



pets全国英语等级考试口语等级考试Title: National English Proficiency Test (NEPT) Speaking TestThe National English Proficiency Test (NEPT) is designedto assess the English speaking ability of individuals from different linguistic backgrounds. The speaking test is one of the components of the NEPT and it plays a crucial role in evaluating the overall English proficiency of the test takers.The NEPT speaking test is divided into several sections, each of which is designed to assess different aspects of the test taker's speaking ability. One of the sections requiresthe test taker to engage in a conversation with the examineron a given topic. This section aims to evaluate the testtaker's ability to express their thoughts clearly and coherently, as well as their proficiency in using a widerange of vocabulary and grammatical structures.Another section of the NEPT speaking test involves giving a short presentation on a specific topic. This section assesses the test taker's ability to organize their ideas effectively and deliver a coherent and well-structured speech. Test takers are expected to demonstrate their ability to use appropriate language and maintain a consistent flow of speech throughout the presentation.In addition to these sections, the NEPT speaking testalso includes role-play activities, where test takers are required to engage in simulated conversations andinteractions in various contexts, such as making a hotel reservation, shopping at a store, or seeking help from a customer service representative. These activities aim to assess the test taker's ability to handle real-life communication situations and demonstrate their conversational skills in practical scenarios.The NEPT speaking test is evaluated based on a set of criteria, including pronunciation, intonation, fluency, vocabulary, and grammatical accuracy. Test takers are expected to demonstrate clear and intelligible pronunciation, appropriate use of intonation and stress, as well as anatural and fluent delivery of speech. They are also assessed on their range and accuracy of vocabulary, as well as their ability to use grammatical structures correctly and effectively.Preparation for the NEPT speaking test is essential for achieving success. Test takers are advised to practice speaking English regularly and engage in conversations with native speakers or fluent English speakers to improve their speaking skills. They can also benefit from practicing speaking on a variety of topics and participating in mock speaking tests to familiarize themselves with the format and requirements of the NEPT speaking test.In conclusion, the NEPT speaking test is a critical component of the overall English proficiency assessment. It is designed to evaluate the test taker's ability to communicate effectively and confidently in English, and it assesses various aspects of their speaking ability in different contexts. With adequate preparation and practice, test takers can enhance their speaking skills and achieve success in the NEPT speaking test.。



二外英语一口语考试朗读材料1. When I was young, I thought that reading was like a drug which I was allowed to take only a teaspoon at a time, but which, nevertheless, had the effect of carrying me away to an enchanted world. As time wentby and I took that drug again and again, I became addicted to it. Books became an intrinsic part of my life. They became my friends, my guides, my lovers. My most faithful lovers. I didn?t knowI would fall in love with books when I was young and started to read.I don?t evenrecall when I started to read and how. I just remember that mymother didn?t likeme to read. In spite of this, every time I had an opportunity Iwould sneak somewhere with a book and read one page, two pages, three,if I were lucky enough, always feeling my heart beating fast, always hoping that my mother wouldn?t find me. For her, books were nothing. For me, they were everything.2. According to the Small Business Administration, the number of family-owned companies — many of which are run by mothers anddaughters — is on the rise.In 1988, of the nearly 19 million companies in the United States, more than 13 million were sole proprietorships. Most of those were described as family-owned businesses with two or more relatedindividuals who were working together. While there are no hard numbersof how many mother-daughter companies exist, experts agree that more mothers and daughters are going into business together. “About 90 percent of American businesses are family-owned or -controlled,” saysa family business consultant. “People still prefer, whenever possible, to work with people they know.”3. Walter Anderson joined the ranks of the HA Society the same yearI did. I felt a special kinship to him as I heard his story — for reasons that will be obvious as Irelate it here. Walter grew up in a four-room railroad flat on the wrong side of the tracks in New York, in an atmosphere made volatile and violent by an illiterate, abusive, alcoholic father. “I lived with fear every day, nearly every minute of my childho od,” Walter remembers. “Often my father would beat me for things Imight do, not for things I had done. I felt safer on the street corner than in my own home.” Like me, my friend Walter credits his mother and reading as key influences in his life. His mom always tried to shield him from his father?s abuse.“I never doubted my mother?s love,” Walter says. “She encouraged me to read despite the fact that my father would beat me if he found me reading. Years later, after my father?s death, I asked her why she would do so when she knew myfather would beat me, and she said, …I believed that if you could learn to read, somehow you would find your way out. And you did.?”4. They?re known as “the boys”. They are Ben and Jerry, definitely America?s mostfamous providers of ice cream and certainly two of America?s most colorfulentrepreneurs. They?ve been friends since seventh grade and business partners since 1978, when they opened their first scoop shop, using techniques gathered from a $5 correspondence course on how to make ice cream. Their firm, Ben & Jerry?s Homemade, sold more than $76 million worth of super premium ice cream in 1990 and employs around 300 people, give or take a few, depending on the season. Ben and Jerry have strong personalities and strong opinions. They believe that work should be fun, or else it isn?t worth doing. They also believe inhelping the unfortunate, protecting the environment, and treating people fairly. They want their company to be a happy, humanitarian place where everybody feels good about coming to work and producing the best product.5. The United States is often described as a “melting pot” that absorbs immigrants from diverse lands and blends them into something we call Americans. They may be Latin, or Russian, or Italian when they arrive, but given enough time they, or at least their children, become just like the rest of us. That may have been true in the past, but it is less so today, according to a growing body of research. Modern technology ranging from jet aircraft to the Internet has made it possible for new immigrants to hang on to their past, and what we see isnot necessarily what we get. They are called “transnationals”, a new buzzword that has embroiled many experts in controversy. The experts can?t even seem to agree on its definition, much less whether it is a good thing.6. There is a warm and cheery feeling in the room for this, thefirst meeting of the year for the new kindergarten parents. Sharing stories about the little angels brings laughter, and when Ms. Jeffers reflects what a great step it is to send the little ones off to school for the first time, there is a bittersweet tear here and there. After a while, Ms. Jeffers takes a deep breath and says: “And now I?d like to talk about a policy here at our School that all of you heard about during your entrance interview but which is controversial for some —the school policy abouttelevision and media.” Suddenly the room is quiet and tense. It is as if an arctic wind had suddenly cut through the pleasant atmosphere that had moments ago filled the space. The sudden change in the room is apparent to Ms. Jeffers as well — though not unexpected. Nevertheless, she forges ahead with conviction, relating her own experience of the difference between children exposed to the media and those who are not. She also cites research findings critical of television watching and computer use by children and hands out articles and study results by respected authorities.7. After reading so many books that touch me deeply, each one in its special way, I understand now that my mother had a point when she triedto keep me away from books in my childhood. She wanted me to stay in my little town, to marry a rich and tiresome man, to keep up with the traditions. But the books carried me away; they gave me wings to fly, to discover new places. They made me dare to live another kind of life. They made me wish for more, and when I couldn?t have all I wished for, they were still there to comfort me, and to show me new options. Yes, my mother was right. Books are dangerous; books are subversive. Because of them I left a predictable future for an unforeseeable one. However, if I had to choose again, I would always choose the books instead of the lackluster life I could have had. After all, what joy would I find in my heart without my books, my mostfaithful lovers?8. Mothers and daughters should work together in some informalsetting before forming a business partnership. And that?s just what Kelly did before she joinedher mother?s 16-year-old antique store. “As a child, I always worked with mymother on projects,” says Kelly, the company?s 36-year-old marketing and publicrelations manager. “We?ve always had a good working relationship.” That oldsaying, “Mothers will always be mothers,” certainly applies here. Many daughterssay that one of the major drawbacks to successfully running a mother-daughter company can be the inability of the mother to respect the daughter?s professionalskills. Some mothers still treat their daughte rs as “Mommy?s little girl” — despitethe fact that they?re adult business owners. That thinking can cripple amother-daughter operation. “Did I have reservations about working with mymother? Sure I did,” “Mom still likes to exert a certain amount of control over me. That?s the biggest issue. My most difficult challenge is weaning myself from my mother. Her challenge is to look at her children more as trained professionals.”9. While working as a reporter, Walter enrolled in a local community college and graduated two years later — first in his class of six hundred students. MercyCollege awarded him a full scholarship to continue his education. He graduated from there, once again class valedictorian. After serving as editor and general manager of two daily newspapers, he moved to Parade magazine. He served asmanaging editor there before being promoted to editor of thelargest-circulation Sunday magazine in the world at the age of thirty-five. In the course of his journalistic success, Walter met and interviewed a lot of famous people from whom he learned some valuablelessons. “I thought for the longest time that I was the only human being who worried that others would find out that I was inferior, that I was vulnerable, that I deserved to be rejected. I now know that all sane human beings worry that others will find out that they are not quite good enough, that they can be hurt, that maybe they don?t belong.”10. Whether you work for a free-spirited company like Ben & Jerry?s or a moreconventional organization, you will discover that when all is said and done, what?s done is more important than what?s said. Action is the ultimate form ofcommunication. It speaks with an unmistakable voice. The diaper changing tables in both the men?s and women?s rooms at Ben & Jerry?s say more about thecompany?s commitment to family values than any statement in a policy manual possibly could. At the same time, when Ben tears his remaining hair and laments that the company is growing too fast, the employees give each other knowing looks and hustle to meet production targets. They?ve noticed that for a man whohates growth, Ben sure sells a lot of ice cream. Perhaps a certain amount of inconsistency between words and actions is unavoidable. Lifeis full of ambiguities, and most of us have mixed feelings about things from time to time. We don?t say what we really mean; in fact, we don?t always know what we reallymean. Under the circumstances, no wonder we sometimes have trouble figuring out all the surface and underlying messages that we send and receive.。






例如,你将听到:The train goes at six fifteen. (两遍)请看选项:图片A是六点差十分,图片B是六点十分,图片C是六点十五分。






例如,你将听到:Man: Morning, Madame. Can I help you?Woman: Oh, good morning. I'd like to buy a shirt for my father. (两遍)请看问题和选项:Where are they talking?[A] At a school.[B] In a shop.[C] On a bus.显然,该对话发生商店里。




例:1. Bob and I made ______ agreement last Monday.[A] a [B] an [C] the2. He won't stop trying ________ he gets what he wants.[A] as [B] that [C] till第二节:完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在客观题答题卡上将该项涂黑。







一、超级实用的点餐英语May I have a menu, please?我可以看下菜单吗?Please give me this one.请给我来这个。

We want two number eights, please.我们要两份八号套餐。

Could you tell me how this thing is cooked?你能告诉我这道菜是怎么做的吗?Is it good?好吃吗?What is the specialty of the restaurant?这家店的招牌餐是什么?Do you have any special meals today?今天有什么特餐吗?What would you recommend?I prefer something light.我想来点清淡些的,你有什么推荐的吗?I will leave it to you.你来点菜吧。

I will have the same as that one.我要一份和那个一样的。

Could I have a few more minutes?我能等会儿再点吗?二、口语词汇记忆1. The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.那个失败者把自己严密地封闭在小室内。

2. The composer was proposed to decompose his composition into components.作曲家被建议将著作分解成单元。

3. Suppose you were exposed in the opposite position by your opponent...假设你被对手暴露在相反的位置……4. The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose.储户有意确信地介词放置在那个位置。



全国英语等级考试1级考试内容介绍全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部主办,面向全国的英语水平测试。





























笔试试卷和口试试卷均使用中文指#PETS# 导语。



















该部分所需时间约为20 分钟。





英语一级口试自我介绍范文英文回答:Good morning, examiners. It is a great honor and privilege to be here today for the English Level 1 Oral Examination. My name is [Your name], and I am a native English speaker from the United States. I have been studying English for [Number] years, and I am confident in my ability to communicate effectively in both spoken and written English.I am a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a strong passion for language learning. I have always been fascinated by the English language, and I believe that it is a powerful tool for communication and expression. I am eager to continue my studies in English and to use my language skills to make a positive contribution to society.In my spare time, I enjoy reading, writing, and spending time with my family and friends. I am also an avidtraveler, and I have had the opportunity to visit many different countries and experience different cultures. I believe that my experiences have made me a more open-minded and well-rounded individual.I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to succeed in this oral examination. I am well-prepared, and I am eager to demonstrate my English language proficiency. Thank you for your time and consideration.中文回答:各位考官,上午好。



人文英语1口语训练摘要:一、引言1.人文英语1 口语训练的重要性2.提高口语能力的技巧和方法二、口语训练方法1.发音练习2.口语表达技巧3.情景对话练习4.语言环境的重要性三、提高口语能力的技巧1.培养自信心2.多听、多模仿3.积累词汇和表达4.持续练习四、实际应用与案例1.实际场景中的应用2.案例分享五、总结1.口语训练的目标2.持之以恒的重要性正文:人文英语1 口语训练是提高英语水平的重要环节,不仅能帮助我们更好地表达自己,还能增进与他人的交流。





















总结起来,人文英语1 口语训练的目标是帮助我们提高英语口语能力,以更好地进行交流。










考生可以这么说:Im sorry,I dont know much about this. So I cannot answer your question. But I guess,it might be like this…… 或者这么说:Im afraid that this question is beyond me. You know,actually Ivenever had such kind of experience. Maybe you could offer me some information about this?怎样利用语言这一交流工具进行有效交流,巧妙地回避矛盾、解决难题、达到目的,在很大程度上反映考生对语言的驾驭能力,因为这是口语考试的核心精神之所在。





一.关于姓名1.What’s your name, please?2.Can/Could/Will/Would you tell me/us your name, please?3.May I ask your name, please?4.May I have your name, please?回答:1.My name is Li Ming.2. I’m Li Ming.3. You can call me Li Ming.5.Just call me Li Ming.二.关于年龄1.How old are you?2. What’s your age?3. When were you born?4. Can/Could/Will/Would you tell me/us your age, please?1.I’m fourteen (years old).2.I was born in (May) 1986. or I was born on May4th, 1985.三.关于出生地1.Where are you from?2. Where do you come from?3. Are you from Beijing?4. Where were you born?回答:1. I’m from Shanghai.2. I come from Shanghai.3. I was born in Shanghai.4. Yes, I’m from Beijing.5. No, I’m not from Beijing. I’m from Shanghai. 四.关于职业1.Are you a student? You are a student, aren’t you?2. Do you study?3.Do you work?4. Have you got a job?5. What do you study?6. Do you like it? or Do you like studying computer science? Yes, I do.7. Why do you like it? Because it’s very interesting. / Because I enjoy it very much. 8. What do you do? / What’s your job? 9. Do you like your job? No, I don’t. / Not at all. 10. Why don’t you like it? Because it’s not interesting. / Because I have to work so long every day and it makes me tired.11. Do you want to change your job? Yes. Why? Because I’ve done the same job for a long time. I want to learn more and more things.1. Which school are you in?2. What subjects do you study?3. Do you study computer?4. Which subject do you like best? Why? I like maths best. Because I think it’s very interesting and useful.5. Which subjects are you good at?6. Which subject is the most difficult? Why? I think physics is the most difficult, because I often don’t do well in physics exams.7. Which subjects do you like? Why? I like Chinese and English. Because our Chinese teacher likes me very much, and I think English is a beautiful language.8. Which subjects don’t you like? Why? I don’t like physics, because it’s too difficult.9. Do you like your school? Why? Yes, I do. Because it’s very beautiful and I have many friends there. The teachers are verykind to us. No, I don’t. Because it’s too small and old. Not very much. Because it is too far away from my home and there is too much homework to do.五.关于家庭学生:1.How many people are there in your family? Who are they?2.What does your father/mother do? What’s your father’s/mother’s job? What does your father/mother do? Where does your father/mother work?3.How old is your sister?4.Who usually does the cooking in your family? My mother usually does the cooking. My father seldom does.5.Who usually does the housework in your family? Both my father and my mother do the housework.6.Do you help your parents with the housework? Yes, often. / Sometimes.六.其它1.When do you usually get up in the morning?1.When do you go to school? When do you go to work?2.When do you come back home in the evening?3.When do you go to bed/ go to sleep?4.When do you have supper?5.How do you go to school? How do you go to work?6.How far is your home to the office/ your school? Is your school/office far from your home?7.After school/work, what do you do? What do you do in your spare time?8.Do you go to the shop/go to the park with your family on Sundays?外地的考生Where do you come from? I’m from Shengyang.Have you been here ever before? No, I haven’t. It is the first time I come here.Do you like this city? Yes, I like it very much. It’s very beautiful and the people here are very friendly.本地的考生Have you been to other cities? Yes, I have been to….When did you go there? In 2001.How did you go there? Is it far from here?Which one do you think is most beautiful?。



文档来源为:从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 .全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”教案设计学校名称:江苏省宿迁市卫生中等专业学校******通讯地址:江苏省宿迁市湖滨新城开发区合欢路 6 号文档来源为:从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 .全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、教案背景1 ,面向学生:□中专 2,学科:英语2,课时: 2 课时3 ,学生课前准备:一、网上收集最新的娱乐方式及其介绍二、小组合作找出常见的娱乐方式及中国特有的娱乐方式二、教学课题Unit 11Entertainment of Chapter 4Free time activities and holidays1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握什么是娱乐,常见的娱乐方式有哪些。

2. 能力目标:1)学生能够用英语谈论自己的喜爱的娱乐活动并询问别人的情况2)学生能够理解娱乐活动的变化及其原因。

3. 情感目标: 1)通过对话的学习、口语操练来提高学生的认知水平和表达能力。



三、教材分析Unit 11 Entertainment of Chapter 4 Free time activities and holidays 是高等教育出版社推出的全国英语等级考试标准教程第一级第四章第 11 单元的内容,本章旨在让学生学会与外国人交流各自国家的假日情况以及用英语谈论自己在闲暇时的兴趣与爱好。

本课的前一单元的课题为 Unit 10 Hobbies Interests(兴趣与爱好),本单元为在第四章中为第二单元,既相对独立又处于承上启下的位置。





公共英语一级口语自我介绍English:Hello, everyone. My name is [Your Name] and I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you all in this Public English Level One speaking exam. I am a 22-year-old college student majoring in English literature. I come from a small town in the countryside, but I moved to the city for my studies. I am a passionate reader and writer, and I enjoy exploring different cultures through literature. In my free time, I like to play the guitar and paint. I am a friendly and outgoing person, and I love meeting new people and making friends from all over the world. I believe that learning a new language opens up new opportunities and perspectives, which is why I am eager to improve my English skills. Thank you for listening to my introduction.中文翻译:大家好。




英语一级考口语自我介绍英文回答:Good morning, examiners. My name is [Your name], and I am delighted to be here today to introduce myself for the Level 1 English oral exam. I am a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a strong passion for the English language.I have always been fascinated by the intricate beauty and expressiveness of the English language. Growing up, I immersed myself in books, movies, and music, eager toabsorb every nuance and idiom. As I progressed through my education, my fascination evolved into a deep-seated desire to master the language and become an effective communicator.Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently excelled in my English studies. I have a thorough understanding of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, and I am particularly adept at crafting clear, concise, and engagingwritten and spoken content. I am confident in my ability to communicate effectively in both formal and informal settings.Beyond my academic achievements, I am an active and dedicated member of my school's English Club. I participate in various activities, including debates, public speaking competitions, and book discussions, which have honed my communication skills and fostered my confidence.I am particularly interested in the intersection of language and culture. I believe that language is not merely a tool for communication but also a reflection of the values, beliefs, and experiences of a society. By studying the English language, I have gained invaluable insightsinto the rich cultural heritage of English-speaking countries.I am eager to continue my English language journey and believe that the Level 1 exam is an excellent opportunityfor me to demonstrate my skills and progress. I amconfident that I possess the necessary knowledge, abilities,and enthusiasm to succeed in this exam and embark on the next chapter of my English language adventure.Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to further showcase my English language abilities during the exam.中文回答:各位考官们,早上好。



公共英语⼀级⼝语考试注意事项 公共英语⼀级考试⼝试(总分5分,时间为8分钟),⼝试分A、B两节,测试考⽣英语⼝语的交际能⼒。



1. 要⾸先了解⼝语考试程序 考试程序是这样的:1)考⽣⾸先进⼊候考室,在引导教师的指导下写登分卡上考⽣应当填写的信息。









2. 放松⼼态,表现⼤⽅、⾃然 考⽣在进⼊考场时可以主动和考官打招呼,⼝试教师都会微笑回应。






如:I beg your pardon?或 Would you please repeat?这样并不会使考官对考⽣的印象打折扣,相反可以表现出考⽣的互动交际能⼒。

对⽅为你重复说过的话你要及时表⽰感谢:Thank you!相反,如果对⽅向你表⽰感谢,你要做出回应:You are welcome. ⼝语考试不但是话语的交流,还应该有⾝体语⾔的交流,⽤⾝体语⾔交流的⽬的其实也是对⾃⼰发⾔的⼀种补充。




●责备It's all your fault!Don't blame me, I'm innocent.Don't say it's my fault.Don't put the blame on me.Don't accuse me.You're to blame. 这是你的过错。

Why me? 怎么是我?It's your fault.We will not take your illness into consideration.Put yourself in my shoes.你站到我的立场上想想Try to see it from my point of view.Try to see it my way.Aren't you ashamed of yourself?How do you live with yourself?You should be ashamed of yourself.I'll give him a piece of my mind. *give...a piece of...'s mind 严厉批评I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying!I don't blame you.I'd like you to lie for me.Please don't involve me!I don't want to get involved.I got in trouble for lying.I told you so. You shouldn't lie.See, I told you so.There now, didn't I tell you?You should have listened to me.My son stopped going to school.You knew that, didn't you?It is as if I had done something wrong.It's as if it's my fault. /It's as if I'm to blame.It's like I did something wrong.He chickened out at the last moment.Don't take it out on me. 冲…发火Don't take your frustration out on me.Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day.I didn't do anything wrong!Pay up! Pay your debt! /Pay me back!Give me my money now!Can you wait till next month?You'll pay for this.You're out of your mind! 你疯啦!You're off your rocker. /You're nuts.You shouldn't say things like that.Don't say stuff like that.It's for your own good!I don't want to.It's for your own good!It's for your own benefit.It's for your own sake.You've got an ugly tie on.Why are you picking on me? 责备、挑刺He always finds fault with my work.挑剔●制止Hold it! /Stop! /Cut it out! 等等!、停下!Hold it! It's time for lunch.It's about time. 总算到点了。



道歉I'm sorry. I made a mistake.That's all right. 没什么Ouch! --Whoops, excuse me.I beg your pardon. *比较正式I'm awfully sorry. /Oh, sorry.I'm sorry about that.It's my fault.That's okay. Don't worry about it.I'm to blame. 全怪我。

Oops. My mistake. 哎呀,我弄错了Oops, so sorry.I feel bad about it.I wish it had never happened.I'm sorry I couldn't come.That's all right.I'm sorry about the other day.Please forgive my rudeness.--I'll forgive you.I'm sorry I was rude.I don't know how to apologize to you.I can't express how sorry I am.Words can't express how sorry I am.I have no words to apologize to you.I didn't mean that. 打算说/做……I'm sorry to trouble you. --That's okay.I'm really sorry for troubling you.It was nothing.I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.I was about to go home. 正要..I'm sorry to be late again.Sorry, I'm late again.Are you coming to my party?I wish I could come, but I'm busy on Friday.●对道歉的回答I'm sorry. --That's all right.Don't worry about it. /Don't worry.It's no big deal.I forgot to bring your book. -- Never mindPlease be more careful next time.●关心对方Let me get your coat for you. --Thanks.I like your apartment.Make yourself at home.Excuse me.One moment, please.Do you have a minute?Can I talk to you for a minute?Are you busy now?Can I talk to you for a minute?--Sure, go ahead.After you. 您先请。

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1.What’s your name, please?
2.Can/Could/Will/Would you tell me/us your name, please?
3.May I ask your name, please?
4.May I have your name, please?
1.My name is Li Ming.
2. I’m Li Ming.
3. You can call me Li Ming.
5.Just call me Li Ming.
1.How old are you?
2. What’s your age?
3. When were you born?
4. Can/Could/Will/Would you tell me/us your age, please?
1.I’m fourteen (years old).
2.I was born in (May) 1986. or I was born on May4th, 1985.
1.Where are you from?
2. Where do you come from?
3. Are you from Beijing?
4. Where were you born?
1. I’m from Shanghai.
2. I come from Shanghai.
3. I was born in Shanghai.
4. Yes, I’m from Beijing.
5. No, I’m not from Beijing. I’m from Shanghai. 四.关于职业
1.Are you a student? You are a student, aren’t you?
2. Do you study?
3.Do you work?
4. Have you got a job?
5. What do you study?
6. Do you like it? or Do you like studying computer science? Yes, I do.
7. Why do you like it? Because it’s very interesting. / Because I enjoy it very much. 8. What do you do? / What’s your job? 9. Do you like your job? No, I don’t. / Not at all. 10. Why don’t you like it? Because it’s not interesting. / Because I have to work so long every day and it makes me tired.
11. Do you want to change your job? Yes. Why? Because I’ve done the same job for a long time. I want to learn more and more things.
1. Which school are you in?
2. What subjects do you study?
3. Do you study computer?
4. Which subject do you like best? Why? I like maths best. Because I think it’s very interesting and useful.
5. Which subjects are you good at?
6. Which subject is the most difficult? Why? I think physics is the most difficult, because I often don’t do well in physics exams.
7. Which subjects do you like? Why? I like Chinese and English.
Because our Chinese teacher likes me very much, and I think English is a beautiful language. 8. Which subjects don’t you like? Why? I don’t like physics, because it’s too difficult. 9. Do you like your school? Why? Yes, I do. Because it’s very beautiful and I have many friends there. The teachers are very kind to us. No, I don’t. Because it’s too small and old. Not very much. Because it is too far away from my home and there is too much homework to do.
1.How many people are there in your family? Who are they?
2.What does your father/mother do? What’s your father’s/mother’s job? What does your father/mother do? Where does your father/mother work?
3.How old is your sister?
4.Who usually does the cooking in your family? My mother usually does the cooking. My father seldom does.
5.Who usually does the housework in your family? Both my father and my mother do the housework.
6.Do you help your parents with the housework? Yes, often. / Sometimes.
六.其它1.When do you usually get up in the morning?
1.When do you go to school? When do you go to work?
2.When do you come back home in the evening?
3.When do you go to bed/ go to sleep?
4.When do you have supper?
5.How do you go to school? How do you go to work?
6.How far is your home to the office/ your school? Is your school/office far from your home?
7.After school/work, what do you do? What do you do in your spare time?
8.Do you go to the shop/go to the park with your family on Sundays?
外地的考生Where do you come from? I’m from Shengyang.
Have you been here ever before? No, I haven’t. It is the first time I come here.
Do you like this city? Yes, I like it very much. It’s very beautiful and the people here are very friendly.
本地的考生Have you been to other cities? Yes, I have been to….
When did you go there? In 2001.
How did you go there? Is it far from here?
Which one do you think is most beautiful?
