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and play king of the forest.
把叶子编成皇冠, 扮起森林里的国王
He would climb up her trunk
And swing from her branches
And eat apples
And they
would play hide and go seek
And the tree was happy.
可是男孩好久都沒有再来, 所以当男孩再回来的时 候,树太快乐了,快乐得几乎说不出话来。「来啊! 孩子」她轻轻地说过来,来玩呀!」
But the boy stayed away for a long time…… and the tree was sad. And when he came back, the tree was so happy she could hardly speak “Come, Boy” she whispered, “Come and play” “I am too old and sad to play.” said the boy. “I want a boat that will take me away from here. Can you give me a boat ?”
Once there was a tree…...
And she loved
little boy.
And every day
the boy would come
And he
gather her leaves
And make them into crowns
「我又老又伤心,玩不动了」男孩说。 「我想要一条船,可以帶我远离这里。你可以给我一条 船吗?」
“Cut down my trunk and make a boat,” said the tree. Then you can sail away…… and be happy.”
「砍下我的树干去造条船吧!」 树说。 「这样你就可以远航…… 你就会快乐。」
Then you will be happy
「我沒有房子。」树说。「森林就是我的房子,不过 ,你可以砍 下我的树枝,去盖房子,这样你就会快乐了。」
And so the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build a house.
于是男孩砍下了 她的树枝, 把树枝帶走, 去盖房子。
生活是一面镜子,你对着它笑,它也对着 你笑;你对着它哭,它也对着你哭。 仔细想来,难道不是这样的吗?面对 上天给予的种种恩赐与考验,怜爱与不公, 我们或许无法改变生活的事实,却可以以 另一种心态来面对它。
感恩就是一种积极的、乐观的生活心态。感恩, 可以是病床上奄奄一息的病患看到第二天初升的 太阳;可以是沙漠中断水口渴之人举步艰难之时 发现一片绿洲;可以是迷茫无序之时忽然的“柳 暗花明又一村”。感恩,是一种发自内心的生活 态度。对生活感恩,其实也是善待自我,学会生 活。
于是男孩砍下了她的树干, 造了条船,坐船走了。
And so the boy cut down her trunk And made a boat and sail away.
And the tree was happy…..
但不是真的。 But not really.
And after a long time the boy came back again. “I am sorry, Boy,” said the tree, “but I have nothing left to give you---
「好啊。」树一边说,一边努力挺直身子。 And the boy did 「正好啊,老树根是最适合 坐下來休息的。来啊!孩子,坐下来,坐下 来休息。」
And the tree was happy
The End
• 父母的呵护,哺育 • 老师的指导,教诲 • 朋友的关心,提醒 • 自然的恩赐,赋予 • 失败的鞭策,启迪 • 生命的给予,坚毅 • 感怀师长教诲情 • 感谢朋友来相助 • 感激对手来竞争 • ……
「真抱歉。」树说「我沒有钱。 我只有树叶和苹果。孩子, 拿我的苹果到城里去卖。这样, 你就会有钱,你就会快乐了。」
有一天 男孩来到树下 树说:「来啊,孩子,来,爬上我的 树干,抓著我树枝荡秋千,吃吃苹果 ,在我的树荫下玩耍, 快快乐乐的! 」 「我不是小孩子了,我不要 爬树和玩耍。」男孩说。 「我要买东西来玩,我要钱。你 可以給我一些钱吗?」
But time went by.
And the boy grew older.
And the tree was often alone.
Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said,”Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be “happy” “I am too big to climb and play”said the boy. “I want to buy thing and have fun. I want some money.
Can you give me some money?” I’m sorry” said the tree,”but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples. Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in city. Then you will have money and you’ll be happy”
• 人世间最美丽的情景是出现在当我们怀念到母亲 的时候。——莫泊桑 家庭之所以重要,主要是因为它能使父母获得情 感。——罗素 • 父母的美德是一笔巨大的财富。 ——贺拉斯
全世界的母亲是多么的相象!她们的心始终一样, 都有一颗极为纯真的赤子之心。——惠特曼 父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。 谚语 ——前苏联
But the boy stayed away for a long time…… and the tree was sad. And then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy and she said, “,”Come, Boy come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be “happy”
当人们怀着深深的敬仰之情,询问当代 科学大师霍金,是什么精神使他被困在 轮椅上30多年却始终未停止过深邃的科 学思考,并在科学领域创造了辉煌业绩 时,霍金缓缓抬起手臂,用不灵便的手 指,艰难地敲击着胸前的键盘,在宽大 的投影屏幕上清晰地显示出这样一行字: “我有一颗感恩的心。”美国盲人作家 海伦· 凯勒一生只享受了19个月的光明, 较之一般人,她遭遇了更多的不幸。可 她却时时心存感激,感受生活一丝一缕 的给予,为人类创造了宝贵的精神财富。
And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade.
玩累了, 男孩就在她的树荫下睡觉。
And the boy loved the tree…..
Very much
And the tree was happy
And so the boy climb up the
Fra Baidu bibliotek
tree and gathered
her apples and carried them away.
于是男孩爬到树上, 摘下她的苹果, 把苹果通通帶走了。
And the tree was happy.
「我太忙,沒时间爬树。」男孩说。「我 想要一间房子保暖。」他说 「我想要妻 男孩好久都沒有再来……树 子和小孩,所以我需要一間房子,你可以 给我一间房子吗? 好伤心。 有一天, “I am too busy to climb trees,” 男孩回来了,树高兴地发抖, said the boy. “I want a house to keep 她說:「来啊!孩子,爬上我 me warm,” he said. “I and want a 的树干,抓著我的树枝荡秋千, wife and I want children, 快快乐乐的。」
• 1.你知道爸爸妈妈的生日么? • 2.爸爸妈妈的身体好不好?最近 有没有哪里不舒服? • 3.父亲节/母亲节,你送给爸爸妈 妈什么礼物? • 4.你知道爸爸妈妈喜欢吃什么么? • 5.你给爸爸妈妈洗过衣服么? • 6.你经常和爸爸妈妈聊天么? • 7.上中学以来,你曾经把妈妈气 得掉眼泪么?
My apples are gone.” “My teeth are too weak for apple,” said the boy.
「我现在要的不多。」男孩说。 「只要一個安静,可以坐着 休息的地方。我好累好累。」
I don’t need very much now” said the boy. “just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired” “Well” said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, “well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. and rest.”
and so I need a house.
Can you give me a house?” “I have no house” said the tree. The forest is my house.” said the tree but you may cut off my branches and build a house.
过了好久好久,那男孩 又再回来了。 「我很抱歉,孩子。」 树说:「我已经沒有东 西可以给你了,
我的苹果沒了。」 「我的牙齿也咬不动苹果了。」 「我的树枝沒了。 你不能在上面荡秋千了──」 “My branches are gone,” 「我太老了,不能在 said the tree.”You cannot swing on them---” 上面荡秋千。」男孩说。 I am too old to swing on branches” said the boy. 「我的树干沒了。」 “My trunk is gone,” said the tree. “You 树说。「你不能爬──」 cannot climb----” I am 「我太累了,爬不动的。」男孩说。 too tired to climb,” said the 「我很抱歉。」树叹了口气。 boy. 「我真希望我能给你什么…… “I am sorry” sighed the tree. 可是我什么也沒了。我只剩下 “I wish that I could give you something… 一块老树根。我很抱歉……」 but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry…”