一、内异症的临床病理类型1.腹膜型内异症:腹膜型内异症(peritoneal endometriosis,PEM)是指发生在盆腹腔腹膜的各种内异症病灶,主要包括红色病变(早期病变)、蓝色病变(典型病变)及白色病变(陈旧病变)。
2.卵巢型内异症:卵巢型内异症(ovarian endometriosis,OEM)可形成囊肿,称为子宫内膜异位囊肿(内异症囊肿);根据囊肿大小和异位病灶浸润程度分为:I型:囊肿直径<2 cm,囊壁有粘连、解剖层次不清,手术不易剥离。
II C:内膜种植灶穿透卵巢内异症囊肿壁并向周围扩展,囊肿壁与卵巢皮质粘连紧密,并伴有纤维化或多房腔。
3.深部浸润型内异症:深部浸润型内异症(deep infiltrating endometriosis,DIE)是指病灶浸润深度I>5 mm,常见于宫骶韧带、子宫直肠陷凹、阴道穹隆、直肠阴道隔等。
4.其他部位的内异症:其他部位的内异症(other endometriosis,OtEM)可累及消化、泌尿、呼吸系统,可形成瘢痕内异症及其他少见的远处内异症等。
二、子宫内膜异位症的诊断:2.1 病史采集与详细询问:医生应仔细询问患者的月经史、性生活史以及相关疼痛表现等信息,在理解患者主诉和个体情况的基础上,进行初步判断;2.2 体格检查:包括盆腔检查、肛门指检和直肠指检等,通过探测异常灶块和固定感,协助制定进一步的检查计划;2.3 影像学检查:包括超声波检查、核磁共振(MRI)等技术辅助诊断,这些检查可观察盆腔器官的异常情况,确定病变部位和范围;2.4 病理学检查:通过行腹腔镜手术或活检获取患者的组织标本,进行病理学检查以确诊。
三、子宫内膜异位症的治疗:3.1 保守治疗:3.1.1 非药物治疗:包括调节生活习惯、改善饮食结构、适度锻炼等生活方式干预措施;3.1.2 药物治疗:通过合理应用黄体素、口服避孕药等药物来抑制排卵及月经,缓解盆腔压力和防止异位灶扩散。
3.2 手术治疗:3.2.1 内窥镜手术:通过微创技术,在保护子宫功能的同时剥离异位灶组织,可显著缓解患者的疼痛和不适;3.2.2 子宫切除术:对于无法保留子宫的严重子宫内膜异位症患者,可考虑行子宫切除手术,但需综合考虑患者的年龄、生育要求等。
3.3 中医中药治疗:可选择一些有理论和临床支持的中医中药方剂或针灸疗法进行辅助治疗。
四、诊断与治疗方案的制定:4.1 个体化治疗:根据患者的年龄、生育需求、病情严重程度以及伴随性其他疾病等因素,制定符合其个体化特点的治疗方案;4.2 综合治疗策略:结合保守治疗与手术治疗相结合,避免过度依赖某一种方法,并选择最适合该患者的方案;4.3 长期随访管理:对患者在接受任何一种治疗方法后,均应进行长期随访管理,在专业医师指导下进行恰当调整和评估。
一、内异症的临床病理类型1.腹膜型内异症:腹膜型内异症(peritoneal endometriosis,PEM)是指发生在盆腹腔腹膜的各种内异症病灶,主要包括红色病变(早期病变)、蓝色病变(典型病变)及白色病变(陈旧病变)。
2.卵巢型内异症:卵巢型内异症(ovarian endometriosis,OEM)可形成囊肿,称为子宫内膜异位囊肿(内异症囊肿);根据囊肿大小和异位病灶浸润程度分为:I型:囊肿直径<2 cm,囊壁有粘连、解剖层次不清,手术不易剥离。
II C:内膜种植灶穿透卵巢内异症囊肿壁并向周围扩展,囊肿壁与卵巢皮质粘连紧密,并伴有纤维化或多房腔。
3.深部浸润型内异症:深部浸润型内异症(deep infiltrating endometriosis,DIE)是指病灶浸润深度I>5 mm,常见于宫骶韧带、子宫直肠陷凹、阴道穹隆、直肠阴道隔等。
4.其他部位的内异症:其他部位的内异症(other endometriosis,OtEM)可累及消化、泌尿、呼吸系统,可形成瘢痕内异症及其他少见的远处内异症等。
二、临床病理类型1. 腹膜型内异症或腹膜内异症:腹膜型内异症或腹膜内异症(peritoneal endometriosis)指盆腔腹膜的各种内异症种植病灶,主要包括红色病变(早期病变)、棕色病变(典型病变)以及白色病变(陈旧性病变)。
2. 卵巢型内异症或卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿:卵巢型内异症或卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿(ovarianendometriosis)又根据子宫内膜异位囊肿的大小和粘连情况分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型。
Ⅰ型:囊肿直径多<2 cm,囊壁多有粘连、层次不清,手术不易剥离。
Ⅱ型:又分为A、B、C 3种。
一、诊断1.1 病史询问与症状描述对于怀疑患有子宫内膜异位症的患者,首先应该详细了解她的病史,包括月经史、性生活史、疼痛史等。
1.2 体格检查体格检查对于子宫内膜异位症的诊断非常重要。
1.3 影像学检查为了确诊子宫内膜异位症,医生还需要借助各种影像学检查手段,如超声波、MRI等。
1.4 病理学检查如果子宫内膜异位症的诊断仍存在疑虑,医生可以选择行手术切除患者的异位灶,并将组织标本送至病理科进行病理学检查。
二、治疗2.1 保守治疗对于轻度的子宫内膜异位症患者,可以选择保守治疗。
2.2 药物治疗药物治疗是一种常见的治疗子宫内膜异位症的方法,常用的药物包括口服避孕药、黄体酮和口服雌激素-抗雌激素疗法等。
2.3 手术治疗对于严重症状或伴随不孕的子宫内膜异位症患者,手术治疗是一种有效的方法。
诊断1. 患者病史- 询问患者相关症状,包括周期性腹痛、月经不规律等。
- 了解患者的月经史和生育史。
2. 临床体检- 对生育期患者进行检查,观察是否存在子宫内膜异位的体征。
- 进行盆腔腹部触诊,检查是否有异常病变存在。
3. 影像学检查- 建议使用超声检查来评估盆腔内异位灶和卵巢囊肿的存在。
- 对于无法确定诊断的病例,可以考虑进行MRI或其他影像学检查。
4. 手术诊断- 对于高度疑似子宫内膜异位症的患者,建议进行腹腔镜手术以明确诊断。
治疗1. 无症状的患者- 对于无症状的患者,观察观察期为6个月至1年。
- 定期随访,了解病情变化。
2. 症状轻微的患者- 非甾体抗炎药物(NSAIDs)用于缓解疼痛症状。
- 给予口服避孕药物,以抑制子宫内膜异位灶的生长。
- 长周期使用黄体酮可以减少月经次数和疼痛程度。
3. 症状严重的患者- 腹腔镜手术用于切除子宫内膜异位灶和囊肿,并改善症状。
- 激素治疗作为手术后的辅助治疗,以预防复发和控制病情。
4. 生育期患者- 考虑手术治疗来清除异位灶和囊肿,以增加生育机会。
- 手术后进行辅助治疗,例如促排卵药物、体外受精等。
目前的观点认为还有其他多因素参与了EM 的发病,如内膜细胞通过血管或淋巴播散,机械种植机制等。
血行-淋巴播散学说血行-淋巴播散学说 Lymphatic or Vascular Spread:有证据支持子宫内膜异位症起源于子宫内膜组织经淋巴或血管异常播散,子宫内膜异位症发生在一些少见部位如会阴或腹股沟区,更加支持了这一学说。
体腔上皮化生(Coelomic Meatplasia)相似的组织。
Norms on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometriosis Endometriosis Coordination Group, Gynecology & Obstetrics Society, Chinese Medical AssociationCommunication author:Lang Jinghe, Email: langjh@; Gynecology & Obstetrics Dept., Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (100730)Editor’s note:Endometriosis is a common and frequent disease in the young and middle-aged women. At present, its incidence rate tends to rise evidently, but its diagnosis and treatment still have many problems for solving. In order to normalize the diagnosis/treatment of endometriosis, under the leadership of Prof. Lang Jinghe, the Endometriosis Coordination Group in the Gynecology & Obstetrics Society of Chinese Medical Association prepares this norm through the repeated discussion, protocol drafting and five revisions. This norm aims to better guide the work of clinical doctors.Endometriosis means the occurrence, growth, infiltration and recurrent hemorrhage of endometrial tissues (gland and mesenchyme) at the sites other than endometrium, which can form the nodes and mass and cause the pain and infertility. Endometriosis is frequent in the women of fertility age, and its incidence rate tends to rise evidently. It possesses the following characteristics: (1) Unmatched illness severity with the symptoms and signs; (2) Extensive polymorphic lesion; (3) Extremely infiltrating to form an extensive serious adhesion; and (4) Hormone-dependent, and highly recurrent.I. Clinical Pathological Type1. Peritoneal endometriosis (PEM): It means various endometriosis foci at the pelvic/abdominal peritoneum. Mainly including: Red lesion (early one), blue lesion (typical one) and white lesion (old one).2. Ovarian endometriosis (OEM): It can form a cyst, i.e. endometriotic cyst. According to the size of cyst and the infiltration degree of endometriosis foci, it can be classified into two types. Type I: Cyst diameter of <2cm; and adhesive cyst wall of unclear anatomical layer and difficult surgical stripping. There are three sub-types of Type II. IIA: Superficial endometrial planting foci, involving the ovary cortex but not reaching the OEM cyst wall; often with concomitant functional cyst of very easy surgical stripping; IIB: Endometrial planting foci involving the OEM cyst wall, but at a clear boundary with ovary cortex, and easy surgical stripping; and IIC: Endometrial planting foci penetrating the OEM cyst wall and spreading all around, close adhesion of cyst wall to ovary cortex, with concomitant fibrillation or multiple chambers, larger adhesion of cyst to pelvic wall, difficult surgical stripping.3. Deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIEM): It means a foci infiltration depth of ≥5mm. Including: uterosacral ligament, uterorectal pouch, vaginal fornix and rectovaginal septum. There are two types of rectovaginal septum endometriosis: pseudo one (adhesion and closure of uterorectal pouch, and a foci below this adhesion); and genuine one (foci outside the peritoneum and inside the rectovaginal septum; and uterorectal pouch of no evident anatomical abnormality).4. Other endometriosis (O t EM): It can involve the digestive, urinary and respiratory system. Including: scarry endometriosis and rare distal endometriosis.II. Clinical Manifestations, Gynecological Examination and Auxiliary Examination1. Clinical manifestations: (1) Pain: 70%~80% of endometriosis patients has a pelvic pain of various degrees and incomplete matching with the lesion degree. Including: dysmenorrhea (typically secondary one of progressive aggravation), non-menstrual abdominal pain, chronic pelvic pain (CPP), dyspareunia and dysuria, and acute abdominal pain (in the case of broken OEM cyst); (2) Infertility: About 50% of endometriosis patients has a concomitant infertility. (3) Menstrual disorder. (4) Pelvic mass. In the endometriosis at special sites, there are various symptoms, often with a concomitant cyclic change and following clinical manifestations of pelvic endometriosis. For example: (1) Digestive tract endometriosis: Frequent defecation (or constipation), hemafecia and dysuria; (2) Urinary tract endometriosis: Polyuria, dysuria, hematuria, waist, and even urinary obstruction or renal dysfunction; (3) Respiratory tract endometriosis: Menstrual hemoptysis and pneumothorax; (4) Scarry endometriosis: Nodes at the incision scar of abdominal wall, prolonged menstrual period and aggravated pain after some surgeries (e.g. Caesarean birth); and nodes at the incision or incision scar, prolonged menstrual period and aggravated pain after the perineum surgery.2. Gynecological examination: Typically uterus of retro position and poor mobility; uterosacral ligament, uterorectal pouch or rear fornix tenderness/nodes; and concomitant adnexa cyst and immobile mass.3. Auxiliary examination: (1) CA125: Often mild/moderate rise of serum CA125level; (2) Radiography: Ultrasonic B examination is mainly significant for the diagnosis of OEM cyst. In the typical OEM cyst, there is a mass of no echo and strong light spot at the adnexa site under the ultrasonic B examination. MRI is significant for the diagnosis and assessment of OEM cyst, extra-pelvic endometriosis and deep infiltration foci; and (3) Others: vein/pelvis radiography, cystoscopy and colonoscopy.III. Diagnosis1. Symptoms: Pain (e.g. dysmenorrhea, CPP and dyspareunia) and infertility.2. Gynecological/auxiliary examination: There is an endometriosis foci under both pelvic examination and radiography; and mild/moderate rise of serum CA125 level.3. Laparoscopy: At present, the endometriosis is universally diagnosed through the laparoscopy mainly according to the shape of foci, which can not completely verified by the pathological examination.IV. Clinical StagingAt present, the endometriosis is staged often through the r-AFS method revised by the American Fertility Society in 1985. It is scored mainly according to the size and depth of peritoneal/ovary lesion, the range and degree of ovary-oviduct adhesion, and the closure degree of uterorectal pouch.V. TreatmentThe treatment of endometriosis mainly aims to subside/eliminate the foci, relieve/eliminate the pain, improve/promote the fertility, and reduce/avoid the recurrence. Its treatment should mainly consider the following factors: age, fertility desire, symptom severity, lesion range, past treatmentand patient demand. The treatment measures should be normative and individualized. The pelvic pain, infertility and pelvic mass should be treated separately. Its treatment methods include: surgery, pharmacotherapy, interventional treatment and fertility-assisting treatment.(I) Surgery1. Objective: To excise the foci and resume the anatomy2. Classification: According to the technique, the surgery for endometriosis is classified as follows: (1) Conservative surgery: Retain the fertility function of patients, excise the macroscopic foci and OEM cyst as far as possible, and separate the pelvic adhesion. It is applicable for young patients or those of demanding to retain the fertility function. (2) Semi-radical surgery: Excise the uterus/foci, but retain the ovary. It is mainly applicable for the patients of no fertility desire but demanding to retain the endocrine function of ovary. (3) Radical surgery: Excise the whole uterus, both adnexa and all macroscopic foci. It is applicable for the patients of older age, no fertility desire, serious symptoms or multiple ineffective treatment. (4) Auxiliary surgery: Excise the uterine nerve and anterior uterosacral nerve. It is applicable for the patients with a pain at center-line site.3. Preparation: As the most important contents before the surgery, the severity of illness should be assessed accurately, and the patients or their family members should be fully communicated to obtain their understanding and informed consent. In addition, the risk of surgery should be assessed, and the possibility should be evaluated for the surgical injury (especially the injury of urinary system and intestinal tract) and for the replacement of laparoscopic surgery with laparotomy. The intestinal tract should be fully pre-treated for the DIEM (especially that with a lesion involving the rectovaginal site). In the patients with an evident deep infiltration foci beside the uterus, the ureter and kidney should be examined for abnormality before the surgery, and the assistance should be obtained from the Urinary Surgery and General Surgery if necessary.4. Essential points: The pelvic adhesion should be first separated, so as to resume the anatomy; the PEM foci should be excised or destroyed as far as possible, so as to subside and eliminate it; the smaller and superficial foci can burnt or vaporized; and the deep infiltration foci should be excised.(1) OEM cyst: The surrounding adhesion should be first separated, the dark brown viscous liquid should be sucked out of cyst, and the inner wall of cyst should be rinsed up, the fibrous tissue ring around the cyst breach should be excised, and the inner wall of cyst should be completely stripped, and the normal ovary tissues should be protected as far as possible. In the patients with concomitant infertility, both the uteroscopy and oviduct fluid infusion can be conducted. (2) DIEM: This endometriosis is more difficult to treat. In case of no lesion involvement into the rectal/colonic wall, the foci should be excised as far as possible. In case of intestinal wall infiltration but no intestinal tract stenosis, it was generally recommended not to excise the intestinal wall or segment but to subside and eliminate the foci. If the foci is large enough to cause an intestinal stenosis and even intestinal obstruction, the intestinal segment should be excised and anastomosed according to the actual conditions. (3) Vesical endometriosis: According to the size of foci, the foci or partial vesical wall should be excised. (4) Ureteric endometriosis: According to the state of lesion and the degree of ureteric obstruction, the adhesion should be loosened or the partial ureter should be excised and anastomosed. (5) Scarry endometriosis: It should be treated mainly through the surgery, because it is usually insensitive to the pharmacotherapy. If the endometriosis foci can not be completely excised or if the important organs/tissues may be injured,the gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) can be administered for 3~6 months before the surgery. At the time of adhesion separation, uterus excision, uterus blood vessel treatment and ligament treatment, special attention should be paid to the anatomic relation around the ureter, and the ureteral catheter should be laid as the guidance before the surgery if necessary. In addition, relevant drugs can be administered to prevent the adhesion after the surgery.(II) PharmacotherapyThe pharmacotherapy aims to inhibit the function of ovary, retard the progress of endometriosis, decrease the activity of endometriosis foci and reduce the formation of adhesion. Principles of pharmacotherapy: (1) Applicable for the patients of basically-definite diagnosis, and not recommended for long-term tentative treatment; (2) Of yet no standard protocol; (3) Basically same effectiveness but different adverse reactions of various protocols; (4) According to the demand and economic strength. The endometriosis can be treated with four categories of drugs with the following protocol, action mechanism and adverse reactions.1. Oral contraceptive: Administer continuously or cyclically for 6 months. It can inhibit the ovulation. Less adverse reactions: Digestive tract symptoms or liver dysfunction.2. High-performance progestin: Medroxyprogesterone Acetate, 20~30mg/d po, bid or tid, for 6 months. It can cause the decidual change of endometrium tissues and finally cause the atrophy of endometrium; and inhibit the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis in negative feedback. Main adverse reactions: bloated pain rupture hemorrhage, breast swelling pain, body weight gain, digestive tract symptoms and liver dysfunction.3. Androgen derivatives: (1) Danazol: 600~800mg/d po, bid or tid, for 6 months. It can inhibit the peak of luteotropic hormone (LH) at middle menstrual period for ovulation inhibition, inhibit various enzymes participating in the synthesis of steroids, and improve the free testosterone level in blood. Main adverse reactions: Masculine signs (e.g. hypenrichosis, emotional change and voice coarseness), lipoprotein dysbolism, liver functional injury and body weight gain. (2) Ethylnorgestrienone: 2.5mg po, 2~3 times a week, for 6 months. It can antagonize the progestin and estrogen, decrease the level of sex hormone binding globulin, and improve the free testosterone level in blood. Main adverse reactions: Basically same but milder antagonism of estrogen and androgen to that of Danazol.4. GnRH-a: Inject subcutaneously or intramuscularly (according to the medicinal form), monthly administration for 3~6 months. It can down-regulate the function of pituitary to cause a transient medicinal desexuality and a low estrogen level in body. Main adverse reactions: Climacteric symptoms caused by the hypoestrinemia (e.g. hectic fever, vaginal dryness, hyposexuality, insomnia and bone substance loss (at long-term administration).The combined protocol of GnRH-a + Add-back is based on the theory of “Window dose of estrogen”. The sensitivity of estrogen varies with tissues. The estrogen level in body is maintained at 110~146pmol/L estradiol to not stimulate the growth of ectopic endometrium or cause the climacteric symptoms (or bone substance loss) and not affect the effectiveness but relieve the adverse reactions, so as to prolong the treatment time. Add-back protocol: (1) Combined estrogen-progestin protocol: Estrogen (trade name: Premarin) (0.3~0.625mg/d) + Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (2~4mg/d). (2) Tibolone (synonym: Livial): 1.25mg/d.The Add-back protocol at an individualized dose is recommended generally after the administration of GnRH-a for more than 3 months, or begins from the Month 2 of GnRH-aadministration according to the severity of symptoms. The estrogen level should be monitored if possible.(III) Auxiliary treatment of dysmenorrhea and infertility1. Treatment of dysmenorrhea: In the patients with concomitant pelvic nodes or adnexa mass, the surgery is preferred; and otherwise, the pharmacotherapy is preferred. In the patients ineffective to the pharmacotherapy, the surgery can be adopted.Common therapeutic drugs for dysmenorrhea: (1) First-line drugs: Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or oral contraceptives. The oral contraceptives can be administered cyclically or continuously, continue in effective case, but is replaced with the second-line drugs in ineffective case. (2) Second-line drugs: Progestin, androgen derivatives and GnRH-a; preferably the combined protocol of GnRH-a + Add-back to effectively control the adverse reactions at long-term administration; and the surgery can be adopted in ineffective case. (3) Pre-surgical drugs: In the patients with a serious illness, unable complete excision or possible important organ injury, relevant drugs can be temporarily administered for 3 months to reduce the surgical difficulty. (4) Post-surgical drugs: In the patients with milder illness or complete excision, relevant drugs can temporarily not be administered according to the actual conditions. In the patients with serious pelvic lesion or unable complete foci excision, relevant drugs can be administered for 3~6 months according to the existence of pain or not.2. Treatment of infertility: In the infertile endometriosis patients without other infertility factors and ineffective to pure pharmacotherapy as shown by complete examination, the laparoscopy can be conducted to assess the type and stage of endometriosis. In the young patients with mild/moderate endometriosis, the natural pregnancy can be expected half a year after the surgery, and fertility guidance should be offered. In the high-risk patients (aged ≥35 years old, oviduct adhesion and low functional score, infertility duration ≥3 years; and especially primary infertility, moderate/serious endometriosis with concomitant pelvic adhesion, and incomplete foci excision), the fertility-assisting technique should be actively adopted. For infertility treatment, the conservative laparoscopic surgery should excise the foci as completely as possible, separate the adhesion, and resume the anatomy. While excising the OEM cyst, the normal ovary tissues should be protected, the oviduct fluid infusion test should be conducted to know the smoothness of oviduct, and the uteroscopy should be made to grasp the conditions of uterine cavity. The following fertility-assisting technique should be selected according to the actual conditions of patients. (1) controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and/or artificial fertilization: Mainly applicable for the infertility patients with mild/moderate endometriosis, masculine factor (mild oligospermia and asthenospermia), cervical factor and unknown cause. The artificial fertilization has a single-cycle pregnancy rate of about 15%. If the pregnancy fails after 3~4 treatment courses, the fertility-assisting technique should be adjusted. (2) In vitro fertilization-embryo transplantation (IVF-ET): Mainly applicable for the infertility patients with serious endometriosis, long illness duration, old age or ineffective to other therapeutic methods (e.g. natural pregnancy, induced ovulation, artificial fertilization and surgery). Before the IVF-ET, GnRH-a is preferably administered for 2~3 months, so as to better improve the success rate of fertility assistance. The duration pharmacotherapy should be adjusted according to the severity of endometriosis and the storage conditions of ovary.Fig.1: Diagnosis and treatment of endometriosisVI. Problems of Hormone TreatmentAfter the menopause or radical surgery, the endometriosis patients can receive the hormone treatment, so as to improve their quality of life. The hormone treatment should be individualized according to the symptoms. Even after the hysterectomy, the combined estrogen with progestin had better be administered in case of residual endometriosis foci. Without the residual endometriosis foci, the single estrogen can also be administered. When possible, the estradiol level should be monitored, so that the estrogen level is high enough to not cause the symptoms or recurrence of endometriosis and is low enough not to cause the loss of bone substance.VII. RecurrenceThe recurrence of endometriosis means the re-appearance of clinical symptoms and their restoration to the degree before the treatment (or their aggravation) or the re-appearance of endometriosis foci after the subsidence/disappearance of foci and the relief of symptoms throughthe surgery or normative pharmacotherapy. It should be treated basically through the original treatment measures of endometriosis, and in the following individualized ways. OEM cyst: surgery or ultrasonic puncture, with subsequent pharmacotherapy. Dysmenorrheal: surgery for its recurrence after the pharmacotherapy; first pharmacotherapy and then surgery at ineffective pharmacotherapy for its recurrence after the surgery; and radical surgery for the patients of old age, serious symptoms but no fertility desire. Infertility patients with concomitant OEM cyst: surgery or ultrasonic puncture, with subsequent first GnRH-a administration for 3 months and then IVF-ET. Infertility patient without concomitant OEM cyst: first GnRH-a administration for 3 months and then IVF-ET.VIII. CancerationThe canceration of endometriosis has an incidence rate of about 1%. Under the following conditions, the canceration should be alerted: (1) Cyst diameter >10cm, or evident cyst enlargement within a short time; (2) Recurrence after the menopause; (3) Change of pain pace or continuation of dysmenorrhea; (4) Solid or papillary structure of cyst (radiography); and abundant blood flow and low resistance index at the foci (color Doppler ultrasonic examination); (5) Evident rise of serum CA125 level (>200kU/L).Diagnostic criteria for atypical endometriosis: (1) Cancer tissues and endometriosis tissues coexist at the same foci; (2) Both above tissues are histologically correlated just as the endometrial mesenchyme and gland; or there is a remote hemorrhage; (3) Other primary tumors are excluded; or the cancer tissues appear at the endometriosis foci, but do not metastasize from other sites; (4) There is a morphological evidence for the transformation of endometriosis lesion to malignant lesion; or the benign endometriosis lesion is mutually infiltrated with the malignant tumor tissues. The atypical endometriosis is a histopathologically-diagnosed atypic or nucleus atypia change of ectopic endometrium glandular epithelium, which does not break through the basal membrane. It has the following histopathological signs: deep/light staining of ectopic endometrium glandular epithelium, with concomitant moderate/serious nucleus atypia, increase of nuclear/cytoplasm proportion, and dense cells of multiple layers or clustery protrusion. The atypical endometriosis is regarded as a precancerous lesion or boundary tumor state.The canceration of endometriosis occurs mainly at the ovary, but less at other sites (e.g. rectovaginal septum and belly/perineum incision). It is treated according to the treatment principles for oophoroma.IX. AdenomyosisIn the myometrium, there are endometrium gland and mesenchyme. Under the action of hormones, there will be a hemorrhage and hyperplasia of muscular fibers and connective tissues, to cause a diffuse/local lesion or endometrioma.1. Etiology: At present, there is yet unknown cause for adenomyosis, including: invasion of endometrium (primary cause), diffusion of blood/lymph vessel, metaplasia of epithelium, and influence of hormone.2. Clinical manifestations: (1) Dysmenorrhea: More than half of patients have a secondary dysmenorrhea and its progressive aggravation; (2) Menstrual disorder: Hypermenorrhea, prolonged menstrual period and irregular hemorrhage; (3) Infertility; (4) Uterus enlargement:Generally uniform spherical enlargement, and sometimes uneven protrusion and hard texture.3. Diagnosis: The preliminary diagnosis can be obtained according to the symptoms, pelvic examination and following auxiliary examinations: (1) Ultrasonic scanning: uterus enlargement, myometrium thickening, more evident posterior uterus wall, and forward shifting of endometrium equal or enhanced echo at the foci, intermittent punctual low echo between the foci, and no evident boundary between the foci and its periphery. (2) MRI: foci of unclear boundary and low signal intensity. T2 enhanced scanning: foci of high signal intensity, and widening bonding area between endometrium and myometrium (>12mm). (3) Serum CA125level: generally rise. (4) Pathological examination: golden diagnostic criteria.4. Treatment: (1) Temporization: Regularly observe the patients of no symptoms or no fertility desire. (2) Surgery: Main treatment method (including the radical surgery of uterus excision). In the young patients requiring to retain the fertility function, the foci can be excised and the uterus is wedge uterectomy; or the auxiliary surgery should be conducted (i.e. uterus nerve excision, anterior uterosacral nerve excision or uterus artery blockage). In the patients with concomitant hypermenorrhea and of no fertility desire, the endometrium can be excised. (3) Pharmacotherapy: Same as endometriosis. (4) Intervention treatment. (5) Fertility-assisting treatment: after the GnRH-a administration for 3~6 months in the infertility patients; and after the combined protocol of surgery + GnRH-a in the patients with a local lesion or adenomyosis.Members of Endometriosis Coordination Group:Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Medical University, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Lang Jinghe, Y u Qi, Leng Jinhua, Zhu Lan); People’s Hospital of Peking University (Wei Lihi, Cui Heng); First Hospital of Peking University (Zhou Yingfang); Affiliated Beijing Chaoyang Hospital of Capital Medical University (Zhang Zhenyu); China-Japan Friendship Hospital (Bian Meilu); Affiliated Gynecology & Obstetrics Hospital of Medical College of Fudan University (Cao Binrong); Second Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University (Yang Dongzi); Affiliated Union Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Gu Meijiao); First Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Zhejiang University (Zhang Xinmei); Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University (Xiao Hongmei); First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University (Luo Xin); Maternity and Child Health Hospital for women & children of Fujian Province (Chen Jie)。
诊断1. 症状(1)疼痛:70%~80%的患者有不同程度的盆腔疼痛,与病变程度不完全平行。
2021《子宫内膜异位症管理指南》解读(全文)子宫内膜异位症(简称内异症) 为育龄期女性常见病、疑难病, 常与不孕症密切相关。
作为一种慢性疾病, 具有迁延难愈的特点, 临床医师在诊疗过程中需坚持长期管理原则, 同时注意医源性内异症的防治。
2018年法国妇产科医师协会(CNGOF) 及法国国家卫生管理局(HAS) 颁布了新版指南即《子宫内膜异位症的管理指南》[1], 用来替代2006年的临床实践指南, 新版指南在原指南的基础上详细介绍了腹膜、卵巢及深部内异症的诊断和管理, 本文就该指南推荐意见进行简要解读。
1 发病率及流行病学普通人群内异症的患病率难以预估[2], 据报道15~49岁的女性中内异症年发病率为0.1%。
急性盆腔痛者超过33%伴发内异症, 慢性盆腔痛女性流行病学研究结果异质性较大, 从2%~74%不等。
2 子宫内膜异位症自然演变史内异症是一种涉及遗传、环境和月经的多因素疾病。
已有数据显示内异症与卵巢癌无因果关系[证据水平(level of evidence, LoE) 2], 故指南不建议对内异症患者行卵巢癌筛查(B级) 。
内异症并不一定合并疼痛(LoE2) , 该指南不建议因遗传(与内异症相关) 或月经高危因素(经量增多、周期缩短) 对无症状的患者行系统性筛查, 亦不建议对普通人群行内异症筛查(专家共识) 。
3 诊断3.1 临床表现内异症临床表现呈多样性, 其中痛经(以10分制为准, 疼痛评分≥8分) , 慢性盆腔痛、深部性交痛(LoE2) 、经期合并泌尿系统症状(LoE2) 、不孕(LoE2) 较为常见[3,4]。
3.2 辅助检查3.2.1 一线辅助检查子宫内膜异位症一线诊断依据为妇科查体及超声, 其中经阴超声对子宫腺肌病具独特诊断价值。
绝经后女性应注意鉴别恶性肿病(LoE2) , 若影像学发现性质不明确的卵巢肿块, 建议重复超声检查(A级) 。
目前可供选择的药物主要有非甾体类抗炎药、复方口服避孕药、高效孕激素、雄激素衍生物及GnRH-a 共五大类。
给药时机掌握良好有助于加强疗效,如月经来潮前24~48 h前给药,止痛效果明显增强。
同时,GnRH-a 的预处理可以使接受IVF治疗的内异症不孕患者受益。
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二、内异症的临床病理类型:1. 腹膜型或腹膜子宫内膜异位症(Peritoneal Endometriosis, PEM )2. 卵巢型或卵巢子宫内膜异位症(Ovarian Endometriosis, OEM )3. 阴道直肠隔型或者阴道直肠子宫内膜异位症(Recto-Vaginal Endometriosis, RVEM4. 其它型或其它部位的子宫内膜异位症(Other Endometriosis, OtEM ):I (肠道)类,U(泌尿道)类、L (肺)类、S (瘢痕)类一A (腹壁)& P(会阴)类腹膜型或腹膜子宫内膜异位症:指盆腔腹膜的各种内异症种植灶,主要包括红色病变(早期病变);棕色病变(典型病变)以及白色病变(陈旧病变)。
卵巢型或卵巢子宫内膜异位症(OEM):又根据囊肿的大小以及囊壁的粘连以及侵润程度分成I 型,II 型。
I 型囊肿多小于3cm, 囊壁多有粘连,手术不易剥离;II 型囊肿又分为ABC三种。
IIA,卵巢囊壁无明显侵润但合并生理性囊肿如黄体囊肿或滤泡囊肿,手术易剥离;IIB 囊壁有侵润,手术仍较易剥离;IIC 囊肿明显侵润或多房,手术不易剥离。
三、内异症的发病机制1. 尚未完全明了,以Sampson经血逆流种植及体腔上皮化生学说为主导理论。
2. 子宫内膜在宫腔外需经粘附、侵袭、血管性形成过程得以种植、生长、发生病变,在位内膜的特质起决定作用。
3. 机体全身及局部免疫状态和功能,激素及细胞因子和酶亦起重要作用。
4. 内异症有家族聚集性。
不同类型内异症其发病机制可能不同1. 腹膜型内异症:经血逆流种植。
2. 卵巢型内异症:种植学说及卵巢间皮化生。
3. 阴道直肠隔内异症:苗勒氏管残迹化生。
4. 瘢痕内异症、腹膜外内异症:种植或血液淋巴转移。
5. 远处内异症:血液淋巴转移或化生。
四、临床表现及辅助检查方法1. 盆腔疼痛:70%-80%不同程度的盆腔疼痛, 与病变程度不完全平行(1) 痛经-多为继发性(2) 非经期疼痛-慢性盆腔疼痛(CPP)(3) 性交痛及大便困难疼痛2. 不育:40%〜50%的患者合并不育3. 盆腔包块:17%〜44%的患者合并盆腔包块(巧囊)4. 特殊部位异位症(1) I (消化道)类-便血,消化道症状(2) U (泌尿道)类-- 尿痛,尿血,泌尿系梗阻,肾功能障碍(3) L (肺)类-- 经期咯血,气胸(4) S (瘢痕)类-1) 腹壁(A)- 通常于CS 后结节,疼痛2) 会阴(P)- 通常于侧切后结节,疼痛五、检查方法1. 盆腔检查: 双侧宫骶韧带、子宫直肠窝或后穹隆触痛结节。
可同时有子宫后位、活动度差附件囊性不活动的包块2. 血CA125检查:CA125 (目前以>35u/ml为标准值)升高更多见于重度内异症、盆腔有明显严重反应、盆腔深部侵润、合并巧囊破裂或腺肌症者3. 影像学检查:超声波--主要对巧囊的诊断有价值,典型的巧囊的超声波影像为无回声区内有密集光点;CT及MR--对卵巢巧囊、盆腔外内异症的诊断以及对深部病变的估价有意义。
六、诊断:1. 腹腔镜检是诊断的准确方法。
2. 非手术诊断指标包括疼痛(痛经、CPP、性交痛)、不育、盆腔检查、超声波检查以及血清CA125检测5项,任何3项指标阳性都有很高的阳性预测值。
七、临床病理特点:2. 症状与体征及疾病的严重性不成比例3. 病变广泛、形态多样4. 极富侵润性,形成广泛、严重的粘连5. 激素依赖性,易于复发八、临床分期:目前常用的内异症分期方法是1985年Buttram提出修订后的AFS分期标准,即rAFS分期法。
这种分期主要根据腹膜、卵巢病变的大小及深浅,卵巢卵管粘连的范围以及粘连的厚薄,以及子宫直肠窝的封闭程度进行打分,共分为四期:I 期(微小病变,minimal ):1 〜5 分,11 期(轻度,mild): 6-15 分,III 期(中度,moderate): 16-40,IV 期(重度,severe): > 40分。
评分方法见表1 4rAFS 评分表1、腹膜病变1、腹膜病变 表层 深层病灶<1cm病灶 1--3cm 2 4病灶>1cm 4 6深层左卵巢 表层 病灶<1cm 1 2病灶1--3cm2 16 二 病灶>1cm 4L 20右卵巢 表层 深层病灶<1cm 1 4病灶1--3cm2 16 二 ------病灶>1cm 4 203、子宫直肠窝封闭部分4 完全 404、附件粘连左卵巢 表层 深层病灶<1/3 1 4病灶 1/3-2/32 8病灶>2/3 4162、卵巢病变"Ml病灶<1/3 1 4病灶 1/3-2/3病灶>2/3 4 16左输卵管 表层 深层病灶<1/3 1 4*病灶 1/3-2/3 2 8*病灶>2/3 4 16表层 深层右输卵管病灶<1/3 1 4*病灶1/3-2/3 2 8*病灶>2/3 4 16* 如果输卵管伞端完全粘连,计16 分;如果这名患者只残留一侧附件,其卵巢输卵管评分九、治疗一)治疗的目的:内异症的治疗目的应是:减灭和消除病灶,减轻和消除疼痛,改善和促进生育,减少和避免复发。
二)治疗的基本考虑:治疗时主要考虑的因素:1. 年龄; 2. 生育要求;3. 症状的严重性;4. 既往治疗史;5. 病变范围;6. 病人的意愿。
十、手术治疗:手术目的: 1. 切除病灶;2. 恢复解剖。
手术种类及选择原则4. 保守性手术: 保留患者的生育功能, 手术尽量切除肉眼可见的病灶、剔除巧囊以及分离粘连。
5. 根治性手术: 切除全子宫及双附件以及所有肉眼可见的病灶。
6. 半保守手术: 切除子宫,但保留卵巢。
主要适合无生育要求、症状重或者复发经保守手术或药物治疗无效, 但年龄较轻希望保留卵巢内分泌功能者。
7. 辅助性手术:如宫骶韧带切除术(LUNA以及骶前神经切除术(PSN ,适合中线部纬的疼痛。
手术前准备:1. 充分的术前准备及评估2. 充分的理解、认知和知情同意、手术的风险、手术损伤特别是泌尿系以及肠道损伤的可能性,以及腹腔镜手术转开腹手术的可能。
3. 深部侵润的内异症或者阴道直肠内异症, 应做好充分的肠道准备。
4. 必要时泌尿外科以及普通外科的协助。
手术实施的要点:1. 首先分离盆腔粘连, 以恢复解剖。
2. 腹膜型内异症尽量切除或破坏,达到减灭的目的。
对较小以及较表浅的病灶, 可进行烧灼或汽化,深部侵润的病灶或直径超过5mm勺病灶,应进行切除。
3. 卵巢巧囊首选囊肿剔除术,术中应先分离与周围的粘连, 吸尽巧囊液并将囊内壁冲洗干净后, 切除巧囊粘连处的纤维组织环并将囊内壁完整剥除。
4. 痛经特别是主要为中线部位疼痛者可同时进行盆腔神经切除术包括LUNA以及PSN。
5. 合并不育者可同时进行宫腔镜检查以及输卵管通液术。
6. 阴道直肠隔内异症。
即使有直肠壁侵润, 一般不主张切除肠段, 以病灶切除为宜。
7. 其它部位内异症,手术治疗为主,药物多不敏感。
重要部位如病变侵及输尿管或者肛门括约肌, 手术难以切除干净或者有损伤重要组织可能时, 术前可用药物如GnRH-a台疗3月。
8. 分离粘连或切除子宫处理子宫血管以及韧带时, 要注意输尿管解剖。
必要时术前输尿管内放置Double-J 作为指示。
9. 术后可应用防粘连制剂。
(二)选择原则:1 应用于基本确诊的病例,不主张长期“试验性治疗”;2 尚无标准化方案;3 各种方案疗效基本相同,但副作用不同,所以选择药物要考虑药物的副作用;4 患者的意愿以及经济能力。
(四)常用的药物治疗方案、作用机理以及副作用1) 口服避孕药:用法: 连续或周期用药, 共6 个月。
副作用: 较少,偶有消化道症状或肝功能异常。
2) 安宫黄体酮(medroxyprogesterone, MPA):用法:每天20-30mg, 分2-3 次口服,连用6 月。
作用机理:合成高效孕激素, 引起内膜组织蜕膜样改变,最终导致萎缩,同时可负反馈抑制下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴。
3) 丹那唑(Danazol):用法: 每天600-800mg, 分次口服, 共6 月。
作用机理:是一种雄激素甾体衍生物,可抑制月经中期黄体生成素(LH) 峰从而抑制排卵;还可抑制参与类固醇合成的多种酶并增加血液中游离睾酮的水平。
副作用: 主要是男性化表现如毛发增多、情绪改变、声音变粗。
4) 孕三烯酮(Gastrinone):用法: 2.5mg , 2-3 次/周, 共6月作用机理:是合成的19-去甲睾酮衍生物-三烯炔诺酮,为一种抗孕激素的甾体激素。
副作用: 主要是抗雌激素及雄激素作用。
5) GnRH-a :用法: 依不同的制剂有皮下注射或肌肉注射,每月一次,用3-6 个月。
:副作用: 主要是低雌激素血症引起的更年期症状如潮热、阴道干燥、性欲下降、失眠及抑郁等。