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周围神经peripheral nevers ①周围神经型:单一或多个神经感觉障碍
isolated disorder or mononeuropating isolated distribution
②末梢型:手套或袜套样感觉障碍 widespread peripheral disorders a stocking and glove distribution
↓ thalamus (third neuron) 丘脑
↓ internal capsule内囊
↓ postcentral gyrus of parietal labe枕叶中央后回
三 deep sensation深感觉传导通路
impuse ↓
peripheral nerves ↓
dorsal root ganglion (first neuron) ↓
脊髓spinal coቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱd
①后角posterior horn
节 段 性 分 离 性 感 觉 障 碍 segement dissociated sensory loss (syringomyelia脊髓 空洞症)
②脊髓半切综合征the lesion of one-half the spiral card Brown-Squcont syndrom Ispilareral loss of deep sense Contralateral loss of pain and temperture Ispilareral UMN paralysis of movement •a herniated intervertebral disc •extramedullary tumor • intramedullary tumor髓内肿瘤
╳ the medial lemniscus内侧丘系
↓ thalamus (third neuron)
↓ internal capsule
↓ postcentral gyrus of parietal labe
四 感觉传导通路特点
①三级神经元three-neuron ②交叉cross: contralateral side of the body ③皮节dermatome sensation is distributed segmentally to the body (T4 T10 T12) ④重叠overlap 2- 3between adjacent dermatame
丘脑the thalamus •偏身性感觉障碍contralalerral hemianesthesia •丘脑痛thalamus pain: spontaneous pain •感觉过敏contralaleral hepersensitivity 内囊internal capsule三偏 偏身感觉障碍;偏瘫;偏育 contralaleral hemianesthesia with hemiplegia hemiancpia 感觉中枢the sensory contex 单肢型single limb sensory loss complex sensory loss
③后根dorsal root
节 段 性 感 觉 障 碍 伴 根 痛 segmental sensory loss accompainal nerve root pain
• a herniated intervertebral disc间盘突出症 • extramedullary tumor of the spind cord髓外肿瘤
③脊髓横贯性损害entive transverse lesion of the spinal cord
平面以下所有感觉消失entire loss of all the sensation below the level of damaged segmend of the spinal cord
• 延髓mudulla→交叉性感觉障碍

crossed sensory disturbance
• 桥 脑 或 中 脑 pones or midbrain→ 偏 身 性 感 觉 障 碍
contralateral hemianesthesa with contralaleral facial sensony
① 抑制性症状
②刺激性症状 感觉过敏hypersthesia
感觉倒错dysesthesia 感觉过度hyperpathia 感觉异常paresthesia 疼痛local pain 局部性
放射性 扩散性 牵涉性
六 感觉障碍的定位诊断 Localising diagnosis of the sensory lesions
一、Sensation 感觉
pain temperature touch
vibration Joint position
复合感觉cortical stereo gnosis two-point discrimination
二 Sensation of pain and temperature浅感觉传导通路 impuse刺激
↓ peripheral nerves周围神经
↓ dorsal root ganglion (first neuron) 后根节
↓ dorsal root后根
↓ posterior horn后角of spinal cord (second neuron)
╳ lateral spinothalamic tract脊髓丘脑侧束
dorsal root ↓
dorsal columns后索 fasciculus gracillis(below T6) 薄束 fasciculus cuneatus(aboveT6) 楔束
↓ medulla nucleus cuneatus (second neuron) 延髓 nucleus gracilis