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‘齐齐哈尔大学学报“(哲学社会科学版)2023年4月Journal of Qiqihar University(Phi&Soc Sci) Apr.2023  收稿日期:2022-11-16 作者简介:程军(1975-)男,副教授,博士㊂主要从事西方文艺理论和美学研究㊂胡嘉琪(2002-),女,在读学生㊂主要从事文学研究㊂ 基金项目:2019年度国家社科基金一般项目:后现代主义文学戏仿研究(19BZW034)脱冕的同貌人”:20世纪西方 戏仿型”小说主人公的 反英雄”形象程 军,胡嘉琪(安徽财经大学文学院,安徽蚌埠233030)摘 要:作为一种依托于经典叙事作品的 二手文本”,西方现代 戏仿型”小说通过对源文本中英雄式主角进行降格处理,获得了一个与古代原型平行并置的现代对应角色 一个 脱冕的同貌人”或 反英雄” 作为主人公,来实现独特的作品意旨和艺术效果㊂尽管因其形象的滑稽可笑而常常成为作者和读者嘲弄和讥讽的对象,但这些被脱冕或降格的反英雄式的主人公却并非被彻底否定的反面人物,而是一些集双重性格或二元品格于一身的正反同体式的悲喜剧角色㊂关键词:脱冕的同貌人;戏仿型小说;主人公;反英雄中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-2638(2023)04-0089-05ADecrowning Double ”:The Anti -hero ”Image of Protagonistin Modern Western Parodistic NovelsCHENG Jun ,HU Jia -qi(School of Literature,Anhui University of Finance &Economics,Bengbu Anhui,233030) Abstract :As a kind of second-hand text”based on the previous classical narrative works,modern western parodistic novelsdegrade the heroic protagonists in its source texts and gets their modern correspondent protagonists- decrowning double”or anti-he⁃ro”-parallel to their ancient models,in order to achieve unique intention and artistic effect.Although often being scorned and ridiculedby authors and readers because of their funny image,these decrowned or degraded anti-heroic protagonists are not the completely nega⁃tive villain,but the ambivalent,tragicomic characters of double personalities,two faces or dual characters. Key words :decrowning double;parodistic novels;protagonist;Anti-hero 戏仿(parody,又常被译为 讽拟”㊁ 戏拟”或 滑稽模仿”等),是一种别具特色的文艺创作手法,常常通过对源文本((source text))进行反讽㊁戏谑式的模仿与改写来创造新的作品㊂在20世纪西方的文学实践来看,戏仿的大量运用是一个非常重要的创作现象,正如著名后现代批评家哈琴(L.Hutcheon)所言, 这个世纪(20世纪)的戏仿是构建文本形式与主题的一种主要方式㊂”[1]2同样,在20世纪西方小说创作领域也是如此㊂从西方现代主义和后现代主义小说创作实绩来看,许多小说家都把对古代史诗㊁神话㊁传奇㊁童话等经典叙事作品(或经典叙事体裁)的戏仿作为构建其作品情节㊁结构和主题的基本手段(我们把这类作品称为 戏仿型”小说),从而实现自己的创作意图和特殊的艺术效果,并由此创作出许多在20世纪西方文坛上享有盛誉的伟大小说,包括像‘尤利西斯“(乔伊斯)㊁‘约瑟夫和他的兄弟们“(托马斯㊃曼)㊁‘我弥留之际“(福克纳)㊁‘羊童贾尔斯“(约翰㊃巴斯)㊁‘洛丽塔“(纳博科夫)㊁‘白雪公主后传“(巴塞尔姆)㊁‘赫索格“(贝娄)㊁‘五号屠场“(冯内古特)㊁‘小世界“(戴维㊃洛奇)等作品㊂从文体特征上看,这种 戏仿型”小说都是依托于源文本(多为前代经典叙事作品)的二度创作形式或 二手文本”(second-hand text)㊂与源文本相比,它们通常具有自己独特的文体结构㊁创作机制和叙述逻辑㊂而本文在这里主要关注的,则是此类小说在作品 主人公”(protagonist)的塑造㊁定位与处理上与源文本对立㊁相反的逻辑,以及由此而表现出来的与源文本截然不同的主题意旨㊁气质格调和艺术效果㊂一㊁20世纪之前西方文学作品中 英雄式”主人公的衰落20世纪西方 戏仿型”小说所依托的源文本中的主人公大多是一些高贵㊁崇高㊁伟大的 英雄”式人物,如古代史诗或神话中的神灵㊁英雄,浪漫传奇故事中的骑士,童话中的王子或真实历史中的帝王㊁圣贤㊁领袖等一些 高模仿”(high mimetic,弗莱语)模式的主人公;而在这些源文本的现代戏仿作品中,通常会在主人公的形象定位和性格塑造方面按照一种相反的逻辑重新设计,对源文本中的 英雄”式主人公进行一种 降格式”(degradative)的处理㊂当代著名批评家巴赫金曾经指出,戏仿是一种典型的 狂欢化”(carnival)的体裁,是一种 令人开心的降格游戏”[2]97,集中表现为对源文本中被过于理想化㊁崇高化的主角进行降格,将其 脱冕”(Decrowning), 被放到当今现实的水平上加以描绘,放到了当今的日常生活环境里,用今天的低俗语言来描绘”[3]524,从而让古代英雄变得 现代化”㊁ 世俗化”甚至 粗鄙化”㊂经过这番降格处理后,我们在这些戏仿作品中就几乎看不到那些拥有高贵的品格㊁伟大的理想㊁执着的信念㊁坚定的意志㊁行动的热情以及超人的力量(智力㊁体力)的英雄式主人公,取而代之的则是往往一些充满物质㊁肉体欲望的世俗㊁平庸甚至低级委琐的小人物㊂于是, 反英雄”(anti-hero)在这里代替了前作中的 英雄”成了小说的主角㊂当代学者亨克㊃阿尔岑(H.Aertsen)指出,在一部戏仿之作中,主人公往往会以一种粗俗的(churl)或反英雄的形象出现[4]133;巴赫金也指出, 讽刺性的模拟(parody),意味着塑造一个脱冕的同貌人(decrowning double)”[5]167,都直接点明了戏仿作品中主人公的反英雄特性㊂通过戏仿对源文本中英雄式主角做反英雄化处理,这种手法的运用在西方小说史上早有先例,比如,塞万提斯创作的戏仿中世纪骑士小说的巨著‘堂㊃吉诃德“㊂法国学者勒内㊃基拉尔(Rene Girard)曾断言,西方小说所有的概念都已经在塞万提斯的作品中初露端倪[6]54,同样,塞万提斯对中世纪骑士传奇(‘堂㊃吉诃德“的源文本)中主人公的反英雄化处理也开近代小说的英雄 脱冕”之先河㊂按照一般读者惯常的阅读期待,骑士传奇中的主角多出身高贵,不是王公贵族,就是国王㊁将军,但塞万提斯戏仿之作中的主人公堂㊃吉诃德(他以高贵的骑士自许)只是一个小村镇的破落乡绅,出身贫苦,地位低贱;在传奇中,骑士往往被描绘得英武神勇㊁年轻俊朗㊁相貌堂堂,而堂㊃吉诃德骑士则年逾五旬,形销骨立㊁身体羸弱;传奇中的骑士通常都有一套光鲜华贵的装备和行头 高头大马㊁金盔银甲㊁宝剑神枪等,而堂㊃吉诃德则骑着一匹皮包骨头的瘦马 驽骍难得”,头戴理发师的铜盆改制的 曼布里诺头盔”,手持一把据说是祖上留传下来的锈迹斑斑的破剑;传奇中塑造的骑士通常都英勇无比㊁所向披靡,再加上神灵护佑,虽然迭遇凶险㊁历经磨难,也总能逢凶化吉并最终战胜强敌而建立辉煌的功绩;而堂㊃吉诃德则在仗义行侠过程中先被一骡夫打翻在地而狼狈逃跑,接着又在大战风车时被摔得鼻青脸肿,后来又在苦修赎罪时被折磨的赤身裸体㊁面黄肌瘦㊁萎顿不堪㊂另外,在骑士传奇中,为了突出主人公崇高的㊁近乎神性的理想化形象,通常极少去描述其吃喝拉撒等日常生活琐事,而塞万提斯则不厌其烦地详细描绘堂㊃吉诃德的日常衣食起居: 吃的大锅杂烩里常放的是牛肉,而不是羊肉;晚餐几乎顿顿是葱头拌肉末,星期六炖点羊蹄羊骨,星期五只吃扁豆,星期日添上一道鸽肉, ㊂”[7]12通过对英雄骑士的一番降格的㊁漫画化的处理,塞万提斯为我们生动展示了一个日常的㊁世俗的㊁跌落凡尘的伪骑士形象,从而与源文本中高贵的㊁理想化的㊁充满神性光辉的英雄式主人公形成鲜明的对照和巨大的反差㊂文学作品中英雄式主人公的缺位,在20世纪的西方已成为一种典型的文坛现象和创作趋势㊂20世纪是一个平庸㊁世俗的 散文”时代,普通的平民大众开始登上历史舞台并逐渐走向中心,而传统的英雄和大写的 人”则日益萎缩和边缘化㊂对此,现代德国大哲雅斯贝尔斯曾感叹道: 在今天,我们看不见英雄㊂我们甚至愧于使用这一字眼㊂历史性的决定不再由孤立的个人作出,不再由那种能够抓住统治权并且孤立无援地为一个时代而奋斗的人作出㊂”[8]162在这样一个社会语境之下,英雄式的伟大人物再也不可能成为时代的偶像和主角,再也没有了叱咤风云㊁一呼百应的气魄和领导历史潮流的能力㊂与现代文化中的主体或 人”的日益逼仄的境遇走向几乎同步,英雄式的主人公在现代小说中的地位也日益衰微㊂传统小说中将英雄人物作为绝对主角并给予热情无度的褒扬和礼赞的做法,在现代小说中已经变得不合时宜㊂这一趋势实际上早在19世纪晚期就已初现端倪㊂自然主义大作家左拉就敏锐地意识到在其生活的时代表现普通生活的一般过程”成为小说创作的 基本原则”,主人公已不可避免地走向了凡俗㊁普通的日常生活世界,因此小说家在他们的小说中 必须去掉 英雄’”,必须抛弃这种 过度夸大了的人物,木偶化的巨人㊂”[9]470这种趋势发展到20世纪,小说中英雄式主人公缺位的现象日趋明显,已逐渐形成一种强大的创作潮流㊂对此现象,批评家弗莱(Northrop Frye)的解释是,20世纪文学正处于文学发展历史诸阶段的 反讽”阶段,在此阶段作家们虽然仍需要依赖 神话”来进行创作,但却往往是通过 反讽”㊁戏仿 神话”来解构它们㊂而在这种 反讽”戏仿模式主导下创作出来的作品中,主人公往往 比我们自己在能力和智力上低劣”[10]5,是一群常被人们轻蔑㊁嘲笑的软弱幻灭型的人物,一种典型的 反英雄”㊂弗莱接着强调, 在英雄已逝的舞台上,反英雄,即在陌生孤寂的世界里显得渺小无能的小人物,正扮演着主角”[11]22,已成为现代文学的核心角色㊂这一观点是对20世纪 戏仿型”小说主人公的类型特征所做出的最恰当的规定㊂二㊁20世纪西方 戏仿型”小说主人公的反英雄形象 从现代小说到后现代小说西方20世纪 戏仿型”小说对主人公进行 反英雄”化处理的常规做法,是设置一个和源文本中 英雄式”的古代主人公平行并列的 降格”版的现代对应角色作为小说主人公,来实现对前者的戏仿㊂这一角色与古代英雄表面相似但骨子里却截然不同,他/她是一个经过降格㊁变形的 山寨”版 英雄”,按照巴赫金的说法,是对应于前者的一个 脱冕的同貌人”,是古代英雄的一个漫画化的形象,或者说是一个披着英雄外衣的 小丑”㊂他/她多多少少拥有古代英雄某09齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 方面的高贵品格和伟大理想,但却往往缺乏实现这种理想所必需的坚定的意志㊁行动的热情和超出凡人的力量(当然也没有了神的眷顾和帮助);他/她所秉持的理想和英雄观念固然美好,但随着时移势迁已经变成了不合时宜的过时之物,失去了现实可行性;他/她多少能够意识到自己所负有的与古代英雄相似的崇高使命或责任并试图用传统的理想主义信念改变当代现实,恢复往日英雄的伟业和荣光,但却往往在残酷扭曲的现实面前寸步难行㊁处处碰壁,陷入堂㊃吉诃德式的荒诞㊁尴尬的可笑境地,遭遇与古代英雄的赫赫功绩完全相反的惨败下场;他/她本该像古代英雄一样获得民众的尊重和敬仰,然而在现实社会中却由于其自身的种种弱点和英雄气质的缺失而成为他人嘲笑甚至同情的对象㊂我们以20世纪的经典戏仿作品为例来说明这个问题㊂乔伊斯的现代 戏仿型”小说‘尤利西斯“(其源文本是希腊史诗‘奥德赛“)就是这种将主人公 反英雄”化的佳例,其中的主人公布鲁姆是希腊英雄奥德修斯的现代版的 脱冕的同貌人”㊂在‘奥德赛“中,主角奥德修斯是一位人神合一的英雄,在史诗中被誉为 猛勇的狮子”㊁ 足智多谋的奥德修斯”㊂他功业显赫,事迹辉煌:在特洛伊战争中献出木马计里应外合攻破特洛伊城池;在率领同伴归国途中,先后遭遇独目巨人㊁海神㊁魔女㊁海妖㊁海怪㊁神女等妖魔神怪的重重阻挠,历经十年,历尽各种难以想象的艰辛和危难,孤身一人返归故土;返乡回家后,又同儿子一起设计杀死纠缠自己妻子并挥霍自己家财的求婚者,最后全家得以团圆㊂奥德修斯的诸多事迹,体现出他的英雄本色和各种可贵的美德:足智多谋㊁英勇无畏㊁意志坚定㊁爱憎分明㊁善良忠贞㊂而在‘尤利西斯“中,主人公布鲁姆(他以18个小时的都柏林漫游,对应了奥德修斯的十年海上历险)则是一个现代大众社会的庸人典型㊂在事业上,他才能平庸,也无一技之长,虽做过不少工作,但至中年仍一事无成,只能靠做小广告经纪人来养家糊口㊂在社会和政治地位上,他作为一个外来的犹太人,属于当时都柏林社会的边缘人群和 异类”,常常不得不战战兢兢地小心过活,对别人种族歧视的言论忍气吞声,遭人白眼也不敢反抗㊂在家庭生活中,布鲁姆也颇不如意:儿子早年的不幸夭折,给其心灵蒙上了深重的阴影;因收入不如妻子莫莉,使得他更多地担任照顾家庭的 家庭妇男”的角色;长期的性无能使得妻子有了外遇,他却甘戴 绿帽”,甚至明知妻子在家与情人约会时,还主动为他们提供 方便” 离开自己的家外出漫游㊂‘尤利西斯“中还通过大量的细节描写,不厌其烦地对布鲁姆一天所经历的纷繁杂乱的日常琐事㊁吃喝拉撒的生理活动,以及各种各样荒诞不经㊁低俗龌龊的心理活动进行详尽无遗的展示,以凸显出主人公的庸人形象和整个世纪初爱尔兰社会的庸俗气质㊂像下面的一段文字:布卢姆先生吃起牲口和家禽的下水来,真是津津有味㊂他喜欢浓郁的杂碎汤㊁有嚼头的胗㊁ ㊂他尤其爱吃在烤架上烤的羊腰子㊂那淡淡的骚味微妙地刺激着他的味觉㊂[12]117通过对布鲁姆喜食动物内脏(在西方文化中,动物下水是污秽不洁之物,属于应抛弃的废物之列)的特殊嗜好的描写,乔伊斯将一个贪图口腹之欲㊁看重世俗享受㊁生活品味低劣的俗人形象生动鲜活地展现在读者面前㊂除了像乔伊斯这样的现代小说家之外,20世纪后期的后现代小说家更喜欢采用类似于‘尤利西斯“的降格手法,通过设置一个当代反英雄式的对应角色作为主人公,来完成对前作中英雄主角的 脱冕”,像后现代著名小说家巴塞尔姆㊁索尔㊃贝娄㊁冯内古特等人,都莫不如此㊂在‘白雪公主后传“中,巴塞尔姆设置了一个现代都市的 庸人”保罗与格林童话‘白雪公主“中高贵的王子 白雪公主的拯救者 相对应:他虽然具有贵族血统,也确知自己负有拯救现代 白雪公主”的责任,但面对这个崇高的使命,他却不断选择逃跑和躲避,为此躲藏到修道院,甚至发明一个 远距离早期警报系统”来偷窥现代 白雪公主”的一举一动以履行自己保护责任,就是始终不敢将拯救行动付诸实践,最后落了个误饮毒酒倒地身亡的可笑下场㊂在巴塞尔姆的另一部戏仿作品‘玻璃山“中,在源文本(同名童话)中的那个勇敢机智㊁历尽艰险并最终成功攀上玻璃山顶救出公主的青年英雄,在戏仿作品中的现代对应角色变成了一个虽然装备了一套整齐的攀岩设施(使用了诸如登山钉㊁管工橡皮粘等辅助工具)却仍然半天也挪动不了一步的毫无英雄气概的胆小鬼㊂另外,在索尔㊃贝娄的小说‘赫索格“中,源文本(‘圣经“中的摩西事迹)的主人公摩西是上帝的代言人和其旨意的执行者,是一个无所不能的领袖㊁先知㊁民族英雄,他不远万里㊁历尽艰辛领导以色列人回归故土,立下不世功勋㊂而这位伟大英雄的现代对应角色赫索格却是一个陷于巨大精神危机的现代西方知识分子的典型形象:面对现代社会混乱多元的价值观念,他找不到自己安身立命的生命支点和精神支柱,像一个悬空吊着的 晃来晃去的人”;虽然坚守自己的高尚理想,秉持传统人道主义的信念,却只是整天沉醉于空想和冥思而始终不敢付诸实际行动,是一个善于思考㊁拙于行动的 意志薄弱㊁满怀希望的大傻瓜”,一个 好心肠”的懦弱无能的浪漫主义者㊁理想主义者㊂类似地,库尔特㊃冯内古特的小说‘五号屠场“的主人公毕利也是‘圣经“中耶稣的现代 脱冕的同貌人”,耶稣作为伟大的上帝之子㊁世间万民的救世主和替罪羊,通过其崇高的人间赎罪行动和死而复生以拯救尘世人类;在‘圣经“中,耶稣神通广大㊁无所不能,处处显露神迹,显示上帝的神圣万能,得以顺利传播上帝的福音㊂而毕利虽然具有耶稣的同样的身份 随军牧师的助理,却扮演一个小丑式的 多余人”的角色,一个不仅无法普度众生而且连自身都难保的可怜无助的小人物㊂他外表和行为都十分滑稽可笑,被德国士兵笑称为 整个第二次世界大战中所看到的最令人发笑的人之一”[13]71;在战争中,他只是胆怯懦弱㊁无精打采㊁孤立无助的小卒子,既不能丝毫影响战争的走势,也无法抚慰被俘战友的精神创痛,还往往被战友们取笑和欺辱㊂显然,在这个 新生的基督”毕利的身上,神圣万能的耶稣的光辉形象已被消磨殆尽,其英雄气质已荡然无存㊂三㊁20世纪西方 戏仿型”小说主人公 反英雄”形象的双重意义所有的这些20世纪西方 戏仿型”小说中的被 脱冕”的主人公的 反英雄”形象,给读者带来的直接阅读反应就是一种滑稽可笑㊁荒诞不经的喜剧感,因为无论是对英雄的19 第4期 脱冕的同貌人”:20世纪西方 戏仿型”小说主人公的 反英雄”形象脱冕”㊁降格,还是对他们的世俗化㊁粗鄙化描写或处理,往往都很容易产生一种笑谑㊁滑稽的喜剧效果㊂德国当代美学家耀斯(H.R.Jauss)指出,喜剧一般带给读者的心理效应并不会像史诗或悲剧那样会产生一种对其中的英雄人物的 钦慕式认同”,它只会让读者产生一种 反讽式认同”,其中最常用的方法就是对主人公加以嘲讽,把他/她从史诗般的理想中降回到日常生活的现实中㊂[14]293西方20世纪的 戏仿型”小说正是通过降格和 脱冕”手段把古代史诗㊁神话中理想化的崇高英雄人物降低到普通㊁平凡的小人物水平,使普通读者不再把他们当做高高在上的崇拜来偶像,而是把他们看作与自己一样的普通人,与他们近距离接触并展开亲昵的交往和对话,甚至对他们施以讥讽㊁嘲笑,由此获得一种放松感㊁优越感,进而与小说主人公获得认同㊂这种认同体验往往会使读者获得一种从权威的沉重压力下解脱的快感和愉悦轻松的感受,而这些都是引发笑声的源泉㊂对此,巴赫金指出: 脱冕,亦即把事物从遥远的前景中移近,消除史诗的距离, 把事物打破,使它裸露(扒去等级装束),这样一来光着身子的对象就显得好笑了㊂”[3]527值得注意的是,被脱冕的 反英雄”形象之所以能够产生喜剧性效应,还需要以源文本中的英雄式主人公作为参照而产生的对比效果才能得以真正实现㊂也就是说,这些 反英雄”人物所以让人发笑,是源自于这些人物实际的差劲㊁拙劣的表现与读者对他们的高期望值(崇高的品质㊁伟大的人格等)所形成的强烈对比和反差㊂正如耀斯所言, 喜剧主角本身并不引人发笑,只是把他置于某些期望视域中时才显得滑稽可笑,他的滑稽可笑是因为他否定了这些期望或者规范㊂”[14]291因此,上述诸多小说中的反英雄主人公所带来的笑声和喜剧性,实际上都来自于读者精神上摆脱压抑㊁解除禁锢之后而获得的解脱㊁自由而快乐的笑声,因而具有一种精神解放的意义㊂需要强调的是,戏仿作品中对源文本中英雄式主人公的降格或脱冕,并不是对传统英雄及其高贵品格的单纯否定,在其自身之内同时还包含着肯定㊁创造㊁变革等积极因素,因而具有两面性或双重性的特征㊂如同狂欢节中的脱冕和加冕(当移植到文学作品中时就显示为一种脱冕型结构)是合二为一㊁不可分割㊁相互转化的双重仪式一样,戏仿作品中的脱冕也具有双重性㊁双面性,同加冕不可分离㊂[5]163小说中把这些反英雄人物与古代英雄进行平行类比,正是因为二者之间存在一定相似㊁相像之处,具有一定的可比性㊂这种平行类比,实际上就是首先对这些 反英雄”人物的一种 加冕”,使其经历一个向上的运动和 升格”的过程,赋予他们 英雄”的外衣㊁高贵的冠冕和耀眼的光环,然后再通过对其内在 反英雄”本质的暴露,让这些英雄性的光环㊁冠冕和象征物成为虚有其表㊁大而无当的空壳和伪装,使得这些人物如同穿着国王外衣的乞丐那样显得怪诞反常㊁滑稽可笑,从而让他们最终走下神坛㊂这样看来,20世纪西方的 戏仿型”小说中所有对源文本中英雄式主人公的 脱冕”㊁降格,也就不是对他们的简单㊁绝对的否定,而是通过对他们进行世俗化㊁卑琐化的处理来暴露出这些英雄人物形象本身的局限性和相对性,是从世俗的㊁现时代的角度来重新审视他们,破除长期笼罩在他们身上的虚幻的浪漫主义耀眼光环,让这些为传统意识形态所神化㊁理想化的英雄恢复其人性化㊁世俗化的本来面目㊂在前面我们所举的 戏仿型”小说主人公身上, (他们所对应)古代英雄的 神”性气质几乎已荡然无存;像当代大众社会中的凡夫俗子一样,他们身上展现出来的更多的是各种毛病㊁缺陷和弱点,比如布鲁姆的庸俗㊁保罗的胆怯㊁赫索格的迷惘㊁毕利的懦弱等,但恰恰正因为这些弱点和缺陷,让他们显得更接地气㊁更易亲近㊁更具现实性,是与我们读者一样的普通而真实的 人”,而不再是一个理想化的㊁近乎完美的 神”㊂于是,在这些 戏仿型”小说中我们可以发现,被脱冕或降格的反英雄式主人公虽然常常会成为嘲笑㊁讥讽的目标,但同时他们又并不是被彻底否定的反面人物㊂尽管作者揭露了他们身上的许许多多的缺陷㊁弱点㊁恶习或可笑之处,但却没有把他们刻画成大奸大恶的㊁㊁一无是处的负面角色;相反,他们大多是一些 好人”,甚至还多少拥有其英雄原型的某些优秀的品质㊁崇高的理想或高尚的情操,比如像在布鲁姆身上表现出来的面对困境的积极态度和博爱悲悯的情怀,保罗对自己的拯救公主使命的最终承担,赫索格对传统人道主义信仰的坚守以及在毕利㊃皮尔格里姆身上所体现出来渴望拯救人类和世界的伟大悲悯情怀等等,都能让读者依稀看到其古代原型的影子㊂于是,在经历了类似于狂欢节仪式的具有 双重性”的 脱冕”和降格手法的处理之后, 戏仿型”小说中主人公的形象也相应获得了双重性质,因而成为一个狂欢体(戏仿就是一种典型的狂欢体)形象, 这种形象力图在自身中能包括事物形成中的两极,或对照事物中的双方,并且把他们结合起来,如诞生/死亡㊁少年/老年㊁上/下㊁正面/背面㊁夸奖/斥骂㊁肯定/否定㊁悲剧性/喜剧性,如此等等㊂”[2]236这是一些 正反同体”的复杂多维的人物形象,常常集双重人格㊁两副面孔或矛盾对立的品格于一身㊂他们身上的双重性或矛盾性品质的表现是多方面的:他们既具有 原型”的某些英雄品格,同时又是彻彻底底的 反英雄”;他们既坚持自己拯救人类和世界的理想,同时又没有实现它们的自信和能力;他们既追慕古代英雄的崇高行为,渴望恢复他们往日的荣光,同时又因为时代的转变而沦落为对英雄的一种拙劣模仿;他们既渴望干预㊁改变同时代的社会现实,同时又是 生活在别处”的精神流浪者;他们既是思想的巨人㊁英雄,同时又是行动的矮子和现实的小丑;他们既无法改变污浊㊁庸俗的现实世界,同时又不愿与这个世界同流合污;他们既是古代人(在精神归属方面),又是现代人;他们既老又新,既传统又现代;他们既高尚又庸俗,既勇敢又怯懦,既浪漫又现实;他们既可爱可敬,同时又滑稽可怜;他们既是遭人嘲弄㊁讥笑的喜剧性人物,同时又扮演着让人唏嘘㊁同情的悲剧性角色㊂发生在这些 反英雄”人物身上的都是一种堂㊃吉诃德式的当代悲剧,根源在于其坚守的传统价值和当今世俗价值之间的错位㊁冲突㊂他们似乎是一群被动穿越到现代社会的古典 英雄”:同样的拯救人类和世界的理想与行为,在古典的英雄时代就显得是那么崇高悲壮,让人感动,受人敬仰;而在英雄逝去的现代世俗社会中,这些观念和行为就显得是那么的不合时宜而成为众人的笑柄㊂时代语境的巨大变化让原来极其伟大㊁崇高的理想和行动变成了喜剧性十足的可笑念头和荒诞行径㊂对于这样的双重性的复杂角色,我们不应该只看到或强调其中的某一方面,而完全忽视和否29齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 。

Agilent MicroLab Pharma white paper说明书

Agilent MicroLab Pharma white paper说明书

OverviewUS FDA Part 11 in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and its EU analog, Eudralex Chapter 4, Annex 11, describe the requirements for electronic records and electronic signatures for regulated pharmaceutical organizations. Released in 1997, 21 CFR Part 11 has been enforced since 1999. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure that all appropriate electronic records areattributable, legible, contemporaneous, original, accurate, and maintained with integrity.This white paper is a resource for users of Agilent MicroLab Pharma(Version 5.2 and later) that couples MicroLab software with Spectroscopy Configuration Manager (SCM) and the Spectroscopy Database Administrator (SDA). It is the responsibility of the user and their organization to ensure that the functionalities provided by this software package MicroLab are used appropriately to achieve compliant operation for laboratory data acquisition and processing. In addition to the technical controls provided by the software, the user organization must establish procedural controls–standard operating procedures (SOPs)–to address relevant nontechnical requirements. For example, controls such as internal audit programs must also be established to ensure that system operators follow the SOPs.Appendix 1 provides a detailed description of how MicroLab Pharma supports users and their organizations in achieving the requirements of each section of 21 CFR Part 11 and the related sections of EU Annex 11. The descriptions assume that system access, including instrument hardware and software, is controlled by the staff responsible for the electronic records contained on the system. Thus, the system is designed as a “closed system” as defined in 21 CFR Part 11.3(b)(4).Support for Title 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 Compliance: Agilent MicroLab Pharma21 CFR Part 1121 CFR Part 11 covers three specific elements of a regulated laboratory’s operation:• Security of electronic records• Attribution of work• Electronic signatures (if used)SecuritySecurity can be interpreted as “the right people, having the right access, to the right information.” Regulated organizations must be able to both verify the identity of system users,and limit system access to trained, authorized individuals (11.10(d), (i) and (g); 11.100(b)). Because laboratory staff have different responsibilities based on their job assignments, data access must be segregated and defined such that certain users have certain types of access to certain data sets, while potentially having different access to other data sets.“Separation of duty, as a security principle, has as its primary objective the prevention of fraud and errors. This objectiveis achieved by disseminating the tasks and associated privileges for a specific business process among multiple users.”Botha, Eloff, IBM Systems Journal (1).Attribution of workAttribution of work refers to documenting the “who, what, when, where, and why?” of work performed. Automated audit trails independently record users’ actions, thus connecting laboratory staff to the work they perform. Audit trail entries enable staff and regulatory inspectors to reconstruct the complete history of an electronic record.• Who: Clearly identifies the person responsible for the particular action that creates, modifies, or deletes arecord.• What: Is the action that took place, including, if applicable, the old value and the new value contained in the record.• When: Unambiguously declares the date and time the action took place.• Where: Clearly identifies the impacted record.• Why: Explains the reason for a change to a regulated record. The reason is often selected from a list ofpre‑defined reasons to provide consistency and to enable searching and sorting of entries.eSignaturesWhile 21 CFR Part 11 does not require the use of eSignatures, it does provide regulations for when they are used. In this case, the system must ensure that eSignatures:• Are irrevocably linked to their respective records• Show the full name of the signer, date, and time, as well as the meaning of, or reason for, the signature (such asreview, approval, responsibility, or authorship)• Are present whenever the signed records are displayed or printedAppendix 1. Satisfying the Requirements Set Forth in US FDA Title 21 CFR Part 11 and Related Global Regulations Using Agilent MicroLab PharmaAppendix 1 table notesColumn oneThe table addresses 21 CFR Part 11 requirements in the order that they are presented in the US FDA reference document. (2) Related requirements such as those found in EU Annex 11 (3) follow each section of Part 11.Column twoFor completeness, column two lists all requirements of21 CFR Part 11 and other related global requirements. “System” refers to the analytical system used to acquire and process data.Most requirements are fulfilled by either technical controls (that is, software functionality) or procedural controls (that is, SOPs). Technical controls are controls providedby the software and, therefore, the software supplier,while procedural controls are the responsibility of the user organization. 21 CFR Part 11 requirements listed in bold are requirements addressed by technical controls. Other global requirements are listed in regular font. Requirements that must be addressed by procedural controls are listed in blue. Column threeSome requirements involve both technical and procedural controls. Responsibilities for each requirement are listed in column three. “S” refers to an analytical system supplier. “U” refers to the user organization. Rows containing requirements that must be exclusively addressed by the user organization are shown in blue. Blue may also indicate technical controls the user will be responsible to implement.23Column sixColumn six explains how the regulatory requirement can be satisfied using the technical controls provided by MicroLab with SCM/SDA. Column six also provides additionalrecommendations for the user organization when relevant.Column fourIf available, and where appropriate, related globalrequirements and comments are provided in column four.Column fiveColumn five indicates with a “yes” or “no” whether the requirement can be satisfied using the technical controls provided in MicroLab with SCM/SDA. N/A is not applicable to the software.1. Validation2. Accurate Copies and Secure Retention and Retrieval of Records42. Accurate Copies and Secure Retention and Retrieval of Records, Continued53. Authorised Access to Systems, Functions, and Data4. Electronic Audit Trail64. Electronic Audit Trail, Continued74. Electronic Audit Trail, Continued5. Operational and Device Checks85. Operational and Device Checks, Continued96. Data Integrity, Date and Time Accuracy7. Control for Open Systems (only applicable for open systems)108. Electronic Signatures – Signature Manifestation and Signature/Record Linking119. Electronic Signatures General Requirements and Signature Componentsand Controls129. Electronic Signatures General Requirements and Signature Componentsand Controls, Continued1310. Controls for Identification Codes and Passwords1411. System Development and Support15/chemAgilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020 Printed in the USA, February 21, 2020 5991‑6024EN DE. 6388425926References1. R. A. Botha, J. H. P Eloff. “Separation of duties for accesscontrol enforcement in workflow environments” IBM Systems Journal – End-to-end security 40(3), 666‑682 (2001).2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. CFR ‑ Code ofFederal Regulations Title 21. Title 21—Food and Drugs, Chapter I—Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services, Subchapter A—General. Part 11 Electronic Records; Electronics Signatures [Online] https:///scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=11 (accessed January 7, 2020)3. European Commission Health and ConsumersDirectorate‑General. Public Health and Risk Assessment. Pharmaceuticals. EudraLex. The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union. Volume 4. Good Manufacturing Practice. Medicinal Products for Human and Vetrinary Use. Annex 11. Computerised Systems. [Online] https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/files/eudralex/vol‑4/annex11_01‑2011_en.pdf (accessed January 7, 2020)For More InformationFor more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at /chem.。



比特商用白皮书Bit Business coin white paper第一部分:摘要比特币作为数字货币的杰出代表,将不可逆的交易实现以及去中心化的共识带给到了这个世界,其本身作为信用载体的集大成者,价格也已经突破20000美元,虽然不断有各种新的数字货币诞生,但是都不可动摇比特币的核心地位以及价值体系。








Bit Business coin的使命是为丢失的比特币和不活跃的钱包找到一个目标,并通过联合信用和智能合约建立一个稳定的加密货币系统。

Bit Business coin将利用比特币的压力测试机制,比如PoW、blocktimes、s upply cap和发行模型,同时还会升级一些区域,以满足更大的社会需求。


商业愿景:第二部分:运作模型Bit Business coin将离开比特币网络,并立即改进其在新网络中的协议。

所有活跃的比特币地址将在Bit Business coin的链上获得相应的余额。




然而,不同于金本位制(黄金与美元价值之间的固定汇率)倾向于高估黄金,BBC 标准的设计目的是保持BBC储备的价值,而不是抵押债券的价值。



White Paper ofAML BitCoin (AMLBit) and its Business ModelAbstractThe worldwide frenzy driving mass involvement in cryptocurrencies has drawn attention both to the exciting positive features of digital currencies, as well as those aspects that could hamper future expansion and development. Primarily, governments across the globe expressed concern that anonymous cryptocurrency – while innovative and auguring a new wave of future technology – serves as a medium of exchange that facilitates terrorism and criminal activity. AML BitCoin solves this concern and creates a platform for integration of digital currencies and the economy.NAC Foundation, LLC (“NAC”) created AML BitCoin and its predecessor digital currency, the Aten Coin. Both coins contain the innovative safety and compliance features developed by NAC. AML BitCoin also provides a platform for approved third parties to utilize the AML BitCoin technology. AML BitCoin rests on a privately regulated public blockchain that facilitates AML-KYC (anti-money laundering –‘know your customer’) compliance and identifies criminals associated with illicit transactions, while maintaining and strengthening the privacy protections for legitimate users.AML BitCoin was created with anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism and theft-resistant properties built into the code of the coin, and as a result, it is compliant with a host of laws, including but not limited to: Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Anti-Fraud and Financial Crimes (AFF), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), USA PATRIOT Act and the FACT Act.In addition, NAC will utilize a biometric identification system to verify owners of wallets that hold the AML BitCoin. This will provide additional security and safety features for ownership and use of the AML BitCoin (For more information on the DTN, please visit )The new AML BitCoin platform will also allow pre-approved persons and entities (but tied to an individual who has a certified digital identity profile) to utilize NAC’s privately regulated public blockchain.The AML BitCoin is a virtual currency -- a payment system. It will be an open/transparent blockchain except for AML compliance, including suspicious activity reviews and reporting. Some AML BitCoin will be available for mining.AML BitCoin will be a modified form of an “app coin” in that the underlying protocol includes AML compliance and only persons who obtain a certified digital personal identity can obtain and use a wallet to hold the AML BitCoin. But, there will be no functional business based on the AML BitCoin and no payout of business revenue from any businessto AML BitCoin holders. Any possible payout would derive from speculation by and under the control of the AML BitCoin holder.AML Tokens (ATK) will be offered in a public sale on October 1, 2017. These tokens will not include monitoring or detecting of suspicious activities, or any of the other features of the AML BitCoin. Once NAC has completed and activated its features, AML BitCoin will replace the ATK and ATK holders will be able to exchange the ATK for AML BitCoins on a 1:1 ratio. In exchanging the AML Tokens for AML BitCoins, all owners will be required to have a certified digital identity as stated above and described in more detail below.Table of Contents1.NAC Foundation, LLC and Anti-Money Laundering Cryptocurrency1.1.Meet the Team1.2.NAC Advisors1.3.Legal Advisors2.Business Model of AML BitCoin (AMLBit) Currency2.1.Overview2.2.AML BitCoin- A Successor of Aten Coin2.3 Identity Verification: The Digital Identity Trust Network2.4.AML BitCoin/AML Tokens Pre-Sale3.Aten Coin – First Cryptocurrency Designed for Anti-Money Laundering, TheftResistance, and Government Complianceernment Compliance & The Creation of AML BitCoin – An AML and KYCCompliant Cryptocurrency3.2.Privately Regulated, Public Blockchain3.3.Legal Identity-linked Credential Authentication Protocol3.4.Legal Identities of AML BitCoin Senders and Receivers are Traceable WhileMaintaining Privacy of AML BitCoin Users and AML-KYC Compliance3.5.Monitoring and Detection of Financial Crime Transactions3.6.Transaction Time-Control Option3.7.Stoppage of Financial Crime Transactions4.White Label Blockchain Platforms for Digital Currencies and/or Tokens5.Cross-Border Money Transfer (Sending Remittance) Business5.1 Low Cost Borderless Online Payment System6.Bitcoin History6.1.Bitcoin - The First Cryptocurrency6.2.Limitations of BitCoin and Other Cryptocurrencies7.Cryptocurrencies and Regulated Securities7.1.Is Bitcoin or AML BitCoin a Security?7.2.Are all Virtual Currencies Not Securities; what about AML BitCoin?7.3.Is AML BitCoin a Security?8.Forward Contacts and Options – United States Commodity Futures TradingCommission9.U.S. Treasury Department Regulation – FinCEN10.Conclusion1. NAC Foundation and Anti-Money Laundering CryptocurrencyNAC Foundation, LLC (“NAC”) a U.S. organization registered in Las Vegas, Nevada, focuses on development and application of blockchain technology and digital currencies. NAC’s primary mission is to strengthen the social sector by advancing knowledge about the use of regulated digital currencies and blockchain technology in the U.S. and globally, facilitating and contributing to economic development through positive experiences and opportunities generated through online commerce, and creating an environment that inspires trust, credibility and confidence among organizations, financial institutions, individuals, partners and stakeholders in order to be recognized as the pre-eminent company in digital financial products and digital financial business in the world. NAC's mission on AML-KYC compliance was first publicly reported in September 2014. After two years of engagement and inquiry, NAC’s dedication to its mission was recognized and NAC became a service member of the American Bank Association (ABA).1.1Meet the Team1.1.1Marcus Andrade, President and Chief Executive Officer1.1.2Hon. Angela Knight, CBE, Vice President of European Affairs1.1.3Hon. Carlos De La Guardia, Vice President of Latin America Affairs1.1.4Japheth Dillman, Chief Strategy Officer1.1.5John Szeder, Chief Technical Officer1.1.6Erwin Doornbos, Chief Marketing Strategist1.1.7Hung Q. Tran, Project Manager1.1.8Sergey Petkevich, Software Developer1.1.9Brandon Smietana, Software Developer1.1.10Jatin Babbar, Software Developer1.1.11Neha Verma, Software Developer1.2NAC Advisors1.2.1Ricau rte “Catin” Vasquez1.2.2Neil M. Sunkin, Esq.1.2.3Raymond Robertson1.2.4John Crawford1.2.5Natko Vlahovic1.3Legal Advisors1.3.1Law Office of Neil M. Sunkin, APC1.3.2Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle & Schwartz, PLLC2. Business Model of AML BitCoin (AMLBit) Currency2.1 OverviewMarcus Andrade invented and granted a license of technology to NAC (patent pending publication numbers: WO 2016156954 A1, EP3073670A1, US20160283941) that permits tracing and tracking of the identities of senders and receivers of a cryptocurrency when necessary. Subsequently, using this methodology, NAC developed its first digital currency, the Aten Coin. Aten Coin was the first cryptocurrency designed to be AML complaint, i.e., anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist compliant, and theft-resistant. The supply of Aten Coin was limited to 26 million ATENC. Twenty-four million ATENC were created by the NAC, and Two million ATENC were set aside for PoS mining. On September 21, 2015, NAC officially publicly launched Aten Coin and about Nine million Aten Coins were acquired by the public and NAC employees.2.2 AML BitCoin – A Successor of Aten CoinAML BitCoin (unit: AMLBit) is the successor digital currency to the Aten Coin. Existing Aten Coin holders may exchange their ATENC units to AML BitCoin on a ratio of 1:1.Based on NAC’s licensing agreement with BGCI for use of the personal legal identity-linked credential authentication protocol (patent pending publication numbers: WO 2016156954 A1, EP3073670A1, US20160283941), AML BitCoin will be developed with updated bitcoin protocol and PoW/PoS protocol. Therefore, AML BitCoin possesses all the unique properties of Aten Coin, including anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism and theft resistance, with an additional AML Platform that will permit others to utilize the White-labelled AML BitCoin technology. The maximum supply of AML BitCoin is 200 million AMLBits. Table 1 summarizes the basic specifications of AML BitCoin, and Table 2 summarizes its distribution plan.2.3 Identity Verification: The Digital Identity Trust Network (DTN)2.3.1Select the DTN Option.The user must confirm or deny if they already have a certified digitalidentity in association with DTN. If so, then user opens the biometricmobile application and completes the biometric verification process. Ifthe user already has such a digital identity, then the user already knowsthat they control the transfer of their AML-KYC data.2.3.2If the user does not have a certified digital identity associated with DTN,then they select their Country of residence, and State or Province, andthen the user selects from a list of the approved locations where theuser can create a certified digital identity profile.2.3.3The user must possess two forms of their current government-issuedidentification documents, such as a passport and a driver’s license.2.3.4User will provide a biometric scan of face, Iris, and fingerprint.Upon completion, user will have a digital identification which can beused to verify their identity anytime in the future utilizing the biometricmobile application.2.4 AML BitCoin / AML Tokens Pre-Sale2.4.1 Public SaleAs stated in Table 2 above, there will be 76 Million AmlBits available forpublic purchase. Upon completion and activation of the AML BitCoin,AML Token holders will have the opportunity to exchange them for AMLBitCoins on a 1:1 ratio. In making this exchange the token holder willhave had to create a certified digital identity profile in association withthe DTN.2.4.2Exchange of AML Token (ATK) for AML BitCoin (AMLBit)After all of the features and the AML BitCoin platform are completed,users can exchange their AML Tokens for AML BitCoins. The exchangewill be on a ratio of 1:1. This exchange feature will be available onparticipating trading websites. Within six (6) months after theannouncement of the availability of the AML BitCoin, all owners of theAML Token must create a certified digital identity profile as set forthabove, and exchange their AML Tokens for AML BitCoins.2.4.3Trading AML Tokens (ATK)At the time of the Presale, ATKs only will be available for purchase.After the Presale, AML Tokens will no longer be issued or sold directly。

如何选择合适的小型企业防火墙 White Paper说明书

如何选择合适的小型企业防火墙 White Paper说明书

WHITE PAPERHow To Pick the Right Small Business FirewallAnd the battle keeps escalating. Over time, mature malware and attacks “as-a-service” have begun to increase on the dark web, making advanced threats even more challenging to hunt down. They increasingly require deep packet inspection (DPI) to identify malicious markers and indicators. Advanced intrusion prevention/detection services (IPS/IDS) should be part of the threat prevention services your firewall utilizes.But once again, a firewall’s ability to perform DPI effectively—especially without slowing down the firewall—restspredominately on its level of performance. Firewalls lacking advanced processors often leave off this critical capability when making throughput claims. Or they assert things like only companies being targeted by state-sponsored attackers need it—a dangerous fallacy. An attacker’s ability to hide an attack that requires DPI is table stakes today. And while purchasing a separate IPS system isn’t unheard of, the use case is often only seen in the largest companies due to the staggering amount of data they must analyze. At the SMB level, this simply isn’t the case.Content FilteringThe most effective way to prevent users from being infected by malicious websites (such as drive-by downloads) is to prevent them from going there in the first place. Content filtering performs a check on URLs based on URL categories, such aspornography, gambling, malicious content, and file sharing, while building exemptions for approved traffic. But in today’s world of hybrid workforces that don’t have an integrated endpoint and network solution, such enforcements performed by the firewall often fall away when a user is offline, or they require the manual updating of the endpoint to match changes on the network side. An integrated solution, however, that ensures endpoint and network security are in constant communication without manual intervention fixes this.Endpoint HygieneIntegrated endpoint and network security have additional advantages beyond keeping agents updated. Traditionally,understanding what is running on an endpoint, identifying vulnerabilities, and implementing patching had to be run from an endpoint product’s management console. However, when firewall and endpoint solutions are built using the same operating system, this visibility can be obtained directly from the firewall. This enables network access control to be enforced based on endpoint risk and hygiene assessments, forcing the end-user to update and patch their system appropriately before being allowed on the network. This significantly reduces network risk from employees who have been offline working remotely for long periods.Again, the firewall’s ability to inspect such traffic without creating a bottleneckdepends entirely on performance, and buyers should pay attention to how muchthroughput a firewall can handle with encryption enabled. Without rapid decryption,your firewall cannot analyze incoming traffic, which means data ends up beingsent straight through to the end-user and onto the network rather than slow downmission-critical applications and workflows—risk and all.Antivirus (AV), Advanced Threat Protection, Intrusion Prevention In addition to the more sophisticated threats businesses face, today’s cyber criminals often use older attacks in the hope that the firewall doesn’t have the memory to still include them in its inspection database. To combat this, firewalls need to combine threat-matching signatures with machine-learning capabilities—commonly called “advanced threat protection”—to identify all threats, new or old, to successfully fight today’s attackers. But while many vendors may market their security as advanced malware protection, it is not uncommon for basic protections, such as AV, to be mislabeled as “advanced.” To truly understand the solutions embedded in a modernfirewall, one should look to third-party reports and testing services to determine thetrue efficacy of their protection.Few modern firewalls can perform a full inspection of encrypted traffic without severely undermining their its. However, “the percentage of encrypted web traffic on the internet has steadily increased, from around 50% in 2014 to around 95% today.”5Domain Name System (DNS)While URLs are designed to be interpreted by humans to ease internet navigation, the underlying code used to navigate to sites can be hijacked to obscure and hide malicious intent while still offering the same superficial URL—a process known as Domain Name System (DNS) hijacking. Ensuring you work with a vendor that provides DNS security as part of their threat subscriptions provides an additional layer of websecurity against a rising threat.SandboxingWhen new files are introduced to the network, AV usually checks them against a database of known attacks to block their entry. But this approach is ineffective against unknown threats. In that case, a “sandbox” is used to open and “detonate” files and attachments unknown to AV inspection to determine if they are malicious. Once again, depth of integration and inherent performance will determine how fast this process can occur. Here, single-vendor solutions have another advantage. Each element of the security fabric operates using the same underlying code and leverages the same specialized security processors, including the sandbox. As a result, risks can be quickly determined, and threat intelligence automatically shared across the security fabric in near real-time without manual intervention. Additionally, thanksto deep integration and automation capabilities, automated playbooks and threat responses can immediately kick in, including quarantine, alerting, and remediation—When new files are introduced to the network, AV usually checks them against a database of known attacksto block their entry. But this approach is ineffective against unknown threats. In that case, a “sandbox” is usedto open and “detonate” files and attachments unknown to AV inspection to determineif they are malicious.precisely what you want out of an intelligent, proactive cybersecurity system.IoT Visibility and ControlThe Internet of Things (IoT) ranges from smart appliances in the home to sophisticated operational technology (OT) sensors and monitors on manufacturing floors, in inventory rooms, and in hospital ICUs. The challenge for most administrators is the lack of standardization across these devices, making it extremely difficult to accurately discover all the devices on the network and appropriately control them.Hackers have been quick to exploit the lack of security surrounding IoT and use their vulnerabilities to gain a foot in the door of many networks. While some vendors sell a separate solution to address the IoT challenge, some innovative security vendors have begun integrating the ability to track IoT devices and identify those compromised into the underlying operating system of the firewall. Some even offer this free of charge, helping businesses future-proof their business without added complexity or cost.Network Control of Switching and Wireless AccessUnfortunately, no platform is 100% secure, especially in the face of ongoing digital innovation. Network segmentation prevents ransomware and similar threats from moving freely across your network, enabling the firewall to inspect and control traffic moving across the network (east-west) at critical checkpoints.This is the starting point for building a “zero trust” network framework—the leading cybersecurity approach of successful enterprises. Teams can further increase their flexibility and limit their attack surface by only allowing specific people or departments access to applications or application abilities, known as granular application control. This prevents threats from using less inspected or newly deployed application protocols to avoid detection. They can also control access to applications on a per-user or per-session basis, a technique known as zero trust network access (ZTNA).However, all this additional inspection adds extra load, making the firewall’s application control services’ performance, depth, and flexibility even more critical. And when the various devices in the ecosystem (firewall, switch, wireless access point) aren’t from the same vendor, managing these policies is also much more complex. This is also why a single vendor capable of pushing and maintaining these policies from a centralized source streamlines operations and strengthens security.Secure SD-WANSD-WAN is deployed by businesses looking to replace fixed multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) connections, optimize user experience for cloud applications, reduce onboarding time for new locations, and better use local internet access. The challenge is that few standalone SD-WAN solutions include security. Fortunately, an SD-WAN device optimizes traffic using much of the same routing information the firewall uses, which has led some innovative vendors to consolidate the two devices.However, even when conjoined, SD-WAN capabilities can vary significantly between firewalls. Some include advanced routing functionality and innovations like self-healing networks, while others only provide the bare minimum to claim they offer SD-WAN. But as business plans increasingly include significant shifts to the cloud, paying close attention to a firewall’s SD-WAN capabilities, along with the vendor’s pace of innovation, is an excellent way to enable growth and avoid unnecessary investments down the road.Avoiding Complexity as You Grow As business plans increasingly include significant shifts to the cloud, paying close attention to a firewall’s SD-WAN capabilities, along with the vendor’s pace of innovation, is an excellent way to enable growth and avoid unnecessary investments down the road.Dealing with growth is an exciting and stressful time for companies of any size. Apparent demand for your products and services proves that your go-to-market strategy was successful, and there was a need for your solutions. But maintaining that growth while avoiding complexity down the road can be a massive challenge. More users mean more connected devices, new locations must be onboarded, and new technologies to support business and customer demands mustbe implemented. While some IT projects can be easily ripped and replaced, that’s simply not the case when it comes to essential networking and security.Once established and intertwined into businesses’ processes, replacing an underlying infrastructure is neither quick nor inexpensive. Rarely can everything be done at once. This leaves the IT team struggling to manage multiple vendors and disparate solutions while constantly troubleshooting issues as components are added, replaced, or updated. The process is so painful that many businesses build workarounds and implement long-term band-aids to provide temporary relief, further exacerbating complexity.Managing Multiple LocationsAs businesses scale, new locations must be brought on board and synced with the main office. Staff must be hired to oversee these locations, managing multiple firewalls, switches, access points, and security solutions to ensure permissions and configurations remain consistent regardless of where a user is located.Vendors that have integrated SD-WAN into their firewalls are at a unique advantage. “Zero touch deployment and provisioning” allows devices to be sent to a remote location and “phone home” once there and plugged in. Without the need for an on-site IT person, the devices receive preconfigured templates and configurations, thereby minimizing, if not eliminating, errors that stem from manual configuration. This not only decreases risk but also minimizes onboarding time and costs arising from travel and lodging for IT staff.But once operational, businesses must still manage these devices over the long term. Selecting a vendor with centralized cloud management significantly simplifies this task. Centralized cloud management gives IT teams visibility over theentire ecosystem—users, devices, application usage, threats, and network utilization. This helps them identify and quickly troubleshoot potential problems from anywhere the internet is available, even from their phone.And once again, single-vendor solutions are at an advantage. But this requires proper solution integration. Vendors thathave grown through mergers and acquisitions often still need multiple management consoles to oversee their supposedly “integrated platform.” In contrast, vendors who maintain and develop solutions around a common operating system can easily aggregate management, reporting, and analysis into a single portal.Copyright © 2021 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet , FortiGate , FortiCare and FortiGuard , and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.October 7, 2021 9:42 PM Third-party IntegrationsIntegrating third-party products can be challenging, and not all vendors do it well. Most vendors offer “open” applicationprogramming interface (API) integrations, but quality and updates can still vary widely. If not well-maintained, “tight integration” with third-party solutions can quickly become outdated.Understanding a vendor’s relationship with their technology alliance partners is key to understanding their integration story.Are they able to develop turnkey solutions together? How easy are the integrations to deploy, and how deep do they run? What is their track record of integration? If these issues are not considered, integration with third-party tools can quickly become a source of pain and complexity.Don’t Get Caught With Buyer’s RemorseAs our thirst for digital innovation grows, so too do the challenges that stem from cybersecurity. The consumerization of IT has made once unaffordable technologies accessible to lean IT teams. But this growth is double-sided. Even smaller businesses have shifted from a safe, clearly defined office perimeter to a much riskier scenario. Users now work from anywhere, accessing private information through multiple devices and locations across a technology stack similar to small enterprises but growing much more quickly. And while it would be easy for a smaller business to claim, “We’re too small to be attacked,” the datasuggests otherwise. Attackers have also taken advantage of the consumerization of technology and use “as-a-service” attacks just like legitimate businesses use Software-as-a-Service.So, who do you trust? While large businesses can run their networking and security investments through extensive real-world testing, this is a luxury for many. Meanwhile, many vendors claim they provide all the functionality we have discussed, but the reality is often far different from sales pitches. So, how do you know which solutions work and which don’t?Luckily, there are numerous industry analysts and testing businesses whose role is to provide third-party validation. Even those with a focus on leading industry players are an advantage. A vendor’s absence from such reports should raise the question of whether their solution can genuinely protect your business or has the commitment and resources to be a long-term partner.Businesses need to select a firewall designed to support a fully integrated security fabric—one with the performance required to drive critical functionality and defend against cyberattacks at every stage of your business growth. The right solutionprovides the peace of mind that comes from not only knowing that your security works now but will continue to protect and sustain your business in the future, even as technologies and business strategies continue to evolve. Additionally, working with a vendor who understands your needs now and tomorrow ensures longevity, prevents unnecessary workarounds, and avoids the rip and replace conversations down the road that can derail a business.1 2019 Global State of Cybersecurity in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses , Ponemon Institute, October 8, 2019.2 “Avoiding Complexity: The Impact Complexity Has on Organizations Over Time and How SMBs Can Prevent It ,” Fortinet and Vanson Bourne, October 2021.3Ibid.4“2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report ,” IBM Security, July 2020.5 “HTTPS encryption on the web ,” Google Transparency Report, accessed September 28, 2021.。

Releasing of The White Paper on Medical Imaging Artificial Intelligence in China

Releasing of The White Paper on Medical Imaging Artificial Intelligence in China

Chin Med Sci J June 2019Vol. 34, No. 2 P . 89doi:10.24920/003620JOURNAL WATCHReleasing of The White Paper on Medical Imaging Artificial Intelligence in ChinaChinese Innovative Alliance of Industry, Education, Research andApplication of Artificial Intelligence for Medical ImagingKey words: white paper; medical imaging; artificial intelligenceIN the afternoon of March 26, 2019, The White Paper on Medical Imaging Artificial Intelligence in China (hereinafter referred to as the “white paper”) was officially released in Beijing by theChinese Innovative Alliance of Industry, Education, Research and Application of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging (CAIERA) (Figure 1). The white paper was co-operatively written by the medical im-aging experts from the tertiary Chinese hospitals, the scientific experts from AI research institutions and the leading AI medical enterprises in China. The contents of the white paper not only cover the up-to-date application of AI in medical field, the latest advances of AI algorithms in medical image process-ing, the data requirement for medical AI develop-ment, and the current situation of structured data, but also expatiate the goal and challenge of clinical application for medical imaging AI development in 16 medical subject areas, which helps to identify the demands and opportunities for the AI industry. Forty representative enterprises of AI medical imaging inChina were introduced in the white paper . The white paper points out that there are three key problems to be solved in development of AI products: the robust-ness, ease of usage and data security, which provides guidance of direction and strategy for the enterprises. Particularly, in view of the national policy on devel-oping AI, the white paper gives a profound analysis on the challenges and the opportunities that medical imaging AI is facing. These contents agglomerate the cutting-edge efforts of experts in the industry-aca-demia-research-application chain of medical AI, rep-resent the mainstream voice of the society in China. The white paper teases out the applications of AI in medical imaging and analyses the current status and the future trend of the industry. It helps the related stakeholder to better understand policy trend and opportunities, and thus to explore appropriate strat-egy for further development. Importantly, it will play a guiding role in understanding market demands and establishing standardized systems in the path of land-ing AI products in the field medical imaging. Full text is publicly accessable from the CAIERA website, or by scanning the 2D code as in Figure 2.Figure 1. A group Photo of the initiators and cooperators(partial) in the launch event on March 26, 2019 in Beijing.Figure 2. The 2D code for mobile reading of the full text of the white paper .AI in Healthcare & MedicineOSID code。

美国赛斯saes getter -white paper

美国赛斯saes getter -white paper

Purity & Innovation3THE SAES GETTERS GROUP IS THE WORLD LEADER IN A VARIETY OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS WHERE STRINGENT VACUUM CONDITIONS OR ULTRA-HIGH PURITY GASES ARE REQUIRED.BRINGING A WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE IN SPECIAL METALLURGY AND MATERIAL SCIENCE TO THE NEEDS OF THE ADVANCED MATERIAL INDUSTRY IS OUR NEW CHALLENGE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY.41947SAES, Società Apparecchi Elettrici e Scientifici based in Milan (Italy), beco-mes operative through investments byfamilies della Porta and Canale.1951Development of the first stablebarium-aluminum alloy.Pioneering the development of the getter technology, the SAES®Getters Group is the world leader in a variety of scientific and industrial applications where stringent vacuum conditions or ultra-high purity gases are required.For nearly sixty years, our getter solutions have been fostering and supporting technological innovation in the information display and lamp industries, in ultra-high vacuum systems, in a wide range of electronic device-based applications, and in the vacuum thermal insulation. The Group also delivers solutions for ultra-high purity gas handling to the semiconductor, fiber optics and otherhi-tech markets.Bringing a wealth of experience in special metallurgy and material science to the needs of the advanced material industry is our new challenge for the 21st century.We broaden our vision and keep on supporting your innovation. By nature.By leveraging the core competencies in special metallurgy, material science and thermal processes, the SAES Getters Group broadens its corporate vision and expands its business in the advanced material niche markets, with the introduction of:advanced optical crystals for the optoelectronic device and solid-state laser marketsshape memory alloys for components primarily used in the automotive, transportation and domotics industries metalorganic materials for chemical vapor deposition getters for MEMS/MOEMS and microelectronic hermetically packaged devicesAn outstanding Research & Development structure, based at the Group’s headquarters near Milan, Italy, is committed to technological excellence and keeps the Group at the forefront in innovation.A total production capacity distributed at 8 manufacturing plants spanning across 3 continents, a worldwide-based sales & service network, nearly 1,000 employees allow the Group to combine multicultural resources, skills and expertise to form a truly global enterprise, capable to best support customers around the world, 24 hours a day.SAES Getters has been listed on the Italian Stock Exchange Market, Star Segment, since 1986.Purity by Tradition, Innovation by Nature56Our VisionSAES Getters Group’s vision is to be the leading globalsupplier of advanced materials to niche markets characterized by high growth potential in the high-tech business segments.By leveraging our:sixty-year corporate culture of Research & Development and manufacturing excellenceworldwide leadership in the traditional getter-based application fieldscommitment to product and process qualitysound financial position and business integritythe SAES Getters Group is uniquely positioned to offer competitive advantages to the advanced material markets, as well as to support customers’ innovation and productivity enhancement through the provision oftechnological value.1958New headquarters and a firstmass-production plant are openedin Milan.1966Launch of Total Yield Flash Getters,extending color TV tube lifetime from 300 to 10,000 hours.Our Strategy SAES Getters Group’s business strategy builds on the following foundations:expanding our business portfolio and market leadership, through the development of new products within core competence areas pursuing the Group’s growth through selected acquisitions and strategic business partnerships fostering long-term business relationships with the ultimate goal to generate value for our customers, while enhancing the Group’s technological expertise and market competitiveness focusing on customer global support and satisfaction, maximizing quality and production efficiency through vertical integration, improved operational performance and attentive investment strategy committing to long-term success and stability, while practicing an ethic of responsibility and transparency towards stakeholders 7A Global Presence9Cologne GERMANY Daventry GREAT BRITAINCleveland OH – USA Colorado Springs CO – USA San Luis Obispo CA - USASAES Getters S.p.A.Group Headquarters Viale Italia 7720020 Lainate (Milan) - Italy Ph. +39 02 93178 1Fax +39 02 93178 320info @ 10Nanjing CHINASeoul KOREAMoscow RUSSIAShanghai CHINATokyo JAPANJincheon-kun KOREAAvezzano (AQ)ITALYSINGAPORE1112UNITED STATESSAES Getters USA, Inc.1122 East Cheyenne Mountain Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80906Ph. +1 719 576 3200 - Fax +1 719 576 5025susa@SAES Pure Gas, Inc.4175 Santa Fe RoadSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401Ph. +1 805 541 9299 - Fax +1 805 541 9399spg@EUROPESAES Getters S.p.A.Viale Italia 7720020 Lainate (Milan) - ItalyPh. +39 02 93178 1 - Fax +39 02 93178 320info@SAES Getters (Deutschland) GmbHGerolsteiner Strasse 1D 50937 Cologne - GermanyPh. +49 221 944 0750 - Fax +49 221 944 0754saesgermany@SAES Getters (GB) Ltd.Heritage House - Vicar LaneDaventry NN11 5AA - Great BritainPh. +44 1327 310777 - Fax +44 1327 310555saesgb@SAES Getters S.p.A. - Moscow Representative Office45, 24/2 Usievitch Street125315 Moscow - RussiaPh./Fax +7 095 7241228saesgetters@mtu-net.ruASIANanjing SAES Huadong Getters Co., Ltd.56 Xingangdadao, XinshengweiNanjing Economic & Technical Development ZoneNanjing 210038, Jiangsu Province - P.R. of ChinaPh. +86 25 8580 2335 - Fax +86 25 8580 1639saeschina@SAES Getters Technical Service Shanghai Co., Ltd.No. 415 Guo Shou Jing RoadZhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New AreaShanghai 201203 - P.R. of ChinaPh. +86 21 5080 3434 - Fax +86 21 5080 3008saeschina@SAES Getters S.p.A. - Shanghai Representative OfficeNo. 415 Guo Shou Jing RoadZhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New AreaShanghai 201203 - P.R. of ChinaPh. +86 21 5080 3434 - Fax +86 21 5080 3005saeschina@SAES Getters Singapore PTE, Ltd.6 Temasek BoulevardSuntec Tower Four #41-06Singapore 038986Ph. +65 6887 3343 - Fax +65 6887 3445saessingapore@SAES Getters Korea Corporation13th FL. Shinil B/D, 143-39Samsung-dong, Kangnam-kuSeoul 135-090 - KoreaPh. +82 2 3404 2400 - Fax +82 2 3452 4510www.saesgetters.co.krsaeskorea@SAES Getters Japan Co., Ltd.2nd Gotanda Fujikoshi Bldg.23-1 Higashi Gotanda 5-Chome, Shinagawa-kuTokyo 141 - JapanPh. +81 3 542 00431 - Fax +81 3 542 00438www.saesgetters.jpsaesjapan@Sales & Service Locations1970-79SAES Getters establishes sales subsidia-ries in Europe to fulfill the growing mar-ket demand.1973The new Japanese sales subsidiary is inaugurated in Tokyo.Manufacturing LocationsUNITED STATESSAES Getters USA, Inc.1122 East Cheyenne Mountain Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80906Ph. +1 719 576 3200 - Fax +1 719 576 50255604 Valley Belt RoadIndependence Cleveland, OH 44131Ph. +1 216 661 8488 - Fax +1 216 661 8796SAES Pure Gas, Inc.4175 Santa Fe RoadSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401Ph. +1 805 541 9299 - Fax +1 805 541 9399EUROPESAES Getters S.p.A.Viale Italia 7720020 Lainate (Milan) - ItalyPh. +39 02 93178 1 - Fax +39 02 93178 320SAES Advanced Technologies S.p.A. Nucleo Industriale67051 Avezzano (AQ) - ItalyPh. +39 0863 4951 - Fax +39 0863 495530ASIANanjing SAES Huadong Getters Co., Ltd.56 Xingangdadao, XinshengweiNanjing Economic & Technical Development Zone Nanjing 210038, Jiangsu Province - P .R. of China Ph. +86 25 8580 2335 - Fax +86 25 8580 1639SAES Getters Technical Service Shanghai Co., Ltd.No. 415 Guo Shou Jing RoadZhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area Shanghai 201203 - P .R. of ChinaPh. +86 21 5080 3434 - Fax +86 21 5080 3008SAES Getters Korea Corporation 256-6, Okdong-ri, Ducksan-myun Jincheon-kun, Chungbuk-do - KoreaPh. +82 43 537 6000 - Fax +82 43 537 600813Research & Innovation1516THE HISTORY OF SAES GETTERS PROVES HOW INNOVATION AND HIGH QUALITY R&D FUEL ALL COMPANY’S ACTIVITIES. FOR SAES’ SCIENTISTS INNOVATION IS A MIND SET. THROUGH TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIPS AND ALLIANCES, THE SAES GETTERS GROUP HAS BEEN ABLE TO SUPPORT CUSTOMERS’ CUTTING-EDGE APPLICATIONS WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHL Y INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR THE LAST 60 YEARS.1977SAES Getters opens SAES GettersU.S.A. Inc. at Colorado Springs, CO, itsfirst US sales and manufacturing facility.1981Development of low activation tempera-ture alloys for use in vacuum bottles and other vacuum insulated devices.The speed of the technological evolution that has characterized the last century and that is going toaccompany our lives in the new millennium requires a total commitment to innovation. The history of SAES Getters proves how innovation and high quality R&D fuel all company’s activities.For SAES’ scientists innovation is a mind set. They are challenged by customers’ requests, real market innovators,and are supported by a management policy that every year allocates approximately 8% of sales revenues to research and development activities.In the new facility in Lainate, in the Milan area, corporate laboratories cover an area of 3,300 square meters, where nearly 100 people are daily committed to investigate problems, develop proposals and test solutions using highly advanced instrumentation and mathematical modeling.Innovation at SAES is treated as a complex process that starts with the idea conception and ends with the launch of the related products onto the market.The innovation process takes place in the frame of our Research & Innovation function which includes, besides the Research department, also the Process Technology and Engineering departments.In order to better focus its Research & Innovation activities,the SAES Getters Group has recently adopted the Stage-Gate ®approach for the management of innovation projects, which enables a more effective utilization of resources through a structured screening of the new projects and of their development.The Group founds its business on competencies that have been acquired in sixty years of activity. The deep knowledge of special metallurgy and vacuum technology paved the way for broader competencies in material science and interests in advanced material applications.These, coupled with the understanding of the gas-surface interaction, and the know-how in UHP gas purification and analysis represent the core and the strength of SAES’capabilities.A deep understanding of the market needs guides SAES’R&I and the researchers and scientists highly value continuous relationships with industry key players. Not only is this essential to develop the right product with the required features: through technology partnerships and alliances, the SAES Getters Group has been able to support customers’ cutting-edge applications with the development of highly innovative solutions.The over 330 technologies patented during its entire business activity and the hundreds of scientific publications confirm SAES Getters’ continuous and unfalteringcommitment to innovation, as well as testify to a corporate policy firmly oriented to a strong intellectual property protection.At the Heart of SAES’ Excellence17Special MetallurgySAES’ skills in metallurgy stem from a scientific approach followed by the company in developing and characterizing getter alloys based on reactive metals. The skills include key aspects, such as the mastering of alloy melting techniques,the understanding of compositional and micro structural aspects of alloys, powder handling and characterization, as well as contamination related issues.Material ScienceThe deep understanding of special metallurgy and powder metallurgy developed into a more comprehensive and deeper knowledge in material science. This prompted SAES to expand its interests into new advanced materialdevelopments and applications, such as advanced optical crystals, shape memory alloys and metalorganic precursors for chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD).18The understanding of gas-surface interaction phenomena has guided SAES to advanced tailor-made getters and to catalytic materials for environmental applications.Getter Film DepositionThe increased miniaturization of flat displays and electronic devices called for thinner gettering solutions and SAES Getters has responded by offering porous getter filmsdeposited on different substrates through a proprietary sintering process.Our Core CompetenciesThe innovation process at the SAES Getters Group founds its solid basis on core competencies developed in a6-decade long activity, during which SAES Laboratories have become a center of excellence for material science and have developed an unparalleled know-how in ultra-high vacuum technology, gas-surface interaction and gas purification and analysis. These specific competencies, supported by strong technical capabilities in mechanical engineering, electronics and process simulation, allow the Group to offer premium solutions for highly technological markets. SAES’ productapplications span from the display industry, in all its forms from conventional cathode ray tubes to the new generations offlat displays, to the manufacturing of components used in several and diversified electronic devices ranging from x-ray tubes to wafer-level MEMS, from applications in particle accelerators and in large vacuum systems for physical experiments to solutions supporting the lamp, semiconductor, optoelectronic and automotive industries.1984The Avezzano industrial complex is esta-blished near Rome, for vertical integra-tion and quality control of all getter alloys used for the production of evaporable and non-evaporable getters.1987Acquisition of SAES Pure Gas Inc. in San Luis Obispo, California, a leading com-pany in the engineering and manufactu-ring of bulk and point-of-use gas purifiers for the semiconductor industry and other high-tech markets.Ultra-High Vacuum TechnologyCreating and maintaining ultra-high vacuum in a variety of systems pose challenges that only a deep knowledge of the various facets of vacuum science and technology can overcome. Thanks to its wealth of experience and to sixty years of leadership in vacuum related products, the SAES Getters Group can offer an all-round approach: the development of getter pumps adds up to the know-how built in the selection of materials and components, the evaluation of the outgassing and permeation and the vacuum system engineering.Gas-Surface InteractionThe deep understanding of the gas-surface phenomena has played a fundamental role in the optimization of the getter alloys and it has also allowed the development of special catalysts addressed to gas purification for the demanding semiconductor industry and to environmental applications.Chemical and Physical AnalysisA key point in understanding the material properties is their characterization via chemical and physical analysis. Thecapability to carry out the complete series of tests in-house guarantees SAES Getters’ on-time and highly reliable results. Among the wide range of tests available at SAES Labs are: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry,Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrophotometry and Scanning Electron Microscopy.Gas PurificationThe knowledge of the kinetics of the gas-surface interaction and of the bulk diffusion mechanism of getter materials has been instrumental in the development of the gas purification business. SAES Getters researchers and engineers have a wealth of expertise in designing and assembling ultra-high purity systems, suitable to handle gases whose purity is better than 1 part-per-billion of atmospheric contaminants.Gas AnalysisSAES Labs have built up a long tradition of competencies in trace gas analyses, which started with the widespread use of various types of mass spectrometers to analyze the residual gases in vacuum devices. Residual gas analysis techniques have been specifically studied andimplemented not only for conventional vacuum systems,but also to cope with the increasing miniaturization of thevolumes to be analyzed, as in the case of OLED and MEMS devices.1920While it is widely recognized that the introduction of newproducts has an increasingly greater importance on sales aswell as on profits, specialized literature reports that onlyone in seven new projects delivers successful products.Thanks to its superior technology and to the sharpfocalization on customers’ future needs, the SAES GettersGroup has always enjoyed market success in thedevelopment and introduction of new products.To continue this tradition in a market environment which ischaracterized by increasing complexity and rapidtechnological changes, SAES Getters has recently updatedand implemented a more formalized process to select andrun new projects in the frame of the R&I function.The new product development (NPD) process is based onthe Stage-Gate methodology. This approach helps identify,organize, deploy and control the steps necessary to ensurethe effective and efficient implementation of new projects,with the ultimate goal to improve the chances for productsuccess and reduce time-to-market.Particularly, the innovation process articulates in a string ofphases of activities (stages) and of assessments anddecisions (gates). The project selection process is basedon criteria aimed at maximizing the chance of success bydeep assessment of a number of technical, economical andstrategic parameters.Key principles of SAES Getters’ adoption of the Stage-Gatemethodology are:production of superior, differentiated productscontinual interaction with customers and usersthroughout the development processsolid planning and sharp, early product definition beforedevelopment beginscross-functional effort and empowered project leadersand teamstough go/kill decisions at the gates to focus resources onthe most promising projectsfacilitation of clear project prioritization and resourceallocationThe Stage-Gate NPD process requires the contributionof different functions within the Group, from researchto engineering, from intellectual property protectionto marketing, supervised by a steering committee.A dedicated resource, the multi-project portfolio manager,coordinates the entire process and ensures it is evenly,correctly and timely carried out.The SAES Getters Group values the implementation of thisnew innovation management system as a great asset tocontinue the successful tradition in product innovation thathas distinguished the company throughout its entirebusiness history.Advancing the Management of Innovation1990First development of industrial purifiers(point-of-use, area and larger sizes),based on special getter alloys and cataly-tic materials, for purification of processgases to meet semiconductor manufac-turing requirements.1994Launch of high capacity non-evaporable getter pumps using newly developed sin-tered blades and disks, to improve mechanical characteristics and pumpingspeeds.1995Opening of the SAES Getters Shanghairepresentative office and of theSingapore sales subsidiary.In an increasingly competitive knowledge-based economy where intangible assets, such as brand awareness and innovation, have become keys to the corporate success, intellectual property protection plays a fundamental role. The SAES Getters Group has regarded its intellectual property as a strategic asset since its business inception and has always had an active role in managing the intellectual capital with dedicated resources.Key activities of SAES Intellectual Property department are the support during the patent approval process, as well as the obtainment of trademark registrations; the continuous monitoring of the new patents, released both in SAES’traditional application fields as well as in the new areas of business that the company is evaluating; and the technical assistance during litigation for an effective legal protection of the company’s rights.If the number of patents is an indication of the capability to innovate, SAES Getters can surely be proud of the over 330 inventions - including products and processes - that have been patented by the company in its sixty years of activity. The chart on the side, providing at-a-glance breakdown of the innovations patented for each business segment, shows how significantly the Group has contributed to a variety of application fields through the provision of innovative and competitive technological solutions. Intellectual Property: a Competitive AssetAlloys & GetteringDisplaysLampsVacuum InsulationGetter Pumps Gas Purification & Analysis Semiconductor TechnologyCatalysisOther12,12%27,58%5,76%10,61%5,45%19,09%3,33%2,42%13,64%21Quality, Environment, Safety and Ethics2324SAES GETTERS STRIVES TO PROVIDE CUSTOMERS WITH HI-TECH TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. THE GROUP’S FOCUS ON THE STRATEGIC VALUE OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ALSO RESULTS IN VERTICAL INTEGRATION OF THE PRODUCTION PROCESSES. THIS ALLOWS SAES GETTERS TO OPTIMIZE PRO-DUCT QUALITY WHILE FACILITATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE PRO-DUCTS AND PROCESSES WHICH ARE RESPECTFUL OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION.1996The Group’s headquarters and laborato-ries move to a new 15,000 sq. mt. faci-lity in Lainate, in the Milan area.1996Development of High Porosity Thin Film (HPTF) getters, for field emission dis-plays and for application in a wide range of electronic devices.To ensure continuous product improvement and strong market leadership, the SAES Getters Group remains loyal to its traditional core values and is committed to building an integrated Quality, Environment, Safety and Ethics Management System.The Group is certified under the UNI EN ISO9001:2000Quality Management System, with corporate certification covering all the manufacturing facilities.Quality excellence at SAES Getters results in vertical integration of production processes. This allows the Group to optimize product quality and to apply a close cost control policy, while facilitating the development of innovative products and processes, which are respectful of the environment and of natural resources conservation. The process approach is another distinctive mark of the Group’s Quality Management System. Structuring activities and related resources as a value-added process leads to improved performance, to consistent results and to the determination of clear responsibility in the managing of key activities.The evaluation of risks, consequences and impact of activities on stakeholders, as well as a more effective human resources management can also be more consistently achieved through process-structured activity.SAES Getters’ focus on the strategic value of total quality management shows in the continuous and attentive control of customer satisfaction, through adequate performance monitoring tools, and in the responsive implementation of proactive quality policies based on the analysis results.The SAES Getters Group recognizes that the protection of the global environment is an essential social duty for all human beings in the 21st century and that a substantial role needs to be played for the conservation of Earth resources.The Group is aware that all industrial activities, products and services may have a potential impact on theenvironment and, for this reason, strives to achieve a sound and consistent environmental performance for all its products and processes.All SAES Getters’ companies are committed to developing advanced products that exhibit safe andenvironment-friendly features by restricting the use of environmentally hazardous substances in products,encouraging a responsible exploitation of all natural resources and promoting projects for waste material recycling.To confirm SAES Getters’ efforts in preventing pollution and minimizing environment impacts, while still pursuing the continual improvement of their business performance, the following Group's manufacturing facilities have been ISO14001 certified: SAES Getters S.p.A. in Lainate (Milan),Italy; SAES Advanced Technologies S.p.A. in Avezzano, AQ,Italy; SAES Getters Korea Corporation in Jincheon-kun,Korea; and Nanjing SAES Huadong Getters Co. Ltd. in Nanjing, P .R. of China.We Care: an Integrated Management System 25Innovative Business Solutions2728SAES GETTERS’ PRODUCT LINES BASED ON THE EXPLOITATION OF THE PRO-PRIETARY GAS-SURFACE INTERACTION TECHNOLOGIES, TYPICALL Y USED IN VACUUM APPLICATIONS AND FOR ULTRA-HIGH PURITY GAS HANDLING, ARE OPE-RATED THROUGH TWO BUSINESS UNITS, THE INFORMATION DISPLAYS AND THE INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS UNITS.THE SIX BUSINESS AREAS UNDERL YING THIS STRUCTURE ARE COMMITTED TO ENSURING THE BEST CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN SPECIFIC MARKET SEG-MENTS, WITH THE SUPPORT OF A SALES & SERVICE GLOBAL NETWORK DISTRI-BUTED ACROSS EUROPE, AMERICA AND ASIA.1998SAES Getters Technical Service Co. Ltd.is formed in Shanghai, China, and loca-ted in the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park,to best address the increasing technicalrequirements of the Chinese semicon-ductor and high-tech markets.1999Introduction of the St 787 series, non-evaporable getters capable of withstan-ding lamp manufacturing critical condi-tions and to deliver improved safety and ecological content.Information Displays Business Unit Cathode Ray TubesSAES Getters is the Color Cathode Ray Tube (CCRT) and Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) industry's worldwide leading provider of evaporable getters. With three manufacturing plants located in Italy, China and Korea exceeding an overall yearly production capacity of 250 million pieces, for the last 30 years SAES Getters has been unanimously recognized as the number one getter supplier for all kinds of cathode ray tubes. Excellent quality, extremely wide product portfolio, vertical integration and a worldwide logistic network are the key factors that motivate customers to choose SAES Getters not only as a supplier, but as a strategic business partner.Flat Panel DisplaysA strategic supplier of technology innovation for the flat panel display industry, SAES Getters offers solutions that meet the most severe requirements in terms of vacuum maintenance, impurity removal and controlled mercury release in cold cathode fluorescent lamps for LCDbacklighting. SAES’ evaporable and non-evaporable getters,desiccants, alkali metal sources and mercury dispensers support most of the cutting-edge flat panel developments –including Plasma displays, Field Emission Displays (FEDs),Vacuum Fluorescent Displays (VFDs) and Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) displays – by delivering the highest display efficiency and lifetime extension.2930Industrial Applications Business Unit2002Launch of IntegraTorr, an innovative non-evaporable getter (NEG) pumping solu-tion for particle accelerator vacuumchambers, developed by CERN and bran-ded by SAES Getters under a licenseagreement.LampsThe leading supplier of high quality, innovativenon-evaporable getters (NEG) and metal dispensing products, SAES Getters fully addresses and solves many key issues of the lamp industry related to vacuum purity maintenance, filling-gas purity and lamp processing for street, industrial and commercial lighting.SAES’ advanced mercury dispensers for fluorescent lamps support the most important lamp manufacturers worldwide in fully complying with stringent mercury dosing regulations, thus ensuring minimal environmental impact.Electronic DevicesThis Business Area offers solutions for an extremely wide and diversified range of electronic devices, whose functioning requires either vacuum or a high purity rare gas atmosphere to operate, and it addresses several different market segments: avionics, medical, security & defense, telecommunications and automotive. Applications of its sintered porous NEG products span from mature electron tubes to detectors and sensors, while the alkali metal dispenser product line fulfills the needs of the photosensitive device industry.。



白纸黑点英文作文White paper, black dots. A seemingly simple combination, yet it holds a deeper meaning. It represents the contrastin life, the balance between light and dark. Just like how every person has their own strengths and weaknesses, the white paper symbolizes our potential while the black dots remind us of our imperfections. It's a reminder that lifeis not about being flawless, but rather about embracing our flaws and using them to create something beautiful.We often strive for perfection, constantly seeking to erase the black dots on our white paper. But what we failto realize is that those imperfections are what make us unique. They shape our character and allow us to stand out from the crowd. It's in those black dots that we find our true selves, our passions, and our purpose in life. So instead of trying to erase them, we should embrace them and let them guide us on our journey.The black dots on the white paper also serve as areminder of the challenges and obstacles we face in life. They represent the setbacks and failures that we encounter along the way. But just like how the dots don't define the entire paper, our failures don't define us. They are just a small part of who we are and should not deter us from pursuing our dreams. Instead, we should see them as opportunities for growth and learning, stepping stones towards success.In a world that constantly emphasizes perfection and success, it's easy to overlook the beauty in imperfection. But it's important to remember that life is not meant to be perfect. It's messy, unpredictable, and full of surprises. It's in the imperfections that we find joy, laughter, and unexpected moments of happiness. So let's embrace the black dots on our white paper and appreciate the uniqueness and beauty they bring to our lives.At the end of the day, the white paper with black dots is a metaphor for life itself. It represents the ups and downs, the successes and failures, the light and dark moments that we all experience. It's a reminder that lifeis a beautiful mess, and that it's okay to have imperfections. So let's cherish the white paper with black dots, for it is through these imperfections that we truly discover who we are and what we are capable of.。

爱普生 ET-2800 无墨盒超大容量打印机 说明书

爱普生 ET-2800 无墨盒超大容量打印机 说明书

Specification Sheet | Page 1 of 2Wireless | Print | Copy | ScanThe ideal basic home printer.Innovative Cartridge-Free Printing — High-capacity ink tanks mean no more tiny, expensive ink cartridges; Epson’s exclusive EcoFit ® ink bottles make filling easy and worry-freeDramatic Savings on Replacement Ink — Save up to 90% with replacement ink bottles vs. ink cartridges 1 – that’s enough to print up to 4,500 pages black/7,500 color 2, equivalent to about 90 individual ink cartridges 3Stress-Free Printing — Up to 2 years of ink in the box 4 – and with every replacement ink set – for fewer out of ink frustrationsZero Cartridge Waste — By using an EcoT ank printer, you can help reduce the amount of cartridge waste ending up in landfillsImpressive Print Quality — Unique Micro Piezo Heat-Free T echnology ™ produces sharp text – plus impressive color photos and graphics – on virtually any paper type Built-in Scanner & Copier — High-resolution flatbed scanner and a color display for easy document copying and navigationModern Connectivity — Features wireless, plus hands-free voice-activated printing 5. Easily print from your smart device 6 with the intuitive Epson Smart Panel ® App 7Designed for Reliability — Worry-free 2-year limited warranty with registration 8, including full unit replacement/ecotankReplacement ink bottles1 Actual savings and costs will vary considerably based on print tasks, print volumes and usage conditions. Savings and cost per ISO page are based on the cost of replacement ink bottles and the cost of enough standard cartridges to achieve the total page yields of the bottles using the MSRP (USD) and yields for Epson ® standard-capacity ink cartridges for similarly featured Epson consumer inkjet printers as of October 2020.with registration 8Specification Sheet | Page 2 of 2Max. Resolution 9600 dpi interpolatedScanner Bit Depth Input: 48-bit color/Output: 24-bit color Scan Bed Size 8.5" x 11.7" max.Scan Compatibility TWAIN, WIA, ICAScan Features Scan to Computer Event Manager, Scan to Computer (WSD)TWAIN Reading Resolution 75~9600 dpi (1 dpi step)TWAIN Output Format PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, Multi-TIFF, BMP (Windows ®), PICT (Mac ®)TemperatureOperating: 50 ° to 95 °F (10 ° to 35 °C) Storage: -4 ° to 104 °F (-20 ° to 40 °C)Relative Humidity Operating: 20 – 80%Storage: 5 – 85% (no condensation)Sound Level Power: 6.3 B(A) Pressure: 52 dB(A)Power RequirementsRated Voltage: AC 100 – 240 V Universal (Automatic) Rated Frequency: 50 – 60 Hz Rated Current: 0.4 – 0.2 A4 individual ink bottles (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black)Replacement Ink Bottles 2522 Black ink bottle (65 mL) yield: 4,500; 522 color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) ink bottle (65 mL) yield: 7,500Epson strongly recommends the use of genuine ink to ensure optimal print quality and performance.Eco FeaturesENERGY STAR ® qualified RoHS compliant Recyclable product 13Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWay ® Transport Partner 14Ordering InformationET-2800 (Black)0 10343 95788 6C11CJ66201Specifications and terms are subject to change without notice. EPSON, EcoTank, Epson ESC/P , Epson Smart Panel and MicroPiezo are registered trademarks, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better Products for a Better Future, Epson Connect, Epson iPrint and Micro Piezo Heat-Free Technology are trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. EcoFit is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. AirPrint, Apple, Mac, macOS and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Windows, Windows Server and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Wi-Fi ® and Wi-Fi Direct ® are registered trademarks and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ is a trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance ®. SmartWay is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2021 Epson America, Inc. CPD-60628R2 4/21All images simulated.† Black and color print speeds are measured in accordance with ISO/IEC 24734. Actual print times will vary based on factors including system configuration, software, and page complexity. For more information, visit /printspeed | †† Black and color copy speeds are determined in accordance with ISO/IEC 29183. Actual copy times will vary based on factors including system configuration and page complexity. For more information, visit /copyspeed | 1 Actual savings and costs will vary considerably based on print tasks, print volumes and usage conditions. Savings and cost per ISO page are based on the cost of replacement ink bottles and the cost of enough standard cartridges to achieve the total page yields of the bottles using the MSRP (USD) and yields for Epson standard-capacity ink cartridges for similarly featured Epson consumer inkjet printers as of October 2020. | 2 Part of the ink from the included bottles is used for initial setup; yields are lower than those of replacement ink bottles. Replacement and included ink bottle yields based on the ISO/IEC 24712 pattern with Epson’s methodology. Actual ink yields will vary considerably for reasons including images printed, print settings, temperature and humidity. Yields may be lower when printing infrequently or predominantly with one ink color. All ink colors are used for printing and printer maintenance, and all colors must be available for printing. For more information, visit /inkinfo | 3 Individual cartridges estimate based on print yields of a replacement set of black and color ink bottles as compared to Epson standard-capacity ink cartridges for similarly featured printers as of October 2020. | 4 Based on average monthly document print volumes of about 125 pages. | 5 See /voice for device compatibility. Epson Connect account and voice-activated account registration required.| 6 Most features require an Internet connection to the printer, as well as an Internet- and/or email-enabled device. For a list of Epson Connect enabled printers and compatible devices and apps, visit /connect | 7 Requires Epson Smart Panel App download. Data usage fees may apply. | 8 12 months of standard limited warranty or 30,000 plain paper sheets (whichever happens first). For an additional 12-month extended service plan (total of 24 months or 30,000 plain paper sheets, whichever happens first), register your product and use Epson genuine ink bottles. See Limited Warranty for details. | 9 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™; level of performance subject to the range of the router being used. Wi-Fi Direct may require printer software. | 10 Only printingand scanning are supported under Windows Server OS. | 11 Some applications and/or functions may not be supported under Mac OS X. | 12 Internet access is required to install OS X drivers and software. | 13 For convenient and reasonable recycling options, visit /recycle | 14 SmartWay is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel efficiency.Epson America, Inc.3131 Katella Ave., Los Alamitos, CA 90720Epson Canada Limited185 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6G3 www.epson.ca/ecotankContact:。

黑白相纸 摄影术语

黑白相纸 摄影术语

黑白相纸(摄影术语)黑白相纸blackwhite paper 供黑白用。





















惊人的纸凋艺术,彻底改写A4纸张终极宿命热度5已有 108 次阅读2012-6-21 11:41在生活中经常要用到的A4纸,举凡学生写论文、上班族企划提桉报告用得到,普通一般资料影印,或是出版杂志刊物也都得用到A4纸。

只是这平凡无奇又随手可得的A4纸,不就只是张薄薄的白纸,还能变出什麽新花样吗?来自北欧丹麦的纸艺大师Peter Callesen,运用无穷无尽的创意和才华,为日常生活中被广泛使用的A4纸赋予了新的生命。


Peter Callesen非常喜欢使用普通一般的A4白纸来创作纸凋,他认为A4纸在生活中被人们广泛的使用,是最平常、也是被消费最多的媒介,同时也承载了许多信息在其上,所以一般普通人很少会去注意到纸张的本身。

于是他将所有附加在A4纸之上的信息去掉,从零开始採用洁白的纸张创作,运用创意无限的灵感设计、切割出複杂的图形,并且摺叠出惊人的纸凋艺术,例如骨骼、昆虫和建筑物等等,简单的神来一笔,就让一张一块台币不到的A4纸,转身变成一件价值10馀万台币的精緻艺术作品!喜欢在创作中探索2D和3D关联的Peter Callesen发现,将一张平面的A4纸张,从2D转化成3D的过程,真的是奇妙极了!因为这中间变化的过程竟然是如此地显而易见。

这幅名为Half Way Through逃离一半的作品,从作品名称就可以窥知大师的创作意图,Peter Callesen表示,该作品表达出人们常常会想要逃离一切,虽然作品中的人物已经成功脱离了一半,但依然无法脱离本源(那张纸),也根本不可能逃离作为纸的命运。

作品名:Distant Wish遥远的期待,作品中一隻尾巴被牵绊着的蜂鸟,向着看似不远的花朵振翅飞翔,然而这样的距离,却是最遥远的期待。


从名称当中不难猜出,这个人终于成功逃脱2D平面的束缚,迎接崭新的人生!Peter Callesen喜欢用他的模型为观众说故事,每个模型需要长达两週的时间做草图、切割和折叠。


Байду номын сангаас
对于希望符合北美电信巨头 Verizon 的特别要求的制造商而言,一家 服务全面的实验室理应能够提供 Verizon 独立实验室 (ITL) 计划下所要 求的测试服务。由于该计划旨在为 Verizon 的电信设备供应商缩短产 品从制程到上市的时程,并为这些厂商创造更具经济效益的符合性测 试流程,因此在实际操作上纳入了三个不同的计划,其分别为: 1. ITL NEBS-TCP 或“测试认证计划” 只限于独立测试实验室 – 2. ITL NEBS-TCWP 或“目击测试认证计划” 要求所有的测试必 – 须有第三方 ITL 测试实验室的人员在现场全程监察,也准许设备 制造商在自身或其它可进行 NEBS 测试的实验室,选择由 ITL 实验室人员目击或直接执行 NEBS 测试。 3. ITL FOC 计划或“光纤零件”计划 – 容许设备制造商在自身或 其它可进行光纤组件测试的实验室,选择由 ITL 实验室人员目击 或直接执行 NEBS 测试,且须有第三方 ITL 实验室人员在现场 全程监察。 Verizon ITL 计划的认可范畴可包括 GR-1089-CORE、GR-63-CORE 和 GR-487-CORE 标准。目前 UL 是少数获 Verizon 认可的独立实验 室之一,因此可参与上述的三项计划。以 Verizon 的 ITL TCWP 计划 为例,UL 可为制造商的测试设备进行初步审核,包括复核所有的 实验室文件及流程;其后 UL 可为制造商撰写列出所有结果的审核 报告,并协助制造商制定必要的改善计划,以确保其测试设备能够符 合 ISO 17025 标准。此外,在 Verizon 执行实际的设备认可审核时、 或为确保制造商测试设备持续符合 ISO 17025 和 Verizon 特别要求所 进行的年度跟踪检验等期间,UL 也能为制造商提供技术上的支持。 目前在亚洲,尚未有制造商的实验室参与 Verizon 计划,而获 ITL TCWP 认可的独立实验室只有三家,UL 便在其列。 作为早在 1992 年就开始参与 NEBS 测试的行业先锋,UL 拥有横跨 北美版图的三间 EMC 测试实验室可提供全面性的服务。每所实验室 各自拥有对应 NEBS 不同要求的测试能力,并具备训练有素、经验丰 富、且获美国国家无线电与通讯协会 (NARTE) 认可的工程师团队, 他们对于 Telcordia 的要求以及产业特定的标准和电信产品知识,都 有广泛和深入的了解。凭借着能为制造商设计个别的测试计划,并利 用高科技仪器和量测技术传递高度重复但测试结果精确的声誉,UL 推出了一套计划,能够让电信设备制造商在 UL 测试工程师的目击 下,得以于现场进行 NEBS 的相关测试。

H.264 mpeg-4 part 10 white paper

H.264 mpeg-4 part 10 white paper

(1 or 2 previously encoded frames)
T-1 Q-1 Reorder Entropy decode
Figure 2-2 AVC Decoder
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Encoder (forward path)
H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 White Paper Overview of H.264 1. Introduction
H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 : Overview
Broadcast television and home entertainment have been revolutionised by the advent of digital TV and DVD-video. These applications and many more were made possible by the standardisation of video compression technology. The next standard in the MPEG series, MPEG4, is enabling a new generation of internet-based video applications whilst the ITU-T H.263 standard for video compression is now widely used in videoconferencing systems. MPEG4 (Visual) and H.263 are standards that are based on video compression (“video coding”) technology from circa. 1995. The groups responsible for these standards, the Motion Picture Experts Group and the Video Coding Experts Group (MPEG and VCEG) are in the final stages of developing a new standard that promises to significantly outperform MPEG4 and H.263, providing better compression of video images together with a range of features supporting high-quality, low-bitrate streaming video. The history of the new standard, “Advanced Video Coding” (AVC), goes back at least 7 years. After finalising the original H.263 standard for videotelephony in 1995, the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) started work on two further development areas: a “short-term” effort to add extra features to H.263 (resulting in Version 2 of the standard) and a “long-term” effort to develop a new standard for low bitrate visual communications. The long-term effort led to the draft “H.26L” standard, offering significantly better video compression efficiency than previous ITU-T standards. In 2001, the ISO Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) recognised the potential benefits of H.26L and the Joint Video Team (JVT) was formed, including experts from MPEG and VCEG. JVT’s main task is to develop the draft H.26L “model” into a full International Standard. In fact, the outcome will be two identical) standards: ISO MPEG4 Part 10 of MPEG4 and ITU-T H.264. The “official” title of the new standard is Advanced Video Coding (AVC); however, it is widely known by its old working title, H.26L and by its ITU document number, H.264 [1]. 2. H.264 CODEC In common with earlier standards (such as MPEG1, MPEG2 and MPEG4), the H.264 draft standard does not explicitly define a CODEC (enCOder / DECoder pair). Rather, the standard defines the syntax of an encoded video bitstream together with the method of decoding this bitstream. In practice, however, a compliant encoder and decoder are likely to include the functional elements shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2. Whilst the functions shown in these Figures are likely to be necessary for compliance, there is scope for considerable variation in the structure of the CODEC. The basic functional elements (prediction, transform, quantization, entropy encoding) are little different from previous standards (MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, H.261, H.263); the important changes in H.264 occur in the details of each functional element. The Encoder (Figure 2-1) includes two dataflow paths, a “forward” path (left to right, shown in blue) and a “reconstruction” path (right to left, shown in magenta). The dataflow path in the Decoder (Figure 2-2) is shown from right to left to illustrate the similarities between Encoder and Decoder.

White paper

White paper

White PaperWritten by Manuel Viage and Gregory H Boyce Comprehensive developmentIntroductionThroughout this investment, Angolan development is always under public’s concern. How Angola can achieve its own development as the need of oil is increasing rapidly is worthwhile to think about. Nowadays, though this investment is bringing amount of capital, the comprehensive development has not improved and wage-earning class have not got benefits from this trade.Possible solutionsAngola needs comprehensive development which means that Angola should make best use of the capital to develop. As Angola make full use of the capital into all industries, comprehensive development can improve. Improvement in education is vital, for Angola needs a lot of talents to help develop the country. Education provides workers with comprehensive literacy. It brings popularization of science and technology which benefit not only oil industry and manufactory industry but also the whole nation’s development.It requires advanced technology for health care construction. Also, it provides infrastructure development where can offer environmental working conditions for workers and housing aid for citizens in poverty. Moreover, as time goes by, Angola needs all the industries of this country to sustain nation’s economy but not depends on oil. What’s more, this capital needs to be distributed to develop health care and transportation construction and other areas.But there still remain risks in these industries’ development. Angola lacks these kinds of experiences and corruption is prominence in Angola, so the capital invested cannot be evenly distributed to the constructions. On the other hand,the high requirement may cause worse problems once the construction does not make ends meet and oil industry falls down because it causes too much pollution.Conclusions1.Angola must ensure the stable development of the oil industry. Forty per sent ofthe total capital is used.The government provides monetary and political support and has negotiations and agreement with invest nations and investors.Encourage private and state-owned companies set up close trade connections to make output of oil stable.2.Angola protects other industries from being neglected and devotes to developingcomprehensively. Sixty per sent of the total capital.Use the revenue and the surplus from oil industry. The government uses these to improve standard of health care, transportation construction and infrastructure and many other fundamental construction. So that once infrastructure is completed, it provides quantities of work availability and expands job markets.Human rightsIntroductionInequity is worsened by the influx of Chinese migrant workers and the competition faced by local enterprises in the industry.FDI may crowd out local enterprises and introduce migrant workers that compete with citizens for employment. Angola is a country that has prominence corruption and rampant human rights violation. Moreover, working conditions and environment must be taken into consideration. Possible solutionsIn order to improve the investment and bring benefit to Angolan citizens and tackle questions about human rights. Angola shall revise regulations to safeguard fundamental interests of local workers and citizens.The positive influence is obvious. It attracts more investment from outside for capital. Only by improving the workers working condition and protecting their rights can the companies and countries gain more profit, for the workers will become more efficient. The negative influence is that conflict will appear as the profits do not satisfy every one’s needs. And the biggest problem will be the money supply. Such human rights construction requires great commitment and monetary supply which is basically from FDI and revenue form oil industry and other industries. But the stability of capital supply of FDI remains unknown.Conclusions1. Training program and technology help.Make cooperation with investors and invest nations on the technology and management which is also a kind of investment while Angola sells them oil. Investors and invest nation ns can help provide knowledge and advanced skills to train the local workers to update the local workers technical literacy.2. Use the money to improve working conditions.Oil companies should reduce the pollution and the environmental organization and government officials have the responsibilities to improve the environment byadvanced technology and awareness.3. Raise salary level of workers and develop insurance systems.It is necessary to motivate workers’working efficiency by raising the living standard and safeguard the fundamental interests.4. Tighten up the human rights construction supervision.Some international organizations should tighten up the supervision and require Angola government to do the construction report and these organizations do the researches about the construction and adjust the extent of the international help.CorruptionIntroduction:Corruption is very prominent in the Angolan government. After almost 30 years of instability and conflict, Angola continues to face widespread corruption at all levels of society. Despite high levels of FDI, the embezzlement of public resources, the looting of state assets, and other forms of mismanagement ensure that the influx of capital from foreign investment falls into hands of corrupt governmental officials instead of being evenly distributed amongst Angolan citizens.1Possible solutions:1.A. Angolan government draws up laws which forbid officials to corrupt.B. Chinese government sets an agreement to help Angola rid of corruptionwhile investing.C. Oil company pays more attention to how their investments are used.D. International organizations supervise Angolan government to deal with thecorruption.P: this will be one of the most powerful way to supervise the officials and decrease the level of corruption. This will benefit both investors and Angola. On the one hand, workers can gain a better living condition, so that they will have motivations to work, which means they will be more efficiently and the company will get more profit. On the other hand, without the corruption, Angolangovernment can get more money to improve their basic infrastructure and other industries, which will let Angolan citizens get real benefits. And in this way,Angolan society will become more stable and the nation can develop in a fast and harmony way.N: since the corruption in Angola is in a really terrible situation, the laws are possibly not to go to effective in a short time, which means Angola has to sufferfrom corruption for some more time. Meanwhile the sudden action may let the officials do their work unwillingly. If so, Angola government may be trapped in a bad situation.Conclusion:A. Angolan government draws up laws which forbid officials to corrupt.a. Draw up laws which will be more strict step by step with the help ofinternational experts to make the laws perfect.b. Follow Singapore’s action------raising the living standard of the officialsand punishing the corrupt officials with severe means.B. Chinese government sets an agreement to help Angola rid of corruptionwhile investing.a. Ensure the money they invest will be used to promote the oil industryand the development of basic infrastructures in Angola by making an agreement when signing the trade contract with Angolan government.C. Oil company pays more attention to how their investments are used.a. Send some experienced accountants and managers to make sure themoney will all be used to exploit the oil.b. Make clear financial report form to make sure the investment will beused correctly.D. International organizations supervise Angolan government to deal with thecorruption.a. International organizations organize a team which is full of experts infinance and send them to Angola in order to alleviate the corruption in Angola.EnvironmentIntroduction:As the oil industry develops so rapidly in Angola, the air, river and sea is polluted unavoidably. Angola is facing a potential hazard. Also, since the oil companies active in Angola are mostly foreign companies, the prospect of Angolan environment is not so optimistic.Possible solutions:1.A. Angolan government set up a standard to regulate all the companies’actions, together with Chinese government and some other investors.B. Angolan government build up a recycle system to lessen the damage thatthe pollution may cause with the technical help of oil companies and Chinese government.C. International organizations supervise the companies to make them protect the environment.P: these actions can make the environment protected in the maximum extent. In addition, these solutions may bring more job opportunities, for some factory like sewage treatment plants will be established. Moreover, the working and living condition will be improved, which means workers will be more active and the society will be more harmony.N: using high technology and building up recycle system will cost a huge amount of money. However, Angola does not have such technology and China or other companies are not willing to pay the bill. Therefore, there will appear some conflicts, which are harmful for both side.Conclusion:A. Angolan government set up a standard to regulate all the companies’actions, together with Chinese government and some other investors.a. Keep some companies that may cause a lot pollution from entering Angola’s market.b. Use compulsive orders to make companies recycle their garbage or deal with their garbage in an environmentally-friendly way.B. Angolan government build up a recycle system to lessen the damage that the pollution may cause with the technical help of oil companies and Chinese government.a. Oil companies provide technology while both governments and companies offer money to establish sewage treatment plants.C. International organizations supervise the companies to make them protect the environment.a. International organizations organize some experts in environmental protection and send them to Angola to help protect environment and supervise the companies.。

white paper写法

white paper写法

white paper写法全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:白皮书(White Paper)是用来阐释某一特定问题,提供解决方案或者表达某种观点的一种文体。





















WHITEPAPER多重曝光简介D E S I G N T O S I L I C O N DAVID ABERCROMBIE, MENTOR GRAPHICSW H I T E P A P E R多重曝光简介⾃⼽登·摩尔于 1965 年提出关于每平⽅英⼨集成电路上的晶体管数量翻倍的著名论断以来,半导体⾏业似乎⼀直都在不断突破物理定律的掣肘,以便能跟上这⼀节奏。


图 1 显⽰了⼀份光刻因⼦ k1 的图表,该因⼦与所绘临界尺⼨及透镜系统的数值孔径成正⽐,与系统中所⽤的光波波长成反⽐。

随着晶圆上所刻尺⼨的减⼩,k1 因⼦急剧减⼩。

k1 因⼦越⼩,图像质量越差。

当 k1 因⼦指标降⾄约 0.6 以下时,图像质量将变得很差,以致⽆法提供良品电路。

如果我们仍继续使⽤ 436 nm g-line 光刻设备,那么业内将永远⽆法突破 1 um 的特征尺⼨。


⾸先,我们逐次过渡到了 365 nm i-line 灯、248 nm 氟化氪 (KrF) 准分⼦激光器,以及 193 nm 氟化氩 (ArF) 激光器。


如您所见,伴随硬件的每⼀次改进,k1 因⼦重新开始回升。


当跨越 100 nm 界线之后,当前可⽤的硬件系统很快就⽆法继续提供合理的图像质量。


然⽽,这⼀难题的解决⽅案却来⾃⼀个意想不到的领域 —— 半导体⾏业的电⼦设计⾃动化 (EDA) 软件分⽀。

包括 Mentor Graphics在内的许多公司开始开发和推出各种能够对图像执⾏“巧妙处理”的软件⼯具,从⽽使⽤现有的硬件系统获得合理的质量。

该软件被称为光刻增强技术 (RET) 和光学邻近效应修正 (OPC)。

SARSAS White Paper v10 March 12, 2015

SARSAS White Paper v10 March 12, 2015

SARSAS White Paper v10 March 12, 2015March 12, 2015 Contact: Jack Sanchez *********************530-888-0281 SARSAS White Paper: Auburn Ravine High Potential for Salmon Restoration The beautiful foothill and valley stream known as Auburn Ravine flows 33 miles from the Cityof Auburn through the City of Lincoln, and into the Sacramento River at Verona. We are confident that Auburn Ravine has the potential to sustain a much larger population of wild salmon and steelhead than it does at present. The Facts In the fall of 2012, after a partial barrier to salmon migration at the Lincoln Gauging Station was removed, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CFW) conducted a survey of Fall Run Chinook Salmon (FRCS) in Auburn Ravine. As a result of that survey, they published a conservative estimate that about 160 salmon were able to reach spawning areas above the Lincoln Gauging Station. They counted 45 actual spawning redds in the streambed, each consisting of one or more nests. Of those 45 redds, 3 were observed above Hemphill Dam which is about 2.5 miles upstream from Lincoln. Using CFWs ratio of about 3.6salmon per redd, we can estimate that approximately 11salmon made it past the Hemphill Dam. This means that in the1/ 14fall of 2012, which was a good high water timeframe, about 7% of the salmon got over Hemphill Dam. The section of Auburn Ravine from Lincoln upstream to Hemphill Dam has marginal-to-fair spawning areas. The 5-mile section fromHemphill Dam up to Gold Hill Damhas good-to-excellent spawning areas. The section from Gold Hill Dam to the City of Auburn is about 4 miles long and has excellent spawning areas.The ability of these areas of Auburn Ravine to support large numbers of salmon and steelhead is supported by surveys conducted by CFW in 2004 and 2005. The Potential If the Hemphill Dam could be removed or remediated, salmon could migrate as far as the Gold Hill Dam which would give them almost twice as much spawning area as they have now. Factoring in the higher quality of the spawning gravels above Hemphill Dam, we estimate that the annual salmon migration could be quadrupled to 640 within 4 years. Similarly, if salmon could also get above the Gold Hill Dam, the high quality spawning and rearing areas in that section could increase the return rate in Auburn Ravine to about 1,000 per year by the eighth year after salmon are able to get past both Hemphill and Gold Hill dams on a regular basis. We had two unconfirmed sightings of steelhead this season below Hemphill Dam, and one sighting a few years ago above it. Thereare historical reports of salmon and steelhead migrating the entire length of Auburn Ravine. Map of Auburn Ravine from the City of Auburn through Lincoln to Verona. The Goal Save Auburn Ravine Salmon and Steelhead (SARSAS) is an all-volunteernon-profit 501(C)3 corporation whose mission is to enhance salmon and steelhead populations in Auburn Ravine with the ultimate goal of restoring them to their entire historic range within the watershed, including two parks in the center of Auburn (Ashford Park andthe Auburn School Park Preserve). The Problem Adult salmon swimming upstream to spawn need to have obstacles that block their way removed or remediated. Young salmon swimming downstream to reach the ocean need to have fish screens installed on all canals so they will not be sent on dead-end trips into fields, golf courses, and community landscaping systems. They also need modifications to the diversion dams that will allow them to feel the pull of current downstream, and a good flow of water in Auburn Ravine to help them get to the Sacramento River. Success to Date When SARSAS was founded in 2007, salmon and steelhead faced many barriers as they attempted to migrate upstream from the Sacramento River. There were 7 seasonal diversion dams3/ 14below Lincoln that were not consistently removed on October 15 as required by regulations, and the Nevada Irrigation District (NID) Gauging Station in Lincoln blocked migration except at very high water levels after winter storms. Diversion dam showing boards that can be removed during spawning season. SARSAS worked with Loren Clark of Placer County, Placer Legacy, and several state and federal agencies and particularly with NOAA Special Agent Don Tanner to get the owners and operators of the 7 seasonal dams to remove these barriers from October 15 to April 15 each year. However, most of these dams still sweepmany young salmonmigrating to the Pacific Ocean out into irrigation ditches each spring where they die in hot stagnant water. While these diversion dams are not owned by NID, these dams are used to convey water for NIDs partners so we are asking NID to work with their partners to eliminate the damage these diversions are causing. The one diversion that has already had a fish screen installed is on the Scheiber property west of the new Highway 65 Bridge. The owner of that property, Albert Scheiber, arranged to have a self-cleaning rotary cone screen installed at the intake to the diversion on his property. Further downstream at the Aitken Ranch, Brad Arnold of South Sutter Water District has a plan to install similar screeningat the intake to the Pleasant Grove canal by October 2015. None of the diversion dams have been modified to help young salmon find their way past them and on down toward the ocean. Examples of self-cleaning rotary screens for irrigation canal intakes. Community Support After the seasonal dams began to be consistently removed each October,SARSAS established the Calling Back the Salmon Celebration at McBean Park in Lincoln in 2010. Community organizations joined with federal and state agencies, and local, regional and national environmental groups to celebrate the return of salmon to Auburn Ravine. Ty Gorre and Bill Jacobson performed a Native American Calling Back the Salmonceremony as salmon swam into Lincolns Auburn Ravine Park. Overthe next 2 years, the Celebration grew significantly. As the Celebration continued to grow, SARSAS collaborated with the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of Lincoln to take over management of the event. The celebration continuesto grow. In 2014, attendance totaled nearly 1,000 people (not counting the SARSAS team and the dozens of other organizations that providedbooths at the event). The celebration is now called the Salmon Celebration and is scheduled this year for Saturday, October 4 at McBean Park.5/ 14Lincoln Gauging Station Remediated Once the flashboard dams were removed each fall, salmon reached the NID Gauging Station in Lincoln. In 2011 Placer Legacy, Dry Creek Conservancy, Granite Bay Fly Casters, the Nevada Irrigation District (NID), and other groups raised funds to install a fish passage project at the Gauging Station in Auburn Ravine Park in Lincoln. This fish passage allowed salmon access to 2.5 miles of marginal-to-fair spawning gravels from there up to Hemphill Dam where further upstream migration is severely limited. Fish Passage system installed at Lincoln Gauging Station. Hemphill Dam Major Blockage Based on CFWs ratio of slightly more than 3.5 salmon per redd, and their observation of 3 redds above Hemphill Dam in 2012,it is reasonable to assume that about 11 salmon were able to surmount the 8 foot high Hemphill Dam to reachthe prime spawning gravels upstream. This is supported by video taken that year by SARSAS near Stonewood Road in Newcastle (see video at e to see the 12 to 18 Kokanee during the September-October spawning season. Visitors to Taylor Creek viewing migrating salmon. (Photo courtesy of US Forest Service.) How do these figures apply to Auburn and Lincoln? Highway 80 runs right through Auburn. Lincoln is only 7 miles from Highway 80. When hundreds of salmon are spawning in theparks of Lincoln and Auburn, Highway 80 travelers will be able to make easy side-trips to see them. These people will discover the beautiful cities of Lincoln and Auburn and patronize local businesses as a result. It is not unreasonable to predict that Auburn and Lincoln will become as popular, or more popular, than Taylor Creek, given their proximity to Sacramento and the Bay Area, and the fact that the wild Chinook (King) salmon that come up Auburn Ravine are great leapers and are twice as big as the average Kokanee. Next Steps Before this dream can be realized, three actionsneed tooccur. Each is dependent on the Nevada Irrigation District. Hemphill Dam must be made passable for salmon and steelhead. Gold Hill Dam must be made passable for salmon and steelhead. Diversions at those sites, and the seasonal diversions downstream from Lincoln need to be screened to prevent diversion of young salmon and steelhead into irrigation ditches, and modified to help young salmon find their way downstream toward the ocean. At Hemphill, an infiltration gallery upstream of the dam site could allow removal of the dam. It would allow both upstream and downstream migration, and allow continued water deliveries to NIDs customers from the Hemphill Canal. An alternative7/ 14might be to install a series of riffles and pools below Hemphill Dam similar to the design that was used at the Lincoln Gauging Station. Thiswould involve raising the stream bed below the HemphillDam to within about one foot of the existing sill and then creating a seasonal notch at the appropriate place in the sill. A fish ladder around the dam is also an option. At Gold Hill, the steeper gradient of the stream in this area, and the nearly impassible terrain on its south side will present greater challenges. The existing Gold Hill Canal possibly could be modified on the north side of the streamand become part of a seasonal fish ladder. An infiltration gallery should be considered. Since the Gold Hill Dam, at present, has zero storage capacity, an alternative solution would be to move the entrance to the Gold Hill canal upstream to a location where a new low impact diversion structure could be constructed. This change would allow for removal of the Gold Hill Dam. Funding In addition to existing grant programs, and the new Prop 1 (Water Bond) funding, consideration should be given to the probable value of the gold deposits presently trapped above both Hemphill Dam and Gold Hill Dam. Historically, Auburn Ravine was very rich in gold deposits, so the cost of any contract to remove the sediment behind each dam should considerthe potential value of the gold that could be extracted during that process. The net value of any gold extracted should be used to offset payments to the contractors, and contracts should stipulate that if the value of the gold extracted exceeds the bid price, the excess will be returned pro rata to the funding organizations. Present and Future SARSAS operations. Current projects include: o Restoration of North Ravine o Educational Outreach Program o Citizen Science Program o Environmental Outreach Program The North Ravine Restoration Program is under the supervision of Robert Hane.North Ravine is the largest tributary of Auburn Ravine and the one closest to Auburn. It joins Auburn Ravine a quarter mile below Wise Powerhouse and the Auburn Wastewater Treatment Plant. Robert works in conjunction with Damion Ciotti from the Auburn office of Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). FWS provided $7,000 to initiate the restoration. With the help of the California Conservation Corp and volunteers from The Sierra Native Alliance, three sections of the ravine were cleared of Himalayan blackberries and other invasive plants. Robert is working in conjunction with Jeff Darlington of Placer Land Trust to createa public parkforviewing the migrating steelhead9/ 14and salmon that will spawn in NorthRavine once fish passage is completed atNIDs two dams currently blocking upstream migration. The descendants of wild steelhead are still resident in North Ravine. More funding may be in the offing from FWS and the Placer Land Trust (PLT) to complete Roberts vision of a comprehensive restoration of North Ravine. North Ravine will become another area in Auburn where the public may enjoyobserving salmon. The second program is the Judge William Newsom SARSAS Educational Outreach Program to the Youth in the Auburn Community. The Program is named after a man well-connected to Auburn. Judge Newsom is a retired state appeals court judge, administrator of the Getty family trust, and the father of former San Francisco Mayor and current Lieutenant Governor of California Gavin Newsom. In 1975, Jerry Brown appointed Newsom to the Superior Court bench in Auburn, CA Placer County and later to the state Court of Appeals in San Francisco, where he served until 1995. SARSAS sends its teachers and volunteers to Auburn schoolsto educateour youth about salmon and the numerousbenefits of having salmon in the streams located in the Auburn community. Soon, these young citizens will be pillars of the community equipped with a firm grasp of what it means to have suchprecious natural resourceslike salmon in our community. The third program is our SARSAS Citizen Science Program (CSP), which is modeled on the century old Audubon Christmas Bird Count. This program was the brainchild of SARSAS volunteer, Phil Robertson. A grant was obtained from Patagonia, Inc. by SARSAS Board Member, Steve Hubbard. The program was developed by James Haufler who now also coordinates it. James leads a team of 20 volunteers who gather data each week at designated sites on Auburn Ravine. The team records data including turbidity, temperature, flow levels, and the quantities of any salmon and steelhead they observe. This Auburn Ravine data is then posted at ponent will begin in September 2015 with SARSAS presenting the Patagonia film entitled Damnation, which outlines the history of dam building and its effects on fisheries in the US. The film presentationat the Old Auburn State Theater in conjunction with Auburn Placer Performing Arts Center (APPAC) will be followed by a question and answer session. Replication on other streams SARSAS believes that the progress it is making to help salmon and steelhead thrive in Auburn Ravine will inspire other similar organizations touse the SARSAS model to enhance migration and spawning successes on other streams in California.11/ 14Thiswill produce a remarkable gift to the ecology and to peopleof California now and for generations to come. Since manytributaries to the Sacramento/San Joaquin Rivers arepartially,and sometimes totally,blockedby diversion dams,salmon and steelhead currentlycannot spawn in themin anysignificantnumbers. Other organizationsusing the SARSASmodel for Auburn Ravine can open their streams to salmon andsteelhead which will have significant benefits for all Californians. Unemployed commercial fishermen will be back intheir boats. Sport fishing businesses will be rejuvenated. Anutritious food source will be protected. And Californianswill have done something to help themselves, their children,the fish, and the environment. Conclusion SARSAS is askingall agencies (public and private), and the citizens of Placer,Sutter, and Nevada Counties to collaborate to eliminate impediments to salmon and steelhead migration in Auburn Ravine.If salmon are saved by the people of California working cooperatively, not only will the gift to our fellow citizensbe significant, but the gift to our children will be of historicmagnitude and nothing less than heroic. As Norman Macleanwrotein A River Runs Through It: Eventually, all things merge intoone, and a river runs through it. ... I am haunted by waters.Chinook Salmon Attempting to Surmount the 8 foot high Hemphill Dam. (Photograph by Phil Robertson) See the following page for what YOU can doto help salmon and steelhead thrive in the entire length of Auburn Ravine. What YOU can do to help salmon and steelhead thrive in the entire length of Auburn Ravine: 1. Send a tax deductible donation to SARSAS at PO Box 4269, Auburn, CA 95604. 2. Go to monly known as The Domes. 4. Contact SARSAS President and Founder, Jack Sanchez (e-mail: **********************,phone: 530-888-0281) to volunteer to work on any of the SARSAS projects mentioned above or to assist with: Grant research and/or grant writing. Community events and/or presentations. Web site design and/or operations. Social media engagement (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Taking meeting minutes at SARSAS General Meetings or Board Meetings. Leading tours of Auburn Ravine sites. Writing documents like this and/or improving this document. Attending meetings of city councils, water agencies, etc. Creating new SARSAS projects to support watershed health, and the diversity of the riparian environment in general. Taking photos or video to support of any of the above. Etc., etc., etc. Acknowledgements: Authors: Jack Sanchez, James13/ 14Haufler, Steve Hubbard Editors: Gary Mapa, Roger Bryan, Phil Robertson Photos: Phil Robertson, Steve Hubbard, U.S. Forest Service Auburn Ravine Map courtesy of Gene Davis, Regional Water Quality Control Board Photo diagram of rotary screens courtesy of Rocko Brown, ESA | Environmental Hydrology Copyright SARSAS, Inc., 2015。

让白色变成绿色的 作文800

让白色变成绿色的 作文800

让白色变成绿色的作文800英文回答:In the realm of colors, where hues intertwine and evoke emotions, the transformation of white to green holds a captivating allure. This metamorphosis, symbolic of growth, vitality, and renewal, has inspired countless works of art, literature, and music throughout history.Nature itself provides a vivid canvas upon which this transformation unfolds. As spring's gentle touch awakens the earth from its winter slumber, verdant shoots emerge from the slumbering soil. Chlorophyll, the pigment that captures sunlight's energy, awakens within these tender plants, bestowing upon them the vibrant shade of green that heralds the renewal of life.In the realm of art, the transformation of white to green has been a recurring theme. From the Impressionists' lush landscapes to the abstract expressionists' vibrantcanvases, artists have endeavored to capture the essence of this transition. Vincent van Gogh's iconic "Green Wheat Field" depicts a rolling expanse of verdant stalks swaying gently in the summer breeze, embodying the vitality and promise of nature's rebirth.Literature, too, has embraced the symbolism of white to green. In William Wordsworth's "Ode: Intimations of Immortality," the poet laments the loss of childhood's innocence and imagination, symbolized by the fading of "trailing clouds of glory" into "the light of common day." Yet, in the midst of this lament, he finds solace in the enduring beauty of nature, represented by the "green hills far away," which evoke the hope of renewal and resilience.Music, like language, has the power to transcend words and evoke emotions directly. In Claude Debussy's ethereal composition "Clair de Lune," the shimmering notes seem to dance upon a canvas of iridescent light, evoking the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the verdant leaves of a summer night. The music's gentle flow and intertwining melodies capture the essence of growth and transformation,reminding us of the cyclical nature of life.In the realm of human consciousness, the transformation of white to green can be interpreted as a metaphorical journey. White often represents purity, innocence, and a blank slate, while green symbolizes growth, experience, and wisdom. As we navigate the complexities of life, we encounter experiences that shape our perspectives and color our perception of the world. Through challenges and triumphs, we may find ourselves shedding the naivete of white and embracing the transformative power of green.Ultimately, the transformation of white to green is a testament to the dynamic and interconnected nature of existence. It is a reminder that growth, vitality, and renewal are inherent qualities of life, both in the natural world and within ourselves. As the seasons change andlife's journey unfolds, may we embrace the transformative power of green and find inspiration in its enduring symbolism of hope, resilience, and the promise of new beginnings.中文回答:白色转为绿色的精彩瞬间,在色彩调色盘中交相辉映,激发着情感,这种变幻象征着成长、活力和新生,在历史进程中激励着无数艺术、文学和音乐作品的诞生。















英语中“WHITE PAPER”和“WHITE BOOK”,汉语均译作白皮书,但两者是有区别的。

在英国,“WHITE PAPER”主要指政府发表的短篇幅报告。


“WHITE BOOK”,篇幅较长,内容更为重要和充实,主要是有关重大事务的一种官方报告书。

除英国外,其他国家在使用“WHITEBOOK”和“WHITE PAPER ”时,往往未加严格区分。

英国1865年4月用WHITE BOOK”的形式发表了《关于直布罗陀问题的白皮书》,书名用白皮书,封皮也用白色。






第27卷第4期唐山学院学报Vol.27No.42014年07月Journal of Tan g shan Colle g eJul.2014收稿日期:20140313基金项目:国家社科基金青年项目(13CWW011)作者简介:张虎(1983-),男,副教授,博士,主要从事奥尔罕㊃帕慕克与土耳其文学研究㊂帕慕克的‘黑书“:互文之书张 虎(江苏师范大学文学院,江苏徐州221116)摘要:帕慕克的‘黑书“是一部互文之书㊂从引语㊁情节与结构㊁概念与意象㊁故事等几个方面入手,结合伊斯兰神秘主义㊁‘美与爱“与马赫迪主义,对‘黑书“互文的对象进行考证㊁追根溯源,展现‘黑书“中形式不一㊁异彩纷呈的互文艺术㊂关键词:帕慕克;黑书;互文性中图分类号:I106.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672349X (2014)04004603Pamuk s The Black Book :a Book of Intertextualit yZHANG Hu(Colle g e of Liberal Arts ,Jian g su Normal Universit y ,Xuzhou 221116,China )Abstract :Pamuk s The Black Book is a book of intertextualit y .B y discussin g the q uotations ,p lot and structure ,conce p ts and ima g es of the book ,cou p led with the Islamic m y sticism ,Beaut y and Love and the Mahdi doctrine ,this p a p er is intended to stud y the intertextual ob j ects of TheBlack Book to demonstrate the colorful intertextual art.Ke y Words :Pamuk ;The Black Book ;intertextualit y‘黑书“(The Black Book )的扉页上写着这样一段话: 伊本㊃阿拉比曾经信誓旦旦地说,他的一位圣人朋友,灵魂升上了天堂,途中抵达了环绕世界的卡夫山,他观察到卡夫山本身被一条蛇包围着㊂如今,众人都知道世界上其实并没有这么一座环绕世界的山,也没有这么一条蛇㊂ 这段话出自1939年土耳其教育部编纂的‘伊斯兰百科全书“,书中提及了 卡夫山之旅 这一神话典故㊂这段话是对‘黑书“最鲜明的一个艺术特征 互文性(intertextualit y ) 的一个起兴㊂ 互文性 由法国文学批评家朱莉娅㊃克里斯蒂娃于1969年提出,在‘符号学“一书中,她杂糅了索绪尔的 符号 与巴赫金的对话哲学提出了在语言的世界中,没有任何一个文本是完全独立㊁封闭的,一个文本的理解需要另一个文本的参照,另一个文本的理解需要下一个文本的参照,以此类推,直至无限㊂后来,这一理论不仅得到了包括罗兰㊃巴特㊁卡尔维诺㊁福柯在内的众多理论家与思想家的支持,同时,也成为后现代文学作品最鲜明的外在特征之一,如约翰㊃斯坦贝克的‘伊甸之东“㊁乔伊斯的‘尤利西斯“㊁马特㊃海格的‘亡父俱乐部“等㊂在土耳其本土,奥尔罕㊃帕慕克亦被视作一位典型的后现代作家,他的主要作品包括‘白色城堡“‘我的名字叫红“‘伊斯坦布尔 记忆与城市“等,它们皆具有或多或少的后现代特征,如主题模糊㊁情节散漫㊁身份混杂㊁元叙事㊁拼贴等㊂然而,仅就 互文性 这一特征而言,‘黑书“算是最突出㊁扎眼的一部了,它的情节㊁结构㊁人物㊁意象㊁题词皆是互文式的,有时是 直接引语 (巴赫金),有时是扩展与延伸,有时也采用戏仿手法㊂在文学批评中,这一特征亦有所体现:罗伯特㊃休斯顿认为‘黑书“ 密度太高,浮夸连篇 [1];埃尔文说‘黑书“是 一部神秘的百科全书 [2];帕拉说‘黑书“的行文显得 有一点负荷太重 [3]453㊂这些评价实际上皆可作为‘黑书“互文性特征的注解与旁证㊂本文试从引语㊁情节与结构㊁意象或概念㊁故事4个层面入手,展现‘黑书“的互文性特征,并对它们一一进行梳理㊁考证㊁阐析㊂一㊁引语的互文引语或称题词,是‘黑书“最引人注目的一个互文性特征,即张贴在每一章节之前的引语,共36段㊂此类互文充分体现了帕慕克创作的文化杂合性,即一部分是来自东方的作家㊁哲学家或影星㊂如13世纪阿拉伯神秘主义哲学家伊本㊃佐哈尼说: 没有什么比生命更让人惊奇除了写作 [4]16;奥斯曼著名神秘主义诗人谢赫㊃卡利普说: 时而雪花飘落,时而是黑暗 [4]93;土耳其政治家阿卜杜拉哈曼㊃谢瑞夫说: 在他一生中创造力最丰盛之时,每天写作的文字从不少于5页 [4]112㊂另外还有波斯苏非诗人阿塔尔[4]293,伊斯兰著名神秘主义哲学家㊁诗人加拉丁㊃鲁米[4]160㊁土耳其女影星朵儿肯㊃舍丽[4]140㊁专栏作家艾哈迈德㊃拉西姆[4]183㊁第4期张虎:帕慕克的‘黑书“:互文之书埃及的尼亚齐[4]317㊁20世纪土耳其小说家哈里㊃济亚[4]284㊁‘一千零一夜“[4]307㊁塔西-乌尔㊃梅列维[4]334㊁苏莱曼㊃切勒比[4]374㊁阿德利[4]3㊁雅哈㊃凯末尔[4]83㊁拜荣㊃帕夏[4]40㊁巴赫替[4]3㊁乌鲁奈[4]122㊂另一部分则是来自于英㊁美㊁俄等西方诗人㊁小说家,如里尔克认为: 我祖父称呼他们为 一家人 [4]21;爱伦㊃坡认为: 你们这些阅读的人,仍然活在世上/但书写的我/想必已经早已踏上旅程/走进了暗影的国度 [4]438;陀思妥耶夫斯基认为: 我对神秘的事物疯狂着迷 [4]151㊂其他还有但丁[4]59㊁法国诗人格拉德㊃奈瓦尔[4]246㊁刘易斯㊃卡罗尔[4]66㊁马塞尔㊃普鲁斯特[4]48㊁柯勒律治[4]131㊁纳撒尼尔㊃霍桑[4]205㊁福楼拜[4]235㊁20世纪丹麦作家伊莎㊃丹尼森[4]338㊁19世纪英国散文家托马斯㊃德㊃昆西[4]403㊁美国小说家帕崔西㊃海斯密[4]178等㊂但这只是‘黑书“中最浅显的一种互文㊂二㊁情节与结构上的互文‘黑书“大致的故事㊁情节是这样的㊂一天早上,中年律师卡利普(Gali p,与神秘主义诗人谢赫㊃卡利普同名)的妻子如梦(Rüy a,帕慕克女儿的名字)神秘失踪,卡利普陷入悲伤的相思之中㊂后来,卡利普想到,如梦喜欢阅读堂兄耶拉(Jalāl,与波斯神秘主义哲学家加拉丁㊃鲁米同名)的专栏,于是,就去问耶拉,但他发现,耶拉不久前也神秘失踪了,所以,他怀疑耶拉与如梦藏在伊斯坦布尔的某个角落里 卡利普开始了漫长的寻妻之旅㊂他疯狂地阅读耶拉的专栏,发现耶拉与伊斯兰神秘主义㊁侯鲁非教派有染㊂他在伊斯坦布尔的大街上遇见各种各样的人(理发师㊁班迪师傅㊁声称一生在模仿如梦的蓓琪丝㊁妓女朵儿肯㊁诗人与记者)㊂最终,他变成了另一个人 耶拉,而如梦与耶拉却无故被杀㊁横尸街头㊂关于这一故事的原型与渊源,经布隆德曼㊁苏杨㊃凯姆等几位学者的探索㊁研究,可以确定,‘黑书“在情节结构上至少与以下3部作品有亲缘关系㊂第一部作品是阿塔尔的长篇叙事诗‘百鸟朝凤“㊂世界各地的鸟儿汇聚一地,要选出一位鸟中之王,这时,神圣的戴胜鸟说,它们已经有了一位鸟王 西牟 (simur g h),就住在卡夫山之上㊂于是,它们准备去卡夫山寻找鸟王,但是,路途艰险,困难重重,所以,一些鸟儿陆续放弃了卡夫山之旅㊂最后,只有30只鸟儿踏上了旅途㊂这30只鸟儿一共越过7座山谷,终于到达了西牟的城堡,却发现那里一无所有,除了一面镜子㊂此时,它们恍然大悟:它们这30只鸟儿即是鸟王西牟(在波斯语中,si意为30,mur g h意为鸟儿)㊂关于这一问题,挪威语言学家波特㊃布隆德曼与穆宏燕先生曾分别以‘奥尔罕㊃帕慕克与他的<黑书>“‘在卡夫山上追寻自我 奥尔罕㊃帕慕克的<黑书>解读“为题,结合伊斯兰神秘主义(即苏非主义)㊁当代土耳其的社会现实进行过一定的诠释①㊂第二部是谢赫㊃卡利普的神秘主义诗歌‘美与爱“㊂这部作品曾被誉为土耳其神秘主义诗歌的 王冕之作 ㊂在一个古老的部落,一个男孩叫 爱 ,一个女孩叫 美 ㊂他们在同一天出生,受教于同一位老师,在同一片湖边漫步,最终,坠入爱河㊂多年之后,男孩希望牵住女孩的手㊂族长说,你们可以结婚,但有一个条件 前往 心之大地 ,取回长生之药㊂就这样, 爱 踏上了漫长㊁艰险的旅途:掉入一口井中,被彩面女巫捉住;在第二口井中,遇见成千上万的脸孔㊁图像,被弄得神魂颠倒;爱上一位中国皇帝的女儿 长得和 美 一模一样;爬出井,被关入城堡;跟踪,亦被跟踪;熬过严冬,长途跋涉,一路搜寻;沉迷于字母之谜,难以自拔;听取别人的故事,亦讲述个人的故事㊂最后,一路秘密尾随他的 诗 告诉他: 你就是你的爱人,你的爱人就是你㊂你还不明白吗 关于‘黑书“与这首诗之间的呼应,帕慕克在‘黑书“中曾坦率地说: ‘黑书“中的一切都可以轻易地对应到谢赫㊃卡利普‘美与爱“的叙述结构中㊂ [4]455此外,苏杨㊃凯姆对此有过一些相关论述[5]㊂第三部是20世纪土耳其著名小说家奥格兹㊃阿塔的名作‘失败者“㊂小说的主人公名为特尔格特㊃奥资本,他的朋友名为色利姆,不久前毫无缘由地自杀了㊂为了调查朋友的死因,奥资本走访了很多人,阅读了色利姆的诗集㊁剧本㊂最后,他发现色利姆一直在秘密撰写一本‘失败者百科全书“,书中收录了许多与平庸生活格格不入的理想主义者,例如耶稣㊁堂吉诃德等,也包括了他的朋友色利姆㊂原来色利姆一直与世界格格不入,在现实中感到极度的压抑,但他又不忍反抗他赖以生存的世界,最终只好选择了自杀㊂然而,在故事的结尾,奥资本发现他再也不是他自己,而成为了色利姆,因为色利姆的文字与故事已经完全控制了他的记忆,最后,奥资本踏上了一辆列车走向新的人生 作家㊂对于‘黑书“与‘失败者“之间的呼应关系,穆斯塔法㊃埃尔文与伯纳㊃毛郎两位土耳其学者曾进行过精彩的阐述[6]110㊂三㊁概念与意象的互文概念与意象的借用是‘黑书“中另一种互文形式,即帕慕克在行文过程中对一些苏非主义㊁西方哲学或社会学概念㊁意象的应用,如 谜 ㊁ 爱 (mahabbah)㊁福柯的 词与物 ㊁ 马赫迪主义 (Mahdism)㊁ 鞑迦尔 (Deccal)等㊂ 谜 是侯鲁非(源自阿拉伯语hurūf,意为字母)教派中的一个重要概念,指那种引领苏非信徒走向人主合一之路的精髓㊂该派创始人法兹尔㊃安拉认为,字母是真主安拉创世的介质,安拉()㊃74㊃①Bernt Brendemoen, Orhan Pamuk and His Black Book. htt p://www.orhan p /arti cle/bernt brendemoen.htm;穆宏燕:在卡夫山上追寻自我 奥尔罕㊃帕慕克的‘黑书“解读,‘国外文学“2008年第2期:4453㊂唐山学院学报第27卷一词写于人的脸上:是人的鼻子,两个是两个鼻孔,是眼睛,世界是一个充满谜的海洋,任何一样东西都蕴藏着安拉造世之谜㊂在‘黑书“中,卡利普寻找妻子与耶拉的许多经历㊁第25章‘刽子手与哭泣的脸“㊁第28章‘谜之发现“的叙述皆与这一概念相关㊂马赫迪主义即弥赛亚主义㊂马赫迪(Mahdi )意为 救世主 蒙受引导者 ,伊斯兰教中一些教派认为,未来会出现一位救世之主,铲除奸恶,彰显正义与善良,恢复伊斯兰的纯洁㊂‘黑书“第14章‘我们全都在等他“几乎是对这一思想的一个图解与阐释,并在情节㊁内容上进行了一定的戏仿㊁扩展与延伸㊂在第26章‘文字之谜与谜之失落“中,帕慕克则论述到了福柯的 词与物 : 在那段遥远幸福的日子,行动与意义合而为一 当诗人说出 树 一词时,每个人都会想到一模一样完美的 树 ,会看到这个词与它所指的树,会看到树所指的花园,以及花园所指的生命,无需浪费时间历数 树 有多少叶㊁多少枝条㊂词与它所指的物是如此接近,当晨雾从山上落下,弥漫在幻影般的村落中时,诗与生命㊁词与它所指的物合而为一㊂ [4]301鞑迦尔即假救世主,与耶拉身上的一部分气质构成呼应, 爱 这一神秘主义理念对应于女主人公如梦,第2章‘博斯普鲁斯干涸的一天“以伊斯坦布尔为地理背景对 末世论 进行了 现代化 的演绎,诸如此类,不一而足㊂那么,如果将一个概念或意象具象化成一个故事,会产生怎样的互文艺术效果呢?四㊁故事的互文这是‘黑书“另一个鲜明的文体特征㊂‘黑书“由两部分构成,一是卡利普与耶拉的专栏,一是文本的情节线索,即卡利普失去妻子,寻找妻子,最终发现妻子与耶拉神秘死亡㊂这里要谈论的是,卡利普与耶拉的众多专栏故事的源头在哪里? 对他人文本的模仿或改写㊂例如,第33章‘神秘绘画“源自鲁米的‘玛斯纳维“:苏丹重金悬赏,意图寻找世界上最优秀的一位画家,不久后,两个人来应征,一位来自中国,另一位来自希腊,绘画竞赛的内容是一栋豪华的房子㊂几天后,中国画家在一堵墙上画出了精致㊁优美的一幅画,而希腊画家则在对面的墙上打磨剖光,直至成为一面镜子㊂最终,苏丹把奖金给了希腊的画家㊂在‘神秘绘画“一章中,帕慕克对这一故事进行了改写,苏丹成了大老板,房子变成了伊斯坦布尔,剖光墙壁变成了安放镜子等等,并对这一寓言进行了一定的引申㊁延展㊂再如,第14章‘我们全都在等他“模仿了陀思妥耶夫斯基的‘宗教大法官“,只不过耶稣变成了一个无名的 他 ,大法官变成了大帕夏,对话的内容由耶稣之能㊁法官的权力变成了东方如何战胜西方㊁如何铲除土耳其内部的敌人;第26章‘文字之谜与谜之失落“㊁第28章‘谜之发现“模仿自法兹尔㊃安拉的同名之作,并论及了著名东方诗人内扎米的生平;第15章‘雪夜里的爱情故事“来自薄伽丘的‘十日谈“;第27章‘冗长的棋局“源自博尔赫斯的短篇小说‘另一个我“;第22章‘谁杀了大不里士的夏姆士“源自夏姆士之死这一历史议案,等等㊂在谈到这一问题时,帕慕克坦白地说道: 在中国㊁印度㊁波斯,有许多口口相传的寓言㊁故事,我决定使用它们,让它们发生在当今的伊斯坦布尔,并像达达主义的拼贴画一样,把它们堆在一起㊂‘黑书“就是这样写成的㊂[7]367除以上几种互文形式外,帕慕克还在词与句㊁文本的字里行间穿插论及了各类他者的文本㊁作家,或是概念㊂这是一种更为隐秘㊁细致的互文形式㊂这里,将其辑录摘考如下:伊本㊃图菲勒的‘自修的哲人“[4]154㊁‘神曲“[4]154㊁拉马丁的‘东方之旅“[4]86㊁夏洛克㊃福尔摩斯[4]96㊁弗鲁兹㊃谢赫[4]152㊁笛福的‘鲁宾逊漂流记“[4]154㊁‘凤凰“[4]153㊁阿尔金迪[4]153㊁汉默的‘奥斯曼帝国历史“[4]315㊁车尔尼雪夫斯基的‘怎么办“[4]69㊁侦探小说家雷蒙德㊃钱德勒[4]69㊁黑格尔[4]76㊁布哈里的‘先知史“[4]153㊁费瑞㊃凯末尔的‘大帕夏“[4]153㊁‘卡拉马佐夫兄弟“[4]153㊁‘伟大的东方“[4]153㊁康德的 纯粹理性 [4]155㊁‘新奥斯曼人与自由“[4]155㊁波德莱尔的‘人造天堂“[4]156㊁‘一个英国鸦片瘾者的自白“[4]403㊁普鲁斯特与阿尔贝蒂娜[4]175㊁伊本㊃巴图塔的‘旅程“[4]152㊁伊本㊃赫勒敦的‘导言“[4]152㊁巴尔扎克[4]258㊁拉布吕耶尔的‘品格论“[4]395㊁伊朗领袖霍梅尼的‘发现神秘“㊁纪德㊁科幻小说家凡尔纳㊁‘恶之花“㊁阿拉伯诗人阿布㊃怒瓦斯㊁列宁㊁德国数学家莱布尼兹㊁法国讽刺作家法朗士㊁伊本㊃塔赫的‘起源与历史“等㊂这些隐蔽的 小互文 与引语㊁情节和结构上的互文㊁概念借用等一起,构成了‘黑书“中一场狂欢化的互文仪式㊂因此,我们说帕慕克的‘黑书“是一部互文之书㊂参考文献:[1] Houston Robert.The lad y vanishes [N ].New York Times Book Review ,1995-01-15(20-22).[2] Irwin Robert.Tales of the cit y [N ].Times Literar y Su pp lement ,1995-07-07(21).[3] Parla Jale.Wh y the black book is black [J ].World and I ,1991(6):447453.[4] Pamuk Orhan.The black book [M ].Maureen Freel y ,Trans.New York :Vinta g e Books ,2006.[5] Kim Soo y on g .Master and disci p le :Sufi M y sticism asan inter p retive framework for orhan p amuk s karakita p [J ].Turkish Studies Association Bulletin ,1993(2):2342.[6] Mc g aha Michael.Autobio g ra p hies of orhan p amuk :The writers in his novels [M ].Salt Lake Cit y :The U -niversit y of Utah Press ,2008.[7] Pamuk Orhan.Other colors :Essa y s and a stor y [M ].Maureen Freel y ,Trans.New York :Alfred A.Kno p f ,2007.(责任编校:李高峰)㊃84㊃。

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第1章 Chapter 10 Company Introduction Anhui USTC iFlyTek Information Science & Technology Corporation Limited is a national leading software company specialized in Intellegent Speech and Language Technology research, software and IC product development, Speech Information Service and Electronic Government System Integration. For the numerous software companies in China, USTC iFlyTek is one of the few companies that has the core technology and holds the self-determination intellectual properties. His core intelligent speech technology represents the highest level in the world. In 2008, USTC iFlyTek is listed on board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The stock share code is 002230.USTC iFlyTek was founded in 1999 with the registered capital of 80.36 million Yuan. The main stock share holders include: the Sci&Tech Industrial Company of USTC, Shanghai Guangxin Corp., Legend Investment Inc. and Infotec Corp.As a national industrialized entity, our company has the longest basic research history, the largest capital scale, the best results in the previous evaluations, the most specialized talents and the highest market share rates in the area of Speech Technology.The speech tech realized the Human-Machine interaction to make the Human-Machine communication as easy as Human-Human communication. Speech Technologies mainly include the two key technologies of Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition. The Speech synthesis technology is used to make the machine speaking; while the speech recognition technology is used to make the machine understanding human’s speech. In addition, the Speech technologies include Speech Coding, Tone-color Conversion, Pronunciation Evaluation, Speech Denoise, Speech Enhancement and other technologies, having extensive application space.As the largest vendor of Intellegent Speech Technology in China, the USTC iFlyTek corporation had experienced a long-term research on the intelligent speech technologies. And we have made a lot of international leading achievements in Chinese Speech Synthesis, Speech Recognition, Pronunciation Evaluation and other technology areas.USTC iFlyTek is the only “Achievement Industrialization Base of the National 863 Program” in speech technology area, the key Software Enterprise under the National layout, the high-tech enterprise under the national torch program, and one of the National High-tech Industrialization Demonstration Projects.Our company has been designated as the leader unit for the Chinese Speech Interactive Technology Standard Group by the Information Industry Department to lead the development of the Chinese Speech Technology Standard. In 2003, USTCiFlyTek was awarded the only “National Science & Technology Progress Award (second class)” in the speech industry. In 2005, the company was awarded the “Significant Technology Invention Award in Information Industry”, which is the highest honor for the independent innovation in Chinese Information Industry. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, we continued to hold the title of the first place in three successive International Blizzard Challenges of English Speech Synthesis.Based on the world leading intelligent speech technology with the self-determination intellectual properties, USTC iFlyTek has a lot of products for various applications, ranging from large-scale telecommunication application to small-scale embedded applications, from the telecommunication and finance industries to the small enterprise and family customers, and from PCs and mobiles to MP3/MP4/PMP and toys. USTC iFlyTek holds more than 60 percent share rate in Chinese Speech Technology market, more than 70 percent share rate in Speech synthesis product market, more than 80 percent share rate in telecommunication, finance, electric power, social insurance and other mainstream industries. We have more than 500 development parteners. The Chinese Speech Industry based on iFly technology has accquired a considerable scale.USTC iFlyTek’s outstanding achievements in the speech technology research and industrialization have attracted extensive attention from the social societies. Wu Bangguo, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi Jingping, He Guoqiang and many other national leaders and party leaders has inspected our company. They all highly appraised the innovative efforts made by USTC iFlyTek. The national administrations and authorities had formed a common understanding that USTC iFlyTek is the “national team” in Chinese Speech Industry.Company HonoursThe Achievement Industrialization Base in National 863 ProgramThe Key Software Enterprise under the National LayoutThe Key High-tech Enterprise in the National Torch ProgramThe National High-tech Industrialization Demonstration Project BaseThe National-level Outstanding Software EnterpriseThe 100 Best Enterprise in Chinse Electronic Government Affair IT IndustryThe leader unit of the Chinese Speech Interactive Technology Standard workgroupThe national post-doc R&D workstation第2章 Chapter 11 Product Introduction2.1System DescriptionSpeech Synthesis is the technology to convert the text into speech data. It involves the text analysis & processing, digital signal processing and various cutting edge technologies. InterPhonic Speech Synthesis System is the independently developed Chinese-English Mixture Speech Synthesis system by Anhui USTC iFlyTek Information Technology Corporation Limited. It mainly aims at the industry-level speech information service, and provides the services by real-time and dynamic text conversion to fluent and natural speech data with high quality.Text-to-Speech is also known as Text-Speech conversion. It involves acoustics, linguistics, digital signal processing, multimedia and other disciplines. It is one of the cutting edge technologies in Chinese Information Processing area.As a top info-tech research area, the development of the speech synthesis technology, especially the Chinese speech synthesis technology, has been always highly concerned by the industry.Under the support of the National 863 Program, the National Key Technology R&D Program during the 9th Five-year Plan period, the NSFC project and the Key Program in CAS’s 8th Five-year plan, the speech synthesis technology of USTC iFlyTek has experienced more than 10 years’ rapid growth, and attained the leading position in the speech synthesis technology area. In order to keep the leading position worldwide, USTC iFlyTek company has built many joint labs with the CAS Acoustic Institute, the Linguistic Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Science and other domestic outstanding institutes. We have also built the stragetic cooperations with Lenovo, Huawei and other leading companies, laying the solid foundation for the further development of the speech technologies. In 2006 and 2007, we continued to hold the title of the first place in two successive International Blizzard Challenges of English Speech Synthesis.InterPhonic speech synthesis system is based on the Large-scale speech material library and the Trainalble TTS technology, and can produce natural, fluent speech comparable to human’s voice. It can continuously synthesize the arbitrary text. InterPhonic Speech Synthesis System attemps to set up and improve the Human-Machine speech interface, and to provide efficient and stable speech synthesis performance for the large-scale speech service application. It can provide an overall solution for the Telecommunication, Enterprise-level and Desktop-level applications. It becomes the intrinsic power for the novel speech services, speech websites and multi-media office work & education.For the customers who want to know the detailed functions and features of the InterPhonic Speech Synthesis System, this document provides them all details on InterPhonic product specifications. The reader will get to know the overall functions of the world-leading speech synthesis system and understand the important concepts and features of the synthesis system.The schematic for the Speech Synthesis Technology is shown below:From the above figure, we can see that the synthesis engine of the system takes two simple steps to convert text into speech data: The text will firstly be processed in the front-end grammar analysis. Through the dedicated dictionary and rules carefully developed by USTC iFlyTek, the text will be converted into standard format with grammar-level information, and then be transferred to the rear end. The rear-end will take rhythm analyzing and processing based on the result of the front-end analysis to get the speech’s time-duration, prosody and other rhythm information, and then pick the most suitable speech unit in the library according to the obtained rhythm information. The speech unit will be further processed and concatenated to form the final speech output.The overall processing involves a lot of Chinese-English grammar analysis, rhythm knowledges, grammar & semantic analysis algorithms, optimization path search, unit selection and adjustment algorithms, and the knowledge on speech data coding as well. The speech synthesis technology covers not only the social sciences of speech and literatue, but also the natural science like digital signal processing. It’s a typical multi-disciplinary high-tech.The Speech Synthesis product has a great dependence on the core technology. In order to keep long-term advantages in core technology and to ensure transferring the core tech to the high quality products with satisfactory functions, stabilities and easy-to-use features, USTC iFlyTek takes a unique industry and research combined mode to improve the research level and product quality simultaneously. The company cooperates with CAS Acoustic Institute, USTC and CASS Linguistic Institute to buildthe joint labs, and complete some forward-looking research in these labs. Such alliance with first-class parterners and advantageous complementary ensure the continuous improvement in core tech and the leading position of iFlyTek in speech technology area. Through the independent R&D, USTC iFlyTek has acquired many technical achievements with originality in various areas of Chinese Speech synthesis technology.The unique Speech Material Statistical ModelThe Speech Material Library Design Approach with consistent fore end and rear end, and the automatic Speech Material Library Creation approach The high-accuracy Rhythm model based on length-varing rhythm templates and hearing quantificationRobust intelligent text analysis & processing technologySpeech Material Library cutting technology with the minimum hearing loss The multiple-language speech synthesis framework with separated language knowledge and system modelingThe customized speech syntheis technology for particular applicationsHMM-based Wave Concatenation Technology2.2Speech Library ManagementInterPhonic Speech Synthesis System allows to install multiple speech libraries with different voicers and different sound sample rates. The currently supported speech libraries are listed below:SpeechLibrary Number Voicer CharacteristicSupportingLanguagesSupportedSample RateYoung lady’svoiceChinese andChinese-EnglishmixtureYoung lady’svoiceCantonese-EnglishmixtureMiddle-ageman’s voiceChinese-EnglishmixtureYoung lady’svoiceChinese-English mixtureYoung lady’svoiceTaiwan-style ChineseMiddle-agelady’s voicePure MandarinMiddle-ageman’s voiceAmerican EnglishYoung lady’svoice American EnglishThe user can manage the present installed speech libraries in the “Resource Management Center” to support the Adding new library, Deleting library, Loading/unloading library and default library functions.Select the speech library using method for the synthesis:1. Open the “Resource Management Center” program and change the default speechlibrary option in the “speech library management” directory.2. During the development process through iFly TTS SDK, designate the relevantparameters of the relevant interface functions to finish the setting.3. Select the speech library directly in the main page of the demo program.Technical SpecificationsItemsSpecificationsSupported OSSupported LanguagesMandarin, English, Cantonese Supported Speech LibrariesChinese & English of Lady’s voice, Chinese & English of gentleman’s voice, pure English library Supported text control marks SupportCSSML and SSML text marks Supportedspeech data format Sample rate Speech data formatSpeed adjustmentChinese-English mixtureEnglish-string processingPronounced according to the English custom Supported character setRecognized Chinese Character number Support GBK character library of 21003 traditional & simplified chinese charactersThe phrase number in the system vocaburaryUser-defined vocaburarySpeech Data Buffer settingsSentence separation parameter settings Support the carriage return parameter and the maximum sentence-separation length parameterPunctuation pronunciation settings Can choose the pronunciation method for the punctuations and the detailed pronunciation locationSpecial symbols’ pronunciation settingsSupport special symbols’ pronunciation settings Digit-string’s pronunciation settingsSupport choosing the pronunciation of digit string Pause style settingsSupport choosing the pause style Rhythm correctness rateUnderstandability of the sentenceNatural degree 4.3 (5 for maximum)2.3 ApplicationThe speech synthesis technology can automatically transfer the arbitrary text info to continuous speech in real time. It’s an efficient and convenient tool for providing speech services for any person, at any time and any location. This technology perfectly meets the requirements of huge-amount data, dynamic refresh and customized inquiry in this information era. InterPhonic speech synthesis system can provide efficient and flexible services for applications in various areas, such as:z PC speech interactive entertainment and educationz Telecommunication level and enterprise level call center platformz UMS and voice portal speech service systemsApplications of InterPhonic facilitate the change of the original speech information production method by replacing the traditional simple concatenating, human recording and operator services. In large scale speech application system, the multi-channel real-time speech synthesis service will not only improve the time-effectiveness of the information updates but also provide significantly extended speech information scope. The high-quality speech effect, flexible application andproven stability of the InterPhonic speech synthesis system have enabled many customers to replace the traditional operator service by the self-assistant speech service. With the assured application effects, it has provided the services with higher automation degree, lower cost and higher quality.2.4Documents and relevant materialsYou can refer to the following documents and materials for the system development and usage:The InterPhonic development manual provided along with the productInterPhonic Help center, the online help document, which is located in the help folder of the installation directory.The development interface example programs, located in the TTS SDK folder of the installation directory.2.5Customization and Optimization2.5.1Custom Resource PackageIn the practical applications, the synthesis text sometimes belongs to special areas (bank area for example) and has obvious feature in content and form. USTC iFlyTek proposed the area customization concept for this situation. Area Customization is to use the custom resource package to improve the speech effects in specific area’s application. The “Custom Resource Package” is an assembly of resources which will be used by the synthesis engine in special area applications, including the speech library, vocaburary, external rule library and user-defined symble library. Using the custom resource package can help improve the speech synthesis effects in the special area.2.5.2CSSML Text Mark LanguageSSML (Speech Synthesis Mark Language) is the standard synthesis text mark language developed by the W3C international standardization organization. The SSML uses XML to define the various marks for describing the synthesis text processing. These marks can be roughly classified into three groups: grammar level marks (such as paragraphs, sentences and words), marks for defining grammar characteristics (such as text pronunciation), and marks for defining the rhythm features (such as speech speed, prosody and volume). But the SSML is mainly developed for English marks, and can not meet the unique requirements of Chinese Speech Synthesis applications.CSSML (Chinese Speech Synthesis Mark Language)is a Chinese Speech Data Description Specification proposed and primarily developed by USTC iFlyTek. This standard obtained great concern and support from the National 863 Expert group, the national information standard committee and the national quality & technology supervision bureau. Now the national Information Industry Administration has signed off the official document to establish the dedicated workgroup to promote the devopment of this standard.CSSML is based on VoiceXML, and takes the characteristic of Chinese synthesis into consideration. It expanded the SSML marks as necessary to make them more suitable for Chinese speech interactive application. Meanwhile it keeps full compatibility with the SSML 1.0 specification. Currently the CSSML can make flexible marks on the phonetic symbols, stressed/unstressed pronunciation, rhythm layers, prosody emphasis and background music. It also has good expansibility which enables the effective improvement on the practical capability of the Speech Synthesis system.Through the CSSML parameter settings, you can specify the specific synthesis parameters for the text (unlike the “resource management tool” provided by the synthesis engine that the settings take effects on all texts), to implement more flexible control on the synthesis effects.InterPhonic system can automatically recognize and process the CSSML text with standard format, and properly support the individual marks.The user can designate the text as CSSML format in calling the relevant interface functions. The visualized edit for the text to be synthesized can be realized in the CSSML Editor.2.6ToolsInterPhonic provides many speech application tools, including:Synthesis Demo ProgramThe synthesis demo program (ttscon) uses the synthesis engine interface libiflytts.so for synthesis. It is used to demonstrate the effects of the speech synthesis. The user can input a section of text and listen to the synthesized speech, or he can adjust the frequently used parameters to test their impact on the synthesis effects. Through adjusting the parameters and exporting the speech files, the user can experience the basic functions of the system. The demo program can also be used to verify the system installation.Encryption Lock inspection programThe encryption lock is used to prevent illegal copy and control the license number.The inspection program will verify the product name, version, license number and license expire date of the speech synthesis syste.TTSDoctorTTS Doctor is an automatic technical support tool for the Speech Synthesis System software developed by USTC iFly corporation. This tool will be installed onto user’s machine along with the InterPhonic Speech Synthesis System.The main functions of the TTSDoctor include: checking the installed TTS product information, viewing the system information, assisting error diagnosis and obtaining technical support.User can use TTS Doctor to collect the information about the local machine and save it in “.ttd” file as the maintenance reference. When the user encounters any problem during InterPhonic Speech Synthesis System usage, he can send this file to our technical support personnel to obtain quick and effective technical support.CEditorCSSML Editor is a visualized text editor for CSSML text mark language that is particularly developed by USTC iFly corporation.Through CSSML Editor, you can use the CSSML marks to correct the text with bad synthesis effects, to check whether the CSSML grammar is standard and to convert the text format.Resource Management CenterThe resource management center program is the management center for the InterPhonic Speech synthesis system. It governs all the parameters and resources which could affect the system and the synthesis. The settings in the Resource Management Center will affect the registry, resource files and other global resources. If they are modified, the updated items will take effects after the next system startup.第3章 Chapter 12 System Performance3.1Performance MeasurementThe main function of the system is to convert the text into the speech data. The quickness of this conversion process will affect the performance of the system applications in providing speech services. If the conversion is too slow, some problems maybe happen such as incontinuous speech play and long waiting time. So the system performance characteristic is also a key specification related to the system application effect.For multi-channel speech synthesis system, the most obvious way to measure the performance is to count the time required for synthesizing a certain amount of text for each channel. Less time needed implies better system performance. In the long-term cooperation with the integration and operation vendors of telephone speech application, USTC iFlyTek gets to know that in the speech service business the best synthesis response time is about 3 seconds and can not exceed 6 seconds, otherwise the user will feel that the waiting time is too long. The synthesized speech play is normally based on sentences, and the text length should be within 50 Chinese characters (100 bytes). For this reason, USTC iFlyTek uses “Synthesis Time” to indicate the quickness in the performance test. This term is defined to the average time for synthesizing 50 Chinese characters (100 bytes). According to the practical requirements in Telephone Speech Applications, the “real-time” characteristic in the system performance is defined as: In case of multi-channel parallel text synthesis, if each channel can finish the synthesis within 6 seconds and the average time is about 3 second, the system can be deemed to be able to satisify the real-time requirement in the parallel application with this channel number.In order to accurately measure the system performance, USTC iFlyTek used the home-made MTTester tool to make the uninterrupted, high-density and multi-channel synthesis service tests, and took the data obtained from the above test as the performance data. The text tool uses different text for each channel, and gets the total time for synthesizing all the text files in simultaneous situation. The equivalent time for 50 Chinese characters is the “Synthesis Time”. As increasing the channel number, the system CPU and memory consumption will be greater and greater, and the “Synthesis time” for each channel will also gradually increase. When the Synthesis Time reaches the critical condition of real time requirement, the channel number is the “maximum parallel synthesis channel number” in this test environment. The “maximum parallel synthesis channel number” also indicates the system performance, with the higher value for higher performance.The overall performance of the InterPhonic system is counted by throughput, which is dependent on the license number. According to the above description, if the average synthesis efficiency is 2 seconds for every 50 Chinese characters (25 Chinese characters a second), then the overall synthesis throughput of the system is 25 Chinese characters a second multipled by License Number.3.2Facts affecting the performanceIn order to achieve the best synthesis effect, the InterPhonic speech synthesis product used very complicated algorithms and a lot of resource files (such as speech libraries and vocaburaries). So the system performance specification is affected by many software and hardware aspects. Next we will analyze and describe these aspects.1.The algorithm complexibility of the speech synthesis system itself: Because the internal algorithm and resource for each speech synthesis system edition is different, the performance for each edition is not in the same level. Sometimes the performance difference between editions is huge.2.The calculation ability of the Test Server CPU: Because a lot of logic and mathematic calculations are to run inside the synthesis system, the CPU calculation ability (expressed by the CPU frequency) and CPU number will greatly affect the performance of the system. More CPUs and higher frequency will result in better performance.3.Memory: during the operation of the speech synthesis system, a great amount of intermediate data is to be saved in the memory, and these data will experience frequent operations and calculations. So the memory size and the access speed have significant impact on the system performance. If the memory volume is smaller than the required amount, the system will not present the best performance. With faster memory access, the system will get better performance. We recommend that the InterPhonic runs in the computer with 2G or more memory.4.Operating System: Each kind of OS has different stragety in process/thread calling, memory management and network service. According to the test results of USTC iFlyTek, the Server Edition products (such as Advance Server 3.0) have better performance and higher stability than the Desktop Edition products (such as Redhat9.0). So we recommend to use the server edition in the large scale speech synthesis service applications.5.Hard Disk: Because all the resource files in the synthesis system have largesizes up to Gbytes, and the system requires frequent data exchange with the hard disk during synthesis process (especially in the service startup period), the hard disk random access speed will affect the synthesis performance. We recommend the customer to use the IDE HD of more than 7200 rpm speed or the high speed SCSI HD on the speech synthesis server host.work Environment: In the application of remote service calling via network, the network configuration will also greatly affect the system performance. In a parallel Speech Synthesis Service host with more than 100 channels, the network exchanged data amount will reach tens of Mbps or even more. So we recommend to use the network card with more than 100 Mbps bandwidth on the client and server ends, and to place the two ends in the same Local Area Network. And we strongly recommend to use the 100Mbps Network Exchange machine but not 100Mbps hub. If the LAN bandwidth is 10Mbps, the network service efficiency of the speech synthesis will be significantly limited.3.3Test Environment3.3.1Standard Hardware Test EnvironmentServer End: P4 Xeon 3.0G Dual core and dual CPU, 2G memory, 140G SCSI hard disk and 100M Ethernet network cardClient End: P4 2.4G CPU, 512M memory and 100M Ethernet Network cardDistributive Client End: P4 3.0G CPU, 1G memory, 80G Hard Disk and 100M Ethernet Network card3.3.2Standard Software Test EnvironmentiSP Network EnvironmentWindows2000/2003/XP/VISTAInterPhonic Speech Synthesis system (Enterprise Edition, with 8K speech library)3.3.3Basic Environment“Standard Hardware test Environment”, the hardware environment for the local test & use in the server end;“Standard Software test Environment”, the software environment for the local test & use in the server end;。
