电视媒体的优缺点英语作文TV is an indispensable part of many people's lives, so what are the advantages and disadvantages of TV communicati on as a traditional media?Advantages of TV media: integrates words, sound, image and color, and is f ull of strong appeal. TV is a comprehensive audio-visual di ssemination of text, sound, image, color and dynamic media. It not only has the visual effect of newspapers and magazi nes, but also has the auditory function of broadcasting, bu t also has the intuitive image and dynamic sense.2. TV media has a wide coverage and a high public conta ct rate. In China, with the development of modern science a nd technology, the TV communication network has been formed, and the coverage of TV stations is very wide, and the view ing rate is also very high. media information with a strong entertainment, eas y to accept for the audience. Among the four major media, T V media is the most entertaining. TV has become an indispen sable entertainment tool in families in our country.Disadvantages of TV media: media information is fleeting and not easy to chec k. As a special radio media, TV media has the limitation of radio medium, which is fleeting and difficult to check. Wh en the audience is not attentively watching advertising pro grams carefully, this limitation of TV is very obvious. media is expensive and expensive to produce. The e xpensive cost refers to the high production cost and long c ycle, and the high cost of renting the medium.。
5、制作成本与播出费用的低廉性。广播广告单位时间内信息容量大、收费标 准低,是当今最经济实惠的广告媒体之一。
6、播出的灵活性。因为广播广告是诸媒介中制作周期最短的,所以广告主要 根据竞争对手的举动来调整自己的战术行动,快速做出反应。
7、激发情感的煽动性。广播靠声音进行传播,诉诸于人的听觉,它能给听众 无限的想象空间,这也正是广播的魅力之所在。
பைடு நூலகம்
1、首先是它只闻其声,不见其人。 2、稍纵即逝,不便保存。 3、无法选择,检索性差。 4、顺序播出,无法捕捉重点。
电子媒介和纸质媒介的区别和发展 历程中的相互影响
1、电子媒介具有纸质媒介所无法比拟的传播速度,且电子媒介传播的信息及 时性较强; 2、电子媒介以其在声画方面的优势做到形象、具体、深动地表现出节目的内 容,使观众能够切身感受到;而纸质媒介则完全要靠读者的想象来达到阅读 目的; 3、电子媒介的信息具有转瞬即逝,难以重复;过时不候,缺乏自由度的缺点, 而纸质媒介则可以凭借其纸质载体而具有永久存档保留的优势。
电视是视听合一的传播,人们能够亲眼见到并亲耳听到如同在自己身边一 样的各种活生生的事物。
电视是唯一能够进行动态演示的感性型媒体,因此电视广告冲击力、感染 力特别强。
经济发达的国家和地区,电视机已经普及,观看电视节目已成为人们文化 生活的重要组成部分。
电视广告是一种视听兼备的广告,又有连续活动的画面,能够逼真地、突 出地从各方面展现广告商品的个性。
1、受收视环境的影响大,不易把握传播效果 电视需要一个适当的收视环境,离开了这个环境,也就根本阻断了电视媒介的传 播。在这个环境内,观众的多少、距离电视机荧屏的远近、观看的角度及电视音量的 大小、器材质量以至电视机天线接受信号的功能如何,都直接影响着电视广告的收视 效果。 2、瞬间传达,被动接受 电视广告只能在短短的瞬间之内完成讯息传达的任务,这是极苛刻的先决条件。 而且受众又是在完全被动的状态下接受电视广告的,这也是电视区别于其他广告媒介 的特点。 3、费用昂贵 一是指电视广告片本身的制作成本高,周期长;二是指播放费用高。 4、不利于深入理解广告信息 电视广告制作费用高昂,黄金播放时间收费最贵。电视广告时间长度多在5至45秒 之间。 5、容易产生抗拒情绪 因为电视广告有显著的效果,运用电视广告的客户不断增加,电视节目经常被电 视广告打断,容易引起观众的不满。
• 影响
1、首先是它只闻其声,不见其人。 2、稍纵即逝,不便保存。 3、无法选择,检索性差。 4、顺序播出,无法捕捉重点。
1、电子媒介具有纸质媒介所无法比拟的传播速度,且电子媒介传播的信息及 时性较强; 2、电子媒介以其在声画方面的优势做到形象、具体、深动地表现出节目的内 容,使观众能够切身感受到;而纸质媒介则完全要靠读者的想象来达到阅读 目的; 3、电子媒介的信息具有转瞬即逝,难以重复;过时不候,缺乏自由度的缺点, 而纸质媒介则可以凭借其纸质载,是指广播广告传播速度最快。广播可使广告 内容在讯息所及的范围内,迅速传播到目标消费者耳中。 2、传播范围的广泛性。由于广播广告是采用电波来传送广告讯息的,电波可 以不受空间的限制,并且广播的发射技术相对比电视简单得多,所以广播的 覆盖面积特别广泛,它可以到达全世界的每一个角落。 3、收听方式的随意性。收听广播最为简便、自由、随意。 4、受众层次的多样性。印刷媒介对受众文化水准、受教育程度的要求较高。 5、制作成本与播出费用的低廉性。广播广告单位时间内信息容量大、收费标 准低,是当今最经济实惠的广告媒体之一。 6、播出的灵活性。因为广播广告是诸媒介中制作周期最短的,所以广告主要 根据竞争对手的举动来调整自己的战术行动,快速做出反应。 7、激发情感的煽动性。广播靠声音进行传播,诉诸于人的听觉,它能给听众 无限的想象空间,这也正是广播的魅力之所在。
作文分类一、采用对比选择型命题方式的作文最多,有8个,可以分为三类:1. 第一类:Advantages/Disadvantages型1999年真题: A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television 要求考生在电视广告的好处和坏处中两者选一,进行阐述。
1995年真题: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Part-time Jobs要求描述大学生做兼职的利与弊。
1994年真题:TV: a Good Thing or a Bad Thing? 电视是一个什么样的事物,有利的还是有害的?就此说明白己的观点。
2. 第二类:A/B型2006年真题: Saving Money or Using Tomorrow’s Money 要求考生在存钱(A)和预支明天的钱(B) 之间择一发表自己的看法。
2004年真题: Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? 要求考生在用电话(A)还是写信((B)作为交流方式上择一而论。
1996年真题: The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School Life 要求从自己的经历对比说明大学生活((A)和中学生活(B)的主要不同之处。
3. 第三类:Yes/No型2007年真题: Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? 要求考生就交网友的明智与否发表观点。
1997年真题: More Pressure from Academic Studies Does (or Does not) Good to Us 要求考生就过多的学业压力是否对我们有利发表看法。
2003年真题: The importance of Keeping a Good Mood 要求论证保持良好心态的重要性。
关于电视广告英文作文英文:Television advertising is a ubiquitous part of ourdaily lives. We are bombarded with commercials promoting products and services during our favorite TV shows,sporting events, and even while browsing the internet. As a consumer, I have mixed feelings about TV ads.On one hand, I appreciate the creativity and entertainment value of some commercials. A well-made ad can be funny, heartwarming, or thought-provoking, and it can even become a cultural phenomenon. For example, the Budweiser "Clydesdale" commercials during the Super Bowl have become a beloved tradition for many viewers.On the other hand, I find some ads to be annoying and intrusive. They interrupt the flow of the program I'm watching and can feel like a waste of my time. Additionally, some ads use manipulative tactics to try to persuade me tobuy a product, such as using fear or guilt to make me feel like I need their product.Overall, I think TV advertising has its pros and cons. It can be entertaining and informative, but it can also be intrusive and manipulative.中文:电视广告是我们日常生活中无处不在的一部分。
电视广告利弊英语作文Possible essay:Pros and Cons of Television AdvertisingTelevision advertising has been a staple of modern consumer culture for decades, promoting products and services through colorful and persuasive commercials that reach millions of viewers. While some argue that TV ads are an effective way to inform and entertain audiences, others criticize them for being intrusive, manipulative, and wasteful. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of television advertising from multiple perspectives and offer my own opinion on this controversial topic.On the one hand, television advertising can provide several benefits to both businesses and consumers. For companies, TV ads can raise brand awareness, increase sales, and differentiate their products from competitors. By using visual and auditory appeals, such as catchy jingles, emotional stories, or celebrity endorsements, advertisers can create a memorable impression on viewers and influencetheir purchasing decisions. Moreover, TV ads can target specific demographics and regions, based on the time of day, the channel, or the program, which can optimize the impact and efficiency of the ad campaign. For instance, a sports drink company may air its ads during a football game, when many male viewers are likely to watch and identify with the athletic imagery and message.For consumers, television advertising can also offer some advantages, such as entertainment, education, and convenience. Some ads are humorous, creative, or informative, and can enhance the viewing experience by providing a break from the program or a source ofinspiration or knowledge. For example, a car ad may showcase the features and benefits of a new model, such as fuel economy, safety ratings, or connectivity, that the viewer may not have known before. Moreover, TV ads can save consumers time and energy by informing them about new products or services that match their needs or preferences, without having to search for them online or in stores. For example, a parent may be interested in a new toy that their child would enjoy, and may learn about it through a commercial that airs during a kids' show.On the other hand, television advertising has several drawbacks that may outweigh its benefits, depending on the context and perspective. For one thing, TV ads can be annoying, disruptive, and intrusive, especially when they interrupt a program or repeat the same message too often. Some viewers may feel that they are being manipulated or deceived by advertisers who use exaggerated or false claims to sell their products, or who exploit their emotions or fears to create a sense of urgency or need. Moreover, TV ads can be expensive, both for the companies that produce them and for the consumers who pay for them indirectly by buying the advertised products. Advertisers may spend millions of dollars on a single ad campaign, which may inflate the prices of their products or lower the quality of their services, or both. Consumers may also pay more for the same product or service that they could have found through other means, such as word-of-mouth recommendations, online reviews, or personal experiences.Furthermore, television advertising can have negative effects on society and culture, by promoting materialism, consumerism, and superficial values. Advertisers may create unrealistic expectations or standards of beauty, success,or happiness that can lead to dissatisfaction, anxiety, or depression among viewers who cannot or do not want to meet them. Moreover, TV ads may reinforce stereotypes, biases, or prejudices that can perpetuate social inequality or discrimination. For example, a cosmetic ad that features only white, young, and thin models may exclude or marginalize viewers who belong to other demographics, or who have different body types, ages, or ethnicities. Finally, TV ads may contribute to environmental problems, such as waste, pollution, or climate change, by promoting products or behaviors that are harmful to the planet or unsustainable in the long term. For example, an ad that encourages people to buy more cars or use more fossil fuels may exacerbate the global warming crisis and endangerfuture generations.In conclusion, television advertising can have both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the goals, methods, and effects of the ad campaign. While TV ads can inform, entertain, and persuade viewers, they can also annoy, deceive, and harm them, as well as contribute to social, cultural, and environmental issues. Therefore, it is important for advertisers, consumers, and regulators tobe aware of the pros and cons of television advertising,and to make informed and responsible decisions based ontheir values, needs, and interests. As a consumer, I think that TV ads can be useful and enjoyable if they are relevant, truthful, and respectful of my time and attention. As a citizen, I also think that TV ads should be subject to ethical and legal standards that protect the publicinterest and the common good.。
英语作文 电视的优点和缺点
英语作文电视的优点和缺点Title: The Advantages and Disadvantages of TelevisionTelevision, undoubtedly, holds a significant place in modern society, offering a plethora of benefits as well as posing certain drawbacks. This essay aims to delve into both aspects, providing a comprehensive understanding of television's impact on individuals and society at large.To begin with, one of the most prominent advantages of television is its role as a source of information and education. Through news channels, documentaries, and educational programs, television disseminates knowledge on various subjects, ranging from current events to history, science, and culture. This accessibility to information enhances viewers' understanding of the world, broadens their horizons, and fosters intellectual growth.Moreover, television serves as a powerful medium for entertainment. With a wide array of channels catering to diverse tastes, it offers a constant source of amusement and relaxation. From sitcoms to dramas, reality shows to sports broadcasts, television caters to the entertainment needs of different demographics, providing a shared cultural experience that brings people together.Furthermore, television plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and fostering social awareness. Through investigative journalism and documentaries, it exposes social issues, injustices, and political corruption, prompting discussions and driving social change. Television also serves as a platform for advocacy and activism, amplifying voices that seek to address societal challenges and promote positive change.However, alongside its merits, television also presents several disadvantages that warrant consideration. One notabledrawback is the proliferation of misinformation and sensationalism. In pursuit of higher ratings and viewership, some channels prioritize sensational or biased content over factual accuracy, leading to the spread of misinformation and the erosion of public trust in media.Additionally, excessive television viewing can have adverse effects on physical and mental health. Prolonged sitting and sedentary behavior associated with watching television contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, increasing the risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues. Moreover, excessive exposure to violent or inappropriate content can desensitize viewers, leading to behavioral problems, especially among children.Furthermore, television consumption has been linked to social isolation and decreased interpersonal communication. Excessive screen time can detract from face-to-face interactions, weakening social bonds and diminishing thequality of relationships. Moreover, the pervasive influence of television on popular culture can lead to cultural homogenization, eroding cultural diversity and promoting stereotypes.In conclusion, television embodies a double-edged sword, offering a multitude of benefits while also posing certain challenges. Its role as a source of information, entertainment, and social awareness cannot be overstated, yet its potential to perpetuate misinformation, impact health, and influence social dynamics necessitates critical scrutiny. Ultimately, striking a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of television is essential to harnessing its full potential for the betterment of society.。
电视广告的利与弊英语作文As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions. However, I can provide both perspectives on the advantages and disadvantages of TV advertising.Advantages:1. Reach a large audience: TV advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach a large audience, especially during prime time. This makes it an ideal platform for promoting products or services to a wide range of potential customers.2. Creates brand awareness: TV advertising can helpcreate brand awareness and recognition. By repeatedly showing a company's logo or product, viewers are morelikely to remember and recognize it in the future.3. Builds trust and credibility: TV advertising can help build trust and credibility for a brand. When viewers see a product or service advertised on TV, they are more likelyto trust it and consider it credible.Disadvantages:1. Expensive: One of the biggest disadvantages of TV advertising is its cost. Producing a TV commercial and airing it during prime time can be very expensive, making it difficult for small businesses or startups to afford.2. Short-lived impact: TV advertising has a short-lived impact. Once the commercial is over, viewers may forget about the product or service that was advertised. This means that companies need to repeatedly advertise to maintain brand awareness.3. Viewers may tune out: With the rise of streaming services and DVRs, viewers can now skip or fast forward through commercials. This means that TV advertising may not be as effective as it once was.优点:1. 覆盖广泛的观众群体:电视广告是覆盖广泛观众群体的最有效方式之一,尤其是在黄金时段播出。
作文 话说电视广告-精品
电视广告的优缺点英语作文【篇一:关于广告的利弊好处坏处英语2作文】关于广告的利弊好处坏处英语作文the advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement广告的利与弊中文翻译,英文见下方广告在当今社会中无处不在。
the advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement 英文,中文翻译,请见上面。
advertisement is omnipresent in our modern society. it seems wherever we go, such small ads will greet our eyes: the supermarket, the subways, the stop sighs, the walls of public buildings, and whatsoever.it’s no exaggeration that we live in the world of advertisement.the advantage of the ads is self-evident. they provide us with a good collection of goods and service, from which we can make our best choices. for the manufacturer, they can takeadvantage of the ads to project the characters of theirproducts so as to seize the vision of the consumers and gain them huge profits.however, we cannot belittle the disadvantages of the ads.to many ads do spoil our daily life and waste our time. they interrupt the tv programs, filling our letterbox. people often feel burdened with the ads instead of satisfying with them.on the other hand, some of the ads are illegal, spreading false information and planning to treat people who are eager tosolve their problems.it’s high time we took urgent and effective measures to curb thisphenomenon.firstly, whoever takes advantage of ads treating consumers should be punished or imprisoned.secondly, we should educate people to abide by the law and give priorities to honesty and credit. only when putting these measures into practice, will our society be purified into a paradise for us to live in.【篇二:关于广告的利弊好处坏处英语作文】the advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement广告的利与弊中文翻译,英文见下方广告在当今社会中无处不在。