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姓名: _________ 班级: _________ 成绩: ______________________


一.补全对话(每句1∙ 5分,共9分)(共1题;共9分)



B.I' In SiCk

p・ What, S the matter

Mom: Are you okay?

Mike: No, __________ ・

Mom: Let* S See a doctor.

Mike: ___________ !

Doctor: ____________ ?

Mike: My head hurts・



Hello! My name is DOng Qing・ I'm 38. I Iike running and SWimming・ My PhOne number is 1381858943

Hi, everyone! Γ m Li Yong, 43 years Old・ My PhOne number is 6853772-368・ I Iike LUCk 52.

Hello! Γ m ZhOU Tao. I Iike reading and racing CarS ・ I'm from AnhU i・ My PhOne number is 6637558-969.

Hi, Γ m ZhU Jun, 47 years OId・ I Iike Art Life・ I' In from LanZhOU l GanSU・ My PhOne number is 1380100831

(1)Li Yong's PhOne number is ________________ ・

A ・ 1380100831

B ・ 1381858943

C ・ 6637558-969

D ・ 6853772-368

(2)DOng Qing IikeS __________________・

A ・ running

B ・ reading and racing CarS

C ・ running and SWimming

D ・ SWimming

(3)Where is ZhOU TaO from?

A ・ Shanghai

B ・ Anji

C ・ AnhUi

D ・ HUnan

(4)_____________ is the host(主持人)Of Art Life.

A ・ DOng Qing

B ・ Li YOng

C ・ ZhU JUn

D ・ ZhOU TaO

(5)FrOm this PaSSage I We know ___________________ ・

A ・ DOng Qing IikeS SPOrt

B ・ ZhU JUn is the OldeSt

C ・ZhOU TaO does∏,t have many books

D ・ Li YOng is from the east Of China

3. (7.5分)阅读短文,根据短文填空

It is SatUrday ・ The BrOWnS are at home ・ MrS ・ BrOWn is in the kitchen ・ She is making IUnCh ・ Mr. BrOWn isn't in the IiVing room ・ He is OUtSide ・ He is WaShing his Car ・ The Car is new and Very beaut if ul ・ JinI is PIaying football With SOme boys ・ %τhere is his sister, Sue? She' S WatChing TV in her bedroom With her friend, Ann. PeOPIe in Hr. Brown' S family. (1) There are (2) Mrs. BrOWn is ■

(3) Mr. BrOwn iS

his Car ・ (4)

is Playing footbal1・ (5) SUe and Ann are

in Sue* S bedrooin. 三. 选词填空(10分)(共1题;共10分)

draw a dragon,


go to the zoo, fly a kite, PIay table tennis, do your

四. 认真阅读答句,提出相应的问句,让对话合理.通顺。(10分)(共5题;共10分)

5. (2分)用线连接正确的应答句。

(5) PIeaSe


Orl the blackboard. (1) I ,ll (2) (3) (4) With his mother.

YeSterday TOin home.

HOW do you ___________

(I)What do you hear? A. HelIo, May.

(3) ____________________ HOW are you? (4) What do you see? ___________ (5) HelIo ・ I'InMay ・ ____________

6. (2 分) _____________?

D ・ I am eight ・

E ・ I hear a duck.

―YeS ・ I have four cousins.

7. (2 分)(2018 二上∙上海期中)一What Can you do? 8・(2分)对话搭配

(1) Can I try it on? ______________

(2) Can I help you? _____________

(3) Do you Iike it? _______________

⑷WhiCh One do you like? ______________

(5)What about this yellow skirt?____________________

9. (2分)从方框中选岀下列各句的最佳应答语。 A ・ Ihank you.

B. Great!

C ・ I'm SeVen years OId ・

D ・ NiCe to meet you.

E. Three ・

(1) HOW Old are you?

(2) HOW many books?

(3) HaPPy birthday!

(4) Let's eat the bread!

(5) ThiS is my brother ・


10. (13分)看图,根据提示写一写

(2)HOW Old are you? ____________

B. I See a sheep.

C. Fin® thank you.

A. Yes.

B. I Iike the color. C ・ The Pink One ・ D ・ Yes, I do. E ・ Yes, PleaSe ・
