1. 下列关于检测生物组织中物质的实验,叙述正确的是()A.西瓜汁中含有较多的葡萄糖,可用斐林试剂进行检测B.用苏丹III检测花生油中的脂肪,颜色变化为橘黄色C.对斐林试剂乙液进行适当稀释后,利用斐林试剂甲、乙液可检测蛋白质D.检测脂肪实验中,需用体积分数为90%的酒精洗去浮色2. 下列关于细胞结构和功能的叙述,错误的是()A. 线粒体为细胞生命活动提供能量B. 核糖体是蛋白质加工的场所C. 叶绿体是进行光合作用的场所D. 细胞膜能控制物质进出细胞3. 炎性甲亢是由于甲状腺滤泡细胞膜通透性发生改变,导致滤泡细胞中的甲状腺激素大量释放进入血液,从而引起机体内甲状腺激素含量明显升高的一种疾病。
下列有关叙述正确的是()A.正常情况下,甲状腺的分泌活动直接受到下丘脑的控制B.甲状腺激素作用的靶细胞比促甲状腺激素作用的靶细胞数量多C.炎性甲亢患者血液中促甲状腺激素释放激素的含量比正常人高D.炎性甲亢患者体内细胞代谢旺盛,导致体重在短时间内增加4. 下图是人体小肠绒毛上皮细胞中进行的某种物质跨膜运输方式的示意图,下列哪组物质的运输方式与图示符合A. O2、CO2B. H2O、K+C.葡萄糖、氨基酸D.甘油、脂肪酸5. 交感神经和副交感神经是神经系统的重要组成部分,下列有关它们的叙述正确的是()A.它们包括传入神经和传出神经B.它们都属于中枢神经系统中的自主神经系统C.它们通常共同调节同一器官,且作用通常相反D.交感神经使胃肠蠕动加强,副交感神经使胃肠蠕动减弱6. 氰化物是一种剧毒物质,但在自然界中广泛存在,如杏仁中含有的苦杏仁苷就是一种氰化物,它能与线粒体内膜中传递电子的蛋白质结合,阻断ATP的生成。
下列表述错误的是()A.A TP含2个特殊化学键,是一种高能磷酸化合物B.氰化物可导致细胞内的比值上升C.细胞中的放能反应一般伴随着A TP的水解D.氰化物可能会抑制线粒体内膜某种酶的活性7. 下列关于DNA分子双螺旋结构模型的叙述,正确的是A.一条链上相邻的碱基是通过氢键相连的B.DNA由两条反向平行的核糖核苷酸链盘旋而成C.DNA分子的稳定性与氢键数目有关D.DNA的多样性由磷酸和脱氧核糖的排列顺序决定8. 下列有关基因频率和生物进化的叙述中不正确的是()A.抗生素的大量使用让细菌产生了抗药性B.自然选择导致种群基因频率发生定向改变C.基因突变产生新基因改变了种群的基因频率,对生物进化有重要意义D.在生物进化过程中,种群基因频率总是在变化9. 下列叙述正确的是()A.突触小体可完成“电信号→化学信号→电信号”的转换B.兴奋只能以局部电流的形式在多个神经元之间单向传递C.小明头部被重物撞击,眼前产生金星四溅的感觉是非条件反射D.寒冷刺激皮肤引起皮肤血管收缩是非条件反射10. 在成人心肌细胞中的数量显著多于腹肌细胞中数量的细胞器是()A. 核糖体B. 线粒体C. 内质网D. 高尔基体11. 下列有关体液调节的叙述正确的是()A. 体液中的化学物质参与的调节都属于激素调节B.CO2刺激脑干调节机体呼吸的过程为神经调节C. 体液调节比神经调节速度慢,作用范围更为局限D. 激素调节属于体液调节,是体液调节的重要部分12. 下列关于细胞结构与功能的叙述,正确的是()A.液泡:含有⼤量色素,参与植物对光能的吸收B.中⼤体:普遍存在于动植物细胞中,参与细胞的有丝分裂C.细胞壁:⼤定含有纤维素和果胶,对细胞起⼤持和保护的作⼤D.⼤尔基体:由单层膜构成,主要是对来⼤内质⼤的蛋⼤质进⼤加⼤、分类和包装13. 某兴趣小组探究了温度对小麦种子呼吸速率的影响,结果如下图所示。
用2B 铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A 后的方框涂黑。
2、选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
4、选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上指定的位置用2B 铅笔涂黑。
一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{}24A x x x =≤,{}340B x x =->,则AB =( )A .(],0-∞B .40,3⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭C .4,43⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦D .(),0-∞2.()()31i 2i i --+=( ) A .3i +B .3i --C .3i -+D .3i -3.已知角A 满足1sin cos 5A A +=,则sin 2A 的值为( ) A .1225B .1225-C .2425D .2425-4.执行如图1所示的程序框图,那么输出S 的值是( )A .12B .1-C .2018D .25.已知随机变量ξ服从正态分布()1,1N ,若()10.9772p ξ>-=,则()13P ξ-<<=( ) A .0.6827B .0.8522C .0.9544D .0.97726.已知x 、y 满足0404x y x y x -≥⎧⎪+-≥⎨⎪≤⎩,则3x y -的最小值为( )A .4B .6C .12D .167.若直线1l 和2l 是异面直线,1l 在平面α内,2l 在平面β内,l 是平面α与平面β的交线,则下列命题正确的是( ) A .l 与1l ,2l 都不相交B .l 与1l ,2l 都相交C .l 至多与1l ,2l 中的一条相交D .l 至少与1l ,2l 中的一条相交8.函数()2ln f x x x =+的图象大致为( )9.若两个非零向量a ,b 满足2+=-=a b a b a ,则向量+a b 与-a b 的夹角的余弦值是( ) A .12B .12-CD.10.在ABC △中,A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知c =π3C =,sin 2sin B A =,则ABC △的周长是( )A .B .2C .3+D .4+11.如图,已知1F ,2F 是双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点,若直线y 与双曲线C 交于P 、Q 两点,且四边形12PFQF 是矩形,则双曲线的离心率为( )A .5-B .5+C 1D 112.已知函数()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,若()()12g x f x =++,()g x '为()g x 的导函数,对x ∀∈R ,总有()2g x x '>,则()21g x x <+的解集为( )A .(),0-∞B .(),1-∞-C .()1,-+∞D .()0,+∞二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分. 13.抛物线22y x =的准线方程为__________.14.()()5211x x +-的展开式中的含5x 的系数为__________(用数字填写作答).15.已知(){},2,2M x y x y =<≤,点P 的坐标为(),x y ,则当P M ∈时,且满足()()22224x y -+-≥的概率为__________.16.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则此几何体的外接球表面积为__________.三、解答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. (一)必考题:共60分. 17.(本小题满分12分)设n S 是公比不为1的等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和.已知332a =,392S =. (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)设()123n nn b na --=.若11n n n c b b +=,求数列{}n c 前n 项和n T . 18.(本小题满分12分)某地区某农产品近几年的产量统计如表:(1)根据表中数据,建立y 关于t 的线性回归方程ˆˆˆybt a =+; (2)根据线性回归方程预测2019年该地区该农产品的年产量.附:对于一组数据()11,t y ,()22,t y ,…,(),n n t y ,其回归直线ˆˆˆybt a =+的斜率和截距的最小二乘估计分别为:()()()121ˆniii ni i t t y y bt t ==--=-∑∑,ˆˆay bt =-. (参考数据:()()612.8iii t t y y =--=∑,计算结果保留小数点后两位)19.(本小题满分12分)如图,四棱锥P ABCD -中,底面ABCD 是边长为2的正方形,PB BC ⊥,PD CD ⊥,且2PA =,E 为PD 中点.(1)求证:PA ⊥平面ABCD ; (2)求二面角A BE C --的正弦值. 20.(本小题满分12分)设椭圆()2222:10x y C a b a b+=>>右顶点是()2,0A ,离心率为12.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)若直线l 与椭圆交于两点M ,N (M ,N 不同于点A ),若0AM AN ⋅=,求证:直线l 过定点,并求出定点坐标. 21.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()2ln 2f x x x x mx =+-+.(1)若关于x 的方程()0f x =有两个不同的实数根,求证:()10f <;(2)若存在1,x e e ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦使得()()ln 22f x x m x x ≥-++成立,求实数m 的取值范围.(其中e 为自然对数的底数, 2.71828e =L )(二)选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.22.(本小题满分10分)[选修4-4:坐标系及参数方程]在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线1C 的参数方程为22cos 2sin x y ϕϕ=+⎧⎨=⎩(ϕ为参数),以原点O 为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线2C 的极坐标方程为4sin ρθ=. (1)求曲线1C 的普通方程和2C 的直角坐标方程;(2)已知曲线3C 的极坐标方程为()0π,θααρ=<<∈R ,点A 是曲线3C 与1C 的交点,点B 是曲线3C 与2C 的交点,且A ,B 均异于原点O ,且AB =,求α的值. 23.(本小题满分10分)[选修4-5:不等式选讲] 已知函数()29f x x x =+-. (1)解不等式()15f x <;(2)若关于x 的不等式()f x a <有解,求实数a 的取值范围.理科数学参考答案一、(60分) 1.C由题意,集合{}{}2404A x x x x x =≤=≤≤,{}43403B x x x x ⎧⎫=->=>⎨⎬⎩⎭,所以444,433AB x x ⎧⎫⎛⎤=<≤=⎨⎬ ⎥⎝⎦⎩⎭.故应选C .2.B由题意得,复数()()()31i 2i 13i i 13i 3i i ii i--+-+⋅-+===----⋅.故应选B .3.D∵1sin cos 5A A +=①, ①式两边平方得112sin cos 25A A +=,∴12sin cos 25A A =-,24sin 22sin cos 25A A A ==-.故应选D . 4.A因为1S =-,1k =;12S =,2k =;2S =,3k =,1S =-,4k =;12=,5k =.故应选A . 5.C因为随机变量ξ服从正态分布()1,1N ,所以()10.5P ξ<=,所以()()()13110.4772P p P ξξξ=<<=>--<=. 因此()()132130.9544P P ξξ-<<=<<=.故应选C .6.A由约束条件0404x y x y x -≥⎧⎪+-≥⎨⎪≤⎩作出可行域如图,联立400x y x y +-=⎧⎨-=⎩,解得()2,2A ,令3z x y =-,化为3y x z =-,由图可知,当直线3y x z =-过A 时,直线在y 轴上的截距最大,z 有最小值为4. 故应选A . 7.D由直线1l 和2l 是异面直线可知1l 与2l 不平行,故1l ,2l 中至少有一条与l 相交.故应选D . 8.A∵()()2ln f x x x f x -=+=,∴()f x 为偶函数,∴()f x 的图象关于y 轴对称,故排除B ,C , 当0x →时,y →-∞,故排除D . 故应选A . 9.B结合向量加减法的平行四边形法则三角形法则可知+a b ,-a b 分别为以a ,b 为邻边的平行四边形的对角线对应的向量,∵2+=-=a b a b a ,所以此平行四边形是矩形,且对角线与矩形的边的较小的夹角为π6,结合图形可知向量+a b 与-a b 的夹角为2π3,余弦值为12-. 故应选B .10.C 因为sin 2sin B A =,由正弦定理得2b a =,由余弦定理得,22222222cos 423c a b ab C a a a a =+-=+-=,又c =1a =,2b =.则ABC △的周长是3 故应选C .11.C 由题意,矩形的对角线长相等,y =代入()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>,可得x =y = ∴2222243a b c b a =-,∴()2222243a b b a c =-, ∴()()22222244aca c a c -=-,∴42840e e -+=,∵1e >,∴24e =+1e =. 故应选C .12.B 因为函数()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,所以函数()f x 关于原点对称, 又()()12g x f x =++,故()g x 的图象关于点()1,2-对称, 令()()21h x g x x =--,∴()()2h x g x x ''=-,∵对x ∀∈R ,()2g x x '>,∴()h x 在R 上是增函数,又()()()211110h g -=----=,∴()21g x x <+的解集是(),1-∞-.故应选B . 二、(20分) 13.12x =-抛物线22y x =的准线方程是12-. 14.11 由题可得()51x -的3x 项为()22335110C xx -=,5x 项为()005551C x x -=,然后和()21x+相乘去括号得5x 项为5551011x x x +=,故()()5211x x +-的展开式中的5x 的系数为11. 15.π116-因为(){},2,2M x y x y =≤≤,所以M 表示区域为正方形,面积为4416⨯=,因为实心圆()()22224x y -+-≤在M 中区域为四分之一圆,所以面积为21π2π4⨯⋅=.因此概率为π116-. 16.3π由三视图还原原几何体如图:该几何体为三棱锥P ABC -,底面三角形ABC 是等腰直角三角形,所以它的外接球也是正方,外接球表面积为24π3π=⎝⎭. 三、(70分)17.设等比数列{}n a 的公比为q ,则33312332a a S a a a a q q=++=++. 因为332a =,392S =,所以2210q q --=. ……3分解得1q =(舍去),12q =-. ……4分133162n n n a a q--⎛⎫==- ⎪⎝⎭.……6分(2)由(1)得()1223n nn b na n --==.……8分所以()1111114141n n n c b b n n n n +⎛⎫===- ⎪++⎝⎭. ……10分 数列{}n c 前n 项和11111111114223141n T n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-++-=- ⎪ ⎪++⎝⎭⎝⎭L ()41nn =+. ……12分18.(1)由题意可知:1234563.56t +++++==,6.6 6.777.17.27.476y +++++==, ……3分()()()()6222222212.5 1.5 2.517.5i i t t =-=-+-+-+++=∑,∴()()()12112.8ˆ0.1617.5niii ni t t y y bt t ==--===-∑∑, 又ˆˆ70.16 3.5 6.44ay bt =-=-⨯=, ……6分∴y 关于t 的线性回归方程为ˆ0.16 6.44yt =+. ……8分 (2)由(1)可得,当年份为2019年时,年份代码8t =,此时ˆ0.168 6.447.72y=⨯+=, 所以,可预测2019年该地区该农产品的年产量约为7.72万吨. ……12分19.(1)证明:∵底面ABCD 为正方形,∴BC AB ⊥, 又BC PB ⊥,ABPB B =,∴BC ⊥平面PAB ,∴BC PA ⊥. ……2分 同理CD PA ⊥,BCCD C =, ……4分∴PA ⊥平面ABCD .……5分(2)建立如图的空间直角坐标系A xyz -,则()0,0,0A ,()2,2,0C ,()0,1,1E ,()2,0,0B . ……6分 设(),,x y z =m 为平面ABE 的一个法向量,又()0,1,1AE =,()2,0,0AB =,∴020y z x +=⎧⎨=⎩.令1y =-,1z =,得()0,1,1=-m .……8分同理()1,0,2=n 是平面BCE 的一个法向量, ……9分则cos ,5⋅===m n m n m n .∴二面角A BE C --的正弦值为5.……12分20.(1)右顶点是()2,0A ,离心率为12,所以2a =,12c a =,∴1c =,则b =22143x y +=. ……4分 (2)当直线MN 斜率不存在时,设:MN l x m =,与椭圆方程22143x y +=联立得:y =MN =设直线MN 与x 轴交于点B ,MB AB =2m =-,∴27m =或2m =(舍),∴直线m 过定点2,07⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭. ……6分 当直线MN 斜率存在时,设直线MN 斜率为k ,()11,M x y ,()22,N x y ,则直线():0MN y kx b k =+≠,与椭圆方程22143x y +=联立, 得()2224384120k x kbx b +++-=,122843kb x x k +=-+,212241243b x x k -=+,()()()2212121212y y kx b kx b k x x kb x x b =++=+++, ()()()22284434120kb k b ∆=-+->,k ∈R ,……8分0AM AN ⋅=,则()()11222,2,0x y x y --=,即()121212240x x x x y y -+++=,∴2274160b k kb ++=,∴27b k =-或2b k =-, ……10分 ∴直线2:7MN l y k x ⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭或()2y k x =-,∴直线过定点2,07⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭或()2,0舍去. 综上知直线过定点2,07⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭. ……12分21.(1)若方程()0f x =有两个不同的实数根,即2ln m x x x=++有两个不同的实数根, 令()()2ln 0h x x x x x=++>, 即函数y m =和()2ln h x x x x=++有两个不同的交点, ……2分 而()()()2221121x x h x x x x+-'=+-=, 令()0h x '>,解得1x >;令()0h x '<,解得01x <<, 故()h x 在()0,1上递减,在()1,+∞上递增, 故()()13h x h ≥=, 故3m >,……4分 故()130f m =-<.……5分(2)若存在1,x e e⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦使得()()ln 22f x x m x x ≥-++成立,即存在1,x e e ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦使得2max2ln x x m x x ⎛⎫-≤ ⎪-⎝⎭成立, ……7分令()22ln x x k x x x -=-,1,x e e ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,则()()()()212ln 2ln x x x k x x x ---'=-, 易得2ln 20x x --<,令()0k x '>,解得1x >;令()0k x '<,解得1x <, 故()k x 在1,1e ⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭递减,在(]1,e 递增,故()k x 的最大值是1k e ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭或()k e ,……10分而()2212121e e e k k e e e e e --⎛⎫=<= ⎪---⎝⎭, 故221e e m e-≤-. ……12分22.(1)由22cos 2sin x y ϕϕ=+⎧⎨=⎩消去参数ϕ可得1C 普通方程为()2224x y -+=,……2分∵4sin ρθ=,∴24sin ρρθ=, ……3分 由cos sin x y ρθρθ=⎧⎨=⎩,得曲线2C 的直角坐标方程为()2224x y +-=. ……5分(2)由(1)得曲线()221:24C x y -+=,其极坐标方程为4cos ρθ=,由题意设()1,A ρα,()2,B ρα, ……6分则12π4sin cos 4AB ρρααα⎛⎫=-=-=-= ⎪⎝⎭……7分∴πsin 14α⎛⎫-=± ⎪⎝⎭, ∴()πππ42k k α-=+∈Z , ……8分 ∵0πα<<,∴3π4α=. ……10分23.(1)由题意化简()318, 918, 09183, 0 x x f x x x x x -≥⎧⎪=-≤<⎨⎪-<⎩,∵()15f x <,∴931815x x ≥⎧⎨-<⎩或091815x x ≤<⎧⎨-<⎩或018315x x <⎧⎨-<⎩.解得不等式的解集为{}311x x <<.……5分(2)依题意,求29x x +-的最小值,()318, 918, 09183, 0 x x f x x x x x -≥⎧⎪=-≤<⎨⎪-<⎩的最小值为9,∴9a >. ……10分。
2019年广西南宁市武鸣区中考物理模拟试卷(5月份)题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、单选题(本大题共16小题,共32.0分)1.首先得到“同一导体,通过它的电流与它两端的电压成正比”的科学家是()A. 安培B. 伏特C. 欧姆D. 瓦特2.下列现象中,能用光的直线传播解释的是()A. 树荫下圆形光斑B. 海市蜃楼C. 露珠下的叶脉D. 水中“倒影”3.下列生活情景中,通过做功来改变物体内能的是()A. 铁丝被反复弯折,弯折处发热B. 冬季人们常用热水袋取暖C. 食品放在冰箱中,温度降低D. 金属汤勺放在热汤中,温度升高4.下列措施中,能使蒸发减慢的是()A. 给湿头发吹热风B. 把蔬菜装进保鲜袋里C. 把湿衣服晾在通风处D. 把玻璃板上的水滴向周围摊开5.关于安全用电,下列说法正确的是()A. 使用三孔插座是为了节能B. 三脚插头内有一根导线与用电器的外壳相连C. 熔丝烧断一定是发生了短路D. 安全电压为220V6.下列关于光现象的说法正确的是()A. 彩色电视机的色彩是用红黄、蓝三种色光按不同的比例混合得到的B. 根据紫外线能使荧光物质发光可以制成紫外线夜视仪C. 发生漫反射时,每条光线的反射角都等于入射角D. 人离平面镜越近,所成的像就越大7.如图所示,行李托运时,行李箱随水平传送带一起做匀速直线运动。
以下说法中属于一对平衡力的是()A. 传送带对行李箱的推力与行李箱所受的摩擦力B. 行李箱对传送带的压力与传送带对行李箱的支持力C. 传送带对行李箱的支持力与行李箱所受的重力D. 行李箱所受的重力与行李箱对传送带的压力8.对下列与压强有关的事例,解释正确的是()A. 用吸管喝饮料利用了大气压强B. 高压锅是利用液体的沸点随气压增大而减小的原理制造的C. 水坝下部比上部建造的宽是因为液体压强随着深度的增加而减小D. 载重汽车装有很多轮子是为了减小压力9.2011年9月29日发射升空以来,天宫一号共计在轨运行1630天,2018年4月2日8时15分左右,天宫一号作流星归隐中心点位于西经163.1度、南纬14.6度的南太平洋。
2019-2020学年南宁市武鸣高级中学高三英语第三次联考试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ALooking to the future, we are now focusing on next year's tours. We are not presently taking bookings, but if a specific tour lifts your spirits, why not mark your interest and we will contact you when the time is right.JapanOctober 2021A centre for technology with natural beauty, Japan is a must-see destination for science and nature lovers. Join us on a special journey across the country during its fantastic autumn to see its amazing landscapes, visit leading scientific institutions and experience robotics and AI.AntarcticaApril to September 2021Join us aboard the Magellan Explorer for an exciting adventure to South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula, exploring the world's largest ocean reserve and best ocean ecosystem. Follow in the footstepsof the great scientists while marveling(惊叹)at icebergs, ancient glaciers and ice flies onto volcanic beaches.ItalyMarch and June 2021Encounter the great scientific minds and discoveries of the Renaissance on a cultural adventure across two of its cities, Florence and Bologna. Enjoy beautiful surroundings as you take in the wonderful collections, buildings and churches that demonstrate the period across architecture and paintings.Czech RepublicMay and July 2021Discover the legacy(遗产)of Kepler and Brahe in Prague, a city where astronomy, maths, medicine and architecture connect. Kepler became the father of modern astronomy supported by the observational data from Brahe.1. What can travelers do in Japan?A. Experience space travel.B. Enjoy its spring landscape.C. Visit its scientific institutions .D. Learn about its traditional culture.2. Which of the following can you choose if you are free in August?A. Japan.B. Italy.C. Antarctica.D. Czech Republic .3. What do Italy and Czech Republic havein common?A. Astronomy.B. Architecture.C. Paintings.D. Medicine .BA new study suggests drinking coffee as soon as someone wakes up from a poor night’s sleep greatly affects metabolism(新陈代谢) and blood sugar control.In the study, published in theBritish Journal of Nutrition, UK researchers let 29 healthy men and women take part in three different overnight experiments. In the first two scenes, participants were given a sugary drink uponwaking—first from a normal night’s sleep, and then again after a poor night’s sleep during which they were woken up for five minutes every hour. In the third, their sleep was similarly disrupted, but they were given a strong black coffee 30 minutes before consuming the sugary drink.Blood samples from participants were taken following the sugary drink, which mirrored the calories of a typical breakfast, in each experiment. Results showed that one night of disrupted sleep did not worsen the participants’ blood sugar responses at breakfast when compared to a normal night of sleep. However, strong black coffee consumed before breakfast increased the blood sugar response by around 50 percent.By drinking such kind of drink after breakfast, UK researchers found that our bodies’ ability to break down our food healthily is completely improved. Examining the effects of broken sleep and morning coffee across a range of different metabolic markers, scientists at the University of Bath found that, while one night of poor sleep had a limited effect on metabolism, drinking coffee before breakfast could have a negative effect on blood sugar control.“We know that nearly half of us will wake in the morning and, before doing anything else, drink coffee—the more tired we feel, the stronger the coffee is. This simple study is important and has far-reaching health influences, and it indeed moves some coffee drinkers’ heartstrings. As up to now we have had limited knowledge about what this is doing to our bodies, in particular for our metabolic and blood sugar control, so we have a long way to go.” said Professor James Betts, co-director of the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism at the University ofBath.4. How did UK researchers get the result of the experiment?A. By making comparisons.B. By consulting journals.C. By questionnaire.D. By assumption.5. What can we learn from the experiment?A. One night of poor sleep surely affects blood sugar.B. Drinking coffee after breakfast does harm to health.C. Having strong drinks has a good effect on metabolism.D. Drinking coffee at different time has different effects on health.6. What does James Betts think of the study?A. It makes no sense.B. It remains to be continued.C. It is limited and blind.D. It is particular and explicit.7. What can be the best title for the text?A. How Much Coffee to Drink MattersB. Does Coffee Really Wake Up an Appetite?C. How Does Drinking Coffee Affect One’s Sleep?D. Drinking Coffee before Breakfast Harms MetabolismCBlood donations save lives. But blood can only be stored by freezing for up to six weeks. “Because of that limitation, people have to continually donate blood to meet the needs. But also, in places where freezing may not be available, that can also be a challenge. It’s difficult to have blood available when needed.”“Thedisruptionsto regular blood donations due to COVID-19 have put stress on the blood supply, and the pandemic emphasizes the need for more reliable long-term storage methods.” UniversityofLouisvillebioengineer Jonathan Kopechek said.Kopechek’s team has developeda method of preserving blood so it can be stored in a dehydrated state at room temperature. They turned to an unusual preservative: a sugar called trehalose(海藻糖), which is a common ingredient in donuts... to help make them look fresh even when they mightbe months old, and you wouldn’t know the difference.The researchers chose trehalose because, in nature, it’s made by hardy animals like tardigrades and sea monkeys—aka brine shrimp—famous for their ability to survive dehydration.So these animals can dry out completely for a long period of time and then be rehydrated and resume normal function. First, the researchers had to get trehalose into blood cells. They used ultrasound(超声波)to drill temporary holes in the cell membranes—which let some trehalose get in. And they need to have sufficient levels of trehalose on both the inside and the outside of the cell in order to survive the dehydration and rehydration process. At that point, the blood could be dried and made into a powder. And then we can rehydrate the blood and have it return back to normal.“The technique could be ready for clinical test in three to five years. If successful, it could be used to create stores of dried blood in case of future pandemics or natural disasters. Maybe medicine bag on the Red Planet will include dried red blood cells.” Kopechek said.8. Why do people have to continually donate blood to meet the needs?A. Because blood donations aren’t popular.B. Because the blood needs can’t be met.C. Because blood storage by freezing has time limit.D. Because blood freezing is a challenge in many places.9. What does the underlined word “disruptions” in paragraph 2 mean?A. pauseB. damageC. endD. distribution10. According to the research of Kopechek’s team, what can we learn about?A. Blood can be preserved in a dehydrated state by freezing.B. Trehalose is only made by hardy animals like tardigrades.C. Trehalose can help make donuts look fresh for a long time.D. The technique of blood dehydration has been applied in clinical test.11. How did trehalose get into blood cell?A. By the process of dehydration and rehydration.B. By being dried and made into a power.C. By rehydrating the blood returning back to normal.D. By the temporary holes drilled by ultrasound.DMy friend and I went traveling inTasmania,Australialast December. We settled in our Airbnb accommodation, a cozy apartment, not long after we arrived inHobart, the capital city.After briefing us on the kitchen's facilities and the whereabouts of the bedroom and bathroom, our hostessGeraldine resumed her ironing work, which seemed to have been interrupted by our arrival.She was ironing what looked like security guard uniforms, and we soon found out that she worked in a local prison. And when she detected the curiosity in our tones, she offered a tour at the prison in her SUV. My friend and I exchanged a “this is incredible” look and said “yes” immediately.As we drove, she told us about the buildings that we were passing, the local market and how to get to MONA,Tasmania's well-known contemporary art gallery.And of course we got to hear some background information about the prison. According to our hostess, it currently holds Martin Bryant, a notorious criminal who cheated 35 people out of their property. We could see the high level of security from the layers upon layers of wires surrounding the gray structure inside.Getting to know a city in such a local way is something I would never be able to do by talking to a hotel receptionist, and this is what I like best about the apartment-sharing experience, not to mention the fact that it's usually cheaper than hotel rooms.But I'm fully aware of the risks of Airbnb, which is why I did my homework before booking online—I checked the reviews of the accommodation to avoid possible safety problems.That said, it is the mutual trust between a host and a guest that fascinates me—the interesting feeling of building a bond with a total stranger.12. Why did the hostess drive us to the prison?A. She planned to send the uniform to the prison.B. She found our curiosity about the prison.C. She wanted to show off her SUV.D. She needed to offer a tour for us.13. Which of the following can best explain the word “notorious” in Paragraph 5?A. Unfamiliar to everyone.B. Particularly disappointing.C. Well known for being bad.D. Extremely generous to others.14. Compared with hotels, what is the writer's favorite of the Airbnb accommodation?A. It is cheaper in most cases.B. It supplies a better living condition.C. It offers a much safer accommodation.D. It provides a chance to know local culture.15. What does the author think of finding accommodation on Airbnb?A. Disapproving.B. Supportive.C. Neutral.D. Doubtful.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. 调节机体生命活动的最高级中枢位于A. 大脑皮层B. 脑干C. 脊髓D. 小脑2. 下列关于细胞内元素和化合物的叙述,正确的是()A.细胞中常见的化学元素根据作用的大小分为大量元素和微量元素B.脂肪、蛋白质、核酸均含有C、H、O、N元素C.组成淀粉、糖原、纤维素的单体是不一样的D.Cu、Zn、Mo等元素是细胞内的微量元素3. 三刺鱼根据栖息环境可分为湖泊型和溪流型(如图所示)。
对上述材料分析,下列选项正确的是()A. 自然选择可以定向改变种群的基因频率,但不一定导致新物种的形成B. 突变和基因重组使种群产生定向变异,导致基因频率改变,为进化提供原材料C. 溪流型和湖泊型三刺鱼不属于同一物种,两个物种存在竞争关系D. 溪流型三刺鱼在新环境中繁殖能力增强,导致两种三刺鱼发生协同进化4. 植物扦插繁殖时,需要对插枝进行去除成熟叶片、保留芽和幼叶等处理,这样可以容易促进插枝成活。
其原因是①芽和幼叶生长迅速.容易成活①芽和幼叶储存较多的营养物质①芽和幼叶能产生生长素,促进生根①去除成熟叶片可降低蒸腾作用A. ①①B. ①①C. ①①D. ①①5. 人的红细胞生活在血浆中,红细胞中的K+浓度比血浆高30倍,但血浆中的K+仍可进入红细胞,下列关于K+进入红细胞的过程的叙述错误的是()A.该过程需要红细胞膜上运输K+的载体蛋白,该蛋白具有特异性B.在运输K+的过程中,其载体蛋白会发生空间结构的变化C.该过程需要细胞内化学反应所释放的能量D.该K+运输过程遵循渗透作用的原理6. 1909年,摩尔根在进行果蝇杂交实验时用红眼雌果蝇(XWXW)和白眼雄果蝇(XWY)杂交(如下图),发现和证明了控制眼色的基因位于X染色体上。
1. 下图1是神经元之间形成的一种环状连接方式,在图示位置给予一定强度的刺激后,测得C点膜内外电位变化如图2所示,图3代表两个神经元的局部放大。
下列叙述错误的是()A.若图1中各突触生理性质一致,则兴奋经该结构传导后持续时间将延迟B.若将离体神经纤维放于较高浓度海水中重复实验,图2中B点值将会变大C.在图3中,当神经元上Y点受到刺激时,将使下一个神经元兴奋或抑制D.人体在完成反射活动的过程中,兴奋在神经纤维上的传导方向是双向的2. 下列与组成细胞化合物有关的说法,正确的是()A.加热变性的蛋白质不能与双缩脲试剂反应呈紫色B.真核细胞中DNA仅存在于细胞核中C.人体内的一种脂质可以参与另一种脂质在血液中的运输D.生物体内的多糖均以(C6H10O5)n的形式存在3. 下图表示细胞和人体生存环境的关系,下列说法错误的是()A.细胞生存的外部环境就是图中的内环境B.人体有多个生理系统参与维持内环境稳态C.内环境稳态即内环境的组成成分保持相对稳定D.图中外界环境中的物质需经过内环境才能进入细胞4. 下列对交感神经和副交感神经叙述错误的是()A.二者都不受意识支配B.二者都属于外周神经系统C.人体每个器官都同时受到二者的共同作用D.二者对同一器官的作用通常是相反的5. 某研究人员分别进行了如下三组实验:①35S标记的T2噬菌体+不含放射性的细菌;①32P标记的T2噬菌体+不含放射性的细菌;①14C标记的T2噬菌体+不含放射性的细菌。
下列相关分析正确的是()A.T2噬菌体在含35S、32P和14C的培养基中培养可获取含放射性标记的T2噬菌体B. 若第①组保温时间过短或过长,则离心后上清液中放射性均偏高C. 若第①组进行充分搅拌,则离心后沉淀物中没有放射性D. 比较第①组与第①组的实验结果,说明DNA是主要的遗传物质6. 下列有关显微镜使用的叙述,正确的是()A.若目镜为10×,物镜为40×,则被观察的细胞面积放大了400倍B.若在低倍镜下观察到物像模糊,轻轻地转动转换器使高倍镜到位再观察C.显微镜所成的是倒像,“p”在显微镜下应该是“b”D.在显微镜下观察透明材料时,应该减小光照,用较小的光圈7. 图为细胞中某种结构的示意图,数字代表不同的结构。
广西武鸣高考第三次模拟考试文理综合本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共108分)本大题共36小题;每小题3分,共108分.每题有一个最符合题目要求的答案每逢周五,《新民晚报》刊登周日日出日落的时间表.表1为2001年某日刊登的部分城市日出日落的时间表.完成1~3题:图23-1C.3位置D.西安与北京相比,日出时间迟的主要原因是().西安纬度比北京低C.西安位于北京西侧.依据图中的资料,判断下列四个城市中纬度最低的是()C.上海D.拉萨气压分布状况,图23-2.偏西风C.偏北风D.偏南风所示季节,②地气候特征是()A.寒冷干燥B.温和湿润C.炎热多雨D.炎热少雨6.图23-2所示季节,下列叙述不正确的是()A.我国华北正值寒潮多发期B.我国南极中山站白昼很长C.北印度洋环流呈逆时针流动D.我国南部沿海赤潮频发大革命失败后,中共进行了一系列反对国民党反动统治斗争.据此回答7~10题:7.在“八七”会议上,毛泽东指出要非常注意的军事问题是()A.武装起义B.军队整编C.开展游击战D.枪杆子中出政权8.点燃了“工农武装割据”星星之火的是()A.秋收起义B.井冈山根据地的建立C.毛泽东撰写《星星之火,可以燎原》一书D.南昌起义9.中共从三次武装起义中得出的最突出的结论是()A.必须武装反抗国民党反动派B.必须建立广泛的统一战线C.必须建立党绝对领导下的人民军队D.革命的重心必须由城市转移到农村10.下列做法不符合中共1931年土地革命路线规定的是()A.依靠贫雇农B.保护中小工商业者C.消灭地主阶级D.消灭剥削成分“文化大革命”是建国以来中国历史上的重大事件,据此回答有关11~12题:11.“文化大革命”是中国共产党的“左”倾错误发展到以阶级斗争为纲的恶果,这里的“左”倾是指()A.对社会主义社会的主要矛盾判断错误B.经济建设指导方针错误C.建国后形成高度集中的管理体制D.毛泽东个人专断的领导作风12.导致大跃进、人民公社与“文化大革命”的根本原因是()A.中共缺乏革命和建设的经验B.党内“左”倾思想的发展C.一些阴谋家野心家的挑动D.盲目照搬苏联经验唐装在上海APEC会议之后,迅速成为马年春节最亮丽的风景.此间,杭州许多中小企业丝绸厂从倒闭到恢复生产,其中有的丝绸厂还在市场需求下,扩大了生产规模.据此回答13~15题:13.由于APEC的举行,救活了一些企业,从哲学上看体现了()A.外因对事物发展有重要作用B.内因作用有时小于外因C.任何联系都会促进事物发展D.事物是发展的14.唐装流行,销售遍京城,丝绸厂得救,制衣店重生.说明()A.生产决定消费水平和消费方式B.消费为生产创造出新的劳动力C.消费激活生产,是生产的目的和动力D.社会主义生产的目的是解放和发展生产力15.唐装的生产与流行,体现了()A.价值规律可以调节资源在社会各部门的分配B.价格围绕价值上下波动是价值规律的表现形式C.商品的使用价值决定价值D.市场经济既需要市场调节又需要国家的宏观调控统计过程中的数字造假行为一直是让统计部门头痛的事情,去年浙江省统计局开展了一次统计执法大检查,仅立案查处统计违法案件就有555起之多.为此,浙江省出台了《浙江省统计违法行为行政处罚决定》.据此回答16~18题:16.在市场经济条件下,数字造假的错误在于()①违背了市场经济的法制性②违背了市场经济的开放性③违背了诚实信用原则④违背了市场经济的竞争性A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④17.有人认为:“官出数字,数字出官”,从哲学角度看,其错误根源在于()A.没有坚持一切从实际出发,实事求是B.陷入了形而上学的泥坑C.没有承认事物是变化发展的D.否认了事物运动的规律性18.浙江省出台的《决定》反映的政治常识的道理有()①对人民负责的原则②地方政府具有立法权③国家机关具有社会管理职能④践行“三个代表”思想,维护党和政府的威信A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②19.气温、降水量、阳光等因素对于绿色植物的生理活动都有十分重要的影响.下列叙述中正确的是()A.降水量越大,植物的蒸腾作用越强烈B .随着气温的升高,植物的有氧呼吸作用逐渐降低C .月总降水量越大,降水时间越长,植物光合作用的强度越大D .植物体内酶的活性随着气温的变化而变化20.人食用摇头丸后,一旦听到音乐声,头颈便会摇摆不停,直到药性消退为止.摇头丸主要作用于人的( )A .运动系统B .内分泌系统C .神经系统D .免疫系统21.森林是一个巨大的制氧机,它的氧气来自绿色植物光合作用中的( )A .水的光解B .A TP 的形成C .2COD .三碳化合物的还原22.下列几项叙述中,不正确的是( )A .血浆中的水主要是以自由水形式存在,献血后水能快速得到补充B .镰刀型细胞贫血症产生的根本原因是血红蛋白分子发生了改变C .胰岛素能促进血糖合成糖元,加速血糖分解,降低血糖浓度D .体内细胞通过血浆、组织液、淋巴等与外界进行物质交换23.蛋白质是一切生命活动的体现者,某人甲状腺激素分泌过多(甲亢),肌肉消瘦.这是因为甲状腺激素促进了肌细胞内的( )A .蛋白质氨基酸合成−−→− B .新的氨基酸氨基酸转氨基−−→−C .肌糖元葡萄糖合成−−→−D .氨基酸蛋白质分解−−→− 24.一个野豆角10个种子,发育成它所需的子房数、胚珠数和花粉数分别是( )A .1 10 10B .10 20 20C .1 10 20D .2 10 2025.我国三峡工程所提供的清洁、廉价、强劲、可再生的水电,相当于每年燃烧3000万吨原煤的火力发电厂产生的电能,因此,三峡工程有助于控制( )①温室效应 ②二氧化硫的排放 ③白色污染 ④碳氢化合物的排放A .①②B .①②③C .①②④D .①②③④26.某些制假者常将自来水直接当作纯净水出售,下列物质可检验出这种假纯净水的是( )A .紫色石蕊试液B .3AgNO溶液 C .2BaCl 溶液 D .盐酸 27.下列说法正确的是( )A .所有的碱都能使酚酞试液变红B .主族金属元素的阳离子都一定满足最外层2电子或8电子结构C .元素的非金属性越强,对应氢化物的水溶液的酸性越强D .常温时能与水反应的金属,不能用氢气还原其氧化物的方法来制备28.生活中常遇到很多化学问题,下列有关做法错误的是( )A .除去铜制器皿上的铜绿,可用食醋涂抹后擦拭B .苯酚有杀菌止痛作用,可将苯酚直接涂在伤口处C .皮肤被蜂蚁叮咬后,在红肿患处涂上稀氨水D .去除衣服上的油渍,可蘸涂汽油揉擦后再清洗29.小苏打可用于治疗胃酸过多症.下面是用离子方程式对这一治疗过程的表示,其中正确的是( )A .O H CO H HCO223+↑++- B .O H CO OH HCO 2233++--- C .O H CO 2H CO 2223+↑++-D .O H CO Ca 2H CaCO 2223+↑++++30.致癌污染物“二英”是一类物质的统称,这类物质的母体是,其中苯环上的氢原子如果被氯原子取代,所得到的物质的毒性是KCN的100倍,当两个氯原子取代苯环上的氢原子时,所得到的同分异构体数是()A.8B.9C.10D.11物理知识广泛应用于生产、生活、医疗、科技、体育和国防中.回答31~36题:31.某著名运动器材厂商为世界杯的足球明星设计了一种新球鞋,能用这种鞋增加球在空中旋转的速度,据说这种鞋的表面设计了一些特殊的凹凸图纹,这种设计主要是为了()A.增加弹性B.美观C.减少阻力D.增加摩擦力32.电饭锅、电热毯等家用电器,在它们工作时有一个共同主要利用的能量转换过程.这个过程是下列哪个家用电器的主要工作方式()A.电炉B.电视机C.空调D.吸尘器33.空降兵从飞机上跳伞时,最后降落伞匀速下落的速度约等于6m/s,为了保证安全着陆,空降兵平时经常进行从高台上跳下的模拟训练.你估计高台合适的高度为()A.0.5m B.1m C.1.5m D.2m34.下列有关光现象的应用技术中,说法不正确的是()A.探照灯是应用光的反射现象B.照相机是应用光的折射现象C.无影灯是应用光的衍射现象D.光导纤维是应用光的全反射现象35.目前用放射线治疗肿瘤是一种有效的方法,关于α 、β 、γ三种射线,以下说法正确的是()A.α 射线是氦核流,它的穿透力最强B.β 射线是核外电子电离形成的电子流C.γ 射线不带电,穿透力最强D.三种射线在电场中都会受到电场力作用36.图23-3所示,某质点沿半径为r的半圆弧由a点运动到b点,则它通过的位移和路程分别是:()图23-3A.0;0B.2r,向东;π r C.r,向东;π r D.2r,向东;2r第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共42分)二、吸毒、贩毒是人类社会的毒瘤.160多年前的“虎门销烟”,是中国人民禁烟的光辉典范.1839年6月,收缴到的110万公斤鸦片被集中运到虎门海滩,和数以万担生石灰一起投入挖好的销烟池中.随着大闸拉起,海水灌进池中,顿时池中热浪翻滚,通过各种化学和物理作用,鸦片被全部销毁.37.(4分)虎门销烟沉重打击了鸦片走私.(1)(2分)洪秀全在《戒鸦片诗》中说:“烟枪即铳枪,自打自受伤,多少英雄汉,弹死在高床.”林则徐在上道光皇帝书中指出:“鸦片流毒于天下,则为害甚巨,法当从严.若犹泄泄视之,是使数十年后,中原几无可以御敌之兵,且无可以充饷之银.”据此指出鸦片输入给中华民族带来的主要危害.(2)(2分)林则徐作为“钦差大臣”去广东禁烟卓有成效.到1839年6月,林则徐共收缴了英美鸦片贩子的鸦片约110多万公斤,并在虎门海滩当众销毁,取得了禁烟斗争的伟大胜利.据此说明建国后在天安门广场建立的人民英雄纪念碑为什么把“虎门销烟”作为要表现的内容?38.(8分)鸦片是黑色膏状物,它含有二十多种成分,吗啡和罂粟碱是其中有效成分中较主要的两种:(1)(4分)在吗啡和罂粟碱的分子中,都含有的相同的基团是(“—3CH ”、“—2CH ”等链烃基除外)________,所以它们都可以看作是芳香族化合物.其中,能与NaOH 溶液发生反应的是(填物质名称)________.(2)(4分)罂粟碱存在于罂粟细胞________中,罂粟的新陈代谢类型是________.位于东南亚的“金三角”是当今毒品主要产地之一,图23-4是其位置示意图.图23-439.(3分)从地理位置上看,“金三角”地区位于________半岛上,其气候属于________类型,这里全年高温,夏季多雨,比较适宜种植罂粟.若贩毒船从缅甸出发经水路运毒至广东,必须经过沟通印度洋和太平洋的海上要道________海峡.40.(3分)我国解放后,吸毒贩毒现象已一度绝迹,但近年来又沉渣泛起,死灰复燃.为了打击吸毒贩毒,国家除了加强对广大人民进行反吸毒宣传教育外,还制定了一系列法律法规,依法对制毒、贩毒、吸毒者进行打击和处理.从政治常识角度看,以上材料表明我国的国家机构坚持了________和________的原则,行使了国家______________________________________________的职能.41.(4分)为了打击贩毒,我边防警民在各交通要道上布下天罗地网.某日,一辆运毒汽车高速驶近某检查站,警方示意截停,毒贩见势不妙,高速闯卡.由于原来车速已很高,发动机早已工作在最大功率状态,此车闯卡后在平直公路上的运动可近似看作匀速直线运动,它的位移可用式子40t s 1=(m )来描述.运毒车过卡的同时,原来停在旁边的大功率警车立即启动追赶,直到赶上毒贩.警车从启动到追上毒贩的运动可近似看作匀加速直线运动,其位移可用式子222t s =(m )来描述.取210m/s g =,请回答:(1)(2分)毒贩逃跑时的速度是________m/s ,警车追赶毒贩时加速度是________2m/s ,警车在离检查站________m处追上毒贩.(2)(5分)设毒贩的汽车总重3t,运动的阻力为车重的0.06倍,该车的发动机的最大功率有多大?(要写出计算过程)三、电能是重要的能源,广泛应用于生产、生活中.42.(3分)进入电气时代以来,电的广泛运用对人类日常生活产生了哪些重大影响?43.(3分)实验表明,绿叶也能发电.其原因是绿叶从水分子中夺取电子,在施加电场的情况下,这些电子能定向移动形成电流.请问:(1)绿叶中能吸收可见的太阳光的物质是________.图23-5地区已建和正在建设的若干大中型水电站是“西电东送”工程组成部分,该地区_____________________________________________将丰富的煤炭资源转化为电能,实现西部优势互补,共同发展.这一事实体现了哪些哲学道理?分)随着我国改革开放的深入开展,人民生活水平和生活质量有了较大改善,电冰箱等家用电列出了某一电冰箱铭牌上的主要项目.BCD-220电冰箱额定电压220V某同学将从超市里买来的一瓶20℃的饮料放入冰箱,在他喝时已成为-10℃的冷饮.则这瓶饮料的温度降低了________K(2分),该冰箱平均每天大约耗电________KW·h.(4分)参考答案1.A2.C3.D4.B5.A6.D7.D8.B9.D10.D11.A12.B13.A14.C15.A16.B17.A18.C19.D20.C21.A22.B23.D24.A25.A26.B27.D28.B29.A30.C31.D32.A33.D34.C35.C36.B37.(1)(2分)严重损害中国人的身心健康;造成银荒,影响清朝财政;致使兵弱,削弱了大清巩固封建统治的军事力量;增加了人民的经济负担.(2)(2分)理由:虎门销烟是中国人民禁烟运动的一个重大胜利.它给外国侵略者以沉重的打击,向全世界表明了中国人民维护民族尊严和抵抗外国侵略的坚强意志.38.(1)苯基吗啡(2)液泡自养需氧型(4分)39.中南、热带季风、马六甲(3分)40.对人民负责依法治国打击敌对势力和敌对分子(3分)41.(1)404800(3分)(2)汽车匀速运动时,牵引力等于阻力3=fF×10×0.06=103⨯=1800N(2分)P=F·v=1800×40w=72KW(2分)42.(3分)电器的广泛应用,使人们的生活方式逐步发生变化;推动交通、电讯等事业的发展;使人们之间的联系更加密切,世界成为一个密不可分的整体.43.(1)叶绿体中的色素(2)APT ADP和P(3分)144.CH≡CH(4分)45.(1)长江流量大,该河段落差大,水流急.(3分)(2)(4分)①从铁路运煤到西电东送,体现了事物是变化发展的②煤炭运输、利用的变化过程,说明认识随着实践的发展不断地深化,同时,认识对实践也具有反作用③把丰富的煤炭资源转化为清洁高效的电能,说明事物双方在一定条件下是可以互相转化的④东西部优势互补,共同发展,体现了事物是普遍联系的.(若运用一切从实际出发,意识的能动作用加以分析,亦可酌情给分)46.30(2分) 1.4(4分)。
一、单选题1.已知数列中,,且,若存在正整数,使得成立,则实数的取值范围为( )A.B.C.D.2. 已知为第一象限角,且,则( )A.B.C.D.3. 设函数,,则是A .最小正周期为的奇函数B .最小正周期为的偶函数C .最小正周期为的奇函数D .最小正周期为的偶函数4. 已知定义在R上的奇函数满足,若时,,则( )A.B.C .0D .15. 设且,“z 是纯虚数”是“”的A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .充要条件条件D .即非充分又非必要条件6.若定义在内的函数,则的取值范围是( )A.B.C.D.7. 若为虚数单位,复数满足,则的虚部为( )A.B.C .D .18. 在复平面内,满足(z -2)i =1+i 的复数z 对应的点为Z ,则||=( )A.B.C.D.9. 如图所示的三棱锥中,,,,,且,,则其外接球体积的最小值为()A.B.C.D.10.将函数的图象上各点的纵坐标保持不变,横坐标扩大到原来的2倍,再把所得函数图象向右平移个单位,得到函数的图象,则函数图象的一条对称轴的方程为A.B.C.D.11. 若复数满足,则在复平面内对应的点位于( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限12.如图,中,,,若以,为焦点的双曲线的渐近线经过点,则该双曲线的离心率为广西南宁市武鸣区武鸣中学2023届高三三模试卷数学试题二、多选题A.B.C.D.13.魏晋时刘徽撰写的《海岛算经》是有关测量的数学著作,其中第一题是测海岛的高.如图,点,,在水平线上,和是两个垂直于水平面且等高的测量标杆的高度,称为“表高”,称为“表距”,和都称为“表目距”,与的差称为“表目距的差”则海岛的高()A.表高B .表高C.表距D .表距14. 若复数z 满足,则z 在复平面内对应的点位于( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限15.将函数的图像向左平移个单位,再把图像上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的,纵坐标不变,得到g (x)的图像,若,则的最大值为( )A .B .πC.D .2π16. 在△ABC 中,D 是BC 边上一点,且BD =2DC =4,,则AD 的最大值为( )A .B .4C.D .217.已知双曲线经过点,则( )A.的实轴长为B.的焦距为C.的离心率为D .的渐近线方程是18.定义在上的函数的导函数为,且.则对任意,,其中,则下列不等式中一定成立的是( )A.B.C.D.19.已知首项为正数的等差数列的前项和为,若,则( )A.B.C .当时,取最大值D .当时,的最小值为27三、填空题20. 平面螺旋是以一个固定点开始,向外圈逐渐旋绕而形成的图案,如图(1).它的画法是这样的:正方形ABCD 的边长为4,取正方形ABCD 各边的四等分点E ,F ,G ,H 作第二个正方形,然后再取正方形EFGH 各边的四等分点M ,N ,P ,Q 作第三个正方形,以此方法一直循环下去,就可得到阴影部分图案,设正方形ABCD边长为,后续各正方形边长依次为,,…,,…;如图(2)阴影部分,设直角三角形AEH面积为,后续各直角三角形面积依次为,,…,,….则()A .数列是以4为首项,为公比的等比数列B.从正方形开始,连续个正方形的面积之和为32C .使得不等式成立的的最大值为3D .数列的前项和21. 下列说法正确的有( )A.若随机变量,则B .残差和越小,模型的拟合效果越好C.根据分类变量与的成对样本数据计算得到,依据的独立性检验,可判断与有关且犯错误的概率不超过0.05D .数据4,7,5,6,10,2,12,8的第70百分位数为822.已知函数的部分图像如图所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.B .f (x )的最小正周期为2C .将f (x )的图像向右平移1个单位长度,得到函数的图像D .若f (x )在区间[2,t ]上的值域为[-1,],则t 的取值范围为[,]23. 下列函数中,以为最小正周期的函数是( )A.B.C.D.24. 已知函数,,则下列说法正确的是( )A .当时,函数有3个零点B.当时,若函数有三个零点,则C .若函数恰有2个零点,则D .若存在实数m 使得函数有3个零点,则25. 圆的圆心到直线的距离为________.四、解答题26.已知函数,则函数的图象在处的切线方程为_______.27.在二项式的展开式中,记二项式系数和为A ,各项系数和为B ,则________.28.若在上是减函数,则实数a 的取值范围是_________.29. 已知是定义在R上的函数的导函数,且,,若对任意的实数,都有成立,则实数的最大值为______.30. 如图,圆柱内有一个直三棱柱,三棱柱的底面在圆柱底面内,且底面是正三角形,如果三棱柱的体积,圆柱的底面直径与母线长相等,则圆柱的侧面积为_________31.在锐角中,,,若在上的投影长等于的外接圆半径R ,则R =______.32. 设点P是直线上的动点,过点P引圆的切线(切点为),若的最大值为,则该圆的半径r 等于____.33. 已知函数.(1)求f (x )的最小正周期和在的单调递增区间;(2)已知,先化简后计算求值:34.化简:.35. 如图,两射线、均与直线l 垂直,垂足分别为D 、E 且.点A 在直线l 上,点B 、C 在射线上.(1)若F 为线段BC 的中点(未画出),求的最小值;(2)若为等边三角形,求面积的范围.36. 已知F 是抛物线C :()的焦点,过点F 作斜率为k 的直线交C 于M ,N两点,且.(1)求C 的标准方程;(2)若P 为C 上一点(与点M 位于y 轴的同侧),直线与直线的斜率之和为0,的面积为4,求直线的方程.37.在数列中,,且.五、解答题(1)求的通项公式;(2)若,数列的前项和为,求38. 已知数列是公比为2的等比数列,数列是等差数列,.(1)求数列的通项公式;(2)设,求数列的前项和.39. 随着工作压力的增大,很多家长下班后要么加班,要么抱着手机,陪伴孩子的时间逐新减少,为了调查A 地区家长陪伴孩子的时间,研究人员对200名家长一天陪伴孩子的时间进行统计,所得数据统计如图所示.(1)求这200名家长陪伴孩子的平均时间(同一组中的数据用该组区间的中点值代表);(2)若按照分层抽样的方法从陪伴时间在的家长中随机抽取7人,再从这7人中随机抽取2人,求至少有1人陪伴孩子的时间在的概率;(3)为了研究陪伴时间的多少与家长的性别是否具有相关性,研究人员作出统计如下表所示,判断是否有99%的把握认为陪伴时间的多少与家长的性别有关.男性女性陪伴时间少于60分钟5030陪伴时间不少于60分钟5070附:,.0.1000.0500.0100.0012.7063.8416.63510.82840. 四川省凉山州各种特产、小吃尤其丰富,凉山州会理市羊肉粉早在清代中叶就名扬遐迩.凡来会理市品尝过会理市羊肉粉的人,无不交口称赞.尤其在冬季,吃一碗滚烫的羊肉粉,浑身暖和.羊肉粉的主要原料是羊肉和米粉制作有特殊的讲究,要选择山坡放养,体重在八九十斤左右的黑山羊宰杀,将羊头、羊腿、羊蹄、羊油、羊下水全部放进能装一、两百斤的大铁锅,掺上几里路运来优质山泉水,加上老姜、花椒、胡椒、白扣,等佐料,先要猛火烧开,用漏瓢捞出汤上面的泡沫,再用中火慢慢炖,时间达六、七个小时熬制呈乳白色米汤-样的原汤;羊肉粉的米线,是用会理农村本地产的稻谷跟大米制作出来,韧性好,饭粒不生硬,入口柔和,口味有大米的天然芳香;米粉要经过特殊处理:将水烧开,放入米粉,烧开捞起,放入冷水里(不停换水,直至冷却).会理市某羊肉粉店每天早晨处理好当天的米粉,以12元碗的价格售出,每碗获利5元,当天卖不出的米粉则每碗亏损2元,该店记录了30天的日需求量(单位:碗),整理如下表:日需求量8090100110频数51078(1)以样本估计总体,求该店米粉日需求量的平均数;(2)以30天记录的日需求量的频率为概率,该店每天准备100碗米粉,记该店每天获得的利润为Y (单位:元),写出Y 的所有可能值,并估计Y 低于450元的概率.41. 椭圆规是画椭圆的一种工具,如图1所示,在十字形滑槽上各有一个活动滑标,,有一根旋杆将两个滑标连成一体,,为旋杆上的一点,且在,两点之间,且,当滑标在滑槽内做往复运动,滑标在滑槽内随之运动时,将笔尖放置于处可画出椭圆,记该椭圆为.如图2所示,设与交于点,以所在的直线为轴,以所在的直线为轴,建立平面直角坐标系.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)设,是椭圆的左、右顶点,点为直线上的动点,直线,分别交椭圆于,两点,求四边形面积为,求点的坐标.42. 某动漫影视制作公司长期坚持文化自信,不断挖掘中华优秀传统文化中的动漫题材,创作出一批又一批的优秀动漫影视作品,获得市场和广大观众的一致好评,同时也为公司赢得丰厚的利润.该公司年至年的年利润关于年份代号的统计数据如下表(已知该公司的年利润与年份代号线性相关).年份年份代号年利润(单位:亿元)(Ⅰ)求关于的线性回归方程,并预测该公司年(年份代号记为)的年利润;(Ⅱ)当统计表中某年年利润的实际值大于由(Ⅰ)中线性回归方程计算出该年利润的估计值时,称该年为级利润年,否则称为级利润年.将(Ⅰ)中预测的该公司年的年利润视作该年利润的实际值,现从年至年这年中随机抽取年,求恰有年为级利润年的概率.参考公式:,.43. 某校数学课外兴趣小组为研究数学成绩是否与性别有关,先统计本校高三年级每个学生一学期数学成绩平均分(采用百分制),剔除平均分在40分以下的学生后,共有男生300名,女生200名.现采用分层抽样的方法,从中抽取了100名学生,按性别分为两组,并将两组学生成绩分为6组,得到如下所示频数分布表.分数段[40,50)[50,60)[60,70)[70,80)[80,90)[90,100]男39181569女64510132(1)估计男、女生各自的平均分(同一组数据用该组区间中点值作代表),从计算结果看,数学成绩与性别是否有关;(2)规定80分以上为优分(含80分),请你根据已知条件作出2×2列联表,并判断是否有90%以上的把握认为“数学成绩与性别有关”.优分非优分合计六、解答题男生女生合计附表及公式:0.1000.0500.0100.001k2.7063.8416.63510.828.44. “绿水青山就是金山银山”的口号已经深入民心,人们对环境的保护意识日益增强,质检检测部门也会不时地对一些企业的生产污染情况进行排查,并作出相应的处理,本次排查了30个企业,共查出510个污染点,其中造成污染点前10名的企业分别造成的污染点数为58,36,36,35,33,32,28,26,24,22.(1)求这30个企业造成污染点的第80百分位数;(2)已知造成污染点前10名的企业的方差为,其他20个企业造成污染点的方差为44.7,求这30个企业造成污染点的总体方差.45.如图所示,直三棱柱的上、下底面的顶点分别在圆柱的上、下底面的圆周上,且AB 过圆柱下底面的圆心为与的交点.(1)求证:平面;(2)若圆柱底面半径为,母线长为,求直线与平面所成角的正切值.46. 已知函数.(1)当时,求的单调区间;(2)当时,若函数的最小值为M ,求证:.47. 如图,四棱锥的底面为正方形,平面平面,在上,且.(1)证明:平面;(2)若,为的中点,且,求平面与平面夹角的余弦值.48. 如图,在四棱锥中,等边所在的平面与正方形所在的平面互相垂直,为的中点,为的中点,且.七、解答题(1)求证:平面;(2)在线段上是否存在点,使线段与所在平面成角,若存在,求出的长,若不存在,请说明理由.49. 已知三棱柱中,.(1)求证: 平面平面.(2)若,在线段上是否存在一点使平面和平面所成角的余弦值为若存在,确定点的位置;若不存在,说明理由.50. 如图,在四棱锥中,底面,底面为直角梯形,,,,、分别为、的中点.(1)求证:平面平面;(2)若平面与底面所成的锐二面角为,求的长.51. 若某产品的直径长与标准值的差的绝对值1mm 时,则视为合格品,否则视为不合格品.在近期一次产品抽样检查中,从某厂生产的此种产品中,随机抽取5000件进行检测,结果发现有50件不合格品.计算这50件不合格品的直径长与标准值的差(单位:mm ), 将所得数据分组,得到如下频率分布表:分组频数频率0.1080.5010合计50 1.00(1)将上面表格中缺少的数据填在相应的位置;不超过(2)估计该厂生产的此种产品中,不合格品的直径长与标准值的差落在区间内的概率;52. 某公司在2013~2021年生产经营某种产品的相关数据如下表所示:年份201320142015201620172018201920202021年生产台数(单位:万台)3456691010年返修台数(单位:台)3238545852718075年利润(单位:百万元)注:年返修率(1)从2013~2020年中随机抽取一年,求该年生产的产品的平均利润不小于100元/台的概率;(2)公司规定:若年返修率不超过千分之一,则该公司生产部门当年考核优秀.现从2013~2020年中随机选出3年,记表示这3年中生产部门获得考核优秀的次数,求的分布列和数学期望;(3)记公司在2013~2015年,2016~2018年,2019~2021年的年生产台数的方差分别为.若,其中表示这两个数中最大的数.请写出的最大值和最小值.(只需写出结论)53. 某大学毕业生在国家提供的税收、贷款等很多方面的政策扶持下选择加盟某专营店自主创业,该专营店统计了近五年来创收利润数(单位:万元)与时间(单位:年)的数据,列表如下:123452.4 2.7 4.1 6.47.9(1)依据表中给出的数据,是否可用线性回归模型拟合y与t的关系,请计算相关系数r,并加以说明(计算结果精确到0.01)(若,则线性相关程度很高,可用线性回归模型拟合);(2)该专营店为吸引顾客,特推出两种促销方案.方案一:每满500元可减50元;方案二:每满500元可抽奖一次,每次中奖的概率都为,中奖就可以获得100元现金奖励.假设顾客每次抽奖的结果相互独立.①某位顾客购买了1050元的产品,该顾客选择参加两次抽奖,求该顾客获得100元现金奖励的概率.②某位顾客购买了1500元的产品,作为专营店老板,是希望该顾客直接选择返回150元现金,还是选择参加三次抽奖?说明理由.54. 某市教育局为了调查学生热爱数学是否与学生的年级有关,从全市随机抽取了50位高二学生和位高三学生进行调查,每位学生对“是否热爱数学”提出“热爱”或“不热爱”的观点,得到如下数据:高二高三热爱3020不热爱20(1)以该50名高二学生热爱数学的频率作为全市高二学生热爱数学的概率,从全市的高二学生中随机抽取3名学生,记为这3名学生中热爱数学的学生人数,求的分布列和期望;(2)若至少有的把握认为热爱数学与学生的年级有关,求的最小值.附:,0.0500.0100.0013.841 6.63510.82855. 2020年5月27日,中央文明办明确规定,在2020年全国文明城市测评指标中不将马路市场、流动商贩列为文明城市测评考核内容.6月1日上午,国务院总理李克强在山东烟台考察时表示,地摊经济、小店经济是就业岗位的重要来源,是人间的烟火,和“高大上”一样,是中国的生八、解答题机.其中套圈游戏凭借其趣味性和挑战性深受广大市民的欢迎,现有甲、乙两人进行套圈比赛,要求他们站在定点A ,B 两点处进行套圈,已知甲在A ,B 两点的命中率均为,乙在A 点的命中率为,在B点的命中率为,且他们每次套圈互不影响.(1)若甲在A 处套圈4次,求甲至少命中2次的概率;(2)若甲和乙每人在A ,B 两点各套圈一次,且在A 点命中计2分,在B 点命中计3分,未命中则计0分,设甲的得分为,乙的得分为,写出和的分布列和期望;(3)在(2)的条件下,若,求的取值范围56. 篮球运动是在1891年由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林尔德市基督教青年会训练学校体育教师詹姆士·奈史密斯博士,借鉴其他球类运动项目设计发明的.起初,他将两只桃篮钉在健身房内看台的栏杆上,桃篮上沿离地面约米,用足球作为比赛工具,任何一方在获球后,利用传递、运拍,将球向篮内投掷,投球入篮得一分,按得分多少决定比赛胜负.在1891年的12月21日,举行了首次世界篮球比赛,后来篮球界就将此日定为国际篮球日.甲、乙两人进行投篮,比赛规则是:甲、乙每人投3球,进球多的一方获得胜利,胜利1次,则获得一个积分,平局或者输方不得分.已知甲和乙每次进球的概率分别是和p ,且每人进球与否互不影响.(1)若,求乙在一轮比赛中获得一个积分的概率;(2)若,且每轮比赛互不影响,乙要想至少获得3个积分且每轮比赛至少要超甲2个球,从数学期望的角度分析,理论上至少要进行多少轮比赛?57.在中,为中点,.(1)若,求的面积;(2)若,求的长.58. 如图, 四棱锥中, 侧面底面,底面为梯形,,且,.作交于点, 连接交于点.(1)设 是线段上的点, 试探究:当在什么位置时, 有平面;(2)求平面与平面所成二面角的正弦值.59. 已知函数.(1)求的最小正周期和单调递增区间;(2)在中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,M 为BC 边上一点,,若,,求AM .60. 已知点是抛物线上一点,直线与抛物线交于两点.(1)求到抛物线焦点的距离;(2)若的坐标为,且,求的值.61.若,且,(且),(1)求的最小值及相应的值;(2)若且,求的取值范围.62. 已知实数,,.(1)求;(2)若对一切成立,求的最小值;(3)证明:当正整数时,.。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1.函数的反函数的图象是参考答案:答案:C2. 如果命题“”是真命题,则正确的是A.均为真命题B.中至少有一个为假命题C.均为假命题D.中至多有一个为假命题参考答案:B略3. 已知双曲线的左右两个焦点分别为F1和F2,若其右支上存在一点P满足,使得△PF1F2的面积为3,则该双曲线的离心率为A. B. C.2 D. 3参考答案:B由双曲线可知,从而.故选B.4. 给定下列四个命题:①若一个平面内的两条直线与另一个平面都平行,那么这两个平面相互平行;②若一个平面经过另一个平面的垂线,那么这两个平面相互垂直;③垂直于同一直线的两条直线相互平行;w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m④若两个平面垂直,那么一个平面内与它们的交线不垂直的直线与另一个平面也不垂直. 其中,为真命题的是()A.①和② B.②和③ C.③和④ D.②和④参考答案:D略5.给出下列四个命题:①垂直于同一直线的两条直线互相平行②垂直于同一平面的两个平面互相平行③若直线与同一平面所成的角相等,则互相平行④若直线是异面直线,则与都相交的两条直线是异面直线其中假命题的个数是()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4参考答案:答案:D解析:利用特殊图形正方体我们不难发现①、②、③、④均不正确,故选择答案D。
6. 函数的图像大致为( )参考答案:B因为=,所以函数是奇函数,根据奇函数的图象性质可排除A,D,又因为函数的定义域是,排除C,故选B.7. 已知命题命题,则下列命题中为真命题的是:()A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B略8. 在△ABC中,“sinA>”是“∠A>”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件参考答案:考点:必要条件、充分条件与充要条件的判断;正弦函数的单调性.专题:常规题型.分析:在△ABC中,0<A<π,利用三角函数的单调性来进行判断,然后再由然后根据必要条件、充分条件和充要条件的定义进行判断求解.解答:解:在△ABC中,∴0<A<π,∵sinA>,∴<A<,∴sinA>”“∠A>”,反之则不能,∴,“sinA>”是“∠A>”的充分不必要条件,故A正确.点评:此题主要考查三角函数的性质及其应用和必要条件、充分条件和充要条件的定义,是一道基础题.9. 函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ),(A,ω,φ是常数,A>0,ω>0,|φ|≤)的部分图象如图所示,若方程f(x)=a在x∈[﹣,]上有两个不相等的实数根,则a的取值范围是()A.[,)B.[﹣,)C.[﹣,)D.[,)参考答案:B【考点】HK:由y=Asin(ωx+φ)的部分图象确定其解析式.【分析】由函数f(x)的图象求出A,ω和φ的值,写出函数解析式;在同一坐标系中画出函数f(x)和直线y=a的图象,结合图象求得实数a的取值范围.【解答】解:由函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)的部分图象,可得A=,根据=﹣=,得T==π,∴ω=2;再根据五点法作图可得2×+φ=π,∴φ=,∴f(x)=sin(2x+).在同一坐标系中画出f(x)=sin(2x+),其中x∈[﹣,],和直线y=a的图象,如图所示;由图可知,当﹣≤a<时,直线y=a与曲线f(x)有两个不同的交点,方程有2个不同的实数根;∴a的取值范围是[﹣,).故选:B.10. 要得到函数的图象,可以将函数的图象(A)沿x轴向左平移个单位(B)沿x向右平移个单位(C)沿x轴向左平移个单位(D)沿x向右平移个单位参考答案:B,根据函数图象平移的“左加右减”原则,应该将函数的图象向右平移个单位.二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 数列的首项为1,数列为等比数列且,若,则。
1. 下图是与酶活性影响因素相关的曲线,据图能得出的结论是()A.相同温度下不同pH酶活性不同B.不同温度下酶的最适PH都是8C.相同pH下不同温度酶活性不同D.该酶的最适温度是35℃2. 下列有关物质进出细胞的叙述,正确的是()A.水分子的跨膜运输速率与细胞内外溶液浓度的差值无关B.大分子物质需要通过载体蛋白的转运才能进入细胞C.葡萄糖分子在顺浓度梯度下可以通过协助扩散进入细胞D.大多数离子在逆浓度梯度下进入细胞内不需要消耗能量3. 下列关于糖类化合物叙述,正确的是()A. 单糖可以被水解为CO2和水B. 淀粉、糖原、纤维素都是由葡萄糖聚合而成的多糖C. 糖类都是细胞内的能源物质D. 蔗糖、麦芽糖都可与斐林试剂反应生成砖红色沉淀4. 下列关于细胞的叙述,不能体现“结构与功能相适应”观点的是A. 豚鼠胰腺腺泡细胞代谢旺盛,核仁的体积较大B. 人体细胞的细胞膜外侧分布有糖蛋白,有利于接收信息C. 小肠绒毛上皮细胞内的线粒体分布在细胞中央,有利于吸收和转运物质D. 植物根尖成熟区细胞含有大液泡,有利于调节细胞的渗透压5. 番茄的红果对黄果是显性。
现用红果番茄与黄果番茄杂交,从理论上计算,其后代的遗传因子组成可能出现的比例是()A.0℃1或1℃1B.0℃1或1℃2℃1C.1℃2℃1或1℃1D.1℃1℃1℃16. 下列关于染色体组、单倍体和二倍体叙述,不正确的是()A. 一个染色体组中不含同源染色体B. 由受精卵发育成的,体细胞中含有两个染色体组的个体叫二倍体C. 单倍体生物体细胞中不一定含有一个染色体组D. 人工诱导多倍体的唯一方法是用秋水仙素处理萌发的种子或幼苗7. 下列关于人体各级神经中枢及人脑高级功能的描述,错误的是()A. 饮酒过量的人语无伦次,其大脑皮层言语区的S区受损B. 短期记忆主要与神经元活动及神经元之间的联系有关C. 成年人可以有意识地憋尿,能体现神经系统的分级调节D. 考试专心答题时,需要大脑皮层言语区的V区、W区参与8. 大豆子叶的颜色受一对等位基因控制,基因型为AA的个体呈深绿色,基因型为Aa的个体呈浅绿色,基因型为aa的个体呈黄色,黄色个体在幼苗阶段死亡。
2019-2020学年南宁市武鸣高级中学高三英语三模试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATwitter humorist and TV writer Jonny Sun is the author of the 2017 best-sellereveryone'sa aliebn when ur a aliebn too. This time, he recommends some emotionally powerful books.The Book of Delightsby Ross Gay(2019)Gay's collection of 102 short but emotional stories, begun in mid-2016 and written in the order of time over a year in America, focuses on the careful observation of ordinary delights in daily life. The writing is personal and grounded in thoughtful joy.100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Writeby Sarah Ruhl(2014)Seemingly a collection of essays on theater, Ruhl's book feels instead like the playwright's thoughts all of life. Her writing here is deeply personal, sharply argued but also playful. The book is actually a detailed description of the artist herself.They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Usby Hanif Abdurraqib(2017)I am always so moved by Abdurraqib's writing. He combines cultural criticism and personal memory in such a beautiful way, making the two styles naturally bound.Space Struckby Paige Lewis(2019 )This poetry collection awakened emotions in me that I did not know existed, or that I could feel, or that one could ever put words to. Every line is playful, honest, complex, and gentle.If you want to get more books, you can click here:Try more books1. Which book is a collection of short stories of daily happiness?A. The Book of Delights.B. 100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Write.C. They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us.D. Space Struck.2. Who is probably a poet?A. Ross Gay.B. Sarah Ruhl.C. Hanif Abduraqib.D. Paige Lewis.3. Where is the text most likely from?A. A diary.B. A brochure.C. A website.D. A magazine.BSince I was born and brought up in a rural town, I have a great interest in nature. Using the chance of studying abroad in my second year at college, I decided to go toCanadajust because I wanted to see the beautiful phenomena there So after I finished the study program, I went toYellowknifein theNorthwest Territories.I clearly remember the sixth night inYellowknife. Suddenly my host mother came to my room around 8 p.m. and told me to change clothes and go outside quickly carrying her camera.The northern lights were flickering (闪烁) in the sky! I was shocked and just stood there with my mouth open.I forgot to take pictures of the mysterious lights.Since that night, whenever it was sunny, I went outside at night and looked at the sky. It was so cold that I lost all feeling in myhands and feet.As I took pictures of the northern lights, I came to find a characteristic movement of the lights. They first appear in the north part of the sky and then they gradually come down to the south part of the sky. After that, suddenly, they come in the middle of the north and south only for a while, which is the time when the best northern lights can be seen. Since it is only a few seconds for the northern lights to come down to the middle of the sky, it is very hard to get good pictures.The stronger the sun acts, the better and stronger the northern lights flicker in the sky. That’s because they come about from the collisions (碰撞) between atmospheric gases and the solar wind. Much more solar wind comes to the earth when the sun is active, whichleads to the best northern lights. And the color1 s of the northern lights depend on the height of the collisions and the kinds of gases.4. Why did the host mother ask the author to go out?A. She wanted to take a picture of him.B. She wanted to take a walk with him.C. She wanted to tell him something important.D. She wanted him to see the northern lights.5. The author forgot to take pictures after going out because ______.A. the host mother didn’t remind him to take the cameraB. he was shocked by the wonderful sightC. the lights flickering in the sky disappeared too soonD. he lost all feeling in his hands and feet6. When is the best time to see the northern lights?A. When they appear in the north part of the sky.B. When they come down to the south part of the sky.C. When they are between the north and south.D. When they rise in the east part of the sky.7. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A. Waysto take good pictures.B. The relationship between the sun and the northern lights.C.The color1 s of the northern lights.D. The time of the best northern lights.CI have a memory of being about five years old, picking up a beautiful grilled(烧烤的)cheese sandwich made for me by my hard —working mother and turning it over to see that theother side was burned. Suddenly what I thought was the perfect sandwich was not so perfect. Mom had tried to hide that fact from me. There was no question; I ate it anyway without complaining. However, that moment has stuck in my mind for many years. Now, at the age of 43 as a mother of two children and as a biology professor where I am routinely the "academic mother" of hundreds of students every year,I find that I believe inThe Grilled Cheese Principle.Here is what I mean Making a grilled cheese sandwich is easy right? But when I think of how many burned grilled cheese sandwiches I have eaten, or I have made myself, I realize that most of the grilled cheese sandwiches I have known have had at least one burned side. The thing is that although it is a ly easy thing to make, I can also easily lose focus, and before long the sandwich is burned. For my mother, the first side was usually perfect and the second side got burned due to her being distracted. For me,I have tended to burn the first side,but then I more carefully monitor the second side.Either way,the grilled cheese sandwich suffers because it has not been given the attention it deservesSo, I have learned that even the simplest task deserves my full attention. When I am multi-tasking, I am doing none of the tasks well. And when I allow myself to be distracted, I am not in the present moment — not paying attention to the small details of living or enjoying the processSo now, I believe the best way to make a perfect grilled cheese sandwich is to make only one at a time andgive it my full attention.8. How did the writer react to the sandwich with burned side?A. She ate it with some complaintsB. She showed no interest.C. She thought it was still perfectD. She was deeply impressed with it9. What doesThe Grilled Cheese Principlemean?A. Even simple things deserve full attentionB. Losing focus makes the sandwich burnedC. Self-made sandwiches are always burnedD. we should make only one sandwich at a time10. Which of the following can we infer from the passage?A. Everything cannot be done well without full attentionB. Moms always like to lie to kids when they have done something wrongC. We can lose focus more easily when we do easy things.D. Multi-tasking can be an obstacle to the achievement of tasks.11. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A. Nothing is perfectB. Learn to appreciate the burned sandwichesC. Devote yourself to one thing at a time.D. Never do multi-tasksDMichele Gentile, an Italian bookseller, is offering free books to children in exchange for plastic bottles to recycle.Michele owns Ex Libris Cafe in Polla,a small town in southern Italy. He said he thought of the recycling program, because he wanted to inspire children in the small town to read and pay attention to the environment.''My goal is to spread the passion and love for books among those people in Italy who do not usually read while at the time helping the environment," Gentile explained.The idea for the initiative (倡议) came after Gentile collaborated with a nearby middle school on an aluminum recycling project. Working together, the schoolchildren and Gentile collected enough cans to purchasebooks for an entire classroom. His new program too off from there and has already spread into northern Italy: Gentile's hopes his work will continue to make headlines and become a worldwide initiative.The free books come from customers in Gentile's shop who have donated money to purchase a ''suspended" book. The idea comes from a World War II practice in which customers would buy two Coffees: one for themselves and another for the next person in line. Gentile has been using the extra books as part of his recycling initiative, While Gentile's program is a great way to recycle and get kids to read, it also brings awareness to the growing problem of plastic waste. Single-use plastics make up around 26 percent of all the plastics in the world, only 14 percent of which are recycled. Plastics that end up in landfills take around 500 years to decompose (分解),is a major concern for environmentalists.Cutting down on plastic waste is important if we want to better the environment for future generations, and recycling programs like Gentile's book giveaway are a great way to meet that goal.12. What is the purpose of Gentile's book giveaway?A. To sell more coffee and books.B. To attract more customers.C. To collect money for a new project.D. To inspire reading and recycling.13. How did Gentile come up with the idea?A. Working with a school to recycle cans.B. Seeing school kids don't like reading.C. Donating books for a local school.D. Buying a “suspended” book for a child.14. Who pay for the books of the project?A. The local government.B. Gentile himself.C. Some publishers.D. His customers.15. Whichof the following is the best title for the text?A. An Italian's Reading InitiativeB. Recycling Can Get Kids Free BooksC. Michele's Way of Doing BusinessD. A New Way to Deal with Plastic Waste第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
武鸣区高中2018-2019学年高三下学期第三次月考试卷数学一、选择题1. 定义某种运算S=a ⊗b ,运算原理如图所示,则式子+的值为()A .4B .8C .10D .132. 复数z=在复平面上对应的点位于( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限3.平面向量与的夹角为60°,=(2,0),||=1,则|+2|=( )A.B.C .4D .124. 设函数f (x )=则不等式f (x )>f (1)的解集是( )A .(﹣3,1)∪(3,+∞)B .(﹣3,1)∪(2,+∞)C .(﹣1,1)∪(3,+∞)D .(﹣∞,﹣3)∪(1,3)5. 已知定义在R 上的偶函数f (x )在[0,+∞)上是增函数,且f (ax+1)≤f (x ﹣2)对任意都成立,则实数a 的取值范围为( ) A .[﹣2,0] B .[﹣3,﹣1] C .[﹣5,1] D .[﹣2,1)6. 若数列{a n }的通项公式a n =5()2n ﹣2﹣4()n ﹣1(n ∈N *),{a n }的最大项为第p 项,最小项为第q 项,则q ﹣p 等于( ) A .1B .2C .3D .47. 已知直线x ﹣y+a=0与圆心为C 的圆x 2+y 2+2x ﹣4y+7=0相交于A ,B两点,且•=4,则实数a的值为( ) A.或﹣B.或3C.或5D .3或58. 已知集合2{430}A x x x =++≥,{21}xB x =<,则A B =( )A .[3,1]--B .(,3][1,0)-∞--C .(,3)(1,0]-∞--D .(,0)-∞9. 已知函数f (x )=31+|x|﹣,则使得f (x )>f (2x ﹣1)成立的x 的取值范围是( )班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A .B .C .(﹣,)D .10.在等差数列{}n a 中,11a =,公差0d ≠,n S 为{}n a 的前n 项和.若向量13(,)m a a =,133(,)n a a =-, 且0m n ?,则2163n n S a ++的最小值为( )A .4B .3 C.2 D .92【命题意图】本题考查等差数列的性质,等差数列的前n 项和,向量的数量积,基本不等式等基础知识,意在考查学生的学生运算能力,观察分析,解决问题的能力. 11.双曲线上一点P 到左焦点的距离为5,则点P 到右焦点的距离为( ) A .13B .15C .12D .1112.不等式组在坐标平面内表示的图形的面积等于( )A. B.C.D.二、填空题13.已知正方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1的一个面A 1B 1C 1D 1在半径为的半球底面上,A 、B 、C 、D 四个顶点都在此半球面上,则正方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1的体积为 . 14.已知点G 是△ABC 的重心,若∠A=120°,•=﹣2,则||的最小值是 .15.【常熟中学2018届高三10月阶段性抽测(一)】函数()21ln 2f x x x =-的单调递减区间为__________. 16.过椭圆+=1(a >b >0)的左焦点F 1作x 轴的垂线交椭圆于点P ,F 2为右焦点,若∠F 1PF 2=60°,则椭圆的离心率为 .17.意大利著名数学家斐波那契在研究兔子繁殖问题时,发现有这样一组数:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,…其中从第三个数起,每一个数都等于他前面两个数的和.该数列是一个非常美丽、和谐的数列,有很多奇妙的属性.比如:随着数列项数的增加,前一项与后一项之比越逼近黄金分割0.6180339887….人们称该数列{a n }为“斐波那契数列”.若把该数列{a n }的每一项除以4所得的余数按相对应的顺序组成新数列{b n },在数列{b n }中第2016项的值是 .18.如图,在三棱锥P ABC -中,PA PB PC ==,PA PB ⊥,PA PC ⊥,PBC △为等边三角形,则PC 与平面ABC 所成角的正弦值为______________.【命题意图】本题考查空间直线与平面所成角的概念与计算方法,意在考查学生空间想象能力和计算能力.三、解答题19.已知函数()()21+2||02()1()102x x x x f x x ⎧-≤⎪⎪=⎨⎪->⎪⎩.(1)画出函数()f x 的图像,并根据图像写出函数()f x 的单调区间和值域;(2)根据图像求不等式3(x)2f ≥的解集(写答案即可)20.【启东中学2018届高三上学期第一次月考(10月)】设1a >,函数()()21x f x x e a =+-. (1)证明在(上仅有一个零点;(2)若曲线在点处的切线与轴平行,且在点处的切线与直线平行,(O 是坐标原点),证明:1m ≤21.某滨海旅游公司今年年初用49万元购进一艘游艇,并立即投入使用,预计每年的收入为25万元,此外每年都要花费一定的维护费用,计划第一年维护费用4万元,从第二年起,每年的维修费用比上一年多2万元,设使用x年后游艇的盈利为y万元.(1)写出y与x之间的函数关系式;(2)此游艇使用多少年,可使年平均盈利额最大?22.等差数列{a n} 中,a1=1,前n项和S n满足条件,(Ⅰ)求数列{a n} 的通项公式和S n;(Ⅱ)记b n=a n2n﹣1,求数列{b n}的前n项和T n.23.在等比数列{a n}中,a2=3,a5=81.(Ⅰ)求a n;(Ⅱ)设b n=log3a n,求数列{b n}的前n项和S n.24.(本小题满分10分)如图⊙O经过△ABC的点B,C与AB交于E,与AC交于F,且AE=AF.(1)求证EF∥BC;(2)过E作⊙O的切线交AC于D,若∠B=60°,EB=EF=2,求ED的长.25.已知函数f(x)的定义域为{x|x≠kπ,k∈Z},且对定义域内的任意x,y都有f(x﹣y)=成立,且f(1)=1,当0<x<2时,f(x)>0.(1)证明:函数f(x)是奇函数;(2)试求f(2),f(3)的值,并求出函数f(x)在[2,3]上的最值.26.我省城乡居民社会养老保险个人年缴费分100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000(单位:元)十个档次,某社区随机抽取了50名村民,按缴费在100:500元,600:1000元,以及年龄在20:39岁,4059(2)在缴费100:500元之间抽取的5人中,随机选取2人进行到户走访,求这2人的年龄都在40:59岁之间的概率.武鸣区高中2018-2019学年高三下学期第三次月考试卷数学(参考答案)一、选择题1.【答案】C【解析】解:模拟执行程序,可得,当a≥b时,则输出a(b+1),反之,则输出b(a+1),∵2tan=2,lg=﹣1,∴(2tan)⊗lg=(2tan)×(lg+1)=2×(﹣1+1)=0,∵lne=1,()﹣1=5,∴lne⊗()﹣1=()﹣1×(lne+1)=5×(1+1)=10,∴+=0+10=10.故选:C.2.【答案】A【解析】解:∵z===+i,∴复数z在复平面上对应的点位于第一象限.故选A.【点评】本题考查复数的乘除运算,考查复数与复平面上的点的对应,是一个基础题,在解题过程中,注意复数是数形结合的典型工具.3.【答案】B【解析】解:由已知|a|=2,|a+2b|2=a2+4ab+4b2=4+4×2×1×cos60°+4=12,∴|a+2b|=.故选:B.【点评】本题是对向量数量积的考查,根据两个向量的夹角和模之间的关系,根据和的模两边平方,注意要求的结果非负,舍去不合题意的即可.两个向量的数量积是一个数量,它的值是两个向量的模与两向量夹角余弦的乘积,结果可正、可负、可以为零,其符号由夹角的余弦值确定.4.【答案】A【解析】解:f(1)=3,当不等式f(x)>f(1)即:f(x)>3如果x<0 则x+6>3可得x>﹣3,可得﹣3<x<0.如果x≥0 有x2﹣4x+6>3可得x>3或0≤x<1综上不等式的解集:(﹣3,1)∪(3,+∞)故选A.5.【答案】A【解析】解:∵偶函数f (x )在[0,+∞)上是增函数, 则f (x )在(﹣∞,0)上是减函数,则f (x ﹣2)在区间[,1]上的最小值为f (﹣1)=f (1)若f (ax+1)≤f (x ﹣2)对任意都成立,当时,﹣1≤ax+1≤1,即﹣2≤ax ≤0恒成立则﹣2≤a ≤0 故选A6. 【答案】A【解析】解:设=t ∈(0,1],a n =5()2n ﹣2﹣4()n ﹣1(n ∈N *),∴a n =5t 2﹣4t=﹣,∴a n ∈,当且仅当n=1时,t=1,此时a n 取得最大值;同理n=2时,a n 取得最小值.∴q ﹣p=2﹣1=1, 故选:A . 【点评】本题考查了二次函数的单调性、指数函数的单调性、数列的通项公式,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.7. 【答案】C 【解析】解:圆x 2+y 2+2x ﹣4y+7=0,可化为(x+)2+(y ﹣2)2=8.∵•=4,∴2•2cos ∠ACB=4∴cos ∠ACB=, ∴∠ACB=60°∴圆心到直线的距离为,∴=,∴a=或5.故选:C .8. 【答案】B【解析】(,3][1,)A =-∞--+∞,(,0)B =-∞, ∴(,3][1,0)AB =-∞--.9. 【答案】A【解析】解:函数f (x )=31+|x|﹣为偶函数,当x≥0时,f(x)=31+x﹣∵此时y=31+x为增函数,y=为减函数,∴当x≥0时,f(x)为增函数,则当x≤0时,f(x)为减函数,∵f(x)>f(2x﹣1),∴|x|>|2x﹣1|,∴x2>(2x﹣1)2,解得:x∈,故选:A.【点评】本题考查的知识点是分段函数的应用,函数的奇偶性,函数的单调性,难度中档.10.【答案】A【解析】11.【答案】A【解析】解:设点P到双曲线的右焦点的距离是x,∵双曲线上一点P到左焦点的距离为5,∴|x﹣5|=2×4∵x>0,∴x=13故选A.12.【答案】B【解析】解:作出不等式组对应的平面区域,则对应的平面区域为矩形OABC,则B(3,0),由,解得,即C(,),∴矩形OABC的面积S=2S△0BC=2×=,故选:B【点评】本题主要考查二元一次不等式组表示平面区,利用数形结合是解决本题的关键.二、填空题13.【答案】2.【解析】解:如图所示,连接A1C1,B1D1,相交于点O.则点O为球心,OA=.设正方体的边长为x,则A1O=x.在Rt△OAA1中,由勾股定理可得:+x2=,解得x=.∴正方体ABCD﹣AB1C1D1的体积V==2.1故答案为:2.14.【答案】.【解析】解:∵∠A=120°,•=﹣2,∴||•||=4,又∵点G是△ABC的重心,∴||=|+|==≥=故答案为:【点评】本题考查的知识点是向量的模,三角形的重心,基本不等式,其中利用基本不等式求出|+|的取值范围是解答本题的关键,另外根据点G是△ABC的重心,得到=(+),也是解答本题的关键.0,115.【答案】()【解析】16.【答案】.【解析】解:由题意知点P的坐标为(﹣c,)或(﹣c,﹣),∵∠F1PF2=60°,∴=,即2ac=b2=(a2﹣c2).∴e2+2e﹣=0,∴e=或e=﹣(舍去).故答案为:.【点评】本题主要考查了椭圆的简单性质,考查了考生综合运用椭圆的基础知识和分析推理的能力,属基础题.17.【答案】0.【解析】解:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,…除以4所得的余数分别为1,1,2,3,1,0,;1,1,2,3,1,0…, 即新数列{b n }是周期为6的周期数列, ∴b 2016=b 336×6=b 6=0, 故答案为:0.【点评】本题主要考查数列的应用,考查数列为周期数性,属于中档题.18.【答案】217【解析】三、解答题19.【答案】(1)图象见答案,增区间:(],2-∞-,减区间:[)2,-+∞,值域:(],2-∞;(2)[]3,1--。
2019-2020学年南宁市武鸣高级中学高三英语模拟试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASome young people win attention because of their good looks or their singing ability. A much smaller number gain fame because they have done something important and worthwhile with their abilities. Rishab Jain is among the latter. In 2018, 13-year-oldRishab developed a way to use AI technology to help pancreatic(胰腺的) cancer patients and won the3MYoung Scientist Challenge, a nationwide middle-school science competition, and its $25,000 prize.In the last stage of the contest, Rishab competed againstnine other finalists at the 3M Innovation Center(创新中心) in St.Paul,Minnesota. Leading up to the big meet, each finalist had partnered with a scientist to further develop their inventions.Rishab explains what led him to create his invention. First,a family friend died of cancer. Then Rishab learned about how deadly pancreatic cancer is, and that its low survival rate is due to how difficult it is to treat. "I'm also into programming, so I was learning about AI technology. I decided to try to solve a real-world problem using it."His winnings have been put in further research and in his nonprofit Samyak Science Society, which helps poor children enter the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. Rishab is also raising awareness about pancreatic cancer. These efforts make him quite different from teenagers of his age. Considering becoming a biomedical engineer or a doctor一or both, he has also put some money aside to further his own learning. Almost certainly the doors of higher education will open wide to him before he even knocks.That's an outstanding outlook for one so young. Rashib is committed to helping very sick people in need. He is also providing teenagers of his age with a much-needed model of what kinds of things youth can achieve.1. What can we learn about the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in 2018?A. It was intended to solve medical problems.B. It was a nationwide AI competition for teenagers.C. It offered the finalists an opportunity to work with scientists.D. It allowed the finalists to learn AI technology in the 3M center.2. How did Rishab win the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?A.He showed excellent programming ability.B. He figured out the survival rate of pancreatic cancer.C. He introduced poor children to STEM education.D. He applied AI technology to treating pancreatic cancer.3. Which of the following best describes Rishab?A. Talented and caring.B. Independent and humorous.C. Responsible and patient.D. Polite and inspiring.BIn the natural habitat, a binge-watcher is a strange sub-species of modern human beings. They are alone and are often found lying on their bed or sofa, still as a rock, looking searchingly into their laptop or at the TV. They rarely get up, only taking occasional breaks for those urgent calls of nature. Unlike so many others of their species, they don’t sleep at the end of every day. They stay up late and are often found to have red eyes.This, of course, is a little bit exaggerated, but for many of us, binge-watching a show is how we consume our entertainment. With streaming services bringing seemingly endless content to the tips of our finger, creatorstailortheir shows to our needs and tastes, while their marketing team sells it to us as the next most bingeable show. I can’t help but wonder if this way of consuming television does us any good.We’re advised to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day, but staying up all night to finish shows like ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘The Fall’, which Netflix says are binged the fastest, won’t result in 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Netflix’s CEO Richard Hastings told analysts at a conference, “Think about it… when you watch a show from Netflix and you get addicted to it, you stay up late at night. We’re competing with sleep.” And it isn’t only the amount of sleep we get; the quality matters too! A study published in the Journal for Clinical Sleep Medicine reported that those who binged television more often were found to have poorer sleep quality. The mental arousal we get from watching TV doesn’t lend itself to peaceful sleep.Besides, binging TV can cause weight gain. For every extra hour of TV watched, there was a 2% increase in the prevalence of obesity, according to a study conducted by Harvard that linked TV watching to obesity in children and adolescents.While it is true that there’s growing evidence that binging isn’t good for us, the results aren’t all hopeless. Binging, occasionally, might have some benefits. For many people, binging is a good way to socialize. It gives people something to talk about at parties and with their friends. Fans of popular shows often hold viewing parties where people can binge-watch shows together and then discuss what they just experienced! This interaction can create a sense of community for many.For others, binging might just be relaxing. After a long day, a few hours of Friends—still one of the most popular shows on any streaming platform—can ease the stress of a long day. A study followed 240 people through their binging and recorded their stress hormones. They noted for some people that their stress hormone levels decreased during their binging experience.With binging, there is not a “good” or “bad” answer. Like many things, the key is moderation. Watching TV can be relaxing, but only if it doesn’t stop you from exercising, taking care of your health, and fulfilling your social responsibilities.4. What does the underlined word “tailor” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Study.B. Sell.C. Adjust.D. Promote.5. What can we learn from the passage?A. The amount of sleep matters more than the quality.B. There’s no real harm in binge-watching a TV series.C. Binging may help keep stress hormone levels stable.D. Binge-watching may help increase social connections.6. What is the author’s attitude towards binge-watching?A. Supportive.B. Unconcerned.C. ObjectiveD. Doubtful.7. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Who Is to Blame for Binge-Watching?B. Is Binge-Watching Good or Bad for You?C. Is Binge-Watching Getting out of Control?D. HowDoes Binge-Watching Affect Your Life?CAvi Loeb, a scientist, believes that we are not alone in the universe. The belief fits withLoeb's alien spaceship theory that at least one alien spaceship might be flying over the orbit of Jupiter, which won the international attention last year.Astronomers inHawaiifound the first known interstellar object in late 2017. It was a bit of light moving so fast past the sun that it could only have come from another star. Almost every astronomer on the planet was trying to figure out how the object, called “Oumuamua” got to our far-away part of the Milky way galaxy. “One possibility isthat ‘Oumuamua’ is debris from an advanced technological equipment,” Loeb said. “Technology comes from another solar system just showed up at our door. ”“‘Oumuamua’ is not an alien spaceship,” Paul Sutter, another scientist wrote. He suggested Loeb was seeking publicity. Most scientists think “Oumuamua” is some sort of rock. They think it could be an icy wandering comet.Loeb says that “Oumuamua's” behavior means it can't be a block of rock shaped like a long photo. He thinks it's more likely an object that's very long and thin, perhaps like a long pancake or a ship's sail. Loeb says that if someone shows him evidence thatcontradictshis beliefs, he will immediately give in.Loeb believes himself a truth-teller and risk-taker in an age of very safe, too-quiet scientists. “The worst thing that can happen to me is that I would be relieved of my management duties, and that would give me even more time to focus on science,” Loeb says. He said he wouldn't mind giving up all the titles he had and returning to the Israeli farming village where he grew up.8. What does Loeb say about “Oumuamua”?A. It is an icy comet.B. It looks like a long photo.C. It is actually some sort of rock.D. It may come from another alien civilization.9. What does the underlined word “contradicts” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Goes against.B. Relies on.C. Turns to.D. Searches for.10. What do you think of Loeb?A. He is foolish.B. He is unsatisfied with his titles.C. He is a firm believer in scientific truth.D. He is uncertain about his career future.11. What's the best title for the text?A. Have Aliens Paid a Visit in Spaceships?B. Do We Really Know about Space Theory?C. Scientists Are Working on High TechnologyD. Astronomers Are Encouraging Space TravelDThe measurable threat to the environment has been worsened by the spread of COVID-19 that increases the need for plastic protective equipment. Most plastic is made from fossil fuels. Millions of tons of greenhouse gas are released from the development of these resources and plastic production and burning.The end life of plastic is just worrisome. Less than 10% of the plastic produced has been recycled. Even more of it has been burned. But the vast majority of plastic has been buried inland, and it is increasingly polluting the environment. We hear mostly about ocean plastic and the harm done to sea creatures that mistake plastic bags and bits for food. But microplastic is even more worrisome. Plastic doesn't break down biologically but insteadbreaks down into tiny particles(a very small piece of something), which have been found in every corner of the planet, on land and in the air, in drinking water and food sources.Yet the public has not given this global environmental disaster the attention it requires. Instead, they have viewed single-use plastic—which makes up about 40% of plastic used each year—as a litter issue that can be solved through better recycling and waste management. That attitude must change because the recent global breakdown of the market for recycling has made it clear that it has never been, nor ever will be, able to keep up with plastic trash use.California has been the forerunner of plastic waste reduction—it was the first state to ban single-use plastic bags and may be the first state to transform the way goods are packaged. The state also came close to passing an act which would have required that products sold in plastic packaging in the state have a proven recycling rate of 75% by 2032. California, though influential, can't solve this crisis alone. The US has long been producing a great amount of plastic trash and it should engage in reducing the use of plastic as well.12. Why does the author mention the release of greenhouse gas in paragraph 1?A. To show the harm of plasticB. To warn of the climate change.C. To call for the development of fossil fuels.D. To highlight the importance of plastic equipment.13. What's the author's attitude towards the public opinion on single-use plastic?A. Favorable.B. Tolerant.C. Curious.D. Opposed.14. What's California's role in reducing plastic waste?A. A pioneer.B. A failure.C. An objector.D. A predictor.15. What can be the best title for the text?A. Microplastic Products Are HarmfulB. Waste Recycling Is an Urgent MatterC. Plastic Waste Pollution Is a Wake-up CallD. Global Environmental Disasters Are Increasing第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年南宁市武鸣高级中学高三英语模拟试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIn his 402nd anniversary year, Shakespeare is still rightly celebrated as a great language master and writer. But he was not the only great master of play writing to die in 1616, and he is certainly not the only writer to have left a lasting influence on theater.While less known worldwide, Tang Xianzu is considered one of Chinas greatest playwrights and is highly spoken of in that country of ancient literary and dramatic traditions.Tang was born in 1550 inLinchuan,Jiangxiprovince. Unlike Shakespeare's large body of plays,poems and sonnets (十四行诗), Tang wrote only four major plays: The Purple Hairpin, Peony Pavilion (《牡丹亭》), A Dream under the Southern bough, and Dream of Handan. The latter three were constructed around a dream narrative, a way through which Tang unlocked the emotional dimension of human desires and ambitions and explored human nature beyond the social and political limits of that time.Similar to Shakespeare, Tang's success rode the wave of a renaissance (复兴) in theater as an artistic practice. As in Shakespeare'sEngland, Tang's works became hugely popular inChinatoo. During Tang'sChina, his plays were enjoyed performed, and changed. Kunqu Opera, a form of musical drama, spread from southernChinato the whole nation and became a symbol of Chinese culture. Combining northern tune and southern music, kunqu Opera was known for its poetic language, music, dance movements and gestures. Tang's works benefited greatly from the popularity of kunqu Opera, and his plays are considered classics of kunqu Opera.While Tang and Shakespeare lived in a world away from each other, there are many things they share in common, such e humanity of their drama, their heroic figures, their love for poetic language, a lasting popularity and the anniversary during which we still celebrate them.1. Why is Shakespeare mentioned in the first paragraph?A. To describe Shakespeare's anniversary.B. To introduce the existence of Tang Xianzu.C. To explain the importance of Shakespeare.D. To suggest the less popularity of Tang Xianzu.2. What's possibly one of the main theme of Tang's works?A. Social reality.B. Female dreams.C. Human emotions.D. Political environment.3. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 4?A. The influence of Kunqu Opera on Tang's works.B. Tang's success in copying Shakespeare's styles.C. The way Kunqu Opera became a symbol of Chinese culture.D. Tang's popularity for his poetic language and music.BNextdoor,an online social network for neighbors,says it has attracted $60 million from early backers of technology giants,Google,Amazon and Facebook.The new investment,1ed by venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and investment firm Tiger Global Management,values Nextdoor at more than $500 million,said a personfamiliar with the matter.Nextdoor members make Facebook-style postings,giving or seeking recommendations for services such as babysitters and yard maintenance or local retailers and restaurants. They also post about community issues such as parking,crimeand safety,or items for sale or loan.The investment sum emphasizes the appeal of businesses that can tap into the growing use of mobile devices,as well as social networking Perhaps the best current example is Twitter,which is preparing for an initial public offering that values the company at up to about $11 billion.“We’re all spending more time with our screens,more engaged,but I think data shows we’re less connected,”said John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins,mentioning his own experience of knowing few of his neighbors. Nextdoor,with its ability to introduce neighbors to each other,helps people regain the sense of connection,he said.Early next year,Nextdoor plans to expand to Canada,followed by Great Britain,Australia,and South Africa,chief executive NiravTolia said. While Nextdoor has not yet have made any profit after two years of operations,Tolia said he is not worried.“If we look at the great companies at this stage,none of them started to monetize this early in their evolution. ”Tolia said. “It’s all about getting the product right. ”Eventually,Nextdoor plans to tap into local advertising,he said.Nextdoor is currently used in 22,527 neighborhoods across the United States,up from 5,694 a year ago. Including the latest funding round,it has raised just over $100 million.4. What attitude do the early backers of technology grant hold towards Nextdoor?A. They doubt its value.B. They think poorly of it.C. They are in favor of it.D. They are worried about it.5. What is mainly discussed about Nextdoor in Paragraph 3?A. Its members.B. Its service.C. Its value.D. Its location.6. What is the author’s purpose of mentioning Twitter in Paragraph 4?A. To support his viewpoint.B. To post an advertisement.C. To introduce a network.D. To makea public offer.7. How does Nirav Tolia feel about the future of Nextdoor?A. Curious.B. Upset.C. Cautious.D. Optimistic.CPoaching and habitat loss have threatened Africa's two species of elephants, taking them closer toward the edge of disappearance, according to a new report released by the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN).Before this update, Africa's elephants were grouped together and were evaluated as vulnerable by the IUCN. This is the first time the two species have been sorted separately. In the past, elephants were mostly considered as either Asian elephants or African elephants. Forest and savanna elephants were typically classified as subspecies of African elephants.The African forest elephant is now listed as critically endangered and the African savanna elephant as endangered. The number of African forest elephants fell by more than 86% over a 31 -year assessment period. The population of African savanna elephants dropped by at least 60% over the last 50 years, according to the IUCN, which tracks the assessment risk of the world's animals. Africa currently has an estimated 415,000 elephants, counting the two species together.Both elephant species experienced significant population decreases because of poaching. Although it peaked in 2011, illegal hunting still happens and continues to threaten elephant populations. African elephants also facecontinued habitat loss as their land isconvertedfor agriculture or other uses.There is some good conservation news, the IUCN points out. Anti-poaching measures, combined with better land use planning to support better human-wildlife relationships, have helped conservation efforts. Some forest elephant population figures have stabilized in well-managed areas in Gabon and the Republic of Congo and savanna population figures have remained stable or have been growing, particularly in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area in southern Africa.But with constant demand for ivory and increasing human pressures on Africa's wild lands, concern for Africa's elephants is high, and the need to creatively conserve and wisely manage these animals and their habitats is more severe than ever.8. What can be inferred from the new report about African elephants?A. They are divided into three kinds.B. They are dying out.C. Their threat is mainly from poaching.D. Their population has grown in Africa.9. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 3?A. The detailed number of African elephants.B. The similarities of African elephants.C. The different types of African elephants.D. The present situation of African elephants.10. What does the underlined word "converted" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Expanded.B. Protected.C. Transformed.D. Forbidden.11. What's the authors attitude to the present situation of African elephants?A. Hopeless.B. Optimistic.C. Uncertain.D. Worried.DNarasimha Das is on his way to feed 169,379 hungry children. Das is in charge of a kitchen in Vrindaban. The town is about a three-hour drive fromIndia’s capital,New Delhi. Das gets to work at 3:00 a.m. Thirty workers are already working to make tens of thousands of rounds of bread. It will be brought to 1,516 schools in and around Vrindaban.A Growing ProblemGoing to school is difficult for more than 13 million children inIndia. They must go to work instead, or go hungry. That’s whyIndiabegan the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the largest school-lunch program in the world. A free lunch encourages children to come to school and gives them the energy they need for learning. The program began in the 1960s.The kitchen in Vrindaban is run by the Akshaya Patra Foundation. It is one of the lunch program’s biggestpartners. “Just $11.50 can feed one child for an entire year,” said Madhu Sridhar, president of the Akshaya Patra Foundation.Lunch Is Served!The Akshaya Patra food truck arrives atGopalgarhPrimary School. Since the program started, the number of underweight children has gone down. The children get foods they need — as long as they finish what’s on their plates.12. What does Narasimha Das do?A. A waiter.B. A salesman.C. A cook.D. A shopkeeper.13. The kitchen in Vrindaban supplies food to ________.A. the poorB. school childrenC. college studentsD. the old14. Why is it difficult for children to go to school inIndia?A. Because they have to work to make money.B. Because there are not enough schools.C. Because there are not enough teachers.D. Because their parents refuse to send them to school.15. Which of the following about the Mid-Day Meal Scheme is NOT true?A. It is to encourage children to go to school.B. It has been carried out for about 50 years.C. It is run by Narasimha Das.D. It is the largest school-lunch program in the world.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
武鸣区高中2018-2019学年高二上学期第三次月考试卷物理班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题1.(2018南宁摸底)如图所示,在光滑水平面内有一固定光滑绝缘挡板AB,P是AB上的一点。
2.如图所示,一个带正电的物体,从固定的粗糙斜面顶端沿斜面滑到底端时的速度为v,若加上一个垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场,则物体沿斜面滑到底端时的速度A.变小B.变大C.不变D.不能确定【答案】B【解析】由左手定则可知物块受到垂直于斜面向上的洛伦兹力,物块与斜面之间的压力减小,所以摩擦力减小,由动能定理得,由于F f减小,故v t增大,故B正确。
2019-2020学年南宁市武鸣高级中学高三英语三模试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOver the years, I’ve been guilty of hastily shutting the front door to many strangers when they came knocking with the intention of selling things. But earlier this year, around Easter time, a dear friend of mine had an experience that changed my mind and perception towards these “intruders”.Linda, who recently moved to a new neighbour hood, had been housebound all week suffering from a severe case of flu when, early one morning, there was the terrible knock on her front door. Peering out the window, she saw two young ladies demurely (端庄地) holding leaflets and a TV set model. She knew of a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was about to be gently delivered. “This is the last thing I need today,” she muttered to herself and hesitantly opened the door.Coughing, she poked her head out and impatiently informed them she wasn’t the slightest bit interested in any TV whatsoever. Furthermore, she added, she was feeling quite unwell and abruptly shut the door. The ladies politely turned and left in silence.A few hours later, another knock. Linda glanced out the window and to her surprise, there were the same two ladies, back again. Really annoyed this time, she opened the door ready togive them a piece of her mind. Before she could speak, with concerned looks on their faces, these women handed Linda what looked to be a dish, saying, “We’re so sorry we disturbed you earlier. We thought you may like this homemade chicken soup. Hopefully it might make you feel a little better.”Linda was taken aback by this lovely gesture. Being new to the area, she didn’t know many neighbours or people who could assist her with shopping or errands (跑腿) so the gesture was all the more appreciated. She could only smile sheepishly and sincerely thanked them. With that, the ladies left.After she related this story to me, I thought about how touching this deed really was. Especially in today’s world where sadly, kindness and thoughtfulness seem so rare. I also realized that thinking about others and showing kindness is the real essence of love.1. What does the expression “give them a piece of her mind”in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Scold them severely.B. Drive them away.C. Refuse them directly.D. Speak out her idea.2. What can be learned about Linda from the passage?A. Linda always hastily shut the front door to many people.B. Linda was not a little interested in any TV whatsoever.C. Linda was very grateful to the ladies for their chicken soup.D. Linda would buy their TV set in reward for the ladies’ chicken soup.3. What’s the best title for the passage?A. A Chicken SoupB. Soup for the soulC. The Real Essence of LoveD. A Friend’s experienceBThe man who invented the World Wide Web a few decades ago is calling for major changes to make it better for humans. In an open letter published on Tuesday, Berners-Lee said that the web was used by half the world's population.Berners-Lee said the web had clearly created great opportunities for humans to progress and had made life easier for millions of people. Actually, it also has offered opportunities to groups traditionally not heard a new voice in society. However, he added that the web had also provided new ways for cheats to commit crimes (犯罪).“Against the background of news stories about how the web is misused, it's understandable that many people feel afraid and unsure if the web is really a force for good,” he wrote.Berners-Lee created a group called the World Wide Web Foundation. He islooking for help from governments, companies and people to become more involved in shaping the web to do more good for humans. His actual plan is called the “Contract (合同) for the Web”.Under this contract, governments are called on to take steps to makesure all people can connect to the Internet and that personal privacy is respected. Businesses are asked to keep the Internet prices low so more people can use the web. In addition, companies should respect privacy and develop technologies that aim to put people first.The plan also calls on people to create materials for the web and work with others to make sure that is rich, quality information for everyone. Besides, people should seek to “build strong communities that respect personal speech and human equality.” “The path to make the Internet better is the responsibility of everyone who uses it,” Bermers-Lee added, “Making big changes will not be easy, but will be very well worth it in the end.”4. What does Berners-Lee think of the World Wide Web?A. It is his greatest regret.B. It stops the progress of humans.C. It needs improving.D. It does more harm than good.5. What's wrong with the web according to Berners-Lee?A. It is misused for bad purposes.B. It is misunderstood by all people.C. It blocks out a new voice in society.D. It is expensive for half the world’s population.6. What are governments called on to do under the “Contract for the Web”?A. Put technology first.B. Create materials for the web.C. Popularize the Internet.D. Make the Internet free of charge.7. What should people do with the Internet in Berners-Lee's opinion?A. Be responsible for it.B. Absolutely reject it.C. Completely rely on it.D. Be unconcerned about it.CJIANLI, Hubei Province, June 2 (Xinhua) — A cruise ship carrying more than 450 people sank in the Yangtze River overnight, which could be China’s worst sinking disaster in decades. As of 6 p.m. Tuesday, 14 peoplehad been rescued from the capsized vessel, with five others confirmed dead. The rest are still missing, although rescuers said there could be more survivors. Strong winds and heavy rain are hampering rescue efforts.The Eastern Star sank in only 15 meters of water “within one or two minutes” of being caught in freak weather in Jianli, according to the ship’s captain and chief engineer who survived the incident. The ship left the eastern Chinese city ofNanjingon May 28 bound forChongqingMunicipality.The ship was carrying 403 passengers, five tour guides, and 46 crew, rather than the previously reported 47. Most passengers were tourists fromShanghaiand its neighboringprovinceofJiangsu, aged between 3 and 83, with most in their 60s and 70s.The 76.5-meter-long and 11-meter-wide vessel has been in service for nearly 20 years and can carry up to 534 people. It is owned by Chongqing Dongfang Shipping. Waterway officials said they have no record of the company being involved in any previous sinking incidents.According to weather forecast, most of the Yangtze basin will be subject to downpours over the next 10 days, with heavy rain expected in the area where the search is underway.Police, waterway authorities and fire departments have sent more than 150 boats and over 4,000 personnel to the scene. The Chinese Navy has sent diving forces to search for the missing. The team is composed of soldiers from the navy’s fleets in the North Sea, East China Sea, andSouth China Sea, as well as students of the Naval University of Engineering. In addition, five helicopters were dispatched fromBeijingandHubei’s provincial capitalofWuhanon Tuesday morning, along with an IL-76 transport plane.8. We can infer from the text that ________.A. the incident was very suddenB. the weather benefited the rescueC. the ship had bad safety recordsD. the ship’s captain was drowned9. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Eastern Star?A. It was overloaded.B. It’s been launched recently.C. It had 454 people on board.D. Its owner met similar incidents.10. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?A. How people came to the rescue.B. Why the rescue was quite difficult.C. What the rescue force consisted of.D. How the rescue operation went on.11. The author’s purpose of writing the text is most likely to ________.A. informB. explainC. describeD. entertainDThe American poet Louise Gluck, author of 12 collections of poetry, has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature. Born inNew Yorkin 1943, Gluck published her first volume of poetry, “Firstborn”, in 1968, quickly gaining her reputation as a poet. In the decades since, she has become one of the country's most celebrated literary figures. Her work uses the power of myth to deal with some of our darkest human concerns. Her straightforward language always gets at the heart of deep-seated anxieties: loneliness, rejection, death ...Stephanie Burt,an English professor atHarvardUniversity, said, “She's someone who's been able to make emotion states vivid on the page... Few poets have tried as hard as she has not to repeat herself. And her strongest books are really different from one another”. “She offers poetry lovers a lot of inspiration, but she's also on a lot of bookshelves," said Chiasson, a poet, who added she is a generous reader of her fellow writers’work.At Yale, where Gluck is a professor of English, she served for years as judge of the Yale Series of Younger PoetsPrize and worked closely with poets she chose for the prize and those she did not, helping them shape their work. “In that very practical way she's had an enormous influence on a great many figures,” said Langdon Hammer, a professor of English at Yale. “She's someone who has been a 'guiding spirit’ for generations of students, writers, and readers.”Gluck described teaching and writing as symbiotic. “I teach not out of selflessness or generosity: I do it because it feeds me,” she said. “It feeds them, too, so it's a happy relationship. I'm sure not all my students feel that way, but some do. I never feel that it takes me from my work: I think it gives me my work.”12. Which of the following topics might Gluck tend to explore in her work?A. Victory.B. Divorce.C. Romance.D. Achievement.13. What quality does Gluck have according to the passage?A. Humorous and intelligent.B. Ambitious and helpful.C. Considerate and optimistic.D. Inspiring and creative.14. What does teaching mean to Gluck?A. A source of wealth.B. A barrier to writing.C. A fountain of creation.D. A stepping stone to fame.15. What is the best title for the text?A. A Guiding SpiritB. A Successful PioneerC. An Adventurous CreatorD. A Hardworking Writer第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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(摘编自王丽鸽、李炳毅《试论网络社会下人的虚拟生存与全面发展》)1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.人的全面发展面临多重困境,与高新技术冲击当下的社会秩序和规则体系,加深人类现代生活的风险程度有关。
2.下列对原文论证的相关分析,不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.文章从空间扩大、科技旋涡和文化嬗变三个结果阐述网络时代人的发展的困境。
3.根据原文内容,下列说法正确的一项是( )(3分)A.自我身份的迷失、社会归属的削弱,导致人的自主性生存、多样化选择程度的加深,滋生现代生存的深层焦虑。
(摘编自刘峣、刘奇《春节“红包大战”硝烟再起》,人民网2019年02月01日)4.下列对材料相关内容的理解,不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.2018年受调查者使用移动支付时,创业人群月消费金额超过3000元,学生群体则不足2000元,人们移动支付占支出的40%。
5.下列对材料相关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.调查显示,在中国大陆,与人们生活密切相关的地方,移动支付使用越多,长江三角洲地区移动支付使用的人群最多。