
英语译汉语模拟练习题--成人英语三级(学位英语考试)1. In the early fifties, only eight or nine out of a hundred young men changed their jobs within the first three years with a company.在五十年代初期,有百分之八九的年轻人在一家公司工作三年后往往会跳槽。
2. Since most jobs take only a year and a half to master, in order to continue learning, they have to make a job change.由于大多数工作只需花一年多就可以掌握,为了继续学习,他们就会调换工作。
3. They have worked for a few years as technical specialists and quickly moved into higher management positions.作为技术专家,他们在工作了几年之后会更快地跳到更高的管理岗位。
4. Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew.社会学家们对于一个社会是怎样形成与怎样发展起来的很感趣。
5. A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s.1830年,一个叫Auguste Comte的法人使社会学成为一门独立的学科。
6. The method of capital punishment varies from nation to nation.执行死刑的方法因国家而各不相同。
7. The new device was named after the man who spoke out in favor of it.有个人大胆提议用这种新装置,后来这种刑具就以那个人的名字命名。

英语翻译三级口译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(1)(1~10/共10题)Part ⅠAPlay00:00…Volume第1题Some couples hire a wedding planner while many organize their wedding themselves.A.正确B.错误第2题If couples choose to have a religious ceremony, they can´t have a civil wedding.A.正确B.错误第3题Many ceremonies share common customs, such as the clothes of bride and groom.A.正确B.错误第4题The bride may wear a long white dress while the groom traditionally wears a tuxedo.A.正确B.错误第5题As a nation of immigrants, groups in America don´t mix customs and traditions.A.正确B.错误第6题At weddings, most people seldom hireA.正确B.错误第7题The places to hold the wedding ceremonies vary.D.J. s to play recorded dance music.A.正确B.错误第8题The celebration for a destination wedding often lasts two days.A.正确B.错误第9题The future newlywed can chose the favorite gifts in the stores, and let their friends and relatives choose to buy.A.正确B.错误第10题Some couples provide information on their own web sites to the people they invite.A.正确B.错误下一题(11~15/共10题)BPlay00:0000:51Volume第11题Under what circumstance, would he be a best news reporter?A.If he did not play computer games in office.B.If he did not play computer games with friends.C.If he abandoned computer games.D.If no new computer games came out.第12题When was Amanda Berry missing?A.At 17B.At 16C.At 13D.At 60第13题What does the speaker mean?A.Lifestyle habits become rooted when we are teenagers.B.Teenage life is less significant to one´s lifestyle.C.It is more likely to form lifestyle habits during grown-up years.D.We can not form our lifestyle habits when we are teenagers. 第14题What is the statement about?A.Illegal problems in clothing factories.B.Gender problem in clothing factories.C.Security problem in clothing factories.D.Adult labor problem in clothing factories.第15题What can we infer about the issue?A.The issue is no big deal.B.The issue is a domestic affair.C.The issue is not as important as what I think.D.The issue is serious.上一题下一题(16~20/共10题)BPlay00:0001:18Volume第16题How is the poetry?A.I like it very much.B.It´s fantastic.C.It´s not realistic.D.I don´t like it very much.第17题What does the speaker mean?A.Leo knows nothing about film.B.Leo knows well the power of film to reach people´s hearts and minds.C.Leo does not understand people´s hearts and mindsD.There is nothing to reach people´s hearts and minds.第18题Where does the speaker want to travel?A.Travel to the same sites that all tourists visit.B.Travel to those popular sites.C.Travel to the world´s most-visited sites.D.Travel to less popular sites.第19题What happens to young adults?A.They do not move from one place to another place.B.They lead to small scale migration.C.They seek employment in urban centers.D.They miss the extended family.第20题Which is NOT true about the traditional territory of the Poplar River First Nation?A.It is wild and rich.B.It is rich in timber and minerals.C.It includes the Yellowstone Park.D.It is undeveloped.上一题下一题(21~25/共15题)Part ⅡListen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once.Play00:00…Volume第21题What played an important role in pushing cohabitation rates higher?A.Money.cation.C.Social value.D.The Great Recession.第22题Which of the following is NOT the reason why people choose not to marry?A.The price for the wedding is sometimes out of reach.B.Financial security is considered before marriage.C.Housing adds tremendous stress.cation influences their decision about marriage.第23题The connection between education and marriage has some effects. Which of the following is NOT one of them?A.Married couples with college degrees are unwilling to deliver babies.B.They wait longer to get married.C.They do not have enough money to get married.D.The money they earn is different between married couples with college degrees and unmarried couples without college degrees.第24题Who earned about twenty percent more than similar couples who only lived together?A.Married couples in thirty and forty-four with college degrees.B.Married couples in thirty and forty-four without college degrees.C.Married couples in thirty and fifty with college degrees.D.Married couples in thirty and fifty without college degrees.第25题Which of the following statement is NOT true?A.Marriage is becoming less common among people who did not go to college.B.More than half of adults are married, most of whom have college degrees.C.A major difference between couples who get married and couples who do not is money.D.Cohabitation rates decreased for in last year.上一题下一题(26~30/共15题)Part ⅡListen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once.Play00:0003:30Volume第26题How many regions are involved in the international study?A.10B.8C.12D.2第27题What did the scientists from TUM do in the last two years?A.They studied the relationship between organic farming and farmland biodiversity.B.They took measures to support farmland biodiversity.C.They developed organic farming.D.They developed non-organic farming.第28题Which can be inferred from what the TUM´s professor said?A.His finding is true, whether the farm is on arable fields or not.B.His finding might be untrue if the farm is not on arable fields.C.His finding is also true if the farm is on arable fields.D.His finding is always true.第29题Why did the researches focus on small-scale subsistence farms in Uganda?A.To test grass-based cattle farms.B.To test olive farms.C.To make sure that the farming was non-organic.D.To make sure that the farming was organic.第30题Why did the author of this passage said that organic farming benefited the four taxonomic groups of plants, earthworms, spiders and bees?A.Because they are special creatures on farmland.B.Because they are rarely seen on farmland.C.Just because they are chosen as examples to represent the multitude of creatures.D.Just because they are the most frequently studied creatures living on farmland.上一题下一题(31~35/共15题)Part ⅡListen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once.Play00:0003:14Volume第31题Which word can be used to describe economists´ attitude for Africa´s economic future?A.Disappointed.B.Concerned.C.optimistic.D.Indifferent.第32题Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the reason for Africa´s growth?A.Mineral wealth and oil resources.B.Manufacturing.C.Agricultural sector.D.Tourism.第33题According to the African Economic Outlook 2014 report, how much percent of Africa´s trade is made with North America?A.40%.B.25%.C.20%.D.12%.Which of the following statement is NOT correct?A.Africa´s largest trading partner is Europe.B.Many people believe that Africa´s economic development is promoted by mineral and oil resources.C.Clothing, leather, building material, farm tools are among Africa´s exports to other continents.D.Official development assistance is as important as ever for poor African countries.第35题What can we infer from this passage?A.Africa is likely to develop their own television sets, telephones and other mobile technology in the future.B.Africa´s economic growth will lack momentum in the next decade.C.High inflation, especially in energy and food prices, has undermined Africa´s economy for many years.D.African countries will gradually lose their competitive edge.上一题下一题(36~55/共20题)Part ⅢParts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete the passage by filling in each blank space with an appropriate word or words. There are 20 blanks, each carrying one point. You will hear the passage only once.Pla y00:00…VolumeIt has been argued that high rates of education are essential for countries to be able to achieve high levels of economic growth. Empirical analyses tend to support the theoretical__36__that poor countries should grow faster than rich countries because they can__37__cutting edge technologies already__38__by rich countries. However,__39__requires knowledgeable managers and engineers who are able to operate new machines or__40__borrowed from the leader in order to__41__through__42__. Therefore, a country´s ability to learn from the leader is a function of its stock of "human capital". Recent study of the determinants of aggregate__43__has stressed the importance of__44__economic institutions and the role of__45__.At the level of the individual, there is a large literature, generally related to the work of Jacob Mincer, on how earnings are related to the schooling and other human capital. This work has__46__a large number of studies, but is also__47__. The chief controversies__48__how to interpret__49__. Some students who have__50__a high potential for learning, by testing with a high intelligence quotient, may not achieve their full__51__potential, due to__52__.Economists Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis argued in 1976 that there was a__53__conflict in American schooling between the egalitarian goal of__54__and the inequalities implied by the__55__profitability of capitalist production on the other.第36题第37题第38题第39题第40题第42题第43题第44题第45题第46题第47题第48题第49题第50题第51题第52题第53题第54题第55题上一题下一题(1/1)Part ⅣPlay00:00…Volume第56题______________________上一题交卷交卷答题卡答案及解析(1~10/共10题)Part ⅠAPlay00:0003:03Volume[听力原文]June is considered the traditional start of the wedding season. Many couples organize their weddings themselves. But some hire a wedding planner to organize everything for them. Traditionally the bride´s parents pay for the wedding.Couples can have a religious ceremony. Or they can have a civil wedding before a judge or other public official. Or they can have both. The couple might also read special vows they have written for each other.Many ceremonies share common customs. For example, the bride may wear a long white dress and have a white veil over her face. The groom traditionally wears a tuxedo.America is known as a nation of immigrants. Each group brings its own wedding customs and traditions to the mix. But one tradition at most weddings is music. Many people hire D. J. s, disc jockeys, to play recorded dance music. A wedding might also have live music.Some couples want to get married in a famous place like Disneyland. Couples sometimes hold their wedding in a romantic place where they met. Or they choose a place that will not be too far for all the guests to travel. Or they hear about a beautiful place where many other people havegotten married.With a destination wedding, the celebration often lasts three days. The bride and groom invite a small group of guests to travel to some place special for the ceremony. Think of it as a wedding and honeymoon all in one.Thanks to the Internet, couples can make a lot of their wedding preparations online. The future newlyweds can go to stores and choose the gifts they would like to receive. Then their friends and relatives can choose what to buy according to a list on a wedding registry at each store. Some couples planning a wedding create their own Web sites so they can provide information to the people they invite.With all the planning that goes into some weddings, couples should remember one thing: their wedding is over quickly, but their feelings for each other have to last a lifetime.第1题Some couples hire a wedding planner while many organize their wedding themselves.A.正确B.错误参考答案: A 您的答案:未作答答案解析:根据原文“many couples organize their weddings themselves.But some hire a wedding planner to organize everything for them”,大多数夫妇自己筹办婚礼,有些请人帮忙策划,所以题干的信息正确。

真题:1.Unfortunately, they also promote fast food which fits easily into busy lifestyles.2.Environments where passive smoking is unavoidable make it difficult to lead a healthy life.模拟题:1.Fortunately, we know how to handle situations like this.2.This is why it is easier to be passive and keep quiet.真题:Unfortunately, they also promote fast food which fits easily into busy lifestyles.参考答案:不幸的是,他们也推广快餐,快餐很容易融人繁忙的生活方式中。
fast food:快餐。
fit into:(使)适合,适应;符合。
模拟题:Fortunately, we know how to handle situations like this.幸运的是,我们知道如何处理这种情况。
真题:Environments where passive smoking is unavoidable make it difficult to lead a healthy life.参考答案:在被动抽烟不可避免的环境中,过上健康的生活是很困难的。
模拟题:This is why it is easier to be passive and keep quiet. 这就是保持沉默和被动要更容易做到的原因。

成人英语三级考试英汉翻译练习资料(一)to communicate precisely what you want to say.you will frequently need to define key words.a.无论你想说什么,要做到简明扼要,关键就是要对词进行定义。
the company’s cost peaked at us$10 milli on in june before dropping drastically down tous$3million in october.a.之前公司成本在10月份为300万美元。
【答案】c—d—b—a【难点分析】本句的翻译要点在于正确理解动词不定式“to communicate precisely what…”在句中充当目的状语,意为“为了准确表达……”,而句子的主体部分则说明了达到此目的的手段“you will frequently need to…”(需要经常……)。

2014年成人英语三级英汉互译模拟试题(2)-成人英语三级考试1. 一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休。
An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.2. 我最近利用了一点时间采访成功的专业人士,谈谈他们最难忘、最有效的学习经验。
I recently spent time asking effective professionals about their most memorable and effective learning experiences.3. 我的目的,是要找出成人教育的最佳方式。
My goal was to find out what works best when it comes to adult education.4. 那么为什么在适合成人的训练方式与公司的训练部门实际所提供的训练之间会有如此的断层呢?So why is there such a disconnect between what works for adults and is offered by corporate training departments?5. 在世界各地,极少数的训练人员在从事他们的工作时,具备有充分的学习方面的知识。
Very few trainers,in world over,come to their work with much knowledge about learning.6. What I discovered is that adults are remarkably similar in how they learn best:The most unforgettable and transformative learning occurs through personal experience,group support and/or mentoring.(英译汉)我发现,成人学习最有效的方式其实非常类似:最难忘、带来最深远改变的学习经验,均是通过个人的体会、小组支持或者良师的启发。

成人英语三级考试翻译模拟题Direction: This part, numbered 1 through 5, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered 1 through 5, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. Number6 through 10 is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English, complete the sentences on Answer Sheet by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.1.It does not alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay.A)延迟应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的。
2. In the past, human societies tended to adopt values whose aim was to insure that the society would not die out.A)过去,人类社会能够接受价值观的目的在于确保社会不致灭亡。

2013年成人英语三级考试英汉互译练习(13)-成人英语三级考试2013年成人英语三级考试英汉互译练习汇总关于科学技术存在许多争论,其中一个问题是当国家发展现代科学技术时,传统的技术方法是否可能会消亡?There is much discussion over science and technology. One of the questions under debate is whether traditional technology and methods are bound to die out when a country begins to develop modern science and technology.我认为,传统技术方法的消亡不一定是坏事,这是社会进步的自然结果。
As for me,the declining of traditional technology and methods is not a bad thing;it is the natural result of progress of society.首先,传统技术方法有些部分是有害的,并且会阻碍现代科技的发展。
In the first place,some aspects of the traditional technology and methods are harmful and hampering the development of modern technology science.尽管现代科学技术已经证明了这些方法是愚昧的,然而在许多偏僻的地方,仍有成千上万的人们在使用这些方法。
Although modern science and technology have proved that such methods are absurd,there are still millions of people use such methods in many remote places nowadays.第二点,许多传统技术方法已经过时,应被现代科技所取代。

三级笔译模拟试题及答案一、词汇翻译(共20分,每题1分)1. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文:- 可持续发展- 人工智能- 国际贸易- 一带一路- 绿色经济2. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文:- Sustainable development- Artificial intelligence- International trade- Belt and Road Initiative- Green economy二、句子翻译(共40分,每题4分)1. 中译英:- 随着科技的不断进步,我们的生活变得更加便捷。
- 教育是提高一个国家整体素质的关键。
2. 英译中:- With the continuous advancement of technology, our lives have become more convenient.- Education is the key to improving the overall quality of a nation.三、段落翻译(共40分,每题20分)1. 中译英:- 当今世界,经济全球化已经成为不可逆转的趋势。
2. 英译中:- In today's world, economic globalization has become an irreversible trend. Trade and investment between countriesare becoming increasingly frequent, and cultural exchangesare also becoming closer. However, globalization has also brought some challenges, such as environmental issues and the wealth gap.四、翻译实践(共100分,每题50分)1. 中译英:- 随着互联网技术的飞速发展,电子商务已经成为现代经济的重要组成部分。

2010-11 (B)81. 这部电影我已经看过好几遍了。
82. 这就是他五年前住过的房子。
83. 在房子前面的大树下放着一张桌子。
84. 他二十七岁时开始学英语。
85. 全球化也正在改变人们的生活方式。
2010-5 A81今天早上他起床晚了,所以没有赶上火车。
85.我父亲在找工作,我母亲在医院照看外祖母2009-11 A81. 我们期待和你一起工作。
82. 他一到上海就给我打了一个长途电话。
83. 你知道会议开始的确切时间吗?84. 她将成功归因于努力工作。
85. 村里的每个人都喜欢他,因为他对人很友好。
2009.4.1881. 他们5年前搬走了,但我们还保持联系。
82. 看起来这封信是在匆忙中写成的。
83. 在得到更多细节之前,我想避免跟他说话。
84. 每当听到这首歌时,我就会想起你。
85. 由于很多学生缺席,我们不得不将会议延期。
2008.11.22(A卷)81. 我想说的是,在奥运会上做志愿者(volunteer)对于年轻人是有意义的事。
82. 简而言之,每个人都应该为自己的行为负责。
83. 我下决心一个月之内在功课上要赶上同学们。
84. 在我看来,他们很难掩盖事实真相。
85. 直到会议结束那位经理一直保持沉默不语。

2021成人英语三级英汉互译模拟试题2021成人英语三级英汉互译模拟试题:1. 我认为年轻人应该能够有自己作决定的自由和空间。
I think young people should have the freedom and the space to make their own decisions.2. 因为奥运会规模越来越大,为了绝大部分的城市将没有水平举办。
The Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in future.3. 当奥运会结束后,所有累积的专业经验就消失,使下一届主办城市必须一切从零开始。
Currently, once the Games are finished, all the gathered expertise vanishes and the next city has to begin from scratch.4. 除了一般大学水准的课程之外,卢浮学院也提供大众免费的夜间艺术史课程。
The Ecole du Louvre, in addition to its regular university-level curricula, offers free public evening classes in art history.5. 你会相信咖啡有助于保护你的脑部免收一种危险的退化性疾病的侵袭吗?Would you believe coffee and help protect your brain from a dangerous degenerative disease?6. The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until closing time, watching the sun illuminate the stained glass panes deep red, blue, gold, and a near blinding white. On the way out, someone coughs, and the sound goes on and on—acoustics in this chapel are remarkable.(英译汉)我们俩坐在椅子上向上及四周凝视直到教堂关门,看着太阳照亮窗格中的彩色玻璃,有深红、蓝色、金色,及眩目的白色。

大学英语三级模拟翻译—英译汉试题集一、大学英语三级翻译英译汉1. us of the overcharge on your account and we have contacted the store on your behalf and are awaiting their reply.A) 承蒙告知您受到恶意透支的指控,我们已经派代表与商店联系并正在等待回音。
B) 承蒙告知您的帐户存在问题,我们已经和商店联系过并正在等待他们的回答。
C) 承蒙告知您的帐户被多扣款一事,我们已代您与商店联系,正在等待他们回复。
D) 承蒙告知有人指控您恶意透支,我们代表商店向您致歉,请您等待他们的答复。
【答案】C2. professional hair—care products indicates that consumers are paying as much attention to their hair as to their skin.A) 专业护发产品的增加表明消费者既关心护发,也关心护肤。
B) 专业护发产品销量的增加表明消费者既重视护肤,也重视护发。
C) 随着美发行业的发展,消费者越来越重视美发和护肤。
D) 随着美发行业的发展,消费者认为美发和护肤同等重要。
【答案】B3. During the meeting held in Brazil last month the supporters of free economic policies could benefit all nations.A) 支持者上个月在巴西召开自由贸易会议,他们辩称这些经济政策有利于所有的国家。
B) 上月在巴西召开的会议上自由贸易的支持者辩称,这些经济政策会使所有国家都受益。
C) 自由贸易的支持者在上个月召开巴西会议时提出了这些经济政策,以帮助所有国家。
D) 在上个月的会议上,政策是否有利于所有国家展开了辩论。
【答案】B4. The game industry as part of the entertainment business is catching up fast with movies and TVs in terms of both popularity and yearly profit.A) 游戏业和娱乐业一样,在受欢迎的程度和年收入方面都飞快超越了电影和电视。

2021成人英语三级考试英汉互译模拟试卷1.The price is fairly cheap for such a big house,but you have to take into account the money you’ll spend on repairs.A.对这么一幢大房子来说,这价格虽然相当便宜,但你还得考虑维修费用。
cking further hard evidence of the bombing itself,the police could hardly tell who might be responsible.A.因为警方难以确定此爆炸事件的负责人,所以进一步的取证工作很难实行。
3.ne marketing manager has little confidence in talking the board of directors out of the plan about the launchirig of a new product.A.销售经理太缺乏信心,根本不可能说服董事会停止谈论推出新产品之事。
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1. 我认为年轻人应该能够有自己作决定的自由和空间。
I think young people should have the freedom and the space to make their own decisions.
2. 由于奥运会规模越来越大,为了大多数的城市将没有能力举办。
The Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in future.
3. 当奥运会结束后,所有累积的专业经验就消失,使下一届主办城市必须一切从零开始。
Currently,once the Games are finished,all the gathered expertise vanishes and the next city has to begin from scratch.
4. 除了一般大学程度的课程之外,卢浮学院也提供大众免费的夜间艺术史课程。
The Ecole du Louvre,in addition to its regular university-level curricula,offers free public evening classes in art history.
5. 你会相信咖啡有助于保护你的脑部免收一种危险的退化性疾病的侵袭吗?
Would you believe coffee and help protect your brain from a dangerous degenerative disease?
6. The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until
closing time,watching the sun illuminate the stained glass panes deep red,blue,gold,and a near blinding white. On the way out,someone coughs,and the sound goes on and on—acoustics in this chapel are remarkable.(英译汉)