


欧·亨利创作的短篇小说共有300多篇,收入《白菜与 亨利创作的短篇小说共有300多篇,收入《 国王》(1904)、 四百万》(1906)、 西部之心》(1907)、 国王》(1904)、《四百万》(1906)、《西部之心》(1907)、 《市声》(1908)、《滚石》(1913)等集子,其中以描写纽 市声》(1908)、 滚石》(1913)等集子,其中以描写纽 约曼哈顿市民生活的作品为最著名。他把那儿的街道、小 饭馆、破旧的公寓的气氛渲染得十分逼真,故有“ 饭馆、破旧的公寓的气氛渲染得十分逼真,故有“曼哈顿 的桂冠诗人” 的桂冠诗人”之称。他曾以骗子的生活为题材,写了不少 短篇小说。作者企图表明道貌岸然的上流社会里,有不少 人就是高级的骗子,成功的骗子。欧· 人就是高级的骗子,成功的骗子。欧·亨利对社会与人生 的观察和分析并不深刻,有些作品比较浅薄,但他一生困 顿,常与失意落魄的小人物同甘共苦,又能以别出心裁的 艺术手法表现他们复杂的感情。因此,他最出色的短篇小 说如《爱的牺牲》 说如《爱的牺牲》、《警察与赞美诗》、《带家具出租的 警察与赞美诗》 房间》 房间》、《麦琪的礼物》、《最后一片藤叶》等都可列入 麦琪的礼物》 最后一片藤叶》 世界优秀短篇小说之中。
警察因素 社会因素
The Last Leaf
The story took place in early 20th century in Greenwich Village. Sue and Johns were two young women artists. They met in May, and shared the same studio apartment due to share the same interest. In November, Johnsy was unfortunately got terrible disease pneumonia, and laid in bed waiting for the last leaf of an ivy vine on the brickwall she looked through her window to fall. She was sure that when the last leaf fell, she must go too. Sue was worried about Johnsy and she told her worry to the old Behrman, who was a failure painter ,lived in the apartment below the Two girls, and worked sometime as an artist’s model. After the heavy rainy night, Johnsy was sure that the last leaf must have been fallen. However, the last leaf was still there day after day. Johnsy realized her stupid thought and regained the hope of life. She was getting well soon. At the end of the story , the truth of the last leaf was cleared out. Behrman painted the last leaf in that rainy night when the real last leaf fell from the vine. Two days later from that night, he died of pneumonia



The three short story writers of the world
Guy· de· Maupassant 居伊· 德· 莫泊桑
Anton chekhov 契诃夫
• "The Gift of the Magi" is a short story written by O. Henry about a young married couple (Della and Jim ) and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money. For Christmas, Della decides to buy Jim a chain for his prized pocket watch given to him by his father's father. To raise the funds, she has her long, beautiful hair cut off and sold to make a wig. Meanwhile, Jim decides to sell his watch to buy Della a beautiful set of combs made out of tortoiseshell and jewels for her lovely, knee-length brown hair. Each is surprised to find the gift they chose rendered useless, yet each is pleased with the gift that they received, because it represents their love for one another


麦琪的礼物--Gift Of The Magi 爱的奉献--A Service Of Love 警察和赞美诗--The Cop And The Anthem 财神与爱神--The Mammon And The Archer 没有完的故事--An Unfinished Story 忙碌经纪人的浪漫史--The Romance Of A Busy Broker 刎颈之交--Telemachus, Friend 婚姻手册--The Handbook Of Hymen 比绵塔薄饼--The Pimienta Pancake 公主与美洲狮--The Princess And The Puma 催眠术家杰甫·彼得斯--Jeff Peters As A Personal Magnet 精确的婚姻学--The Exact Science Of Matrimony 艺术良心--Conscience In Art 双料骗子--A Double-dyed Deceiver 女巫的面包--Withes' Loaves 吉米·海斯和缪里尔--Jimmy Hayes And Muriel 小熊约翰·汤姆的返祖现象--The Atavism Of John Tom Little Bear 提线木偶--The Marionettes 两位感恩节的绅士--Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 最后的常春藤叶--The Last Leaf 丛林中的孩子--Babes In The Jungle 汽车等待的时候--While The Auto Waits 华而不实--Lost On Dress Parade 供应家具的房间--The Furnished Room 索利托牧场的卫生学--Hygeia At The Solito 慈善事业数学讲座--The Chair Of Philanthromathematics 虎口拔牙--Shearing The Wolf 黄雀在后--The Man Higher Up “醉翁之意”--“Next To Reading Matter” 人生的波澜--The Whirligig Of Life



There is an appointment that the Old Gentleman invites the poor man named Stuffy Pete to dinner on every Thanksgiving Day. But this year, the 10th Thanksgiving Day, before Stuffy meets the Old Gentleman, he has been invited to a big meal, however, he doesn’t want to upset the Old Gentleman, and follows him to a restaurant and eats up all the food. Finally, they both faint away(晕倒) on their way home, and they are both hospitalized(送· · · 进医院治 疗). Stuffy faints away for he is so full. On the contrary, the Old Gentleman is weak, because he has eaten nothing for three days.
They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite(先决条件) for doing everything well.


中 间 部 分 就 有 暗 示 了 ,如 “ u h a orl ie. e ie B t eh dn a v s H v d et l
i e t d r m s i o he de a e d f m iy br wns o e n r n e oo n ne of t c y d ol a l o tn
ma s o s i e o u t te t a to e p r …, n i n n on ft q ie sr e s e s ft a k The ew e e he h s r
绅 士 精 神 是 贵 族 精 神 的 外 化 ,而 贵 族 精 神 的 核 心 是
有 四 种 详 细 解 释 : 出 身 高 贵 的 男 士 ; 有 土 地 的上 流 社 ① ②
会 男 士 ; 有 骑 士 精 神 、行 为 高 尚 的贵 族 男 士 ; 无 需 工 ③ ④ 作 以谋 生 的 男 士 。 朗文 当 代 高 级 英 语 词 典 》 对 “ 士 , 《 绅 , 的 解 释 为 : 彬 彬 有 礼 、言 而 有 信 的 男 士 ; 【 时 】有 ① ② 过 身 份 、 来 自富 裕 家 庭 的 男 士 。 由 此 可 见 , 绅 士 ,在 不 同 “ ,
因 为 既 然 已 经 沦 落 到 要 租 住 破 败 的 旧房 子 , 为 何 又 可 以
过 得 如 此 逍 遥 自在 , 甚 至 不 需 要 为 生 活 奔 波 。这 恰 恰 是 对 他 身 份 的 最 好 解 释 : 所 以 有 着 高 雅 的 生 活 品 质 , 是 之 因 为 他 本 身 是 贵 族 , 从 小 养 成 的 生 活 方 式 和 品 味 是 很 难 改 变 的 ; 只 能 租 住 破 旧房 子 的 原 因 就 是 家 族 败 落 , 财 他 富 丧 失 ; 他 不 需 要 通 过 工 作 来 谋 得 生 存 ,这 是 因 为 百 而 足 之 虫 死 而 不 僵 , 殷 实 的家 境 历 史 足 以 使 他 在 一 定 的 年 限 里 衣 食 无 忧 。 另 外 ,他 的 外 貌 举 止 , 如 穿着 干 净 得 体 的 黑 色 衣 服 ,系 着 小 领 结 , 戴 着 过 时 的 眼 镜 , 胡 须 打 理 得 整 整 齐 齐 ,杵 着 磨 光 了 的拐 杖 等 , 向我 们 展 示 了 这 位 老 绅 士 坚 定 不 移 的贵 族 气 质 。从 他 对 斯 塔 夫 ・ 特 讲 的 一 皮 席 话 可 以看 出他 受 过 高 等 教 育 , 因为 他 用 词 讲 究 , 而 且 语 言 得 体 含 蓄 ,在 表 达 他 对 穷 汉 斯 塔 夫・ 特 的 怜 悯 的 同 皮 时 ,也 显 示 出 了老 绅 士 对 弱 者 的 尊 敬 。 这 可 以 归 纳 为 传



No matter how many friends and connections you have, in fact, you will never meet many people in your life.精品模板助您成功!(页眉可删)欧亨利短篇小说读书笔记欧亨利短篇小说读书笔记1“我是为面包而写作的。



















O’ Henry 欧·亨利

O’ Henry 欧·亨利

O’henry is the pen name of William Sydney Porter. He was a great American short story writer. He was born in 1862,and was died in 1910.
Hello guys ~ Nice to meet you.
The Whirligig of Life ---------- 生活的波折
Withes’Loaves ---------- 女巫的面包 Hearts and Hands ----------心与手 The Hypotheses of Failure ---------- 失算 The Green Door ---------- 绿色门 The Handbook of Hymen ----------婚姻手册 Next To Reading Matter ---------- 醉翁之意
He was born in 1862 in North Carolina, and spent his childhood in there. When he was 3 years old, his mother died because of the cancer. And the his aunt and grandma keep him like their own child. In 1882, because of his poor body, he went to Texas. In 1885 he fell in love with Athol Estes, and 2 years later they’ve got married. Then they had a daughter and a son. In 1898, he was found guilty of embezzlement charges and sentenced to five years in an Ohio prison. In 1901, he changed his name to O’Henry. In 1902, he moved to New York and become a professional writer. In 1910, he died at the age of forty seven.

O'Henry and Henry James

O'Henry and Henry James

His Works
The Four Million (volume) 《四百万》 Retrieved Reformation 《重新做人》 The Gift of the Magi 《麦琪的礼物》 A Municipal Report 《市政报告》 An Unfinished Story 《没有完的故事》 Phoebe 《月亮女神》 A Lickpenny Lover 《吝啬爱人》 The Furnished Room 《带家具出租的房间》
Would never a policeman lay hands on him? In his fancy the island seemed an arcadia he could never reach. 难道就没有一个警察来抓他了吗?在他的 幻想中。那岛已成为可望不可即的仙岛。
The total would not be so high as to call forth nay revenge from the cafe management: and yet the meat would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter refuge. 总数既不会大得让饭店柜上发狠报复,这 顿牙祭又能让他去冬宫的旅途上无牵无挂, 心满意足。
O. Henry (1862-1910)
William Sidney Porter was born in North Carolina. His father was a doctor and an editor, and his mother sometimes wrote poetry. He got little education, and his maiden aunt taught him how to make a story. At the age of 18, he went to Texas. He worked in a drug store for some time and then in a bank.



Main works
Cabbages and Kings
The Four Million The Gift of Magi
四百万 麦琪癿礼物
The Last Leaf
Mammon and the Archer 财神和爱神 The Ransom of Red Chief 红色酋长癿救赎 The Furnished Room After Twenty Years 带家具出租癿房间 二十年以后 The Cop and the Anthem 警察和赞美诗
Characteristics of language
• Metaphor(暗喻)
• In O. Henry’s writings, metaphor is a feature which is worth mentioning. The image in metaphor represents specific meaning. But the symbolic image remains uncertain in its possible meanings; it is usually a substantial image in its own right, around which further significances may gather according to differing interpretations.
Characteristics of language
• 3 The plot
• ► In plot, O. Henry’ s novels develop fast and in the end suddenly appear an unexpected ending. The so-called “O. Henry-type ending” usually refers that at the end of the novel suddenly the character’s mind changes in an unexpected situation, or the fate of the main character reverses sharply, the result is unexpected, but reasonable, in line with the reality of life, resulting in a unique artistic charm.



The Cop and the Anthem
The Summery
The character Soapy, is homeless, a member of the substantial army of underclass men and women who had flocked to New York City during the earliest years of the twentieth century. One day in late fall, Soapy faces the urgent necessity of finding some sort of shelter for the winter. As with many other homeless people in the United States, Soapy is psychologically experienced in thinking of the local jail as a homeless shelter. He therefore develops a series of tactics(策略) intended to encourage the police to classify him as a criminal and arrest him.
Firstly, he tried to have dinner and not pay and get put in jail for that. The upper-class restaurant looked at Soapy's threadbare clothes and refused to serve him. Then he threw a brick through a window. Officer didn„t believe he did it because he hung around(闲荡,徘徊).



人物介绍欧亨利英文作文Introduction to O. Henry。

O. Henry, the pen name of William Sydney Porter, was an American short story writer. He was born in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1862 and died in New York City in 1910. O. Henry is known for his clever and witty stories that often have a surprise ending.Early Life。

O. Henry's childhood was marked by tragedy. His mother died when he was three years old, and his father, a doctor, was an alcoholic who eventually abandoned the family. O. Henry was raised by his grandmother and aunt, who instilled in him a love of reading and storytelling.Career。

O. Henry began his career as a bank clerk in Texas, buthe was accused of embezzlement and fled to Honduras to avoid prosecution. While in Honduras, he worked as a journalist and wrote his first stories. He returned to the United States in 1897 and began writing full-time.O. Henry's stories were published in magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post and McClure's Magazine. His first book, Cabbages and Kings, was published in 1904 and was a collection of stories set in the fictional Central American country of Anchuria. His most famous story, "The Gift of the Magi," was published in 1905 and is still widely read today.Style。



欧亨利的英文简介欧亨利简介O Henry (1825-1911), also translated Austrian Henry, formerly known as William Sidney Porter, American short novelist, founder of the American modern short story, its main works are Maggies gift , Police and hymn , last leaf , twenty years later and so on.September 11, 1862, Henry Henry was born in the United States North Carolina Greensboro, has worked as a bank clerk, pharmacists and so on. In February 1896, Ou Henry was imprisoned for allegations of misappropriation of public funds and fled to Honduras. In 1898 again in prison, began to publish works. In 1902, Henry Henry moved to New York to become a professional writer. On June 5, 1910, O Henry died of liver cirrhosis in New York. Ou Henry and Chekhov and Maupassan tied the worlds three major short stories, has been criticized as the Manhattan laurel prose writer and the father of modern American short stories, his works are American life encyclopedia reputation.欧亨利人物经历September 11, 1862, Henry Henry was born in the United States North Carolina Greensboro, formerly known as William Sidney Porter.In 1865, when Henry Henry was three years old, his mother died of tuberculosis. In the same year, he and his father moved to his grandmothers house to live, and he was sent to a private school run by his brother. He was later raised by his grandmotherand aunt, and his aunt inspired his love for literature.In 1876, Henry Henry graduated from aunts private school. Then he went to high school to study, but was forced to drop out of school in 1877, to his uncles pharmacy for five years apprentice. Juvenile Henry Henry likes to paint, and quite talent, he was young when they wanted to be a painter.In March 1882, a doctor named James K. Hall of Greensboro saw that Henry Henry was in a bad condition and took him to a sheep farm in Lassalle County, Texas. Henry Henry liked the life of the western ranch, where he lived for two years. He sometimes helps to do the shepherd, the chef, the baby caregiver, and learn from some immigrants for some time in Spanish and German.In 1884, Henry Henry came to Austin, living in a fellow home, and in Austin to find a job. Henry Henry has changed the living conditions of the poor by singers, dramatists, pharmacists, draftsmen, journalists and tellers. Western life inspired his humorous cells, and became an important material for his later short stories. He changed his ambition at the age of 21 and decided to become a writer.In 1887, Henry Henry and Aosol Estes (married to Aso Porter) married, the same year in the Detroit free press and real published works.In 1891, Henry Henry came to Austin First National Bank as a cashier.In 1894, Henry Henry spent $ 250 to buy Austins weekly magazine, renamed it Rolling Stone, making it a humorous magazine. He is both editors and publishers, write their own articles, painting their own. In October the same year, the federal bank inspector found that the account of Europe Henry hadproblems, he had to resign.In April 1895, a year after the editor of the Rolling Stones, the magazine failed completely, so that Henry Henry returned the magazine to the original. Then they moved to Houston, where Henry Henry went to the Houston Post as a journalist and columnist.In February 1896, Euro Henry was prosecuted for misappropriation of public funds, passed the trial and was temporarily held. His father-in-law will be released from prison. Originally, Henry Henrys case was not serious, but he fled to New Orleans on the day before the summons (July 7, 1896) and then fled to Honduras. He spent several months at the hotel in Tegucigalpa. He learned to help him in his early years, and he began writing novels cabbage and kings in Honduras.In February 1897, O Henry was informed that his wife suffering from tuberculosis was in critical condition and returned to Austin. He was arrested immediately after returning home, but soon again by father-in-law released from prison. On July 25, his wife, Aso Porter, died of tuberculosis.In February 1898, Ou Henry was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison. On 25 March, he commenced his sentence in federal prison in Columbus, Ohio. During his sentence, O. Henry was a prisoner, and in order to maintain his daughter and his life, and for her daughter to school, he began to write short stories. In the same year, O Henry changed his name from William Sidney Porter to William Sydney Poter.In December 1899, he published his short story The Whistle King Dicks Christmas Socks in the Macquarie magazines Christmas number with O Henry as the pseudonym. He sent thenovel to his friend in New Orleans, and his friend was forwarded to the magazine. Since then, his pen name began to pay attention to the reader.In 1901, three years and three months later, Ou Henry was released in prison for good performance. On July 24, he reunited with her daughter in Pittsburgh.In 1902, Henry Henry moved to New York, became a professional writer, created hundreds of excellent short stories. In New York, due to the publication of a large number of masterpieces, he fame and fortune, and sometimes by journalists. But he not only squandered, but gambling, and infected with his fathers abuse of alcoholism. The indulgence of writing and the incompetence of life made his body severely damaged.In 1904, Henry Henry published the only novel in his life cabbage and kings, which is a loose structure of political satire, sometimes also regarded as short stories.In 1906, Euro Henry published a short story collection of four million.In 1908 he divorced his second wife, Sarah Lindsay Coleman. His economic situation began to bad, in order to alleviate the pressure of life, he had to quickly create novels to pay royalties, which also led to the quality of his works uneven. He often drinks six days a week, gambling, the seventh day to spend a day to write a short story, and then to the magazine published. In the same year, he published the short story collection City Voice and the last leaf.In 1909, Henry Henry published a short story collection The Road to Destiny.In 1910, Ou Henry created the red hair chiefs ransom. OnJune 3, Henry Henry fell ill in writing his last short story Dream in his life. On June 5, Henry Henry died of cirrhosis. His funeral was held in New York, where he was buried in Asheville, North Carolina.。



William Sydney Porter,better known by his pen name O.Henry,was an American short story writer who is considered one of the masters of the form.His stories are famous for their wit,wordplay,and twist endings,which have become known as O. Henry endings.O.Henry was born in Greensboro,North Carolina,in1862.He began his writing career as a journalist,working for various newspapers in Texas.His first short story was published in1899,and he quickly gained a reputation for his unique and engaging writing style.One of O.Henrys most famous works is The Gift of the Magi,a heartwarming tale about a young couple who sacrifice their most prized possessions to buy each other Christmas gifts.The story is a testament to the power of love and the true meaning of giving. Another wellknown story is The Last Leaf,which tells the story of a young artist named Sue who is suffering from pneumonia.Her neighbor,an older artist named Mr.Behrman, paints a leaf on the wall outside her window to give her hope and help her recover.O.Henrys stories often feature ordinary people in extraordinary situations,and they are known for their humor and humanity.He had a knack for creating memorable characters and placing them in unexpected circumstances,which often led to surprising and satisfying conclusions.Despite his success as a writer,O.Henrys life was filled with hardship.He was convicted of embezzlement in1902and spent three years in prison,where he continued to write under a pseudonym.After his release,he moved to New York City and continued to write prolifically until his death in1910.O.Henrys legacy as a writer endures to this day.His stories have been adapted into films, plays,and television shows,and they continue to be read and enjoyed by audiences around the world.His unique blend of humor,heart,and surprise has made him a beloved figure in the world of literature,and his work continues to inspire and delight readers of all ages.。



感恩节的两个绅士欧亨利There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Bless the day. President Roosevelt gives it to us. We hear some talk of the Puritans, but don't just remember who they were. Bet we can lick 'em, anyhow, if they try to land again. Plymouth Rocks? Well, that sounds more familiar. Lots of us have had to come down to hens since the Turkey Trust got its work in. But somebody in Washington is leaking out advance information to 'em about these Thanksgiving proclamations.有一天是属于我们的。






美国文学 O. Henry 2

美国文学 O. Henry 2

• “Leaves. On the ivy vine. When the last one falls I must go, too.” • The ivy tree was still there.
• Johnsy and Sue are artists who move into Greenwich Village in New York City. As Winter approaches and the weather gets colder, Johnsy becomes ill with pneumonia. She gets so sick that she believes that when the last leaf falls from the vine outside her window, she will die. An old artist, named Behrman, who lives in the same building as the girls, braves a storm one night to paint a leaf on the wall — a leaf that will never fall. Cold and wet from painting in the icy rain, he catches pneumonia and dies. This gives Johnsy the hope to survive her illness, and it also creates the masterpiece Behrman had always dreamed of painting
• Characters of ordinary people
What impression does the



Characteristics of language
1 The Writing Style
►In writing style, O. Henry uses the civilian language, therefore readers can easily understand what he wants to express. Another characteristic of his language is implicative. His sense of humor expresses indirectly. Readers can still recall after reading.
3.His writing style
Writing style
►A master of surprise endings, who wrote about the life of ordinary people in New York City. ►Typical for O. Henry't which turns on an ironic or coincidental circumstance. ►In his works, O.Henry presents the panorama of the American people to readers with ironic and humorous tone.
In 1887 he married Athol Estes Roach; they had a daughter and a son.
About his life
• O. Henry's last years were shadowed by alcoholism(酗酒), ill health, and financial problems. • O. Henry died of cirrhosis(肝硬化) of the liver(此处指肝 脏) on June 5, 1910, in New York. Three more collections, Sixes And Sevens (1911), Rolling Stones (1912) and Waifs And Strays (1917), appeared posthumously(于死后出版). • During his lifetime, O. Henry published 10 collections and over 600 short stories.
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Finally, they both faint away(晕倒) on their way home, and they are both hospitalized(送· · · 进医院治 疗). Stuffy faints away for he is so full. On the contrary, the Old Gentleman is weak, because he has eaten nothing for three days.
但是今年,第10年的感恩节,在斯塔弗见老绅士之前,已 经享用了一顿丰富的大餐,因为他刚巧经过一幢住宅,里面住 着两个出身于古老家族、尊重传统的老太太,她们有一个传统 习惯就是在正午过后把第一个饥饿的过路人请进来,让他美美
3. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years, the Old Gentleman has found Stuffy, led him to a restaurant and watched him eat a big dinner. That is a tradition that he is trying to make. Moreover, he is a staunch(忠诚的) American patriot(爱国者), and considers himself a pioneer(先锋、先驱) in American tradition.
后带他去一家餐馆,看着他饱餐一顿。他想让这件事成为一 种传统。这位老绅士是个坚定忠诚的爱国者,自认为是美国 传统的倡导者之一。
4. Stuffy knows what the Old Gentleman thinks, so he tells him nothing, follows him to a restaurant routinely and eats up all the food the Old Gentleman orders.
But this year, the 10th Thanksgiving Day, before Stuffy meets the Old Gentleman, he has been invited to a big meal, however, he doesn’t want to upset the Old Gentleman, and follows him to a restaurant and eats up all the food.
(Sept.11,1862 – June 5,1910)
Characteristics of his works: careful plotting, ironic coincidences, and surprise endings
There is an appointment that the Old Gentleman invites the poor man named Stuffy Pete to dinner on every Thanksgiving Day.
The Book Report
Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen
By O.
Pen name : O. Henry Primitive name : William Sidney Porter Birthplace: Greensboro, North Carolina Nationality: America Occupation: Writer
每年感恩节,穷人斯塔弗·皮特都会坐在联合广场 等待请他吃饭的老绅士。这似乎已经成为了一个约定, 甚至可以说是一个惯例。
2. But this year, on the 10th Thanksgiving Day, before Stuffy meets the Old Gentleman, he has already had a big meal, because he passes by a mansion(豪宅) in which live two old ladies of ancient family and a reverence(崇敬、敬畏) for conditions, and one of their traditional habits is to admit and banquet(宴请) the first hungry wayfarer(旅人) to a big meal, who passes through their doorway after noon.
斯塔弗知道老绅士的想法,所以他并没有把自己已 经饱餐一顿的事情告诉老绅士,而是惯例地跟着老绅士 去到一家餐馆,把老绅士点的东西全部吃光光。
5. They part as they do each year at the door, the Old Gentleman going south, Stuffy north. Then they both faint away on their way home, and they are hospitalized at last.
Works: Cabbages and Kings (1904) The Four Million (1906) The Voice of the City (1908)
Stories: The Gift of the Magi The Cop and the Anthem The Last Leaf
1. On every Thanksgiving Day, the poor man
Stuffy Pete takes his seat in Union Square to wait for the Old Gentleman who invites him to dinner, which seems to an appointment, even a convention.