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【趣味音译词汇】1.sandwich三明治 2.mango芒果 3.lemon柠檬4.yoga 瑜伽 5.champagne香槟 6.nylon尼龙7.hacker黑客8.humbuger汉堡9.salad沙拉10.golf高尔夫11.bowling保龄12.toufu 豆腐13.litchi荔枝14.pizza披萨15.typhoon台风16.T-shirt T恤17.hormone荷尔蒙

【bear】bear away夺得;赢得(奖品等) 。bear down on冲向;对…施加压力。bear down压倒,击败,克服。bear in mind记住。bear off 赢得;使离开;驶离。bear on对…施加影响;有关。bear out证实,证明。bear sth. in mind记住(某事)。bear up支持,拥护;打起精神。bear with宽容;耐心等待

【二十四节气】the Beginning of Spring 立春;Rain Water 雨水;the Waking of Insects 惊蛰;the Spring Equinox 春分;Pure Brightness 清明;Grain Rain 谷雨;the Beginning of Summer 立夏;Grain Full 小满;Grain in Ear 芒种;the Summer Solstice 夏至;小暑Lesser Heat ;大暑Greater Heat ;立秋the Beginning of Autumn ; 处暑the End of Heat ; 白露White Dew ; 秋分the Autumn Equinox ; 寒露Cold Dew;霜降Frost\'s Descent;立冬the Beginning of Winter;小雪Lesser Snow (20th solar term; 大雪Greater Snow;冬至the Winter Solstice ; 小寒Lesser Cold ; 大寒Greater Cold ;

【女性十大口头禅】1.Fine 好吧。2.Five minutes.五分钟就好。


4.Go ahead.往下说。

5.Leave me alone.我想一个人静一静。

6.That's Okay.还好啦。

7. So? 那又怎样?


9.Don't worry about it, I got it.别担心,我知道了。10.So cute.好可爱

【“give”的短语】give up 放弃;give in 投降,让步;give away 分发;give back 归还;give out 分发,散发;give off 放出,发出;give way 撤退,退让;give over 停止,放弃;give into (过道等)通向;give rise to 引起,导致;give sb. a hand 给予帮助;give sb. a lead 给某人做榜样

【常见服饰】cheongsam旗袍;kimono和服;everyday clothes便服;T-shirt T恤;vest汗衫;skirt裙子;trousers/pants裤子;jeans牛仔裤;short pants短裤;flared pants喇叭裤;;sport wear运动衫;polo shirt 马球衫;roll-neck sweater翻领毛衣;casual clothes休闲装;tailored suit 女式西装

【舞蹈名称】street dance街舞;folk dance 民族舞;ballet芭蕾;tap dance 踢踏舞;jazz 爵士舞;striptease脱衣舞;belly dance肚皮舞;ballroom dance交谊舞;latin dance拉丁舞;hula草裙舞;rumba伦巴舞;tango探戈舞;samba桑巴舞;waltz华尔兹舞;foxtrot狐步舞;flamenco弗拉曼柯舞;

【请客吃饭怎么说】1.This is my round.轮到我付钱了。2.It's my treat.我请客。3.I'm buying.我来买单。4.Let me get this.我来做东。5.I'll pick up the check.我来结账。6.It's on me.算我账上。7. Shall we split the check? 我们AA吧8.Let’s go Dutch! 分摊吧!还有其它补充吗?

【最美的英语单词】mother 母亲;love 爱;eternity 永恒;smile 微笑;passion 激情;fantastic 极好的;destiny 命运;freedom 自由;liberty 独立;tranquility 安宁;peace 和平;blossom 花;sunshine 阳光

【各种“关系状态“】single 单身;engaged 订婚;married已婚;widowed丧偶;divorced 离婚;separated 分居;be living together 同居;spouse 伴侣;In a relationship有对象; It's complicated说不清; In an open relationship有对象,但开放;In a civil union已婚同性恋

【How are you的最in回答!】只说fine,3Q你就out啦!1. I feel terrible. 感觉糟透了2. Fair to middling. 还过得去3. Right as rain. 一切顺利4. I feel like a million bucks! 感觉棒极了!5. Better than ever. 好得不能再好了6. So-so. 一般般7. Can't complain. 没啥好抱怨的

【常用四词短句】e to the point! 有话直说!2.Don't give me that! 少来这套!3.You have my word! 我保证!4.Give me a break! 饶了我
