



A Guideline to tutor’s correction symbols for mistake types in marking students’ written assignments 辅导教师评判写作作业使用的错误类型标识指南Assignment title:A StoryType:Essay writingLength:200 wordsPunctuality and format of the submitted assignments should be strictly observed.Description:Write a story of your own, based on your personal experience.You should pay much attention to the following aspects:1. 1.Context: the beginning, the development, and the end of the event (You can refer to Activity 3, Task 1.)2. 2.Selection of details: what you see, hear or even smell during the process (You can refer to Activity 3, Tasks 2 and3.)3. anization: time expressions and verb tense to indicate time sequence and change of time (You can refer to Activity 1 and Activity 3, Task4.)4. 4.Description: selection of words and construction of sentences (You can refer to Activity 3, Task5.)5. 5.Point of view: who is telling the story (You can refer to Activity 4)主题内容(40%)36-40 ExcellentClear theme, adequate and appropriate content showing originality and depth in thinking and presentation.32-35 Very goodClear theme, adequate and appropriate content in general showing good understanding and thinking over the topic concerned.28-31 GoodClear theme and appropriate content showing general understanding of the topics concerned.24-27 PassCommunicates a clear, connected sequence of ideas, with reasonably correct and natural flow of thought.16-23 WeakNear to pass level, but the main idea is just vaguely presented.< 15 Very poorErrors and narrowness of vocabulary prevent understanding.语言表达(40%)36-40 ExcellentAmbitious and good use of new language structure from the course materials. Free from errors; substantial length; wellconstructed; complete control over choice and arrangement of words and ideas.32-35 Very goodAmbitious use of new language structure from the course materials. Good length and structure, correct and ambitious treatment of the topic, natural and appropriate in style.28-31 GoodAmbitious use of new language structure from the course materials.Free from basic errors, theme maintained with some assurance and appropriate use of vocabulary.24-27 PassTentative use of new language structure from the course materials. Communicates a clear, connected sequence of ideas, with reasonably correct and natural syntax and vocabulary.16-23 WeakNear to pass level, but inadequate either because of numerous errors in grammar or vocabulary; too elementary an approach or seriousirrelevance.< 15 Very poorErrors and narrowness of vocabulary prevent communication.Mistake analysis sheet for written assignments (BA Program) 英语专业必修课程作业典型错误分析模版(专升本课程)Assessment sample for written assignments (BA Program) 英语专业必修课程作业评判样板(专升本课程)except us. 5.We had treat everybody else to each other. As the10. I felt upset14. A car16. All of usfor 10 seconds. 19. IFortunately, the guy just had When we drove back, 28. I accidents which would” 31. thes o n p r e s e n t e d c l e a r l y a t t h e b e g i n n i n g ?m i c o m p a c t s e n t e n c e .) e a d N o . B u t t h e w r i t e r i n d i c a t e d b y i n t r o d u c i n g “c a r s p o r t s ”, w h i c h i s n a t u r a l l y l i n k e d w i t h t h e i d e a o f “d a n g e r ” a n d “a c c i d e n t ”. 3. W h a t t i m e i n d i c a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s d o e s t h e w r i t e r u s e ? C a n y o u f i n d s o m e e x a m p l e s ?T h e w r i t e r u s e s b o t h v e r b t e n s e a n d t i m e e x p r e s s i o n s t o i n d i c a t e t i m e . I n 7, “a s ”; i n 9, “a f t e r ”; i n 12, “w h i l e ”; i n 15, “t h e n ”; i n 23, “w h e n ”.4. I s a l l t h e s e l e c t e d i n f o r m a t i o n r e l e v a n t ?N o t a l l . 3, 6 a n d 10 a r e r e d u n d a n t .5.W h a t w o r d s o r s e n t e n c e s a r e g o o d e x a m p l e s f o r a v i v i d d e s c r i p t i o n?6.I s t h e r e a c l o s i n g t h a t w r a p s u p t h e s t o r y?N o.A s e n t e n c e c a n b e a d d e d:“I t w a s a h o r r i b l e e x p e r i e n c e t h a t I w i l l r e c a l l e v e r y t i m e I d r i v e a c a r.”Assessment sample for written assignments (BA Program)英语专业必修课程作业评判样板(专升本课程)Passage 1: BFSU is Ruined by CommercializationWarning: The analysis below only focuses on the idea organization, whereas language mistakes are ignored.OpenDiscussion ofexamplesDiscussion12. Writer ‟s argument 13. Cause 1 15. Cause 2 20. SolutionAssessment sample for written assignments (BA Program) 英语专业必修课程作业评判样板(专升本课程)Urbanisation: Hard Time For BFSU。

作文修改符号 删除符号

作文修改符号 删除符号

作文修改符号删除符号英文回答:The editing symbols for use in a composition include:1. Insertion caret (^) indicates where text should be added.2. Deletion symbol (⊘) indicates that text should be removed.3. Substitution symbol (~) indicates that text should be replaced with the text that follows.4. Transposition symbol (⤑) indicates that two pieces of text should be switched.5. Capitalization symbol (↑) indicates that a lowercase letter should be capitalized.6. Lowercase symbol (↓) indicates that a capitalletter should be changed to lowercase.7. Emphasis symbol (___) can be used to indicate that text should be italicized, underlined, or bolded.8. Comment symbol (//) can be used to add notes to the text that should not be included in the final version.In addition to these symbols, there are also a number of other conventions that can be used when editing a composition. For example, strikethrough text (~~) can be used to indicate that text should be deleted but not removed from the document. Highlighting can be used to draw attention to important text. And annotations can be used to add notes to the text that will be visible in the final version.中文回答:作文修改符号包括:1. 插入符号 (^) 表示应添加文本的位置。



外文英文科技论文撰写的常见错误及改正(字体,符号等)第一篇:外文英文科技论文撰写的常见错误及改正(字体,符号等) 外文英文科技论文撰写的常见错误及改正(字体,符号等).doc1、尽可能避免中英文标点符号混输、混排、混用。

2、符号数值和英文单位之间要空一格(如100 bp,25 ?L,200 mM等)。


3、表示生物种属的拉丁文名用斜体表示,一些拉丁词如in vitro、in situ也要用斜体。






限制性内切酶(如EcoRⅠ、Sma I、HindⅢ)和质粒(如pBr322,“p”表明为质粒,“BR”表示最初构建它的实验室,为构建人的名字Bolivar和Rodriguez首字母缩写,“322”表示与其他质粒相区别的编号)的书写规范也要加以注意。


5、引物序列的3端和5端用撇号表示,而不是用单引号表示(如3'和5'方向、5' RACE)。




英语作文的错字修改符号:提升写作质量的关键工具In the world of English writing, the significance of proofreading and correcting errors cannot be overstated. Just as a skilled chef relies on precise measurements and high-quality ingredients to create delicious dishes,writers depend on accurate language and grammar to craft impactful essays. Among the various tools available to writers, the importance of correction symbols in English essays cannot be ignored. These symbols, often overlooked by beginners, play a pivotal role in ensuring clarity, conciseness, and correctness in written communication.For beginners, mastering the use of correction symbols can be challenging. However, with practice and dedication, these symbols become second nature, greatly enhancing the writing process. Common correction symbols include the deletion mark, which indicates text that should be removed; the insertion mark, used to indicate where new text should be added; and the substitution mark, which suggests a replacement word or phrase.The deletion mark, typically represented by three small dots or a diagonal line, alerts the reader to omitted material. This is crucial in editing, as it allows writers to remove redundant or irrelevant information, ensuringthat their essays are concise and focused. The insertion mark, often denoted by a caret (^) or an underline with an addition written above, facilitates the addition of necessary details or clarifications. This symbol is particularly useful when the writer identifies gaps or omissions in their writing and needs to quickly insert crucial information.The substitution mark, indicated by a wavy line or a bracket with a suggested replacement, guides the writer in choosing more precise or appropriate vocabulary. This symbol is invaluable in refining language, ensuring that the essay is both grammatically correct and stylistically polished. By using these correction symbols effectively, writers can transform their drafts into polished, professional-looking essays.Beyond the practical benefits, the use of correction symbols fosters a culture of continuous improvement andrefinement among writers. It encourages a mindset ofrevision and refinement, rather than simple completion. As writers become accustomed to using these symbols, they develop a heightened awareness of their writing, learningto identify and correct errors more quickly and efficiently. In conclusion, the correction symbols in English essays are not just mere marks on paper; they are essential tools for writers seeking to craft clear, concise, and error-free essays. By mastering the use of these symbols, writers can transform their writing from a messy draft into a polished and professional-looking final product. In the process,they not only improve their writing skills but alsocultivate a mindset of continuous improvement and refinement.**英语作文错字修改符号:提升写作质量的关键工具** 在英语写作的世界里,校对和修正错误的重要性不言而喻。







拼写错误:spelling error——Sp;标点错误Punctuation error——P;动词时态错误:Verb tense error——V;单词顺序错误:wrong word order ——WO;用错单词:wrong word used——WW;此处最好重新分段:new p aragraph needed——//;此处缺词:something missing——∧;好:Good!Well done!——G;此处看不明白:I don’t understand this——?……因此一篇作文我们可以这样来批阅: Woman Found After Two Sp Mo nth Yesterday ∧ old woman was found in her Sp Haus probably she was dead for two Sp month.The neighbors thought she was on a Sp h olyday. The woman probably was murdered with a book P she was hit o n the back of her face.The murderer is yet not been found. But the police V has a lot of clues. And some Sp eys witnesses have told the police th at WW the man was shabby.这样如果我们采取符号标注来代替文字表达,我们的批阅就可以节省很多的时间;同时学生根据老师有针对性的标注进行有目标的自我改进,让学生自主参与修正错误的过程,加深了学生语言自主习得的过程体验,久而久之就会不断形成其写作的严谨性而提高写作能力。


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1. √ 用于表示正确或无误,通常在批改作文时用于标示正确的地方。

2. × 用于表示错误或需要删除的地方,通常在批改作文时用于标示需要修改或删除的地方。

3. △ 用于表示有待商榷或需要注意的地方,通常在批改作文时用于标示需要进一步思考或注意的地方。

4. // 用于表示需要添加的内容,通常在批改作文时用于标示需要补充的内容。

5. ^ 用于表示需要换行的地方,通常在批改作文时用于标示需要换行的地方。

6. ∑ 用于表示需要调整词语或语句的位置,通常在批改作文时用于标示需要调整的地方。






作文修改符号的用法及画法英文回答:Editing Symbols。

Editing symbols are a system of marks used to indicate changes or corrections to a written document. They are used to streamline the editing process and ensure that all changes are communicated clearly and accurately.Types of Editing Symbols。

There are many different types of editing symbols, each with its own specific purpose. Some of the most common symbols include:Insertion mark (^): Indicates where new text should be inserted.Deletion mark (X): Indicates that text should bedeleted.Substitution mark (/): Indicates that one word should be replaced with another.Transposition mark (T): Indicates that two words or letters should be switched.Period mark (.): Indicates where a period should be added.Comma mark (,): Indicates where a comma should be added.Capitalization mark (C): Indicates that a lettershould be capitalized.Lowercase mark (L): Indicates that a letter should be lowercase.Bold mark (B): Indicates that text should be boldfaced.Italic mark (I): Indicates that text should be italicized.How to Draw Editing Symbols。



作文中修改符号的用法及画法英文回答:Using punctuation marks correctly and effectively is crucial in writing. They help to clarify meaning, indicate pauses or emphasis, and improve the overall flow of the text. Here are some guidelines on how to use and draw punctuation marks properly.1. Period (.) The period is used to indicate the end ofa sentence. It is a small dot placed at the bottom of the line. For example, "I love to read books."2. Question mark (?) The question mark is used to indicate a direct question. It is a small dot with a curved line above it. For example, "What is your favorite color?"3. Exclamation mark (!) The exclamation mark is used to express strong emotions or surprise. It is a small dot with a vertical line above it. For example, "I can't believeit!"4. Comma (,) The comma is used to indicate a pause or separation between words, phrases, or clauses. It is asmall curved line placed at the bottom of the line. For example, "I like to eat apples, oranges, and bananas."5. Quotation marks ("") Quotation marks are used to indicate direct speech or to enclose a quote. They are two small curved lines placed at the top and bottom of the text. For example, "She said, 'I will be there soon.'"6. Colon (:) The colon is used to introduce a list orto separate two independent clauses. It is a small dot with a vertical line above it. For example, "There are three things I love: reading, writing, and traveling."7. Semicolon (;) The semicolon is used to separate two closely related independent clauses. It is a small dot with a curved line above it and a dot below it. For example, "I have a busy day ahead; I need to finish my work and attenda meeting."8. Dash (-) The dash is used to indicate a break or interruption in the sentence. It is a longer horizontal line than the hyphen. For example, "She was about to say something important but then she changed her mind."中文回答:正确有效地使用标点符号在写作中至关重要。



英语作文标点符号修改方法When editing an English essay for punctuation, it's crucial to ensure that each mark is used correctly to enhance readability and clarity. Here are some key guidelines and steps to follow in revising punctuation in an English essay:1. General Principles:Ensure consistent use of punctuation marks.Use punctuation to separate ideas, clarify meaning, and indicate tone or emphasis.Avoid overusing punctuation, which can make the text seem cluttered.2. Specific Punctuation Marks:a. Commas:Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, for, nor, so, yet).Use commas to offset non-restrictive clauses (information that can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence).Place commas around parenthetical elements (words, phrases, or clauses that provide additional information).Use commas to separate items in a series.b. Periods:End declarative, imperative, and interrogative sentences with a period.Place a period at the end of an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word (e.g., Dr., Prof.).c. Question Marks:Use a question mark at the end of a direct question.If a question is embedded within a sentence, use a comma before the question mark.d. Ex.。



作文中修改符号的用法及画法英文回答,In writing, the use and drawing of symbols are important for conveying meaning and clarity. For example, when editing a document, we use symbols such as a caret (^) to indicate where to insert new text, or a strikethrough to show where to delete. These symbols help to make the editing process more efficient and understandable.When it comes to drawing symbols, it's important to pay attention to their accuracy and clarity. For example, when drawing a checkmark, it should be a clear and distinct V shape. Similarly, when drawing arrows, they should be straight and pointed in the right direction to avoid confusion.中文回答,在写作中,符号的使用和绘制对于传达意义和清晰度至关重要。












附:错误类型及相应改法增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改十处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。





附:错误类型及相应改法增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改十处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。





附:错误类型及相应改法增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改十处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I woke up this morning feeling tired and groggy. My alarm clock had been blaring for what seemed like hours,and I just couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. The sun was shining through my curtains, mocking me for my laziness.I finally mustered up the energy to roll out of bed and stumble to the bathroom. As I looked in the mirror, Icouldn't help but notice the dark circles under my eyes and the messy hair on top of my head. I sighed, knowing that it was going to be a long day.I made my way to the kitchen, hoping that a cup ofcoffee would magically transform me into a functioning human being. I poured the hot liquid into my favorite mug and took a sip. Instantly, I felt a surge of energycoursing through my veins. The bitter taste of the coffee woke up my taste buds and jolted me awake. I sat down atthe kitchen table, savoring each sip and slowly feeling the exhaustion fade away.With my newfound energy, I decided to tackle the pile of dirty dishes that had been sitting in the sink for days. The sight of the greasy plates and sticky utensils made my stomach turn. I rolled up my sleeves and started scrubbing away, determined to make the kitchen sparkle again. The warm soapy water splashed onto my hands, creating a soothing sensation. As I scrubbed and rinsed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The dirty dishes were no match for my determination.After finishing the dishes, I glanced at the clock and realized that I was running late for work. I hurriedly put on my clothes, not caring if they matched or not. I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door, hoping that I wouldn't miss my bus. As I ran down the street, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and the sweat dripping down my forehead. I finally reached the bus stop just in time, panting and out of breath. I collapsed onto the seat, grateful for a moment of rest.As the bus made its way through the city, I looked out the window and watched the world go by. The hustle andbustle of the streets, the honking horns, the people rushing to their destinations it all seemed so chaotic yet strangely beautiful. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the vibrant energy of the city. It was a reminder that life is constantly moving forward, and that sometimes, we just have to go along for the ride.Finally, I arrived at work, slightly disheveled but ready to take on the day. I walked through the office doors with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. The challenges and tasks that awaited me didn't seem so daunting anymore. I was ready to face whatever came my way, knowing that I had already conquered the obstacles of the morning. As I sat down at my desk and started my work, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Despite the rough start, I had managed to turn my day around and make it my own.。



英语作文批改符号的深度解析In the realm of English essay correction, symbols play a pivotal role in guiding students towards better writing. These symbols, often overlooked by students, are crucial in refining their writing skills and ensuring clarity in communication. In this article, we delve into the world of essay correction symbols, exploring their meanings, applications, and the importance they hold in the writing process.**Common Correction Symbols**1. **Underline (__)**: This symbol is often used to indicate mistakes in grammar or vocabulary. For instance, if a student writes "I am go to the store," an underline would be placed under "go" to indicate that the correct form is "going."2. **Circle (○)**: Circles are typically used to highlight spelling errors. For example, if a student writes "recieve" instead of "receive," a circle would enclose the incorrect spelling, guiding the student to the correct word.3. **Arrow (→)**: Arrows are used to suggest rephrasing or rearranging of sentences. They help students understand where to move words or phrases toimprove the flow and clarity of their writing. 4.**Insertion (↑)**: This symbol is placed above the line where a word or phrase should be inserted. For instance, if a sentence lacks a transition word, an insertion symbol would guide the student to add one. 5. **Deletion (~~)**: Deletion symbols indicate where words or phrases should be removed. This helps eliminate redundancy and ensures that the essay is concise and focused.**The Importance of Correction Symbols**Correction symbols are crucial in the writing process because they provide students with a clear and direct feedback mechanism. These symbols not only highlight errors but also guide students towards making corrections. They foster a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging students to refine their work and strive for excellence.Moreover, correction symbols foster self-correction skills. By identifying and rectifying errors, students become more aware of their writing habits and learn to edit their work independently. This skill is invaluable in academic and professional settings where clear andeffective communication is essential.**Applying Correction Symbols Effectively**To maximize the benefits of correction symbols, students should approach them with an open mind and a willingness to learn. They should carefully review their essays, noting the symbols and taking the time to understand the recommended corrections. It's also important to seek clarification if a symbol is unclear or confusing. Teachers and mentors play a vital role in guiding students in the use of correction symbols. They should provide clear explanations of each symbol's meaning and application, ensuring that students understand how to interpret and apply them effectively. Regular feedback and one-on-one guidance can further enhance students' understanding and application of these symbols.In conclusion, correction symbols are an integral part of the English writing process. They serve as a valuable tool for students, guiding them towards better writing and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By embracing these symbols and applying them effectively, students can hone their writing skills and communicate more clearly and effectively.**英语作文批改符号的深入解析**在英语作文批改中,符号扮演着至关重要的角色,它们引导学生提升写作水平。



小学英语作文批阅符号的秘密世界In the world of primary school English essay grading, symbols play a crucial role. These symbols, often unnoticed by students, are the silent teachers guiding them towards better writing skills. They are the language of the grader, communicating feedback and suggestions without the need for words.The most common symbol is the circle, often used to highlight vocabulary or phrases used well. When a student encounters this symbol, they know that they have chosen their words wisely and should continue to do so. This encourages them to experiment with vocabulary and phraseology, making their writing more rich and varied.The underline, on the other hand, is often used to mark grammar errors or incorrect sentence structure. This symbol serves as a gentle reminder to the student to review their work and correct these mistakes. It teaches them the importance of checking their work and encourages them to pay closer attention to detail.The arrow is another valuable tool in the grader's toolbox. It is used to guide the student's eye, showingthem where to add information or clarify ideas. This symbol fosters a sense of direction and flow in the student's writing, helping them to structure their ideas more coherently.The checkmark is a symbol of approval, indicating thata sentence or paragraph is well-written and meets the standards expected. It gives the student a sense of achievement and encourages them to continue in their efforts. The checkmark is not just a simple mark; it's a stamp of approval that tells the student they are on the right track.These symbols, although simple, are incredibly powerful. They are the building blocks of good writing, guiding students step by step towards becoming confident andskilled writers. They are the silent language of the grader, communicating with the student in a way that words cannot.However, it's not just about the symbols themselves;it's about how they are used. A grader's use of symbols should be consistent and clear, ensuring that the studentunderstands the feedback they are receiving. They should be used sparingly, focusing on the most important aspects of the essay, and should always be accompanied by encouraging words or comments.In conclusion, the world of primary school Englishessay grading is rich and complex, filled with symbols that hold the key to better writing skills. These symbols arenot just marks on a page; they are tools for growth and improvement. They are the silent teachers, guiding students towards becoming confident and skilled writers. As students progress through their primary school years, they will encounter these symbols more and more, learning tointerpret them and use them to their advantage. In this way, the symbols become an integral part of their writing journey, helping them to develop into proficient and confident writers.**小学英语作文批阅符号的秘密世界**在小学英语作文批改的世界里,符号扮演着至关重要的角色。



英语作文错误批改符号及含义符号含义abbr --- error in abbreviation 缩写错误C --- error in conjunction 连词错误cap --- should use capital letter 应该大写CE --- Chinese English 中式英语col --- error in collocation 搭配错误comp --- error in comparison 比较错误D --- error in diction 措辞错误div --- error in word division 断词错误frag --- sentence fragment 不完整句G --- error in grammar 语法错误ll --- faulty parallel structure 并列结构/平行错误log --- error in logic 逻辑错误mm --- misplaced modifier 限定词错no cap --- should not use capital letter 不应大写nsw --- no such word 没有此词num --- error in numbers 数词错误P --- error in punctuation 标点错误plu --- should use plural form 应用复数pron --- error in pronoun 代词错误red --- error in redundancy 累赘错误rep --- error in repetition 重复错误run-on --- run-on sentence 断句错误(该用连词或分号、句号等)sin --- shoul use singular form 应用单数sp --- error in spelling 拼写错误sv --- subject-verb agreement 主谓一致vt --- error in verbal tense 时态错误vf--- error in verbal form 动词形式vo --- error in voice 语态错误wc --- error in word choice 选词错误wo --- error in word order 词序错误awk ---awkward expression 语句不通顺prep---error in preposition介词错误ital---italicized 单词斜体╳ --- some error here 某处有错(用于某处不易用符号解释的错误)∧ --- should add a word 应加某词( ) --- optional 可以不要┓ --- another paragraph 另起一段/ --- should be deleted 应删某词~--- error in sentence order 语序调换--- meaning unclear 意义不明︱--- should be seperated 应当分开— --- should be connected 应当连接文案编辑词条B 添加义项?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。



英语作文错误批改符号及含义符号含义abbr --- error in abbreviation 缩写错误C --- error in conjunction 连词错误cap --- should use capital letter 应该大写CE --- Chinese English 中式英语col --- error in collocation 搭配错误comp --- error in comparison 比较错误D --- error in diction 措辞错误div --- error in word division 断词错误frag --- sentence fragment 不完整句G --- error in grammar 语法错误ll --- faulty parallel structure 并列结构/平行错误log --- error in logic 逻辑错误mm --- misplaced modifier 限定词错no cap --- should not use capital letter 不应大写nsw --- no such word 没有此词num --- error in numbers 数词错误P --- error in punctuation 标点错误plu --- should use plural form 应用复数pron --- error in pronoun 代词错误red --- error in redundancy 累赘错误rep --- error in repetition 重复错误run-on --- run-on sentence 断句错误(该用连词或分号、句号等)sin --- shoul use singular form 应用单数sp --- error in spelling 拼写错误sv --- subject-verb agreement 主谓一致vt --- error in verbal tense 时态错误vf--- error in verbal form 动词形式vo --- error in voice 语态错误wc --- error in word choice 选词错误wo --- error in word order 词序错误awk ---awkward expression 语句不通顺prep---error in preposition介词错误ital---italicized 单词斜体╳ --- some error here 某处有错(用于某处不易用符号解释的错误)∧ --- should add a word 应加某词( ) --- optional 可以不要┓ --- another paragraph 另起一段/ --- should be deleted 应删某词~--- error in sentence order 语序调换?--- meaning unclear 意义不明︱--- should be seperated 应当分开— --- should be connected 应当连接。

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abbr --- error in abbreviation 缩写错误C --- error in conjunction 连词错误cap --- should use capital letter 应该大写CE --- Chinese English 中式英语col --- error in collocation 搭配错误comp --- error in comparison 比较错误D --- error indiction 措辞错误div --- error in word division 断词错误frag --- sentence fragment 不完整句G --- error in grammar 语法错误ll --- faulty parallel structure 平行错误log --- error inlogic 逻辑错误mm --- misplaced modifier 限定词错no cap --- should not use capital letter 不应大写nsw --- no such word 没有此词num --- error in mumbers 数词错误P --- error in punctuation 标点错误plu --- should use plural form 应用复数pron --- error in pronoun 代词错误red --- error in redundancy 累赘错误rep --- error in repetition 重复错误run-on --- run-on sentence 断句错误(该用连词或分号、句号等)sin --- shoul use singular form 应用单数sp --- error in spelling 拼写错误sv --- subject-verb agreement 主谓一致vt --- error in verbal tense 时态错误vf--- error in verbal form 动词形式vo --- error invoice 语态错误wc --- error in word choice 选词错误wo --- error in word order 词序错误╳--- some error here 某处有错(用于某处不易用符号解释的错误)∧--- should add a word 应加某词( ) --- optional可以不要┓--- another paragraph 另起一段/ --- should be deleted 应删某词~ --- error in sentence order 语序调换? --- meaning unclear 意义不明︱--- should be seperated 应当分开—--- should be connected 应当连接浅谈英语作文批改时间过的可真快,转眼间我的学生升入初中已经是第三个年头,而作文这一能够极好的体现学生运用英语的能力的考查方式却仍是我和学生们的弱项,为了不让我的学生们在这方面有所欠缺,我制定了比较周密的计划,并尝试性的作了以下几点:1、严格安排好工作时间,为批改作文保留一定的时间。





























6、定时作文要求教师在学生交作文时说:“通读一次,把错误找出来写在每页的下端”(Read through your work and count up your mistakes,Put the number you have found at the bottom of the page.Then correct them.)然后教师可给学生几分钟时间进行这一项工作,教师批发时就可以把学生作文中没有发现的错误也记录在每页的下端,让学生每隔一段时间进行自我总结,并鼓励学生找出的错误数目能和教师一样多或超过老师找出的错误数,激发学生的兴趣。






