






二、打印机安装1. 选择合适的打印机型号在购买打印机之前,我们需要根据实际需求选择合适的打印机型号。


2. 确定打印机连接方式打印机的连接方式通常有USB、无线网络和蓝牙等。


3. 安装打印机驱动程序在连接打印机之前,我们需要先安装打印机驱动程序。



4. 连接打印机根据打印机的连接方式,使用正确的接口线或者进行无线连接,将打印机与电脑或者网络连接起来。

5. 测试打印在完成连接后,选择一个测试文件,进行打印测试,确保打印机正常工作。

三、打印机维护1. 定期清洁打印机打印机内部会产生灰尘和墨水残留物,长期积累会影响打印质量和寿命。



2. 定期更换耗材根据打印机的使用频率和打印质量要求,我们需要定期更换耗材,包括墨盒、碳粉盒等。

3. 避免使用低质量的耗材低质量的耗材可能会对打印机产生不可逆的损害,甚至引起故障。


4. 避免频繁开关打印机频繁开关打印机会对其电路造成损害,并且浪费时间和电能。


5. 定期升级打印机固件制造商会定期发布更新的打印机固件,以修复一些已知问题并提供更好的用户体验。




















Fuji Xerox维修手册 Ver.2

Fuji Xerox维修手册 Ver.2

• 关于因设计变更等原因而修订维修手册 本维修手册的记载内容中出现相关设计 变更时,有时会发行必要的相关技术信 息,作为维修手册下次修订时反映变更 内容以前的补充信息。
技术信息等内容中的“备用零件 号码的变更”及调整项目的“设 定规定值”的变更等重要项目应 在每次变更时记录在本维修手 册内。
0 序文
Version 2.0
AP-II 5010G/DC-II 5010G, AP 550I G/DC 550I G
2007/11 0-1
2007/11 0-2
AP-II 5010G/DC-II 5010G, AP 550I G/DC 550I G
Version 2.0
1. 关于本手册
1. 关于本手册..............................................................
2. 维修手册的使用方法......................................................
3. 术语和符号的说明........................................................
· 第 7 章 电气配线数据 本章记载电气配线图表, 并记载下列 BSD (Block Schematic Diagram) 配线图信息。 · Chain1 Standby Power · Chain2 User Interface · Chain3 Machine Run Control · Chain4 Start Power · Chain5 DADF · Chain6 Imaging · Chain7 Paper Supplying · Chain8 Paper Transportation · Chain9 Xerographics · Chain10 Fusing and Copy Transportation · Chain12 C-Finisher and B-Finisher · Chain16 ESS / Chain 34 FAX







ce”,密码是每台机器机身铭牌上的check code 加sn的组合登录进入java配置界面,默认会出现配置向导,一般采用手工配置,所以可以关闭此向导3.2修改系统时间新安装的机器,需要先修改系统时间。

点击setting标签,在弹出页面中选择SYSTEM-DATE and TIME修改系统时间为当地时间。


3.4创建RAID GROUP点击raid group标签,在右边的菜单按钮中点击“create”,开始创建一个raid group在弹出的页面中,点击下面所示按钮,添加一个raid group填入name,raid level,所属cm(一般为自动),然后点击“browses”,选择放入raid group 里面的硬盘。


确认后点击“finish”3.5指定HotSpare盘在raid group标签下点击hotspare按钮,选择其中一块硬盘作为HS盘(前四块硬盘为系统盘,不可选)3.5创建VOLUME点击volumes标签,在右边的菜单按钮中点击“create”,开始创建一个volume选择在哪个raid group上创建volume在右边对话框填入volume name,容量大小,数量,然后点击下图所示按钮,注册一个volume,继续填写右边对话框,并点击此按钮可以注册多个volume,直至raid group的空间用尽。

HP OfficeJet 8700 All-in-One 用户指南说明书

HP OfficeJet 8700 All-in-One 用户指南说明书
8. 禁止用户维修产品内部的部件。 有关 维修事宜,请联系合格的维修人员。
1 如何操作? .................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 使用入门 ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 辅助功能 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 HP EcoSolutions(HP 与环境) ........................................................................................................................... 2 管理电源 ........................................................................................................................



数据手册ETERNUS DX8700数据中心级存储系统可靠的存储解决方案 FUJITSU ETERNUS DX8700数据中心级存储系统延续Fujitsu(富士通)在企业级市场的成功。

此代RAID 系统可提供极高的数据存储可靠性。

与相关软件结合使用,FUJITSU ETERNUS DX8700数据中心级存储系统可为您带来动态基础设施的必要强固性,并且其多维可扩展性和性能可实现存储资源的最大化共用。


FUJITSU ETERNUS DX8700数据中心级存储系统可广泛用于各种应用,其磁盘存储系统的生态模式(Eco-mode)采用MAID 技术,这让DX8700成为同级别产品中最节能的存储系统之一。

ETERNUS 代表了Fujitsu(富士通)在业界领先的企业存储系统的专业水准,不但性能过人,而且数据的安全性更是首屈一指。


“ETERNUS”意为永恒,象征了FUJITSU 存储系统的高可靠性和高性能。

性能和优势根据访问频率和重要性将数据移至快速或廉价磁盘 驱动器。

即使需求改变,也可使用最适合的RAID 级别。


有助于确保磁盘、高速缓存以及两者之间的最高数 据完整性。


解决因RAID 组内磁盘驱动器容量增加而导致的恢 复次数增多问题。





RAID 迁移:实现运行中的操作在不同LUN 之间迁移时的动态 数据传输,无需中断操作。

数据块保护:数据块保护为每个数据块增添检查代码,并通过 多次检验进行验证。





二、安装1. 将打印机放置在平稳的台面上,并确保与电源插座距离适当。

2. 将打印机与电脑或其他设备连接,一般使用USB线缆,确保连接牢固。

3. 打开电源开关,等待打印机初始化完成。

三、驱动安装1. 打开电脑,插入带有打印机驱动程序的光盘或下载驱动程序并运行安装程序。

2. 按照安装向导的指示进行安装,选择合适的操作系统和打印机型号。

3. 完成驱动安装后,重新启动电脑。

四、打印文件1. 打开需要打印的文件,如Word文档、PDF文档等。

2. 点击文件菜单中的“打印”选项,或使用快捷键Ctrl+P。

3. 在打印设置中选择打印机、纸张大小、打印质量等参数,并确认设置正确。

4. 点击“打印”按钮,等待打印机完成打印任务。

五、更换墨盒/墨囊1. 打开打印机上的墨盒仓或墨囊仓,按照说明书指示进行操作。

2. 将旧墨盒/墨囊取出,注意不要触摸墨盒/墨囊底部的芯片。

3. 取出新墨盒/墨囊并插入墨盒仓或墨囊仓,确保安装正确。

4. 关闭墨盒仓或墨囊仓,等待打印机完成墨盒/墨囊初始化。

六、纸张调整1. 打开纸盘,调整纸张导向器,使其与纸张大小相匹配。

2. 将需要使用的纸张放入纸盘中,确保摆放整齐。

3. 调整纸盘的纸张指示器,将其与纸张对齐。

4. 关闭纸盘,并确认打印机已检测到纸张。

七、清洁和维护1. 关闭打印机并拔出电源插头,等待打印机完全断电。

2. 用柔软的干布轻轻擦拭打印机外壳及按键,不要使用有腐蚀性的溶剂。

3. 使用专用的打印头清洁液清洁打印头,按照说明书指示进行操作。

4. 定期清理打印机内部的纸屑和墨水残留物,避免堵塞打印机。

八、故障排除1. 如果打印机无法正常工作或打印效果不佳,可以尝试重新启动打印机和电脑。

2. 检查打印机的连接线是否插好,确保连接稳固。

FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX8700 S3 磁盘系统数据表说明书

FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX8700 S3 磁盘系统数据表说明书

Data SheetFUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX8700 S3 Disk SystemEnterprise Storage with leading scalability in capacity and performanceETERNUS DX - Business-centric StorageCombining leading performance architecture withautomated quality of service management theFujitsu Storage ETERNUS DX series aligns storageresources with business priorities, thus enablinghigher system utilization and delivering increased system consolidation capabilities and a faster ROI. Unified scalable entry-level and midrange systems, a seamless family concept enabling system upgrades and ETERNUS SF, the unified management suiteacross the product line, reduce operational andmigration costs. ETERNUS SF provides enterprise-class functionalities in the entry and midrange class and allows flexible disaster recovery and business continuity concepts for the different model sizes,thus decreasing investment costsETERNUS DX8700 S3The ETERNUS DX8700 S3 disk storage system is purpose-built for large enterprises and ideal for the data management of business-critical core applications and the consolidation of large-scale data centers. ETERNUS DX8700 S3 provides non-disruptive capacity upgrades with up to 1536 disk drives, just by adding disks or complete drive enclosures. Performancein the million IOPS range is provided by configurations based on 2 to 8 controllers and a maximum of 128 front-end ports for host connectivity. For simultaneous connection todifferent network types, FC, FCoE and iSCSI hostinterfaces can operate in mixed configurations.Tiered storage optimization using a range of SAS, Nearline SAS and SSD drive options lowers the overall total cost of storage.The challenges of data exposure protection are addressed by self-encrypting drives (SED). Flexible and automated management across different quality of service profiles, using different drive types for each application scenario, ensures efficient assignment of system resources matched to the performance priorities of different applications.Highest availability and seamless business continuity is guaranteed by redundant interconnections to the storage array and internal redundant components and completed by transparent failover which ensures uninterrupted operation in case of an outage.Features & BenefitsModels and architectureETERNUS DX8000 S3 SeriesThe massively scalable Fujitsu Storage ETERNUS DX8000 S3 series, the flagship systems of the ETERNUS DX family are purpose-built for behemoth data centers which require outstanding storage performance and huge capacity paired with enterprise-class resiliency and 99.9999% availability. Its automated quality of service management features guarantee maximum system utilization and contribute to a fast ROI.It is the perfect solution when consolidating data in OLTP and large-scale databases, file services, business-critical applications and business analytics / big data – all into one system. It provides ample headroom for any demanding virtualization environments. Extensive high-availability and disaster recovery capabilities make ETERNUS DX8000 S3 the ideal storage systems for all business-critical data and fit perfectly in private and public cloud environments of large-scale enterprises and service providers.Technical detailsGeneral system informationFrontend EnclosureNo. of controllers 2 - 8No. of host interfaces128 (FC), 64 (iSCSI/FCoE)Maximum Cache Capacity1,024 GBExtreme Cache22.4 TBExtreme Cache Pool12.8 TBMaximum Disk Drives1,536Max. no. of drive enclosures64Supported RAID levels0, 1, 1+0, 5, 5+0, 6Host Interfaces Fibre Channel (16 Gbit/s)iSCSI (10 Gbit/s, 1 Gbit/s)FCoE (10 Gbit/s)Mixed host interfaces YesMax. no. of hosts8,192Maximum Storage Capacity6,144 TBDrive Type 2.5-inch, SAS, 15,000 rpm (600 GB / 300 GB)2.5-inch, SAS, 10,000 rpm (1.8 TB / 1.2 TB / 900 GB / 600 GB / 300 GB)2.5-inch, SAS (self-encrypting), 10,000 rpm (1.2 TB / 900 GB)2.5-inch, SSD (1.6 TB / 800 GB / 400 GB)2.5-inch, SSD (self-encrypting) (1.6 TB / 800 GB)3.5-inch, Nearline SAS, 7,200 rpm (8 TB / 6 TB / 4 TB / 2TB)3.5-inch, Nearline SAS (self-encrypting), 7,200 rpm (4 TB)3.5-inch, SSD (1.6 TB / 800 GB / 400 GB)3.5-inch, SSD (self-encrypting) (1.6 TB / 800 GB)Note 2.5-inch drives are available only for 2.5-inch drive enclosures and 3.5-inch drives are available only for 3.5-inch driveenclosures.6 TB/ 8 TB Nearline SAS and 1.8 TB SAS drives are Advanced Format drives.Max. no. of SSDs unlimitedMixed 2.5 inch/ 3.5 inch drive enclosures YesDrive interface Serial Attached SCSI (12 Gbit/s)Back-end disk connectivity 4 pair of four-lane x 12 Gbits Serial Attached SCSI buses (SAS3.0 wide) / Controller EnclosureMax. no. of LUNs65,535Max. LUN capacity128 TBNo. of snapshots - max.32,768Max. no. of copy generations512Eco-mode YesPerformanceRandom access performance1M IOPSPerformance managementAutomated Storage Tiering YesQuality of Service YesAutomated QoS YesWide striping YesNote Automation options can be activated via ETERNUS SF SoftwareContinuity managementStorage Cluster YesRemote Copy functionality Synchronous and asynchronousNote Options can be activated via ETERNUS SF SoftwareInformation security managementData confidentiality Self-Encrypting Disk, Controller based Encryption, HTTPS (SSL), One Time Password, RADIUS, SSH Data integrity Cache Protection, Data Block Guard, Disk Drive PatrolAvailability managementFast Recovery YesNon-disruptive maintenance Dedicated Hot Spare, Global Hot SpareNon-disruptive firmware upgrade YesRedundancy RAID Controller, Power supply, FanHot part replacement YesCapacity managementThin Provisioning YesRAID migration YesLUN online expansion w/o interruption YesReporting function YesHot part expansion YesManagementSupported protocols SNMP (version1, 2C, 3), SMI-S 1.6Administration Web-based graphical user interface, CLI (Command Line Interface), ETERNUS SFRemote Support Event notification (E-mail / SNMP / Syslog), Remote maintenanceSupported configurations All major host operating systems, servers and business applicationsDetailed support matrix:/global/support/products/computing/storage/disk/supported-configrationsInstallation specification19” rackmount YesService Area Front: 850 mm (33.5 inch) or moreRear: 850 mm (33.5 inch) or morePower voltage AC 200 - 240 V / AC 200 - 240 VPower frequency50 / 60 HzPower supply efficiency92 % (80 PLUS gold)Maximum Power Consumption AC 200 - 240 V: 32,770 W (33,520 VA)Power phase SingleFrontend Enclosure Controller Enclosure 2.5-inch Drive Enclosure 3.5-inch Drive EnclosureDimensions (W x D x H)482 x 795 x 222 mm19 x 31.3 x 8.7 inch5 U 482 x 809 x 133 mm19 x 31.9 x 5.2 inch3 U482 x 540 x 88 mm19 x 21.3 x 3.5 inch2 U482 x 560 x 88 mm19 x 22 x 3.5 inch2 UWeight64 kg (141 lb)54 kg (119 lb)35 kg (77 lb)35 kg (77 lb) Maximum Power Consumption(AC 200 - 240 V)450 W (480 VA)1,200 W (1,220 VA)430 W (440 VA)340 W (350 VA)EnvironmentMaximum Heat Generation AC 200 - 240 V: 121,350: kJ/hTemperature (operating)10 - 35 °CTemperature (not operating)0 - 50 °CHumidity (operating)20 - 80 % (relative humidity, non-condensing)Humidity (not operating)8 - 80 % (relative humidity, non-condensing)Altitude3,000 m (10,000 ft.)Sound pressure (LpAm)59.5dB(A)Noise notes Measured with single enclosure according to ISO 7779 and declared according to ISO 9296Operating environment FTS 04230 – Guideline for Data Center (installation specification)Operating environment link /dl.aspx?id=e4813edf-4a27-461a-8184-983092c12dbeType Frontend Enclosure Controller Enclosure 2.5-inch Drive Enclosure 3.5-inch Drive Enclosure Maximum Heat Generation(AC 200 - 240 V)1,630 kJ/h4,330 kJ/h1,600 kJ/h1,300 kJ/hComplianceProduct safety CSA 60950-1, CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, EN 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, GOST-RElectromagnetic Compatibility CNS 13438, FCC CFR 47 class A , ICES 003 Class A, EN 55022 Class A, VCCI Class A, AS/NZS CISPR 22 Class A, EN 55024 Electromagnetic Immunity EN 55024CE certification2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2011/65/ECApprovals CB, CE, C-Tick, FCC, EAC, GS, VCCIEnvironmental compliance RoHS compliant, WEEE compliantCompliance notes There is general compliance with the safety requirements of all European countries and North America. Nationalapprovals required in order to satisfy statutory regulations or for other reasons can be applied for on request. Compliance link /sites/certificatesWarrantyWarranty period 3 yearsWarranty type Onsite warrantyWarranty Terms & Conditions /supportProduct Support Services - the perfect extensionSupport Pack Options Available in major business areas:9x5, Next Business Day Onsite Response Time9x5, 4h Onsite Response Time24x7, 4h Onsite Response TimeRecommended Service24x7, Onsite Response Time: 4hService Lifecycle 5 years after end of product lifeService Weblink /services/product-servicesContactFUJITSU LimitedWebsite: /eternus2016-05-01 WW-ENworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment.Using our global know-how, we aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment for future generations through IT.Please find further information at http://www./global/about/environmentdelivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.。



富士通系列打印机使用注意事项1. 使用环境应无尘、无酸腐蚀,最好放在有空调的机房。

2. 打印机工作台应平稳、无振动,绝对不能在打印机上放置其他物品,以防有异物掉进机内,引起故障。


3. 连续打印时,若出现打印速度减慢,并不是故障现象,这是因为打印头过热,打印机自动将打印一行时间延长到三行时间来完成,从而降低打印头的温度。

4. 打印字迹淡薄时,请更换新色带。

5. 打印过程中纸张堵塞时,应按下列顺序解除。

1)迅速置于脱机状态,并停止打印机操作; 2)关掉电源; 3)旋转打印棍手柄,把堵塞的纸往回退,直至将堵塞的纸张退出打印机。

6. 定期清洁打印机并对打印机的有关部位上油。

7. 打印机在打印时,不能用手转动打印棍走纸,以免损坏头、走纸电机和有关电路。

8. 在通电情况下,禁止插拔打印机联机线缆,以免损坏打印机接口部分。

9. 在通电情况下,不能左右移动字车架,以免损坏字车电机及有关电路。

10. 应使用富士通公司生产或认可的色带,不能使用市面上的劣质色带。


仿真切换: 南京富士通计算机设备有限公司生产的DPK8X00E+/95GA/2480系列平推票据打印机可以在以下三种打印方式下工作:LQ1600K+、OKI5320、税票仿真。



操作步骤: 1.面板切换 1)确认打印机处于脱机状态(如果打印机为联机状态,按【联机】按键使打印机处于脱机状态)。














常见的数据线接口有 USB 接口和网络接口。

如果是 USB 连接,将数据线一端插入打印机的 USB 接口,另一端插入电脑的 USB 接口。












打开要打印的文档,选择“文件” “打印”,在弹出的打印对话框中,可以设置打印份数、纸张大小、打印质量、打印方向等参数。






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Copyright© 2005 FUJITSU LIMITED ALL right reserved © Fujitsu3目录前言 (6)1Starter-kit的安装方法 (7)1.1PC机上的软件安装 (13)1.1.1USB驱动的安装 (14)1.1.2综合开发环境SOFTUNE(限定版)的安装 (15)1.1.3ACCEMIC MDE demo version(trial版)的安装 (20)1.1.4评测板的设定以及与PC机的连接 (24)1.1.5SOFTUNE的设定与启动 (27)1.1.6ACCEMIC MDE的设定与启动 (30)1.1.7ACCEMIC MDE退出 (44)1.1.8SOFTUNE的退出 (44)1.1.9关闭Accemic的情况下启动单片机 (45)2编写使LED闪烁的程序 (46)2.1关于LED的介绍 (46)2.2LED为何会发光 (47)2.3利用单片机使LED发光的方法 (48)2.4LED发光程序的制作及运行 (51)2.4.1程序概要 (51)2.4.2程序的制作与运行 (52)2.5LED闪烁程序的制作与运行 (54)2.5.1程序概要 (54)2.5.2程序的制作与运行 (55)3用开关SW控制LED的亮灭 (57)3.1单片机如何检测SW的状态 (57)3.2通过SW控制LED程序的制作与运行 (58)3.2.1程序概要 (59)3.2.2程序的制作与运行 (59)4如何使用蜂鸣器 (61)4.1蜂鸣器内所用的材料 (61)4.1.1压电性的特点 (61)4.1.2压电材料的应用 (62)4.2单片机与压电蜂鸣器 (62)-- © Fujitsu44.2.1自励式与他励式 (63)4.2.2由单片机发出的脉冲波 (63)4.3如何使用PPG使蜂鸣器发出声音 (63)4.3.1L幅宽与H幅宽的设定 (64)4.3.2PPG count clock (64)4.4蜂鸣器程序的制作与运行 (65)4.4.1程序概要 (65)4.4.2程序的制作与运行 (67)4.4.3改变蜂鸣器的音色 (68)5利用中断来控制LED (69)5.1“中断”的概念 (69)5.2利用“中断”来检测SW的状态的方法 (70)5.3通过SW控制LED的程序(中断法) (71)5.3.1程序概要 (71)5.3.2程序的制作与执行 (72)6利用timer(定时器)来使LED闪烁 (75)6.1什么叫timer(定时器) (75)6.2通过Timer中断控制LED闪烁的程序 (76)6.2.1程序概要 (76)6.2.2程序的制作与运行 (78)7如何使用A/D(模/数)转换器 (81)7.1模拟信号与数字信号 (81)7.1.1A/D转换器的概要 (82)7.1.2滑动变阻器 (83)7.2制作一个表示电压数值的程序 (83)7.2.1程序概要 (83)7.2.2程序的制作与执行 (87)8如何使用温度传感器 (89)8.1关于温度传感器 (89)8.2温度传感器的使用方法 (90)8.3制作一个表示温度的程序 (91)8.3.1程序概要 (91)8.3.2程序的制作与执行 (94)A附录A(程序制作流程) (96)B附录B(寄存器的写入/读出方法) (104)C附录C(头文件包含路径的设定方法) (105)© Fujitsu5前言首先,非常感谢您购买本公司的Starter-kit产品。






一、设备无法启动1. 问题描述:打印机无法开机或无法启动。

解决方案:1. 确保电源线正常连接,并检查电源插座的供电情况。

2. 检查电源开关是否处于开启状态。

3. 如果以上两点都正常,尝试更换电源线或电源适配器进行测试。

二、卡纸问题1. 问题描述:打印过程中纸张卡住。

解决方案:1. 先检查纸张供给盘中是否有堆积的纸张,如果有,先清除。

2. 打开打印机纸张路径的侧盖或后盖,仔细检查是否有卡纸,如果有,轻轻拽出纸张。

3. 确保纸张放置正确,不要超过或不足装订器的容量。

三、纸质问题1. 问题描述:打印出来的文件质量不好,有模糊或颜色畸变等问题。

解决方案:1. 确保使用的墨盒或碳粉盒是正品,并检查其剩余墨量或碳粉量。

2. 检查打印机的打印质量设置,如分辨率、打印模式等是否正确设置。

3. 清理打印机的喷头或镜片,使用软布轻轻擦拭。

4. 校准打印机的颜色设置,确保颜色准确。

四、无法连接到电脑1. 问题描述:打印机无法与电脑或其他设备进行连接。

解决方案:1. 通过USB线或网络连接线连接打印机与电脑,确保连接端口正确。

2. 检查电脑的驱动程序是否已经正确安装,如未安装驱动程序,需通过驱动光盘或官方网站下载安装。

3. 重新设置打印机的网络配置或IP地址,确保网络连接正常。

五、打印速度过慢1. 问题描述:打印速度明显下降,无法满足工作需求。

解决方案:1. 检查打印机的工作模式,如经济模式、默认模式等,选择合适的模式以提高打印速度。

2. 考虑升级打印机的内存条,提升打印机的处理能力。

3. 检查打印队列中是否有大文件或多个文件排队打印,及时清理队列。

六、其他故障与维修1. 问题描述:其他未提及的打印机故障。


第五章 打印机的使用方法...................................................................................22 5.1 打开/关闭电源 ............................................................................................22 5.2 操作面板说明..............................................................................................22 5.3 操作面板指示灯的作用..............................................................................23 5.4 操作面板按键的一般使用方法..................................................................23 5.5 操作面板按键的特殊用法..........................................................................24 5.6 仿真切换 .....................................................................................................25 5.7 打印机的设置..............................................................................................26



Personal ScannersFujitsu ScanSnap scanners take the complication out of document imaging with one button ease of use. Perfect for home and small business environments, the ScanSnap family of scanners bring duplex multi-sheet scanning to everyone, combining performance and affordability in a compact size.Desktop/Workgroup Scanners Fujitsu desktop/workgroup scanners provide a solid foundation for any produc-tivity enhancing document management solution. They give users the ability to scan up to 2,000 pages per day and ac-commodate a wide variety of paper sizes, proving that you don’t have to sacrifice performance for work ScannerFujitsu N1800 Network Scanners providethe fastest and easiest way to get your orga-nization scanning and sharing documents.It is the first scanner to combine the intuitiveeasy installation of a desktop scanner withthe productivity of a network scanner.With high security features such asInstall Certificates and Secure Initialize, theN1800 Network Scanner helps assist withdata security as well as compliance andregulation. Need to e-mail a document?Scan it, enter the e-mail address and touchthe send e-mail icon. Additionally, the N1800offers many integration options with com-plimentary ECM, EMR, CRM, documentmanagement and other third-party systems./iscanner/solutions.Departmental ScannersFujitsu departmental scanners deliver thehigher throughput and added features largerorganizations demand, such as a robustdocument feeder, long document scanningand document imprinting. PaperStream IPand PaperStream Capture are included forimage processing and batch scanning, en-abling users to scan to PDF files. Fast USBconnectivity, plus TWAIN and ISIS drivers,ensures easy integration with hundreds ofapplications.Production ScannersProduction environments call for extremelyhigh throughput, flexibility and reliability.Fujitsu production scanners satisfy theserequirements, enabling users to scan up to100,000 pages per day. They also featuresuperior paper-handling capabilities over awide range of sizes and thicknesses, as wellas document ultrasonic double feed detec-tion, which enhances overall productivity.Manage your images, documents,budget and time.Businesses of all sizes can benefit fromdocument management solutions basedon Fujitsu Computer Products of America,Inc. (FCPA) scanners. They deliver anunbeatable combination of affordability,reliability, innovation and performance.What’s more, FCPA offers a wide variety ofdesktop/workgroup, departmental andproduction scanners to satisfy the needs of:④ Forms Processing④ Front Office④ Document Archival④ Workflow④ Service Bureaus④ and many other applicationsAbout Fujitsu Computer Productsof America, Inc.Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc.,a subsidiary of Fujitsu Ltd., is an establishedleader in the Document Imaging industry,delivering innovative scanning solutions andservices that enable our customers to solvecritical business productivity issues andstreamline operations. We provide cutting-edge document capture for business andpersonal environments, backed by acomprehensive portfolio of service andsupport programs.Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc./fcpa1250 East Arques Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94085-5401(800) 626-4686 (408) 746-7000*****************.com©2013 Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logoare registered trademarks. ScanPartner, ScanCare, ScanAid and ScanRight are trademarks of FujitsuComputer Products of America, Inc. VirtualReScan is a trademark of Kofax Image Products. ISIS isa registered trademark of Pixel Translations, a division of Captiva Software Corporation. All othertrademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.All statements herein are valid only in the U.S. for U.S. residents, are based on normal operatingPrinted in the U.S.A. on recycled paperQty. 15M P/N BR21800111111 mm19 mmThe full-color portrait positive FSC bug is preferred, although other versionsare available for a variety of reproductions.PersonalScannersModelsOutput ResolutionMonochromeSpeedColor SpeedImage SensorScannerFunctionsMin ADFMax ADFLongDocumentCarrierSheetOutput MethodsInterfaceDriversLimited Warranty2Service OptionsScanSnapS1100Up to 600 dpi7.5 Secondsper page 1CISOne button SearchablePDF Creation, Black &White, 8 bit grayscale,24 bit Color, Auto ColorDetection, Auto Crop,Deskew, & SizeDetection, ContentBased Rotation,Quick Menu, ScanSnapOrganizer (PC),Business CardSoftware, Scan toWord and Excel, LongDocument Scanning,Windows and Maccompatible1.0” x 1.0”8.5” x 14.7” (Legal)34” in lengthDouble LetterPDF, Searchable PDF, JPEGUSB 2.0(USB cable included)ScanSnap Manager1 year DepotScanSnapS1300iUp to 600 dpi12ppm / 24ipm (ACPower) @ 300dpi12 ppm / 24ipm (ACPower) @ 150dpiDual CISOne button SearchablePDF Creation, USBPowered Connectivity(AC adapter provided),Black & White, 8 bit gray-scale, 24 bit Color, AutoColor Detection, AutoCrop, Deskew, & SizeDetection, Blank PageRemoval, ContentBased Rotation, QuickMenu, ScanSnapOrganizer (PC), BusinessCard Software, Scan toWord and Excel, LongDocument Scanning,Windows and Maccompatible2.0” x 2.0”8.5” x 14.17” (Legal)34” in lengthN/APDF, Searchable PDF, JPEGUSB 2.0(USB cable included)ScanSnap Manager1 year DepotScanSnapiX500Up to 600 dpi25 ppm / 50 ipm@ 300dpiDual CISOne button SearchablePDF Creation, Black &White, 8 bit grayscale,24 bit Color, UltrasonicDouble Feed Detection,Auto Color Detection, AutoCrop, Deskew, & SizeDetection, Blank PageRemoval, Content BasedRotation, Quick Menu,ScanSnap Organizer (PC),Business Card Software,ABBYY FineReader forScanSnap, Scan to Word,Excel, and PowerPoint,Adobe® Acrobat® Standard(for PC), Long DocumentScanning, Windows & MacCompatible2.0” x 2.0”8.5” x 14.17” (Legal)34” in lengthDouble LetterPDF, Searchable PDF, JPEGUSB 3.0(USB cable included)ScanSnap Manager1 year DepotScanSnapSV600Up to 600 dpi3 Seconds per page@ 300dpiCCDOne button SearchablePDF Creation, Black &White, 8 bit grayscale,24 bit Color, MultipleDocument Detection, AutoColor Detection, Auto Crop,Deskew, Size Detection,Content Based Rotation,Book Image Correction,Quick Menu, ScanSnapOrganizer, BusinessCard Software, ABBYYFineReader for ScanSnap,Adobe® Acrobat®Standard (for PC), Windows& Mac Compatible1.0” x 1.0”17.0” x 11.8”N/AN/APDF, Searchable PDF, JPEGUSB 3.0(USB cable included)ScanSnap Manager1 year DepotAdvance ExchangeIn-warranty Upgrade: Advance Exchange. Post-Warranty: Advance ExchangePlus, Depot Plus, ScanAid Kit, Cleaning and Consumable Kit.PaperSizeScanSnapiX5001 Simplex scanning only2 For full details on the Limited Warranty and on all service programs,visit online at or call toll-free at (800) 626-4686.fi-7180DepartmentalScannersModelsOutput ResolutionMonochrome1SpeedColor Speed1Image SensorScannerFunctionsMin ADFMax ADFLongDocumentMax FlatbedPaper Input (ADF)InterfaceOptionsDriversLimited Warranty 2Service Optionsfi-7180 /fi-7280Up to 600 dpi80ppm / 160ipm @ 300dpiDual CCD (fi-7180), Triple CCD (fi-7280)Black & White, 8 bit grayscale, 24 bit Color,Hardware JPEG Compression, UltrasonicDouble Feed Detection, Intelligent MultifeedFunction, Paper Protection, Embossed CardScanning, Long Document Scanning, AutoRotation, Auto Crop, Blank Page Removal,Auto Color Detection, PaperStream IPDriver, PaperStream Capture, ScannerCentral Admin Software2” x 2.13”Legal (8.5” x 14”)220” in length8.5” x 11.69” (fi-7280 Only)Up to 80 sheetsUSB 3.0Post-scan imprinter (fi-7180 Only)PaperStream IP (TWAIN / ISIS)1 year Advance Exchangefi-5530C2Up to 600 dpi50ppm / 100 ipm @ 200dpi (Landscape),35ppm / 70ipm @ 200dpi (Portrait)Dual CCDBlack & White, 8 bit grayscale, 24 bitColor, Hardware JPEG Compression,Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection, Intel-ligent Multifeed Function, Long DocumentScanning, Hard Card Scanning, Adobe®Acrobat®, Kofax VRS, ScandAll PRO2.1” x 2.9”11.7” x 17”34” in lengthN/AUp to 100 sheetsUltra SCSI, USB 2.0Post-scan imprinterTWAINISIS3 months on-siteIn and Post-Warranty - ScanCare3, Basic, Advance Exchange, DepotResponse Time Options- 4 hour4, 24 / 74 or Next Business Day (NBD)ScanAid TMconsumable kitPaperSize1 Intel® Core™ i5 desktop processor 2.5 GHz or higher, 4 GB RAM is recommended.2 For full details on the Limited Warranty and on all service programs, visit online at or call toll-free at (800) 626-4686.3 For fi-5530C2 only.4 For ScanCare and Basic only.fi-6670Low-VolumeProduction Scanners1 System Requirement – Pentium® 4, 2.2 Ghz PC computer with 512 MB memory orabove for optimum throughput.2 Advance Exchange and Depot are not available for the fi-6770/ fi-6770A.3 For full details on the Limited Warranty and on all service programs, visit online at or call toll-free at (800) 626-4686.4 For ScanCare and Basic onlyModelsOutput ResolutionMonochromeSpeed1Color Speed1Image SensorScannerFunctionsMin ADFMax ADFLongDocumentMax FlatbedPaper Input (ADF)InterfaceOptionsDriversLimited Warranty 3Service Optionsfi-6670 /fi-6670AUp to 600 dpi90ppm / 180ipm @ 300dpi(Landscape),70ppm / 140ipm @ 300dpi (Portrait)Dual CCDBlack & White, 8 bit grayscale, 24 bitColor, Hardware JPEG Compression,Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection,Intelligent Multifeed Function, LongDocument Scanning, Auto Rotation, AutoCrop, Blank Page Removal, Auto ColorDetection, Assisted Scanning Features,Kofax VRS, ScandAll PRO, ScannerCentral Admin Software2.1” x 2.9”12” x 18”120” in lengthN / AUp to 200 sheetsUltra SCSI (50M), USB 2.0 & 3rd partyslot (fi-6670)50M, USB 2.0 & 68-pin, USB 2.0 CGA(fi-6670A)ScanRight IPCPost-scan imprinterVRS 4.x CGATWAINISISVRS3 months on-sitefi-6770 /fi-6770AUp to 600 dpi90ppm / 180ipm @ 300dpi(Landscape),70ppm / 140ipm @ 300dpi (Portrait)Triple CCDBlack & White, 8 bit grayscale, 24 bitColor, Hardware JPEG Compression,Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection,Intelligent Multifeed Function, LongDocument Scanning, Auto Rotation,Auto Crop, Blank Page Removal, AutoColor Detection, Assisted ScanningFeatures, Kofax VRS, ScandAll PRO,Scanner Central Admin Software2.1” x 2.9”12” x 18”120” in length12” x 18”Up to 200 sheetsUltra SCSI (50M), USB 2.0 & 3rd partyslot (fi-6770)50M, USB 2.0 & 68-pin, USB 2.0CGA (fi-6770A)ScanRight IPCBlack background for flatbedVRS 4.x CGATWAINISISVRS3 months on-siteIn and Post-Warranty — ScanCare, Basic, Advance Exchange2, Depot2Response Time Options — 4-hour4, 24 / 74, or Next Business Day (NBD)ScanAid™ consumable kitPaperSizefi-6800Mid-VolumeProduction Scanners1 Intel® Core™ i5 desktop processor 2.5 GHz or higher, 4 GB RAM is recommended.2 For full details on the Limited Warranty and on all service programs, visit online at or call toll-free at (800) 626-4686.ModelsOutput ResolutionMonochrome Speed1Color Speed1Image SensorScannerFunctionsMin ADFMax ADFLongDocumentPaper Input (ADF)InterfaceOptionsDriversLimited Warranty 2Service Optionsfi-6800Up to 600 dpi130ppm / 260ipm @ 300dpi(Landscape),100ppm / 200ipm @ 300dpi(Portrait)Dual CCDBlack & White, 8 bit grayscale, 24 bitColor, Hardware JPEG compression,Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection,Intelligent Multifeed Function,Paper Protection, Embossed CardScanning, Long Document Scanning,Auto Rotation, Auto Crop, BlankPage Removal, Auto Color Detection,Adobe® Acrobat®, Kofax VRSProfessional, ScandAll PRO, ScannerCentral Admin Software2.1” x 2.9”A3 (12” x 17”)120” in length (300dpi)Up to 500 sheetsUSB 2.0, Ultra Wide SCSI, KofaxVRS Ultra SCSI and Kofax USB 2.0Pre-scan ImprinterPost-scan ImprinterTWAIN, ISIS, VRS3 months on-sitefi-5950Up to 600 dpi135ppm / 270ipm @ 300dpi(Landscape),105ppm / 210ipm @ 300dpi(Portrait)Dual CCDBlack & White, 8 bit grayscale, 24bit Color, Hardware JPEG compres-sion, Ultrasonic Double Feed Detec-tion, Intelligent Multifeed Function,Paper Protection, EmbossedCard Scanning, Long DocumentScanning, Auto Rotation, Auto Crop,Blank Page Removal, Auto ColorDetection, Adobe® Acrobat ®, KofaxVRS Professional, ScandAll PRO,Scanner Central Admin Software2.1” x 2.9”A3 (12” x 17”)120” in length (200dpi)Up to 500 sheetsUSB 2.0, Ultra Wide SCSI, KofaxVRS Ultra SCSI and Kofax USB 2.0Pre-scan ImprinterPost-scan ImprinterTWAIN, ISIS, VRS3 months on-siteIn and Post-Warranty — ScanCare or BasicResponse Time Options — 4-hour, 24 / 7, or Next Business Day (NBD)ScanAid™ consumable kitPaperSizefi-7260Desktop/WorkgroupScanners1 Simplex scanning only2 For full details on the Limited Warranty and on all service programs, visit online at or call toll-free at (800) 626-4686.3 fi-5015C / fi-6110 onlyModelsOutput ResolutionMonochromeSpeedColor SpeedImage SensorScannerFunctionsMin ADFMax ADFLongDocumentMaxFlatbedPaper Input (ADF)InterfaceOptionsDriversLimited Warranty2Service Optionsfi-5015CUp to 600 dpi15ppm1 @ 200dpi15ppm1 @ 150dpiCCDBlack & White, 8 bitgrayscale, 24 bit Color,Auto Crop, Blank PageRemoval, Adobe®Acorbat®, ScandAll PRO4.5” x5.5”8.5” x 14”N/A8.5” x 11.7”Up to 50 sheetsUSB 2.0N / ATWAIN, ISIS1 year Depotfi-6110Up to 600 dpi20ppm / 40ipm @ 300dpiDual CCDBlack & White, 8 bitgrayscale, 24 bit Color,Hardware JPEG compres-sion, Ultrasonic DoubleFeed Detection, IntelligentMultifeed Function, PaperProtection, Hard CardScanning, Long DocumentScanning, Auto Rotation,Auto Crop, Blank PageRemoval, Auto Color De-tection, Adobe® Acrobat®,ScandAll PRO2.1” x 2.9”Legal (8.5” x 14”)125” in length (200dpi)Up to 50 sheetsUSB 2.0N / ATWAIN, ISIS1 year Depotfi-7160 /fi-7260Up to 600 dpi60ppm / 120ipm @ 300dpiDual CCD (fi-7160),Triple CCD (fi-7260)Black & White, 8 bit gray-scale, 24 bit Color, HardwareJPEG compression, Ultra-sonic Double Feed Detection,Intelligent Multifeed Function,Paper Protection, EmbossedCard Scanning, LongDocument Scanning, AutoRotation, Auto Crop, BlankPage Removal, Auto ColorDetection, Assisted ScanningFeatures, PaperStream IPDriver, PaperStream Capture,Scanner Central AdminSoftware2” x 2.13”Legal (8.5” x 14”)220” in length8.5” x 11.69” (fi-7260 Only)Up to 80 sheetsUSB 3.0Post-scan imprinter(fi-7160 Only)PaperStream IP (TWAIN/ ISIS)1 year Advance ExchangeIn Warranty Upgrade - Advance Exchange3,Post-Warranty - Advance Exchange, Depot, ScanAid Kit TMcomsumable kitPaperSizeScanSnap N1800Network ScannerNetworkScannersModelsOutput ResolutionMonochrome SpeedColor SpeedImage SensorUser InterfaceScannerFeaturesEnvironmentalCompatibilityAutomatic ImageProcessingOutput MethodsMin ADFMax ADFPaper Input (ADF)InterfaceSecuritySoftware DriverSupportNetwork ProtocolsLimited WarrantyService OptionsN1800Network ScannerUp to 600 dpi20ppm / 40ipm @ 300dpiDual CCDTouch screen 8.4 in. XGA (1024x768)TFT color monitorZoom, Pan, Rotate, Delete, Scan MoreJob Buttons, Central AdministrationServer software, Enhanced Security Pro-tocols, SDK (option), Ultrasonic double-feed detection, Local accounts and offlineaddress lists, Long document scanning,Installation Wizard, Scan to E-mail, Scanto Folder, Scan to FTP, Scan to NetworkFax, Scan to Network Printer, Scan toMicrosoft SharePoint ServerRoHSAuto color detection, Auto de-skew,Auto orientation, Auto page size detectionBlank page detectionTIFF, MTIFF, JPEG, PDF, Searchable PDF’s2.1” x 2.9”LegalUp to 50 sheetsOne network connection RJ45 10 /100 base TPassword Protected (PDFs), Log-inAuthentication (LDAP)All software loaded on system (embedded)TCP / IP, DHCP, SMTP, SMB, LDAP,NTP, FTP, HTTP, LDAPS, FTPS, HTTPS,OpenLDAPOne year DepotIn and Post-Warranty Upgrades —Basic, Advance Exchange, Depot,ScanAid™ consumable kitfi-6010NiScannerUp to 600 dpi25ppm / 50ipm @ 300dpiDual CCDTouch screen 8.4 in. XGA (1024 x 768)TFT color monitorLarge US 101 keyboardJob Buttons, Central AdministrationServer software, Enhanced SecurityProtocols, SDK (option), Ultrasonicdouble-feed detection, Hard and em-bossed card scanning capability, Longdocument scanning, Preview; zoom, pan,and rotate images, Scan to E-mail, Scanto Folder, Scan to FTP, Scan to NetworkFax, Scan to Network Printer, Scan toMicrosoft SharePoint ServerRoHSAuto color detection, Auto de-skew,Auto orientation, Auto page size detection,Blank page detectionTIFF, MTIFF, JPEG, PDF, Searchable PDF’s2.1” x 2.9”LegalUp to 50 sheetsOne network connection RJ45 10 /100 base TPassword Protected (PDFs), Log-inAuthentication (LDAP)All software loaded on system (embedded)TCP / IP, DHCP, SMTP, SMB, LDAP,NTP, FTP, HTTP, LDAPS, FTPS, HTTPS,OpenLDAP90-day Limited WarrantyIn and Post-Warranty Upgrades —ScanCare, Basic, Advance Exchange,Depot, ScanAid™ consumable kitPaperSize。



ETERNUS DX60/80安装与维护手册2009-1-121. DX60和DX80介绍 (2)1.1 DX 60外观: (2)1.2 DX80外观 (2)1.3 AC Outlet (2)1.4 技术规格和电源规格 (3)1.5 电源确认 (4)2. ETERNUS DX60/80 安装 (4)2.1安装前准备工作 (4)2.2 存储上架 (5)2.2 存储挡板的拆卸和安装 (8)2.3 硬盘安装打开硬盘锁定杆后平行插入存储槽位内。

(10)2.4 AC Outlet上架 (10)2.5 线缆连接 (14)3. DX60/DX80状态 (20)3.1面板介绍 (20)3.2 控制柜去掉面板后的操作: (22)3.3控制柜和磁盘硬盘槽位: (22)3.4 控制柜后视图: (23)3.6 Web管理方式 (23)3.7 系统状态检查 (27)4.RAID配置和主机联调(RAID介绍参考相关资料) (30)4.1创建RAID组 (30)4.2创建卷 (31)3.日常维护 (35)注意事项 (37)1. DX60和DX80介绍1.1 DX 60外观:DX60 基本配置为一个控制柜(包括两个控制器),最多可以扩容一个磁盘柜。


)1.2 DX80外观DX80 基本配置为一个控制柜(包括两个控制器),最多可以扩容9个磁盘柜。

1.3AC Outlet外观分为两种:1U和2U。

根据到货情况不同1U:2U:1.4 技术规格和电源规格技术规格:物理规格:支持RAID级别:1.5 电源确认2. ETERNUS DX60/80 安装2.1安装前准备工作1. 工具的准备请在设备安装前,准备好以下工具。

2. FST (CE T erminal)请准备好控制终端或笔记本FST以便访问存储设备。

3. 交叉线需要准备交叉线一条用于FST对存储设备的访问配置。

4. 设备上机架工具由于存储设备都需要安装在机架上,请准备好螺丝刀等上机架常用工具。

Epson ET-8700SP 产品安装指南说明书

Epson ET-8700SP 产品安装指南说明书
2 Insert your product CD or download and run your
product’s software package. For the latest software, visit: /support/et8700 (U.S.) www.epson.ca/support/et8700 (Canada)
3 Follow the instructions on the computer screen to run the
setup program.
4 When you see the Select Your Connection screen, select
one of the following and follow the on-screen instructions:
2 Turn on the product.
French control panel stickers
1 Remove all protective materials from the product.
3 Select your language, country, and time on the LCD
Start Here
Read these instructions before using your product.
Note for Spanish speakers/Nota para hispanohablantes: Para obtener instrucciones de configuración en español, consulte la Guía de instalación en /support/et8700sp (requiere una conexión a Internet). Important Safety Instructions: When using telephone equipment, you should always follow basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and personal injury, including the following: • Do not use the Epson® product near water. • Always keep this guide handy. • Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm. There may be a



On-site Service — On-site repair service includes spare parts, labor and travel for verified hardware failures. Select Next Business Day (NBD), 4-hour or 24/7 Response time (contract prices vary) Service is available across the United States, except certain Hawaiian Islands and areas of Alaska. On-site service is performed by a Fujitsu Authorized Field Service Engineer (FAFSE), either a Fujitsu employee or pro-fessionally trained Authorized Service Provider. Service will be provided between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). On-site service outside the hours specified above may be available for rates and terms then in effect. Outside of PM events, on-site visits do not include preventative maintenance, maintenance training, consumables and cleaning materials, troubleshooting of software configuration, applications or set-up.Cleaning Event — Each year of Basic service comeswith two cleanings performed by a Fujitsu Authorized Field Service Engineer (FAFSE) or a professionally trained Autho-rized Service Provider. A FAFSE schedules an on-site visit to thoroughly clean the scanner (replacement consumables not Value-oriented peace of mind. The Basic service program provides on-site service with two cleanings for s canner cus tomers. Bas ic, In-Warranty upgrades the Standard Limited Warranty to 12-months of on-site service. Basic, Post-Warranty is available after the warranty period and can be purchas ed in s ingle or multi-year increments. Co-terminous (monthly) service is also available (certain restrictions apply).included). This service will be provided during normal busi-ness hours at a time to be mutually agreed upon between the FAFSE and Customer within 2 weeks of initiation.Obtaining Service — In the event of a hardware failure,Technical Assistance Center (TAC) will assist the Customer in resolving the problem over the telephone. Customer must provide TAC with the product model number, part number, serial number and a description of the problem. Customer may be asked to run some simple, self-diagnostic tests and report the resulting status and error code messages. This will assist TAC in determining if the problem is the scanner or another component of Customer’s system and if the problem can be resolved over the telephone. After TAC verifies a hardware problem, a service call will be initiated. A service technician will be dispatched to the product loca-tion to perform repair service if there are no security, safety or physical requirements that would restrict the service technician’s access to the product.Fujitsu T echnical Assistance Center(800) 626-4686TAC is available Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PSTwith one cleaning (two cleanings for mid-volume scanners) performed by a Fujitsu Authorized Field Service Engineer (FAFSE) or a professionally-trained Authorized Service Provider. A FAFSE schedules an on-site visit to thoroughly clean the scanner (replacement consumables notValue-oriented peace of mind. The Bas ic s ervice program provides on-s ite s ervice with one cleaning (two cleanings for mid-volume s canners ) for s canner cus tomers . Bas ic, In-Warranty upgrades the Standard Limited Warranty to 12 months of on-site service. Basic, Post-Warranty is available after the warranty period and can be purchas ed in s ingle- or multi-year increments .Co-terminous (monthly) service is also available (certain restrictions apply).Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc./fcpa1250 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085-5401 (800)626-4686(408)*************************.com©2012 Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc. All rights reserved. All statements herein are valid only in the U.S. for U.S. residents, are based on normal operating conditions, are provided for informational purposes only, and are not intended to create any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc. reserves the right to modify at any time without prior notice these statements, our products, their performance specifications, availability, price and warranty, postwarranty and service programs. Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are registered trademarks and The Possibilities are Infinite is a trademark of Fujitsu Limited. ScanCare and ScanAid are trademarks of Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. DS33100412Response Time - Next Business Day — A FAFSE will arrive on-site by the end of the next business day following the TAC verified hardware failure.Response Time - 4-hour — To better serve the needs of customers with business critical scanning applications, 4-hour Response Time is available for Fujitsu scanners nationwide. Please contact your service sales representative for coverage. If this option is purchased, our goal is to have a FAFSE on-site within 4-business hours following the TAC verified hardware failure.Response Time - 24/7 — For the ultimate level of service, the 24/7 Response Time option ensures that on-site service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (excluding Holidays) and will be performed within 4-business hours fol-lowing a TAC verified hardware failure.Non-Fujitsu Scanners — Fujitsu Basic Service provides a single source service solution on non-Fujitsu scanners. We are dedicated to extending the life of your current scanners. Available in Next Business Day and 4-hour response times. Term — The term of this service offering shall be one year from the date of service purchase or receipt of signed FCPA Service Contract Quotation or Purchase Order.Warranty — Fujitsu warrants that all services will be performed in a profes-sional manner. See Fujitsu Service Terms and Conditions.BasicService Program DescriptionServices Not Covered — Service does not include the following:• Electrical work external to the product, repair or replacement of product or increased service time required due to casualty, accident, damage, acts of God, transportation, missing parts, neglect, misuse or abuse, operator error, failure of proper management or supervision, unsuitable physical operating environment, use of supplies or accessories not approved by FCPA or its Authorized Service Provider.• Service in connection with the installation, discontinuance or removal of the product.• Any service and/or parts replacement resulting from fraud, tampering, misuse or the uses of counterfeit components, assemblies or modules.• Accessories or missing parts, supplies, consumables and expendable items, or problems caused by those items identified as being the user’s responsibility in the Periodic Routine Maintenance chapter of the User’s Manual, nor does it cover relocation services, systems engineering services, programming, reinstallation of user operating systems or applications software, reconstruction of date, operational procedures due to any sort of failure to implement the most current software releases.Please refer to the Limited Warranty and Service Guide for full details of all service programs and warranty at .About Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc.Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc., a subsidiary of Fujitsu Ltd., is an established leader in the Document Imaging industry, delivering innovative scanning solutions and services that enable our customers to solve critical business productivity issues and streamline operations. We provide cutting-edgedocument capture and workflow solutions for business and personal environments, backed by a comprehensive portfolio of service and support programs.。

Fujitsu 硬盘驱动器安装指南和护理指南说明书

Fujitsu 硬盘驱动器安装指南和护理指南说明书

MAW3300FC, MAW3147FC, MAW3073FC HARD DISK DRIVES INST ALLATION GUIDECARE OF YOUR FUJITSU DRIVECareful handling and installation of your disk drive is paramount to the longevity of the unit. The internal mechanism of the drive can be seriously damaged if the casing is subjected to forces outside the environmental specifications. When transporting the drive, always use the original packing in which the drive was delivered to you, and avoid exposing the drive to extreme changes in temperature to minimize the risk of condensation.Handling1. Never drop the unit. Handle it with care.2. Never move the disk drive while disks are spinning. Note that the disks spin when the drive is powered on and also immediately afterpower off. Refer to the Start/Stop specification for your drive.3.Never place the drive in the vicinity of equipment giving off strong magnetic fields, such as monitors, televisions, or loudspeakers.4.Never use any cleaning agents or liquids on the drive.5.Always use an antistatic mat and wrist strap when handling the drive. Hold the drive by the base casting and never touch the componentson the printed circuit board.6.Never remove any labels from the drive or deface them in any way.7.Never open the disk enclosure for any reason. Doing so will void any warranties.8.Always pay close attention to the mounting specifications such as those for sway space and cooling. If the temperature differencebetween the storage location and installation location exceeds 10°C, for temperature acclimation purposes, leave the drive in the new location for at least two hours before turning it on. This minimizes any risk of condensation forming on the drive.The Drive needs NO preventative or periodic maintenance during its service life if properly used in an appropriate environment.INSTALLATION1. ORIENTATIONThe drive can be installed flat on any of its six sides. Inclination from a vertical or horizontal plane should not exceed 5°.2. MOUNTING SCREW INSTALLATIONWhen the mounting screw holes on the side of the drive are used, be sure to use the two pairs of outer holes. Do not use the center hole in conjunction with only one of the outer holes. The screws must not penetrate the drive by more than 5.0 millimeters. Impact caused by the electric driver must be within the device specifications.3. COOLINGAllow space above and below the drive to provide an adequate air flow. Fan cooling is recommended. The disk enclosure temperature measured at center of base cover (label side) should never exceed 60 °C. See Table 1.Table 1. Reference value of airflowEnvironmental temperature Required velocity of airflow35°C> 0.6 m/s40°C> 0.9 m/s45°C> 1.4 m/s4. BREATHINGNever cover the vent hole displayed on the label with the arrow.5. CONNECTINGTo avoid potential damage to the drive, make sure that connector type and orientation is correct.CAUTION:Your warranty may be voided if the connector is damaged as a result of incorrect insertion.FUJITSU LIMITEDStorage Products Group4-1-1 Kamikodanaka, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki 211-8588, Kanagawa-ken, JapanCopyright © 2005 FUJITSU LIMITED /C141-E233-01EN。

Fuji Xerox维修手册 Ver.2

Fuji Xerox维修手册 Ver.2

第九章安装和拆卸2007/119-1AP-II 5010G/DC-II 5010G, AP 550I G/DC 550I G安装和拆卸Version 2.09 安装和拆卸9.1 Installation9.1.1 AP-II 5010/4000/3000, DC-II 5010/4000 Installation9.1.1.1 AP-II 5010/4000/3000,DC-II 5010/4000的安装(3之1).............. AP-II 5010/4000/3000,DC-II 5010/4000(3之2)..................... AP-II 5010/4000/3000,DC-II 5010/4000(3之3).....................89.1.2 AP 550 I/450 I/350 I, DC 550 I/450 I Installation9.1.2.1 AP 550 I/450 I/350 I,DC 550 I/450 I 的安装(3之1)............... AP 550 I/450 I/350 I,DC 550 I/450 I 的安装(3之2)............... AP 550 I/450 I/350 I,DC 550 I/450 I 的安装(3之3)...............162007/119-2Version 2.0AP-II 5010G/DC-II 5010G, AP 550I G/DC 550I G安装和拆卸2007/119-3AP-II 5010G/DC-II 5010G, AP 550I G/DC 550I G安装和拆卸9.1 InstallationVersion AP-II 5010/4000/3000,DC-II 5010/4000的安装(3之1)注释:本安装步骤为下列配置的机种而编写。

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