Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
What is the author trying to prove?
What is the author assuming I will agree with?
Do you agree with the author?
Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Critical reading and thinking
Example 2: water vs. diamond
Why is water so cheap, while diamonds are so
Necessary for survival
Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Example 3: a seat belt law
American laws require seat belts as standard equipment on new cars.
Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Text A
Key terms
marginal cost: 边际成本 the additional cost from an increase in an activity
1 2
学术英语是国际学术界的通用语言,掌握学术英 语能够使学者更好地参与国际学术交流,分享研 究成果。
严谨、准确的学术语言有助于提高研究论文的质 量和说服力,使研究得到更广泛的认可。
学术英语能够帮助学者了解不同文化背景下的学 术观点和研究方法,促进跨文化交流与合作。
提前了解报告的主题和背 景,有助于更好地理解报 告内容。
在报告过程中,尽量保持 注意力集中,避免错过重 要信息。
对于重要的观点和数据, 及时做笔记以便后续回顾 。
积极参与讨论,对于不理解的问题及时提问,同 时对于别人的问题也要认真回答。
组织论文结构合理,逻辑清晰,使读者易于 理解。
分段论述,标明小标题,突出重点和层次感 。
利用图表、表格等形式辅助说明研究结果和 数据。
在进行学术研究时,查找和筛选合适的学术文献是至关重要的第一步。可以通过学术数据库、图书馆 、学术搜索引擎等途径查找相关文献。在筛选文献时,应关注文献的学术声誉、研究方法和结论的可 靠性。
在讨论中积极发表自己的观点,但要确保论据充 分、逻辑清晰。
在讨论中要尊重他人的观点,避免过于情绪化或 攻击性的言辞。
学术英语 collocationPPT课件
![学术英语 collocationPPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c89d1561de80d4d8d05a4f35.png)
• _____ additional time to
• _____ comments • _____ a letter提交信函
• stiff • charge • evenly • go into effect • act • implement • volume • extend • accommodate • merit • develop • submit
• intensely worrying • awash with change • shape our lives for the better • the prime concern • a passing encounter • intense feelings • a mutual attachment • self-evident • a matter of chance/luck • have little/no say in…/have a say
• 生活水平 • 经济困难 • 找工作 • 最终结果 • 报纸广告 • 找工作网络 • 大学就业办 • 猎头 • 工作机会 • 找工作的人 • 在职培训 • 行业转换 • 政府开设、管理的
Text A
• standard of living • economic hardship • job search • the end result • newspaper ads • Internet job sites • unversity placement offices • headhunters • job openings • job candidates • on-the-job/in-service training • sectoral shifts • government-run
学术英语(医学)_Unit 1ppt课件
![学术英语(医学)_Unit 1ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e2e42a2f0242a8956aece49a.png)
Brainstorm a list of words and expressions related to a doctor’s life and practice.
Unit 1 Doctors’ Life
Additional activity
What do they mean for a doctor?
• reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension
• cholesterol on the high side without any medications for this
• not as much exercise as she should
• Suggested answers
Unit 1 Doctors’ Life
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Questions for discussion
• How do you interpret the title?
– neuron overload – juggling physician
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
• neuron overload • patients’ high expectations • mistrust and misunderstanding between the
patients and physician
Unit 1
Text A
Doctors’ Life
学术英语综合 ppt课件
![学术英语综合 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ea3af1d1fab069dc5022017a.png)
2. Reading
• Summarize the main idea of a text and grasp the two sides of an argument • Understand difficult sentences (e.g. sentences with abstract meaning or ambiguous reference) • Analyze complex or controversial issues critically
• Learn to avoid plagiarism in writing
Unit 5
Unit Objectives
6. Researching • Carry out a small-scale interview study to explore how Chinese college students perceive philosophy today
1. Mentalist
Mentalists are people who believe in mentalism. Mentalism is a school of philosophy which believes that mental phenomena cannot be explained by physical laws; instead, physical things can be explained in terms of mental things which exist in a real sense. Some mentalists claim that physical objects are merely sensations or perceptions, or that the whole material world is mental in nature.
4. Speaking • Ask for information and clarification in a
polite and effective way • Learn to do interviews and report the
findings in an oral presentation
What is EAP?
English for Academic Purposes/EAP
内容:教材分为《学术英语》综合、 人文、理工、社科等。我们的课程 分为读学科主题文章、听专业相关 讲座、练学术口语、写学科专业论 文以及做学科相关研究等环节。
目标:训练对信息的获取、分析、整 合、利用能力;提高学生撰写学期论 文及学术论文的技能;帮助学生过度 到专业双语课程及全英课程学习;全 面培养学生的学业能力、思辨创新能 力和解决实际问题的学术研究能力。
Unit 1
Unit Contents
Unit objectives Text A Text B Text C Academic language and discourse Listening Speaking Writing
Unit 1
Unit Objectives
acquire some specialized vocabulary of economics • Understand the functions of parenthetical statements • Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions
Overview of English for International Academic Exchange
English for International Academic Exchange (EIAAE) is a specialized field of English language teaching that focuses on preparing learners for the academic demands of studying on road or participating in international academic activities
The Importance of Academic Exchange
19th century: The need for English language proficiency for international academic exchange arises due to the increasing popularity of Western universities and the spread of English as a global language
Increasing global competitiveness
being able to engage in international academic circles is crucial for countries and institutions seeking to maintain a competitive edge in the global knowledge economy
Determine the theme and purpose of the PPT, ensuring that the content is closely related to the theme.
学术英语理工_Uni ppt课件
![学术英语理工_Uni ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/664719a96bec0975f465e247.png)
use signal words to indicate where you are.
b) Keep to the main points and avoid excessive details.
c) Pause at the end of each point, to give the audience
Unit 6 Making an Oral
PresenTtahtiornee pa2rtsOorgf anpirzeinsegntthateiocno:ntent
Part 1 Introduction. a) Capture your audience’s attention. b) State your purpose or your goal. c) Introduce the major points in the beginning.
Unit 6 Making an Oral
PresenTtahtiornee pa2rtsOorgf anpirzeinsegntthateiocno:ntent
Part 3 Conclusion.
a) Let the audience know that you are approaching the end of the presentation, by restating your purpose, and saying that you have achieved it. b) Leave your audience with a clear summary of the main points you have covered in the talk. c) Thank the audience. d) Give the audience a chance to ask questions.
学术英语 综合 Unit 2 PPT
![学术英语 综合 Unit 2 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c94312310912a21614792933.png)
Unit 2
Business Ethics
Unit Objectives
6. Researching • Independently locate and study a variety of resources (articles, books, videos, etc.) to find out a Chinese or foreign company which has kept the right balance between earning profits and taking social responsibility 7. Academic language and discourse • Acquire some specialized vocabulary in business • Learn how to add an idea • Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions
Text A In-depth analysis
1. Contribute as much as possible what you know about the following. • economic system • free enterprise
Unit 2
Business Ethics
Unit 2
Business Ethics
Unit Objectives
3. Listening • Grasp the major points made by the speaker(s)
1,save energy 2,environment protection 3,small and power
1,beautiful and colorful 2,energy saving=money saving 3,high safety
30sGood afternoon, everyone. The title of the paper is Visible Microspectroscopy for Diagnosis of Gastric Precancer. Its author is Liu Yong from Department of Physics, Zhao qing University. It’s presented by Li Mengfan from CAS, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science. You can know more about cancer and the new method to diagnose gastric precancer after reading this paper.58sCancer is very common among human beings. It is mostly related to the habit of the patients, the job, the environment, the drinking water and the soil matters, too. If a person is affected by certain bacteria, he may also get gastric cancer. Bad habits like smoking, drinking, mental tension, eating improperly and living irregularly increase the possibility of having cancer. Before specific treatment, the doctor should make sure whether the patient has cancer and where the focus is. The method used to diagnose cancer and locate thecancerous area is very important.42sBefore we design a method to diagnose cancer, we should know more about cancer like where it starts and what it causes.Firstly, about 90% of the human’s cancer start from the epithelial layer of skin, internal organs and tubular organs in the body. Secondly ,cancer usually accompanied by the changes of organization structure in the cell level.So, the changes which appear in the structure of organization and chemical composition provides important evidence for diagnosis of precancer.42sNormal method to diagnose gastric precancer is Reflectance spectroscopy. It’s very prospective in early diagnosis of cancer and is commonly used these years.One of the most common technology is diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, it can acquire the approximate information of the target tissue. This method is low cost, fast and non-invasive, it provides important means for diagnosis of malignant damage of organization of human organs. However, there are also some disadvantages of this method which need to be improved.55sThis is the system of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, the light beam emitted from the tungsten halogen lamp is guided into the integral ball by the source fiber. The light come out of the integral ball irradiate the standard board, the reflected light of the standard board is treated as the background. Then take target tissue substitute for the standard board, and scan the reflected light of it. The reflected light spectra of the gastric tissue mucosal layer and the submucosa layer is guided into the spectrometer by the collector fiber. The spectrometer and the computer is connected by USB, spectrum can be processed using computer.36sFirst of all, only average visible spectrum of the target tissue can be acquired, it means that the docters cannot make out the location of the cancerous tissue precisely.What’s more, the device is easy to be affected by changes of optical path length induced by different set-up of prober and the variation of hemoglobin concentration due to the pressure between prober and tissue.50sTo avoid the problems of the commonly used techniques, diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, scientists do a lot of researches to find out a new way to diagnose precancer.The new method is Visible Microspectroscopy. The visible microspectroscopic measurement device is accomplished on the basis of fiber confocal microscope, its 3-d imaging principle devote to the optical tomography ability of the system.The visible microspectrum of cancerous and normal tissue can be analysed andcontrasted, so it’s more useful than the normal method.45sThis is the structure of the visible microspectroscopy device .The fiber coupler can separate the lighting beams from the signal beam. The two lens can focus the light on the tissue ,The 3-D electronic controlled platform move along the direction of optic axis, so that the device can acquire the visible microspectroscopy signal of the sample in different depth, precisely locate the boundary of the cancerous tissue.The signal measured from different position can be stored in the computer after analysed by the spectrometer.31sThis is the spectrum chart of the normal tissue and cancerous tissue, they are analyzed by the spectrometer before being transmitted to the computer. The upper chart is the visible spectrum of normal tissue, it is regular. Contrasting to this, in the nether chart, the spectrum of the cancerous area shows that the strength of reflected light grows as the wave length grows.49sIn comparison with the normal method, there are a lot of advantages of the new method.Firstly, the structure of visible microspectroscopy device is very simple. The main parts consist of source, fiber coupler, 3-D electronic controlled platform, spectrometer and the computer.Secondly, the 3-D space microspectrum can be acquired , which can help the doctors efficiently make out whether the gastric tissue is cancerous.What’s more, the optical tomography ability enabled the device to precisely locate the edge of the cancerous area.32si.In conclusion, the main goal of this research is to find a new way to diagnose thegastric precancer.ii.The spectrum of the normal and cancerous gastric tissues which can be measured by visible microspectroscopy in cell level is the central idea .iii.This new method can obtain the cell level information, and is not affected bychanges of optical path length and hemoglobin concentration.50si. The device is very simple, so it can have a small size, which can reduce the sufferings of patients.It can efficiently make out whether the tissue is canceration.ii. Besides, the 3-D space microspectrum and optical tomography ability can make the device accurately distinguish the cancerous tumor area from the normal tissue in cell level, thus the boundary of the cancerous tissue can be ascertained accurately.iii. The result of the research shows that this device may be used to non-invasively diagnosis of early gastric cancer.20sThis device is only researched in the lab, there are still a lot of works to do to make this device applied into practice. So, s pecial design of this device should be made which can be applied to the medical diagnosis.给大家推荐一个英语微信群Empty Your Cup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。
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Application of Mg-Li alloy
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03 Results and discussion circular pores
Scanning Electron Microscopy images
(a) 3 g/L Na2SiO3
(b) 6 g/L NazSiO3
(c) 9 g/L Na2SiO3.
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03 Results and discussion
Thickness of the ceramic coating
Curve a is substrate; curves b, c, and d are the samples coated with 3,6, and 9 g/L Na2SiO, respectively.
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02 Experimental
STEP 1 Prepare samples
observe the coating morphologies and element contents
evaluate corrosion resistance
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micro-arc oxidation
In order to improve the performance of Mg-Li alloy, ceramic coatings were formed on the Mg-Li alloy through the MAO method
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Fig.3 Tafel polarization curves of the samples in a solution containing 3.5% NaCl.
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03 Results and discussion
corrosion resistance greatly improved Na2SiO3 has great influence on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of the ceramic coatings.
produced in
concentrations of
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03 Results and discussion
Thickness/μm 25
Thickness of the ceramic coating
5 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig2. Thickness of the ceramic coating
C Na2SiO3/(g.L-1)
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