
八年级常考的英语短语及句型在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都对那些朗朗上口的句子很是熟悉吧,在不同类型的文章里,不同位置的句子的作用也是不同的.那什么样的句子才算得上是经典呢?下面是店铺帮大家整理的八年级常考的英语短语及句型,希望对大家有所帮助.Unit1短语及句型1.therewillbe将会有Therewillbemorepeople.将会有更多的人Willtherebelesspollution?会有更少的污染吗?Yes,therewill.No,therewon’t.是,会有.不,不会有.2.manymuch----more+可数或不可数名词更多few---fewer+可数名词更多little-----less+不可数名词更少例如:morepeople、morepollution、lessfreetime、lesspollution、fewercars、fewertrees3.befree免费的4.oncomputers在电脑上onpaper在纸上5.livetobe活到livetobe200yearsold活到200岁6.fallinlovewithsb.sth.喜爱某人或某物7.livealone单独居住8.onvacation度假9.overandoveragain一遍又一遍10.bethesameas与…一样bedifferentfrom与…不同unit2单词及短语1.WhatshouldIheshe heyyoudo?我他她他们你该怎么办?Youcouldwritehimaletter.你可以给他写一封信.2.arguedwithsb.与某人争吵3.outofstyle过时的instyle时尚的4.atickettoaballgame一场球赛的票5.surprisesb.使某人惊奇besurprisedatsth.对…感到惊奇toone’ssurprise令某人惊奇的事6.payfor支付7.asksb.forsth.向某人要求某物asksb.todosth.要求某人做某事8.haveabakesale烧烤9.findout发现,查明10.getonwellwithsb.与某人相处得好11.haveafightwithsb.与某人争吵、打架12.not……until直到…才13.it’stimeforsth.it’stimetodosth. 做某事的时间到了14.undertoomuchpressure承受太多的压力15.takepartin参加,参与16.amotherofthree三个孩子的妈妈Unit3短语及句型1.WhatwereyoudoingwhentheUFOarrived?当UFO到达时你在干什么?2.Whiletheboywaswalkingdownthestreet,theUFOlanded. 当男孩在沿着街道走时,UFO降落了3.infrontof在…之前(外部整体前)inthefrontof(内部整体前)4.talkonthephone在电话中交谈ndonthestreet在街上降落6.walkdownthestreet沿着街道走7.takeoff(过去式tookoff)起飞8.aroundteno’clock大约10点9.Youcanimaginehowstrangeitwas!你可以想象它有多奇怪!10.MuseumofFlight飞行博物馆11.jumpdown跳下来12.inatree在树上onatree长在树上13.runaway跑开,逃跑14.saytosb.对某人说15.oneofthemostimportantevents最重要的事件之一(oneof+形容词最高级+名词复数)最…之一16.insilence无声的17.takeplace发生(预先安排)happen发生(偶然)18.havemeaningtosb.对…来说有意义Unit4短语及句型1.Hesaidhewashard-working.他说他努力学习了2.ShesaidshewashavingapartyforLana她说她为Lana举行了聚会3.madatsb.对某人生气4.firstofall首先5.passsth.tosb.passonsth.传递某物6.besppousedto应该7.I’mbetteratreadingthanlistening.我的阅读比听力好.8.Icandobetterinmath在数学方面我会做得更好.9.How’sitgoing?最近怎么样?10.beingoodhealth身体健康11.end-ofyearexam期末考试12.fornow现在13.getover克服,忘掉,原谅14.openup打开15.openupone’seyes使…开眼界Uite5短语及句型1.Ifyougototheparty,you’llhaveagreattime.如果你去参加聚会,你就会玩得开心Ifyoudo,you’llbelate.如果你这样做,你就会迟到.Ifyoudo,you’llbeso rry.如果你这样做,你就会遗憾.2.letsb.in让某人进入3.takesth.away拿走某物takesbsth.to把某人或某物带到某地4.makealotofmoney挣很多钱5.travelaroundtheworld环游世界6.getaneducation受到教育7.befamous成名behappy开心8.makealiving谋生makealivingdoingsth.做某事而谋生9.seemlike看起来像是10、playsportsforaliving以运动为生11.Ifyouarefamous,peoplewillwatchyouallthetimeandfollowy oueverywhere.如果你出名了,人们就会一直关注你,到处跟着你.12.Thiscanmakelifedifficult.这会使生活很困难.13.getinjured受伤Unite6短语及句型1.Howlonghaveyoubeenskating?你滑冰多久了?I’vebeenskatingsincenineo’clock.我从九点开始滑.I‘vebeenskatingforfivehours.我滑了5个小时了.2.talktosb.与某人交谈talkaboutsth.谈论某事talkwithsb.与某人交谈3.raisemoneyforcharity为慈善筹钱4.Thismarathonhasbeengoing(持续)forfivehoursnow.这场马拉松持续了5个小时了5.sendsb.sth.=sendsth.tosb.把某物寄给(送给)某人.6.myhisher heirourfavorite.我、他、她、他们、我们最喜欢的'7.runoutof用完,用尽8.room房间(可数),空间(不可数)9.allaround处处,到处10.anyoneelse其他任何人11.withacolorfulhistory具有丰富多彩的历史12.bein…style具有…的风格inRussianstyle.13.foraforeignerlikeme作为一个像我这样的外国人14.themore……themore越……就越……Unit7短语及句型1.minddoingsth.介意做某事Wouldyoumindcleaningyourroom?你介意打扫你的房间吗? I’msorry.I’lldoitrightaway.对不起,我马上做.2.mindnotdoingsth介意不做某事Wouldyoumindnotplayingbaseballhere?你介意不在这里打棒球吗? Wouldyoumindmovingyourcar?No,notatall.你介意把你的车移开吗?一点也不介意3.turndown调小turnup调大turnon打开turnoff关掉4.rightaway=inaminute=atonce立刻,马上5.getoutof从某地出来6.washthedishes洗碗7.feedthedog喂狗8.cookforyourself自己做饭9.returnthebookstothelibrary把书还到图书馆10.Thepenyouboughtdidn’twork.你买的笔坏了11..waitinline排队cutinline插队12.getmad生气getannoyed生气beangrywithsb13.allthetime一直14.inthefuture在未来15.thewayto+地点去某地的路16.evenif即使17.keepyourvoicedown压低声音,控制音量18.putout熄灭19.droplitter扔垃圾20.picksth.up捡起某物Unit8短语及句型1.getsbsth为某人买某物getsbsthforsth为了某事给某人买某物2.WhatshouldIgetmysister?我该为我妹妹买什么?3.Whydon’tyoudosth?Whynotdosth?为什么不做某事?4.Howaboutsth/doingsth?某物怎么样? Whataboutsth/doingsth?做某事怎么样?5.That’snotinterestingenough.那不够有趣.6.Heisa6-year-oldchild.Heis6yearsold.Heisattheageof6.Heisaboyof6.他6岁.7.easytotakecareof容易照顾difficulttotakecareof难照顾8.fallasleep入睡9.giveaway赠送,分发10.makeprogress取得进步,进展11.takeaninterestinbeinterestedin对某事感兴趣12.makefriendswithsb.与某人交朋友Unit9短语及句型1.havebeento去过某地havegoneto已经去了某地havebeenin已经在某地2.Meneither.Neither+助/be+主语我也没有.3.Me,too.So+助/be+主语我也是.4.hearof听说5.endup结束endupwithsth.以某事而结束6.havefundoingsth.做某事开心7.anEnglish-speakingcountry一个说英语的国家8.allIeverwantedtodowastravel我所想做的就是旅行9.thebestwaytodosth.做某事的最佳方法.10.threequarters四分之三aquarter四分之一11.ontheonehand,ontheotherhand.一方面,另一方面12.haveproblemdoingsth.做某事有困难13.wakeup醒来14.thebesttimetodosth.做某事的最佳时机15.allyearround全年unit10短语及句型1.It’saniceday,isn’tit?真是个好天气,不是吗?2.bynoon到中午为止,不迟于中午3.lookthrough浏览4.Thepriceislow/high.价格低/高.5.It’s+adj+doing+sth.做某事怎么样It’s+adj+for+sb+todosth.对某人来说做某事怎么样6.feellike感觉像是feellikedoingsth想做某事7.haveagood/great/wonderfultimedoingsth.做某事很开心haveahardtimedoingsth.做某事有困难ealong出现9.thinkof想起,考虑10.getalong相处11.helpwith在某方面帮助12.helpsb.dosth.帮助某人做事【八年级常考的英语短语及句型】。

八年级常用英语短语1. dress up 打扮;梳理2. take sb.’s place 代替;替换3. do a good job 干得好4. something enjoyable 令人愉快的东西5. interesting information 有趣的资料6. one of…… 之一7. look like 看起来像8. around the world 全世界9. a symbol of ……的象征10. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事11. plan to do sth. 计划/打算做某事12. hope to do sth. 希望做某事13. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事14. expect to do sth. 盼望做某事15. How about doing…? 做……怎么样?16. be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事17. try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事动词不定式做宾语18. think of 认为19. learn from 从……获得;向……学习20. find out 查明;弄清楚21. Unit I’m going to study computer science.22. grow up 成长;长大23. every day 每天24. be sure about 对……有把握25. make sure 确信;务必八年级必背英语短语1. send…to… 把……送到……2. be able to能3. the meaning of ……的意思4. different kinds of 不同种类的5. write down 写下;记下6. have to do with 关于;与……有关系7. take up 开始做;学着做8. hardly ever 几乎不;很少9. too…to… 太……而不能……/太……以至于不能10. be going to+动词原形打算做某事11. practice doing 练习做某事12. keep on doing sth. 不断地做某事13. learn to do sth. 学会做某事14. finish doing sth. 做完某事15. promise to do sth. 许诺去做某事16. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事17. remember to do sth. 记住做某事18. agree to do sth. 同意做某事19. love to do sth. 喜爱做某事21. Unit Will people have robots?22. on computer 在电脑上23. on paper 在纸上24. live to do years old 活动岁25. free time 空闲时间八年级必备英语短语1. in danger 处于危险之中2. on the earth 在地球上3. play a part in sth. 参与某事4. space station 太空站5. look for 寻找6. computer programmer 电脑编程员7. in the future 在未来8. hundreds of 许多;成百上千9. the same…as… 与……一样10. over and over again 多次;反复地11. get bored 感到厌烦的12. wake up 醒来13. fall down 倒塌14. will+动词原形将要做……15. fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多……16. less/more+不可数名词更少/更多……18. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见19. such+名词(词组) 如此……20. play a part in doing sth. 参与做某事21. There will be + 主语+其他将会有……22. There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth.有……正在做某事23. make sb. do sth.24. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事25. try to do sth. 尽力做某事。

八年级英语全册单词和短语大汇总(外研版)八年级分类词汇及短语名词 (noun)1. diary. 日记,记事物2. activity. 活动3. bicycle. 自行车4. building. 建筑物,房子5. difference. 差异,不同6. umbrella. 雨伞,伞7. housework. 家务事8. program:节目 9. coffee. 咖啡10. health. 健康 11. result. 结果 ;后果 12. percent. 百分之13. television. 电视节目14. mind. 头脑,心智15. body. 身体16. writer. 作家 17. dentist. 牙医 18. magazine. 杂志,期刊19. point. 得分 ;点 20. mirror. 镜子 21. competition. 竞争,竞赛22. kid. 小孩,年轻人23. fact. 事实 ;现实 24. saying. 谚语,格言,警句25. hand. 手 26. heart. 内心 ;心脏 27. grade. 成绩等级 ;评分等级28. information. 信息,消息29. theater. 剧场,戏院30. seat. 座位,坐处31. screen. 银幕,屏幕32. ticket. 票;入场 33. song. 歌曲,歌34. reporter. 记者 35. service. 服务,接待36. menu. 菜单37. performer. 表演者,演员38. talent. 天资 ;天赋 39. meal. 一餐所吃的食物40. magician. 魔术师 41. prize. 奖品 ;奖金 42. role. 作用 ;职能 ;角色43. winner. 获胜者 ;优胜者 44. example. 实例 ;范例 45. news. 新闻节目,新闻46. discussion. 讨论,商量47. joke.笑话,玩笑48. action.行动49. culture.文化,文明50. reason.原因,理由51. film.电影52. character. 人物 ;角色 53. army. 陆军 ;陆军部队54. girlfriend. 女朋友55. cook. 厨师 56. college. 学院 ;大学 57. education. 教育58. medicine. 药;医学 59. article. 文章 ;论文 60. university. 大学 ;高等学府61. resolution. 决心,决定62. team. 队 ;组 63. meaning. 意义,意思64.promise. 承诺 ;诺言 65. beginning. 开头 ;开端 66. self-improvement. 自我改进67. hobby. 业余爱好68. relationship. 关系 ;联系 69. schoolwork. 学校作业70. paper. 纸 71. future. 未来 ;将来 72. pollution. 污染 ;污染物73. prediction. 预言 ;预测 74. environment. 环境 75. planet. 行星76. earth. 地球 ;世界 77. part. 部分 ;参加 78. peace. 和平79. sea. 海;海洋 80. sky. 天空 81. astronaut. 宇航员 ;航天员82. apartment. 公寓套房83. space. 太空 84. factory. 工厂85.servant. 仆人 86. shape. 形状 ;外形 87. side. 一方 (的意见、态度 )88.holiday. 假日 ;假期 89. word. 单词 ;词 90. salt. 食盐91. machine. 机器 ;机械装置92. plate. 盘子,碟子93. shake. 摇动 ;抖动94. hole. 洞 ;孔;坑 95. piece. 片 ;块;段 96. autumn. 秋天 ;秋季97. traveler. 旅行者,游客98. flu. 流行性感冒99. temperature. 温度 ;气温100. weekday. 工作日101. invitation. 邀请(函) 102. goodbye. 再见103. preparation. 准备 104. exam. 考试 105. calendar. 日历 ;日程表106. daytime. 白天 ;日间 107. guest. 客人 ;宾客 108. event. 大事 ;公开活动109. concert. 音乐会 110. ceremony. 开幕式111. meeting. 会议 ;集会112. advice. 建议 ;劝告 113. expert. 专家 v 114. wallet. 钱包115. mistake. 错误 116. step. 步骤 ;步 117. experience. 经历 ; 经验118. agent. 代理人 ;经纪人 119. mile. 英里 120. teenager. 青少年121. matter. 事情 ;问题 122. stomachache. 胃痛 123. stomach. 胃;胃部124. throat. 喉咙,咽喉125. fever. 发烧 ;发热 126. rest. 休息127. cough. 咳嗽 128. toothache. 牙痛 129. headache. 头痛130. break. 休息,间歇131. passenger. 乘客 ;旅客 132. trouble. 问题 ;苦恼133. knee. 膝盖 134. climber. 登山者135. risk. 风险 ;危险 ;冒险136. accident. 事故 137. situation. 情形 ;状况 138. rock. 岩石139. knife. 刀 140. blood. 血 142. importance. 重要性 ;重要143. decision. 决定 ;抉择 144. spirit. 勇气 ;意志 145. death. 死 ;死亡146. nurse. 护士 147. volunteer. 志愿者 148. sign. 标志 ;信号149. notice. 通知 ;注意 150. feeling. 感觉 ;感触 151. satisfaction. 满意 ;满足152. joy. 愉快 ;高兴 153. owner. 主人 ;物主 154. journey. 旅行 ;行程155. wheel. 轮子 ;车轮 156. letter. 信;函 157. difficulty. 困难 ;难题158. door. 门 159. training. 训练 ;培训 160. kindness. 仁慈 ;善良161. interest. 兴趣 ;关注 162. rubbish. 垃圾 ;废弃物163. floor. 地板164. mess. 杂乱 ;不整洁 165. finger. 手指 166. chore. 杂务 ;乏味无聊的工作167.snack. 小吃 ;点心 ;快餐 168. stress. 精神压力 ;心理负担 169. waste. 浪费;垃圾170.independence. 独立 171. fairness. 公正性 ;合理性 172. neighbor. 邻居173. midnight. 午夜 ;子夜 174. deal. 协议 ;交易 175. relation. 关系 ;联系 ;交往176. communication. 交流 ;沟通 177. cloud. 云;云朵 178. member. 成员 ;分子179. pressure. 压力 180. opinion. 意见 ;想法 ;看法 181. skill. 技艺 ;技巧182. development. 发展 ;成长 183. rainstorm. 暴风雨 184. alarm. 闹钟185. storm. 暴风雨 186. wind. 风 187. light. 光 ;光线 ;光亮188. area. 地区 ;地域 189. wood. 木头 ;木 190. window. 窗户 ;窗191. flashlight. 手电筒 ;火炬 192. match. 火柴 193. passage. 章节 ;段落194. pupil. 学生 195. silence. 沉默 ;缄默;无声 196. terrorist. 恐怖分子197. date. 日期 ;日子 198. tower. 塔;塔楼 199. truth. 事实 ;实情200. stone. 石头 201. bit. 一点 ;小块 202. object. 物体 ;物品203. tail. 尾巴 204. stick. 棍;条 205. prince. 王子206. couple. 夫妻 ;两人 ;两件事207. smile. 微笑 208. gold. 金子 ;金币209. emperor. 国王 210. silk. 丝绸 ;丝织物 211. nobody. 小人物212. wife. 妻子 ;太太 213. stepmother. 继母 214. husband. 丈夫215. scene. 场;场景 216. moonlight. 月光 217. ground. 地面 ;地218. voice. 声音 219. square. 平方 ;正方形 220. meter. 米 ;公尺221. desert. 沙漠 222. population. 人口 ; 人口数量223. tour. 旅行 ;旅游224. tourist. 旅行者 ;观光者225. wall. 墙 226. achievement. 成就 ;成绩227. condition. 条件;状况 228. force. 力 ;力量 229. nature. 自然界 ;大自然230. ocean. 海洋 ;大海 231. birth. 诞生 ;出生 232. adult. 成人 ;成年动物233. bamboo. 竹子 234. research. 研究 ;调查 235. keeper. 饲养员 ;保管人236. excitement. 兴奋 ;激动 237. illness. 疾病 ;病 238. artwork. 图片 ;插图239. government. 政府 ;内阁 240. oil. 油 ;食用油 241. protection. 保护 ;保卫242. challenge. 挑战 ;考验 243. treasure. 财富 ;珠宝 244. island. 岛245. classic. 经典作品 ;名著 246. page. 页;面;张 247. ship. 船248. tool. 工具 249. gun. 枪 250. mark. 迹象 ;记号 ;分数251. sand. 沙;沙滩 252. cannibal. 食人肉者253. land. 陆地 ;大地254. fiction. 小说 255. technology. 科技 ;工艺 256. pop. 流行音乐257. rock. 摇滚乐 258. band. 乐队 259. fan. 迷 ;狂热爱好者260. success. 成功 261. laughter. 笑;笑声 262. beauty. 美丽 ;美263. record. 唱片 ;记录 264. line. 行;排 265. amusement. 娱乐 ;游戏266. camera. 照相机 ;摄像机 267. invention. 发明 268. progress. 进步 ;进展269. toilet. 厕所 270. performance. 表演 ;演出 271. theme. 主题272. ride. 短途旅程273. province. 省份 274. fear. 害怕275. fox. 狐狸 276. equator. 赤道 277. spring. 春天278. location. 地点 ;位置 279. yard. 院子 280. memory. 记忆 ;回忆281. toy. 玩具 282. bear. 熊 283. maker. 生产者 ;制订者284. scarf. 围巾 ;头巾 285. board. 木板 ;板 286. railway. 铁路 ;铁道287. while. 一段时间 ;一会儿288. hometown. 家乡 ;故乡 289. shame. 羞耻 ;惭愧290. century. 百年 ;世纪 291. childhood. 童年动词 (verb.)1. seem: 似乎,好像2. decide:决定,下决心3. try. 尝试,设法,努力4. wonder. 想知道,琢磨5. wait. 等待,等候6. dislike. 不喜爱 ;厌恶7. swing. 摆动,摇摆8. die. 消失,灭亡,死亡9. win. 赢得 ;获胜10. care. 在意,担忧,关心11. should. 应该 12. reach. 伸手 ;到达13. touch. 感动 ;触摸 14. laugh. 笑,发笑15. break. 破坏 ;违背,打破16. share. 分享,共享17. choose. 选择 ;挑选 18. act. 扮演 ;行动19. give. 提供 ;给 20. plan. 计划,打算21. hope. 希望22. stand. 忍受 23. happen. 发生 ;出现 24. may. 也许 ;可能25. expect. 期待,预料26. appear. 出现 27. become. 成为 ;开始变得28. lose. 失去,丢失29. send. 邮寄 ;发送 30. question. 提问 ;怀疑31. discuss. 讨论 ;商量 32. improve. 改进 ;改善 33. agree. 同意 ;赞成34. pollute. 污染 35. plant. 种植 36. believe. 相信 ;认为有可能37. disagree. 不同意38. fall. 倒塌,跌倒39. peel. 剥皮,去皮40. pour. 倒出 ;倾倒 41. add. 增加 ;增添 42. dig. 挖,掘,凿43. celebrate. 庆祝 ;庆贺 44. mix. 混合 ;融合 45. fill. 充满 ;装满46. cover. 覆盖 ;遮盖 47. hang. 悬挂 ;垂下 48. serve. 接待 ;服务 ;提供49. prepare. 把...准备好50. catch. 及时赶上 ;抓住 51. invite. 邀请52. accept. 接受 53. refuse. 拒绝 54. reply. 回答 ;答复55. delete. 删除 56. print. 打印,印刷57. organize. 组织 ;筹备58. travel. 旅行 ;游历 59. advise. 建议 ;劝告 60. solve. 解决,解答61. lie. 躺;平躺 62. hurt. 使疼痛 ;受伤 63. hit. 打 ;击64. breathe. 呼吸 65. mean. 意思是 ;打算 ;意欲 66. control. 控制67. cheer. 欢呼 ;喝彩 68. volunteer. 义务做,自愿做69. notice. 注意到 ;意识到70. raise. 募集 ;征集 71. repair. 修理 ;修补 72. fix. 修理 ;安装73. imagine. 想象,设想74. open. 打开 ;开 75. carry. 拿;提 ;扛76. train. 训练 ;培训 77. understand. 理解 ;领会 78. change. 改变 ;变化79. interest. 使感兴趣 ;使关注 80. fold. 折叠 ;对折 81. sweep. 扫;打扫82. throw. 扔;掷 83. pass. 给;递;通过 84. borrow. 借用 ;借85. lend. 借给 ;借出 86. hate. 讨厌 ;厌恶 87. waste. 浪费 ;滥用88. provide. 提供 ;供应 89. depend. 依靠 ;依赖 90. develop. 发展 ;壮大91. drop. 落下 ;掉下 92. allow. 允许 ;准许 93. guess. 猜测 ;估计94. argue. 争吵 ;争论 95. offer. 主动提出 ;自愿给予96. communicate. 交流 ;沟通97.explain. 解释 ;说明 98. copy. 抄袭 ;模仿 ;复制,复印 99. return. 归还 ;回来;返回pete. 竞争 ;对抗 101. continue. 持续 ;继续存在 102. compare. 对比 ; 比较103. push. 鞭策 ;督促 ;推动 104. cause. 造成 ;引起 105. begin. 开始106. report. 报道 ;报告 107. beat. 打败 ;敲打 108. rise. 升起 ;增加 ;提高109. kid. 开玩笑 ;欺骗 110. realize. 理解 ;领会;认识到 111. shoot. 射击 ;发射112. remind. 提醒 ;使想起113. hide. 隐藏 ;隐蔽 114. excite. 使兴奋 ;使激动115. fit. 适合 ;合身 116. smile. 微笑 117. cheat. 欺骗 ;蒙骗118. shine. 照耀 ;发光 119. lead. 带路 ;领路 120. marry. 结婚121. tour. 旅行 122. protect. 保护 ;防护 123. include. 包括 ;包含124.succeed. 实现目标 ;成功 125. achieve. 达到 ;完成 ;成功 126. weigh. 重量是⋯;称⋯的重量127. hurry. 匆忙 ;赶快 128. mark. 做记号 ;打分 129. belong. 属于 ;归属130. record. 录制 ;录音 131. introduce. 介绍 ;引见 132. invent. 发明 ;创造133. encourage. 鼓励 134. collect. 收集 ;采集 135. fear. 害怕136. check. 检查 ;审查 137. clear. 清理 ;清除 138. own. 拥有 ;有139. part. 离开 ;分开 140. search. 搜索 ;搜查 141. regard. 将⋯认为 ;把⋯视为⋯142.count. 数数 143. consider. 注视 ;仔细考虑 144. hold. 拥有 ;抓住形容词 (adj.)1. wonderful. 精彩的,绝妙的2. bored. 厌倦的,烦闷的3. wet. 潮湿的,湿的,下雨的4. enough. 足够的,充足的5. hungry. 饥饿的6. full. 忙的 ;满的 ;充满的7. online. 在线的 ;联网的 8. such. 这样的,类似的 9. outgoing. 外向的,爱交际的10. better. 更好的,较好的11. fantastic. 极好的 12. hard-working. 努力工作的13. serious. 严肃的,稳重的 14. loud. 响亮的,大声的 15. talented. 有才能的16. necessary. 必要的,必需的 17. similar. 相像的,类似的 18. primary. 最初的,最早的19. close. 接近的,靠近的20. fresh. 新鲜的 ;清新的21. comfortable. 舒服的22. worst. 最差的,最坏的23. worse. 更差的,更糟的24. creative. 有创造力的25. poor. 贫穷的,清贫的26. crowded. 挤的 27. educational. 有教育意义的28. meaningless. 豪无意义的29. rich. 富有的30. famous. 著名的,出名的31. main. 主要的 ;最重要的32. common. 常见的33. successful. 成功的34.unlucky. 不幸的 ;不吉利的 35. simple. 简单的 ;易做的 36. ready. 愿意的 ;准备好的37. foreign. 外国的 38. physical. 身体的39. personal. 个人的 ;私人的40. weekly. 每周的 41. own. 自己的42. human. 人的43. dangerous. 危险的44. possible. 可能的 45. impossible. 不可能的46. traditional. 传统的 ;惯例的 47. sad. 悲哀的,难过的 48. available. 有空的,可获得的49. surprised. 惊讶的 50. upset. 难过的 ;沮丧的 51. normal. 正常的 ;一般的52. angry. 生气的 ;发怒的53. careless. 粗心的54. understanding. 善解人意的55. careful. 细致的 ;小心的 56. else. 别的 ;其他的57. sore. 疼痛的,酸痛的58. sick. 生病的 ;有病的59. sunburned. 晒伤的60. lonely. 孤独的 ;寂寞的61.strong. 强烈的 ;强壮的 62. broken. 破损的 ;残缺的 63. disabled. 残疾的 ;丧失能力的64. blind. 瞎的 ;失明的 65. deaf. 聋的 66. excited. 兴奋的 ;激动的67. clever. 聪明的68. ill. 有病的 ;不舒服的69. independent. 独立的 ;自主的70.fair. 合理的 ;公正的 71. unfair. 不合理的 ;不公正的 72. wrong. 有毛病 ;错误的73. elder. 年纪较长的74. nervous. 焦虑的 ;担忧的75. proper. 正确的,恰当的76. clear. 清楚易懂的 ;晴朗的77. typical. 典型的78. quick. 快的 ;快速的79.crazy. 疯狂的 ;不理智的 80. usual. 通常的 ;寻常的 81. strange. 奇特的 ;奇怪的82.fallen. 倒下的 ;落下的 83. icy. 冰冷的 ;覆盖着冰的 84. shocked. 惊愕的 ; 受震惊的85. asleep. 睡着的86. weak. 虚弱的 ;无力的87. silly. 愚蠢的 ;不明事理的88. magic. 有魔力的 ;有神奇力量的89. Western. 西方的 90. gold. 金色的91. stupid. 愚蠢的92. whole. 整体的 ;全部的93. bright. 明亮的 ;光线充足的94.brave. 勇敢的 ;无畏的 95. deep. 深的 ;纵深的 96. amazing. 令人惊奇的 ; 令人惊叹的97. ancient. 古老的 ;古代的98. wide. 宽的 ;宽阔的99. southwestern. 西南的100. thick. 厚的 ;浓的 101. freezing. 极冷的 ;冰冻的 102. adult. 成年的 ;成人的103. endangered. 濒危的104. awake. 醒着的 105. remaining. 遗留的 ;剩余的106. wild. 野生的 107. huge. 巨大的 ;极多的 108. due. 预期的 ;预定的109.southern. 南方的 110. modern. 当代的 ;现代的 111. unbelievable. 难以置信的112. rapid. 快速的 ;迅速的 113. unusual. 不寻常的 ;特别的 114. social. 社会的115.peaceful. 和平的 ;安宁的 116. perfect. 完美的 ;完全的 117. safe. 安全的;无危险的118.sweet. 甜蜜的 ;甜的 119. soft. 柔软的 ;软的 120. junior. 地位低下的121.honest. 诚实的 ;老实的 122. truthful. 真实的 ;诚实的 123. opposite. 对面的 ;另一边的124.certain. 某种的 ;某事,某人副词 (adv.)1. as. 像 ...一样,如同2. most. 最多,大多数3. hardly. 几乎不,几乎没有4. once. 一次,曾经5. once. 两次 ;两倍6. ever. 在任何时候 ;曾经7. maybe. 大概 ;或许 8. least. 最小,最少9. together. 在一起 ;共同10. however. 然而 ;不过 11. almost. 几乎,差不多12. less. 较少,较小13. loudly. 喧闹地 ;响亮地14. truly. 真正,确实15. quietly. 轻声地 ;安静地16. clearly. 清楚地,清晰地17. pretty. 相当 ;十分 18. cheaply. 便宜地,低廉地19. carefully. 细致地 ;小心地 20. beautifully. 漂亮地21. comfortably. 舒服地22. seriously. 严重地 ;严肃地 23. already. 已经 ;早已 24. even. 甚至 ;连;愈加25. probably. 很可能 ;大概 26. finally. 最后 ;最终 27. forward. 向前 ;前进29.certainly. 无疑 ;肯定 ;当然 30. halfway. 在中途 ;部分地做 31. off. 离开 ; 不工作 ;从⋯去掉32. alone. 独自 ;单独 33. anyway. 而且 ;加之 34. neither. 也不35. instead. 代替 ;反而 ;却 36. secondly. 其次 ;第二 37. anymore. 不再 ;再也不38.perhaps. 可能 ;大概 ;也许 39. heavily. 大量地 ;在很大程度上 40. suddenly. 突然 ;忽然41. apart. 分离 ;分开 42. completely. 彻底地 ;完全地43. recently. 不久前 ;最近44. actually. 真实地 ;事实上45. abroad. 在国外 ;到国外 46. forever. 永远47.somewhere. 在某处 ;到某处 48. simply. 仅仅 ;只 ;不过 49. especially. 尤其;特别 ;格外50.mostly. 主要地 ;通常 51. nowadays. 现今 ;目前 ;现在介词 (prep.)1. below. 在 ...下面,到 ...下面2. than. 比3. through. 以;凭借 ;穿过4. inside. 在 ...里面5. during.. 在...期间6. without. 没有 ;不7. onto. 向;朝 8. against. 倚 ;碰;撞 9. towards. 朝 ;向;对着10. among. 在其中 ; ⋯之一 11. opposite. 与⋯相对 ;在⋯对面代词 (pron.)1. anyone. 任何人2. anywhere. 在任何地方3. something. 某事,某物4. someone. 某人5. nothing. 没有什么6. everyone. 每人,所有人7. myself. 我自己 8. yourself. 你自己 9. few. 不多,很少10. none. 没有一个,毫无11. which. 哪一个 ;哪一些 12. both. 两者都13. everybody. 每人 ;人人 14. himself. 他自己 15. themselves. 他(她、它 )们自己16. herself. 她自己 17. ourselves. 我们自己18. several. 几个 ;数个 ;一些19.whatever. 任何 ;每一 20. nobody. 没有人 21. itself. 它自己数词 (num.)lion. 一百万2. thousand. 一千连词 (conj.)1.although :虽然,即使,尽管2. until. 直到 ...为止3. though. 虽然,尽管4.unless. 除非 ;如果不5. while. 与⋯同时 ;当⋯时;然而6. since. 因为 ;既然 ; 自⋯以来7.whenever. 无论何时 8. whether. 不管⋯;或者⋯;是否☆短语汇总☆1. quite a few. 相当多,不少2. of course. 当然,自然3. feel like. 感受到4. because of. 因为5. at least. 至少,不少于6. such as. 例如,像 ...这样7. more than. 多于 8. less than. 少于 9. care about. 关心,在意10. as long as. 只要,既然11. bring out.使显现12. the same as. 和...相同13. in fact.事实上,实际不14. be similar to.与...相似15. so far.到目前为止16. all kinds of. 各种各样的17. play a role. 发挥作用18. make up. 编造19. for example. 例如 20. find out. 查明,弄清 21. take...seriously. 认真对待22. be ready to. 愿意迅速做某事 23. dress up. 装扮 24. take sb ’s place代.替,替换25. do a good job. 干得好26. grow up. 长大,成长 27. make sure. 确保,查明28.be able to. 能够做某事 29. write down. 写下,记下 30. take up. 开始做,学着做31. agree with. 同意,赞成32. play a part. 参与 33. hundreds of. 许多,大量34. fall down. 跌倒,倒下35. look for. 寻找,寻求36. turn on. 接通,打开37.prepare for. 为...做准备 38. another time. 其他时间 39. hang out. 闲逛,常去某处40. look after. 照顾,照料41. turn down. 拒绝 42. take a trip. 去旅行43. look forward to. 期待,期盼 44. in half. 分成两半 45. hear from. 收到信(电话)46.What ’s the matter?怎么了 ? 47. have a cold. 患感冒 48. havea stomachache. 胃痛49. lie down. 躺下 50. take one’s temperature量.体温51. have a fever. 发烧52. take breaks/ take a break. 休息 53. get off. 下车 54. to one ’s surprise出.乎⋯的意料55.right away. 立即,马上 56. get into. 陷入,参与 57. be used to. 习惯于⋯;适应于⋯58. take risks/ take a risk. 冒险 59. run out (of). 用尽,耗尽60. cut off. 切除61. get out of. 离开,从⋯出来62. be in control of.掌管;管理63. give up.放弃64. clean up. 打扫干净65. cheer up. 振奋起来,高兴66. give out. 分发 ;散发67. come up with. 提出,想出68. put off. 推迟,延期69. hand out. 分发70.call up. 打电话给⋯;征召 71. used to. 曾经⋯;过去⋯ 72. care for. 照顾 ;非常喜欢73. try out. 参加⋯选拔 ;试用 74. fix up. 修理 ;装饰 75. give away. 赠送 ;捐赠76. take after. 与⋯像 77. set up. 建立 78. make a difference. 有作用,影响79.take out the rubbish. 倒垃圾 80. all the time. 频繁 ;反复 81. as soon as.一⋯就⋯;尽快82. in order to. 目的是,为了83. depend on. 依靠 ;信赖 84. take care of. 照顾;处理85.What ’s wrong?哪儿不舒服 ? 86. look through. 浏览 ;快速查看 87. big deal. 重要的事88.work out. 成功地发展 ;解决 89. get on with. 和睦相处 ;关系良好 90. cut out. 删除 ;删去91. compare ⋯with 比⋯较 ;对比 92. in one’s opinion依.⋯看93. go off.发出响声94.pick up. 接电话 95. fall asleep. 睡着 ;进入梦乡 96. die down. 逐渐变弱 ;逐渐消失97.have a look. 看一看 98. in silence. 沉默 ;无声 99. make one ’s way前.往 ; 费力地前进100.take down. 拆除 ;往下拽 ;记录 101. at first. 最初 ;首先 102. a little bit.有点儿 ;稍微103. instead of. 代替 ;反而 104. turn⋯into变⋯成105. once upon a time.从前106.fall in love. 爱上 ;喜欢上 107. get married. 结婚 108. feel free. 可以随便做某事109. as far as I know. 就我所知110. take in. 吸入 ;吞入 111. in the face of.面对112.even though. 既然 ;虽然 113. at birth. 出生时 114. up to . 到达 ;至多有 ; 不多于115. walk into. 走路时撞着116. fall over. 绊倒 117. or so. 大约118. full of. 满是⋯的;大量的 119. hurry up. 赶快 ;匆忙地做某事 120. ever since. 自从121.one another. 互相 122. a couple of. 两个 ;一对 ;几个 123. thousands of. 数以千计的124.on the one hand. 一方面 125. on the other hand. 另一方面 126. all year round. 全年127. check out. 察看 ;观察 128. clear out. 清理 ;丢掉 129. no longer. 不再 ;不复130. part with. 放弃 ;交出 131. as for. 至于 ;关于 132. to be honest. 说实在的133.according to. 根据 ;按照 134. close to. 几乎 ;接近 135. keep...to oneself. 保守秘密136. over and over again. 多次,反复地137. have to do with. 关于,与 ...有关系138. at the beginning of. 在...开始 139. be sure about. 确信,对 ...有把握140.be up to. 是...的职责,由 ...决定 141. have...in common. 有相同特征142.be different from. 与...不同。

八年级所有英语单词和重点短语1. 单词:- accelerate: 加速- beneficial: 有益的- collaborate: 合作- diverse: 多样的- encounter: 遇到- fundamental: 基本的- genuine: 真实的- hesitate: 犹豫- identify: 辨认- juvenile: 年幼的- milestone: 里程碑- navigate: 导航- obstacle: 障碍- perspective: 视角- reluctant: 不情愿的- significant: 重要的- transformation: 转变- underestimate: 低估- versatile: 多才多艺的- wisdom: 智慧- adapt: 适应- beneficial: 有益的- communicate: 沟通- diverse: 多样的- encounter: 遇到- fundamental: 基本的- genuine: 真实的- hesitate: 犹豫- identify: 辨认- juvenile: 年幼的- milestone: 里程碑- navigate: 导航- obstacle: 障碍- perspective: 视角- reluctant: 不情愿的- significant: 重要的- transformation: 转变- underestimate: 低估- versatile: 多才多艺的- wisdom: 智慧- analyze: 分析- collaborate: 合作- comprehend: 理解- creative: 创造性的- determine: 决定- encourage: 鼓励- experience: 经验- explore: 探索- foundation: 基础- inspire: 激励- justify: 证明- motivate: 动机- objective: 目标- persuade: 说服- principle: 原则- satisfy: 满足- substantial: 实质性的- utilize: 利用- validate: 验证- visualize: 想象2. 重点短语:- break the ice: 打破僵局- come across: 偶然遇到- get along with: 与...相处- go through: 经历- keep up with: 赶上- look forward to: 期待- make a difference: 产生影响- on the other hand: 另一方面- take into account: 考虑到- turn out: 结果是- build bridges: 建立桥梁- chip in: 捐助,出一份力- come to terms with: 接受,适应- follow up: 跟进- give back: 回报- head up: 领导- in the long run: 从长远来看- join in: 参与- learn from: 学习- make a decision: 做决定- on the whole: 总体上- put forward: 提出- set aside: 留出- take action: 采取行动- under the table: 秘密地- work on: 从事,努力完成- break the ice: 打破僵局- come across: 偶然遇到- get along with: 与...相处- go through: 经历- keep up with: 赶上- look forward to: 期待- make a difference: 产生影响- on the other hand: 另一方面- take into account: 考虑到- turn out: 结果是- build bridges: 建立桥梁- chip in: 捐助,出一份力- come to terms with: 接受,适应- follow up: 跟进- give back: 回报- head up: 领导- in the long run: 从长远来看- join in: 参与- learn from: 学习- make a decision: 做决定- on the whole: 总体上- put forward: 提出- set aside: 留出- take action: 采取行动- under the table: 秘密地- work on: 从事,努力完成- pick up: 接/学会- point out: 指出- pull together: 齐心协力- put down: 记下- run out: 用完- show up: 出现- take care of: 照顾- think over: 仔细考虑- warm up: 热身- work out: 解决;锻炼- back up: 支持;备份- calm down: 平静下来- catch up: 赶上- cheer up: 使振作起来- clean up: 打扫干净- cool down: 冷静下来- dry up: 干涸- grow up: 成长- hang up: 挂断电话- hold up: 举起;阻碍- hurry up: 赶快- lighten up: 放松;照亮- mix up: 混淆- open up: 开放;倾诉- slow down: 减速;放慢- speed up: 加速- stand up: 起立;站起来- stick up: 举起;支持- wind up: 终止;结束- wipe out: 擦掉;消灭- wrap up: 包好;完成- back down: 后退;放弃- calm down: 平静下来- catch on: 理解;流行- cheer on: 鼓励- clean on: 打扫干净- cool on: 冷静下来- dry on: 干涸- grow on: 使喜爱- hang on: 抓住;不挂断电话- hold on: 等一下;继续- hurry on: 赶快- lighten on: 放松;照亮- mix on: 混淆- open on: 开放;倾诉- slow on: 减速;放慢- speed on: 加速- stand on: 坚持立场- stick on: 粘贴;坚持- wind on: 继续进行- wipe on: 擦掉;消灭- wrap on: 包好;完成这些是一些基本的八年级英语单词和短语,但并不是所有的单词和短语都能在这里列出。

八年级英语上下全册短语大汇总人教八年级上册Unit 1Section Ago on vacation 去度假go shopping 购物go out 外出(娱乐)buy sth. for sb.(= buy sb. sth.) 给某人买某物go to summer camp 去夏令营go to the beach 去海滩go to the mountains 去爬山keep a diary 记日记long time no see 好久不见most of the time 大多数时间study for tests 备考feed hens 喂母鸡quite a few 相当多;不少visit museums 参观博物馆visit my uncle 拜访我叔叔stay at home 待在家taste good 尝起来不错in the countryside 在乡下Bye for now!再见了!Section Balong the way 沿途another two hours(= two more hours) 另外两个小时because of 因为the next day 第二天feel like 给……的感觉;感受到find out 查明;弄清come up 升起in the past 在过去take photos 照相too many people太多的人try doing sth. 试着做某事walk around 四处走走arrive in(= get to) 到达walk up to the top 走到顶部rain hard 雨下得很大bring back 带回来jump up and down in excitement 兴奋地跳来跳去learn something important 学一些重要的东西have a fun time 过得很愉快;玩得非常开心in the shopping center 在购物中心keep doing sth. 继续做某事Unit 2Section Aon weekends 在周末twice / three times a week 一周两 / 三次stay up late 熬夜swing dance 摇摆舞How come? 怎么会呢?go to the movies 去看电影hardly ever 几乎从不junk food 垃圾食品help with housework 帮忙做家务go shopping 去购物use the Internet 使用互联网read English books 阅读英文书籍favorite program 最喜欢的节目have piano lessons 上钢琴课drink milk 喝牛奶go to bed 上床睡觉eat a healthy breakfast 吃健康的早餐Section B in the free time 在空闲时间ask sb. about sth. 询问某人关于某事at least 至少;不少于;起码be good for health 对健康有好处draw pictures 画画go online 上网go camping 去野营less than 少于go to the dentist 看牙医play computer games 玩电脑游戏play sports 做运动more than 多于such as 例如;像……这样... percent of the students 百分之……的学生the answer to the question 问题的答案want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事Old habits die hard. 旧习难改。


八年级英语Unit8How do you make a banana milk shake?【重点单词】blender ['blendər] n.搅拌器;果汁机peel [piːl] vt.剥落;削皮pour [pɔːr] v.倒;倾倒yogurt ['joʊɡərt] n.酸奶honey ['hʌni] n.蜂蜜watermelon ['wɔːtərmelən] n.西瓜spoon [spuːn] n.勺,调羹add [æd] 增加finally ['faɪnəli] adv.最后,最终salt [sɔːlt] n.盐sugar ['ʃʊɡər] n.糖cheese [tʃiːz] n.干酪,奶酪popcorn ['pɑːpkɔːrn] n.爆米花corn [kɔːrn] n.玉米,谷物machine [mə'ʃiːn] n.机器sandwich ['sænwɪtʃ] n.三明治butter ['bʌtər] n.黄油,奶油turkey ['tɜːrki] n.火鸡lettuce ['letɪs] n.莴苣,生菜piece [piːs] n.件;篇;片;块;traditional [trə'dɪʃənl] adj.传统的traveler ['trævlə] n.旅行者England ['ɪŋɡlənd] n.英格兰;英国celebrate ['selɪbreɪt] v.庆祝;庆贺pepper ['pepər] n.胡椒粉;辣椒oven ['ʌvn] n.烤箱;烤炉cover ['kʌvər] n.遮盖,盖子gravy ['ɡreɪvi] n.肉汁;肉汤serve [sɜːrv] n.接待,服务temperature ['temprətʃər] n.温度,气候【重点短语】1、milk shake 奶昔2、turn on打开,turn off 关上3、pour ….into…. 将…...倒入…...4、a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶5、a good idea 一个好主意6、on Saturday morning 在星期六早上7、cut up 切碎8、put…into…将…... 放入...…9、one more thing 还有一件事10、a piece of 一片/一张/一块11、at this time 在此时12、a few 几个13、fill…with…用…装满14、cover…with…用...…盖住15、one by one 一个接一个16、a long time 长时间17、cut…into pieces 将...…切成碎片18、add…to(into)…将...…加到......上(里)19、mix...together…将...…混合一在起20、mix up…将……混合21、serve …to…用...…招待…...22、half a cup 半杯23、another ten minutes 另外十分钟24、peel the banana 剥一个香蕉【重点句型】1. Turn on the blender.启动搅拌器。

八年级上册英语必背短语汇总1. die out灭绝2. in the countryside在农村3. find out了解4. human being人类5. look up 查阅6. from an early age 在很小的时候7. learn about了解8. more than多于9. go for a walk去散步10. learn…from…从…获得…11. take pictures of 拍…的照片12.a type of 一类13. be important to 对…而言重要14. climb up to往上爬至15.a long time ago很早以前16. challenge…to…向…挑战…17. and so on …等等18. the rest of 剩余的19. make money赚钱20. follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议21. nothing but…除了…以外什么都…22. from then on从那时起23. not…any more 不再24. all year round终年25. take place发生26. copy down抄下27. work with从事…工作;在一起干28. at first首先29. in the way 以这种方式30. so that以便31. develop into 使发展成32. lead to导致33. for sure无疑34. one grain of一粒35. get a prize得到一件奖品36. work as从事…工作37. be unaware of 没意识到38. depend on依靠39. in addition除了…以外40. grand total总计41. one day总有一天42. happen to发生在….的身上43. change one’s life 改变某人生活44. get on the Internet上网45. be forward to盼望46. be made of由…制成47. for too long长时间的48. in the past在过去49. at a…speed以…速度50. since then自那以来51. keep in touch with与….保持联系52. in the daytime在白天53. keep…off使…不接近54. at the same time同时55. get a mark得到分数56. at the weekend 在周末57. top speed最高速度58. on land在陆地上59. turn into变成60. instead of代替61. right now现在;目前62. work as担任63. all the time一直64. make a mess 弄得一团糟65. at the tip of在…的尖端66. refer to涉及67. with the help of在…的帮助下68. look like像69. at first 起初70. so far迄今为止71. introduce…. to…使…初次了解72. come over to从…到…(远距离)73. in one’s home在某人的家里74. tour around 游览75. one another互相76. activities in school校内活动77. activities outside school校外活动78. apply for申请79. between…and………和….之间80. have a reference from 有…的推荐信81. wait for等待82. come on 加油83. look down俯视84. be under attack受到攻击85. turn around转身86. fill…with…装满87. act out将…表演出来88. except for除了…之外89. look over察看90. go to sleep入睡91. on the side of在…旁边92. climb out of从…爬出来93. one by one一个接一个94. be afraid of害怕95. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人96. take out取帐97. pour out 涌出98. put…into把…放进99. make a noise发出嗓音100. exercise one's brain锻炼某人大脑101. live a healthy life过健康的生活102. have a balanced diet饮食均衡103. get worried 担心104. slow down反应慢105. stay relaxed保持放松106. take place发生107. write down写下108. improve one's memory 提高某人记忆力109. in one’s mind在某人脑海里110. make a sentence造句111. far from…离…很远112. have trouble with因…苦恼113. treasure hunt寻宝游戏114. in public 公开的115. put on 上演116. in my opinion 依我看117. above all尤其是118. look out小心119. give a speech 演讲120. communicate…with…与…交流…121. first at all 首先122. in all总计123. ought to应该124. set a trap设计圈套125. belong to 属于。

要点一:基础单词1.snow(n.) 雪2.ice(n.) 冰3.miss(v.) 想念,未见到4.bed(n.) 床5.room(n.) 房间6.good(adj.) 好的7.make(v.) 制作,做8.so(adv.) 因此,所以9.go(v.) 去10.ask(v.) 询问,问11.our(pron.) 我们的12.family(n.) 家庭13.interesting(adj.) 有趣的14.even(adj.) 甚至15.house(n.) 房子16.what(pron.) 什么17.important(adj.) 重要的18.which(pron.) 哪一个(n.) 名字20.friend(n.) 朋友要点二:重点短语1.make a snowman 堆雪人2.go skating 去溜冰3.in the snow 在雪中4.say goodbye 告别6.on the ice 在冰上7.play with snow 玩雪8.miss someone 想念人9.go to bed 上床睡觉10.our family 我们的家庭11.have a party 举行聚会12.in our house 在我们的房子里13.a good idea 一个好主意14.an interesting game 一个有趣的游戏15.which room 哪个房间16.a friend's name 一个朋友的名字17.very important 非常重要要点三:重点句型1.Let's make a snowman. 让我们来堆雪人吧。
2.We can go skating. 我们可以去溜冰。
3.The snow is so beautiful. 雪太美了。
4.I will miss you. 我会想念你。
5.Let's go to bed now. 让我们现在上床睡觉吧。
7.We can play with snow. 我们可以玩雪。

八年级英语单词、重点短语复习资料Unit 1-2一、词汇1. cheer(v.& n. )→ cheerful (adj. )快乐的;高兴的;兴高采烈的2. hit(v. )→ hit (过去式;过去分词)(用手或器具) 击,打3. decide(v. )→decision (n. )决定make a decision 做出决定4. joy(n. )→ joyful (adj. )高兴的;快乐的→joyless (adj. )不快活的;没有欢乐的to one's joy业让某人高兴的是5. kind(adj. )→ kindness (n. )仁慈;善良6. train(v. )→training (n. )训练;培训7. blind(adj. )→ blindness (n. )失明;盲目8. sick(adj.)→ill (同义词) 生病的9.satisfy(v. )→ satisfied (adj. )满足的;满意的→satisfaction (n. )满意;满足be satisfied with.... .....满意10. own(v. )→owner (n. )物主;主人11. important(adj. )→importance (n. )重要性the importance of .....的重要性12. imagine(v. )→_ imagination(n.)想象力imagine doing sth. 想象做某事13. mean(v.)→meaning (n. )意义;意思mean to do sth. 打算做某事mean doing sth. 意味着做某事二、重点短语1.run out(of)用完2. cut off 切除3. give up放弃4.keep on( doing sth. )继续(做某事)5.cheer up(使)变得高兴;振作起来V6.give out 分发;散发ed to 曾经;过去常常8. give away 赠送;捐赠9. set up创办10. make a difference 影响;起作用11. lie down 躺下11. get into trouble陷入困境12. fall down 摔倒13.hand out分发14. try out 试验;测验15.shout for help呼救16.put off推迟;延迟17.in time及时18.right now/ right away立刻;马上19. take after (外貌或行为)像20.take risks 冒险e up with/think up想出,提出(主意,计划等)22. raise money筹钱; 募捐Unit 3-4一、词汇1. compare(v. )一comparison (n. )比较,対比compare... with... 把....和..作比較2. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物lend sb. sth./ lend sth. to sb. 把某物借給某人3. mess(n.&v. )一messy (adj. )凌乱的,不整浩的、4. develop(v. )一development (n. )友展;发育;成长----developing (adj. )发展中的-----developed (adj. )发达的5. fair( adj. )一fairness(n.)公正性;公平合理性-----fairly ( adv. )相当地;公平合理地;------unfair (反义词)不公平的6. neighbor(n. )一neighborhood (n. )街区;街坊7. ill (adj. )----- illness(n.)疾病8. communicate(v. )一communication (n.) 交流communicate with sb. 和某人交流9. deal with sth./sb 处理某事/应对某人10. clear(adj. )一clearly ( adv. )清晰地;清楚地11. drop(v. )一dropped (过去式/过去分词)落下;掉下drop by 顺便拜访12. compete(v. )一competitor (n. )竞争者;对手-----competitive (adj. )竞争的;有竞争力的------competition (n. )竞争;角逐compete with/ against ... 和..·竞争/比赛compete for.. 为....而竞争compete in... 在.....方面竞争13.skill(n.)----- skillful (adj )技木好的;熟练的14. push(v. )-----pull (反义词)拉;拖15. usual(adj. )-----unusual (反义词)特別的;不寻常的;罕见的------usually(adv. )通常as usual 像往常一祥16.throw(v. )一threw ( 过去式)------thrown(过去分词)扔;投掷throw away 扔掉17. sweep(v. )一swept (过去式过去分词) 扫;打扫18. relation(n. )一relationship (n. ) 关系;联系21. depend(v. )一dependence(n. )依靠,依赖------independence (n. )独立--------independent (adj. )独立的,自主的depend on依靠,依赖;取决于22. argue( v. )-----argument (n. )争论;争吵--------argue with sb. 和某人争论/争吵23. offer----offered (过去式/过去分词)主动提出;提供offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb.sth./offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物二、重点短语1. cut out 删去,删除2. work out解决;成功地发展、3. get on with和....友好相处;继续做.....4.in order to目的是;为了5. take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 5.get into a fight with sb.和某人打架6 .big deal重要的事情7. as a result 结果8.in one's opinion 在某人看来9. in surprise 惊讶地10.look through 快速查看;浏览11.go out for dinner 外出就餐12.spend time alone 独自消磨时光13.stay out late在外面待到很晚14.work on忙于;从事15.be angry with 生.. ...的气e over过来;顺便来访17.provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物18.hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛19.mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事Unit 5-6一、词汇1. magic(n. )------ magical (adj. )有魔力的;奇妙的--------magician (n. )魔术师2. strange( adj.)-------- stranger (n. )陌生人3. wind(n. )------ windy (adj. )有风的4. heavy (adj. )------ heavily ( adv. )沉重地;猛烈地;在很大程度上5.sleep(v.&n.)----- asleep(adj.)睡着的------- sleepy (adj. )困倦的fall asleep 入睡plete(v.& adj. )------ completely (adv. )完全地7.silence(n. )----- silent ( adj. )沉默的;无声的、keep silent 保持沉默in silence沉默;无声、8. shoot(v. )------- shot ( 过去式/过去分词) 射击9. sudden(adj. )-------- suddenly (adv. ) 突然10. lead(v. ) ------- led (过去式/过去分词)带领;率领-------leader(n.)领导lead to通向,导致lead a...life过.....生活11. shine(v. )-----shone (过去式/过去分词) 发光;照耀------shiny (adj.)光亮的;有光泽的12. recent(adj. )-------recently (adv. )不久前;最近13. wood(n. )-------wooden(adj. )木制的14. storm(n. )-----stormy (adj. )有暴风雨/暴风雪的15.report(v.&n.)-------reporter (n. ) 记者16. rise(v. & n. )------ rose ( 过去式)---------- risen (过去分词)升起;增加;提高17. brave(adj. )------- bravely (adv.) 勇敢地;无畏地18. begin(v. )-----began ( 过去式)------begun (过去分词) 开始--------beginning (n. )开头;开端19. hide(v. )------hid (过去式)-------hidden (过去分词) 隐藏,隐蔽20. light (n. )------- light (adj. )明亮的;浅色的;轻的-------light (v. )点亮21. match (n. )------- match (v. )配对put a match to sth. 用火柴点燃某物match A to /with B将A和B配对22.stick(n.&v.)---- sticker(n.) 粘贴标签;贴纸stick to sth. 坚持某事二、重点短语1. feel like 有....的感觉;想要2. keep doing sth.继续做某事3.die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失4. remind sb. 提醒某人5. once upon a time 从前6. instead of代替;反而7. give up 放弃8. turn..into变成9. get married 结婚10.turn on打开11. take down拆除;记录12. so..that 如此....以至于13.fall in love爱上;喜欢上14.get lost 迷路15. for the first time 第一次16.a little bit 有点儿;稍微17. make one's way费力地前进18.go off (闹钟)发出响声19.be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事20.wake up醒来21. come out 出版;开花22.in time of difficulty_在困难时期23. because of由于24. point out指出25.call out 喊出26. become / get /be interested in ( doing) sth 对(做)某事(变得)感兴趣Unit7-8一、词汇1. achieve(v. )-------achievement (n. )成绩;成就2. tour(v. & n. )---------tourist (n. )旅行者;观光者;游客--------tourism (n. )旅游业;观光业3. laugh(v.&n.)-------laughter (n. )笑;笑声laugh at嘲笑4. introduce( V.)-------- introduction (n. )介绍introduce...to... 把.....介绍..... introduce...into... 把.....传入/引进某地5. protect(v. ) ------- protection (n. )保护;防卫-------- protector (n. ) 保护人;保护装置protect...from..... 保护.....免遭.....6.mark...on.... 在......上标记.....7. awake(v. & adj.)------- wake (v. ) 醒;唤醒wake up 唤起;醒来8. sand(n. )------ sandy (adj. )铺满沙子的;含沙的9. southern( adj. )-------south (n. & adj. & adv. ) 南,南方;南方的;向南10. beauty(n. )------ beautiful (adj. )美丽的;美好的--------beautifully (adv. )美好地;美妙地11. record(v.&n. )-------- recorder (n. )录音机;录像机12. technology(n. )------ technological (adj. )技术上的13. success(n. )--------successful (adj. )成功的--------successfully(adv. )成功地------succeed (v. )成功;实现目标succeed in doing... 成功做到.....14.nature(n.)------ natural (adj. )自然的;天然的-------- naturally (adv. )顺理成章地;自然地15. deep(adj. &adv. )------ deeply (adv. )非常;深刻地;强烈地16.ill (adj. )------ illness (n. )疾病17. challenge(n. & v. )------- challenger (n. )(体育运动或政治的)挑战者18. force (n. ) -----forces (pl.)力量大的人(或事物);影响大的人(或事物)-------force (v. )强迫;迫使the force of... .....的力量force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做事二、重点短语1. take in 吸入;吞入(体内)2. at birth 出生时3. walk into 走进;陷入4.as far as I know 据我所知5. fall over摔倒;倒下6. die from/of 因.....而死7. fight over 为.....争吵8.one another相互9. belong to 属于10. up to 达到;直到11.can't wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事12. the population of ( 某地)的人口13. achieve one’s dream 实现某人的梦想~14. prepare... for.. 为....准备...... 15. cut down砍倒16.the home of... .......的发源地17. the number of.......的数目Unit9-10一、词汇1. encourage(v. )------encouragement (n. )鼓励encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事2. peaceful(adj. )------ peace (n. )和平3. perfect(adj. )------- perfectly (adv. )完美地;完好地4. collect(v. )------ collection (n. )收藏5. safe(adj. )------ safety (n. )安全6. simple(adj. )------- simply (adv. )简单地7. certain( adj. )------- certainly ( adv. )无疑;肯定;8. honest(adj. )-------- dishonest ( 反义词)不诚实的9. especially(adv.)------- especial (adj.)格外的;特殊的10. Indian (n. &adj. )------India (n. )印度11.fear for sb. /sth. 为某人或某事担忧12.performance(n. )-------- perform (v. )演出;表演13. unbelievable(adj. )-------- believe (v. )相信believe in相信;信任14. social(adj. )------- society(n. )社会15. hold(v. )----- held (过去式/过去分词)拥有;抓住hold on to坚持;坚守16.consider(v. )------- consideration (n. )考虑consider doing sth. 考虑做某事consider..as... 把.....视为.......17. invent(v. )-----invention (n. )发明18.. ride (n.&v. )------- rider (n.) 骑手;骑马(或自行车、摩托车)的人二、重点短语1. lead to导致2. search for寻找3. to be honest说实在的4. check out 查看;观察5. part with 与....分开;失去6. in one's opinion依....看7.do with解决;处置8. according to根据9. regard...as 把....看作10. clear out 清理;丢掉11. close to几乎;接近12.on the one hand....on the other hand... 一方面.....另一方面.....13. put up 搭起14. as for 至于;关于。

八年级上1-6单元单词和短语Unit1 第一单元单词及短语1. how often 多久一次2. exercise锻炼;运动v.&n .3. skateboard.踩滑板;参加滑板运动v4.hardly.几乎不;几乎没有adv5.ever.曾;曾经adv6.shop.购物v7.once.一次adv8.twice.两次;两倍adv9.time.次;次数n10.surf.在激浪上,驾(船);在……冲浪v11.Internet.网络;互联网n12.program (戏剧、广播、电视等的)节目、表演;(电脑)程序n.13.high school(美)中学;(英)公立中等学校14.most.大多数的;大部分的;几乎全部的adj15.no没有的;全无的adj.16.result.结果;成果n17.active.活跃的;积极的adj18.for.对于;关于;在……方面;就……而言prep19.as for至于;关于20.about.约摸;几乎adv21.junk.废弃的旧物;破烂物n22.junk food垃圾食品k.牛奶n24.coffee.咖啡n25.chip (食物等的)薄片n.26.cola.可乐n27.chocolate.巧克力n28.drink喝;饮v.29.health.健康;健康状况n30.how many多少31.interviewer.采访者n32.habit.习惯;习性n33.try试图;想要;设法;努力v.34.of course当然;自然35.look after照顾;照看36.lifestyle生活方式n.37.grade.分数;成绩;年级n38.better.(good和well的比较级)更好的;更使人满意的;健康状况有所好转的adj39.same同样的;相同的adj.40.as.(表示比较)像……(一样) prep41.different.差异的;不同的adj42.difference.不同;差异;区别n43.unhealthy.不健康的;不益于健康的adj44.yuck.(表示反感、厌恶等)呸;啐int45.maybe或许;大概adv.46.although (=though)虽然;即使;纵然conj.47.for (表示时间、距离、数量)达;计prep48.grandpa爷爷;外公n.49.a lot of大量;许多50.keep保持;使保持某种状态v.51.must modal.必须v52.less.(little的比较级)较小的;更小的;较少的;更少的adjUnit 2 第二单元单词及短语1.matter.事情;问题;差错n2.have.得(病);患(病) v3.cold.伤风;感冒n4.have a cold患感冒5.stomachache胃痛;腹痛;肚子痛n.6.sore.疼痛的adj7.back.后背;背脊n8.arm臂;胳膊n.9.ear.耳朵n10.eye眼睛n.11.foot (pl.feet)脚;足n.12.hand.手n13.head.头;头部nl4.leg.腿;腿部n15.mouth.嘴;口;口腔n16.neck.脖子;颈部n17.nose.鼻子n18.stomach.胃;胃部n19.tooth牙齿(pl.teeth) n.20.throat.喉头;喉咙;咽喉n21.toothache牙痛n.22.fever.发烧;发热n23.rest.休息v24.honey蜂蜜n.25.dentist.牙医n26.should.应该v27.headache头痛n.28.shouldn't=should not29.ago.(距……)以前adv30.so如此;这样pron.31.illness疾病;生病n.32.advice劝告;忠告;建议n.33.thirsty渴的;口渴的adj.34.stress加压力于;使紧张v..压力;紧张n35.be stressed out紧张的;有压力的36.crispy脆的;易碎的;(某些蔬菜和水果)新鲜而脆生的adj.37.cereal.谷类植物;加工而成的,谷类食物(一般指燕麦片、玉米片等早餐食品) n38.cookie.(美)甜饼干;曲奇饼n39.early.早;提早adv40.problem.问题;令人困惑的事物;难以处理的事情n41.way方法;手段;方式;样式n.42.traditional传统的;惯例的adj.43.believe.相信;认为v44.balance.平衡;平衡状态;协调n45.yin(汉)(中国古代哲学认为存在于宇宙万物间的两大对立面之一,跟“阳”相对)阴46.yang(汉)(中国古代哲学认为存在于宇宙万物间的两大对立面之一,跟“阴”相对)阳47.weak/adj.(身体)虚弱的;无力的48.Dangshen(中草药)党参49.Huangqi (中草药)黄芪50.herb.草本植物;药草;香草n51.angry愤怒的;生气的adj.52.tofu.豆腐n53.medicine.药;药物;药剂n54.western.西方的;来自西方的adj55.everybody.每人;人人;各人pron56.get变得v.57.few.(表示否定)很少的;几乎没有的adj58.a few(表示肯定)有些;几个59.stay.继续是;保持v60.important重要的;重大的adj.61.balanced.平衡的;协调的adj62.diet.饮食;节食n63.moment.瞬间;片刻n64.at the moment此时;现在te.晚66.until (=till)直到……之时;在……之前conj.67.dear (表示惊奇、苦恼、懊悔等)呵;哎呀int.68.host family寄宿家庭69.yesterday昨天;昨日n.70.hear.听见;听说vUnit 3 第三单元单词和表达式1. babysit.临时照顾(婴幼儿) v2.camp设营;宿营;露宿v.3.plan计划;规划;方案n.&v.4.Tibet西藏5.hike徒步旅行;远足v.6.Hong Kong香港7.yeah.(yes的变体)是adv8.how long多久9.away向远处;离开;向另一方向adv.10.get back回来11.send.送;寄;派谴v12.postcard.名信片n13..Hawaii(美国州名)夏威夷14.San Francisco(美国加利福尼亚州西部港市)旧金山15.bike.自行车;脚踏车n16.ride乘骑;搭乘;乘骑(搭乘)旅行(的路程)n 17.sightseeing观光;游览n.18.fish.捕鱼;钓鱼v19.rent租用;出租v.20.famous.著名的;出名的adj21.take a vacation去度假22.Greece希腊23.Spain西班牙24.Europe.欧洲n25.something某物;某事pron.ke.湖;湖泊n27.the Great Lakes(加拿大与美国之间的五个大湖的总称)五大湖28.leave离去;出发v.29.countryside.乡下;农村;乡村n30.nature.大自然;自然界n31.forget忘记;忘却v.32.a lot很;非常;常常33.finish.结束;完毕;完成v34.Thailand泰国35.tourist旅行者;游客n.36.Italy意大利Unit 4 第四单元单词和表达式1. take.搭乘(某种交通工具) v2.subway.地铁;地下火车n3.walk走;步行;散步v.4.hey.(用以促使注意,表示惊异或询问)嘿;喂int5.train.火车n6.forty四十num.7.fifty五十num.8.sixty.六十num9.seventy.七十num10.eighty八十num.11.ninety九十num.12.hundred.一百num13.minute.分钟n14.take花费(时间) v.15.by.表示交通、传递等的方式rep16.by bus 乘坐公共汽车17.far远的;遥远的adj.18.how far多远19.kilometer公里;千米n.20.shower&n.淋浴v.21.quick快的;迅速的adj.22.bicycle.自行车;两轮脚踏车n23.station.车站n24.early.早的;提早的adje.英里n26.stop.车站n27.transportation运送;运输28.northn.北部的;北方的29.North America北美洲30.part地区;区域n.31.thing事物;事情n.32.other另外的;其他的adj.33.depend.依赖;依靠v34.depend on视……而定;决定于35.river.河;江n36.boat.船n37.by boat乘坐小船38.must (表示推测)一定v.39.than.(用于形容词、副词的比较级之后)比conj40.more (用于构成部分形容词及副词的比较级)(比……)更;更多的;更大的adv.41.means方法;手段;工具n.42.car小汽车n.43.town.镇;城镇n44.ill生病的;不健康的adj.45.worry担心;担忧;焦虑v.46.look at朝……看47.so.(表示程度)这么;那么adv48.much十分;非常adv.Unit 5 第五单元单词和表达式1.lesson.课;课程n2.another.又一的;再一的adj3.concert音乐会n.4.whom.(who的宾格)谁;什么人pron5.calendar日历;日程表n.6.tomorrow明天;明日n.7.the day after tomorrow后天8.invitation.邀请n9.weekday非周末休息日;工作日n.10.pity可惜;遗憾;可惜的事n.11.training训练;锻炼12.chemistry.化学n13.American美国的;美洲的adj.14.project (学校的)课题;作业;项目n.15.match比赛;竞赛n.16.whole整个的;全部的;完整的adj.17.over从一边至另一边adv.e over顺便来访19.free空闲的;有空的adj.20.till直到……之时;在……之前conj.Unit 6 第六单元单词和表达式1. outgoing.友好的;爽直的adj2.twin孪生的;双胎的adj.3.calm.(心情)镇静的;无忧虑的adj4.wild.卤莽的;轻率的adj5.serious严肃的;庄重的adj.6.smart聪明的;伶俐的;机敏的adj.7.athletic体格健美的;体格强健的adj.8.note注释;说明n.9.mean表示……的意思;作……的解释v.10.as以……的方式;如同……那样adv.11.way (某个)方面;某)点n.12.both两个(都);两者(都) pron.13.hers.她的(所有物);属于她的(东西)pron 14.physics物理;物理学n.15.however.然而conj16.more than 超出……mon共同的;共有的adj.18.in common共同(的);共有(的)19.be good at擅长;在……方面做得好20.schoolwork学业;功课n.21.make使;促使;迫使v.ugh笑;发笑v.23.for (表示对象、用途等)为;给;对prep.24.opposite.对立的;相反的adj25.view观点;想法;态度n.26.interest兴趣;爱好n.27.most of大多数28.though虽然;即使;纵然conj.29.necessary.必要的;必须的;必需的adj30.beat.打败;战胜;超过v31.care对……在意;对……计较v.32.friendship.友好;友谊n33.primary.初级的;小学的adj34.primary school小学rmation消息;资料n.。

一、名词:1. student(学生)- a person who is studying at a school or university.例句:The students are studying in the classroom.2. teacher(老师)- a person who teaches in a school or college.例句:The teacher is writing on the blackboard.3. book(书)- a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.例句:She is reading a book in the library.4. school(学校)- an institution for educating children.例句:She goes to school from Monday to Friday.5. friend(朋友)- a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.例句:She is my best friend.6. family(家庭)- a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.例句:His family loves him very much.7. computer(电脑)- an electronic device that can store and process large amounts of information.例句:I use a computer to do my homework.8. city(城市)- a large town.例句:Beijing is a famous city in China.9. country(国家)- a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.例句:China is a beautiful country.10. music(音乐)- vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such away as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.例句:She loves listening to music.二、动词:1. study(学习)- the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject.例句:He studies English every day.2. read(阅读)- look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed.例句:I like to read novels in my free time.3. write(写作)- mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement.例句:She writes a diary every night.4. speak(说话)- say something in order to convey information, an opinion, ora feeling.例句:He speaks Chinese and English fluently.5. listen(听)- take notice of and act on what someone says; respond to advice or a request.例句:Please listen to me carefully.6. play(玩耍,演奏)- engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.例句:He likes to play basketball with his friends.7. sing(唱歌)- make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune.例句:She sings beautifully.8. dance(跳舞)- move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps.例句:They love to dance at the party.9. swim(游泳)- propel the body through water by using the limbs.例句:I can swim across the pool.10. travel(旅行)- make a journey, typically of some length or abroad.例句:They like to travel to different countries.三、形容词:1. happy(快乐的)- feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.例句:She is always happy.2. sad(伤心的)- feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.例句:He looks sad today.3. tired(累的)- in need of sleep or rest; weary.例句:I am so tired after a long day.4. hungry(饥饿的)- feeling or displaying the need for food.例句:I am hungry. Let's have some dinner.5. thirsty(口渴的)- feeling a need to drink something.例句:I am thirsty. Can I have some water?6. beautiful(美丽的)- pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.例句:She is a beautiful girl.7. smart(聪明的)- having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.例句:He is a smart student.8. tall(高的)- of great or more than average height, especially (with reference to an object) relative to width or thickness.例句:He is taller than his classmates.9. short(矮的)- measuring a small distance from end to end.例句:She has short hair.10. old(老的)- having lived for a long time; no longer young.例句:My grandparents are old.四、常用短语:1. How are you?(你好吗?)- used as a friendly greeting and to inquire about someone's well-being.例句:How are you today? I'm fine, thank you.2. What's your name?(你叫什么名字?)- used to ask someone about their name. 例句:Hello. What's your name? My name is John.3. Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)- used to ask someone about their place of origin.例句:I am from China. Where are you from?4. How old are you?(你多大了?)- used to ask someone about their age.例句:I am 13 years old. How old are you?5. Can you help me?(你能帮我吗?)- used to ask someone for assistance.例句:Can you help me carry these books? Sure, I can help you.6. Thank you(谢谢)- used to express gratitude or appreciation.例句:Thank you for your help. You're welcome.7. I'm sorry(对不起)- used to apologize or express regret.例句:I'm sorry for being late. It's okay.8. Excuse me(打扰一下)- used to politely get someone's attention or to apologize for an interruption.例句:Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest pharmacy is?9. How much is it?(多少钱?)- used to ask about the price of something.例句:How much is this T-shirt? It's $10.10. See you later(再见)- used to say goodbye with the intention of meeting again in the near future.例句:See you later. Goodbye.。

八年级上册Unit 1. Words (36单词)physics n. 物理学recent adj. 最近的;近代的perform v. 表演,演出agree v. 同意advise v. 劝告;忠告;建议glue v. 用胶水将物体粘合n. 胶水hate n. 憎恨;讨厌immediately adv. 立即地,马上地glad adj. 高兴的;乐意的ahead adv. 在前面;向前pancake n. 薄饼lemon n. 柠檬pizza n. 比萨饼pea n. 豌豆either adv. 也(用在否定句中)comb v. 用梳子梳头n. 梳子pod n. 豆荚copy v. 抄写;复制n. 复制品surprise n. 意想不到的事v. 使惊奇lend v. (lent/lent) 借给(某人钱或东西);借出cheat v. & n. 作弊;欺骗following adj. 接下来的;接着的gym n. 体育馆;健身房embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,窘迫的enemy n. 敌人,仇人encourage v. 鼓励;支持deal n. 交易v. (dealt/dealt) 处理;应付someone p ron. 某人;有人piano n. 钢琴knowledgeable adj. 有丰富知识的;博学的discuss v. 讨论;谈论jeans n. 牛仔裤patient adj. 有耐心的;能忍耐的n. 病人pleasure n.愉快,快乐;满足local adj.本地的,当地的n.当地人angry adj.愤怒的;生气的Unit 1. Structures and Expressions (13 单词)introduce to 给……介绍……be up to 由……定agree with 同意……go ahead (口语)请吧,说吧play the violin 拉小提琴two peas in a pod 一个豆荚里的两粒豆子(比喻两个人形影不离或一模一样)to one's surprise 让……感到惊奇的是make a deal 达成协议play the piano 弹钢琴advise someone to do something 建议……做某事feel lucky to do something 做……感到很幸运encourage someone to do something 鼓励……去做……have the pleasure of doing something 很高兴做……Unit 2. Words (30 单词)geography n. 地理(学)sometime adv. 在某时painter n. 画家timetable n. 课程表;时间表physical adj. 身体的;肉体的runner n. 跑鞋except prep. 除了……之外tonight adv. & n. 今晚since p rep. 自……以后;从……以来conj. 因为;由于;既然poor adj. 可怜的;贫穷的cough n. & v. 咳嗽because conj. 因为seem v. 好像;似乎convenient adj. 方便的;便捷的download v. 下载librarian n. 图书管理员suddenly adv. 突然地rush v. 冲;奔into prep. 进入;到……里shout v. 喊whisper v. 低语,小声说话n. 低语,小声说的话quarter n. 刻;四分之一recently adv. 最近;不久前;近来southern adj. 南部的;来自南方的tourist n. 游客,游人,观光者mine p ron. 我的ocean n. 海洋remind v. 使想起,提醒finally adv.最后;终于discussion n. 讨论,谈论be late for 迟到physical education (P.E.) 体育have a cough 咳嗽not at all 一点儿也不Mother's Day 母亲节Father's Day 父亲节remind of 使... 想起;令……想到……convenient for 对……方便/便利Unit 3. Words (44 单词)celebrate v. 庆祝mid- prefix 居中;在中间lunar adj. 月球的;农历的,阴历的round adj. 圆的adv. 周而复始地celebration n. 庆祝;庆贺however adv. 然而;不过thanksgiving n. 感恩节wonder v. 好奇;想知道memory n. 回忆;记忆;记忆力past n. 过去;昔日;过去的事情prep. 晚于;在……之后collection n. 收藏品album n. (收藏照片、邮票等)簿,册;唱片集;专辑choose v. (chose/chosen) 选择slide n. 幻灯片v. (使)滑行;滑动record v. 录像;录音;记录n. 记录;记载view n. 观点,想法lively adj. 生动有趣的;充满活力的birth n. 出生;生育attend v. 参加;出席touch n. 接触;联系v. 触摸;接触size n. 尺寸;大小fit v. (fitted/fitted或fit/fit) 合适;合身anyway adv. 无论如何style n. 款式hug n. & v. 拥抱turkey n. 火鸡meal n. (一)餐;(一顿)饭食gathering n.聚会;集会dessert n. 甜点conversation n. 交谈;对话thirteenth num. & adj. & adv. 第十三(的)tape n. 胶带post v. 邮寄yet adv. 还;仍旧(用于否定句中)address n. 地址top n. 顶部;(物的)上面stamp n. 邮票postman n. 邮递员;邮差fashion n. 流行的式样;时尚balloon n. 气球candle n. 蜡烛deep adj. 深的breath n. (呼吸的)空气;吸气blow v. (blew/blown) 吹Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节such as 例如add to 把……加入……face to face 面对面地stay in touch with 与... 保持联系try on 试穿on the top of 在……顶上all ready 一切都准备好了!in fashion 时尚;流行turn off 关掉make a wish 许愿blow out 吹熄;吹灭give someone a hug 给……一个拥抱best wishes to 给……最美好的祝福have no luck 未能如愿;不走运Unit 4. Words (30 单词)neighbourhood n. 街区;城区;(统称)某街区(或城区)的居民thirsty adj. 渴的perfect adj. 美好的;完美的;理想的complete v. 完成;结束bakery n. 面包店biscuit n. 饼干downtown adv. (在/向)城市商业中心或市中心coffee n. 咖啡through prep. 穿过cherry n. 樱桃sidewalk n. 人行道himself pron. 他自己entrance n. 进入;入口pond n. 池塘freeze v. (froze/frozen) 冻死;冻僵;结冰hockey n. 冰球;曲棍球block n. 街道;栋,幢bank n. 银行whole adj. 整个的;完全的chat v. 闲聊;闲谈;聊天cost v. (cost/cost) 花费interview v. & n. 面试;采访;访谈tailor n.裁缝fix v. 修理;维修sound v. 听起来n. 声音enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的treat n. 美食;款待flu n. 流行性感冒mile n. 英里across prep. 横过……;从……一边到另一边go by (=go past) 走过/路过……tea biscuit 茶点be lost 迷路;走失get lost 迷路;走失be busy doing 忙于做……sound like 听起来像across from 在对面;在对过Unit 5. Words (35 单词)might v. aux. 可能,也许scientist n. 科学家grow v. (grew/grown) 生长;增加engineer n. 工程师;技师page n. 页yearbook n. 年刊;年报airplane n. 飞机pilot n. 飞行员fear n. & v. 害怕;惧怕;担忧height n. 高度;身overcome v.克服;解决model n. 模型advice n. 建议;劝告diamond n. 钻石number n. 数字;号码spell v. (spelled/spelled或spelt/spelt) 拼写;拼出;拼成seventeen num. 十七eighteen num. 十八opposite n. & adj. 相反(的);相对的company n. 公司crop n. 庄稼;作物manager n. 经理;管理人business n.买卖;生意creative adj.创造性的goal n. 目标ambition n. 抱负;雄心fishermann. 渔夫,渔民policewoman n. 女警察artist n. 艺术家;(尤指)画家choice n. 选择path n.途径;小路strict adj.严厉的;严格的punish v. 处罚;惩罚wise a dj. 聪明的;智慧的;明智的actor n. (男)演员give a talk 做讲演/报告grow up 长大;成长no matter what 无论……be nice to someone 对……好a fear of heights 恐高stop someone from doing something 阻止……;防止……take steps to do something 采取措施做……run a business 经营生意Unit 6. Words (44 单词)transportation n. 运输;交通hometown n. 故乡;家乡seldom adv. 不常;罕见;难得rapid a dj. 快速的steam n. 蒸汽engine n. 发动机;引擎wheel n. 车轮;轮子born v. 出生;诞生;产生(仅用于被动语态)passenger n. 乘客railway n. 铁路most adj. (many或much的最高级) 大多数的;最多的adv. (much的最高级)最n. 最大量;最多数station n. 站;所;车站easily adv. 容易地standard n. 标准;规格speed n. 速度per prep. 每,每一wing n. 翅膀pull n. 拉;拖cart n. 手推车skateboard n. 滑板able adj. 能,能够(用作情态动词)power v. 驱动;推动n. 能量;力量appear v. 出现;呈现;来到machine n. 机器;机械space n. 太空;空间;距离spaceship n. 宇宙飞船imagine v.想像;想到environment n. 环境presentation n. 介绍;陈述invention n. 发明;创造backpack n. 背包cardboard n. 硬纸板fuel n. 燃料oil n. 油;石油probably adv. 大概;很可能;也许imagination n. 想像;想象力smooth adj. 平稳的;平坦的;光滑的float v. 漂浮transporter n. 运输车;输送器allow v. 允许form n. 形式;形状pedal v. 踏……的踏板;骑自行车n. 踏板than prep. & conj. 比energy n. 能量on foot 步行;徒步steam engine蒸汽机be born 出生;产生;形成get on 上(车、船等)get off 下(车、船等)be able to 能;能够stay up late 熬夜turn on 打开(电脑、收音机、电视等)all the time 一直;向来from now on 从现在开始think of 想出;想起;记起jump down 跳下more than 超过;多于travel at the speed of light 以光速行驶Unit 7. Words (28 单词)hobby n. 爱好spare adj. 空闲的earth n. 地球;大地collect v. 收集;集合stone n. 石头;石块concert n. 音乐会ticket n. 票;券trade v. & n. 用……进行交换;交易garden v. 从事园艺;种植n. 花园;果园confidence n. 自信postcard n. 明信片outdoor adj. 户外的;露天的giant n. 巨人;伟人adj. 巨大的huge adj. 极大的;巨大的African adj. 非洲(人)的hen n. 母鸡anymore adv. 再也(不);不(再launch v. 发射;使……运动;送上轨道adult n. 成年人break v. (broke/broken) 弄坏;损坏n. 间歇;休息;间断land v. 登陆;降落n. 陆地;土地challenging adj. 挑战性的;考验能力的spin v. (使)快速旋转performance n. 表演;演出commonadj. 普通的;一般的real adj. 真正的;确实的support v. & n. 支持;拥护;鼓励daily a dv. 每日;每天adj. 每日的;日常的all kinds of 各种各样的not only but also 不但……而且……take up 开始从事be made of 由……做成up and down 上上下下;来回;往复;起伏parking lot 停车场go through 穿过in someone's spare time (= in someone's free time) 在某人的空闲时间be interested in 乐于(做)……;感兴趣(做)……feel proud 感到骄傲not any more 不再……Unit 8. Words (35 单词)unique adj. 独特的suppose v. 假定;认为ourselves pron. 我们自己person n. 人talent n. 才智;天赋personal adj. 个人的strength n. 长处;力量sense n. 意义;感觉nobody pron. 没有人return v. & n. 返回;回应Greek adj. 希腊(人)的n. 希腊人junior adj. 初级(的);儿童(的)continue v. 继续;延续smart adj. 聪敏的average adj. 一般的;平均的n. 平均;一般水平stupid adj. 愚蠢的;傻的impossible adj. 不可能的weak a dj. 弱的;无气力的mirror n. 镜子microphone n. 麦克风;话筒program n.节目;程序;方案;计划confident adj. 自信的voice n. 嗓音excellent adj. 优秀的;杰出的;好极了;棒极了stage n. 舞台heart n. 心;心脏beat v. & n. (beat/beaten) 跳动;敲打(声)slowly adv. 慢慢地herself pron. 她自己loser n. 输者;败者fail n. & v. 不及格;失败accept v. 接受;承认award n. 奖状;奖品college n. 学院;大学misspell v. 拼错what's up (口语)怎么了?有什么事吗?近来怎么样?SOS 紧急求救(国际救难信号,一般作为海难求救信号)be supposed to 应该;被期望make sense 有道理;有意义strong points 优点;强项because of 因为it's my pleasure 乐意效劳。

八年级英语短语单词常见的八年级英语短语单词,你们都在哪里见到过呢?下面是给大家整理的八年级英语短语单词,供大家参阅!八年级常用英语短语1. use... to do sth. 用……来做某事2. signs left behind by someone 某人留下的标记3. read the newspaper 看报4. science fiction 科幻小说5. can’ t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事6. a good way to wake up 醒来的一个好办法7. number of people 人数8. used to do sth. (过去)常常做某事9. study abroad 在国外学习10. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事11. come to realize 开始意识到12. ever since then 自从那时起13. the southern states of America美国的南部地区14. in the past 在过去15. belong to 属于16. be kind to each other 善待彼此17. trust one another 互相信任18. the beauty of nature 大自然的美19. have been to sp. 去过某地20. do some research on sth. 对……做研究21. hope to do sth. 希望做某事22. see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事23. the first line in the song歌曲的第一行24. enjoy success in享受……的成功25. at the end of the day傍晚的时候八年级必背英语短语1. not.. anymore 不再……2. welcome to sp_ 欢迎来到… :3. check out 察看;观察4. board games 棋类游戏5. one last thing 最后一样东西6. junior high school 初级中学7. clear out 清理8. no longer 不再;不复9. toy monkey 玩具猴10. part with 与……分开11. to be honest 说实在的12. . ride a bike 骑自行车13. have a yard sale 进行庭院拍卖会14. one’s old things 某人的旧东西15. bring back sweet memories 勾起甜美的回忆16. give away 捐赠17. play for a while 玩一会儿18. do with... 处置;处理19. search for work 找工作20. for the last years 在过去的年里21. the mid-th century 世纪中期22. stay the same 保持原状23. according to 依据;按照24. in one’s opinion 依……看in my time 在我那个年代八年级必备英语短语1. a nice place to enjoy tea 一个品茶的好地方2. thousands of 数以千计的3. International Museum of Toilets国际厕所博物馆4. the Terracotta Army 兵马俑5. Southeast Asia东南亚6. Night Safari 夜间动物园7. three quarters 四分之三8. an English-speaking country一个讲英语的国家9. have problem doing sth. 做某事很困难10. during the daytime在白天11. a couple of times 好几次12. right now 现在;目前13. an amusement park with a special theme14. 一个有特别的主题的游乐园15. walk around the park 在公园里到处走16. hear of 听说17. take a ride兜风18. another province另一个省19. the Bird’s Nest鸟巢20. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事21. on the one hand... on the other hand.一方面,另一方面22. regard with great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着23. in order to 为了24. so far 迄今;到现在为止25. in need 需要。

(八年级)英语考试常用单词、短语句子【常用单词】lantern n.灯笼stranger n.陌生人relative n.亲属;亲戚put on增加(体重);发胖pound n.磅(重量单位);英镑folk adj.民间的;民俗的goddess n.女神steal v.偷;窃取lay v.放置;产(卵)lay out摆开;布置dessert n.(饭后)甜点;甜食garden n.花园;园子admire v.欣赏;仰慕tie n.领带v.捆;束haunted a.有鬼魂出没的ghost n.鬼;鬼魂trick n.花招;把戏treat n.款待;招待;请客spider n.蜘蛛Christmas n.圣诞节fool n.蠢人;傻瓜v.愚弄adj.愚蠢的lie v.平躺;处于novel n.(长篇)小说eve n.(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜bookstore n.书店dead adj.死的;失去生命的business n.生意;商业punish v.处罚;惩罚warn v.警告;告诫present n.现在;礼物adj.现在的nobody pron.没有人warmth n.温暖;暖和spread v.传播;展开n.蔓延;传播【重点短语】1.put on增加(体重);发胖2.care about关心;在乎3.end up最终成为,最后处于4.not only……but also……不但……而且……5.shoot down射下ed to do过去常常做……7.remind sb.of使某人想起8.give out分发发放9.the water festival泼水节10.the Chinese spring festival中国春节11.next year明年12.sound like听起来像13.each other互相彼此14.in the shape of以……的形状15.on mid-autumn night在中秋之夜16.fly up to飞向y out摆开布置e back回来19.as a result结果因此20.Mother’s day母亲节21.more and more popular越来越受欢迎22.think of想起;认为;思考23.dress up装扮穿上盛装24.the importance of……的重要性25.make money挣钱26.in need需要帮助处于困境中27.between…and…在……和……之间28.the dragon boat festival龙舟节29.the lantern festival元宵节30.like best最喜欢31.go to…for a vacation去……度假32.be similar to与……相似33.wash away冲走洗掉34.Mid-autumn festival中秋节35.shoot down射下36.call out大声呼喊37.the tradition of……的传统38.at night在夜里;在晚上39.one…,the other…一个……,另一个…...40.Father’s day父亲节【重点句子】1.I think that they’re fun to watch.我认为它们看着很有意思。

Module 11、translate 翻译vtranslate…A..into….B.把…A译成…Bour teacher asks us to translate these words into English.我们老师要求我们把这些词译成英语。
2、translation 翻译n3、correct 改正;纠正v正确的,对的adj4、match 将…配对vmatch…with…将..与…配对Listen and match these words with conversations.听,并且将这些词与谈话配对。
5、number 给…标号码v 数字;号码n6、repeat 重复v7、grammar 语法n8、pronunciation 语音;发音n9、writing 写作;文章n与write(写v)相关,同时也是write的现在分词形式。
10、punctuation 标点符号n11、spelling 拼写n与spell(拼写v)相关,也是spell的现在分词形式。
12、term 学期n13、advice 建议n不可数名词,无advices 形式。
可以说some advice 一些建议;a piece of advice一条建议,或two pieces of advice 两条建议Give sb some advice给某人一些建议I’m going to give you some advice. 我将给你们一些建议。
近似词:advise 建议vadvise sb to do sth建议某人做某事The Language Doctor advises Sam to take a deep breath before he begins。
14、write down写下,记下后接名词,名词可以放在write down两个词当中或放在down后面。
例如:写下这些新单词write the new words down或write down the new words。

下面为大家带来八年级必备英语单词短语,供大家参考学习!八年级必备英语单词短语1:at the weekend 在周末do wrong 做错事on vacation 在假期under too muchpressure 承受太多压力predict the future 预测未来take part in 参加the head of a company 公司负责人compare …with… 把…和…比较live alone 独自居住=as…as sb cango swimming 去游泳get on with… 与…相处,进展see sb do sth 看见某人做…have a hair cut 理发over and over again 一次又一次part-time job 兼职工作learn to dosth=study to do 学习做某事be born 出生a bit=a little 一点have meaning to sb对…有意义organized activity 有组织的活动national hero 民族英雄by oneself 靠某人自己forget to do sth 忘记做…(没做)a dream job 理想的工作It’s right for sb to do sth 做…是正确的all over the world全世界start a bad habit 养成坏习惯make lifedifficult 使生活变得困难poor mountain village 贫困山区get injured 受伤change one’s life 改变…的生活have a difficulttime doing sth 做某事很难at first (反)cut in line 插队八年级必备英语单词短语2:give sb asuggestion 给某人提建议turn down (up) 关小(开大)take thesuggestion 接受建议not at all 根本不;一点也不drop litter 扔垃圾pay for=spend for 为……付钱exchange student 交换生learn to do sth=study to do 学习做某事flight attendant 空中乘务员improve English 提高英语language school 语言学校such as=for example 例如by noon 到中午之前review=go over 复习wait to do sth 等着做某事decide to do sth 决定做某事hear about 听说report card 成绩单take off 起飞;脱下in good health 身体健康get out 出去,离开open up 打开barber shop 理发店be supposed to 被期待,被要求return= give back 归还at around ten o’clock 在十点左右have a fight with… 同…大吵、打架shop assistant 售货员give some advice 提建议the Museum ofFlight 飞行博物馆busy enough 足够忙take a photo 照相八年级必备英语单词短语。
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八年级英语单词短语汇总1八年级英语单词短语汇总(一)蓝皮完形 week161. 篱笆2. 偶像3. 判断4. 解释5. 酒6. 播放7. 朝着/向8. 入口9. 花蕾 10. 承诺 11. 旗子 12. 把……集中于……上 13. 拖鞋 14. 冲向…… 15. 录音机 16. 脖子1. teenager2. it seems that3. parents4. further5. complain of/about/that6. something goes wrong7. believe in8. allow sb. to do sth. 9. treat sb. as 10. m ake a decision to do /decide to do/make up one ’s mind to do/be determined to do 11. c hildish 12. m istakes 13. u sed to do 14. b e used to doing 15. b e used to do 16. b e used for 17. b e used by 18. p rotect sb. from doing sth. 19. f reedom 20. f or free 21. l ie to sb.22. s tay out23. p ossible 24. p ear 25. t ogether 26. u gly 27. p romise 28. m ake a promise 29. f ruit 30. h arvest 31. s eason 32. m easure 33. d estroy 34. d amage 35. r uin 36. j oy 37. b e wild with joy 38. r elax 39. e xperience 40. p lan to do 41. t urn down 42. f eel nervous 43. w atch movies 44. a mbitious 45. a mbition 46. i n fact 47. t alent 48. c onfident 49. c onfidence 50. s elf-confidence 51. r ecently 52. a thlete 53. k een 54. b e keen on sth. 55. h igh jump 56. u niversity 57. b and 58. p erform 59. b asement 60. s and 61. a ttic 62. p unk rock popular 63. d reamer 64. d o one ’s bit 65. m other language66. f ence67. a partment 68. c ough 69. o n foot 70. p ick sb. up 71. b e sure to do/be sure that 72. m ake sure that 73. a bsolutely 74. r eligious 75. s torekeeper 76. r ecite 77. f ull moonweek 151. 注意,留心2. 想知道,好奇3. 发现4. 产品5. 耐心的6. 犬叫,犬吠7. 心情8. 感动的9. 细节 10. 新鲜的 11. 内疚的1. live in towns2. reason3. smoky4. breathe fresh air5. stop sb. from doing sth.6. unpleasant feeling7. keep one ’s eye open8. lung diseases9. die of/from 10. i ndeed 11. r each down 12. b ecause of 13. a ccident 14. i llness 15. s leepy 16. l onely 17. e nvironment八年级英语单词短语汇总218. f urniture 19. d anger 20. d eath 21. f ield 22. t ouch 23. w hole 24. b eauty 25. h appiness 26. u pset 27. p lay chess 28. b e angry with sb. 29. i mportant 30. p erson 31. a good person 32. s ince then 33. b e full of confidence 34. w in 35. l ose 36. w inner 37. b e friendly/kind to sb. 38. c reat 39. s everal 40. a good idea 41. s it down 42. d evelop 43. d evelopment 44. d esign 45. d esigner 46. b e known to be 47. b e known as 48. c omputer 49. e njoy doing/oneselfweek 141. 支票2. 离婚3. 永远4. 令人费解的5. 预付6. 拥抱7. 发音8. 处理 1. spell 2.spelling3. memory4. foreign5. be busy with6. subject7. rather8. camera9. sit on a beach 10. hold the cakes 11. so …that 12. coke13. on one ’s face 14. with love 15. up to now 16. so far 17. till now18. win the medals 19. including 20. bronze21. school headmaster 22. separation 23. affect24. at the age of 25. partly because of 26. influence27. national record 28. attend 29. marketing 30. management 31. a funny name 32. graduate 33. useful 34. useless 35. usual 36. unusual 37. argue 38. serious 39. polite 40. deal withweek 131. 巍峨的2. 进货商3. 无技能的4. 使……生气的是5. 夫妇6. 挽救7. 脸颊8. 原则1. honesty2. Honest3. dishonest4. supplier5. therefore6. difficulty7. add sth. to sp.8. get along with9. for example 10. favourite 11. by oneself 12. at an early age 13. save money 14. pleasant 15. enjoyable 16. famous17. there is an English saying 18. Honesty is the best policy 19. cannot be described in any words 20. valley 21. form 22. unique23. be worth doing24. attract one ’s attention 25. attractive 26. attraction27. hold a big party 28. beloved 29. despite 30. special 31. name after 32. be proud ofweek 121. 学生2. 皮肤3. 控制4. 紧张的5. 总统6.气球八年级英语单词短语汇总31. pen pal2. earthquake3. encourage4. terrible5. give up6. give in7. give away8. give out=hand out 9. hand in 10. d ifferent 11. d ifference 12. m ake a difference to 13. s cientist 14. s cience 15. s cientific 16. s trange 17. s tranger 18. p erhaps 19. g round 20. f loor 21. f all in love with 22. a mazing 23. a mazed 24. e xperiment 25. c razy 26. t he same as 27. s uper power 28. l ive a sad life 29. c ontrol 30. a t the same time 31. p rotect 32. s uperhero 33. s top sb. from doing sth. 34. s ucceed( in doing sth.) 35. g et together 36. f ight against 37. c apital 38. a t noon 39. e ven 40. b e made of 41. e ither ... or … 42. a crowd of people 43. f eel shy 44. i n front of 45. b e sorry for46. o f courseweek 10-111. 长凳2. 潜水3. 会话,交谈4. 饲养5. 建议6. 青少年7. 观众8. 好奇的9. 汗滴 10. 欠 11. 获得 12. 打算 13. 心胸狭窄的 14. 有香味的 15. 发抖 16. 喜好 17. 优势1. help sb. with sth./ (to) do sth.2. letter3. word4. sentence5. dialogue6. question7. problem8. passage9. such as 10. f or example 11. i t is reported/believed/said/thought that … 12. t ips 13. s tress out 14. m ain 15. m ainly 16. i n this way 17. i nvent 18. i nvention 19. c ome true 20. t ake part in 21. g rey 22. f rightened/frightening23. s urprised/surprising24. n either …nor … 25. e ither … or … 26. e njoy the beautiful scenery 27. s cenic spots 28. t aste different food 29. d ifferent interests 30. c ondition 31. c ustom 32. l ocal favors 33. n ot only … but also … 34. g ain 35. g eography 36. h istory 37. k nowledge 38. k eep healthy 39. s tay fit 40. n arrow-minded 41. w idely 42. d eeply 43. h ighly 44. o we sb.+ money 45. a dvantage 46. d isadvantage 47. n o wonder 48. p opular 49. s weat 50. s weet 51. i t seemed like 52. w ake sb. up 53. d ream about 54. s mile at sb. 55. a imlessly 56. b right moon 57. f resh air 58. g reen trees 59. i t had been 4 years since … 60. m ake a living 61. l eave one ’s hometown 62. a strange city 63. a chievement 64. m ake a lot of achievements 65. s hare one ’s happiness and sorrow with sb. 66. d ay and night 67. a piece of music八年级英语单词短语汇总468. r ush into 69. c an ’t help doing 70. f ollow 71. a yard of the house 72. l ook at sb. through the window 73. t ear 74. h ave no place to sleep in 75. e nough food to eat 76. m end machinesweek 8-91. 作者2. 着迷的3. 划船4. 天花板5. 强盗6. 漏水7. 扭曲8. 特殊的9. 胆小的 10. 梯子 11. 手术 12. 咀嚼1. leave college2. voyage3. get married4. stay at home5. decide to do6. island7. sail across8. be broken into 2 pieces 9. row towards the island 10. s truggle to swim 11. l ay down 12. s o …that … 13. f all asleep 14. k itchen 15. r un upstairs 16. k nock at 17. n eighbor 18. c all sb. for help 19. u nlock the door 20. i mmediately 21. d ishwasher 22. c lone23. e xcuse me for doing sth. 24. b e fascinated with sb. 25. s mart 26. o f course 27. i magine 28. w hy not 29. r eplace 30. s pend time/money in doing sth. 31. l ive alone 32. s ticky 33. n ow and then 34. e njoy doing sth. 35. b y accident 36. i n no time 37. a ll the time 38. t ake good care of 39. t urn over 40. t ry one ’s best 41. o peration 42. l ook after 43. s uddenly 44. d angerous 45. d anger 46. s afe 47. s afely 48. s afety 49. f righten 50. b eautiful scenery 51. p hotogragher 52. p igeon 53. o n earth 54. l adder 55. c ommunity 56. e vent 57. e arn money 58. o ffer 59. w hether …or … 60. i mportance 61. w ell done 62. c hat with sb. 63. s choolworkweek 6-71. 药方2. 文学3. 热线4. 无知5. 目标6. 选修课7. 实用的8. 表达9. 愚蠢的 10. 收养中心 11. 路线 12. 门廊 13. 电池 14. 原谅 15. 喝醉的 16. 重达,称 17. 支持1. church2. realize3. unexpected4. participant5. and so on6. junk message7. depend on8. common9. close friends 10. information 11. radio station 12. take part in13. know little about 14. host 15. hostess 16. in fun17. be interested in 18. appear to be/do 19. operator 20. take a class 21. basic course 22. economics23. computer science 24. prefer 25. medicine 26. pastime 27. active 28. manners 29. appreciate30.spend time/money in doing八年级英语单词短语汇总5sth.31. be pleased to do 32. special 33. touch34. fill sth. With sth. 35. donate 36. donation 37. for a moment 38. not … any more 39. not … any longer 40. don ’t have to do41. needn ’t do/don’t need to do 42. elementary school 43. bless 44. crowded 45. in the future 46. horn 47. on board 48. pilot49. flight attendant 50. take a wagon 51. customerweek 1-51. 拨号2. 揪住……的衣领3. 手链4. 亲人,亲属5. 耐心的6. 经济学7. 摇摆8. 传染9. 燃烧 10. 捐赠 11. 着火 12. 风俗 13. 称14. 有价值的,贵重的 15. 无家可归的 16. 存钱罐 17. 好奇的 18. 总统的 19. 烤的20. 遮盖,盖住 21.祝福22. 药店 23. 凝视 24. 教堂 25. 账单 26. 结账台 27. 当地的 28. 暴风雨 29. 出现 30. 步行1. anxious2. be anxious about3. trick4. spring vacation5. be ashamed of …6. all of a sudden7. scream8. leave school 9. instead 10. social study 1. necklace 2. rob sb. of sth.3. steal sth. from sb./sp.4. character5. try one ’s best6. be made of/from7. live in8. get close to 9. custom 10. scientific and cultural knowledge11. make money 12. collect coins 13. balance 14. wheelchair 15. among 16. stare at 17. run after18. be different from 19. stay healthy 20. be at one ’s job 21. be at work 22. yoga class 23. used to do 24. block25. all the time26. get in shape 27. stay in shape 28. disease29. look on sb. as 30. decide to do 31. lightning 32. lighten 33. light34. enjoy one ’s time with sb. 35. househusband 36. housewife 37. hardly 38. weekday39. at the weekend 40. short curly hair 41. aged42. be of medium build 43. be bad for 44. terrible45. be sorry that 46. be glad to do八年级英语单词短语汇总6蓝皮阅读 Week161. 环形2. 节奏3. 神经4. 浴室5. 政府6. 影响 n.7. 影响 v.8. 计算器9. 公顷 10. 野外的 11. 洪水 12. 至少 13. 事实上 14. 发现,找到 15. 赶快行动起来 16. 为……准备 17. 最后18. 计划做某事 19. 在业余时间 20. 和……一样 21. 用于 22. 在过去1. technology2. provide sb. with sth.3. most important of all4. interactive5. develop6. development7. developed8. developing9. century 10. attract 11. attraction 12. attractive13. attract the attention of 14. perhaps 15. for example 16. traditional17. make a big difference 18. chalkboard19.allow sb. to do sth.20. image 21. imagine 22. imaginable 23. imagination 24. as well 25. colorful 26. add 27. addition 28. in addition 29. additional 30. additionally 31. screen32. make sure that 33. various 34. audio 35. video 36. tool 37. miss 38. dismiss 39. too …to … 40. timid41. be less likely to do 42. ask sb. to do sth. 43. repeat44. even though/even if 45. reach 46. a speed of47. get angry at sth. 48. be full of 49. mistake 50. dictionary 51. government 52. result 53. flood 54. at least 55. at most 56. affect 57. infer58. fall in love with 59. wild wood party 60. airy61. meet the needs of 62. castle63. pay one ’s way through school 64. door to door 65. so …that …66. decide to do 67. beg for a meal 68. instead of 69. owe sb. sth. 70. reply71. from the bottom of one ’s heart72. become ill 73. call in74. be dressed in 75. recognize 76. pass sth. to sb. 77. from … on. 78. do one ’s best 79. be afraid to do 80. be sure that 81. pay sth. off82. catch one ’s attention 83. note 84. in full85. at the beginning of 86. course87. have a good/bad effect on 88. grade 89. rhythm90. have a chance to do 91. necessary 92. population 93. popular 94. popularity 95. pollution 96. pollute97. in recent years 98. such as 99. length 100. centreWeek 151. 忠诚的2. 好处3. 救援4. 祖先5. 责任6. 收到……的来信7.恐怖袭击八年级英语单词短语汇总78. 活得更长 9. 回报 10. 惊讶地 11. 长大12. 对……说对不起 13. 与……相处 1. bird flu2. on the internet3. a large number of4. nearly5. because of6. cage7. control8. scientist9. scientific 10. science 11. virus12. be afraid that 13. as soon as 14. at last 15. fall asleep 16. exhaustion 17. get married 18. fear19. keep sb. awake 20. find out 21. see a doctor 22. amazed 23. amazing 24. in one ’s eyes 25. care about 26. so that27. make mistakes 28. most of all 29. practice doing 30. nobleman 31. dig32. look around 33. be helpful to 34. sense of smell 35. ability 36. smart 37. common 38. be good at 39.in the wild40. guide dogs41. a small village with high mountains all around it 42. pass one ’s examination 43. set off44. be ready to do 45. ring sb. up46. what ’s the matter with you? 47. in surprise48. be used to doing 49. exchange50. be opposite toWeek 141. 努力2. 肚子3. 文学4. 编辑5. 意识到6. 孔雀7. 沙拉8. 体力的9. 奇特的 10. 有经验的 11. 广场 12. 伤害 13. 寄宿的 14. 想起15. 越……,越…… 16. 分发 17. 思考 18. 照顾 19. 擅长 20. 简言之 21. 继续做某事22. 不仅……,而且…… 23. 建立24. 致力于…… 1. teenager2. experiential education3. travel agency4. programme5. fishing village6.disabled7. do good for 8. facility 9. including 10. have a snack 11. self-service 12. dessert13. throw food to sb. 14. do harm to sb. 15. be harmful to sb.16. stop sb. from doing sth. 17. duty18. significant 19. set free 20. in prison 21. at the end of 22. designer23. encourage sb. to do sth. 24. courage25. encouragement 26. creatively 27. excellent 28. naturally29. take an interest in 30. graduate from 31. system32. send and receive information 33. receive awards from 34. organization 35. for free 36. workmate37. physical activity 38. as long as39. have trouble in doing sth. 40. add to 41. gym classWeek 131. 二手的2. 清单3. 推4. 有耐心的5. 广告6. 手推车7. 安静的8.大喊八年级英语单词短语汇总89. 跑进 10. 安然无恙 11. 烤羊肉 12. 度假 13. 也1. family name2. last name3. middle name4. first name5. in the same way6. ancestor7. be reborn8. secret9. feel well 10. supermarket 11. shopping cart 12. scream 13. keep calm14. lose one ’s temper 15. patient16. in the near future 17. pay a visit 18. theme park 19. choice 20. choose21. square meter 22. enter 23. restaurant 24. the number of 25. project 26. go hunting 27. wooden cradle 28. wag one ’s tail 29. paw 30. jaw31. unfaithful 32. sword33. safe and sound 34. defend 35. indeed 36. bury 37. at dawn 38. grave39. remind sb. of sth. 40.guessWeek 11-121. 接触2. 搜索3. 旋转的4. 拥抱5. 技术6. 照顾7. 寻找8. 好像,仿佛,似乎 9. 对……友好 10. 和……一起 11. 速度12. 外科,手术 13. 记忆 14. 诊断 15. 永远 16. 昏厥17. 令……感到意外 18. 唤醒 19. 参加 20. 全世界1. trap2. workmate3. put one ’s heart into4. study hard5. congratulation6. say congratulations to sb.7. the same as8. feeling of one ’s heart 9. meet with 10. challenge11. have chance to do sth. 12. As the saying goes 13. take chance to do 14. recognition 15. up to16. have fun doing sth. 17. write down 18. learn by oneself19. take an online course 20. impolite21. when in Rome, do as Romans do.22. there is an old saying 23. keep on doing sth. 24. spring festival 25. pursue 26. artistic 27. aspiration28. style of performance 29. make great progress 30. magician 31. at the age of32. improve one ’s skill 33. diagnose 34. cancer35. be saved with sth. 36. surgery37. be off school38. put a smile on one ’s face 39. get good grades in math 40. the answer to a question 41. review 42. previewWeek 9-101. 糖2. 网站3. 山崖4. 钱币5. 标准6. 巢7. 宁愿……而不愿 8. 匆忙 9. 代替 10. 充满 11. 一……就 12. 出生于13. 从一个地方到另一个地方 14. 手势 15. 侮辱性的 16. 额外的 17. 瞌睡 18. 普遍地 19. 等一会儿 20. 太……而不能 21. 过去常常 22.在将来八年级英语单词短语汇总923. ……的一部分 24. 以相同的方式 1. alone2. comfortable3. abandon4. sadness5. happiness6. not …any more7. follow the rules8. behaviour standard9. tell the truth10. play computer games 11. care for12. quarrel with sb. 13. teammate14. be friendly to sb. 15. be open to 16. look down on 17. get high marks 18. furniture 19. try one ’s best 20. save money 21. prefer to do sth. 22. prefer doing sth. 23. hurry to sp. 24. in the dark 25. run after 26. quarter27. a quarter past/to 28. vinegar29. make dumplings 30. protection 31. protect32. environment 33. environmental 34. natural 35. resource 36. seem to be 37. unlimited 38. limited 39. crowded 40. use up 41. chemicals 42. survive 43.disappear44. waste 45. product 46. rate 47. present 48. instead49. computerized 50. pleasure 51. habit52. against the law 53. invention 54. copy55. be owned by 56. soft drink57. it is +adj. for sb. to do sth. 58. body language 59. daily life 60. conversation 61. correctly 62. up and down 63. from side to side 64. opposite65. raise one ’s hand 66. thumb 67. finger68. make a circle 69. rude70. invite sb. to do sth.Week 7-81. 竞争 v.2. 半球 n.3. 出版 v.4. 近来的 adj.5. 毁坏 v.6. 提醒 v.7. 编辑 n.8. 伤害 n.9. 诚实的 adj. 10. 解决 v. 11. 批评 v. 12. 轻微地 adv. 短语 1. 网吧 2. 因为 3. 自从那时4. 一群5. 以致6. 连锁饭店7. 在……顶端8. ……的数目9. 去度假 10. 依靠 11. 至今为止 12. 同意1. owner n.2. bright future3. at one time4. jungle n.5. beast n.6. food chain7. invent v.8. hunt the beast 9. invention n. 10. Inner Mongolia 11. recent adj. 12. the number of 13. a number of 14. destroy v. 15. be in danger16. go overseas for avacation 17. decision n. 18. hemisphere n. 19. depend on 20. relaxation n. 21. necklace n. 22. earring n.23. remind sb. of sth. 24. seem to do 25. heartfelt adj. 26. evreyday life 27. free time 28. be in a hurry 29. publish v.30. Today newspapers inEnglish have the largest number of readers in the world 31. in circles32. the starting position八年级英语单词短语汇总1033. in the other direction 34. hip n.35. hold arms straight out 36. raise one foot backward 37. reach for38. take one step forward 39. press v. 40. action n.41. in the same way 42. population n. 43. area n. 44. in size 45. hate to do 46. harm v./n.47. keep sb. away from sth. 48. to be honest is the besy way 49. dislike v.50. without asking for help, it isdifficult for kids to solve the problems51. grades may get worse 52. not …any more 53. as usual54. be worried that55. see sb. seated by one ’swindow 56. go by 57. notice that 58. flat n.59. including prep. 60. what a surprise 61. visible adj.62. sth. dawn on sb. 63. criticize v.64. through the window 65. celebrate a festival66. in memory of the ancestors 67. ancestor n. 68. grave n. 69. the dead 70. be known as 71. climb mountains 72. chrysanthemum n. 73. honor v. 74. get together 75. mooncakes n.76. enjoy the bright moon inthe sky 77. 78.。