翻译课件translation L14




Love me, love my dog.
a lion in the way
as timid as a hare
seek a hare in a hen’s nest 缘木求鱼
as stupid as a goose
cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头、卖狗肉
1. 重复法 (repetition)
例:We shall overcome all the difficulties so long as we study
hard and in a good way.
例: We have to analyze and solve problems.
All roads lead to Rome.
归化翻译(domesticating translation)与异化翻 译(foreignizing translation)是美国学者劳伦 斯·韦努蒂在1995年所著的《译者的隐身》 (Translator’s Invisibility)一书中首次提出的。
13. 逆序法(hysteron-proteron )
14. 综合法(synthesis )1Biblioteka . 加注译法(explanation)
16. 音译法(transliteration ) .


• 终朝只恨聚无多, 及到多时眼闭了 。
• 世人都晓神仙好, 只有娇妻忘不了 ,
Discussion of Assignment
The Won-Done Song
Men all know that salvation should be won, But with ambition won’t have done, have done. Where are the famous ones of days gone by? In grassy graves they lie now, everyone. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their riches won’t have done, have done. Each day, they grumble they’ve not made enough When they’ve enough, it’s goodnight everyone! Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their loving wives they won’t have done. The darlings every day protest their love, But once you are dead, they’re off with another one. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their children won’t have done, have done. Yet though of parents fond there is no lack, Of grateful children saw I ne’er one.

直译意译和音译完整 ppt课件

直译意译和音译完整 ppt课件

约定俗成,所以即使不符合音译标准,也不 必改了。
如Eden音为/i:dn/ (伊登),但习惯译为 “艾登”。Bethune统一译成“贝休恩”, 但加拿大Norman Berthune译名为“白求 恩”;Marx一般译成“马克斯”,但Karl Marx译成“马克思”。 Bernard Shaw译 成“肖伯纳”等。
过去一些外国传教士、汉学家、学者、外交 家有非常中国化的名字,有些是自己起的名字, 有些是他们认同的名字,也要遵循这个原则,不 用重新音译。
John Leighton Stuart 译成“司徒雷登” (司徒雷登(John Leighton Stuart,1876年 於中国杭州 - 1962年9月19日於美国华盛顿)是 一位美国基督教的传教士。他也是一位教育家, 曾创办并担任燕京大学的校长和校务长。他还是 一位外交官,曾担任美国驻华大使。
• 意译 (free translation; paraphrase; liberal translation),是指从意义出发,只要求将 原文大意表达出来,不注意细节,译文自 然流畅即可。意译不注重原作形式,包括 句法结构、用词、比喻以及其他修辞手段。 意译主 要在原语与译语体现巨大文化差异 的情况下得以应用。
• (一)名从主人原则
翻译欧美人姓名时,依据名从主人的原 则,即根据他们的习惯顺序,先名后姓的 译成中文,如David Copperfield译为“大 卫•科波菲尔”。
• 英语转译自其它语言的人名、地名,译 成汉语时要根据其母语的发音音译,而不 能根据英语译名的发音音译。
• Hugo 雨果(法) • Bach 巴赫(德) • Rome 罗马(意大利) • Florence 佛罗伦萨(意大利)


112. a) wrehliischhed b) wrehvvelation
Cloze XIV. Select the most appropriate word from the four choices 1345. aga)piTcavpofhetrnenorf.piedrTeiahntecee.chobi)cTcfeoohrn“is0s”eqmueenacnes tch)aWiotnfchneaont tiavdeditiodn) aWr0el hvweicloahrtdionis
share interests and activities with? _13_ is a sign that you expect love as a natural _14_ of who you are. If your first love was someone remote—a film star, for example—you may always get more satisfaction from earning _15_ love than from receiving love. Or perhaps your first romantic feelings were for _16_ “in between”: remote, but not absent; near you, but not _17_ you – an English teacher, for instance. This is a sign of a very noble character, and of a truly _18_ and rewarding romantic future.
Cloze---Unit 1 XIV. Select the most appropriate word from the four choices 1234. aga)piafvoptrerernbo.ipdrTdiahetene.chobi)cbfoeoyfer“b0id”dminegansc) tcihs)attfhtoarntgoettaindgditdiod)n)0a0fol rgwootrtdenis

新英汉翻译教程 第十四章 语态转换译法 课堂互动及课后习题答案

新英汉翻译教程 第十四章 语态转换译法 课堂互动及课后习题答案
10.With a true democratic system, he efeated by Israel in 1967.
【译文】他说倘有一个真正的民主制度,埃及就不会在1967年让 (被)以色列打败了。
11 小节结束 返回章重点 退出
D. 译成 “叫、让、由、受、遭到、受到、予、予以、加、加以、引以、 为……所、经……所” 等字句,2用以加强说话、表达语气。
1. 顺译法
1.1 顺译成被动句
例1: The novel I had thrown away was chosen by the Book Society.
【译文】我一度扔掉的那部小说后来被书社选中。 例2: The sun and the earth are in a great group of stars;
8 返回章重点 退出
课堂互动1: 翻译下列句子, 顺译成被动句(参考译文)
4.The applicants interviewed are required to hand in some necessary material.
例11: A program called a compiler was written by an expert in machine code and is stored in the computer.
【译文】编译程序先由专家用机器代码编写好,然后储存在计 算机中。
返回章重点 6
例6:I was possessed by the very novelty of what I did. 【译文】我被自己所干的事的新鲜劲迷住了。(译成“被”字句)



翻译中的选词和选义 Die & “死

To go to sleep To be no more To close one’s eyes To lay down one’s life To pass away To breathe one’s last To go west To come to a violent death To give up the ghost To kick the bucket To kick up one’s heels To release souls from
译:1)这是一位举止得体的姑娘。(不宜译成:有好举止的姑娘) 2)这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。(不宜译成:好鸡蛋) 3)狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。(不宜译成:好朋友) 4)纳赛尔是个高明的棋手。(不宜译成:好棋手)
词的搭配意义 ——“sophisticated”
Sophisticated man Sophisticated woman Sophisticated columnist Sophisticated electronic device Sophisticated man weapon
一词多译 “man”
Man and wife Officers and men His man Friday Man-of-war Be a man!
丈夫和妻子 官和兵 他的仆人“礼拜五” 战舰 要像个男子汉!
一词多译 “good”
一词多译 “head”
1) He was badly wounded in the head. 2) You should use your head a bit. 3) He has a good head for mathematics. 4) The dinner cost us five dollars a head. 5) He was standing at the end of the staircase. 6) Let’s discuss the question under five heads. 7) Heads or tails? 8) Where is the head? 9) Go and ask the head of our department. 10) Present at the meeting were the heads of government of the four



Logical relationship
There is a logical relationship between the subordinate clause and the main clause, such as causality, condition, and inflection, which determines the meaning and function of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
• Example analysis and practice: Combining a large number of examples, analyze the specific steps and precautions of translating clauses, and provide targeted exercises and analysis to help students consolidate their knowledge and improve their practical application abilities.
目 录
• introduction • Basic concepts of English clauses • Common types of English clauses and
translation methods • Translation strategies for special types
Logical relationship
There is a logical relationship between the subordinate clause and the main clause, such as causality, condition, and inflection, which determines the meaning and function of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

ChineseEnglish Translation 汉译英教程精品PPT课件

ChineseEnglish Translation 汉译英教程精品PPT课件
secondly in terms of style.( 翻译是指从语义到文体 在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原文 的信息。)
—Eugene A. Nida • To translate is to change into another language, retaining
as much of the sense as one can. —Samuel Johnson
• 翻译是把具有某一种文化背景的发送者用某种语 言(文字)所表述的内容尽可能充分地、有效地 传达给使用另一种语言(文字)、具有另一种文 化背景的接受者。
Definitions of translation
• 翻译是两个语言社会之间的交际过程和交际工 具,它的目的是要促进本语言社会的政治、经 济和文化进步,它的任务是要把原作中包含的 现实世界的逻辑映像或艺术映像,完好无损地 从一种语言译注到另一种语言中去。 ――张今
Elements involved in the process of translating
Author of ST—ST—Translator—TT—Readers of TT
Elements involved in the process of translating
Intermediate information receiver
Definitions of translation
• (Translating ) is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way the author intended the text. —Peter Newmark
• A translation is taken to be any target-language utterance which is presented or regarded as such within the target culture, on whatever grounds. —Gideon Toury

大学思辨英语教程 精读1课件Unit 14 Translation_From one languag

大学思辨英语教程 精读1课件Unit 14 Translation_From one languag
Unit 14 Translation: From one
language to another
Text A
Things People Say About Translation
David Bellos
Learning Objectives
Autonomous learning
Intercultural Competence
Lead in
• In this unit, we are going to explore the world of translation. On the one hand, translation seems to be so straightforward that anybody equipped with two languages can have a go. On the other hand, translation can also be such a daunting task that it seems to be beyond human’s intellectual capacity. Have you ever wondered about the reasons behind this seeming contradiction?
Background Knowledge
The more profound his thought is reflected in the two onesentence paragraphs that immediately follow the passage above:
Nor could anything we would like to call social life. Translation is another name for the human conditg Communicative Competence

英语惯用法教程——隐喻学视角 PPT Unit 14

英语惯用法教程——隐喻学视角 PPT Unit 14
Part I Warming-up ex.
1. There are many idioms created for elegant variation.
try one's best do one's (level) best work flat out work against the clock work with no efforts spared exert one's great efforts put one's back into sth. put one's best foot forward leave no stone unturned(to be learnt)
Cf.: Shallow streams make most din.
12. You never miss the water until the well runs dry.
Translation practice
1. 年轻e was young, to make money, he had too many irons in the fire and burned the candle at both ends and finally was flat on his back.
3.The president immediately threw / poured cold water on the clerk’s proposition. cast a damp into
4. There is no smoke without fire. 无火不起烟



修 试 )全周上

英德02 14英
俄 14英法
14英西 14英
语01 14英语
2941001 0
02 14对外 14翻 牛万程 译01 14翻译 132 32
02 14日语
7-8 必 考 (商学院 修 试 156
2941002 0
14对外 14翻 牛万程 译01 14翻译 132 32
考 查
考 查
考 试
考 试
考 试
星期三 1-2
(电子楼 305
5-6 (电子楼
104 )全周上
3-4 (图东教 学楼322 )全周上
3-4 (电子楼
305 )全周上
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5-6/7-7 (海洋学 院603/海 洋学院
603 )全周上 课/全周
14翻译01 14
2911006 0
形势政策与社会实践 (1-2)
翻译02 14英 德01 14英德
必考 修试
14朝语0201 14
朝语02 14朝
语03 14朝语
04 14翻译01
14翻译02 14
语 14商科 14数学 14统 计01 14统计 683 32 1 02 14信息 14英德01 14
年级: 2014 教师名 上课班级

汉译英translation 分解讲解26页PPT

汉译英translation 分解讲解26页PPT

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左
汉译英translation 分解讲解
31、园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。 32、鼓腹无所思。朝起暮归眠。 33、倾壶绝余沥,窥灶不见烟。
34、春秋满四泽,夏云多奇峰,秋月 扬明辉 ,冬岭 秀孤松 。 35、丈夫志四海,我愿不知老。
Hale Waihona Puke 56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿


English-Chinese Translation
Chapter I General Introduction 1. Introduction

Importance and aims of the translation course
1.1.1 Importance of the translation course
What do criteria mean? A criterion is an established standard, rule or principle on which a judgment is based. As a plumb-line for measuring professional level of translation. As a good set for translators to strive for
(柯平:英汉汉英翻译教程,北京大学出版社:2002: 13)

2.—Isn’t this tape-recorder yours? —Yes, it is. 不,是我的。 —No, it isn’t. 对,不是我的。(同上)

3. However, such measures touch only the tip, but not address the basis of the problem. 然而,这样的措施只不过是碰了碰 问题的尖端(改译:只不过是蜻蜓点水), 并没有触及问题的根源。(同上)
1) To be beneficial to the study of languages 2) To share the cultural heritage of the world 3) To get a better understanding of different peoples 4) To lay a foundation for the further study and the future work 5) To meet the social needs 6) To realize goals of four-year education for English Majors . Compulsory course . On the course list of the syllabus
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There are more similarities between English and ancient Chinese than between English and modern Chinese Avoid wordiness in C-E translation
Part B TWE 1.记忆犹新 记忆犹新 remain fresh in one's mind fresh in one's memory the memory is still young 2.耳目 耳目 eyes and ears 3.情侣装 情侣装 his-and -hers clothes
2) Changing the sentence structure of the original at will e.g.: Credulity throve ── it was night, and affirmation is boldest in dark. (Tactitus:Annals) [Radical recasting]夜间使人们容易轻 夜间使人们容易轻 在黑夜当中, 信,在黑夜当中, 人们肯定什么事 情的胆量都是最大的。 情的胆量都是最大的。 [Correct translation]轻信活跃起来了 轻信活跃起来了 ──这时已是夜间,人们在黑夜中是 这时已是夜间, 这时已是夜间 最容易冒冒失失地把假话当真的。 最容易冒冒失失地把假's teachers know they have to make lessons fastmoving and entertaining for children raised on television and computer games.
What can we learn
Part C. Lecture on Translation Theory and Skills Chapter V Methods of Translation I. Semantic Translation or literal translation Ⅱ. Free Translation or Communicative Translation 1. Communicative Translation and Its Advantages 2. Proper Communicative Translation ── An Effective Way for Promoting Cultural Exchange
1) Undue extending of the original meaning e.g.: He wanted to learn, to know, to teach. (Brian Crozier:De Gaule) [Radical recasting] 他渴望博学广闻 他渴望博学广闻, 喜欢追根穷源,并且好为人师 并且好为人师。 喜欢追根穷源 并且好为人师。 [Correct translation] 他想学习,想 他想学习, 增长知识, 增长知识, 也愿意把自己的知识 教给别人。 教给别人。
4) Abstracting cultural symbols of SL text in TL text e.g.: “There is not a finer fellow in the service.”Osborne said,“nor a better officer, though he is not an Adonis, certainly.”(Thackeray:Vanity Fair) [Radical recasting] 军队里谁 也比不上他的为人。 也比不上他的为人。他做军官 的本事也比人强。当然口罗, 的本事也比人强。当然口罗, 他不是美少年。
Part A CT
1. 子曰 学而不思则罔 思而 子曰:"学而不思则罔 学而不思则罔,思而 不学则殆." 不学则殆 *Learning without thinking is lost, thinking without learning is in danger Master said: " He who learns but does not think is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."
3. 今天的教师懂得 他们给孩子们 今天的教师懂得,他们给孩子们 上课节奏要快,而且要有情趣 而且要有情趣,因 上课节奏要快 而且要有情趣 因 为这些孩子是在看电视和玩电脑 游戏的环境中长大的. 游戏的环境中长大的 Version 1:Today’s teachers know that if they teach children , they have to make their lessons fast- pacing and interesting because the children are raised in the situation of watching TV and playing computer games
2. 孟子言 养心莫善于寡欲 明 孟子言"养心莫善于寡欲 养心莫善于寡欲", 乎欲不可无也,寡之而已 寡之而已. 乎欲不可无也 寡之而已 Mencius says," For nourishing the mind there is nothing better than to decrease desires". His saying clearly suggests that human desires cannot be completely abstained but be made fewer.
② There is no smoke without some fire. [Radical recasting]无风不起浪。 无风不起浪。 无风不起浪 [Correct translation]无火不生烟。 无火不生烟。 无火不生烟 ③ This was one of the secrets of his great popularity; but it was a popularity which was as unsettled as the waves. It swelled and foamed for a while, only to recede, and be lost to its former possessor. (R.G.Gammage: History of the Chartist Movement)
Lesson Fourteen
Teaching purpose: To learn something more about free translation Focuses and difficulties: 1. Radically Free Translation 2. Combination of literal translation and free translation
Strictly speaking, it cannot be called translation because not only the form but also the content has been greatly changed, resulting in the much missing of the original cultural messages and the much adding of the cultural messages absent in the SL text. It can only bring about a very low degree of the informativeness of the cultural message transferred from the SL text.
3) Replacing cultural symbols of the SL with those of the TL e.g.:① In the kingdom of ① blind men the one-eyed man is king. [Radical recasting]山中无老虎, 山中无老虎, 山中无老虎 猴子称大王。 猴子称大王。 [Correct translation]在盲人的 在盲人的 王国里,独眼龙就是国王。 王国里,独眼龙就是国王。
And the higher the degree of the effectiveness of the transfer of the wrong cultural message, the worse the translation. The following are some of the types of radically free translation.
This was one of the secrets of his great popularity; but it was a popularity which was as unsettled as the waves. It swelled and foamed for a while, only to recede, and be lost to its former possessor. [Correct translation] 这就是他博得巨 大声望的一个秘决; 大声望的一个秘决;但是这种声望 如同波涛一样起伏不定, 如同波涛一样起伏不定,在一时之 间浪涛高涨,随后又潮退水落, 间浪涛高涨,随后又潮退水落,终 于在原来具有这种声望的人身上荡 然无存。 然无存。
③ This was one of the secrets of his great popularity; but it was a popularity which was as unsettled as the waves. It swelled and foamed for a while, only to recede, and be lost to its former possessor. [Radical recasting] 这就是他博得巨 大声望的一个秘决; 大声望的一个秘决;但是这种声 望如同波涛一样起伏不定。 望如同波涛一样起伏不定。它在 短暂的时间内,如日中天, 短暂的时间内,如日中天,盛极 一时,炙手可热, 一时,炙手可热,但转瞬之间又 烟消云散, 烟消云散,终于在原来有此声望 的人身上消失了。 的人身上消失了。