livelihood .
黑色小盾和金黄色的五角星代表宗教信仰;水牛头象征主权属于人 民;榕树象征民族意识;棉桃和稻穗象征富足和公正;金色饰环象征人 道主义和世代相传。
The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world, comprised of 17,508 island, of which only about 6,000 are inhabited.
generations and humanity ;
The banyan tree represents Indonesian unity; The bull represents democracyby deliberation and
consensus among representatives.
Indonesia has over 100 ethnic groups, among whom 47% are Javanese, 14% Sudanese, and 7.5% Madurese.
Natives of the island and immigrants from Asia were first called Indonesian following the independence of Indonesia in 1945.
About 60 percent of the population are farmers who produce subsistence and market-oriented crops such as rice, vegetables, fruit, tea, coffee, sugar, and spices.
• 印尼地处热带、不产小麦,所 以居民的主食是大米、玉米或 薯类,尤其是大米更为普遍不 过,印尼人也喜欢吃面食、如 吃各种面条、面包等。 • 印尼人吃饭不用筷子,而是用 勺和叉子,有时也喜欢用手抓 饭。抓饭时,先把米饭盛在盘 上,然后用右手指将饭捏成小 团,送到嘴里一口一口地吃。 饭桌边上要放一碗清水,边抓 饭、边不时用手沾沾清水,以 免使米饭沾粘在手指上。喜欢 手抓饭的人,觉得这样吃很开 胃。
其他区的细分市场虽然有较大吸引力,但不能推动企 业实现发展目标,甚至分散企业的精力,所以我们想 开辟印尼的陶瓷卫浴的中高端市场;而且以我国陶瓷 卫浴的技术和能力作为后盾是有条件进入、能充分发 挥其资源优势的市场作为目标市场。
定制化产品 走入大众视野。 随着消费市场逐渐 被80后、90后一代 占据之后,数据显示, 有90%的消费者注重 卫浴设计,有87.2% 的消费者看中“定制” 特点选择卫浴。所以 卫浴企业开展创新可 以推动行业的发 展。 实用、环保 仍然是卫浴市 场需求主流。 浴室空间通常比较狭 小,实用及美观仍旧 是消费者购买卫浴产 品时考虑的主流方向, 因为其空间的狭小, 就特别需要将所有基 本功能和特色凝缩在 一起,而且,要尽量 使有限的空间看上去 更大些,更动人些。 智能卫浴充 实日常生活。 智能时代为人们的生 活带来无限便利,下 班路上,拿起手机轻 轻一按,热水器已经 提前启动。这种智能 卫浴产品恰好迎合智 能化生活的趋势。
2.关注印尼对华人政策的变化 受多种因素影响,冷战后印尼对华的政策曾出现过反复。进入21世纪后,由于 不再受印尼反华政策的影响,中印尼关系的发展空前迅速。政治方面,印尼始 终宣称奉行一个中国的政策,坚定支持中国人民为维护国家主权和领土完整所 做的努力。经济方面两国贸易额更是大幅攀升,印尼成为中国在东南亚最大贸 易伙伴。
Bahasa Indonesia is the national language, which is akin to Malay. In all tourist destination areas, English is the number one foreign language used in speaking and working. Dutch is still spoken and understood in the large cities. French is increasing in popularity at the better hotels and restaurants.
Capital: Jakarta
Jakartais the capital and largest city of Indonesia located on the northwest coast of Java. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre.
Байду номын сангаас
Bali may be small in size – you can drive around the entire coast in one long day – but its prominence as a destination is huge.
Pulse-pounding surf, enchanting temple ceremonies, mesmerising dance performances and ribbons of beaches are just some of the images people cherish.
关于印尼简介英文作文英文:Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia, consisting of more than 17,000 islands. As the fourth most populous country in the world, Indonesia is home to over 270 million people, with Jakarta as its capital city. The official language is Indonesian, but there are also many regional languages and dialects spoken throughout the country.Indonesia is known for its rich natural resources, including oil, gas, coal, and minerals. The country is also famous for its diverse culture, which is a blend of various ethnic groups and religions. The majority of the population is Muslim, but there are also significant Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist communities.One of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia is Bali, an island known for its beautifulbeaches, temples, and traditional arts and crafts. Other popular destinations include Yogyakarta, a city famous for its ancient temples and cultural heritage, and Komodo Island, home to the world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon.Indonesia has faced many challenges in its history, including political instability, natural disasters, and economic struggles. However, the country has shown resilience and perseverance, and continues to make progress towards a brighter future.中文:印度尼西亚是一个位于东南亚的国家,由超过17,000个岛屿组成。
从1965年以来,政府以每年政府支出的15%作为交通基础设施建设的 投资,为印尼经济的快速增长提供了重要保障。
公路和水路是重要的运输手段,其中公路担负着国内近90%的客运和 50%的货运。
全国有水运航道21579公里,各类港口672个,主要港口有雅加达的丹 绒不禄港,泗水的丹绒佩拉港和棉兰的勿老港。
近几年,外商投资最集中的领域依次位是制造业和服务业,主要集中 到运输、仓储、通讯、化学和制药工业、造纸和印刷工业、建筑业、 非金属矿等行业。
外资最集中的地区依次是:经济发达的西爪哇、首都雅加达特区、苏 门答腊、东爪哇等4个地区。
印度尼西亚共合国(The Republic of Indonesia )
印度尼西亚是东南亚最大的岛国,也是世界上最大的群岛国 家,总人口达2.2亿人,拥有巨大的市场潜力。
对用于生产出口产品而进口的货物可退进口税,对于在国内购买 用于生产出口产品的物资免增价税,企业可自由选择在国内或国 外购买生产所需要的原料。
——工程相关法律法规 ——
印尼涉及外国投资方面的法律目前是2005年颁布的第25号《投 资法》,规范了国内外投资。
第一,如土地使用权,由原来的35年延长到95年,建筑使用权 由原来的50年延长到80年,而由地方政府批准的土地使用权最长 可达70年。
More than 1 billion people live in India, a country in southern Asia. Only China has more people. The people of India speak more than 100 different languages.Facts About IndiaOfficial name Republic of IndiaCapital New DelhiPopulation 1,150,000,000 peopleRank among countries inpopulation2ndMajor cities Kolkata (Calcutta), Delhi, Mumbai (Bombay)Area 1,220,000 square miles3,170,000 square kilometersRank among countries in area 7thHighest point Kanchenjunga28,209 feet/8,598 metersCurrency Indian rupeeCITIES AND VILLAGESKolkata (also spelled Calcutta) is India’s largest city. Mumbai (also called Bombay) is the country’s most populated urban area. They rank among the world’s largest cities, too. New Delhi is the capital of India.More than 16 million people live in or near the port city of Mumbai. Mumbai is a center of trade and the center of India’s movie business. India makes about 800 movies a year, more than any other country in the world.In spite of its large cities, India is primarily a country of villages. Most of India’s people make their living by farming. Many of them are extremely poor.More and more people are moving from rural areas of India to cities. They hope to find better-paying jobs in the cities. India’s cities ha ve become very crowded as a result.A SUBCONTINENTIndia is shaped like a triangle. It juts out from the bottom of Asia into the Indian Ocean. India is sometimes called a subcontinent. Is thisbecause India is big? Not really. Six countries—including Russia, Canada, and the United States—are bigger.India is a subcontinent because it is cut off from the rest of Asia. Mountains, jungles, and the Indian Ocean form barriers that make India a world apart—a subcontinent.India’s neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh also form part of the Indian subcontinent. These lands were once part of India.A LAND OF CONTRASTSThe Indian subcontinent offers striking contrasts. The Himalayas, the world’s highest mountains, extend across northern India. Towns lie on the lower slopes, but few people live high in the mountains.South of the mountains stretch broad plains. Two great rivers, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, flow through the plains. Tea grows on plantations to the east. The huge Thar Desert lies to the west.A vast plateau lies south of the plains. Much of this region is rocky. The climate of the plateau is extremely hot. Every summer, winds called monsoons drop heavy rain on India.JUNGLES AND WILDLIFEThe English language borrowed the word jungle from Hindi, the languag e spoken by most Indians. India’s jungles are home to many fascinating animals. Tigers, panthers, lions, cheetahs, snow leopards, monkeys, and elephants are all found in India. So is the poisonous cobra snake. India has many national parks and wildlife preserves where its animals can be seen.TAJ MAHALThe Taj Mahal in Agra, India, is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. An emperor built it after the death of his young wife. She died in 1631. Her tomb is inside.The Taj Mahal is covered in white marble and set in a garden with pools of water. The garden represents paradise. The building is decorated with beautiful carvings and colored stones. Its color appears to change throughout the day as the sun moves across the sky.RELIGION IN INDIAHinduism and Buddhism, two of the world’s major religions, were born in India. So were the Jain and Sikh religions. Most of India’s people are Hindus. Muslims—followers of Islam—are second in number.Hindus worship in the many beautiful temples they have built in India. They also worship at home. Hindus worship all life. They do not kill animals, and they do not eat meat.Muslims also have built many beautiful buildings, including the Taj Mahal. Hindus and Muslims have not always gotten along. Muslim invaders brought Islam to India. For centuries, Muslims ruled a largely Hindu country.A BRITISH COLONYDuring the 1700s, Britain gained control of India. Many Indians began speaking English. British sports, such as cricket and badminton, became popular. But many British efforts to change Indian customs and traditions were far less popular.MAHATMA GANDHIMohandas K. Gandhi was a Hindu who led India to independence from Britain. Gandhi’s followers called him Mahatma, which means “great soul.”Gandhi taught people to work for independence without using violence. Thanks to his efforts, India gained its independence in 1947. Gandhi’s policy of nonviolence influenced many other people. In the United States, Martin Luther King, Jr., used Gandhi’s idea of nonviol ent protests to gain civil rights for black Americans.AFTER INDEPENDENCEWhen India gained its independence, it split apart. The parts of India that were primarily Muslim became the country of Pakistan. Pakistan was made up of two parts, one to the east of India and the other to the west. In 1971, East Pakistan became a separate country called Bangladesh.。
印度尼西亚首都雅加达(Jakarta)是东南亚第一大城市,世界著名的海港。位于爪哇岛西北部沿海。人口有838.5万(2000年)。 大雅加达特区面积为650.4平方公里,分为五个市,即东、南、西、北、中雅加达市,其中东雅加达市面积最大,为178.07平方公里。
早在前2世纪后半期,在印尼出现了最早的国家叶调。公元三至七世纪,印尼境内分布着很多小王国和部落。七至十一世纪,大国室利佛逝与中国使者商旅不绝于途。7世纪到14世纪之间,佛教在印尼传播,13世纪末14世纪初,在爪哇建立了印尼历史上最强大的满者伯夷。郑和下西洋经过了印尼,并在马六甲有外交活动。到了16世纪,欧洲人抵达现印尼,发现了这些小国。一些欧洲强国开始建立殖 第三大都市万隆风景秀丽有仙之都美称
帜。旗面由上红下白两个相等的横长方形构成,长与宽之比为3:2。1945年8月17日首次升起。红色是勇气的象征,而白色代表纯洁。 国徽 图案为一只金色飞鹰,飞鹰象征创造力。鹰尾和鹰翼分别由8根和17根羽毛,象征印尼的独立日(8月17日)。飞鹰胸前的盾面的黑道象征赤道,水牛头象征主权属于人民,榕树象征民族意识,棉桃与稻穗象征丰衣足食及社会必须公正之原则,饰物象征人道主义。黑色小盾和五角星象征宗教信仰,也象征“潘查希拉”——印尼建国的五项基本原则。绶带上用印尼文写着“异中有同”。 印度尼西亚共和国国徽
D. Northern part
Lovina beach(罗威那海滩) is the most suitable place for watching Bali coral(珊瑚) and tropical fish
E. Eastern part
Panyembrahma (迎宾舞),Barong(巴龙舞,)Kechak(凯卡克舞) Ubud(乌布) Ubud SPA is also can be recommended Cultural of Bali Delicious Food in Bali ◆ Other culture Custom and culture of Bali Scenic Spot in Bali Lawar (水果拼盘) Dancing is not only for entertainment, but a form of communication with god. Lovina beach(罗威那海滩) is the most suitable place for watching Bali coral(珊瑚) and tropical fish
1.Brief Introduction of Bali 2.Scenic Spot in Bali 3.Cultural of Bali 4.Delicious Food in Bali
1.Brief Introduction
Bali in Indonesia is a popular tourist region, is small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km, a population of about 2.8 million. West of Jakarta, the capital of Bali, about more than 1000 km, with the capital of Jakarta where the Java island across the sea, only 1.6 km away from.
印尼旅游英文介绍作文Title: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Indonesia: A Journey Through Paradise Nestled amidst the vast expanse of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Indonesia stands as a stunning archipelago of over 17,000 islands, each weaving a unique story into the rich fabric of this tropical paradise. From bustling metropolises to secluded beaches, ancient temples to vibrant cultures, Indonesia offers an unforgettable travel experience that captures the hearts of travelers worldwide. Cultural Diversity: A Melting Pot of TraditionsStepping into Indonesia is like embarking on a journey through time and space. With over 300 ethnic groups and a myriad of languages spoken, the country is a true melting pot of cultures. Each region boasts its own customs, festivals, and traditions, making every corner of the archipelago a feast for the senses. From the grandeur of Javanese palaces and Balinese temples to the intricate weaving of Sumba and the traditional dance performances of Sulawesi, Indonesia's cultural heritage is an endless source of fascination.Natural Wonders: A Haven for Adventure SeekersNature lovers will find Indonesia a dream destination. The island of Borneo, shared with Malaysia and Brunei, is home to the world-renowned rainforests of Tanjung Puting National Park, where orangutans swing freely amidst the lush greenery. Komodo Island, famous for its giant lizards—the Komodo dragons—is a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. And for those seeking serenity, the crystal-clear waters of Raja Ampat in West Papua offer unparalleled diving experiences, revealing a stunning underwater world teeming with marine life.Beaches and Sunsets: A Relaxing EscapeIndonesia's beaches are legendary, offering a perfect blend of tranquility and adventure. Bali's Kuta Beach is a surfer's paradise, while the secluded coves of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida promise a more secluded retreat. Lombok, with its untouched beaches and towering Mount Rinjani, offers a unique blend of adventure and relaxation. As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ocean, it's impossible not to feel at peace with the world.Food: A Culinary AdventureIndonesian cuisine is a delicious tapestry of flavors, influenced by its diverse cultures and trading histories. From the spicy satays of Java and Bali to the rich, fragrant curries of Sumatra, every dish tells a story. Don't miss out on trying the famous nasi goreng (fried rice), mie goreng (fried noodles), and the ubiquitous Indonesian coffee, served with a touch of palm sugar for a sweet and invigorating experience. Street food is also a highlight, with warungs (food stalls) serving up mouthwatering treats at every turn.People and HospitalityAt the heart of Indonesia's charm lies its warm and welcoming people. Known for their friendly nature and infectious smiles, Indonesians make every effort to ensure that visitors feel at home. Whether it's a spontaneous invitation to a family gathering or a heartfelt conversation with a local, encounters with the Indonesian people are often the most memorable aspects of a trip here.In conclusion, Indonesia is a destination that transcends expectations, offering a kaleidoscope of experiences that will linger in the memory long after the journey has ended. From its rich cultural heritage to its breathtaking natural wonders, from its vibrant cities to its secluded beaches, Indonesia invites you to embark on a journey that promises to be truly unforgettable.。
印尼简介简况【国名】印度尼西亚共和国 (The Republicof Indonesia)【国旗】旗面由上红下白两个相等的横长方形构成,长与宽之比为3∶2。
【独立日】8月17日(1945年)【国庆日】8月17日(1945年)【国家政要】总统苏西洛·班邦·尤多约诺(Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono),2004年10月当选,2009年10月20日,苏西洛宣誓就职,连任总统;副总统优素福·卡拉,2004年10月当选。
介绍印度尼西亚的英语作文English:Indonesia, located in Southeast Asia, is the world's largest island country with more than 17,000 islands. It is known for its diverse culture, rich history, stunning natural scenery, and warm hospitalityof its people. The country's official language is Indonesian, with English also widely spoken and understood, especially in major cities and tourist areas. Indonesia is a melting pot of different ethnicities, religions, and traditions, contributing to its vibrant and colorful society. From the bustling capital city of Jakarta to the tranquil beaches of Bali, Indonesia offers a wide range of attractions for visitors to explore. The country is also famous for its delicious cuisine, with dishes like nasi goreng, rendang, and sate being popular choices. Overall, Indonesia is a fascinating destination that offers a unique blend of adventure, culture, and natural beauty.中文翻译:印度尼西亚位于东南亚,是世界上拥有超过17,000个岛屿的最大岛国。
1. Indian(印度)印度是一个多元文化的国家,拥有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。
2. Indonesian(印度尼西亚)印度尼西亚是一个东南亚国家,由数千个岛屿组成。
3. Irish(爱尔兰)爱尔兰是欧洲的一个岛国,充满了神秘和传奇色彩。
4. Israeli(以色列)以色列是位于中东的一个国家,被誉为“犹太人之家”。
5. Italian(意大利)意大利是一个美食之国,以其丰富多样的美食和艺术文化而闻名于世。
6. Iraqi(伊拉克)伊拉克是一个位于中东的国家,拥有悠久的历史和文化传统。
7. Icelandic(冰岛)冰岛是一个欧洲北部寒冷的岛国,拥有独特的自然风光和文化传统。
8. Iranian(伊朗)伊朗是一个西亚国家,有着悠久的历史和文化。
印度英文介绍More than 1 billion people live in India, a country in southern Asia. Only China has more people. The people of India speak more than 100 different languages.Facts About IndiaOfficial name Republic of IndiaCapital New DelhiPopulation 1,150,000,000 peopleRank among countries inpopulation2ndMajor cities Kolkata (Calcutta), Delhi, Mumbai (Bombay)Area 1,220,000 square miles3,170,000 square kilometersRank among countries in area 7thHighest point Kanchenjunga28,209 feet/8,598 metersCurrency Indian rupeeCITIES AND VILLAGESKolkata (also spelled Calcutta) is India’s largest city. Mumbai (also called Bombay) is the country’s most populated urban area. They rank among the wor ld’s largest cities, too. New Delhi is the capital of India.More than 16 million people live in or near the port city of Mumbai. Mumbai is a center of trade and the center of India’s movie business. India makes about 800 movies a year, more than any other country in the world.In spite of its large cities, India is primarily a country of villages. Most of India’s people make their living by farming.Many of them are extremely poor.More and more people are moving from rural areas of India to cities. They hope to find better-paying jobs in the cities. India’s cities ha ve become very crowded as a result.A SUBCONTINENTIndia is shaped like a triangle. It juts out from the bottom of Asia into the Indian Ocean. India is sometimes called a subcontinent. Is thisbecause India is big? Not really. Six countries—including Russia, Canada, and the United States—are bigger.India is a subcontinent because it is cut off from the rest of Asia. Mountains, jungles, and the Indian Ocean form barriers that make India a world apart—a subcontinent.India’s neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh also form part of the Indian subcontinent. These lands were once part of India.A LAND OF CONTRASTSThe Indian subcontinent offers striking contrasts. The Himalayas, the world’s highest mount ains, extend across northern India. Towns lie on the lower slopes, but few people live high in the mountains.South of the mountains stretch broad plains. Two great rivers, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, flow through the plains. Tea grows on plantations to the east. The huge Thar Desert lies to the west.A vast plateau lies south of the plains. Much of this region is rocky. The climate of the plateau is extremely hot. Every summer, winds called monsoons drop heavy rain on India.JUNGLES AND WILDLIFEThe English language borrowed the word jungle from Hindi, the languag e spoken by most Indians. India’s jungles are hometo many fascinating animals. Tigers, panthers, lions, cheetahs, snow leopards, monkeys, and elephants are all found in India. So is the poisonous cobra snake. India has many national parks and wildlife preserves where its animals can be seen.TAJ MAHALThe Taj Mahal in Agra, India, is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. An emperor built it after the death of his young wife. She died in 1631. Her tomb is inside.The Taj Mahal is covered in white marble and set in a garden with pools of water. The garden represents paradise. The building is decorated with beautiful carvings and colored stones. Its color appears to change throughout the day as the sun moves across the sky.RELIGION IN INDIAHinduism and Buddhism, two of the world’s major religions, were born in India. So were the Jain and Sikh religions. Most of India’s people are Hindus. Muslims—followers of Islam—are second in number.Hindus worship in the many beautiful temples they have built in India. They also worship at home. Hindus worship all life. They do not kill animals, and they do not eat meat.Muslims also have built many beautiful buildings, including the Taj Mahal. Hindus and Muslims have not always gotten along. Muslim invaders brought Islam to India. For centuries, Muslims ruled a largely Hindu country.A BRITISH COLONYDuring the 1700s, Britain gained control of India. Many Indians began speaking English. British sports, such as cricket and badminton, became popular. But many British efforts to change Indian customs and traditions were far less popular.MAHATMA GANDHIMohandas K. Gandhi was a Hindu who led India to independence from Britain. Gandhi’s followe rs called him Mahatma, which means “great soul.”Gandhi taught people to work for independence without using violence. Thanks to his efforts, India gained its independence in 1947. Gandhi’s policy of nonviolence influenced many other people. In the United States, Martin Luther King, Jr., used Gandhi’s idea of nonviol ent protests to gain civil rights for black Americans.AFTER INDEPENDENCEWhen India gained its independence, it split apart. The parts of India that were primarily Muslim became the country of Pakistan. Pakistan was made up of two parts, one to the east of India and the other to the west. In 1971, East Pakistan became a separate country called Bangladesh.。
● 印尼岛屿分布较为分散,主要有加里曼丹岛、苏门答腊岛、伊里安岛、苏拉威西岛和爪哇岛。各 岛内部多崎岖山地和丘陵,仅沿海有狭窄平原,并有浅海和珊瑚环绕。
● 加里曼丹岛,山地从中部向西面伸展,沿海平原广阔,南部多沼泽。 ● 苏门答腊岛,山脉自西北向东南斜贯,山脉东北侧为丘陵和较宽的沿海冲积平原,平原东部多沼
● 印尼地处热带、不产小麦,所以居民的主食是大米、玉米或薯类,尤其是大米更为普遍。大米除 煮熟外,印尼人喜欢用香蕉叶或棕榈叶把大米或糯米,包成菱形蒸熟而吃,称为“克杜巴”。印 尼人也喜欢吃面食、如吃各种面条、面包等。
● 印尼是一个盛产香料的国家,印尼制作菜肴喜欢放各种香料,以及辣椒、葱、姜、蒜等。因此印 尼的特点,一般是辛辣味香。印尼人喜欢吃“沙爹”、“登登”、“咖喱”等。“沙爹”是牛羊 肉串。
● 印尼是世界上最大的群岛国家,由太平洋和印度洋之间约17508个大小岛屿组成。陆地面积约 190.4万平方千米,海洋面积约316.6万平方千米(不包括专属经济区)。北部的加里曼丹岛与马 来西亚隔海相望,新几内亚岛与巴布亚新几内亚相连。东北部面临菲律宾,西南部是印度洋,东 南与澳大利亚相望。海岸线总长54716千米。
● 语言 ● 印尼有200多种民族语言,官方语言为印尼语(Bahasa Indonesia)。 ● 风俗 ● 印尼民族服装“巴迪”(Batik)衫是由传统的蜡染布制成,被称为“国服”。正式场合中男士可上身着长袖巴迪衬衫,下
着深色裤子。女士一般着巴迪或其他布料的套装。 ● 禁食猪肉、禁酒;男士遇到女士一般不主动握手,若对方伸出手,可以轻握;认为左手不洁,不用左手接受礼物或递交物
● 印尼自然资源丰富,有“热带宝岛”之称。盛产棕榈油、橡胶等农林产品,其中棕榈油产量居世界第一,天 然橡胶产量居世界第二。富含石油、天然气以及煤、锡、铝矾土、镍、铜、金、银等矿产资源。 [29]
印度尼西亚英文介绍The introduction of Indonesia:Indonesia, officially known as the Republic of Indonesia (English: Republic of Indonesia; Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is a transcontinental country located predominantly in Southeast Asia, with some territories extending into Oceania. Spanning across more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia is the world's largest island country and home to a diverse range of ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The capital city is Jakarta, and the official language is Bahasa Indonesia.Occupying a land area of approximately 1.9 million square kilometers, Indonesia shares borders with Papua New Guinea to the east, Timor-Leste to the southeast, and Malaysia to the north. The country consists of 34 provinces, with Java being the most populous island and economic powerhouse.Indonesia is inhabited by over 270 million people (as of recent data), making it the fourth most populous country globally. It boasts a rich cultural heritage with hundreds of distinct languages and dialects spoken across its vast archipelago, though Bahasa Indonesia serves as a unifying language. Islam is the dominant religion, practiced by the majority of Indonesians, although there is a significant presence of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and indigenous beliefs.Historically, Indonesia has seen the rise of powerful empires, including those in Java during the 13th to 14th centuries, followed by periods of colonial rule under the Dutch East India Company and later the Netherlands. The nation declared independence in 1945 following World War II and has since undergone significant political and economic development.Economically, Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and a member of the G20 group of nations. Its economy is supported by a multitude of sectors including agriculture, natural resources extraction (such as oil, gas, coal, and minerals), manufacturing, and tourism. Bali, Komodo Island, Borobudur Temple,and Prambanan Temple are among the internationally renowned tourist destinations.In terms of ecology, Indonesia is recognized for its extensive biodiversity and contains vital ecosystems such as tropical rainforests and coral reefs. However, the country is also known for facing environmental challenges due to deforestation, climate change, and natural disasters, given its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, which makes it prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Overall, Indonesia presents a unique blend of ancient traditions and contemporary dynamism, reflecting its multifaceted identity as a vibrant democracy and emerging market with global relevance.。
印度尼西亚概况【国名】印度尼西亚共和国(THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA)【面积】1,904,443平方公里(陆地面积)。
【人口】 2.1亿(世界银行数据),世界第四人口大国。
【国家元首】总统梅加瓦蒂·苏加诺普特丽(MEGAWATI Soekarnoputri),2001年7月23日就任。
26日,人协特别会议选举哈姆扎·哈兹(Dr HAMZAH Haz)为副总统。
一篇关于印度尼西亚巴厘岛的英语作文Title: Exploring the Beauty of BaliBali, known as the "Island of the Gods," is a place of breathtaking natural beauty, rich culture, and warm hospitality. Located in the archipelago of Indonesia, Bali is a popular tourist destination that attracts millions of visitors from around the world each year. With its stunning beaches, lush rice terraces, and vibrant arts scene, Bali offers an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking adventure, relaxation, and cultural immersion.One of the most iconic features of Bali is its beautiful beaches. From the famous Kuta Beach with its golden sands and world-class surf to the tranquil shores of Sanur Beach, Bali offers a wide variety of beach experiences for visitors. Whether you're looking to catch some waves, soak up the sun, or simply stroll along the coastline, Bali's beaches havesomething for everyone. In addition to its well-known beaches, Bali also boasts a number of hidden gems, such as thesecluded Nyang Nyang Beach and the dramatic cliffs of Uluwatu Beach, which offer a more serene and less crowded beach experience.Apart from its beaches, Bali is also home to stunning natural landscapes, including lush rice terraces, towering volcanoes, and cascading waterfalls. The Tegalalang Rice Terraces, with their emerald-green paddies and intricate irrigation system, are a must-see for nature lovers and photographers alike. Meanwhile, the majestic Mount Batur, an active volcano located in the island's northeast, offers a challenging yet rewarding trek to its summit, where travelers can witness a breathtaking sunrise over the surrounding landscape. Bali's waterfalls, such as Tegenungan and Sekumpul, provide the perfect escape for those seeking to immerse themselves in the island's pristine natural beauty.In addition to its natural wonders, Bali is also a hub of arts and culture. The island is home to a thriving arts scene, with traditional Balinese dance, music, and crafts being a central part of daily life. Visitors can witness traditional dance performances, such as the mesmerizing Kecak Fire Danceor the elegant Legong Dance, which are often accompanied bylive gamelan music. The Ubud area, in particular, is knownfor its artistic community, with countless galleries, workshops, and cultural performances available for visitorsto explore.Furthermore, Bali's rich cultural heritage is also reflected in its countless temples and religious sites, which are scattered throughout the island. The iconic sea temple of Tanah Lot, perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the ocean,is a popular spot to witness the sunset and marvel at the island's spiritual legacy. Meanwhile, the sacred water temple of Pura Tirta Empul offers visitors the chance to partake ina traditional cleansing ritual in its holy springs, providing a deeply immersive cultural experience.Ultimately, a trip to Bali is a journey into a world of unparalleled natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Bali offers something for everyone. With its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, vibrant arts scene, and rich cultural heritage, Bali is truly a destination like no other.。
那么你知道印度用英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来印度尼西亚的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!印度尼西亚的英语说法:Indonesia英 [ˌindəuˈni:zjə]美 [ˌɪndəˈniʒə, -ʃə, -do-]印度尼西亚相关英语表达:印度尼西亚人 Indonesian;印度尼西亚语 Indonesian印度尼西亚的英语例句:1. The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia.领事馆将和印度尼西亚举行政治对话。
2. The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia.针对学生的暴力使得整个印度尼西亚不寒而栗。
3. The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的国会尚未批准该条约。
4. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.印度尼西亚是世界上第四大人口大国。
5. I've never had Indonesian food but I'll give it a whirl.我从未吃过印度尼西亚食品,但我愿意试一试.6. We , the people of Indonesia, hereby declare Indonesia's independence.吾印度尼西亚公民特此宣布印度尼西亚独立.7. Indonesia, with 216 million people, is the fourth most populous country in the world.有2.16亿人的印度尼西亚是世界第四人口大国。
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• Education is not widespread.
Indonesia about 62 % (1995).
Literacy rate in
• Woman in Indonesia can be professionals in
companies, government, military. They can vote, seek divorce, inherit or acquire property.
• • • • • • • Capital City is Jakarta. Red & white flag. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Garuda bird . Indonesia Raya. Indonesia Language. The Rupiah is our currency. • Pancasila.
• Japan rule 1942 - 1945. • Indonesia declared freedom on August, 17 1945
- Sukarno Engr ( 1945 - 1966) - Suharto General (1967 - 1998) - Prof. Ing BJ Habibie Ph.d (1998- ? )
• The major industries are petroleum, textiles, and mining. • Indonesia’s main exports are timber, petroleum (40 % of foreign revenue), textiles and rubber. • Indonesia’s major trading partners are Japan
By Enggal Sriwardiningsih Y.
Geography Of Indonesia
• The world’s largest archipelago, consisting of 13,367 islands ( Of which about 6060 are inhabited ) • The main islands are Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Irian Jaya. • The Sea is 2.88 M sq.km and land is 1.92 M sq.km • Primary mountainous, 400 volcano peaks, 2/3 forest and jungle.
• There are 300 ethnic groups through-out Indonesia, each with different customs, languages and social structure. • Religious freedom is quarantined 7 tolerance is highly valued by Indonesians. 90 % of Indonesians
• Among Indonesians individuality is secondary to community concerns.
- still remains a hierarchical and honor- oriented society.
- recently, they have become materialistic.
• Portuguese arrived in the 15c in search of spices. • Dutch rule from 1602-1942 (VOC = Dutch East India
Company was established to manage the area’s spice trade).
• Islam appeared from Persia in the 7c. • Hinduism appeared in the 7c, brought by Indian traders from the west coast of India. • Christianity introduced by Dutch in 17c.
• The population of Indonesia is 194.8 M (1995)
making it the third largest population among the developing countries after China and India.
• 59% of the population lives on Java island, which is only 7% of the Indonesia land area, (density is 900/km sq)
compared with Irian and Maluku which have 2% of the population but 26 % of the Indonesia land area.
• The major cities in Indonesia are Jakarta (pop.p. 1.8 M ) and Bandung (pop.1.6 M)
are Sunni Muslims, 6 % of Indonesians are Christianity, 2 % of Indonesians are Buddhism, 1 % of Indonesians are Hinduism (Balinese), and 1 % of Indonesians are Confucianism.
• Buddhism was brought by Indian Buddhists in the 1 2c.
– The Sumatra-based Sriwijaya kingdom 7-13c. – Java based kingdom of Majapahit kingdom in 13-15c.