USP39 注射剂通则

附录ⅠB 注射剂注射剂系指药物与适宜的溶剂或分散介质制成的供注入体内的溶液,乳状液或混悬液及供注入体内的溶液、乳状液或混悬液及供临用前配制或稀释成溶液或混悬液的粉末或浓溶液的无菌制剂。
一、溶液型注射液应澄明;除另有规定外,混悬型注射液中药物粒度应控制在15µm以下,含15~20µm (间有个别20~50µm)者,不得超过10%,若有可见沉淀,振摇时应容易分散均匀,混悬型注射液不得用于静脉注射或椎管注射;乳状液型注射液应稳定,不得有相分离现象,不得用于椎管注射。

关于发布化学药品注射剂和多组分生化药注射剂基本技术要求的通知国食药监注20087号各省、自治区、直辖市食品药品监督管理局药品监督管理局:为落实国家局制定的整顿和规范药品研制、生产、流通秩序工作方案国食药监办〔2006〕465号,严格审评审批化学药品注射剂、中药注射剂和多组分生化注射剂等安全性风险较大的3类品种;国家局组织制定了化学药品注射剂基本技术要求试行和多组分生化药注射剂基本技术要求试行以下称技术要求,现予发布,请参照执行,并将有关事宜通知如下:一、国家局已受理但尚未批准注册的化学药品注射剂和多组分生化药注射剂应参照技术要求进行研究;二、已经批准注册的化学药品注射剂和多组分生化药注射剂也应参照技术要求进行相关研究,并在申报再注册时提供相关研究资料;三、对已上市化学药品注射剂、多组分生化药注射剂进行仿制、改变剂型或者改变给药途径研究时,研究者应当慎重考虑已上市品种的研究基础;附件:1.化学药品注射剂基本技术要求试行2.多组分生化药注射剂基本技术要求试行国家食品药品监督管理局二OO八年一月十日多组分生化药注射剂基本技术要求试行多组分生化药是指原材料来源于人、动物的组织或者体液,或者通过发酵而来的非单一成分的药品;大多数该类产品的组成成分不完全明确,按照化学药品的质控方式很难控制其质量;并且动物来源、工艺条件的细小变化均有可能导致物质基础的变化,而这些质量上的变化较难通过终产品的质量标准加以控制,从而可能会引发不可预测的不良反应;另外,部分已上市生化药的安全性和有效性尚不完全确切;因此,对多组分生化药注射剂,除考虑与普通化学药注射剂相同的问题之外,还应结合其特点进行研究;目前已有的多组分生化药均按化学药品管理,技术要求也基本与化学药品一致,但基于前述原因,现行化学药品的技术要求并未涵盖生化药在控制人畜共患病毒的传播、终产品的质量以及产品的安全性有效性方面的要求;因此,在参考生物制品的技术要求的基础上,并结合生化药审评中的实践起草了以下针对多组分生化药注射剂的技术要求;按照现行药品注册管理办法的规定,新申报的多组分生化药包括注册分类1和3均已按照生物制品进行管理,故以下技术要求主要针对按照化学药品管理的注册分类2、5和6的多组分生化药注射剂;一、剂型及规格的合理性剂型的选择主要考虑药物的理化性质、稳定性和生物学特性,以及临床治疗的需要和临床用药的顺应性,此外,还要考虑工业化生产的可行性等因素;规格则是根据临床研究确定的用法用量,从方便临床用药、满足临床用药需要的角度设定,同时随着临床进一步的研究结果进行必要的调整;多组分生化药注射剂剂型的选择和规格的设定同样遵循上述原则,基本要求如下:1.剂型的合理性注射剂多数为静脉给药直接进入人体,其质量问题将导致严重的安全性后果,且多组分生化药物源自生物体,具有生物多样性和来源不确定性的特点,其组成与工艺密切相关,严格意义上,工艺不同将导致药物的成分或比例不同,而上述不同难以用检测方法检出,故无论从质量控制还是无菌保证方面均较化学药品更困难,在开发多组分生化药注射剂时更应慎重考虑;注射剂通常包括大容量注射剂、粉针剂及小容量注射剂三种,多组分生化药注射剂应重点考虑无菌保证和质量稳定可控等,在研发过程中应遵循如下原则:1如主要成分在水溶液中稳定性良好,同时可耐受湿热灭菌,则适于开发成小容量注射剂或大容量注射剂;其采用的灭菌条件的无菌保证值应在6以上;对影响产品安全性的物质应在规范的方法学研究基础上进行有效的控制;如主要成分在水溶液中稳定,只是不能耐受常规的湿热灭菌工艺,则不宜开发成大容量注射剂;如为临床必需的治疗用药品,则可开发成小容量注射剂,并须采用严格的无菌生产工艺,其无菌保证值应与粉针剂相当;小容量注射剂同样应对影响产品安全性的物质在规范的方法学研究基础上进行有效的控制;2如主要成分在水溶液中不稳定,则不宜开发成小容量注射剂或大容量注射剂,可以开发成粉针剂;粉针剂因不适于终端湿热灭菌,其无菌保证值低于湿热灭菌,通常为3;因此认为粉针剂的无菌保证水平不及采用湿热灭菌的小容量注射剂和大容量注射剂;粉针剂同样应对影响产品安全性的物质在规范的方法学研究基础上进行有效的控制;3对于由其他给药途径改为注射剂的品种,在充分分析开发注射剂必要性的基础上,还应与现有剂型进行安全性、有效性、质量稳定可控性方面的比较分析,尤其要对影响产品安全性的物质,在数量和种类上与原剂型比较是否无明显增加,明确所改剂型的特点和优势,并对改变后的剂型进行相应的药学研究、药理毒理研究和临床试验;4如果改变上市产品的剂型粉针剂、小容量注射剂、大容量注射剂互换,应有支持其变更的充分的试验依据,证明变更后的剂型在安全、有效和质量稳定可控性方面更具优势;但鉴于多组分生化药剂型变更后产品的质量可能发生变化,故应进行相应的药学研究、药理毒理研究和临床试验;2.规格的合理性应根据说明书中规定的用法用量,从方便临床用药、满足临床用药需要的角度设定制剂的规格;多组分生化药规格的设定,除遵循“化学药品注射剂基本技术要求”中的一般原则外,还要重点关注不同规格产品中的主要成分的种类和比例应保持一致,并尽量以活性成分的量计算规格;二、制备工艺研究多组分生化药的组成、质量与原材料和制备工艺密切相关,同时生化药在控制人畜共患病传播方面有其特殊和严格的要求,仅靠成品的质量标准不能全面控制此类产品的质量,必须要结合起始原料和工艺过程的控制才能较有效地控制产品的质量,保证质量的一致性;因此起始原料的质量要求、工艺过程、原液或原料药的质量控制均属于质量控制的一部分,应将原材料控制、工艺过程控制和原液或原料药的质量控制作为质量标准的一部分纳入质量控制体系,以尽可能控制起始原料、制备工艺对终产品的组成和含量的影响,实现全过程控制;鉴于多组分生化药注射剂的上述特殊性,其研究工作的总体思路应该是:通过全面的质量对比研究,从源头开始进行全程的严格控制,以证明并保证申报的产品与原剂型或被仿制产品简称“已上市相关品种”,下同的组成与含量是完全一致且可控的;1.原材料的控制1动物饲养环境的要求动物的饲养环境封闭饲养对某些生化药品的有效组分和含量等可能有较大的影响;同时,饲养环境相对固定也可能在一定程度上保证动物健康状况的一致性;因此,可以考虑参考生物制品的要求进行定点饲养;2动物来源的原材料对于来源于动物器官或组织的多组分生化药注射剂,由于原材料来源复杂,动物的种属、健康状况、饲养环境、年龄、采集时间、采集方法等对其有效成分的含量和比例可能会产生较大的影响;因此,需明确动物来源,且应为经检疫合格的健康动物;对提取所用的动物种属、年龄、采集部位及方法、采集后的保存方法与有效期等制订相应的要求;制订原材料的质控标准;根据动物可能携带的人畜共患病病原体情况制订相应的检疫要求,规定详细的检疫方法;3牛源性原材料为防止牛海绵状脑病通过用药途径的传播,根据关于进一步加强牛源性及其相关药品监督管理的公告国药监注〔2002〕238号的有关规定,生化药应尽量避免使用牛源性原材料,不得使用取自于高危险性的牛组织的牛源性材料,如牛脑、脊髓、眼睛、扁桃体、淋巴结、肾上腺、回肠、近端结肠、远端结肠、脾脏、硬脑脊髓膜、松果体、脑脊液、垂体、胎盘等;4来源于人类体液的原材料对于来源于人类体液如尿液等的多组分生化药注射剂,要明确目标人群的入选标准包括健康状况的检查标准,明确人类体液的收集方法和要求,制定严格的质控方法和标准,并对体液中含有的病原微生物进行严格控制;5其它由于多组分生化药的工艺对质量控制的极端重要性,需要直接从源头开始,全程对质量与工艺进行控制,以保证生化药制剂的质量;如采用已批准上市的生化药原料药,则该原料药也应符合本文中所提出的技术要求,否则,应从源头开始自行生产;基于同样的原因,不得采用外购的中间体包括浓缩液等制备生化药注射剂;2.提取纯化工艺生化药的提取工艺与其组分、组成密切相关,需注意对制备工艺进行充分的研究;1工艺依据对于按化学药品管理的多组分生化药,如果有相关产品已经上市,则需提供提取工艺选择的详细依据,说明申报工艺与文献及已上市相关品种提取工艺的差异及原因;同时,应与已上市的相关生化药组分进行全面比较和研究,提供详细的研究资料,以说明本品的组分、组成和相关的生化药等同或一致,注意对每一类别有效组分和每一类有效组分中的各组分进行比较,选择多种分析方法或手段进行研究;根据试验结果,阐述制备工艺的合理性;2工艺研究和工艺验证需对制备工艺进行详细的研究,包括粉碎、提取、纯化、病毒灭活、灭菌等各环节,明确工艺过程的关键环节、控制方法和工艺参数,并进行充分的验证,确定重要工艺参数范围;研究中应选择能够全面反映产品质量的指标,如活性组分的含量、活性活力、活性组份的收率等,必要时应通过与已上市相关生化药组分的比较研究确定制备工艺和工艺参数;需对工艺稳定性进行研究,考察在该制备工艺下中间体质量的稳定情况,包括活性组分的含量、活性活力、活性组份的收率等,以保证不同批次产品质量的重现性;3中间体的质控对提取纯化工艺所得的中间体需制订严格的质控方法,并作为质量标准的一部分;4其它提取、纯化工艺对多组分生化药注射剂的质量及安全性具有重要意义,因此如申请变更工艺,应先进行全面而详细的药学研究,并根据药学研究的结果考虑进行药理毒理、临床研究,以保证工艺变更前后产品的等同或一致;3.制剂处方及制备工艺研究多组分生化药注射剂处方及制剂工艺的研究项目和研究思路总体可以参照常规化学药进行;对于生化药物而言,处方及工艺研究的重点在于保证药物在生产、贮藏、运输和临床使用过程中的物理化学稳定性和生物活性;1制剂处方工艺与稳定性一般而言,多组分生化注射剂多含肽类、蛋白质、多糖等物质,这类物质在溶液中或高湿条件下降解或聚合的速度较干燥条件下更快;研究中应详细了解外界条件如pH、温度、光照、氧浓度等对生化药物稳定性的影响,选择适宜的辅料提高制剂的物理化学稳定性和生物活性;由于多组分生化注射剂组分复杂,处方设计中需注意避免药物和辅料的不良相互作用,处方筛选除一般研究项目外,还需考察药物活性的改变;制剂生产过程可能会对某些生化药物稳定性和制剂质量产生影响,这些因素包括pH、热处理环节、冻干环节、剪切力和压力等,需注意进行详细的研究;此外,还需对制剂工艺的稳定性进行研究,考察在该工艺下药品质量的稳定情况,包括活性组分的含量、活性活力、产品收率等;总之,这类制剂的处方和工艺研究需充分考虑生化药品的有关特性;2灭菌工艺灭菌工艺的选择和验证研究是多组分生化药注射剂处方工艺研究的重要内容,研究的基本方法和思路可参照“化学药品注射剂基本技术要求”进行,应提供灭菌工艺的详细验证资料;需要注意的是,由于生化药的特殊性,需关注灭菌处理对产品质量/疗效以及产品安全性的影响;3辅料对辅料的要求可参照“化学药品注射剂基本技术要求”进行;三、病毒灭活/去除工艺验证生化药的原材料由于来源于不同的动物组织或者体液,为保持特定/有效成分的生物活性,通常需要采用比较温和的生产工艺和提取制备条件,因而污染的潜在病毒可能未得到有效灭活/去除,给用药人群带来感染的风险性;因此,必须确立在生产工艺中包含能够有效灭活/去除病毒的特定工艺步骤,并验证其灭活/去除病毒的效能,提供病毒灭活/去除有效性验证资料;以保证制品的病毒安全性;1.来源动物应保证来源动物的健康符合家畜检验检疫的要求,不携带人畜共患性疾病病原体;对于监测和检疫的病原微生物具体种类和方法,申报单位应根据生产中实际采用的动物种类,在调研病原微生物的性质和对于人类的致病性基础上,研究确定相关要求,并提供来源依据和标准;2.生物组织原材料应根据以上调研结果,采用敏感方法检测生物组织原材料中的病原微生物;检测结果应排除组织中污染有人畜共患性疾病病原体和能够感染人类细胞的病毒;3.有效工艺步骤包括但不限于以下方法:1巴斯德消毒法60℃10小时2低PH孵放法±,24±1℃,21天3干热灭活法80℃72小时,100℃30分钟4有机溶剂处理法S/D灭活法,1%TritonX100+%TNBP4小时以上,或者1%Tween80+%TNBP24℃6小时以上5膜过滤法50nm或者20nm纳米膜,如DV50或者DV20以上方法应用于具体制品时,应针对潜在污染病毒的特点进行选择和组合,并结合品种的实际工艺条件进行验证;生产工艺中至少应包含从机制上可以互补的两种有效工艺步骤;如巴斯德消毒法与低PH孵放法,S/D法和干热法等联合步骤;如采用纳米膜过滤法,可以将其作为有效工艺步骤之一,但不能单独使用,应将其与其他灭活工艺步骤联合,如巴斯德消毒法与膜过滤法,低PH 孵放法与膜过滤方法等;如果现有工艺中没有特定有效步骤,或者达不到有效性基本要求,应根据具体品种的理化特性及中间制品对于工艺步骤的耐受性,在不影响产品质量的前提下增加有效工艺步骤或者调整现有步骤的工艺条件;详细解释参见药监局关于印发<血液制品去除/灭活病毒技术方法及验证指导原则〉的通知国药监注〔2002〕160号;4.验证设计和分析1指示病毒的选择指示病毒的选择应根据具体品种的组织原材料来源动物及其相关病毒选择,通常应选择对于理化因素耐受性强或者病毒粒径小的有一定代表性的指示病毒,包括脂包膜和非脂包膜病毒;但不宜选择对于人类具有严重致病性、易传染和播散的烈性病毒;详细解释参见药审中心公布的生物组织提取制品和真核细胞表达制品的病毒安全性评价技术审评一般原则;2验证方法和评价通常采用与实际生产工艺最接近适当缩小的模拟工艺条件以验证灭活/去除病毒的效能,在未经处理的中间品或者原液中加入一定量的感染性活病毒,经过灭活/去除工艺步骤处理后,计算病毒感染量下降的程度,并结合病毒灭活/去除动力学资料评价生产工艺的特定步骤是否确实有效,通常以能够灭活/去除4Log以上病毒浓度量作为有效工艺步骤,工艺灭活/去除的累积病毒量应当远超过相当于一个剂量的原液中可能含有的潜在污染病毒量该潜在污染病毒量是指实际生产中不应当出现的最坏情况;另外,还应评价灭活/去除条件对产品质量的影响;经过验证有效的工艺步骤其工艺参数温度、时间、膜型号和规格、灭活剂种类和浓度等和产品验证时的其它条件溶液的pH、离子浓度、蛋白浓度、保护剂种类和浓度等在实际生产过程中不得再改变,必需维持在验证时确定的许可范围内;如果超出原限定的范围,需要重新进行验证;四、质量研究及稳定性研究除遵循化学药物质量研究的有关指导原则外,多组分生化药物质量研究应紧密结合工艺和生化药的特点,充分考虑产品安全性,进行全面的质量研究;1.质量研究及质量标准1质量研究项目质量研究一般分为性状、鉴别、检查、含量测定或效价测定等几方面;多组分生化药物的质量研究项目应全面,尽量对各组成成分进行定性与定量研究;多组分生化药物可能包含的组分种类较多,如氨基酸、微量元素、短肽、蛋白质、酶及辅酶、多糖、激素、生长因子、脂质、核酸及其降解产物等,鉴别项目应尽可能对所含组分进行特征性鉴别,如果组成过于复杂,应至少明确所含的起药效的主要成分;检查项目的设置随不同制剂会有差别;重点关注安全性指标和杂质;由于原材料为生物来源,成品中含有各种生化物质,为保证注射给药的安全,一般须进行过敏物质、降压物质、异常毒性等检查;由于不同动物的敏感度不同,异常毒性试验应选取小鼠和豚鼠两种动物进行;多组分生化药组成复杂,为保证产品质量的相对均一,应研究采用合适的分析方法控制产品的主要成份;例如对于多肽类药物,可采用指纹图谱的方法控制各多肽的种类及与主成分的相对含量;同时为保证药品安全,应对杂质进行深入的研究,保证其类别不多于已上市产品,含量限度不高于已上市产品;例如,终产品为糖类,则一般应对其中含有的脂类、蛋白、核酸等进行检查和控制;其他的检查项目需充分考虑到产品的不同特点进行,如产品为不同分子量所组成的聚合物,则应进行分子量及分子量分布检查;制备工艺中如使用有机溶剂,则应注意对有机溶剂残留量的检查;含量测定应涵盖起药效的主要组分;如终产品具有生物活性,则应建立起生物活性测定方法,测定指标应跟药物的治疗作用密切相关,对于有多种治疗作用的生化药,应建立起不同的生物活性测定方法;2分析方法分析方法的选择和验证可参照化学药品及生物制品的有关指导原则,重点关注方法的专属性、灵敏性、耐用性;常规项目通常可采用现行版药典收载的方法,如pH值、澄清度与颜色、干燥失重、水分、分子量及分布、细菌内毒素、热原、无菌、异常毒性、降压物质、不溶性微粒、重金属、含量均匀度等;但由于生化药组成复杂,对测定方法可能有干扰,应注意药典方法是否适用,必要时进行修订;当常规化学测定方法较难建立时,可使用符合要求的生化测定方法和技术,如酶法、免疫法等;必要时,还需建立特定的生物测定方法,用于活性测定和毒性测定;3质量标准由于多组分生化药物组分复杂,必须结合起始原料和工艺过程的控制,才能较有效地控制质量,保证质量一致性;可参照生物制品制检规程,将起始原料、中间体、原液的质量要求、以及工艺过程纳入质量标准,以尽可能对产品进行全面质量控制;标准中应收入注射剂的常规检验项目,如性状、鉴别、pH值/酸碱度、澄清度与颜色、干燥失重/水分、细菌内毒素/热原、无菌、不溶性微粒、分子量及分子量分布、装量、含量测定等;涉及到多组分生化药特性的安全性指标应订入标准,如过敏物质、降压物质、异常毒性等;如前所述,活性测定是反映产品质量的重要内容,有时比含量测定更具专属性,应尽量将活性测定项目订入质量标准;为保证申报品种的物质基础与已上市相关品种保持一致,应在全面质量对比研究的基础上,在质量标准中订入杂质检查项目;质量标准所收载的项目限度的确定应遵循化学药物的一般原则;2.稳定性研究稳定性研究可参照化学药品的稳定性研究技术要求,多组分生化药物注射剂的稳定性研究注意以下特点;1稳定性考察指标的选择多组分生化药物注射剂一般采取无菌操作工艺,同时其所含的组分均为动物或人体内源性物质,有可能起到细菌培养基的作用,因此无菌和热原/细菌内毒素等是必须要考察的指标;在放置过程中可能会发生较为复杂的降解反应或化学反应,因此除了常规检查指标外,应进行安全性指标如过敏物质、降压物质、异常毒性等考察,以全面反映产品的稳定性;2放置条件的选择生化药物稳定性影响因素较多,尤其是对温度较为敏感,因此多数生化药物注射剂需要在低温下保存;稳定性试验中的放置条件需要仔细设计,如加速试验条件的选择往往需要考察多个温度下的稳定性,以确定长期稳定性试验的条件;3有效期的确定有效期的确定原则同化学药物;但由于部分多组分生化药物不够稳定,一般以长期试验的结果来确定有效期,而不再根据加速试验的结果外推有效期;五、药理毒理研究在已有的药学研究能够证明申报品种的物质基础与已上市相关品种完全一致,且产品中各成分包括有效成分明确且可控的前提下,对于注册分类5或6类的多组分生化药注射剂可以借鉴已上市相关品种的药理毒理研究信息;而对于注册分类2的品种,还应按照法规的要求进行相应的药理毒理研究;如果药学研究不能证明物质基础的一致性,则应按照相应的注册分类要求进行申报;六、临床研究。


“装量”检查法1 简述1.1本法适用于50ml及50ml以下的单剂量注射液的装量检查,其目的在于保证单剂量注射液的注射用量不少于标示量,以达到临床用药剂量要求。
1.3 凡规定检查含量均匀度的注射液(如塞替派注射液).可不进行“装量”检查。
2 仪器与用具2.1注射器及注射针头。
3 操作方法3.1 按下表规定取用量抽取供试品。
标示装量供试品取用量(支)2ml或2ml以下 52ml以上至50ml 33.2取供试品,擦净瓶外壁,轻弹瓶颈部使液体全部下落,小心开启,将每支内容物分别用相应体积的干燥注射器(包括注射器针头)抽尽,注入预经标化的量筒内,在室温下检视,读出每支装量。



美国药典 注射剂通则

Designation as a Pharmacy bulk package is limited to prepara-〈1〉 INJECTIONStions from Nomenclature categories 1, 2, or 3 as defined above.Pharmacy bulk packages, although containing more than one single dose, are exempt from the multiple-dose container volume limit of 30 mL and the requirement that they contain a substance or suitable mixture of substances to prevent the growth of microorganisms.Where a container is offered as a Pharmacy bulk package, the INTRODUCTIONlabel shall (a) state prominently “Pharmacy Bulk Package—Not for direct infusion,” (b) contain or refer to information on proper tech-Parenteral articles are preparations intended for injection through niques to help assure safe use of the product, and (c) bear a state-the skin or other external boundary tissue, rather than through the ment limiting the time frame in which the container may be used alimentary canal, so that the active substances they contain are ad-once it has been entered, provided it is held under the labeled stor-ministered, using gravity or force, directly into a blood vessel, or-age conditions.gan, tissue, or lesion. Parenteral articles are prepared scrupulously by methods designed to ensure that they meet Pharmacopeial re-quirements for sterility, pyrogens, particulate matter, and other con-LARGE - AND SMALL -VOLUME INJECTIONStaminants, and, where appropriate, contain inhibitors of the growth of microorganisms. An Injection is a preparation intended for par-Where used in this Pharmacopeia, the designation Large-volume enteral administration and/or for constituting or diluting a parenteral intravenous solution applies to a single-dose injection that is in-article prior to administration.tended for intravenous use and is packaged in containers labeled as containing more than 100 mL. The designation Small-volume Injec-tion applies to an Injection that is packaged in containers labeled as NOMENCLATURE AND DEFINITIONScontaining 100 mL or less.BIOLOGICSNomenclature *The following nomenclature pertains to five general types of The Pharmacopeial definitions for sterile preparations for paren-preparations, all of which are suitable for, and intended for, paren-teral use generally do not apply in the case of the biologics because teral administration. They may contain buffers, preservatives, or of their special nature and licensing requirements (see Biologics other added substances.〈1041〉).1.[DRUG] Injection—Liquid preparations that are drug sub-stances or solutions thereof.2.[DRUG] for Injection—Dry solids that, upon the addition ofINGREDIENTSsuitable vehicles, yield solutions conforming in all respects to the requirements for Injections.3.[DRUG] Injectable Emulsion—Liquid preparations of drugVehicles and Added Substancessubstances dissolved or dispersed in a suitable emulsion medium.Aqueous Vehicles—The vehicles for aqueous Injections meet 4.[DRUG] Injectable Suspension—Liquid preparations of sol-the requirements of the Pyrogen Test 〈151〉 or the Bacterial Endo-ids suspended in a suitable liquid medium.toxins Test 〈85〉, whichever is specified. Water for Injection gener-5.[DRUG] for Injectable Suspension—Dry solids that, upon theally is used as the vehicle, unless otherwise specified in the individ-addition of suitable vehicles, yield preparations conforming ual monograph. Sodium chloride may be added in amounts in all respects to the requirements for Injectable Suspensions.sufficient to render the resulting solution isotonic; and Sodium Chloride Injection, or Ringer’s Injection, may be used in whole or in part instead of Water for Injection, unless otherwise specified in Definitionsthe individual monograph. For conditions applying to other ad-juvants, see Added Substances in this chapter.Other Vehicles—Fixed oils used as vehicles for nonaqueous In-jections are of vegetable origin, are odorless or nearly so, and have PHARMACY BULK PACKAGEno odor suggesting rancidity. They meet the requirements of the test for Solid paraffin under Mineral Oil, the cooling bath being main-A Pharmacy bulk package is a container of a sterile preparation tained at 10°, have a Saponification Value between 185 and 200for parenteral use that contains many single doses. The contents are (see Fats and Fixed Oils 〈401〉), have an Iodine Value between 79intended for use in a pharmacy admixture program and are re-and 141 (see Fats and Fixed Oils 〈401〉), and meet the requirements stricted to the preparation of admixtures for infusion or, through a of the following tests.sterile transfer device, for the filling of empty sterile syringes.Unsaponifiable Matter—Reflux on a steam bath 10 mL of the oil The closure shall be penetrated only one time after constitution with 15 mL of sodium hydroxide solution (1 in 6) and 30 mL of with a suitable sterile transfer device or dispensing set which allows alcohol, with occasional shaking until the mixture becomes clear.measured dispensing of the contents. The Pharmacy bulk package Transfer the solution to a shallow dish, evaporate the alcohol on a is to be used only in a suitable work area such as a laminar flow steam bath, and mix the residue with 100 mL of water: a clear solu-hood (or an equivalent clean air compounding area).tion results.*This nomenclature has been adopted by the USP Drug Nomenclature Committee for Free Fatty Acids—The free fatty acids in 10g of oil require for implementation by supplemental revisions of USP 23-NF 18. For currently official neutralization not more than 2.0 mL of 0.020N sodium hydroxide monograph titles in the form Sterile [DRUG] that have not yet been revised, the following nomenclature continues in use in this Pharmacopeia:(1) medicaments or (see Fats and Fixed Oils 〈401〉).solutions or emulsions thereof suitable for injection, bearing titles of the form [DRUG]Synthetic mono- or diglycerides of fatty acids may be used as Injection; (2) dry solids or liquid concentrates containing no buffers, diluents, or other vehicles, provided they are liquid and remain clear when cooled to added substances, and which, upon the addition of suitable solvents, yield solutions conforming in all respects to the requirements for Injections, and which are 10° and have an Iodine Value of not more than 140 (see Fats and distinguished by titles of the form Sterile [DRUG]; (3) preparations the same as those Fixed Oils 〈401〉).described under (2) except that they contain one or more buffers, diluents, or other These and other nonaqueous vehicles may be used, provided they added substances, and which are distinguished by titles of the form [DRUG] for are safe, in the volume of Injection administered, and also provided Injection; (4) solids which are suspended in a suitable fluid medium and which are not to be injected intravenously or into the spinal canal, distinguished by titles of the form they do not interfere with the therapeutic efficacy of the preparation Sterile [DRUG] Suspension; and (5) dry solids which, upon the addition of suitable or with its response to prescribed assays and tests.vehicles, yield preparations conforming in all respects to the requirements for Sterile Added Substances—Suitable substances may be added to prepa-Suspensions, and which are distinguished by titles of the form Sterile [DRUG] for Suspension.rations intended for injection to increase stability or usefulness, un-less proscribed in the individual monograph, provided they are Containers for Injections that are intended for use as dialysis, harmless in the amounts administered and do not interfere with the hemofiltration, or irrigation solutions and that contain a volume of therapeutic efficacy or with the responses to the specified assays more than 1 L are labeled to indicate that the contents are not in-and tests. No coloring agent may be added, solely for the purpose of tended for use by intravenous infusion.coloring the finished preparation, to a solution intended for paren-Injections intended for veterinary use are labeled to that effect. teral administration (see also Added Substances under General No-The container is so labeled that a sufficient area of the container tices and Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing 〈51〉).remains uncovered for its full length or circumference to permit in-spection of the contents.Observe special care in the choice and use of added substances inpreparations for injection that are administered in a volume exceed-ing 5 mL. The following maximum limits prevail unless otherwiseSTRENGTH AND TOTAL VOLUME FOR SINGLE- AND directed: for agents containing mercury and the cationic, surface-active compounds, 0.01%; for chlorobutanol, cresol, phenol, and MULTIPLE-DOSE INJECTABLE DRUG PRODUCTS similar types of substances, 0.5%; and for sulfur dioxide, or anequivalent amount of the sulfite, bisulfite, or metabisulfite of potas-For single-dose and multiple-dose injectable drug products, the sium or sodium, 0.2%.strength per total volume should be the primary and prominent ex-pression on the principal display panel of the label, followed in A suitable substance or mixture of substances to prevent theclose proximity by strength per mL enclosed by parentheses. For growth of microorganisms must be added to preparations intendedcontainers holding a volume of less than 1 mL, the strength per for injection that are packaged in multiple-dose containers, regard-fraction of a mL should be the only expression of strength. Strength less of the method of sterilization employed, unless one of the fol-per single mL should be expressed as mg/mL, not mg/1 mL. lowing conditions prevails: (1) there are different directions in theThe following formats are acceptable for contents of greater individual monograph; (2) the substance contains a radionuclidethan 1 mL:with a physical half-life of less than 24 hours; and (3) the activeTotal strength/total volume: 500 mg/10 mLingredients are themselves antimicrobial. Such substances are usedStrength/mL: 50 mg/mLin concentrations that will prevent the growth of or kill microorgan-orisms in the preparations for injection. Such substances also meet theTotal strength/total volume: 25,000 Units/5 mL requirements of Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing 〈51〉 and Anti-Strength/mL: 5,000 Units/mLmicrobial Agents—Content 〈341〉. Sterilization processes are em-The following format is acceptable for contents of less than 1 ployed even though such substances are used (see also SterilizationmL: 12.5 mg/0.625 mLand Sterility Assurance of Compendial Articles 〈1211〉). The air inThere are, however, some exceptions to expressing strength per the container may be evacuated or be displaced by a chemically in-total volume. In certain cases, the primary and prominent expres-ert gas. Where specified in a monograph, information regardingsion of the total drug content per container would not be effective in sensitivity of the article to oxygen is to be provided in the labeling.preventing medication errors (e.g., insulin). An example is the useof lidocaine or other similar drugs used as a local anesthetic wherethe product is ordered and administered by percentage (e.g., 1%, LABELS AND LABELING2%) or a local anesthetic in combination with epinephrine that isexpressed as a ratio (e.g., 1:100,000). In such cases, the totalstrength should be expressed: for example, 1% (100 mg/10 mL).Dry solids, which need to be reconstituted, should follow the same Labeling format, with the exception that only the total strength of the drugshould be listed, not the strength/total volume or strength/mL. NOTE—See definitions of “label” and “labeling” in Labeling in(Official February 1, 2009) the section Preservation, Packaging, Storage, and Labeling of theGeneral Notices and Requirements.The label states the name of the preparation; in the case of a liq-Aluminum in Large-Volume Parenterals (LVPs), uid preparation, the percentage content of drug or amount of drug in Small-Volume Parenterals (SVPs), and Pharmacy a specified volume; in the case of a dry preparation, the amount ofBulk Packages (PBPs) Used in Total Parenteral active ingredient; the route of administration; a statement of storageconditions and an expiration date; the name and place of business of Nutrition (TPN) Therapythe manufacturer, packer, or distributor; and an identifying lot num-ber. The lot number is capable of yielding the complete manufactur-(a)The aluminum content of LVPs used in TPN therapy must ing history of the specific package, including all manufacturing,not exceed 25 µg per L (µg/L).filling, sterilizing, and labeling operations.(b)The package insert of LVPs used in TPN therapy must state Where the individual monograph permits varying concentrations that the drug product contains no more than 25 µg of alumi-of active ingredients in the large-volume parenteral, the concentra-num per L. This information must be contained in the “Pre-tion of each ingredient named in the official title is stated as if part cautions” section of the labeling of all LVPs used in TPN of the official title, e.g., Dextrose Injection 5%, or Dextrose (5%)therapy.and Sodium Chloride (0.2%) Injection.(c)If the maximum amount of aluminum in SVPs and PBPs is The labeling includes the following information if the complete25 µg per L (µg/L) or less, instead of stating the exact formula is not specified in the individual monograph: (1) In the case amount of aluminum that each contains, as in paragraph (d), of a liquid preparation, the percentage content of each ingredient or the immediate container label for SVPs and PBPs used in the the amount of each ingredient in a specified volume, except that preparation of TPN parenterals (with exceptions as noted be-ingredients added to adjust to a given pH or to make the solution low) may state: “Contains no more than 25 µg/L of alumi-isotonic may be declared by name and a statement of their effect;num”. If the SVP or PBP is a lyophilized powder, the im-and (2) in the case of a dry preparation or other preparation to mediate container label may state the following: “When which a diluent is intended to be added before use, the amount of reconstituted in accordance with the package insert instruc-each ingredient, the composition of recommended diluent(s) [the tions, the concentration of aluminum will be no more than 25 name(s) alone, if the formula is specified in the individual mono-µg/L”.graph], the amount to be used to attain a specific concentration of(d)The maximum level of aluminum at expiry must be stated on active ingredient and the final volume of solution so obtained, a the immediate container label of all SVPs and PBPs used in brief description of the physical appearance of the constituted solu-the preparation of TPN parenterals and injectable emulsions. tion, directions for proper storage of the constituted solution, and an The aluminum content must be stated as follows: “Contains expiration date limiting the period during which the constituted no more than __ µg/L of aluminum”. The immediate con-solution may be expected to have the required or labeled potency if tainer label of all SVPs and PBPs that are lyophilized powder it has been stored as ed in the preparation of TPN solutions must contain the fol-lowing statement: “When reconstituted in accordance with pul is prohibited, except for Potassium Chloride for Injection the package insert instructions, the concentration of alumi-Concentrate.num will be no more than __ µg/L.” This maximum amount of aluminum must be stated as the highest one of the follow-Neuromuscular Blocking and Paralyzing Agentsing three levels:(1)The highest level for the batches produced during the lastAll injectable preparations of neuromuscular blocking agents and three yearsparalyzing agents must be packaged in vials with a cautionary state-(2)The highest level for the latest five batchesment printed on the ferrules or cap overseals. Both the container cap (3)The maximum level in terms of historical levels, but only un-ferrule and the cap overseal must bear in black or white print til completion of production of the first five batches after July (whichever provides the greatest color contrast with the ferrule or 26, 2004.cap color) the words: “Warning: Paralyzing Agent” or “Paralyzing The package insert for all LVPs, SVPs, and PBPs used in the Agent” (depending on the size of the closure system). Alternatively,preparation of TPN products must contain a warning statement.the overseal may be transparent and without words, allowing for This warning must be contained in the “Warning” section of the visualization of the warning labeling on the closure ferrule.labeling and must state the following: “WARNING: This product contains aluminum that may be toxic. Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration if kidney function is Containers for Sterile Solidsimpaired. Premature neonates are particularly at risk because their kidneys are immature, and they require large amounts of calcium Containers, including the closures, for dry solids intended for and phosphate solutions that contain aluminum. Research indicates parenteral use do not interact physically or chemically with the that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature preparation in any manner to alter the strength, quality, or purity neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than beyond the official requirements under the ordinary or customary 4 to 5 µg per kg per day accumulate aluminum at levels associated conditions of handling, shipment, storage, sale, and use.with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may A container for a sterile solid permits the addition of a suitable occur at even lower rates of administration of TPN products.”solvent and withdrawal of portions of the resulting solution or sus-pension in such manner that the sterility of the product is maintained.PACKAGING Where the Assay in a monograph provides a procedure for the Assay preparation, in which the total withdrawable contents are to be withdrawn from a single-dose container with a hypodermic nee-dle and syringe, the contents are to be withdrawn as completely as Containers for Injectionspossible into a dry hypodermic syringe of a rated capacity not ex-ceeding three times the volume to be withdrawn and fitted with a Containers, including the closures, for preparations for injections 21-gauge needle not less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length, with care do not interact physically or chemically with the preparations in any being taken to expel any air bubbles, and discharged into a con-manner to alter the strength, quality, or purity beyond the official tainer for dilution and assay.requirements under the ordinary or customary conditions of han-dling, shipment, storage, sale, and use. The container is made of material that permits inspection of the contents. The type of glass Volume in Containerpreferable for each parenteral preparation is usually stated in the individual monograph. Unless otherwise specified in the individual Each container of an injection is filled with sufficient excess of monograph, plastic containers may be used for packaging injections the labeled “size” or that volume which is to be withdrawn. See (see Containers—Plastics 〈661〉).Injections under Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms 〈1151〉.For definitions of single-dose and multiple-dose containers, see Containers in the General Notices and Requirements. Containers meet the requirements under Containers—Glass 〈660〉 and Con-DETERMINATION OF VOLUME OF INJECTION INtainers—Plastics 〈661〉.Containers are closed or sealed in such a manner as to prevent CONTAINERS contamination or loss of contents. Validation of container integrity must demonstrate no penetration of microbial contamination or Suspensions and emulsions must be shaken before withdrawal of chemical or physical impurities. In addition, the solutes and the ve-the contents and before the determination of the density. Oily and hicle must maintain their specified total and relative quantities or viscous preparations may be warmed according to the instructions concentrations when exposed to anticipated extreme conditions of on the label, if necessary, and thoroughly shaken immediately be-manufacturing and processing, and storage, shipment, and distribu-fore removing the contents. The contents are then cooled to tion. Closures for multiple-dose containers permit the withdrawal of 20°–25°C before measuring the volume.the contents without removal or destruction of the closure. The clo-Single-Dose Containers—Select 1 container if the volume of the sure permits penetration by a needle and, upon withdrawal of the container is 10 mL or more, 3 containers if the nominal volume is needle, closes at once, protecting the container against contamina-more than 3 mL and less than 10 mL, or 5 containers if the nominal tion. Validation of the multiple-dose container integrity must in-volume is 3 mL or less. Take up individually the total contents of clude verification that such a package prevents microbial contami-each container selected into a dry syringe of a capacity not exceed-nation or loss of product contents under anticipated conditions of ing three times the volume to be measured and fitted with a 21-multiple entry and use.gauge needle not less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length. Expel any air Piggyback containers are usually intravenous infusion containers bubbles from the syringe and needle, and then discharge the con-used to administer a second infusion through a connector of some tents of the syringe, without emptying the needle, into a standard-type or an injection port on the administration set of the first fluid,ized, dry cylinder (graduated to contain rather than to deliver the thereby avoiding the need for another injection site on the patient’s designated volumes) of such size that the volume to be measured body. Piggyback containers are also known as secondary infusion occupies at least 40% of its graduated volume. Alternatively, the containers.volume of the contents in mL may be calculated as the mass, in g,divided by the density. For containers with a nominal volume of 2mL or less, the contents of a sufficient number of containers may be Potassium Chloride for Injection Concentratepooled to obtain the volume required for the measurement, provided that a separate, dry syringe assembly is used for each container. The The use of a black closure system on a vial (e.g., a black flip-off contents of containers holding 10 mL or more may be determined button and a black ferrule to hold the elastomeric closure) or the use by means of opening them and emptying the contents directly into of a black band or series of bands above the constriction on an am-the graduated cylinder or tared beaker.The volume is not less than the nominal volume in the case of Injections packaged for intravascular use that may be used for containers examined individually or, in the case of containers with a intermittent, continuous, or bolus replacement fluid administration nominal volume of 2 mL or less, is not less than the sum of the during hemodialysis or other procedures, unless excepted above,nominal volumes of the containers taken collectively.must conform to the 1-L restriction.Multi-Dose Containers—For Injections in multiple-dose con-Injections labeled for veterinary use are exempt from packaging tainers labeled to yield a specific number of doses of a stated vol-and storage requirements concerning the limitation to single-dose ume, select 1 container, and proceed as directed for single-dose containers and the limitation on the volume of multiple-dose containers, using the same number of separate syringe assemblies as containers.the number of doses specified. The volume is such that each syringe delivers not less than the stated dose.Injections in Cartridges or Prefilled Syringes—Select 1 con-FOREIGN AND PARTICULATE MATTERtainer if the volume is 10 mL or more, 3 containers if the nominal volume is more than 3 mL and less than 10 mL, or 5 containers if All articles intended for parenteral administration shall be pre-the nominal volume is 3 mL or less. If necessary, fit the containers pared in a manner designed to exclude particulate matter as defined with the accessories required for their use (needle, piston, syringe)in Particulate Matter in Injections 〈788〉 and other foreign matter.and transfer the entire contents of each container without emptying Each final container of all parenteral preparations shall be inspected the needle into a dry tared beaker by slowly and constantly depress-to the extent possible for the presence of observable foreign and ing the piston. Determine the volume in mL, calculated as the mass,particulate matter (hereafter termed “visible particulates”) in its in g, divided by the density.contents. The inspection process shall be designed and qualified to The volume measured for each of the containers is not less than ensure that every lot of all parenteral preparations is essentially free the nominal volume.from visible particulates. Qualification of the inspection process Large-Volume Intravenous Solutions—For intravenous solu-shall be performed with reference to particulates in the visible range tions, select 1 container. Transfer the contents into a dry measuring of a type that might emanate from the manufacturing or filling pro-cylinder of such a capacity that the volume to be determined occu-cess. Every container whose contents shows evidence of visible par-pies at least 40% of the nominal volume of the cylinder. Measure ticulates shall be rejected. The inspection for visible particulates the volume transferred.may take place when inspecting for other critical defects, such as The volume is not less than the nominal volume.cracked or defective containers or seals, or when characterizing the appearance of a lyophilized product.Where the nature of the contents or the container-closure system permits only limited capability for the inspection of the total con-Labeling on Ferrules and Cap Oversealstents, the 100% inspection of a lot shall be supplemented with the inspection of constituted (e.g., dried) or withdrawn (e.g., dark am-Only cautionary statements are to appear on the top (circle) sur-ber container) contents of a sample of containers from the lot.face of the ferrule or cap overseal of a vial containing an injectable All large-volume Injections for single-dose infusion and small-product. A cautionary statement is one intended to prevent an immi-volume Injections are subject to the light obscuration or micro-nent life-threatening situation if the injectable drug is used inappro-scopic procedures and limits for subvisible particulate matter set priately. Examples of such statements include but are not limited to forth in Particulate Matter In Injections 〈788〉, unless otherwise the following: “Warning”, “Dilute Before Using”, “Paralyzing specified in the individual monograph. An article packaged as both Agent”, “I.M. Use Only”, and “Chemotherapy”.a large-volume and a small-volume Injection meets the require-The text must be in contrasting color and conspicuous under ordi-ments set forth for small-volume Injections where the container is nary conditions of use. The cautionary statement may appear solely labeled as containing 100 mL or less, if the individual monograph on the ferrule, provided the cap overseal is constructed so as to al-states a test for Particulate Matter 〈788〉; it meets the requirements low the cautionary statement beneath the cap to be readily legible.set forth for large-volume Injections for single-dose infusion where Identifying numbers or letters, such as code numbers, lot num-the container is labeled as containing more than 100 mL. Injections bers, etc., may appear on the side (skirt) surface of the ferrule on administered exclusively by the intramuscular or subcutaneous vials containing injectable products. The appearance of such identi-route or packaged and labeled for use as irrigating solutions are ex-fying data on the skirt surface of the ferrule, placed where it does empt from requirements for Particulate Matter 〈788〉.not detract from, or interfere with, the cautionary statement on the top surface, should be considered to be a beneficial attribute of the in-process quality control of a product throughout the manufactur-ing process. Any anticounterfeiting scheme must not detract from or STERILITYinterfere with the cautionary statements.Under no circumstances would advertising such as company Sterility Tests—Preparations for injection meet the requirements names, logos, or product names be permitted to appear on the top under Sterility Tests 〈71〉.(circle) surface of any ferrule or cap overseal.(Official February 1, 2009)CONSTITUTED SOLUTIONSPackaging and StorageDry solids from which constituted solutions are prepared for in-jection bear titles of the form [DRUG] for Injection. Because these The volume of injection in single-dose containers provides the dosage forms are constituted at the time of use by the health care amount specified for parenteral administration at one time and in no practitioner, tests and standards pertaining to the solution as consti-case is more than sufficient to permit the withdrawal and adminis-tuted for administration are not included in the individual mono-tration of 1 L.graphs on sterile dry solids or liquid concentrates. However, in the Preparations intended for intraspinal, intracisternal, or peridural interest of assuring the quality of injection preparations as they are administration are packaged only in single-dose containers.actually administered, the following nondestructive tests are pro-Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, a multi-vided for demonstrating the suitability of constituted solutions when ple-dose container contains a volume of Injection sufficient to per-they are prepared just prior to the withdrawal of not more than 30 mL.Completeness and Clarity of Solution—Constitute the solution The following injections are exempt from the 1-L restriction of as directed in the labeling supplied by the manufacturer for the ster-the foregoing requirements relating to packaging:ile dry dosage form.1.Injections packaged for extravascular use as irrigation solu-A:The solid dissolves completely, leaving no visible residue tions or peritoneal dialysis solutions as undissolved matter.2.Injections packaged for intravascular use as parenteral nutri-B:The constituted solution is not significantly less clear than tion or as replacement or substitution fluid to be administeredan equal volume of the diluent or of Purified Water contained in a continuously during hemofiltrationsimilar vessel and examined similarly.。

本指导性通则不能代替美国和国际上(ICH 或WHO)GMP 文件中已有的关于水的法规和指导原则、工艺指南或其他部门(FDA、EPA 或WHO)关于水的指导原则。
与其他药典品种不同的是,制药过程用的批量水(bulk water)的正文(纯化水和注射用水)规定水的制法,因为制水工艺设备的性质和耐用性直接与出水的纯度有关。
USP 批量水的品种正文中不收载微生物标准。
葡萄糖酸钙注射液 美国药典标准 USP39-NF35Calcium Gluconate Injection

USP 39Official Monographs / Calcium 2879Chromatographic systemAcceptance criteria: NMT 1.0%(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability .)SPECIFIC TESTSMode: Ion chromatography •L OSS ON D RYING 〈731〉Detector: Conductance Analysis: Dry at 105° for 16 h.ColumnsAcceptance criteriaGuard: 4-mm × 5-cm; 15-µm packing L12Anhydrous: NMT 3.0%Analytical: 4-mm × 25-cm; 15-µm packing L12Monohydrate: NMT 1.0%, where labeled as intended Anion suppressor: The micromembrane anion sup-for use in preparing injectable dosage forms; NMTpressor column is connected in series with the guard 2.0%, where labeled as not intended for use in prepar-and analytical columns. The anion suppressor column ing injectable dosage forms is equipped with a micromembrane that separates Mobile phase from Solution A flowing countercurrent ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSto Mobile phase at a rate of about 7mL/min. [N OTE —•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in well-closed Condition the system for about 15 min with Mobile containers.phase at a flow rate of 2mL/min.]•L ABELING : Label it to indicate whether it is anhydrous or Flow rate: 2mL/min monohydrate. Where the quantity of calcium gluconate Injection volume: 50µL is indicated in the labeling of any solution containing System suitabilityCalcium Gluconate, this shall be understood to be in Sample: Standard solution terms of anhydrous calcium gluconate (C 12H 22CaO 14).Suitability requirementsCalcium Gluconate intended for use in preparing inject-Column efficiency: NLT 2500 theoretical plates able dosage forms is so labeled. Calcium Gluconate not Tailing factor: NMT 1.2intended for use in preparing injectable dosage forms is Relative standard deviation: NMT 2.0%so labeled; in addition, it may be labeled also as in-Analysistended for use in preparing oral dosage forms.Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 〈11〉Calculate the percentage of oxalate in the portion of USP Calcium Gluconate Anhydrous RS Calcium Gluconate taken:USP Calcium Gluconate Monohydrate RSResult = (r U /r S ) × (C S /C U ) × (M r1/M r2) × F × 100r U= peak response of oxalate from the Samplesolutionr S = peak response of oxalate from the StandardCalcium Gluconate InjectionsolutionC S = concentration of sodium oxalate in theDEFINITIONStandard solution (µg/mL)Calcium Gluconate Injection is a sterile solution of Calcium C U = concentration of Calcium Gluconate in theGluconate in Water for Injection. It contains NLT 95.0%Sample solution (mg/mL)and NMT 105.0% of the labeled amount of total calcium.M r1= molecular weight of oxalate, 88.03The calcium is in the form of calcium gluconate, except M r2= molecular weight of sodium oxalate, 134.00that a small amount may be replaced with an equalF = conversion factor, 0.001mg/µg amount of calcium in the form of Calcium Saccharate, or Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.01%other suitable calcium salts, for the purpose of stabiliza-•R EDUCING S UBSTANCEStion. It may contain sodium hydroxide added for adjust-Sample: 1.0g of Calcium Gluconate ment of the pH.Blank: 20mL of water Injection intended for veterinary use only may be prepared Titrimetric system from Calcium Gluconate solubilized with Boric Acid, or (See Titrimetry 〈541〉.)from Gluconolactone, Boric Acid, and Calcium Carbonate.Mode: Residual titration IDENTIFICATIONTitrant: 0.1 N iodine VS•A . T HIN -L AYER C HROMATOGRAPHYBack titrant: 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate VS Standard solution: 10mg/mL of USP Potassium Gluco-Endpoint detection: Visualnate RSAnalysis: Transfer the Sample to a 250-mL conical flask,Sample solution: Dilute a volume of injection, if neces-dissolve in 20mL of hot water, cool, and add 25mL of sary, with water to obtain a concentration of 10mg/mL alkaline cupric citrate TS. Cover the flask, boil gently for of calcium gluconate.5 min, accurately timed, and cool rapidly to room tem-Chromatographic systemperature. Add 25mL of 0.6 N acetic acid, 10.0mL of (See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability .)Titrant , and 10mL of 3N hydrochloric acid. Titrate with Mode: TLCthe Back titrant , adding 3mL of starch TS as the Adsorbent: 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica endpoint is approached. Perform the Blank geldetermination.Application volume: 5µLCalculate the percentage of reducing substances (as Developing solvent system: Alcohol, ethyl acetate,dextrose) in the Sample taken:ammonium hydroxide, and water (50:10:10:30)Result = {[(V B − V S ) × N × F ]/W } × 100Spray reagent: Dissolve 2.5g of ammonium molyb-date in 50mL of 2N sulfuric acid in a 100-mL volu-V B = Back titrant volume consumed by the Blankmetric flask. Add 1.0g of ceric sulfate, swirl to dis-(mL)solve, dilute with 2N sulfuric acid to volume, and mix.V S = Back titrant volume consumed by the SampleAnalysis(mL)Samples: Standard solution and Sample solutionN = Back titrant normality (mEq/mL)Develop the chromatogram until the solvent front has F = equivalency factor, 27mg/mEq moved about three-fourths of the length of the plate.W= Sample weight (mg)Remove the plate from the chamber, and dry at 110°for 20 min. Allow to cool, and spray with the Spray reagent . Heat the plate at 110° for about 10 min.USP Monographs2880Calcium / Official MonographsUSP 39Acceptance criteria: The principal spot of the Sample •USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 〈11〉solution corresponds in color, size, and R F value to that USP Endotoxin RSof the Standard solution .USP Potassium Gluconate RS•B . I DENTIFICATION T ESTS —G ENERAL , Calcium 〈191〉Sample solution: Dilute a volume of Injection with water to obtain a concentration of 20mg/mL of cal-cium gluconate.Acceptance criteria: Meets the requirements Calcium Gluconate TabletsASSAYDEFINITION•P ROCEDURECalcium Gluconate Tablets contain NLT 95.0% and NMT Sample: Accurately measured volume of Injection,105.0% of the labeled amount of calcium gluconate equivalent to 46.5mg of calcium(C 12H 22CaO 14).Blank: 150mL of water containing 2mL of 3N hydro-chloric acidIDENTIFICATIONTitrimetric system •A . I DENTIFICATION T ESTS —G ENERAL , Calcium 〈191〉(See Titrimetry 〈541〉.)Sample stock solution: A warm, filtered solution in Mode: Direct titrationwater, equivalent to 100mg/mL of calcium gluconate Titrant: 0.05 M edetate disodium VS from powdered TabletsEndpoint detection: VisualSample solution: Equivalent to 20mg/mL of calcium Analysis: Add 2mL of 3N hydrochloric acid to thegluconate from a dilution of the Sample stock solution Sample , and dilute with water to 150mL. While stirring,Acceptance criteria: Meet the requirementsadd 20mL of Titrant from the titration buret. Add •B . T HIN -L AYER C HROMATOGRAPHIC I DENTIFICATION T EST15mL of 1N sodium hydroxide and 300mg of hy-Standard solution: 10mg/mL of USP Potassium Gluco-droxy naphthol blue, and continue the titration to a nate RSblue endpoint. Perform a blank determination.Sample solution: Equivalent to 10mg/mL of calcium Calculate the percentage of the labeled amount of total gluconate from a dilution of the Sample stock solution calcium in the Sample taken:obtained from Identification test A Chromatographic systemResult = {[(V S − V B ) × M × F ]/W } × 100(See Chromatography 〈621〉, Thin-Layer Chromato-graphy .)V S = Titrant volume consumed by the Sample (mL)Adsorbent: 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica V B = Titrant volume consumed by the Blank (mL)gelM = Titrant molarity (mmol/mL)Application volume: 5µLF = equivalency factor, 40.08mg/mmol Developing solvent system: Alcohol, ethyl acetate,W = weight of calcium in the Sample (mg)ammonium hydroxide, and water (50:10:10:30)Acceptance criteria: 95.0%–105.0%Spray reagent: Dissolve 2.5g of ammonium molyb-date in 50mL of 2N sulfuric acid in a 100-mL volu-SPECIFIC TESTSmetric flask, add 1.0g of ceric sulfate, swirl to dissolve,and dilute with 2N sulfuric acid to volume.Change to read:AnalysisSamples: Standard solution and Sample solution••B ACTERIAL E NDOTOXINS T EST 〈85〉:•(CN 1-May-2016) NMTDevelop until the solvent front has moved about three-0.17 USP Endotoxin Units/mg of calcium gluconatefourths of the length of the plate. Remove the plate,and dry at 110° for 20 min. Allow to cool, and spray with Spray reagent. Heat the plate at 110° for about Change to read:10 min.Acceptance criteria: The principal spot of the Sample ••P ARTICULATE M ATTER IN I NJECTIONS 〈788〉:•(CN 1-May-2016)solution corresponds in color, size, and R F value to that Meets the requirements for small-volume injectionsof the Standard solution.•P H 〈791〉: 6.0–8.2; 2.5–4.5 where labeled as intended for veterinary use only and as containing boric acidASSAY•P ROCEDURESample: A portion of the powder from NLT 20 finely Change to read:powdered Tablets, equivalent to 500mg of calcium gluconate••I NJECTIONS AND I MPLANTED D RUG P RODUCTS 〈1〉•(CN 1-May-Blank: Proceed as directed in the Analysis , without the 2016): Meets the requirementsSample .Titrimetric system ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS(See Titrimetry 〈541〉.)•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in single-dose contain-Mode: Direct titrationers, preferably of Type I glass.Titrant: 0.05 M edetate disodium VS•L ABELING : Label the Injection to indicate its content, if Indicator: Hydroxy naphthol blue, 300mg any, of added calcium salts, calculated as percentage of Endpoint detection: Visualcalcium in the Injection. The label states the total osmo-Analysis: Transfer the Sample to a suitable crucible. Ig-lar concentration in mOsmol/L. Where the contents are nite, gently at first, until free from carbon. Cool the less than 100mL, or where the label states that the Injec-crucible. Add 10mL of water, and dissolve the residue tion is not for direct injection but is to be diluted before by adding sufficient 3N hydrochloric acid, dropwise, to use, the label alternatively may state the total osmolar achieve complete solution. Transfer the solution to a concentration in mOsmol/mL. The labeling indicates that suitable container, and add about 150mL of water.the Injection must be clear at the time of use, and that if While stirring, preferably with a magnetic stirrer, add crystallization has occurred, warming may redissolve the 20mL of Titrant from a 50-mL buret. Add 15mL of 1N precipitate. Injection intended for veterinary use only is sodium hydroxide, then add the Indicator . Continue the so labeled. If Injection contains boric acid, it is so labeled.titration to a blue endpoint. Perform a Blank determination.U S P M o n o g r a p h s。

混悬型注射液,除另有规定外,原料药物粒度应控制在15µm以下,含15~20µm (间有个别20~50µm)者,不应超过10%,若有可见沉淀,振摇时应容易分散均匀。
“装量”检查法1 简述1.1 本法适用于50ml及50ml以下的单剂量注射液及生物制品多剂量供试品的装量检查,其目的在于保证单剂量注射液的注射用量不少于标示量,以达到临床用药剂量要求。
1.2 标示装量为50ml以上的注射液和注射用浓溶液,按最低装量检查法标准操作规范检查,应符合规定。
1.3 凡规定检查含量均匀度的注射液(如塞替派注射液),可不进行“装量”检查。
作业指导书指导书编号TYFDC-SOP-FF-015注射剂第2页共6页第二版批准李忠华初审郝娟起草吴雅凝2 仪器与用具2.1 注射器及注射针头。
2.2 量具(量入型)规格1、2、5、10、20及50ml的量具,均应经标化。
3 操作方法3.1 按下表规定取用量抽取供试品。
标示装量供试品取用量(支)2m1或2ml以下 52ml以上至50m1 33.2 取供试品,擦净瓶外壁,轻弹瓶颈部使液体全部下落,小心开启,将每支内容物分别用相应体积的干燥注射器(包括注射器针头)抽尽,然后缓慢连续地注入预经标化的量入式量筒内(量筒的大小应使待测体积至少占其额定体积的40%,不排尽针头中的液体),在室温下检视,读出每支装量。

混悬型注射液,除另有规定外,原料药物粒度应控制在15μm以下,含15~20μm (间有个别20~50μm)者,不应超过10%,若有可见沉淀,振摇时应容易分散均匀。
“装量”检查法1 简述1.1 本法适用于50ml及50ml以下的单剂量注射液及生物制品多剂量供试品的装量检查,其目的在于保证单剂量注射液的注射用量不少于标示量,以达到临床用药剂量要求。
1.2 标示装量为50ml以上的注射液和注射用浓溶液,按最低装量检查法标准操作规范检查,应符合规定。
1.3 凡规定检查含量均匀度的注射液(如塞替派注射液),可不进行“装量”检查。
作业指导书指导书编号TYFDC-SOP-FF-015注射剂第2页共6页第二版批准李忠华初审郝娟起草吴雅凝2 仪器与用具2.1 注射器及注射针头。
2.2 量具(量入型)规格1、2、5、10、20及50ml的量具,均应经标化。
3 操作方法3.1 按下表规定取用量抽取供试品。


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tion as constituted for administration are not included in the individual monographs on sterile dry solids or liquid concentrates. However, in the interest of assuring the quality of injection preparations as they are actually administered, the following non-destructive tests are provided for demonstrating the suitability of constituted solutions when they are prepared just prior to use.Completeness and Clarity of Solution—Constitute the solution as directed in the labeling supplied by the manufacturer for the sterile dry dosage form.A:The solid dissolves completely, leaving no visible residue as undissolved matter.B:The constituted solution is not significantly less clear than an equal volume of the diluent or of Purified Water contained in a similar vessel and examined similarly.Particulate Matter—Constitute the solution as directed in the labeling supplied by the manufacturer for the sterile dry dos-age form: the solution is essentially free from particles of foreign matter that can be observed on visual inspection.á1ñ INJECTIONS AND IMPLANTED DRUG PRODUCTS(PARENTERALS)—PRODUCT QUALITY TESTS(Chapter to become official May 1, 2016)(Current chapter name is á1ñ Injections)INTRODUCTIONParenteral drug products include both injections and implanted drug products that are injected through the skin or other external boundary tissue, or implanted within the body to allow the direct administration of the active drug substance(s) into blood vessels, organs, tissues, or lesions. Injections may exist as either immediate- or extended-release dosage forms. Implan-ted parenteral drug products are long-acting dosage forms that provide continuous release of the active drug substance(s) of-ten for periods of months to years. For systemic delivery, they may be placed subcutaneously; for local delivery, they may be placed in a specific region of the body. Routes of administration for parenteral drug products include intravenous, intraventric-ular, intra-arterial, intra-articular, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intrathecal, intracisternal, and intraocular.Parenteral dosage forms include solutions, suspensions, emulsions, sterile powders for solutions and suspensions (including liposomes), implants (including microparticles), and products that consist of both a drug and a device such as drug-eluting stents. The reader is directed to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms á1151ñ1 and to the later sections of this chapter for additional descriptions of dosage forms that fall into the general category of parenteral drug products. Nomenclature á1121ñ1 provides information on nomenclature used to establish USP names and monograph titles for parenteral drug products.Chapter á1ñ provides a framework to support the revision and the development of individual monographs, and is not meant to replace individual monographs. Chapter á1ñ provides lists of common product quality test requirements in a concise and a coherent fashion. The chapter is divided into four main sections: (1) universal product quality tests that are applicable to pa-rental dosage forms; (2) specific product quality tests, which are tests that should be considered in addition to Universal Tests;(3) product quality tests for specific dosage forms, which lists all the applicable tests (Universal and Specific) for the specific dosage form; and (4) product performance tests.If a monograph exists, it will reference á1ñ or indicated chapter parts. If a specific drug product monograph is missing (not in existence), the general chapters provide the quality tests that can be used by manufacturers until the dosage form monograph is developed by USP.The Pharmacopeial definitions for sterile preparations for parenteral use may not apply to some biologics because of their special nature and licensing requirements (see Biologics á1041ñ1). However, some biological finished drug products containing “Injection” in the monograph title must meet the requirements of á1ñ or indicated chapter subparts, where it is specified in the monograph.Drug Product Quality and Drug Product Performance TestsProcedures and acceptance criteria for testing parenteral drug products are divided into two categories: (1) those that assess product quality attributes, e.g., identification, sterility, and particulate matter, and are contained in this chapter and (2) those that assess product performance, e.g., in vitro release of the drug substance from the drug product. Whereas quality tests as-sess the integrity of the dosage form, the performance tests assess performance (bioavailability) after the product has been administered to the patient. A product performance test, i.e., drug release test for suspensions, emulsions, powder for suspen-sion (including microparticles and liposomes), and drug-eluting stents, should be carried out using appropriate test proce-dures.1All listed chapters above á1000ñare for information purposes only; they may be helpful but are not mandatory.Change to read:PRODUCT QUALITY TESTS COMMON TO PARENTERAL DOSAGE FORMSUniversal TestsUniversal tests are listed below and are applicable to parenteral dosage forms.Description: A qualitative description of the dosage form should be provided. The acceptance criteria should include the fi-nal acceptable appearance. If color changes during storage, a quantitative or a semiquantitative procedure may be appropri-ate. This section specifies the content or the label claim of the article (see Labeling á7ñ). Additional information about common-ly used terms and definitions can be found in Nomenclature á1121ñ1.Identification:Identification tests are discussed in General Notices and Requirements 5.40. Identification tests should establish the identity of the drug or drugs present in the article and should discriminate between compounds of closely related structure that are likely to be present. The most conclusive test for identity is the IR absorption spectrum (see Atomic Absorption Spec-troscopy á852ñ, Fluorescence Spectroscopy á853ñ, Mind-Infrared Spectroscopy á854ñ, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy á856ñ, Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy á857ñ,(CN 1-May-2016) and Spectrophotometric Identification Tests á197ñ). If no suitable IR spectrum can be ob-tained, other analytical methods can be used. Near-infrared or Raman spectrophotometric methods also could be acceptable for the sole identification of the drug product formulation (see Near-Infrared Spectrophotometry á1119ñ1 and Raman Spectrosco-py á1120ñ1). Identification solely by a single chromatographic retention time is not regarded as specific. However, the use of two chromatographic procedures in which the separation is based either on different principles or a combination of tests in asingle procedure can be acceptable (see Chromatography á621ñ and Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification Test á201ñ). Addi-tional information regarding identification tests can be found in Identification Tests—General á191ñ and Mass Spectrometryá736ñ.Assay: A specific and stability-indicating test should be used to determine the strength (content) of the drug product. In ca-ses where the use of a nonspecific assay is justified, other supporting analytical procedures should be used to achieve overallspecificity. A specific procedure should be used when there is evidence of excipient interference with the nonspecific assay.Impurities:Tests for Impurities are discussed in General Notices and Requirements 5.60. All articles should be tested to ensure that they meet the requirements.Foreign and particulate matter:Articles intended for parenteral administration should be prepared in a manner designed to exclude particulate matter as defined in Subvisible Particulate Matter in Therapeutic Protein Injections á787ñ, Particulate Matter in Injections á788ñ, and Particulate Matter in Ophthalmic Solutions á789ñ, as well as excluding other foreign matter as appropriate for the dosage form. Each final container of all parenteral preparations should be inspected to the extent possible for the pres-ence of observable foreign and particulate matter (hereafter termed visible particulates) in its contents. The inspection process should be designed and qualified to ensure that every lot of all parenteral preparations is essentially free from visible particu-lates, as defined in Visible Particulates in Injections á790ñ. Qualification of the inspection process should be performed with refer-ence to particulates in the visible range and those particulates that might emanate from the manufacturing or filling process.Every container in which the contents show evidence of visible particulates must be rejected. The inspection for visible particu-lates may take place during examination for other critical defects such as cracked or defective containers or seals or when char-acterizing the appearance of a lyophilized product.When the nature of the contents or the container–closure system permits only limited inspection of the total contents, the 100% inspection of a lot should be supplemented with the inspection of constituted (e.g., dried) or withdrawn (e.g., from a dark amber container) contents of a sample of containers from the lot.Large-volume injections for single-dose infusion, small-volume injections, and pharmacy bulk packages (PBP) are subject to the light obscuration or microscopic procedures and limits for subvisible particulate matter set forth in á788ñ, unless otherwise specified in the chapter or in the individual monograph. An article packaged as both a large-volume and a small-volume injec-tion meets the requirements set forth for small-volume injections where the container is labeled as containing 100 mL or less.It meets the requirements set forth for large-volume injections for single-dose infusion where the container is labeled as con-taining more than 100 mL.Sterility:The sterility of all drug products intended for parenteral administration should be confirmed by the use of methods described in Sterility Tests á71ñ or by an approved alternative method.Bacterial endotoxins:All articles intended for parenteral administration should be prepared in a manner designed to limit bacterial endotoxins as defined in Bacterial Endotoxins Test á85ñ or Pyrogen Test á151ñ.Container content:Container contents should be determined when appropriate (see the proposed general test chapterContainer Content for Injections á697ñ).Leachables and extractables:The packaging system should not interact physically or chemically with the preparation to al-ter its strength, quality, or purity beyond the official or established requirements. The packaging system should meet the re-quirements in Elastomeric Closures for Injections á381ñ, Packaging and Storage Requirements á659ñ, Containers—Glass á660ñ,Plastic Packaging Systems and their Materials of Construction á661ñ(CN 1-May-2016), Plastic Materials of Construction á661.1ñ, andPlastic Packaging Systems for Pharmaceutical Use á661.2ñ. Further information regarding packaging systems testing may be found in Assessment of Extractables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems á1663ñ and Assessment of Drug Product Leachables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems á1664ñ.Container closure integrity:The packaging system should be closed or sealed in such a manner as to prevent contamina-tion or loss of contents. Validation of container integrity must demonstrate no penetration of microbial contamination or gain or loss of any chemical or physical parameter deemed necessary to protect the product (see Sterile Product Packaging—Integrity Evaluation á1207ñ).Labeling:All articles intended for parenteral administration should meet the labeling requirements defined in Labeling á7ñ).Specific TestsIn addition to the universal tests listed above, the following specific tests may be considered on a case-by-case basis and, when appropriate, are referenced in the USP–NF monograph.Physicochemical properties:These include such properties as Osmolality and Osmolarity á785ñ, pH á791ñ, Specific Gravityá841ñ, and Viscosity—Capillary Methods á911ñ.Uniformity of dosage units:This test is applicable for parenteral drug products and dosage forms packaged in single-unit containers. It includes both the mass of the dosage form and the content of the active substance in the dosage form (see Uniformity of Dosage Units á905ñ).Vehicles and added substances:There are other vehicles, both aqueous and nonaqueous, beyond those that are discussed below. All vehicles should be suitable for their intended use and not impact drug product quality.Aqueous vehicles—Aqueous vehicles must meet the requirements of Pyrogen Test á151ñ or Bacterial Endotoxins Test á85ñ, which-ever is specified in the monograph. Water for Injection is generally used as the vehicle. Sodium chloride or dextrose may be added to render the resulting solution isotonic, and Sodium Chloride Injection or Ringer's Injection may be used in whole or in part instead of Water for Injection.Nonaqueous vehicles—Fixed oils are classified under Nonaqueous vehicles. Fixed oils used as vehicles are of vegetable origin and are odorless. They meet the requirements in the test for Solid Paraffin in the Mineral Oil monograph with the cooling bath maintained at 10°.Also meet the requirements of the following tests:•Saponification Value (see Fats and Fixed Oils á401ñ): Between 185 and 200•Iodine Value (see á401ñ): Between 79 and 141•Unsaponifiable Matter (see á401ñ): NMT 1.5%•Acid Value (see á401ñ): NMT 0.2•Peroxide Value (see á401ñ): NMT 5.0•Water, Method Ic (from Water Determination á921ñ): NMT 0.1%•Limit of Copper, Iron, Lead, and Nickel: [N OTE—The test for nickel is not required if the oil has not been subjected to hydro-genation, or a nickel catalyst has not been used in processing.] Proceed as directed in Fats and Fixed Oils á401ñ, Trace Met-als or Elemental Impurities—Procedures á233ñ. Meet the requirements in Elemental Impurities—Limits á232ñ.Synthetic mono- or diglycerides of fatty acids may be used provided they are liquid and remain clear when cooled to 10° and have a Iodine Value of NMT 140.Added substances—Suitable substances may be added to preparations in order to increase stability or usefulness unless they are proscribed in the monograph. No coloring agent may be added to a preparation solely for the purpose of coloring the finished preparation (see General Notices and Requirements 5.20 and Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing á51ñ).Observe special care in the choice and use of added substances in preparations with volumes that exceed 5 mL. The follow-ing limits prevail unless otherwise directed:•Mercury and cationic surface-active agents: NMT 0.01%•Chlorobutanol, cresol, phenol, and similar substances: NMT 0.5%•Sulfur dioxide or an equivalent amount of sulfite, bisulfite, or metabisulfite of potassium or sodium: NMT 0.2% Antimicrobial preservative:Antimicrobial agents must be added to preparations intended for injection that are packaged in multiple-dose containers unless one of the following conditions prevails: (1) there are different directions in the individual monograph; (2) the substance contains a radionuclide with a physical half-life of less than 24 h; or (3) the active ingredients are themselves antimicrobial. Substances must meet the requirements of Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing á51ñ and Antimicrobi-al Agents—Content á341ñ.Water content:The water content of freeze-dried (lyophilized) products should be determined when appropriate (see Water Determination á921ñ).Biological reactivity:Implantable and combination drug products (drug/device) that contain a polymeric material should meet the requirements of Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo á88ñ.Globule size distribution:Emulsions should meet the requirements of Globule Size Distribution in Lipid Injectable Emulsionsá729ñ.Aluminum content:Large-volume parenterals used to make total parenteral nutrition therapy (TPN) are limited to 25 m g/L. Small-volume parenterals and pharmacy bulk packages used to make TPN must state on the immediate container label the maximum level of aluminum at expiry if the maximum level exceeds 25 m g/L.Completeness and clarity of solutions:The following tests are performed to demonstrate suitability of constituted solutions prepared before administration. Constitute the solution as directed in the labeling supplied by the manufacturer:•The solid dissolves completely, leaving no undissolved matter.•The constituted solution is not significantly less clear than an equal volume of the diluent or of Purified Water contained in a similar vessel and examined similarly. Protein solutions may exhibit an inherent opalescence.The constituted solution is free from particulate matter that can be observed on visual inspection (see Visible Particulates in Injections á790ñ).PRODUCT QUALITY TESTS FOR SPECIFIC PARENTERAL DOSAGE FORMSProduct quality tests for the specific dosage forms are listed below. Specific chapter(s) referenced for the test can be found in the Universal Tests and Specific Tests sections. When there is no compendial test available, a validated procedure with accept-ance criteria should be used.SolutionsA solution is a clear, homogeneous liquid dosage form that contains one or more chemical substances (e.g., drug substances or excipients) dissolved in a solvent (aqueous or nonaqueous) or a mixture of mutually miscible solvents. Solutions intended for parenteral administration (e.g., by injection or for irrigation) must be sterile and biocompatible with the intended adminis-tration site. This includes consideration of factors such as tonicity, pH, pyrogenicity, extraneous particulate matter, and physi-cochemical compatibility, among others.Unless otherwise justified, the following tests are required for solutions for injection:•Universal Tests•Specific Tests—Physicochemical Properties: Specific Gravity, Viscosity, pH, Osmolarity and Osmolality—Antimicrobial Preservatives Sterile Powders for SolutionSterile powders for solutions (also referred to as sterile powders for injection) consist of drug substances and other compo-nents as dry-formulation ingredients to ensure the chemical and physical stability of the presentation within a final-use con-tainer. Companion sterile diluent or diluent compartments may be provided to facilitate constitution to the desired final vol-ume.The sterile article for injection may be presented in several forms: lyophilized powder intended for final solution, powdered solids intended for final solution, or dry solids that form viscous liquids upon constitution.The description should include a section that deals with ease of dispersion and reconstitution. The dosage form is a homoge-neous solid that is readily constituted to the final form with the specified diluent, and dispersion is completed with gentle agi-tation.Unless otherwise justified, the following tests apply to sterile powders for injection:•Universal Tests•Specific Tests—Physicochemical Properties: Specific Gravity, Viscosity, pH, Osmolarity and OsmolalityThe following applies to constituted solutions:•Uniformity of Dosage Units á905ñ: To ensure the consistency of dosage units, each unit in a batch should have a drug sub-stance content within a narrow range around the label claim. Dosage units are defined as dosage forms that contain a single dose or a part of a dose of drug substance in each unit. For liquid dosage forms analysts should conduct the assay on an amount of well-mixed constituted material that is removed from an individual container under conditions of normal use, should express the results as delivered dose, and should calculate the acceptance value.•Loss on Drying á731ñ: The procedure set forth in this chapter determines the amount of volatile matter of any kind that is driven off under the conditions specified.•Water Determination á921ñ: Water or solvent content may have important effects on reconstitution and stability. For arti-cles that require water or solvent content control, analysts should perform one of the following methods or a suitable re-placement.•Appearance : Analysts should assess the level of and the unit variation for the following parameters:—Color of Cake: Varies within target parameters—Texture and Homogeneity of Cake: Varies within target parameters—Presence of Foreign Material: All units with visible foreign material must be rejected—Particle Size and Distribution (Dry Powder): Evaluation of the powder solids for proper solid form and crystallinity is a measure of process control and consistency.•Particle Size Distribution Estimation by Analytical Sieving á786ñ: This chapter can be used for loose powders.Crystallinity:The crystallinity of a material can be characterized to determine compliance with the crystallinity requirementwhere stated in the individual monograph of a drug substance.•Optical Microscopy á776ñ: Crystallinity can be characterized by polarized light microscopy for qualitative evaluation of the size, shape, and crystallinity of solids. Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, analysts should mount a solid specimen in mineral oil on a clean glass slide or cover slip and should examine the mixture using a polarizing micro-scope: The particles show birefringence (interference colors) and extinction positions when the microscope stage is re-volved.Vehicles and diluents:Guidelines for constitution and suspension of dry powders are found in the specific monographs. If there is a specific packaged diluent for use with a particular product that is not included in a monograph, then the final article is prepared with that diluent.SuspensionsParenteral suspensions are liquid dosage forms that contain solid particles in a state of uniform dispersion. Suspensions for parenteral administration must be sterile and compatible with the administration site. Consideration should be given to pH and pyrogenicity, and appropriate limits should be identified. Physical stability evaluations of parenteral suspension prepara-tions should include evaluations to confirm that the particle size range of suspended matter does not change with time and to confirm that the solids in the preparation can be readily resuspended to yield a uniform preparation.In addition to the tests for injectable solutions, the following tests are required for suspensions for injection unless otherwise justified:•Universal Tests•Specific Tests—Physicochemical Properties: pH—Uniformity of Dosage Units—Antimicrobial PreservativesLiposomesLiposomes are unique drug products with unique properties that can be either solutions or suspensions. Liposomes are aqueous dispersions of amphiphilic lipids and have low water solubility. They are organized as a bilayer sheet that encloses an internal aqueous compartment and are known as lipid bilayer vesicles. Liposomes can have a single lipid bilayer (unilamellar vesicle) or can have an onion-like multilayered structure (multilamellar vesicle). The amphiphilic lipids comprise a hydrated head group at the water interface of the bilayer attached to a hydrophobic group that forms the interior of the bilayer by asso-ciation with the hydrophobic group of lipids from the opposite leaflet of the bilayer. The physical properties of the liposome and its bilayer can vary widely and depend on lipid composition, aqueous composition, and temperature relative to the acyl components' phase transition points. Because of the central aqueous compartment, a simple test for the presence of liposomes in a lipid dispersion is to determine the presence of an entrapped aqueous phase.A liposome drug product consists of the drug substance, liposome components, and other inactive but critical ingredients such as an aqueous dispersion unless the contents are a lyophilized product.Unless otherwise justified, the following tests are required for liposomes:•Universal Tests•Specific Tests—Physicochemical Properties: pH—Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition, including degree of unsaturation and positional specificity in acyl side chains and critical degradation products such as lysolipids2—Particle Size2—Particle Size Distribution of Liposomal Vesicles2—Lamellarity2—Phospholipid Composition2—Percent Free vs. Percent Encapsulated Lipids2—Free Drug vs. Encapsulated Drug—Ionic Strength and Osmotic Strength2Sterile Powders for SuspensionSterile powders for suspensions consist of drug substances and other components as dry-formulation ingredients to ensure the chemical and physical stability of the presentation within a final-use container. Companion sterile diluent or diluent com-partments may be provided to facilitate constitution to the desired final volume.The sterile article for injection may be presented in several forms: lyophilized powder intended for final suspension, pow-dered solids intended for final suspension, and microparticles that retain their integrity and are delivered as a sterile suspen-sion. The description should include a section that deals with ease of dispersion and reconstitution. The dosage form is a ho-2No compendial test available; a validated procedure with acceptance criteria should be used.mogeneous solid that is readily constituted to the final form with the specified diluent, and dispersion is completed with gentle agitation.Unless otherwise justified, the following tests apply to sterile powders for injection:•Universal Tests•Specific Tests•Bacterial Endotoxins—Physicochemical Properties: pH, Osmolarity and OsmolalityThe following applies to constituted suspensions:•Uniformity of Dosage Units á905ñ: To ensure the consistency of dosage units, each unit in a batch should have a drug sub-stance content within a narrow range around the label claim. Dosage units are defined as dosage forms that contain a single dose or a part of a dose of drug substance in each unit. For liquid dosage forms, analysts should conduct the assay on an amount of well-mixed constituted material that is removed from an individual container under conditions of normal use, should express the results as delivered dose, and should calculate the acceptance value.•Loss on Drying á731ñ: The procedure set forth in this chapter determines the amount of volatile matter of any kind that is driven off under the conditions specified.•Water Determination á921ñ: Water or solvent content may have important effects on reconstitution and stability. For arti-cles that require water or solvent content control, analysts should perform one of the following methods or a suitable re-placement.•Appearance : Analysts should assess the level of and the unit variation for the following parameters:—Color of Cake: Varies within target parameters—Texture and Homogeneity of Cake: Varies within target parameters—Presence of Foreign Material: All units with visible foreign material must be rejected—Particle Size and Distribution (Dry Powder): Evaluation of the powder solids for proper solid form and crystallinity is ameasure of process control and consistency.•Particle Size Distribution Estimation by Analytical Sieving á786ñ: This chapter can be used for loose powders.Crystallinity:The crystallinity of a material can be characterized to determine compliance with the crystallinity requirement where stated in the individual monograph of a drug substance.•Optical Microscopy á776ñ: Crystallinity can be characterized by polarized light microscopy for qualitative evaluation of thesize, shape, and crystallinity of solids. Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, analysts should mount a solid specimen in mineral oil on a clean glass slide or cover slip and should examine the mixture using a polarizing micro-scope: The particles show birefringence (interference colors) and extinction positions when the microscope stage is re-volved.Vehicles and diluents:Guidelines for constitution and suspension of dry powders are found in the specific monographs. If there is a specific packaged diluent for use with a particular product that is not included in a monograph, then the final article is prepared with that diluent.Microparticles:Some microparticles are provided as a sterile powder to be reconstituted as a suspension before injection.Major microparticle preparations are for reconstitution as a suspension for injection. For quality test requirements, please refer to Implants .EmulsionsEmulsions for parenteral dosage forms are liquid preparations of drug substances dissolved or dispersed in a suitable emul-sion medium. Oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions typically entrap the drug substance.Emulsions typically are white, turbid, homogeneous liquid dosage forms that contain one or more chemical substances (e.g.,drug substances and excipients) dissolved in a solvent (aqueous or nonaqueous) or mixture of mutually miscible solvents.Emulsions intended for intravenous administration must be sterile and must be compatible with the intended administration site.Unless otherwise justified, the following tests are required for emulsions for injection:•Universal Tests•Specific Tests—Physicochemical Properties: pH, Osmolarity and Osmolality—Globule Size Distribution—Amount of Fat Globules (lipids)2—Percent Free vs. Percent Encapsulated Lipids 2—Free Drug vs. Encapsulated DrugImplantsImplants for extended release consist of a matrix of drug substance and polymeric excipient that may or may not have an outer rate-controlling membrane. The polymeric excipient must be biocompatible but may or may not be bioresorbable.Some implants are made from medical-grade metal with an osmotic pump inside that effects the extended release of the drug。