经贸英语报刊阅读教程课件 Unit 11


报刊英语Unit 11

报刊英语Unit 11

Bye-Bye burgers
Sit-down restaurant Sit-down meals 在饭店里有侍者waiter/waitress伺候的叫sit-down

meal I much prefer a sit down meal, and can't stand buffets and rarely if ever attend them. 创造(词汇) Coin Coin, head, tail, banknote, bill, paper money
Bye-Bye burgers
…的混合 A hybrid of The vice-presidency is a hybrid of administrative and
legislative offices. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate (参议院议长), but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. The vice president presides over meetings of the Senate but cannot vote unless there is a tie. The Constitution gives no other official duties to the vice president. 众议院议长 House Speaker
Bye-Bye burgers
Underperforming restaurants
In any group, you will find overachievers and

Unit 11(商务英语阅读教程1)ppt课件

Unit 11(商务英语阅读教程1)ppt课件
6.有些企业主要通过营销手段使受众相信它们是环境友好型 的企业,而实际上并没有做很多使其有别于其他企业的实 事。“绿色粉饰”就是用来描述这一类企图的。
7.尽管滥用脆弱的环境具有潜在的灾难性后果,许多公司在 涉及环保问题时还是不愿去做领路先锋。
8.虽然充斥着那么多通常由记者和官方数据编制的令人费解 的信息,消费者却在苦精恼选,202向1版人课件寻求他们需要的信息和答11 案。
1. What is “biomimicry”? Please relate the definition with a specific example.
2. Find an example of eco-friendly company and prepare to give a presentation in class.
3. Read Text B
Text B: The Wellness Boom
Structure Part I:Helping consumers to lead healthy lifestyles
is becoming a big business. 1. Case of Canyon Ranch 2. Competitiveness of the wellness industry 3. Case of Revolution Part II:Doing well by helping you feel good: 1.The reasons for the rise of the wellness industry 2.The difficulties many wellness firms facing
4. What are the reasons behind the rise of the wellness industry?

Unit11 经贸英语

Unit11 经贸英语

第7段翻译 段翻译
就中国现状而言,扩大高科技产品的出口是必要且比较实际的。 就中国现状而言,扩大高科技产品的出口是必要且比较实际的。新中 国建立以来数十年的发展, 国建立以来数十年的发展,使得本国具备了相关的齐全的科研和产业 体系,以及在各领域的能力强高水平的研发人员,这些都使得中国可 体系,以及在各领域的能力强高水平的研发人员, 以在许多科技领域进行独立研究。这些努力带来的很多成就, 以在许多科技领域进行独立研究。这些努力带来的很多成就,形成了 本国一个可喜的生产力水平。目前,本国的高科技出口产品, 本国一个可喜的生产力水平。目前,本国的高科技出口产品,主要由 电脑、电信、电子工业以及生物科研产品”组成, “电脑、电信、电子工业以及生物科研产品”组成,由于这些产品的 技术优势,它们已经拥有了一个广阔的海外市场。 技术优势,它们已经拥有了一个广阔的海外市场。 3个例子: 个例子: 个例子 程序控制的电话交换系统, 例1:SJD04程序控制的电话交换系统,1996年在俄罗斯获得进网许 : 程序控制的电话交换系统 年在俄罗斯获得进网许 可证,并且,这种出口的电话接线的接入量已经达到了900万。例2: 可证,并且,这种出口的电话接线的接入量已经达到了 万 : 由曙光信息产业有限公司开发生产的,属于曙光系列中的, 由曙光信息产业有限公司开发生产的,属于曙光系列中的,高性能的 电脑系统。此系统已经远销埃及并引起了海外的广泛关注。 电脑系统。此系统已经远销埃及并引起了海外的广泛关注。例3:此 : 外,由中国科学院开发的人造水晶也是符合国际先进水平的高科技产 远销欧、 日等国。 品,远销欧、美、日等国。
段单词、 第9段单词、词组: 段单词 词组: MOFTEC对外经济贸易委员会 对外经济贸易委员会 Jointly共同地、联合地 共同地、 共同地 Formulate制定出 制定出 Promulgate宣布,公布,传播 宣布, 宣布 公布, Enact制定 Enact制定 Preferential优惠的 优惠的 State council国务院 国务院 Grant授权,准予,承认 授权, 授权 准予, Keep abreast of与…并列,不落后于,符合 并列, 与 并列 不落后于, Accelerate促进 促进 Industrialization工业化 工业化

Unit 11经贸英语文章选读ppt(董晓波主编)

Unit 11经贸英语文章选读ppt(董晓波主编)

• Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. • 1. In this regard from the management company, is the pressure on the domestic market. • 2. These two exhibitions with the cooperation of China International Exhibition Center. • 3. Energy is the power that drives every human being. It is not lost by exertion but maintained by it, for it is a faculty of the psyche.
• Words & Expressions: • 1. accelerate [ ək'seləreit ] vt. 使……加快; 使……增速 vi. 加速;促进;增加 • 2. commodity [ kə'mɔditi ] n. 商品,货物;日用 品 • 3. repute [ ri'pju:t ] n. 名誉;声望 vt. 名誉;认为; 把…称为 • 4. despite [ di'spait ] prep. 尽管,不管 n. 轻视; 憎恨;侮辱 • 5. launch [ lɔ:ntʃ, lɑ:ntʃ ] vt. 发射(导弹、火箭 等);发起,发动;使…下水 vi. 开始;下水;起 飞 n. 发射;发行,投放市场;下水;汽艇
• Text B • Guangzhou Trade Fair • 导读:广交会,创办于1957年春季,每年 春秋两季在广州举办,迄今已有五十余年 历史,是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、 规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多、 成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易盛会。自 2007年4月第101届起,广交会更名为“中 国进出技术、拓展渠道、 促进销售、传播品牌而进行的一种宣传活动。 • 商品交易会, 全称:中国进出口商品交易会。中国 进出口商品交易会由48个交易团组成,有数千家 资信良好、实力雄厚的外贸公司、生产企业、科 研院所、外商投资/独资企业、私营企业参展。

英文报刊国际商务阅读(第三版)Unit 11 EU and China Settle Trade

英文报刊国际商务阅读(第三版)Unit 11 EU and China Settle Trade

as of
Notesቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1. EU: 欧盟 即欧洲联盟,总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔,是由欧洲共同体(European Community,又称欧洲共同市场,简称欧共体)发展而来的,初始成员国有6个, 分别为法国、联邦德国、意大利、比利时、荷兰以及卢森堡。该联盟现拥有28 个会员国,正式官方语言有24种。
18. amicable solution: 友好的解决方案 amicable: adj. 友好的,温和的;和睦的;友善的 The two countries made settlement by amicable arrangement. 两国以友好调解解决争端。 An amicable settlement was reached. 已达成和解。
European Economic Area
关贸总协定 欧洲经济区
European Free Trade Association
欧洲自由贸易联盟 3
II. The following paragraph is a brief introduction of the news site .au. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
22. defend: vt. 替……辩护,为……辩解;维护 Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism. 针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。 Matt defended all of Clarence’s decisions, right or wrong. 克拉伦斯的决定,不管对错,马特都予以维护。

Text 11 经贸英语

Text 11 经贸英语

THE late Rudi Dornbusch, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, once remarked: “None of the post-war expansions died of old age. They were all murdered by the Fed.” Every recession since 1945, with the exception of the one in 2001, was preceded by a sharp rise in inflation that forced the central bank to raise interest rates. But today's Federal Reserve is no serial killer. It seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting.已故麻省理工学院经济学家Rudi Dornbusch 曾经谈及:“战后没有一次经济扩张是自然死亡,他们全部都是联储谋杀的”。




When the Fed cut its discount rate on August 17th, it admitted for the first time that the credit crunch could hurt the economy. The markets are betting it will soon cut its main federal funds rate. Economists are arguing vigorously about how much damage falling house prices and the subprime mortgage crisis will do. But there is one question that is rarely asked: even if a downturn is in the offing, should the Fed try to prevent it?当8月17号贴现率下调,联储第一次确认信贷紧缩有可能危及美国经济。

Unit 11 A Bill of Lading《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

Unit 11 A Bill of Lading《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
the taking-over or loading by the carrier of the goods as
described in the bill
of lading.
Text A
On the face of the B/L,the following particulars are to
packages,weight or measurements,number of copies of
the B/L,the date,the signature of the ship⁃owner or
its agents or the captain of the steamer.
Text A
• a)at one’s disposal 由某人决定;由某人支配
• We put the business at the disposal of our sole agent
in the United Kingdom.我们把业务交由我们在英国的独家代
someone on behalf of him to the shipper.First,it’s a
document of title.If made negotiable,it can be transferred
with the endorsement of the right person while the goods are
直 运 或 转 运


The code language telegrams are written in commercial codes, such as Acme and Bentley, and now they are only used by a few traders who are accustomed to use it.
(2) Abbreviation, ellipsis and transformation are used to simplify words and phrases in the message of telexes, but combinations are generally not used, each word is separated by a space.
(4) In the message of telexes, several matters can be stated either one after another preceded by AAA (or 111 or A, or 1), BBB (or 222 or B, or 2) etc., or passage without any preceding signals.
b. SHIPPING SPACE BOOKED (= We have booked the shipping space.)
1.2 Kinds of Telegrams
“Plain language telegrams” and “code language telegrams” are the two main kinds of the commercial telegrams.
An ordinary telegram can be sent to the receiver within 3-4 hours, while an urgent telegram can reach the destination even quicker with an even more expensive charge.

报刊新版lesson 11分解

报刊新版lesson 11分解

Hot words
• Heady stuff
Difficult sentences
• Agonised introspection and crises of confidence are not Texan traits.(P1)
Texan people are not inclined to lose confidence and indulge in painful thinking and examination of themselves.
• The latest report forsees “a world in which the US plays prominent role in global events,but the US is seen as one among many global actors”. The report issued four years ago had projected “continuing US dominance”.
Hot words
• mood
the prevailing psychological state
"the national mood had changed radically since the last election"
• What are the reasons of the new declinism?
Lessonnism for real?
1. Questions 2. Hot Words 3. Difficult Sentences 4. Exercise

经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第十一课 unit 11 Fiat’s Extreme Makeover

经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第十一课 unit 11 Fiat’s Extreme Makeover

Fiat’s Extreme MakeoverFour years ago, Fiat was a laughingstock. Whenever you opened a newspaper in Italy, there was another embarrassing story: Fiat had lost more money; its new car had flopped; a strike was on somewhere. Even more worrying to me was the fact that the company had gone through four CEOs in three years. Imagine showing up in June 2004 and being the fifth guy to try to resuscitate what appeared to most people to be a cadaver.And just imagine what top management thought. These poor fellows saw this executive (almost a foreigner—I’d left Italy in 1966) coming from outside the car industry to be their new leader. They all sat there thinking: “Here we go again. We’re going to have to teach this guy what the business is about, and if he ends u p being like the last one, we’re screwed.” I could see it written all over their faces. I would have felt exactly the same had I been in their shoes.What’s more, this is an incredibly tough business. I used to think that chemical companies set the benchmark for value destruction, but the auto industry is certainly up there. With a few exceptions—Toyota in Japan and Porsche in Germany—car companies have consistently destroyed value over the years. Fiat was one of the worst offenders.We’ve come a long way s ince then. Our bottom line is solidly in the black, and our latest car—the Cinquecento, one of the smallest compacts in the world—is the talk of the industry. To complete that journey, we’ve had to make some major changes to the way the company runs. We’ve abandoned the Great Man model of leadership that long characterized Fiat and have created a culture where everyone is expected to lead. My job as CEO is not to make decisions about the business but to set stretch objectives and help our managers work out how to reach them.Finding and Engaging with New LeadersFrom day one I recognized that Fiat had a leadership problem. Traditionally, all important decisions in Italian companies are made by the CEO. It probably worked fine as a leadership model back in th e 1950s, but today it’s quite unsustainable. A business like Fiat is far too large and complicated for one man alone to lead.Unfortunately, our senior leadership wasn’t used to taking responsibility, and when you’ve been working for years in a well-define d status quo, it’s almost impossible to change. In many cases, therefore, I had little choice but to lay people off; they had too many of the old habits ingrained in them.The further I got from the center, though, the more autonomous management became, and I soon realized that we had plenty of hidden leadership potential. People in Latin America, for instance, felt free to take initiative: The head office was far away and so people from there wouldn’t be over every week to ask some idiotic question. There was also a lot of young talent locked up in marketing and other functions that historically were not considered high-potential career paths. The guy who runs the Alfa division now is 40 years old. The guy running the Fiatdivision is 42. Neither has an engineering background, but both were first-rateconsumer-products marketers, and the company sorely needed their talents.At first, I found these people myself. I brought forward people who had impressed me in meetings and whom I’d met on my walkabouts. When I came back from my first trip to our operations in Brazil and Argentina, we probably made 20 leadership moves to promote the talent I’d spotted. Today, we’re remarkably better organized about identifying talent. I was lucky enough to find a smart outsider who really gets it about leadership to head up our HR department. I work very closely with him now. He always tells me whom to take a closer look at when I’m visiting this or that operation.Once we’ve identified our high potentials, I invest a lot of ti me engaging with them. I spend four to five months conducting performance reviews for the top 700 people. Of course I look at numbers in assessing performance, but I’m more interested in how well they lead people and lead change. I have long debates with p eople about whether or not they’ve displayed the right characteristics. My assessment is based overwhelmingly on this engagement; I don’t believe in 360s. They’re hard to manage, and people can game them.Our engagement is mostly very informal. I’m always texting my people or calling them at odd hours to talk about the business or about their careers. They know that I care about what happens to them. If the organization can feel that kind of connection with its leadership, you’re going to get a pretty sound culture aligned around strongly held common values.As I give people more responsibility, I also hold them more accountable. A leader who fails to meet an objective should suffer some consequences, but I don’t believe that failing to meet an objective is the end of the world. Markets and economies aren’t perfectly predictable, and in an organization this size, you can always offset a failure here with a success there. But if you want to grow leaders, you can’t let explanations and excuses become a way of life. That’s a characteristic of the old Fiat we’ve left far behind.Setting Targets but Sharing DecisionsIn addition to finding leaders, I had to get people energized around a clear and ambitious target. When I announced in late July 2004 that we would ma ke €2 billion in 2007, everybody thought I was out of my mind. But I’d been sitting in a room with 20 or so people for three days without getting anywhere, and I knew that we’d get no decision unless I imposed one. When I was much younger, this sort of con trol used to bother me tremendously. But as I’ve gotten older—I’ve been doing this now for 12, 13 years—I’ve realized there’s no substitute. That’s why choosing the CEO is the most crucial decision a board makes.If you set what people think is an unrealis tic target, you have to help them reach it. That’s another crucial part of a leader’s job. Helping them doesn’t mean doing the job for them. I immerse myself in the business not so that I can make decisions in my corner office but so that I can guide the f olks on the ground to make the right decisions. I don’t know what those will begoing into a meeting, but I think my involvement makes it more likely that we will get the right ones coming out.A lot of what I do is challenge assumptions—which often looks like you’re asking stupid questions. That’s how we got our time to market for the Cinquecento down from four years to just 18 months, which means that we are now more or less in line with the best industry standards. I asked our designers and engineers why we needed 48 months. They told me it was because they had to have this or that input. Then I asked, “What would happen if you didn’t get a particular input?” Sometimes they told me it wouldn’t actually make much difference. You start removing a few bottlenecks in this way, and pretty soon people catch on and begin ripping their own processes apart. It takes some €400 million to bring a new car to market. Shrinking the time to market got us a lot more bang for those bucks.Looking Outside the BoxFiat’s cu lture was traditionally dominated by engineers. That has given us some great advantages in developing cars and engines—we have long been at the leading edge in diesel, for instance. But it has also made us rather inward-looking, and part of a leader’s job is to get the organization focused on markets and the competition.In our case, the engineering focus had taken our eyes off our brands, which had been in a long, slow decline. Fiat has some of the most storied brands in the automotive industry, but they were being appallingly managed. Part of the story behind our success is that we got savvier about branding—not only by promoting people in marketing who understood the issues but also by benchmarking ourselves against companies like Apple and bringing in people from outside the car industry. I like to think of the Cinquecento as our iPod.Fiat was also appalling at manufacturing. When you walked around a plant, you could feel the waste. It wasn’t just the mess on the factory floor, it was the way people move d and worked. They were always working around some problem or another. There we had plenty of best practices to follow—Toyota, obviously, but we also got inspiration from manufacturers in other industries, like Apple. Our efforts at improvement worked. The Cinquecento wasn’t just a cool car quickly brought to market—it was reliable and available everywhere very quickly once we realized it was catching on.Of course, you can’t just take other people’s ideas wholesale. I couldn’t possibly expect people in Italy to start singing the company song every morning as if they were at a Japanese plant. We’re far too individualistic for that. But waste is waste in any culture. Italians don’t like it any more than the Japanese do, and they’re as capable as anyone else o f recognizing good practices when they see them.We’ve learned to quickly share new ideas across the organization as well. Today, more than a third of the management team at CNH, our agricultural and construction equipment division, comes from the car side. In many cases these people are still working on the car side—I encourage our high potentials to learn to wear several hats at once. I have to wear many hatsmyself, and I shouldn’t be the only one. Our information sharing is already having a huge impact: The operational efficiency and flexibility in these businesses and their margins are improving beyond all recognition. CNH used to struggle to cope with sudden shifts in demand, but the car guys there are familiar with the issue from the Cinquecento launch—when we had to ramp up car production by about 60% from 120,000 units in the first year—so that’s starting to change.Respecting Our EmployeesHonoring our responsibilities to our workers is the final piece of the puzzle. A great deal of our success, I think, has come from having a committed workforce. But to earn that commitment, the company has had to give its ordinary folks—not just its leaders—a sense of connection.One view of how to manage competitiveness is emblematic of American capitalism. My counterparts in the United States have a tendency to shed heads and shut plants. But in Europe we work in a different context, and the Americans might learn from this. When I showed up here, the easy thing for me to do would have been to shut down two plants and start reaggregating assets elsewhere. But had I done that, we would have had a very disgruntled workforce and would have suffered negative repercussions with our image and market share in Italy.I take our commitment to our people seriously, and I expe ct all the company’s leadership to do the same. I was ashamed when I walked into our plant at Mirafiori in Turin in 2004. I could not believe how badly we were treating our people—the very people that we were counting on to help us compete with Toyota. Sin ce then, we’ve opened kindergartens and grocery stores next to the plant to make it easier for people to balance their work and domestic obligations. We’ve redecorated all the dressing rooms and bathrooms. Now we’re rolling all that out to our other facili ties. Nobody asked us to make these changes. We’re doing it because we recognize that the commitment we make as leaders to our workforce goes beyond what’s negotiated in our labor contracts.• • •Being a leader at Fiat is a lifestyle decision. It’s not the Buena Vista Social Club. Most of the management meetings are held on weekends, especially when I travel. Because of the magnitude of the tasks ahead of us, being a leader at Fiat requires an extraordinary commitment of time and resources. But if you like being truly engaged; if you like big, bold objectives; if you don’t mind taking risks, this is the perfect place to be. You will end up being a phenomenally better person. If I can play a role in that transformation, then I think I’ve done a good job. I’m a conduit for change, but it’s the people in my organization who actually make change happen. I derive my greatest satisfaction from seeing them succeed.。


bound with 4 plastic belts externally.
B. in…of…each 用某容器包装,每件若干
Men’s shirts are packed in wooden cases of 10 dozen each.
C. in…, each containing 用某容器,每件内装 若干
Unit 11 Packing
1.Functions of Packing
• Protects the goods from damage • makes it easy to identify goods • enables manufacturers, sellers and
customers to move goods from place to place freely • helps the sellers to push the sales of goods.
Two forms of packing
(1)outer packing for transportation; (2)inner packing for sales.
2. Packing containers
• Bags: paper/plastic/linen bags
• Sack: jute
3.2 Classification of Marks Shipping marks (consignee’s marks)
Indicative marks ( country of origin/weight/ dimensions)
Warning marks (cautionary marks)
• Carton: usually made of corrugated cardboard fixed by tapes or metal bands

经贸专业报刊阅读 翻译 UNIT11-12

经贸专业报刊阅读  翻译  UNIT11-12

1.I would have felt exactly the same had I been in their shoes.站在他们的立场上,我也会有同样的想法。

2.Our bottom line is solidly in the black, and our latest car—the Cinquecento, one of the smallest compacts in the world—is the talk of the industry.我们开始持续盈利,我们的最新车型“菲亚特500”(世界上最小的轿车之一)也成为业界谈论的焦点。

3.Neither has an engineering background, but both were first-rate consumer-products marketers, and the company sorely needed their talents.这两个人都不具备工程管理学背景,但是他们都是一流的消费产品营销人员,公司十分需要他们的(营销)才能。

4. I’m always texting my people or calling them at odd hours to talk about the business or about their careers.我总是在闲暇时给我的员工发短信或打电话,和他们一起探讨业务或工作。

5.A leader who fails to meet an objective should suffer some consequences, but I don’t believe that failing to meet an objective is the end of the world.不能实现目标的领导者应当承担一定的后果,但是,在我看来,这并不是什么大不了的事。

6.It takes some €400 million to bring a new car to market. Shrinking the time to market got us a lot more bang for those bucks.向市场推出一款新车需要耗资4亿欧元。

国际贸易专业英语第二版lesson (11)

国际贸易专业英语第二版lesson (11)
What are the required procedures under each payment?
What on earth does the final example talk about?
Payment options
prepayment documentary credits documentary collections open account trading
sight draft
a draft payable upon presentation
acceptance credit
a documentary credit which requires, amongst the documents stipulated, provision of a term bill of exchange
Missing documentation Protesting a bill of exchange
Documentary letters of credit
It refers to a credit payable against presentation of documents.
Prepayment, or payment in advance, is the most favourable payment method from the seller's point of view and least favourable to the buyer.
Key terms
documentary collection
A draft to which documents are attached, accompanied by a collection letter. Usually, these documents include a commercial invoice and shipping documents.


7. balance 1)v. compare the totals debits and credits in an account and record the sum needed to make them equal; keep or put in a state of balance使 平衡;结算
3. subject 1) adj. under the authority of sth/sb; likely to be affected by sth受..支配,服从于;易受…的影响 The offer is subject to immediate acceptance. 本报盘以贵方立即接受为条件。 The funds are subject to sudden political crises and currency changes. 此基金易受突发的政治危机和货币变动的影响。
3. subject 2) n. a branch of knowledge studied, as in a system of education; the area of interest treated in a work科目;主题

美英报刊阅读教程课件 Lesson11

美英报刊阅读教程课件 Lesson11

4. …he turned an old 500-seat conference room in Moscow’s Radisson Hotel into a makeshift theater (Line 1-2, Para. 12) — 他把莫斯科雷迪森酒店可容纳 500人的旧会议厅改为临时影院 (makeshift: something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency)
Special events The Academy Awards are held in late February/early March (since 2004) of each year, honoring the preceding year in film. Prior to 2004, they were held in late March/early April. Since 2002, the Oscars have been held at their new home at the Kodak Theater at Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue.
6. …to dress up foreign films (Line 2, Para. 22) — 包装外 国影片(dress up — dress in a certain manner ,穿上盛 装, 伪装 )
Lesson 11
Lesson 11
1. The word “screen” in the sentence “The Chinese government is expected to support the opening of roughly 35,000 more screens over the next five years.” (Para 8) means ____.

英文报刊国际商务阅读(第三版)Unit (11)

英文报刊国际商务阅读(第三版)Unit (11)

3. upset: vt. 打乱,搅乱 House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property. 房价很容易受到与房产毫不相干的因素的干扰。 Argentina’s erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans. 阿根廷动荡不定的通货膨胀率可能会破坏那些计划。
4. settlement: n.(争议双方的)正式协议,和解 Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement. 我们一定要达成和平协议。 They are not optimistic about a settlement of the eleven-year conflict. 他们不是很有信心能和平解决这场长达11年的纷 争。
自由贸易协定 北美自由贸易协定 区域贸易协定 永久正常贸易关系 最惠国待遇 关贸总协定 欧洲经济区
European Free Trade 欧洲自由贸易联盟 英文报刊国际商务阅读(第二版) 英文报刊国际商务阅读(第三版) Association
Full Name
Chinese Version
World Trade Organization
Free Trade Agreement North American Free Trade Agreement Regional Trade Agreement Permanent Normal Trade Relations Most Favored Nation Treatment General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade European Economic Area
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9. 我鼓励高层人才学会身兼数职,我自己就是这样,而我不 应该是唯一一个这样做的人。
10. 还有许多年轻人才被困在了营销或其它岗位上得不到提 升,这些岗位通常被认为没有什么晋升前途。
❖ The fortune of FIAT is declining since the 1970s. Italian streets once had 3 FIATs out of every 4 cars. However, the enhanced free trade within EU and competition from Korean and Japanese cars ate into its domestic market share, which dropped to 32% in 2008. Market share in Western Europe also dropped from 13.8% in 1990 to 8.3% in 2008.
5. 不能实现目标的领导者应当承担一定的后果,但是,在我 看来,这并不是什么大不了的事。
6. 向市场推出一款新车需要耗资4亿欧元。缩短(新车)投 放市场时间能够使我们获得更多Байду номын сангаас收益。
7. 我把“菲亚特500”看作是我们的“苹果iPod”。
8. 但是,那样做会引起员工的不满,也会对我们公司的形象 以及在意大利的市场份额造成消极影响。
❖ FIAT, or full name “Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino” (Factory Italian Automobile Turin), is an Italian automobile manufacturer, engine manufacturer, financial and industrial group based in Turin, Italy. Fiat was founded in 1899 by a group of investors including Giovanni Agnelli. Fiat has also manufactured railroad vehicles, tanks and aircraft. As of 2009, Fiat is the world’s 6th largest carmaker as well as Italy’s largest carmaker. It controls nearly all Italian car brands existed today, i.e. Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Maserati and Ferrari.
Supplementary Reading
❖Inside Cisco’s Search for the Next Big Idea ❖Rebuilding Companies as Communities
❖ A. ❖ 1. disgruntled 2. counterpart 3. wholesale 4. laughingstock
Unit 11
Fiat’s Extreme Makeover
Background information
Topics for discussion
Supplementary Reading
Background information
❖ The Innovation of Corporate Culture ❖ Fiat ❖ Sergio Marchionne ❖ Cinquecento
discussing in automobile industry ❖ the existing condition or state of affairs ❖ extremely good and of the highest quality, rank , or importance;
greatly/very much ❖ to be similar to, or at the same level as something ❖ more value for the money we spend on it ❖ loyal to a belief, organization, or group, and willing to work hard for it ❖ to get rid of sth./sb. that is no longer wanted
Sergio Marchionne
Sergio Marchionne
❖ Sergio Marchionne (born June 17, 1952 in Chieti, Italy) is an Italian businessman trained in Canada and is the successful fifth CEO at the struggling Italian automaker Fiat. In January 2006 he was also elected Chairman of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA).
❖ Fiat 500’s propaganda film
Topics for discussion
❖What role should a CEO play in a corporation?
❖What qualities and leadership skills should a leader have to achieve success in his post?
The Innovation of Corporate Culture
❖ What is corporate culture? ❖ Why should we innovate corporate culture? ❖ How to establish the innovation of culture?
Cinquecento 菲亚特500
Cinquecento 菲亚特500
❖ “Cinquecento” 在意大利语中意为“500”,此处指菲亚特 旗下最为畅销的经典微型轿车,常被译为“菲亚特500”。 这款车型早在1957年即被推出(于1975年停产),曾风 靡全世界。2007年,在新任总裁塞尔吉奥·马尔奇奥尼的 主持下,新版菲亚特500问世,并获得好评。菲亚特公司 对该款车型寄予厚望,马尔奇奥尼在新车揭幕式上表示: “菲亚特将成为汽车业的苹果,而菲亚特500将成为我们 的iPod”。
5. offset ❖ 6. savvy 7. bottlenecks 8. accountable 9. status quo 10.
shed ❖B ❖ make great progress ❖ having positive net income/making a profit; to be what people are
1. 站在他们的立场上,我也会有同样的想法。
2. 我们开始持续盈利,我们的最新车型“菲亚特500”(世界 上最小的轿车之一)也成为业界谈论的焦点。
3. 这两个人都不具备工程管理学背景,但是他们都是一流的 消费产品营销人员,公司十分需要他们的(营销)才能。
4. 我总是在闲暇时给我的员工发短信或打电话,和他们一起 探讨业务或工作。