
序言第一部分用语第一条用语和范围第二部分领海和毗连区第一节一般规定第二条领海及其上空、海床和底土的法律地位第二节领海的界限第三条领海的宽度第四条领海的外部界限第五条正常基线第六条礁石第七条直线基线第八条内水第九条河口第十条海湾第十一条港口第十二条泊船处第十三条低潮高地第十四条确定基线的混合办法第十五条海岸相向或相邻国家间领海界限的划定第十六条海图和地理座标表第三节领海的无害通过A分节适用于所有船舶的规则第十七条无害通过权第十八条通过的意义第十九条无害通过的意义第二十条潜水艇和其他潜水器第二十一条沿海国关于无害通过的法律和规章第二十二条领海内的海道和分道通航制第二十三条外国核动力船舶和载运核物质或其他本质上危险或有毒物质的船舶第二十四条沿海国的义务第二十五条沿海国的保护权第二十六条可向外国船舶征收的费用B分节适用于商船和用于商业目的的政府船舶的规则第二十七条外国船舶上的刑事管辖权第二十八条对外国船舶的民事管辖权C分节适用于军舰和其他用于非商业目的的政府船舶的规则第二十九条军舰的定义第三十条 军舰对沿海国法律和规章的不遵守第三十一条船旗国对军舰或其他用于非商业目的的政府船舶所造成的损害的责任第三十二条军舰和其他用于非商业目的的政府船舶的豁免权第四节毗连区第三十三条毗连区第三部分 用于国际航行的海峡第一节一般规定第三十四条构成用于国际航行海峡的水域的法律地位第三十五条本部分的范围第三十六条穿过用于国际航行的海峡的公海航道或穿过专属经济区的航道第二节过境通行第三十七条本节的范围第三十八条过境通行权第三十九条船舶和飞机在过境通行时的义务第四十条 研究和测量活动第四十一条用于国际航行的海峡内的海道和分道通航制第四十二条海峡沿岸国关于过境通行的法律和规章第四十三条助航和安全设备及其他改进办法以及污染的防止、减少和控制第四十四条海峡沿岸国的义务第三节无害通过第四十五条无害通过第四部分 群岛国第四十六条用语第四十七条群岛基线第四十八条领海、毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架宽度的测算第四十九条群岛水域、群岛水域的上空、海床和底土的法律地位第五十条 内水界限的划定第五十一条现有协定、传统捕鱼权利和现有海底电缆第五十二条无害通过权第五十三条群岛海道通过权第五十四条船舶和飞机在通过时的义务,研究和测量活动,群岛国的义务以及群岛国关于群岛海道通过的法律和规章第五部分 专属经济区第五十五条专属经济区的特定法律制度第五十六条沿海国在专属经济区内的权利、管辖权和义务第五十七条专属经济区的宽度第五十八条其他国家在专属经济区内的权利和义务第五十九条解决关于专属经济区内权利和管辖权的归属的冲突的基础第六十条 专属经济区内的人工岛屿、设施和结构第六十一条生物资源的养护第六十二条生物资源的利用第六十三条出现在两个或两个以上沿海国专属经济区的种群或出现在专属经济区内而又出现在专属经济区外的邻接区域内的种群第六十四条高度回游鱼种第六十五条海洋哺乳动物第六十六条溯河产卵种群第六十七条降河产卵鱼种第六十八条定居种第六十九条内陆国的权利第七十条 地理不利国的权利第七十一条第六十九和第七十条的不适用第七十二条权利转让的限制第七十三条沿海国法律和规章的执行第七十四条海岸相向或相邻国家间专属经济区界限的划定第七十五条海图和地理座标表第六部分 大陆架第七十六条大陆架的定义第七十七条沿海国对大陆架的权利第七十八条上覆水域和上空的法律地位以及其他国家的权利和自由第七十九条大陆架上的海底电缆和管道第八十条 大陆架上的人工岛屿、设施和结构第八十一条大陆架上的钻探第八十二条对二百海里以外的大陆架上的开发应缴的费用和实物第八十三条海岸相向或相邻国家间大陆架界限的划定第八十四条海图和地理座标表第八十五条开凿隧道第七部分 公海第一节一般规定第八十六条本部分规定的适用第八十七条公海自由第八十八条公海只用于和平目的第八十九条对公海主权主张的无效第九十条 航行权第九十一条船舶的国籍第九十二条船舶的地位第九十三条悬挂联合国、其专门机构和国际原子能机构旗帜的船舶第九十四条船旗国的义务第九十五条公海上军舰的豁免权第九十六条专用于政府非商业性服务的船舶的豁免权第九十七条关于碰撞事项或任何其他航行事故的刑事管辖权第九十八条救助的义务第九十九条贩运奴隶的禁止第一OO条合作制止海盗行为的义务第一O一条海盗行为的定义第一O二条军舰、政府船舶或政府飞机由于其船员或机组成员发生叛变而从事的海盗行为第一O三条海盗船舶或飞机的定义第一O四条海盗船舶或飞机国籍的保留或丧失第一O五条海盗船舶或飞机的扣押第一O六条无足够理由扣押的赔偿责任第一O七条由于发生海盗行为而有权进行扣押的船舶和飞机第一O八条麻醉药品或精神调理物质的非法贩运第一O九条从公海从事未经许可的广播第一一O条登临权第一一一条紧追权第一一二条铺设海底电缆和管道的权利第一一三条海底电缆或管道的破坏或损害第一一四条海底电缆或管道的所有人对另一海底电缆或管道的破坏或损害第一一五条因避免损害海底电缆或管道而遭受的损失的赔偿第二节公海生物资源的养护和管理第一一六条公海上捕鱼的权利第一一七条各国为其国民采取养护公海生物资源措施的义务第一一八条各国在养护和管理生物资源方面的合作第一一九条公海生物资源的养护第一二O条海洋哺乳动物第八部分 岛屿制度第一二一条岛屿制度第九部分 闭海或半闭海第一二二条定义第一二三条闭海或半闭海沿岸国的合作第十部分 内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第一二四条用语第一二五条出入海洋的权利和过境自由第一二六条最惠国条款的不适用第一二七条关税、税捐和其他费用第一二八条自由区和其他海关便利第一二九条合作建造和改进运输工具第一三O条避免或消除过境运输发生迟延或其他技术性困难的措施第一三一条海港内的同等待遇第一三二条更大的过境便利的给予第十一部分“区域”第一节一般规定第一三三条用语第一三四条本部分的范围第一三五条上覆水域和上空的法律地位第二节支配“区域”的原则第一三六条人类的共同继承财产第一三七条“区域”及其资源的法律地位第一三八条国家对于“区域”的一般行为第一三九条确保遵守本公约的义务和损害赔偿责任第一四O条全人类的利益第一四一条专为和平目的利用“区域”第一四二条沿海国的权利和合法利益第一四三条海洋科学研究第一四四条技术的转让第一四五条海洋环境的保护第一四六条人命的保护第一四七条“区域”内活动与海洋环境中的活动的相互适应第一四八条发展中国家对“区域”内活动的参加第一四九条考古和历史文物第三节“区域”内资源的开发第一五O条关于“区域”内活动的政策第一五一条生产政策第一五二条管理局权力和职务的行使第一五三条勘探和开发制度第一五四条定期审查第一五五条审查会议第四节管理局A分节一般规定第一五六条设立管理局第一五七条管理局的性质和基本原则第一五八条管理局的机关B分节大会第一五九条组成、程序和表决第一六O条权力和职务C分节理事会第一六一条组成、程序和表决第一六二条权力和职务第一六三条理事会的机关第一六四条经济规划委员会第一六五条法律和技术委员会D分节秘书处第一六六条秘书处第一六七条管理局的工作人员第一六八条秘书处的国际性第一六九条同国际组织和非政府组织的协商和合作E分节企业部第一七O条企业部F分节管理局的财政安排第一七一条管理局的资金第一七二条管理局的年度预算第一七三条管理局的开支第一七四条管理局的借款权第一七五条年度审计G分节法律地位、特权和豁免第一七六条法律地位第一七七条特权和豁免第一七八条法律程序的豁免第一七九条对搜查和任何其他形式扣押的豁免第一八O条限制、管制、控制和暂时冻结的免除第一八一条管理局的档案和公务通讯第一八二条若干与管理局有关人员的特权和豁免第一八三条捐税和关税的免除H分节成员国权利和特权的暂停行使第一八四条表决权的暂停行使第一八五条成员权利和特权的暂停行使第五节争端的解决和咨询意见第一八六条国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭第一八七条海底争端分庭的管辖权第一八八条争端提交国际海洋法法庭特别分庭或海底争端分庭专案分庭或提交有拘束力的商业仲裁第一八九条在管理局所作决定方面管辖权的限制第一九O条担保缔约国的参加程序和出庭第一九一条咨询意见第十二部分海洋环境的保护和保全第一节一般规定第一九二条一般义务第一九三条各国开发其自然资源的主权权利第一九四条防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的措施第一九五条不将损害或危险转移或将一种污染转变成另一种污染的义务第一九六条技术的使用或外来的或新的物种的引进第二节全球性和区域性合作第一九七条在全球性或区域性的基础上的合作第一九八条即将发生的损害或实际损害的通知第一九九条对污染的应急计划第二OO条研究、研究方案及情报和资料的交换第二O一条规章的科学标准第三节技术援助第二O二条对发展中国家的科学和技术援助第二O三条对发展中国家的优惠待遇第四节监测和环境评价第二O四条对污染危险或影响的监测第二O五条报告的发表第二O六条对各种活动的可能影响的评价第五节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第二O七条陆地来源的污染第二O八条国家管辖的海底活动造成的污染第二O九条来自“区域”内活动的污染第二一O条倾倒造成的污染第二一一条来自船只的污染第二一二条来自大气层或通过大气层的污染第六节执行第二一三条关于陆地来源的污染的执行第二一四条关于来自海底活动的污染的执行第二一五条关于来自“区域”内活动的污染的执行第二一六条关于倾倒造成污染的执行第二一七条船旗国的执行第二一八条港口国的执行第二一九条关于船只适航条件的避免污染措施第二二O条沿海国的执行第二二一条避免海难引起污染的措施第二二二条对来自大气层或通过大气层的污染的执行第七节保障办法第二二三条便利司法程序的措施第二二四条执行权力的行使第二二五条行使执行权力时避免不良后果的义务第二二六条调查外国船只第二二七条对外国船只的无歧视第二二八条提起司法程序的暂停和限制第二二九条民事诉讼程序的提起第二三O条罚款和对被告的公认权利的尊重第二三一条对船旗国和其他有关国家的通知第二三二条各国因执行措施而产生的赔偿责任第二三三条对用于国际航行的海峡的保障第八节冰封区域第二三四条冰封区域第九节责任第二三五条责任第十节主权豁免第二三六条主权豁免第十一节 关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第二三七条关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第十三部分海洋科学研究第一节一般规定第二三八条进行海洋科学研究的权利第二三九条海洋科学研究的促进第二四O条进行海洋科学研究的一般原则第二四一条不承认海洋科学研究活动为任何权利主张的法律根据第二节国际合作第二四二条国际合作的促进第二四三条有利条件的创造第二四四条情报和知识的公布和传播第三节海洋科学研究的进行和促进第二四五条领海内的海洋科学研究第二四六条专属经济区内和大陆架上的海洋科学研究第二四七条国际组织进行或主持的海洋科学研究计划第二四八条向沿海国提供资料的义务第二四九条遵守某些条件的义务第二五O条关于海洋科学研究计划的通知第二五一条一般准则和方针第二五二条默示同意第二五三条海洋科学研究活动的暂停或停止第二五四条邻近的内陆国和地理不利国的权利第二五五条便利海洋科学研究和协助研究船的措施第二五六条“区域”内的海洋科学研究第二五七条在专属经济区以外的水体内的海洋科学研究第四节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第二五八条部署和使用第二五九条法律地位第二六O条安全地带第二六一条对国际航路的不干扰第二六二条识别标志和警告信号第五节责任第二六三条责任第六节争端的解决和临时措施第二六四条争端的解决第二六五条临时措施第十四部分海洋技术的发展和转让第一节一般规定第二六六条海洋技术发展和转让的促进第二六七条合法利益的保护第二六八条基本目标第二六九条实现基本目标的措施第二节国际合作第二七O条国际合作的方式和方法第二七一条方针、准则和标准第二七二条国际方案的协调第二七三条与各国际组织和管理局的合作第二七四条管理局的目标第三节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第二七五条国家中心的设立第二七六条区域性中心的设立第二七七条区域性中心的职务第四节国际组织间的合作第二七八条国际组织间的合作第十五部分争端的解决第一节一般规定第二七九条用和平方法解决争端的义务第二八O条用争端各方选择的任何和平方法解决争端第二八一条争端各方在争端未得到解决时所适用的程序第二八二条一般性、区域性或双边协定规定的义务第二八三条交换意见的义务第二八四条调解第二八五条本节对依据第十一部分提交的争端的适用第二节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第二八六条本节规定的程序的适用第二八七条程序的选择第二八八条管辖权第二八九条专家第二九O条临时措施第二九一条使用程序的机会第二九二条船只和船员的迅速释放第二九三条适用的法律第二九四条初步程序第二九五条用尽当地补救办法第二九六条裁判的确定性和拘束力第三节适用第二节的限制和例外第二九七条适用第二节的限制第二九八条适用第二节的任择性例外第二九九条争端各方议定程序的权利第十六部分一般规定第三OO条诚意和滥用权利第三O一条海洋的和平使用第三O二条泄露资料第三O三条在海洋发现的考古和历史文物第三O四条损害赔偿责任第十七部分最后条款第三O五条签字第三O六条批准和正式确认第三O七条加入第三O八条生效第三O九条保留和例外第三一O条声明和说明第三一一条同其他公约和国际协定的关系第三一二条修正第三一三条以简化程序进行修正第三一四条对本公约专门同“区域”内活动有关的规定的修正案第三一五条修正案的签字、批准、加入和有效文本第三一六条修正案的生效第三一七条退出第三一八条附件的地位第三一九条保管者第三二O条有效文本联合国海洋法公约序言本公约缔约各国,本着以互相谅解和合作的精神解决与海洋法有关的一切问题的愿望,并且认识到本公约对于维护和平、正义和全世界人民的进步作出重要贡献的历史意义,注意到自从一九五八年和一九六O年在日内瓦举行了联合国海洋法会议以来的种种发展,着重指出了需要有一项新的可获一般接受的海洋法公约,意识到各海洋区域的种种问题都是彼此密切相关的,有必要作为一个整体来加以考虑,认识到有需要通过本公约,在妥为顾及所有国家主权的情形下,为海洋建立一种法律秩序,以便利国际交通和促进海洋的和平用途,海洋资源的公平而有效的利用,海洋生物资源的养护以及研究、保护和保全海洋环境,考虑到达成这些目标将有助于实现公正公平的国际经济秩序,这种秩序将照顾到全人类的利益和需要,特别是发展中国家的特殊利益和需要,不论其为沿海国或内陆国,希望以本公约发展一九七O年十二月十七日第2749(XXV)号决议所载各项原则,联合国大会在该决议中庄严宣布,除其他外,国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底区域及其底土以及该区域的资源为人类的共同继承财产,其勘探与开发应为全人类的利益而进行,不论各国的地理位置如何,相信在本公约中所达成的海洋法的编纂和逐渐发展,将有助于按照《联合国宪章》所载的联合国的宗旨和原则巩固各国间符合正义和权利平等原则的和平、安全、合作和友好关系,并将促进全世界人民的经济和社会方面的进展,确认本公约未予规定的事项,应继续以一般国际法的规则和原则为准据,经协议如下:第一部分用语第一条用语和范围1. 为本公约的目的:⑴“‘区域’”是指国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底及其底土。

国际海洋法公约(Convention on the Law of the Sea,简称UNCLOS)是1982年12



完整word版联合国海洋法公约中英文relationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly summarized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified i n the directi on. District le aders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finallystumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pr o is to open a sincere engagement wit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accordance with, private e nt repre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to engage in tra ding power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases in which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and pe ople. Especially some law e nforcement and inspe ction for profit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under the ti cket does not give business impr ovement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a business more difficult, never for personal gai n, systemati c harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. og uarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd interests. Al ways procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of services, fully consider the chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of lawe nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exerci se level ... Judicial activities were rampa nt, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases i n equity and justice. Four todee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law【标题】1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文)【分类】国际海事【时效性】有效【颁布时间】1982.12.10【实施时间】1982.12.10【发布部门】蒙特哥湾目录第Ⅰ部分用语和范围第Ⅱ部分领海和毗连区第1节一般规定第2节领海的界限第3节领海的无害通过第4节毗连区第Ⅲ部分用于国际航行的海峡第1节一般规定Grass-roots g overna nce according to law i s an importa nt foundation for pr omoting the constr uction of rule of la w, but also the most ba sic development e nvironment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-a biding consciousness, social order i s not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want t o actively promote the f ield of multi-level governa nce accor ding to law, promote the continuous improvement of the socia l environment. o promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and e ducation on honesty a ndtr ustworthine ss, guide the masse s and consciously abi de by t he law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of graduallycha nging the world, he is not l ooking for but some 湯?unspoken rule s, formed all law lawabide by t he good atmosphere. To strengthe n the comprehensive ma nagement of public security. Deepening peace xingan constr uction, stronglyagainst viole nce crime, mafia and serious criminaloffences, to protect the legitimate rights a nd interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stabilit y. To resolve social confli cts by law. To further sm ooth channels of reporting soci al conditi ons and public opi nion, improving regulati on, arbitration, as well a s dispute resolutionme cha nisms, implement f ully the petitioners ' ca ses hir d-party hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twini ng visit visit, distur bing social order and other mali cious extortion, resolutely crack dow n. Five, impr oving cadres Vitale, provide str ongpr otection for forest developme nt XI General Secretary stressed that the com prehe nsive revitaliza tion in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, shouldwant to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party ca dres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the br oad masses of cadres work har d work, this is tw o parallelprinciple s. In strict accor dance with the sta ndard s of good cadres selecti on and a ppoint ment, the real officer s, dare officers, those who wa nt to play, good as excellent cadre s at all levels of lea dership in the past. At present, some l eadi ng cadres work i nitiative is not high, beyond politi cal, idle, lazy governa nce g overna nce, not a s, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist t o varying de grees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of ca dres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives andconstraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practi cal solutionor the officers not to problem, m otivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, t he ca dres and create t he new achievement i n a dare to play, em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly sum marized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pro is to open a sincere engagement wit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accordance with, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power forper sonal gain, not to e ngage in trading power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases i n which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and people. Especially some lawe nforcement and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found directlyunder the ti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a busines s more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. o guarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment ofservi ces, f ully consider the chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of lawe nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road traffic admi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defense to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level ... Judi cial activities were rampant, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money,must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four to dee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law第2节过境通行第3节无害通过第Ⅳ部分群岛国第Ⅴ部分专属经济区第Ⅵ部分大陆架第Ⅶ部分公海第1节一般规定第2节公海生物资源的养护和管理第Ⅷ部分岛屿制度第Ⅸ部分闭海或半闭海第Ⅹ部分内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第Ⅺ部分“区域”第1节一般规定第2节支配“区域”的原则第3节“区域”内资源的开发Grass-roots governance a ccording to law is a n important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but al so the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, butthere are law-a biding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the f ield of multi-level governance according to law, pr omote the continuous improvement of the sociale nvironment. T o pr omote universal compliance. Actively foster the r ule of law culture, carry out law publicity a nd educati on on honesty andtr ustworthiness, guide the masses and consci ously abi de by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method,method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looking for but some one %unspoken r ules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen the comprehensive ma nagement of public securit y. Dee pening peace xi ngan constr uction, str onglyshould dres is a pledge, dare to pla y. Cadre cation in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid styl e, ca dres of the ssed t ive, improvi nd other malici ous extortion, resol utely crack down. Fng cadres Vitale, provide strong prote ction for forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stre hat the comprehensive revitalizang visit visit, disturhe orsing system of letters a nt fully the s well as nion, improvi ons a ooth ony and stability. social vitality, acarry out criminal he legitimate rights and interestcrime, mafia and against viole nce serious criminal offences, to protect ts of citizens, legal persons, policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating nd ear nestly safeguar d social harm T o resolve social confli cts by law. T o further sm channels of reporting social conditi nd public opi ng regulati on, ar bitration, a dispute resoluti on mechani sms, implemepetitioners ' cases hird-party heari ngs and supervind calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into tbit of rule of la w, vexatious, Twini bing social order adare to play,w achievement in a dres and create t he ne, the cas to an cadres and better leas not to prctical soluti ct management and and combi s an urgenthusiasm c and social development. We m grees, affected and restricted non still exist to varyince, not as, sl, idle high, ork initiative iding st. At preseof leadership ient ca ho wament, the real officers, dare officernd a lectids of good cah the sta ciples. In strict a s two parallhard woad masses of ca nable tcessary to Strict manageme husiasm is param want to do workand able to do good, entount. Treat party cadres, it is nent, and warm care, ehe br dres work ork, this iel princcordance wit ndardres seon a ppoint s, those w nt to play, good as excell dres at all levels n the pant, some lea cadres ws not beyond political, lazy governance governaow, messy and a phenome ng deeconomiust mobilize the eof cadres a nt task, adhere to nation of incentives a constraints, a dhere to the strind warm care, pra onor the officer oblem, motivate d the masseundertaking2em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly summarized the new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified i n the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pr o is to open a sincere engagement wit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accor dance wit h, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to engage in tra ding power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cas es i n which seriously infringe on thelegitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and pe ople. Especially some law enforcem ent and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under theti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a business more difficult, never for personal gai n, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. og uarantee t he legitimate right s a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of services, fully consider the characteristics of production a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ct enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exerci se level ... Judicial a ctivities were rampa nt, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice.Four todee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law第4节管理局第5节争端的解决和咨询意见第Ⅻ部分海洋环境的保护和保全第1节一般规定第2节全球性和区域性合作第3节技术援助第4节监测和环境评价第5节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第6节执行第7节保障办法第8节冰封区域第9节责任第10节主权豁免第11节关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第XIII部分海洋科学研究Grass-roots governance a ccording to law is a n important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but al so the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-a biding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote t he field of multi-level governance according to law, pr omote the continuous improvement of the sociale nvironment. T o pr omote universal compliance. Actively foster the r ule of law culture, carry out law publicity a nd educati on on honesty andtr ustworthiness, guide the masses and consci ously abide bythe law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looking for but someone %unspoken rules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen t he comprehensive management of public securit y. Dee pe ning peace xingan constr uction, str ongly should dres is a pledge, dare to play. Ca dre cation in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid styl e, cadres of the hat the compre ng cadre nd other malicious extortion, resol utely crack down. Five, improvis Vitale, provide strong prote ction for forestdevelopment XI General Secretary stre ssed thensive revitaliza bing social bit of rule of la nd calpetitioners ' cases hirddispute resoluti ng regulati nd cha To resolve social nd earcy of temper justice wit ns, legal nal offences, to against viole nce crime, mafia and serious crimiprotect t he legitimate rights and interest s of citizepersons, carry out criminal polih mercy, the maximumstim ulating social vitality, anestly safeguar d social harm ony and stability. confli cts by law. To further sm ooth nnels of reporting social conditi ons a public opi nion, improvi on, ar bitration, as well as on mechanisms, impleme nt fully the -party heari ngs and supervising system of letters als, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the or w, vexatious, Twining visit visit, distur order adare to play,w achievement in a dres and create t he ne, the cas to an cadres and better lea s not to prctical soluti ct management and and combis an urge nthusiasm c and social development. We m grees, affected and restricted ist to varyi, messy and a phenomence, not as, sl, idle high, ork initiative i ding st. At preseof leadership ient ca ho wament, the real officers, dareofficernd a lecti ds of good ca h the sta el principles. In strict a ork, this idres work he brnt, and warm care, eount. Treat party cadres, it is nee to do good, entwant to do work and abl husiasm is param cessary to Strict managemenable t oad masses of cahard w s twoparall ccordance wit ndardres seon a ppoint s, those w nt to play, good as excelldres at all levels n the pant, some lea cadres ws not beyond political, lazy governance governaow non still exng deeconomiust mobilize the eof cadres a nt task, adhere to nation of incentives a constraints, a dhere to the strind warm care, pra onor the officer oblem, motivate d the masseundertaking3em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly sum marized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pro is to open a sincere engagement wit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accordance with, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to e ngage in trading power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees,la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases i n which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and people. Especially some law e nforcement and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found directly under theti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a busines s more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. o guarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of servi ces, f ully consider the chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defense to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level ... Judi cial activities were rampant, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate themiscarriage, vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four todee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节海洋科学研究的进行和促进第4节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第5节责任第6节争端的解决和临时措施第XIV部分海洋技术的发展和转让第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第4节国际组织间的合作第XV部分争端的解决第1节一般规定第2节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第3节适用第2节的限制和例外Grass-roots governance a ccording to law is a n important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but al so the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-a biding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the f ield of multi-level governance according to law, pr omote the continuous improvement of the sociale nvironment. T o pr omote universal compliance. Actively foster the r ule of law culture, carry out law publicity a nd educati on on honesty andtr ustworthiness, guide the masses and consci ously abi de by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looking for but some one %unspoken r ules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen the comprehensive ma nagement of public securit y. Dee pening peace xi ngan constr uction, str onglyshould dres is a pledge, dare to pla y. Cadre cation in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid styl e, ca dres of the ssed t ive, improvi nd other malici ous extortion, resol utely crack down. Fng cadres Vitale, provide strong prote ction for forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stre hat the comprehensive revitalizang visit visit, disturhe orsing system of letters a nt fully the s well as nion, improvi ons a ooth ony and stability. social vitality, acarry out criminal he legitimate rights and interestcrime, mafia and against viole nce serious criminal offences, to protect ts of citizens, legal persons, policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating nd ear nestly safeguar d social harm To resolve social confli cts by law. To further sm channels of reporting social conditi nd public opi ng regulati on, ar bitration, a dispute resoluti on mechani sms, implemepetitioners ' cases hird-party heari ngs and supervind calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into tbit of rule of la w, vexatious,Twini bing social order adare to play,w achievement in a dres and create t he ne, the cas to an cadres and better leas not to prctical soluti ct management and and combi s an urgenthusiasm c and social development. We mgrees, affected and restricted non still exist to varyince, not as, sl, idle high, ork initiative iding st. At preseof leadership ient ca ho wament, the real officers, dare officernd a lectids of good cah the sta ciples. In strict a s two parallhard woad masses of ca nable tcessary to Strict manageme husiasm is param want to do work and able to do good, entount. Treat party cadres, it is nent, and warm care, ehe br dres work ork, this iel princcordance wit ndardres seon a ppoint s, those w nt to play, good as excell dres at all levels n the pant, some lea cadres ws not beyond political, lazy governance governaow, messy and a phenome ng deeconomiust mobilize the eof cadres a nt task, adhere to nation of incentives a constraints, a dhere to the strind warm care, pra onor the officer oblem, motivate d the masseundertaking4em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly summarized the new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified i n the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pr o is to open a sincere engagement wit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accor dance wit h, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to engage in tra ding power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be stdevelopment environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cas es i n which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and pe ople. Especially some law enforcem ent and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under theti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a business more difficult, never for personal gai n, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. og uarantee t he legitimate right s a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of services, fully consider the characteristics of production a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ct enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exerci se level ...。

《联合国海洋法公约》《联合国海洋法公约》于1982年12月10日在牙买加的蒙特哥湾召开的第三次联合国海洋法会议最后会议上通过,1994年生效,已获150多个国家批准.公约规定一国可对距其海岸线200海里(约370公里)的海域拥有经济专属权.目录...............................................................001 (002)......................................................010.....................................................................014...............................................................017.....................................................................025 (028) (037) (3) (038) (039)................................................065 (078) (085)............................................................089 (096).........................................................096 (102) (103)..........................................105..................................................................122...........................................................................130 (133) (142) (4) (147)本公约缔约各国,本着以互相谅解和合作的精神解决与海洋法有关的一切问题的愿望,并且认识到本公约对于维护和平、正义和全世界人民的进步作出重要贡献的历史意义,注意到自从1958年和1960年在日内瓦举行了联合国海洋法会议以来的种种发展,着重指出了需要有一项新的可获一般接受的海洋法公约,意识到各海洋区域的种种问题都是彼此密切相关的,有必要作为一个整体来加以考虑,认识到有需要通过本公约,在妥为顾及所有国家主权的情形下,为海洋建立一种法律秩序,以便利国际交通和促进海洋的和平用途,海洋资源的公平而有效的利用,海洋生物资源的养护以及研究、保护和保全海洋环境,考虑到达成这些目标将有助于实现公正公平的国际经济秩序,这种秩序将照顾到全人类的利益和需要,特别是发展中国家的特殊利益和需要,不论其为沿海国或内陆国,希望以本公约发展1970年12月17日第2749(XXV)号决议所载各项原则,联合国大会在该决议中庄严宣布,除其他外,国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底区域及其底土以及该区域的资源为人类的共同继承财产,其勘探与开发应为全人类的利益而进行,不论各国的地理位置如何,相信在本公约中所达成的海洋法的编纂和逐渐发展,将有助于按照《联合国宪章》所载的联合国的宗旨和原则巩固各国间符合正义和权利平等原则的和平、安全、合作和友好关系,并将促进全世界人民的经济和社会方面的进展,确认本公约未予规定的事项,应继续以一般国际法的规则和原则为准据,经协议如下:第Ⅰ部分用语和范围第1条用语和范围1。

《联合国海洋法公约》——United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea


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目录第一部分用语和范围第一条用语和范围第二部分领海和毗连区第一节一般规定第二条领海及其上空、海床和底土的法律地位第二节领海的界限第三条领海的宽度第四条领海的外部界限第五条正常基线第六条礁石第七条直线基线第八条内水第九条河口第十条海湾第十一条港口第十二条泊船处第十三条低潮高地第十四条确定基线的混合办法第十五条海岸相向或相邻国家间领海界限的划定第十六条海图和地理坐标表第三节领海的无害通过A分节适用于所有船舶的规则第十七条无害通过权第十八条通过的意义第十九条无害通过的意义第二十条潜水艇和其他潜水器第二十一条沿海国关于无害通过的法律和规章第二十二条领海内的海道和分道通航制第二十三条外国核动力船舶和载运核物质或其他本质上危险或有毒物质的船舶第二十四条沿海国的义务第二十五条沿海国的保护权第二十六条可向外国船舶征收的费用B分节适用于商船和用于商业目的的政府船舶的规则第二十七条外国船舶上的刑事管辖权第二十八条对外国船舶的民事管辖权C分节适用于军舰和其他用于非商业目的的政府船舶的规则第二十九条军舰的定义第三十条军舰对沿海国法律和规章的不遵守第三十一条船旗国对军舰或其他用于非商业目的的政府船舶所造成的损害的责任第三十二条军舰和其他用于非商业目的的政府船舶的豁免权第四节毗连区第三十三条毗连区第三部分用于国际航行的海峡第一节一般规定第三十四条构成用于国际航行海峡的水域的法律地位第三十五条本部分的范围第三十六条穿过用于国际航行的海峡的公海航道或穿过专属经济区的航道第二节过境通行第三十七条本节的范围第三十八条过境通行权第三十九条船舶和飞机在过境通行时的义务第四十条研究和测量活动第四十一条用于国际航行的海峡内的海道和分道通航制第四十二条海峡沿岸国关于过境通行的法律和规章第四十三条助航和安全设备及其他改进办法以及污染的防止、减少和控制第四十四条海峡沿岸国的义务第三节无害通过第四十五条无害通过第四部分群岛国第四十六条用语第四十七条群岛基线第四十八条领海、毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架宽度的测算第四十九条群岛水域、群岛水域的上空、海床和底土的法律地位第五十条内水界限的划定第五十一条现有协定、传统捕鱼权利和现有海底电缆第五十二条无害通过权第五十三条群岛海道通过权第五十四条船舶和飞机在通过时的义务、研究和测量活动、群岛国的义务以及群岛国关于群岛海道通过的法律和规章第五部分专属经济区第五十五条专属经济区的特定法律制度第五十六条沿海国在专属经济区内的权利、管辖权和义务第五十七条专属经济区的宽度第五十八条其他国家在专属经济区内的权利和义务第五十九条解决关于专属经济区内权利和管辖权的归属的冲突的基础第六十条专属经济区内的人工岛屿、设施和结构第六十一条生物资源的养护第六十二条生物资源的利用第六十三条出现在两个或两个以上沿海国专属经济区的种群或出现在专属经济区内而又出现在专属经济区外的邻接区域内的种群第六十四条高度回游鱼种第六十五条海洋哺乳动物第六十六条溯河产卵种群第六十七条降河产卵鱼种第六十八条定居种第六十九条内陆国的权利第七十条地理不利国的权利第七十一条第六十九和第七十条的不适用第七十二条权利转让的限制第七十三条沿海国法律和规章的执行第七十四条海岸相向或相邻国家间专属经济区界限的划定第七十五条海图和地理坐标表第六部分大陆架第七十六条大陆架的定义第七十七条沿海国对大陆架的权利第七十八条上覆水域和上空的法律地位以及其他国家的权利和自由第七十九条大陆架上的海底电缆和管道第八十条大陆架上的人工岛屿、设施和结构第八十一条大陆架上的钻探第八十二条对二百海里以外的大陆架上的开发应缴的费用和实物第八十三条海岸相向或相邻国家间大陆架界限的划定第八十四条海图和地理坐标表第八十五条开凿隧道第七部分公海第一节一般规定第八十六条本部分规定的适用第八十七条公海自由第八十八条公海只用于和平目的第八十九条对公海主权主张的无效第九十条航行权第九十一条船舶的国籍第九十二条船舶的地位第九十三条悬挂联合国、其专门机构和国际原子能机构旗帜的船舶第九十四条船旗国的义务第九十五条公海上军舰的豁免权第九十六条专用于政府非商业性服务的船舶的豁免权第九十七条关于碰撞事项或任何其他航行事故的刑事管辖权第九十八条救助的义务第九十九条贩运奴隶的禁止第一百条合作制止海盗行为的义务第一百零一条海盗行为的定义第一百零二条军舰、政府船舶或政府飞机由于其船员或机组成员发生叛变而从事的海盗行为第一百零三条海盗船舶或飞机的定义第一百零四条海盗船舶或飞机国籍的保留或丧失第一百零五条海盗船舶或飞机的扣押第一百零六条无足够理由扣押的赔偿责任第一百零七条由于发生海盗行为而有权进行扣押的船舶和飞机第一百零八条麻醉药品或精神调理物质的非法贩运第一百零九条从公海从事未经许可的广播第一百一十条登临权第一百一十一条紧追权第一百一十二条铺设海底电缆和管道的权利第一百一十三条海底电缆或管道的破坏或损害第一百一十四条海底电缆或管道的所有人对另一海底电缆或管道的破坏或损害第一百一十五条因避免损害海底电缆或管道而遭受的损失的赔偿第二节公海生物资源的养护和管理第一百一十六条公海上捕鱼的权利第一百一十七条各国为其国民采取养护公海生物资源措施的义务第一百一十八条各国在养护和管理生物资源方面的合作第一百一十九条公海生物资源的养护第一百二十条海洋哺乳动物第八部分岛屿制度第一百二十一条岛屿制度第九部分闭海或半闭海第一百二十二条定义第一百二十三条闭海或半闭海沿岸国的合作第十部分内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第一百二十四条用语第一百二十五条出入海洋的权利和过境自由第一百二十六条最惠国条款的不适用第一百二十七条关税、税捐和其他费用第一百二十八条自由区和其他海关便利第一百二十九条合作建造和改进运输工具第一百三十条避免或消除过境运输发生迟延或其他技术性困难的措施第一百三十一条海港内的同等待遇第一百三十二条更大的过境便利的给予第十一部分“区域”第一节一般规定第一百三十三条用语第一百三十四条本部分的范围第一百三十五条上覆水域和上空的法律地位第二节支配“区域”的原则第一百三十六条人类的共同继承财产第一百三十七条“区域”及其资源的法律地位第一百三十八条国家对于“区域”的一般行为第一百三十九条确保遵守本公约的义务和损害赔偿责任第一百四十条全人类的利益第一百四十一条专为和平目的利用“区域”第一百四十二条沿海国的权利和合法利益第一百四十三条海洋科学研究第一百四十四条技术的转让第一百四十五条海洋环境的保护第一百四十六条人命的保护第一百四十七条“区域”内活动与海洋环境中的活动的相互适应第一百四十八条发展中国家对“区域”内活动的参加第一百四十九条考古和历史文物第三节“区域”内资源的开发第一百五十条关于“区域”内活动的政策第一百五十一条生产政策第一百五十二条管理局权力和职务的行使第一百五十三条勘探和开发制度第一百五十四条定期审查第一百五十五条审查会议第四节管理局A分节一般规定第一百五十六条设立管理局第一百五十七条管理局的性质和基本原则第一百五十八条管理局的机关B分节大会第一百五十九条组成、程序和表决第一百六十条权力和职务C分节理事会第一百六十一条组成、程序和表决第一百六十二条权力和职务第一百六十三条理事会的机关第一百六十四条经济规划委员会第一百六十五条法律和技术委员会D分节秘书处第一百六十六条秘书处第一百六十七条管理局的工作人员第一百六十八条秘书处的国际性第一百六十九条同国际组织和非政府组织的协商和合作E分节企业部第一百七十条企业部F分节管理局的财政安排第一百七十一条管理局的资金第一百七十二条管理局的年度预算第一百七十三条管理局的开支第一百七十四条管理局的借款权第一百七十五条年度审计G分节法律地位、特权和豁免第一百七十六条法律地位第一百七十七条特权和豁免第一百七十八条法律程序的豁免第一百七十九条对搜查和任何其他形式扣押的豁免第一百八十条限制、管制、控制和暂时冻结的免除第一百八十一条管理局的档案和公务通讯第一百八十二条若干与管理局有关人员的特权和豁免第一百八十三条税捐和关税的免除H分节成员国权利和特权的暂停行使第一百八十四条表决权的暂停行使第一百八十五条成员权利和特权的暂停行使第五节争端的解决和咨询意见第一百八十六条国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭第一百八十七条海底争端分庭的管辖权第一百八十八条争端提交国际海洋法法庭特别分庭或海底争端分庭专案分庭或提交有拘束力的商业仲裁第一百八十九条在管理局所作决定方面管辖权的限制第一百九十条担保缔约国的参加程序和出庭第一百九十一条咨询意见第十二部分海洋环境的保护和保全第一节一般规定第一百九十二条一般义务第一百九十三条各国开发其自然资源的主权权利第一百九十四条防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的措施第一百九十五条不将损害或危险转移或将一种污染转变成另一种污染的义务第一百九十六条技术的使用或外来的或新的物种的引进第二节全球性和区域性合作第一百九十七条在全球性或区域性的基础上的合作第一百九十八条即将发生的损害或实际损害的通知第一百九十九条对污染的应急计划第二百条研究、研究方案及情报和资料的交换第二百零一条规章的科学标准第三节技术援助第二百零二条对发展中国家的科学和技术援助第二百零三条对发展中国家的优惠待遇第四节监测和环境评价第二百零四条对污染危险或影响的监测第二百零五条报告的发表第二百零六条对各种活动的可能影响的评价第五节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第二百零七条陆地来源的污染第二百零八条国家管辖的海底活动造成的污染第二百零九条来自“区域”内活动的污染第二百一十条倾倒造成的污染第二百一十一条来自船只的污染第二百一十二条来自大气层或通过大气层的污染第六节执行第二百一十三条关于陆地来源的污染的执行第二百一十四条关于来自海底活动的污染的执行第二百一十五条关于来自“区域”内活动的污染的执行第二百一十六条关于倾倒造成污染的执行第二百一十七条船旗国的执行第二百一十八条港口国的执行第二百一十九条关于船只适航条件的避免污染措施第二百二十条沿海国的执行第二百二十一条避免海难引起污染的措施第二百二十二条对来自大气层或通过大气层的污染的执行第七节保障办法第二百二十三条便利司法程序的措施第二百二十四条执行权力的行使第二百二十五条行使执行权力时避免不良后果的义务第二百二十六条调查外国船只第二百二十七条对外国船只的无歧视第二百二十八条提起司法程序的暂停和限制第二百二十九条民事诉讼程序的提起第二百三十条罚款和对被告的公认权利的尊重第二百三十一条对船旗国和其他有关国家的通知第二百三十二条各国因执行措施而产生的赔偿责任第二百三十三条对用于国际航行的海峡的保障第八节冰封区域第二百三十四条冰封区域第九节责任第二百三十五条责任第十节主权豁免第二百三十六条主权豁免第十一节关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第二百三十七条关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第十三部分海洋科学研究第一节一般规定第二百三十八条进行海洋科学研究的权利第二百三十九条海洋科学研究的促进第二百四十条进行海洋科学研究的一般原则第二百四十一条不承认海洋科学研究活动为任何权利主张的法律根据第二节国际合作第二百四十二条国际合作的促进第二百四十三条有利条件的创造第二百四十四条情报和知识的公布和传播第三节海洋科学研究的进行和促进第二百四十五条领海内的海洋科学研究第二百四十六条专属经济区内和大陆架上的海洋科学研究第二百四十七条国际组织进行或主持的海洋科学研究计划第二百四十八条向沿海国提供资料的义务第二百四十九条遵守某些条件的义务第二百五十条关于海洋科学研究计划的通知第二百五十一条一般准则和方针第二百五十二条默示同意第二百五十三条海洋科学研究活动的暂停或停止第二百五十四条邻近的内陆国和地理不利国的权利第二百五十五条便利海洋科学研究和协助研究船的措施第二百五十六条“区域”内的海洋科学研究第二百五十七条在专属经济区以外的水体内的海洋科学研究第四节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第二百五十八条部署和使用第二百五十九条法律地位第二百六十条安全地带第二百六十一条对国际航路的不干扰第二百六十二条识别标志和警告信号第五节责任第二百六十三条责任第六节争端的解决和临时措施第二百六十四条争端的解决第二百六十五条临时措施第十四部分海洋技术的发展和转让第一节一般规定第二百六十六条海洋技术发展和转让的促进第二百六十七条合法利益的保护第二百六十八条基本目标第二百六十九条实现基本目标的措施第二节国际合作第二百七十条国际合作的方式和方法第二百七十一条方针、准则和标准第二百七十二条国际方案的协调第二百七十三条与各国际组织和管理局的合作第二百七十四条管理局的目标第三节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第二百七十五条国家中心的设立第二百七十六条区域性中心的设立第二百七十七条区域性中心的职务第四节国际组织间的合作第二百七十八条国际组织间的合作第十五部分争端的解决第一节一般规定第二百七十九条用和平方法解决争端的义务第二百八十条用争端各方选择的任何和平方法解决争端第二百八十一条争端各方在争端未得到解决时所适用的程序第二百八十二条一般性、区域性或双边协定规定的义务第二百八十三条交换意见的义务第二百八十四条调解第二百八十五条本节对依据第十一部分提交的争端的适用第二节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第二百八十六条本节规定的程序的适用第二百八十七条程序的选择第二百八十八条管辖权第二百八十九条专家第二百九十条临时措施第二百九十一条使用程序的机会第二百九十二条船只和船员的迅速释放第二百九十三条适用的法律第二百九十四条初步程序第二百九十五条用尽当地补救办法第二百九十六条裁判的确定性和拘束力第三节适用第二节的限制和例外第二百九十七条适用第二节的限制第二百九十八条适用第二节的任择性例外第二百九十九条争端各方议定程序的权利第十六部分一般规定第三百条诚意和滥用权利第三百零一条海洋的和平使用第三百零二条泄露资料第三百零三条在海洋发现的考古和历史文物第三百零四条损害赔偿责任第十七部分最后条款第三百零五条签字第三百零六条批准和正式确认第三百零七条加入第三百零八条生效第三百零九条保留和例外第三百一十条声明和说明第三百一十一条同其他公约和国际协定的关系第三百一十二条修正第三百一十三条以简化程序进行修正第三百一十四条对本公约专门同“区域”内活动有关的规定的修正案第三百一十五条修正案的签字、批准、加入和有效文本第三百一十六条修正案的生效第三百一十七条退出第三百一十八条附件的地位第三百一十九条保管者第三百二十条有效文本附件一高度回游鱼类附件二大陆架界限委员会附件三探矿、勘探和开发的基本条件第一条矿物的所有权第二条探矿第三条勘探和开发第四条申请者的资格第五条技术转让第六条工作计划的核准第七条生产许可的申请者的选择第八条区域的保留第九条保留区域内的活动第十条申请者中的优惠和优先第十一条联合安排第十二条企业部进行的活动第十三条合同的财政条款第十四条资料的转让第十五条训练方案第十六条勘探和开发的专属权利第十七条管理局的规则、规章和程序第十八条罚则第十九条合同的修改第二十条权利和义务的转让第二十一条适用的法律第二十二条责任附件四企业部章程第一条宗旨第二条同管理局的关系第三条责任的限制第四条组成第五条董事会第六条董事会的权力和职务第七条企业部总干事和工作人员第八条所在地第九条报告和财务报表第十条净收入的分配第十一条财政第十二条业务第十三条法律地位、特权和豁免附件五调解第一节按照第十五部分第一节的调解程序第一条程序的提起第二条调解员名单第三条调解委员会的组成第四条程序第五条和睦解决第六条委员会的职务第七条报告第八条程序的终止第九条费用和开支第十条争端各方关于改变程序的权利第二节按照第十五部分第三节提交的强制调解程序第十一条程序的提起第十二条不答复或不接受调解第十三条权限第十四条第一节的适用附件六国际海洋法法庭规约第一条一般规定第一节法庭的组织第二条组成第三条法官第四条提名和选举第五条任期第六条出缺第七条不适合的活动第八条关于法官参与特定案件的条件第九条不再适合必需的条件的后果第十条特权和豁免第十一条法官的郑重宣告第十二条庭长、副庭长和书记官长第十三条法定人数第十四条海底争端分庭第十五条特别分庭第十六条法庭的规则第十七条法官的国籍第十八条法官的报酬第十九条法庭的开支第二节权限第二十条向法庭申诉的机会第二十一条管辖权第二十二条其他协定范围内的争端的提交第二十三条可适用的法律第三节程序第二十四条程序的提起第二十五条临时措施第二十六条审讯第二十七条案件的审理第二十八条不到案第二十九条过半数决定第三十条判决书第三十一条参加的请求第三十二条对解释或适用案件的参加权利第三十三条裁判的确定性和拘束力第三十四条费用第四节海底争端分庭第三十五条组成第三十六条专案分庭第三十七条申诉机会第三十八条可适用的法律第三十九条分庭裁判的执行第四十条本附件其他各节的适用第五节修正案第四十一条修正案附件七仲裁第一条程序的提起第二条仲裁员名单第三条仲裁法庭的组成第四条仲裁法庭职务的执行第五条程序第六条争端各方的职责第七条开支第八条作出裁决所需要的多数第九条不到案第十条裁决书第十一条裁决的确定性第十二条裁决的解释或执行第十三条对缔约国以外的实体的适用附件八特别仲裁第一条程序的提起第二条专家名单第三条特别仲裁法庭的组成第四条一般规定第五条事实认定附件九国际组织的参加第一条用语第二条签字第三条正式确认和加入第四条参加的限度和权利与义务第五条声明、通知和通报第六条责任第七条争端的解决第八条第十七部分的适用性本公约缔约各国,。

【标题】1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文) 【分类】国际海事【时效性】有效【颁布时间】1982.12.10【实施时间】1982.12.10【发布部门】蒙特哥湾目录第Ⅰ部分用语和范围第Ⅱ部分领海和毗连区第1节一般规定第2节领海的界限第3节领海的无害通过第4节毗连区第Ⅲ部分用于国际航行的海峡第1节一般规定第2节过境通行第3节无害通过第Ⅳ部分群岛国第Ⅴ部分专属经济区第Ⅵ部分大陆架第Ⅶ部分公海第1节一般规定第2节公海生物资源的养护和管理第Ⅷ部分岛屿制度第Ⅸ部分闭海或半闭海第Ⅹ部分内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第Ⅺ部分“区域”第1节一般规定第2节支配“区域”的原则第3节“区域”内资源的开发第4节管理局第5节争端的解决和咨询意见第Ⅻ部分海洋环境的保护和保全第1节一般规定第2节全球性和区域性合作第3节技术援助第4节监测和环境评价第5节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第6节执行第7节保障办法第8节冰封区域第9节责任第10节主权豁免第11节关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第XIII部分海洋科学研究第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节海洋科学研究的进行和促进第4节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第5节责任第6节争端的解决和临时措施第XIV部分海洋技术的发展和转让第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第4节国际组织间的合作第XV部分争端的解决第1节一般规定第2节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第3节适用第2节的限制和例外第XVI部分一般规定第XVII部分最后条款附件Ⅰ高度回游鱼类(略)附件Ⅱ大陆架界限委员会附件Ⅲ探矿、勘探和开发的基本条件附件Ⅳ企业部章程附件Ⅴ调解第1节按照第XV部分第1节的调解程序第2节按照第XV部分第3节提交的强制调解程序附件Ⅵ国际海洋法法庭规约第1节法庭的组织第2节权限第3节程序第4节海底争端分庭第5节修正案附件Ⅶ仲裁附件Ⅷ特别仲裁附件Ⅸ国际组织的参加【名称】1982年联合国海洋法公约【题注】简介:本公约于1982年12月10日在牙买加的蒙特哥湾召开的第三次联合国海洋法会议最后会议上通过,尚未生效。

目 录(续) 第一/一条 海盗行为的定义 第一/二条 军舰、政府船舶或政府飞机由于其船员或机组成员发生叛变而 从事的海盗行为 第一/三条 海盗船舶或飞机的定义 第一/四条 海盗船舶或飞机国籍的保留或丧失 第一/五条 海盗船舶或飞机的扣押 第一/六条 无足够理由扣押的赔偿责任 第一/七条 由于发生海盗行为而有权进行扣押的船舶和飞机 第一/八条 麻醉药品或精神调理物质的非法贩运 第一/九条 从公海从事未经许可的广播 第一一/条 登临权 第一一一条 紧追权 第一一二条 铺设海底电缆和管道的权利 第一一三条 海底电缆或管道的破坏或损害 第一一四条 海底电缆或管道的所有人对另一海底电缆或管道的破坏或损害 第一一五条 因避免损害海底电缆或管道而遭受的损失的赔偿 第二节 公海生物资源的养护和管理
目 序言 第一部分 第一条 第二部分 第一节 第二条 第二节 第三条 第四条 第五条 第六条 第七条 第八条 第九条 第十条 第十一条 第十二条 第十三条 第十四条 第十五条 第十六条 第三节 A 分节 第十七条 用语和范围 用语和范围 领海和毗连区 一般规定
领海及其上空、海床和底土的法律地位 领海的界限 领海的宽度 领海的外部界限 正常基线 礁石 直线基线 内水 河口 海湾 港口 泊船处 低潮高地 确定基线的混合办法 海岸相向或相邻国家间领海界限的划定 海图的地理座标表 领海的无害通过 适用于所有船舶的规则 无害通过权
目 录(续) 第十八条 第十九条 第二十条 通过的意义 无害通过的意义 潜水艇和其他潜水器
第二十一条 沿海国关于无害通过的法律和规章 第二十二条 领海内的海道和分道通航制 第二十三条 外国核动力船舶和载运核物质或其他本质上危险或有毒物质的 船舶 第二十四条 沿海国的义务 第二十五条 沿海国的保护权 第二十六条 可向外国船舶征收的费用 B 分节 适用于商船和用于商业目的的政府船舶的规则

relationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly summarized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified i n the directi on. District le aders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finallystumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pr o is to open a sincere engagement wit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accordance with, private e nt repre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to engage in tra ding power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases in which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and pe ople. Especially some law e nforcement and inspe ction for profit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under the ti cket does not give business impr ovement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a business more difficult, never for personal gai n, systemati c harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. og uarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd interests. Al ways procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of services, fully consider the chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of lawe nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exerci se level ... Judicial activities were rampa nt, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage,vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases i n equity and justice. Four todee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law【标题】1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文)【分类】国际海事【时效性】有效【颁布时间】1982.12.10【实施时间】1982.12.10【发布部门】蒙特哥湾目录第Ⅰ部分用语和范围第Ⅱ部分领海和毗连区第1节一般规定第2节领海的界限第3节领海的无害通过第4节毗连区第Ⅲ部分用于国际航行的海峡第1节一般规定Grass-roots g overna nce according to law i s an importa nt foundation for pr omoting the constr uction of rule of la w, but also the most ba sic development e nvironment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-a biding consciousness, social order i s not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want t o actively promote the f ield of multi-level governa nceaccor ding to law, promote the continuous improvement of the socia l environment. o promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and e ducation on honesty a ndtr ustworthine ss, guide the masse s and consciously abi de by t he law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of graduallycha nging the world, he is not l ooking for but some湯?unspoken rule s, formed all law lawabide by t he good atmosphere. To strengthe n the comprehensive ma nagement of public security. Deepening peace xingan constr uction, stronglyagainst viole nce crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights a nd interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stabilit y. To resolve social confli cts by law. To further sm ooth channels of reporting soci al conditi ons and public opi nion, improving regulati on, arbitration, as well a s dispute resolutionme cha nisms, implement f ully the petitioners ' ca ses hir d-party hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twini ng visit visit, distur bing social order and other mali cious extortion, resolutely crack dow n. Five, impr oving cadres Vitale, provide str ongpr otection for forest developme nt XI General Secretary stressed that the com prehe nsive revitaliza tion in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, shouldwant to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party ca dres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the br oad masses of cadres work har d work, this is tw o parallelprinciple s. In strict accor dance with the sta ndard s of good cadres selecti on and a ppoint ment, the real officer s, dare officers, those who wa nt to play, good as excellent cadre s at all levels of lea dership in the past. At present, some l eadi ng cadres work i nitiative is not high, beyond politi cal, idle, lazy governa nce g overna nce, not a s, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist t o varying de grees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of ca dres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practi cal solutionor the officers not to problem, m otivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, t he ca dres and create t he new achievement i n a dare to play, em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly sum marized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pro is to open a sincere engagement wit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accordance with, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power forper sonal gain, not to e ngage in trading power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases i n which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and people. Especially some lawe nforcement and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found directly under the ti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a busines s more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. o guarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment ofservi ces, f ully consider the chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship,enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of lawe nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road traffic admi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defense to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level ... Judi cial activities were rampant, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money,must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four to dee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law第2节过境通行第3节无害通过第Ⅳ部分群岛国第Ⅴ部分专属经济区第Ⅵ部分大陆架第Ⅶ部分公海第1节一般规定第2节公海生物资源的养护和管理第Ⅷ部分岛屿制度第Ⅸ部分闭海或半闭海第Ⅹ部分内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第Ⅺ部分“区域”第1节一般规定第2节支配“区域”的原则第3节“区域”内资源的开发Grass-roots governance a ccording to law is a n important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but al so the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, butthere are law-a biding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the f ield of multi-level governance according to law, pr omote the continuous improvement of the sociale nvironment. To pr omote universal compliance. Actively foster the r ule of law culture, carry out law publicity a nd educati on on honesty andtr ustworthiness, guide the masses and consci ously abi de by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looking for but some one %unspoken r ules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen the comprehensive ma nagement of public securit y. Dee pening peace xi ngan constr uction, str onglyshould dres is a pledge, dare to pla y. Cadre cation in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid styl e, ca dres of the ssed t ive, improvi nd other malici ous extortion, resol utely crack down. Fng cadres Vitale, provide strong prote ction for forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stre hat the comprehensive revitalizang visit visit, disturhe orsing system of letters a nt fully the s well as nion, improvi ons a ooth ony and stability. social vitality, acarry out criminal he legitimate rights and interestcrime, mafia and against viole nce serious criminal offences, to protect ts of citizens, legal persons, policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating nd ear nestly safeguar d social harm To resolve social confli cts by law. To further sm channels of reporting social conditi nd public opi ng regulati on, ar bitration, a dispute resoluti on mechani sms, implemepetitioners ' cases hird-party heari ngs and supervind calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into tbit of rule of la w, vexatious,Twini bing social order adare to play,w achievement in a dres and create t he ne, the cas to an cadres and better leas not to prctical soluti ct management and and combi s an urgenthusiasm c and social development. We m grees, affected and restricted non still exist to varyince, not as, sl, idle high, ork initiative iding st. At preseof leadership ient ca ho wament, the real officers, dare officernd a lectids of good cah the sta ciples. In strict a s two parallhard woad masses of ca nable tcessary to Strict manageme husiasm is param want to do work and able to do good, entount. Treat party cadres, it is nent, and warm care, ehe br dres work ork, this iel princcordancewit ndardres seon a ppoint s, those w nt to play, good as excell dres at all levels n the pant, some lea cadres ws not beyond political, lazy governance governaow, messy and a phenome ng deeconomiust mobilize the eof cadres a nt task, adhere to nation of incentives a constraints, a dhere to the strind warm care, pra onor the officer oblem, motivate d the masseundertaking2em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly summarized the new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified i n the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pr o is to open a sincere engagementwit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accor dancewit h, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to engage in tra ding power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cas es i n which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and pe ople. Especially some law enforcem ent and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under theti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a business more difficult, never for personal gai n, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. og uarantee t he legitimate right s a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of services, fully consider the characteristics of production a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ct enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement andot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exerci se level ... Judicial a ctivities were rampa nt, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four todee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law第4节管理局第5节争端的解决和咨询意见第Ⅻ部分海洋环境的保护和保全第1节一般规定第2节全球性和区域性合作第3节技术援助第4节监测和环境评价第5节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第6节执行第7节保障办法第8节冰封区域第9节责任第10节主权豁免第11节关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第XIII部分海洋科学研究Grass-roots governance a ccording to law is a n important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but al so the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-a biding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote t he field of multi-level governance according to law, pr omote the continuous improvement of the sociale nvironment. To pr omote universal compliance. Actively foster the r ule of law culture, carry out law publicity a nd educati on on honesty andtr ustworthiness, guide the masses and consci ously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looking for but someone %unspoken rules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen t he comprehensive management of public securit y. Dee pe ning peace xingan constr uction, str onglyshould dres is a pledge, dare to play. Ca dre cation in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid styl e, cadres of the hat the compre ng cadre nd other malicious extortion, resol utely crack down. Five, improvis Vitale, provide strong prote ction for forestdevelopment XI General Secretary stre ssed thensive revitaliza bing social bit of rule of la nd calpetitioners ' cases hirddispute resoluti ng regulati nd cha To resolve social nd earcy of temper justice wit ns, legal nal offences, to against viole nce crime, mafia and serious crimiprotect t he legitimate rights and interest s of citizepersons, carry out criminal polih mercy, the maximumstim ulating social vitality, anestly safeguar d social harm ony and stability. confli cts by law. To further sm ooth nnels of reporting social conditi ons a public opi nion, improvi on, ar bitration, as well as on mechanisms, impleme nt fully the -party heari ngs and supervising system of letters als, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the or w, vexatious, Twining visit visit, distur order adare to play,w achievement in a dres and create t he ne, the cas to an cadres and better lea s not to prctical soluti ct management and and combis an urge nthusiasm c and social development. We m grees, affected and restricted ist to varyi, messy and a phenomence, not as, sl, idle high, ork initiative i ding st. At preseof leadership ient ca ho wament, the real officers, dare officernd a lecti ds of good ca h the sta el principles. In strict a ork, this idres work he brnt, and warm care, eount. Treat party cadres, it is nee to do good, entwant to do work and abl husiasm is param cessary to Strict managemenable t oad masses of cahard w s twoparall ccordance wit ndardres seon a ppoint s, those w nt to play, good as excelldres at all levels n the pant, some lea cadres ws not beyond political, lazy governance governaow non still exng deeconomiust mobilize the eof cadres a nt task, adhere to nation of incentives a constraints, a dhere to the strind warm care, pra onor the officer oblem, motivate d the masseundertaking3em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctlysum marized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pro is to open a sincere engagementwit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accordance with, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to e ngage in trading power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases i n which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and people. Especially some law e nforcement and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found directly under theti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a busines s more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. o guarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of servi ces, f ully consider the chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement andot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defense to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level ... Judi cial activities were rampant, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four todee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节海洋科学研究的进行和促进第4节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第5节责任第6节争端的解决和临时措施第XIV部分海洋技术的发展和转让第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第4节国际组织间的合作第XV部分争端的解决第1节一般规定第2节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第3节适用第2节的限制和例外Grass-roots governance a ccording to law is a n important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but al so the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-a biding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the f ield of multi-level governance according to law, pr omote the continuous improvement of the sociale nvironment. To pr omote universal compliance. Actively foster the r ule of law culture, carry out law publicity a nd educati on on honesty andtr ustworthiness, guide the masses and consci ously abi de by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looking for but some one %unspoken r ules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen the comprehensive ma nagement of public securit y. Dee pening peace xi ngan constr uction, str onglyshould dres is a pledge, dare to pla y. Cadre cation in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid styl e, ca dres of the ssed t ive, improvi nd other malici ous extortion, resol utely crack down. Fng cadres Vitale, provide strong prote ction for forestdevelopment XI Ge neral Secretary stre hat the comprehensive revitalizang visit visit, disturhe orsing system of letters a nt fully the s well as nion, improvi ons a ooth ony and stability. social vitality, acarry out criminal he legitimate rights and interestcrime, mafia and against viole nce serious criminal offences, to protect ts of citizens, legal persons, policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating nd ear nestly safeguar d social harm To resolve social confli cts by law. To further sm channels of reporting social conditi nd public opi ng regulati on, ar bitration, a dispute resoluti on mechani sms, implemepetitioners ' cases hird-party heari ngs and supervind calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into tbit of rule of la w, vexatious,Twini bing social order adare to play,w achievement in a dres and create t he ne, the cas to an cadres and better leas not to prctical soluti ct management and and combi s an urgenthusiasm c and social development. We m grees, affected and restricted non still exist to varyince, not as, sl, idle high, ork initiative iding st. At preseof leadership ient ca ho wament, the real officers, dare officernd a lectids of good cah the sta ciples. In strict a s two parallhard woad masses of ca nable tcessary to Strict manageme husiasm is param want to do work and able to do good, entount. Treat party cadres, it is nent, and warm care, ehe br dres work ork, this iel princcordancewit ndardres seon a ppoint s, those w nt to play, good as excell dres at all levels n the pant, some lea cadres ws not beyond political, lazy governance governaow, messy and a phenome ng deeconomiust mobilize the eof cadres a nt task, adhere to nation of incentives a constraints, a dhere to the strind warm care, pra onor the officer oblem, motivate d the masseundertaking4em, accurate pulseprobl dentify the s as new. To igood at showrelationship betwee n Government and busine ss. T he wo se ssions, General Se cretary of Pro, clear the wor d succinctly summarized the new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relationship specified i n the direction. District leaders i n handling political and busi ness relations, engage in tradi ng power for money, and finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pro, cl ean pra cticing Pro, clear. Pr o is to open a sincere engagementwit h private enterprise t o help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of pow er, exercised i n accor dancewit h, private entrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to engage in tra ding power for money. Third, in order t o maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeline of the rule of law, is t he be st development environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enforcement a nd t he judicial sector in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la wenforcement departments a nd individual window units power for persona l gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cas es i n which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and i nterests of enterpri ses and pe ople. Especially some law enforcem ent and inspection for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately looking for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under theti cket does not give business improvement opportunities. We re cruit a company doesn't easily, cultivati ng a business more difficult, never for personal gai n, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enter prise collapse d. og uarantee t he legitimate right s a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of services, fully consider the characteristics of production a nd management i n non-public enterprises and social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practitioners in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ct enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, impr ove law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervi sion of law e nforcement, explorati on and practice of risk control mechanism of law e nforcement to further standardize the social security, urba n management, road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law-enfor cement and lax enforcement of law enforcement andot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice is the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice, to unequivocall y support the courts and procuratorates independently exerci se level ... Judicial a ctivities were rampa nt, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four todee pen grass-r ootsgovernance according to law第XVI部分一般规定第XVII部分最后条款附件Ⅰ高度回游鱼类(略)附件Ⅱ大陆架界限委员会探矿、勘探和开发的基本条件附件Ⅲ企业部章程附件Ⅳ调解附件Ⅴ按照第XV部分第1节的调解程序第1节按照第XV部分第3节提交的强制调解程序第2节国际海洋法法庭规约附件Ⅵ。



联合国海洋法公约(United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)指联合国曾召开的三次海洋法会议,以及1982年第三次会议所决议的海洋法公约(LOSC)。

【标题】1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文) 【分类】国际海事【时效性】有效【颁布时间】【实施时间】【发布部门】蒙特哥湾目录第Ⅰ部分用语和范围第Ⅱ部分领海和毗连区第1节一般规定第2节领海的界限第3节领海的无害通过第4节毗连区第Ⅲ部分用于国际航行的海峡第1节一般规定第2节过境通行第3节无害通过第Ⅳ部分群岛国第Ⅴ部分专属经济区第Ⅵ部分大陆架第Ⅶ部分公海第1节一般规定第2节公海生物资源的养护和管理第Ⅷ部分岛屿制度第Ⅸ部分闭海或半闭海第Ⅹ部分内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第Ⅺ部分“区域”第1节一般规定第2节支配“区域”的原则第3节“区域”内资源的开发第4节管理局第5节争端的解决和咨询意见第Ⅻ部分海洋环境的保护和保全第1节一般规定第2节全球性和区域性合作第3节技术援助第4节监测和环境评价第5节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第6节执行第7节保障办法第8节冰封区域第9节责任第10节主权豁免第11节关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第XIII部分海洋科学研究第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节海洋科学研究的进行和促进第4节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第5节责任第6节争端的解决和临时措施第XIV部分海洋技术的发展和转让第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第4节国际组织间的合作第XV部分争端的解决第1节一般规定第2节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第3节适用第2节的限制和例外第XVI部分一般规定第XVII部分最后条款附件Ⅰ高度回游鱼类(略)附件Ⅱ大陆架界限委员会附件Ⅲ探矿、勘探和开发的基本条件附件Ⅳ企业部章程附件Ⅴ调解第1节按照第XV部分第1节的调解程序第2节按照第XV部分第3节提交的强制调解程序附件Ⅵ国际海洋法法庭规约第1节法庭的组织第2节权限第3节程序第4节海底争端分庭第5节修正案附件Ⅶ仲裁附件Ⅷ特别仲裁附件Ⅸ国际组织的参加【名称】1982年联合国海洋法公约【题注】简介:本公约于1982年12月10日在牙买加的蒙特哥湾召开的第三次联合国海洋法会议最后会议上通过,尚未生效。

1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文)【标题】1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文) 【分类】国际海事【时效性】有效【颁布时间】1982.12.10【实施时间】1982.12.10【发布部门】蒙特哥湾目录第Ⅰ部分用语和范围第Ⅱ部分领海和毗连区第1节一般规定第2节领海的界限第3节领海的无害通过第4节毗连区第Ⅲ部分用于国际航行的海峡第1节一般规定第2节过境通行第3节无害通过第Ⅳ部分群岛国第Ⅴ部分专属经济区第Ⅵ部分大陆架第Ⅶ部分公海第1节一般规定第2节公海生物资源的养护和管理第Ⅷ部分岛屿制度第Ⅸ部分闭海或半闭海第Ⅹ部分内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第Ⅺ部分“区域”第1节一般规定第2节支配“区域”的原则第3节“区域”内资源的开发第4节管理局第5节争端的解决和咨询意见第Ⅻ部分海洋环境的保护和保全第1节一般规定第2节全球性和区域性合作第3节技术援助第4节监测和环境评价第5节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第6节执行第7节保障办法第8节冰封区域第9节责任第10节主权豁免第11节关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第XIII部分海洋科学研究第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节海洋科学研究的进行和促进第4节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第5节责任第6节争端的解决和临时措施第XIV部分海洋技术的发展和转让第1节一般规定第2节国际合作第3节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第4节国际组织间的合作第XV部分争端的解决第1节一般规定第2节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第3节适用第2节的限制和例外第XVI部分一般规定第XVII部分最后条款附件Ⅰ高度回游鱼类(略)附件Ⅱ大陆架界限委员会附件Ⅲ探矿、勘探和开发的基本条件附件Ⅳ企业部章程附件Ⅴ调解第1节按照第XV部分第1节的调解程序第2节按照第XV部分第3节提交的强制调解程序附件Ⅵ国际海洋法法庭规约第1节法庭的组织第2节权限第3节程序第4节海底争端分庭第5节修正案附件Ⅶ仲裁附件Ⅷ特别仲裁附件Ⅸ国际组织的参加【名称】1982年联合国海洋法公约【题注】简介:本公约于1982年12月10日在牙买加的蒙特哥湾召开的第三次联合国海洋法会议最后会议上通过,尚未生效。

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目录 (001)............................................................00 2 (010) (014) (017) (025) (028) (037) (037) (038) (039)................................................06 5 (078)..........................................08 5 (089)............................................................09 6 .........................................................09 6 ......................................................10 2 .........................................................10 3 ..........................................10 5 (122) (130)......................................................13 3 (142) (145) (147)本公约缔约各国,本着以互相谅解和合作的精神解决与海洋法有关的一切问题的愿望,并且认识到本公约对于维护和平、正义和全世界人民的进步作出重要贡献的历史意义,注意到自从1958年和1960年在日内瓦举行了联合国海洋法会议以来的种种发展,着重指出了需要有一项新的可获一般接受的海洋法公约,意识到各海洋区域的种种问题都是彼此密切相关的,有必要作为一个整体来加以考虑,认识到有需要通过本公约,在妥为顾及所有国家主权的情形下,为海洋建立一种法律秩序,以便利国际交通和促进海洋的和平用途,海洋资源的公平而有效的利用,海洋生物资源的养护以及研究、保护和保全海洋环境,考虑到达成这些目标将有助于实现公正公平的国际经济秩序,这种秩序将照顾到全人类的利益和需要,特别是发展中国家的特殊利益和需要,不论其为沿海国或内陆国,希望以本公约发展1970年12月17日第2749(XXV)号决议所载各项原则,联合国大会在该决议中庄严宣布,除其他外,国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底区域及其底土以及该区域的资源为人类的共同继承财产,其勘探与开发应为全人类的利益而进行,不论各国的地理位置如何,相信在本公约中所达成的海洋法的编纂和逐渐发展,将有助于按照《联合国宪章》所载的联合国的宗旨和原则巩固各国间符合正义和权利平等原则的和平、安全、合作和友好关系,并将促进全世界人民的经济和社会方面的进展,确认本公约未予规定的事项,应继续以一般国际法的规则和原则为准据,经协议如下:第Ⅰ部分用语和范围第1条用语和范围1.为本公约的目的:(1)“‘区域’”是指国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底及其底土。