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1. 去上学go to school

2.、在电脑上on computer

3.更少的树木fewer trees

4. 更少的污染less pollution

5. 五年后in five years

6. 在大学in college

7. 打网球play tennis 8. 对……有好处be good for

9. 一名宇航员an astronaut 10. 爱上fall in love with

11. 能够be able to 12. 喂养一个宠物keep a pet

13. 作为一名记者as a reporter 14.乘飞机飞往……..fly to…

15. 去滑冰go skating 16. 在太空in space

17. 在空间站on a space station

18. 发射火箭到月球send rockets to the moon 19. 活到live to be

20. 世界杯足球赛the World Cup of Football

21. 一百年后in a hundred years 22. 在公寓里in an apartment

23. 电脑程序员computer programmer 24. 独自住live alone

25. 获奖win awards 26. 去游泳go swimming

27. 看起来精神look smart 28.飞向月球fly to the moon

29. 最大的电脑公司the largest computer company

30. 反复地over and over again 31. 做同样的事情do the same thing

32. 和…相同the same as…33. 看起来像look like

34. 寻找look for 35. 在未来in the future

36. 穿套装wear a suit 37. 有空闲时间have free time

38 数百的hundreds of 39 不让……进入keep out

40.给某人打电话call sb. up 41. 怎么了what’s wrong

42. 向某人借某物borrow sth. from sb. 43.过时的out of style

44. 呆在家里stay at home

45. 给他写信write him a letter / write a letter to him

46. 在纸上on paper 47. 在中学in high school

48. 弹吉他play the guitar 49.有一天one day

50. 明年next year 51. 从现在算起的20年twenty years from now 52. 实现come true 53. 科幻电影science fiction movies

54. 帮助某人做某事help sb, do sth. / help sb. with sth.

55. 尽力做某事try to do sth. 56. 使某人做某事make sb. do sth.

57. 醒来wake up 58. 例如for example

59. 变得疲卷的get bored 60. 向某人要某物ask sb. for sth

61. 给某人买某物buy sth.for sb.

62. 付夏令营的钱pay for summer camp

63. 与某人争吵argue with sb. 64. 谈论某事talk about sth.

65. 他怎么了what’s wrong with him

66. 找一份兼职的工作get a part-time job 67. 时髦的in style 68. 各种各样的all kinds of 69. 尽可能多地as much as possible

70. 把……与…比较compare … with …

71. 在一方面……在另一方面on the one hand… on the other hand

72. 直到….才not … until …

73. 查明/ 发明find out 74. 生某人的气be angry with sb.

75. 考试不及格fail the exam 76. 足够忙busy enough

77. 参加take part in

78. 与某人打架have a fight with sb. / fight with sb.

79. 与某人相处融洽get on well with sb.

80. 在图书馆外的前面in front of the library

81. 在教室内的前面in the front of the classroom

82. 一家理发店a barber shop 83. 睡懒觉sleep late

84. 做一份牛奶奶昔make a milk shake 85. 做饭cook dinner

86. 从…..出来get out of 87. 在电话中交谈talk on the phone 88. 飞行博物馆the Museum of Flight 89. 在中心街on Center Street 90. 走进go into 91. 沿着…..走go down

92. 给警察打电话(报警) call the police

93. 一次不寻常的经历an unusual experience

94. 大约在上午10点钟at around ten o’clock in the morning

95. 电视台the TV station 96. 起飞,脱下take off

97. 在上个星期天下午4点半at 4:30 last Sunday mornin g‥

98. 爬树climb a tree 99. 跳下来jump down

100. 登上月球walk on the moon

101. 跟某人干某事follow sb. to do sth.

102. 打电话给报社call the newspaper

103. 在树上的一只猫a cat in a tree 104. 拍照take photos

105. 骑单车ride a bicycle 106. 警官a police officer 107. 在火车站at the train station 108. 跑开run away

109. 理发cut hair/ have a haircut 110.考虑think about

111. 住院in hospital 112. 在诊所at the doctor’s 113. 发生take place 114. 和…….一样as…as 115.一次车祸a car accident 116. 听说hear about

117. 最重要的事件the most important

118. 向车站外看look outside the station

119. 去纽约的一次航班a flight to New Work

120. 北京国际机场Beijing International Airport

121. 在历史上in history 122. 在操场上in the playground 123. 默默地in silence 124.在较近的时期里in more recent times 125. 纽约世界贸易中心World Trade Center 126. 当然of course 127. 在太空中in space 128. 进入太空go into space 129. 一个民族英雄a national hero 130.对…..有意义has meaning to 131.发生take place

132. 绕地球一次飞行a flight around(环绕) the earth

133. 全世界all over the world 134. 变得出名become famous 135. be mad at sb.= be angry with sb. 生某人的气

136. not … anymore 不再

137. have a surprise party for sb.为某人举行一个惊喜聚会
