少儿英语demo 课-five little monkeys-逐字稿
幼儿园英语歌曲教学案例:Five little monkeys

幼儿园英语歌曲教学案例:Five little monkeys一、引言在幼儿园教学中,英语歌曲是非常重要的教学工具之一。
其中,《Five little monkeys》这首歌是非常经典的幼儿园英语歌曲之一,也是非常适合教学的一首歌曲。
本文将结合实际教学案例,探讨《Five little monkeys》这首歌的教学方法及其教学效果。
二、《Five little monkeys》教学方法1. 教学目标:通过这首歌的教学,让幼儿掌握基本的英语数字和动作词汇,培养幼儿的听力和口语表达能力,激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣。
2. 教学准备:准备一段清晰的《Five little monkeys》歌曲音频,配有动作图卡或玩具猴子,以及相关的数字图卡。
3. 教学步骤:(1)引入歌曲:播放《Five little monkeys》音频,让幼儿听一遍。
三、《Five little monkeys》教学效果经过一段时间的歌曲教学,幼儿们的英语基础有了明显的提高。
四、个人观点和理解在教学过程中,我发现《Five little monkeys》这首歌曲非常适合幼儿园的英语教学。
Five Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree

W.上By Eileen Christelow你知道调皮捣蛋是什么样子的吗?瞧,五只小猴子来了!他们浑身精力充沛,不是跳到这里,就是蹦到那里,简直抓也抓不住!这一次,五只小猴子跟着妈妈去河边野餐了。
妈妈打个盹的工夫,调皮的小猴子们逗弄起了鳄鱼,冲着鳄鱼大喊:“抓不到我吧!”结果——“扑通!”怎么回事?五只小猴子最后怎么样了?快来读绘本吧!Five little monkeys and theirmama walk down to the river forpicnic supper.WiU>^meAAlong comes Mr. CrocodileMama spreads out a blanket and settles down for a snooze ...Oh no! Where is she?Four little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can't catch me!'while five little monkeys climb a tree to watch Mr. Crocodile(鳄鱼)•Along comesMr. Crocodile ...Five little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr.Crocodile, "Can' t catch .*目catch meThree little monl Where is he?Along comes Mr. Crocodilesitting ina tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can'tcatch me! ?Oh no! Where is he?Two little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can'tAlong comes Mr.Crocodile\/Smonkey,sitting in the tree,^teasing Mr.Crocodile,u Can4'「catch me!”Along comes Mr.CrocodileThere are nolittle monkeys sittingin the tree.But...Wait!Look!2345Five littlemonkeys,sittingin the tree!And they do not tease Mr.Crocodile again!怎么样?在读绘本的过程中,你是不是也像五只小猴子的妈妈那样提心吊胆、担惊受怕啊?不管怎样,他们还是享用了快乐的野餐,而且得到了一次记忆深刻的安全教育呢!在朗朗上口的节奏中,学习简单、有趣的英语,是不是也格外带劲儿呢?还有一个问题考考你:五只小猴子里面,有几个girl,几个boy呢?你又是从文中哪些地方知道的呢?仃。
幼儿园英语歌曲教案:Five little monkeys变化多端

幼儿园英语歌曲教案:Five little monkeys变化多端幼儿园英语歌曲教案:Five little monkeys变化多端一、引言在幼儿园的英语教学中,英语歌曲是一种非常有效的教学方式。
而其中的经典英语歌曲《Five little monkeys》更是备受欢迎,它不仅旋律动听,而且歌词简单易记,非常适合幼儿学习。
今天,我们就来探讨一下幼儿园英语歌曲教案中的《Five little monkeys》,分析它的变化多端。
二、歌曲内容《Five little monkeys》是一首非常有趣的英语歌曲,歌词内容主要围绕着五只小猴子的故事展开。
这就是《Five little monkeys》的魅力所在。
三、教学目标在教学《Five little monkeys》这首歌曲时,我们应当确定教学目标,使得教学更加针对性和有效性。
1. 让幼儿能够听懂歌曲内容,理解并背诵歌词。
2. 帮助幼儿掌握歌曲中的重点单词,并了解它们的意义。
3. 引导幼儿认识不同情境下的表达方式,如表达关心、同情等。
4. 通过歌曲教学,培养幼儿的音乐和语言表达能力。
5. 激发幼儿对英语学习的兴趣和热情。
四、教学步骤1. 学前准备:播放《Five little monkeys》的音乐,让孩子们先听一遍,了解歌曲的基本内容和旋律。
2. 歌曲学唱:老师带领幼儿一起唱歌,重复多次,使孩子们熟悉歌曲内容和旋律。
3. 情境表演:老师模仿歌词中的情节,比如摔倒、受伤、去医院等,让幼儿用英语表达关心和同情。
4. 单词学习:在教学中,老师可以重点教授一些单词,比如monkey、jumping on the bed、bumping her head等,帮助幼儿掌握关键词汇。

幼儿园英文小故事五只猴子English:Once upon a time, there were five little monkeys who lived in the jungle. They loved to play and swing from the branches of the tall trees. One day, the monkeys decided to have a race to see who was the fastest. They all lined up at the starting line and eagerly waited for the signal to start. As soon as the signal was given, they all began to run as fast as their little legs could carry them. The race was neck and neck, with each monkey taking turns in the lead. But in the end, it was the smallest monkey who crossed the finish line first, surprising everyone with his speed.Translated content:从前,有五只小猴子住在丛林里。
幼儿园英语角:Five little monkeys歌曲教学案例

幼儿园英语角:Five little monkeys歌曲教学案例在幼儿园的英语角,教师们经常使用歌曲来教授英语。
其中一首备受欢迎的歌曲就是《Five little monkeys》。
本文将结合教学案例,深入探讨《Five little monkeys》的教学价值,并对幼儿园英语角的教学实践进行全面评估。
1. 从简到繁:Five little monkeys歌曲的教学过程在教学《Five little monkeys》这首歌曲时,教师们通常会采取由简到繁的教学方式。
2. 广度与深度兼具的教学内容除了歌曲的歌词教学外,教师们还会向幼儿介绍歌曲的背景和故事。
他们可能会利用图片书、绘本或者简单的动画来展示《Five little monkeys》歌曲所述的故事情节,让幼儿们更加深入地理解歌曲的内容,从而提高他们的英语听力和理解能力。
3. 总结与回顾:Five little monkeys歌曲教学的意义在幼儿园英语角教学实践中,《Five little monkeys》这首歌曲的教学不仅仅是为了让幼儿学会唱一首英文歌,更重要的是通过这首歌曲,幼儿们能够在欢快的氛围中学习英语,提高他们的语言能力。
4. 个人观点与理解在我看来,《Five little monkeys》这首歌曲在幼儿园英语角的教学实践中具有非常重要的意义。
小学英语Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree教案

Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree学校:开化县实验小学姓名:林延伟邮箱:460693350@qq. comFive Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree 教学设计教学材料及分析:本课教学内容选自Eileen Christclow创作的《Five Little Monkeys》系列绘本其中的《Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree》。
五只小猴了和妈妈一起到河边野餐,妈妈才打一下盹,五只调皮的小猴子己爬上树去,说是要去看鳄鱼先生,但看着看着,居然开始逗弄起鳄鱼先生, 对着下面的鳄鱼喊着:“抓不到我吧!”结果小猴子一只只的不见……河岸上的妈妈紧张得都要哭出来了,但喜剧收场的安排让一度紧张的气氛转为皆大欢喜。
文本内容如下:Five little monkeys and their mama walk down to the river for a picnic supper.Mama spreads out a blanket and settles down fbr a snooze......while five little monkeys climb a tree to watch Mr. Crocodile.Five little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can't catch me!"Along comes Mr. Crocodile... SNAP!Oh, no! Where is she?Four little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can't catch me!Along comes Mr. Crocodile... SNAP!Oh, no! Where is he?Three little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can't catch me!"Along comes Mr. Crocodile... SNAP!Oh, no! Where is he?Two little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can't catch me!"Along comes Mr. Crocodile... SNAP!Oh, no! Where is she?Now there's only one little monkey, sitting in a tree,teasing Mr. Crocodile, “Can't catch me !"Along comes Mr. Crocodile... SNAP!Oh, no! There are no little monkeys sitting in the tree.But, wail! Look! 12 3 4 5Five little monkeys, sitting in the tree!Their mama hugs them.Their mama scolds them."Never tease a crocodile. It's not nice - and it's dangerous."The five little monkeys and their mama eat a delicious picnic supper.And they do not tease Mr. Crocodile again!绘本适用年级:五一-六年级(三年级起点)教学设计说明:本节阅读课教学采用“整体语言教学法”(Whole Language Approach),关注语言学习的意义和语言学习的策略,遵循语言理解活动由表及里、由大意到细节的原则。

五只小猴子作文英语带翻译Five Little Monkeys is a popular children's rhyme that tells the story of five mischievous monkeys who love to jump on the bed. The rhyme is a great way to teach children about counting, rhythm, and rhyme. In this essay, I will discuss the story of the five little monkeys and the lessons we can learn from them.The story of the five little monkeys begins with the monkeys jumping on the bed. The first monkey falls off and bumps his head. The mother monkey calls the doctor, who advises her to keep the monkeys from jumping on the bed. However, the monkeys do not listen and continue to jump on the bed. One by one, they fall off and bump their heads. In the end, the doctor comes and gives them all medicine to make them feel better.The story of the five little monkeys teaches us several important lessons. First, we should always listen to the advice of our parents and other adults. The mother monkeyknew that jumping on the bed was dangerous, but the monkeys did not listen to her. As a result, they got hurt. Second, we should be careful when we play and not take unnecessary risks. The monkeys could have avoided getting hurt if they had been more careful. Finally, we should always take care of our health. The doctor gave the monkeys medicine to make them feel better, but they could have avoided getting sick in the first place if they had been more careful.In conclusion, the story of the five little monkeys is a fun and engaging way to teach children about important life lessons. By listening to the advice of our parents and being careful when we play, we can avoid getting hurt and stay healthy. So, let's learn from the five little monkeys and make sure we don't bump our heads!。
幼儿园英语歌曲教案:Five little monkeys深度解读

五只小猴子(Five Little Monkeys)是一首家喻户晓的幼儿园英语歌曲,它是幼儿园中最受欢迎的教学资源之一。
四、个人观点《Five Little Monkeys》是一首非常适合幼儿园教学的英语歌曲,它在教学过程中能够起到很好的引导和激发孩子们兴趣的作用。
结语《Five Little Monkeys》是一首简单而有趣的英语歌曲,它不仅适合幼儿园的英语教学,还能够在数学和情感教育中起到辅助的作用。
作为一首家喻户晓的英语歌曲,《Five Little Monkeys》在幼儿园的教学中起着重要的作用。

五只小猴子英文儿歌Five Little Monkeys is a popular English nursery rhyme that tells the story of five little monkeys jumping on the bed. The rhyme goes like this:Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,。
One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,。
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,。
One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,。
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,。
One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,。
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,。
One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,。
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"One little monkey jumping on the bed,。

歌谣教学(适合低年级)Five little monkeys 教学建议一、课文内容Five little monkeys were jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.One little monkey jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.No little monkeys jumping on the bed,None fell off and bumped their heads.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said:“P ut them under the bed, and no one will bump their heads!”二、教学建议1.呈现情景1学生打开书本,看课文主题图。
最新five little monkeys jumping on the bed绘本中英文对照知识分享

Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed“it s time for bed ,” said mama, 妈妈说,“该上床睡觉啦”so five little monkeys washed their faces, 所以5只猴子都去洗了脸Brushed their teeth,and put their pajamas.刷了牙,然后穿上了睡衣They kissed their mama and said ,”good night.”它们亲吻了妈妈,说了声“晚安”But guess what happened then 猜猜后面发生了什么事FIVE little monkeys jumped on the bed,五只小猴子在床上蹦蹦跳跳,One fell off and bumped her head.其中一只小猴子从床上掉下来撞到了头。
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:猴妈妈找来了医生,医生说:'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'不可以在床上再乱蹦啦!FOUR little monkeys jumped on the bed,四只小猴子在床上蹦蹦跳跳,One fell off and bumped her head.其中一只小猴子从床上掉下来撞到了头。
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:猴妈妈找来了医生,医生说:'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'不可以在床上再乱蹦啦!THREE little monkeys jumped on the bed,三只小猴子在床上蹦蹦跳跳,One fell off and bumped her head.其中一只小猴子从床上掉下来撞到了头。

F i v e-L i t t l e-M o n k e y s--中文翻译(总8页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed《五只小猴子在床上跳啊跳》该睡觉啦。
“现在我可以睡觉了!”(然后妈妈在床上跳了起来)Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree《五只小猴子坐在树上面》猴妈妈带着五只小猴子,到河边去野餐猴妈妈铺开了毯子,就躺下来打了个盹儿原来他们趁着妈妈打盹儿,悄悄爬到了一棵大树上,河中央住着鳄鱼先生五只小猴子,坐在大树上,他们逗弄着鳄鱼先生,"哈哈!你不能抓住我!"鳄鱼先生游过来了..."吧嗒!"哦不!她在哪儿四只小猴子,坐在大树上,他们逗弄着鳄鱼先生"哈哈!你不能抓住我!"鳄鱼先生游过来了..."吧嗒!"哦不!他在哪儿三只小猴子,坐在大树上,他们逗弄着鳄鱼先生,"哈哈!你不能抓住我!"鳄鱼先生游过来了..."吧嗒!"哦不!他在哪儿两只小猴子,坐在大树上,他们逗弄着鳄鱼先生,"哈哈!你不能抓住我!"鳄鱼先生游过来了.Five Little Monkeys with Nothing to Do《五只小猴子闲着没事做》夏天到了。

What did the monkeys do tonight? 小猴子今夜做了些什么呢?
It was bedtime.
brushed teeth.
fell fast asleep
took a bath
put on pajamas 睡衣
同桌合作,把句子和图片贴纸贴在绘本的方框里吧, 让我们一起动手制作这本有趣的绘本吧!
"No more /n打ma电oun话gkehytsy/
说 bed!“
Thank goodness!
Now I can go to bed! 现在我可以睡觉了!
同桌合作,把句子和图片贴纸贴在绘本的方框里吧, 让我们一起动手制作这本有趣的绘本吧!
said good night to mama
Five little monkeys took a bath. Five little monkeys brushed their teeth. Five little monkeys fell fast asleep.
(1 )
(3 )
(5 )
Something interesting:___________________ 有趣的情节
The words I learned:_____________________ 学到的新词
The phrases I learned:___________________ 学到的句子
Unit 3

案例:FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS幼儿在学习英语的过程中,会遇到一些困难,这需要教师正确的引导,及时调整自己的教学策略,做到了这一点有时会收到事半功倍的效果。
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OK good everyone,
It’s time to say goodbye.(假装看表)
Goodbye song:
Walking through the jungle what did I see,I saw a ‘ruff-ruff’,what’s that?‘ruff ruff’,see,I saw a dog,he was following me.
Walking through the jungle what did I see,I saw a oink oink,oink oink,what is it?Yes,I saw a pig,he was following me.
Good morning everyone, my name is X,teacher of the class. Welcome toXXXX
Thisis our assistant teacherxxx. Pls say hello to us.
(TA) hello everyone. I’m x.Gladto see you all.
Everybody look here. what's this? Yes,It’s ajungle.
XXX(主讲名称)hsa so many friends in the jungle .
oklet's meet them.
<five little animals>
Walking through the jungle what did I see,I saw a whoa,it's very big,moo moo,I saw a cow,he was followingme.(拿到小朋友眼前,分别跟他们说hello)
Everyone, let’s say goodbye tothe animals. Bye bye A, byebyeB, byebye C, byebye D.byebye E.
OK new let's play a game......(2-3games)practise the words......
OK,Now we left one.One little sheep swing in the tree,along came Miss.Crocodile as quiet as can be,the monkey said,You can’t catch me.woo woo ha ha s,s,s,nnnnnn…nap.(不让鳄鱼抓住monkey)whoa,smart sheep.nnnnn…nap,where is the monkey?where is it?(把monkey藏在小朋友视野盲区)Are you sure?Ok,let’s check.One,two,three,open your mouth.Oh,no,where is the monkey?(拿出monkey)Haha,tada!Miss me miss me,now you have to kiss me.Whoa the monkey kissed Miss.crocodile,that’s so funny!(捂嘴笑)Byebye monkey,Byebye Miss.Crocodile.
Walking through the jungle what did I see,I saw a woo woo ha ha ,what is it?Yes,I saw a monkey, he was following me.
Now here comes my last friend,whoa,Miss crocodile.Hello everyone,I am Miss crocodile,OK,XX can you touch me?Who can touch me,I’m crocodile,who can touch me?Touch me,please.(到小朋友身边让他们抚摸鳄鱼玩偶)
At first, let’s sing a hello song together.
A :Good morning. Good morning. It’s good good good good morning.
Hello A, Hello B, Hello C, it’s so good to see u.
OK,Now we left one,two,three,four,four little animals swing in the tree,along came Miss.Crocodile as quiet as can be,the dog said,you can’t catch me.ruff ruff,s,s,s,nnnnnn…nap.Oh,where is the dog?where is it?who can tell me?(张开鳄鱼嘴巴)Oh,the poor dog.Bye bye,little dog,bye bye.
OK,Now we left one,two,two little animals swing in the tree,along came Miss.Crocodile as quiet as can be,the mouse said,you can’t catch me.squeak,squeak,s,s,s,nnnnnn…nap.Oh,where is the mouse?where is it?who can tell me?(张开鳄鱼嘴巴)Oh,the poor mouse.Bye bye,pig,bye bye.
OK,continue,walking through the jungle,what did I see,I saw a ‘squeak squeak’,what’s that?Can you tell me,it has long tail.I saw a mouse,he was following me.
OK,Now we left one,two,three,three little animals swing in the tree,along came Miss.Crocodile as quiet as can be,the pig said,you can’t catch me.oink,oink,(用鳄鱼玩偶嘴巴咬住自己的胳膊)Ouch,it’s too hurt,who can help me?Help me pull the e on come on.Ready ?One two three,go!Thank you!s,s,s,nnnnnn…nap.Oh,where is the pig?where is it?who can tell me?(张开鳄鱼嘴巴)Oh,the poor pig.Bye bye,pig,bye bye.
A:Okdo you Remembermy name, Iam X. now say hello to X.
Hello TA, high five. Great! (Thumb-up)
Hello A, high five.……
B: give me five XXX ……..
Now we know each other. Let’s getE, Hello F, it’s so good to see u.
B: Hello hello can you clap you handhello hello can you jump up high can you turn a round can you say hello