
Unit 1 材料的种类(1)材料的分类方法很多。
Metals and Metal Alloys 金属和金属合金金属和金属合(4)金属有好的导电好导热性,很多金属有高的强度,高硬度和高的延展性。

机械工程英语第二版叶邦彦陈统坚主编Casting is a manufacturing process in which molten metal is poured or injected and allowed to solidify in a suitably shaped mold cavity. During or after cooling, the cast part is removed from the mold and then processed for delivery.铸造是一种将熔化的金属倒入或注入合适的铸模腔并且在其中固化的制造工艺。
Casting processes and cast-material technologies vary from simple to highly complex. Material and process selection depends on the part’s complexity and function, the product’s quality specifications, and the projected cost level.铸造工艺和铸造材料技术从简单到高度复杂变化很大。
Castings are parts that are made close to their final dimensions by a casting process. With a history dating back 6,000 years, the various casting processes are in a state of continuous refinement and evolution as technological advances are being made.通过铸造加工,铸件可以做成很接近它们的最终尺寸。
机械工程专业英语教程第2版Lesson 2

Rotary Motion. The motion that is commonly transmitted is rotary motion. This type of motion may be produced with hand tools or power tools. Rotary motion is required to drill holes, turn parts in a lathe, mill surfaces, or drive a generator or fan belt.[4] 4. rotary motion 意为“回转运动”。全句可译为: 钻孔、在车床上车削零件、铣平面、驱动发电机或风扇的 带等都需要回转运动。
Harmonic and Intermittent Motion.[6] Any simple vibration, such as the regular back-and-forth movement of the end of a pendulum, is simple harmonic motion.[7] 6. harmonic and intermittent motion 意为谐和运动和间歇运 动”。 7. simple harmonic motion 意为“简谐运动”。全句可译 为 : 任何简单的振动,例如摆的下端有规律的往复运动是简 谐运动。
Rectilinear Motion. The feed of a tool on a lathe, the cutting of steel on a power saw, or the shaping of materials are all situations in which rectilinear or straight line motion produces work. In each of these situations a part or mechanism is used to change rotary motion to straight line motion. The screw of a micrometer and the threads in a nut are still other applications where the direction of motion is changed from rotary to rectilinear.[5] 5. the screw of a micrometer 意为“千分尺中的螺杆”全句 可译为: 千分尺中的螺杆和螺母中的螺纹是把运动方向从转动变 为直线的另外一些应用实例。
Basic Concept in MechanicsThe branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions , time , and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts , statics and dynamics , Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems , i.e. , those in which time is not a factor , and dynamics deals with systems which change with time .对运动、时间和作用力做出科学分析的分支称为力学。
When a number of bodies are connected together to form a group or system , the forces of action and reaction between any two of the connecting bodies are called constraint forces . These forces constrain the bodies to behave in a specific manner . Forces external to this system of bodies are called applied forces .当一些物体连接在一起形成一个组合体或者系统时,任何两个相连接的物体之间的作用力和反作用力被称为约束力。

•Types of Materials材料的类型Materials may be grouped in several ways. Scientists often classify materials by their state: solid, liquid, or gas. They also separate them into organic (once living) and inorganic (never living) materials.材料可以按多种方法分类。
For industrial purposes, materials are divided into engineering materials or nonengineering materials. Engineering materials are those used in manufacture and become parts of products.就工业效用而言,材料被分为工程材料和非工程材料。
Nonengineering materials are the chemicals, fuels, lubricants, and other materials used in the manufacturing process, which do not become part of the product.非工程材料则是化学品、燃料、润滑剂以及其它用于加工制造过程但不成为产品组成部分的材料。
Engineering materials may be further subdivided into: ①Metal ②Ceramics ③Composite ④Polymers, etc.工程材料还能进一步细分为:①金属材料②陶瓷材料③复合材料④聚合材料,等等。

互联网上有很多免费的机械工程 学习资源,如视频教程和在线课 程。
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机械工程专业英语教程第 2版
这本教程是以机械工程为背景的英语学习材料。旨在提供清晰的教学目标, 有趣的教学内容,并鼓励学生探索机械工机械工程是一门研究物体运 动和能量转换的学科,涉及 设计、制造和维护各种机械 系统。
通过本教程,你将学习和掌 握机械工程领域的专业术语、 概念和技能。
本教程适用于任何对机械工 程感兴趣的学生、工程师和 职业人士。
1 掌握专业术语

In the field of mechanical engineering
• Mechanical engineers work in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, energy, manufacturing, and more.
Mechanical Engineering Professional English Tutorial 2nd Edition
目 录
• introduce • Fundamentals of Mechanical
Engineering • Professional vocabulary and
expressions • Professional literature reading and
在保证准确性的前提下,使译文 流畅自然,符合中文的表达习惯, 易于读者理解。
05 Practical application and case analysis
Mechanical Design Cases

三、课程内容本课程的内容主要分为三个部分:1. 机械工程英语基础本部分主要通过课堂讲解,阅读文章,听力练习等形式让学生掌握机械工程英语的基本词汇、语法、句型,并且提高学生的听力、口语等方面的技能。
2. 机械工程方面的国外材料本部分的内容将由学生自行阅读国外的一些知名机械工程材料,比如《Applied Mechanics Reviews》等,主要通过书面阅读和理解这些材料,提高学生的英语阅读能力,同时学生也可以在学习过程中对他们自己的研究有更深刻的认识。
3. 机械工程英语交流本部分的内容主要是通过课堂上的交流环节,让学生将自己的学习成果进行分享,较为形象地展示了学生对机械工程方面英语读、写、听、说方面的掌握情况。
四、评估方式本课程的评估方式分为两个部分:1. 学生个人书面作业学生需要完成一系列的书面作业,这些作业以学生对机械工程英语方面的阅读、写作、翻译为主,估计分为期中评估和期末评估两部分。
2. 课堂交流和讨论学生需要在课堂上分享自己的学习成果,与同学进行交流和讨论,以此来了解同学们对机械工程英语方面的掌握情况。

机械⼯程英语第2版叶邦彦Unit15Unit 15Unconventional Machining Processes (Ⅰ)1.Electrical-machining Processes2.Electro-discharge Machining3.Electrochemical Machining4.Ultrasonic [超声波的] Machining1. Electrical-machining ProcessesElectrical-machining processes can be divided into three main types, although each is further modified in individual application.1.Electrical-discharge machining (EDM)2.Electrochemical [电化学的] machining(ECM)3.Electrolytic [电解的] grinding2. Electro-discharge MachiningThe erosive [腐蚀性的] action of electric sparks has longbeen known. Two recent discoveries, however, have madespark-cutting practical.[3]●The first is that a DC spark causes greater erosion of theelectrode connected to the positive pole of the powersupply—very important, if tool wear is to be minimizedand the work erosion [蚀除] rate maximized.[4]●The second is that the rate of erosion by the spark isgreatly increased if it is made to take place in a liquidrather than air.The electro-discharge machining (EDM) circuit must consist of certain basic elements and possess certain characteristics.Fig.1 Basic Electro-discharge system3. Electrochemical MachiningElectrochemicalmachining (ECM)isbasically the reverse ofelectroplating [电镀].These are shownschematically in Fig.2.Fig.2 Schematic illustration of theelectrochemical machining process4. Ultrasonic MachiningFig.3 Schematic diagram of an ultrasonic machining operationElectrical Discharge MachiningEDM is a machining method primarily used for hard metals or those that would be impossible to machine with traditionaltechniques. One critical limitation, however, is that EDM only works with materials that are electrically conductive. EDM can cut small or odd-shaped angles, intricate contours or cavities in extremely hard steel and exotic metals such as titanium [钛], hastelloy,kovar, inconel and carbide.Electrochemical MachiningRemoving excess metal by electrolytic dissolution [溶解],effected by the tool acting as the cathode against the workpiece acting as the anode. Abbreviated [微型的] ECM. Also known as electrolytic machining.Electrolytic GrindingA combined grinding and machining operation in whichthe abrasive, cathodic [阴极的] grinding wheel is in contact with the anodic workpiece beneath the surface of anelectrolyte. Also known as electrochemical grinding.Notes1. Another modern process is chemical etching,which,unlike theoters ,was developed primarily for producing integral shapes in soft materials,namely,aluminium alloys,for the aircraft industry.句意:另⼀种现代加⼯⽅法是化学刻蚀法,与其他⽅法不同,它原来是为⽤软材料即铝合⾦、为飞机⼯业⽣产形状复杂的整体零件⽽开发的。

例如,在产品设计期间,交互式的计算机辅助设计系统使得 完成绘图和分析工作所需要的时间比原来减少了几倍,而且 精确程度得到了很大的提高。此外,用于样机的试验与评价
The instantaneous updating of production-control data permits better planning and more effective scheduling. Expensive equipment, therefore, is used more productively, and parts move more efficiently through production,
计算机正在将制造业带入信息时代。计算机长期以来在商 业和管理方面得到了广泛的应用,它正在作为一种新的工 具进入到工厂中,而且它如同蒸汽机在200多年前使制造
The computer is the key to meet these requirements. It is the only tool that can provide the quick reflexes, the flexibility and speed, to meet a diversified market. And it is the only tool that enables the detailed analysis and the accessibility of accurate data necessary for the integration of the manufacturing system.
机械工程英语第2版叶邦彦PART I Unit-16

under proper conditions light energy of a particular frequency is used to stimulate the electrons in an atom to emit additional light with exactly the same characteristics of the original light source.
Jet-nozzle [喷嘴] diameters range between 0.05 mm and 1 mm (0.002 in. and 0.04 i can be cut, including
plastics, fabrics, rubber, wood products, paper, leather, insulating [绝缘的] materials, brick, and composite materials.
Fig.1 Schematic set up of a laser drilling operation
Laser beams are also used for the following:
(1) Welding
(2) Small-scale and localized heat treating of metals and ceramics to modify their surface mechanical and tribological [摩擦学的] properties
➢ A machining process in which heat is produced by a focused electron beam at a sufficiently high temperature to volatilize [挥发] and thereby remove metal in a desired manner; takes place in a vacuum. Abbreviated EBM.
机械工程英语第二版(叶邦彦 陈统坚主编)第二部分书后翻译

Unit 1 计算机技术1、The central and essential ingredient of GAD/CAM is the digital computer. CAD/CAM的核心部分是数字计算机。
2、Sinfnal conditioners,which filter random electrical noise and smooth the signal emanating from transducting devices.信号调整器,它可以过滤掉杂乱的电噪声,并可修整、平滑由传感装置送出的模拟信号。
3、A pulse counter is used to convert the pulse trains into a digital representation ,which is then aplied to the computer”s input channel. 脉冲计数器可将脉冲串转换为一种数字代码,以适合于计算机输入通道。
4、This results from the shared nature of the communication lines.这来自通信线的共享特性。
5、messages to a specific computer are usually transmitted to all computers in the network,with the addressee decoding its address and accdot the information.送往某特定计算机的信息,一般都传送到网络中的所有计算机,同时由信息接收计算机译出地址码并接收信息。
6、In a network,all computers are connected and communicated with each other according to some kinds of enacthed regulations or agreement,which are called"network protocols".在网络中,所有计算机都根据一些规则和协议进行连接和通信,规则和协议称为网络协议。
机械工程英语第二版叶邦彦 教材词汇

Unit 1Advanced Engineering MaterialsCeramic 陶瓷Organic 有机的Inorganic 无机的Composite 复合材料Lubricant 润滑剂Alloy 合金Conuctivity 传导性Stiffness 刚度Ductility 韧性Cobalt 钴Nickel 镍Aluminum 铝Beverange 饮料Chromium 铬Impact 撞击力Polymer 聚合材料Atom 原子Atomic 原子的Magnisum 镁Flaw 裂纹Nick 刻痕Dent 压痕Shatter 毁损Crumple 皱折Valence 化合价Fracture toughness 断裂韧性Be grouped 归类Be divided into 划分Plastic deformation 塑性变形Be subdivided into 细分,再分Separate …into…分开,分类Unit2Heat Treatment of MetalsHardening 淬火Carbide 硬质合金Preliminary 初步的Specimen 样品Microscopic 显微镜的Rate 速率Flow 流动Exterior 外部Interior 内部Definite 确切的Uniform 一致的Eliminate 排除Warp 变形,扭曲Crack 开裂Partially 部分的Eutectoid 共析的Pearlite 珠光体Cementite 渗碳体Anneal 退火Medium 媒介Brine 盐水Finite 有限的Drawing 轧制Tensile 可拉长的Martensite 马氏体Precipitation 析出、沉淀Agglomeration 凝聚Coalescence 联合,聚并Substantial 大量的Austempering 奥氏回火法Martempering 马氏回火法Critical range 临界范围,临界期Heat quench 热淬火All the more 更加Close control 精确控制Unit 3 CastingProcessesBronze 青铜Brass 黄铜Molten 熔铸的Synthetic 合成的,人造的Pattern 模子Sprue 浇注口Runner 浇道Approximate 近似的Duplicate 复制品Aggregate 集合,总计Flask 沙箱Core 型芯Riser 冒口V oid 空隙Shrink 收缩Cope 上箱Drag 下箱Facilitate 使便利Draft 拔模余量Angular 有角度的Offset 偏移Vertical 垂直的Minimum 最小值Horizontal 水平的Portion 部分Gateway浇口Vent 通气孔Contraction 收缩Linear 线性的Shrinkage 缩水,收缩Sand casting 砂型铸造Core print 型芯头Parting line 分型线Parting face 分型面Machining(finish)allowance加工余量Unit4 2ForgingProcessescomprehensive 有压力的comprise 包含anvil 铁砧semimechanized 半机械化的elongation 拉伸lateral 横向的upsetting 顶锻bar 棒料axially 轴向的complexity 复杂性giant 巨大的hydraulically 液压的marine 航海的,船舶的propeller 螺旋推进器shaft 轴squeeze 挤,压榨ingot 锭铁refine 精炼randomly 随便地,未加计划地oriented 导向的,使适应,使确定方向porosity 多孔性hot-forming 热成型open-die forging 开模锻造close-die forging 闭模锻造jet-aircraft 喷气式飞机marine propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴drop-forge 冲锻,落锤锻造be oriented in 定……的方位Unit 5 Power Metallurgysinter 烧结coalesce 熔合ferrous 铁的,含铁的resultant 因而发生的,必然产生的homogeneous 同类的,相似的,均一的compromise 折衷的blend 混合glue 胶水theoretical 理论上的segregation 隔离diffusion 扩散,传播article 物品fabrication 编造,虚构捏造,伪造whilst 同时,时时bush 衬套bearing 轴承ferrous and nonferrousmetals 黑色及有色金属bush type bearing 滑动轴承a mass of 一堆,块,大量,大批,众多Unit 6 InjectionMoldingresin 树脂woven 机织织物mat 席子molecule 分子entity 实体,机构analogy 类似,类推,模拟,比喻differentiate 区别,区分thermoset 热固性incident 入射光opaque 不透明的solvent 溶剂fatigue 疲劳polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯transparent 透明的abrasive 研磨剂qualitatively 定性地beam 横梁specimen 样本deflection 挠度,偏差chamical bond 化学键impact strength 冲击强度incident light 入射光short-chopped fiber短纤维Unit 7 Metal Cuttingnormal 垂直的rake条,货架clearance 间隙,裕量backup 阻塞dissipation 消散rub 摩擦severe 严重的, 剧烈的adjacent 邻近的revolution 周期stroke 冲程,行程schematically 用图示法地elastically 有弹性地shear 剪切considerable 不可忽视的,相当大的curvature 弯曲,曲率rake angle 前角rake face 前刀面mild steel 中碳钢clearance angle 后角flank face 后刀面feed rate 进给量chip curl 切屑螺旋Unit 8 Grindingabrasive 有研磨作用的cylindrical 圆柱的spindle 转轴horizontal水平的vertical 竖直的planer 刨床reciprocating 往复式table 工作台periphery 圆周,边缘fixture 工件夹具chuck 吸盘center 顶尖transverse 横向的longitudinal 纵向的strap n.带, 皮带;vt. (用皮带)捆扎damp 夹紧,夹住planetary 行星的spin 使转动tilt 倾斜的resolve 分解parallel 平行的milling cutter 铣刀cylindrical surface 柱面cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床strap clamp 压板cylindrical grinding外圆磨削internal grinding 内圆磨削depth of cut 背吃刀量plunge cut 切入磨削rest blade 托板rubber-bonded 橡胶胶合Unit 9 Lappingand Polishinglapping 研磨polishing 抛光lap 研具embedded 压入的slurry 悬浮液piston 活塞cylinder 汽缸peak 凸峰valley 凹陷scratch 划痕pit 凹坑,蚀坑plateau 平台,高原spherical 球面的curvy 弯曲的lustrous 有光泽的mechanism 机构,机械装置smear 磨平,抹平electropolishing 电解抛光electroplating 电镀ion 离子electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解质,电解液anodic 阳极的catholic 阴极的dissolution 溶解,融化fabrication 制造,生产,加工wafer 薄板resilient 有回弹力的reagent 试剂silicon 硅multiphase 多方面的dynamic 动力desorption解吸附作用compositive 合成的cast iron 生铁,铸铁,machining mark 机械加工痕迹surface irregularity 表面不平度mountain ranges 山脉ground down 碾碎glass lenses 玻璃透镜fine scale 精密标度mirror-like 镜似的finishing techniques 加工技巧direct electrical current 直流电metallic salt 金属盐类chemical mechanical polishing化学机械抛光damage-free 不受损伤integrated circuit 集成电路active compound 有效成分oxidation-reductive 氧化还原的Unit10 Surface。

Types of Materi als材料的类型Materials may be grouped in several ways. Scientists often classify materials by their state: solid, liqui d, or gas. They also separate them into organic (once living) and inorganic (never living) materials.材料可以按多种方法分类。
For industrial purposes, materials are divided into engineering materials or nonengineering materials. Engin e ering materials are those used in manufacture and become parts of products.就工业效用而言,材料被分为工程材料和非工程材料。
Nonengineering materials are the chemicals, fuels, lubricants, and other materials used in the manufacturing proce s s, which do not become part of the product.非工程材料则是化学品、燃料、润滑剂以及其它用于加工制造过程但不成为产品组成部分的材料。

机械工程英语(第11单元)Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Technologies快速原型制造和快速制造技术Introduction介绍Manufacturing community is facing two important challenging tasks:(1)Substantial reduction of production development times; and (2) Improvement on flexibility for manufacturing multi-variety and small batch-size products. Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD and Cam) have significantly improved the traditional production design and manufacturing. However, there are a number of obstacles in true integration of computer-design with computer-aided manufacturing for rapid development of new products.制造社会面临两个重要的艰巨任务:1大幅度减少产品开发时间,以及改善对弹性制造多品种,小批量大小的产品。
To substantially shorten the time for developing patterns, and prototypes, some manufacturing enterprises have started to use rapid prototypes(RP)methods for complex patterns making and component prototyping. Over the past few years, A varietyof new rapid manufacturing theologies, generally called Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing ,have emerged; the technologies developed include stereo lithography(SL),selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modeling(FSM),laminated object manufacturing(LOM),and three dimensional printing (3D Printing)。

1.With low-power machinery or vehicles the operator can usually apply sufficient force through a simple mechanical linkage from the pedle or handle to the stationary part of the brake. In many cases, however, this force must be multiplied by using an elaborate braking system.(P5)用低能机器或传力工具,操作者通过向踏板或把手的一个简单机械连接构件作用足够的力量到车闸固定的部分。
2. The fundamental principle involved is the use of compressed air acting through a piston in a cylinder to set block brakes on the wheels. The action is simultaneous on the wheels of all the cars in the train. The compressed air is carried through a strong hose from car to car with couplings between cars; its release to all the separate block brake units, at the same time, is controlled by the engineer. (Braking Systems)(P5)相关的基本原理是使用压缩气体,通过气缸内的活塞将闸块压在车轮起作用。

机械工程英语第二版第二部分翻译Unit 1Introduction前言The central and essential ingredient of GAD/CAMis the digital computer.〔1〕Its inherent speed and storage capacity have made it possible to achieve the advances in image processing, real-time process control, and a multitude of other important functions that are simply too complex and time-consuming to perform manually. To understand CAD/CAM it is important to be familiar with the concepts and technology of the digital computerCAD/CAM的重要组成部分是数字计算机,它固有的速度以及存储能力似的它能够在图像处理,实时过程控制以及很多因太复杂太费时而人工无法完成的其他重要功能方面获得进步,要想懂得CAD/CAM,熟悉数字电脑的概念和技术是很重要的.The modern digital computer is an electronic machine that can perform mathematical and logical calculations and data processing functions in accordance with a predetermined program of instructions. The computer itself is referred to as hardware, whereas the various programs are referred to as software.现在数字计算机是一部能够根据预定的程序来完成数字和逻辑运算以及数据处理功能的电子设备,计算机本身称为硬件,而各种各样的程序称为软件There are three basic hardware components of a general-purpose digital computer; 一般用途的数字计算机由三种基本硬件组成.Central processing unit (CPU) 微处理器.Memory存储器.Input/output ( I/0 )section输入/输出设备The relationship of these three components is illustrated in Fig. 1.1. The central processing unit is often considered to consist of two subsections; a control unit and an arithmetic-logic unit (ALU). 这三个组成部分的关系如图1.1所示,中央处理器通常被认为包含两部分:一个控制器和一个运算器.The control unit coordinates the operations of all the other components. 控制器控制所有其他组成部分的运输。

Unit 12 Nanomaterial and micro-machine纳米材料与微型机械Nanomaterial [纳米材料]Nanomaterials represent today’s frontier in the development of novel advanced materials and present great promises and opportunities for a new generation of materials with improved and tailorable properties for applications in sensors, optoelectronics, energy storage, separation and catalysis.Applications of NanomaterialsThe first technological uses of these materials were as catalysts [催化剂] and pigments [颜料].In microelectronics, It would be ideal if the switching occurred with the motion of a single electron.In addition to technology, nanomaterials are also interesting systems for basic scientific investigations.Micro-machine1. IntroductionMany people may think that the smaller machines are easier to make. However, it is actually difficult to invent a small machine that will be significant to human beings. Here gives a possible reason.In addition to micro-machining, the development of micro-machines requires a number of technologies including materials, instrumentation, control, energy, information processing, and design.2. Micro-machine as Gentle MachinesThe most unique feature of a micro-machine is its small size. Micro-machines do not affect the object or the environment as much as conventional machines do. They perform their tasks gently.3. Micro-electronics and Mechatronics [机电一体化]The concept of micro-machines and related technologies is still not adequately unified , as these are still at the development stage .The micro-machines and related technologies are currently referred to by a variety of different terms.4. The Evolution of Machines and MicromachinesEver since the Industrial Revolution, machine systems have grown larger and larger in the course of their evolution.Only very recently has evolution in the opposite direction begun, with the appearance of mechatronics.The next target in miniaturization [微型化] of machine systems is miniaturization of the structural parts left untouched by present mechatronics.Notes1. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology have become a magic word in modernsociety. Nanomaterials repres ent today’s frontier in the development of novel advanced materials and present great promises and opportunities for a newgeneration of materials with improved and tailorable properties for applications in sensors, optoelectronics, energy storage, separation and catalysis.纳米材料和纳米技术已成为现代社会一个具有魔幻色彩的词汇。
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机械工程英语第二版第一单元• Types of Materials材料的类型Materials may be grouped in several ways. Scientists often classify materials by their state: solid, liquid, or gas. They also separate them into organic (once living) and inorganic (never living) materials.材料可以按多种方法分类。
For industrial purposes, materials are divided into engineering materials or nonengineering materials. Engineering materials are those used in manufacture and become parts of products.就工业效用而言,材料被分为工程材料和非工程材料。
Nonengineering materials are the chemicals, fuels, lubricants, and other materials used in the manufacturing process, which do not become part of the product.非工程材料则是化学品、燃料、润滑剂以及其它用于加工制造过程但不成为产品组成部分的材料。
Engineering materials may be further subdividedinto: ?Metal ?Ceramics ?Composite ?Polymers,etc.工程材料还能进一步细分为:?金属材料?陶瓷材料?复合材料 ?聚合材料,等等。
• Metals and Metal Alloys金属和金属合金Metals are elements that generally have good electrical and thermal conductivity. Many metals have high strength, high stiffness, and have good ductility.金属就是通常具有良好导电性和导热性的元素。
Some metals, such as iron, cobalt and nickel, are magnetic. At low temperatures, some metals and intermetallic compounds become superconductors.某些金属能被磁化,例如铁、钴和镍。
What is the difference between an alloy and a pure metal? Pure metals are elements which come from a particular area of the periodic table. Examples of pure metals include copper in electrical wires and aluminum in cooking foil and beverage cans.合金与纯金属的区别是什么,纯金属是在元素周期表中占据特定位置的元素。
Alloys contain more than one metallic element. Their properties can be changed by changing the elements present in the alloy. Examples ofmetal alloys include stainless steel which is an alloy of iron, nickel, and chromium; and gold jewelry which usually contains an alloy of gold and nickel. 合金包含不止一种金属元素。
Why are metals and alloys used? Many metals and alloys have high densities and are used in applications which require a high mass-to-volume ratio.为什么要使用金属和合金,许多金属和合金具有高密度,因此被用在需要较高质量体积比的场合。
Some metal alloys, such as those based on aluminum, have low densities and are used in aerospace applications for fuel economy. Many alloys also have high fracture toughness, which means they can withstand impact and are durable.某些金属合金,例如铝基合金,其密度低,可用于航空航天以节约燃料。
What are some important properties of metals?Density is d efined as a material’s mass divided by its volume. Most metals have relatively high densities, especially compared to polymers.金属有哪些重要特性,密度定义为材料的质量与其体积之比。
Materials with high densities often contain atoms with high atomic numbers, such as gold or lead. However,1some metals such as aluminum or magnesium have low densities, andare used in applications that require other metallic properties but also require low weight.高密度材料通常由较大原子序数原子构成,例如金和铅。
Fracture toughness can be described as a material’s ability toavoid fracture, especially whena flaw is introduced. Metals can generally contain nicks and dents without weakening very much, and are impact resistant. A football player count s on this when he trusts that his facemask won’t shatter.断裂韧性可以描述为材料防止断裂特别是出现缺陷时不断裂的能力。
Plastic deformation is the ability of bend or deform before breaking. As engineers, we usually design materials s o that they don’t deform under normal conditions. You don’t want your car to leanto the east after a strong west wind.塑性变形就是在断裂前弯曲或变形的能力。
However, sometimes we can take advantage of plastic deformation. The crumple zones in a car absorb energy by undergoing plastic deformation before they break.然而,有时我们也能利用塑性变形。
The atomic bonding of metals also affects their properties. In metals, the outer valence electrons are shared among all atoms, and are free to travel everywhere. Since electrons conduct heat and electricity, metals make good cooking pans and electrical wires.金属的原子连结对它们的特性也有影响。
It is impossible to see through metals, since these valenceelectrons absorb any photons of light which reach the metal. No photons pass through.因为这些阶电子吸收到达金属的光子,所以透过金属不可能看得见。