



• Companies had managers but not necessarily strategic leaders • Could not react to changes in technology, demography, customer preferences, and nontraditional competitors.
"Concentration — that is, the courage to impose on time and events his own decision as to what really matters and comes first — is the executive's only hope of becoming the master of time and events." — Peter Drucker, The Effective Executive
Strategic goals and objectives
• Identify the goals first; make a list. • Set specific targets for each strategic imperative. "Improving customer satisfaction," "reengineering key processes," or "changing the culture" is in everyone’s list. Set concrete measurable goals – e.g. actual number of dissatisfied customers; product defects). • Don’t hide behind percentages.



集团全面风险管理制度英文范文Comprehensive Risk Management System for the CorporationIntroduction:In today's dynamic business environment, corporations are exposed to various risks that can adversely affect their operations, financial performance, and reputation. To survive and thrive in this volatile landscape, it is imperative for corporations to implement a comprehensive risk management system that helps identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks across all levels and functions of the organization. This article aims to outline a framework for such a risk management system, emphasizing its importance, key components, and implementation strategies.I. Importance of a Comprehensive Risk Management System:1. Protection against potential losses: A well-designed risk management system enables corporations to anticipate and prepare for potential risks, thereby minimizing the impact of adverse events on their operations, financials, and overall performance.2. Enhanced decision-making: Through a comprehensive risk management system, corporations can gain a deeper understanding of the risks they face, enabling them to make informed decisions about resource allocation, strategy development, and business opportunities.3. Compliance with regulations and legal requirements: A robust risk management system ensures that corporations comply with all relevant regulations, laws, and industry standards, reducing the likelihood of fines, legal disputes, and reputational damage.4. Stakeholder confidence: A transparent and effective risk management system enhances stakeholder confidence by demonstrating the corporation's commitment to identifying and managing risks, ensuring the sustainability and longevity of the business.II. Key Components of a Comprehensive Risk Management System:1. Risk identification: The first step in the risk management process is to identify all potential risks that the corporation may face. This can be done through risk assessment surveys, interviews with key personnel, and analysis of historical data. It is important to consider both internal and external risks, such as operational, financial, strategic, compliance, and reputational risks.2. Risk assessment: Once identified, risks should be assessed based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. This can be done through quantitative or qualitative methods, such as risk heat maps, scenario analysis, or sensitivity analysis. The objective is to prioritize risks based on their significance and establish risk tolerance levels.3. Risk mitigation: After prioritizing risks, corporations should develop and implement risk mitigation measures to reduce their impact or likelihood. This may involve implementing control mechanisms, establishing contingency plans, transferring risks through insurance or contracts, or diversifying business activities. The effectiveness of risk mitigation measures should be regularly reviewed and adjusted, if necessary.4. Risk monitoring: Risk management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation. Key risk indicators (KRIs) should be established to track the status of identified risks and their corresponding mitigation measures. Regular reporting, internal audits, and external reviews can help ensure the effectiveness and adequacy of the risk management system.5. Risk culture and awareness: A successful risk management system requires a strong risk culture, where all employees understand and contribute to the identification and management of risks. Regular training programs, awareness campaigns, and incentives for risk management can foster a risk-aware culture within the corporation.III. Implementation Strategies:1. Leadership commitment: Top management should demonstrate their commitment to risk management by providing the necessary resources, establishing clear policies and procedures, and integrating risk management into the overall corporate strategy. This ensures that risk management becomes a part of the corporate culture and is embraced at all levels.2. Cross-functional collaboration: Risk management should be a collaborative effort involving all functions and departments within the corporation. This can be achieved through the establishment of a risk management committee or team, which includes representatives from various business units. Regular communication, coordination, and information sharing are essential for a successful risk management system.3. Technology integration: Implementing a comprehensive risk management system requires the support of appropriate technology tools. This may include risk management software, data analytics tools, and reporting systems that enable efficient data collection, analysis, and reporting. The integration of technology can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of risk management processes.4. Regular review and improvement: The risk management system should be regularly reviewed and improved based on changing business dynamics, emerging risks, and lessons learned from past experiences. Corporations should seek feedback from internal and external stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and incorporate industry best practices.Conclusion:A comprehensive risk management system is essential for corporations to effectively navigate today's complex business environment. By identifying, assessing, mitigating, and monitoring risks, corporations can protect against potential losses, enhance decision-making, comply with regulations, and build stakeholder confidence. With the right leadership commitment, cross-functional collaboration, technology integration, and continuous improvement, corporations can develop a robust risk management system that safeguards their business and maximizes opportunities for sustainable growth.。



1.Purpose1.1.This procedure has been developed by MAS Solutions to define the controls necessary to analyzeand evaluate potentially undesirable situations and to estimate the risk of their occurrence. Thisprocedure also identifies techniques and tools used by MAS for risk identification, assessment,and mitigation.2.Scope2.1.Risk management activities defined by this procedure may be applied at any level of theorganization, based on the situation and risk under consideration.2.2.The requirements of this procedure shall be applied as necessary to achieve desirable outcomes.Application of this procedure shall be at the direction of MAS’ manag 3.Terms and Definitions?Residual Risk: Risks remaining after protective measures have been taken.?Risk: Combination of the probability of occurrence of a negative outcome and the severityof that outcome.?Risk Analysis: Systematic use of available information to identify potentially undesirablesituations and to estimate the risk.?Risk Assessment: Overall process comprising a risk analysis and risk evaluation.?Risk Control: Process through which decisions are reached and protective measures areimplemented for reducing risks to, or maintaining risk within, specified levels.?Risk Evaluation: Judgment, on the basis of risk analysis, of whether a risk which is acceptable has been achieved in a given context.?Risk Management: Systematic application of management policies, procedures andpractices to the tasks of analyzing, evaluating and controlling risk.?Safety: Freedom from unacceptable risk.?Severity: Measure of the possible consequences of a potentially undesirable situation.4.Risk Management Process4.1.MAS has established and maintains a process for identifying potentially undesirable situationsassociated with the provision of services, estimating and evaluating the associated risks,controlling these risks and monitoring the effectiveness of the control. This risk managementprocess includes the following elements:?Risk Analysis?Risk Evaluation?Risk Control?Post- process Information5.Risk Analysis Process5.1.Risk Analysis shall be performed using a risk management plan that has been approved by theManagement Representative or responsible manager. This plan shall include the system used for qualitative or quantitative categorization of probability estimates and determining their severitylevel (see example, Appendix A).5.2.MAS shall use all available information and data to estimate the risk(s) for each potentiallyundesirable situation. MAS shall record this estimation of the risk as part of the risk assessmentfile.6.Risk Evaluation and Control6.1.MAS shall use the criteria defined in the risk management plan to estimate the significance ofeach identified potentially undesirable situation (see example, Appendix A).6.2.MAS shall identify risk control measures that are appropriate for reducing identified risks to anacceptable level. MAS shall then implement the risk control measure(s) selected, and shall verify the effectiveness of any measures taken.7.Residual Risk Evaluation7.1.MAS shall use the criteria defined in the risk management plan to evaluate any residual risk thatremains after application of risk control measure(s). MAS shall apply further risk controlmeasures if the residual risk does not meet the criteria.7.2.MAS shall document all relevant information necessary to explain the residual risk(s) if theresidual risk is judged acceptable.8.Opportunities8.1.The methods specified above may also be used for determining opportunities related to this BMSand its processes. Where such opportunities are identified, they should be noted as such as part of the final risk assessment report, and action taken as appropriate.。



3rd Review
4th Review Date: Name: Signed:
C Hazard
(potential for harm) Example:
Working at height
1Trapped Hand
2Operation of machine
3Visual imparement
Assessment ref. no. …
Date of assessment: …31/03/04
Assessor(s)/team: …P.REEK

Periodic reviews – maximum
intervals for activities with:
occur often
Frequent Regular or continuous occurrence
Multiple fatalities
Extensive damage
Significant harm*
International impact
Single fatality
Major injury
1 to 25
9 medium
Examining results on display screens
Continuous use of DSE
Gradual deteration of eyesight
DSE legislation, not a continuous process



Risk Management Plan (Example)This template presents a format for the Risk Management Plan (RMP) developed during the risk development phase. This generic Risk Management Plan (RMP) can be used as a template for the production of a project-specific RMP that can be used for almost any large-scale development project.Follow these guidelines in tailoring this document to your organizations needs:1. Discard this cover page2. Remove all bordered text guidelines.3. Replace [organization] with your organization name.RISK MANAGEMENT PLANFor The(Name of project)PROJECTTABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION (1)1.1 Scope (1)1.2 Purpose (1)1.3 Summary (1)2. RISK MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION (3)2.1 General (3)2.2 Roles and Responsibilities (3)2.3 Relationships and Interfaces (6)3. RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS (7)3.1 General (7)3.2 Risk Identification (8)3.3 Risk Assessment (9)3.4 Risk Containment (11)3.5 Risk Control (12)3.6 Closing Risks (12)3.7 Security of Risk Information (13)Appendix 1: RISK CONTROL AND RISK ACTION FORMS (14)Risk Control Form (14)Risk Action Form (15)Appendix 2: RISK GRID (16)LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1 - Risk Management Organization (3)Figure 2 - Risk Management Process (7)1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Scope1.1.1 This Plan describes the Risk Management Organization and Process that will be used during the (Name of project) Program.1.2 Purpose1.2.1 The purpose of the Risk Management Process is to identify and analyze the effects of uncertainties on the (Name of project) Program, in order that action can be taken to minimize the consequences of any undesired event that may jeopardize the success of the Program. The purpose of this plan is to establish a framework of working practices, which will enable all risks associated with the (Name of project) Program to be identified, monitored and controlled during the life of the Program.1.3 Summary1.3.1 Risk Management Organization. The main elements of the Risk Management Organization described in this plan are:• The Program Director• The Risk Manager• The Risk Management Committee• The Risk Owners. Organization Summary. The Risk Manager reports to the Assurance Manager who in turn reports directly to the Program Director, who has the overall responsibility for Risk Management on the (Name of project) Program. The Risk Manager is responsible for the effective management of the Risk Management Process as described in this plan. The Risk Management Committee is selected from the top levels of the (Name of project) Project Organization, including all those managers that report directly to the Program Manager. The function of the Risk Management Committee is to provide overall guidance on the risk management activities and regularly review the risks that could potentially have the most significant impact on the (Name of project) Program. The Risk Committee also sanctions the appointment of Risk Owners and the opening and closing of risks on the Risk Register. The Risk Owners are responsible for formulating and implementing the risk containment strategies.1.3.2 Risk Management Process. This plan describes the Risk Management process by splitting it into the four phases of Identification, Assessment, Containment and Control1.3.2.1 Risk Management Process Summary. Risks are actively exposedthrough the Risk Identification Workshops, etc. and recorded on theRisk Register. A Risk Owner is then appointed and in conjunction withthe Risk Manager, the Risk is qualitatively assessed and acontainment strategy is agreed. The actions needed to implement thisstrategy are then allocated to Action Managers by the Risk Owner,who then monitors progress. The risks, which are likely to have themost significant impact on the (Name of project) Program (Program-Level Risks), are selected from the Risk Register for quantitativeanalysis. This further analysis is used to model the overall effect thatthe Program-Level risks will have on the (Name of project) Program. AProgram Level Risk must be owned by a Risk Committee member,however, the remaining risks (Activity Level Risks) can be handled bysomeone from the appropriate Risk Committee member's team. Thetop 20 risks are selected from the Program Level Risk Set andprioritized for regular review at the Risk Management Committeemeeting. The Risk manager reviews all open risks monthly with theRisk Owners until they are closed.2. RISK MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION2.1 General2.1.1 The Risk Management Organization has been structured so that Risk Management is an integral part of the overall Management Organization. The Program Director has overall responsibility for Risk Management on the (Name of project) Program. The Risk Manager reports to the Assurance Manager who in turn reports directly to the Program Director. This reporting chain is shown in Figure 1 below:Program DirectorAssuranceManagerRiskManagerFigure 1 - Risk Management OrganizationThe other main elements in the Risk Management Organization are the Risk Management Committee and the Risk Owners.2.2 Roles and Responsibilities2.2.1 The Program Director. The Program Director has overall responsibility for Risk Management on (Name of project).2.2.2The Assurance Manager. The Assurance Manager coordinates all the Assurance functions on the (Name of project) Program, which includes the Risk Management Process.2.2.3 The Risk Manager. The Risk Manager is responsible to the Assurance Manager and Program Director for the effective management of the Risk Management Process, which includes the following:• Facilitate the identification of all risks that may impact the success of the (Name of project) Program. This includes using checklists, analyzing theWork Breakdown Structure, conducting Structured Interviews and holding Risk Identification Workshops.• Ensure that all risks identified are logged into the (Name of project) Risk Register.• Ensure that a Risk Owner is allocated to each risk.• Ensure that every risk identified is qualitatively analyzed for its probability of occurrence and potential impact on the Program.• Ensure that there is a containment strategy for each risk, which is being properly implemented with clearly identified actions.• From the risks identified recommend to the Risk Management Committee those risks that should be part of the Program-Level Risk Set (theselection of risks which could have potentially the most significant impacton the (Name of project) Program).• With the Risk Owner, conduct a quantitative analysis (3 point estimates) for each risk in the Program-Level Risk Set.• From the Program-Level Risk Set and the Project Plan, produce and maintain a Risk Network (as described in para 3.3.6).• Using the quantitative analysis and the Risk Network, model the effect that risks in the Program-Level Risk Set may have on the timing of theProgram milestones and the costs of achieving them.• From the Program-Level Risk Set select and prioritize the top 20 risks.• Regularly review both Activity Level Risks and Program-Level Risks with their Owners.• Maintain the Risk Register and ensure that it is accurate and up to date.• Convene and chair regular meetings of the Risk Management Committee.• Report risks and their status to the Customer, as required.• Reassess risk in proposed or unavoidable changes to the Program.2.2.4 The Risk Management Committee. The Risk Management Committee is responsible for the overall guidance of risk management activities. Membership of this committee is selected from the top levels of the (Name of project) Program organization, including all those managers that report directly to the Program Manager. This encourages a commitment to risk management at the highest levels on the program and ensures that the Committee is able to take a broad and authoritative view when reviewing risks and exploring avenues to contain them. The Risk Management Committee meets every month to oversee the managing of risks and their containment strategies. At these meetings the Committee will:• Review every risk in the Prioritized Risk List.• For any new risk tabled by the Risk Manager, either sanction the opening of this risk in the Risk Register, or reject it.• Confirm the selection of the Risk Owner.• Agree the containment strategies for the Prioritized risks.• Sanction the closure of risks on the Risk Register.2.2.5 Risk Management Committee Membership. The current membership of the Risk Management Committee is:• Program Director• Risk Manager• Program Manager• Operations Manager• Business Design Manager• Technical Platform Manager• Applications Development Manager• User Support Manager• Test & Integration Manager• Implementation Manager• Facilities Management Manager• FM Operations & Support Manager• Financial Controller• Systems Engineering Manager• Chief Systems Architect• Chief Business Engineer• Security Design Authority• Release 1 Manager。



风险管理程序英文版1.0 PurposeThe purpose of this procedure is to provide for a system and instructions, and to assign responsibilities for identifying and evaluating risks.2.0 ScopeThis procedure applies to risks related to the QMS.3.0 Procedure3.1 The need for risk identification is determined on the basis of information and trendsregarding the performance and effectiveness of the QMS. In particular:●Regulatory requirements●Product safety requirements and considerations●Product and service nonconformities●Process problems and nonconformities●Supplier quality performance records●Reject and scrap rates●Field service records●On time delivery performance●Production equipment maintenance records●Customer feedback and complaints●Quality management system audit records●Data loss/corruption incidents, network outages, etc.3.2 Risks are identified and evaluated when quality performance data indicates that there are trends of decreasing quality capability and/or effectiveness of the qualitymanagement system. For example: increasing incidence of product nonconformity; excessive equipment problems; or increasing number of audit findings against the same quality system process or department.3.3 Initiating risk management projects3.3.1 Risks are identified, evaluated and addressed in DaMei Risk Management module; within a framework of a Risk Management Project.3.3.2 Risk management projects may be proposed by any organizational unit and any employee in the company. Requests for initiating a risk management project are submitted to Management representative or General manager, as appropriate. Only Management representative and General manager have the authority to initiate, or approve the initiation of risk management projects. This is to prioritize and direct resources where risk control is most urgent.4.0 Risk management project4.1 Risk management projects are initiated in DaMei Risk Management module using electronic form EF-380-1 Risk Project.4.2 When initiating a new project, select in form EF-380-1 the risk assessment method that will be used for the project:1) Hazard Evaluation: This is a method for evaluating hazards and related harms, rather than estimating the actual risks. The method is based on evaluating hazardous situations and associated harms (risk cases), and existing controls that reduce the likelihood of the hazardous situation occurring and/or reduce the severity of the harm. The evaluation results in a decisionwhether additional controls need to be implemented to further reduce risk. Although no a full fledged risk analysis, it is an excellent method for demonstrating 'risk based thinking' without going into formal and complex risk analysis studies. This method should not be used when evaluating risks related to the safety of medical devices.2) Risk Matrix Analysis: This is a structured, formal method for assessing risks using a riskmatrix. The risk matrix for the project is defined using a template provided in formEF-380-01 (click the Risk Matrix tab in the form). This method is often referred to in technical literature as a Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). It is a top-down approach, using a list of known hazards as input for the risk analysis. The risk matrix method is the most flexible and versatile, as it can be applied to any product, process or system, and does not require detailed knowledge about the system to be analyzed. Where appropriate, the risk matrix Analysis method should be used when evaluating risks related to the safety of medical devices.Other Method: Select this item when some other risk assessment method will be used, for example: Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), etc.4.3 Risk management projects are periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain relevant and up to date. Review dates are scheduled, and the review are documented in form EF-380-1 in the 'Reviews' block.5.0 Hazards5.1 Hazards are conditions, circumstances, practices or other'things' that can be a source of harm or loss. Hazards do not cause harms; they just make harms possible. Hazards are usually constant, i.e., they are always there, unless the hazard is completely removed.5.2 For each risk management project identify all relevant hazards and enter them into DaMei Risk Management module (select the project and enter hazards into the 'Hazards' grid).。



The ERM Framework
• Management considers how individual risks interrelate.
• Management develops a portfolio view from two perspectives: - Business unit level - Entity level
The ERM Framework
▪ Entity objectives can be viewed in the ▪ context of four categories:
• Strategic • Operations • Reporting • Compliance
The ERM Framework
Enterprise Risk Management — Integrated Framework
▪This COSO ERM framework defines essential components, suggests a common language, and provides clear direction and guidance for enterprise risk management.
The ERM Framework
▪The eight components ▪of the framework ▪are interrelated …
Internal Environment
• Establishes a philosophy regarding risk management. It recognizes that unexpected as well as expected events may occur.

风险管理计划Risk Management Plan

风险管理计划Risk Management Plan

T E X A S D E P AR T M E NT O F IN F O R M A T IO N R E S O U R CE SNOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Risk Management Plan document.Risk Management PlanTemplateVersion 1.3 ● 31 JAN 2008Texas Project Delivery Framework RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATENOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Risk Management Plan document.Using this TemplateThe companion document, Risk Management Plan Instructions , provides detailed direction for completing this template. This and other Framework tools are available online at /pubs/framework/. To create a document from this template1. Delete the template title page (previous page) and this page.2. Replace [bracketed text] on the cover page (next page) with your project and agency information.3. Replace [bracketed text] in the document header area at the top of page i (Contents page) with the same project and agency information as on the cover page.Note: Please do not remove or modify content in the footer area.4. Complete the entire template. Each section contains abbreviated instructions, shown in italics, and a content area. The content area is marked with a placeholder symbol ( ) or with a table. Relevant text from other project documents may be pasted into content areas.Note: Please do not remove the italicized instructions.5. Update the table of contents by right-clicking and selecting “Update Field,” then “Update entire table.”RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN[Agency/Organization Name][PROJECT NAME]VERSION: [VERSION NUMBER] REVISION DA TE: [DATE]Approval of the Project Plan indicates an understanding of the purpose and content described in this document and the related plans for communication, configuration, and performance management. Approval of the Project Plan constitutes approval of the Project Plan and the related plans which are attached to the Project Plan.审批的项目计划表明了一个了解目的和内容此文档里所描述和相关计划为通信、配置、绩效管理。


1 to 25
9 medium
Examining results on display screens
Continuous use of DSE
Gradual deteration of eyesight
DSE legislation, not a continuous process
J. Bloggs
Joe Bloggs
4 Noise reduction plan in progress
Bruises & abrasions, possible broken fingers
1 Operator training
Vibration white finger from moving parts
Continuous use of air tools Vibration white finger
Assessment ref. no. …
Date of assessment: …31/03/04
Assessor(s)/team: …P.REEK

Periodic reviews – maximum
intervals for activities with:
5Physical injury
6Hand held tooling vibration
D Hazardous event (what happens) Fall from ladder



全面风险管理框架英文Comprehensive Risk Management FrameworkIntroduction:Risk management is essential for organizations to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor potential risks that can impact their operations and objectives. A comprehensive risk management framework provides a structured approach to managing risks effectively. This article will outline a comprehensive risk management framework and its key components.1. Risk Identification:The first step in managing risks is to identify all potential risks. This can be done through various methods such as brainstorming sessions, interviews, surveys, and analyzing historical data. Risks can be categorized into different types, including strategic, operational, financial, compliance, and reputational risks. It is important to ensure thorough identification of risks to establish a solid foundation for risk management.2. Risk Assessment:Once the risks are identified, the next step is to assess their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. This can be achieved through qualitative or quantitative risk assessment techniques. Qualitative assessment involves assigning scores or rankings to risks based on their severity, while quantitative assessment involves assigning specific dollar values to risks. By assessing risks, organizations can prioritize their response and allocate resources accordingly.3. Risk Mitigation:Risk mitigation involves taking actions to reduce the likelihood and impact of risks. This can be done through implementing control measures, developing contingency plans, and transferring or sharing risks through insurance or contractual arrangements. The effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies should be regularly monitored and reassessed to ensure their continued effectiveness.4. Risk Monitoring:Once risks are identified and mitigated, it is important to continuously monitor the risk landscape to identify new risks and assess the effectiveness of existing risk controls. This can be achieved through regular risk assessments, internal audits, external evaluations, and feedback from stakeholders. By monitoring risks, organizations can take proactive measures to prevent or minimize potential negative impacts.5. Risk Reporting:Effective risk reporting is crucial for organizations to communicate the status of risks and associated mitigation efforts to stakeholders. Risk reports should provide clear and concise information on the identified risks, their potential impacts, mitigation strategies, and progress made. Risk reports should be tailored to the needs of different stakeholders, such as the board of directors, management, employees, and regulators.6. Risk Culture:Developing a strong risk culture within an organization is essential for effective risk management. This involves promoting open communication, accountability, and a proactive approach towardsaddressing risks. Top management plays a vital role in setting the tone for risk culture by demonstrating their commitment to risk management and providing resources and support for risk mitigation efforts.7. Continuous Improvement:Risk management is an ongoing process, and organizations should continuously strive for improvement. This can be achieved through conducting regular reviews and assessments of the risk management framework, identifying lessons learned from previous incidents or near misses, and incorporating best practices from the industry. By embracing a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can enhance their ability to anticipate and respond to risks effectively.Conclusion:A comprehensive risk management framework provides organizations with a structured approach to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks. It helps organizations to establish a proactive risk management culture and promotes effective communication and reporting. By continuously monitoring and improving the risk management framework, organizations can enhance their resilience and protect their objectives from potential risks.Sure, here is an extended version of the comprehensive risk management framework.8. Risk Ownership:To effectively manage risks, it is important to establish clear lines of responsibility for risk ownership. This involves assigning individuals or teams with the accountability for managing specificrisks. Each risk should have a designated owner who is responsible for identifying and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies, monitoring the risk's status, and reporting on its progress.9. Risk Appetite and Tolerance:Organizations need to define their risk appetite and tolerance levels to guide their risk management efforts. Risk appetite refers to the amount of risk an organization is willing to accept to achieve its objectives, while risk tolerance specifies the acceptable level of deviation from these objectives. Establishing clear risk appetite and tolerance levels helps in decision-making regarding risk acceptance, transfer, or mitigation.10. Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing:In addition to assessing individual risks, organizations can benefit from conducting scenario analysis and stress testing. Scenario analysis involves evaluating the potential impact of a specific set of circumstances on the organization's operations and objectives. Stress testing entails subjecting the organization to extreme conditions to evaluate its resilience and identify potential vulnerabilities. These techniques help in understanding and preparing for potential risks that might otherwise be overlooked. 11. Training and Education:To promote effective risk management, organizations should invest in training and education programs for their employees. Employees should be provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and manage risks in their areas of responsibility. Training programs can include topics such as risk identification techniques, risk assessment methodologies, and the use of risk managementtools. The goal is to create a risk-aware workforce that can contribute to the overall risk management efforts of the organization.12. Technology and Data Analytics:Leveraging technology and data analytics can greatly enhance the effectiveness of risk management. Organizations can use risk management software and tools to automate the collection, analysis, and reporting of risk-related information. Data analytics techniques, such as predictive modeling and machine learning, can help in identifying patterns or trends that indicate potential risks. By harnessing technology and data, organizations can make more informed decisions and proactively manage risks.13. Business Continuity Planning:To ensure business continuity in the event of a major risk event, organizations should develop and maintain robust business continuity plans (BCPs). BCPs outline the steps and procedures to be followed during and after a disruption to critical business operations. They should address various scenarios, including natural disasters, technology failures, or any other event that can impact the organization's ability to function. Regular testing and updating of BCPs are vital to validate their effectiveness and relevance.14. Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:Organizations need to consider compliance and regulatory requirements in their risk management framework. Compliance risks arise from failing to adhere to laws, regulations, or internal policies. Effective risk management includes ensuring compliance,conducting regular compliance audits, and implementing controls to mitigate compliance risks. Organizations should also monitor regulatory changes and update their risk management practices to remain in compliance.15. Crisis Management:In addition to proactive risk management, organizations should be prepared to effectively manage crisis situations. Crisis management involves establishing a crisis response team, developing communication protocols, and creating a crisis management plan. The plan should outline roles, responsibilities, and procedures for responding to and recovering from crises, such as cyber-attacks, public relations disasters, or natural disasters. Regular training and simulations should be conducted to test and improve the effectiveness of the crisis management plan.16. Vendor and Supply Chain Risk Management: Organizations should not overlook the risks associated with their vendors and supply chains. Risks can arise from factors such as supplier failure, quality issues, or disruptions in the supply chain. Organizations should conduct due diligence on vendors, perform risk assessments, and establish contingency plans to address potential disruptions. Ongoing monitoring of vendors and supply chains is important to identify and mitigate potential risks.17. Integration with Strategic Planning:Risk management should be integrated with the organization's strategic planning process. By considering risks during strategic planning, organizations can make informed decisions and align their strategies with their risk appetite and tolerance levels. Risksshould be evaluated when setting objectives, assessing performance, and selecting initiatives. A strong alignment between risk management and strategic planning enhances the organization's ability to identify and respond to risks that can impact its strategic objectives.18. Stakeholder Engagement:It is crucial to engage stakeholders throughout the risk management process. Stakeholders can provide valuable insights into potential risks, help assess the severity and impact of risks, and contribute to risk mitigation efforts. Regular communication and feedback channels should be established to ensure that stakeholders are kept informed about risks and their management. Engaging stakeholders fosters a collaborative approach to risk management and enhances the organization's ability to tackle risks effectively.Conclusion:A comprehensive risk management framework requires organizations to consider multiple components and processes to effectively identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks. By implementing such a framework, organizations can build a strong risk management culture, promote accountability, and enhance their ability to anticipate and respond to risks. The continuous improvement of the framework ensures that organizations remain resilient in the face of ever-evolving risks and uncertainties.。

风险管理计划Risk Management Plan

风险管理计划Risk Management Plan

T E X A S D E P AR T M E NT O F IN F O R M A T IO N R E S O U R CE SNOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Risk Management Plan document.Risk Management PlanTemplateVersion 1.3 ● 31 JAN 2008Texas Project Delivery Framework RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATENOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Risk Management Plan document.Using this TemplateThe companion document, Risk Management Plan Instructions , provides detailed direction for completing this template. This and other Framework tools are available online at /pubs/framework/. To create a document from this template1. Delete the template title page (previous page) and this page.2. Replace [bracketed text] on the cover page (next page) with your project and agency information.3. Replace [bracketed text] in the document header area at the top of page i (Contents page) with the same project and agency information as on the cover page.Note: Please do not remove or modify content in the footer area.4. Complete the entire template. Each section contains abbreviated instructions, shown in italics, and a content area. The content area is marked with a placeholder symbol ( ) or with a table. Relevant text from other project documents may be pasted into content areas.Note: Please do not remove the italicized instructions.5. Update the table of contents by right-clicking and selecting “Update Field,” then “Update entire table.”RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN[Agency/Organization Name][PROJECT NAME]VERSION: [VERSION NUMBER] REVISION DA TE: [DATE]Approval of the Project Plan indicates an understanding of the purpose and content described in this document and the related plans for communication, configuration, and performance management. Approval of the Project Plan constitutes approval of the Project Plan and the related plans which are attached to the Project Plan.审批的项目计划表明了一个了解目的和内容此文档里所描述和相关计划为通信、配置、绩效管理。



企业风险管理计划作文英语Our company's risk management plan is essential for identifying and mitigating potential threats to ourbusiness operations. By conducting regular risk assessments, we can proactively address any issues that may arise and minimize their impact on our bottom line.One key aspect of our risk management plan is to establish clear protocols for responding to emergencies and crises. This ensures that all employees know what to do in case of a disaster and can act quickly to protect themselves and our assets.Another important component of our risk management plan is to regularly review and update our insurance coverage.By staying informed about the latest developments in the insurance industry, we can ensure that we have adequate coverage for any potential risks that may arise.In addition to insurance, we also invest in trainingand development programs for our employees to help them identify and mitigate risks in their day-to-day work. By empowering our employees to take ownership of risk management, we can create a culture of safety and accountability within our organization.Overall, our risk management plan is designed to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. By staying proactive and vigilant, we can protect our business from unforeseen threats and ensure our long-term success.。

风险应对计划 英语

风险应对计划 英语

风险应对计划英语Risk Management Plan.In today's fast-paced and unpredictable business environment, it is crucial for organizations to have a comprehensive risk management plan in place. A risk management plan is a proactive approach to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks that could impact the successof a project or the overall business operations.The first step in developing a risk management plan isto identify potential risks. This involves a thorough analysis of internal and external factors that could pose a threat to the organization's objectives. These risks could include financial risks, operational risks, market risks, and regulatory risks, among others.Once the risks are identified, they must be assessed in terms of their likelihood and potential impact. This helpsin prioritizing the risks and determining the appropriateresponse strategies. For example, high-impact risks with a high likelihood of occurrence may require immediate action, while low-impact risks with a low likelihood of occurrence may be monitored and reviewed periodically.After the risks are assessed, the next step is to develop response strategies to mitigate or manage the identified risks. These strategies could include risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk transfer, or risk acceptance. For example, if a project is at risk of being delayed due to a shortage of resources, the organization may choose to mitigate this risk by hiring additional resources or outsourcing certain tasks.It is important to regularly review and update the risk management plan to ensure its effectiveness in addressing the evolving risks faced by the organization. This may involve conducting risk assessments at regular intervals, monitoring the implementation of response strategies, and making adjustments as necessary.In conclusion, a well-developed risk management plan isessential for organizations to proactively addresspotential risks and minimize their impact on the business. By identifying, assessing, and implementing response strategies for risks, organizations can enhance their resilience and improve their ability to achieve their objectives in a dynamic and uncertain business environment.。




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Risk Management Planfor<project><author><date><version>Table of ContentsTable of Contents ................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Revision History .................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Purpose ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Roles and Responsibilities .......................... 错误!未定义书签。

Risk Documentation .................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Activities .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Schedule for Risk Management Activities ............. 错误!未定义书签。

Risk Management Budget .............................. 错误!未定义书签。

Risk Management Tools ............................... 错误!未定义书签。

Appendix. Sample Risk Documentation Form ............ 错误!未定义书签。

Revision HistoryPurposeThis document describes how we will perform the job ofmanaging risks for <project>. It defines roles andresponsibilities for participants in the risk processes,the risk management activities that will be carried out,the schedule and budget for risk management activities,and any tools and techniques that will be used.Roles and ResponsibilitiesProject Manager The Project Manager will assign a Risk Officer to the project, and identify this individual on the project’s organization chart. The Project Manager and other members of the Project Management team <list names or roles>shall meet <state frequency; biweekly suggested> to review the status of all risk mitigation efforts, review the exposure assessments for any new risk items, and redefine the project's Top Ten Risk List.Risk Officer The Risk Officer has the following responsibilities and authority:<describe what the risk officer will do; might includecoordinating risk identification and analysis activities,maintaining the project’s risk list, notifying projectmanagement of new risk items, reporting risk resolutionstatus to management; the Risk Officer should normallynot be the Project Manager.>Project Member Assigned a Risk The Risk Officer will assign each newly identified risk to a project member, who will assess the exposure and probability for the risk factor and report the results of that analysis back to the Risk Officer. Assigned project members are also responsible for performing the steps of the mitigation plan and reporting progress to the Risk Officer biweekly.Risk DocumentationRisk List The risk factors identified and managed for this project will be accumulated in a risk list, which is located<state where risk list is located; could be an appendixto this plan, or in a separate document, or in a databaseor tool somewhere>. The ten risk items that currentlyhave the highest estimated risk exposure are referred toas the project’s Top Ten Risk List.Risk Data Items The following information will be stored for each project risk: <list and define risk data items. Some suggestions: Risk ID, classification, description, probability, impact, risk exposure, first indicator that risk is becoming a problem, mitigation approaches, owner, date due, contingency plan, contingency plan trigger>Closing Risks A risk item can be considered closed when it meets the following criteria: <example: the planned mitigationactions have been completed and the estimated riskexposure of probability times impact is less than 2> ActivitiesIdentificationRisk Analysis andPrioritizationPlanningRisk ResolutionRisk MonitoringLessons LearnedSchedule for Risk Management ActivitiesRiskIdentificationA risk workshop will be held on approximately <date>.Risk List The prioritized risk list will be completed and made available to the project team by approximately <date>.Risk Management Plan The risk management plan, with mitigation, avoidance, or prevention strategies for the top ten risk items, will be completed by approximately <date>.Risk Review The Risk Management Plan and initial Top Ten Risk List will be reviewed and approved by the Project Manager onapproximately <date>.Risk Tracking The status of risk management activities and mitigation success will be revisited as part of the gate exitcriteria for each life cycle phase. The risk managementplan will be updated at that time. <If the project istracking cumulative risk exposure, that will be updatedand reviewed during at this time, also.>Risk Management Budget<Describe the budget available for managing theproject’s risks>.Risk Management Tools<Describe any tools that will be used to store riskinformation, evaluate risks, track status of risk items,or generate reports or charts depicting risk managementactivity and status. If specific questionnaires ordatabases will be used during risk identification,describe them here. If lessons learned about controllingthe risk items will be stored in a database for referenceby future projects, describe that database here.>Appendix. Sample Risk Documentation Form。

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TABLE OF CONTENTS1Introduction 1 1.1Document overview 1 1.2References 11.2.1Project References 11.2.2Standard and regulatory References 2 2Risk management during software development 2 2.1Organization and Responsibilities 2 2.2Qualification of personnel 2 2.3Objective of risk management activities 2 2.4Tasks, Planning 32.4.1Task n 32.4.2Risk analysis initialization 32.4.3Risk analysis update 4 2.5Criteria for Acceptability of Risk 4 2.6Verification and Risk traceability matrix 4 2.7Approvals 4 2.8Location of Risk Management File 4 3Risk management after software development 43.1Organization and Responsibilities 4 3.2Qualification of personnel 5 3.3Production and maintenance information 5 3.4Annual Audit 5 3.5Risk management of activities after software development 53.5.1Approvals 63.5.2Location of Risk Analysis Report out of design 6 4Ranking System for Risk Analysis 64.1Probability of Occurrence 6 4.2Consequences of Hazard 6 4.3Add your other criteria 6 4.4Determination of risk level 6 4.5Risk Index 7 4.6Criteria for acceptability 71Introduction1.1Document overviewThis document covers the risk management plan of XXX device, designed in XXX software development project.It contains:•the risk management organization and process during the software development project, •the risk management organization and process during maintenance, after final delivery of the software development project.Note: most of times, risk management organization is very different before and after design. You may split the risk management plan in two documents, the first one before end of design, the second one after the end of design.1.2References1.2.1Project References1.2.2Standard and regulatory ReferencesAdd the standard references to the table above. It may include ISO 14971, ISO 13485, IEC/TR 80002-1, IEC 62304, amongst others.2Risk management during software developmentThis chapter covers the risk management process and organization during the software development.2.1Organization and ResponsibilitiesDescribe the organization of the team responsible for risk management during design. You may add an organization chart or add a reference to your project management plan, where the organization of the project should be already described.2.2Qualification of personnelDescribe the qualification of personnel responsible for the risk management and risk analysis activities. Example:The personnel who participates to the risk analysis is composed of:•Experienced staff who was involved in the design process of similar products•The expert praticians who participate to the design process2.3Objective of risk management activitiesThe objective of risk management activities is to deliver a risk analysis report, which contains:•The device characteristics that could impact on safety (ISO 14971),•The software safety classification (IEC 62304),•The risk analysis table,•The risk traceability matrix with design requirements,•The overall assessment of residual risk.The risk analysis table and risk traceability matrix will be created and updated as necessary during software development, according to tasks described in §2.4.Data on the risk analysis table includes:•List the columns, according to your risk analysis table in your risk analysis report,•…Data on the risk analysis table includes:•List the columns, according to your risk traceability matrix in your risk analysis report, •…See my risk analysis report template for columns samples.Note: The Risk analysis should be performed by using the table B.1 in IEC/TR 80002-1.The risk analysis report will summarize whether identified and mitigated risks meet the acceptable values defined in this plan. It will also include a statement indicating whether all known hazards have been identified.The Risk Management File gathers this document and all documents quoted above.2.4Tasks, PlanningDescribe how the risk management activities are planned during the project.The planning of risk activities shall be coherent with the planning of the project found in §2.2 of the project management plan.Insert a table or list or diagram describing the planning.Important, list the deliverables and reviews of each phase of the project2.4.1Task nOptional, add a sub-section for each task with:•Inputs of the task•Content of the task•Outputs of the task•Task reviews (in, if necessary, and out)•Relationship with development planning.Note: The tasks may group sets of activities found in §4 to §7 of ISO14971.Examples of tasks below:2.4.2Risk analysis initializationDuring this phase, the following activities are performed: identification of intended use, identification of characteristics affecting the safety, assignation of safety class (see §2.5.1) identification of hazards, evaluation of hazards, and identification of foreseeable mitigation actions.•Inputs: publications, clinical data, any information prior to design phase•Two meetings with clinicians involved in the design process•Outputs: intended use, safety characteristics and hazards, creation of risk analysis•Relationship with development planning: Output data of this task is input data for specification•End of Task review: review of risk analysis in draft version.2.4.3Risk analysis updateDuring this phase, the following activities are performed: identification of mitigation actions, evaluation of hazards after mitigation and analysis of risk/patient outcome ratio.•Inputs: publications, clinical data, any information prior to design phase•Two meetings with clinicians involved in the design process and system architect•Outputs: Update of risk analysis•Relationship with development planning: this task is performed during specifications •End of Task review: review of risk analysis in first revision.2.5Criteria for Acceptability of RiskWarning: I recommend you to read carefully §3.4 of IEC 80002-1 to select adequate risk criteria.Risks will be evaluated in accordance with Risk Management Procedures for: •Probability of occurrence, read carefully §3.4 of IEC 80002-1•Consequence of hazard•Any other criteria of your choice, like probability of detection …Based on the level, for each hazard analyzed for XXXX , the Residual Risk will be considered Acceptable if the risk level value is less than <fix your number>.Based on the risk levels, the Overall Residual Risk for a device will be considered acceptable if the following conditions are satisfied:1.None of the identified hazards leads to an unacceptable risk (i.e., no risk level above<your number minus 1> is identified); and2.Another quantitative criterion of your choice3.Another one …Any risk levels above these values need to have actions taken to reduce the risk.2.6Verification and Risk traceability matrixVerification testing activities will be cross-referenced in the risk traceability matrix, as applicable.2.7ApprovalsThe Risk Management Plan must be reviewed and approved by XXXX prior to the start of the risk assessment process.The Risk Analysis Report will be reviewed and approved by XXXX to ensure completeness and conformance to this Risk Management Plan.2.8Location of Risk Management FileThe Risk Management File is located in XXX (for example a document management tool defined in the software development plan or project management plan). This file contains all the documents related to the management of risk for the device and is kept for the life of the product.3Risk management after software development3.1Organization and ResponsibilitiesDescribe the organization of the team responsible for risk management after software development. You may add an organization chart.3.2Qualification of personnelDescribe the qualification of personnel responsible for the risk management and risk analysis activities.3.3Production and maintenance informationThe Risk Management File is systematically reviewed and updated in the maintenance of the device, especially when:•The product is modified (iso-functional patch),•Analysis of data of post marketing surveillance triggers a reevaluation (internal defects, customer requests, maintenance, vigilance bulletins, of field information from any source),3.4Annual AuditReviews and updates to the Risk Management File will be done annuallyReviews and updates to any risk related document will be documented, approved, and included within the Risk Management File.3.5Risk management of activities after software developmentYour QMS should have been structured to mitigate risks after design (eg: a delivery procedure to mitigate the risk of delivering the wrong version to a customer). However, some specific risks may arise from a new software or system and may deserve a separate risk analysis report.A Risk Analysis Report out of design will be created and updated as necessary after software development. Risk linked to activities after software development will be evaluated in accordance with Risk Management Procedures, criteria for acceptability of Risk, Requirements for Review of Risk Management Activities.The activities are:•Sales & Marketing,•Production,•Storage,•Delivery,•Installation,•Maintenance,•Un-installation,•Disposal,•Add yours …3.5.1ApprovalsThe Risk Analysis Report out of design will be reviewed and approved by XXXX to ensure completeness and conformance to this Risk Management Plan.3.5.2Location of Risk Analysis Report out of designThe Risk Analysis Report out of design is located in XXX. (you may add it to the DHF or DMR)4Ranking System for Risk AnalysisThis section describes how the risk level is deduced from the characteristics of the risk: •List the criteria defined in §2.2.Describe in sub sections how you quantify your criteria4.2Consequences of Hazard4.3Add your other criteriaYour definition4.4Determination of risk levelA rule of your choice, like.Risk Level = criterion 1x criterion 2x criterion n4.5Risk Index4.6Criteria for acceptabilityAcceptable risk per risk level is:•If the risk level is 1 to xx - No recommended actions are required.•If the risk level is xx to yy - Some actions may be used, where possible, to lower the level.•If risk level is above yy the risk is unacceptable. Mitigation action must be implemented to lower the level.。
