


作者简介:李福印,男,1963年11 月生,北京航空航天大学教授,博 士生导师,香港中文大学博士学位, 北京外国语大学兼职教授。主要研 究领域:语义学;认知语言学;隐 喻理论与实践;应用认知语言学等。 主要讲授语义学、认知语言学、隐 喻理论与实践、心智哲学等课程。 代表作有《认知语言学概论》,《语 义学概论》,《语义学教程》等。
4.1 理据性的概念及其表现
概念:“非任意性”,“可解释性” 表现:在词形层面,复合词表现了突出的理据性 。如“看 到”是动作和结果的结合。 在语义层面,概念转喻是理据性的表现。如“一把手”。 语言形式“手”与意义“人”之间建立了转喻关系。 在语法层面,句子结构也是有理据的,各种形式的象似性 就是其表现。
(1)语言不是人类大脑中独立的认知机制 • (2)语法是概念化 • (3)语言知识来自语言的使用
• 1.5 认知语言学的四位创始人
第二章 认知语言学的分支领域
• Driven将认知语言学划分为五大领域 Talmy 的认知语义学 • 认知语法 基于格式塔心理学的研究
构式语法 原型理论 词汇网络理论
他很懂事 他很懂事,也很聪明
② 距离象似性:功能上,概念上和认知上距离近的,形式上的距 离也近。 John killed Bill. 我妹妹, 我老乡 John caused Bill to die 我手, 我汽车 ③ 顺序象似性:在其他条件相同的情况下。叙述的顺序对应所描 述的事件的顺序。 I came, I saw, I conquered.
• 3.3认知语言学研究的热点目的语言
• (1)针对英语的研究占绝大多数,其他语言没有得到足 够的关注。 • (2)国内论文数量在缓慢上升,以汉语语言为研究对象 的论文数量有显著增加,但与国际水平仍存在很大差距, 主要表现为绝大多数缺乏原创型,理论建树小。












王寅《认知语言学》,上海外语教育出版社,2007年张云秋《现代汉语受事宾语句研究》,学林出版社,2004年Fauconnier, Gilles & Mark Turner.1998 Conceptual Integration Networks. Cognitive Science Vol.22(2).Goldberg, Adele E. 1995 Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. The University of Chicago Press.Lakoff,George. 1987 Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.1999 Philosophy in the Flesh----The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought (与Johnson合著).New York: Basic Books.Langacker, R, W.1987/1991 Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, Vol.1,2. Stanford: Stanford University Press.Taylor, John R. 1989 Linguistic Categorization: Prototypes in Linguistic Theory.Oxford: Claredon Press.Haiman,J.1985/1987 Natural Syntax. Cambridge: CUP.1985 Iconicity in Syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.(1983年6月“句法象似性”专题大会的论文集)Simone, Raffaele.1994. Iconicity in Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.(1992年6月“句法象似性”专题大会的论文集)F.Ungerer & H.J.Schmid: An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics(认知语言学入门), 外语教学与研究出版社,2001年。












王寅《认知语言学》,上海外语教育出版社,2007年张云秋《现代汉语受事宾语句研究》,学林出版社,2004年Fauconnier, Gilles & Mark Turner.1998 Conceptual Integration Networks. Cognitive Science Vol.22(2).Goldberg, Adele E. 1995 Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. The University of Chicago Press.Lakoff,George. 1987 Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.1999 Philosophy in the Flesh----The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought (与Johnson合著).New York: Basic Books.Langacker, R, W.1987/1991 Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, Vol.1,2. Stanford: Stanford University Press.Taylor, John R. 1989 Linguistic Categorization: Prototypes in Linguistic Theory.Oxford: Claredon Press.Haiman,J.1985/1987 Natural Syntax. Cambridge: CUP.1985 Iconicity in Syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.(1983年6月“句法象似性”专题大会的论文集)Simone, Raffaele.1994. Iconicity in Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.(1992年6月“句法象似性”专题大会的论文集)F.Ungerer & H.J.Schmid: An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics(认知语言学入门), 外语教学与研究出版社,2001年。



自然语言处理与认知语言理解相关的书籍-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以包括自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,简称NLP)和认知语言理解(Cognitive Language Understanding)的基本介绍和背景。










1.2文章结构2. 正文2.1 自然语言处理相关书籍:在自然语言处理领域,有许多经典的著作可以供我们学习和参考。

以下是几本值得推荐的书籍:2.1.1 书籍1:《自然语言处理综论》这本书是自然语言处理领域的经典教材,由斯坦福大学的Daniel Jurafsky 和James H. Martin 合著。



2.1.2 书籍2:《Speech and Language Processing》这是一本由Dan Jurafsky 和James H. Martin 合著的畅销教材,被公认为是自然语言处理领域的必读之作。




2. 《语言学导论》:这本教材深入探讨了语言本质、语言系统、语言变化等基本概念,适合对语言学有一定了解的学者阅读。

3. 《现代应用语言学》:这本著作介绍了应用语言学在现代社会中的应用,包括语言教育、语音识别、翻译等方面。

4. 《语言与认识》:这本书系统地讨论了语言与认知之间的关系,探讨了语言如何影响人类思维和智力的发展。

5. 《语言的起源》:这本书探讨了语言的起源和发展,涉及到人类进化、社会演变和语言交流等方面。

6. 《语言行为》:这本书涵盖了语言行为的各个方面,包括语音、语言习得、语言交际、语言变化等。

7. 《语言、文化与认知》:这本书从文化差异的角度研究了语言与认知之间的关系,探讨了不同文化背景下的语言使用和思维方式。

8. 《语言教育与应用语言学》:这本书介绍了语言教育和应用语言学的基本理论和应用,包括语言教学策略、教师培训、语言学习软件等方面。

9. 《语言流行学》:这本书研究了语言流行现象的起源和发展,涉及到社会、文化等多个方面,适合对现代流行文化和语言流行现象感兴趣的读者。

10. 《语言和身份》:这本书从身份认同的角度探讨了语言的作



认知语言学参考资料Aitchison, J. 1987. Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.Anderson, J. R. 1983. The Architecture of Cognition.Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press.Anderson, J. R. 1995. Cognitive Psychology and its Implications.New York: W. H. Feeman and Company.Bach, K. 1987. Thought and Reference. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.Barsalou, L. W. 1982. Context-independent information and context-dependent information in concepts.Memory & Cognition 10: 82-93.Barsalou, L. W. 1983. Ad hoc categories.Memory & Cognition 11: 211-227.Barsalou, L. W. 1987. The instability of graded structure: Implications for the nature of concepts. In U. Neisser (ed.), Concepts and Conceptual Development: Ecological and Intellectual Factors in Categorization. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 101-140. Barsalou, L. W. & B. H.Ross. 1986. The roles of automatic and strategic processing in sensitivity to superordinate and property frequency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 12: 116-134.Barsalou, L. W. & J. W.Hutchinson. 1987. Schema-based planning of events in consumer contexts. In P. F. Anderson & M. Wallendorf (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, V ol. 14. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 114-118.Blakemore, D. 1987. Semantic Constraints on Relevance.Oxford: Blackwell.Blakemore, D. 2002. Relevance and Linguistic Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.Carston, R. 1988. Language and cognition. In F. J. Newmeyer (ed.), Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, V ol. 3. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 38-68.Croft, W. & A. D.Cruse. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press. Fauconnier, G. 1994. Mental Spaces: Aspects of Meaning Construction in Natural Language.New York: CambridgeUniversity Press.Fauconnier, G. 1997.Mappings in Thought and Language.Cambridge: CambridgeUniversityPress.Fauconnier, G. & M. Turner. 1998. Conceptual integration networks. Cognitive Science 22: 133-187.Fischer, K. 2000. From Cognitive Semantics to Lexical Pragmatics: The Functional Polysemy of Discourse Particles.New York: Mouton de Gruyter.Fodor, J. A. 1975. The Language of Thought.New York: T. Y. Crowell.Fodor, J. A. 1983. The Modularity of Mind.Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Fodor, J. A. 1998.Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Fodor, J. A. & Z. W.Pylyshyn. 1988. Connectionism and cognitive architecture: A critical analysis. Cognition 28: 3-71.Foster-Cohen, S. H. 2000. Relevance: Communication and cognition. Second Language Research 16(1): 77-92.Frege, G. 1977. On Concept and Object.In P.Geach& M.Black (eds.),Translations from the Philosophical Writings of GottlobFrege. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.Gibbs, R. W. 1987. The relevance of relevance for psychological theory.Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10: 718-719.Goatly, A. 1994. Register and redemption of relevance theory: The case of metaphor.Pragmatics 4: 139-181.Green, D. W. et al. 1996. Cognitive Science: An Introduction. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. Gutt, E.-A. 1991. Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context.Oxford: Blackwell. Jary, M. 1998. Relevance and the communication of politeness.Journal of Pragmatics30: 1-19.Jaszczolt, K. M.1996a. Relevance and infinity: Implications for discourse interpretation.Journal of Pragmatics 25: 703-722.Johnson, M. 1987. The Body in the Mind.Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Jordan, M. P. 1998. The power of negation in English: Text, context and relevance. Journal of Pragmatics 29: 705-752.Jucker, A. H. 1997. Review on Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Journal of Pragmatics 27: 107-119.Lakoff, G. & M.Johnson. 1980. Metaphors We Live By.Chicago: The University of ChicagoPress.Langacker, R. W. 1991. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, V ol. 1-2. Stanford: StanfordUniversity Press.Marmaridou, S. S. A. 2000. Pragmatic Meaning and Cognition.Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Marten, L. 2002.At the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface: Verbal Underspecification and Concept Formation in Dynamic Syntax.Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.Rouchota, V. & A. H.Jucker (eds.) 1998. Current Issues in Relevance Theory.Amsterdam: John Benjamins.Schank, R. & R. P. Abelson. 1977. Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.Sperber, D. 1994b.The modularity of thought and the epistemology of representation.In L. A.Hirschfeld& S. A. Gelman (eds.), Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture.Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 39-67.Sperber. D. 1997. Intuitive and reflective beliefs.Mind and Language 12: 67-83.Sperber, D. 2000. Metarepresentations in an evolutionary perspective. In D. Sperber (ed.), Metarepresentations: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 117-137.Sperber, D. & D.Wilson. 1986. Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.Sperber, D. & D. Wilson. 1990.Rhetoric and relevance. In D. Wellbery& J. Bender (eds.), The Ends of Rhetoric: History, Theory, Practice. Stanford: StanfordUniversity Press, 140-155.Sperber, D. & D.Wilson. 1995. Relevance: Communication and Cognition (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.Sperber, D. & D.Wilson. 1996. Fodor’s frame problem and relevance theory: A reply to Chiappe&Kukla. Behavioral & Brain Sciences 19: 530-532.Sperber, D.& D.Wilson. 1997. Remarks on relevance theory and the social sciences.Multilingua16: 145-151.Sperber, D. & D. Wilson. 1998a. The mapping between the mental and public lexicon. In P.Carruthers & J. Boucher (eds.), Language and Thought.Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 184-200.Sperber, D. & D. Wilson. 1998b. Irony and relevance: A reply to DrsSeto, Hamamoto and Yamanashi. In R. Carston&S. Uchida (eds.), Relevance Theory: Applications and Implications. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 283-293.Sperber, D. & D.Wilson. 2002. Pragmatics, modularity and mindreading. Mind & Language 17: 3-23.Sperber, D. & D. Wilson. 2005. Pragmatics. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 17: 353-388. Ungerer, F. & H. J.Schmid. 1996. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics.London: Longman.Wilson, D. 1999. Relevance and relevance theory. In R. Wilson & F. Keil (eds.), MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 719-722. Wilson, D. 2000. Metarepresentation in linguistic communication.In D. Sperber (ed.), Metarepresentations.New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 411-448.Wilson, D. 2003. Relevance Theory and lexical pragmatics.Italian Journal of Linguistics/Rivista di Linguistica 15(2): 273-291.Wilson,D. 2004a.Relevance and lexical pragmatics.UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 16: 343-60.Wilson, D. 2004b. Relevance, word meaning and communication: The past, present, and future of lexical pragmatics. Modern Foreign Languages (现代外语) 1: 1-13. Wilson, D. 2005a.New directions for research on pragmatics and modularity.Lingua115: 1129-1146.Wilson,D. 2005b.Pragmatics.In F. Jackson& M. Smith (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy.Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 468-501.Wilson,D.&R. Carston. 2008. Metaphor and the ‘emergent property’ problem: A relevance-theoretic treatment. The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 3 (2007), 1-40.Wilson, D. & T.Matsui. 1998. Recent approaches to bridging: Truth, coherence and relevance.UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 10: 173-200.Wilson, D. & D.Sperber. 1981. On Grice’s Theory of conversation. In P. Werth (ed.), Conversation and Discourse.London: Croom Helm, 155–178.Wilson, D. & D.Sperber. 1988. Representation and relevance. In R. M. Kempson (ed.),Wilson, D. & D.Sperber. 1991b. Pragmatics and modularity. In S. Davis (ed.), Pragmatics: A Reader. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 583–595.Wilson, D. & D. Sperber. 1993. Linguistic form and relevance. Lingua 90: 1-25.Wilson, D. & D.Sperber. 2002b. Truthfulness and relevance.Mind 111: 583-632.胡壮麟. 2004. 认知隐喻学. 北京: 北京大学出版社.束定芳(主编). 2004. 语言的认知研究-认知语言学论文精选. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.熊学亮. 1999. 认知语用学概论. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.赵彦春. 2003. 认知词典学探索. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.赵艳芳. 2001. 认知语言学概论. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.。








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1.《语言的起源》作者:Charles Darwin简介:达尔文在本书中探讨了语言的起源和演化,提出了关于语言起源的进化论观点。


2.《语言学原理》作者:Ferdinand de Saussure简介:这本书是现代语言学的奠基之作,提出了语言学的基本原理和概念,如语言符号、语音和语义等。


3.《语言学导论》作者:George Yule简介:这是一本介绍语言学基本概念和理论的入门书籍。


4.《语言与认知》作者:Noam Chomsky简介:这本书探讨了语言和思维的关系,提出了著名的生成语法理论。


5.《语言学与哲学》作者:Gottlob Frege简介:这本书探讨了语言和逻辑的关系,提出了关于语言的真理和意义的哲学观点。


6.《语言与文化》作者:Edward Sapir简介:这本书探讨了语言和文化的相互关系,提出了著名的“语言相对论”观点。


7.《语言习得与教学》作者:Stephen Krashen简介:这本书介绍了语言习得的理论和教学方法,提出了“输入假设”和“沉浸式教学”等观点。


8.《语言变化与语言联系》作者:William Labov简介:这本书介绍了语言变化和语言联系的研究方法和理论,提出了著名的“变体语言学”观点。


9.《语用学导论》作者:John Searle简介:这本书介绍了语用学的基本概念和理论,探讨了语言使用的意义和目的。



最新认知语言学必读文献清单认知语言学概述2007-08-01 15:00:12 阅读920 评论2 字号:大中小订阅General Readings in Cognitive LinguisticsPrepared by Vyv EvansIf you would like to find out more about various topics incognitive linguistics, thefollowing listing provides suggestions for follow-upreading. I have restricted myselection to published books (including bothmonographs, edited volumes andvolumes in press). The reading list is annotated anddivided into three sections:General Introductions to Cognitive LinguisticsWorks of General Reference, andSpecific Topics and TheoriesNote however, the following overview article, availableon-line from my website:Evans, Vyvyan; Benjamin Bergen and Jörg Zinken (Inpress.) CognitiveLinguistics: An Overview. In V. Evans, B. Bergen and J.Zinken (eds.).The Cognitive Linguistics Reader. London: Equinox.General Introductions to Cognitive Linguistics Croft, W., & Cruse, A. D. (2004). Cognitive Linguistics.Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.A recent introduction to cognitive linguistics. Particularlygood coverage of lexicalsemantics and constructional approaches to grammar, although less detail on otheraspects of cognitive linguistics.Evans, V., & Green, M. (2006). Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction. Mahwah, NJand Edinburgh: Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates/Edinburgh University Press.The most comprehensive general introduction to the field. Each chapter provides adetailed annotated reading list and exercises. Also includes chapters which comparecognitive linguistic theories with other theoreticalframeworks.Lee, D. (2001). Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction.Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress.The most accessible of the general introductions, focusing on general ideas rather thandetail. The selection of topics covered, is, nevertheless,a little uneven.Ungerer, F., & Schmid, H.-J. (1996). Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. London:Longman.Very clear explanations of the areas presented, particularly on prototype and basiclevel objects research. However, the coverage is ratherone-sided focusing oncognitive semantics at the expense of cognitive approaches to grammar. The book isalso now over 10 years old.Works of General ReferenceEvans, V. (Forthcoming). Glossary of Cognitive Linguistics. Edinburgh: EdinburghUniversity Press.A glossary of over 350 specialist terms used incognitive linguistics.Geeraerts, D., & Cuyckens, H. (2006). Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics.Oxford: Oxford University Press.A major reference work containing originalencyclopedia-like articles by leading experts. Provides comprehensive coverage of all the key areas of cognitive linguistics.Janssen, T., & Redeker, G. (1999). Cognitive Linguistics: Foundations, Scope andMethodology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.An edited volume containing original articles by aselection of leading cognitivelinguists. The articles address the theoretical andempirical basis of cognitivelinguistics, and cognitive linguistic theories.Specific Topics and TheoriesBLENDING THEORYCoulson, S. (2000). Semantic Leaps: Frame-Shifting and Conceptual Blending inMeaning Construction. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.An important study on the role of conceptual blending in language comprehension.Fauconnier, G., & Turner, M. (2002). The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending andthe Mind’s Hidden Complexities. New York: BasicBooks.The definitive introduction to conceptual blending by the two architects of the theory.Highly accessible.CATEGORISATIONLakoff, G. (1987). Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories RevealAbout the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. One of the classic texts in cognitive linguistics. Lakoff makes the case for a noveltheory of cognitive models in order to account for recentfindings in humancategorisation. Also provides a philosophical framework for research in cognitivelinguistics which remains influential. Taylor, J. (2003). Linguistic Categorization, 3rd edition.Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress.Provides a highly accessible account of cognitive linguistic approaches to typicalityeffects and fuzzy categories as manifested in language.COGNITIVE GRAMMARLangacker, R. (1987/1991). Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, Volumes I and II.Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Volume I of Langacker’s two-volume edifice lays out the theoretical assumptions ofhis theory. Volume II applies the theoretical architecture to a range of grammaticalphenomena. These volumes are among the most important in cognitive linguistics.Taylor, J. (2002). Cognitive Grammar. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.An excellent textbook introduction to Langacker’stheory.COGNITIVE PSYCHOLINGUISTICSD_browska, E. (2004). Language, Mind and Brain:Some Psychological andNeurological Constraints on Grammar. Edinburgh:Edinburgh UniversityPress.An excellent and highly accessible overview and review of the cognitive linguisticposition with respect to key issues in psychologuistics, including language acqusition, lateralisation and modularity. Also includes a review of cognitive linguistic criticsimsof Chomsky’s Universal Grammar hypothesis.COGNITIVE LEXICAL SEMANTICS Cuyckens, H., & Zawada, B. (2001). Polysemy in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam,NJ: John Benjamins.An edited collection of original articles presenting contemporary work and views onmodelling lexical polysemy in cognitive linguistics.Cuyckens, H., Dirven, R., & Taylor, J. (2003). CognitiveApproaches to LexicalSemantics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.An excellent representative selection of original articles relating to contemporaryapproaches to cognitive lexical semantics.Nerlich, B., Todd, Z., Herman, V., & Clarke, D. D.(2003). Polysemy: FlexiblePatterns in the Mind. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Another recent collected volume of papers on linguisticpolysemy. However, thestrength of this volume, in addition to includingexcellent review articles by theeditors and John Taylor, also includes contributionsfrom a range of scholars,including those who work in frameworks outsidecognitive linguistics.Tyler, A., & Evans, V. (2003). The Semantics of English Prepositions: Spatial Scenes,Embodied Experience and Cognition. Cambridge:Cambridge UniversityPress.The most detailed cognitive linguistic study of English spatial relations. The bookmakes the case for the experiential basis ofprepositional meanings and their extensions. It also provides an account of polysemy asconceptual in nature.CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR AND METONYMY Barcelona, A. (2003). Metaphor and Metonymy at theCrossroads: A CognitivePerspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.A collection of original articles addressing therelationship between metaphor and metonymy. Several of the articles reflect the growingconviction in cognitivelinguistics that metonymy may be as, or even more, foundational than metaphor.Dirven, R, Pörings, R. (2002). Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.A collection reproducing seminal and influential articlesrelating to conceptualmetaphor and metonymy.Gibbs, R. (1994). The Poetics of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Presents psycholinguistic evidence for the conceptual basis of figurative languagephenomena such as metaphor.Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2003). Metaphors We LiveBy, 2nd, revised edition.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.This book, now a classic, and originally published in 1980, launched much of therecent interest in metaphor.Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1999). Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind andits Challenge to Western Thought. New York: BasicBooks.An updating of Lakoff and Johnson’s seminal ideas on conceptual metaphors and thenotion of embodied cognition.Kövecses, Z. (2002). Metaphor: A Practical Introduction.Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress.An accessible textbook introduction to ConceptualMetaphor Theory.Gibbs, R., & Steen, G. (1999). Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam, NJ:John Benjamins.An edited collection of original papers broadly reflectingthe nature and scope ofrecent research within the framework of ConceptualMetaphor Theory. CONSTRUCTIONAL APPROACHES TO GRAMMARCroft, W. (2002). Radical Construction Grammar.Oxford: Oxford University Press.Pr esents Croft’s theory of Radical ConstructionGrammar.Goldberg, A. (1995). Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to VerbalArgument Structure. Chicago: University of ChicagoPress.A classic. Makes a compelling case for a constructionalapproach to grammaremploying verbal argument constructions as a testcase.Östman, J.-O., & Fried, M. (2005). Construction Grammars: Cognitive Groundingand Theoretical Extensions. Amsterdam, NJ: JohnBenjamins.An edited collection of original papers addressing theoretical and methodologicalissues relating to constructional approaches togrammar.CULTURAL LINGUISTICSPalmer, G. (1996). Toward a Theory of Cultural Linguistics. University of TexasPress.In this book Palmer makes a compelling case for applying cognitive linguistics tocultural aspects of language, arguing for a theory ofcultural linguistics.EMBODIMENT AND CONCEPTUALIZATION Nuyts, J., & Pederson, E. (1997) (Eds). Language and Conceptualization. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.An important collection of articles on the relationshipbetween language andconceptual processes.Varela, F., Thompson, E., & Rosch, E. (1991). The Embodied Mind. Cambridge, MA:MIT Press.One of the first book-length treatments in cognitive science which made the case forthe centrality of embodiment for cognition. Remainsextremely important and ishighly accessible.EMPIRICAL APPROACHESGonzalez-Marquez, M., Mittelberg, I., Coulson, S., &Spivey, M. J. (Eds) (2005),Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam,NJ: John Benjamins.A recent edited volume comprising original articles byprominent cognitive linguistsand psychologists. The collection both makes the casefor empirical methods incognitive linguistics and represents the state-of-the-art.IMAGE SCHEMA sHampe, B. (2005). From Perception to Meaning: ImageSchemas in CognitiveLinguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.An outstanding recent contribution to image schema theory. An edited collection ofpapers by leading scholars presenting a range of often conflicting positions on thenature of image schemas.Johnson, M. (1987). The Body in the Mind: The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imaginationand Reason. Chicago: Chicago University Press. One of the classic texts in cognitive linguistics. Provides the first detailed treatment ofimage schemas.Mandler, J. (2004). The Foundations of Mind: Origins ofConceptual Thought.Oxford: Oxford University Press.An important study by a leading developmental psychologist. Mandler describes howimage schemas derive from perceptual experience inpre-linguistic infants.LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND LANGUAGE USEBarlow, M., & Kemmer, S. (2000) (Eds.). Usage-BasedModels of Language.Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.An important collection of original aricles which provide various perspectives on howbest to model knowledge of language in terms ofusage-based factors.Tomasello, M. (2003). Constructing a Language: AUsage-Based Theory ofLanguage Acquisition. Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press.An important recent synthesis of empirical findingsrelating to first languageacquisition. Presents the case for a usage-based perspective on language acquisition.LANGUAGE AND CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE Evans, V. (2004). The Structure of Time: Language,Meaning and TemporalCognition. Amsterdam, NJ: John Benjamins.Investigates the relationship between lexical and conceptual structure in the domain oftime.Talmy, L. (2000). Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Vol. I and II. Cambridge, MA: MITPress.Brings together, and updates, Talmy’s classic papers inwhich he explores howlanguage encodes various aspects of conceptualstructure including space, forcedynamicsand motion.LANGUAGE CHANGECroft, W. (2000). Explaining Language Change: AnEvolutionary Perspective.London: Longman.A seminal work by one of the most original thinkerscurrently working in cognitivelinguistics. Croft presents a usage-based theory of language change which appliesinsights from the generalised theory of natural selectionto language.Sweetser, E. (1990). From Etymology to Pragmatics:Metaphorical and CulturalAspects of Semantic Structure. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.Another highly influential and now classic text in cognitive linguistics. Sweetser usesideas from metaphor theory and image schema theory in order to account for semanticaspects of grammatical change.LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY AND RELATIVITY Gentner, D., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2003). Language in Mind: Advances in the Studyof Language and Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.A recent collection of original papers by some of themost prominent cognitivescientists who work on cross-linguistic diversity and therelationship betweenlanguage, mind and thought. Gumperz, J., & Levinson, S. (1996) (Eds.). RethinkingLinguistic Relativity.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.An important collection of articles from the mid 1990s which did much to revitalisethe linguistic relativity debate. Of particular importance are articles by Bowerman,Lucy, Levinson, and Slobin.Levinson, S. (2003). Space in Language and Cognition.Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.An extremely important book. Presents a synthesis of over a decade’s research oncross-cultural studies on the representation of space.Levinson uses his research as aplatform to argue for the pervasive effects ofcross-linguistic variation on nonlinguisticcognition.MENTAL SPACES THEORY Dancygier, B., & Sweetser, E. (2005). Mental Spaces inGrammar: ConditionalConstructions. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress.Presents a theoretical account of conditionalconstructions using the framework ofmental spaces theory.Fauconnier, G. (1994). Mental Spaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.This is a revised edition of Fauconnier’s classic book, first published in English in1985. Presents a ground-breaking theory of semantic reference, successfully resolvingmany semantic phenomena which had bedevilledformal approaches.Fauconnier, G. (1997). Mappings in Thought and Language. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.In this volume Fauconnier updates and extends his theory of mental spaces. He alsointroduces his collaborative work with Mark Turner onConceptual Blending.Fauconnier, G., & Sweetser, E. (1996). Spaces, Worlds and Grammar. Chicago:University of Chicago Press.An edited volume consisting of original articles which address various semantic and grammatical issues making use of Fauconnier’s theoryof mental spaces.。










1. 《我们赖以生存的隐喻》:哇哦,这本书真的超棒!就像打开了认知语言学的奇妙大门。

2. 《语言本能》:嘿,这本书可不能错过呀!它就像一个向导,带你走进语言的神秘世界。

3. 《认知语法基础》:哇塞,这是本很厉害的书哟!就好像给你一副认知语言的眼镜,让你看到语言结构背后的逻辑。

4. 《认知语言学概论》:嘿呀,这本概论真是太有用啦!就如同给你一张认知语言学的地图,让你清楚地了解各个板块。

5. 《隐喻、转喻与词汇语义学》:哇哦,这本书深入探讨了隐喻和转喻呢!就好像在挖掘语言宝藏,一个又一个惊喜等着你。

6. 《语用学概论》:呀,这本书对理解语用超有帮助!就像是给语用这个复杂的机器配上了说明书。

7. 《语义学》:哇,这本语义学的书很值得一读呢!就如同进入一个语义的奇妙花园,各种花朵竞相开放。

8. 《认知语义学》:嘿,认知语义学这本书超有意思的!就像进入了语义的魔法世界。




北京外国语大学2018年认知语言学参考书目认知语言学(英语学院蓝纯教授)认知语言学1、Croft,William and Alan Cruse.Cognitive Linguistics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004.2、Evans,Vyvyan,Benjamin K.Bergen and Jörg Zinken,eds.The Cognitive Linguistic Reader.London:Equinox Publishing Company,2007.3、Evans,Vyvyan,and Melanie Green.Cognitive Linguistics:An Introduction.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2006.4、Gavins,Joanna and Gerard J.Steen.Cognitive Poetics in Practice.London/New York:Routledge,2003.5、Lakoff,George,and Mark Johnson.Metaphors We Live By.Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1980.6、Lakoff,George.Women,Fire,and Dangerous Things:What Categories Reveal About the Mind.Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1987.7、Langacker,Ronald W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoretical Prerequisites.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1987.8、Langacker,Ronald W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Descriptive Application.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1991.9、Stockwell,Peter.Cognitive Poetics:An Introduction.London/New York:Routledge,2002.10、Talmy,Leonard.Toward a Cognitive Semantics.New York:Bradford Books,2003.11、Taylor,John R.Linguistic Categorization:Prototypes in Linguistic Theory.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.普通语言学12、Austin,John.How to Do Things with Words.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1962.13、Bloomfield,nguage.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2002.14、Brown,Gillian.Discourse Analysis.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.15、Carroll,David.Psychology of Language.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2008.16、Chomsky,Noam.New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2002.17、Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar.London:Arnold,2004.18、Halliday,M.A.K.and Ruqaiya Hasan.Cohesion in English.London:Routledge,1976.19、Hudson,Richard.Sociolinguistics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996.20、Levinson,Stephen.Pragmatics.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.21、Lyons,John.Linguistic Semantics:AnIntroduction.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995.22、Ouhuala,Jamal.Introducing Transformational Grammar:From Principlesand Parameters to Minimalism.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and ResearchPress,2001.23、Robins,Rodman.A Short History of Linguistics.London:Routledge,2015.24、Sapir,nguage:An Introduction to the Study of Speech.NewYork:Harcourt,Brace and Company,1921.25、Saussure,Ferdinand de.Course in General Linguistics.Eds.CharlesBally and Albert Sechehaye.Trans.Roy Salle,Illinois:OpenCourt,1983.26、Searle,John.Expression and Meaning:Studies in the Theory of SpeechActs.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979.27、Sperber,Dan and Deirdre Wilson.Relevance:Communication andCognition.New York:Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1995.28、Ungerer,F.and H.J.Schmid.An Introduction to CognitiveLinguistics.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2008.文章来源:文彦考研。



认知语言学课程名称:认知语言学(The Cognitive Linguistics)一、课程目的、任务:本课程以讲授认知语言学的基本思想以及理论和方法为主,同时对目前的语言认知研究,尤其是汉语的认知研究加以概括和总结,力求使学生在初步掌握认知语言学的理论和方法的同时,能够以新的观念,从新的视角观察语言的不同侧面,并力求对语言事实给予合理而贴切地解释。












四、教材及参考书目:[1]Lakoff, G. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things,Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987。



《认知语言学导论》课程教学大纲课程代码:070142038课程英文名称:AN INTRODUCTION TO COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS课程总学时:16 讲课:16 实验:0 上机:0适用专业:英语大纲编写(修订)时间:2017. 10一、大纲使用说明(一)课程的地位及教学目标本课程为英语专业本科选修课程,在学生已经修完语言学概论,掌握基本的语言学知识后,为学生提供更加深入的语言学理论知识。




(四)对先修课的要求无(五)对习题课、实验环节的要求1. 要求能够用英语描述认知语言学的基本概念、阐述认知语言学的基本理论。

2. 运用所学的认知语言学知识,说明、分析具体的语言现象和解决相关的语言问题,并能够提出一些自己的见解和观点。

(六)课程考核方式1. 考核方式:考查。

2. 考核目标:考核学生对认知语言学基本理论的掌握和运用,重点考核学生运用认知语言学理论解决实际语言问题的能力。

3. 成绩构成:总评成绩由平时考核占30%(包括作业、小测验、提问等)和学期论文70%构成。

(七)参考书目:《认知语言学概论》,赵艳芳著,上海外语教育出版社,2001《认知语言学》,王寅著,上海外语教育出版社, 2007《什么是认知语言学》, 王寅著,上海外语教育出版社, 2011《认知语言学入门(第2版)》, Ungerer. F. & Schmid. H.J著,外语教学与研究出版社, 2008二、中文摘要本课程的主要内容有:原型性、认知模型、心智空间、意象、句法隐喻等、语言构造的功能原则(包括象似性、标记性等)、句法和语义的概念界面(包括认知语法和框架语义学等)以及语言运用的经验及语用背景、语言与思维的关系等。



《认知语言学》课程教学大纲(英文名称:Cognitive Linguistics)一、课程说明1. 课程编码:0130502012142. 学分:2学时:343. 课程类别:指定选修课4. 开课学院:翻译学院5. 课程简介:认知语言学是认知科学同语言学研究结合而产生的一种新的语言学思潮和流派。


6. 预备知识:语言学基础知识和科研方法。

7. 教学目的与要求:本课程旨在使学生初步掌握认知语言学的理论和方法,能够从认知语言学的视角观察语言的不同侧面,并做出合理的解释。


8. 考核方法与要求:考核方法:平时成绩+ 学期论文组成及占分比例:平时成绩30%;学期论文70%9. 教材与参考书:教材:Ungerer, F. & H. J. Schmid. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Beijing: Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008.参考书目:Croft, W. & D. A. Cruse. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.Evans, V. & M. Green. Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2006.Evans, V. A Glossary of Cognitive Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007.Gonzalez-Marquez, M., I. et al. Methods in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing House, 2007.Hopper, P. J. & E. C. Traugott. Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.Lakoff, G. & M. Johnson. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.Langacker, R. W. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar(V ol. 1): Theoretical Prerequisites. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004.Langacker, R. W. Cognitive Grammar: A Basic Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.Semino, E. & J. Culpeper. (Eds.). Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2002.Talmy, L. Toward a Cognitive Semantics(V ol. 1: Concept Structuring Systems).Cambridge, Massachusetts/London, England: The MIT Press, 2000.Taylor, J. Linguistic Categorization: Prototypes in Linguistic Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1995/2001.卢卫中. 语言象似性研究综述. 外语教学与研究, 2011 (6): 840-849.卢卫中. 翻译研究的新范式——认知翻译学研究综述. 外语教学与研究,2013(4): 606-616.卢卫中. 关于对比认知词义学的构想. 外国语, 2015 (3): 33-40.卢卫中. 英汉语构词理据: 基于认知语言学识解理论的对比分析. 外语教学与研究, 2018 (3): 356-367.王寅. 认知语言学. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2007.二、教学内容纲要第一章绪论(学时:4 )第一节语言的认知语言学分析举例、认知语言学的界定第二节认知语言学研究现状、理论和哲学基础第三节认知语言学的基本特征和研究领域第四节认知语言学的三个假设、三个研究路径、研究方法第二章原型理论与范畴化(学时:4 )第一节范畴化的重要性、原型理论第二节语境依赖性和文化模式第三节范畴化的等级第四节非范畴化第三章概念隐喻(学时:4 )第一节隐喻:从修辞格到概念系统的转变第二节作为思维方式的隐喻:科学隐喻、政治隐喻、经济隐喻第三节文学隐喻与隐喻的类型、功能和特征第四节隐喻的普遍性和文化差异性第五节隐喻研究现状及其研究趋势第四章概念转喻(学时:4 )第一节转喻:从修辞格到思维方式和认知工具的转变第二节概念转喻的定义、分类、研究现状第三节转喻与隐喻的联系与区别第四节语法转喻、转喻的特征与功能第五节研究展望第五章语言中的空间关系(学时:2 )第一节识解理论第二节图形-背景联接第三节射体与界标的介词研究第四节场景识解的视角观第六章框架语义学(学时:2 )第一节框架与视角第二节框架概念第三节框架与脚本第四节基于转喻的脚本推理第七章象似性(学时:4)第一节象似性的定义与分类、研究现状第二节结构拟象象似性、关系拟象象似性第三节象似性理论在诗歌分析中的应用第四节研究展望第八章心理空间和概念整合(学时:4 )第一节心理空间理论第二节概念整合理论第三节两种理论的应用研究第四节研究展望第九章认知语法(学时:4)第一节语法的概念基础第二节构式语法理论第三节语法化第四节研究展望第十章应用认知语言学(学时:2 )第一节认知语言学与外语教学第二节认知文体学、认知诗学第三节认知语言学与翻译第四节认知词汇学、认知词典学。



成果推介文旭《认知语言学读本》推荐语《认知语言学读本》是西南大学外国语学院文旭教授主持的国家社科基金重大项目“认知语言学理论建设与汉语的认知研究”( 15ZDB099 )的阶段性成果。

该书于2017 年6 月由上海外语教育出版社出版,是“外教社学术阅读文库” 系列丛书的重要成果之一。


内容简介《认知语言学读本》共精选了20 篇有关认知语言学的研究性论文,涉及认知语言学中的概念与概念化、构式语法、象似性、概念整合以及语法化等多个核心的研究话题。






国家哲学社会科学重大项目“认知语言学理论建设与汉语的认知研究”首席专家;国际学术期刊Cognitive Linguistic Studies 及Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 主编;中国生态翻译与认知翻译研究会会长,中国认知语言学研究会、中国语用学研究会副会长,西部地区外语教学研究会会长,重庆市外文学会会长。

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认知语言学参考资料Aitchison, J. 1987. Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.Anderson, J. R. 1983. The Architecture of Cognition.Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press.Anderson, J. R. 1995. Cognitive Psychology and its Implications.New York: W. H. Feeman and Company.Bach, K. 1987. Thought and Reference. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.Barsalou, L. W. 1982. Context-independent information and context-dependent information in concepts.Memory & Cognition 10: 82-93.Barsalou, L. W. 1983. Ad hoc categories.Memory & Cognition 11: 211-227.Barsalou, L. W. 1987. The instability of graded structure: Implications for the nature of concepts. In U. Neisser (ed.), Concepts and Conceptual Development: Ecological and Intellectual Factors in Categorization. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 101-140. Barsalou, L. W. & B. H.Ross. 1986. The roles of automatic and strategic processing in sensitivity to superordinate and property frequency. 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