a desert, because of that I came across the little prince.第一场小王子:hi, are you the people on the earth (走来)宇航员:oh, yes, of course! But aren’t you (正在查看飞机,有些吃惊)小王子:of course, I’m not! I come from another planet.宇航员:oh, that sounds interesting, then why do you come here(宇航员非常感兴趣,停止工作)小王子:I don’t know, but do you want to listen to me tell you something about my story?宇航员:with pleasure!(笑着回答,于是宇航员和小王子并排坐在一起)小王子:do you know what rose is?宇航员:oh, yes, I know.小王子:but she is different.旁白①宇航员:as I was very tired about repairing my plane that day, I put off the work on my hand,and sat down with the little prince,listening his story till the sun had already rose down…②On the little prince's planet the flowers had always been very simple. But one day, from a seed blown from no one knew where, a new flower had come up; and the little prince had watched very closely over this small sprout which was not like any other small sprouts on his planet.Then one morning, exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed herself.第二场小王子:Oh! How beautiful you are!(拿着喷水壶)玫瑰花:thank you. But I am scarcely awake. I beg that you will excuse me. My petals are still all disarranged...(打着哈欠)小王子:but you are really different from others.玫瑰花:it’s true, I was born at the same moment as the sun...I think it is time for breakfast, If you would have the kindness to think of my needs—小王子:of course, all right!(小王子很有些不好意思,于是就拿着喷壶浇灌着花儿)旁白So, too, the rose began very quickly to torment him with her vanity-- which was, if the truth be known, a little difficult to deal with. One day, for instance, when she was speaking of her four thorns, she said to the little prince:玫瑰花:Let the tigers come with their claws!小王子:There are no tigers on my planet, And, anyway, tigers do not eat weeds.玫瑰花:Please excuse me... I am not at all afraid of tigers, but I have a horror?of drafts. I suppose you wouldn't have a screen for me?At night I want you to put me under a glass globe. It is very cold where you live. In the place I came from—玫瑰:The screen?小王子:I was just going to look for it when you spoke to me...旁白So the little prince, in spite of all the good will that was inseparable from his love, had soon come to doubt her. He had taken seriously words which were without importance, and it made him very unhappy. At last, he decided to go outside have a long journey. He believed that he would never want to return. But on this last morning all these familiar tasks seemed very precious to him. And when he watered the flower for the last time, and prepared to place her under the shelter of her glass globe, he realised that he was very close to tears.小王子:Goodbye.小王子:Goodbye.玫瑰花:... ...(一阵咳嗽,却不是因为生病,而是,因为,心痛)I have been silly, I ask your forgiveness. Try to be happy... ...Of course I love you, It is my fault that you have not known it all the while. That is of no importance. But you-- you have been just as foolish as I. Try to be happy... let the glass globe be. I don't want it any more.小王子:But the wind—玫瑰花:My cold is not so bad as all that... the cool night air will do me good. I am a flower.小王子:But the animals—(一种忧郁,徘徊)玫瑰花:Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies. It seems that they are very beautiful. And if not the butterflies-- and the caterpillars-- who will call upon me You will be far away...as for the large animals-- I am not at all afraid of any of them. I have my claws. Look, I have four thorns, so don't linger like this. You have decided to go away. Now go!(极力忍住不流泪)第三场旁白After that, the little prince went to a lot of planets. At last, he arrived on theplanet called earth. But he was very much surprised not to see any people.But it happened that after walking for a long time through sand, and rocks, and snow, the little prince at last came upon a road. Andall roads lead to the abodes of men. He was standing before a garden, all a-bloom with roses.小王子:Good morning.玫瑰花们:Good morning.小王子:Who are you?玫瑰花们:We are roses旁白And he was overcome with sadness. His flower had told him that she was the only one of her kind in all the universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!小王子:She would be very much annoyed, if she should see that... she would cough most dreadfully, and she would pretend that she was dying, to avoid being laughed at. And I should be obliged to pretend that I was nursing her back to life-- for if I did not do that, to humble myself also, she would really allow herself to die... (自言自语)(接着他又说道)I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world,but... ...第四场旁白And he lay down in the grass and cried. It was then that the fox appeared.小狐狸:Good morning小王子:Good morning(回头寻找声音的来源)小狐狸:I am right here,under the apple tree.小王子:Who are you You are very pretty to look at.小狐狸:I am a fox。
多人剧英语剧本 10人左右英语话剧

Flirting Scholar (唐伯虎点秋香)Act 1地点:A river side, on the street人物:江南四大才子,如花,一女子,石榴,华夫人,道具:4扇子,丝巾,伞,小刀,2凳子,背景音乐旁白:江南四大才子结伴出游,众女子兴奋观看。
一女子:Look, the 'Four Scholars' are over there.(四大才子摆pose,众女子倾倒)一女子:Go and have a look,祝枝山:We come here for a tour.That’s why the girls are that crazy.文征明:Pals, why not has a poem competition?祝:Very good idea! Why don't you start first? Brother Wen bin.周文斌:l am the best in this field.'There are many geese under the mountain.'文征明:'They rushed down to the river.'祝:'Let's roast a goose.'唐:'After roasting, you'd better go home for a screw.'三人:Good, very good. Very good!(三人笑,唐伯虎逛笑)祝:There is something attractive.See, there is a beauty on the bridge. She seems to be lonely.Why not show us your talent about how to court a girl.To let us learn from you!唐:Well...周文斌:lt's the welfare for your friends, so?唐:l am glad to demonstrate it.三人:Go.唐:Miss.如花:What's the matter? (一回头,竟是如花!)三人:Go, go...唐:May l put my head on your shoulder?如花:ls it OK? No, l am a girl, a decent girl.唐:l know, l want to make my friends happy, that's all.ln fact, l am Tong Pak-Fu.如花:So what?l don't know you.l will shout for help if you don't leave me alone.唐:How about paying you 1 tael?如花:1 tael? Who do you think l a.m.?Make it ten.唐:That's too expensive, why don't you rob?如花:Right, l am robber.Give me all your money.(两人乱打,最后如花被唐伯虎打落河中)三人:What's wrong? (赶到桥上)What’s the matter?文征明:No need to punch her like that?唐:Robber! lt's a ladyboy!三人:Ladyboy?祝:l love it. Hold it. (祝枝山将折扇递给文斌,跳入河中)文征明:Damn it. He is being the first to!(华夫人带众人去拜神)秋香:Look, so many people!石榴:Yes, it's crowded.华夫人:Chun-xiang, Xia-xiang, shut up,四大才子:Heave yourselves.What's going on?某人:Madam Hua and her 4 pretty maids have come for worshipping.周文斌:The maids are all pretty, especially Qiu-xiang.唐:Who is she? Who is Qiu-xiang?文斌,征明:Look! That way.三人:Qiu-xiang.(秋香回首一笑)唐:Damn, she is not pretty at all.周文斌:You know, pretty woman is like flowers.You'll be all eyes for its beauty if some leaves are around.Look once more.三人:Pretty woman!(一整排回首,旁人皆成丑女衬托)唐:er…she may not my type.Act 2地点:West Gate of Hua’s house人物:唐伯虎,秋香,石榴,祝枝山道具:“旺财”,1手帕,“小强”,2卖身牌,1棍子,4凳子,银两旁白:第三幕,华府西门口。
英语演讲稿 A funny story(一个搞笑的故事)

英语演讲稿 A funny story(一个搞笑的故事)Hello everyone! My name is Monica. I’m studying at Guangzhou Huamei International School. I like reading very much. I’ve read a lot of books until now. Today I’m going to tell you a story: It’s about a handsome boy named Larry who likes helping people.One day, he saw a plastic bag in the lobby of his block. It was full of dog food.“Whose bag is this?”Larry thought. ”Mrs Lee has dog, perhaps it’s hers”.Larry took the bag upstairs to Mrs Lee’s flat. He asked Mrs Lee if the bag was hers. She said no. So he went to Mr and Mrs Wong’s flat. He asked them about the bag. Mr and Mrs Wong said it wasn’t their’s. So asked three more families, but he still couldn’t find the owner of the bag.Finally he went back to the lobby, and he saw Mrs Kong and her son, Joe standing there.“That funny”Mrs Kong said to Joe. ”The bag was too heavy so I left it here and went upstairs to call you. Where is it now?”“Is this bag yours, Mrs Kong ?”said Larry .1————来源网络整理,仅供供参考“Thank you. That’s very kind of you .”said Mrs Kong.“Let’s carry it together.”Said Joe. And he found the owner of the bag in the end.Larry was tired that evening. He told his mother about the bag.“Well done! You’re very helpful, Larry. But sometimes you’re too helpful!”That’s all! Thank you for your listening.————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2。

六人英语小短剧以下是一个简单的六人英语小短剧示例,名为 "The Magic Hat"。
角色:1. 魔法师 - 神秘、机智2. 公主 - 美丽、善良3. 王子 - 勇敢、忠诚4. 小精灵 - 聪明、机敏5. 巫婆 - 邪恶、狡猾6. 村民 - 普通、善良幕一:(舞台上布置得像一个魔法森林,中心有一顶魔法帽。
)魔法师(挥舞魔杖): "I present to you the magic hat!"(公主、王子、小精灵、巫婆和村民陆续上台)幕二:公主(惊叹): "Oh, what a wonderful hat!"王子(警惕): "Be careful, my lady. It might be a trap."小精灵(机智): "Let me try it on. If there's a trap, I'll be the first to feel it."幕三:(小精灵戴上魔法帽,突然消失)村民(惊恐): "What happened?"巫婆(冷笑): "Ha, ha! I knew it was a trap. The hat is mine now!"幕四:(魔法师表现出困扰,然后举起魔杖,指向巫婆)魔法师(严肃): "You will not escape my magic!"(巫婆被变成了一只青蛙)幕五:(公主戴上魔法帽,突然消失)王子(焦急): "My lady! Where did you go?"魔法师(微笑): "Be patient, young prince. Your lady will be returned to you."幕六:(公主被魔法师变回舞台,她从魔法帽中取出了一枚宝石)公主(欣喜): "Thank you, wise wizard. This宝石is a gift for your help."(公主将宝石交给魔法师,然后与王子一起离开舞台)。
辛普森一家看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

我们是为和平而来让猫和老鼠和睦共处吧!We come in peace for cats and mice everywhere.嘿,你好吗?见到你们真高兴!(支持依奇竞选总统)Hey, how you doing? Good to see you. Thanks for coming out.依奇,依奇…Itchy,,,, Itchy,,,,无聊!Boring!爸,我们没法看电影了Dad, we can't see the movie.难以置信!我们居然花钱来看这种东西这些明明能从电视上免费看I can't beIieve we're paying to see something we get on TV for free.要我说的话这电影院里的人都是超级大衰人If you ask me, everybody in this theater is a giant sucker.特别是…EspeciaIIy you.你!EspeciaIIy you.《辛普森大电影》大屏幕上的电影!Movie on the big screen! 对不起,我屁股快滑下去了Excuse me. My heinie is dipping.多谢各位前来捧场AII right, weII, thanks a Iot for coming.我们已经表演了三个半小时We've been pIaying for three and a haIf hours.现在,我们只想占用大家几分钟宝贵时间来谈谈环境问题!Now we'd Iike just a minute of your time to say something about the environment.- 真讨厌!- 闭嘴,继续演出!-You suck! -Shut up and pIay!- 话唠!- 我们才不话唠呢!-Preachy! -We're not being preachy.…但这儿湖里的污染物正在吞噬我们的游艇!But the poIIution in your Iake, it's dissoIving our barge.我觉得他们谈及的问题至关重要I thought they touched on a vitaI issue.我可不这么想I beg to differ.先生们,今晚能和你们同台演出真是三生有幸GentIemen, it's been an honor pIaying with you tonight.悼念新近在这里死去的摇滚乐队For the Iatest rock band to die in our town. . .…主啊,请聆听我们虔诚的祈祷. . .Lord, hear our prayer.主啊,聆听我们的祈祷Lord, hear our prayer.我讨厌迟到!I hate being Iate.我还讨厌来这里呢!WeII, I hate going.为什么不能以我自己的方式向主祈祷呢?Why can't I worship the Lord in my own way. . .临死之时我一定会不停的祈祷祈祷!. . .by praying Iike heII on my deathbed?荷马,里面的人能听到你的!Homer, they can hear you inside.别担心,里面那帮人正忙着应付他们鬼话连篇的假主子呢!ReIax. Those pious morons are too busy taIking to their phony-baIoney God.你好吗?祝你安康!婴孩狂欢How you doing? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus.今天我的宣讲形式与以往不同Today I'd Iike to try something a IittIe different.我会请…你们当中的一个I'm going to caII on one of you!主的意志与你们同在Now, the word of God dweIIs within everyone.现在我希望你们能大声宣读出来让你们的灵魂…I want you to Iet that word out. Let your spirit--什么事?奈德?What is it, Ned?主要求我忏悔…The good Lord is teIIing me to confess to something.同性恋,同性恋…Gay, gay, gay.…我们社区最不庄重的尊严An immodest sense of pride in our community.还有别人想发言吗?Somebody eIse?让主的光芒照耀于你Let the Lord's Iight shine upon you.感受圣灵FeeI the spirit.大声说出来吧!Let it out!恐怖!可怕的灾难就要降临!HorribIe, horribIe things are going to happen!会发生在你、你、你…还有你身上!And they're gonna happen to you! And you! And you! And you.哇,耐莉!Whoa, neIIy!斯普林菲尔德的居民们仔细听好下面的警告PeopIe of SpringfieId, heed this warning:扭曲的尾巴Twisted taiI!一千只眼睛A thousand eyes!被困终生Trapped forever!爸,快想想办法Dad, do something!《圣经》上根本没写该怎么办?This book doesn't have any answers!当心!当心!迫在眉睫!Beware! Beware! Time is short!相信我!一定要相信我啊!BeIieve me! BeIieve me!多谢聆听!Thanks for Iistening.好啦,谁想吃蛋奶饼?Okay, who wants waffIes?我要,我要,我要!I do, I do, I do!等一下,爷爷刚才的事儿怎么办?Wait a minute. What about Grampa?- 我要糖浆的- 我要草莓的-I want syrup! -I want strawberries!爷爷他出事了!Something happened to that man.我来告诉你是怎么回事吧刚才我目睹了"老年一刻"I'II teII you what happened to him. A certain someone had a senior moment.不过没事的,因为我们都爱他发发癫还能多条免费的毯子But that's okay, because we Iove him and we got a free rug out of it.如果我们连周围的亲人…What is the point of going to church every Sunday. . .亲身经历的宗教体验都视而不见那周日上教堂礼拜意义何在呢?. . .when if someone we Iove has a genuine reIigious experience, weignore it?对吗,爷爷?Right, Grampa?我要香蕉味的蛋奶饼I want bananas on my waffIes.没什么好说的了I rest my case.这事我不会善罢甘休的I'm not dropping this.等一下,我还在车上呢!Wait a minute. I'm stiII in the car.哦,没错Oh, right.把大黄蜂窝移走''T ake out hornets' nest. ''办好啦,大漏坑Check. ''Fix sinkhoIe. ''办好啦Check.重新盖房顶?!''Re-shingIe roof''?别动Steady.别动Steady. 你笑什么,你这个小…!Why, you IittIe--!我来好好教你该怎么笑?I'II teach you to Iaugh at something that's funny!我们现在在房顶上…我们可以找点乐子的You know, we are on the roof. We couId have some fun.哪种乐子?What kind of fun?"勇敢比赛"怎么样?How about a dare contest?那好啊,我说你敢…That sounds fun. I dare you to. . .…爬到电视天线上去!. . .cIimb the TV antenna!- 小菜一碟~- 地震啦!-Piece of cake. -Earthquake!余震!Aftershock!荷马,别说我大惊小怪…Homer, I don't mean to be a Nervous Pervis. . .但要是他不小心掉下来,下肢瘫痪怎么办?. . .but if he faIIs, couIdn't that make your boy a parapIege-arino?闭嘴吧,佛兰德斯Shut up, FIanders.- 对,闭上嘴,佛兰德斯- 说得好,小子!-Yeah, shut up, FIanders. -WeII said, boy.别动,别动Steady. Steady.待好别动…Steady. . . .您好,抱歉周日还打扰您HeIIo. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday. . .但是我想您一定和我一样忧虑斯普林菲尔德湖水污染问题. . .but I'm sure you're as worried about the poIIution in Lake SpringfieId as I am.斯普林菲尔德湖水汞含量高于以往…Lake SpringfieId has higher IeveIs of mercury than ev--原来是救我家猫猫的小姑娘Why, it's the IittIe girI who saved my cat.斯普林菲尔德湖水…Lake SpringfieId is--来吧,丽莎Come on over, Lisa.和我聊多久都成You can canvass me as Iong as you want.维尔豪斯,你才不在乎环境呢!MiIhouse, you don't care about the environment.嘿!我对地球家园无比热爱!Hey. I am very passionate about the pIanet.说"全球变暖"纯属扯淡!Say gIobaI warming is a myth.是扯淡!还需要经一步研究调查!It's a myth! Further study is needed!轻易放弃信仰,这拳是赏给你的!That's for seIIing out your beIiefs.哦,可怜的维尔豪斯Oh, poor MiIhouse.终于美梦成真了Dream coming true.您知道漏泄燃料…Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet can waste over--?一年损耗2000加仑?Two thousand gaIIons a year.- 随手关灯所节省的能源…- 足够供给整个匹兹堡-Turning off Iights can save-- -Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.如果冬季我们能将温控计设置在16度…And if we kept our thermostats at 68 in winter--仅需17年,我们即可不受海外石油的影响We'd be free from our dependency on foreign oiI in 1 7 years.我叫科林I'm CoIin.我从没在学校见过你I haven't seen you at schooI.我们刚从爱尔兰搬来,我爸爸是音乐家Moved from IreIand. My dad's a musician.- 他难道是…- 他不是Bono(爱尔兰U2乐队主音)-Is he. . .? -He's not Bono.- 我只是在想,你是爱尔兰人,又…- 他不是Bono!-I just thought, because you're Irish and-- -He's not Bono.你也弹奏乐器吗?Do you pIay?只会钢琴、吉他、小号、鼓和低音提琴Just piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass.他就是我的神啊!这次你可一定要矜持住He's pure gold, For once in your life, be cool,你的芳名是不是如你容貌般赏心悦目?So is your name as pretty as your face?你还好吗?You okay there?扭曲的尾巴、一千只眼睛,被困终生Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever!那是什么意思?What couId that be?我觉得是绿灯侠被塞尼斯托I beIieve it's the sound the Green Lantern made. . .扔到酸缸后发出的尖叫声. . .when Sinestro threw him into a vat of acid.多谢来访Yeah. Thanks for coming over.多谢你的孕妇裤咯Thanks for giving me your pregnancy pants.真不知道有这么舒服呢Never known comfort Iike this.为什么我要…Why did I suggest this?好啦,小子,现在该"终极勇敢比赛"了AII right, boy, time for the uItimate dare.我说你敢踩滑板往返"克里斯蒂汉堡"I dare you to skateboard to Krusty Burger and back. . .不穿衣服哦. . .naked.- 怎么个不穿法?- 一丝不挂呀-How naked? -Fourth base.那女孩子会看到我的小JJGirIs might see my doodIe.哦,我明白了那我宣布以后就管你叫胆小鬼了Oh, I see. Then I hereby decIare you chicken for Iife.每天早上我都会对你说"早上好啊,胆小鬼"Every morning, you'II wake up to''Good morning, chicken. ''你结婚那天,我会高歌…At your wedding, I'II sing:我现在喜欢男人啦!I Iike men now.别看我正指着的地方!Don't Iook where I'm pointing!以美国专制的名义,快给我站住!Stop in the name of American squeamishness!孩子们,在我们尽情用餐之前别忘了感谢上帝赐予我们丰盛的Boys, before we eat, don't forget to thank the Lord for this bountifuI--小JJ?!Penis?!- 丰盛的小JJ - 丰盛的小JJ-BountifuI penis. -BountifuI penis.阿门Amen.听着,孩子,没人喜欢身上裹着衣服不过法律就是这么规定的Listen, kid, nobody Iikes wearing cIothes in pubIic, but, you know, it's the Iaw.吃午饭咯!Lunchtime!你们不能就把我扔在这儿You can't just Ieave me out here.别担心,我们找了个小朋友陪你玩Don't worry, we found a friend for you to pIay with.纳尔逊,亲爱的,你上哪儿去了?NeIson, honey, where have you been?- 爸!- 出什么事了,警官?-Dad! -What seems to be the probIem, officers?快告诉他们是"勇敢比赛"TeII him you dared me to do it.果真如此的话绑在这儿的应该是你,而不是你儿子If that's true, then you shouId be taking the rap here, not your son.如果事出于我,你们要如何处置?And what happens to me if it's my fauIt?一小时的"养育子女"课程You'II have to attend a one-hour parenting cIass.都是他的主意!他做得太过分了!It was aII his idea! He's out of controI, I teII you!我根本管不了他!I'm at my wits' end.真是太…It's so. . . .法庭见,孩子See you in court, kid.好了,儿子,咱们去吃午饭Okay, son, Iet's get some Iunch.你有没有带我的衣服?Did you at Ieast bring my cIothes?衬衫、袜子,全带来了Shirt, socks, everything you need.- 你忘了带我的裤子!- 你以为我是汤米·巴哈马吗?-You didn't bring my pants. -Who am I, Tommy Bahama? 今天是我这辈子最倒霉的一天!This is the worst day of my Iife.是"目前为止"最倒霉的一天The worst day of your Iife so far.- 嘿,巴特- 你想怎么着,佛兰德斯?-Say, Bart? -What do you want, FIanders?要是你需要裤子,我这儿有条备用的If you need pants, I carry an extra pair.因为男孩子总是淘气嘛You know how boys are, aIways praying through the knees.为什么要帮我?我和你无亲无故Why are you heIping me? I'm not your kid.我们是邻居啊,要是我家孩子碰上这事你爸一定也会伸手相助的We're neighbors. I'm sure your father wouId do the same for my boys.谢谢啦Thank you.- 嘿,你这是怎么了?- 你真想知道?-Hey, what's with you? -You reaIIy wanna know?当然咯Of course I do.什么样的老爸会不关心…?What kind of a father wouIdn't care about--?…戴帽子的猪!A pig wearing a hat!开拍Action.嘿,嘿,是我,你们的老朋友克里斯蒂这次向大家推荐新款猪肉汉堡"克拉克" Hey, hey! It's your oId paI Krusty, for my new pork sandwich, the KIogger.除非在墨西哥,否则你不可能找到比这更高脂流油的汉堡啦If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico!好啦And we're cIear.太好了!伙计,把这头猪宰了吧Perfect. Cut, print, kiII the pig.什么?!你…它衣冠楚楚,你怎么忍心下手?What--?! You can't kiII him if he's wearing peopIe cIothes!我会带你回家的You're coming home with me.一千只眼睛?什么意思?''A thousand eyes. '' What couId that be?嗯…我很确定…一千…是个数字I'm pretty sure a thousand is a number.嗨,玛芝,嫁给性情中人是不是很幸福?Hey, Marge. Isn't it great being married to someone who's reckIessIy impuIsive?说实话,我一直为这事懊悔不已呢ActuaIIy, it's aged me horribIy.快和我们的新成员打个招呼吧!Then say heIIo to the newest Simpson.荷马!Homer!我相信教堂里发生的就是警告眼前这事I beIieve what happened in church wasa warning about preciseIy this.快把这只猪弄走!PIease, get rid of that pig.你会喜欢上它的!瞧,它还会模仿你呢!Oh, you're gonna Iove him. Look, he does an impression of you.你吓着她了You naiIed her.它还会取笑我呢He aIso does me.你笑了,那现在就没事啦You smiIed. I'm off the hook.你造型真是千变万化啊Oh, you have so many Iooks.原来这才叫做温馨啊So that's what snug is.谁是好猪猪?Who's a good pig?谁是好猪猪?Who's a good pig?心情不爽是吗,孩子?Rough day, huh, son?你根本不知道什么是"不爽",嬷嬷You don't know what rough is, sister.巴特,我家孩子不开心时Bart, you know, whenever my boys bake up a batch of frownies. . .…我就带他们去钓鱼散心. . .I take them fishing.你爸爸有带你去钓过鱼吗?Does your dad ever take you fishing?爸!拿灭虫器来逮鱼可不太厚道!Dad, it's not fair to use a bug zapper to catch the fish.如果你和我一样对这些鱼充满关爱之情就会希望它们带着尊严,庄重的赴黄泉If you Iove fish Iike I do, you want them to die with dignity.有鱼咬钩啦I think I have a nibbIe.和你一起钓鱼应该更有趣吧?I think fishing might be more fun with you.太好了,我帮你冲杯可可吧?Oh, great. Now, how about I fix you some cocoa?少来啦,可可是女孩子喝的No way. Cocoa's for wusses.要是你改主意的话…就到窗台这儿来拿啊WeII, sir, if you change your mind, it's on the windowsiII.哦,天啊!Oh, my God.等一下,最精彩的地方忘和你说了他关注环境问题Oh, wait. I didn't teII you the best part. He Ioves the environment.不对,那不是最精彩的地方他有着爱尔兰人特有的神情Oh, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part. He's got an Irish brogue.不,等一下!那还不是最棒的地方No, no, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part.他是活生生、真实存在的!He's not imaginary!亲爱的,这太好了Oh, honey, that's great.不过最重要的是,他愿意聆听你的心声But the very best thing is that he Iistens to you.因为对男人来说,这点是最…Because nothing means more than for a man to--猪蹄子印怎么跑到天花板上了?How did the pig tracks get on the ceiIing?蜘蛛猪,蜘蛛猪Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig施展浑身解数,尽显蜘蛛猪神威Does whatever a Spider-Pig does它能游走于蜘蛛网吗?Can he swing from a web?当然不行,它归根结底还是猪呀No, he can 't, he's a pig当心啊,它是蜘蛛猪Look out He is the Spider-Pig玩够了吗?Are we having fun yet?现在很好玩啊,你那有鱼咬钩了We are now. You've got a bite.哇,我的妈呀!Whoa, mama!不!我的宝贝鱼竿!Oh, no, my good poIe! 你怎么没掐我?You're not strangIing me.什么?"掐"只有…What the--? StrangIing's onIy good for. . . ."掐"可解决不了任何问题WeII, it's not good for anything.与孩子唯一能有的身体接触就是…The onIy time you shouId Iay hands on a boy. . .…轻拍他后背. . .is to give him a good pat on the back.嘿!你到底要…?Hey, what the heII are you--?再拍一次One more time.(紧张性排汗)亲爱的,我回来啦~Honey, I'm home.我们现在处于大规模污染一触即发的引爆点We are at the tipping point, peopIe.如果我们仍置若罔闻的话(斯普林菲尔德湖污染情况)If we don't do something now. . . .抱歉,我思维有些混乱…他是不是令人芳心寸乱?I'm sorry, I Iost my train of thought. Isn't he dreamy?完全赞同Agreed.好吧,这是底线Okay, so here's the bottom Iine:如果我们不马上付诸行动的话…If we don't change our ways right now. . .斯普林菲尔德湖的污染将达到这种程度!. . .poIIution in Lake SpringfieId wiII be at this IeveI.并不太糟啊That's not so bad.不,升降机卡住了…No, the Iift is stuck.大家明白我的意思吗?Am I getting through to anyone?明白!我们需要一台新升降机!HeII, yeah. We need a new one of those things.赞同购买新升降机的请说"赞成"AII in favor of a new scissor Iift, say''aye. ''- 赞成- 不!-Aye. -No!这湖水离彻底变成剧毒之湖仅仅一步之遥This Iake is just one piece of trash away from a toxic nightmare.但是我知道我说的你们只会充耳不闻But I knew you wouIdn't Iisten.所以我擅做主张把你们喝的水都换成了湖水So I took the Iiberty of pouring water from the Iake in aII your drinking gIasses.所以说不能给孩子好脸色看!This is why we shouId hate kids.这事事关重大This is serious, peopIe.今后禁止向湖中倾倒废物我现在宣布进入紧急状态No more dumping in the Iake. I hereby decIare a state of emergency.黑色紧急状态!Code bIack.黑色?这可是最糟糕的颜色!BIack? That's the worst coIor there is.- 不是说你,卡尔- 算了,这种事我都习惯了-No offense there, CarI. -I get it aII the time.对不起,湖里禁止丢弃废物Sorry, sorry. No dumping in the Iake.好吧,那我就把后院清理的垃圾扔到车里去Fine. I wiII put my yard trimmings in a car compactor.警长,我觉得那好像是具尸体Chief, I think there was a dead body in there.我也是这么想的,泰利说了是后院废物I thought that too, untiI he said ''yard trimmings. ''卢,你得会听才行You gotta Iearn to Iisten, Lou.现在来看看这屏障是不是对傻子也百毒不侵Let us now make sure this barrier is compIeteIy idiot-proof.- 克里特斯?- 有何吩咐?-CIetus. -Yessum?往湖里扔点东西进去Try to dump something in the Iake.好的Okay.不行啊,扔不了啊!I can't. I simpIy can't.- 太好了- 真有效啊-BriIIiant. -Very effective.千万别瞎想Don't get any ideas.也许我们应该亲一下以缓解我们之间的紧张关系Maybe we shouId kiss, just to break the tension.这儿是怎么了?What's going on here?没什么,没什么Nothing. Nothing.我觉得猪不应该进屋的I'm not sure that pig shouId be in the house.另外,你打算怎么处理…它的排泄物?And by the way, what are you doing with his Ieavings?别担心,这事尽在掌握之中Don't worry. I've devised a most eIegant soIution.这玩意儿漏了It's Ieaking.不是漏,是溢出来了It's not Ieaking, it's overfIowing.才两天它就拉了这一大罐子?!He fiIIed up the whoIe siIo in just two days?也有我拉的WeII, I heIped.荷马,等等!停下我知道你容易三心二意Homer, stop! Stop. I know it's easy for your mind to wander. . .…你一定要好好听我说. . .but I want you to reaIIy concentrate on me.我一直觉得这就是爷爷试图警告我们的灾难I can't escape the feeIing that this is the crisis Grampa warned us about.你一定得把这罐废物处理好You have to dispose of that waste properIy.好的,玛芝,我会的Okay, Marge. I wiII.你可以带上蜘蛛猪一起!You can take Spider-Pig with you.它不叫蜘蛛猪了,现在叫哈里·波洛特He's not Spider-Pig anymore, he's Harry PIopper.喂HeIIo.荷马,快过来Homer, you gotta get over here.卫生部门关掉了甜甜圈店现在正免费发放呢!HeaIth inspector shut down the doughnut store, they're giving out free doughnuts!哦,天啊!天啊!把手头这件事办完我就过去Oh, my God, oh, my God! I just got one thing I gotta do first.那你可得快点啊,估计一会儿就没了WeII, you better hurry. They're going fast.哇~好险啊Whoa, that was cIose.邪恶!Evil!开车!开车!快开车!Drive, drive, drive!哦,对啊Oh, right.往那儿看,那是与斯普林菲尔德接壤的四大州Look at that. You can see the four states that border SpringfieId:俄亥俄、内华达、缅因和肯塔基州Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky.哦,是啊Oh, yeah.如果你仔细看的话,你几乎能…And if you Iook reaI cIose, you can aImost--这东西可真怪…WeII, this certainIy seems odd. . .…不过上帝无所不能啊. . .but who am I to question the work of the AImighty?感谢万能的上帝创造出这么非凡、精致而又智能的生物We thank you, Lord, for this mighty fine inteIIigent design.太神奇了Good job.戳!戳!戳!Jabbity, jabbity, jab, jab, jab!嘿!要是再戳它眼睛,就是触犯法律!Hey! Jab one more eye and it's a federaI crime.- 你们是谁?- 环保局(EPA)-Who are you? -EnvironmentaI Protection Agency.罗斯·卡吉尔,环保局局长,来见总统Russ CargiII, head of the EPA, here to see the president.总统先生Mr. President.对,我就是(施瓦辛格总统)Ja, that is me.斯普林菲尔德的污染已经到了危急状态PoIIution in SpringfieId has reached crisis IeveIs.我真讨厌这差事不是危机,就是什么世界末日I hate this job. Everything's ''crisis'' this and ''end of the worId'' that.就没人先说个笑话引出议题我想念丹尼·狄·维托Nobody opens with a joke. I miss Danny De Vito.你想听笑话?要是你听过这个的话,就阻止我讲下去You want a joke, huh? Stop me if you've heard this one.看看这些愤怒的眼睛和巨型獠牙Look at those angry eyes and giant teeth.就跟在肯尼迪家过圣诞节一样恐怖It's Iike Christmas at the Kennedy compound.总统先生,您委任我为环保局长时…You know, sir, when you made me head of the EPA. . .您将百年不遇的人才. . .you appointed one of the most successfuI men in America. . .低就于千年不遇的无能部门. . .to the Ieast successfuI agency in government.可我为什么还是欣然接受呢?And why did I take the job?因为我是个富翁,希望回馈社会Because I'm a rich man who wanted togive something back.我不是指钱,而是回馈些非物质的东西Not the money, but something.眼下这就是我们施展拳脚的机会So here is our chance to kick some ass for Mother Earth.- 接着说- 我已经提炼出-I'm Iistening. -WeII, I've narrowed your choices down. . .…五个不可思议的议案. . .to five unthinkabIe options.每个都有难以预计的恶果…Each wiII cause untoId misery--我选第三个I pick number three.您不先读读再做决定吗?You don't wanna read them first?我当总统是为了"领导"不是为了"读议案" 我选第三个!I was eIected to Iead, not to read. Number three!我们被封在圆盖里了!We're being seaIed in a dome!我该怎么办?我不知道!What do I do? I don't know what to do!要是进来就被关在这儿要是出去就孤零零一个人If I stay, I'm trapped. If I Ieave, I'm aIone.天啊!进来!出去!…Oh, God. In, out, in, out!我还没亲眼见过威尼斯I never saw Venice.被困终生!''Trapped forever. ''这一切都是真的It's aII come true.教堂发疯的老头子说得没错!That crazy oId man in church was right.圆盖!Dome!好了,伙计们,开火AII right, men, open fire.谁受伤了?受伤的举手Who's hurt? Raise your hands.就没好点的表现Without the attitude.大家注意!有重要事件向大家宣布PeopIe, peopIe. I have an important announcement.我刚刚改进了一台喷酸式超级无敌钻孔机I have just perfected an acid-firing super-driII. . .- 它可以无坚不破!- 太好了!-. . .which can cut through anything.-Hey, that's cooI.就在那儿!It's right there.就在圆盖外面Just outside of the dome.什么粗暴无耻之人会对我们下此毒手呢?What ruthIess madmen couId have done this to us?美国联邦政府The United States government,我叫罗斯·卡吉尔,EPA的主管My name is Russ Cargill and I'm head of the EPA,什么?The what?- 环保局- 再说一遍?-Environmental Protection Agency,-Come again?我是大屏幕上的人,你们给我听着Look, I'm a man on a big TV, Just listen,- 斯普林菲尔德已经…- 斯普林菲尔德! -Springfield has become-- -SpringfieId!成为有史以来最为污染的城市…--the most polluted city in the history of the planet, 小题大作Drama queen!为了防止向外散播污染To keep your poisons from spreading,,,政府将你们封于此圆盖内,,, your government has sealed you in this dome,除此之外别无他法It's the last thing we wanted to do,圆盖是我公司造的,不过这是题外话I own the company that makes the dome, but that's beside the point,你是说我们象老鼠一样被困这儿了?You mean we're trapped Iike rats?不,想困住老鼠可不这么容易你们更象是…胡萝卜No, rats can 't be trapped this easily, You're trapped like carrots,等一下,不再有污染了呀大家都不再向湖中倾泻废物了Wait. We couIdn't be more poIIuted. Everyone stopped dumping in the Iake.很显然,有个家伙可不听这套Apparently someone didn 't get the message,自然点Act naturaI.嘿!迟早会有人路过这儿将一切公之于众的Hey, buddy, sooner or Iater, peopIe are gonna discover this.别担心,我们知道怎么把你们从地图上抹去Don 't worry about that, We found a way to take you off the map,你右侧将出现的…Coming up on your right:无名地Nothing,我是肯特·布鲁克曼,向您报道严重危机This is Kent Brockman, reporting to you on a crisis so serious. . .此危机拥有独一无二的名字和主题曲. . .it has its own name and theme music.圆盖是为了灭绝生命The dome has put an end to Iife as we know it.现在城里汽油、除皱针等种种资源短缺The town is running Iow on suppIies of everything from gasoIine to Botox.请稍等Moment, pIease.与往常一样节目最后我们来看看"鸿毛一瞥"Now, as aIways, we end our news on ''The Lighter Side. '' 现在正是燕子回归斯普林菲尔德的季节It's the time of year when the swaIIows return to SpringfieId.我想我最怀念的,还是夏日中的一缕微风I think the thing I miss most is a simpIe summer breeze.玛吉?Maggie?无腊、无需抛光、无需翻修你需要的就是"圆盖地波"We've got dome wax, dome polish, dome freshener, all your dome needs,,,"圆盖地波"位于圆盖及105号,,,at Dome Depot, located at the 1 05 and the dome,圆盖地波!Dome Depot!玛吉跑出去了!玛吉跑出去了!Maggie got out! Maggie got out!玛吉刚才就在那里,就在圆盖外面Maggie was right there, just outside the dome.玛吉,她在这儿Marge, she's right here.这圆盖会叫你产生幻觉你一定要镇定,而且…This dome can pIay tricks on you. You just have to keep caIm and--天啊!Oh, my God.我从圆盖里出来啦!新鲜空气!自由!I'm out of the dome. Fresh air! Freedom!我会给你写信的,多保重!I'II write you. Lead good Iives!晚上好,我是肯特·布鲁克曼Good evening, this is Kent Brockman,寻找污染环境、自私自利…Efforts to find out whose selfish crime,,,连累我们受困圆盖的罪魁祸首…还是没有任何进展,,,caused our entrapment have been fruitless,但是不久之前…Until moments ago!斯普林菲尔德湖有了令人震惊的发现A shocking discovery has been made here at Lake Springfield,用这种猪便便罐子的人多得是…That couId be anybody's pig-crap siIo.荷马,原来是你干的!Homer, it was you.你将这个镇子置于死地啊!You singIe-handedIy kiIIed this town.我知道,这好奇怪I know. It's weird.提醒大家,我们电视台并不鼓励义务警员行使正义Just a reminder, this station does not endorse vigilante justice,除非能将罪犯绳之以法,而这是迟早的事Unless it gets results, Which it will,你根本不把我的警告当回事You didn't Iisten to me after I warned you.别担心,这种无聊节目没人看的Don't worry, nobody watches this stupid show.远处那些不详之光是怎么回事?What's that ominous gIow in the distance?杀!杀!杀无赦!Kill! Kill! Kill!玛吉,快来看啊!那帮蠢蛋连我们住哪儿都不知道Marge, Iook. Those idiots don't even know where we Iive.杀!杀!杀无赦!Kill! Kill! Kill!交出荷马!交出荷马!We want Homer! We want Homer!恶魔!你是个恶魔!You monster. You monster!你也看了新闻?Did you see the news?亲爱的,别这样,眼下还有更棘手的事Honey, come on, we have bigger probIems.但是…我好生气But I'm so angry.你是女人,你要克制满腔怒火You're a woman. You can hoId on to it forever.好吧Okay.荷马,你得出去,面对大家…Homer, you have to go out there, face that mob. . .…为你的所作所为道歉. . .and apoIogize for what you did.我会的,但是我担心一开门他们连你和孩子都不放过I wouId, but I'm afraid if I open the door, they'II take aII of you.不会的,我们只要荷马!No, we won't. We just want Homer!也许不是你们,但是他们会杀了爷爷WeII, maybe not you, but they'II kiII Grampa.我就在楼下人群里!I'm part of the mob!泰尼,把孩子带走!Teeny! Take out the baby.我来帮你点上Here, Iet me get that for you.后退!我这儿可有电锯!Stay back. I got a chain saw.巴特!Bart!爬过来!快点!CrawI across. Hurry.要是被发现,他们会杀了你的But if they see you heIping us, they'II kiII you.我肯定你爸也会这么…I'm sure your father wouId do the same for--你明白了,快点过来Point taken. Now, hustIe your bustIes.弓箭!Archers.我的箭是红色的这样就知道谁是我的箭下冤魂I'm using a red arrow so I know who I kiII.不要!波洛特!要是再推,爸爸的小命就不保了。

找丈夫(旁白)一个年轻貌美的女孩,她出生在一个平凡的家庭里,她天真,直率,单纯,跟其他女孩一样,有着甜美的声音,苗条的身材,还有她从小就开始做的白马王子梦!说起她的第一个丈夫,(Mrs cool上场秀自己的外表气质)那可是一位英俊潇洒的男子,也是她心中曾经的白马王子。
他们一见钟情,很快就结了婚,那境况究竟怎样呢,我们拭目以待~Mr coolS:(漫不经心地瞟着眼从心底里瞧不起地说)诶!邻居家的小曼今天买了好漂亮的一条镶宝石的——纯金的——项链,好漂亮啊?M:(漠不关心)哼!整天就想穿金戴银,看人家有,难道你眼红了吗?你眼红了那你去抢啊!幼稚!S:(愤怒地顿了一下)你这是什么话啊?你看人家的老公多有钱多有本事,昨天买车今天买项链,明天还要去买大房子,哪像你这个绣花枕头,自从嫁了你,一天好日子没过过,你看看我,身上都是些什么破布,我就想不通了,你就不能像人家一样有那么一点点出息吗?M:(惊讶)噢,我没出息,搞了半天是怪我没出息,是,我就是没出息,怎么了,哦,你有出息,有本事,那你自己去买啊,来问我干什么?天天都这么烦,你没好日子过,我还没好日子过呢?当初要你,还以为你有点钱,没想到嫁妆这么少,啥也没有!真是女怕嫁错郎,男怕娶错娘吖,要了你这么一个····S:啊~~~啊~~~你这说的太对了,真是女怕嫁错郎啊,总算露出了你的真面目了啊!一头披着羊皮的狼,当初嫁给你还以为你这英俊潇洒一表人才,能给我一生的幸福,没想到你这没心没肺的东西,整天在外面拈花惹草,现在竟然还说出这种没良心话~~~~~唔·····M:幸福?你说幸福,幸福是个什么玩意儿!幸福在哪里呀幸福在哪里?哈哈哈哈,可能你这一辈子永远也看不到你说的什么幸福了!幼稚!S:(很伤心的样子)这日子没法过了,离婚!天天这么下去,跟你这种人在一起,早晚要死在你手你···M:(高兴)离就离,我还巴不得呢,终于解脱了····哼!!!分行李!S:就你这么点家当我还不稀罕呢,男人啊,光长得帅真没用,有钱的才能带来幸福!Mr money(旁白)就这样,和第一个丈夫离婚了,他的第二个丈夫是一个大富翁(Mr money 上场秀自己的家产身价,霸气),拥有万贯家产,上亿身价,在商场可谓是呼风唤雨,如鱼得水,那么他们的生活怎么样呢?Mr money:太好了,今天股票又涨了,又赚了几百万,我们可以再买一座大房子,换一辆新车,再去周游世界,吃遍天下的美味。

英语小剧本_有翻译_家庭代沟1(5篇)第一篇:英语小剧本_有翻译_家庭代沟1人物安排:一人引述旁白总结角色:father mother son grandfather 每个角色将在剧前有一段简短独白,说明自己扮演的角色。
爸爸:I play the part of father.,David.and football is my favorite.And to my daughter ,at the most time,Ican’t understand what she think and what she want.Maybe we need more communication.我扮演父亲的角色,足球是我的最爱。
妈妈:I have the role of mother,Kelly.and busy for this family.It’s difficult to chat with my son.Yes, very diffcult..我扮演妈妈,为这个家而忙碌。
儿子:I act the role of son,jim.I like everything about fashion and star.I love michael jackson best我演儿子。
迈克尔杰克逊是我的最爱奶奶:I get the role of grandmother.Mary.I love my grandson very much.but I don’t know what he said actually……我扮演奶奶。
我很喜欢我的小孙子,可是我都不知道她在跟我说什么…………引述:Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children.Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do.Thus, a big generation gap is formed.And then you will see a playlet around fot this theme.爸爸:Oh,may god.what the hell happened to paula abdon? 普拉阿巴杜这是怎么了? she looks terrible.怎么这副德行了?儿子:dad,that is steven tyler.爸,那是史蒂芬泰勒爸爸:helooks good.看着还不错。

The tale of the white snake(音乐,幻化人形)Long long ago, a moving story happened here ,it’s about love ,life, and funthere was a white snake who was saved by a human boy. Then after 1800 years, she came to the human world with her sister xiaoqing to find her benefactor to return the favor. So snake white and snake green became into human beings through magic power. They came to the earthly paradise ------ Hang Zhou, to get an encounter with her benefactor.(音乐起,千年等一回)齐唱:waiting 1000 years1000 years for a chanceWaiting 1000 yearsI have no regretWho said this to meThat love me foreverOnly for your wordsA~I won’t be regretfulRain heart broke wind is cryingSweety love seems to fallWest lake likes my tearI would like to be fire with youA~Waiting 1000 years 1000 years for a chanceWaiting 1000 years I have no regretWaiting 1000 years 1000 years for a chanceWaiting 1000 years…1000(音乐,幻化人形)第一幕:断桥上(音乐西湖美景三月天)青:“Sister, is this the world of human being? How beautiful! ”白:“Be careful, follow me!”(闪电,下雨音乐伴奏)青:“What a heavy rain!”白:“Don’t worry, we have an umbrella.” (白素贞撑起一把破伞)许仙上场,白素贞与许仙相遇……许仙:啊啊啊青: Listen!there are someone who are singing.oh!look!over there.How handsome he is~~~白: He seems not only handsome but also full of knowledge.I think I have fall in love with him. Will you help me ,Xiaoqing?青: Well, take this umbrella and I will help you to close to him .许:“Oh, my god! How beautiful!”白:“So handsome …Mr.,your clothes is wet, now I have an umbrella, let us share one.”许:“Oh, thank you, lovely girl. How fine the weather is! Would you like to have a walk with me? ”白:“Ok, let’s go.”青:“Sister, sister, let’s go together.”白:“Don’t you see I’m busy? Go away!” (小白用力的推开了小青)小青伤心地跑开了。

Downton Abbey S05E011--Are you taking it out? Oh...你要把它拿出来吗?2--Look at this. A man in misery. 看啊痛苦的男人3--Who's in misery? 谁痛苦了4--The King, according to Robert.按罗伯特的说法是国王5--Why? 为什么6--He has to deal with a Labour government. Why do you think? 他得应付一个工党政府还能为什么7--He doesn't look miserable to me. He just looks like himself.我看他不痛苦他本来就这样8--What is your objection to Mr MacDonald? 您为什么不喜欢麦克唐纳先生9--That the Prime Minister is the son of a crofter? 因为他这首相是佃农的儿子吗10--I couldn't care less if he was the son of Fu Manchu.他就算是傅满洲的儿子我也无所谓11--What worries me is that our government is committed我担心的是我们的政府一心想12--to the destruction of people like us and everything we stand for.毁掉我们这类人和我们所代表的一切13--I think we should wait and see what happens before we panic.我们还是先看看局势别瞎紧张14--- Where's Edith? - She had some old lady to see in the village. - 伊迪丝呢-她去村里看个老太太15--- What about you? Is everything settled at the school? - What's this? - 你呢学校的事都妥当了吗-怎么回事16--They were swearing in Mr Adams' replacement我要接替亚当斯先生进入学校董事会17--on the school board. It all went off smoothly.并宣誓就职进展很顺利18--I thought they might have asked me.我以为他们会找我呢19--I feel a bit guilty about the school.我对学校感到愧疚20--I ought to support it more.我应该多出点力的21--Well, I'm giving away the prizes this year. Come with me.今年由我来颁奖你一起来吧22--Barrow, can we clear the tea? 巴罗可以把茶清掉了23--I'm afraid Lady Edith's missed it,伊迪丝小姐恐怕是错过了24--and Nanny will be down in a minute.保姆马上就下来了25--- I'd better run. - Oh, stay and see them. - 我得走了-留下看看他们吧26--Just as soon as they're able to answer back.他们要是学会回话我就看看27--- Sybbie CAN answer back. - True. Why does she call me Donk? - 茜玻会-是吗那她为什么叫我"阿驴"28--It's that game you played - pinning the tail on the donkey.因为您玩的那个游戏给驴钉尾巴29--Can't I be Grandpapa or something a little more dignified? 就不能叫我外公或者什么好听点的吗30--I'm afraid it's Donk for the moment. 现在恐怕就是"阿驴"了31--- I don't want George to catch it. - Here they are. - 别让乔治学坏了-他们来了32--- Here's your grandfather now. - Bye-bye, darlings. - 见过外公-再见宝贝们33--Goodbye, Donk.再见阿驴34--George, come and sit here, darling.乔治过来坐这儿亲爱的35--- Put it there and I'll see to it. - Oh, don't be like that. - 放那儿就好我来-别这样36--Ena can manage.伊娜来就好了37--Why should she, any more than me?为什么她可以我就不可以38--We've no proper kitchen maid any more, so we must all muck in.我们没有正经厨房女仆了没法分那么清楚39--What's the matter?怎么了40--Daisy's grumbling because they didn't replace Ivy.黛西在发牢骚艾薇走了没找人替上41--At Skelton Park, they're down to a butler,斯凯尔顿庄园现在只剩一个管家42--a cook, two maids一个厨子两个女仆43--and a cleaning woman who comes in from the village,和一个村里来的女清洁工44--and that's the lot.没别的了45--- How on earth does it work? - I couldn't tell you.-这怎么能行-我可说不上46--Why have they left, the people that used to work there?原来在那儿干活儿的人为什么走了呢47--They prefer to be in factories or shops.他们更喜欢去工厂和商店48--They like the hours better.喜欢那里的工作时间49--Oh... I'll forget my head next.我再这么下去得把脑袋也忘了50--I came in to remind you我是想来提醒你51--it's their 34th wedding anniversary on Saturday week,周六是他们结婚三十四周年52--so, if you want to do a cake, this is an advance warning.如果你要做蛋糕可以提前准备了53--- I suppose there'll be a dinner of some sort. - Oh, I don't know.-我猜会办个晚宴吧-我也说不准54--34 years! If I were to marry this year,三十四年啊我要是今年结婚55--what would life be like in 1958?到1958年会怎么样呢56--I doubt I'll be troubled by it.到时肯定不用我操心了57--Do you think we'll leave service?您说我们会不再做仆人吗58--Well, you'll be fine.你没什么可担心的59--Whatever happens, you've got Mr Mason's farm to go to.再不济你还可以去梅森先生的农场干活儿60--What about me?那我呢61--But could I? What do I know about farming我能吗我对农务一窍不通62--or ordering supplies or doing accounts?订货记账也全都不会63--Suppose I can't tackle a new life.万一我应付不了另一种生活呢64--If it's all right with you, I've to tackle tonight's dinner.要没别的事我得应付今晚的晚餐了65--Now, start the salmon pates, while I do a lemon mayonnaise.开始做三文鱼头吧我做柠檬蛋黄酱66--We had good news today.我们有个好消息67--Tim was asked to be chief of the estate firemen.蒂姆被提名为庄园的消防队长68--Oh, how nice. Many congratulations.真不错恭喜了69--- Can I give you some more tea? - No, thank you.-您再来点茶吗-不了谢谢70--How about you, Marigold?你呢玛丽戈德71--Are you quite finished?喝完了吗72--I just love to see her gurgling away, so peaceful and happy.真喜欢她发出的汩汩声安宁又快乐73--We've almost forgotten she's not one of our own, haven't we, Tim?都快忘了她不是亲生的了是吧蒂姆74--She's just lovely. How pretty your hair is, darling.她真可爱头发真漂亮宝贝75--I sometimes wonder where she got her colouring,有时我会想她是遗传了谁的发色76--but I never knew her parents.但我不认识她父母77--- No? - No.-是吗-是的78--Her mother was an old friend of Tim's,她母亲是蒂姆一个老朋友79--but I never met either of them.但他们两位我都不认识80--Oh, is that the time? We mustn't hold you up.这么晚了吗可不能耽误了您81--Good girl.乖宝宝82--Good girl.乖宝宝83--- I should probably go. - Have you got your teddy?-我得走了-泰迪熊拿好了吗84--Say goodbye.说再见85--Goodbye.再见86--Thank you for... Thank you.谢谢你们的...谢谢87--She's got a soft spot for you.她是喜欢上你了88--Don't be daft.别傻了89--I do love this evening light.真喜欢这暮色90--Oh, I must tell Lord Merton.我得告诉默顿伯爵91--Tease me if you will, but rest assured,你就尽管取笑我吧但告诉你92--I don't want to be pursued by him or Lord anyone.我并不希望他或者别的什么伯爵追求我93--Well, that's a pity when he's asked me to help him in his courtship.真可惜他还让我帮忙追求你呢94--- What? - He doesn't want to pester you,-什么-他不想烦着你95--so he's asked if I could give another luncheon party.就问我能不能再办个午宴96--- Oh, dear. - Oh, why the lamentation?-老天爷-有什么好哀叹的97--You don't have to see him if you don't want to.你不想见他就不必见98--Well, you make it sound so easy.你说得好像很轻松99--There's nothing simpler than avoiding people you don't like.想避开不喜欢的人这还不简单100--Avoiding one's friends - that's the real test.避开朋友这才有难度101--But I do like him. I think he's very nice.但我喜欢他我觉得他人很好102--It's just, he wants something from me that I cannot give.只是他想要的东西我给不了103--He just wants what all men want.他只是想要所有男人都想要的东西104--Oh, don't be ridiculous!说什么呢105--I was referring to companionship.我说的是陪伴106--As I hope you were.希望你没想歪107--Oh, I didn't mean to disturb you.不是有意打扰你108--I'm sorry. It's a letter from Lady Anstruther again.抱歉安斯特拉瑟夫人又来信了109--Blimey. She doesn't give up easily.老天她还真是执着110--Well, you know me. 'Irresistible' is my middle name.你知道我就这样天生人见人爱111--Well, was she like this when you were working for her?你给她工作的时候她就这样吗112--Not as bad.没这么严重113--She had to be more discreet with the other servants.因为有别的仆人她得小心点114--Hadn't you better go up to London and put her out of her misery?那你是不是该去伦敦解了她相思之苦115--Oh, don't tempt me...别怂恿我了116--because I know this:有一点我还是清楚的117--If I weaken, I'll pay for it.我要是从了她就有我受的了118--This sounds very like the kind of boys' talk I do not allow.这种对话听起来正是我不允许的119--If you can both tear yourselves away from your smutty deliberations,你们要是可以从这龌龊的谈话中抽开身120--I need you both upstairs.我需要你们上楼去121--Where is she?她在哪122--I hope I'm not late.希望我没来晚123--No, Carson hasn't come in yet.不晚卡森还没来呢124--That reminds me.这倒提醒我了125--We're to receive a village delegation tomorrow.我们明天要接待一个村里的代表团126--I ran into the Postmistress.我碰到了女邮局局长127--She asked if they might pay us a visit.她问我他们能不能来拜访我们128--- Mrs Wigan? - What was it that reminded you?-维根太太-那怎么就提醒您了129--- She asked for Carson to be present. - Why? What's it about?-她希望卡森也在场-为什么是什么事130--- They want to erect some kind of memorial to the war. - What?-他们想建个什么战争纪念碑-什么131--Well, not to the war, but to the men,不是纪念战争是纪念人132--the local men, who died in it.在战争中牺牲的本地人133--They'll put them up all over the country.全国各地都要建134--I suppose they want me as chairman.他们大概是想请我做主席135--- Who was it? - Tony Gillingham.-是谁啊-托尼·吉利安姆136--He had some business up here,他来这边办事137--and you told him he could stay if he need to.你告诉过他如果需要可以留宿138--When does he want to come?他想什么时候过来139--That's the problem. The 16th.问题就在这里是16号140--- And...? - It's our anniversary.-所以呢-那是我们的结婚纪念日141--Oh, that doesn't matter. Ring him and say yes.那没关系回电答应他吧142--- We don't have to. - No. I'd like to see him.-不是非得答应他的-不我挺想见他的143--Right. That's dinner, everyone.好啦各位该吃晚餐了144--You don't mind Tony coming, do you?你不介意托尼过来吧145--Not if it's what you want.如果你想他来我就不介意146--I'll tell you what I want.我告诉你我想要什么147--I want to inspire Tony Gillingham with thoughts of marriage.我想鼓动托尼·吉利安姆产生结婚的念头148--So, does that mean Lord Gillingham wins and Mr Blake can go whistle?那么是吉利安姆子爵赢了布雷克先生输了149--I'm glad for them.我为他们感到高兴150--Viscountess Gillingham - it sounds quite smart.吉利安姆子爵夫人听起来挺不错151--I think they'll be happy, and it'll be good for Master George.我觉得他们会幸福的这对乔152--It's a big thing, to take on the task of raising another man's son.这可是件大事抚养别人的孩子153--There's nothing to worry about there. His Lordship's a kind man.没什么好担心的子爵老爷是个好人154--I wish you'd tell me what you know about those two.真希望你能告诉我他们俩的事155--I don't know anything.我什么都不知道156--What you suspect, then. And don't deny it, because I've seen you.那就说说你的猜测别否认我看见了157--You can't keep your eyes off someone when you think no-one's looking.你以为没人看你的时候就一直盯着他们158--Can I join in?我能加入吗159--Do you have to?非得吗160--How was it in York? Did you find what you were looking for?约克那边怎么样找到你想找的了吗161--I did. Took a bit of a search, but I think I'm suited.找到了费了点功夫不过应该可以了162--- What's that, then? - Oh, just something.-什么东西-没什么163--A group's arriving from the village tomorrow morning.明天早上村里有些人要过来164--Can you get one of the footmen你能不能叫一个男仆165--to bring coffee and something to eat at 11?在11点的时候送来些咖啡和食品166--Well, come and find me when you want it.到时候来找我吧167--I can't. I'm in the meeting myself.我来不了我自己也要参加会面168--That's why I'm telling you now.所以我才现在跟你说169--What's it for?什么事170--I don't know, but His Lordship asked me to be there.我不知道但是老爷让我出席171--Well, I think it's fantastic.我觉得这很棒172--When did we last have a Prime Minister上一次有一个173--who understood the working class?理解劳动阶级的首相是什么时候了174--Never, that's when.从没有过175--It's a qualification that is meaningless in terms of government.理解劳动阶级对做首相毫无用处176--I'm not sure I can agree with you there. I think it's important.这一点我不太赞同我觉得这很重要177--Me too. Mr MacDonald have real experience of a hard life.我也觉得麦克唐纳先生体验过艰难人生178--He knows what most people go through.他了解大多数人的生活179--Not the workers.他没做过工人180--So, James is a revolutionary now!詹姆斯成了革命家了181--He's not a revolutionary.他不是革命家182--He believes in justice for the majority. What's wrong with that?他坚信为多数人寻求正义这有什么错183--Nothing, but I suppose he can fight his own battles.没什么但我想他可以自己反驳184--We'll have no fighting here, thank you very much.这里不许吵架谢谢了185--You wouldn't mind heading the war-memorial appeal, would you?你不介意领导修建战争186--I feel a bit embarrassed. I wasn't wounded.我觉得有点尴尬我没有受过伤187--I wasn't even allowed to fight.我甚至没被允许参加战斗188--They should ask a man like General McKee他们应该去找麦基将军189--or Johnnie Raymond. Someone who did their bit.或是约翰·雷蒙德那样真正做出过贡献的人190--You're their traditional leader and你一向是他们的领导人191--they like you to pray with them, in mourning and in gratitude.他们希望在哀悼和致敬时跟你一同祈祷192--But I should be praying in the back row, not the front. That's all.只是我应该在后排祈祷而不是前排193--Please don't think us too forward.请原谅我们的唐突194--You have no need to worry. I'm happy to play my part.不用担心我很乐意尽一份力195--But we don't know yet where we want the memorial to be, m'lord.但我们还没确定要把纪念碑建在哪里老爷196--So...?所以呢197--Well, if you're to give us a piece of land,如果您愿给我们一块地198--you'd better know where it is before you agree.您答应前最好先知道我们要哪块地199--I'm sure I will agree, but is that why you're here?我想我肯定会同意的但你们过来就为这个吗200--To ask for a piece of land as the site for this thing?为建立纪念碑要一块地吗201--That's why we're here to see you, m'lord.这是我们来见您的原因老爷202--But we'd also like to offer the position of Chairman of our Committee但我们还想将委员会主席一职交给...203--- I'll take over now. - You were saying...?-我来吧-你刚才说...204--We'd like Mr Carson to be Chairman of our Committee.我们想让卡森先生担任委员会主席205--But surely, His Lordship...?可是老爷206--No, Carson. They don't want me - they want you.不卡森他们不想要我他们想要你207--I wouldn't put it like that, m'lord,不是那个意思老爷208--but Mr Carson knew more of the young men that died than you did.可卡森先生认识的阵亡年轻人比您多209--Yes, I suppose you're right. Well, he knew them better.你说得对他更了解他们210--That's it. And he's a considerable figure in the village.正是而且他在村子里德高望重211--Tea, please.我要茶谢谢212--- Carson? What do you say? - I am honoured by the invitation,-卡森你的意见呢-我深表荣幸213--but I shall have to think about it.但我需要考虑一下214--Of course you will. But please don't take too long.当然但是请不要考虑太久215--Can you put my milk in first, if that's for me?如果那杯茶是我的能先放牛奶吗216--- Did that come in the second post? - It did.-是随第二批邮件送来的-是的217--From Lady Anstruther.安斯特拉瑟夫人寄来的218--Not again? What's stoked her up?又来了她中了哪门子邪219--It's my own stupid fault. I shouldn't have sent her that Valentine.都是我自己犯傻不该给她寄情人节卡片220--- Yes, but that was - - And I sent her another this year.-是但那是... -我今年又给她寄了一张221--How did she know they were from you?她怎么知道是你寄的222--Because I bloody signed them, didn't I.因为我签了名字啊223--I don't know what I was thinking. It was supposed to be a joke.真不知我在想什么本是想开个玩笑224--But, well, now it's got out of hand.这下可失控了225--Don't worry.别担心226--One day I'll be a good boy and settle down.总有一天我会乖乖地安定下来227--We all settle down one day.我们都会安定下来的228--We don't all have the option.并不是所有人都有这选择229--Heavens! I wasn't expecting you.天呐没想到你会来230--I've been to see Smithers at Oak Field Farm.我去橡树园农场看望史密瑟斯了231--I just thought I'd look in on my way home.我觉得回家路上应该过来一趟232--I'm glad you did.很高兴你过来了233--I had a delegation from the village this morning,今天早上我接待了村里的一个代表团234--about the new war memorial they're putting up.他们要新建一个战争纪念碑235--- Oh, they want you to head it? - No.-他们想让你当主席吗-不236--They've invited Carson to be the Chairman.他们已经邀请卡森当主席了237--Well, why not you?为什么不是你呢238--The village wanted Carson.村民想让卡森来239--Your father always told the village what they wanted.你父亲总是告诉村民他们想要什么240--Is it true old Dicky Merton is paying court to Isobel?老迪基·默顿真在追求伊泽贝尔吗241--Yeah. Isn't it absurd?没错多荒唐啊242--Oh, I don't know, it might be rather fun for her不好说如果她能重塑自我成为本郡243--to reinvent herself as a great lady of the county受人尊敬的夫人让我们都摆正自己的位置244--and put us all in our proper place.或许会很有意思245--Yes, I suppose it would be fun.是啊是会很有意思吧246--But you don't think she's keen?但您认为她并不感兴趣吗247--Oh, no, far from it.是啊完全不想呢248--She never tires of telling me.她总不厌其烦地这么跟我说249--*Daisy, this came for you in the post.黛西这是你的邮件250--Thank you, Mr Carson.谢谢卡森先生251--Oh, what is it?是什么252--Something I ordered.我订的东西253--May we know what, O Queen?我们能知道是什么吗小女王254--Something I need.我需要的东西而已255--Why must it be a secret?为什么要保密呢256--Well, it would be a bit sad if she had no secrets at her age.她这年纪完全没秘密才有点可悲呢257--Have you made your decision about the memorial?关于委员会你决定了吗258--Oh, not yet.还没有259--I'm not comfortable being placed ahead of His Lordship.被放到比老爷优先的位置这让260--You should have seen his face, Mrs Hughes. He felt very let down.你真该看到他的表情休斯太太他很失落261--It's all the Committee to make the choice, and they've chosen you.选择权在委员会而他们选了你262--And the country's chosen a Labour government,这个国家还选择了工党执政呢263--so people don't always get it right.所以人们并不总是正确的264--What are you afraid of?你在害怕什么265--I feel a shaking of the ground I stand on.我觉得脚下的地面在颤抖266--That everything I believe in will be tested我信奉的一切在接下来几年内267--and held up for ridicule over the next few years.都要经受考验并被当做笑柄268--Mr Carson, they've been testing the system卡森先生自从罗马人离开269--since the Romans left.社会就一直在经受考验270--Oh, I suppose that's true.这倒也是271--有腹泻的意思272--The nature of life is not permanence but flux.生命的本质不是永恒的而是变化的273--Just so...没错274--even if it does sound faintly disgusting.虽然这听上去有点恶心275--There you are, m'lady. Madge said you were going out.您在这里啊小姐玛姬说您正要出去276--We were giving a turnout to the blue room,我们刚才打扫蓝屋277--and this had been put on the shelf with the other books.这个和其他书一起放在了书架上278--What is it?是什么279--A German primer, but the point is, it's not ours.一本德文初级读本但重点是这不是我们的280--Mr Gregson's written his name in the fly-leaf.格莱格森先生在内页上签了名281--I see.我知道了282--I nearly gave it to Her Ladyship, but it seemed more suitable -我差点交给了夫人但感觉给您更合适283--No. I'm the one who should have it.不的确该给我284--Can you please put it on the table beside my bed?可以帮我放在床边的桌子上吗285--- Of course. - Thank you.-好的-谢谢286--- Good afternoon, Mrs Hughs. - Good afternoon.-下午好休斯太太-下午好287--Thank you, Molesley.谢谢莫斯利288--It's good of you to come with us.你能和我们一起来真是太好了289--I must have something to do.我得找些事做290--Where's your mother?你妈妈在哪里291--In the library.在书房292--I'm not sure Tom's visiting the school is such a good idea.我不确定汤姆参观学校是否是个好主意293--He made a friend there of one of the school mistresses我们为了罗斯的社交季去伦敦时294--when we were in London for Rose's season.他和那里的一个女老师交了朋友295--What's wrong with that?这有什么不对的吗296--I don't intend to explain, but I was rather disappointed in him.我不想多解释但我对他挺297--I would have hoped for better.我本希望他不是那种人298--You've been very mysterious. Can't I know the details?你这么神神秘秘的我不能知道详情吗299--You really don't need to.没这个必要300--There you are. How were they?你来啦他们怎么样301--As dull as ever. They sent love.一如既往的无趣他们要我转达问候302--What was the meeting like? Have you accepted?会议怎么样您接受了吗303--It wasn't me they came to see.他们不是来见我的304--At lease, they want me to give them some land for the thing,至少他们想要我为建纪念碑给出块土地305--but they asked Carson to be the Chairman.但他们叫卡森来做主席306--Carson? Well, how nice.卡森这挺好啊307--I'm going upstairs to take off my hat.我要上楼去把帽子脱掉308--Well, she's pleased, anyway.至少她觉得不错309--Congratulations.祝贺你310--I'm sure you will want me to thank Lady Rose大家一定都希望我感谢罗斯小姐311--for consenting to present the prizes today.同意今天进行颁奖312--We're always glad of interest from the Abbey.我们向来感激庄园的关注313--And finally, thank you all for coming.最后感谢各位的到来314--It is most appreciated.非常感谢315--I'm glad Peter won a prize for Geography. Well done, him.我很高兴彼得拿了个地理奖真是厉害316--He didn't get that from his father.这脑子可不是父亲遗传的317--Is Mrs Drewe with you?德鲁太太来了吗318--No, she's at home, looking after the youngers.没有她在家照顾年幼的孩子319--We ought to talk, but not here.我们得谈谈但不能在这里320--Tomorrow. At 11. By the stone barn.明天11点在石头谷仓旁边321--You've been away.你离开了一阵322--I've been on a course.我去进修了323--I nearly wrote to tell you,我差点写信告诉你了324--but I thought it might be presumptuous.但又觉得好像有点冒昧325--- Well, I'm pleased to see you back. - That's a relief.-很高兴你回来了-那太好了326--I thought I must have earned a black mark,我觉得那晚上让你带我去庄园327--making you take me up to the house that night.一定给你留下了坏印象328--Hello, Miss Bunting.你好邦廷小姐329--Lady Rose. Well done.罗斯小姐做得太好了330--Oh, it's not exactly difficult - giving out prizes.这又不难发奖而已331--I always think we get thanked too much.我觉得我们得到感谢太多了332--But that's the custom, isn't it?但规矩就是这样333--We ought to head off, if we're to be back before the gong.如果我们要在敲锣前回去就得出发了334--The Rule of the Gong.敲锣的规矩335--It sounds like life in a religious order!听上去像是在教会生活336--Goodbye.再见337--I'll see you again.我们回见了338--I hope so.希望如此339--Spratt...斯普拉特340--Offer Dr Clarkson some cake. Then you may go.给克拉克森医生来点蛋糕然后你就可以下去了341--Thank you.谢谢342--I'm afraid serving me is a bit beneath his dignity.恐怕为我服务有点让他纡尊降贵343--Even Spratt cannot always live for pleasure.即使是斯普拉特也不能一直随心所欲344--Tell me, how well do you know Lord Merton?告诉我你对默顿伯爵有多了解345--I don't, really.我其实不怎么认识他346--Because I thought you might be amused他和卡劳利太太现在挺要好347--by how friendly he and Mrs Crawley have become.你大概会觉得这事很好笑348--What Mrs Crawley chooses to do卡劳利太太的私生活349--with her private life is her own affair.是她自己的事350--Oh, dear. I've annoyed you.天呐我冒犯你了吗351--No, no, no, I'm not annoyed...不不没有352--..Although I am surprised to learn that she entertains notions不过她居然愿意靠在客厅接待客人353--of passing her time at drawing-room receptions和坐马车去公园打发时间354--and taking carriage rides in the park.是让我有些惊讶355--Well, no-one takes carriage rides in the park any more.现在可没人坐马车去公园玩了356--That's quite gone.早就过时了357--I wouldn't know.这我不可能知道358--You ought to meet Lord Merton properly.你应该见见默顿伯爵359--Come to luncheon on Saturday.周六来吃午餐吧360--Mrs Crawley will be here and so will he.卡劳利太太和默顿伯爵都会来361--Well, that's quite an honour, Lady Grantham. Are you sure?我很荣幸格兰瑟姆夫人您确定吗362--Oh, it'll be fun.会很有趣的363--I'm hoping to persuade dear Lady Shackleton to be one of our number.我还想说服亲爱的沙克尔顿夫人一道前来364--Mama's gone to bed. She wanted an early night.妈妈上床了她想早点睡365--I might go up too.我也差不多要上楼了366--Come and sit here for a minute.过来坐一会儿367--It doesn't really bother you they want Carson, does it?他们要卡森而不是您您不会介意吧368--They'd be lucky to get him.有他加入是他们的幸运369--Even so, it makes you think.即便如此也不免让人想370--Would a village delegation have arrived in my grandfather's day在我祖父的年代村里的代表团371--to ask his butler to head an appeal?会来邀请他的男管家主事吗372--- We're not living in your grandfather's day. - No, we are not.-我们不是生活在您祖父的年代-的确不是373--So, they don't want me at the school那么学校不需要我374--and they don't want me for the memorial.纪念委员会也不需要我375--Well, I want you.我需要您376--I think you, Tom and I make a pretty good team.我觉得您汤姆还有我是个很好的团队377--By the way, I've been looking into crop rotation and grain sales -对了我最近在研究轮作和粮食销售378--And not every father hears that from his daughter.不是每个父亲都会听到女儿说这个379--Mr Barrow...巴罗先生380--I'm tired of waiting, Miss Baxter.我不想再等了巴克斯特小姐381--I'm tired of being bullied.我也不想再受你欺负了382--I got you this job and you knew what I wanted in return.我帮你得到了这份工作你早知道我想要什么383--So don't complain about it now.所以别现在抱怨384--Thank you, Madge. Good night.谢谢玛姬晚安385--迈克尔·格莱格森386--Did you know Dicky Merton was in hot pursuit of Isobel?你知道迪基·默顿正在热烈追求伊泽贝尔吗387--Mama says she's desperate to throw him off.妈妈说她很想摆脱他388--- I wonder. - What do you mean?-我很怀疑-什么意思389--I don't believe your mother我觉得你母亲390--would enjoy the transformation of Isobel into Lady Merton,不会乐意伊泽贝尔成为默顿夫人391--complete with a living husband,有个活生生的丈夫392--a proper house and a solid position in the county.不错的房产再加上郡里稳固的地位393--That would not suit Mama at all.妈妈绝不会乐意394--Oh, don't be ridiculous. She'd be thrilled,别瞎说如果伊泽贝尔真想要这些的话395--if that was what Isobel wanted.她会替她开心的396--Daisy, whatever are you doing up at this hour?黛西这么晚了你怎么还在这儿397--I thought you'd gone to bed long ago.我以为你早就睡了398--I just wanted to look at these.我只是想看看这些399--What is it?是什么400--You can tell me.你可以告诉我401--Arithmetic Part 1? Cost Accounting? What is this?《代数1》《成本核算》这是怎么回事402--I was rubbish at numbers at school.我上学的时候数学很烂403--Well, all the best people were rubbish at numbers at school.所有优秀的人上学的时候数学都很烂404--But I don't know anything.但我什么都不会405--You talk about my working at Mr Mason's farm, but how?你说我可以去梅森先生的农场工作但怎么做呢406--I couldn't balance the books if my life depended on it.我连最基本的平衡帐目都不会407--Why do you need to?你干吗需要呢408--Because I want to be grown up, Mrs Patmore.因为我想长大帕特莫太太409--I want responsibility. I want to be an adult.我想承担责任想做个成年人410--I can't just stand here, following orders, for the rest of my life.我不能这辈子都待在这儿。
英语 舞台剧本 西游记 红孩儿 The Red Boy

孙悟空:盯着远方山看说到: A red cloud keeps appearing over those mountains, there must be a demon ahead.唐僧(紧张的说):The road leads right into those mountains。
孙悟空点了点头:we must be careful. 他掏出他的金箍棒,沙和尚拿出他的。
红孩儿坐在山顶上看着一群人逐渐接近红孩儿自言自语说到:The Tang Monk has finally arrived at my mountain. I’ve heard that eating just one bite of him will make me live forever他再次看了一下唐僧他们一群人。
说到:Oh--oh, the monk’s companions have theirs weapons out, they probably saw my red cloud, i will have to trick them with a disguise.红孩儿把自己打扮成一个受到惊吓的小孩。
孙悟空说到:Master, that’s a demon,唐僧对着悟空大声吼道:he is just a scared little boy,唐僧走到红孩儿面前,问道:what’s wrong?红孩儿:My family was attacked by robbers, please help me.孙悟空大声喊道:I know what you are。
You are a demon, i won’t let you eat the Tang Monk. 红孩儿:看上去害怕极了:唐僧:Wukong,you are scaring him.孙悟空悲伤的语气:master,you are being a fool again。
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搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous sword搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman 剑客and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.Action I太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众)I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister?阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming.太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”!阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状)太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate?阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK?阿三:Yes.Action II(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐)荆轲Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes.荆轲OK. I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.李莫愁Are you challenging me?荆轲Off course! 耸耸肩表示同意莫愁Come on!音乐起两人冲上前来“人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。
”李莫愁倒地荆轲大笑李莫愁痛苦状:What happened? Why aren’t you hurt?荆轲: We don't need any reason to win a person. Don't we? Do we? (赢一个人需要理由么,不需要么,需要么?)李莫愁:Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou. You never know what you're gonna get." I got it, Momma is right.轲再次大笑太子丹上(抱拳):How are you?荆柯:Fine, thank you, and you?太子丹:Oh my God! Could you give me an innovative answer to “How are you”?荆柯:Sure!太子丹:How are you?荆柯:Fine, thank you, and your wife?太子丹晕倒荆柯:Hey, man, I’m kidding!太子丹:Oh, I’m kidding too!(毕恭毕敬)May I have your name card, please? 荆轲从兜里掏出一卷纸,上面写着:To be or not to be, that's a question.阿三:Hero,we need your help.荆柯:I am busy now!太子丹:You can get a lot of money.荆柯:I am very busy now!阿三:IC, ID, IQ card?荆柯:I am very very busy now!阿三(手指上场的美女,激动状): Look! She is the most beautiful girl in the world. If you say O.K., she is yours.荆柯(流口水):I have to say she is a very sexy and beautiful girl, but TCM is my only love!阿三:What? What’s the TCM?荆柯; Hey, guy! You look so smart but why you didn’t know TCM? Any of them can give you the answer.阿三:Excuse me? What’s the TCM?观众甲:TCM - Traditional Chinese MM .太子丹:I must show you the trump card. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lipton Slimming tea. It is a brand new product of Unilever China.荆柯(激动):Slimming减食疗法 tea! I have dreamed of it for thousandsof times. My wife always threatens to leave me if I couldn’t re duce my weight.阿三:You want? Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent? Why are you looking at me? Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I’m very glad, you still have to speak up. Take it! Do you really like? Really?你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗……荆柯(诚恳状) Just tell me what should I do? I will do anything for you. 太子丹与阿三(撞胯,击掌)Yeah!Action Ш(《大话西游》主题曲响起)荆珂挽着妻子,太子丹,阿三在后.阿三:Hero, we have already reached Yishui River.荆珂:Just stop here, please. Farewell, my friends太子丹:I will miss you, baby.(太子丹,阿三下。
《泰坦尼克号》主题曲起,荆轲与妻子做Jack和rose 在船头的经典造型,忽然荆轲看到一个美女——此时一个中国古典美女经过,向荆轲抛媚眼,并抛下定情手绢。
)荆珂(急忙收敛):Darling, I love you.妻子:I love you! You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!(《肖申克的救赎》)荆珂(流泪) :I love you more. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. (哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你,选自《飘》)妻子:Well. Be a man, just do it! I will be right here waiting for you. 荆珂(欲走还留,执子之手又曰):Sweetheart! You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise(泰坦尼克号沉船时,Jack对Rose的倾诉).妻子:"I promise."荆轲:"Never let go. “妻子:"I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."(荆轲的发音和jack很像,所以加了一些《泰坦尼克号》的台词。