



中外民俗自考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个节日不属于中国的传统节日?A. 春节B. 圣诞节C. 端午节D. 中秋节答案:B2. 以下哪个选项是日本的传统服饰?A. 旗袍B. 汉服C. 和服D. 苏格兰裙答案:C3. 以下哪个国家不过感恩节?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 墨西哥答案:C4. 以下哪个选项是印度的传统食物?A. 寿司B. 披萨C. 咖喱D. 汉堡5. 以下哪个选项是巴西的传统节日?A. 春节B. 圣诞节C. 狂欢节D. 泼水节答案:C6. 以下哪个选项是俄罗斯的传统饮品?A. 茶B. 咖啡C. 伏特加D. 啤酒答案:C7. 以下哪个选项是埃及的传统建筑?A. 金字塔B. 长城C. 埃菲尔铁塔D. 自由女神像答案:A8. 以下哪个选项是意大利的传统艺术?A. 京剧B. 歌剧C. 木偶戏D. 皮影戏答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是希腊的传统运动?B. 橄榄球C. 马拉松D. 足球答案:C10. 以下哪个选项是西班牙的传统舞蹈?A. 弗拉明戈B. 探戈C. 芭蕾D. 踢踏舞答案:A二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些节日是中国的传统节日?A. 春节B. 圣诞节C. 清明节D. 元宵节答案:A, C, D2. 以下哪些国家有泼水节?A. 泰国B. 印度C. 缅甸D. 中国答案:A, C3. 以下哪些选项是法国的传统食物?A. 法棍B. 寿司D. 披萨答案:A, C4. 以下哪些选项是澳大利亚的传统运动?A. 板球B. 橄榄球C. 足球D. 篮球答案:A, B5. 以下哪些选项是英国的传统建筑?A. 大本钟B. 埃菲尔铁塔C. 伦敦塔桥D. 悉尼歌剧院答案:A, C三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。

(对)2. 感恩节是全世界所有国家共同庆祝的节日。

(错)3. 俄罗斯的伏特加酒是一种传统的饮品。

(对)4. 印度的咖喱是该国的传统食物。



浙江省2018 年7 月自考真题民族民间音乐课程代码:00727本试卷分A、B卷,使用2018年版本教材的考生请做A卷,使用2018年版本教材的考生请做 B 卷;若A、 B 两卷都做的,以 B 卷记分。

A卷一、填空题(本大题共10 空,每空 1 分,共10 分) 请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。


1. 流行于我国内蒙西部地区的山歌在当地被称为 ________ 。

2. 湖南常德的《打硪歌》属于我国劳动号子中的________ 号子。

3. 鼓词类说唱音乐主要流行于我国_______ ,弹词类说唱音乐主要流行于我国_________4. 四川清音的唱腔按艺人习惯分为_______ 和_______ 两种。

5. 梆子腔的唱腔属于______ 结构。

6. 京剧是以_____ 腔为主要唱腔的剧种。

7. 传统笛子按演奏风格不同分为______ 和_______ 两种。

二、单项选择题(本大题共10 小题,每小题 1 分,共10 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


1. 河北民歌《放风筝》是小调中 ______ 的母体。

( )A.鲜花调B.剪靛花调C•绣荷包调D.孟姜女调2. 《蓝花花》是下列哪个歌种的代表曲目?( )A.山曲B.花儿C.信天游D.爬山调13. 下列曲种中属于杂曲类的是( )A. 河南坠子B. 四川扬琴C•天津时调D.苏州文书4. 苏州弹词的演出形式是( )A 自弹自唱B. 一人坐唱C.多人站唱D. 一人站唱5. 川剧高腔的音乐特点是 ______ 、打、唱。

( )A.拉B.帮C.弹D.吹6. 梆子腔的主要伴奏乐器是 ______ 和梆子。

( )A.高胡B.二胡C.板胡D.京胡7. _____________________ 古琴的琴弦数量是条。

( )A. 五B. 六C.七D. 八8. 下列乐曲中哪首是华彦钧的代表作?( )A. 《汉宫秋月》B . 《月夜》C.《光明行》D.《听松》9. 唢呐是_____ 时期由波斯、阿拉伯一带传入我国的。














浙江省2018年7月自考语言与文化试题课程代码:10058请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple Choice(45%)Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.1. Language is ______ in that there is no logical relationship between words and the objects these words are used to refer to.A. arbitraryB. symbolicC. vocalD.systematic2. In English“culture" is a loan word from ______.A. DutchB. FrenchC. SpanishD. Latin3. The medium of verbal interaction is ______.A. thoughtB. languageC. cultureD. communication4. The chief Christian feast on the first Sunday after the full noon that comes after the spring equinox is called ______.A. EasterB. St. Valentine’s DayC. Thanksgiving DayD. Boxing Day5. Connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning and collocative can be brought together under the heading ______ meaning.A. thematicB. associativeC. peripheralD. conceptual6. Such interjections as “aha”, “my God”, “oh”, “dear”are chiefly used to convey ______ meaning.A. collocativeB. affectiveC. thematicD. connotative7. In English culture young, middle-aged and old often correspond to ______.A. 18,40,60B. 18,30,50C. 18,35,55D. 18,45,658. Which of the following is considered an appropriate form of address in English culture?A. Director SmithB. Mayor BushC. Teacher JonesD. Manager Li9. “Goodbye”is derived from the expression______.A. “Good luck for you”B. “God bless you”C. “God be with you”D. “Looking forward to seeing you again”10. ______ can be said as a reply to thanks.A. It’s my dutyB. It’s my jobC. Nothing for thatD. You’re welcome11. When an English speaker picks up the phone,normally he would say ______.A. Hello,this is Mary speaking. Who is calling?B. Will you please tell me who you are?C. Will you please tell me whom you would like to speak to?D. Who are you?12. Which of the following reflects social amenities in English-speaking countries?A. Walk slowly, please.B. It’s my duty to help you.C. No. No. That’s not true.D. You’ve got a hard job.13. English idiom “look about”corresponds in meaning to ______ from French.A. seekB. despiseC. thinkD. examine14. When an Englishman says “I was only pulling your leg”he means: ______.A. I was only warning youB. I was only trying to prevent you from making progressC. I was only jokingD. I was only asking you for help15. “To make one’s flesh creep”means ______.A. to show no alarmB. to make surpriseC. to cause one to feel fearD. to make one uncomfortable16. A person who submits to indignities and sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling can be referred to as ______.A. a HamletB. a ShylockC. an Uncle TomD. a Frankenstein17. “To throw in the sponge”derived from______.A. card gamesB. boxingC. baseballD. football18. “I’m insane about her”illustrates the metaphor that ______.A. love is magicB. love is a patientC. love is madnessD. love is war19. “That idea won’t sell”illustrates the metaphor that ______.A. ideas are productsB. ideas are commoditiesC. ideas are moneyD. ideas are resources20. “A white Christmas”refers to ______.A. snow at Christmas timeB. purity at Christmas timeC. innocence at Christmas timeD. nothing done at Christmas time21. “Red rag”conveys roughly the same meaning as “waving a red flag”which means ______.A. doing something that could stop othersB. doing something that could cause other people’s attentionC. doing something that celebrate an event of happinessD. doing something that could cause quick anger in other people22. “Involuntarily leisured”is a euphemistic expression for ______.A. sickB. retiredC. unemployedD. handicapped23. “Chink”and “洋鬼子”are clear cases of ______.A. swear wordsB. sexist languageC. terms of humilityD. verbal taboos24. Deductive argumentation has been related to ______.A. the linear thinking patternB. the branching thinking patternC. deductive reasoningD. direct sentence25. Which style of oral English might be used for conducting most business matters?A. frozenB. formalC. consultativeD. casual26. The word in British English for “faculty”is ______.A. departmentB. stuffC. teacherD. staff27. Which of the following belongs to the British English dialect?A. flatB. candyC. scheduleD. drugstore28. ______ can be viewed as occurring whenever an individual communicates without the use of sounds.A. Nonverbal communicationsB. Facial expressionsC. GesturesD. Postures29. “Crossing one’s forefinger and middle finger”signifies ______ in English culture.A. sadnessB. good luckC. respectsD. secrecy30. “I’m full”is signified in English culture by ______.A. an open hand, palm down, raised to one’s throatB. one or both open hands lightly patting one’s own stomachC. a raised open hand, palm forwardD. moving quickly his open hand, palm down, across his throatII. Gap Filling(15%)Directions: Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.1. Margaret Thatcher is a former leader of ______ Party in Great Britain.2. Words such as old,peasant,comrade,do-gooder and propaganda are ______ in meaning in English but positive or neutral in Chinese.3. Dog for male, female and young respectively is ______.4. The English equivalent for“跑表”is ______.5. “Rest room”corresponds to ______ in Chinese.6. The word endings such as “-s”, “-ed”“-ing”and “-er”are called ______.7. The English equivalent for “人不犯我,我不犯人”is ______.8. Holistic thinking interacts with Chinese,thus the ______ sentence pattern can be observed in Chinese.9. The proverb “rats deserts a sinking ship”is related to ______.10. “A Judas”alludes to a ______.11. ______ is something useless, seldom used, or too costly to be worth maintaining.12. The euphemistic expression “to be in a family way”means______.13. The British English equivalent for “ticket office”is ______.14. “Plough”is spelled in American English as ______.15. ______ created the victory gesture.Ⅲ. Translation (20%)A: Translate the following into Chinese1. a black sheep2. Man proposes, God disposes3. to put one’s foot in one’s mouth4. Continental Congress5. the marriage of true mindsB: Translate the following into English6. 捧腹大笑7. 一见钟情8. 英联邦国家9. 智者千虑,必有一失10. 敬请指正Ⅳ. Discuss the following topics. (20%)1. Can you explain the reasons why there are more honorifics in Chinese than in English?2. List several proverbs to discuss individualism in English culture.3. Why is it said that English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese a language with implicit grammar? Discuss this linguistic contrast in relation to English and Chinese cultures.。



浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:10058I. Multiple Choice (24%)Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.1.The first anthropological definition of culture was offered by the British scholar( ) A. Edward B. Tylor B. Howard Lee NostrandC. George MurdockD. Nelson Brooks2.A hot, freshly cooked sausage sandwiched in a split roll of bread is( ) A. Hot dog B. SandwichC. HamburgerD. Pudding3.Facilities where people get served without having to leave their cars is called( ) A. drive-ins B. motelsC. dinersD. hotels4.“Disinterested”corresponds to ( )A. 公正的B. 不感兴趣的C. 讨厌的D. 无聊的5.The first week day after Christmas,a legal holiday in England is called( ) A. Thanksgiving Day B. Boxing DayC. EasterD. Anzac Day6. Deductive argumentation has been related to ( )A. the linear thinking patternB. the branching thinking patternC. paratactic featuresD. direct personality7.“Laura”means ( )in Chinese.A. 月桂B. 劳拉C. 常青藤D. 百合8.“Henry”means ( ) in Chinese.A. 亨利B. 快乐C. 勇敢D. 家庭统治者9.( )can be said as a reply to thanks.A.“ It’s my duty”.B. “It’s my job”.C. “Nothing for that”.D. “You’re welcome”.10.When your English hostess asks you “would you like some more of this dish?”, your answer should be ( ) if you want.A.“Yes, please”.B. “Thank you”.C. “Yes, thank you”.D. “OK”.11.“My knee only hurts when I dance, that’s because I have two left feet”. The last sentence means ( )A. that’s because I have to be independentB. that’s because I have recove red after an illnessC. that’s because I dance swiftlyD. that’s because I am too clumsy12.“To make a cat laugh”is synonymous to ( )A. to be specially ludicrousB. to cause one to feel loathingC. to make a jokeD. to create a wonder13.“To keep one’s nose clean”is the same meaning with ( )A. to keep out of troubleB. to be fond of cleannessC. to separate from othersD. to feel fresh air14.“From whipping post to pillory”is related to( )A. individualismB. English literatureC. the history of EnglandD. Bible15.“Hit and run”derived from( )A. baseballB. footballC. horse racingD. boxing16. “That idea won’t sell” illustrates the metaphor that( )A. ideas are productsB. ideas are commoditiesC. ideas are moneyD. ideas are resources17. “Waving a red flag” means ( )A. doing something that could stop othersB. doing something that could cause other people’s attentionC. doing something that celebrates an event of happinessD. doing something that could cause quick anger in other people18. “A black spot” is a place ( )A. where unpleasant things occur regularly and without chance of improvementB. where everything is decorated in black colorC. where people use to honor something or somebodyD. where people are due to have bad fortune19. The Chinese equivalent for “blue film” is( )A. 伤感电影B. 黄色电影C. 蓝色电影D. 暴力电影20. “Red blooded” corresponds to ( )A. 精力充沛的B. 现行犯的C. 共产党人的D. 红色政权的21. “( ) ” can be got as a reply when you ask an English speaker questions such as “how old are you?”, etc.A. None of your businessB. I’m afraid I can’t tell youC. I’m thirty, thank youD. I’m sorry I don’t remember22.It is often said that Chinese learners of English speak( ) English because they learn it mainly through reading.A. bookishB. excellentC. standardD. common23.In American English “cookie”is a loan word from Dutch, meaning ( ) in Chinese.A. 炊具B. 厨师C. 曲奇饼干D. 厨房24. “Crossing one’s forefinger and middle finger” signifies() in English speaking countries.A. good luckB. sadnessC. respectsD. secrecyII. Gap-filling (10%)Directions: Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.1.There are more than four hundred words for camel in Arabic while there is only one word for it in English or Chinese. It reflects such fact that language is strongly influenced and shaped by _______ .2.The Federal legislature of the USA is_______ .3.The word in British English for “corn”is _______ .4.The contrast between grammatical explicitness in English and grammatical implicitness in Chinese may bebrought about by different _______ traditions of English speaking countries and China.5.English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a _______ language.6._______ refers to a meek person who submits to indignities and sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling.7.The English equivalent for “对牛弹琴”is “_______ ”.8.The English equivalent for “黑货”is “_______ ”.9.“_______”refers to a strike breaker, someone who accepts work in place of strikers.10.The English speakers who expect a text to be developed_______ may find it difficult to follow a spirally developed text.III. Define the following terms (20%)1.Individualism2.Taboos3.Coherence and cohesion4.Public territoryIV. Translation (16%)1.Red hunter2.Orthodox Eastern Church3.A marriage of convenience4.Even reckoning makes long friends.5.智者千虑,必有一失6.红茶7.白手起家的人8.白菜V.Discuss the following topics (30%)1.How do English speakers bid farewell to one another? What cross-cultural contrasts can you find between English and Chinese farewell?2.What are the English euphemisms for “lavatory”?3.How do you understand the statement that English speakers prefer deductive argumentation while Chinese speakers prefer inductive argumentation when producing argumentative texts?。


























1.回族妇女喜欢戴披肩盖头,只把脸露在外面,根据年龄的不同,选用的颜色有所不同,其中姑娘用( )A.蓝色B.白色C.绿色D.青色2.和服是日本人的传统服装,种类繁多,因性别、年龄及穿着场合而异,其中已婚和中年妇女参加正式仪式时穿的和服叫( )A.振袖B.留袖C.纹衫D.带包3.藏族的日常主食是( )A.馕B.糯米饭C.糌粑D.炒面4.有“美食天堂”之誉的国家是( )A.澳大利亚B.新加坡C.新西兰D.法国5.不属于蒙古族喜食的食品是( )A.奶酪品B.烤肉C.手抓饭D.青稞6.苗族的住房以_________________最具特色。

( )A.吊脚楼B.竹楼C.半边楼D.围楼7.被誉为“高原之舟”的是( )A.伊犁马B.大尾羊C.牦牛D.骆驼8.雪顿节是_________________人民的重要节日。

( )A.蒙古族B.维吾尔族C.藏族D.柯尔克孜族9.世界公认的“狂欢节之乡”是( )A.巴西B.古巴C.西班牙D.意大利10.相声属于曲艺中的( )A.说B.唱C.数D.说唱兼有11.东北地区普遍流行的以鼓为神器,用于治病驱邪的巫术舞蹈是( )A.莽式舞B.萨满跳神C.长鼓舞D.多郎舞12.孔雀舞是源于_________________民间的一种舞蹈,著名的舞蹈家刀美兰、杨丽萍表演的孔雀舞在国内外都享有盛誉。

( )A.白族B.苗族C.傣族D.彝族13._________________传说以《刘三姐》流传最广。

( )A.瑶族B.侗族C.壮族D.傣族14._________________被称为日本的国技,深受日本人喜欢,是赴日外国人必看的一项体育赛事。

( )A.相扑B.柔道C.围棋D.棒球15.在中国的少数民族中,下列信仰伊斯兰教的民族是( )A.满族B.藏族C.维吾尔族D.壮族二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。



自考课程综合测验中外民俗 试卷 (课程代码 00199 )1. 中外民俗的特征( )A 集体性与模式性 B.传承性与播布性 C 稳定性与变异性 D 民族性与地方性 E 原始性与神秘性2. 民俗的功能( )A 教化功能B 规范功能C 娱乐功能D 审美功能E 维系功能3. 民俗形成的原因( )A 经济的原因B 政治的原因C 宗教的原因D 地理的原因E 社会的原因 4. 中国服饰所体现的观念( )A 崇宗敬祖,强调礼仪伦常B 求吉心理C 表现民族的自我意识D 成为某种政治观念的载体E 炫富心理5. 下列说法正确的是( )A 《墨子·公孟》:齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王服饰穿戴风格不同,其治国的效果一样B 魏晋南北朝人,其服饰为紧身、圆领C 宋代人服饰为宽袍大袖( )D 明太祖朱元璋设计的由六块布料组成“瓜皮帽”,寓意“六合一统”E 连衣裙起源于上海,俗名“布拉吉”二、填空题(本大题有10个小题,每小题2分,共20分) 6. 民俗有四类,即经济民俗、社会民俗、信仰民俗和( )7.中国传统服装的大襟向右掩,即在穿衣人的右侧系扣,这种方式为( ) 8. 我国壮族人,喜欢头缠巾帕,除了美观以外,更重要的是( ) 9. 日本人的和服,起源于( )唐装10. 日本妇女和服的背后有一个方型的“带包”,起作用为( )11. 泰国人信佛教,90%的人脖子上都挂着一个( )以求吉祥12. 1850年一位经营帆布青年利维.斯特劳斯,发明了风靡全球的( )裤 13. 南非马克落落妇女都在嘴唇上穿洞,挂上叫做( )铁环或竹环作唇饰 14. 我国藏族人喜欢喝酥油茶;蒙古人喜欢喝奶茶;广东人喜欢喝( ) 15.北京故宫的建筑模式与山西的乔家大院的建筑模式,同属( )模式三、判断题(本大题有6个小题,每小题3分,共18分) 16中亚国家突厥民族,由于信仰伊斯兰教的原因,不养猪 17“只见船桨动,不闻汽车声”,是对解放前绍兴的真是描写 18瑞士有“电车王国”之称19赫哲人的捕鱼工具主要有五类,即网、钩、叉、篓、船 20藏族人的运输主要靠骆驼。



最新7月浙江自考语言与文化试题及答案解析浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:10058I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1. In English, “sdylh”is not a possible word and “green made he”is not an acceptable sentence. It proves that language is ________. ( )A. arbitraryB. systematicC. symbolicD. vocal2. The Chinese equivalent for “Housewarming”is ________. ( )A. 温室效应B. 温暖的房屋C. 乔迁喜宴D. 房屋供暖3. The word in British English for “tire”is ________. ( )A. wheelB. boreC. tyreD. tier4. The English name “Camellia”is related to ________. ( )A. ChristianityB. plantC. weaponD. knowledge5. ________ can represent the geographical aspects of culture. ( )A. KoalaB. CowboyC. QueenD. Hot dog6. If a student wants to express his gratitude for professor’s help, he can say ________. ( )A. “I am so sorry that I am wasting your time.”B. “I hope I didn’t disturb you.”C. “Don’t you mind I disturb you?”D. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.”7. When an Englishman says “I was only pulling your leg”, he means ________. ( )A. I was only trying to prevent you from making progress.B. I was only warning you.C. I was only joking.D. I was only asking you for help.8. The first week day after Christmas, a legal holiday in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, is called ________. ( )A. Boxing DayB. EasterC. Thanksgiving DayD. St. Valentine’s Day9. “To ride one’s high horse”means ________. ( )A. to be naughtyB. to be energeticC. to be arrogantD. to be optimistic10. “________”illustrates the metaphor that ideas are commodities. ( )A. What he said left a bad taste in my mouth.B. Those ideas died off in the Middle Ages.C. Mathematics has many branches.D. There is always a market for good ideas.11. ________ is a detective or shrewd person who has the uncanny ability to solve any mystery through careful observation, scientific analysis, and logical reasoning. ( )A. RomeoB. ShylockC. Sherlock HolmesD. Napoleon12. It is generally accepted that at the sentential level ________ relations are observed far more frequently in English than in Chinese. ( )A. logicalB. hypotacticC. paratacticD. hypocritical13. “They are uncontrollably attracted to each other”is a metaphorical expression about love is ________. ( )A. a physical forceB. madnessC. magicD. patient14. American and British English are two ________ of the English language. ( )A. formsB. varietiesC. languagesD. speeches15. “He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. Instead he looked even gloomier.”demonstrates ________ relation between the two sentences. ( )A. an adversativeB. a causalC. a temporalD. an additive16. “A white hope”refers to ________. ( )A. a talent person who is thought not likely to bring successB. a talent person who is thought likely to failC. a talent person who is thought likely to bring bad fateD. a talent person who is thought likely to bring success17. “Crossing one’s forefinger and middle finger”signifies ________ in English speaking countries. ( )A. secrecyB. sadnessC. respectD. good luck18. “Red handed”corresponds to ________. ( )A. 现行犯的B. 革命党的C. 精力充沛的D. 红色政权的19. ________ style is used for conversations between close friends, colleagues or classmates about topics that are not serious. ( )A. FormalB. ConsultativeC. CasualD. Intimate20. When doctors touch their patients in a physical examination, we call it ________ touch.( ) A. functional-professional B. friendship-warmthC. socio-politeD. love-intimacyII. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternative can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)1. In its narrow sense culture is ________. ( )A. the attributes of manB. life way of a populationC. called “academic culture”D. called “anthropological culture”2. Words positive in meaning in English but pejorative or neutral in Chinese are ________.( ) A. aggressive B. self-made manC. individualismD. equalitarianism3. Names include ________, full names, with or without a title. ( )A. titlesB. surnamesC. nicknames or pet namesD. given names4. ________ refers to a person who is too cheap to take hisgirlfriend out so he takes her to his home all the time. ( )A. CouchwarmerB. Ladies’ manC. HippieD. Chauvinist pig5. English pronouns are marked for several cases: ________. ( )A. subjectiveB. objectiveC. genitive determinativeD. genitive independent6. ________ are acceptable forms of address in English. ( )A. Mrs. WhiteB. Mr. JackC. Miss SmithD. Accountant Black7. In English culture “grey”is often associated with ________. ( )A. an old ageB. gloomyC. vigorD. something unpleasant8. “To carry the ball”is an allusion, ________. ( )A. referring to have the main responsibility for getting a task or job doneB. referring to have a very enjoyable timeC. derived from American footballD. derived from rugby9. In English culture the general rule is to introduce ________. ( )A. a man to a womanB. a superior to an inferiorC. the host to the guestD. an individual to a group10. Blue Monday conveys the meaning that ________. ( )A. one is in his sad moodB. one should remember the important dayC. one is in his gloomy moodD. one always has had fortune on that dayIII. Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (24%)1. The leader of the British government is called ________.2. The American English equivalent for “lift”is ________.3. The English equivalent for “做无米之炊”is ________.4. The Chinese equivalent for “cooker”is ________.5. Morphemes can be classified into two categories: inflectional and ________ morphemes.6. It has been claimed that English texts develop ________, while Chinese ones develop in a spiral way.7. “注意言行举止”corresponds to “________”in English.8. All languages have kinship terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives: ________, blood relationship and sex.9. ________ refers to a play in which comic elements are combined with more tragic or absurdly evil ones, with the latter on the whole predominating.10. ________ refers to prejudice or discrimination based on sex, especially, discrimination against women.11. The English equivalent for “杂种狗”is ________.12. Edward Hall suggests that there are three different time systems that might be found in cultures. They are ________, formaland informal time systems.IV. Translation.(16%)A. Translate the following into Chinese. (8%)1. Superior2. Pride goes before a fall.3. high school4. a marriage of convenienceB. Translate the following into English. (8%)1. 拜年2. 北京大学位于中国北京市海淀区颐和园路5号。



一、单选题1、印度尼西亚大部分居民信仰 B 。

A、天主教B、伊斯兰教C、佛教D、基督教2、加拿大国民信仰 B 。


A、美国B、西班牙C、英国D、澳大利亚4、朝鲜人属于 C 。

A、欧罗巴人B、亚美人种C、蒙古人种D、赤道人种5、伊朗语属于 B 。

A、汉藏语系B、印欧语系C、阿非罗-亚细亚语系D、乌拉尔语系6、逊尼派是 B 的一个教派。

A、佛教B、伊斯兰教C、东正教D、印度教7、伊斯兰教宣扬 B 。

A、“六功”B、“六信”C、“五信”D、“七功”8、开斋节是 B 的节日。

A、天主教B、伊斯兰教C、印度教D、锡克教9、印度尼西亚巴厘岛人主张死后 C 。

A、水葬B、土葬C、火葬D、天葬10、 C 是联合国的工作语言。


A、食品B、用具C、舞蹈D、生活方式12、蒙古人的民族宗教是 C 。

A、基督教B、佛教C、喇嘛教D、儒教13、尼泊尔的国教是 B 。

A、伊斯兰教B、印度教C、佛教D、基督教14、见面行合十礼问候是 B 的传统的礼节。


A、头部B、腹部C、胸部D、腰部16、食牛肉是 B 国家的禁忌。



A、4B、13C、11D、719、日本人年满 C 举行成人仪式。

A、16B、18C、20D、1920、古代足球的发源地在 C 。

















1.我国历史上的第一部诗歌总集是( )A.《楚辞》B.《诗经》C.《论语》D.《左传》2.《将进酒》的作者是( )A.杜甫B.白居易C.李白D.张若虚3.“红娘”的形象出自( )A.《西厢记》B.《破窑记》C.《琵琶记》D.《丽春堂》4.《倪焕之》的作者是( )A.老舍B.巴金C.茅盾D.叶绍钧5.赵树理的著名小说是( )A.《荷花淀》B.《小二黑结婚》C.《暴风骤雨》D.《太阳照在桑干河上》6.《林海雪原》的作者是( )A.杜鹏程B.吴强C.曲波D.梁斌7.我国新时期文学的起始时间为( )A.1949年10月B.1978年10月C.1979年10月D.1976年10月8.《一片槐树叶》的作者是( )A.纪弦B.余光中C.舒巷城D.侣伦9.教会文学的题材主要来源于( )A.历史B.民间传说C.圣经D.现实生活10.人文主义思想的核心是( )A.基督教精神B.理性主义C.肯定人的价值和尊严D.平等、博爱思想11.18世纪法国哲理小说的开创性作品是( )A.《波斯人信札》B.《老实人》C.《天真汉》D.《拉摩的侄儿》12.长篇小说《傲慢与偏见》的作者是( )A.司各特B.济慈C.哈代D.奥斯汀13.《呼啸山庄》的作者是( )A.简·奥斯汀B.爱米莉·勃朗特C.夏绿蒂·勃朗特D.盖斯凯尔夫人14.存在主义文学的基本主题是( )A.麻木、沉闷和无为的瘫痪状态B.表现人们对理想和幻想的本能追求C.表现人的主观性、内在性和情感性D.荒诞与绝望、自由与选择15.阿拉伯文学史上最著名的民间故事集是( )A.《一千零一夜》B.《卡里莱和笛木乃》C.《安塔拉传奇》D.《古兰经》二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。






















1.“楚辞”这一名词最早出现于( )A.春秋时期B.战国时期C.汉文帝时期D.汉武帝时期2.《孽海花》的作者是( )A.李伯元B.吴沃尧C.刘鹗D.曾朴3.吴荪甫的形象出自( )A.《子夜》B.《蚀》C.《春蚕》D.《林家铺子》4.李季的民歌体长篇叙事诗是( )A.《漳河水》B.《王贵与李香香》C.《赶车传》D.《王九诉苦》5.周立波的著名小说是( )A.《铁木前传》B.《不能走那条路》C.《山乡巨变》D.《三里湾》6.被誉为“新时期报告文学繁荣的报春花”的《哥德巴赫猜想》的作者是( )A.徐迟B.黄宗英C.陈祖芬D.乔迈7.被誉为台湾现代派小说旗手的作家是( )A.白先勇B.王文兴C.陈若曦D.欧阳子8.“荷马时代”文学的主要成就是( )A.抒情诗B.戏剧1C.寓言D.史诗9.17世纪欧洲古典主义文学的主要特点是( )A.强调人的价值,反对神权,主张个性解放B.推崇古代,歌颂开明君主,维护国家统一C.注重情感,歌颂理想和大自然D.主张客观真实,揭露现实社会中的弊端10.18世纪英国小说的最高成就是( )A.《鲁滨逊漂流记》B.《格列佛游记》C.《汤姆·琼斯》D.《帕米拉》11.塑造“多余人”形象的作品是( )A.《驿站长》B.《当代英雄》C.《上尉的女儿》D.《黑桃皇后》12.长篇小说《父与子》、《罗亭》的作者是( )A.普希金B.果戈理C.屠格涅夫D.冈察洛夫13.下列剧本作者不是..易卜生的是( )A.《黑暗的势力》B.《人民公敌》C.《群鬼》D.《玩偶之家》14.尼洛夫娜的形象出自高尔基的小说( )A.《伊则吉尔老婆子》B.自传体三部曲C.《克里姆·萨姆金的一生》D.《母亲》15.泰戈尔获得诺贝尔文学奖的时间是( )A.1903年B.1913年C.1923年D.1933年二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。



浙江省 2018 年 7 月自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码: 10058Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement(20%).1.The relationship between language and culture is that _____.A. language determines cultureB. culture determines languageC. language and culture are parallelD. language and culture interact2.Body language normally includes ______.A.gesturesB.gestures, facial expression, distance held between interlocutorsC.facial expressionD.distance held between interlocutors3.While “handsome woman ” and“pretty woman” are both acceptable, they suggest different kinds of attractiveness because of the ______ associations of these two objectives.A. collocativeB. affectiveC. connotativeD. thematic4.Trinity refers to union in one Godhead of three persons, Father, Son and ______A. PuritanB. GodC. Holy ghostD. Ghost5.A hot, freshly cooked sausage sandwiched in a split roll of bread is.A. hot dogB. sandwichC. hamburgerD. pudding6.Facilities where people get served without having to leave their cars called ______.A. drive-insB. motelsC. dinnersD. hotels7.A game played on horseback by two teams of 3 or 4 players is called ______.A. poloB. hockeyC. golfD. rugby8.Donkeywork conveys the similar meaning in Chinese ______.A. 让驴干的活B.不是驴干的活C.苦役D.笨活9.Deductive argumentation has been related to ______A. the linear thinking patternB. the branching thinking patternC. deductive reasoningD. direct sentence10.“ Lily ” means ______ in Chinese.A. 莉莉B. 百合C.石南花D. 牡丹11.“Edgar” means ______ in Chinese.A. 华美的矛B. 埃德加C.武器之王D. 矛之王12.In English speaking countries you usually introduce ______, not the other way round.A. a woman to a manB. a man to a womanC. an old man to a young womanD. an old woman to an young man13.English speakers usually give small gifts to ______ on his or her birthday.A. a new acquaintanceB. a good friendC. a public servantD. a casual friend14.If you are looking forward to something, you ______.A. expect it to happenB. make some progressC. dislike itD. are afraid of it15.English idiom “ look at ” corresponds in meaning to ______ from Latin.A. inspectB. watchC. respectD. read16.“ My knee only hurts when I dance, that because’s I have two left feet” .The last sentence means ______.A. that ’s because I have to be independentB. that ’s because I have recovered after an illnessC. that’s because I dance swiftlyD. that ’s because I am too clumsy17.“ A big fish in a small pond” means ______.A. 小池塘养大鱼B. 鸡窝里飞出金凤凰C.人小干大事D. 鹤立鸡群18.“ To keep one’s own company ” means ______.A. not mixed with others in a friendly or social wayB. to be independentC. to be selfishD. to be egocentric19.“ Let me put in my two cent ’s worth ” means ______A. let me speakB. let me sleepC. let me readD. let me laugh20.“ A green Christmas ” refers to ______.A. a Christmas with vigor and energyB. a Christmas full of jealousyC. a Christmas without snowD. a Christmas with fruit and vegetablesⅡ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternative can complete the statement. There might be more than one to four correct answers.(10%)1.Words positive in meaning in English but pejorative or neutral in Chinese are ______.A. aggressiveB. self-made manC. individaualismD. equlitarianism or egalitarianism2.“ Attain ” ,“ acquire” ,and “obtain ” came from ______.A. FrenchB. English originC. Old NorseD. Latin3.There is truth in that ______.A. in Chinese we do have to use explicit formal markers to convey the passive meaning.B. implicit passive sentences are used frequently in Chinese.C. the obligatory explicit grammatical markers are larger in number in English than in ChineseD. the obligatory explicit grammatical markers are used more frequently in English than in Chinese4.It is quite common for students to call their professor ______.A. RobertB. Professor HarrisonC. Robert HarrisonD. Professor Robert5.Normally English people give small gifts to ______ at Christmas.A. good friendsB. their childrenC. casual acquaintancesD. public servants6.“ To knock out ” means ______.A. to make unconsciousB. to finish somethingC. to make inoperativeD. to make useless7.______illustrate(s)the metaphor that life is a gambling game.A. The odds are against meB. He is a real loserC. I ’m charmed by herD. She is besieged by suitors8.The red color is usually associated with ______.A. celebrationsB. communismC. certain emotions such as anger, shynessD. blood shedding9.______is (are) taboo(s)in either English or Chinese.A. Swear wordsB. Profane oathsC. Obscene wordsD. Privacy10.Deductive refers to ______.A. reasoning from the general to the particularB. reasoning from the particular to the generalC. the main thesis preceding the supporting informationD. the supporting information preceding the main thesisⅢ.Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression(12%).1.______is the supreme legislative body of the U.K.2.A dark-leaved evergreen plant whose white or purple flower blossom during winter months is called ______.3.A sweet dish typically composed of fruit and flour and fat, boiled or steamed, or of fruit baked with pastry is called ______.4.Staring,or gazing, in Chinese culture, shows one ’s curiosity while in English culture,is considered impolite and ______.5.The Chinese equivalent for“ Lover” is ______.6.The word in American English for“ mackintosh is ______.7.The word in American English for“ timetable” is ______.8.The word in British English for“firecracker” is ______.9.______means a cattle herder on a ranch, especially, one who works on horseback.10.______relations refer to constructions whose components are linked in meaning through the use of conjunctions.11.The English equivalent for“人不犯我,我不犯人”is ______.12.______refers to paradise, derived from the garden in which Adam and Eve lived.Ⅳ.Answer the following questions briefly.(12%)1.What ’s the difference between “ spiritual ” and “精神” in relation to their connotative meaning?2.How to translate“ busybody” into Chinese?3.What ’s the English equivalent for“趁热打铁” ?4.Can“李处长” be translated to “Director Li ”?5.What is“ Chauvinism” about?6.How would you explain in relation to culture the metaphorical statement“ He’s as timid as a mouse”?7.What does the euphemistic expression “ involuntarily leisured ” mean?8.What are the American English equivalents for“ cellar” and“ pail” ?9.What are the British English equivalents for“one-way ticked” and“ round-trip” ticket?10.From which language is the word“chowder” borrowed? What does it mean in Chinese?11.What does “ a Judas” allude to?12.Who created the victory gesture?Ⅴ .Translation(16%)A: Translate the following into Chinese(8%)1.Don ’twear out your welcome2.Wine and wenches empty men ’s purses3.Not to mince one ’s words4.Man proposes, God disposesB: Translate the following into English(8%)5.黄道吉日6.潘朵拉盒子7.白金8.为避虎穴,落人狼窝Ⅵ .Define the following terms(10%)1.terms of humility2.inductive argumentation3.primary territory4.the Australian timeⅦ .Discuss the following topics.(20%)1.List several proverbs to discuss individualism in English culture.2.What differences are there in eye behaviors between English and Chinese nonverbal communication systems?。




每小题2分,共30分)1.苗族妇女典型的装束是( )。

A.双排扣子上衣,花筒裙B.右衽无领上衣,鸡毛裙C.左襟大褂,八幅罗裙D.短上衣,百褶裙2.和服是日本人的传统服装,种类繁多,因性别、年龄及穿着场合而异,其中中年男子参加正式仪式时穿的带有家徽的和服叫( )。

A.振袖B.留袖C.纹衫D.带包3.( )是一块长方形的布料,大约5~6米长,不经剪裁,直接穿着,是目前印度流行最广的服装之一。

A.莎丽B.绰尼C.莎尔瓦D.克米兹4.喜欢饮“咂酒”的少数民族是( )。

A.彝族B.苗族C.瑶族D.羌族5.( )的干鲜奶酪世界闻名,有“奶酪王国”之称。

A.英国B.德国C.法国D.俄罗斯6.我国西北、华北黄土高原上的传统住房样式是( )。

A.四合院B.围楼C.窑洞D.“一颗印”7.属于侗族交通设施的是( )。

A.溜索B.风雨桥C.竹索桥D.牛皮船8.坎儿井是( )的地下灌溉工程。

A.维吾尔族B.蒙古族C.京族D.毛南族9.奴隶社会的工艺美术是以( )为代表的。

A.陶器工艺B.青铜工艺C.石器工艺D.玉器工艺10.骨质瓷是( )对世界瓷器的贡献。

A.德国B.美国C.法国D.英国11.在中国的少数民族中,下列哪个民族禁食狗肉?( )1A.满族B.朝鲜族C.壮族D.哈萨克族12.( )是在每年11月的第四个星期四举行,它是美国独创的、最具美国特色的节日。

A.圣诞节B.复活节C.感恩节D.万圣节13.广泛流行于陕西的北部和宁夏、甘肃的东部的一种民歌是( )。


A.德国B.南非C.印度尼西亚D.巴西15.下列各少数民族中不信奉萨满教的是( )。







()A.《论语》B.《周易·乾》象辞C.《淮南子》D.《张载集》3. ______上说:“玉不琢,不成器;人不学,不知道”,是有关“教化”的名句。












1.春秋时期为重振越国,励志自强而卧薪尝胆的是( )A.周武王B.齐桓公C.晋文公D.勾践2.汉朝时坚守气节,不降匈奴,杖汉节牧羊十九年的是( )A.卫青B.苏武C.董仲舒D.霍去病3.宋朝时秉公去私宣告后世子孙贪赃者不得回本家,死后不得入祖坟的是( )A.岳飞B.文天祥C.包拯D.陆游4.中国古代注重家教,强调不能欺骗孩子的事例有( )A.曾子舆杀猪教子B.孟母三迁C.石碏杀子D.触龙说太后5.中国古代精卫填海,愚公移山的传说体现的道德精神是( )A.反贪倡廉B.秉公去私C.扶危济困D.艰苦奋斗二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。











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浙江省 2018 年 7 月高等教育自学考试
课程代码: 00199
一、名词解释 (每小题 4 分,共12 分 )
二、填空题 (每空 1分,共 20 分 )
1.民俗的英文是 _______,是英国学者 _______于 1846 年创用的。


3._______是日本人的传统服饰,它源于中国的_______,已有1000 多年的历史。


5.在农业定居时代,居住点的选择意义重大,所以自古以来,我国人民依靠“_______ ”形成了一系列的选址规则。



8.日本的 _______和我国的 _______堪称世界金属珐琅工艺中的一对姊妹花。


10.西班牙人视 _______为“国粹”,不能容忍外国人发表批评性意见。





15.禁忌,又称 _______,这一名称来自于南太平洋波里尼西亚汤加岛人的土语。

16.满族固有的宗教是 _______。

17.澳大利亚人主食喜面包、面食,尤其喜欢中国的_______ 。

三、单项选择题 (在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在

每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )

A. 遮羞
2.糌粑是我国 ()族的日常主食。

A. 蒙古
3.苗族住房是以 ()最具特色。

A. 碉房
4.我国最长的石桥是 () 。

A. 珠浦桥

A. 生态农业
B. 狩猎
D. 采林伐木

A. 湘绣
7.在台湾, 90 岁的老者可称为 ()。

A. 古稀

A. 每年 2 月 14 日是西方传统的情人节
B.每年 3 月 3 日是日本的儿童节,也是男孩子的节日
C.宋干节是泰国的传统吉祥节日,每年公历 4 月 13 日至 15日

A. 助兴游戏
B. 体能游戏
D. 博戏

A. 苦谛
四、多项选择题 (在每小题的五个备选答案中,选出二至五个正确的答案,并将正确答案的序

每小题 2 分,共 10 分 )

A. 经济风俗
B. 社会民俗
D. 游艺民俗

A. 四合院

A. 麦作民俗
B. 稻作民俗
D. 茶作民俗

A. 冠竿礼

A. 美国
五、简答题 (每小题 6 分,共 24 分 )




六、论述题 (每小题 12 分,共 24 分 )
