
你飚得好快哦Fast bike, huh?是啊还可以Yeah, sometimes.要加油吗Want me to fill it up?我不是来加油的I'm not here for the gas.帮我看好我的车You can keep an eye on it for me.要算帐就到路上算Leave it on the road, guys.机车小子你差点害我撞车That stunt almost cost me my ride, boy.-我在赶时间你挡了我的路 -你赶着去投胎吧-You were in my way. I was in a hurry. -Well, now you'll be late. 你的脏手别碰我的车Hey! Get your dirty little punk ass off my car.开车的人怎么都这么嚣张What is it about driving cars that makes you all such assholes? 你擦不擦车窗Can you do something about these dirty windows?五块钱Five bucks.收十块钱吧Make it 10.谢啦Thanks.系好安全带Buckle up.你没两下就惹上麻烦了Well. It didn't take long for you to find trouble.尽管来我免费招待你吃拳头Step up. I'm running a two-for-one special today.吃拳头Special, huh?有送薯条吗我饿扁了Can I get fries with that? Because I'm hungry as hell.-福特近来可好 -见到你真好-What's up, Ford? How you doing, boy? -Good to see you, man. -我也一样 -欢迎回来-Wish I could say the same for you. -Welcome home.谢了兄弟威道尔顿你们又迟到了Thanks, man. Val, Dalton. Late as usual.这小子一声不响跑去泰国半年还敢嫌我们Dude's gone six months in Thailand without a word and now he's busting our chops. 你们怎么变得这么难伺候Since when did you get so sensitive?我得赶去参加机车大会I got a rally to get to.你一定是想去送死You must be in a hurry to die.亨利他们看到你肯定不爽Henry James and his boys aren't gonna be as happy to see you as we are.-你不是在逃亡干嘛回来 -我得把事情解决掉-You were on the run. Why you back now? -I gotta make things right.我一直忘不了她I couldn't stop thinking about her.-我以为你是忘不了我们 -听好-And here I thought it was alI about us. -Look...这是我惹的麻烦你们不必被拖下水this is my mess, not yours. You don't have to make this run.-你一个人搞不定 -你需要我们-We can't let you have all the fun. -You're gonna need us.没错Yes, I am.你还会骑车吧Still know how to ride that thing?来比一比就知道啰We'll have to race the twisties to find out.福特你到底想干嘛Ford, what the hell are you doing?我想看你被我超车的衰样I don't want to miss that look on your face when I blow past you.搞什么What the ?-有人追上来了 -滚开臭小子-We got company. -Out of my way, punk!他有毛病吗What's his problem?让我来I got him!-你死定了 -放马过来-Your ass is mine. -Let's go, punk.你行吗Come on, what you got?-怎样 -有本事来呀-You like that? -Bring that piece of shit on.我烧起来了I'm burning, I'm burning.-别冲动 -烧死他最好-Relax! -You should've let him burn!他差点害死我们He could've killed us!小子咱们走着瞧让开Hey, punk, we ain't done yet. Move out of the way.让我看这小子有什么能耐Let's see if this guy fights as bad as he rides.-滚吧 -大嘴巴-Walk away. -You got loud pipes...别光说不练but you ain't saying nothing!你不会有好下场的You ain't gonna like how this ends.这下你死定了白小子It's your turn to burn, white boy.朱利尔你掉了东西What's up, J? Drop something?我会搞定他们老大Just taking care of some business, T.福特听说你跑到东南亚吃寿司Ford. I heard you was up in Indochina eating sushi and shit.-寿司不是日本才有吗 -我知道啦臭小子-I thought sushi came from Japan. -I know where sushi come from, nigga. 我又没在问你I ain't even talking to you.我大可以把你揍扁You know I could smash you right now.还有你的小啰喽You and your little tricycle friends.不过我就放你一马But I'm gonna give you a pass.算是欢迎你回来Consider it a welcome-home present.只有一个条件赔我小弟一台新机车Under one condition. Somebody gonna give my brother a new bike. -我要他的车 -想得美-I want his bike. -I ain't giving you shit.想要机车就放马过来There's only one way you're getting one of these bikes.我知道你离开了很久福特I know you been gone a long time, Ford.但不至于忘了这儿谁是老大But not long enough to forget who run things around here.小心我拿你去喂狗I hate to see you end up as Dojo's dinner.老大有警♥察♥Trey. One-time.现在不是喂狗的好时候Probably not a good time to be feeding Dojo anything, huh?改天再找你算帐Get that bike from you later.警♥察♥伯伯你好吗Hey, officer, how's it going?今天天气真好Beautiful day today.-你还在等什么 -你觉得怎样-What are you waiting for? -What you think?让他们瞧瞧你的厉害Go show these boys how to ride.-载我一程怎样 -我会让你受不了-How about a ride? -This thing might be too much for you.-没试过不知道 -你们够了吧-We'll never know till I'm on it. -All right, you too.我先走一步啰It's not that I don't enjoy your company.对他温柔点Just be gentle with him.-好帅的机车 -好翘的屁♥股♥-Nice bike. -Nice ass.你有名字吗Got a name?有啊Yeah.福特他跑来干嘛Ford. What's he doing here?天气预报今天阳光普照Forecast for today sun, sun and more sun.华氏94到103度记得擦防晒油Highs 94 to 103. Don't forget your sunscreen, folks.西南风时速10到15里Southwest winds 10 to 15 miles per hour, with locally higher gusts. 请稍等一下Be with you in a second.要找什么吗Looking for something in particular?你有没有粉红色皮座椅Yeah, you got one of them seats in a pink Naugahyde?镶金边的Maybe with a little gold fringe?你从来都不会搞笑You never were funny, Ford.你以前觉得我很搞笑Oh, come on, you used to think I was funny.也许你失去幽默感夏恩Maybe you lost your sense of humor.我还是很有幽默感呀I think I have a pretty good sense of humor.就像你那天早上一落跑Like the morning you skipped town联邦探员就拿着搜票冲进店里before agents raided my shop...说我男友是个毒贩waving warrants, telling me my boyfriend's a drug dealer?超搞笑的我笑了几个礼拜That was funny. I laughed my ass off for weeks.我有写信给你I wrote you letters.-我把信给烧了 -我打过电♥话♥给你-I made fires. -I tried to call.这半年来我的电♥话♥被监听这也很搞笑Yeah, but my phone was tapped for six months. That was fun too. -听我解释 -让我猜猜-Can I explain? -Let me guess.你很抱歉你不是故意伤害我你只是想保护我You're sorry, you didn't mean to hurt me, you were trying to protect me...-而且这不是你的错 -这是我的错-and it wasn't your fauIt. -It was my fauIt.-打烊了 -可是招牌说-We're closed. -The sign said...招牌写错了谢了Well, the sign lied. Thanks.你也走吧You too, Ford.我一直在想该怎么跟你解释You don't know how many times I've played this out in my head in the last six months. 你一定把脑袋都想破了Must be frustrating.算你有种回来You got balls even coming here.联邦探员跟地狱帮都在找你The feds and the Hellions are after you亨利认为你偷走他的机车and Henry James thinks you stole his bikes.是啊Yeah.因为那是真的Well, that's because I did.-福特 -干嘛-Ford? -Yeah?-快走吧否则 -否则怎样-Go now, please, before I... -Before what?我们本来决定要去海滩玩And to think we almost decided to go to the beach this weekend.幸好小路不喜欢游泳Lucky for me, Luther hates to swim.亨利Henry.你不必买♥♥新的座椅福特I don't know why you're buying a new seat, Ford.旧的湊合着用就好了Looks like you haven't broken in your old one yet.看来福特爱用贱♥货♥Looks like Ford prefers to ride bitch to me.看来你最好也换一个新货亨利It looks to me like you ought to buy a new seat yourseIf, Henry.老跟兄弟合用会染上怪病Share one with your friends long enough and you're liable to catch something. 听说你去了东南亚Heard you were in Indochina.鸟不生蛋的地方Some shit like that.-食物好吃吗 -我是去泰国-Good food there? -Thailand, actually...食物超棒多谢关心but the food was great. Thanks for asking.你真会装蒜福特You're a pretty funny guy, Ford.别装了Tell me...给我老实说you got a punch line for this我的机车呢Where are my goddamn bikes?你真的想要那些机车You really want them...还是那里面的货or what's inside them?在哪里Where are they?-跟他分吧 -他才不会-Why don't you just cut it out of him. -No, he won't.他聪明的很He's too smart for that.他知道他一碰我就拿不到货Because he knows if he touches me he'll never get his shit back.也许Then again...我没那么聪明I'm not that smart.夏恩Shane.限你在日落前交出我的机车You've got till sundown to hand over my bikes.你老弟答应跟我合作Your brother said we had a deal.朱利尔不能作主我才是老大Junior don't do the deals around here, I do.他不能作主就不该乱放话Well, if Junior ain't allowed to make deals, he shouldn't be allowed to speak. 真巧我也有同感That's funny, because I was thinking the same thing.我不是来看你逗狗黑猩猩I didn't come here to watch you pet your dog, primate.我也没请你这臭白人来I didn't invite your Dukes of Hazzard ass.快从我眼前消失我不会答应你的So you can raise up whenever you feel it. The answer is no.你不能在我的地盘贩毒You're not slinging your dope on my streets.香槟拿给我Hand me that bottle.给我听好Look...我不是街头小混混I'm not some dimebag street punk.我是生意人I'm a businessman.你最好识相点And I'm telling you to make this right.就算你是教父我也不甩你I wouldn't give a shit if you was Don Corleone himseIf.我的答案还是不The answer is still no.给我滚远一点So get out of my face.你在看什么What the hell was you looking at?我爱你I love you.拜托你干嘛不答应他Trey, what's wrong? I thought you would've been down with that shit.我们可以海捞一票You could've made a killing.你觉得你闯的祸还不够多吗First you gonna act a fool up there on the road, now this?你有什么毛病啊What's wrong with you?别给我找麻烦You messing with my goddamn good nature, boy.去买♥♥啤酒来少惹我Go get me a beer, man. You messing up my buzz.我要健怡可乐别甩车门Get me a Diet Pepsi. Don't slam my door.你最好别冲动You better count to 10!-我要好好教训他 -闭嘴叫伙计跟着他-I'm gonna whup his ass. -Shut up. Put Rasan and Nomo on him.连小狗嘟嘟都比他聪明Dojo got more sense than that boy.亨利看来你被他耍了Henry, looks like you're the one riding bitch.-你的引擎该修一修了 -福特Looks like your engine could use a little work.我都说我不爱你你是混球What part of "I don't love you anymore, you're a bastard我不想见到你你还不死心and I never wanna see you again" didn't you understand?因为你见到我并没有转头就走How about the part that stops you from driving off right now?渴了吗Thirsty?一瓶啤酒你请客All right, one beer. But you're buying.-朱利尔你还好吗 -我一点也不好滚开-What up, Junior? You all right? -No, I'm definitely not all right, man. Move! 敢撞我白小子Watch out, white boy.-我是不小心的 -小心我踢扁你-Call it an accident? -How about I kick your ass?我说我是不小心的No, I prefer we still call it an accident.-不小心的 -你欠我一罐啤酒-How about now? -Now it looks like you owe me a beer.-朱利尔 -我要宰了你-Junior! Junior! -I'm gonna kill you!住手Come on, chill!给我过来你怎么老是给我找麻烦I'm gonna talk to you. Why you always got to show your ass, man, huh?你为什么不能安份一点Why you can't come here and play your position?看着我小子Look at me, boy.我爱你因为你是我老弟可是别一直丢我的脸I love you. You're my brother, but you better stop embarrassing me.别这么毛毛燥燥Stop acting so damn crazy.我会照顾你一辈子And I got your back for life.照顾我那就替我出口气帮帮我呀Well, if you got my back, then show me, blood, on everything!你一点都不照顾我我才不靠你呢You ain't got my back, man. You ain't got my back, Trey. Forget you, man. 小心给我让开Watch out. Get out of my way, man.白小子差点把你老弟揍扁Dawson's Creek almost beat your brother's ass, blood.闭嘴去牵我的狗Shut up, man. Go get my dog.-你要怎么对付福特 -朱利尔给了我灵感-What're we gonna do about Ford? -Junior just solved our problem.-不如把福特抓起来 -还不行-Why don't we just grab him right now? -No, not now.我有更好的主意叫大伙儿来I got a better idea. Get the boys.你是怎么搞的你一出现就会惹出一堆麻烦What is it with you, Ford? Everywhere you go, everything turns to hell.我就是有这本事Yeah, it's a talent I have.柴娜去补补妆Go powder your nose, China.咱们玩玩吧Let's have some fun.-是他去逮他 -他在那儿-That's him. Get him. -There he is.多谢地狱帮砸了这场子我要走人了We'd like to thank the Hellions for messing up another gig. I'm out of here. 他逃不了He ain't going anywhere.-他来了 -又走了去抓他-Here he comes. -There he goes. Get him!散人啦朱利尔See you, Junior.怎么回事Hey, what's up, man?怎么回事Hey. What's up?老兄Hey, dude.该死Damn!你把我害惨了朱利尔You screwed me, Junior.你这小子说话不算话I assume you're apologizing for setting up a deal you couldn't do.害我白白答应别人I made promises based on your black ass.现在问题可大了And now I've got a problem.-你得要帮我解决 -老兄-But you're gonna help me out of it. -Yo, dog.给我一些时间我去劝崔瑞把事情搞定Just give me time. I'm gonna talk to Trey. We could work this out, man.我可以的I could make this happen, all right?你没时间了Time's up.你知道该怎么做You know what to do, baby?曼谷到芭达尼有一条沿海公路There's this one road that winds up the coast from Bangkok to Pattani.一边是山一边是大海It's got mountains on one side, ocean on the other骑车时好像可以把脚泡到海水里so close sometimes it feels like you can just drag your foot in it.我每次骑在路上就想到你I tell you, the last six months, every time I took that drive I thought about you. 你想向我促销泰国旅游♥行♥程Did you come all this way to sell me a trip to Thailand?一瓶啤酒的时间让你解释You got to the bottom of this beer. Explain away.好吧All right.我一年前认识亨利First met Henry about a year ago.我不喜欢他不过他是客人I didn't like him, but he was a paying customer.我替他修过车I fixed his chopper a couple times.半年前他带两台机车到你的店Six months ago, he turns up at your shop...他要我替他保管几天with these two bikes. He asked me if I'd mind looking after them.我想一想无所谓I figure, what the hell, right?所以就答应他So I do.我去热车却发动不了所以就检查油箱Then I go to move them, they don't start. So I check the tanks.发现里面装满安♥非♥他♥命♥They're filled with kilos of crystal meth.我就想先把机车弄走So first thing, I get them out of there.怪不得联邦探员会来搜我的店So that's why that fed McPherson raided my shop after you split.你也从地球上消失And you dropped off the face of the Earth.我之所以走I took off...是不想把你拖下水so that you wouldn't get dragged into it.只要我一走I split.警方就以为只有我跟亨利同伙Now I'm the only one involved with Henry.你走是为了保护我So you left to protect me?你是怎么想的你可以回来把一切解释清楚What'd you think, you were gonna just come back and explain everything... 然后再跟我远走高飞and then we'd just ride off into the sunset together?差不多吧More or less.你差不多想去哪里Well, which is it? More or less?我想去墨西哥Well, I was actually thinking Mexico.-别坏了我的好事 -把衣服穿好-You're killing me. -Get your gear on.-现在不行 -咱们去墨西哥夏恩一起去-Not a good time. -Heading to Cabo. Shane's coming.-真的假的 -真的-Damn, really? -Yeah.-等我十分钟 -快一点-Give me 10 minutes, all right? -Come on.让开Move.让开让开Move, man! Move!可恶Damn!他是我小弟Wait. That's my brother, man.没关系It's all right.不我要带你走Oh, no. No, man. I'm taking him with me.不行You can't do that, son.我们要查出真凶Now, we're gonna find out who done this.如果你知道谁杀死你小弟If you have any ideas who would want to kill your brother如果我知道是谁他早就没命了If I knew who did this, you'd have two dead bodies right now. 有一个人声称看到凶手We got a witness. Says she saw the whole thing.二十来岁白人骑着重型机车A white male, mid-20s, rode a custom motorcycle.-身穿黑橘色皮衣 -黑橘色皮衣-Wore black and orange leathers. -Black and orange leathers? 你知道这个人吗Hey, you know somebody who fits that description?不再知道了Not anymore.走吧Let's go!联邦调查局扫黑专案小组麦费森探员FBI. Agent McPherson, federal gang task force.我是邦恩警长你不太像联邦探员Sheriff Barnes. You don't look like your typical fed.你以为应该长什么样烂西装What'd you expect? A cheap suit,破汽车落伍发型late-model Taurus, a $10 haircut?你们怎么这么快就赶到How did you all get here so fast?这地方有这么多飚车族Get this many motorheads in one place, all wearing color迟早会出事所以我早就来了something's bound to happen. Pays to be close.这位是韩德森探员Oh, this is Agent Henderson.别以为她是花瓶她是最顶尖的探员Don't let her good looks fool you. She's one of the best field operatives. 对不起接个电♥话♥Excuse me, I have to take this.-嗨宝贝我在办案 -什么状况Yeah. Hi, baby. I'm at a crime scene right now.-典型凶杀案 -典型凶杀案-It's a typical homicide. -Typical homicide?什么是所谓的典型凶杀案Maybe you can explain to me what a typical homicide is.我会搞定的我保证All right, I'll take care of it. Yeah, I promise.-有一个目击证人 -是吗-I've got an eyewitness. -You do?-对 -你这不就破案了-Yeah. -You've practically got this solved.我也爱你天啊I love you too. Jesus Christ.找到凶器证人看到整个事件We've got the murder weapon and she saw the whole thing.恭喜了Congratulations.就算要把整个加州翻遍I don't care if we have to comb every inch of California.都要找到福特那小子我在午夜前一定要拿他喂小狗I want that boy Ford, and I want his head in Dojo's bowl by midnight.-知道吗 -知道-Amen? -Amen.来吧狗狗Come on, boy.付现金要押身份证影本Motel policy for cash customers.杰Jay.-找到他了 -臭小子-Got him. -Son of a bitch.-我半年前就想逮他 -他很帅-I tried to pop Ford six months ago. -He's cute.你可以去探监地图You can visit him in prison. Map.你太会吃才会把自己吃穷That's why you broke, you eat too much.-我来付 -没关系-I got it. -That's okay.你打算用什么付帐你帅气的笑容吗What were you planning on paying with, your good looks or your smile?我喜欢强悍一点的妞儿I love a girl who can take care of herself, man.为了她我也会回来I would have come back too.失陪一下If you boys will excuse me.我得去厕所补补妆It seems like I'm overdue for some paint and bodywork myseIf.你打算怎么对付亨利你心里有个谱吧So, what are you gonna do about Henry? We got a plan, right?等风头过了我会说出机车下落Yeah, once we're in the clear, I'm gonna tell Henry where he can pick up his shit. 不过呢Of course...我也会通知麦费森探员I'm also gonna call that punk McPherson and tell him.让他逮到亨利人赃俱全Arrange a get-together with the evidence.这样就皆大欢喜对吧That way everybody gets what they deserve, right?亨利拿到货麦费森逮到亨利Henry gets his shit, McPherson gets Henry我们到墨西哥喝个烂醉and we all go to Mexico and get drunk.绰号♥朱利尔的死神帮飚车族As I reported earlier, Wallace, a member of an Inglewood motorcycle gang 昨晚被人用机车链条勒毙the Reapers, was brutally murdered last night with a motorcycle chain.警方根据目击证人描述锁定嫌犯With the help of an eyewitness, the FBI has come up with a suspect年近三十的白人男子卡利福特Cary Ford, a white male in his late 20s.骑一台黑色重型机车Ford was last seen riding a black custom motorcycle身穿黑橘色皮衣wearing orange and black racing leathers.如果观众知道嫌犯下落If you have any idea as to his whereabouts...请尽速和警方联络please contact the local authorities.卡利福特是重大命案的主嫌Cary Ford is now the prime suspect in the murder of Junior Wallace.打给警长Call the sheriff, Hal.有人在孤松镇看到福特Ford was just spotted at Lone Pine.上路吧Let's drive a little.喂Yeah.-警方无线电说有人找到白小子 -谁-Heard on the scanner they spotted the white boy. -Who-杀你小弟的白小子 -地图给我-Dawson's Creek, the white boy. -All right, get me a map.我们要抄小路We gotta make up some time.-喂 -我找福特-Yeah? -Give me Ford.福特找你的Ford. It's for you.-我是福特 -计划改变-Ford. -Change in plans.你朋友朱利尔挂了Seems your buddy Junior's dead.FBI 认为是你干的Feds think you did it.死神帮也说凶手是你大家都认为人是你杀的Reapers think you did it. Hell, everybody thinks you did it.只要你交出货我就能让你脱身You tell me where my stuff is and it all goes away.我不听别人命令I don't take orders, Henry.-从前和以后都不会 -什么-Never have, never will. -What's that?你听过恶有恶报这句俗语吗Ever heard that what you put out comes back tenfold?你在"支那"待太久了那是什么意思You spent too much time in Chink Land, Ford. What does that mean? 你大限来时我可不想在你旁边It means I don't wanna be next to you when the shit hits the fan.而且"支那"是中国And by the way, Henry "Chink Land" implies China.我是在泰国是不同的国家I was in Thailand, it's a different country.我的手♥机♥Hey, my phone!别动Hold it right there.大家趴下来Everybody down on the ground!别开枪Quit shooting!你找错人了You got the wrong guy.等警长来再说We'll let the sheriff sort it out when they get here.-你没事吧 -我搞定他们了-Are you okay? -I got it under control!我没有杀人I didn't kill anybody.妈的Shit!你是厄尔吗You Earl?你做的早餐超好吃Loved your French toast.-趴下来 -我就说-Down. -Like I said...-我喜欢悍一点的妞儿 -谢了-I love a girl who can take care of herseIf. -Thanks.你上了新闻跟你打架的小黑他挂了You're on the news. That guy you got in a fight with is dead.-亨利要拿回他的毒品 -你怎么不还给他-Henry set me up. He wants his drugs back. -Why don't you give them back. -不行那是我唯一的保障 -昨晚我们一起-I can't. It's the only insurance I got. -You were with me last night.-你有不在场证明 -趴下来厄尔I'm your alibi. Down, Earl!去跟警♥察♥说呀Tell the cops.警♥察♥不是唯一的麻烦Right now it ain't the cops that I'm worried about.情况不妙Not good.-死神帮来了 -他说的对夏恩-Reapers! -He's right, Shane.待会再说行吗You think we could finish this conversation later?好吧脱了险你就要报♥警♥ 好吗All right. Once we're in the clear, you call the cops. Agreed?我拿这个干嘛What should I do with this?就当我没说过我喜欢悍妞Forget what I said about liking women who can take care of themselves.抱歉事情不太妙你留下来比较安全Sorry, it's gonna get crazy. You'll be safer here than running with us.-回洛杉矶再见 -你要我♥干♥嘛-See you back in L.A. -What am I supposed to do?陪厄尔吗Hang out with Earl?他们往哪儿走Which way?快给我说老头Which way did you say, old man?-哪个方向 -抄小路-Which way? -Shortcut!逮到他们就宰了他们Let's catch them, kill them and bury them!他们追上来了该死越来越多人They're still on us! Shit! There's more of them!-怎么办 -要往哪儿-What are we gonna do, Ford? -Where we going?我正在想I'm working on it!他们走哪边Which way did they go?可恶走吧Damn! Come on!可以报♥警♥了吗Now can we call the cops?-不行 -为什么-No. -Why not?不只是警♥察♥ 是麦费森Because it's not just the cops, it's McPherson.麦费森McPherson?抄你店的家伙The guy that tore up your shop.他认为我是毒贩He already thinks I'm a drug dealer.现在又认为我杀死朱利尔所以我一定要证明Now he thinks I shot Junior. And he has no reason to think otherwise... -自己无罪 -真倒霉链条断了-unless I can prove it. -Bad just turned to worse. Bent link.真是屋漏偏逢连夜雨This just keeps getting better and better.我的工具箱有备用链条I got a spare in my toolkit.他是被勒死的He was strangled, by the way.-谁 -朱利尔是被机车链条勒死-Who? -Junior. He was strangled with a bike chain.妈的Shit.是亨利用自己的机车链条Henry used the chain off his own bike.-你怎么知道 -是啊你怎么知道-How do you know that? -How do you know?你怎么会知道的Yeah, how did you know that?这个嘛Well, it's....事情有点复杂It's complicated.-你不左转就会去俄勒冈 -应该右转-You turning left, or we going to Oregon? -It's right.右转怎么It's right? What...?别乱指我我知道路Get the finger out of my face. I know where I'm going.亨利这下死定了Henry just screwed himseIf.-你看到这些刮痕吗 -嗯-See those scratches and nicks? -Yeah.这是齿盘刮出来的Well, it picks them up from the sprocket.每一台机车的刮痕都不同Now, no two bikes got the same chain-wear pattern...因为每个齿盘的磨损痕迹都不同because no two sprockets are the same.只要能证明亨利的链条是凶器So we match the chain used to kill Junior with Henry's bike... 就能逮到他and we got him.就跟指纹一样Like a fingerprint.就连你这白♥痴♥也搞懂了耶Try not to move your lips so much when you think.现在可以报♥警♥了吧Now we call the cops, right?可以了Now we call the cops.-好恶心哦 -去开房♥间吧-Real cute, guys. -Get a room.-麦费森 -福特你越来越厉害了-McPherson, it's F... -Ford. Looks like you're trading up.从毒贩变成一级谋杀犯Going from drug trafficking to first-degree murder.-我被人陷害 -这句话我常听-I was set up. -In my business I hear that a lot.-大声点我正在侧录 -谁会想陷害你-Loud. Recorder's on. -Who wants to set you up?亨利Henry James.地狱帮老大为什么呢Leader of the Hellions. Now, why would he wanna do that?你要找的毒品是他的Those drugs you were looking for belong to Henry.你去抄店前一晚我把货藏起来亨利要讨回去I stashed them the night before you raided the shop. He wants them back. 说出毒品下落也许我会相信Tell me where the drugs are, I might buy that'd give Henry motive.-也许我能让你脱罪 -也许还不够好把亨利抓起来-Maybe we can work something out. -"Maybe" don't cut it. Arrest Henry... -我就交出毒品 -逮捕他凭什么-then I'll take you to the drugs. -Arrest him? On what grounds?一级谋杀罪First-degree murder.-我能证明凶器出于亨利之手 -不太可能-What if I tie the murder weapon to Henry? -Big "if"逮捕他Arrest him.去拿他的车我就把毒品交给你Get his bike, I'll show you.去拿他的车好Get his bike. Okay.你还要我逮捕谁呢前女友小学老师Anyone else you'd like me to arrest? Ex-girlfriend, second-grade teacher...? -等一下我抄下来 -你有没有在听-Hold on, I'm making a list. -You're not listening to me.-亨利杀死朱利尔 -我才不信-Henry killed Junior. -I don't know that.那你就帮不了我Then you can't help me!这方法不管用Well, that didn't fly.管它的咱们去墨西哥吧Screw it. Let's haul ass down to Mexico and don't look back.这次我也同意As much as I hate to say it, I agree with him.-我们要回洛杉矶 -你这是自投罗网-We're going to L.A. -Oh, yeah. That makes sense.我要靠亨利的毒品替我脱罪I have to get Henry's bike. That will clear me.每条路都会有警方临检站They'll have checkpoints on every dirt road between here and the coast.骑重型机车太招摇了We're not exactly hard to spot driving these.-你想把机车丢掉 -不骑车比较快-You wanna ditch the bikes? -No, I'd rather be fast than invisible.如果太容易就不好玩对吧Come on. Wouldn't be any fun if it was easy, right?我从不担心下一公里会怎样I live my life a quarter mile at a time.这是我听过最蠢的话That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.每条公路都有警方临检站Po-po got the highways blocked from here to L.A.洛杉矶L.A.?他怎么会笨到自投罗网Why would he go to the one place he know I got on lockdown?-咱们在州际公路堵他 -他没那么笨-Let's catch him on the interstate. -No, he's smarter than that.他想偷溜回去He trying to backdoor us.一定会穿过沙漠He going through the Palms.我就会走那儿去堵他吧That's the way I'd go. And that's the way we going.亨利去年因为持有毒品入狱You know, Henry James did pull six months in L.A. County last year for possession.也许福特说的有道理Maybe Ford is onto something.那你就帮不了我Then you can't help me!叫警方检查前往洛城的每条路Call in. Check everything from Lone Pine and L.A.-福特真的会回洛杉矶 -他要回去找亨利-You think Ford's going back to L.A.? -He's going after Henry James. 如果是我被人陷害我就会回去走吧If he's right and Henry did set him up, that's what I'd do. Let's go! -你没付油钱 -对喔-You have to pay for the gas. -Oh, right.死神帮Reapers!-我们在沙漠甩掉他们 -你疯了吗-We'll lose them in the Palms! -Are you crazy?我最讨厌他这样I hate it when he does this!-他们骑进树林 -我看到了紧跟着福特-They going into the trees! -I could see that, fool! Stay on Ford.-我快逮到他了 -他们开枪了福特-I got his ass! -They're shooting at us, Ford!-我知道 -怎么办-I know! -What do we do?你往右他们只会追我Go right! They'll follow me!吃子弹吧Meet the twins!来吧福特All right, Ford!咱们俩对决吧Just you and me, baby!你不该欺负女生Shouldn't pick on girls.你没事吧You all right?我骑车从急驶列车的车顶跳下来I just jumped my bike onto the roof of a moving train.人在危急时能激发神奇的潜能It's amazing what you can do when you have no choice.小威跟小刀呢。

《泰坦尼克号》-1『泰坦尼克号』4距离13米. 应该看得见了13 meters. You should see it. 6好的,越过船头的栏杆Okay. T ake her up-and over the bow rail.7和平二号Okay, Mir 2, we're going over the bow.-Stay with us.8我们就要到船头了,跟好好了,安静,我们开始Okay, quiet. We're rolling.10看她像鬼船一样地出现Seeing her coming out-of the darkness like a ghost ship11每次都让我胆颤心惊still gets me every time.12看到这艘巨轮长眠海底To see the sad ruin-of the greatship sitting here13一九一二年四月十五日-凌晨两点半where she landed at 2:30-inthe morning of April 15, 1912,14她从海面上缓缓堕入海底after her long fall15from the world above.16好象你亲眼看见似的,头儿You are so full of shit, boss!17我们这是第六次来了Dive six - here we are again-onthe deck of Titanic.18水深2.5英里2.5 miles down, 3,821 meters.19就是3821米20每平方英寸的水压达到3.5吨The pressure outside-is 3.5tons per square inch.21这些窗户9英寸厚These windows are nine inchesthick.22万一玻璃破裂-我们瞬间就会完蛋If they go,-it's sayonara in twomicroseconds.23好了,废话说够了All right. Enough of thatbullshit.24将潜艇降在办公舱尾部的顶上Put her down on the roof-ofthe officers' quarters.25和平二号Sure.Okay, Mir 2.26我们已经降在大梯上方了你们准备好了没?We've landed on the grand staircase.-You guys set to launch?28好,放机器人,去吧,查理Yeah. Launching Dunkin now.-Go, Charlie.30放出缆绳- Tether out.-- Tether out.31布洛克,沿船舱往下放Okay, Brock,-we're dropping down along the hull.32知道了Roger that. Okay, drop down and-go into the first-class gangway door.沿着一等舱登船口下去34看看D层、接待大厅和餐厅I want you guys working the"D" deck,-reception and thedining saloon.35知道了Copy that.36放出缆绳,往左边…- Tether out.-- Tether out.- Now left.-- I'm coming left.38探测狗出动Snoop Dog is on the move.39沿着楼梯往下We're headed down thestairwell.40下到B层,路易斯Okay, Lewis. Drop down to "B"deck.41A层Okay. "A" deck.42缆绳放长一点Give me some rope, Captain.43B层,到里头去"B" deck. Get in there.44小心门框Watch the doorframe.45I see it. I got it.我知道47没事了,放松点,头儿We're good... Just chill, boss.48好,转弯Make your turn.49转弯,小心墙- Cable out, Captain.-- Make your turn.50布洛克,我们看到钢琴了Brock, we're at the piano.-You copy?51听到没?52知道了Okay, copy that.53就在那里,就在那里Right there, that's it!54就是那道房门!- That's the bedroom door!-- I see it... I see it.55我看见了56进去了We're in!57 进去了,我们进去了We're in, baby, we're there!58那就是霍克利的床-那个狗娘养的就睡在那That's Hockley's bed.59That's where the son of a bitchslept.60有人忘了关水龙头Somebody left the waterrunning.61等一下,回到右边Hold it. Go back to the right.62那个衣柜的门,靠近点That wardrobe door... Getcloser.63你察觉到什么了,头儿?- You smelling something,boss?-- I wanna see what'sunder it.64我想看看它下面65让我操作手臂Gimme my hands, man.66好极了All right...!67轻点,不然可能会散掉- Take it easy. It might comeapart.-- Okay.68好,掀开Go! Go, go, go!69继续,继续Flip it over, flip it over. Go.70Keep going. Go, go, go.71好,放下Okay. Drop it.72哦,宝贝,宝贝-你看到没有,头儿?Oh, baby, baby...-Are you seeing this, boss?73兄弟们,今天发饷It's payday, boys.74Ka-ching!75我们找到了,鲍比!We did it, Bobby!76Oh, yeah! Who's the man!77谁最棒啊?Who's the best, baby?7说啊!说啊Say it, say it.79当然是你,路易斯You are, Lewis. 80鲍比,我的雪茄- Bobby, my cigar.-- Right here.81把它撬开Okay, crack her open.82- Let me get around. Hangon.-- You getting it?83妈的!Shit.84没有钻石?No diamond.85这种鸟事泽罗德以前也碰到过You know, boss,86他从此一蹶不振the same thing happened toGeraldo,-and his career neverrecovered.87把摄影机关掉Turn the camera off.88合伙人想知道现在的情况Brock, the partners would-liketo know how it's going.89嗨,戴夫·巴瑞Hey, Dave. Barry. Hi.-Look, itwasn't in the safe, but hey东西不在保险箱里,但别担心91可能在其他地方don't worry about it.-There'splenty of places it could be.92地板碎片、他母亲的房间The floor debris,-the mother'sroom...94船上的保险柜里-Purser's safe on "C" deck.-- Jimmy Hoffa's briefcase.或是在百慕大三角…96还有很多地方要找A dozen other places.97要一个一个排除You've got to trust my instincts.-I know we're close. 98我相信快找到了We just got to go through-a process of elimination.100等一下Hang on a second.101让我看看Let me see that.102可能有发现了We might have something here, guys.103项链的照片呢?Where's the photo of the necklace?104我等会儿再打电话给你- We'll call you right back.--Holy...105“一九一二年四月十四日”-“J.D.”106竟有这种事!I'll be goddamned.107<i>因找到西班牙黄金而闻名的-寻宝高手布洛克·罗威特…</i><i>Treasure hunter BrockLovett-is best known forfinding Spanish gold...</i>108<i>他租用了一艘俄罗斯潜艇…It's okay. I'll feed you in aminute.109<i>探索最有名的沉船泰坦尼克号<i>He's chartered a Russiansub to reach-the most famouswreck of all: Titanic.</i>110<i>他正在北大西洋的船上-通过卫星和我们连线</i><i>He's with us live via satellitefrom-the Keldysh in the NorthAtlantic.</i>111<i>你好,布洛克</i><i>- Hello, Brock.-- Hello,Tracy.</i>112<i>你好,崔茜</i>113<i>泰坦尼克号的事是家喻户晓的<i>Everyone knows-the storiesof Titanic,</i>114<i>船上的贵族、乐队等等</i><i>the nobility,-the bandplaying and all that.</i>115<i>但我想发掘的-是那些不为人知的故事</i><i>I'm interested in the untold stories,-the secrets deep inside the hull.</i>116<i>深锁在残骸中的秘密</i> 117<i>没人像我们如此深入探测</i><i>We're using robot technology-to go further into the wreck</i>118<i>此事引起许多争议</i><i>than anybody's ever done before.</i>119<i>You're at the center of a controversy</i><i>像打捞权和道德问题等</i> 121<i>很多人批评你是在发死人财<i>over salvage rights, and ethics.-Many are calling you a grave robber.</i>122<i>这是见仁见智的…</i><i>Nobody called therecovery-of King Tut "graverobbing".</i>123什么事?- What is it?-- Turn that up,dear.124把声音开大点125<i>我们请了很多专家</i><i>I have museum-trainedexperts here</i>126<i>所有发现的物品都会被妥善保存</i><i>making sure theserelics-are treated properly.</i>127<i>看我们今天发现的这幅画</i><i>Look at this drawing-wefound just today.</i>128<i>它在海底已经八十四年了</i><i>A piece of paper that'sbeen-underwater for 84years</i>129<i>我们却能把它完好地加以保存<i>and my team were able-topreserve it intact.</i>130<i>难道这应该永远留在海底?<i>Should this have remainedunseen-at the bottom of theocean for eternity?</i>131竟有这种事?I'll be goddamned.132布洛克Brock!-There's a satellite callfor you.133有找你的卫星电话134鲍比,我们要下海了Bobby, we're launching.-You see these submersibles going in?看到潜艇没有?136相信我,不接你会后悔的Trust me, buddy.-You wanna take this call.137最好别骗我This better be good.138你得大声点,她年纪很大了You gotta speak up.-She's kinda old.139好极了Great.140我是布洛克·罗威特-请问有何指教?这位夫人是…This is Brock Lovett.-How can Ihelp you, Mrs...?141是卡维特,露丝·卡维特Calvert. Rose Calvert.142露丝·卡维特143卡维特夫人?Mrs Calvert?144我想知道…I was just wondering if you'dfound-the "Heart of theOcean", Mr Lovett.你是不是要找“海洋之心”?146我说这个电话对你很重要吧I said you wanted to take thecall.147好的,露丝,我洗耳恭听All right.-You have myattention, Rose.148你能告诉我们-画中那女人是谁吗?Can you tell us who thewoman-in the picture is?149当然可以,那画中的女人就是我Oh, yes.The woman in the picture isme.151她一定在撒谎She's a goddamned liar! Somenutcase-seeking money orpublicity!不是想捞钱就是想出名153就像“真假公主”的故事一样God only knows why!-Like thatRussian babe, Anaesthesia!154他们到了They're inbound!155露丝十七岁时就沉船死了Rose DeWitt Bukater died on Titanic-when she was 17.156要是还活着,现在得一百多岁了Right.If she'd lived, she'd be over 100 by now.158下个月满一百零一岁101 next month.159所以这老骗子岁数肯定不小了So she's a very old goddamned liar!160我查过她的底细I've done the background-on this woman161她在20年代是个演员back to the '20s-when she was working as an actress. 162演员啊An actress!163她当时叫露丝·道森There's your first clue,Sherlock!-Her name was RoseDawson back then.164后来她嫁给一个姓卡维特的人She marries a guy namedCalvert.-They move to CedarRapids and have kids.搬到博瑞镇,生了几个孩子166现在她老公死了Now Calvert's dead,-and CedarRapids, too.博瑞镇也没落了168知道钻石的人估计都死光了Everybody who knows-aboutthe diamond169但她却知道is supposed to be dead-or onthis boat, but she knows.170她的行李可真不少Doesn't exactly travel light,does she?171卡维特夫人,我是罗威特Mrs Calvert, I'm Brock Lovett.172欢迎登上凯尔迪希号Welcome to the Keldysh.173送她进去Let's get her inside.174嗨,卡维特小姐Hi, Ms Calvert.175欢迎来到凯尔迪希号- Hi.-- Welcome to the Keldysh.176谢谢177Hey.178Hey!179房间还舒适吗?Yes?180很舒适- Are your staterooms all right?-- Very nice.181见过我孙女莉西没有?Have you met my granddaughter Lizzy?182一直都是她在照顾我She takes care of me.183我们刚才见过了We metjust a few minutes ago. 184在甲板上,记得吗?Remember, Nana? Up on deck? 185哦,对了这样就对了There, that's nice.187我出门都一定带着照片Have to have my pictures whenI travel.188还需要些什么?Is there anything you'd like?189是的Yes.190我想看看我的画像I would like to see my drawing.1910路易十六的王冠上-有一颗非常少见的蓝色钻石Louis XVI wore a fabulousstone,-the Blue Diamond ofthe Crown,192在一七九二年时不见了which disappeared in 1792.193差不多就是在他上断头台那年About that time old Louis-losteverything, from the neck up.194据说那颗钻石也被切割了The theory goes that-theCrown Diamond was chopped,too.195重新切割成心形Recut into a heart shape thatbecame-known as "The Heartof the Ocean".就是有名的“海洋之心”197如今它的价值-可远超过“希望之钻”Today it'd be worth more-thanthe Hope Diamond.198那东西重的不得了It was a dreadful, heavy thing. 199我只戴过一次I only wore it this once.200奶奶,你真的认为这是你吗?You actually think this is you, Nana?201当然是我,亲爱的It is me, dear.202我那时很美吧?Wasn't I a dish?203我翻遍保险记录I tracked it down-through insurance records.204但老的保险条款规定-获赔人信息要绝对保密An old claim that was settled-under terms of absolute secrecy. 205您能告诉我,获赔的人是谁吗?Can you tell me-who theclaimant was, Rose?206我想应该是个姓霍克利的人I imagine someone namedHockley.207对,奈森·霍克利Nathan Hockley, that's right.208匹兹堡的钢铁大亨Pittsburgh steel tycoon.209他掉了一条钻石项链The claim was for a necklacehis son-Caledon bought hisfiancée - you -是他儿子买给未婚妻……你的211那是上船之前一星期时买的a week before he sailed onTitanic.212沉船后就马上办了理赔It was filed right after thesinking,213因此项链-一定跟着船沉入海底了so the diamond had tohave-gone down with the ship.214看到日期没有?You see the date?215一九一二年四月十四日"April 14, 1912."216如果你祖母就是那女的If your grandmother-is whoshe says she is,217泰坦尼克号沉没时…she was wearing thediamond-the day the Titanicsank.她就戴着那条项链219这也就使你成为我的新好友And that makes you my new best friend.220这是从船上找到的These are some of the things-we recovered from your stateroom.221这是我的This was mine!222真不可思议How extraordinary!223跟我最后一次-看到它时一模一样And it looks the same as it did-the last time I saw it.224只是镜中的人变样了The reflection has changed a bit.225 你准备好要重返泰坦尼克号了吗?Are you ready to go back toTitanic?226好,是这样的Okay, here we go. She hits theberg-on the starboard side,right?227船的右舷撞到冰山228船身在水线以下破了一排的洞She bumps along, punchingholes-along the side, belowthe waterline.229前舱便开始进水230水位上升,越过防水隔板Then the forwardcompartments-start to flood.231As the water rises, it spillsover-the watertight bulkheads232因为隔板最高只到E层which don't go any higher-than"E" deck.233船首下沉,船尾就翘起So now as the bow goesdown,-the stern rises up,234下沉速度由慢变快slow at first,-then faster andfaster,235直到整个船尾朝着天空until she's got her wholeass-up in the air. A big ass.236船尾有二、三万吨重We're talking 20,000, 30,000tons, okay?237船身承受不了The hull's not designed todeal-with that pressure, so what happens?238结果船身就从中间裂开239于是船尾掉回海面She splits, right down to the keel,-and the stern falls back level.240船首下沉的时候-将船尾拉成垂直As the bow sinks-it pulls the stern vertical241最终两截脱离and then finally detaches.242船尾浮了几分钟后The stern section bobs there-like a cork for a few minutes,243最终在凌晨两点二十分沉没floods, and finally goes under-about 2.20am.244出事两小时四十分钟后Two hours and 40minutes-after the collision.245船首部分滑行到The bow section planesaway,-landing about half a mileaway,246半英里之外247以二、三十海里的时速沉底going 20, 30 knots-when it hitsthe ocean floor.248很酷吧?Pretty cool, huh?249谢谢你这番精确的分析Thank you for thatfine-forensic analysis, MrBodine.250当然,亲身体验是有些不同的Of course, the experience of itwas...-somewhat different.251愿意说来听听吗?Will you share it with us?252我要带她去休息- I'm taking her to rest.-- No.253不要254走吧,奶奶- Come on, Nana.-- No!255不要256Tape recorder.257说吧,露丝Tell us, Rose.258已经八十四年了It's been 84 years.259没关系,记得什么就说什么Try to remember anything. 260什么都可以Anything at all.261你真的想听吗,罗威特先生Do you want to hear this or not,-Mr Lovett?262已经过去八十四年了It's been 84 years263我彷佛还闻的到新油漆的味道and I can still smell the fresh paint.264船上的瓷器都是新的The china had never been used.265床单也没人用过The sheets had never beenslept in.266泰坦尼克号被称为“梦幻之船”Titanic was called-"The Ship ofDreams".267名副其实And it was.268真的名副其实It really was.269All third-class passengers270前舱旅客,请这边走with a forward berth,271this way, please.-This queue.Right here.272你看这船Big boat, uh?273爸爸,这真是艘大轮船- Daddy, it's a ship.-- You'reright.你说得对275没什么大不了的嘛Why all the fuss? It doesn'tlook-any bigger than theMauritania.276不会大过茅利塔尼亚号277你可不要小看泰坦尼克号You can be blasé about somethings,-Rose, but not aboutTitanic.278她比茅利塔尼亚号要长一百英尺It's 100 feet longer279而且豪华得多and far more luxurious.280你女儿真是挑剔啊Your daughter is difficult-to impress, Ruth.281人家说她是不沉之船?So this is the ship-they say is unsinkable.282- 没错,绝对不会沉-- 先生……God himself could not sink this ship.283什么事?Sir, you have to check your baggage-through the main terminal.请到另一边托运行李285交给你了,我要照顾女士I put my faith in you, good sir.-Now kindly see my man. 乐于为您效劳Yes, sir. My pleasure, sir.288那部车上全部的箱子Right.All the trunks from that carthere,290这部车有十二箱12 from here, and the safe,还有保险箱,送到宫殿套房292B52、54和56号to the Parlour Suite, rooms B52,54, 56.293女士们,请快点Ladies...94Better hurry.295- 我的外套……-- 在我这儿- My coat?-- I have it, miss.296头等舱旅客这边请All third-classpassengers-queue here forhealth inspection.297Chin up.8欢迎登上泰坦尼克号Welcome aboard,ma'am.-Welcome to Titanic.299对别人来说,她是艘梦幻之船<i>It was the ship of dreams--to everyone else.</i>300但对我而言,她却象是艘奴隶船<i>To me it was a slaveship</i>301要把我押去美国<i>taking me back to Americain chains.</i>302表面看来<i>Outwardly I waseverything-a well-brought-upgirl should be.</i>303我无异于别的大家闺秀304内心里,我却在呐喊<i>Inside, I was screaming.</i>305(俄语)306杰克,我们只剩这些钱了Jack, you are pazzo.-You bet everything we have.307东西没了,也就不怕丢了When you got nothing,-you got nothing to lose.308白痴,居然连船票也拿出来赌You moron.-I can't believe you bet our tickets.309史文?Sven?310(俄语) 311好的,关键时刻All right... moment of truth.312有人一生即将改变Somebody's life's about tochange.313法布里?Fabrizio?314- 什么都没有?-- 没有Niente.315Niente.316欧拉夫?Olaf?317没有Nothing.318史文?Sven?3196哦,两对Uh-oh. Two pair.320抱歉,法布里I'm sorry, Fabrizio.321抱歉?钱都输光了!"Sorry"? You bet all the money!322抱歉,得跟你妈说再见了I'm sorry. You're not gonnasee-your mom for a long time.323因为我们要去美国了Cos we're going toAmerica!-Full house, boys!324- 同花-- 赚到了Whoa!326Yeah!327Dio mio, grazie!328Come on!330我要回家了Figlio di puttana!I'm going home!332我要去美国了I go to America!333先生们,泰坦尼克号-再过五分钟就要启航了No, mate.Titanic go to America, in five minutes.336快走Come on! Come on, here! 337Andiamo!338这下可风光了We're riding in high style now!-We're a couple of swells! 我们要上船跟富人一起了340是吗?可是差点输个精光Practically goddamnroyalty,-ragazzo mio!You see, it's my destino!I go to America to bemillionario!Whoa! Whoa!你真是混蛋Bastardo!345也许是,但船票赢到手了- You're pazzo!-- Maybe, butI've got the tickets!346Come on, I thought you werefast!347等一下…- Aspetta!-- Wait! Hey, wait!348我们是乘客We're passengers! Passengers!349你们通过卫生检查了吗?- Have you been through theinspection?-- Of course!350当然了351我们很干净Anyway, we don't havelice.-We're Americans.352我们是美国人,两个都是353好的,上船吧Right. Come aboard.354你真是个大混蛋We're the luckiest sons ofbitches-in the world!355再见Goodbye!356有你认识的人吗?- You know somebody?-- That's not the point.357那有什么关系?358- 再见,我会想你们的-- 再见了- Goodbye! I'll miss you!-- Goodbye! I will never forget you!359再见,我永远不会忘记你们360Go left, darling.361G60…362G60, G60...363对不起Excuse me, ma'am.364G60在哪呢?365哦,在这Oh, right here.366嗨,你好,我是杰克,幸会Hey, how you doing?-Jack.Nice to meet you.367杰克·道森,幸会I'm Jack Dawson. Nice to meetyou.-How you doing?368你好369谁让你睡上铺的?Who says you get top bunk,huh?370史文呢?Where's Sven?371这里专供你们使用,先生This is your private deck,sir.-Would you be requiringanything?372还有别的吩咐吗?373告退- Mm-mm.-- Excuse me.374这一幅?- This one?-- No... It had a lotof faces on it.375不对376是好多张脸那幅377就是这幅This is the one.378全都拿出来吗?Would you like all of them out,miss?379对,这房间需要些颜色Yes... We need a little color-inthis room.380放到衣橱里Put it in there, in the wardrobe. 381又要挂那些画?God, not those finger paintings again!382真是浪费钱Waste of money!383这是我们不同之处The difference between Cal's taste-and mine384我觉得这些画很棒is that I have some.-They're fascinating.385像是梦里才有Like being inside a dream-or something.386真实却不合逻辑There's truth, but no logic. 387画家叫什么名字?- What's the artist's name?--Something Picasso.389毕加索什么的"Something Picasso".-He won'tamount to a thing. Trust me.390他混不出名堂的,我保证391还好很便宜- Put the Degas in thebedroom.-- At least they werecheap.3928放进衣柜Put it in the wardrobe.393在瑟堡,有个太太上船<i>At Cherbourg, awoman-came aboard namedMargaret Brown.</i>394名叫玛格丽·布朗395我们都叫他“玛莉”<i>We all called her Molly.</i>396她就是历史上那个-“永不沉没的玛莉·布朗”<i>History would call her-"TheUnsinkable Molly Brown".</i>397别叫我等半天I wasn't about to wait all day,sonny.-Here, think you canmanage?398来,提得动吗?399她丈夫在西部发现金矿<i>Her husband had struckgold-someplace out west</i>400母亲说她是“暴发户”<i>and she was what Mothercalled-"new money".</i>401第二天下午<i>By next afternoon we were steaming-west from the coast of Ireland</i>402我们从爱尔兰向西航行403前面什么都没有<i>with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.</i>404只是一片汪洋大海405麦道先生,让她在海上…Take her to sea, Mr Murdoch. 406放开腿脚吧- Let's stretch her legs.-- Yes, sir.407是,长官408全速前进- All ahead full, Mr Moody.--Very good, sir.409是410全速前进All ahead full.411全速前进All ahead full!412Come on, lads. Step lively.413Let's stoke them rightup!-We're going full ahead!414航速二十一海里,长官21 knots, sir.415快看,快看Hey, look, look, look!-Look,look!416看到了吗See it?417又来一只,看到没有?There's another one! See him?418看,它要跳了Look at that one!419Look at him jump!420Whoo-hoo!421我都能看见自由女神像了Whoo!422I can see the Statue of Libertyalready!423当然还很小Very small, of course.424我是世界之王I'm the king of the world!425她是史上最大的交通工具She is the largest moving object-ever made by the hand of manin all history.427是由我们的造船专家-安德鲁先生设计的Our master shipbuilder, Mr Andrews,428我只是负责造船designed her.429这实际上是伊斯梅先生的构思I knocked her togetherbut the idea was Mr Ismay's. 431他要造最大、最豪华的汽轮He envisioned a steamer-so grand in scale432要空前绝后that its supremacy-would never be challenged.433而现在,梦想终于成真And here she is434说得好willed into solid reality.435先生,您要点什么?Hear, hear.436鲑鱼Salmon.437你明知道我不喜欢你这样You know I don't like that,Rose.438她知道的She knows.439我们俩要羊排We'll both have the lamb,rare,-with very little mintsauce.440七成熟,加一点点薄荷汁441你喜欢羊排吧?甜心You like lamb, right, sweet pea?442卡尔,你还要帮她切好吗?Are you gonna cut hermeat-for her, too, Cal?443船名是谁取的?Hey, who thought of thename-"Titanic"? Was it you,Bruce?444是你吗,布鲁斯?445是的Yes, actually.446泰坦尼克就是“硕大无比”的意思I wanted to convey sheersize,-and the size meansstability,447而“大”就意味着可靠、豪华448特别是有力luxury, and, above all, strength. 449你听说过弗洛伊德吗-伊斯梅先生?Do you know of Dr Freud, Mr Ismay?450他研究了男性之所以重视尺寸-是为了征服女性,你会有兴趣的His ideas about male preoccupation-with size might interest you.451你是怎么啦?- What's gotten into you?-- Excuse me.452失陪453 真是失礼了I do apologize.454她真厉害,希望你能应付得来She's a pistol, Cal.-Hope youcan handle her.455我得开始注意她看了些什么书了Well, I may have to startminding-what she reads, MrsBrown.456弗洛伊德是谁?他是乘客吗?Freud... who is he?-Is he apassenger?457船底下中央有根转轴...turns the propeller,458是螺旋桨makes these waves,459它转动时会造成波浪makes them spin.460这艘船很棒吧?The ship is nice, uh?461对啊,是爱尔兰人造的462不是英格兰人吗?- Yeah, it's an Irish ship.-- IsEnglish, no463不是464她是由一万五千名-爱尔兰人所制造的No, it was built inIreland.-15,000 Irishmen builtthis ship.465非常的坚固466一等舱的狗到这儿来拉屎了That's typical.467First-class dogs come downhere-to take a shite.468好让我们知道自己是什么身份It lets us know where we rank. 469难道我们会忘记吗?Like we could forget?470我叫汤米·雷恩I'm Tommy Ryan.471杰克·道森- Jack Dawson.-- Fabrizio.472法布里·吉欧473你的画能赚钱吗?Hi. Do you make any money-with your drawings? 474老弟,甭想啦Oh, forget it, boyo. You'd as like-have angels fly out of your ass 475你连接近的机会都没有476as get next to the likes of her.477别那样好吗?478我当时觉得-自己的生活毫无乐趣<i>I saw my whole life-as if I'dalready lived it,</i>479不是餐会就是舞会<i>an endless parade ofparties-and cotillions,</i>480游艇赛、马球赛<i>yachts and polomatches.</i>481老是那样一个狭窄的交际圈-那样一群没有头脑的人<i>Always the same narrowpeople,-the same mindlesschatter.</i>482我彷佛站在悬崖边<i>I felt like I was standing-ata great precipice</i>483却没人要拉我一把<i>with no-one to pull meback.</i>484没人关心我,甚至没人注意我<i>No-one who cared, or evennoticed.</i>1别干蠢事Don't do it.2退回去Stay back.3别过来Don't come any closer.4手伸出来,我拉你Come on.5不,你别过来- Gimme your hand. I'll pull you back.-- No!6我是认真的Stay where you are. I mean it. 7我会松手的I'll let go.8不,你不会的No, you won't.9你什么意思?What do you mean, no, I won't?10你凭什么说-我会不会去做什么?Don't presume to tell me-whatI will and will not do.11你又不认识我12 要跳早就跳了Well, you would've done italready.1你让我分心了,快走开You're distracting me. Go away.14不行,我已经介入了I can't. I'm involved now.15你要是跳下去的话-我也只好跟着跳了You let go and I'm gonna-haveto jump in there after you.17别胡说八道了Don't be absurd. You'll bekilled.18你会淹死的19我很会游泳- I'm a good swimmer.-- Thefall alone would kill you.20那你会摔死的21我承认会很痛It would hurt.-I'm not saying itwouldn't.22说真的,我比较担心的-是水很冷But I'm more concerned-aboutthat water being so cold.23有多冷?How cold?24非常冷,可能接近零度Freezing.-Maybe a couple ofdegrees over.25你去过威斯康辛州吗?You ever, uh...Ever been to Wisconsin?27什么?What?28那里冬天很冷They have some of the coldest winters.29我在那里长大的I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls.30我小时候跟父亲到威苏塔湖When I was a kid,-me and my father went ice fishing31在冰上钓鱼out on Lake Wissota.32冰上钓鱼就是…Ice fishing is where you...33我知道冰上钓鱼是什么I know what ice fishing is! 349抱歉Sorry. 35你看来…比较少到户外You just seem like, youknow,-kind of an indoor girl.36总而言之…Anyway, I, uh...37冰层太薄,我掉进湖里I fell through some thin ice.38我跟你说And I'm telling you39掉进那么冷的水里water that cold, like right downthere,40犹如被千刀万剐一样it hits you like a thousandknives-stabbing you all over.41你没法呼吸,没法思考You can't breathe...42只能感觉到痛苦You can't think...43At least not aboutanything-but the pain.44所以,我不是很希望-跟着你跳下去Which is why I'm not lookingforward-to jumping in thereafter you.45但我说过了Like I said,46我没有别的选择I don't have a choice.47所以,我希望你下来I'm hoping you'll comeback-over the rail and get meoff the hook here.48。

孟菲斯(尼古拉斯•凯奇Nicolas Cage 饰)是这个世界上最高明的窃车贼,人们形容他为“gone in 60 seconds”,即只要他盯上的车停在这里,他60秒内便能连人带车一起消失得无影无踪。
当他偷得最后一辆“悍马”卡车时,警车、警察直升机尾随而至,展开了一场马路追逐……这部电影我看了不下十遍.从大体的情节到细微之处,每次看都有新的收获.汽车在这里变成了有感情的东西.尤其是那辆帮助主人公脱离险境的福特野马.既有着女性般的吸引,又有男性般的狂躁.在脱离警察的追击时还耍起了小脾气--熄火.50辆经典名车,48小时紧张冒险. 个人认为这部电影还是难以脱离俗套的,正义战胜了邪恶,但是英雄就是英雄,无论怎样,在好莱坞的摄影棚里,法律只用来参考.在中国电视电影里,观众接受到的是法不容情. 暂时脱离法律的感觉其实还真是能满足某些人的小小欲望.虽然有多处穿帮镜头,但是激烈的视觉体验不可否认.节奏还是快的,里面感情方面的处理没有那么粘,对于这样一部影片我觉得是够了.由于大部分情节发生在夜间,所以偷车变的简单有效,穿插的激情四射但紧张有序的那段比较有趣.里面的不少主人公都在不同的电影里出现过,在找到他们出演的其他电影之后再看这部Gone in 60 seconds,人物的性格也逐渐丰满起来.我在这里且不说电影拍摄技巧,但就其运用的声音特效就十分震撼.从影片开头保时捷冲出经销店时的怒吼,再到红色的凯迪拉克轰掉地上白粉时暴躁的嚎叫,最后凯奇开车飞跃瞬间的音乐,仿佛时间定格在了空中.一切都发生的激动人心.在看过之后就下载了它的音乐专辑.真的是身临其境从电影里爆炸的长堤小混混的车,被拖车拉坏的奔驰S600,穿墙而过的切诺基等等等等,影片成本确实很高,也难怪一说到汽车电影就会提到Gone in 60 seconds.汽车电影以其庞大的视觉特效和震撼的视听盛宴已经在电影发展的里程碑上留下了深刻的印记,其实也是汽车厂家为自己品牌宣传时的最好佐证.细数007系列的邦德坐驾:阿斯顿马丁,宝马,路虎,莲花等,古墓丽影里出现的吉普,谍中谍里的兰博基尼,非常人贩里的奥迪A8L......无论身份地位象征的用途还是帮助主角逃离险境的用途,汽车作为工业化进程中不可不提的产品,也逐渐渗透到人们生活中,伴随油价的飞涨和二氧化碳的逐渐增多,汽车厂商和我们自己也开始重视环保的重要性.单双限号行,世界无车日,这一切都是在倡导我们用科学合理的生活方式改善我们的环境,我们更应该从小事做起让我们的生活更加美好对于汽车,我最喜欢的部件是档位,最喜欢听的声音是清脆清晰的换挡声,意味着新一轮的转动又要开始了。
速度与激情6 英语台词

7分45秒开始霍布斯:This is what 100 miillion buys?It wasn’t that hard to find you,Toretto.唐(托雷多):I wasn’t hiding.霍布斯:How’s the life of retired international criminal?唐:I like it here. It’s quiet.Nice weather,and no extradition. So what are you doing here,cop?霍布斯:Last Tuesday,a tean of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia.唐:I don’t do cold weather.霍布斯:I know it wasn’t you.But you’re going to help me catch the team responsible.And you ain’t gonna need that.艾琳娜(单身女警):You can’t touch him,Hobbs.You’ve got no powers…霍布斯:I’m not here to extradite anyone.See,he’s going to come voluntarily. As a matter of fact,he’s going to beg me. This was taken a week ago. I’ll see you out front. 艾琳娜:It’s Letty,isn’t it?唐:It’s impossible.艾琳娜:If that was my husband,if there was a chance,no matter how small,I would go.唐:I’m going to need everything,all the info you got.霍布斯:You’ll get it when the team gets it.唐:No team.This is going to have to be me alone.霍布斯:It’s not that simple.The crew we’re after,they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke.You go in alone,you won’t ever touch them.I’ve been chasing this guy actoss four continents and 12 countries,and believe me,the last damn place Iwant to be right now is on your front doorstep,selling Girl Scout cookies.I need your help,Dom.I need your team.罗姆(黑人):Okey,ladies,bring it in.Listen,I want to make a e on.listen,I know a fow of y’all have already been to Macau,but you have never seen the town till you’ve seen it through my eyes.We got a penthouse suite with an ocean view that’s going to change your life.150-foot yacht with a helicopter pad…Mmm-hmm.Safe to say,you’re about to have the time of your lives.女陪侍:No,you are.Cheers.哥们:Look at you,rolling in a Ferrati,pockets full of cash!Yeah,man.You used to be all Robin Hood,sharing all the money you got.You know what I’m telling you.Money changed you.帕克:You are right.Money has changed me.I realized that money doesn’t grow on trees.It rains from the sky!格里斯(女车手):谢谢,看起来很好吃。

喜欢上一个人,可能只因TA 说过的一句话。
你记住的是“Remember, hope is a good thing. ”?还是“You jump, I jump.”?又或者是“Seize the day.”?好台词像一杯茶,需要静品浅啜,回味余香。
下面小编挑选了一些最为熟悉的,看看里面有你钟爱的那部电影或台词吗?1、Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.'“坦白说,亲爱的,我一点儿也不在乎!”Gone With the Wind, 1939《乱世佳人》《乱世佳人》是根据美国名著《飘》改编的经典电影。
2、'Here's looking at you, kid.'Casablanca, 1942 《卡萨布兰卡》同样出自一部获奖无数的经典爱情片,这句非常口语的台词看起来像是个病句。
然而它却能排在第二名,实在值得玩味呢~ 这是男主Rick跟英格丽·褒曼饰演的女主Ilsa在一起时,他看着她的眼睛说的一句话,在影片中一共出现了四次。
”如果你看过这部电影,你觉得应该怎么翻译呢?3、'You're gonna need a bigger boat.'“你需要一艘更大的船。

我是巴里艾伦我是世界上最快的人\My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. 当我还是个孩子的时候\When I was a child I saw我看见我的母亲被某些不可思议的东西杀死了\my mother killed by something impossible.我的父亲因为谋杀母亲而进了监狱\My father went to prison for her murder.但后来一场事故让我变得不可思议\Then an accident made me the impossible.对外界而言我只是一个平凡的法证科员\To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist,但是私下里我用我的速度来对抗罪恶\but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime并找出其他像我一样的人\and find others like me.总有一天我会找出杀害我母亲的凶手\And one day, I'll find who killed my mother...妈妈\Mom!并为我的父亲洗脱冤屈\And get justice for my father.我就是闪电侠\I am the Flash.【闪电侠】前情提要\Previously on The Flash...你再说一遍你叫什么名字\What did you say your name was again?-巴里艾伦-菲莉西蒂\- Barry Allen. - Felicity.巴里怎么样了\How's Barry doing?- 这是个秘密- 哪种秘密\- It's a secret. - What kind of secret?我必须保守的秘密\The kind I have to keep.我有过一点点经验\I just have a little experience喜欢一个以不同的方式看待你的人\with liking someone who doesn't see the same way.- 爸爸事情就是- 你们俩在一起\- Dad, the thing is... - You two are dating.- 所以你没气疯- 噢我气疯了\- So you're not mad. - Oh, I'm mad.世界上最快的人下班之后会做什么呢\What does the fastest man alive do on his day off?在被闪电劈中之前我不是呆在犯罪实验室\Before the lightning bolt, if I wasn't still at the crime lab,就是宅在家里无所事事\I'd be at home chilling,但是现在不同了\but now my days off are different.现在他们都不会那么孤单了\Now they aren't so lonely.闪电不仅仅给了我速度\The lightning didn't just give me speed.也给了我朋友\It also gave me friends.这个在结构上错得太离谱了\This isn't even remotely anatomically correct.那不是重点斯诺博士\That's not the point, Dr. Snow.那什么是重点\Then what is the point?好玩啊\To have fun.还有通过同时完成多项任务的方式\And to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed 测试你的思维速度来对你进行继续训练\of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask.我在等你呢韦尔斯博士\I'm waiting on you, Dr. Wells.182秒先生们\182 seconds, gentlemen.当心点我想我们遇到麻烦了\Heads up! I think we got something.2-11 2-11 有人抢劫\2-11, 2-11. We're being robbed!嘿冷静点\Hey, cool it.还有158秒\158 seconds to go.将军\Checkmate.- 等等将军吗- 将军\- Wait, checkmate? - Checkmate.我想你还得学着点\I guess we still have a few things left to learn,不是吗艾伦先生\don't we, Mr. Allen?第四大道和柯林斯街交界处发生持械抢劫\Armed robbery at 4th and Collins.郑重声明操作能力和乒乓球我可都赢了\For the record, I crushed it in operation and ping pong.这个并不像看起来那么容易\It's not as easy as it looks.啊\Ugh!最近的医院在哪儿\Where's the nearest hospital?圣安德鲁斯医院先往北过七个街区再往东过两个\St. Andrews... Seven blocks north, two east.给急诊室打个电话告诉他们将有一个枪弹伤者被送过去\Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW.快去我要把这整个街区\Let's go. I want this locked up all the way都封锁起来\to the end of the block.两辆卡车被偷了\Tow truck was stolen.装甲车的驾驶员现在在圣安德鲁斯医院\Driver of the armored car is in a stable condition情况稳定但是没人知道他是怎么到那儿去的\at St. Andrews, and no one's exactly sure how he got there.你有没有查看监控录像\Did you check the security cameras?摄像机的存储驱动器被偷了\Camera's storage drive was stolen.这些家伙挺专业啊\Guys are pros.所有东西都还在这儿\Everything's still here,包括我以为他们要抢的\including what I think they were after,康达克王朝钻石\the Kahndaq dynasty diamond.它正在送往中城博物馆展览的途中\It was on its way to central city museum for exhibition.对艾瑞斯还想让我去博物馆\Right, Iris is trying to talk me into going.我对博物馆的兴趣不大\I'm not much of a museum guy,但是当她真心想要干嘛的时候\but when she really wants to do something...我先走了\I'm just going to walk away now.对不起长官我刚刚去医院\Sorry, captain. I was at the hospital- 看望一个朋友- 没丢什么东西\- visiting a friend. - There's nothing missing.看起来像是有人阻止了一场抢劫\It looks like someone interrupted a robbery.守卫说他们有三个人\Guard says there was three of them.事实上有四个\Actually, there was four.我是说如果去我抢劫这类型的\I mean, that's how many I would bring我会带这么多人\if I were doing a robbery of this nature.那确实是一辆坐着四人的卡车\That's definitely a four guy truck.一个驾驶员两个人对付守卫还有\A driver, two more to cover the guards, and...一个人用液氮来破门\Somebody used liquid nitrogen to crack open this door,所以是四个坏蛋\so four bad guys.谢谢你艾伦先生你如此牛逼的洞察力\Thank you, Mr. Allen, for your brilliant insight.作为一个如此快的人\For somebody so fast,你在编故事这方面反应有点慢啊\you're a little slow on the improvising.你发现了什么可以帮助我们抓住这些家伙的东西吗\Did you see anything that could help us catch these guys?是的他们其中一人丢失了面罩\Yeah, one of them lost his mask.我看见了他的脸\I saw his face.看看这些中城头号通缉犯的照片\So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted,看能不能找到我们要找的家伙\and see if you can find our guy.是他\That's him.妈的\Damn.莱昂纳多·史纳特\Leonard Snart.莱昂纳多名字差不多跟巴塞洛缪一样难听\Leonard? That's almost as bad as Bartholomew. 史纳特也不好听啊\Snart ain't sexy, either.史纳特的父亲是个警察\Snart's father was a cop...是个坏警察\Was a bad cop.他总是拿他的孩子出气直到他最终进了监狱\Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison.史纳特的父亲也在监狱里\Snart's dad's in prison too?我们可以开个俱乐部了\We should start a club.他大概每半年出现一次\He shows up, like, every six months.他在行动之前会勘察好几周\He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move.然后就作案逃跑\Then, he does the job... Gets away.那是在红色印迹出现之前\That's before The Streak was around.你刚刚是用第三人称称呼你自己吗\Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?我是说红色印迹而且我可以超越它\I referred to The Streak, which I'm pretty sure I can top. 我一直在想新的名字\I've been thinking of a new name.你觉得闪电\What do you think about The Fla...咖啡时间\Coffee break.我要把中城里最好喝的爪哇咖啡\Thought I would bring Central City's finest java带给中城最棒的人喝\over to Central City's finest.谢谢我戒咖啡因了\Thanks. I'm off caffeine.自从我把我跟埃迪的事告诉我爸之后\My dad's been mad at me every since I told him他就一直在生我的气\about me and Eddie.不我觉得他生气是因为你没告诉他\No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him.呃首先这话听起来你是站在他那边的\Uh, first, that sounds like you're taking his side,第二你知道他是怎么对待这一切的吗\and second, do you know how he does this whole,我不会跟你说话但是从此以后\I'm not talking to you, but I have a whole bag我会用批判的眼光看到你们\"Full of judgmental looks I'm gonna try out on you later?嗯我也有几次\yeah, I've been on the receiving end这样的经历\of those a few times.说到交流\Speaking of communications,或者缺少理论上完这么多新闻课之后\or lack thereof, after all of these journalism classes,-我想到了个主意-嗯\- I got an idea. - Huh.我开了个博客\I started a blog.哦关于什么的你的布朗尼痴迷症吗\All right, what's it about? Your brownie obsession?因为你知道的有些东西不说出去比较好\'Cause, you know, you probably shouldn't broadcast that.不是一些重要事情\No, something important.中城市民需要知道的事情就是那道红色印迹\Something that Central City needs to know about, The Streak.他真的存在巴里\He's out there, Barry.有人说他阻止了早先那场装甲车抢劫案\Rumor has it, he stopped an armed car robbery earlier.我希望能够看看相关文件并且\I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and...什么我不能随意\What? I'm not at liberty跟你讨论一桩正在调查中的案子\to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you.从什么时候开始的大嘴巴先生\Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth?相信一个自11岁开始就一直\Take it from someone who's been在调查一件不可思议案件的人吧\investigating the impossible since they were 11.写这方面的博客\Blogging about this is你只会搬石头砸自己的脚\only gonna bring the crazies to your front door.我的博客是匿名的\My blog is anonymous.无论是否署名都是不安全的\All right, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe.你永远都不会知道在网上四处闲逛的\You never know what kind of weirdos are out there都有什么样的怪胎\trolling on the internet.我能担保那是真的\I can vouch for that.网上到处都是奇葩和激进分子\The internet is full of weirdos and nerd rage...无数无数的愤青\Lots and lots of nerd rage.你好我是菲莉西蒂·斯莫克\Hi. Felicity Smoak.我是艾瑞斯·韦斯特\Iris West.我是巴里·艾伦\Barry Allen.不过你们都已经知道了菲莉西蒂是…\But you both already knew that. Felicity is...你在星城认识的\The girl that you met in Starling City,电脑专家是吧\the computerer, right?你们一起研究巴里的一个不可解释案件\You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases.长话短说其实真的是可以合理解释的一个案子\Which, long story short, was definitely explainable.所以闪电侠来这里了是吗\So the lightning came through here?是的\Yeah.过去几周就已经有些谣言了\There's been some rumors the last few weeks.人们在街上看到了一个红色模糊的身影\People seen a red blur tearing through the streets.那究竟是什么\What the hell is it, man?那可能是个无人机\Maybe it was a drone.顶尖的军事机密\Some top secret army thing.在我小时候我祖父常常\When I was a kid, my grandfather used to带我和我姐姐去汽车餐厅吃饭\take my sister and me to this diner, the motorcar.食物很难吃但是卖相却很好\Food was for crap, but the view was great,就在中城警署对面\right across from the Central City precinct.我现在还是会去那里去听听他们的广播\I still go there. I listen to their radios.弄懂他们的反应时间\I learn their response times.城中心有40家银行\There are 40 banks in Central City,每家银行都会在60秒内得到警察的支援\each of them within 60 seconds of police response. 这也是瞄准移动目标的好处\That's the advantage of hitting a moving target.当装甲车报警时\Once the armored car called 911,在警察赶到之前我们还有182秒的时间可以逃离\we had 182 seconds before any cop could be on the scene.没有人能够及时阻止我们\No one could have gotten there fast enough to stop us.但是有东西出阻止了\But something did,然后你就乱了阵脚\and you lost your cool.你知道规矩的\You know the rules.不在万不得已的时候我们绝不击毙警卫或者警察\We don't shoot guards or cops unless it's the only option.我们不需要这个高潮\We don't need the heat.高潮?\The heat?你觉得那团模糊是什么史纳特\What the hell do you think the blur is, Snart?算了去他妈的\Right. Screw this.去你的我不干了\Screw you. I'm out.你不干了那你也就没什么用处了\Well, if you're out, you're out.那团模糊是个人\This blur is a man.看来游戏得升级了\We're gonna have to up our game.艾瑞斯人很好\Iris seems very nice.也很漂亮超级美\And really pretty. Like, super pretty.恭喜了\Congratulations.但她不是我女朋友\Well, Iris isn't my girlfriend.其实她已经名花有主了\She's just a friend who actually has a boyfriend.噢那还真是有意思\Oh, that's... Interesting,我猜\I guess.你来这里干嘛\What are you really doing here?我是高兴见到你\I mean, it's good to see you,但你和奥利弗是不是有什么需要…\but do you and Oliver need something, or...不不我是来是因为我想见你\No, no, I came because I wanted to see you.我听说你从昏迷中醒来\I heard you were out of the coma.没给我打电话没有写信给我\Didn't call, didn't write,也没有跑过来\didn't race over...奥利弗告诉你的吗\Oliver told you?其实那天晚上我听到\Honestly, I heard you two talking你们两个在星城楼顶的谈话\on that rooftop in Starling City that night.我想看看\I want to see it.我是指你的速度\And by I mean your speed,别以为我是在说其他的什么\in case you thought I was talking about something else,-我别无他意-好\- which I... which I was not. - Okay.你看到那座楼了吗\Okay, you see that building?嗯\Uh-huh.睁大眼睛看着它\Keep your eyes on it.呜呼\Whoo-hoo!哇哦\Whoa.你给我拍了张照\You took a picture of me?从那座楼顶上吗\From the top of that building?是的不要分享那个照片\Yeah. Don't instagram that.不可思议\Unbelievable.你的鞋子在冒烟\Your shoes are smoking.没没事这个这个偶尔会发生\That... that's fine. It's... it happens sometimes.这也是我会有一套防摩擦制服的原因\It's why I have a friction-proof suit.你从哪得到的\Where did you get that?我带你去看\I'll show you.{\fs150\fn微软雅黑\b1\i1\c&H4D4D46&\pos(907.238,903.509)}闪电侠\N{\fs100}第一季第四集{\pos(958.661,954.07)\fs80}视频字幕由{\fs100\c&HFF8ED9&}SSK字幕组{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\fs80} 制作发布\N字幕只供学习请勿做任何商业行为\N 敬请关注新浪微博@SSK字幕组\N合作贴吧:美剧闪电侠吧{\fad(300,600)}翻译:{\c&H280D9C&}Espionage 佐为windy 佳佳Cici Bunny {\c&HE0DBD1&}校对:{\c&H280D9C&}Jophy 香蕉奶昔{\fad(300,600)}时轴:{\c&H280D9C&}络睿{\c&HE0DBD1&}压制:{\c&H280D9C&}hhjie {\c&HE0DBD1&}总监:{\c&H280D9C&}Jophy{\fad(300,600)}合作贴吧:{\c&H280D9C&}美剧闪电侠吧这是我的团队\And this is where my team模拟警用波频监控犯罪活动的地方\monitors the police bands for criminal activity.我们能追踪到这个城市里发生的任何事情\We can track anything that's happening in the city. 来看看这个\Check this out.我们有自己的人造卫星\We've got our own satellite.我知道\I know.我偶尔会黑进去\I've hacked into it from time to time.-真没礼貌-是的没错\- Rude. - It is, of course,能再看到你太好了菲莉西蒂\so wonderful to see you again, Felicity.我只是想知道\I'm just wondering她还需要知道多少我们的行动\how much of our operation she needs to know about.我真的很善于保守秘密\I'm really good at keeping secrets.对了菲莉西蒂和绿箭侠一起工作\Yeah, Felicity works with The Arrow.-酷毙了-而你很显然没有和他们一起\- Sweet. - And you apparently are not.现在一切都说得通了\Now it's all making sense.你知道谁是绿箭侠吗\You know who The Arrow is.等下你知道谁是绿箭侠吗\Wait, do you know who The Arrow is?嗯\Uh...只能说我的队伍有一个类似的配置\Let's just say that my team has a similar set up,但有我们的目标更有针对性\but with... More pointy objects.欢迎斯莫克小姐\Welcome, Ms. Smoak.韦尔斯博士\Dr. Wells?传说中的韦尔斯博士吗\The Dr. Wells?叫我哈里森就可以了菲莉西蒂\Please, call me Harrison, Felicity.你知道我是谁\Oh, you know who I am?19岁就在\Ranked second in国家信息技术竞赛中\the national informative technology competition取得第二名的佳绩\at age 19,毕业于麻省理工取得\graduated M.I.T. With masters degree网络安全和计算机科学专业的硕士学位\in cyber security and computer sciences.我知道你是谁\I know who you are.我一直关注科学领域有潜力的天才\I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. 就是这样找到了思科凯特琳\It's what brought me Cisco, Caitlin,我在你身上看到了无限的潜能\and I foresaw great things from you.说到潜能\Speaking of great things,想看一些很酷的东西吗\want to see something cool?他能跑多快\How fast can he run?理论上来说\He hasn't reached his top speed yet,他还没有达到他的最快速度\theoretically speaking.他真的没有问题吗\So is he really okay?他的心跳对他来说是在正常范围内\His heart rate is within normal range for him.不我的意思是闪电球改变了他\No, I mean, the lightning bolt changed him.你们中有人知道改变了多少吗\Do any of you really know how much?我们知道的相当多\We know a fair amount.如果他身上的一切都在加速\If everything about him is sped up,他是否会老的更快\is he going to age faster?如果他跑得太快了会怎样\What would happen if he ran too fast?我是说他会不会跑着跑着然后噗\I mean, would he just be running, and then, poof,他就在红衣里面化成一堆灰\he's dust in a red costume?我们在科技之星实验室里做的一切\Everything we do here at S.T.A.R. Labs都是为了保护巴里·艾伦\is to protect Barry Allen.相信我菲莉西蒂他在这里被照顾得很好\Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here.想知道我倒退能跑多快吗\Want to see how fast I can run backwards?别担心他痊愈也很快\Don't worry. He heals quickly too.嗯我不明白\Eh, I don't get it.史纳特为什么要来这里\Why would snart come here?史纳特之前也被制止过\Snart's been deterred before,但一旦他想要得到什么东西\but once he goes after something,他不达目的决不罢休的\he doesn't stop until he gets it, ever.乔我要你知道我对艾瑞斯是认真的\Joe, I want you to know that I'm really serious about Iris. 她是个了不起的女人我真的能看到我自己\She's an amazing woman, and I can really see myself...我跟你说过我大学最后一天\I ever tell you about that wild night那个荒唐的晚上吗\I had my last day of college?我想没有没有吧\I don't think so. No?我们下班后也没一起出去喝点啤酒吗\Not even after we kicked back a few beers after work? 我们从来没有\We've never done that.哦是的\Oh, right.那是我和我朋友才一起做的事\That's the things I do with my friends,既然我们从没那样过我们就不是朋友\and since we've never done those things we ain't friends.所有实际上我没有任何理由\So there's actually no reason需要知道你约会的事\I need to know about your dating life.我只是不希望我和你女儿的\I just don't want my personal relationship私人关系影响到我们的工作关系\with your daughter to affect our working relationship.这不关你的事埃迪是艾瑞斯\It ain't about you, Eddie. It's about her.那只要我们不谈论你和她的事\So as long as we don't talk about you and her,我俩就没事\we will be cool.我们听听广播好了\Maybe we should just listen to the radio.当一个男人爱上一个女人\When a man loves a woman我们开始吧\let's get it on还是安静呆着吧\Quiet is good.-谢谢你-好的\- Thank you. - Yeah.嗨你们两个\Hey, you two.- 嗨- 我们俩不是俩\- Hey. - We're not a two.哦是的我是我他是他\Oh, no. We are a one and one.对的\Yeah.巴里有没有带你去\Has Barry been showing you看看中城的美景呢\some of the sights in Central City?有的我看到了不少奇妙的事儿\Yes, I have seen some pretty amazing things.是嘛\Really?好吧如果你还有时间的话\Well, if you've got some time,或者我们可以带你去见识见识中城的夜生活\maybe we can show you some of Central City's night life.噢算了啦\Oh, no.星城的夜生活超丰富我已经受够了\I get plenty of night life in Starling City.噢我要带你去玩儿的东西\Oh, this is something that你肯定不想错过\I don't think that you're gonna want to miss.游戏厅的益智问答比赛\Trivia night at Jitters.我承认艾迪可能不怎么感兴趣\Eddie's not really excited about it, I admit.不过肯定会是超级棒的一晚上的伙计们\But it could be our night, guys.玩一晚上益智问答就为了赢几杯75美元的卡布奇诺\Our night to win $75 worth of cappuccinos.额可美味啦\Uh, yum.内什么我先去安排一下工作的事儿\You know what, I'm gonna go call work,向领导报个到看看还有啥问题\check in, make sure everything's okay.马上回来哦\I'll be back in a second.- 你为什么要这样- 怎么样\- Why are you doing this? - Doing what?和你还有艾迪玩益智问答游戏\The trivia night with you and Eddie,极力安排这样的四人约会\forcing this whole double date thing.因为这姑娘很棒\Because that girl is great,而且正好和你这种呆瓜能聊到一块\and she happens to come from your very rare species这可不容易啊\of adorable nerds.你再跟我说说她的事儿呗\Why didn't you tell me more about her?没啥好说的啊\There's nothing to tell.她只是个普通朋友\She's just a friend.巴里姑娘们不会就这么跳上辆火车\Barry, girls don't just hop on trains然后不远万里\and travel hundreds of miles去见一个她不喜欢的人\to see someone that they don't like.你看这种时候就需要我出马了\See, this is why you need my help.今晚把她带上\Bring her tonight.我们一起开心开心\We'll have fun.呵呵开心\Yeah, fun.你说要最高端的货斯奈特\You wanted state of the art, Snart.我就给你搞来了最高端的我的好先生\I bring you state of the art, my good sir.- 这是神马- 这货可能看上去平平无奇\- What's this? - It might not look like much,不过千万不要以貌取物你懂的\but never judge a book by its cover, you know?火焰高度聚集液体燃料\Fires highly concentrated, combustible liquid fuel和空气一触即燃\that ignites on contact with the air.我不需要让东西烧起来\I don't need to heat things up.我要让他们慢下去\I need to slow them down.那就是它了\That's the one, then.就是这个箱子里的货\You were drawn right to it.那场事故之后从科技之星实验室偷出来的\Stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs after the incident,当时守卫它的警卫\and with nothing but a skeleton security crew只剩下一堆白骨了\to guard the tech inside.能发射出某种物质我也不知道是什么物质\Emits some sort of substance. I'm not sure what it is.很像白色的火焰不过一点不热而是冷的\Like a white flame, but it's not hot, it's cold.护目镜貌似是用同种材料做的\Glasses look like they're made of the same tech.护目镜有什么用\What are they for?白色火焰很刺眼你会看到的\The glare. You'll see.还有谁知道你偷了这个\Who else knows you took this?只有我们\Just us.不只有我\No, just me.不好意思伙计\Sorry, pal.来趴体的朋友们谁想来参加智力问答比赛\Party people, who's ready to get their trivia on?好了各位欢迎我们来了几个新的挑战者\Okay, everybody, welcome. We've got some new challengers.请热烈欢迎E=mc大铁锤\Please, welcome E=mc Hammer.哦你看我用这个名儿就是因为E=mc的平方\No, you see, I did it because E=mc squared正是有名的爱因斯坦动能公式对吧\is Einstein's formula for kinetic energy, right?还有你懂的能量大到碰都不能碰\And, you know, can't touch this.好棒啊巴里\That's great, Barry.菲莉西蒂去哪儿了\So where is Felicity?我也不知道\I'm not sure.我跟她说了什么时候开始的\I told her it started at...如果你想买她身上那种连衣裙千万别省\Feel free to buy yourself that dress.今晚我穿得太夸张了\I totally overdressed for trivia night.不你看起来美极了\No, you look amazing.是的美极了\Yeah, you do.E=mc大铁锤\E=mc hammer.真有意思\That's funny.瞧\See?直到1852年\It wasn't until 1852,州际铁路在这座欣欣向荣的牛镇\when the transcontinental railroad laid their tracks铺下第一条轨道\through this thriving cattle town,我们公司才正式组建\that we became officially incorporated.同一年这儿遭遇了一场有史以来最严重的水灾\That same year, the worst flood this area's ever seen hit.但这场灾难中诞生了我们中城最伟大的英雄\But from that disaster rose Central City's greatest hero,农场主博比·波文·迈克菲里\cattle rancher Bobby Bovine Mcfeely.博比·迈克菲里在那场洪水中拯救了17头牛\Bovine Mcfeely saved 17 cows from the great flood.嘿小子口香糖要么\Hey, kid. Gum?现在在这次展览会上\And now, for the exhibit我确定你们会想看看这颗\I'm sure you've all come here to see,历史上著名的卡恩达克王朝大钻石\the historic Kahndaq dynasty diamond.小心点别太靠近\Be careful. Get too close否则会触发防盗保险系统\and you'll set off the proximity alarms.我可不想那样\Wouldn't want to do that.- 三是巴斯德(巴斯德:法国化学家、细菌学家)- 嗯嗯\- Three is Pasteur. - Mm-mm.三是俄德(DC漫画公司《火星猎人》中的地球人科学家)四是巴斯德\Three is Erdel, and four is Pasteur.- 哦对五呢\- Right. - Five?- 笛卡尔- 笛卡尔\- Descartes. - Descartes.他们确实是在说英语么\Are they even speaking English?E=mc大铁锤队得到了这一分\And the points go to E=mc Hammer.我就知道你们超棒的\I knew you two would make a good team.那么菲莉西蒂你是做什么的\So, Felicity, what do you do?我在做计算机科学方面的工作\I work in computer sciences- 在奎恩集团- 是嘛\- at Queen Consolidated. - Really?你在星城有男朋友么\Do you have a boyfriend in Starling City?不不没有\No, no, there is no one.我再给你弄点儿饮料\I'll get us some more drinks.而我喝太多饮料了\And I had too many of those first ones,我去去就来\so I will be right back.- 什么- 老兄啊\- What? - Dude.老兄啥\Dude? Wha...你还要跟我说她对你没意思么\Are you still gonna tell me that she's not into you?瞧瞧那连衣裙\Look at that dress.还有当我问起她关于男朋友的问题\And when I asked her the boyfriend question,她都僵住了\she froze.是是是你在这种事儿上还真狡猾\Yeah, you were particularly sly with that one.菲莉西蒂很聪明乖巧还很漂亮\Felicity is smart, nice, and pretty.最重要的是你交往过的妹子里\And most importantly, she is the first girl她是第一个真正懂你的\at I have seen you with that really understands而且她和我一样都认为\and appreciates you for the amazing person你是多么赞的一个男生\that I am always telling you that you are.她和你简直是绝配\She's perfect for you,你还在等什么巴里\so what are you waiting for, Barry?它不见了多久了\How long has it been missing?我不知道\I don't know.我要再问一遍思科\I'm gonna ask you again, Cisco.但我再问的时候\But when I do,我希望你给我一个比“我不知道”更好的答案\I expect a more specific answer than i don't know.好了武器不见了有多久了\Now, how long has this weapon been gone?一天也许两天\A day, maybe two.有个守卫今早没来上班\One of the janitors didn't show up for work this morning.可能就是他拿走的\He was probably the one who took it.我没想到\I didn't think that...你没想到\You didn't think,因为如果你想到了你会在造这武器之前\Because if you had, you would have discussed with me先和我商量一下\first your desire to build something that could,这东西理论上可能伤害任何人\in theory, hurt anyone,特别是巴里艾伦\and in particular, Barry Allen.对不起\I'm sorry.如果你肯听我解释\If you just let me explain...你知道我是怎么想这些武器的思科\You know how I feel about weapons, cisco.他们不属于科技之星实验室\They do not belong in S.T.A.R. Labs.现在你要找出那枪在哪里\Now, you are gonna figure out a way to locate this gun,马上去找\and you are gonna do it right now.你造的这个是用来干什么事的\This thing you built, what can it do?很糟糕的事\Bad stuff.你说如果有任何可怀疑的事就叫你\You said to call if there was anything suspicious.。

50句值得收藏的欧美电影经典对白(中英双语)一部电影中最不可或缺的就是精彩的对话或独白,让我们一起探索这些句子的意境吧!Shaw shank Redemption《肖申克的救赎》1. You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。
2. There is something inside, that they can't get to, that they can' t touch. That's yours.那是一种内在的东西,他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
3. Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是个好东西,也许是最好的,美好的东西永远不会消逝。
Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》4. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you' re gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力,结果总是出人意料。
5. Stupid is as stupid does.傻子做傻事,也可以理解为傻子有傻福。
6. Mirac les happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。
7. It made me look like a duck in water.它让我如鱼得水。
8. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。

国外经典电影经典台词国外经典电影经典台词台词,是一部电影的精华.一部好的电影,总是会留下许多触动人心的经典台词,下面为大家分享了国外经典电影的经典台词,一起来看看吧!1. 肖申克的救赎(Shawshank Redemption)Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的东西,好东西是不会消亡的。
2. 速度与激情(Fast & Furious)No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother.无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。
我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟!3. 阿甘正传(Forrest Gump)Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么。
4. 猫鼠游戏(Catch Me If You Can)Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream intobutter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.两只小老鼠掉进一个奶油桶。

速度与激情经典英语台词最近《速度与激情7》正在热映中,Paul Walker的离去也为这部影片带来了不一样的色彩。
1. Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't.如果你不好好表现,我就弄死你。
2. We the fam and loyalty never change up.我们亲如一家,彼此永远忠诚。
3. And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove.我们的热火瞬间点燃黑夜。
4. Couldn't slow down so we had to crash it.绝不放慢速度,宁愿粉身碎骨。
5. I see some people ahead that we gon' pass.前面的对手我们都要超越。
6. You can catch me kissin' my girl with both eye closed.亲吻姑娘的时候,我才会闭眼。
7. I never feared death or dying,I only fear never trying.我从不害怕死亡,只害怕无疾而终。
8. I am whatever I am,Only God can judge me.我就是我,只有上帝才能对我指指点点。
9. Jumpin out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it.有人评头论足,我就让你闭嘴。
10. Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us.给他们应有的尊重,不然骄兵必败。
11. Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to.那就是没有人能强迫我做我不想做的事。
汽车英语汽车电影(auto movies)

GM__v_e_h_i_c_le_s______… Chris: Well, I __b_e_l_ie_v_e_____it is okay for Transformers 2 to be a big car commercial,
if it can be a good movie too. Frank: Oh ok…But why? Chris: Simply because that means the film will get more money to __in_v_e_s_t____in
“high-speed __e_n_t_e_rt_a_i_n_m_e_n_t___” really attracts lots of people. Paul: So have you got any at home? Mary: Yeah. Feel free to ____d_ro__p__b_y_____at any time. Paul: Cool!
The automobile and movie _b__u_s_in_e_s_s_e_s___were born alongside each other in the 1890s. It’s a __s_c_ie_n_t_if_i_c___ fact that even the worst films can be improved 501% if there is a ___c_o_o_l_____car in it. And it’s not difficult to work out why – people love cars. Cameras have grown smaller, which means they can be mounted (安 装) in places where the sense of __s_p_e_e_d____is maximized. Stunt performers (特 技演员) have become more brave as __s_a_f_e_t_y___advances allow them to do more and more dangerous moves. Physical effects have grown more _s_o_p_h_i_s_ti_c_a_te_d__so that cars can be destroyed in ever more _s_p__e_c_ta_c_u_l_a_r__ways. Finally, digital imaging allows __fi_lm__m__a_k_e_rs___to raise the excitement even more.

50部英文电影经典台词,收藏慢慢品味!The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎I guess it comes down a simple choice. Get busy living or get busy dying.我想只有一个简单的选择,要么忙着活,要么忙着死。
The Pursuit of Happiness当幸福来敲门You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it.如果你有梦想的话,就必须捍卫它。
Forrest Gump阿甘正传Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么滋味。
Léon这个杀手不太冷-Is life always this hard. Or is it just when you're a kid?-Always like this.-生活是否总是如此艰辛?还是仅仅童年才如此?-总是如此。
Schindler's List辛德勒的名单Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.当你挽救了一条生命,就等于挽救了全世界。
V for VendettaV字仇杀队People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.人民不应该害怕他们的政府。

ACT I0.一样的烂摊子,不一样的时代牧羊犬将军:事物变得越快,它们就越跟以前一样。
0. S.S.D.DGeneral Shepherd:The more things change, the more they stay the same. Boundaries shift, new players step in, but power always finds a place to rest its head. We fought and bled alongside the Russians. We shoulda known they’d hate us for it. History is written by the victors, and here I am, thinking we’d won. But you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him.Locations change, the rationale, the objective. Yesterday’s enemy are today’s recruits. Train them to fight alongside you, and pray they don’t eventually decide to hate you for it, too. Same sxxt, different day. You know what I’m looking for, Sgt. Foley. Keep your eyes open.Sgt. Foley: Got a new batch hitting The Pit today, Sir. I’ll send you the best I find.1.团队精神牧羊犬将军:我们是人类历史上最强大的军事力量。

电影口语台词(截屏收集)1、I want to be alone.我想一个人待着2、I didn’t want you interested in me just because I owned a pretty face.我不想你是因为我的美貌而喜欢我3、So mark me down“plus one”.帮我写“带家属”4、Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer.亲近你的朋友,更要亲近你的敌人5、Nobody’s perfect.人无完人啊6、You are nothing but a suit.只能算是衣冠禽兽7、Why do you get to play God?你凭什么居高临下?8、I believe you are blushing.我觉得你脸红了9、You have brain damage?你脑残?10、They leave voicemails for me.给我留语音信息11、But you know that I am good for my word.我这人言出必行12、Yeah,I’ve heard that song before.陈词滥调了13、Everything inside you need to help you on your way.你路上所需的一切都在里面14、It’s the best of a bad sitution.这是困境中最好的办法了15、I guess I trusted the wrong person.错信不该信的人16、That is flattering.我真是受宠若惊啊17、This girl’s popular with all the boys.这姑娘还真是万人迷啊18、So,What do you have to say for yourself.你要怎么为自己辩解19、Don’t spend it all in one place.你可省着点用20、Put your hands on your head!Interlock your fingers!Do not move!把手放在脑后,十指交叉,不许动21、You don’t look that smart.你看上去没那么聪明22、Clotting powder.止血粉23、After all,tomorrow is another day.明天又是新的一天24、Water goes counter-clockwise above the equator,so we’re north.赤道上方水流是顺时针方向,所以是北面25、Rebooting system重启系统26、Flushing Tank冲洗水箱27、Nearly every joint in his body dislocated.身上每一个关节都脱臼28、I don’t like the way that one’s looking at me.我不喜欢它看我的眼神29、Showing no animal rough treatment.不要粗暴对待动物S.N.A.R.T30、I don’t make promises I can’t keep.守不住的承诺我不说31、Your way will backfire.你的方法只能适得其反32、Don’t you dare think that there is anything that I would put in frontof you.你怎么可以认为我会把任何事情看得比你重33、Hide-and-go-seek捉迷藏34、I’m more of an indoor person.我是个宅男I’m still a geek.35、Sorry you have zero luck with the ladies.你没女朋友36、Why am I handcuffed?为什么我被铐起来37、Whatever we tell them,it has to be the same story.不管说什么必须一致38、If I killed somebody,I have to turn myself in.我必须自首39、Our offer is more than generous.我们的报价已经相当慷慨了40、Famers’market农贸市场41、I kind of try to stick to a workout schedule.我正努力坚持我的锻炼计划42、Were you just filming me?刚刚你在拍我吗?43、I can’t let anything happen to her.我不能让她发生任何意外44、Who do you love more?更爱谁45、You see us an you wanna see us.你用你自己的眼光看我们46、By the way,that clock’s20minutes fast.表快了20分钟47、You’re not that guy who walks around with a x in his wallet.你不是那种走到哪里钱包里都有x的人Don’t wig out!Don’t wig out!别激动48、Truth is much more terrible than fiction.现实比故事更可怕49、Sometimes real life is much darker than fiction.更黑暗50、Look what you have done!看看你干了什么51、You mean is it yours?Is it?你想问是不是你的吗52、You worried about paying child support?你在担心要子女抚养费吗53、Well,it could be out of battery or no service.会不会是手机没电或没信号54、Don’t fight back.不要反抗55、This is how we found them.我们到的时候就是这个样子56、She looked like a taugh lady.女强人57、We’re undercover.在做卧底58、Who I am to stop them.我凭什么阻止他们59、Hey,I never backed out of a fight.我打架从不缩手60、Will you pay for the wedding?你会随份子吗61、Obviously a calm before the storm.显然是暴风雨前的宁静62、Don’t pretend you care.别兔死狐悲了63、Please don’t hitchhike.It’s so dangerous.千万别搭顺风车64、The ten-year itch.十年之痒65、Don’t you know what’s next?No.知道接下来要做什么吗66、Old age is overrated anyhow.反正长命百岁也没那么好67、There’s security footage.这有安全监控录像68、I’d like to make a withdrawal.我要提款69、Where did you learn that kung fu?在哪儿学的功夫70、I’ll keep this shorter.我就长话短说71、I haven’t seen you in ages.好久不见了72、Personal advertisements.征婚/择偶启事73、I feel like we haven’t talked in ages.感觉好久没聊天了74、I can find you anywhere.你逃不出我的掌心75、Don’t tell me what to do.别对我指手画脚76、You need to teach me that trick.你得教我这一招77、I just want you to be straight with me.我希望你能对我坦白78、Nobody gets sharper with age.人越老越不灵光79、It’s a public service,what they did.这是为民除害80、My parents,my rules.我的爸妈我做主81、I buried myself.我隐姓埋名82、That’s not the same thing.这是两码事83、Girls want a bad boy.男人不坏女人不爱84、I learned from the best.我师从顶尖高手85、Shooting stars mean good luck,right?流星意味着好运,对吧86、What year were you born?你哪年出生的87、Are you a dragon or a snake?属龙还是属蛇?88、Pray for the best,prepare for the worst,yeah?抱最好的希望,最最坏的准备,是吧89、We never go back to way we used to be.不能老想着老路90、I got involved with the wrong people.被狐朋狗友牵连91、That’t just how I like it.要的就是这个效果92、The child he fathered with s.b他和某人的孩子93、Minus five pionts.扣五分94、They’re well trained,well armed,and proficient训练有素,装备精良,而且非常熟练95、This is not like him.这不是他的作风96、This your only chance to save your job.保住饭碗97、But there is something eternal we can leave behind.我们可以留下其他永恒的东西98、Your should let it happen naturally.顺其自然就好99、You don’t have to keep things from me.不必对我藏着掖着100、There’s no place like home.没有一个地方可以和家相提并论101、eye-screwing me.不怀好意地看着我102、I am sorry,Jason,I need somebody who’s ready.我需要一个成熟的男人103、Life was like a box of chocolates,you never know what you’re gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

It's the life I chose Gunshots in the dark, one eye closed And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove You can catch me kissin' my girl with both eye closed Perfecting my passion, thanks for asking Couldn't slow down so we had to crash it You used plastic, we 'bout cash I see some people ahead that we gon' pass I never feared death or dying I only fear never trying I am whatever I am Only God can judge me, now, One shot everything rides on tonight Even if I've got three strikes, I'ma go for it, This moment, we own it And I'm not to be played with Because it can get dangerous See these people I ride with This moment, we own it And the same ones that I ride with be the same ones that I die with Put it all out on the line with if you looking for me you can find with In the new car or in the crown whip My new broad, that's a fine chick And the wonder squad, I'm down with What you say? Tell me what you say Working hard, reppin for my dogs, do this everyday, Stuck to the plan, always think that we would stand up, never ran We the fam and loyalty never change up down since day one, look at where we came from Jumpin out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it Got a problem, I got the same one Money rolls, we, fold Plently clubs we closed, Follow the same code Never turn our backs, our cars don't even lose control One shot

电影《速度与激情6》经典英文台词《速度与激情6》(Furious 6)是一部由林诣彬执导的美国犯罪动作片,影片以男主人公多米尼克的前女友莱蒂可能还活着为线索展开故事,今天店铺给大家分享一些电影《速度与激情6》中的经典英文台词,欢迎大家欣赏!电影《速度与激情6》经典英文台词Hurry to come.This way, this way.Its okay. I got it.Its okay. Youre right on time.Youre a good father, Brian.- Why are you so sure? - Because Ill kick your ass if you do notCome away with you.Brian!Remember that once you go through the doors that changes everything themselves.Our old life is over.Lets run a little trip...Translated by RAGE forMoscow- Special Agent Hobbs. - Agent Riley Hicks.Ive read about you. Number 1 in your class.Cairo, Tunis.If you are half as good, in fact, as on paper, we probably could agree.A Russian military convoy was attacked.Satellite Components were stolen.The cars just came out of the blue. Six are hospital and adozen cars were destroyed.- Its all in under 90 seconds. - It is professional work.There is only one team in the world that can cause it to succeed.How the hell ended it up there?- They caught one of them. - Where is he?INTERPOL HEADQUARTERS.- Youve got five minutes with him. - I only use two.I want your boss. Where is Shaw?- I do not say shit! - I was hoping youd say that.- Is it legal? - No...... But you go in and tell them?- I have my rights, asshole! - Not today.No, no!- Says he say anything? - Not anymore.But the place is bugged. All you got out of him, Interpol now.- Fine. So we keep free morning. - Lets bring him in..Man gets not just Owen Shaw, which to retrieve items at the grocery store.You need wolves to catch wolves. Lets go hunting.Is that what you can get for 100 million?It was not that hard to find you, Toretto.I hid not.How is life as a retired international criminal?I like to be here. There is peace and quiet.Good weather.And no extradition treaty. What are you doing here, officer?On Tuesday robbed a team of trained riders a Russian military convoy.- I do not work in cold weather. - I know it was not you.But you must help me to catch the team that did it.And you do not need.- You can not touch him, Hobbs. - I do not want someone handed.He is apparent with voluntarily. Actually...... Then he will beg me to.It was taken a week ago.See you out front.- Is that her? - It is impossible.If it was my husband...If there was even the slightest chance...... I would go.- I need all your information. - You get it with the rest of the team.There will be no team.- It will be me alone. - So it is not easy.Team, we are looking for, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke.Do you do it alone, you hit them never.Ive been chasing him across four continents and twelve countries, and believe me -- the last thing I want to do, is to sit on my knees for you.I need your help, Dom.I need your team.I would like to propose a toast... Come on, girls.I know that some of you already have been to Macau -- but I have never experienced the city, until you have experienced it through my eyes.We have a penthouse apartment with ocean views that will change your life.150 foot yacht with helipad.Im really going to get your lifes best experience.No, you do.You come here in your Ferrari, and have pockets full of money.You were once a true Robin Hood, who shared everything you owned.You know exactly what Im talking about. The money has changed you.You have the right... The money has changed me.Ive realized that money does not grow on trees.They rain down from the sky.Thank you, it looks great.- Yummy! - It is well citizen of the world.Have you ever considered settling down? T o start a life together?Is not that what we do?Do we do it?Drop your weapons at once!Hello?Dom?- Im coming. - You will need to turn the plane around.Listen, ladies. There is little change in the plans. There has been something wrong.I at the casino, I was talking about? I have some vouchers for the buffet.THE ROMAN, bitchesOkay.Check this out... Right!Thats my boy. Lets see if it can fly.Watching?There you see. Should we wave?Hi, Jack.Whats up, Uncle Dom? Whats up, Uncle Dom?- Are you happy to see him? - Foist you know him already Japanese cars?Father foist him nothing on.- He chose the car. - We know that he is a OConnor, but...I have something for you, Jack.- Yes! He is also a Toretto! - He has fortunately a few years to choose.I think that he has decided.I think its time for his nap. Come on, baby.- Its weird, right? - Whats weird?We have everything...Even beer and barbecue.Its just...It just does not feel like home.Maybe its because...You do not know how happy you are for something before someone takes it from a.I do not know.Your house is probably so changed that much, that you do not know it anymore.Yes...- Everything has changed. - But so what? What is happening?It was taken a week ago.The diplomatic intelligence.Hobbs.I made something like that all the time, when I was a police officer.Thats exactly what they do. He messing with your head.- Lettys death, Dom. - I have to be sure.- So Ill go with you. - You said you would put the life behind you.We both said that we would put the life behind us.Hes right. We are a family.If we have a problem, so we handle it together.And I am more at ease if you are together. So I take care of each other.re Stronger when you are together. It has I always been.Take that out and get Letty.Get her home.Thank you, God! Finally, some equipment I can use.- Whats up, buddy? - Much better than the crap in Rio.Much better.- Do you trust these people? - Nope.Is there anyone who has heard from Leo or Santos?They were last seen in the casinos of Monte Carlo.I thought it was our last job, Brian.Who pays for all the equipment? Taxpayers?So now we are working all the Hulk? Is that what we are doing?Why do you smell of baby oil?If you continue to bullshit, comes to smell of ass.Okay, Hobbs. You have the best team in the world right in front of you.Give them a reason to stay here.Aim is Owen Shaw.Former Air Force Colonel. Elite Soldier.He led Britains mobile device in Cabo and Bosnia.Goddamn it. Your mobile device is the hard boys. Were talking about mobile warfare.- The best in the world. - Do you have a few pennies?They have for years operated in Europe.The last few jobs has brought them to a whole different level.Three objectives are carefully selected.A programmed termoenhed from an ICPM missile.- A pair of vipers from... - Do you have any pennies?Youre a millionaire, and you still scrounging money?This is how to remain millionaire!What does this mean then?Our best guess is that Shaws team is by building a natskyggeenhed.Which is...?A technology bomb that can shut down an entire communication network down for 24 hours.Diaphragm you a soldier in a second in battle, so he dies.Diaphragm you a country for 24 hours, can casualties reach the soaring numbers.It can be worth billions.Billions? Why we build not just the shit?Hey, man.Which one is a dollar?Its on the house.I have to help me catch Shaw.He needs only to find a lot more, and I want to stop him before he finds it.And I know that you are a family.So I offer you a chance to make the family whole again.Do you want to make this family whole again?Show us the way to Letty, you get Shaw. Full pardon for all of us.- I can not promise you. - Yes, you can then.This is our offer.Its either or.Get me Shaw...... So do I get your pardons.I heard what he said. But this is different.We have neither the officers or drug dealers to do.It is quite another.We get good enough money for it, right?Interpol caught one of Shaws men in Moscow, as I got a little talk with.He told us where Shaw hiding.Why are not you down there now?We were not invited.Hobbs! They send sacrificed in now.He microphone. He must identify Shaw before moving into.Lod police you then just go?Do not worry. I did not tell them a damn thing.Im really not worried.Okay. Start it right for me.Its okay. Its great.The most simple things can create the biggest problems.But the good news is... Changes to the bad part out -- keep everything running smoothly again.。

【1984】年度排行榜名次1 妙探出更Beverly Hills Cop $234,760,4782 捉鬼敢死队Ghostbusters $229,242,9893 魔域奇兵Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom $179,870,2714 小魔怪Gremlins $148,168,4595 龙威小子The Karate Kid $90,815,55810 现代美人鱼Splash $69,821,33411 终结者The Terminator $38,371,200【1985】年度排行榜名次1 回到未来Back to the Future $210,609,7622 第一滴血II Rambo: First Blood Part II $150,415,4323 洛基IV Rocky IV $127,873,7164 紫色The Color Purple $94,175,8545 走出非洲Out of Africa $87,071,2056 魔茧Cocoon $76,113,124【1986】年度排行榜名次1 壮志凌云Top Gun $176,786,7012 鳄鱼邓迪Crocodile Dundee $174,803,5063 野战排Platoon $138,530,5654 龙威小子第二集The Karate Kid, Part II $115,103,9795 星际旅行4:抢救未来Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home $109,713,1326 回到学校Back to School $91,258,0007 异形2 Aliens $85,160,2488伴我同行Stand By Me $52,287,414 239苍蝇The Fly $40,456,565 3110难得有情郎Nothing in Common $32,324,557【1987】年度排行榜名次1 三个奶爸一个娃Three Men and a Baby $167,780,9602 致命的诱惑Fatal Attraction $156,645,6933 妙探出更续集Beverly Hills Cop II $153,665,0364 早安越南Good Morning, Vietnam $123,922,3705 月色撩人Moonstruck $80,640,5286 铁面无私The Untouchables $76,270,4547 成功的秘密The Secret of My Succe $s $66,995,8798 紧急盯梢令Stakeout $65,673,2339 轰天炮Lethal Weapon $65,207,12710 紫屋魔恋The Witches of Eastwick $63,766,51011 辣身舞Dirty Dancing $63,446,38212 铁血战士Predator $59,735,54813 铁甲威龙Robocop $53,424,68114全金属外壳Full Metal Jacket $46,357,67615 华尔街Wall Street $43,848,06916 威龙猛将The Running Man $38,122,105【1988】年度排行榜名次1 雨人Rain Man $172,825,4352 谁害死了兔子罗杰Who Framed Roger Rabbit $156,452,3703 来到美国Coming to America $128,152,3014 飞越未来Big $114,968,7745 龙兄鼠弟Twins $111,938,3886 鳄鱼邓迪IICrocodile Dundee II $109,306,2107 虎胆龙威Die Hard $83,008,8528 白头神探The Naked Gun $78,756,1779 鸡尾酒Cocktail $78,222,75310 阴间**师Beetlejuice $73,707,46111 上班女郎Working Girl $63,779,47712 一条名叫旺达的鱼A Fish Called Wanda $62,493,71213 回到过去Scrooged $60,328,55814 风云际会Willow $57,269,86315 情比姊妹深Beaches $57,041,86616 第一滴血3Rambo III $53,715,611【1989】年度排行榜名次1 蝙蝠侠Batman $251,188,9242 圣战奇兵Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade $197,171,8063 轰天炮2 Lethal Weapon 2 $147,253,9864 看谁在说话Look Who's Talking $140,088,8135 豆丁小灵精Honey, I Shrunk the Kids $130,724,1726 回到未来II Back to the Future Part II $118,450,0027 捉鬼敢死队II Ghostbusters II $112,494,7388 小美人鱼The Little Mermaid $111,543,4799 为戴茜小姐开车Driving Miss Daisy $106,593,29610 温馨家族Parenthood $100,047,83011 春风化雨Dead Poets Society $95,860,11612 当哈利遇上莎莉When Harry Met Sally... $92,823,54613 罗丝夫妇之战The War of the Roses $86,888,54614 福星与福将Turner & Hooch $71,079,91515 生于7月4日Born On The Fourth of July $70,001,69816 梦幻之地Field of Dreams $64,431,62517 怒虎狂龙Tango & Cash $63,408,61418 午夜惊情Sea of Love $58,571,51319 深渊The Abyss $54,222,31036 007杀人执照License to Kill $34,667,01545 光荣Glory $26,828,36546 性、慌言和录相带Sex, Lies, and Videotape $24,741,667【1990】年度排行榜名次1 小鬼当家Home Alone $285,761,2432 人鬼情未了Ghost $217,631,3063 与狼共舞Dances with Wolves $184,208,8484 风月俏佳人Pretty Woman $178,406,2685 忍者神龟Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles $135,265,9156 猎杀红色十月The Hunt for Red October $122,012,6437 宇宙威龙Total Recall $119,394,8408 虎胆龙威续集Die Hard 2 $117,540,9479 至尊神探Dick Tracy $103,738,72610 幼儿园警探Kindergarten Cop $91,457,68811 回到未来IIIBack to the Future Part III $87,727,58312 无罪的罪人Presumed Innocent $86,303,18813 雷霆壮志Days of Thunder $82,670,73314 四十八小时2Another 48 Hrs. $80,818,97415 三个奶爸一个妞3 Men and a Little Lady $71,609,32116 惊弓之鸟Bird on a Wire $70,978,01217 别闯阴阳界Flatliners $61,489,26518 危情十日Misery $61,276,87219 剪刀手爱德华Edward Scissorhands $56,362,35220 宝贝反斗星Problem Child $53,470,89121 小魔星Arachnophobia $53,208,18022 无语问苍天Awakenings $52,096,47523 看谁又在说话Look Who's Talking Too $47,789,07424 杀不死的勇者Hard to Kill $47,410,82725 好家伙Goodfellas $46,836,39426 夺命豹子胆Marked for Death $46,044,39627 铁甲威龙2Robocop 2 $45,681,17328 少壮屠龙阵2Young Guns II $44,143,41029 小精灵续集Gremlins 2: The New Batch $41,482,20730 洛集第五集Rocky V $40,946,35831 跳火山的人Joe Versus the Volcano $39,404,26132 来自边缘的明信片Postcards From the Edge $39,071,60333 风情妈咪俏女儿Mermaids $35,419,39734 变形黑侠Darkman $33,878,50235 飞离航道Air America $31,053,60136 铁血战士续集Predator 2 $30,669,41337 绿卡情缘Green Card $29,888,23538 午夜惊兆Pacific Heights $29,381,95639 娃鬼回魂2Child's Play 2 $28,501,60540 救难小英雄-澳洲历险记The Rescuers Down Under $27,931,46141 I.A.档案Internal Affairs $27,734,39142 名嘴大丈夫Cadillac Man $27,627,31043 英烈的岁月Memphis Belle $27,441,97744 欢乐派对House Party $26,385,62745 异世浮生Jacob's Ladder $26,118,85146 俄罗斯大厦The Russia House $18,525,879【1991】年度排行榜名次1 终结者2 Terminator2:审判日 Judgment Day $204,843,3453 美女与野兽Beauty and the Beast $171,350,5534侠盗王子罗宾汉Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves $165,493,9084 沉默的羔羊The Silence of the Lambs $130,742,9225 城市滑头City Slickers $124,033,7916 铁钩船长Hook $119,654,8237 阿达一族The Addams Family $113,502,4268 与敌共眠Sleeping With the Enemy $101,599,0059 呷醋外父Father of the Bride $89,325,78010 白头神探续集The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear $86,930,41111 油炸绿蕃茄Fried Green Tomatoes $82,496,05512 恐怖角Cape Fear $79,118,31513 忍者神龟续集Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II $78,656,81314 烈火雄心Backdraft $78,001,36515 星空奇遇 6 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country $74,888,99616 潮流王子The Prince of Tides $74,787,60017 惊天大刺杀JFK $70,405,49818 反斗神鹰Hot Shots! $68,267,32219 天生一对宝What About Bob? $63,707,82921 最后的童子军The Last Boy Scout $59,509,92525 巴格西Bugsy $49,103,96727 火箭人The Rocketeer $46,704,05628 末路狂花Thelma & Louise $45,360,915【1992】年度排行榜名次1 阿拉丁Aladdin $217,350,2192 小鬼当家 2 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York $173,585,5163 蝙蝠侠2:蝙蝠侠归来Batman Returns $162,831,6984 轰天炮3 Lethal Weapon 3 $144,731,5275 义海雄风A Few Good Men $141,340,1786 修女也疯狂Sister Act $139,605,1507 护花倾情The Bodyguard $121,945,7208 韦恩的世界Wayne's World $121,697,3239 本能Basic Instinct $117,727,22410 红粉联盟A League of Their Own $107,533,92811 杀无赦Unforgiven $101,157,44712 摇蓝惊魂The Hand That Rocks the Cradle $88,036,68313 潜龙轰天Under Siege $83,563,13914 天网追击Patriot Games $83,351,58715 吸血僵尸惊情四百年Dracula $82,522,79216 最后一个莫希干人The Last of the Mohicans $72,155,27520 哭泣游戏The Crying Game $62,548,94722 大地雄心Far and Away $58,883,84028 异形3 Alien 3 $55,889,71533 马尔克姆XMalcolm X $48,169,91040 再造战士Universal Soldier $36,299,896【1993】年度排行榜名次1 侏罗纪公园Jurassic Park $357,067,9472 肥妈先生Mrs. Doubtfire $219,195,2433 亡命天涯The Fugitive $183,875,7604 律师事务所The Firm $158,348,3675 缘份的天空Sleepless In Seattle $126,680,8846 不道德的交易Indecent Proposal $106,614,0597 火线狙击In The Line of Fire $102,314,8238 塘鹅暗杀令The Pelican Brief $100,768,0569 辛德勒名单Schindler's List $96,065,76810 绝岭雄风Cliffhanger $84,049,21111 人鱼的童话Free Willy $77,698,62512 费城Philadelphia $77,446,44013 偷天情缘Groundhog Day $70,906,97614 斗气老顽童Grumpy Old Men $70,172,62115 男儿当冲线Cool Runnings $68,856,26316 冒牌总统Dave $63,270,71017 旭日东升Rising Sun $62,485,08018 越空狂龙Demolition Man $58,055,76819 修女也疯2 Sister Act 2 $57,319,02926 幻影英雄Last Action Hero $50,016,39449 终极标靶Hard Target $32,588,094【1994】年度排行榜名次1 阿甘正传Forrest Gump $329,694,4992 狮子王The Lion King $328,541,7763 真实的谎言True Lies $146,282,4114 今年圣诞大件事The Santa Clause $144,833,3575 石头族乐园The Flintstones $130,531,2086 阿呆与阿瓜Dumb and Dumber $127,175,3747 燃眉追击Clear and Present Danger $122,187,7178 生死时速Speed $121,248,1459 变相怪杰The Mask $119,938,73010 低俗小说Pulp Fiction $107,928,76211 夜访吸血鬼Interview With the Vampire $105,264,60812 赌侠马华力Maverick $101,631,27213 终极证人The Client $92,115,21114 叛逆性骚扰Disclosure $83,015,08915 神探飞机头Ace Ventura: Pet Detective $72,217,39616 宇宙奇兵Stargate $71,567,26217 燃情岁月Legends of the Fall $66,638,88318 妖之恋Wolf $65,011,75719 炮弹专家The Specialist $57,362,58120 四个婚礼一个葬礼Four Weddings and a Funeral $52,724,61721 白头神探第3集Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult $51,132,59822 乌鸦The Crow $50,691,68523 天生杀人狂Natural Born Killers $50,282,76624 小妇人Little Women $50,083,61625 当男人爱上女人When a Man Loves a Woman $50,021,95926 狂野的河The River Wild $46,815,74851 肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption $28,241,469【1995】年度排行榜名次1 玩具总动员Toy Story $191,796,2332 新蝙蝠侠不败之谜Batman Forever $184,031,1123 阿波罗十三号Apollo 13 $173,807,7164 风中奇缘Pocahontas $141,579,7735 神探飞机头续集Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls $108,385,5336 黄金眼GoldenEye $106,429,9417 逃出魔幻纪Jumanji $100,475,2498 鬼马小精灵Casper $100,328,1949 七宗罪Seven $100,125,64310 虎胆龙威3Die Hard: With a Vengeance $100,012,49911 红潮风暴Crimson Tide $91,387,19512 未来水世界Waterworld $88,246,22013 非常女教师Dangerous Minds $84,919,40114 生命因你而动听Mr. Holland's Opus $82,569,97115 两见钟情/暗恋你,暗恋你While You Were Sleeping $81,057,01616 刚果惊魂Congo $81,022,10117 勇敢的心Braveheart $75,609,94918 矮子当道Get Shorty $72,101,62219 廊桥遗梦The Bridges of Madison County $71,528,34820 魔宫帝国Mortal Kombat $70,454,09821 怀胎九月Nine Months $69,690,77822 极度惊慌Outbreak $67,823,57323 盗火线Heat $67,436,81824 等待呼吸Waiting to Exhale $67,012,62925 绝地战警Bad Boys $65,807,02426 小猪宝贝Babe $63,671,51027 美国总统The American President $60,079,49628 异种Species $60,074,10329 十二猴子Twelve Monkeys $57,213,59930 叨女掌门人Clueless $56,631,57231 新龙凤配Sabrina $53,673,41732 谈情说爱Something To Talk About $50,892,16033 网络惊魂The Net $50,727,96534 暴走潜龙Under Siege 2: Dark Territory $50,024,08339 赌场风云Casino $42,541,183【1996】年度排行榜名次1 独立日Independence Day $306,169,2682 龙卷风暴Twister $241,721,5243 职业特工队Mission: Impossible $180,981,8864 甜心先生Jerry Maguire $153,952,5925 赎金风暴Ransom $136,492,6816 101斑点狗101 Dalmatians $136,189,2947 石破天惊The Rock $134,069,5118 肥佬教授The Nutty Professor $128,814,0199 鸟笼The Birdcage $124,060,55310 杀戮时刻A Time to Kill $108,766,00711 大婆俱乐部The First Wives Club $105,489,20312 不一样的奇迹Phenomenon $104,636,38213 夺命狂呼Scream $103,046,66314 蒸发密令Eraser $101,295,56215 钟楼怪人The Hunchback of Notre Dame $100,138,85116 天使米高Michael $95,365,92417 星空第一击Star Trek: First Contact $92,027,88818 太空大灌蓝Space Jam $90,463,53419 英国病人The English Patient $78,716,37420 断箭行动Broken Arrow $70,770,14721 弱智与丧门星玩转美国Beavis and Butthead Do America $63,118,38622 圣诞老豆Jingle All the Way $60,621,53423 衰鬼线人The Cable Guy $60,240,29524 战火下的勇气Courage Under Fire $59,031,05725 杰克Jack $58,620,97326 最高危机Executive Decision $56,679,19227 一级恐惧Primal Fear $56,116,18328 欲望号快车Crash $54,580,30029 球爱的天空Tin Cup $53,888,89630 沉睡者Sleepers $53,324,90831 魔幻屠龙Dragonheart $51,385,10132 舍不得你Up Close and Personal $51,088,70533 艾薇塔Evita $50,047,17934 罗密欧与朱莉叶Romeo + Juliet $46,400,378【1997】年度排行榜名次1 铁达尼号Titanic $600,788,1882 黑超特警组Men In Black $250,690,5393 迷失世界:侏罗纪公园续集The Lost World: Jurassic Park $229,086,6794 大话王Liar Liar $181,410,6155 空军一号Air Force One $172,956,4096 尽善尽美As Good As It Gets $148,478,0117 壮志骄阳Good Will Hunting $138,433,4358 真的想嫁你My Best Friend's Wedding $127,120,0299 明日帝国Tomorrow Never Dies $125,304,27610 夺面双雄Face/Off $112,276,14611 蝙蝠侠与罗宾Batman & Robin $107,325,19512 至野一族George of the Jungle $105,263,25713 夺命狂呼2Scream 2 $101,363,30114 惊天动地Con Air $101,117,57315 超时空接触Contact $100,920,32916 大力神Hercules $99,112,10117 飞天法宝Flubber $92,977,22618 阴谋理论Conspiracy Theory $75,982,83419 是谁搞的鬼I Know What You Did Last Summer $72,586,13420 烈焰狂峰Dante's Peak $67,127,76021 狂蟒之灾Anaconda $65,885,76722 洛城机密L.A. Confidential $64,616,94023 新郎向后跑In & Out $63,856,92924 第五元素The Fifth Element $63,820,18025 捕鼠记Mouse Hunt $61,917,38926 侠圣The Saint $61,363,30427 魔鬼代言人The Devil's Advocate $60,944,66028 惊唇劫Kiss the Girls $60,527,87329 野蛮都市Jungle2Jungle $59,927,61830 安娜斯塔西娅Anastasia $58,406,34731 美丽人生Life is Beautiful $57,598,24732 豺狼末日The Jackal $54,930,28033 再生侠Spawn $54,870,17534 星河战队Starship Troopers $54,814,37735 王牌大贱谍Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery $53,883,98936 绝地危机Breakdown $50,159,14437 绝对权利Absolute Power $50,068,31038 活火熔城Volcano $49,323,46839 生死时速2:巡洋喋血Speed 2: Cruise Control $48,608,06640 心理游戏The Game $48,323,64841 伴我雄心G.I. Jane $48,169,15642 异形4浴火重生Alien: Resurrection $47,795,65843 光猪六壮士The Full Monty $45,948,97544 憨豆先生Bean $45,319,42345 警察帝国Cop Land $44,862,18746 王牌特务Nothing to Lose $44,480,03947 阿米斯塔德Amistad $44,229,441【1998】年度排行榜名次1 拯救大兵瑞恩Saving Private Ryan $216,540,9092 绝世天劫Armageddon $201,578,1823 我为玛丽狂There's Something About Mary $176,484,6514 虫虫特工队A Bug's Life $162,798,5655 呆呆向前冲The Waterboy $161,491,6466 怪医杜利德Doctor Dolittle $144,156,6057 尖峰时刻Rush Hour $141,186,8648 天地大冲撞Deep Impact $140,464,6649 哥斯拉Godzilla $136,314,29410 心灵点滴Patch Adams $135,026,90211 轰天炮4 Lethal Weapon 4 $130,444,60312 楚门的世界The Truman Show $125,618,20113 花木兰Mulan $120,620,25414 电子情书You've Got Mail $115,821,49515 全民公敌Enemy of the State $111,549,83616 埃及王子The Prince of Egypt $101,413,18817淘气小兵兵The Rugrats Movie $100,494,67518 莎翁情史Shakespeare in Love $100,317,79419 黑侠佐罗The Mask of Zorro $94,095,52320 亲亲小妈Stepmom $91,137,66221 小蚁雄兵Antz $90,713,81022 X档案:征服未来The X-Files: Fight the Future $83,898,31323 婚礼歌手The Wedding Singer $80,245,72524 天使多情City of Angels $78,892,66425 马语者The Horse Whisperer $75,373,56326 六天七夜Six Days Seven Nights $74,339,29427 星空奇遇:叛乱Star Trek: Insurrection $70,187,65828 刀锋战士Blade $70,095,97429 迷失太空Lost In Space $69,117,62930 超完美谋杀案A Perfect Murder $67,629,10531 天生一对The Parent Trap $66,308,51832 灰姑娘Ever After $65,703,41233 真爱告白Hope Floats $60,110,31334 亡命刺客U.S. Marshals $57,833,60335 铁面人The Man in the Iron Mask $56,968,90236 法网边缘A Civil Action $56,709,98137 蛇眼Snake Eyes $55,591,40938 美梦成真What Dreams May Come $55,425,55139 晶兵总动员Small Soldiers $55,143,82340 H20抓鬼节Halloween: H20 $55,041,73841 巨星乔扬Mighty Joe Young $50,632,03742 超异能快感Practical Magic $46,813,28043 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black $44,650,00344 王牌对王牌The Negotiator $44,484,06545 冷血悍将Ronin $41,616,26246 全面围攻The Siege $40,932,37247 欢乐谷Pleasantville $40,584,42148 老师不是人The Faculty $40,283,32149 到底是谁搞的鬼I Still Know What You Did Last Summer $39,999,68150 的士速逮Taxi $36,611,066【1999】年度排行榜名次1 星战前传1:魅影危机Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace $431,088,3012 第六感The Sixth Sense $293,506,2923 玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2 $245,852,1794 王牌大贱谍2 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me $206,040,0865 黑客帝国The Matrix $171,479,9306 泰山Tarzan $171,091,8197 冒牌老爸Big Daddy $163,479,7958 神鬼传奇The Mummy $155,385,4889 落跑新娘Runaway Bride $152,257,50910 女巫布莱尔The Blair Witch Project $140,539,09911 精灵鼠小弟Stuart Little $140,035,36712 绿色奇迹The Green Mile $136,801,37413 美国美人American Beauty $130,096,60114 黑日危机The World Is Not Enough $126,943,68415 双重危机Double Jeopardy $116,741,55816 新娘百分百Notting Hill $116,089,67817 飙风战警Wild Wild West $113,805,68118 老大靠边闪Analyze This $106,885,65819 将军的女儿The General's Daughter $102,705,85220 美国派American Pie $102,561,00421 无头谷Sleepy Hollow $101,071,50222 G型神探Inspector Gadget $97,403,11223 鬼入侵The Haunting $91,240,52924 将计就计Entrapment $87,704,39625 宠物小精灵Pokemon: The First Movie $85,744,66226 危险人物Payback $81,526,12127 天才雷普利The Talented Mr. Ripley $81,298,26428 挑战星期天Any Given Sunday $75,530,83229 深海狂鲨Deep Blue Sea $73,648,22830 惊爆银河系Galaxy Quest $71,463,38731 天罗地网The Thomas Crown Affair $69,304,43532 笨贼妙探Blue Streak $68,208,19033 末世浩劫End of Days $66,889,40334 人骨拼图The Bone Collector $66,518,65535 大制骗家Bowfinger $66,458,77036 憨直舞男Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo $65,538,75537 傲笑江湖Life $64,062,58738 窈窕美眉She's All That $63,366,98939 夺金三王Three Kings $60,652,03640 机器管家Bicentennial Man $58,223,86141 总有骄阳The Cider House Rules $57,550,05042 大开眼界Eyes Wide Shut $55,691,20843 一吻定江山Never Been Kissed $55,474,75644 触电之旅Forces of Nature $52,957,80045 校园蓝调Varsity Blues $52,894,16946 瓶中信Message in a Bottle $52,880,01647 南方公园South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut $52,037,60348 黑罪风云The Hurricane $50,699,24149 天魔下凡Stigmata $50,041,86550 猛鬼屋House on Haunted Hill $40,846,082【2000】年度排行榜名次1 格林奇如何偷走圣诞节How the Grinch Stole Christmas $260,044,8252 荒岛求生Cast Away $233,632,1423 职业特工队2 Mission: Impossible 2 $215,409,8894 角斗士Gladiator $187,705,4275 男人百分百What Women Want $182,811,7076 完美风暴The Perfect Storm $182,618,4347 拜见岳父Meet the Parents $166,244,0458 X战警X-Men $157,299,7179 惊声尖笑Scary Movie $157,019,77110 谎言背后What Lies Beneath $155,464,35111 恐龙Dinosaur $137,748,06312 卧虎藏龙Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon $128,078,87213 伊人当自强Erin Brockovich $125,595,20514 霹雳娇娃Charlie's Angels $125,305,54515 毒品网络Traffic $124,115,72516 肥佬教授2 Nutty Professor II: The Klumps $123,309,89017 卧底肥妈Big Momma's House $117,559,43818冲锋陷阵Remember the Titans $115,654,75119 爱国者The Patriot $113,330,34220 咪走鸡Chicken Run $106,834,56421 选美俏卧底Miss Congeniality $106,807,66722 极速60秒Gone in 60 Seconds $101,648,57123 不死劫Unbreakable $95,011,33924 一个头,两个大Me, Myself & Irene $90,570,99925太空牛仔Space Cowboys $90,464,77326 变身国王The Emperor's New Groove $89,233,48427 夺命狂呼3Scream 3 $89,143,17528 U-571 U-571 $77,122,41529 小淘气续集Rugrats in Paris: The Movie $76,507,75630 居家男人The Family Man $75,793,30531 透明人魔Hollow Man $73,209,34032 浓情巧克力Chocolat $71,139,22633 杀戮战警Shaft $70,334,25834 童心闯未来The Kid $69,691,94935 四仔旅行团Road Trip $68,540,77736 垂直极限Vertical Limit $68,473,36037 美少女啦啦队Bring It On $68,379,00038 102斑点狗102 Dalmatians $66,957,02639 交战法则Rules of Engagement $61,335,23040 入侵脑细胞The Cell $61,301,01141 火星任务Mission To Mars $60,883,40742 妹力四射Coyote Ugly $60,786,26943 幻想曲2000Fantasia 2000 $60,507,22844 下雪天Snow Day $60,020,10745 这个杀手不眨眼The Whole Nine Yards $57,262,49246 下一个星期五Next Friday $57,198,67547 上海正午Shanghai Noon $56,937,50248 致命罗密欧Romeo Must Die $55,973,33649 死神来了Final Destination $53,331,14750 寻找佛雷斯特Finding Forrester $51,768,623【2001】年度排行榜名次1 哈利波特:神秘的魔法石Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone $317,575,5502 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring $314,776,1703 怪物史莱克Shrek $267,665,0114 怪物公司Monsters, Inc. $255,873,2505 火拼时速2 Rush Hour 2 $226,164,2866 神鬼传奇2 The Mummy Returns $202,019,7857 珍珠港Pearl Harbor $198,542,5548 瞒天过海Ocean's Eleven $183,417,1509 侏罗纪公园3Jurassic Park III $181,171,87510 人猿星球Planet of the Apes $180,011,74011 美丽心灵A Beautiful Mind $170,742,34112 汉尼拔Hannibal $165,092,26813 美国派2 American Pie 2 $145,103,59514 速度与激情The Fast and the Furious $144,533,92515 古墓丽影Lara Croft: Tomb Raider $131,168,07016 怪医杜利德2 Dr. Dolittle 2 $112,952,89917 非常小特务Spy Kids $112,719,00118 折翼黑鹰Black Hawk Down $108,638,74519 公主的日记The Princess Diaries $108,248,95620 香草的天空Vanilla Sky $100,618,34421 小岛惊魂The Others $96,522,68722 律政俏佳人Legally Blonde $96,520,67423 美国甜心America's Sweethearts $93,607,67324 猫狗大战Cats & Dogs $93,385,51525 舞动激情Save the Last Dance $91,057,00626 亚特兰蒂斯Atlantis: The Lost Empire $84,056,47227 神童奇遇记Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius $80,936,23228 人工智能A.I.: Artificial Intelligence $78,616,68929 训练日Training Day $76,261,03630 蛛丝马迹Along Came a Spider $74,078,17431 BJ单身日记Bridget Jones's Diary $71,543,42732 惊声尖笑2Scary Movie 2 $71,308,99733 大买卖The Score $71,107,71134 庸人哈尔Shallow Hal $70,839,20335 剑鱼行动Swordfish $69,772,96936 墨西哥人The Mexican $66,845,03337 重返人间Down to Earth $64,186,50238 间谍游戏Spy Game $62,362,56039 缘分没法挡The Wedding Planner $60,400,85640 深入敌后Behind Enemy Lines $58,856,79041 拳王阿里Ali $58,203,10542 人面兽心The Animal $57,743,06243 红磨坊Moulin Rouge $57,386,60744 亡命夺宝Rat Race $56,618,05545 骑士传说A Knight's Tale $56,569,70246 一言不发Don't Say a Word $55,001,64247 美国毒枭Blow $52,990,77548 罗伊一家The Royal Tenenbaums $52,095,05549 绝命出路Exit Wounds $51,758,59950 兵临城下Enemy at the Gates $51,401,758【2002】年度排行榜名次1 蜘蛛侠Spider-Man $403,706,3752 魔戒二部曲:双城奇谋The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers $341,786,7583 星战前传2:克隆人的进攻Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones $310,676,7404 哈利波特2:消失的密室Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets $261,988,4825 我的希腊婚礼My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241,438,2086 天兆Signs $227,966,6347 王牌大贱谍3:金盟友Austin Powers in Goldmember $213,307,8898 黑超特警组2Men In Black II $190,418,8039 冰河时代Ice Age $176,387,40510 芝加哥Chicago $170,687,51811 逍遥法外Catch Me If You Can $164,615,35112 新铁金刚之不日杀机Die Another Day $160,942,13913 史酷比Scooby-Doo $153,294,16414 星际宝贝Lilo & Stitch $145,794,33815 极限特工XXX $142,109,38216 圣诞快乐再疯狂The Santa Clause 2 $139,236,32717 少数派报告Minority Report $132,072,92618 美版午夜凶铃The Ring $129,128,13319 阿拉巴马甜蜜的家Sweet Home Alabama $127,223,41820 迪兹先生Mr. Deeds $126,293,45221 谍影重重The Bourne Identity $121,661,68322 恐惧杀机The Sum of All Fears $118,907,03623 街头痞子8 Mile $116,750,90124 毁灭之路Road to Perdition $104,454,76225 恐慌屋Panic Room $96,397,33426 曼哈顿女佣Maid In Manhattan $93,930,39627 两周情人Two Weeks Notice $93,354,85128 沉默的羔羊前传:红龙Red Dragon $93,149,89829 蝎子王The Scorpion King $91,047,07730 非常小特务2Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams $85,846,42931 刀锋战士2Blade II $82,348,31932 雪地狂奔Snow Dogs $81,172,56033 我们是士兵We Were Soldiers $78,122,71834 纽约黑帮Gangs of New York $77,726,64235 理发店Barbershop $75,776,09736 棒球新秀The Rookie $75,600,07237 小马精灵Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron $73,280,11738 迫在眉梢John Q $71,756,80239 丫丫姐妹会的神圣秘密Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood $69,599,01640 失眠Insomnia $67,355,51341 变线行驶Changing Lanes $66,818,54842 精灵鼠小弟2 Stuart Little 2 $64,956,80643 关于施密特About Schmidt $64,816,51344 蠢货电影版Jackass: The Movie $64,255,31245 鼓乐队Drumline $58,399,18446 时光机器The Time Machine $56,832,49447 新基督山伯爵The Count of Monte Cristo $54,234,06248 英雄Hero $53,710,01949 不忠Unfaithful $52,775,76550 乔丹传人Like Mike $51,432,76050 晚礼服The Tuxedo $50,547,99850 梦不落帝国Return to Never Land $48,430,258【2003】年度排行榜名次1 魔戒三部曲:王者再临The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $377,027,3252 海底总动员Finding Nemo $339,714,9783 加勒比海盗Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl $305,413,9184 黑客帝国2:重装上阵The Matrix Reloaded $281,576,4615 冒牌天神Bruce Almighty $242,829,2616 X战警2 X2: X-Men United $214,949,6947 精灵Elf $173,398,5188 终结者3Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines $150,371,1129 黑客帝国3:矩阵革命The Matrix Revolutions $139,270,91010 绝地战警2 Bad Boys II $138,608,44411 儿女一箩筐Cheaper by the Dozen $138,614,54412 气味相投Anger Management $135,645,82313 爱到屋倒房塌Bringing Down the House $132,716,67714 绿巨人Hulk $132,177,23415 速度与激情2 2 Fast 2 Furious $127,154,90116 爱是妥协Something's Gotta Give $124,728,73817 奔腾年代Seabiscuit $120,277,85418 反恐特警组S.W.A.T. $116,934,65019 非常小特务3 Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over $111,761,98220 最后的武士The Last Samurai $111,127,26321 辣妈辣妹Freaky Friday $110,230,33222 惊声尖笑3 Scary Movie 3 $110,003,21723 偷天换日The Italian Job $106,128,60124 十日拍拖手册How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days $105,813,37325 美国婚礼American Wedding $104,565,11426 奶爸别动队Daddy Day Care $104,297,06127 夜魔侠Daredevil $102,543,51828 魔法灵猫The Cat in the Hat $101,091,65929 霹雳娇娃2 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle $100,830,11130 冷山Cold Mountain $95,129,02131 怒海争锋Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World $93,440,86132 律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde $90,186,32833 神秘之河Mystic River $88,524,32734 熊的传说Brother Bear $85,257,00535 佛莱迪火拼杰森Freddy vs. Jason $82,622,65536 摇滚校园The School of Rock $81,261,17737 德州电锯杀人狂The Texas Chainsaw Massacre $80,571,65538 亲兄弟免算帐Old School $75,585,09339 幽灵鬼屋The Haunted Mansion $75,547,09540 杀死比尔Kill Bill: Vol. 1 $69,900,08741 别有洞天Holes $67,406,57342 抢钱袋鼠Kangaroo Jack $66,934,96343 天降奇兵The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen $66,465,20444 大鱼Big Fish $66,257,00245 古墓丽影2 Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life $65,660,19646 蒙娜丽莎的微笑Mona Lisa Smile $63,860,94247 皇家威龙Shanghai Knights $60,476,87248 圣诞坏公公Bad Santa $60,060,32849 歌西卡Gothika $59,624,06950真爱至上Love Actually $59,472,27851 天地无限Open Range $58,331,25452 墨西哥往事Once Upon a Time in Mexico $56,359,780【2004】年度排行榜名次1 怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2 $441,226,2472 蜘蛛侠2 Spider-Man 2 $373,585,8253 耶稣受难记The Passion of the Christ $370,274,6044 拜见岳父续集Meet the Fockers $279,261,1605 超人特攻队The Incredibles $261,441,0926 哈里波特3:阿兹卡班的逃犯Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban $249,541,0697 末日浩劫The Day After Tomorrow $186,740,7998 谍影重重2 The Bourne Supremacy $176,241,9419 国家财宝National Treasure $173,008,89410 北极特快车The Polar Express $162,775,35811 鲨鱼帮Shark Tale $160,861,90812 机械公敌I, Robot $144,801,02313 特洛伊Troy $133,378,25614 瞒天过海2 Ocean's Twelve $125,544,28015 初恋50次50 First Dates $120,908,07416 凡赫辛Van Helsing $120,177,08417 华氏911 fahrenheit 9/11 $119,194,77118 雷蒙•斯尼奇的不幸历险Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events $118,634,54919 疯狂躲避球DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story $114,326,73620 灵异村庄The Village $114,197,52021 美版咒怨The Grudge $110,359,36222 飞行者The Aviator $102,610,33023 借刀杀人Collateral $101,005,70324 百万宝贝Million Dollar Baby $100,492,20325 公主日记2 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement $95,170,48126 警界双雄Starsky And Hutch $88,237,75427 情场算死草Along Came Polly $88,097,16428 辣妹过招Mean Girls $86,058,05529 棉球方块历险记The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie $85,417,98830 王牌播音员Anchorman $85,288,30331 史酷比2 Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed $84,216,83332 写我情真The Notebook $81,001,78733 异形大战铁血战士Alien vs. Predator $80,282,23134 火线救援Man on Fire $77,911,77435 幸福终点站The Terminal $77,872,88336 加菲猫Garfield: The Movie $75,369,58937 雷Ray $75,331,60038 火海豪情Ladder $74,541,70739 逃离圣诞Christmas with the Kranks $73,780,53940 并肩前行Sideways $71,503,59341 小姐好白white chicks $70,831,76042 狂沙神驹Hidalgo $67,303,45043 灵异拼图The Forgotten $67,133,50944 杀死比尔卷2 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 $66,208,18345 谍网迷魂The Manchurian Candidate $65,800,00046 理发店2 Barbershop 2: Back in Business $65,111,27747 冰上奇迹Miracle $64,378,09348 周末午夜光明Friday Night Lights $61,255,92149 地狱男孩Hellboy $59,623,95850 复制娇妻The Stepford Wives $59,484,742【2005】年度排行榜名次1 星战前传3:西斯的反击Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith $380,270,5772 纳尼亚魔法王国The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe $291,706,0923 哈利波特4:火焰杯Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire $290,013,0364 世界大战War of the Worlds $234,280,3545 金刚King Kong $218,080,0256 婚礼傲客Wedding Crashers $209,255,9217 查理和巧克力工厂Charlie and the Chocolate Factory $206,459,0768 蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜Batman Begins $205,343,7749 马达加斯加Madagascar $193,595,52110 史密斯夫妇Mr. & Mrs. Smith $186,336,27911 全民情敌Hitch $179,495,55512 神奇四侠Fantastic Four $154,696,08013 最长的一码The Longest Yard $152,324,18414 鸡仔总动员Chicken Little $135,386,66515 机器人Robots $128,200,01216 一往无前Walk the Line $119,518,35217 神勇奶爸The Pacifier $113,086,86818 新抢钱夫妻Fun with Dick and Jane $110,332,73719 四十岁的老处男The 40 Year Old Virgin $109,449,23720 空中危机Flightplan $89,707,29921 恐惧斗室2 Saw II $87,039,96522 断背山Brokeback Mountain $83,043,76123 怪兽婆婆Monster-in-Law $82,931,30124 小鬼上路Are We There Yet? $82,674,39825 儿女一箩筐2Cheaper by the Dozen 2 $82,569,53226 正义前锋The Dukes of Hazzard $80,270,22727 帝企鹅日记March of the Penguins $77,437,22328 美版午夜凶铃2 The Ring Two $76,231,249。

我叫巴里·艾伦我是世界上速度最快的人\My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive.小时候我见到\When I was a child, I saw我母亲死于某种不可能存在的东西\my mother killed by something impossible.跑巴里快跑\Run, Barry, run!我父亲因我母亲之死而入狱\My father went to prison for her murder.然后一次事故让我成了一个不可能的存在\Then an accident made me the impossible.表面上我只是一个普通的鉴证科员\To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, 但背地里我运用我的速度\but secretly I use my speed与罪恶战斗并找出像我这样的人\to fight crime and find others like me.总有一天我会找到杀死我母亲的凶手\And one day, I'll find who killed my mother为我父亲讨回公道的\and get justice for my father.我是闪电侠\I am... The Flash.【闪电侠】前情提要\Previously on The Flash...很抱歉我不相信你\I'm sorry I didn't believe you.但在你妈妈死的那晚你确实看到了一些东西\But you really did see something that night your mom died你爸爸的确是无辜的\and your dad is innocent.让你陷入昏迷的那场爆炸也杀死我的未婚夫\The explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiance.你能想象一下如果你能控制他的力量吗\Can you imagine if you could control his power?如果你能驾驭它\If you could harness it,你就可以改变它对人类的意义\you could change what it means to be human.他叫闪电侠\He's called The Flash.或至少他总有一天会是\Or, at least, he will be one day.我们必须保证他的安全\He must be kept safe.不论你是体育课上跑的最慢的孩子\It doesn't matter if you're the slowest kid或者是世界上跑的最快的人都不重要\in gym class or the fastest man alive.每个人都在奔跑\Every one of us is running.活着就意味着奔跑\Being alive means running...为了逃避某些事物而奔跑\running from something,为了追逐某些事物或是\running to something某些人而奔跑\or someone.不论你跑的有多快\And no matter how fast you are,总有一些东西你无法超过\there's some things you can't outrun.总有一些东西设法追上你\Some things always manage to catch up to you.如果是普通电影标准的话有七、八分\Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight.但是按僵尸电影标准最高只能四分\Zombie movie scale, it was, like, a four, tops.有僵尸电影标准这回事吗\There's a zombie movie scale?你知道僵尸是存在于自然界之中的吗\Did you know that zombies exist in nature?有一种特殊的菌类能感染蚂蚁\There's a species of fungi that infects ants,让蚂蚁去攻击植物\causing the ants to attack plants植物释放能够感染寄主的孢子•\that can release spores which in turn infect new hosts.我又成了个死书呆对吧\I'm going full nerd again, aren't I?-没错-好吧\- Yep. - Yeah.可是没关系啊\Yeah. It's okay though.你依然是我认识的最可爱的书呆\You are still the cutest nerd that I know.总之我对最近的奇人异事\Anyways, I'm a lot more interested更有兴趣\in the amazing as of late.你是指引起"闪电"的那个东西吗\You mean 'cause of this "Streak" thing?他是真的存在大家都在谈论他\He's out there. People are talking about him.你怎么知道他是个男的\How do you even know he's a he?说不定是女的啊\Maybe it's a she.是个男的好吗\It's a man, okay?你知道我都这种事情的直觉都很准的\You know I am really intuitive about this kind of stuff. 有人甚至在被从车祸中救了出来之后\Someone even posted a picture发了一张图片\after being yanked from a car accident.是一道红色的残影正要离开现场\It's a red blur leaving the scene.来你看见了什么\Here, what do you see?我看到你男盆友来电话了\I see your boyfriend's calling.哦我得接这通电话\Oh, I should probably get this.我今晚要去他那里\I'm crashing at his place tonight,他应该在哪里给我留了钥匙\and he's supposed to leave a key for me somewhere.嘿宝贝怎么了\Hey, babe. What's up?不忙跟巴里出来逛呢\Not much, just hanging out with Barry.你下班了吗\You off yet?喂\Hello.地点在韦德大道犯罪代码237\Code 237 on Waid Boulevard.公然猥亵吗\Public indecency?等等应该是239\Wait, I think I meant a 239.狗链松了\Dog leash violation?有人持枪开车逃跑\Bad man with a gun in a getaway car.快去\Go.你没有垫子那你有花盆吗\You don't have a mat. Do you have a planter?他有枪小心\He's got a gun. Look out!他去哪里了\Where'd he go?搞什么\What the...钥匙在邮箱里\Key's in the mailbox.待会见拜\I'll see you later. Bye.埃迪向你问好他人真好啊\- Eddie says hi. - Nice of him.你要吃点什么吗\You wanna grab a bite?我快饿死了\I'm feeling a little famished.在电影开场前我们吃了蒙古烤肉\After the Mongolian barbecue we had before the movie还有看电影时你吃了超大号爆米花之后\and the extra large popcorn you had at the movie? 你怎么一点不胖啊\How are you not fat?我一直有在慢跑\I've been jogging.哦好吧\Oh, okay.为什么要在公众场合见面叔叔\Why so public a meeting, uncle?我们外出用餐是为告诉我们的敌人我们并不害怕\We're dining out to show our enemies we're not afraid.放松侄子\Relax, nephew.我们已经把窗户玻璃换成防弹的了\We've replaced the windows with bulletproof glass.把窗户关起来\Close it up.来\Come.喝一杯\Have a drink.我们的司机在偷我们的东西\Our own drivers are ripping us off.有人花钱雇他们\Someone is paying them来偷我们的东西\to steal from us.除非找出他们是谁否则你们都别想睡了\None of you will sleep until we find out who.然后将那些窃贼\And then those thieves...那些窃贼\Those thieves...死定了\Will draw their last breath.叔叔\Uncle!{\fs150\fn微软雅黑\b1\i1\c&H4D4D46&\pos(970.084,971.383)}闪电侠\N{\fs100}第一季第三集{\fs80\pos(1000.083,947.026)}视频字幕由{\fs100\c&HFF8ED9&}SSK字幕组{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\fs80} 制作发布\N字幕只供学习请勿做任何商业行为\N 敬请关注新浪微博@SSK字幕组\N合作贴吧:美剧闪电侠吧{\fad(300,600)\fs60}翻译:{\c&H280D9C&}Shooky 络睿Jophy Rubens Espionag{\fad(300,600)\fs60}校对:{\c&H280D9C&}Bunny Jophy{\fad(300,600)\fs60}时轴:{\c&H280D9C&}络睿{\c&HE0DBD1&}压制:{\c&H280D9C&}hhjie {\c&HE0DBD1&}总监:{\c&H280D9C&}Jophy{\fad(300,600)\fs60}合作贴吧:{\c&H280D9C&}美剧闪电侠吧-你在哪拦住他的-我们在第八大道抓住了他\- Where'd you cut him off? - So we cut him off at eighth.罪犯甚至一脸茫然地\I mean, the perp was in the backseat of the cruiser坐在我们警车后座上\before he even knew what happened.恭喜你保尔森\Congratulations, Paulson,昨天的逮捕行动不错\on that arrest last night.-绝对精彩-乔你稍后再来吧\- Hell of a job. - You come by later, Joe.我会教你怎么开车的\I'll give you a driving lesson, okay?昨晚的事根本不是他的功劳都是我干的\Wasn't even him last night. It was me.我猜到了\I figured.我只是没想到\I just didn't realize你是为了荣誉而帮助他人\you were helping people for the glory.我又不是要建一座以我名字命名的博物馆\It's not like I want a museum built in my name.向艾瑞斯和其他人隐瞒我的能力\Keeping what I can do a secret from Iris and everyone,比我想象中更难\it's harder than I thought.我明白但那样做比较安全\I know, but it is safer that way.另外我们还有活要干\Besides, me and you got work to do.我妈妈那件案子的证据\The evidence from my mom's case.我从储蓄库里拿出来的\I had it brought up from storage.这个箱子我已经翻过1000遍了\I've been through this box 1,000 times.先前你所说的那晚发生的事\Before, your story about what really happened that night...一道闪电划过中间的这个男人\the lightning storm, the man in the middle of it...我以为那是一个孩子\I thought that was a kid在试图保护他爸爸免受牢狱之灾\trying to protect his father from prison.但现在我知道这是真的了\But now that I know it's true,我们要仔细检查每一个证据\we're gonna go through every scrap of evidence直到找出对我们有用的东西\until we find something that helps us.陪审团花了52分钟\It took the jury 52 minutes to come back就做出了有罪判决\with a verdict of guilty.他们动作太快了\They moved too fast,所以我们得慢慢来\which is why we got to take our time.巴里乔发生了好几起凶杀案\Barry, Joe, we got multiple homicides.你们知道达尔比尼扬犯罪家族吗\Do you know the Darbinyan crime family?巴里\Barry?有发现吗\Ah. Anything?有组织中毒性缺氧的症状\Signs of histotoxic hypoxia.他们身体里的细胞没法吸收氧气\The cells in their bodies were unable to utilize oxygen.暴露在有毒气体中\It's consistent with exposure to poison gas.是什么毒\What kind of poison?我需要做个肺泡样本\I'll need to take a lung sample,看看能不能缩小范围\see if I can narrow it down.另一个唯一的出口被从内部反锁了\The only other exit was bolted from the inside.他们被困在房子里\They were trapped.我想是有人从外面向里释放的毒气\I was thinking someone pumped gas in from the outside, 但目击者说街上空无一人\but witnesses say the street was empty.所以毒气是从里面扩散的\So it was from the inside.那就说明现场应该有气罐\That means there should be a canister或是容器•\or a container left behind.气体可不会自己跑进来\The gas just didn't come in by itself.除非毒气自己有意志\Unless it had a mind of its own.埃迪你能不能再调查一遍吗\Eddie, would you mind canvassing again?肯定有人看到了可疑现象\Somebody had to have seen something suspicious.好了解释一下\Okay, explain.老大倒在桌子旁\The boss collapsed by the table.这个人却离他有十英尺远\This guy made it 10 feet away.那个人还有能移动\That guy had a chance to move off并且朝窗户开了三枪\and fire three shots into the window试图打破玻璃\trying to break the glass.他们本来都在同一个点的\But they all started in the same spot,这意味着他们理应同时被毒气感染\which means they should have all been affected by the gas但是恰恰相反就好像\at the same time, but instead, it's as if...他们是逐个被袭击的\They were attacked one by one.直觉告诉我如果我们要破这个案子\My gut feeling, if we're gonna solve this one,你我都需要\you and me are gonna need...-后援-没错\- Backup. - Yeah.太棒了一个能操纵毒气的超能力者\Fascinating, a meta-human that can manipulate poison gas.就只有毒气吗\Is it just poisonous gas,还是他能控制所有气体\or can he control all aerated substances?他是怎么和气体产生联合的\And how is he able to formulate the connection?是通过生理机能还是通过心理念力\Is it physiological or psychological?这超能人可以通过气态物质\This individual can create形成一种精神联结\a mental nexus using gaseous substances.你是说在分子层面上和气体交流吗\You mean connect with gases on a molecular level?-是的-那酷毙了\- Yes. - That is ridiculously cool.他们对这种事情相当激动\They get really excited about this stuff.唯一能让我感到激动的是\The only thing I'm excited about把罪犯缉拿归案\is putting criminals behind bars.但是铁高监狱根本\Except Iron Heights isn't exactly equipped关不住超能力者\to handle meta-humans.那么我想幸运的是到目前为止\Then I guess it's fortunate the ones你所遇到的超能力者都已经不在了\you've encountered so far are no longer with us.除非我们打算将遇到的所有\Well, unless we're planning on executing超级罪犯都就地处决\every super criminal we stop,否则你们这群天才就要想想\you geniuses are gonna have to come up要把他们关在哪里了\with someplace else to hold them.超能力者监狱美腻死了\A meta-human prison. Sweet.除非我们找到除去他们能力的方法\Until we figure a way to remove their powers.这儿有个地方或许能关得住他们\There is one place here that might hold them.你在开玩笑吧\You can't be serious.我们很久没有下去过了\I mean, we haven't been down there since...那已经被封了\it's cordoned off.思科说的对\Cisco is right.那能被改造成\It could be modified to act个临时监狱\as a makeshift prison.什么地方\What could?粒子加速器\The particle accelerator.未来从今晚开始\Tonight, the future begins.我和我的团队在这里所做的工作\The work my team and I will do here将改变我们对物理学的理解\will change our understanding of physics,将带来能源上进一步的发展\will bring about advancements in power,和医学上的进步\advancements in medicine.相信我未来将比你\And trust me, that future想象中发展得更快\will be here faster than you think.韦尔斯博士我们刚刚得到最新的气象报告\Dr. Wells, we just got the latest weather report.一个巨大的雷暴正滚滚而来\A big thunderstorm is rolling in.我们并不是要发射宇宙飞船\We're not launching a space shuttle.会没问题的\We'll be fine.去大溪地吗\Tahiti?我知道途程很长罗尼\I know it's a long flight, Ronnie,但我们可以看电视剧《女子监狱》来找乐子\but we can binge watch Orange Is The New Black. 哦好的\Oh, okay.但是意大利怎么样呢\But what about Italy?披萨和葡萄酒以及更多的披萨\Pizza and wine and more pizza.是的但是意大利没有迈泰鸡尾酒\Yes, but Italy doesn't have mai tais,没有迈泰鸡尾酒的蜜月\and a honeymoon isn't a honeymoon就不是蜜月了\without nai tais.韦尔斯博士加速器已经准备好了\Dr. Wells, the accelerator is primed可以进行粒子注射了\and ready for particle injection.好的我觉得我应该说点意义重大的话\Well, I feel I should say something profound像是人类迈出一小步什么的\like "one small step for man,"但是我所能想到的就是\but all I can think of to say is,我等这一天的到来已经等了好几个世纪\I feel like I've waited for this day for centuries.就这样吗\That's it?你可能以为将会有一声巨响\You'd think there'd be, like, a loud bang.如果有一声巨响那我们就有大麻烦了\If there was a loud bang, we'd all be in big trouble.相信建立系统的人吧\Take it from the guy who helped build it.女士们先生们我们成了\Ladies and gentlemen, we did it.那就选迈泰吧\Mai tais it is.那是\Was that...一声巨响\A loud bang.凯特琳\Caitlin.凯特琳\Caitlin.你听见我的话了吗\Did you hear me?我们要下去看加速器\We're going down to the accelerator ring.事实上韦尔斯博士我可以让凯特琳帮助我\Actually, Dr. Wells, I could use Caitlin's help来确认毒气的种类\identifying the poison gas.好的\Okay.你觉得这样可以吗\If that's okay with you?我们走吧\Let's go.欢迎来到中城警局\Welcome to the CCPD.这就是你的白天的工作咯\So this is your day job.嗯哼\Mm-hmm.我要挖出你的心\I'm gonna rip out your hearts当午餐吃\and eat 'em for lunch.真是令人高兴\Delightful.小白鼠我要尽快拿到枪上的指纹\Lab rat, I need prints off this gun pronto.艾伦\Allen!奥尔洛夫案件的纤维分析他妈的跑哪去了\Where the hell is the fiber analysis on the Orloff case?在楼上已经全部完成了\Upstairs. It's all finished.我可以跑上去拿下了\I can just run up and bring it down.你去拿估计得要三天才能拿到\With you, that could be three days from now.我和你一起去你是谁\I'll go with you. Who are you?凯特琳斯诺博士\Dr. Caitlin Snow,巴里的私人医生\Barry's personal physician.这是您要的奥尔洛夫f案件的\The fiber analysis for the Orloff case,纤维分析\like you asked for,长官\sir.收拾一下你的实验室\Clean up your lab.乱七八糟的\It's a mess.闪电当时就在房子里\The lightning was in the house.我让我的儿子快跑\I told my son to run,但他消失了\he disappeared,然后我看到了血迹\and that's when I saw the blood.你的指纹就在凶器上\Your prints were on the murder weapon.我当时是要稳住那把刀\I needed to stabilize the knife.我是个医生\I'm a doctor.我是想要救她\I was trying to save her.我没杀我的妻子\I didn't kill my wife.乔你告诉他们\Joe, tell them.你懂我的我们的孩子是朋友\You know me. Our kids are friends.你告诉他们啊乔\You tell them, Joe.难道我还会想知道你在看什么吗\Do I even want to know what you were looking at?仅仅是工作\It's just work.一些没有正确归档的旧案子\Some old cases weren't filed properly.警探你在这儿干嘛呢\Detective. What are you doing here?乔我以为你还在验尸房呢\Joe, I thought you were at the morgue.我决定把工作带回家做\I decided to bring some work home.你来着干什么\Why are you here?嗯我正在找你\Yes, well, I've been looking for you.我想也许我们能回到犯罪现场\I thought maybe we could go back to the crime scene,再仔细检查下看看我们有没有遗漏什么\re-canvass, see if we missed anything.工作为先对吧\Always work the case, right?是你教我的\That's what you taught me.喔你有在听啊\Wow, you've been listening.好的我们走吧\Okay, let's hit it.你介意我用一下你家的洗手间吗\You mind if I use your bathroom?右边的第一扇门就是了\It's the first door on the right.我去车里等你\I'll be in the car.再见宝贝\Bye, baby.再见爸爸\Bye, dad.好了不能再这样子了\Okay, this has got to stop.我来这儿本想给我女朋友一个惊喜\I came here to surprise my girlfriend,但现在我却要和她的爸爸一起去犯罪现场\and now I'm going to a crime scene with her dad... 这可不是我下午的计划\not exactly the afternoon I was planning on.我知道我知道只是\I know, I know, it's just...现在还不是告诉他的合适时机\it's not the right time to tell him.那什么时候是呢艾瑞斯\When is, Iris?我了解我的爸爸他会杀了我们\I know my dad. He'll kill us.现在你正在扼杀我们\Right now, you're killing us.管子里的铜排列成一个空腔\The copper in the tube is arranged to form cavities,我们能用那些空腔作为储藏单元\and we can use those cavities as containment cells.当然我们还需要设计它们来\Of course, we'll have to design them to counteract抑制超能力者的能力不过\meta-human abilities, but...也许刚好能行\might just work.首先我们要减弱龙门架上\First, we have to decouple the main injection system主要注入系统的震波\on the gantry level.我去去就来\I'll be right back.为什么不让我来呢\Why don't I do that?我需要锻炼\I need the exercise.核心控制室有异常\There's an anomaly in the core chamber.加速器环结构的整体性正在恢复\The ring's structural integrity is holding.已经开始了链式反应\It's started a chain reaction.这个体统就要崩溃了我们必须关闭它\The system is collapsing. We need to shut it down.我们在这儿关闭不了加速器\We can't ramp down the accelerator from here.- 我们只能手动操作了-快去\- We need to do it manually. - Go.- 我也去- 罗尼不要\- I'll come with. - Ronnie, no.我是首席工程师\I'm the lead engineer.我知道怎么操纵关闭阀门\I know how to operate the shutdown valve.-那不安全-凯特我必须去\- It's not safe. - Cait, I have to go.好吧你呆在这儿\Okay, you stay here.在爆炸前我们只有几分钟了\We've only got a few minutes before this thing blows,如果我没有及时回来你就要开始关闭系统了\and if I'm not back in time, you need to initiate lockdown.没门我不会关闭这扇门的\No way. I am not closing this door.我没法再打开它\I won't be able to open it again.思科如果你不封闭住爆炸波\Cisco, if you don't seal off the blast,这栋建筑里的所有人都得死\everyone in this building will die,包括凯特琳在内\including Caitlin.好吧答应我\Okay, now promise me.设置好你的表\Set your watch.2分钟倒计时\Two minutes.你一定要回来\You're coming back.思科\Cisco.思科我们该走了\Cisco, we're ready to go.再回到这里来一定很难过吧\Must be hard, coming back down here.那晚发生太多事前了\A lot happened that night.如果你觉得需要谈谈\If you feel the need to talk...我只想着\I was just thinking,我们必须搞定那些电压计算\we need to nail those voltage calculations.只要有一个错误氦气就会反冲爆炸\One fault, and the helium blowback就能毁了这些装置\could damage the mountings.聪明\Smart.我能问你一些事吗\Can I ask you something你不一定要回答\that you don't have to answer?我最不喜欢这类问题\My least favorite kind of question.问吧\Shoot.罗尼他以前是个什么样的人\Ronnie. What was he like?你几乎从不谈起他\You just never talk about him that much.我们在粒子加速器上工作时相遇的\We met when we were working on the particle accelerator. 他是结构工程师\He was the structural engineer.他总是开玩笑说他基本上就是一个\He liked to joke that he was basically高价的水管工\a very high-priced plumber.我们非常不同\We were very different.你也许已经注意到了我有点\You might have noticed I can be a bit...谨慎\Guarded.罗尼知道怎么逗我开心\Ronnie knew how to make me laugh.他曾经说我们像火与冰\He used to say we were like fire and ice.那天晚上他本来不应该在那儿的\He wasn't supposed to be there that night.他在那儿仅仅是为了我\He was just there for me.如果他没有\If he hadn't...结果显示这个组织里没有气体残余了\This says that there was no residue of gas in the tissue, 毒气或者别的什么\poisonous or otherwise.肯定已经蒸发完了\It must have evaporated.我们需要一个新鲜的样品\We'll need to get a fresh sample.等等这个不对\Wait, this can't be right.这里显示在这个组织里有\This says that there are two distinct strands of DNA两条不同的DNA链\inside the tissue.其他人的DNA怎么会进入死者的肺部呢\How did someone else's DNA get inside the victim's lungs?嗯我的事情都办完了所以我在购物中心停了会\Well, my docket was clear, so I stopped by the mall给你买了返校节上穿的衣服\to pick up your homecoming dress.我真是个好妈妈\I am a great mom.晚餐见甜心\I'll see you for dinner, sweetie.数据库中没有与这个匹配的DNA\There's no DNA match in the database.我不明白\I don't understand.为什么一次化学攻击\Why would a chemical attack会将另一个人的DNA留在死者的体内呢\leave behind another person's DNA inside thevictim?如果我们寻找的超能力者\What if the meta-human we're looking for并不是控制气体呢\doesn't control gas?如果他是变成气体呢\What if he becomes it?霍德华法官\Judge Howard.很高兴再次见到你\It's nice to see you again.你死了啊\You died.你说得那好像是场意外一样\You say that like it was an accident.你记得在法庭上你跟我说的\You remember the last thing you said to me最后一件事吗\in the courtroom?愿上帝保佑你的灵魂\May God have mercy on your soul.各单位注意我们接到一个\All available units, we have a report毒气袭击案的报告\of a toxic gas attack就在中城购物中心\in the central city shopping mall.巴里别去\Barry, don't.我们还不太了解我们面对的是什么\We don't know enough about what we're facing yet.这样不安全\It's not safe.凯特琳我必须去\Caitlin, I have to go.我进入了购物中心的安保系统\I patched into the mall's security system.根据目击者的说法毒气袭击\According to witnesses, the gas attack发生在北翼楼的主电梯里\was in the main elevator in the north wing.哪一个是北翼楼\Which one is the north wing?有贝利大汉堡店的那个\The one with The Big Belly Burger.我也要吃饭\I eat.退后请大家退后\Back up. Please, keep back.你为什么杀了那个女人\Why did you kill that woman?因为她该死\She deserved to die.你赶紧滚吧\Now go run away.我还有一个人要杀\I still have one more name on my list.别逼我把你也杀了\Don't make me add you to it.巴里\Barry.巴里能听到我说话吗\Barry, can you hear me?他的生命特征很微弱但是他还活着韦尔斯博士\His vitals are weak, but he's alive, Dr. Wells.我肯定他没事\I'm sure he's fine.我呼吸不了\I can't breathe.他需要氧气快去准备急救\He needs oxygen. Get the crash cart!巴里\- - Barry!巴里快点把我气管切开\- Barry. - Cut me open.毒气仍然在我身体里他给我们带来了样本\The poison's still in me. He brought us a sample. 凯特琳我们得做肺部活体组织检查\Caitlin, we need to do a pulmonary biopsy,提取那个气体的活性组织\extract an active portion of that gas.我不能给你打麻醉药\I can't give you any anesthetic.你的代谢功能会把麻药药性迅速的挥发掉\Your metabolism will burn right through it.我恢复得很快记得吗\I heal quick, remember?开始吧\Do it.思科把注射器给我\Cisco, give me the syringe.会很疼\This is gonna hurt a lot.只是个很小的针你可能感觉不到\It's a small needle. You probably won't even feel it.你肯定会感觉得到的\You're definitely going to feel it.他醒了\The Streak lives.要不是你的肺部细胞再生得那么快\You'd be dead if your lung cells你就死了\didn't regenerate so quickly.我的胸口感觉就像\My chest feels like that one time抽第一根烟的感觉\I had a cigarette.我知道吸烟有害健康\Yeah, teen me lived for danger.这不好笑你可能会\This isn't funny. You could've...但我没有\I didn't.现在我们有样本了我们得开始着手分析了\Now that we have a sample, we'll get to work analyzing it,弄清楚到底毒气的成分是什么\figure out the makeup of the poison,也许能得到他身份的线索\maybe get a clue as to his human identity.或者至少找到方法让他没法再变成绿雾\Or at least a way to stop him from turning into a mist. 绿雾怪恩这就是他的名字\The Mist. Okay, that's his name.不用再讨论了\End of discussion.我得去警局\I have to get to the station.你需要休息\You should be resting.我得和乔谈谈\I have to talk to Joe.乔我发现他了\Joe. I had him.那个超能力者我们一直弄错了\The meta-human. We were wrong.他不是能控制在空气中传播的毒素\He's not controlling airborne toxins.他是自己能变成毒气\He can literally transform himself into poison gas.第一次听说\That's new.受害人是一个法官\The victim was a judge.我们在调查她以前的案子\We're going through some of her old cases看看能否找到联系\to see if there's a connection.太晚了\It's too late.我应该再快一点的\I should have been faster.把心放在工作上\Focus on the job.现在别想那些\Don't think about that right now.你不会想知道我在想什么的\You don't want to know what I'm thinking about.我父亲在狭窄的牢房里\My dad has spent 14 years呆了14年来赎那个他根本没有犯过的罪\in a 6x8-foot cell for a crime he didn't commit.我救不了我妈妈但是我可以救他\I couldn't save my mom, but I can save him.我不是答应过你\Didn't I promise you我们会一起想办法把你父亲救出来吗\that we would get your father out of prison together?我不需要你的帮助乔\I don't need your help, Joe.我一个人就可以把他带出来\I could be in and out of there with him没人能够发现我\before anyone even sees me.好啊\Okay.你带他越狱出来了\You break him out of there.然后呢\Then what?他一生都会在逃亡中度过\He's on the run for the rest of his life.而且我想他也没你跑得那么快\And something tell me he's not as fast as you are.你根本不知道那是种什么感觉\You don't know what it's like there.你觉得我不能理解\You think I don't understand你的感受吗\what you're feeling?我当警察的年限\I have been a cop for almost as long跟你的年龄差不多了\as you've been alive.所以你应该知道穿上你那身衣服\So you should know, putting on that suit不代表能保证所有人都安全\does not make everybody safe.你救了那么多人\For every person you save,总有一个人你是救不了的\there's gonna be somebody you can't.你所要面对的最困难的事\And the hardest thing you're gonna have to face不是那些有着特异功能的怪物们\is not some monster out there with powers.而是当你什么事都不能做的时候\It's gonna be that feeling of uselessness的那种无奈与挫败感\when you can't do anything.或者是当你犯了错时压迫着你的愧疚感\Or the guilt that weighs on you when you make a mistake.有些事巴里你无法与之斗争\Some things, Barry, you can't fight.有些事你只能学着接受它\Some things you just have to live with.是的我记录下来了\Yes, I'm writing this down.在受到那团气体攻击的时候\Red streak at the mall你看到了红色的闪电\during the gas attack.感谢你的来电\Thank you for calling.一直这样\Never fails.线索费总是能吸引一些吸毒者和疯子\Tip lines bring out the potheads and the crazies.他们看清楚那道闪电的脸了吗\Did they get a good look at the Streak's face?你该不会也这样吧\Not you too.你在这儿干什么\What are you doing here anyway?我们得谈谈\We need to talk.我想了一下你说的话\I thought about what you said, and...我知道你要说什么\I know what you're gonna say.我懂\I understand.我是爸爸的同事\I'm your dad's partner.不你不明白\No, no, no, you don't understand.我从来没有交过一个认真的男友\I have never really had a serious boyfriend.周旋在我爸爸和巴里和工作之间\Between dad and Barry and work,我的生活一直被填得满满的\my life has been full.我真的很喜欢你\And I really like you,然后我想如果我跟我父亲说了我们俩的事\but I thought that if I told my dad about us,这一切都变得真实起来\then it would make this real,。
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如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!极速60秒Gone in 60 Seconds导演: Dominic Sena编剧: Scott Rosenberg主演: Nicolas Cage / Giovanni Ribisi / Angelina Jolie / Delroy Lindo / Chi McBride / William Lee Scott制片国家/地区:美国上映时间: 2000-06-08 >更多语言:英语又名:惊天动地60秒100:01:05,360 --> 00:01:08,318Bring Sally upand bring Sally down200:01:08,440 --> 00:01:11,034Let's done startGotta till the ground300:01:11,160 --> 00:01:13,879Bring Sally upand bring Sally down400:01:14,000 --> 00:01:16,798Let's done startGotta till the ground500:01:16,920 --> 00:01:19,639如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Bring Sally upand bring Sally down600:01:19,760 --> 00:01:22,433Let's done startGotta till the ground700:01:22,560 --> 00:01:23,629Bring Sally up800:01:23,760 --> 00:01:25,432And bring Sally down900:01:25,560 --> 00:01:28,233Let's done startGotta till the ground1000:01:28,360 --> 00:01:31,079Bring Sally upand bring Sally down1100:01:31,200 --> 00:01:34,033Let's done startGotta till the ground12如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!00:01:34,160 --> 00:01:36,799Bring Sally upand bring Sally down1300:01:36,920 --> 00:01:39,480Let's done startGotta till the ground1400:01:39,600 --> 00:01:42,558Old Miss Lucy'sdead and gone1500:01:42,680 --> 00:01:45,399Left me hereto weep and moan1600:01:45,520 --> 00:01:48,114Bring Sally upand bring Sally down1700:01:48,240 --> 00:01:51,152Let's done startGotta till the ground1800:01:51,280 --> 00:01:53,840如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Bring Sally upand bring Sally down1900:01:53,960 --> 00:01:56,758Let's done startGotta till the ground2000:01:56,880 --> 00:01:59,599Bring Sally upand bring Sally down2100:01:59,720 --> 00:02:02,314Let's done startGotta till the ground2200:02:02,440 --> 00:02:05,318Old Miss Lucy'sdead and gone2300:02:05,440 --> 00:02:07,829Left me hereto weep and moan2400:02:07,960 --> 00:02:11,032Bring Sally up如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!and bring Sally down2500:02:11,160 --> 00:02:13,674Let's done startGotta till the ground2600:02:13,800 --> 00:02:16,678Bring Sally upand bring Sally down2700:02:16,800 --> 00:02:19,678Let's done startGotta till the ground2800:02:19,800 --> 00:02:22,519Bring Sally upand bring Sally down2900:02:22,640 --> 00:02:25,438Let's done startGotta till the ground3000:02:25,560 --> 00:02:28,279Bring Sally upand bring Sally down如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!3100:02:28,400 --> 00:02:31,153Let's done startGotta till the ground3200:02:31,280 --> 00:02:33,999Bring Sally upand bring Sally down3300:02:34,120 --> 00:02:36,839Let's done startGotta till the ground3400:02:36,960 --> 00:02:39,713Bring Sally upand bring Sally down3500:02:39,840 --> 00:02:42,559Let's done startGotta till the ground3600:02:42,680 --> 00:02:45,399Bring Sally upand bring Sally down37如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!00:02:45,520 --> 00:02:48,273Let's done startGotta till the ground3800:02:48,400 --> 00:02:51,039Bring Sally upand bring Sally down3900:02:51,160 --> 00:02:54,038Let's done startGotta till the ground4000:02:54,160 --> 00:02:56,720Bring Sally upand bring Sally down4100:02:56,840 --> 00:02:59,718Let's done startGotta till the ground4200:02:59,840 --> 00:03:02,513Bring Sally upand bring Sally down4300:03:02,640 --> 00:03:05,438如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Let's done startGotta till the ground4400:03:05,560 --> 00:03:08,028Bring Sally upand bring Sally down4500:03:08,160 --> 00:03:10,993Let's done startGotta till the ground4600:03:11,120 --> 00:03:13,918Old Miss Lucy'sdead and gone4700:03:14,040 --> 00:03:17,032Left me hereto weep and moan4800:03:18,800 --> 00:03:20,518Corner of Wiltern and Wetherly.4900:03:22,240 --> 00:03:26,074Tumbler messed up.He said the Porsche would be如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!at the corner of Wiltern and Wetherly.5000:03:26,200 --> 00:03:29,033- It's right there.- You're bullshittin' me, right?5100:03:29,160 --> 00:03:31,390- 9024 Wiltern?- What?5200:03:31,520 --> 00:03:34,910- That?- I gotta get my tool.5300:03:35,040 --> 00:03:38,032- Kip!- He ain't bullshittin'.5400:03:39,600 --> 00:03:43,752Kip! Man, that's not a tool.That's a damn brick.5500:03:43,880 --> 00:03:47,156Kip, man, we gonna use a brick, man,we might as well call prison如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!and make reservations.5600:03:47,280 --> 00:03:49,350Aw, come on.5700:03:52,400 --> 00:03:54,834- Oh--- Get the number.5800:03:56,840 --> 00:03:59,67342850.5900:03:59,800 --> 00:04:01,358Hurry up, man.6000:04:02,960 --> 00:04:04,916Man, let's go!6100:04:06,960 --> 00:04:09,554Let's get the hell outta here.6200:04:09,680 --> 00:04:11,796Okay, Billy Bad- ass,you got us in here.63如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!00:04:11,920 --> 00:04:14,798Now tell mehow the hell we gonna get out.6400:04:14,920 --> 00:04:17,673Oh, no, I know you ain't gonna dowhat I thinkyou're gonna do.6500:04:17,800 --> 00:04:20,598- Oh, man!- Come on!6600:04:22,720 --> 00:04:24,756- This ain't The Dukes of Hazzard!- Come on!6700:04:39,560 --> 00:04:42,711Yo, so check out my new move.I call it the stranger.6800:04:42,840 --> 00:04:45,434What I do is, I sit on my hand...6900:04:45,560 --> 00:04:48,438for, like, 15, 20 minutes,如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!until it goes numb.7000:04:48,560 --> 00:04:50,152No feeling at all.7100:04:50,280 --> 00:04:54,478- And then I rub one out.- The stranger, huh?7200:04:54,600 --> 00:04:59,071It's like a little boy's nursery schoolI've come upon here.7300:04:59,200 --> 00:05:01,270Where are they?7400:05:04,840 --> 00:05:06,956- Yeah.- You want to? All right.- Hey!7500:05:07,080 --> 00:05:09,389- Man, leave those people alone, man.- Oh, my God, sweetie,you're so talented.如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!7600:05:09,520 --> 00:05:10,669- What- - Hey. Hey.- What did he say?7700:05:10,800 --> 00:05:13,519- No. Stop. No! No!- Stolen car. Stolen car.7800:05:13,640 --> 00:05:15,756Hey, I- - I love you.7900:05:19,760 --> 00:05:21,273Man, we going to jail, man!8000:05:23,240 --> 00:05:25,470Come on!8100:05:29,920 --> 00:05:32,354Put your hands behind your back.You have the right to remain silent.8200:05:33,600 --> 00:05:35,238Hey, watch it!83如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!00:05:38,240 --> 00:05:40,470We have a silver Porsche,estimated speed 80 miles per hour...8400:05:40,600 --> 00:05:42,158heading west on Wilshire Boulevard.8500:05:42,280 --> 00:05:44,555Yeah.8600:05:44,680 --> 00:05:46,432This is Air One.We have a visual ofthe suspect.8700:05:46,560 --> 00:05:48,596Southbound on Vincent Thomas Bridge.8800:05:52,080 --> 00:05:56,039- Something wrong, Tumbler?- Yeah. I'm missing Jerry Springer.8900:06:01,240 --> 00:06:03,595Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!9000:06:08,880 --> 00:06:11,155如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!That's right, that's right,that's right.9100:06:14,560 --> 00:06:18,269- What's up, old man?- She'll go zero to 60 in 5.2 seconds.9200:06:18,400 --> 00:06:21,153Believe me, I can vouch for that.9300:06:21,280 --> 00:06:25,273Ground units, be advised, suspects lastseen entering south side ofwarehouse.9400:06:26,360 --> 00:06:28,669Thirteen down,thirty- seven to go.9500:06:34,640 --> 00:06:37,108- What the hell is that?- What is that, man?9600:06:37,240 --> 00:06:38,719- Now you've gone and done it, Raines.- What is that?如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!9700:06:38,840 --> 00:06:40,637- Tumbler!- What's going on?- Get the board and get the lights!9800:06:40,760 --> 00:06:43,991- All right, I got it, I got it!- This is bullshit!9900:06:44,120 --> 00:06:45,599- It's not comin' off!- Keys! Get the keys!10000:06:45,720 --> 00:06:48,234- I got 'em, I got 'em!- Come on, everybody, let's go!Hurry up!10100:06:48,360 --> 00:06:50,590- I got it!- Let's go!10200:06:50,720 --> 00:06:53,314Toby, get it!如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Let's go, boys!10300:06:53,440 --> 00:06:55,829Come on, come on, come on!I got the light! I got the light!10400:06:55,960 --> 00:06:58,554Go, go, go! Let's go!10500:07:00,200 --> 00:07:02,270- Get busy, get busy, get busy- Shit!- I guess I didn't know10600:07:05,920 --> 00:07:09,196I guess I didn't knowGet busy time10700:07:09,320 --> 00:07:11,550I guess I didn'tI guess I didn't know10800:07:13,520 --> 00:07:15,033We got tapeall over the other side.如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!10900:07:15,160 --> 00:07:18,197- Get the VIN number on that?- Got it.11000:07:18,320 --> 00:07:22,677- We've got some more lamp shadesby the truck.- Let's get those tools dusted.11100:07:22,800 --> 00:07:24,518What do we got?11200:07:24,640 --> 00:07:26,676All gone.We didn't get a single one of them.11300:07:26,800 --> 00:07:29,109And we are talkin' about professionals.11400:07:29,240 --> 00:07:33,199No visible damage to locking mechanisms,steering columns or ignitions...11500:07:33,320 --> 00:07:36,392如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!and, as you can see,these are not Honda Civics.11600:07:36,520 --> 00:07:39,193This is one of threebrand new Mercedes...11700:07:39,320 --> 00:07:43,074a car they say is unstealable.11800:07:43,200 --> 00:07:45,509Yeah, unless you get the laser- cuttransponder key...11900:07:45,640 --> 00:07:48,108sent directly to the U.S. dealerfrom Hamburg.12000:07:48,240 --> 00:07:49,912They got somebodyworking on the inside.12100:07:50,040 --> 00:07:53,032Let's find out which dealershipsold 'em, who serviced 'em,如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!et cetera, et cetera.12200:07:53,160 --> 00:07:55,469Yeah, I'll get on it.12300:07:56,840 --> 00:07:59,559- Mr Drycoff?- Yeah?12400:07:59,680 --> 00:08:01,796Let's impound these carsfor one month.12500:08:01,920 --> 00:08:05,037I don't give a damnif they belong to Tom Cruise.12600:08:28,880 --> 00:08:34,238Control, vision, determination.12700:08:34,360 --> 00:08:36,590These are the threefundamental components...12800:08:36,720 --> 00:08:39,473如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!of the new generation race car driver.12900:08:39,600 --> 00:08:42,717Speed is a byproduct.Going fast.13000:08:42,840 --> 00:08:47,595But remember:The car is you, you are the car.13100:08:48,960 --> 00:08:51,520Okay? Let's ride!13200:08:56,520 --> 00:08:59,592Billy, you just shaved one secondoffyour lap time!13300:09:12,400 --> 00:09:15,631Tommy, I don't know what that was,but it wasn't driving.13400:09:19,360 --> 00:09:21,032Go get 'em.13500:09:28,840 --> 00:09:30,717如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Well, well, well.13600:09:30,840 --> 00:09:35,755What do you pay your pit crews with,Oreos and Gummi Bears?13700:09:35,880 --> 00:09:39,395I folded, Atley. You know that.What are you doing here?13800:09:39,520 --> 00:09:41,556- Is there some place we can talk?- About what?13900:09:41,680 --> 00:09:43,989About your brotherand the deep shit he's in.14000:09:45,200 --> 00:09:48,078Frank. Would you watch the kidsfor a minute?14100:09:55,200 --> 00:09:59,079- Tell me about Kip.- He took a job and he fumbled it.00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:02,749 Now he's jammed up.He's jammed up bad.14300:10:02,880 --> 00:10:07,556 - What kind of job?- A boost. A big boost.14400:10:07,680 --> 00:10:09,955 A boost.14500:10:12,600 --> 00:10:14,989 What's Kip doin' on a boost? 14600:10:15,120 --> 00:10:17,270 Oh, you're shittin' me, man. 14700:10:17,400 --> 00:10:21,279 Kip's become quite the little crew runner since you left. 14800:10:21,400 --> 00:10:25,188 - You don't talk to your ma?- She neglected to mention it.00:10:26,120 --> 00:10:29,908 Listen, I need somethin'.I-I need somethin' cold to drink.15000:10:30,040 --> 00:10:33,396I thought we were goin'someplace to talk.15100:10:37,760 --> 00:10:43,551- Who was the job for?- A new guy named Raymond Calitri. 15200:10:43,680 --> 00:10:45,750They call him "The Carpenter."15300:10:45,880 --> 00:10:48,838He's runnin'all the dark ponies down there now. 15400:10:48,960 --> 00:10:52,748It's a full-on"Devil Came Down to Long Beach" trip. 15500:10:52,880 --> 00:10:56,714如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!He's bad. He's real bad.15600:10:56,840 --> 00:11:00,435And this Calitriis the one who's after my brother?15700:11:00,560 --> 00:11:02,391Like stains on a mattress.15800:11:04,040 --> 00:11:06,679And you should know,I work for him.15900:11:09,000 --> 00:11:14,028There weren't a lot of opportunitiesfor retired car thieves on the gimp.16000:11:14,160 --> 00:11:16,879He put me to work.16100:11:17,000 --> 00:11:22,472But I gotta tell you, Memphis, this guy,he scares the shit out of even me.16200:11:43,480 --> 00:11:46,074如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!What are you doing, man?16300:11:46,200 --> 00:11:49,670Stop! Stop!16400:11:55,160 --> 00:11:57,799Atley Jackson.16500:11:57,920 --> 00:12:00,832Right. They have Kip.16600:12:00,960 --> 00:12:03,076Take me there.16700:12:30,400 --> 00:12:34,552Raymond Calitri, Memphis Raines.16800:12:34,680 --> 00:12:38,912I try to learn your ways,understand your obsessions.16900:12:39,040 --> 00:12:42,589But this baseball,it's so bleeding boring. Isn't it?170Where's my brother?17100:12:46,680 --> 00:12:49,797Memphis Raines.Your legend proceeds you.17200:12:49,920 --> 00:12:52,115Atley tells me you're the best.17300:12:52,240 --> 00:12:55,789Afteryou left, auto theft inthe South Bay area went down 47 percent. 17400:12:55,920 --> 00:12:58,559Where's my brother?17500:13:00,320 --> 00:13:04,154I'm proud of these. Straddle chairfrom the Arts and Crafts period.17600:13:04,280 --> 00:13:07,795 Mahogany table with cloud- lift pattern. Black walnut wine table.177Metal's cold, ugly.Wood's warm, clean.17800:13:11,840 --> 00:13:14,274 Provided by nature.17900:13:14,400 --> 00:13:18,871To see a piece of furniture take shape, it's like watching a child grow.18000:13:19,000 --> 00:13:21,594I asked you a question.18100:13:21,720 --> 00:13:25,395They threw us out England, threw us out of France, but here we are.18200:13:25,520 --> 00:13:30,071 Flourishing, really, except forthe minor inconvenience of despising everything about your country.18300:13:31,560 --> 00:13:34,438On this list you'll find 50 cars- -如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!five, zero.18400:13:35,640 --> 00:13:39,918I need all 50 deliveredto Long Beach Harbor, pier 14,by 8:00 a.m. four days from now.18500:13:40,040 --> 00:13:41,951I'm paying $200,000.18600:13:42,080 --> 00:13:44,435I'm not interested.I'm just here for my brother.18700:13:44,560 --> 00:13:47,757Your Kip came to me.He had street cred.18800:13:47,880 --> 00:13:50,713The brotherof the notorious Memphis Raines.18900:13:50,840 --> 00:13:54,435So two weeks ago I hired himand advanced him $10,000.如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!19000:13:54,560 --> 00:13:59,236Atley told me. If it's about theadvance, I can understand your anger.19100:13:59,360 --> 00:14:04,673A debt has to be settled.Ten grand, from me to you.19200:14:04,800 --> 00:14:07,678- I wish it was that easy.- I don't see the complication.19300:14:07,800 --> 00:14:10,837I have four days to deliver 50 cars,and I have no cars.19400:14:10,960 --> 00:14:14,999- Well, that's another problem.- It is another problem, isn't it?19500:14:15,120 --> 00:14:18,874It's about me delivering 50 top- end carsbecause I said I would...196如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:21,958because if I don't my South Americanfriend goes somewhere else from now on.19700:14:22,080 --> 00:14:24,071And that's not good.It's a humiliation.19800:14:24,200 --> 00:14:26,270Because I'm the assholewho said I could deliver.19900:14:26,400 --> 00:14:30,029Am I an asshole?Do I look like an asshole?20000:14:30,160 --> 00:14:32,628Yeah.20100:14:34,200 --> 00:14:37,351- I need that paper satisfied.- I'm retired.20200:14:37,480 --> 00:14:40,438Now, where the hell is my brother?如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!20300:14:44,400 --> 00:14:48,678I made this as well.My first one.20400:15:05,960 --> 00:15:08,952It takes 80,000 pounds of pressureto crush a car.20500:15:18,280 --> 00:15:20,589Kip?20600:15:20,720 --> 00:15:23,075- Who's that?- Memphis.20700:15:23,200 --> 00:15:26,476- Oh, shit.- You okay?20800:15:31,560 --> 00:15:33,437- Shut it off!- Turn it off!20900:15:33,560 --> 00:15:36,552如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!- You've got 30 secondsto consideryour options.- Shut it off!21000:15:36,680 --> 00:15:39,592One: You kill me, they kill you,your brother dies anyway.21100:15:39,720 --> 00:15:44,157Two: You lie, you accept the job,you take your brother, you run.21200:15:44,280 --> 00:15:46,510I hunt you down, I kill you,I kill your brother...21300:15:46,640 --> 00:15:50,076and I kill your motherfor the aggravation you've caused me.21400:15:50,200 --> 00:15:54,352Three: You accept the deal, you stealsome cars, you make some money...21500:15:54,480 --> 00:15:56,675如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!and you be a big brother.21600:16:04,520 --> 00:16:07,159- Memphis!- 8:00 a.m. Friday morning.21700:16:07,280 --> 00:16:10,113The cars are on the boat,oryour brother's in the coffin.21800:16:10,240 --> 00:16:13,596Get me out of here!Somebody get me out of here!21900:16:21,200 --> 00:16:23,077Listen, you don't reallyhave to make me anything.22000:16:23,200 --> 00:16:27,671Oh, hey, you come down here, yousave my ass, it's the least I can do.22100:16:30,600 --> 00:16:34,354Hey, I heard you were pumpin' gassomeplace up north or somethin', right?如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!22200:16:34,480 --> 00:16:36,914- Yeah, I'm workin' with kids.- Oh, really?22300:16:39,520 --> 00:16:41,909First place.22400:16:42,040 --> 00:16:44,873I remember this.22500:16:46,000 --> 00:16:48,798Oh, yeah, that was a- -that was a long time ago.22600:16:53,480 --> 00:16:56,313Yeah.22700:16:59,160 --> 00:17:02,038- What'd you put in it?- I don't know.22800:17:07,560 --> 00:17:09,278It's good.229Ow. Ow.23000:17:14,640 --> 00:17:17,677Oh, God.23100:17:17,800 --> 00:17:21,031- Does Mom know about any of this? - No, no, no, she doesn't.23200:17:21,160 --> 00:17:23,037And, uh, I don't think she should.23300:17:23,160 --> 00:17:28,712You know, she- - she works really hard, and this, this- - she doesn't needto know about any of this stuff.23400:17:28,840 --> 00:17:30,831Look, you know,I got everything under control.23500:17:32,080 --> 00:17:35,356The kitchen's on fire.236Uh, man.23700:17:48,040 --> 00:17:51,669 Hey, Memphis.23800:17:51,800 --> 00:17:53,472It's good to see you.23900:17:58,400 --> 00:18:00,595 Yeah, haul the cartons over there! 24000:18:00,680 --> 00:18:02,910- Hey, Fuzzy.- Aw, shit. What are you doing here? 24100:18:03,040 --> 00:18:07,272- I told you I don't know anything.- Yeah, but you're a liar.24200:18:07,400 --> 00:18:10,915- You're gonna get me fired, man.- Fired? That's not good.You're on parole, right?243Fuzzy. Hey.Nobody wants to get you fired.24400:18:14,200 --> 00:18:17,431We just need this informationis all.24500:18:17,560 --> 00:18:20,233Two weeks ago a call came infor a lot of top- end cars.24600:18:20,360 --> 00:18:22,635- And who made that call?- I don't have a clue.24700:18:22,760 --> 00:18:26,389- Okay, we'll just go talk to your boss. - Shh!24800:18:26,520 --> 00:18:28,670The delivery date.I know the delivery date.24900:18:28,800 --> 00:18:31,678如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!- And when is that?- Thursday, Friday, end of the week.25000:18:31,800 --> 00:18:35,190Well, you get me a name within 48 hours,or we'll be back.25100:18:35,320 --> 00:18:37,834- Good to see you, buddy.- Thankyou.25200:18:42,800 --> 00:18:45,189- I'm looking for Helen Raines.- Helen.25300:18:45,320 --> 00:18:48,596- Some guy is here for you.- What guy? What's he look like?25400:18:48,720 --> 00:18:52,759Like a firecracker. Like your son.25500:18:52,880 --> 00:18:55,838- You look so good.- Thank you, Mom.如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!25600:18:55,960 --> 00:18:58,758Okay, Spring, uh- - Spring Bouquet.25700:18:58,880 --> 00:19:03,271- What are you doing here?- Well, uh, Atley Jackson came to see me.25800:19:03,400 --> 00:19:05,675He told me something about Kip.25900:19:05,800 --> 00:19:08,075Can I help you with one of these?26000:19:11,000 --> 00:19:13,833Okay. That's yours.26100:19:13,960 --> 00:19:18,238Tell Castlebeck he's not gonna believewho just walked into the Quality Cafe.26200:19:18,360 --> 00:19:21,238I can't say I'm surprised.26300:19:21,360 --> 00:19:25,399如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!All his life he looked up to you,tried to be you.26400:19:25,520 --> 00:19:27,954I guess now he is.26500:19:28,080 --> 00:19:31,117So why is this happening?I send you guys money.26600:19:31,240 --> 00:19:35,028He- - He met some people,and he changed.26700:19:35,160 --> 00:19:39,836He lost that-- that s-sweetness.You know?26800:19:41,200 --> 00:19:44,988Okay, tell me.26900:19:45,120 --> 00:19:48,510- How deep in is he?- Deep.270Can you get him out?27100:19:52,960 --> 00:19:55,235It means doing things.27200:19:56,960 --> 00:19:59,315 Things I told youI'd never do again.27300:19:59,440 --> 00:20:02,273Do what it takes, Randall.27400:20:14,040 --> 00:20:16,918- When did you get into town, Raines? - Last night.27500:20:17,040 --> 00:20:19,838- Last night? What for?- I thought I'd catch a Lakers game. 27600:20:19,960 --> 00:20:23,669Heard we got Shaquille.Guys wanna go?277- Guess not.- Randall, Randall, Randall. Come here. 27800:20:28,960 --> 00:20:30,996I get this call from this uniform,you know.27900:20:31,120 --> 00:20:33,315Axton. Very nice man.Remembers everything.28000:20:33,440 --> 00:20:35,556This man calls me up, says,"Guess who's back in town?"28100:20:35,680 --> 00:20:37,671I say, "Who?"He says, "Randall Raines."28200:20:37,800 --> 00:20:39,711I say, "Randall Raines, the car thief?" He says, "Yeah."28300:20:39,840 --> 00:20:41,193如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!I say, "Impossible."He says, "No, he's back."28400:20:41,320 --> 00:20:45,472I say, "No, he's not."He says, "Yes, I will bet you $200I just saw Randall Raines."28500:20:45,600 --> 00:20:49,388- You guys said a lot. Look, Detective- -- No, w-w-whoa, whoa.28600:20:49,520 --> 00:20:51,511What's really,really ironic about this- -28700:20:51,640 --> 00:20:55,269Two nights ago we snare these 13fresh stolens waiting for export, right?28800:20:55,400 --> 00:20:59,632And at the time I'm thinking,"This feels like Randall Raines."28900:20:59,760 --> 00:21:02,593如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Now, it didn't have your panache,your, uh, flash...29000:21:02,720 --> 00:21:05,757but it just felt like Randall Raines.29100:21:05,880 --> 00:21:07,438And now here you are.29200:21:07,560 --> 00:21:11,030Look, I don't know what you boys arelooking for, but I just got back. Okay?29300:21:11,160 --> 00:21:13,594It was a family emergency.Now, that's the truth.29400:21:13,720 --> 00:21:16,996"Family emergency." Yeah, I gota family emergency too, Randall.29500:21:17,120 --> 00:21:20,795I gotta go tell my womanthat I just lost $200 on a stupid deal.296如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!00:21:20,920 --> 00:21:24,390- Mmm, she's mean.- What?29700:21:24,520 --> 00:21:27,512She can be mean to m--It's not so--29800:21:27,640 --> 00:21:30,108Come here. Come here, Randall.29900:21:30,240 --> 00:21:32,879Take those glasses off, man, please.Do me a favour.30000:21:36,560 --> 00:21:38,516Six years ago you makea real smart move, you know.30100:21:38,640 --> 00:21:41,837You retire from a lifethat's gonna get you busted or killed,or maybe even both.30200:21:41,960 --> 00:21:45,111。