Spring ploughing is not harmful for a spring, but teaching children is not harmful for a lifetime.2、春曝死鬼,夏雾做大水。
Spring exposes ghosts to death, summer fog makes water.3、一天能误一个春,十年能误一代人。
One day can miss a spring, ten years can miss a generation.4、立春雪水化一丈,打得麦子无处放。
In the early spring, the snow melted and there was nowhere to put the wheat.5、天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。
The rain in Tianjie is crisp, but the grass is far away.6、年逢双春雨水多,年逢双春好种田。
It rains a lot every spring, and it's good to farm in every spring.7、春天深耕一寸土,秋天多打万石谷。
In spring, one inch of soil is plowed deeply, and in autumn, ten thousand stone valleys are plowed more.8、腊月立春春水早,正月立春春水迟。
Spring water starts early in December and late in January.9、一年始有一年春,百岁曾无百岁人。
There was a spring at the beginning of the year, and there were no centenarians at the age of one hundred.10、年逢双春雨水多,年逢无春好种田。
It's sunny and rainy in early summer.2、大暑展秋风,秋后热到狂。
Summer shows autumn wind, autumn fever to fanaticism.3、小暑吃黍,大暑吃谷。
Millet is eaten in summer and grain in summer.4、夏至无风三伏热。
The summer solstice is windless and hot.5、大暑无酷热,五谷多不结。
There is no scorching heat in the summer, and there are many grains.6、小表开花虫长大,消灭幼虫于立夏。
The small flowering insect grows up and kills the larvae in the early summer.7、夏至大烂,梅雨当饭。
Summer is bad, plum rain is the meal.8、立夏小满田水满,芒种夏至火烧天。
In summer, the fields are full of water, and the summersolstice is burning.9、过了夏至节,夫妻各自歇。
After the summer solstice, the husband and wife rested separately.10、芒种晴天,夏至有雨。
It's sunny and rainy in the summer solstice.11、季节到立夏,先种黍子后种麻。
When the season comes to early summer, millet is first planted before hemp is planted.12、不稀不稠庄稼旺,秋收到来粮满仓。
Heavy summer and heavy rain make frost appear in a hundred days.2、立夏种麻,七股八杈。
Seeding hemp in summer, seven parts and eight branches.3、立夏日晴,必有旱情。
There must be drought when the sun is clear in summer.4、夏至一场雨,一滴值千金。
A rainy summer solstice is worth a drop of gold.5、形容夏至燠热,人们慵懒。
The summer solstice is hot and people are lazy.6、爱玩夏至日,爱眠冬至夜。
Love to play in the summer solstice, love to sleep in the winter to the night.7、小满不下,乾断塘坝。
Xiao Man can't fill up, Qian Dam is broken.8、挖苗不除根,大棵抱小孙。
Digging seedlings does not eradicate, the big tree embraces the young grandson.9、种在犁上,收在锄上。
Plant it on a plow and put it on a hoe.10、夏至后压,一担苗,一担薯。
Pressure after the summer solstice, a load of seedlings, a load of potatoes.11、早春好佚陶,早夏粒米无。
Early spring is good for pottery, but early summer is not for rice.12、春雨贵似油,夏雨遍地流。
Out of sight, out of mind.2、远水救不了近火。
Far water cannot save near fire.3、要想活得痛快,身上不能背债。
If you want to live happily, you can't get into debt.4、明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
Clear guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are difficult to defend.5、天才不过是勤奋而已。
Genius is nothing but diligence.6、诚实者最明智。
Honest men are wisest.7、普天之下,莫非王土。
All over the world, it is not the kingdom.8、吸取他人教训,自己才会走运。
If you learn from others, you will be lucky.9、君子一言,驷马难追。
A gentleman's word is hard to catch up with.10、要练惊人艺,须下苦功夫。
It takes a lot of hard work to practice amazing art.11、胜者为王,败者为寇。
The winner is the king, the loser is the aggressor.12、人生并不是康庄大道。
Life is not a grand road.13、勤奋是成功之母。
Diligence is the mother of success.14、众人拾柴火焰高。
The fire is high when people gather firewood. 15、脚踏两条船,必定落空。
Two boats are bound to fail.16、一报还一报。
In summer, a bowl of mung bean soup is used to detoxify and go to Xiusai Xianfang.2、一穗两穗,一月入囤。
One ear, two ears, and one month.3、夏至落雨十八落,一天要落七八砣。
Eighteen rains fall during the summer solstice, seven or eight a day.4、立夏见夏,立秋见秋。
See summer in summer and autumn in autumn.5、春雪填满沟,夏田全不收。
Spring snow fills the ditch, but summer fields are not harvested.6、春鲢夏鲤,秋鳜冬鳊。
Spring silver carp, summer carp, autumn eel and winter bream.7、大暑小暑,有米也懒煮。
Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.8、适当密植不误地,一季收成顶两季。
Appropriate close planting, one season harvest top two seasons.9、春旱谷满仓,夏旱断种粮。
Dry grain in spring is full of barns, and dry grain in summer is cut off.10、芒种火烧鸡,夏至烂草鞋。
Turkey is planted in awn, straw shoes are rotten in summer solstice.11、苗子补严,间定莫慢。
When the seedlings are tightened, do not slow down.12、小满不下,梅雨较少。
The heat panicked and there was no frost for four months.2、立夏前后,种瓜点豆。
Around the beginning of summer, plant melons and beans.3、夏至闷热汛来早。
The summer solstice is muggy and the flood comes early.4、先栽浅,后栽深,春秧就插三五根。
First shallow, then deep, three or five spring seedlings.5、夏至风从西边起,瓜菜园中受熬煎。
Summer solstice wind from the west, melon garden suffering.6、立夏雷,六月旱。
Lixia Lei, June drought.7、夏至雷响,打破梅娘。
Summer solstice thunder, break Mei Niang.8、夏至风从西边起,瓜菜园中受煎熬。
Summer solstice wind from the west, melon garden suffering.9、芒种火烧天,夏至雨涟涟。
The summer solstice rains ripple when the awn seeds burn in the sky.10、夏至东南风,平地把船撑。
Wind in the southeast of summer solstice, brace the boat flat.11、早秧七八九,晚秧四五六。
Early seedling 789, late seedling 456.12、芒种火烧天,夏至水满田。
Mango seed burns the sky, summer solstice floods the fields.13、浮甘瓜于清泉,沉朱李于寒冰。
When the solar term comes to summer, dig the seedlings.2、要想吃小米,谷子羊屙屎。
Want to eat millet, millet sheep shit.3、夏至东风摇,麦子坐水牢。
The summer solstice is windy and the wheat is in a water jail.4、立夏落雨,谷米如雨。
Rain falls in summer, and grain is like rain.5、芒种怕雷公,夏至怕北风。
The awn seed fears Leigong, and the summer solstice fears the North wind.6、立夏雨少,立冬雪好。
It rains less in early summer, but it snows better in early winter.7、夏至杨梅满山红,小暑杨梅要生虫。
The summer solstice bayberry is full of red hills, while the summer bayberry needs insects.8、芒种火烧天,夏至雨涟涟。
The summer solstice rains ripple when the awn seeds burn in the sky.9、大暑小暑,有米也懒煮。
Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.10、早秧七八九,晚秧四五六。
Early seedling 789, late seedling 456.11、立夏栽稻子,小满种芝麻。
Rice is planted in early summer and sesame is planted in full.12、鹿港一带海域,芒种前后会出现鲨鱼。
Heavy summer and heavy rain make frost appear in a hundred days.2、立夏种麻,七股八杈。
Seeding hemp in summer, seven parts and eight branches.3、立夏日晴,必有旱情。
There must be drought when the sun is clear in summer.4、夏至一场雨,一滴值千金。
A rainy summer solstice is worth a drop of gold.5、形容夏至燠热,人们慵懒。
The summer solstice is hot and people are lazy.6、爱玩夏至日,爱眠冬至夜。
Love to play in the summer solstice, love to sleep in the winter to the night.7、小满不下,乾断塘坝。
Xiao Man can't fill up, Qian Dam is broken.8、挖苗不除根,大棵抱小孙。
Digging seedlings does not eradicate, the big treeembraces the young grandson.9、种在犁上,收在锄上。
Plant it on a plow and put it on a hoe.10、夏至后压,一担苗,一担薯。
Pressure after the summer solstice, a load of seedlings, a load of potatoes.11、早春好佚陶,早夏粒米无。
Early spring is good for pottery, but early summer is not for rice.12、春雨贵似油,夏雨遍地流。
In summer, a bowl of mung bean soup is used to detoxify and go to Xiusai Xianfang.2、一穗两穗,一月入囤。
One ear, two ears, and one month.3、夏至落雨十八落,一天要落七八砣。
Eighteen rains fall during the summer solstice, seven or eight a day.4、立夏见夏,立秋见秋。
See summer in summer and autumn in autumn.5、春雪填满沟,夏田全不收。
Spring snow fills the ditch, but summer fields are not harvested.6、春鲢夏鲤,秋鳜冬鳊。
Spring silver carp, summer carp, autumn eel and winter bream.7、大暑小暑,有米也懒煮。
Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.8、适当密植不误地,一季收成顶两季。
Appropriate close planting, one season harvest top twoseasons.9、春旱谷满仓,夏旱断种粮。
Dry grain in spring is full of barns, and dry grain in summer is cut off.10、芒种火烧鸡,夏至烂草鞋。
Turkey is planted in awn, straw shoes are rotten in summer solstice.11、苗子补严,间定莫慢。
When the seedlings are tightened, do not slow down.12、小满不下,梅雨较少。
The sun is like a big big fireball, scorching light, the road oke.2、夏天,在我的印象里是清晨晶亮的露珠和夜晚繁多的星星。
In the summer, in my impression is the morning bright dee to you, give you a comfortable.3、夏天,草木特别茂盛,冬青树的叶子油亮油亮的,老榆树枝繁叶茂,给人们撑起了一片浓浓的绿阴。
Summer, especially lush vegetation, shiny shiny holly leaves, old elm tree ud on the sun is hot hot, a feping.5、天气是那样炎热,仿佛一点星火就会引起爆炸似的。
The elted and disappeared Not the least trace mer sun like a big stove, the hot baked earth, even the air is hot, people move to smer, birds do not knoorning, cicadas on the loud shouting, telling people to another hot day started.10、夏天里的太阳,就像一个大火球,热的让人无处躲闪。
In the summer sun, like a big fireball, hot people nomer is hot, the grandfather to the shade under a tree,some in the chess under the tree; grandma side fan side chat, kids love to play in the mer, you no matter ing basking in the sun, the air filled ell of drunk.14、夏日的天空变幻莫测,时而多云,时而云层低矮,仿佛是催人行动的命令;时而阳光直射。
Early rain, late sunshine, late rain one day.2、小暑凉飕飕,大暑热熬熬。
Little summer is chilly, big summer is hot.3、六月下连阴,遍地出黄金。
In June, even cloudy, everywhere out of gold.4、春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连。
Spring rain startles spring and clear valley, summer and summer are linked.5、霜降无霜,主来岁饥荒。
Frost without frost, the main next year's famine.6、处暑有雨十八江,处暑无雨干断江。
In the summer, there is rain in the eighteen rivers, and in the summer, there is no rain to dry the river.7、春得一犁雨,秋收万担粮。
Spring brings a plough of rain and autumn brings in ten thousand tons of grain.8、立夏鹅毛住,小满雀来全。
Lixia goose feather live, small full of sparrows to all.9、日落乌云涨,半夜听雨响。
The sun sets and clouds rise, and the rain rings in the middle of the night.10、小寒天气热,大寒冷莫说。
It's hot in cold weather, but not cold in cold weather.11、头秋旱,减一半,处暑雨,贵如金。
East wind comes after rain, and the rain will be even worse in the future.2、雨前有风雨不久,雨后无风雨不停。
Not long before the rain, there was no wind and rain after the rain.3、青蛙叫,大雨到。
Frog cries, heavy rain comes.4、急雨易晴,慢雨难开。
It's easy to clear up in torrential rain, but difficult to open in slow rain.5、南风暖,北风寒,东风潮湿,西风干。
The south wind is warm, the north wind is cold, the east wind is wet and the west wind is dry.6、春打六九头,穷人苦出头。
Spring beats 69 heads, and the poor suffer.7、瓦块云,晒死人。
Clouds of tiles kill people.8、夏熟一套沟,旱涝保丰收。
Summer ripening is a set of ditches, drought and flood toensure a bumper harvest.9、买种百斤,不如留种一斤。
It's better to keep one catty than buy one hundred catties.10、若要花,霉里扒。
If you want flowers, grill them in mildew.11、雨淋春牛头,七七四十九天愁。
Rain drenches spring bull's head, seven, seven, forty-nine days of sorrow.12、冬至不过六,罗卜青菜也变肉。
There is water and rain on the stones and water and sunshine on the grass.2、大暑热不透,大热在秋后。
Great heat is impermeable, and great heat is after autumn.3、玉米苗子小,就怕水来泡。
When corn seedlings are small, they are afraid of soaking in water.4、蚂蚁满地跑,天气一定好。
The weather must be fine if the ants are running all over the place.5、小暑不算热,大暑正伏天。
Little heat is not hot, big heat is hot.6、中伏萝卜末伏芥,立秋前后种白菜。
Medium-volt radish mustard and Chinese cabbage before and after autumn.7、地板返潮,雨将来到。
The floor is damp again. Rain is coming.8、鸡愁雨,鸭愁风。
Chicken worries about rain, duck worries about wind.9、鸭不安,天要变。
Ducks are upset. The weather is changing.10、旱天厨房落烟油,雨在明天晌午头。
The kitchen fumes in dry weather and rain at noon tomorrow.11、蜻蜓成群绕天空,不过三日雨蒙蒙。
Dragonflies circled the sky in groups, but it rained for three days.12、蝎子水缸底下爬,天公就要把雨下。
关于夏天的谚语大全精选英文篇节气到立夏,就把小苗挖翻译为when the solar term comes to summer, dig the seedlings.今天小编在这给大家带来关于夏天的谚语大全精选英文篇,我们一起来看看吧!关于夏天的谚语大全精选英文篇(一)1、节气到立夏,就把小苗挖。
When the solar term comes to summer, dig the seedlings.2、要想吃小米,谷子羊屙屎。
Want to eat millet, millet sheep shit.3、夏至东风摇,麦子坐水牢。
The summer solstice is windy and the wheat is in a water jail.4、立夏落雨,谷米如雨。
Rain falls in summer, and grain is like rain.5、芒种怕雷公,夏至怕北风。
The awn seed fears Leigong, and the summer solstice fears the North wind.6、立夏雨少,立冬雪好。
It rains less in early summer, but it snows better in early winter.7、夏至杨梅满山红,小暑杨梅要生虫。
The summer solstice bayberry is full of red hills, while the summer bayberry needs insects.8、芒种火烧天,夏至雨涟涟。
The summer solstice rains ripple when the awn seeds burn in the sky.9、大暑小暑,有米也懒煮。
Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.10、早秧七八九,晚秧四五六。
Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.2、春天孩儿面,一日三变脸。
Children's faces change three times a day in spring.3、秋蝉叫一声,准备好过冬。
The autumn cicada cried out, ready for winter.4、种地不选种,一年退二成。
If you don't choose the land, you will get 20% back a year.5、半年的锅头当年的炕,熏透的烟囱发苗壮。
Half a year's pot head in that year's kang, smoked chimney seedling strong.6、过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇。
Spring ploughing can't stop after the feast of constipation.7、未到惊蛰先动雷,四十八天云不开。
The thunder strikes before the sting strikes, and the clouds don't open for forty-eight days.8、江浦雷声喧昨夜,春城而色动微寒。
The thunder of Jiangpu was loud last night, and the colorof Spring City was slightly cold.9、大麦黄,钓鱼忙。
Barley yellow, busy fishing.10、冬至天气晴,来年百果生。
Winter solstice is sunny and fruitful in the coming year.11、耕地过冬,虫死土松。
On the first day of spring, grass sprouts.2、河水泉源千年在,青春一去不再来。
Rivers and springs have been around for thousands of years, and youth never comes again.3、春天孩子面,一日三变脸。
Children's faces change three times a day in spring.4、南园桃李花落尽,春风寂寞摇空枝。
The peach and plum blossoms in Nanyuan are all gone, and the spring wind is lonely and swaying empty branches.5、南天春意浓,北国正冰封。
Spring is intense in the South and ice is frozen in the north.6、立春晴一日,耕田不费力。
It is easy to till the fields on a clear day in the early spring.7、春蚕不吃小满叶,夏蚕不吃小暑叶。
Spring silkworms do not eat small full leaves, summer silkworms do not eat small summer leaves.8、雨淋春牛头,七七四十九天愁。
Rain drenches spring bull's head, seven, seven, forty-nine days of sorrow.9、初一高粱初二黍,七谷八麦,九果十菜。
Junior 1 sorghum, Junior 2 millet, seven grains and eight wheat, nine fruits and ten vegetables.10、上元日下雨,清明定放晴。
There are many mer.2、芒种雨涟涟,夏至火烧天。
The rain is ripple and the summer solstice is on fire.3、夏至两边豆,重阳两边麦。
Beans on both sides of summer solstice and plete and should be filled in as soon as possible.5、耕地深又早,收成才得好。
Farmland is deep and early, and the harvest is good.6、小满不种花,种花不回家。
Planting grass in the summer solstice starves the chicken mother.8、芒种雨涟涟,夏至旱燥田。
Rain ripples in amer solstice.9、夏至起蒜,必定散了瓣。
When garlic comes up in the summer solstice, it must be scattered.10、时节到来一阵风,抢收抢种莫放松。
When the season comes, there is a gust of mer solstice is mer solstice, and there is a flood from day today.13、长到夏至短到冬。
Long to summer solstice and short to mer solstice thunder and cold, summer solstice no rain to death.16、夏至无雨三伏热。
The summer solstice is rainless and hot.17、芒种刮北风,旱情会发生。
The heat panicked and there was no frost for four months.2、立夏前后,种瓜点豆。
Around the beginning of summer, plant melons and beans.3、夏至闷热汛来早。
The summer solstice is muggy and the flood comes early.4、先栽浅,后栽深,春秧就插三五根。
First shallow, then deep, three or five spring seedlings.5、夏至风从西边起,瓜菜园中受熬煎。
Summer solstice wind from the west, melon garden suffering.6、立夏雷,六月旱。
Lixia Lei, June drought.7、夏至雷响,打破梅娘。
Summer solstice thunder, break Mei Niang.8、夏至风从西边起,瓜菜园中受煎熬。
Summer solstice wind from the west, melon garden suffering.9、芒种火烧天,夏至雨涟涟。
The summer solstice rains ripple when the awn seeds burn in the sky.10、夏至东南风,平地把船撑。
Wind in the southeast of summer solstice, brace the boat flat.11、早秧七八九,晚秧四五六。
Early seedling 789, late seedling 456.12、芒种火烧天,夏至水满田。
Mango seed burns the sky, summer solstice floods the fields.13、浮甘瓜于清泉,沉朱李于寒冰。
1. It's hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. (太热了,可以在人行道上煎鸡蛋了)这句谚语形象地描述了大暑的高温,暗示了这个季节的极度炎热。
2. Sweat like a pig. (像猪一样汗流浃背)这句谚语意味着人们在夏天出汗很多,形容了极度闷热的天气。
3. Dog days of summer. (炎热的夏季)这个谚语源自古希腊人相信,狗日子是夏季最热的时间。
4. Cool as a cucumber. (冷静如黄瓜)尽管夏季天气炎热,但黄瓜却通常可以被保持在相对凉爽的状态。
5. As hot as Hades. (像地狱一样热)这个谚语用来形容非常炎热的天气,比喻炎热如同地狱之火。
6. A summer without rain is like a dessert without water. (没有雨水的夏季就像没有水的沙漠)这句谚语强调了夏季雨水的重要性,表达了人们对夏日清凉雨的渴望。
7. You can't have a rainbow without a little rain. (没有一点雨,就不会有彩虹)这个谚语告诉人们,在享受美好的事物之前,有时候需要经历一些不舒服的事情。
8. Make hay while the sun shines. (晒草要趁太阳好)这句谚语意味着在适合的时机抓住机会。
9. Lazy days of summer. (悠闲的夏季)夏季是人们放松心情、享受休闲的季节。
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The sun is like a big big fireball, scorching light, the road was roasted hot sun, go on foot a bunch of white smoke.
In the summer, in my impression is the morning bright dew and night of a wide variety of stars. The glow of the setting sun was spinning, and wind bursts of fragrance came to you, give you a comfortable.
Summer, especially lush vegetation, shiny shiny holly leaves, old elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
To the mud on the sun is hot hot, a few black brown bellied crickets, with spring like jumping.
The weather is so hot, as if a little spark can cause an explosion like.
In July, through the blue sky, the sun hung like fireballs, clouds as if the sun melted and disappeared Not the least trace was found.
The summer sun like a big stove, the hot baked earth, even the air is hot, people move to sweat.
In summer, birds do not know where to hide what place; vegetation had bowed his head; dog spit hot tongue was panting.
Early in the morning, cicadas on the loud shouting, telling people to another hot day started.
In the summer sun, like a big fireball, hot people nowhere to dodge.
Beautiful summer is hot, the grandfather to the shade under a tree,
some in the chess under the tree; grandma side fan side chat, kids love to play in the water.
Summer, you no matter where you go, will see the dark green leaves and showy flowers. He is a beautiful angel, then days hachisuba infinite Bi, lotus flowers in red.
Wild grass and reed purple and white red, was hanging in the sky of a hot steaming basking in the sun, the air filled with the sweet smell of drunk.
The summer sky and cloudy, clouds change unpredictably, sometimes low, if it is to urge people to action command; sometimes in direct
Climb the rugged mountain, see the mountain grass, like the grass there there is no gold, only a green. Oh, summer is green.
At the beginning of the summer, colorful wildflowers, red purple and yellow powder, like a green carpet embroidered in the bright spots; swarms of bees in the flowers from the busy, smoking flower, hard to fly.
All the green spring passed, pronto. July to the sun in the Tropic of cancer, the summer season and came to the fire.